#should i make a new one and just transfer the ones who pop up again
endersdead · 1 year
i need someone to just like.. sit with me and talk thru my sys flip and the alters that are popping up i am simply lost and going in circles 😵‍💫
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i-yap · 4 months
Batboys and y/n at gala ( nigthwing and jason ver_)
I really suggest checking out 'type of y/n I ship with batboys post " to get a better idea of the type of y/n I write per batboy
dick- shower s'x as a good luck before leaving is non negotiable .Hyper when getting ready, wants his hair to look great, wants you to compliment him and will take hayley no matter what. is lowkey excited to go. Will blast music and have a car karaoke. Walks around the whole gala, talks to everyone and pulls you along with him. Proly has to give a speech which he absolutely rocks. charming , charismatic and an amazing conversationalist . spends most time with grandmas at the party, they are the only people he will allow to leave you with. You do have an option to hang out with his siblings and make fun of him otherwise you are stuck with him till the end. Will prolly be the last to leave, helps alfred round up his siblings. Everyone thinks you're the luckiest person in the world cuz u just got the whole lottery of people by getting dick but he is sure to remind you how much he needs you, especially when trying to power through a boring ass gala. Once the event is over, boy is drained . super tired and sleepy. help him out of his shirt and cuddle him,. slow and sweet s'x which may or may not turn into more but he just needs some loving and peace. poor thing had to make so much small talk his brain hurts. give him a head rub. will get you flowers or chocolates the next day as a thanks for dealing with the gala cuz he knows how boring those things get.
Jason- He doesnt wanna go. say the word and u guys aren't going. but you promised alfred or ,maybe you thought it'll be fun. plus u get to see him in a suit which is sooohot jfejqfbq .. anyways complains while getting ready, super grumpy give him a kiss to shut him up. Will try to seduce you out of going...may succeed and get you late / cancel. Will also try to touch u in the car so be sure to just keep suching his hand away. will ruin your lipstick and if u like me wear lip stain.. well u should prolly cancel cuz he is gonna stain everything. Just wear transfer proof lipstick with clear gloss and carry a clear gloss. Follows your lead in the gala , or stands in a nice corner with you with him. Don't you dare leave him with these rich bastards he will stab someone. Will find some way of getting you out of their asap which means quickie in the car or the bathroom. now you are too ruined to go back to the gala . so you guys just go to the nearest fast food restaurant/ diner and pick the corner booth His suit jacket on you cuz he might have torn your dress a little , his tie tied like a pirate scarf on your head and his top 3 shirt buttons undone. you guys throw fries at one another and are prolyl tipsy from the gala champagne. i would not be surprised if jason stole a bottle just as a "fuck the rich thing" . You guys for sure end up in the newspaper the next day but who cares. go home singing stupid girly pop songs , arms interlinked, drunk in the gotham snow. prolly fuck you again once you get home cuz u just looked so hot. dw he'll buy you a new dress bbg.
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01zfan · 9 months
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second | j. sc
boyfriend!sungchan x fem reader | 3.4k words
second base - petting above the waist, including touching, feeling, and fondling the chest, breasts, and nipples.
contains: barely public car shenanigans, touching above the waist
bases: first | second | third | homerun
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you and your boyfriend are in the front seat of his car when you two should be seating in the theater. you had plans to see a new movie. the barcode sitting on his phone that should’ve been scanned fifteen minutes ago. 
instead of watching a movie and eating popcorn, you two made the executive decision to eat eachother’s faces in the leaned back driver’s seat of sungchan’s car. you two are lucky you’re in the back of an abandoned parking lot, away from anyone who could possibly see what you two are doing. you didn’t have a chance to even make it to the theater, ruining the “date day” sungchan had intricately planned out for you. it was a surprise, sungchan first saying you two were going to the store. you should’ve suspected more when he told you to dress nice and to be fully prepared for a “day of errands”.
the date had started out at a pottery painting place. you remember in the back of your mind showing sungchan a tiktok of cute date ideas, something randomly popping up on your for you page. you had no idea he had paid attention much less booked you two an appointment to paint ceramics. you were surprised that he remembered something you showed him so long ago that even you had forgotten. you learned that although sungchan was talented with his hands, painting was not his calling. you learned that hands learned to hold a hockey stick didn’t transfer to holding a paint brush. you can’t say sungchan didn’t try his best. the idea was cute and well thought out, it was just that towards the end something along the way was lost. the finished product was allegedly supposed to be you two holding hands on a grassy field. you did everything in your power to hold back a laugh when he showed you the finished product.
“babe don’t laugh at me.” sungchan said pouting. you were two stick figures with gigantic hands. “it’s because i’m emphasizing that we are holding hands!”
when it was done you left it with the pottery staff so they could glaze the finished product. it would be awhile until they were taken home so you took a picture of your finished products. you thought the day was over, getting ready to go home. sungchan wasn’t done with you just yet. you were confused once again when sungchan parked in front of a cafe you’d never seen before. you guys went to lunch at the cafe that  also had boardgames. the food was alright, and the games were okay, but the pictures that sungchan took of you was the highlight. 
“you know how much i love taking pictures of you, babe.” sungchan said. it was funny seeing him take photos of you. he would contort his comically large body however he could to get the perfect angle of you. sungchan called you his muse, yelling compliments from behind his phone camera that made you blush. it was a nice change of pace too, since you were usually the one taking pictures of others. you always thought you were awkward in front of the camera, which is why you preferred to be behind it. but sungchan took the time to coax you out of your shell by showing you pose ideas and always complimenting you no matter how the photos turned out. 
after the impromptu photo session you were spent. you knew your boyfriend knew you well when he took you to the park. he carried the blankets while you looked for the perfect tree with shade underneath it.
you two were camped under the trees, people watching and listening to music that reminded you of one another. sungchan laid on your stomach while you played with his hair. it was a position that you guys always found yourselves slipping into when together.
“this song reminds me of you.” sungchan said, turning up the volume on his phone. it was a cute song, one about being young and in love. 
you added the song to your secret playlist, the one you had been compiling since you first met. songs that you were afraid to show him at first, songs you think he’d like, songs you liked. it had a little bit of everything and you had the plan to show it to him on some sort of anniversary. while you were playing with his hair, you wondered what brought this all on. sungchan planned dates of course, but something in the air felt different. 
“is there a reason for all of this?” you ask sungchan. he looks up from your stomach to smile at you.
“just as a celebration.” sungchan says. he looks up through the leaves of the trees filtering harsh sunlight. some of the light filters through, showing a beautiful highlight on your face. sungchan was tempted to take a photo of you but instead he opted to save the mental image of you being bathed in sunlight. 
“celebration of what?” you ask. some hair from his bangs had fallen into his eye so you move it out the way.
“hockey season is over now so i just wanted to show you that we can still spend time together.” sungchan says happily.
you smile while continuing to play with his hair. you would be lying if you didn’t have your hesitations for the season ending. you and sungchan had spent nearly every single dat of the season together as the teams’ photographer. now that it was over you thought you two would drift apart or even break up now that close proximity was no longer an option.
“i appreciate that. but i think you might be stuck with me now.” you say. sungchan smiles at you and continues to watch people around the park.
you guys stay at the park for a majority of the day. sungchan eventually ends up joining a game of volleyball as you watch from the shade of the tree. you would’ve loved to join but you didn’t want to think about sweating in your nice outfit. you also wanted to be fully seated for the show sungchan was about to give you.
your boyfriend took it upon himself to play for the both of you. sungchan was jumping, hitting, and passing with ease. you wanted to remind him that it was an innocent game of pickup volleyball. you thought it would be useless to mention it when he took off his shirt and rolled his jeans up to his knees to give him more mobility. you laughed at how much effort he was putting into the game. during breaks or in between plays sungchan would face to where you were sitting and make a show of flexing his muscles and posing for you. each time you cheered loudly like a fangirl, making sure everyone playing heard you. 
when the game was done sungchan had worked up a sweat, to the point that you both had to go back to his place so he could shower. you sat on his bed, expecting for your day to be done. you couldn’t help but be excited at the fact that you two were conveniently at his place while his parents weren’t here. you had gotten comfortable on his bed and even found on of his shirts that you could wear to sleep. you were searching through netflix looking for the perfect movie to be background noise when sungchan came out dressed in a casual outfit. you had expected to see him in his pajamas or sweats, something that would make him ready for bed. sungchan revealed the final part of your date. it was a double date, with anton and yunjin at the movie theater.
sungchan drove you both around town for a while, not sure what to do while waiting for the movie. sungchan had made the mistake of getting movie times mixed up, so now you two had thirty minutes to spare before having to be there. the whole time while he was driving you had to fight hard to ignore his hand that was on your thigh. when sungchan parked in the back of the movie theater parking lot you tried your best to sound shocked.
“we are really far away from all the other cars.” you say innocently.
“we got some time before the movie starts,” sungchan says. he moves the seat backwards with the automatic button on the side and makes use of the extra room, spreading out his body and legs. “wanna come over here?” 
sungchan helps you over the center console with ease and you are on his lap. you could never get used to the feeling of him underneath you. his athletic legs were like cushions underneath yours and his legs spreading made you extremely pliable. this position always makes you feel antsy in the best way. the way sungchan has to look up to you makes you feel like you are in charge but you both know his strength has you completely at his mercy. 
before making a move to kiss your lips, sungchan plays with an earring hanging from your ear.
“sungchan,” he pulls away from your ear to look at you in your eyes. “i had alot of fun today.” you say.
he nods as you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“but can we have a little bit more fun? before the movie starts?” you say, looking down at him.
sungchan is more than happy to pull you into a kiss. this one is different from the one you gave him. he wastes no time to tilt your head with his hand and drag his tongue along your lips. you open your mouth wider and you let him in. you can’t get enough of the feeling when he grips the back of your neck to get you you open your mouth a little wider. he’s having the time of your life kissing him, feeling him move under you and against you. when you pull away from sungchan and you see a string of spit connection your lips to his. sungchan holds onto your hips, massaging the skin in his hands. 
“we are going to be late for the movie.” you say looking at your phone. the movie starts in twenty minutes.
“let’s go then.” sungchan says back. neither of you make a move. sungchan smirks, moving a hand going back to your neck.
“just five more minutes.” sungchan brings you in and you oblige, immediately catching his lip in your mouth. you suck on his bottom lip, the soft skin sweeter than any confections the theater can offer. 
sungchans’ hands roam up and down your body, unsure of where to put them. this is when your position above him works perfectly. it gives you just enough sense of authority to make the move to his hand and put it over your breast. 
you can instantly feel sungchan become distracted, his kisses had become delayed and his tongue freezes in your mouth. his legs that were making a game of spreading yours stop. you let him rest his big hand on your chest and use your hand over his to squeeze. sungchan took this as permission to kneed your breasts over your bra. you let out a sigh of relief when he brought his other hand to the other side to do the same thing.
“i thought you’d never do it.” you say. you lean back exposing as much of your chest as you can, giving him the entire expanse of your chest to roam.
“didn’t wanna move too fast baby.” sungchan says. 
he has completely abandoned trying to kiss you, fully focused on making up for lost time with your breasts. even over a bra and blouse your skin felt soft and yielding underneath his hands. sungchan was slowly losing himself in between the valley of your mounds and he wanted to stay there. the movie was the furthest thing away from his mind.
“do you want to see them?” you ask quietly. 
sungchan nodded like a idiot, afraid that if he said yes he would be confess that he had been thinking about your boobs like some hormonal teenager. he was ashamed to admit that he wondered if they would fit in the palm of his hands or be smaller, if your nipples were the same color as your lips, or if you played with them when you thought of him. he thought about your boobs the most when you were button up blouses like these, or on the days you’d go braless. when sungchan could see your hardened nipple through your shirts he always had to avert his eyes. he hoped you never noticed when he’d be staring at the shape of your boobs through your shirt. sungchan never wanted to pressure you to show him, but when make out sessions would get heated he wanted nothing more than to feel your chest the same way you were letting him feel them now.
you were slow and steady with each button. even though the pace was agonizing, sungchan used the time it took with each button to try and compose himself. he was liable to cum in his pants at the first look, and he absolutely had to focus on not embarrassing himself if he wanted to feel you up like he had been dreaming to. when you were halfway up, revealing the outer trim of your bra you put your hands down.
“wanna do the rest?” you asked, with a smile playing on your lips.
sungchan brings hands up to your blouse. they have a slight tremor to them and sungchan almost laughs at how ridiculous he’s being, how nervous he is for no reason. you must’ve seen his red cheeks because you put his hands over his reassuringly.
“don’t be embarrassed. i take it as a compliment.” you say. 
you both work together to undo the remaining buttons. sungchan helps your arm out of your sleeves. when the blouse is finally off of you, you are the one who’s shy. as a reflex your arms come up to cover your bosom. before you can, sungchan thumbs the fabric of your blue lacy bra in his fingers.
“i think blue is my favorite color now.” sungchan said. you would’ve taken it as a joke but the way he stared at you made you think he wasn’t kidding. sungchan looked to you with wide eyes, like it was his first time ever seeing the color blue.
“do you want me to keep it on?” you ask. seeing sungchan so enamored by you gave you confidence. 
