#should i be drawing so much when i have a lot of hw to do? no. did i draw this anyway? well i mean you’re looking at it so yes
lavender-temult · 10 months
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Hey psst I redrew the thing :3
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sadstrever · 10 days
cw: 116lbs
gw: 106lbs
hw: 150lbs
hi. so my last account got banned so i realize now i should be a little more careful of what i say cuz i guess i concerned some of you. or this will just be my last post because i need to vent.
wanna hear how i started my day? i chew and spit my food into plastic bottles(i know i’m disgusting no one should ever do this) and i was opening it and it exploded fucking everywhere and the smell was putrid and it was all over me and my bedroom. and i was hungover. and it was 7am. and i threw up immediately after. anyways, i haven’t e@ten in weeks. lol. almost a month, which isn’t the longest i’ve gone so don’t worry this is not that bad lol. ALSO NO I WILL NOT BE GIVING TIPS. ever since my brother moved away it’s been pretty easy to st@rve. the hard part now is knowing where to draw the line. my best friend has broken down a lot recently because of me. i’m an awful person lol. i let them get too close and now they know too much about the disgusting things i do. i needed space because seeing him just makes me feel guilty for putting him through this with me. i tried to end the friendship 2 nights ago over a bottle of v0dka. it did not work out very well. i said some really hurtful things to him that i didn’t mean in an effort to push him away. once the alc wore off i made him a cake to apologize which now that i say it out loud, it does not feel like much of an apology at all. he somehow easily forgave me which makes me feel even shittier. he said it was because he knows im sick. i don’t know what i’m doing. the derealization has gotten worse. i tried going half sober which didn’t help. i’ve developed a laxative problem too which also doesn’t help. it’s not as bad as others though, i was just taking 3 a day for a minute(a few months)but that’s so fucking bad for you and it really made my stomach problems worse. i took 3 today for the first time after not taking them for weeks and there was really no reason. just a desperate attempt to make myself feel better. when that didn’t help, i tried to smoke but i got too high because i only smoke every other day now which lowered my tolerance. when THAT didn’t work i went to the gym and burned 460 calories and then THAT didnt work so i walked around and burned 240 more. none of it made me feel less empty. i’m so sick of it. why is it all so fucked. nothing feels right. i want to try and recover but i don’t remember the person i was before all of this. my brain just fucking can’t figure it out. i don’t feel like a real person man. i want to recover and not because i’m giving up. starving is the easiest part of my life. it’s all that seems to make me feel a little better. eating always makes me so depressed and in a worse way. it makes me aware of reality in a way that fucking kills me. i need to do it if i want to feel human, if i want to be a good friend, daughter, sister. i’m gonna wait until i’m underweight which is once i’m 109lbs. 7lbs away lol. it’ll probably take a week or two so i guess i’ll update on how i’m trying to recover. fuck i really don’t want to man. pls give me tips because i can’t die and just be a sad fucking story to everyone i love. or just fucking report me like u guys did last time, not having any safe place with people who relate will totally help too!!!
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myreia · 14 days
Sketches of Times Lost
Day 11: Surrogate
thancred searches for release. if only it was so easy.
thancred x hilda, mentions of thancred x wol (pining for her like a fool). set during heavensward patches. written for ffxivwrite2024. rating: explicit tags: explicit sexual content, dissociation during sex, mildly dubious consent, hair pulling, hand jobs, rough body play, piv sex, fantasizing about someone else. 2306 words ao3 link
notes: hw patches are 2 years after arr on aureia's timeline, so thancred is 34 here. aureia looks a lot like hilda. unexpectedly and unintentionally. i have cursed character design choices. weeeee.
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Memory is a fickle thing.
There are good memories and bad memories. Memories that bring joy, that lift one up even from the depths of greatest despair. There are memories that ache, stinging like open wounds, refusing to heal. Memories that haunt, full of regrets that cannot be undone. But memory not just defines a person; it makes them who they are. Who are you, if you cannot remember yourself? Actions past, mistakes made, torments suffered, lessons learned…
The sum of a soul is made of memory.
And yet there are times when he can do without it.
These days he doesn’t know himself. A sad, pathetic shadow of the man he once was. No point on dwelling on all that has come to pass since the Bloody Banquet, but his point still stands—he has changed, and not for the better. Try though he might, any attempt to draw himself out of the dark stupor he is trapped in makes no difference.
The best he can do now is distract himself. Drown out the noise. Numb the pain. Forget the memories.
Which brings him to now, and this small, threadbare room tucked away at the back of the Forgotten Knight, stripped of everything but its essentials. The place he goes to drink and fuck when the Scions of the Seventh Dawn don’t require his skills. More of the first these days, less of the second.
His charms weren’t what they were before.
If he even had any to begin with.
Breath in his ear, lips nuzzled against his throat, and the scent of sweat and ale and gunpowder fills his nostrils. Desire stirs in the pit of his stomach as Hilda embraces him from behind, her breasts pressing firmly against his back. Her arm snakes around his waist, holding him firmly in place as she tugs at the laces of his trousers. He stills, a groan lingering on his tongue, and her palm brushes the growing bulge. She’s stronger than she looks at first glance, broad muscles rippling beneath the stiff sleeves of her leather coat. The harsh physique that comes from a childhood spent scrapping for food on the streets. It never quite leaves you, even when adulthood fills you out and access to regular meals are no longer a concern.
He should know. He is this way, too.
A Brume brat and a street urchin from Limsa. Perhaps they have more in common than they thought.
She drags a bruising kiss across his jaw, her other hand threaded in his hair. A tug on his ponytail, sharp but controlled, testing the boundary. “This all right?” she asks, her voice low and wanting.
He closes his eyes, wishing she would get on with it. No sense in a drawn-out seduction when they’re both here for the same thing. “Aye,” he grunts. “When I said do what you will with me tonight, I meant it.”
Husky laughter murmurs across her lips. “Not bad for a grizzled old rogue.”
“I’m not old.” Difficult to remind himself of some days. Thirty-four is not old, and yet some days he feels the weight of those years in duplicate. Perhaps the Lifestream stole his youth along with his aether, the way it stole Y’shtola’s eyesight.
“Older than me.”
Gods above, he’d rather not think about how much.
“But I know you ain’t, I’m just pesterin’ you.” Hilda’s lips brush his ear, her teeth scraping his lobe as she pulls his laces loose. He exhales a ragged breath, stiff, frozen by her touch, a deep aching pulsing inside him as she slips a hand beneath his waistband and caresses his hardened length. “But if you didn’t protest it so much—”
It’s no protest, it’s a… Gods. He doesn’t know. This is the sort of thing Aureia once teased him for, but somehow when it happens with Hilda the joke loses all its appeal.
“—it wouldn’t nearly be so much fun to say.”
She pulls his cock free. Cool air passes over his exposed skin, at odds with the rough heat from the friction of her fingers. One stroke, two—his head fuzzes, the fog of arousal flooding his senses. He groans, a flush of embarrassment creeping across his cheeks and down his neck.
He could come right now if he let himself, and it would do him no favours in terms of avoiding the accusations of grizzled age.
So, he closes his eyes and leans back into her, allow her to touch him how she pleases. Her lips across his jaw, her fingers in his hair, her hand on his cock. She works swiftly, coaxing numb desire from him with every stroke, her fingers some paradox of coarse and delicate as she grips him around the tip and squeezes. Pleasure spreads from his core, sensationless and distant, like the faraway buzz he sometimes gets after the fourth or fifth drink while chasing oblivion with yet another one.
He grits his teeth and clamps his mouth shut, strangling the moan in his throat. It’s too soon to be done with this. Hilda would leave and he would only end up seeking it out again, with his own hands if he must. Perhaps that would be better for them both. Save her the shame of being with someone like him. It’s not serious—neither of them ever claimed it to be—and it was admittedly fun when it started. He can’t say it is any longer. She’s young. She can certainly do better than him.
And on his own, he is free to imagine. They both know there is someone he would rather be fucking than her.
Hilda exhales a sharp breath and her hand stills. “Not workin’ for you, eh?” she asks bluntly.
He closes his eyes, his stomach in knots. “It’s good. Wonderful. Nice—”
“Thancred, if you don’t want to, you better tell me.”
He twists, spinning around, and seizes her by the shoulders. She gasps, ruby eyes wide with surprise, but does not protest as he presses a rough kiss to her mouth. “I’m not here for you to play with me,” he growls, gripping her ass. “I’m here for you to fuck me.”
A wicked smile spreads from ear to ear. “Then get on the bed,” she says, pressing a hand to his chest. “Now.”
She shoves him.
He backs away, the old floorboards creaking beneath his steps, and his knees hit the mattress. She’s on him a moment later, sailing into his arms, her mouth hot and urgent against his. He wraps his arms around her as she kisses him, the fog seizing him once again as her tongue slips into his mouth. She pushes him down on the bed and straddles him, thighs pressed tight against his. Her hips roll once and he arches his back, a moan ripping free from his throat.  
“There we are,” she says, eyes dancing eagerly. Panting, she brushes her long, dark hair out of the way and strips off her jacket, tossing it on the floor. Her shirt follows next. He stares dumbly, entranced, the fog clouding his mind as she doubles over and undoes her own trousers, her arms pushing her breasts together. “This doin’ it for you now, then, eh?”
A flash of black hair, the ends tinged red. Ruby eyes, curious and fierce. The hint of a small smile, the one she saved for him—he hasn’t seen it since Ul’dah. He may never again.
It isn’t Hilda’s fault that she and Aureia look so much alike. What hellish coincidence did Halone have to design to ensure that the two most infamous half-Elezen women in Ishgard would not only resemble each other so closely, but become best of friends?
He swallows. “Aye,” he says, the syllable slurred as he forces it past his tongue. “Aye, it is.”
She peels her trousers down and grinds against him, the slick heat between her legs achingly hot. She bucks her hips again in that quick, succinct way that gets him panting, and flips her long hair over her shoulder. “What else does it for you, hm?” she asks, stretching her hands above her head and arching her back to give him a good view.
His gut twists and he bites his tongue. There is someone he would much rather have on top of him. It feels wrong—dirty, callous, shameful—how easily it is to imagine what she would look like. A fantasy he can barely admit to himself.
Stop it. Get that out of your head.  
“That…” He sighs and closes his eyes. “Aye.”
She stills. “You ain’t even lookin’.”
He opens his eyes. “I did. I am.”
Her hands flops to her sides and she cocks her head, making a face. “What do you want, then? This ain’t exactly the best time for a list of suggestions, but if you want ‘em, I have ‘em. Otherwise, I’m startin’ to feel that you would rather not—”
“I do.”
“You keep sayin’ that, but Thancred, I can tell you’re not all the way here.”
His jaw clenches. He lies back, staring at the sloped roof, the exposed beams. The unlit hearth, blackened and oily and cold as ice. The mattress sags beneath their weight, the bedframe creaking, the bedspread thin and scratchy. How many times have they found themselves in this room, him and her? How many times has he wished it was someone else?
“I’m here,” he says at last. “I… my apologies. There have been many distractions of late. Many concerns.”
“Yeah, I’m sure about that, Scion business and all. I get the same shit from Aureia.” She pauses, her ruby gaze lingering on him. “I don’t want your apologies. Too formal for my liking. Do you want to fuck or not?”
He hesitates. For a brief moment, the ghost of no, I don’t lingers on his tongue. But he can’t say it. His body is aching, he is craving the haze of bliss, the few passing seconds where time stretches out and for once he does not have to godsdamn think. So he does want this (does he?) after all.
Even if it’s not with her.
He pushes himself up on his elbows and kisses her, quick and rough. “Aye,” he murmurs. “What must I do to convince you of it?”