“can i see all of you?” sungchan asked. 
you nodded as he was reaching behind you for the clasps of your bra. it only took him two tries before he was able to undo the clasps. you let out a gasp when you could feel your bra loosen on your body. there was no going back as you let the straps fall forward off your shoulders. 
sungchan thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. even his greatest imagination fell short of what he saw before him. he felt like a teenager seeing boobs for the first time. when you used your arms to bring them closer together he had to clear his throat to focus on something else. he looked at you looking at him and was extremely aware of the tent in his pants, and how close your thighs were to it. 
“baby. can i touch them?” sungchan asked. he was pleading and desperate, as if you could ever say no to those eyes.
he was careful and attentive when he first put his hands on you. sungchan almost felt like he was tainting your pure beauty with his hands. did he even deserve to touch you? he didn’t think he was worthy to touch the supple skin, or to flick your hardening nipples. when you held him a little tighter sungchan was driven by the idea of making you feel good. when he experimentally pinched your nipples between his thumb and index finger you nodded your head vigorously. 
“keep going.” you whispered. sungchan started pinching a little hasher and you let out a new sound sungchan hadn’t heard you make before.
“does this hurt?” sungchan asked worried. he rolled both your nipples in his fingers, feeling the buds get harder and harder.
“it hurts in a good way,” you laugh. you seem to be getting carried away on your own, moving your hips slightly on sungchan’s lap. “take off your shirt.”
sungchan is upset he has to pull away from your chest to expose his. sungchans’ shirt is off in a second, thrown the backseat unlike yours that was neatly placed in the passenger side. sungchan flexes for your enjoyment and your hands go to his chest slowly. you do the same pinching motion he did to you and sungchan is shocked at the new sensation.
“wow you were right.” sungchan says. the pain is there, but it’s a type of pain that gives him a little bit of excitement. it’s the type of pain that has him reaching for your chest a little more aggressively, kneading the fleshy parts a little harder. 
you arch your back towards sungchan’s face, straining into his hands. you close your eyes as he gets more into feeling your chest. sungchan has his hands full of you now.
“sungchan,” you moan. sungchan looks at you instantly. “can you suck on it?” you ask a little louder than you meant to.
you think you may explode from the heat you feel everywhere. the car feels like it’s crackling with electricity, like a bolt of lightening is about to touchdown right beside your car. sungchan’s cold tongue on your nipple cools you down, and you lean so far back lay on the horn of his car. the blaring sound doesn’t stop as he sucks on you, and it fails to drown out your moans that fill the car. sungchan has to sit up and use his free arm to pull you into him and off his horn. it isn’t until he adds the pinching motion to your free nipple that your digging your nails into his back. 
sungchan doesn’t stop, looking at you react to his every move. he wants to tell you that you’re addicting and the softest thing he’s ever touched, but all he can do is nod and bring his mouth to your other nipple when you say you’re close. you finish when he nips a little bit, adding a new wave of pleasure coated in pain. you ride out the wave on his lap, amazed that you are having an orgasm without any stimulation in your pants. 
when you finally pull your hands off of sungchan you can see crescent moon shapes from the impression your nails left. you can barely mumble out a sorry as you slump against him, chest to chest. you are so sensitive and out of it that you almost don’t notice the wet spot where sungchan finished in his pants. 
“that’s never happened to me before.” sungchan pants into your hair. it’s relieving that he’s just as shocked as you are. 
you both stay in the drivers seat of his car trying to regain composure. when sungchan finally pulls back he lets his body rest on the back of his seat. you don’t know he means to but his bare chest and new exposed view of his neck already has your body winding up for more. you look at sungchans’ arms as he reaches to the passenger seat for your clothes. he slowly helps you back into your bra, letting you lay against his chest so he can peer over your shoulder to make sure he clasps it correctly. it isn’t until he buttons your blouse up and smoothes out your hair that he reaches to the backseat to put on his own shirt. you feel at ease even in the stuffiness of his car, so at ease that you almost fall asleep until you jerk up from sungchans’ chest. you see your phone light up with a text notification and several missed calls from yunjin.
“we are definitely going to miss the movie.” sungchan says while leaning the seat even further back.
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hannieoftheyear · 8 months
sexting with Mingyu
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the one where you accidentally send Mingyu – someone who you do not like – a nude.
content warnings: smut, sexting, mingyu is an avid emoji user, switch mingyu but more subby at the end (sawrrrry I can’t help it), use of pet names (good boy and baby).
w.c: 2,9k
note: I wanted to post a quick work to get this blog going while I finish some longer things I’m working on ♡ hope you like it and I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
part 2 is posted! find it here
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Your eyes roll when your phone lights up and the text notification pops up.
Kim Mingyu🤢: don’t forget to transfer me the money for Seokmin’s bday 🙏 [11:47 pm.]
The idea of Kim Mingyu of all people handling something as important as a birthday surprise for your best friend irks you.
Of course he was his best friend too. But why on earth did he end up making the plans. And who made you follow his lead. It’s like torture. You don’t want to engage with him in any way.
He was so smug when everyone decided he should be in charge of the surprise party. The decision was between you and him, and you guess people don’t really like your style of planning because it was an unanimous vote. Still, you liked not having to stress so much about it, but having to rely on your sworn enemy makes you shrug.
Okay, maybe sworn enemy it’s an exaggeration. You two just don’t like each other, and that’s fine. Not everyone is always going to like you, and you’re okay with that. The problem is when you can’t avoid said person because you’re in the same fucking friend group.
You two avoid each other if possible. When the whole group hangs out, you try to stay as far away as you can. It’s not like you fight with him, but your exchanges are short and dry, often a little harsh, so you try your best to avoid it to not spoil the mood.
After you transfer him the money, you take a screenshot to send him. It’s not really needed, but you do it just to make sure there’s proof that you transferred the money.
You open his chat and send the last picture on your camera roll without even looking, trying to be done with him the fastest possible.
You: [Picture.] [11:50 pm.]
Locking your phone, you keep working on the assignment your boss asked you to finish by tomorrow. But it gets cut short because not even five minutes later, Mingyu texts you again. You don’t open his chat, but instead, read it through the notification.
Kim Mingyu🤢: didn’t take you as the type to take pics like that 🫣 [11:54 pm.]
You wonder what the hell he’s talking about and why he chose such an annoying emoji.
As you open the chat, your eyes grow wide, and you realize you forgot to check what exactly you were sending Mingyu.
It seems that your screenshot hadn’t fully loaded on the gallery, and you accidentally sent him the previous last photo on your camera roll, which was a mirror selfie of you wearing a new pair of underwear you bought today.
Panic starts to creep in on you, but before doing anything stupid, you breathe in and breathe out, calming yourself to think. Mingyu’s still online, which means he’s probably waiting for your answer.
Instead of admitting it was on accident or showing him any weakness, you decide to play with him a little. He likes to annoy you too, so why not do the same.
You: you never know… I’m full of surprises.
You: why wouldn’t I take a pic if I look pretty? [11:55 pm]
You don’t expect much but his reply comes as soon as you click send.
Kim Mingyu🤢: surprised I definitely am🤔 can’t decide if I like this side of you or not🫢 [11:55 pm.]
You: like I care about your validation [11:56 pm.]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you should.
You: ?
Kim Mingyu🤢: take pics like this I mean😳
Now this is getting interesting.
You: so you think I look pretty? [11:57 pm.]
You wouldn’t lie and say him saying things like this doesn’t make you a little giddy. He’s always so dry with you, you definitely prefer this side of him.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you should send me another one🫣 it’ll help me make up my mind.
You ponder on what’s happening for a solid minute before replying. Is he flirting? Is he teasing you? Will this just be another thing to annoy you in the future?
You: can you stop with those fuckass emojis. [11:58 pm.]
You: I’m not speaking to you if you keep talking like that.
Kim Mingyu🤢: what if I say please?
Now that. Is unexpected. At first it seemed like he wanted to annoy you too, but now he’s almost… begging? How far is he willing to take it? How willing are you?
You: you’re so annoying.
You: I’m trying to work.
Kim Mingyu🤢: all this time we've known each other and I’ve never even seen you in a bikini. [11:59 pm]
Kim Mingyu🤢: what a waste of time.
You: was it worth the wait?
Kim Mingyu🤢: you have no idea.
You: enlighten me then.
Kim Mingyu🤢: oh I don’t think you’re prepared for that.
The conversation is taking a turn you’re not sure if you should take. Exciting you in ways that it shouldn’t.
A chat between the two of you never exceeded a few texts. You are both always so eager to end it as soon as possible, so why does he keep replying? Why do you?
You: what do you want Mingyu? [12:00 am]
Your blatant question seems to take him by surprise because he doesn’t reply right away.
Kim Mingyu🤢: me? You’re the one that sent me a fucking nude at this hour [12:01 am]
He’s right. Are you embarrassing yourself? He’s never gonna let you live after this. But you’re not backing down now.
You: I wasn’t even naked you pervert [12:02 am]
You: and it didn’t seem to matter to you before
You: you liked it didn’t you
Kim Mingyu🤢: never said I didn’t
You: so…
Kim Mingyu🤢: what?
You: are you gonna do something about it?
You’re too curious for your own good. The lines between annoying him and flirting with him are getting more and more blurred every second that passes.
Now it’s your turn to be surprised.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you can’t ask me that [12:03 am]
You: why?
Minutes pass and you see him typing then nothing, then typing again. Your room starts to feel hotter, the expectation getting the best of you and you start to feel a familiar feeling at the base of your stomach.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you should never send a desperate guy something like that at this hour [12:06 am]
You: are you that desperate?
Kim Mingyu🤢: [Picture.]
Kim Mingyu🤢: does that answer your question?
You stare in awe at your phone for what feels like an hour. His hard dick covered by his white boxers threatening to come out fills your screen. Nothing is left to the imagination.
Kim Mingyu🤢: cat got your tongue? [12:08 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: [Picture.]
Kim Mingyu🤢: it’s getting difficult to not touch myself
A second photo fills your screen now. It’s almost in the same position except now his hand is covering his bulge and his red tip is out.
Wetness starts to pool on your underwear, but he doesn’t need to know, yet at least.
You: I never pictured you as such a needy guy. [12:10 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m not ashamed to be who I am🙈
You: even with you hands on your pants you manage to send a fucking emoji wow. [12:11 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I can send something else
Kim Mingyu🤢: only if you want of course
You straighten yourself, waiting for another photo, but nothing happens. When you move on your seat, you feel just how wet you are. Oh you’re gonna kill him after this.
You: I really hate you you know [12:14 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: aren’t you supposed to be working?😨
You: you’re distracting
Kim Mingyu🤢: oh so you do want this
You: this? [12:15 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: all you have to do is ask
Kim Mingyu🤢: nicely
You: you really gonna make me beg?
Kim Mingyu🤢: want me to show you how horny I am?
Kim Mingyu🤢: you want me to make you feel good.
You: you could never make me feel good. [12:16 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: oh we’ll see about that.
The act you’re putting up won’t last much longer if he keeps up like this. Your right hand creeps down you abdomen. You barely graze your covered cunt, the little relief makes you sigh.
You’re too lost in the little pleasure and don’t realize he sent more texts.
Kim Mingyu🤢: [voice note] [12:18 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: your turn.
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m dying over here
Kim Mingyu🤢: are you touching yourself? [12:19 am]
You: you’re leaving me no choice. [12:20 am]
You decide to play with him a little and send him a ‘one view only’ photo of your hand inside your panties. The same panties as the first photo you sent.
After you reply, you dare to play his voice note. The faint sound of his hand tugging on his erection and his little grunts are nothing compared to the sigh he lets out at the end. You play with your fingers, circling them around your wet entrance.
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re so not fair. [12:22 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I bet you’re so wet right now
Kim Mingyu🤢: I wish you were here so I could touch you properly [12:23 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: my fingers playing with your little cunt like the brat you are
This can’t hurt, right? It’s not like it will happen again, and besides he’s already jerking off to your image. You start circling around your clit, playing with yourself making you squirm.
You: I’m so wet [12:24 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: did i get you all riled up already?
You: don’t flatter yourself
Kim Mingyu🤢: tell me.
Kim Mingyu🤢: show me how wet you are [12:25 am]
You: I could just slide my fingers in
Kim Mingyu🤢: I said show me
You debate if you should actually send him something. You know he’s trustworthy. He’s friends with your best friends after all, but this is something far beyond that.
You: should I? [12:26 am]
You: I could just leave you like this
You: get it done by myself
It could be read a threat, but you want to see how he reacts.
Kim Mingyu🤢: don’t be mean☹️
Kim Mingyu🤢: I won’t show this to anyone [12:27 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: if that worries you
Kim Mingyu🤢: I promise
His sudden kindness surprises you a little.
You’re not sure if you always found Mingyu attractive. Sure he’s really handsome that’s undeniable. Maybe when you first met, you thought he was really hot, but those feelings died down because your relationship wasn’t the best. You had a few fights before you decided it was best for the group to just ignore each other if possible.
This was the first time in years you had a long conversation that didn’t end in a fight, and you like it.
You: I'm not the type to do this you know [12:28 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m not either
You: but I don't want to stop
Kim Mingyu🤢: me neither
Knowing he wants this too just turns you on more. He’s not pushing you to do anything, and you guess that if you tell him to stop, he will. But you have to make sure before you do something.
You: just promise me this is between us [12:30 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you have my word🤐
You: be serious for one second
Kim Mingyu🤢: you can trust me
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m serious I won’t show or tell anyone
That is enough to calm you for now. You don’t think about how this will affect your relationship. Seokmin’s birthday is just a few days away, and you’ll have to face Mingyu in front of everyone.
But that doesn’t bother you now as you’re filming what Mingyu so desperately was asking you to.
You angle your phone to show only your lower body on camera. You start the video circling your entrance, gathering as much arousal as possible. After that, you move your fingers closer to the camera to show how wet they are and then slowly insert two fingers in your hole. You end the video after a little moan escapes your lips
You: for being such a good boy [12:35 am]
You: [video]
You don’t stop fingering yourself and close your eyes, imagining it’s Mingyu’s hand and not yours. His thick fingers would stretch you more than yours ever could. A few slow strokes are enough to make you squirm. And you remember to open your eyes and see you got more texts from Mingyu.
Kim Mingyu🤢: holy fuck [12:37 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re dripping
Kim Mingyu🤢: I should be there right now
Kim Mingyu🤢: show you what my mouth could do
Kim Mingyu🤢: could eat you out for hours
Kim Mingyu🤢: fuck you’re making me so hard [12:38 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: [picture]
He had taken his boxers off and was now fully naked. His hand could barely wrap around his fully hard dick. The tip is pinkish red and leaking precum already.
You: fuck you’re so big [12:39 am]
You: I don’t think it could fit inside me
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’ll make it fit
You: how?
Kim Mingyu🤢: I'd make you cum so much that I'd slide right in
You: are you touching yourself?
Kim Mingyu🤢: god how I wish this was you instead of my hand
You close your eyes again. Imagining Mingyu on top of you as you finger yourself harder, as deep as you possibly can. Wet sounds and moans fill your room as you get closer and closer.
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’m so close it’s embarrassing [12:41 am]
You: I am too
Kim Mingyu🤢: show me?🥺
The giggle you let out is almost instantaneous. His emojis are annoyingly cute.
You take a similar video as before, but don’t hold back the moans. Your strokes are slow to show on camera how deep you’re getting. The orgasm is so close that you can taste it, but you stop, edging yourself.
You: because you asked so nicely [12:43 am]
You: [video.]
You: now you
You wait a few minutes, stroking you clit lightly to not lose the orgasm but not quickly enough to stimulate much.
The torture doesn’t last long because a video appears in your chat along with more texts.
Kim Mingyu🤢: holy shit [12:44 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re so hot
Kim Mingyu🤢: god that should be my hand
Kim Mingyu🤢: [video] [12:45 pm]
As soon as you press play you’re welcomed by Mingyu’s delicious moans. His cock is shiny with pre cum all over it, now angry red. He moans at every pump and you feel yourself getting wetter.
Unexpectedly, he also speaks: “I’m so close" his voice is hoarse and deep like you’ve never heard before, “I wish this was your hand, shit only imagining makes me almost cum" and finally, “please… tell me I can cum… can I cum?”
You never expected the big buff Kim Mingyu to be so needy, it just makes you hornier if that’s even possible.
You: you’re so needy baby [12:47 am]
You: I’m close too
You: been edging myself waiting for you
Kim Mingyu🤢: shit baby don’t say stuff like that [12:48 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: im about to burst
You: want to cum big boy?
Kim Mingyu🤢: pleeasee
You: look who’s begging now
Kim Mingyu🤢: don’t play with me right now
Kim Mingyu🤢: you’re just as desperate as me
Kim Mingyu🤢: use three fingers for me and cum baby [12:49 am]
You don’t need to be told twice. You press record and insert three fingers into your cunt. You’re so wet they just slide in and you let out a long moan, increasing your speed at every thrust. It’s not long until you’re shaking and cumming all over your hand and bed.
But you don’t end the video there. You grab your phone and film your face as you suck your fingers clean while staring at the camera lense.
You: [video.] [12:51 am]
You: your turn to cum baby
As you wait for him, you go clean yourself up and grab new sheets for the bed.
Kim Mingyu🤢: [video] [12:53]
You press play and the sight of his hand is rapidly stoking his hard dick welcomes you, no more than five strokes after the video starts he lets out a long ground and is cumming all over his abs.
Kim Mingyu🤢: that was [12:54]
Kim Mingyu🤢: holy shit
Kim Mingyu🤢: I never came so fast in my life
You: embarrassingly me neither
The conversations stills for a few minutes, even though it feels like hours. What do you say after sexting with someone you supposedly hate?
You: I guess I’ll see you on saturday [01:03 am]
You're left on read a few more minutes, and you wonder if he already regrets this.
Kim Mingyu🤢: yeah right [01:06 am]
Kim Mingyu🤢: I’ll send everyone what hour to come by to prepare everything
Kim Mingyu🤢: see you then
It’s so awkward that you don’t send anything after.
You don’t regret it, but you do fear what’s going to happen.
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Note: sorry if the ending it’s a little sudden, I don’t know how to finish this but I do want to write a part two 😉
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Sidelines ༓ myg (m)
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✑ Summary: Best friends since university, Yoongi has always been the first one rushing to your side. But when you fall into his arms after, yet again, another heartbreak, Yoongi reaches his breaking point.
Pairing: best friend!yoongi x fem!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, fluff, friends2lovers, oneshot
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3.6k+
Warnings: cursing, impulsive confession, sexual content, also reader's true feelings are left a bit open ended
Sexual warnings: dom!Yoongi, slight brat!sub!reader, unprotected sex (don't follow thier lead!), begging, spanking, penetration, f*ngering, cunn*lingus, t*t play, dirty talk, teasing, pet names (princess), slight degradation (b*tch)
Now playing: Love The Way You Lie, Infinity, Escapism+
A/N: Had this idea for a while so when I tell you I sprinted through this oneshot, I SPRINTED. It may be a bit melodramatic and short. Enjoy! 💞
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Yoongi stares at his phone–waiting.
Waiting for your name to pop on the screen.
Waiting for your shaky voice to ring through the phone, asking to come over.
Waiting for you to throw yourself into him in desperation to be held.
It should happen anytime now. Why haven’t you called yet? He’s thinking about making the first move but no. That would look too suspicious.
"Dude, you gotta tell her.” Namjoon looks at his friend with deep compassion. He’s known Yoongi since college. Knows the type of heart he carries in his chest. It’s beautifully devoted, warm, and open. But this time…this time it’s too much.
"It's not my place Joon,” Yoongi rasps. “I made a promise.
Yoongi thinks back to the day he met you. It was a cool autumn morning and you were poking around every brick building, nearly walking in circles. It was clear you were searching for something. Turns out it was the dining hall, which was no easy task to find with the campus being the size it was. You were a transfer student and being a recent transfer himself, Yoongi gladly walked you over. That became the first of many memories you’d share together.
Late study nights where you’d fall asleep on his shoulder. Stealing his sweatshirt with a devious yet playful smile. Always having not one pack of gum, but three in your bag. You loved gum for some odd reason. By senior year, Yoongi missed those days most and he wanted more than anything to tell you that a peice of himself was with you. How could he tell you though when you had begun spending every night with the captain of the hockey team? No, he wasn’t going to get in the way.
But he really should have. Heartbreak number one came when you found out your lovely hockey boyfriend had his tongue down some chick’s throat at a frat party. You’re kicking yourself for ever bawling your eyes over that jerk. Perhaps more pressing however is that Yoongi knew your boyfriend wasn’t a great guy. He even tried dropping hints that you ought to be careful with him but you didn’t listen. Despite everything, Yoongi was still the first to show up beside you that day. You won’t forget it.
Now four years out of university, you have a new man of the year who is, for the first time, genuine. Or at least that’s what you think. Yoongi knows otherwise. Just the other day he overheard said boyfriend planning to break up with you. When Yoongi stepped out to confront him, your boyfriend begged that he be the one to tell you. Yoongi promised he wouldn’t say anything which is what brings him to this very moment now.
"You can't keep doing this,” Namjoon urges. “Being her saving grace, her constant shoulder to cry on. It's not fair especially when–”
"She's my friend. I'd do it for you too."
“Bullshit. You’re still in love with her and she doesn’t even think twice about it. She still thinks of you as her older brother.”
“So let her think of me that way. A friend, an older brother…I can't turn my back on her after all this time. I won't."
“All I’m suggesting are boundaries Yoon. Or better yet, tell her how you feel. You're not turning your back on her by being honest. I see how much it pains you to see her running around with no-good losers every year or two when you’re always right next to her.”
The truth in Namjoon’s words stings, pricks like thorns. Yoongi wishes they didn’t but the tensing of his muscles and the heat steadily climbing the back of his neck were clear signs that he couldn't repulse them.
“It’s too late for–__!”
Yoongi's eyes instantly gravitate to his cell vibrating against the coffee table. He snatches it in seconds, bringing it to his ear.
“Yoongi! I–he….Yoongi he ended it with me," you say, voice cracking. Though not in front of him, Yoongi could see the tears trickling down your cheeks. He could feel the sunkenness deep in your heart. He shared this pain with you many times before and it burned stronger each time. "I'm shocked. I didn’t think…I’m sorry I’m having trouble thinking and–and speaking. Yoongi, please, please can I come over? Or can you come here? I know it's late but I just really need to be with someone right now.”
Yoongi turns his gaze to Namjoon who mouths the words 'don't' but he can't bring himself to agree. It goes against his nature and his devotion to you. Maybe his friend is right and you'll only ever see him platonically. One thing's for sure though–he can't lose you.
"I'll be there as soon as I can. Stay there." Yoongi grabs his keys off the kitchen counter and bolts out the door.
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"That jerk!" You splash cold water on your face, hoping it will clear your mascara-smudged face. Yoongi was about to come over and you looked like an absolute wreck. He couldn't see you like this again.
Quickly, you rush to your dresser and pull out a less wrinkled t-shirt and lounge pants. You head downstairs next to tidy up the space. You may or may not have had a tiny outrage after your boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, told you he was leaving you. Yoongi couldn't see that either.
While cleaning your eyes prick with tears again. It hadn't registered to you now but there were reminders of your ex everywhere. Little gifts he'd given you. Pictures of the two of you on random excursions. How could he do this to you? You harden your face and stomp to the kitchen, searching for something big and black.
You start tossing everything in the garbage bag. Pictures, cards, trinkets, stuffed animals–it all went. And it felt good. It dried your tears. As you make your way around the room, you're suddenly stopped in your purge. A small smile breaks on your face when you see the gift Yoongi got you for graduation. It was a double picture frame with a vibrant orange leaf sealed inside. One photo was of you and Yoongi the first year you'd met. The other was the two of you on graduation day. Yoongi put this together to commemorate your friendship. He's still your day one, you sigh. Four years and he's still here to help you pick up the pieces.
"It's me, open the door," Yoongi gruffs from the hallway. You drop the garbage bag and immediately stride over. You pat yourself down before letting him in.
"Yoongi, hi."
Yoongi takes your invitation and paces inside. "Bit of spring cleaning __?" Of course the garbage bag is the first thing he sees. You fiddle with your hands unsure what to say. "I'm sorry ___. He didn't deserve you."
You bury your face in his shoulder, biting back the growing temptation to cry. Yoongi brings you into a closer embrace. His arms hold firmly around your own shoulders. "Thank you for coming. I know it's late so I understand if you can't stay long."
"I'm here as long as you need." Yoongi pauses, recalling your brief conversation earlier on the phone. "You know you can cry around me ___."
"I'm f–"
"Fine?" Yoongi loosens his grip to look at you. "The clothes, the dried tears, the giant garbage bag in the living room? Needing someone to be here because you don't want to be alone tonight. What part is fine? Because I'm not. Neither are you." His thumb gently strokes your shoulders, soothing your tensed muscles. "So if you need to cry, yell, whatever. Do it."
Wetness caresses your cheeks again and this time you don't wipe them away. "Why does this keep happening?" Your voice cracks as you peer into your best friend's eyes. "They never love me. No one ever does."
His dark eyes soften and you nearly see them glass over through your own tear-filled eyes. You search Yoongi's face for a response but all Yoongi can hear is the echo of Namjoon's words – "All I’m suggesting are boundaries Yoon. Or better yet, tell her how you feel. You're not turning your back on her by being honest. I see how much it pains you to see her running around with no-good losers every year or two when you’re always right next to her".
Yoongi is silent for a moment, mauling over what his friend said. You see him hesitating for the first time in a while. "So–so why do you choose them?" He chokes.
You're a little stunned. This isn't how this usually goes. If you didn't know any better you'd think there was an accusatory tone in your best friend's question. It's unnatural and you're slow to reply.
Yoongi stands still, concentrated on you.
"I don't know. Because they seem kind? And I want to give them a chance."
That's it? Yoongi isn't sure he's hearing you right. Surely there would be more to it. He expected so. Before he's able to retract the words they're already out. "Then what am I? I've never had a chance."