She smirks and trails her fingers across his cheek. “Nothin’,” she says. “I rather like the look of you flat on your back.”
He grins. Hollow, empty, but present.
She presses her mouth to his—breath hot in his mouth, teeth scraping his lower lip—and pushes him down. He falls, willingly, easily, eager to drift. When the unspoken presence of someone neither of them wish to mention isn’t bearing down on them, sex with Hilda is easy. Uncomplicated. She enjoys being in control.
He enjoys allowing someone else to make the decisions.
The fog tugs at his mind, lulling him to numbness even as Hilda takes his cock in hand and slips it inside her. The slick heat sends a pleasant shudder down his spine and he grips the bedspread, twisting it between her fingers as she slowly rides him. He does his best to watch her, keep eye contact, groan and moan at the right time. Her hips roll and his own respond in kind, thrusting up into her with a steady, simple rhythm.
He trusts his body to do what it must, chase the high it yearns for. Maybe then his mind can catch a fucking break.
Hilda lolls her head, her long, dark hair sweeping over her like a curtain. Her gaze darts across the room to the window, observing the shift in light. She slips a hand between her legs and strokes her clit, her lips pressed together as if she were listening to a boring sermon. She shudders when she reaches her climax, the clench sending a desperate spike of arousal coursing through him. He gasps, back arched, and lets go of his release at last.
The sweet nothingness of numb pleasure seizes his mind and for a moment, he coasts on emptiness. Nothing to think. Nothing to feel.
Simply nothing.
Boots scrape against the floorboards. A heavy thud knocks against the bedframe. When his mind finally clears, he finds himself still lying flat on his back, his lower half exposed, his cock flushed and limp and numb. Hilda stands at the foot of the bed, dressed and pulling on her jacket. She casts an eye in his direction and finishes doing up her buttons.
“Sun’s goin’ down.” Her voice is short, clipped, matter of fact. She pulls her hair into its customary high tail. “Best be goin’ now. Said I’d meet Stephanivien. Best avoid him sendin’ out a search party, that would be a whole load of embarrassing neither of us need.”
She pauses, a hand on the bedframe. “Don’t need say anythin’,” she says. “I know how these things go. But I think… You need help. Whatever it is you’re going through, I don’t… I can’t be the one responsible for it.”
The words sting. “I don’t need anything,” he grunts, pushing himself up. “Let alone help. I don’t know what you think this is, but sometimes it’s no more complicated than two people having fun.”
She snorts and hoists her rifle, strapping it across her back. “That’s just it, ain’t it? I was havin’ fun. Don’t know about you.”
“Remember what I said when we started all this?”
Don’t mistake me for her. Because I’m not.
“I think you need to think about that a little more. Goodbye, Thancred.”
Footsteps on creaking floorboards. A door slammed closed.
He lies on the stiff old bed and stares at the stiff old beams and at last his mind goes blank.
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berriless · 1 year
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school struggles.
hii 🌱 !! i'm doing decent & i hope uve been keeeping urself safe n sane ,, i hope i did your rq justice lovely < 33 have a great day:)
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when you explain it was school, he definitely understands
helps you !! very patient with it too, he cares a lot about you & he doesn't want you too stressed:(
encourages & tries to motivate you,, he doesn't want you to struggle grr
study dates. because he wants to help out ykyk
helps you do your hw over video call & listens to your rambling, complaints, literally just anything.
if you're still struggling, he'd try a different technique
will not give up on helping you, ong 🙏🏼
" why don't they just cancel classes, i'm sure the teachers are stressed too. " you huffed and complained to kyle. " i have to do a whole essay about some topic i don't even know about, do my math homework and explain why my answer is correct, and more — it's so. UGH. " kyle shook his head as he watched and listen to you ramble on his phone. " it's alright, i'll help you as much as i can. "
" you're an angel — a saviour, kyle. "
" yeah, yeah, let's just start with your math homework. "
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oh you're going to him, a guy barely passing ??
NO JK (not about him barely passing though)
he's kind of in the same boat, so he'll help you out, and does his stuff while doing so
you guys definitely go to his or your house to do hw whenever a teacher assigns one
JUST so you guys won't fall behind
he's bad at remembering school work though so you'll have to remind him that you guys have to do the hw 😭
cries with you when the homework is so crappy & you guys have to search about it for an hour or more.
" WHAT THE HECK IS THIS.. " you yell out, shoving the paper to stan's face. he scans the word on the paper quickly, before his eyes widened and his mouth opens. " YOU'RE RIGHT, WHY DOES ?? THIS HAVE TO BE OUR HOMEWORK ?? "
" on god bro, who decided we should know these things? "
*sobbing noises*
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no idea how to do fluff, or comfort, so i put in silly stuff like the goose i am.
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wutheringmights · 11 months
<shakily rolling into your inbox> Would you gift us with chapter commentary, please?
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Your wish is my command:
Framing the past section around headlines was not my original plan. I wanted to do a repeating refrain of "This is how the war ended," but when it came time to actually write it, I was bored with it. Yeah, kinda thought about it too hard. So I went back to the drawing board.
I also considered framing the chapter around the passing seasons, but that seemed too boring. I wanted something with a bit more pizazz.
Plus, one of my favorite genres of fan work is in-universe media like newspapers and magazine covers. This is a pretty weak attempt at it, but at least I threw my hat into the ring.
I've been trying for a while now to imply that the original HW storyline is what was spread as propaganda to the people of Hyrule, but this is the first time I made it really, really clear.
So the engineer being assigned to the coast is a reference to how the DLC that features Toon Link is the one where there's suddenly an ocean. Very smooth of me lol
This chapter ended up being a bit of a dumping ground for all of the relationships I was ignoring in favor of writing about the brothers, ironically because I too was too consumed with the engineer and the child to write about anything else, which in turn really drove home how all-consuming their presence was for Link
The fun thing about Midna's scene is that her and Link going on nightly walks together was one of the very first ideas I had for CTB by virtue of it being inherited from when I thought I was going to write a romcom. Incredible that it took half a million words to finally get to it.
My favorite part of the past is the bit where Link writes all of the letters to the engineer. It's just a lot of fun to sit there and figure out what kind of bullshit he would spout to kinda apologize but not really. It was even more fun to punch him back down with Lincoln's brutal response. Just rereading it, I feel like you can tell I was having a blast.
I also had a lot of fun finding ways to show symptoms of Link's alcoholism getting worse without him realizing it. The constant headaches, the nausea, the shakey hands, the sensory sensitivity-- him experiencing all of this and going so deep into denial that he can't understand why his body is reacting that way.
It's been so long since I've managed to give Toto some screen time that I kinda forgot how much I like his character? He's just a guy, but I like that he's just a guy. But I don't think I made it too clear in the chapter that in their friend group, they were the least friends with each other. Link was closer to Anders, and Toto to Uri. They're being driven together by virtue of being the only ones left, moreso than I initially conveyed.
And, of course, I got to talk about Uri again. Again, Uri is always so interesting to handle because he is a character who we will never see in person and Link is too traumatized by the death of to think about in detail. Even now, Uri feels like a mystery. All we know about him is how Link feels about him.
And finally, Zelda. The thing about Zelda is that I feel like her goals are really transparent, but I always get comments from people who want there to be this moment where everything about her is spelled out. And, despite the fact that she monologues about her feelings here, I don't think this is exactly what everyone was hoping for. The more I read it over, I can see how she probably just got more confusing.
Also, I know I need to stop writing monologues. But have you considered that the monologues are sexy?
I feel like I should say something about how Zelda's relationship with Hylia, but it really speaks for itself. I will say that as much as I like how BOTW is so ambiguous with Hylia, I am a little bit more fascinated with the idea that "your god is real and they specifically hate you." Like, how are you supposed to cope with that? We should all be thankful Zelda isn't more fucked up than she is.
I should also say something about her thoughts on the engineer... so first, my goal with that relationship was always for it to be toxic from both ends, with the engineer trying to use her while she uses him-- which gets even more complicated when you consider all the ways Zelda echoes Link. Like Link, she sees parts of herself in the engineer. Unlike him, she wants to save be saved, so she in turn saves him. Link hates himself so much that he has to drag everyone else down with him.
In the era of everyone wanting Zelda to no longer be a damsel in distress, it's kind fun to give her the traditional goal of being saved by someone else, to then twist it around. She is begging to be rescued, but she won't fix anything herself.
This idea really goes against the popular depictions of HW Zelda, which is why I have iterated before that this Zelda is not Artemis. She's her own thing.
There was going to be more about how the war ended, but I decided to keep it for next chapter because (you guessed it) the word count got too long.
On to the present--
Congrats to everyone who said they wanted to see more of Spirit and Warriors talking shop. You really won with this chapter.
That being said, I always think that I never write what people want when they want it. Like I will write a chapter with a lot of action, so everyone says they want more action next. But then I follow it up with a chapter of people just talking, so I get a lot of people requesting more of that. But then, it's back to heavy action.
All that's to say that I feel bad that there wasn't more character drama this chapter
Also, I feel really bad for not including either Hyrule or Wind in this chapter. Those two are the characters people ask me to write more about the most. But unfortunately, the thing about juggling a large cast of characters is that some times you have to sit down and get a few of those characters out of the way for a bit so that we can focus on other things.
I don't want to make it sound like I was targeting those two on purpose. They just had the best excuse for not going on the Nephus mission.
Speaking of which, I feel terrible for constantly finding ways to leave Lana and Linkle out of the action-- and that's after I've talked so much about adding more women into the story to balance out the default nine dudes LU requires me to add. But again, there are so many characters that I have to find ways to leave some of them behind. And again, it was really easy to give them an excuse to not be in the main action. But It's probably a bad thing that they are easily excused. I should work on that.
And I know I can write scenes with a shit ton of characters talking together. I've done it plenty of times in CTB and other ensemble stories before it. But it's a lot of work, and when I need to focus on more important plot points, the last thing I want to juggle is balancing every scene so that everyone has something to do.
Sorry to belabor that point. Sometimes, I get really annoyed with how big the cast it when it's not even my fault.
It is my fault. I just want to complain.
I appreciate everyone who has their own version of Spirit going on more legendary adventures while he is wearing his OSHA mandated work uniform. I know the Heroes of Hyrule are not unionized, but I at least would like to make sure he is properly dressed with an adventure.
That being said, his Castle Guard uniform was partially inspired by the uniform for the Free Planets Alliance in the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes:
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That is not a great photo, but I was envisioning something like this-- "this" being a more modern cut with clear nautical influences (cause the Castle Guard was probably originally a navy)
Also the crest on Spirit's uniform is Tetra's pirate emblem. Do not get be started about how I fucked up the crest of the New Hyrulean royal family back in chapter 6 and how I have been looking for some band-aid to place over that mistake so that it would look like I did it on purpose
I didn't expect the scene where Spirit talks to Four to be so polarizing. I didn't even think it was a significant moment when I wrote it. Yet I've seen a huge gambit of reactions, from people calling Spirit cruel or others saying that the moment was sweet. That being said, I am living for this. If there is one thing I want right now, it is for everyone's opinion on Spirit to be split.
Did you guys enjoy me trying to write about how machinery works? Honestly, I could have probably cut all that, but I did so much work establishing the mechanics behind the ganons in previous chapters that I felt like I had to go through with it.
My original plan was for Warriors's plan to involve taking Philo hostage from the start, but I changed it because writing a kidnapping scene would have been too much work. It still really bugs me. The way the chapter is written now feels really cheap, but again. I didn't feel like I had enough space.