Reflexively, you push away from him. No. No this isn't happening. You must have misheard. "What do you mean?"
"From someone, I mean. No one ever given me the chance to be with them like that so you're very...uh very open." Lies. You're lying again, Yoongi thinks. But look how she broke away from you?
"Oh, I thought you meant...."
You know what? Screw it. Namjoon's right–"You're not turning your back on her by being honest".
"I did." He clenches his fists. "I meant it exactly how you interpret it. I–I love you. And if it isn't love it's damn close."
Your heart drops, mind scatters in twisted directions. You've heard of friends growing feelings for each other before but you never thought–why now? After four years of being next to each other and going out with all those guys. Why didn't he say anything? And when did it happen? Did he always feel this way? Oh my god.
"Sorry, I panicked," Yoongi continues. "But those guys you go out with? They don't care about you like I do. Every time they hurt you it makes me want to scream 'I'm here if you see us as anything more'. But I'm terrified to lose you ___. That's why I kept it to myself."
"Yoongi I–I don't know if..." You stop seeing his heavy eyes. You don't want to break his heart but you can't tell what you're feeling. You never took the time to think of him in these terms. But one thing was for sure. You walk up to Yoongi and take hold of his hand. "You'll never lose me. Do you hear me? You're my best friend and I could never let you go."
"But did you hear me?" Yoongi squeezes your hand. "I love you ___. I don't expect it to be reciprocated so...."
"We can try." Without thinking you close the distance between your best friend. You move to press a soft kiss to his lips but Yoongi lunges backwards.
"Please don't," he says. "You don't need to force yourself ___. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. It wasn't supposed to be about me tonight, I'm sorry."
"Don't say that. This is about us now, our friendship. I'm glad you told me and to be honest, I'm not saying no. I'm saying we can try."
Yoongi sighs and leans on the back of your couch, arms crossed and eyes downward. "You just got out of a relationship ___."
"Yeah so? We were only together for a few months. I don't even think I loved him."
"But you could have with more time."
You join Yoongi next to the couch. "I mean sure maybe if he didn't break up with me."
"___. Don't you see?" Yoongi turns his face towards yours. "We've had four years together. I don't want you to try to love me, I want you to love me naturally. Like I do. And if, after four years you don't then I don't want to put that kind of pressure on you."
"You're not pressuring me to do anything. You've always been there for me through everything and i care very deeply for you. Maybe I haven't thought of you as more than a friend because I didn't let myself to. Maybe I was too caught up in everyone else that I just..." You pause, setting a hand on his shoulder.
"What if we try and nothing changes? Or something happens and we break each other," Yoongi interrupts. "We'll never recover."
"Do you have that little faith in us?" You place a hand on his other shoulder, turning his whole body around. "Because I don't. Perhaps you're right that something might happen that makes things complicated. But I know we won't let it get out of hand. In fact, something beautiful might come out of this. Don't you want to find out?"
He does. Of course, he does. But was this how you really felt? "You were really upset earlier," he says. "I don't want to cloud your judgment, especially after what happened."
You lean into him closer, lips hovering over his. "I don't care about that anymore. All I care about is my best friend and I really, really want to give this a chance."
Yoongi searches for any hesitation. It's hard to do when you're mere inches from him. He's tempted to lean forward and close the distance completely– to say yes. So you do it for him.
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You weave your hands through Yoongi's silky dark hair and press a firm kiss to his lips. He's disoriented at first but like a tidal wave, everything he's been holding back rushes out as he moves harder against you. You feel his hands travel down to the small of your back and snake around your waist. A tongue finds its way inside your mouth next. It dances with yours in a fiery passion. Your body burns up with every touch, every kiss. It's a foreign feeling but you welcome it.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yoongi murmurs.
You give a faint smile and take his hand. "There's no one I'd rather do this with." You guide him down the hall and into your bedroom. Yoongi pulls you into another kiss, this time resting a pair of cool hands underneath the fabric of your t-shirt. You moan softly into the kiss and pull the t-shirt over your head.
"I'd tell you that you look beautiful but you already know that." Yoongi traces up your sides and along the band of your bra. It tickles for a moment but then you remember who you're with, where you are, and what you're doing.
"Not so fast," you pull back from his grasp and eye his covered chest. Yoongi picks up on your signal and rids himself of his shirt, revealing his smooth, tan torso. You've seen him shirtless before but when did he get so muscular?
With lust-blown eyes, you're pushed on your back next, sinking into your mattress. Yoongi hovers above you. A light peck is placed on your collarbone before moving to the valley between your neck and shoulder.
"How long have you loved me?" Yoongi open-mouth kisses the ridge of your neck. You close your eyes, anticipating his response. "When did you know?"
"Last year of university when you started going out with that jackass on the hockey team." Yoongi lifts his head from your neck and looks at you. "What did you ever see in him? I thought you said you give the kind ones chances, not asses like him."
You nibble on your bottom lip and wrap your arms around his neck playfully. "Oh no, him? He was just hot. I wasn't really thinking very much when we got involved...if you know what I mean?" You raise an eyebrow but yelp when Yoongi digs his hands behind you to unhook your bra. He snaps the lacy fabric off the rest of your body and throws it on the ground.
"Yeah?" Yoongi gruffs. Well, who's little bitch are now? Answer me." He gives your left nipple a tug. You feel a wetness gather between your legs but it wasn't from the stimulation of your nipple. It was his tone, his demeanor. Yoongi never talked like this and it made all the hairs on your body stand.
"Are you–jealous?"
"Wrong answer princess." Yoongi pinches your nipple again. "I'll ask you again, who's bitch are you?"
"No ones." You flip the man over and straddle his waist. "Who's bitch are you?"
Yoongi growls and gives you a hard slap on your ass. When you let out a moan, the man underneath goes feral–riveting with desire. You're thrown on your back again with legs spread apart. Yoongi waits for your nod before yanking your pants off, along with your panties. He does the same to himself, cock hardening in your view. Fuck, you curse to yourself. You had no idea what he was packing until now.
Yoongi settles between your thighs and stares you dead straight in the eye. "We're gonna have a little competition princess. I'm gonna eat you out and if you finish without begging to have my cock then I'll be your bitch. Deal?"
You swallow hard and nod. Who knew your best friend was this nasty. "Deal," you reply, widening your legs. Yoongi smirks and runs a cool finger along your slit. You feel the pit of your core tighten upon contact but keep a straight face. "I thought you were eating me–fuck!"
Yoongi pushes in, breaching your walls as far as he could with his finger. He adds a second in after two pumps, focusing on your reaction. "There's something you should know ___." He begins circling his thumb on your clit, causing your head to throw back in the process. "I don't like brats. So if this was any other time, I'd probably already be fucking your tight, wet pussy. But it's our first time together." Yoongi retracts his fingers instantly, soaked with your cum. "I'll go easy on you."
"Shit." You claw at the sheets. Yoongi licks a long stripe up your folds, dipping between ever so often just to see your hips jolt. His hands dig into your inner thighs, driving your senses wild. "Ah! Yoongi!"
"Need to come princess?"
You struggle to reply, bringing a hand up to latch on his hair. "I–ah–I'm not even close-close yet!"
Hearing your response, Yoongi thrusts his fingers back in, creating a steady rhythm with his tongue. "Fuckfuckfuck!" you curse, knot twisting inside you. You feel Yoongi smirk that same cocky smirk from earlier as he continues eating you out. "Yoongi, I'm close now!"
"Are you? Beg for my cock and I'll let you come."
What the actual fuck? "You're such-ah-a cheater! Well I'm not gonna–fuck! Please, please I need to come."
No response.
"Okay...okayokay. Please, Yoongi, can I have your cock?" You immediately come, tightening your hold on his hair. "Oh my god Yoongi, you're so evil fuck!" You give him a slap on the chest once you release. Yoongi grins down at you and catches your wrist.
"Who's bitch are you?" Slowly, he crawls further up your body, pinning your arm above your head. He grabs your other arm and places it on top of the other. "Are you really not gonna say it?"
"Yours. I'm yours, Yoongi."
"Damn straight you are. Now keep them there." He squeezes your wrists together before placing his hands on either side of your head. He bends down and gives you a passionate kiss. "You really are beautiful ___. Are you still sure you wanna do this?"
Yoongi caresses your check, aligns himself with your entrance, and pushes in. Your mouth falls wide, but nothing comes out for a moment. Once you adjust, you give a slight nod.
"Fuck." Yoongi moves inside you, penetrating through your velvety walls. Your eyes roll upwards as his close shut. "Oh god, Yoongi–faster please," you breathe.
Yoongi pushes deeper in you, his length pulling in and out of your hole at a rhythmic pace. Beads of sweat form along his forehead and your around your neck. You let out a loud moan once feeling the cord within you wind up again. Yoongi soon feels it too, quickening his speed.
"I can't believe we're doing this-ah shit!"
Your hands, struggling to stay down, jolt with every thrust. You look deep into Yoongi's eyes, his staring straight back into yours. You're both grinning too, like idiots really. "Me neither. But I'm glad we are."
Yoongi kisses you again. It's sloppier than before but you couldn't care less. "You're gonna come soon mm? Because I know I am. This pussy is so tight-fuck-it's basically swallowing my cock. Brat like you love this shit don't you?"
You laugh and rustle through his hair but your arm is pinned back down. Yoongi starts moving inside you as fast and hard as he can, breasts bouncing against his muscular chest. He so close and so are you. "Asked you a question princess."
Your back arches as he fucks into you. "Yes-yes we do! Fuck, I'm gonna come. If it doesn't happen now it'll–"
"Come for me __." Yoongi pushes himself into you one last time before both of you finish, gasping for breath. You feel his length pull out of you shortly after.
Side by side now, hot and sweaty, Yoongi looks at you. "What the fuck did we just do?"
You grin and leap on part of his chest. "We're giving us a chance."
"By starting with sex?" Yoongi throws an arm around you. "Let's do this properly and go on a date tomorrow."
You giggle and bury your head in his shoulder. Goof. Maybe, this does have a real chance of working out. "Okay," you whisper.
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A/N: Thanks for stopping by! As always, lmk your thoughts. See ya! 💞
© kookslastbutton
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pixiesfz · 2 months
I’m sorry this took so long to put up I just had the WORST writers block
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a walk down memory lane j.r x reader
plot: you take Olivia’s dog on a walk and run into Jill
warning: mentions of sa, bruises, anxiety, this series is based of the book it ends with us
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“So can you just look after him for a couple of days?” Olivia asked you from the doorway as you patted her dog Stanley.
“Absolutely, my life’s been a bit boring so he should shake things up” you smiled, standing up to grab the dog food from Olivia’s hands.
“Speaking of your life” Olivia trailed off and you looked down to your feet “I can sense something is up with you and Ellie”
You froze.
How do you answer her? You couldn’t just straight out tell her that your girlfriend had hit you, Ellie loves you and you knew it and she hadn’t hit you again, at least not purposely.
But you could feel yourself pulling away.
She may have loved you but you didn’t love her, not anymore.
“I uhm- yeah” you stated shortly and your friend quirked her eyebrow “what’s happened?” She asked and you sighed, lifting your hand to brush your hair back, not seeing Olivia’s eyes stare at your bruised wrists from when Ellie accidently gripped your wrist to tight on a walk.
“We just had an argument that’s all” you shrugged and she nodded, not convinced.
“Well if anything happens call me, I’m here for you” she said and you nodded “thanks”.
"Please do" she said softly, urgency written on her face as you tried to look away from her.
Letting Stanley off of his leash at the local park you finally took a deep breath.
You knew you had to get out of your relationship, you knew it would be the best option for you but you were scared.
really scared.
You stared at your wrist, covering it up with your jacket before Stanley came running up to you with a soccer ball in his mouth, thankfully not having popped it.
“Stanley that’s not ours” you laughed at the sight
He dropped it at your feet and sat down, wagging his tail.
“I didn’t know you had a dog”
You looked up from Stanley to see Jill who was smiling ear to ear.
“Oh uhm I don’t, I’m just looking after a friends” you told her and she nodded “but he needs to learn not to steal” you joked and grabbed the soccer ball and looked at Jill
“This yours?”
She nodded “yeah but he looks like he wants it more than me right now” she laughed and you laughed with her.
A silence fell over as you both watched the cute dog roll the ball around.
"How are you?" Jill asked and you shrugged
terrible, unsafe, sick of life
"I'm good"
"Anything else?" she asked and you let out a small laugh "sorry I didn't mean to be blunt I just have a lot on my mind I guess" you told her and she nodded her head "Is it because of looking after a living animal, I remember you couldn't even keep a plant alive" she laughed and you thought back to the multiple plants you tried to have as a teenager.
"Not a good plant mum but I think a dog mum may be different, they at least speak when they aren't fed" you smirked before Stanley barked from his spot, now revealing a popped soccerball
"I can get you a new one-" "Don't bother I have plenty, it is my job after all"
You smiled "Isn't it cool? We both got into our dream jobs" you smiled and Jill turned to you "Did you get into writing?" she smiled and you nodded "As soon as I moved I got into it, can be slow at times but I don't regret it"
Jill smiled, proud of you and your achievements "Last time I checked you were still at Wolfsburg" you said, explaining your shock at the game "you keeping tabs on me?" Jill teased.