I also ran into the fun problem of wanting to show the nuances of Philo and Icarius's relationship when one can't speak and the other would not speak Hylian. Legend saved my ass a bit with this one, but I don't know if all of the little details got through.
Speaking of which, I should talking the House of Nephus
So obviously, I wanted the House of Nephus to reflect the original brothers dynamic. The idea is that they are what Warriors, Spirit, and Time/Mask would turn into if both Spirit and Mask stayed.
Except, in practice, I had to give them their own distinct personalities so that they wouldn't be boring as fuck
Icarius and Philo got away with getting small but really effective changes. They both still feel like reflections of Spirit and Time respectively
But Nephus.... so my original personality for him was someone as jaded and mean as Warriors is at his worst. But he felt too much like Zelda or Impa. So I went back to the drawing board to find some character angle that would be really interesting and effective for how little screen time he will ultimately get.
My inspiration came from the Virginia Woolf seminar I was in when I first started working on CTB. I was thinking a lot about rich, British assholes; very specifically about the kind who are self-prescribed intellectuals who fetishize non-white cultures while maintaining the superiority of Western imperialism.
So with that in hand, I got rid jadedness and turned Nephus into a guy dripping with charisma but is unaware of how terrible of a person he is. And as a reflection of Warriors, he works thematically.
But you can make the argument that this is not the story for this kind of a character, especially when I have already gone through such lengths to clarify that Hyrule is an imperialist nation that echoes America. You can see me poking fun at it in some of the dialogue during this scene, but still.
(And it gets worse when you look at the subtext of how light vs dark magic is treated between Hyrule and Faovaria).
So, yeah. I deserve some criticism for this one. I know it. But I didn't change it because I just liked how immediately interesting Nephus was. I couldn't think of an alternative that would have been as effective as this affable evil. Sorry about that.
Another idea I had was that Nephus was going to be the Faovarian equivalent of the Hero of Hyrule, and he would even have his own dual blades of dark and light magic to prove it. I ended up not doing this because it was too heavy handed.
I originally was going to keep the swords, and I even realized that if I had planned things out a bit better, the dark magic sword could have been Ghirahim. I decided that it would have been too out of left field to have worked, but man. I have regretted since day 1 that I cut Ghirahim from the story. I'm sorry, Ghirahim.
And then I didn't even include the swords. Motherfucker.
That actually was a genuine mistake on my part, because the point of the swords would have been to give Nephus's speech on his religion more credence. We as the audience know that the goddesses exist. And yet... why does there seem to be more to the gods of this universe? Are Hylia and the Golden Three really just oracles? If Nephus has these cool swords, what other powers and weapons does Faovaria have within its borders? You know, just world building stuff.
I came up with too much story for the House of Nephus than what I will ultimately have space to include in CTB. I'll try to strategic so that you won't be annoyed with the lack of answers from some of the questions you probably have.
As important as Nephus is, he's ultimately not the main antagonist of the story. If I was willing to write 20 more chapters, I could do a lot more with him, Philo, and Icarius; but I would like to see the end of CTB someday lol
Originally, only Time, Spirit, and Midna were going to go with Warriors to meet Nephus. There was definitely going to be this bit where Spirit and Warriors were going to be like "oh fuck, he's hot" as Nephus flirted with them. Meanwhile, Time (a married man) would be sitting there like "really??? both of you have horrible taste??"
I am also realizing I forgot to write a moment where Warriors is horrified to realize that Nephus was going to make Philo sit there in pain instead of rushing him to a doctor. Fucking hell.
Also, that Nephus's spirit feels normal to Spirit is important. Not on a plot level, but thematically. Just hang on to that thought next time you think about the whole spirit sensing thing.
I always knew that CTB was going to evolve into a Triforce quest story. There's no way I could write about a guy who's supposed to be this brutal strategist and not let him realize he has an easy solve to everything. But I also didn't want this to be easy or feel cheap. It's why I went through all that effort to establish that getting those pieces would involving going up against the Royal Family and the Knights of Hyrule. It's going to be hard, and it will involve all the fighting and manipulating you expect CTB to have. It'll also involve moral dilemmas.
After all, we've been talking about the moral dilemmas presented by the Triforce since at least chapter 6 (remember when I said that there was so much set-up in that chapter for stuff that was for far later in the story? Hello, pay off!)
All that's to say that I am worried that people don't like this direction. I have gotten a few comments about how excited people are for Warriors's plan, but only time will tell if this ruined the story for some people.
And I know I worry a lot about ruining CTB. That's not a problem that's going to be solved any time soon, so let me have this one.
Finally, the chapter was going to go until Time's talk with Warriors. Decided to move it to next chapter because, you guessed it, space.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
I'm still on my Four Swords brainrot detour so you get to hear all about that today. Consider this my vote for you to read the book. I have the legendary copy, it was my big summer purchase last year (it's not that expensive, I'm just a broke college student) and I love it to pieces. I'm usually more into LU due to the fact that the FS fandom is pretty small and I'm not very active in it and my favorite artist is on hiatus. However. When the brainrot circles back around I am stuck in it for a while.
Anyway, it's the only LoZ game I've written anything for (except HW but that was a short bit about gender crises so it hardly counts).
I've taken inspiration from @zarvasace's series Shatterproof, and started working on a disability AU for FS out of pure indulgence.
Have I made basically any progress since I started it? No.
Has it been completely rotting my brain this past week? Yes.
The way I have it planned out is that I'm going to write a chapter for each of the Links, including Shadow, and one for Zelda. Each chapter is going to be a short story about their experiences with being disabled and how they feel about that. I'm supposed to be working on Green's chapter right now and I think it's maybe half done, but I'm contemplating taking it apart and picking at the pieces some more before I actually write the second half out.
The thing about Green is that he's kind of your generic Link. He's as close as you get to the original as far as personality and temperament go, so that's been my main issue thus far. He's just... really, really vanilla. Even his part of the story is kind of vanilla! He gets his death faked twice and he's not even the person doing the faking! He's just there as a driving force and it bugs me sometimes because he's like the FS version of the nameless "prince charming" and I could go off on a whole extra tangent but I should save that for when you've actually read the book.
The point is, he's not a character I easily get vibes from, so I've had to do a bunch of thinking and I came to the conclusion that he's going to be the one to be hit over the head with a work-related injury. Literally. He ends up with a bad head injury that impacts his ability to do a lot of things that knights need to be good at.
I haven't decided if he ends up keeping his job after he recovers or not, but he does have a lot of angst over that because he's a bit of a workaholic and spent most of his time working so that Red, Blue, Vio, and Shadow could focus on taking care of the house and each other. He considers himself to be the main breadwinner and then suddenly can't work because of his injury and has to wait and see if he'll be able to go back to work. There's going to be a whole thing about overcoming internalized ableism, and how even if you aren't ableist towards other people you can still be ableist towards yourself and it's a lot of work to build up the self-esteem necessary to stop that thought process.
I just love his chapter so much even though I'm probably going to use those themes throughout the entire work. There's just something about his part that really scratches the itch in my brain.
I have rough ideas planned out for Vio, Blue, and Red, but I'm not really sure what to do about Shadow and Zelda. Prior to finding out about your Warriors having blood sugar problems I was thinking about giving her diabetes or something similar, but I'm not really sure how much I can fudge in a fantasy setting without accidentally killing her. So I'm still at the drawing board for her.
Thank you for being my FS brainrot victim. :)
I gotta get the four swords legendary edition, I thought I had it but i dont 💔💔💔 I’m also a broke college student so i feel ya
ooooooh work related injury and overcoming internalized ableism, I’m so excited to read that!! (if you share it)
You could totally still give her a blood sugar issue if you wanted, it’d be cool to read about if you do decide to do that, but also anything else you come up with would be cool, all of this sounds awesome
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smallpapers · 1 year
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Updated profile pic!
Thanks to everyone for your support through the past year <3 I can't believe TOH has ended...
Some updates/ personal notes under the cut!! Like, its really personal its almost narcissistic!
PRONOUNS: I go by she/they now!!! I've always had a lowkey gender crisis (fueled by an existential crisis really) so I am FINALLY trying this out. Feel free to refer to me with they/them pronouns :) (I guess I should have seen something coming when I made my first proper OC over a decade ago as an aro ace agender lol)
TOH ENDING: I'm really sad that the owl house is over...but I'm so glad I got to meet so many cool people in the TOH fandom!!! I even had the pleasure of sending a few friends stickers as a small token of appreciation. I'm like super grateful for all the encouragement and notes! I don't talk much here but I do read the reblog tags :) The brainrot was so serious that it made me draw basically everyday the past year (even if its a small doodle) and i really feel like i grew as an artist, and I honed my skills although I still have a long way to go! I can see improvement in my framing and colouring skills :) I think I might do some funny compilation video in the near future...
A BREAK/MINI-HIATUS: I am considering taking a small break from fandom. It might be a few weeks or maybe less, depending on how quickly I get out of this slump. I am guessing its a burn out from all the negative news regarding AI 'art' and being tussled round by the twitter algorithms. Also maybe because i did two epic pieces back to back... I have a lot of ideas and I really don't want to stop posting art online! I want to do sort of a post-WAD/pre-epilogue HW comic series, as well as a grom animatic :)
THANK YOU HUNTLOW ugh they mean so much to me... I know its silly because its a silly little fictional ship. But its really unlocked some creativity in me that I lost? Along with such a lovely community, it has really inspired me to keep drawing! Maybe its a right place at a right time thing, but after watching ASiaS, it gave me brainrot so much that it kicked my other bad habits out the window! I got to do so much cool stuff i always wanted to do including making an animatic, comics, being in a fan zine, epic pieces, making stickers... I can't believe they are canon now its been such a journey to watch this ship and the shippers blossom :)
THANK YOU!!!! If you've ever liked or reblogged any of my drawings, especially leaving funny tags, I just really want to say thank you <3 I really do cherish all the comments I get!!!! and if you've read this far, I'm super impressed!
That's all from me for now!!
<3 papers
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petzel · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by: @yellowjckets THANK U I LOVE UUUU!!!!
1. are you named after anyone?
nope! well, actually one of my middle names is my grandpa's name, so i'm named for my grandpa!
2. when was the last time you cried?
last night, because cam bought me a necklace at target that hit me in a very emotionally vulnerable spot. i cry just about every single day though (i am a weeper from a long line of weepers and all that)
3. do you have kids?
i do not, but cam and i desperately want them. we are currently planning for one about 5 yrs 🫣 which is frightening but also very exciting. we're crazy too, like we already have a lot of baby clothes and cam's mom is handing down her cloth diapers and stuff. all very exciting!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don't, but i am someone who struggles to understand sarcasm haha so i also struggle to use it properly.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
i have never played sports lol. i wanted to play hockey very badly as a child (and still now), but it's expensive so i couldn't. i was told i should do track & field (specifically shotput) but i didn't want to. now i have a mild interest in dogsports, haha. i like LGRA, dock diving, rally o, and treibball.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i agree with emmy about vibes, i feel like the first thing i notice is whether someone like. SEEMS nice or not.
7. what is your eye color?
like a t15/t17 on that 1998 eye color chart thing
8. scary movies or happy endings?
oh i loveee scary movies. i actually love both but horror is forever my angel
9. any special talents?
ehhh i have near limitless patience and have a decent beginner's mind? don't really think those are special talents, but hey. i can also touch my nose to my tongue i guess haha
10. where were you born?
my hometown is ann arbor, michigan. love that place forever and ever.
11. what are your hobbies?
drawing, cooking, (doing hw is not a hobby but i was in college for 4 semesters in a row and had no time for anything), dog training, photography (analog & digital), reading poetry, listening to the radio, spending time with my husband.
12. do you have pets?
yes! i have a 15 year old orange cat named buggy, and a 1 year old black and white spaniel mix named winston!
13. how tall are you?
5'4 🤫
14. favorite subject?
in grade school it was english and history, but in college, i loveee any of my classes that are actually about my major, fish & wildlife. i loved my lab last fall semester, and i'm really excited for horticulture lab this fall.
15. dream job?
mannnn who knows. i currently work at a botanical garden, which is good enough for me in the meantime! i'd like maybe some sort of labwork about birds, bc i liked working in the fish lab so much, but i also really enjoy my current staff team and i like more public facing work, so it's very up in the air rn.
TAGGING: @pepprs @centralpark1981 @romansmartini @dubwoofer @starw1sh @spelldealer @riskrov @snartled @evilsufjanstevens - all with absolutely zero pressure, i just see you all in my notifs and love you dearly be well dear mutuals
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 24 - hobbies together (watching HW movies 🧡)
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Hey there! Cutting it kinda close this time huh?
At least it's not as bad as day (17?) where it was after midnight, but hey let's not dwell, and ya' can't blame me because I was watching all the Halloween town movies for the first time like all day! (and it was sissy time again -3-") I started after the 1st movie though... Or was it earlier?
But then i cut the last movie short because i went to see DUNE and got mega rained on when i came in lol. Y'know- dune, that one movie based off a book or something and i basically starred at it almost the whole time, not actually knowing what was happening for two hours except death, spice, sand, hiarrcy, and more death- then pondering every moment of change in the music expecting a sand worm but it's just lots of yelling in demonic tones giving me heart attacks instead and also may or may not have triggered a drawing idea 😳... That's the one yep-
Also sorry if i overshare so much i usually do that if I'm not conversing with myself XD because you yourself always make the best company! ((plus i need to fill space lol-)) Pf anyway i should probably talk about the drawing itself huh? Since i have 7 minutes and all, Well...
This was not actually my original idea! Granted, it's very similar, but i DID take some inspiration from my time watching the HWT movies. (aka flug falling asleep sideways with a blanket =w=)
Tried catching the light well but eh-! I just love how bh stares at him like "ohp?" and considering they both think almost everything is corny, instead of curling up and watching some horror dramas- i made this! Welp, i have 3 mins now so i might as well be headin' out! Thanks for reading if you did-
Tomorrow i have mixed feelings about but I'll try my best!
bye byeeeee 💘
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Also tomorrow i have to officially start doing school stuff again pls save me 🙃
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zoobus · 3 years
Is there a piece of media that you absolutely detest? And I do mean detest, like, a movie or book or man(hu/hw/g)a (etc) that when you remember it's existence makes you go fricking ballistic (or the nearest negative emotion).
I've written this essay for at least different platforms but somehow not tumblr. Yes. One of the most popular otome isekais out there no less. And for once I'm going to put this under a cut. I know people browse the otoisekai tag for fun and aren't looking the beating I want to give this manwha. Also because this is a copy-paste-edit of something I wrote months ago on reddit and it's too long. Stale material gets the snip.
I hate The Villainess Lives Twice/Again. I hate it so much. tl;dr don't quadruple amputee your morally black heroine and have her draw a pentagram on a dirty floor with the bloody remains of her tongue in chapter 1 if you're not gonna follow through. I really felt like I was bamboozled into reading what was ultimately a generic contract marriage, saved by the hot duke romance, and I hate it. If you like this comic, don't click this.
I know TVLT is popular. I know it's well-loved and often trotted out as an ur-example of the genre. Why? I'm not really sure.
I hate it because on every single level, for any possible reason I enjoy otoisekai, it fails. All the charms of the genres it attempts end in failure. I hate it for lying about what kind of otome story it intended to be.
The concept? Great. Wonderful. I have a mighty need for writers to fill the gap on villainess characters that are actually villainous. I love otome isekai and stories where they let a girl-boss stay winning? They're the best. Let👏female👏protags👏be👏toxic👏👏👏
And here? Chapter one STARTS with our MC getting taken down for some crime she didn't commit and you know what? She can't even be mad, because what she's accused of pales in comparison to what she's actually done. Chapter one ENDS with our now limbless MC squirming across a filthy floor, dragging the remains of her sliced out tongue to form a pentagram so she can sacrifice herself and turn back time, knowing full well this alone could never atone for the crimes she committed for her own selfish gain.
The execution? oh my god, I hate this comic for hyping me up like that. Every single chapter after had me desperately searching for the potential I saw in the first. A peak into what could have been. But there's nothing. Why is there nothing.
1. Agency
Chapter 1 is essentially MC getting tortured for a wrongful accusation, with her noting the irony of this. She explicitly refuses to apologize or justify her actions. She knows there's no point in doing so. We're presented with a woman who knows there's no excuse for the innocent lives she's destroyed - no sad childhood or miserable backstory can make up for the evil she's puppeteered. She had choices and she chose evil.
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Lol jk actually she has a tragic backstory that is vewy sad :,( and we're not saying you should feel sorry for this poor little war criminal lady, but she just wanted her mamma's love!
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I can't tell you how much I despise the "cool motive, still murder" meme but it really applies here.
Chapter 2 is a slap in 1's face. After seeing her go to such lengths to own her actions, we get a frustrating and, frankly, confusing recollection of her terrible childhood (they suggest she's being starved, but that doesn't really make sense with other info given; MC doesn't have a lot of clothes but wouldn't that make her ambitious family look...bad? because nobles are always looking for weaknesses and you're intentionally sending a representative of your family name outside looking like a scrub? The emperor passed a law that only married people can have affairs - why?? What does this bizarre piece of law do besides marginalize our MC??? You think you're too good for normal concubines? These aren't spoilers, they're just weird details that add nothing or make things less coherent). Chapter 2 is a long way of saying "I know there's no excuse for what I did, BUT"
2. Dumbass's Machiavelli
Did you assume the mastermind-orchestrator MC would be equally brilliant and manipulative once she returns to the past? lol. It's a 1-2 combo of "plot conveniently happens to MC in a way she could not have planned but we'll pretend she did" and "MC does objectively dumb shit."
An example of the former -
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MC walks downstairs, gets randomly slapped for no other reason than she needs a reason to lecture the slapper "you need to get your father's attention in a different way than throwing tantrums at his mistress's house." Said slapper is in her 30/40s with two kids, so uh. If she's still throwing tantrums, I don't see this being a convincing argument.
An example of her doing objectively dumb shit - hey, if you know you're going to the poorest area in the whole empire, why would you roll up in a noble carriage and put your black cloak disguise on after you step out and the beggars have already seen your noble-exclusive golden hair?
I can't even edit this screenshot smaller, you have to see this fucking framing in its entirety:
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This fucking screenshot. This FUCKING PAGE. It throws me into fits, it turns me into an incoherent animal because there's SO MUCH bad, it throws off my numbered list format 1 2 3 4 THIS PAGE the depiction of POVERTY before a noblewoman gets PRINCESS CARRIED out of a carriage, complete with the pink glitter background because this is meant to be a ROMANTIC scene for an INTELLIGENT character by a KIND male lead AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THIS???
3. Fuck the male lead
That's him in that last pic. ML is stated to be the people's Duke, a duke who cares, a duke who is disgusted by the treatment of commoners at the hands of the aristocratic elite. Commoners should receive just as much valor for the efforts as us nobles!
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"Riches aren't important," he says that verbatim. We, the reader, should root for his ascension to the throne because he's not like the other noble boys ;^)
He displays his unrelenting commitment to justice and commoners by:
Verbally attacking and embarrassing MC's bully at a party, despite the implausibility of sherlocking enough facts to recognize the bully is in the wrong (side note, I was #teambully - she points out MC has worn the same dress to six parties in a year, not even aware that MC is wearing her filthy clothes from the day before, when she was out in the sunshine cooking up a BO-storm. I know enough about historical garments to know that those layers heat up and that she did not wash them before the party). I got off-topic, I'm just saying I would not be comfortable with a guy who jumps to conclusions like this being my political representative - we know she's a bully. He could not.
Terrifying a visibly nervous butler for giving info the ML literally just demanded, which is treated as proof the MC has an abusive life, as there's no other reason a butler would say "Oh MC's at the ball" to the scary 6'5 war hero duke glaring down at him. Again, a noble second to the king jumping to conclusions without considering how his intimidating presence might affect how less powerful people perceive him is not actually a good look. I know you have a brain cell in there somewhere, use it.
Openly hostile to beggars living in what we are explicitly told is the most poverty-stricken part of town for having the audacity to ask rich people stepping out of a noble carriage for money.
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😍 Dripping wet over being princess carried in front of the wretched poor before my boyfie whips his sword out in case one tries to touch me😍
4. "Banter"
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Yeah so if you've ever seen the actual video where this gif comes from, the context is that the smirking guy is "roasting" the other dude with these bizarre quips that either aren't clever or make no sense, but his friends are going nuts anyway.
MC cannot banter. She shares personal info unbecoming of an alleged mastermind. Her jokes suck, like booooo get off the stage boooooo. I'm not even going back to screenshot them, they're too tryhard/corny.
5. Just say you hate fashion
The fashion is hideous, anachronistic, and at points, clearly traced from something else. I don't expect all otoisekai to care about fashion - it's a perk when they do, but I can ignore it when it's not - but all the clothes are noticeably from different centuries, at times it's super obvious the artist traced a stock photo, and the stylistic inconsistency is weirdly notable. I have never cared about this kind of thing before, but I guess you could say TVLT has a special place in my heart. NONE of these clothes are from the same period which would be fine except they're UGLY. How dare you.
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tl;dr2 The Villainess Lives Twice is the worst OI I've ever read because they baited me with an MC who's literally willing to crawl in the dirt, to spill blood to get what she wants, a boss-bitch more than prepared to play 12th dimension human-chess.
And then those stakes turned out to be tripping over her own feet on prom night.
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jaehyunsuh · 4 years
nct ot23 reaction to: how they would act around their only girl member (in nct) during nct 2020
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go to the ask box to send questions♡ you can interact as much as you want !
to be honest I think he would be a little bit shy at the beginning.
but since he is the eldest he would do the most to make her feel comfortable and safe.
he would let her know that she can go to him if she ever needs anything.
he would help her a lot when it comes to music and signing, since he is really talented she would rely in him.
since the second that she crosses that door he would be extremely nice amd caring.
he would also make sure that she always feel good and comfortable.
he would be one of the members to talk a lot when she comes for the first time.
he would ask lots of questions about where are you from and stuff like that.
this little baby he would be a little ahy at first.
since he is a leader and he oftens likes to take care of people, he would also be like that with her.
he would let her know that she can come to him anytime, for any advice or anything.
he would be honest with her and would tell her that being an idol (and in this situation) is really hard and it’s not easty.
he would come to her when she is lonely, he would try to be her mentor like he did with sungchan (did u y’all saw that video? is the cutest thing ever:(( )
at the beginning he would be super observing to see if he should trust her or not.
after that phase he would notice that she needs some guidance and help since she is new.
he would slowly start to build a nice relationship with her.
he would act like an older brother honestly, someone who can help her and make her feel protected, even with thing about her private life.
he would always give her advices and have deep talks about life and about things that she should be focused on.
he would just be such a nice person.
we all know that he is naturally caring and kind, and he just takes care of people always.
this time it wouldn’t be any different.
he would be so polite when he first meets her.
he would talk to her and make her feel comfortable. He would tell her things like that all members are nice, that they are good people and stuff.
he would warn her about not getting unto trouble with the company like not giving spoilers and doing certain stuff.
he would tell her to be careful because there’s mean people out there.
he would give a whole class about how to have control over the sasaeng situation because it’s hard for all membersz
he would always check on how ahe is doing, if she needs any help. He is just so nice I can’t!!
he would probably cook for her too. I just love domestic kun, I’m sorry
do I have to say it? He is gonna be the number 1 guide, and it would definitely feel like a touristic guide lol.
he would probably be the first one to say hi, ask her name, age, country and all of that basic information.
he would honestly be really really excited to have someone around that he can take care of and show all the stuff that being an idol is about.
when being in the company he would show every single studio, bathroom, garden, just pretty much every place.
he would help her on her singing (if she is a singer idk) and he could spend hours on just helping her.
when not doing schedule together for some time, he would definitely invite her to have dinner every once in a while so she can update him.
he would just always be so supportive and cheer for her.
he would watch every show that she ia on and later text her about how well she did.
he would be just so so nice.
he would know her for two seconds and then automatically become best friends.
he would ask her a lot of questions to make her feel comfortable.
if they end up having the same taste in music or something, he would be ao excited about and he would love to have some to talk to about this.