You gave her a look "Oh c'mon of course I would, I just happened to miss your transfer to City" you told her and her smile grew. "I tried to check on with you" she admitted "I couldn't get access to your phone, your parents basically cut me off every time I rang the home number but I asked around"
"spying on me?"
"Well I cared" she told you and you both shared a look.
"I just wanted to make sure your safe, it is the one thing you deserve most"
you weren't safe.
You didn't respond with words but looked down nodding your head "thanks Jill".
"Any popular songs I may of heard that are actually written by you?"
You smiled "Do you know Adele's song 'All I Ask'"
Jill gasped "Yes"
"Yeah I didn't write that one"
You tried not to laugh at Jill's lack of excitement as you joked "Well it's good to know you still haven't lost your humor"
You felt your phone buzz against your jeans as you shared an apologetic look with Jill "I have to-" "take it, I'll play with the dog who's name is?" she pondered off as you accepted the call "It's Stanley!" You yelled out to her.
"Who are you talking to?"
A chill ran up your spine.
Why didn't you check the caller ID.
"Just someone who wanted to pat Stanley" you said, technically telling the truth "You've been out a long time" Ellie's voice grew accusingly.
"I took him to the park" you said as if it wasn't a big deal.
Unbeknownst to you Jill watched your phone call, she assumed it was your partner when you accepted the call but something didn't feel right to her about Ellie.
But she wasn't sure if it was because Ellie was living the life she always wanted, a public relationship with you.
Your breath hitched on the phone when Ellie didn't answer straight away, only a strained hmm on her behalf "Is that why your standing there talking to your ex-girlfriend" You widened your eyes and started to frantically look around which caused Jill to stand up with caution.
"we're going home y/n" Ellie commanded you, her tone angry as you grew scared
"y/n are you okay?" Jill softly asked you
You nodded your head before picking up Stanley's leash "okay El" you said, your voice quiet, damaged.
You dropped your phone from your ear "It was nice talking to you Jill but unfortunately I have to go" Your heart was racing as you clipped the dogs lead onto his collar, your breath shortening as Jill watched in confusion before you walked away quickly into a sleek black car.
Ellies hand clung onto your thigh as soon as you sat down and tears pricked your eyes "It was just a conversation-" "Shut up" she told you and you took a big breath in.
You couldn't do it anymore.
As Ellie's grip on you tightened your left hand reached behind your back to find your phone and pulled it out to the outer side of your outside leg to hide it.
You texted on Olivia's contact before typing.
'help me'
Though she would get the message and come home it wouldn't save you from the punishment you would get when Ellie pushes you threw the front doors.
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turtlesandfrogs · 4 months
So, here's the problem: the longer I work in gardening and landscaping, the more I care about the ecological impacts of native plants, and the less I care about aesthetics. Which is a problem, when most clients' primary concern is that their yard looks nice. Which, fair, I just don't care as much about it as they do and I feel like I could be making a bigger impact than I currently am.
So I'm thinking of quitting this job and going one of two entirely different directions, and for some reason it's rather hard to choose.
Option A is starting my own native plant nursery, which would focus on small (4 inch and gallon pot sized) native plants, with a focus on plants that are most important for native pollinators (especially those that are endangered or threatened where I am). There's some competition, but mostly at selling-to-landscapers level and not retail, and I'd want to focus on retail sales.
Option B is to get a job with the state doing some kind of ecological restoration work. The problem with that is my bachelor's degree is over a decade old and I don't actually have the kind of experience to put on my resume that would likely convince them that I can do the work (unless a combination of teaching and being self-employed as a gardener that helps people incorporate native plants and removes invasive species counts, which maybe?). So I'd probably have to take a lower level job and one that's further away to get in, and then work my way up.
Option A has the upsides of: completely setting my own schedule, getting to work with plants most of the time, getting to work with my partner, flexibility to decide I want to start teaching classes again or something. It has the down sides of having to do taxes multiple times per year, and not being guaranteed to work, and either needing to take out a business loan to get started or work at a day job to fund starting it up. Also if it fails I'll have to get another job without have professional references again, which yikes.
Option B has the upside of once you're in state work, it's way easier to get other state jobs so if I burn out of one job, I can hop to another relatively easily, will almost certainly make more money, comes with health insurance and retirement savings, and is likely the more stable option. On the down side, it would mean working 40 hours a week without getting to pick my schedule and it would be harder to take time off than it is now, I'll have to work my way up to a comfortable salary, and there's a lot less autonomy than when self employed. But I'll also have professional references out the wazoo, so finding new jobs should be easier?
One of the things that concerns me is I have ADHD and up until teaching, the longest I ever stayed in one job was almost 2 years. I taught for 4 years, then was self-employed as a gardener for 4 years, and now I've worked for this landscaping company for just over a year (and am grumpy about a) not making much money and b) aesthetics and only providing services to people who can afford us, rather than say, improving the environment for everyone). So I'm actually kinda afraid that if I started the native plant nursery, I would get sick of it after less than 5 years and be starting from scratch again. Whereas with a state job, I can pop over to a new job fairly easily. On the other hand, maybe I'm just doubting myself too much because all of those other jobs were actually really bad matches for me.
Anyway, my brain is going in circles over this. I mean, really, part of me thinks I should stay at this job even though it doesn't pay much compared to what I could make elsewhere (I have learned a lot though, which can be transfered to other jobs) just because it's so low stress compared to any other job I've had in the last decade & because the people are great and the work isn't bad. It just galls me that occasionally clients have ideas that I strongly disagree with, like cutting down a very nice magnolia tree because "it's too big" and I just have to do it because I'm an employee now. Ugh.
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eternalfics · 9 months
hi! can you do saiki x male reader headcanons who has a crush on saiki? reader’s childhood friend is aiura and they transferred around the same time. can reader have green hair and pink eyes btw? saiki doesn’t find reader annoying and enjoys that reader’s presence doesn’t come with chaos. also can reader have plant/nature psychic powers? lol
(just fluff of this topic please? i hope this isn’t too much lol 😅)
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saiki with a male! psychic who has nature powers!
a/n: HAPPY DUCKING NEW YEARR! 😍 I kinda left this in my inbox for a little while.. but as you always know, lindy is always here to help your saiki brainrots 😇
warnings: photo of a spiky plant, yelling
summary: a difficult friendship, but we’re working on it!
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so! 😊
aiura would surely be excited to see you again! asking you have you traveled, or did you expect to see her or!- you get me, she’s rlly excited. 😋 (we’re acting like she transferred first)
but you find yourself wondering who is this other guy since you guys transferred at the same time. he doesn’t even bother to give you a glance 😯 and he doesn’t look nervous at all!
well, it’s not your business. maybe he knows someone here?
more underneath:
im guessing that saiki guessed that you were a psychic easily! 😘
but what confused him is, how come you never show your other powers? are you scared or are you just private?
saiki was lying on his bed on a saturday afternoon, until it hit him. he had a test, it was no problem, he could do it without studying. but the problem is, which day is it going to be on? he didn’t want to be caught off guard.
he could text toritsuka, or called nend- ugh.. nevermind. saiki can’t believe how a single interaction is this tough for him..
then it you popped into his mind, it was perfect! if he contacted chiyo, the second he did he would hear her thoughts thinking they’d have a chance. and he’s not even gonna talk about teruhashi.. 😓
he teleported to your room without a sound. he saw that you were sleeping in your bed (weirdo 😨) he walked to you, and spoke in your mind. “y/n-“ “AAGHH” you yelled, and sat up abruptly. stinging nettles appeared out of nowhere.
“oh,” so that was your power.
back to headcanons!
I have a feeling that since he knows when he scares you, that you make spikey plants, that he’ll take advantage of that 😈
“boo,” “AHHGG-“ *insert spikey plant*
especially when someone suspects you have nature powers, he’ll be there to rescue you ❤️
sometimes, saiki will ask for favours (he returns it dw 🥰) maybe roses for his mom, cactus for decoration in his room, or maybe a tulip for a fresh scent in his living room :) maybe even one for you.
let me say, of course at first he thought you were annoying. he’s does that to everyone 🙃. but after some embarrassing and funny moments, saiki just dosent care 😭 (sometimes he wants to stay with you 😍)
saiki wonders about your green hair and pink eyes? he zones out looking at your soft, fine, touchable hair. is it green because of your powers? probably not
saiki knows that you get some girls, how can you be this attractive and not get anyone to like yo- ugh.. he’s started thinking TOO much again.
Overall, you both have crushes on eachover and I think you guys should smooch ❤️
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sigynpenniman · 2 months
- MCO Orlando. My love my queen. Platonic ideal of airports. All the other airports wanna be her.
- MSY New Orleans - I have only seen your beautiful face once but your vibes were just impeccable. I miss you beautiful
- LHR London Heathrow - you’re so chill and sweet to be such a major airport. Weirdly calming somehow. Sterile, but the big boy of London airports. When you’re here you’re in London. Smells like joy.
- CDG Charles DeGaulle Paris. Dripping in stunning retro futurism and has a Concorde on stands by the runway. We love her
- DCA Ronald Reagan Washington DC. So pretty. So clean. So easy to navigate. Prevented from S tier status by being one long skinny thing with no way to get quickly across it.
- DEN Denver Colorado. Architecture for the gods but somehow the vibes are off. I’d fly through you again happily but I don’t feel especially warm when I think of you.
- FLL Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood. You’re permanently attached to very warm memories for me because of the trip I took from you but you’re just kind of there. Vibes are off. Meh.
- ORD Chicago O’hare. Aesthetic perfection but weirdly stressful. While I had a great time on this trip I do not think warmly of the airport other than the rainbow lighting. Jules got yelled at here. -10 points.
- CLE Cleveland Ohio. Another airport that is home of warm memories due to loved ones but just really not the vibe as an airport.
- LGW London Gatwick. I don’t like you for no reason. Like a disappointment, you’re in London but not at Heathrow for some reason.
- PHL Philadelphia. Again, weird aimless dislike. I cannot justify.
- BNA Nashville. Meh. Fine, which may be the worst insult I can lob at an airport.
- LGA New York LaGaurdia. Fuck you and your tiny spirit terminal in the middle of nowhere and your hard to access rental cars and your poor road signage that sent me round and round on the New York interstate in my rented Corolla. The bigger terminals are pretty though, and anyway. New York City!
JAX Jacksonville. Ew.
BOS Boston Logan International Airport. I loathe you. Less busy numerically than ATL and yet somehow even more spread out. Signage is bad. Directions unclear. Nothing makes sense in this alternate reality. Labyrinthine building designed by the god Hades. Never again would be too soon.
ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta. The biggest and busiest airport in the world. When you buy a ticket on Delta a box pops up that says “by buying this ticket you agree to see the inside of Hartsfield Jackson Airport.” Not actually a real place, but a floating parallel dimensional space you enter when you walk through the doors. When you get off the Plane Train at terminal D a sign to the left points down a hallway and says “Walk to Terminal E. Time: 45 minutes.” Bigger than many cities and some European principalities. And sometimes you’ll be forced to run clear across it when your gate gets changed. Send every domestic flight that goes near it and many that don’t through it for a completely unnecessary 45 minute layover and sautée until golden brown to birth this unholy god of a space outside all time. They have CPR training machines. They have bathrooms too rarely. They have a whole other airport underneath for international transfers. Don’t die before you see it. Everyone should, at least once. 🎶Welcome Aboard the Plane Train!🎶 next stop: the 4th circle of hell. Walk to purgatory: 45 minutes. Moving sidewalk out of order.
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scoops-aboy86 · 1 month
Wear it like a Collar, like a Ring, like a Lock (and Toss the Key)
Happy birthday @steviewashere! This is kind of an homage to your Indulgence and Discovery steddie fic, which I love and everyone who appreciates weight gain kink should check out.
So yeah, have some fat Steve indulging himself and having a great time!
wc: 4166 | rated: m | cw: weight gain, overeating, stuffing, belly kink, masturbation, coming in pants, overstimulation, tearing clothes
Steve locks the front door behind himself and lets out a breath. It comes out as more of a groan, ragged from being pent up so long, but that’s between him and his parents’ empty house. He doesn’t sag—not any more than parts of him do naturally now, anyway—but carries on in a slow shuffle, transferring his keys to the console table on his way through the foyer and relieving his other hand of an extra-large Coke from McDonalds. Carries that and two grease-stained bags into the kitchen, sets it all down, and busies himself with getting a couple plates down from the cupboard. 
Not because he doesn’t want to dig right in. His mouth has been watering since he pulled into the drive-thru, wanting it is not the issue. Thing is, he kind of wants to see how long he can resist after so many weeks straight of hedonism, of pure round-the-clock indulgence with Eddie’s eager help. Wants to stretch it out, build up the anticipation until he’s aching for it, and then keep it going longer than he can usually sustain. That way, when his boyfriend gets back from a gig tonight they can both enjoy the stuffed-full, overstimulated reward. To that end, Steve hasn’t eaten anything in…
Ugh, several hours, and god he’s hungry. Pretty much all of that was spent at the DMV getting his drivers license renewed, his one errand for the day. Even though he’d gone there straight from a huge breakfast, barely able to fit in these pants. They’d creaked just as dangerously as the chair he’d sat in while getting his picture taken, and while the bloat from that has gone down since, they still bite into him. 
“Fuck,” Steve moans, reaching down to give himself a placating squeeze in his straining jeans. He’s spilling over the front of them, and at the sides where his love handles roll and bulge out. The last time he bothered to pull his shirt down was right before his photo was taken, and it’s long since ridden up over to reveal a sliver of his growling belly. 
Okay. Okay, so he’s reaching the end of his rope, but he’s almost ready. Turning to the fridge, he gets the bottle of Heinz and floods one plate hastily with ketchup. Dumps the fries from the first bag on top in a heap, something to sort out later. Next, he digs a stack of Big Macs from the other bag to drop on the second plate. And then, the piece de resistance: a large chocolate milkshake. 
The burgers are still warm enough that the milkshake has entirely melted, just the way he likes it. And though he’d intended to wait until he got off his aching feet to start, Steve can’t resist popping the top to the side and shoving the straw out of the way to drink deep. 
Just a few gulps, he tells himself, but yeah right. Just a few more…
Okay, I’ll stop at half. Except he doesn’t, squeezing himself again in time with the thick, creamy liquid traveling down his throat. 
Moaning, thinking, I should save some for later… Except it’s already all gone, empty air hitting his gullet and eliciting a gasp. And his tongue is already lolling out to lap up the last remaining dregs still creeping slowly down the insides of the cup. Maybe he should’ve ordered two. 
Steve stands there catching his breath for a moment, both annoyed and thrilled at not being able to make it just one room over before getting started. His belly gives a slow slosh as he moves, but it’s a drop in the bucket; he’s chugged more and faster before, but doing so all by himself is new. The novelty of it, the implication that he can’t control himself long enough to wait for it, sends an urgent shiver down his spine. 
“Fuck,” he moans again, hunching over a little to get in one hard grind against his palm. It’s getting harder to reach, but he can still manage when he’s not full to bursting… which is rare, these days. Almost as rare as getting off without something in his mouth. 
He needs to sit so he can eat. 
Steve tosses the empty cup in the sink and grabs his Coke, tucking it carefully between one thick arm and his chest so he can carry a plate in each hand, then shuffles his way to the living room. He’s nearly sweating by the time he gets to the couch—mostly because he’s kind of edging himself, but also because his jock days are long gone. The dampness at the edge of his hairline, just from walking from one room to the next, is a testament to how relaxed and easy his life has become, and there’s no denying the eager whine that bursts out of him when he drops heavily down onto the couch cushions. 
The impact jars his Coke just enough to dribble sugary soda out the straw hole, soaking into the fabric over his fleshy pec and spreading darkly down his front. Cursing under his breath, Steve is quick to put the plates down on the cushions to either side of him—doesn’t want to risk the coffee table and not being able to easily reach—and suck the sticky liquid off the top of the lid before any more can spill, but the damage is done. 
He looks down at himself, messy shirt riding up over his wide, hairy belly streaked with stretch-marks and old scars, bulging out over the sorely tested button on his jeans to rest heavily on his thighs. This is what he looks like empty now. 
It’s enough to make his cock pulse. Steve reaches to grab a first handful of fries, coming up with the backs of his fingers smeared in ketchup. 
He crams that first bite into his mouth, uncaring of how messy he’s being. After waiting so long, it tastes glorious, salt and grease lighting up his taste buds, and he’s lost to grabbing for more. 
Steve is panting by the time he finishes his last two Big Macs, one in each hand. There’s sauce and ketchup smeared around his mouth and dripped down the front of his shirt, which at this point is a lost cause… So much so that he only gives each of his messy fingers a few cursory sucks before reaching down to sooth his churning gut. He can’t remember how many burgers he just plowed through because they all blurred together in a kaleidoscope of flavor and texture, warm and juicy and filling. Maybe later he’ll count the number of wrappers littered around him and fallen to the floor at his feet, but right now he’s a burping, hiccuping mess, struggling to adjust himself into a comfortable position when his skin is stretched tight and hot to the touch. 
The button on his jeans is still hanging on though, squeezing him into two thick bulges at the middle, squeezing his leaking dick, and he’s so frustrated he could almost cry. It wasn’t enough, not to fill him up and not to pop the damn button and not to come. He needs more, but he’s so heavy. 
And Steve is used to overindulging. But he’s also used to being doted on, Eddie bringing him more food whenever he wants… forgetting the difference between want and need, because either is quickly and enthusiastically met. Now he’s out of food and he wants to pout and stomp his foot, but it won’t do any good. 
“Okay, I can—urrrp, mmmh—I can do this,” he mumbles to himself. Feels a little drunk off the tightness of his stomach and around his gut… which, as he gropes himself below the waistband, still seems surprisingly, fascinatingly doughy. Gets so lost in feeling that massive, denim-trapped roll of fat that for a long moment he briefly forgets about more, because he feels huge. He’d finished high school with a fucking six-pack and now he’s done all this to himself, struck dumb by overeating and feeling himself quiver with every burp. 
Then huge gives way, inevitably, to bigger, even bigger. Steve groans and starts trying to rock forward into standing, but, fuck. That feels good, so good that the electric shock through his system catches him by surprise. He convulses, feels a snap, then the surge of his belly set free, wonders how long it’ll be before he can’t get up on his own—and cries out as he comes hard into his briefs. 
For a moment, that’s enough. 
But then he thinks, more. Bigger. And he rocks himself to his feet, thrown off balance by how full he is yet somehow still hungry. He needs it. Has to feel totally full, has to make a pretty picture for Eddie to come home to. 
When he gets to his feet it’s with a clumsy stagger, sluggishly reevaluating his center of gravity. It sends another hot pulse through his body that makes him jiggle, but he gets the hang of it—clasps a hand beneath his freely hanging belly with a moan, because it’s a lot easier to palm than his dick right now. Laboriously gets the plates in his other hand and returns slowly to the kitchen, relishing the squelch of gross, cooling cum in his boxers with every… not step, waddle. He’s waddling now, full enough that it dominates his gait through the short walk. It makes him shudder with the still rolling aftershock of pleasure.
On a whim he starts the kitchen faucet running and reaches for the dish soap and sponge with his swollen paunch in the way, pressing unbearably into the lip of the counter until he lifts it and plops it down on top. Which makes it harder to see into the sink but takes a tantalizing amount of pressure off his lower back, and Steve bites his lip hard about that, squeezing his thighs together. His belly wobbles in front of him as he tries to scrub the dishes without losing his mind, pressing his now exposed crotch against the cabinet under the sink. 
There’s no going back, he knows. Everything that he’s doing to himself, the bulk he’s eagerly packing on and always touching, jiggling, massaging whenever he has a free moment—even at the fucking DMV, he’d caught himself a few times playing absentmindedly with himself like a stress ball. He’s not sure how he lived before this. The damage, the mindless ecstasy, is his new normal. 
He does a sub-par job on the dishes, he also knows. But whatever, he’s got a dishwasher, this was just an exercise in revving himself back up. After rinsing and drying his hands, Steve goes straight to the pantry for a couple boxes of mini donuts and bags of chips. Swings by the fridge and grabs a six-pack of cold Coke. Waddles his way back to the couch, where he plans on beaching himself until Eddie comes home, piles of after-meal snacks crammed into his stomach until he really can’t move, humping lazily into his own fat and still whimpering for more. Bigger. Make me huge, Eds. 
Make me so big I never have to go to the DMV again. Make me too big to drive, fucking steering wheel already catches on my gut, make it so I run out of room to even hope to wedge myself in. Make me too wide for doorways. Make me too huge and mindless to move except to eat and get fucked, make it impossible to tell the two apart, make, make—
Steve comes again as his soft, jiggly ass hits the couch, moaning decadently even as he scrambles to get one of the boxes open and cram three mini donuts into his mouth at once. He’s incapable of stopping himself now, even if he wanted to, because literally everything that happens to him these days is a turn-on. Moaning through a mouthful of sweet, empty calories, totally and visibly gone for it. He loves eating, loves Eddie for helping him explore this side of himself, for helping him become what he is finally free to be now that the Upside Down is gone and he doesn't have to be a hero anymore. 
A quivering fat mess, unable to close his legs with his sagging belly in the way, and loving every second. 
Steve wakes with a little snort and a jerk that puts pressure on his still tight stomach, makes him grunt. 
“There he iiis.” 
A smile blooms across his round face, even while he’s still blinking and struggling through the food coma back to full consciousness. “Eds?”
“The one and only, at your service.” His boyfriend grins and offers an elaborate bow, standing close enough to end it with a kiss at the apex of his huge middle, just under the hem of his ruined shirt. “How’s my big boy doing?”
Yawning, Steve flexes his hands where they’re still cupped under his gut. He must have fallen asleep like this, donut crumbs and powdered sugar on his lips and cheeks. A burp, however, interrupts him from licking at the leftovers as best he can. “Gotta change,” he remembers in a vague mumble, and Eddie laughs. 
“Well, yeah. Looks like it was a messy eating day.” The other man swings around to drop onto the couch next to him, unbothered by the gravitational pull from how deep Steve has sunk into the cushions. Leaning his lanky form into it, Eddie starts feeling over him eagerly. “Damn, you’re like a fucking drum, sunshine. What’s you do all day?”
Steve hums and relaxes into the gentle hands splaying over, stroking, and cradling his bulk. “Woke up, had breakfast. Fried eggs and bacon with toast. I couldn’t keep my shirt pulled down enough, the pan kept spitting and getting grease on my belly, so I had to get an apron, but.” He pouts. “I couldn’t reach to tie it very well, so I couldn't make enough. Had to switch to something else. Hope you didn’t want any of those frozen hashbrowns, because I cleared out the entire big box.”
Eddie slaps mock-sternly at his gut, sending out ripples and forcing out a burp. “Greedy boy. And then what?”
So Steve tells him about wriggling and squirming to get into these jeans after his breakfast stuffing, laying on his back and trying to suck in (not that it made a difference) until he managed to button up. How he’d picked the longest shirt he has in the size he’s almost outgrown—news to Eddie, apparently, who reaches up to trace thoughtfully around where the sleeve squeezes Steve’s emerging arm and nods with a fond smile, because yeah. Just about. 
Steve tells him about going out on his errand, how he’d had to scoot the driver’s seat back again another notch. How tight the seatbelt felt. How he’d kept catching himself absently playing with his belly, noticed people watching, and pulled his shirt down but didn’t stop. And that, sitting for his picture, his love handles fought the armrests that squeezed deliciously around him for dominance. He thinks he might have been blushing, and can’t wait until the new license comes in the mail and they get to see if it shows on his fat face. 
Then they get to the part that Steve is most excited for: the part where Eddie asks him what he ate after the DMV, and he winks and says salaciously, “Nothing.”
At which Eddie simply raises a disbelieving eyebrow before glancing down at how round he’s gorged himself. Too heavy to get up on his own maybe, though he hasn’t yet bothered to try.
“I wanted to see how long I could hold out,” Steve explains breathlessly, eyes going a little unfocused as he relives it in his head. “See how out of control I really am, you know? Like, like that dream I had the other day, with the drive-thru? Where I, mm, I kept eating my food as soon as they handed it to me and then getting back in line because I was already hungry again.”
“Remember? Sweetheart, I woke up to you huffing and puffing and painting my ass untouched in your sleep.” Eddie leans in for a kiss, nipping as he pulls away with a growl. “It’s in my fantasy rotation for whenever I spend a night away from you.”
The flush that gives Steve is heady, yet comfortable. He knows his boyfriend is crazy about him, loves to hear little unprompted tidbits about Eddie daydreaming of him while on the road. It comes at the expense of knowing that sometimes Eddie holds up in the back of the van to stick a hand down his pants while his bandmates are up front headbanging to the radio, but, well… that’s kind of hot. 
Maybe, considering the effect that eyes on him at the DMV had had on him, Steve has a bit of an exhibition thing. Just a bit. 
“Good,” he says, half about the fantasy and half in response to Eddie’s fingers trailing up and down his sides, calluses just a little rough over his soft rolls. Almost tickling, but not quite. His cock stirs in the sticky mess he’s made of his briefs. “Well, I made it all the way home. I was fucking drooling for it man, my stomach was growling like crazy for it, but I made myself get plates. Can’t reach very well anymore without getting my belly up on the counter, m-made me feel so…”
“Huge?” Eddie suggests. “Tubby? Plump? Like a total beefcake, emphasis on the cake?” Snuggling up just a bit more, lips grazing Steve’s ear because this is doing it for both of them as he breathes, “Fat?”
Steve shudders, his half-chub growing to full mast so quickly it aches. “Yeah,” he moans. “Eddie, Eds, I gotta… These pants…”
He feels Eddie’s smile against his ear, sliding down to his neck, nuzzling at the side of his double chin. “Made a mess of yourself there, too?”
“Yes,” Steve whines. Multiple times. “Gotta change, I told you…”
“You’re going to need a lot more than that, big boy,” Eddie murmurs condescendingly. He reaches under Steve’s belly—quite a feat at this point, he has to shove under and the jostle of it makes Steve rip out another series of burps, still so full—to pat his clothed dick. “You need to wash up. Think you can get up from the couch?”