I think he gives great advices, so he would be honest with her and talk about all the things that come with being an idol.
I think he would always make sure that she is taking care of her mental health, and he would tell her to come to him if she needs anything.
he would definitely help her with her dancing. He doesn’t mind at all helping and making her feel better about something that it’s being hard for her.
he would be really curious and kinda excited about it since he never expected a girl to be in the group.
he would always be really nice and polire around her.
when he meets her for the first time he wouldn’t want to shower her with questions since other members are already doing it lol. He wouldn’t want her to feel uncomfortable.
he would always make cute and nice conversations when she is around.
he would show her cool and new music because she probably likes his music taste.
he would help her with whatever she meeds, she would always listen well to her and give good advices.
probably would invite her to a coffee date or smth to catch up.
he would think that she is so adorable.
he would be kinda shy around here ar first.
he wouldn’t want to make her uncomfortable when she first arrives, but after he would come to her and introduce himself.
he would always be so nice.
when she is around, sitting somewhere alone, he would go and talk to here.
he would slowly become friends with her and he would feel really comfortable around her.
everyone would be jealous because he is actually so caring and cute just with her lol.
he would always give her advices and let her know that she can count on him om whatever she needs.
he would be really really excited.
when he meets her for the first time he would be all over the place, he would ask her a lot of questions. He would make her feel so nice and welcomed.
she would become his little sister and he would protect her from anything or anyone !!
he would always invite her to hang out and like that grow closer to him and other members as well.
he would talk to you about how to be safe when dancing.
he would also tell you not to stress to much and take care of your mental health before anything else because he wouldn’t want you to become upset or anxious.
he would feel really excited that there’s someone that he can take care of.
he would be really welcoming and nice when first meeting her.
he would teach her moves that she is lacking om, he would give her advices on how to do better at singing and dancing.
he would always check on her, her health, her psychical condition, he would just want her to be okay.
he woud warn her about the crazy people that could be mean to her or the ones that would be fake and just be friends with her just because she is famous.
at first he would be a little bit ahy because he wouldn’t know how to approach them properly.
but after he gets to know her they would form a cute bond because you know, it’s mark lee, who doesn’t love mark lee?
he would end up being kinda close to her (like I imagine he is to kang mina) and he would really value that friendship.
he knows how it is to take care of someone because dreamies have always felt support in him and have always consider him an older brother.
som naturally he would have that relationship with her.
without wanting to he would always check on her and see how she is doing.
even if they don’t hace schedule together he would always be in communication with here to see what she is up to.
he would help her with anything, singing, rapping, dancing, performing. Whatever she needs, he is available to give her an advice.
he would be so freaking cute, i’m so soft by just imagining it.
he would be really kind and polite, kinda like jaehyun at first.
he would come to here when she is alone so like he would feel more comfortable to establish a nice conversation and get to know her better.
he would always make sure that she feels good and comfortable.
he would give her a lot of techniques and advices on how to sing better.
I feel like he would have litlle inside jokes together and would laugh a lot about it.
he would be really excited about, he seems like he likes to make new friends so he would like to have someone to talk to.
he would talk to her a lot and make sure that they become close.
they would laugh a lot together because you know, it’s hendery.
he would convice her on doing pranks on other members and tell her that she is gonna be fine and not get in trouble lol.
he would convince her on playing games with him.
he would be a really good friend and always be there for her even with things that don’t have to do with their carrers.
he would be a little bit shy at first but hw would feel good to have someone around his age.
he would be really really friendly.
I think he likes to make people feel well and welcomed, so he would do his to always make her feel good, be included a build a nice bond.
he would always talk to her and laugh a lot.
he would ask her to hang out.
he would be a really sweet friend and he would always give her advices.
he would show her his art and he would ask her if she wants to try too, and later he would teach her how to draw and paint .
I feel like he is one of the sweetest and nicest people so I think he would want to give her a nice welcome and make sure that she feels comfortable.
he would always talk to her like, always. He wouldn’t want her to feel lonely at any time.
I think he would like to have someone that he can take care of, more in a situation like this where she is new to nct and also that is new to the idol world, he would definitely want to protect her and also give her advices so she can feel okay.
he would always take care of her, kinda like the relationship that he has with doyoung.
also he would protect her from the other dreamies when they are getting too intense.
I feel like he would introduce her to working out with him or the bicycling.
he would be so freaking excited about. He likes to socialize and make friends so he would like to have someone new to have around.
he would make her feel really welcome.
he would probably definitely be one of the firsts members to approach her when she firsts comes.
he would shower her with questions and he would also tell her the story of his life.
he would love to take care of he and check on how she is feeling.
he would be really honest to her about how it is to be an idol.
he would definitely help her with her singing and dancing.
I honestly think he would be respectful with her and wouldn’t tease her as much as he does with any other member. He would just joke with things that he knows that she is okay with.
haechan KNOWS how to take care of people, he has younger siblings and he is so sweet so he is gonna put that out.
oh my god he is just such a sweet angel, he would be really happy to have someone new.
he is quiet when first meeting people so he probably would approach her slowly and that way start talking to her.
he will always be soft and caring around her.
he would always ask if she wants to eat something, drink something, if she wants to sit where he is sitting. Just gentleman stuff like that.
this whole thing reminds me that when they were doing the relay cam schedule jaemin exchanged his with sungchan’s, because sungchan didn’t seem so convinced. He changed with him after a second a no one noticed but you can see it in the video. He is just so nice !! this us the type of stuff i’m talking about.
he would always include her in any conversation.
he would always check on any variety show or song that she is on, and later would text her congratulating her.
he would ask her to hang out with the real of the dream member or have lunch together or just do something, all the time!! he just wants her to feel good.
he would feel like a little kid when he knows someone new is arriving.
he would smile all the time when he is around her.
he would introduce himself and tell her something like they can be friends forever or something.
he would ask her a lot of questions, he would genuinely be really curious about her.
he would make her feel really comfortable, even tho he does crazy and random stuff out of nowhere, he would want her to be spontaneous too.
he would beg her to play with him.
he is new as well so he would feel good about having someone that went through the same as him.
he would be really freaking nice.
he would be a little shy at first but later he would do the most effort to become good friends.
I think he would let her know that she can count on him for anything.
they both would share about how it was for both of them to debut in nct and be new member.
he would definitely help her in anything that has to do with dancing !!
they would really support and rely on each other a lot.
sungchan x shoraro x her, would have the cutest friendship because they can relate to each other’s feelings.
I think he is shy but he would do the most to have a friendship with her.
he knows how it feels to be new in a large group of people and also new to the kpop industry so he can relate.
he would have deep conversations with her about how they feel with everything that is happening in his life.
he would help her and teach her just like taeyong did with him i’m crying, they are the cutest when they are together.
he would be really really curious, he really wants to socialize.
just like yuta, I feel like at first he would analyze this girl to see if he should trust her or not.
later he would find out that she is nice and safe so it would be okay.
even tho she is older than him he would want her to see him as a protector.
I honestly feel like he would be really really nice to her.
He knows people is rude when you are famous and even more with a girl, so he would talk to her about it.
he would have some deep talks with her.
he would be surprised with the new but he would be curious about having a girl on the group.
he would probably be the most shy out of the 23 people😭😭
obviously the dreamies wouldn’t let him rest until he goes and introduces properly to her.
they would probably ship her with jisung as a joke just to make him feel flustered lol poor boy.
he would slowly find his way to start a nice friendship with her.
the would have a really lowkey strong friendship and everyone would be shocked that they became so close.
but cmon, jisung is actually so nice and friendly, he is always gonna make good friends.
they would have their own inside jokes and it would be the cutest thing ever.
even tho she is older, they have each others back and take care of each other a lot.
he would help her with the dances and would show her some choreographies that he has made.
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bookworm555 · 2 years
Character opinion bingo: Denmark, Norway, Austria, Sealand, France, Itachi, and bc you've been into Total Drama recently: Beth, Gwen, Heather, Ezekiel. (I know that's a lot of characters so feel free to pick and choose which ones you want to do! I also wanted to give you a bit more variety than just the usual ones (i.e. Baltics.))
OOOH, thank you so much for these! I had so much fun filling them all out!
I am going to put them under a cut because there are a lot of characters, and these got long, XD
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I wish there were more options on this that express how much I like him, XD. He's one of my favorite HWS characters! (And I think he has one of the most aesthetically attractive designs, too, X'D)
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Like Den, I really like Nor, too! (And I think I draw him the most out of the N.ordics, haha) Like Den, I wish there were more options on this bingo card that express how much I like him, XD
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I feel like Roderich is an underrated character in the fandom. I know he has his vocal fans, but at the same time, aside from that subsection of the fandom, I haven't seen many people discussing him? Note: the 'They got done dirty by the fans' comment is moreso regarding my experiences in the earlier days of the fandom, where a common interpretation by a vocal portion of the fandom was that Roderich was abusive, and that Elizabeta deserved better. (I see that less now, which I like)
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I know a lot of people find Peter annoying, but I actually like him a lot? He's an interesting character, and I'm glad we got some newer chapters with him and the other micronations.
(And now for the TD characters. This was so much fun to ramble about; I haven't discussed these dorks in years! It was really fun revisiting the series, since I wanted a refresher and plot points and stuff)
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The more I fill these out, the more I realize that they don't have many options for how I see these characters (which is a shame, since I like them, X'D).
I find Beth to be a relatable character in some ways, especially in TDI. I consider her and Lindsay to be one of the 'dynamic duos' of the series, and I love their friendship.
However, that being said, after Island, I find Beth a flawed character. (Like the whole thing with Brady in TDA. I know it was meant to be played for laughs, but it came off as a little ':/' when she'd be constantly fawning over other boys like Justin and then Harold later on.) There were also some remarks she made towards Lindsay that made me go 'wow, that was mean'.
BUT, despite this, I still enjoy her as a character, and I enjoyed seeing her character grow more confident! (Also, like Lindsay--though Lindsay's moment is probably the most iconic--I cheered when she told Heather off and finally broke off the alliance with her in Island.)
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Whoo boy. Gwen was one of my favorite characters in TDI, so I was so disappointed by her character derailment in later seasons. [Note: I've only seen TDI, TDA, and TDWT. I looked up what happened in the seasons after that, but I haven't actually watched any episodes from them. I intend to do so eventually, though.]
But back to Gwen. I liked her friendship/eventual relationship with Trent in TDI, so I was disappointed with how everything deteriorated in TDA.
And while I liked her friendship with Duncan, I was disappointed that they became a couple (especially after Gwen and Courtney finally became friends). Though, I do like the fact that it's shown that she and Trent are friends (or at least friendly with each other) again.