“I don’t—urp—I don’t know…”
“How about up the stairs?” Eddie is kneading over him now, and Steve feels so tender but it’s good, riding on the edge of too much that he loves. “Into your bathroom? That shower stall is a tight fit these days, sunshine. Can you make it all the way down the hall to your parents’ bathroom without needing to stop for a break?”
“M-maybe.” Steve isn’t sure. His head drops back, letting out another belch followed by a moan. He’s so oversensitive, despite the impromptu nap, that he’s ramping up fast.
“You’re too big to bend over and reach the faucet. You’ll need to sit in the tub while I fill it up, unless you want to flood the place getting in. If your wide ass even still fits.” Somehow Eddie always knows the exact right thing to say to strike him dumb with want, and that mental image definitely does it. “What do you think of that, baby? Getting so big and insatiably hungry you outgrow that big, luxurious tub? It’d be a shame if we had to start hosing you off in the driveway like a car, where everyone can see just how far you’ve let yourself go.”
Steve is leaking precome, sluggishly trying to roll his hips but all he can manage is a weak rocking motion. His hand has ended up fisted in Eddie’s band shirt, holding him close as if his boyfriend has ever shied away from him for a second in their relationship. No, Eddie is always all over him, can never get enough of more Steve any more than Steve can get enough of more. And maybe that exhibition thing isn’t news to Eddie, because the thought of all the neighbors coming out to point and gawk at him, spread out for them to see while Eddie soaps down all of his rolls and folds, remarking in shocked tones on how he probably still has food or drink in one or both hands…
It’s a fantasy. Just a fantasy, he couldn’t… he can’t… But god, what a way for his parents to find out. A phone call, a photo sent in the mail like a postcard of a landmark. Actually coming home, trying to pull in the driveway only to find their son is taking up more of it than should even be possible for a guy his age—
“Oh, you like that,” Eddie comments slyly. “Think you’ve got one more in you before we lever your ass up? Then I’ll get you upstairs and help you wash up, and we’ll talk more about that later.”
Steve nods shakily, not even knowing when his eyes had slid shut. He’s trying to hold his legs even further apart, but they’re so wide. “Y-yeah. Earlier I—urrrrrrp, oh fuck, Eds, mmm. I c-came trying to get up, before. Trying to rock forward. After my fast food, before… the rest.” He cracks his eyes open to plead, “Is there anything left?”
Which is how he ends up with a can of room temperature pop held to his lips, the sticky brown fizz of Coca Cola flooding over his tongue. He gulps at it, heedless of the carbonation and how it bullies at the insides of his stomach, swelling him up to capacity and then some until he aches. His hand grasps Eddie’s on the can, urging him to tip it further, pour more into him, make sure he never stops. 
The can goes away and chips are pushed into his mouth, almost more than will fit. He chews anyway, ravenous without the hunger part, insatiable. Has to finish, have all of it, all of it, he needs— The last of the Coke, this time in his own sweaty, ham-fisted grip, almost crumpling the can trying to force it out faster, and Eddie grips both flaps of his jeans still constricting his lower fat pad and pulls.
And because he’s worn these jeans out, seams strained and the material between his thighs rubbed thin by constant chafing whenever he walks, they rip. Easily. He explodes out of them, feeling it even more keenly than when he’d popped the button, and Eddie’s thumb gets through the fly of his gross, stiff underwear and barely, barely grazes over the weeping head.
Steve comes with a roaring belch, empty can dropping and bouncing down his belly towards the floor with one final dribble lost onto his shirt and skin. He comes so hard the couch seems to groan under him, shaking in the deep divot he’s pressed into it. When Eddie stands over him and jerks himself over the edge after, he doesn’t even react because he’s a drooling mess, still trying to catch his breath. 
It hadn’t even taken much more to get to this point, he’d still been so full. So out of control that he climaxed from exploding out of the same jeans twice. 
“Good boy,” Eddie pants. He cards a hand through Steve’s now limp, sweaty hair, then uses it as a handhold to pull his lolling head up for a fierce kiss, full of the energy and desire that have temporarily bled out of Steve’s thoroughly satiated body. “So sweet for me, Stevie… Now come on, let's get you cleaned up and ready for more.”
He’s tired. So tired. But he never says no to more these days, so he allows Eddie to haul him to his feet. Helps a little bit, even. As much as it doesn’t help that his limbs are all relaxed and noodly with lingering pleasure, he’s strangely used to it. 
Everything gives him pleasure now, not just eating until he’s about to burst or getting dressed in increasingly tight clothes or running his hands greedily over his swollen body. Everything. 
Every wobble as he scrubs a plate in the sink, doing a half-assed job because he’s thinking too much about food to concentrate.
Every time he stretches to get something from cabinets and bumps his belly, or glances down and can’t see his feet. 
Every step that turns into a waddle. 
Every time he sits on or leans against something only to hear it give a desperate creak.
Every wet dream that’s inching closer and closer to reality.
Every minute, all of it, that he exists in this ever expanding body makes the most innocent tasks lascivious and the mundane provocative. He’s living in an erotic dream where he just keeps growing and growing…
And Steve never, ever wants to wake up.
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @whimsicalwadewinstonwilson @oatmilk-vampire
@wheneverfeasible @hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part twenty-three: "The Day of Phone Tag"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matt has court all day and you both keep missing each other's phone calls while trying to make plans for the evening.
You touch it. You finally touch Matt’s ass.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 3.3k
a/n: Transferring more of these over again! Enjoy this fluffy little installment! You can find the other installments for this series on tumblr here.
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Tuesday Morning
Your hands lathered the shampoo into your hair, scrubbing your scalp with your eyes closed as you showered. You were still feeling half awake despite the warm water running over you, not used to waking up and jumping in the shower instead of making yourself a cup of coffee. Having not had a chance to shower last night, too focused on finishing an article for Ellison, you’d rushed to grab one before needing to leave for the office this morning. You knew your hair would probably be a bit of a mess, not having much time to fix it once you finished showering, but you didn’t have an option. You were just hoping you’d have enough time to at least dry it so you weren’t freezing as you walked to work.
As you were about to stick your head under the spray and rinse off the soap, you heard your phone’s ringtone coming from the bathroom counter. Curious, you pulled back the shower curtain and peered around it. Matt’s name was displayed along your screen. With a sigh, you slipped back under the warm spray. You’d have to call him back when you got out and were dressed or you’d be late to work. Rinsing off your hair, a minute later you heard the telltale beep that meant he’d left you a voicemail and you hurried to finish your shower.
It was almost quarter to seven by the time you were grabbing your things and racing out of your apartment, locking up and shouldering your phone to your ear as you listened to Matt’s voicemail before heading towards the elevator.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s me. We never really finalized our plans yesterday. Were we getting together tonight? Or was it tomorrow? I can’t remember when you, Karen, and Marci were shopping for costumes.” He paused, clearing his throat as the sound of honking echoed through the message. “If you call me back soon you might catch me before I head to the courthouse. Otherwise maybe I’ll catch you during lunch recess or something. Love you, sweetie.”
As the elevator doors opened to the first floor, you smiled at the addition of the ‘love yous’ that had started popping up in the voicemails the pair of you had been leaving each other. Shifting your bag on your shoulder as you stepped out and into the lobby, you quickly dialed Matt back. The line rang a handful of times as you stepped out of your building and onto the street, being hit with the chilly October wind immediately. And then your phone went straight to voicemail. You sighed as the automated message told you Matt was unavailable. 
“Hey, Matty,” you began after the beep, walking your way briskly towards the office, “guess I missed you. My morning has sort of been off and I’m running late, but it was tomorrow I was going shopping with the girls. Which–you still haven’t told me what you’re going to the bar as and with what Foggy was saying, I’m now dying to know. You should at least give me a hint.” You swerved around a woman who was taking up way too much space along the sidewalk, shooting her a curious eye as it looked like she was doing yoga in the middle of the sidewalk dressed as a pineapple. New York City was fucking weird sometimes. “Anyway, I’m free tonight if you are. Just let me know what you want to do or who’s place you want to meet up at. Good luck with that case today and I love you, too.”
Tuesday Afternoon
“Katy,” you whined, head rolling back along your shoulders in your desk chair. “Just give me my damn phone back. I need to check that message from Matt.”
She grinned devilishly at you, your phone in her hands behind her back. Currently you two were the only ones in the office, everyone either out for lunch or chasing a lead. Which was why Katy was being exceptionally difficult right now.
“Not until I hear you promise me,” she pushed.
You rolled your eyes at her. “I am not promising you that!” you cried out.
One of her brows rose on her forehead as she shot you a very pointed look. “Seriously? You have Hell’s Kitchen’s finest ass in your bed, girl. I’m just asking you to take one little bitty bite of it. You can’t tell me you don’t want to. And I have no idea why you haven’t even grabbed it yet.”
“You really need to stop thinking about my boyfriend’s ass so much,” you told her. “That’s my ass, now.”
A wicked grin spread across Katy’s face as she stared back at you. “Then claim that ass, bitch. Take a fucking bite out of it or something. Fuck. And then tell me about how goddamn delicious it is afterwards.”
“ Katy !” you gasped out, eyes darting around the office as you prayed no one had slipped back in from lunch and overheard her.
She laughed at your discomfort and you felt your cheeks reddening. A moment later, your distinct ringtone rang out from behind her back. Katy quickly glanced down at it behind her, her face lighting up as she turned back to you. 
“Speak of the fine ass devil,” she teased. “Lover boy is calling.”
You bolted out of your chair towards her but Katy was quick, darting around the side of the cubicles. A frustrated groan flew out of you as you glared at her from across the office.
“Promise me you’ll at least grab that man’s ass,” she said, holding up your ringing phone. “Or I’ll let this go to voicemail.”
“Oh my God,” you breathed out, frustrated. “Katy, I don’t want to play phone tag with Matt all day, come on. He’s going to be back in court and I’ll have to wait hours to get ahold of him again.”
“Then promise me you’ll at least just touch that glorious butt that your man has!” Katy pressed, your ringing phone still held up in her hand. “Stop being so damn nervous–touch the butt!”
“Fuck–alright!” you agreed in exasperation. “I’ll touch his damn ass, now give me my phone!”
Satisfied, she tossed your phone across the cubicles towards you, but you fumbled catching it and it dropped to the floor. The moment you turned, about to bend over and pick it up, the call had already been sent to your voicemail. You groaned, frantically bending down and grabbing your phone. Quickly you opened your contacts and dialed him back, hoping to get ahold of him before bothering to check the messages–but to no avail. 
“Goddammit!” you cursed, ending the call.
Immediately you went into your voicemail, pulling up the message Matt had left you a little over an hour ago. You’d missed his call since you hadn’t been at your desk, too busy checking a lead yourself and having accidentally left your phone behind.
“You know I’m not telling you my costume,” Matt’s deep voice said in your ear, a light chuckle following. “Nice try though. I appreciate the effort. You’ll just have to wait until the party, like I already told you before. And Foggy is keeping his mouth shut on it, so don’t even try to get him to talk.” He sighed, his tone shifting to something softer and less amused. “I miss you. Two days without you is too long. Why don’t I grab dinner for tonight? Your place or mine, you pick. Or we could go out? We never did get around to that new restaurant after we both got sick. Whatever you want, sweetie. I’ll see you tonight, hopefully.”
You chewed your lip, wishing you could have answered any of his calls today. Two days was too long without him, he was right, and you were missing him, too. And missing his calls all day wasn’t helping. Frustrated, you played the message he just left next.
“We are not having any luck today with phone calls, are we? I just finished a quick lunch, was hoping to catch you before court is back in session but I guess I missed you again. Call me back, sweetie. Let me know about tonight. I love you.”
Exhaling roughly, you quickly dialed Matt back. The phone went straight to his voicemail as you expected. You knew he was back in court and his phone would be off until he was out again. That’s how it always was on days he had court.
“Fuck, I’m sorry I missed your calls again, Matt. That last one was Katy’s fault,” you told him in a rush. “She stole my phone. Wouldn’t give it back until I promised to take a bite of your ass and I–” you stopped short, eyes widening as Katy barked out a laugh beside you. “Shit,” you breathed out, eyes closing. “I did not mean to tell you that.”
Katy cupped a hand around her mouth, calling towards your phone, “She needs to gnaw on it like a dog with a bone! Fucking let her at it, man!”
“Katy!” you scolded, lowering the phone from your face for a moment. “Not cool!” She let out another laugh as you returned to your message. “ Anyway , I’m open to whatever you want to do tonight. Go out or stay in, whatever you’re feeling after work because I know how exhausting your day can get. And also, I’m pretty sure if I bribe Foggy with those bagels he likes, I can get him to tell me what your costume is.” You laughed lightly at the prospect–Foggy was a bagel whore. Everyone knew it. “So I uhm, I’ll talk to you later, baby–”
“Awww, he’s baby now?” Katy called out.
You shot her a pointed look. “He doesn’t need your commentary!” you harshly whispered to her. “Anyway, I love you,” you said back into your phone. “Hopefully I don’t miss the next call.”