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Heather is one of my favorite antagonists in the TD franchise! I did enjoy the character development she got as the seasons went on, though.
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THIS POOR GUY, OMG lkajhfkjshdf
Like I feel awful for him, and especially what happens to him in TDWT. (Honestly, he, Dakota from TDROTI [even though I haven't actually watched that series yet, just looked up stuff about it], and their families should sue Chris and the network for what happened to them both. Because YIKES. I also haven't watched the Ridonculous Race spinoff, but I read that there's a missing person poster of him in the background, so I guess that means his parents don't even know what happened to him after all this time? 0__0)
Zeke's actually a favorite character of mine, and he definitely deserved better. (Like, the sexist comments he made clearly came from his upbringing, rather than any actual maliciousness; he even prefaces it with 'My dad said...', and by the time TDDDDI rolls around, he seems to have lost that mindset.)
On a more positive note, I loved his interactions/friendship with Beth and Lindsay in TDDDDI, and I was so disappointed that he didn't make it to Action with them.
(I can rant about his character for a long time, so I'm going to stop before I write more paragraphs, XD)
AND OOPS I just realized I forgot Francis, so here he is!
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I like him, but he's not really a character I focus on, a lot? (Like I don't have much meta or analysis for him, unfortunately.)
(Also, 'overrated' doesn't mean 'bad'. I actually like Francis. I just find him a bit overrated compared to my favorite characters.)
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scandeniall · 4 years
story of us
pairing: suna x reader
the story of ur relationship <3; alternatively (more) dating sunarin headcanons but this time is somewhat of an order and talks good and bad 2K+ worth lol
a/n: i had more planned but half of these have been sitting in my notes for months and its kinda fucking long already bc he lives rent free!!!
warnings: uh the usual aged up (in ur 20s time skip type beat), language, yeah
Now when y’all met suna was not looking to love at all. That man was just living his life and so where you. The two of you pretty much meet through komori. You’re a friend and it’s his birthday so him and a few of his friends go out for drinks bc why not. Young hot pretty financially stable v-ball players. Nah no ones there for any type of hookups literally just there celebrating a great guy.
They rent out a section at a relatively nice bar tbh. Not the cheapest and you can actually hear conversation. But also not a super expensive one where the patrons are middle aged with jazz music and the occasional track to relive “youth.” Komori’s a sweetie and will come outside to get you when you text that you’re there. You’ve met washio and ofc sakusa Before so you greet them casually then you turn and there’s Suna and a few others you haven’t met.
That greeting isn’t anything special I promise. Just “hey I’m so and so” and vice versa. It’s one of those meetings where you just think “he’s cute” but it’s such a fleeting thought. Y’all don’t even really talk that first night tbh. At the next practice Suna mentions offhandedly that he didn’t know komori was dating someone and komori is like: huh? Yeah sorry. I love (Y/N) and all but were just friends. Suna just shrugs not really caring to be honest until Komori just asks what did he think of you.
“Don’t really remember much man. Seemed cool though” he didn’t think he’d really see you again. Yeah you were close enough to have been at Komori’s birthday but if that was his first time ever meeting you, he figured you weren’t from around there are present very much. Yeah he was wrong.
Suddenly you were on Komori’s snap story more often, or maybe he’d just been noticing more. Too bad he couldn’t even remember your name 💀. Then it turned into you occasionally popping up where he was. He’d been told your name at least 5 times already but wouldn’t remember it the next day. Whenever he’d see you again he’d get a strained look like: “what is this mf name again” just laugh and tell him again bby.
That changed at some random house party by another mutual friend you two apparently had? You two were the only people just around the fire pit trying to catch some warmth in the chilly night. He’s probably just on his phone head bobbing his head to the muffled music from inside. And you’re just like “remember my name yet?” All jokingly. This sparks the tiniest bit of interest in him and he lets out a low chuckle and just admits “not at all.” I also feel like this is the first time he really looks at you and he’s like 🤨, wait you’re actually kinda cute.
That night y’all just kinda talk and vibe. The conversation comes easy as you two jump back and forth from talking about the music playing to sneakers which he brings up to stuff that you like. He’s actually really easy to talk to. So easy that u can forget about him not remembering your name despite meeting several times. You mention that you’d hung around komori before while they were gaming and that he seemed pretty cool. That leads him to asking “how do you know him anyways?”
“I used to date Sakusa”
Mentally he’s just like— ‘yeah I’m not getting involved in this. Time to go.’ Until you just start laughing.
“I’m kidding. He’s not really my type. We met after being paired together for a project in school.”
The two of you spend quite a bit of time just talking that night until you are joined again by some friends and it’s deadass like y’all weren’t just talking for almost an hour straight.
Getting Together
The process of getting together is like a cat and mouse game. You two start getting closer than friends and then something happens and you’re not talking for weeks. Whether it be life just getting busy, and then someone ending up on some random tinder date or so be it. Definitely one of those things were somehow someway y’all end up just hanging on one of your couches watching a movie. At some point there’s definitely a hint of sexual tension but neither of y’all act on it (later on you find on his finsta that he used to post several “i wont you 😔” memes  Folks can’t tell if hes joking or not (hes not))
You probably gotta tell that man you like him so if that ain’t you I’m sorry. Y’all not dating 😹. It’s something casual, y’all going to pick up some snacks for a movie night and why this mf keep looking at you out the side of his eyes instead of the road. You def texting the groupchat asking if you should confess. They tell you to boss up and just do it baby.
You literally end up confessing in that parking lot. Like right when he shuts the car off and starts swinging his keys on his finger and you kinda just blurt “I like you. Like like you.” He just kinda nods before his eyes widen. “Wait are you fr?” Like no you’re joking tf. It gets a lil awkward so you just go to get out the car and he’s like “I like like you too.”
I definitely don’t think either of you ever officially asked the other out it’s just at some point the understanding that you two are a couple. Like when you’re hanging out just you two hes more touchy, and then y’all start kissing and holding hands at some point. Then when you’re with friends he almost exclusively sits next to you and your friends notice the whispers in one another’s ears at the loud bar that seem just a hint too intimate for ppl who are just friends. Then y’all start arriving and leaving places together and people just at some point get the message (it’s later confirmed by you tweeting some shit like: I hate Rin why is that mf my boyfriend)
As far as anniversaries y’all draw straws to pick a day in the ballpark of the time y’all both think you became official. That’s the day you stick with even if it’s not true.
Relationship Flaws
A fault in the relationship is sunas kinda poor communication when it comes to things that matter. How he feels. Arguments. Love sure as hell don’t come east with anyone but when your partner won’t let you in? Yeah that’s like hell. That’s something you struggle with. And then on your end, it’s the impatience with him not letting you in. You try to wrongfully rush it.
 There’s definitely been arguments that stem from him just being upset about something unrelated to the relationship then coming to you for comfort without actually telling you what’s wrong. He kinda just wants to lay with his head on his chest but at some point that’s not enough. Y’all are in a relationship and should be able to talk about your bad days too.
You’re not innocent in this issue either because sometimes it comes off too pushy. Yes it’s from a place of care but sometimes that silent comfort is necessary. The walls will break in due time and y’all both know that deep in the back of your minds But then there’s a part that’s like— yeah we can’t let this become the norm
“Rin, can you please talk to me”
He will have literally told you “whatever” and that he “can’t deal with this rn” several times as he just shrugs and is like yeah “I’m gonna just go home. I’ll text you later” with an awkward ass pat on your shoulder if it really ruined his mood. If he’s leaving before he gets super upset and uncomfortable just some half assed kiss in your cheek
Another thing is I feel like he could be passive aggressive and let’s be real other folks doing it causes you to do it to. Y’all probably drag eachother on your finstas where you can both see it lol
But when it comes to making up he cracks first and apologizes when he started it. Or as y’all get more comfy with communication. If it’s not anything major he’ll just hit you with a text like “I’m bored come hang”
More Relationship Things
I feel like he love/hates driving. Likes the ride not always driving though. So if you ever proposed a late night drive he’d be down (if you offer to drive). He does let y’all take his car though. He reclines the seat pretty far back. Alternates between just closing his eyes vibing w/ the music or kinda just looking at you (he the type of bf that makes u nervous no matter how long y’all been together)The way he looks at you makes you nervous cause that man is fine as hell and you can just feel his eyes on you.
He films you on Snapchat and sends the video to you like “you look hot”
If he’s not ‘resting his eyes’ he’s mumbling along to the music because he has the aux. if y’all music tastes are different he occasionally throws in something you really like bc he likes how you perk up at one of your fav songs
Moving on. Y’all dap eachother up after s3x because it’s “modern romance” (boy stfu). You two came up with a sex playlist together and it’s on both of your phones. Sometimes one of you will add a troll song that the other doesn’t know and put it in the lineup. (Stole my heart by 1D has definitely played before and you were practically in tears laughing at his reaction. That was one of those songs he was like ‘yeah alright i think we’re done).
At some point you two develop your own handshake and it’s cute. Whenever either of you have to travel without the other that’s always the last thing you do before you leave eachother. There’s vids of your friends daring y’all to do your elaborate ass handshake drunk and doesn’t matter what’s in your system, you both know it like the back of your hand.
I think he values quality time a lot so there’s so many nights where you’re both just chilling in his room just doing your own things. He could just be at his desk watching some game highlights and you’re just doing hw on his bed with your own earbuds in work all spread out and he’s content. He’s also attentive so if he calculates that you’ve been working too long he’ll just take ur earbud like “hey let’s go get something to eat.”
People definitely think he’s the lazy one in the relationship but it’s 100% not true. Like stated above, he’s very attentive and can pretty much gauge how you’re feeling in the blink of an eye. He knows when you need alone time but won’t go without reassuring you that he’s here whenever you’re ready. When you do just need him he’s there without a second thought. If you’re more touchy he’ll have your head in his lap his arm running up and down your as you tell him what’s wrong. He knows when to joke about a minor inconvenience and over the course of your relationship knows when to cut the jokes and be serious with you.
He’d never admit it but he knows your coffee order by heart (he keeps up his image my asking wtf do you get everytime. Just let him LOL). He the type to peek at what you plan on wearing and ‘accidentally’ color coordinate then pull some shit like “why are you copying me”
Y’all def shit talk together. See someone doing something completely out of pocket in public— straight to ur phones you go (pack it up shade room). To the public it just looks like you aren’t paying any attention to one another on your dates but y’all are. Just over the phone so u don’t piss off ur target 😌
Y’all are very comfy in your relationship that you just say stuff. Y’all don’t even think.
“Rin, what if i crashed us in this car rn 😹”
“Do it. Might be fun”
When you two finally move in together it’s almost like how your relationship starts. Slowly more and more spares of stuff for you end up at his. He does sorta make the move near the end of your lease and is just like “you’re here more than me anyways.” (hes nervous but swears he’s not. Bby you’re literally shaking). Him moving you in is like hell. This mf takes sooooo long to help with boxes. Picks up 1 then sits for like 15 minutes. You ask for help the first few times and he’s just like “I got you” while continuing to scroll his phone.
Sleepy Shoulder kisses in the mornings. Only form a greeting you get but it’s ok
this is like my 100th dating suna hc and im still going this is SICK. it was so hard to not drop old refs bc i still believe in them 100% yes i do!!!!
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gureishi · 3 years
my cat Tiko is EXTREMELY VOCAL to the point where he gets on my nerves almost every day. HES MEOWUNG HIS HEAD OFF RIGHT NOW LIKE BRO WTH I JUST GAVE YOU SOME ATTENTION
my mom's better at handling him than i am. im just way too easily irritated. AND LIKE he doesnt just!!! come over to me or my mom for attention! like bro you can just chill on my lap u know and i'll give u attention buT NOPE.
jdvdhsj okay sorry that turned into a mini rant
anyways sometimes i snap at him or even slam on the table (to make noise) to get him to be quiet (thats like, when im in school or trying to focus on hw, art, or writing -- or otherwise not in a position to get up and give him attention). doesnt always work lol... but i just get so frustrated. and i always feel bad but i honestly cant help it; i have a bit of a short fuse, at least when it comes to irritation (rather than anger). occasionally i pretend to through like, an eraser at him, but thats not as common.
so i guess im just wondering how saeyoung would react in those cases? especially the first ones. and i suppose this could get a lil angsty... i only say that because i can feel rn that i would probably feel so guilty for behaving that way in front of someone other than my mom.
it also has to do with that "getting stuck" thing. its hard to actually get up and move sometimes. AND IM ALSO A HUMAN WHO HAS THINgs to do and i cant always entertain Tiko just because he's bored or thinks something is wrong just because we've been sitting in one place for more than 2 hours and appearing to not do anything... smh
msvdjsbsj gosh this is probably so weird and specific lolol sorry 😅 but it is an almost daily thing for me.
and gosh this whole thing probably makes me sound like a monster 😭😭 if it means anything, i would never actually hurt him :(( and i never have in the 10 years we've had him. i just get frustrated so easily and his meow is very loud and sorta high pitched and piercing and persistent... sighh
You certainly do not sound like a monster! As I’ve told you, we are constantly whining at the dog because he is so very loud (and yes, we should train him better, and we’ve tried, but he is also anxious and my street is very chaotic 😭)
So anyway: I very much get it ❤️❤️❤️
Hmmmmmm what to call this...?
Saeyoung with an MC who gets annoyed at her loud cat
Everyone knows Saeyoung loves cats. What you also know, of course—and what he sometimes forgets—is that he doesn’t actually know anything about cats.
He is startled by the meowing, at first. He is fascinated with your cats: he thinks they are beautiful and charming and adorable and perfect in every way (much like you). He didn’t really expect them to be loud, though. 
His first instinct, of course, is to meow back. He has endless energy to play with the cats—after all, he hasn’t grown up with them, and he only sees the things that are exciting. And of course, they will end up in a long conversation, Saeyoung and the cat. Lots of meowing. Very vivacious meowing.
And look, if you’re in the right headspace for it, it’s pretty cute. He really just wants the cats to understand him. He wants to be their friends. (He wants to make sure he has their blessing to be with you, but that’s another story altogether.)
But if you’re not in the right headspace—you’re working, or writing, or drawing, and need some peace and quiet—it’s not so cute anymore.
It’s automatic: the cat meows, and you snap in response. You’re frustrated; you’re trying to focus, and the incessant noise pushes you over the edge.
And that startles Saeyoung, too. He’s never heard you snap like that before.
Immediately, you feel terrible—you’re hit with a huge wave of guilt. And it is double guilt, because he is here, and you love him, and you don’t want him to think badly of you. 
And you love your cat, of course. You didn’t mean to snap the way you did; you don’t want this beloved boy to think you are a horrible, cat-hating monster.
A moment ago, you rose out of your seat. Now, you sit back down slowly. You don’t really want to meet his eyes.
“Sorry,” you mutter. Your face feels hot. “I didn’t mean...”
He doesn’t say anything right away, and you can feel his eyes on you. You feel like you might cry. Oh, you think—he hates you now.
And the cat is meowing again, because of course he is.
“Hey.” Suddenly, Saeyoung is in front of you. He’s jumped up onto the table and pushed your work to the side—he’s peering down, trying to look in your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
You put your face in your hands so you don’t have to look at him. “I shouldn’t have reacted like that,” you say into your hands. “Don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Gentle, rough fingers on your face—and he’s tilted your chin up so you can’t help but look him in the eye. Ah, and for a moment you are lost there, as you so often are: his gaze is soft, and bright, and intense—once you are looking, it is impossible to look away.
“It was loud,” he says. “I get it. But why are you...?”
He cups your cheeks in both hands. And he probably shouldn’t be sitting on the table, but—but—his hands are warm and he is looking down at you with such deep affection in his eyes. 
“I got frustrated,” you tell him. “But I didn’t want to—I shouldn’t—act that way in front of you.”
His eyes widen. You didn’t expect him to be surprised, but he is—and he is blushing, which seems strange.
“You were trying to—?” He shakes his head, like he doesn’t quite understand. “Okay. Here’s what you have to know.”
He is still holding your face. And this is fine—you could feel his hands on your cheeks forever and it wouldn’t be enough.
“I love you,” he says firmly. “You...know that part, right?”
You laugh—perhaps a little wetly. You do know.
“My love is not conditional,” he continues. You take a shaky breath. “I love you when you’re happy and energetic. I love you when you’re working hard and focusing. I love you when you’re sad and need comfort. I love you when you’re irritated, or frustrated, or angry,” he says.
It is a flood of words, and they wash over you like a rushing river. Your heart is racing.
“You don’t have to act any way around me,” he tells you. “That’s part of the deal.”
The cat is meowing again, but you hardly hear him. Absently, you reach over and pet him. Saeyoung grins.
“And you love your cats,” he adds. “And I know you’d never hurt them just because you’re upset.”
You nod. It’s true. You wouldn’t.
“C’mere?” he asks. He holds out his arms and—oh, he is still sitting on the table, but—you stand, falling into him, resting your head on his chest. He wraps both his arms around you and squeezes you tight.
“You know the same goes for you, right?” you mumble, your voice muffled by his t-shirt. He giggles at the way you sound and presses his lips to the very top of your head.
“No matter what?” he asks. 
“Of course.”
He meows.
Oh, and he is meowing at the cat again: back and forth, as if they are chatting about the weather.
You pull back and he smiles apologetically. “Still love me?”
You roll your eyes. You pet the cat. You pet his head.
You do: of course you do. Unconditionally.
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shekorla · 4 years
Linked Universe Zeldas
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So last December I decided to draw my idea for the Zeldas on a whim. Found the WIP recently and decided to finish it.
Also, I typed up all my headcanons for them because I have a lot. They are below the cut. 
And I put down nickname ideas, because I'm bad at naming things, and I think the LU discord has already decided on a set of nicknames that they like. Personally, I really dislike most of those though.
❖Corresponding Link: Four
     o Age: Teen, just older than Four. Not a major difference, just enough that she can tease him about it.
     o Status: Officially still holds the title of princess, acts more like a queen. Her father is extremely protective of her, but after Vaati he conceded that he couldn’t protect her forever. Since then she has been learning to fight, forge (not good at it), and taking over more and more responsibilities from her aging father
     o Nickname ideas: Light, Picori, Force
     o Fighting style: Mostly fights with a sword and shield. Has extremely strong innate light magic. (light force, although weaker now) Doesn’t necessarily know how to focus it yet (magic bomb, some healing). If you are going to be on the battlefield stop running around like that.
     o Current relationship to Link: Best friends, practically siblings. When they were kids there was definitely some major crushing going on. Then everything with Vaati happened and things got… complicated. Neither she nor Link really knows what type of romance they want for the future. They still play lots of pranks on people. She helps keep him stable on the days when his colors get a little too wild.
     o Random stuff: Hyperactive and cheery. Always something new to see or learn and she wants to do it. hates sitting still, she is always moving somehow (got turned to stone). Top is hers; Link made the sword (gift), rest is extras from four’s parts (stolen). Hair is naturally extremely curly, lets it down for formal things, tied up for adventuring. Helped four get back to functioning as Link after being four people. Will attack him to get him to take care of himself. Is taller than both four and wind.
❖ Corresponding Link: Hyrule
     o Age: At least a hundred. Was 18 when she was cursed to sleep, no one is exactly sure how long she was asleep.
     o Status: Was a princess before falling asleep, offered the crown once woken up. Really over being royal. Link helped her get a job and lodging on a farm at the edge of Hyrule. Really likes that.
     o Nickname ideas: Legacy, Farmgirl, First, Ancestor.
     o Fighting style: Healer. Lots of bandages to patch everyone up. Doesn’t like to fight, but will stab a man if the need arises. The world is cruel, be kind. Has weak magic, a little bit of healing, and lots of prophetic. Knows the best places to hide on a battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: They are good friends. He checks up on her from time to time, and she makes sure that he always has a place to rest and relax in safety. Their world is a little bit of a mess, everyone needs a support system.
     o Random stuff: Has insomnia. Afraid of not waking up. Extremely wise, or maybe just world-weary. On tense but good terms with current queen Zelda of Hyrule. Forgives her brother, has come to terms with her fate. Taciturn and calm, probably depressed. Extremely sensitive to dark magic. (like an old burn wound) Dislikes people who use it to forcefully get their way. Doesn’t outright hate the principle of it, but will actively shy away from the presence of it.
❖ Corresponding Link: Time
     o Age: Adult, mentally/physically the same age.
     o Status: Queen of Hyrule. She is married and has a daughter.
     o Nickname ideas: Destiny, Sheik, Queen, Lyre/Harp (what is that thing?), Sage.
     o Fighting style: Fights mostly with magic. Uses the harp to play songs (ironically fights like HW sheik) has basic sheikah skills. Has only been training to fight for a short time, is still fairly physically weak. One of the most proficient magic users all round. Can take down the basic mooks, but won't last long against a bigger enemy. Knows how to fight alone.
     o Current relationship to Link: Strained. Not OOT sheik. Is MM Zelda. Only knows link as the boy who showed up to save the day, then left. Has had occasional interactions, she visits the ranch, he works with the guard. Only in the past year or two, she has had dream glimpses of the alternate timeline. She knows that she and link killed Ganon side by side, that she helped link disguised as sheik. Does not know about the seven years or most of the trauma. Basically, seen like five cutscenes and nothing else.
     o Random stuff: Prophetic dreams. Knew she would be leaving on a quest. Kingdom is well set up to work in her absence. Loves her family, is an idiot who doesn’t know the importance of checking in via letters for anything other than politics. Snobbish, proud, put too much stock in titles. Best manager, not a great leader (doesn’t have the personal skills for it). Sees the world as extremely black and white.
❖ Corresponding Link: Twilight
     o Age: Young adult.
     o Status: Newly coronated queen, has been running the show for a few years now, it's just barely official
     o Nickname ideas: Dusk, Dawn, Shadow
     o Fighting style: Uses mainly rapier to fight. Also, a great archer. Because of temporarily sharing a soul with Midna, has access to powerful twilight magic. Not as strong as Midna, still strong. Has goddess magic (channel through weapons). Tries to hide twili powers mostly since it's “dark magic”, but only technically. She knows it's not true dark magic and really just wants to avoid a lecture (does not get along well with time’s Zelda). Knows her way around the edge of a battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: They barely know each other. Only really interacted through saving the world things. Then they went separate ways. She considers Midna a sister and wants to slap both Midna and Link for not realizing they like each other. Once she knows Link better, she will probably tease him a lot.
     o Random stuff: Unlike most of the other Zeldas, sees the world as being mostly shades of grey, rather than stark black and white. Somber and stoic. Secretly a massive gremlin. Has a few habits picked up from Midna's soul along with the magic. Is awkward around ‘normal’ people. Has spent almost her entire life in political settings. One of the best politicians. Rather open about her feelings, it's just small and easily missed. Feels guilty for the troubles that befell both Hyrule and the twilight realm. Hates having to stand back unable to help. Screw rules she is going to help.
❖ Corresponding Link: Wild
      o Age: 118-120ish(?) I don’t know how long it has been since the events of BOTW.
      o Status: Technically queen, currently is focused on rebuilding Hyrule. Has no intention to take up the throne any time soon.
      o Nickname ideas: Scholar, Architect, Champion, Urbosa, Scientist, Little Bird.
      o Fighting style: Not a great fighter but she is learning. Decent with a sword. Gets a crossbow from twilight and then makes her own out of sheikah tech. (currently has no magic and good riddance). Learning to navigate a battlefield.
      o Current relationship to Link: They are good friends, but it's awkward. Neither of them are totally sure how to act around the other. Basically, either gremlin adventures, or awkward small talk. Past the first road trip, only interact a few times a month. She is caught between trying to mourn her knight and accepting her new hero. Cooking shenanigans.
      o Random stuff: Loves learning new things. Can and will study and find the effects of every plant. Knows poisons, antidotes, elixirs, potions, and everything else. Still trying to come to terms with everything that happened. Frequent nightmares. Claustrophobic/minor insomnia. Knows all the languages. Loves studying sheikah tech, and finally gets the chance to as much as she wants. Hates the castle. So many things change culturally over 100 years and she has no idea what to do. Awkward, but sincere.
❖ Corresponding Link: Wind
     o Age: Teen
     o Status: Technically the queen. Hyrule currently consists of a single town on the mainland, and lots of plans. Queenish. Anjean is teaching her how to politics.
     o Nickname ideas: Name is tetra that’s it.
     o Fighting style: Uses a pirate saber as well as the phantom sword. (IDK if spirit tracks is part of Wind’s story, but I was not passing up the opportunity to give tetra a massive sword). Decent archer, and can channel light magic into weapons…. most of the time…... It’s a work in progress. Also has general goddess magic. Big explosion of light. Knows her way around a battlefield
     o Current relationship to Link: Serve on a crew together. Best friends and partners in crime. There is a lot that needs to be done to start a country, they will do it together. It’s not going quickly. They keep getting distracted. Why do paperwork when you can steal things.
     o Random stuff: Smol. Link hit puberty and got a growth spurt. She did not. Not a politician, this child should not be in charge, whose idea was it to let a pirate child run a country. Great leader. All the social skills. Shoot first… that’s it. Sassy. Trying her best to be a good princess and live up to her lineage. It's hard. There is no book. Feels like she is letting everyone down. Hates big birds. Occasional nightmares. Really hates being cold. (turned to stone)
❖ Corresponding Link: Legend
     o Age: Older teen
     o Status: Queen. Has ruled for a while. Amazing support system. They regularly keep things running when she gets kidnapped. Good relations with all surrounding countries.
     o Nickname ideas: Maiden, Sage, Hilda.
     o Fighting style: Doesn’t. Pacifist. She can attack with light magic, chooses not to. Healing magic, team buffs, defense. Just because she doesn’t fight doesn’t mean she will let her team die. Strongest support magic. Does not know her way around a battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: Good work friends. They get along well enough. No massive personal relations. She asks him for help with killing monsters, he asks her for help with laws. It works for them. Occasionally they will get lunch together and catch up. (aka make sure he didn’t get himself killed.) Can use telepathy to contact Link at any time. Keeps it to emergencies only. Because he finds it massively annoying, and a little creepy.
     o Random stuff: Massive romantic. Currently single. Misses being able to gossip with Hilda. Kind and compassionate. Does not stand for injustice. Will forgive until the end of time. Just because she is kind does not mean she is weak. Strong-willed. Good politician. Loved by her people, even if Ganon has attacked like five times. Ganon is the only person on the list of people she would happily shank. So much paperwork. Give the girl a break. Keeps craft supplies on her for long imprisonments. Scrying magic, and a little bit prophetic.
❖ Corresponding Link: Warriors
     o Age: Adult. Older than warriors, younger than time or his Zelda.
     o Status: Queen of Hyrule, and commander of its army. Her Hyrule has been in turmoil for a while even before the war with Cia.
     o Nickname ideas: General, Commander, Tactician.
     o Fighting style: Best fighter. Can use all the weapons. Summon a bow or rapier of pure light magic. Strongest understanding of how the goddess magic works with weapons. Mostly fights as Zelda (basically her gameplay style), still uses her sheik disguise sometimes (ironically fights similar to smash bros sheik because of extensive sheikah training.) Lives on the battlefield.
     o Current relationship to Link: They work seamlessly together in battle and are friends outside of it. They haven't actually known each other very long so it's awkward sometimes. She still has to occasionally remind him that she doesn’t need a title. If they were two kids in a village then they would probably date. But they are not, and things are complicated. Duty to the kingdom comes first.
      o Random stuff: Best makeup. Amazing, if ruthless, politician. Best historian. Blunt. No time for crap. One of the best leaders doesn’t have the pure charisma to outdo warriors though. Resting B Face. 90% of soldiers are scared of her. Comes across as harsh, rude, cold. Really, she is just a bit awkward and hides behind a mask. Can’t do people, can do basically anything else. Minor prophetic magic.
❖ Corresponding Link: Sky
     o Age: Old teen/young adult. Older than Sky.
     o Status: Technically the queen, but Hyrule hasn’t been founded yet. Officially goddess Hylia reincarnated. She doesn’t go around flaunting the title, but sometimes the memories of Hylia she gained will overwhelm her. Full goddess mode. Doesn’t stand for dark magic.
     o Nickname ideas: Hylia, Sun, Swallow.
     o Fighting style: trained at the academy and knows how to fight with a sword. Not a good fighter. massive bursts of power usually win her fights. Sometimes she can channel a little bit of her power, but usually, she just gets overwhelmed by all of it. General goddess magic, cannot channel through weapons. Thinks she does, but in fact, does not know her way around a battlefield
     o Current relationship to Link: Do I need to explain? These two are head over heels. Sappy love birds all the way. Childhood friends. Everyone is surprised they're not engaged yet.
     o Random stuff: More adventure-ready style to reflect working on founding Hyrule. Fierce and determined. Kind. But she will get her way. Struggles to balance her mortality and newfound divinity. Feels bad that Sky had to fight for her. Loves her bird. Beautiful singing voice. She is trying her best but is in fact very bad at being an adventurer. Good at sewing. Loads of people skills, working on leadership skills. Best with children. 6th sense type prophetic magic. (aka see a shot before it is taken, but not a coming calamity.)
That's it. Congrats on making it to the end. You get a cookie. 🍪
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messyliferip · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
back from my anatomy lab midterm. It was 29 questions and 45 seconds for each picture. I left so many qs empty smh like i would recognize the muscles and then the question would be about their innervations and origin/insertions like agslsjsoskndz. also like i knew all the foremen of the skull but i totally blanked when i came to naming the structures that run through them. i’m such an idiot for not studying more but i’m chill with whatever grade i get tbh i’ll just do good on the final. it was nice to study with friends and yea it was just a good day.
anyways i have physiology lab mid on tuesday so i have to study for that.
1 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 11:44:26 GMT
First Final of 2nd Year Medschool……
i feel like garbage…. tmrw is my first final of the semester and i’m scared. it’s histology lab so it shouldn’t be too bad and as of right now i’m actually passing the class so again not that worried but i honestly haven’t studied that much. BUT i also have studied a lot of my histology class which the lab is heavily influenced by soooo i should be good PLUS i have studied like well enough i think i’m more stressed cause a lot of my friends are still studying and i’m like…. should i also still be studying ??? buts it’s literally like i studied so i shouldn’t be freaking out …. but i still am.
honestly i hate final seasons cause i always feel like such a trash human cause i rely on human interactions and i totally ghost all my friends and most of my friends live far away since i go to uni abroad so it’s soooo frustrating. like idc how much they say to just focus on my studies and dw like IM ALWAYS WORRYING and like whenever i do go back to texting it’s like no time has passed but I still feel like i need to be texting them 24/7…. which is sooo unhealthy ik but i just hate hate ghosting !!! i always try and be like sorry i’m busy with studying and finals but then sometimes i also just hate opening texts soooo ahdodmshuoaoa anywaayyysss s hopefully tmrw goes well!!!!!
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-12 21:00:21 GMT
my life is a mess~
finals start in two weeks and i have nothing set i’m a mess and i’m panicking. my life is a mess, my mind is a labyrinth,my desk is a mess and everything is lost. I can’t even find my histology drawing book and the drawings are due tmrw. I have nothing done i’ve studied like two chapters since midterms what tf happened….. i’ve been so consumed with quizzes and hw that i haven’t been able to study. i literally just study for the quiz and go to the next and then forget what i’ve studied…..
i need like 80s in all my finals so i can pass my classes,,,, effff this is so bad…. and i still have two essays and a quiz this week and then next week i have histology and physiology lab finals ahdlnsisldjaodmnfe i need to get my shi* together.
3 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 13:28:28 GMT
medschool guilt is real… and it sucks :/
so i finished my last midterm yesterday and today is the first day of the weekend and I still woke up at 5am but instead of going straight into studying I just wasted time, chilled, texted friends, watched yt etc. etc. etc. and then family came over and there was this whole party and everything…. I literally got some studying done and reviewed stuff but J feel like such an utter failure. It’s like if I don’t study everyday then suddenly there’s no hope for the other upcoming days?? like if i don’t MAKE this a habit by doing 64 consecutive days then might as well stop now?? and just like it’s so easy to feel so guilty about taking off ONE day after four weeks of midterms… :/// it’s 12am so hopefully these are just late night sad boo hour thoughts and they’ll all go away in the morning. It’s just scary cause I really need to do an AMAZING job on the finals and i’m just scared… i really need to do well and i have two or three quizzes this upcoming week so I really need to study.
anyways sorry for the depressing note but tmrw is going to be great!!! and if not we always have after tmrw :)
4 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 22:04:34 GMT
JUST FINISHED ALL MY MIDTERMS OF SECOND YEAR AT MEDICAL SCHOOL!!! 🥳🥳🥳 honestly they last test totally sucked (histology lab) especially compared to physio lab which was Godsent but you know you reap what you sow. I studied the slides and totally missed and didnt study the stains like an idiot, i seriously had no idea that half of the freaking test was gonna be on stains, i literally only remembered H&E, sudan orange, and silver stain. like bruuuhhhh ashdoiwosnjdplwjer. anyways it izzz wat it izzz i’m actually a lot more motivated to study now cause like 1) i need like 80-90s in my finals to pass and 2) i got to end on a high note.
I have an upcoming anatomy quiz which covers the Scalp and Face which is all the muscles of the face and their actions and then temporal and infratemporal fossa. The muscles i’ve got dooowwwnn i just need to memorize the origins and insertions but the infratemporal fossa is so confusing for me idk why. And then next week I also have a physiology quiz which covers the parathyroid hormone and I haven’t reviewed that since before midterms soooo it’s been a minute. I also skipped a biochemistry and a histology lecture this week so I have one biochem chapter and then for histology half of the bone chapter, which tbh i’m seriosuly not looking forward to. Honestly what world are we living in that biochemistry is better than histology ??? like whaaattt?? Also my anatomy professor for lower limb is both so behind and also just going sooo damn fast like bruh…. so I have like three chapters to study one of them being nerves of the leg and if you know me you know i HATTEEE nerves and vessels so not looking forward to studying that.
This weekend I’m going to try and study mainly physiology and biochem. and then anatomy and histology. and literally yeet tf out of genetics. i’m seriously not even gonna look at the class until before finals like ew. anyways imma stop here cause i’m literally in physio class i just don’t know wtf this chick is talking abt. we just finished reproductive systems and this is the first lecture for GIT and i’m just lost. it’s also 8pm and a zoom class so yk i’m just in my phone.
8 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 18:14:13 GMT
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