You hung up and glared at Katy and her yogurt cup.
Tuesday Early Evening
Sliding the wet strands of hair from off of your face, you pushed open the door to your apartment building and stepped inside. Of course it had to start raining when you were half a block away and you had gotten caught in the middle of it. 
Sighing, you slipped into the elevator next to two other people, pushing the button for the fifth floor and then crossing your arms over your chest. You were starting to get cold in your damp clothes despite the heat in the building. A moment later you felt something vibrate in your pocket and your brows furrowed. Your hand darted down, slipping your phone from your dress pants pocket. Immediately your shoulders sagged when you’d realized you’d missed another call from Matt. You forgot you’d left your phone on vibrate when you’d gone into the staff meeting later this afternoon and you’d been too busy afterwards to remember to take it off. 
As you stepped out of the elevator onto your floor, you hurriedly made your way down to your apartment. Unlocking your front door, you stepped inside and pulled up your voicemail, quickly holding your phone to your ear as you kicked your shoes off.
“Well if you want a bite of my ass for dinner, I suppose we’ll just have to stay in tonight,” Matt’s amused voice said into your ear. You winced, having forgotten about the last voicemail you’d left him. “So staying in it is. I’ll grab us dinner from that sushi place and head to your place. Just got out of court for the day so I should be there soon.” You could tell he was walking, the sound of foot traffic and car traffic a bit louder in his message at this time of day. “And you can’t bribe Fog to tell you for bagels, because I already bribed him with those very same bagels not to tell you. Like I said, you’re waiting until Halloween to find out.” A beat later when he spoke again, his voice had dropped to a sultry whisper, one that even recorded was raising the little hairs along your forearms. “And I like it when you call me baby. Especially when it’s accompanied by those little breathy moans you make.”
The voicemail ended, your jaw partially hanging open at the way he’d ended it. Remembering that your clothes were wet, you set your phone down on the coffee table and made your way into your room, trying to ignore the way Matt’s voice at the end of that message had somehow worked you up a little. 
You peeled out of your wet work clothes, changing into leggings and a sweater since Matt was coming over–it was casual and comfortable but a little more dressed up than sweatpants and a sweatshirt would have been. As you were brushing through your damp hair, you heard a knock at your door. Setting the brush back down on your dresser, you quickly left your bedroom and headed to your front door.
Pulling it open, you spotted Matt holding a bag of takeout and it was obvious he had clearly gotten soaked from the rain, too. He had a big grin on his face though, apparently unphased by the drenched dress shirt and dress pants he was wearing.
“Hey, Matty, come in,” you told him, stepping aside.
“If I couldn’t already hear you in here,” he said, entering your apartment as you closed the door behind him and took the bag of food, “I’d have been afraid you wouldn’t be home with how we kept missing each other’s calls all day.”
“Yeah,” you said with a light laugh. “That was quite frustrating. Looks like you got caught in that downpour, too. You want me to grab you some dry clothes?”
“Yes, that’d be great, sweetheart,” he told you, leaning his cane against the wall by your front door as he always did.
“So how’d court go?” you asked, setting the food on your coffee table before heading back into your bedroom.
“It was long and tedious,” Matt called back to you from the living room. “The case is going into tomorrow. One of the witness testimonies dragged on for longer than expected. But it seems to be going well. For us, at least.”
You closed your dresser drawer, holding onto a pair of his sweatpants and one of his shirts. “That’s good,” you replied, turning and heading back towards your hallway. “Hopefully that means you guys will–”
You stopped abruptly at the sight of Matt in his tight boxers, his damp clothes folded and set off to the side of the room on your floor. He shot you a cheeky grin, clearly hearing your heart pick up at the sight of him. 
“Uhm, hopefully, uh, hopefully you guys will win,” you stammered out, crossing the room towards him. You cleared your throat, holding out his clothes. “I uh–here’s some dry clothes.”
The cheeky grin was still on his face as he accepted them from you, but he didn’t immediately start dressing. Instead, his head tilted a little to the side as he shifted the clothes to his left hand, holding out his right.
“Give me your hand,” he ordered.
You blinked hard a few times in response. “Uh, what?” you asked him.
“Give me your hand,” he repeated.
Uncertainty rolling through you, you tentatively placed your hand in his. The saucy little smile on his mouth only grew before he pulled your hand behind him and placed it resolutely on his right ass cheek. Your eyes widened, heart hammering wildly in your chest.
“What are you doing?” you asked him nervously.
He shrugged, taking his hand off of yours. You were too stunned to remove your hand from his ass, though.
“Figured you’ve been staring at it long enough,” he said lightly. “Thought I’d encourage you to just grab it finally.”
“I–I–” you stammered out, brain suddenly short-circuiting. 
You were grabbing his ass– finally . There was no way words were coming out of your mouth for the next thirty seconds while your brain remembered how to function. 
Matt chuckled, tossing his dry clothes onto your coffee table. “Here,” he said, grabbing your other hand and placing it onto his other ass cheek. 
Your face went red. He chuckled again before his hands snaked their way over your hips and onto your ass. Gripping a handful of your ass in each hand, he pulled you into him and you stumbled forward.
“Now I’m going to feel up your ass before I get dressed and we sit down and eat that sushi,” Matt informed you. “So you can either stand there overthinking, or you can take the opportunity to grab my ass like I know you want to.”
Biting your lip, noticing how Matt was unphased about boldly kneading your ass in his hands, your hands gave him a little squeeze–and your jaw dropped. How was it so fucking solid ? Your hands slid downwards a bit, cupping his ass, but hell, it was so large and round you couldn’t even fit an entire cheek in your whole hand. 
Matt huffed out a laugh beside your ear. “Does it live up to your expectations?” he asked.
Shyly you squeezed his ass in your hands another time, unsure when would be the next time you’d have the nerve to grab it again. And you sure as shit wanted to commit the feel of it to memory. 
“You don’t even need the suit,” you joked lightly. “I’m pretty sure a bullet would bounce off of your ass.”
A loud peel of laughter flew out of him as his hands slid off of you. Reluctantly you removed your hands from him as well.
“I don’t think I’d want to find out, sweetheart,” he told you, a large smile on his face. “Let’s have dinner though. I want to hear how your past couple of days were.”
Wednesday Morning
You slid your desk chair back from your computer, your head darting around the side of your cubicle. Katy glanced away from her monitor towards you, a spoonful of yogurt going into her mouth. She raised a curious brow as she slid the spoon back out.
“I touched it,” you whispered.
Her eyes grew wide and she quickly swallowed down the yogurt, sliding her chair towards you. “Oh my God , finally! How was it?” she asked quickly.
“It was the roundest, firmest, perkiest ass I’ve ever touched,” you whispered.
Her eyes closed as she smiled. “Fuck, I know you haven’t touched a lot of asses so that shouldn’t mean much, but goddamn I know what you’re saying,” she whispered.
“It was well worth the wait to touch,” you told her.
Her eyes opened and her brows rose up high. “Like so perky you could bounce a roll of quarters off of it?” She pointed a firm finger at your chest as she added, “Which, by the way, you should totally do.”
You grinned, nodding. “Yes. You could bounce a roll of quarters off of it.”
She playfully swatted at your shoulder as she leaned in further. “Then girl go bounce yourself off that man’s ass like it’s a fucking trampoline.”
“ Katy ,” you scolded, catching sight of Bianca shooting you both a strange glance as she walked past.
Katy laughed, leaning back in her chair and scooting back to her desk. “What?” she asked, picking her yogurt cup back up. “It’s not like you don’t want to, is it?”
You rolled your eyes at her bluntness, sliding your chair back towards your own desk. But you’d be lying if you’d said you weren’t thinking about Matt Murdock’s ass throughout the rest of your day.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Beckie had never felt so fucking turned on and powerful as she did right now. Her perfect new body felt so horny - she was impossibly beautiful, she looked more like some dream Goddess than a real woman and she loved it.
The equation had helped turn her from dweeby Rebecca into her new and more powerful form. Now she was perfect and she had diminished anyone else who could get in her way, all thanks to her skill at using the equation.
Not that she had invented the equation... the all powerful equation had been created by her best-friend Laura. It was just a shame that Laura had not been strong enough to realise the full potential of what she had discovered.
It was Laura who had translated the mathematical formulae from the old text book they'd found in the library. It was Laura who had discovered the pleasing symmetry of the equation, how it was possible to move reality about with the precision of a few well placed mathematical operators.
Beckie still remembered how turned on she had felt when she had grabbed the pen from Laura and having been taught the equation herself made use of it for the first time.
"Hey what are you doing?" gasped Laura in alarm as Beckie had written, Rebecca Jones boobs > Emily Grey's boobs.
"Relax," grinned Beckie. "We can use this equation to finally have our revenge on our bullies. It's just an added bonus that to make the equation balance out, we get to keep whatever we take from them."
Emily had the biggest tits at school, but she would no longer as the equation began rebalancing. It reduced Emily's tits and made Rebecca's bigger - ensuring that she was greater in tit-mass than her victim.
Beckie groaned as her flat chest began to swell and grow with Emily's stolen breast flesh. Her buttons popped and her bra ripped as her tits swelled up, bigger and bigger. She now had cleavage for the first time in her life and she liked how it felt. She giggled pushing her tits out proudly. "Oh fuck yeah, that feels great."
"No Rebecca," gasped Laura in shock. "I don't think we should use this equation to try and get our own back on people... it seems like a bad idea. Please don't do that again. It could be dangerous."
Beckie had just laughed and advanced on her friend, using her massive new tits to passively intimidate her. "Of course babe - I'll be careful, but there are a few more attributes that should be redistributed. If you don't want them - I'll take them instead."
Slipping the book into her satchel she had turned and headed home, her head spinning with the possibilities.
The next day at school Laura had gasped as the clip-clop of high heels had rung through the halls and the bitchiest, sluttiest, most beautiful girl she had ever seen strode confidently down the corridors.
Beckie had taken it all. She'd drained every bully - not just of their physical beauty, but their personalities and confidence as well. Beckie was now a Goddess - the combined power of every bitch from school flowed through her body. She was now the perfect expression of every spoiled girl, every bully. She had become truly evil and hot.
"Oh hey loser," Beckie had purred as she'd seen her former friend. "Maybe you were right about the equation - perhaps it is dangerous to take so much, I think I ended up as a bit of a bitch. The good news is though that soon you'll be too dumb to care. I'm going to use the equation to suck out all your intelligence and leave you as my dumb little slave."
Laura had just grinned.
"I knew you'd be too eager to use the equation and end up corrupting yourself," she smirked. "You always did lack self-control Beckie. Which is why I prepared this little trap. If you look at the equation you have used, it only balances out one way. Everything has to transfer over to me. I get to become Beckie - queen of the school and you end up as a nobody loser with no memory of these events."
The satisfied grin fell off Beckie's face as she looked down at her pages of equations and realised Laura was not lying. With a laugh of triumph, Laura spread her arms wide and moaned as she took everything from Beckie - including her identity.
Laura gasped as she grew taller, her tits swelled out and her features became Beckie's. Her tight new pussy tingled as her designer dress formed around her and the new Queen wiggled her pedicured toes inside their high heels.
The dumb and amnesiac Laura had staggered away with no memory of who she really was and what had just happened whilst Beckie strode away to begin her life as a bully and a bitch.
"Sorry loser," purred the new Beckie, "But you're not part of this equation after all..."
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Sneaking back iiiin~☆ After a period of being away o/
D-Lister Otome Powers POG? I think SO! CONSIDER:
Tim, out on patrol, things have been... tense. He's gotten Bruce back from the timeline, but it hasn't FIXED anything. Things were said. He spiraled. Trust was betrayed. He doesn't... he doesn't feel like he HAS a home anymore.
Dick feels betrayed and worried TOO. He needed Tim's support. Instead he broke down, went rouge, and nearly DIED. Didn't explain ANYTHING. Now he's drifting away from the family.
Bruce is barely recovered. His family is in pieces around him and he's pretty sure it's his fault.
So... Patrol is... Professional. Tense. Like it has been for days.
Red Robin is checking out some minor disturbance. Discovers clues that it's some INCREDIBLY naive or foolish out-of-towner who thinks they can "make a name for themselves" in America's crime capital. Idiot is going to get himself killed.
But why target a minor gaming company?
No matter, RR can handle it. He's tired, patrols nearly over. Should be quick.
The days after weeks of hurt and hypertense emotions have left him exhausted. Making mistakes he would normally NEVER make. Like going after an unknown alone. No matter how small they SEEM.
You could always be wrong.
And that KILLS.
Batman trained him better then that. Bruce, catches his plan, too late. Is blocks away. Can hear, through Tim's comms, the most terrifying sort of confidence in that opponents voice. Not fool hardy overconfidence. Not arrogance. But "I have a nasty trick that I KNOW you can't counter". Tim. Tim, get out of there! TIM!
Red Robin does not respond.
And Tim? Wakes up with a splitting headache. Too... honestly? What looks A LOT frilly, hyper feminine version of one of Drake Manor's guest rooms. But with "personal touches" added to make it LOOK like someone supposedly lives here. Too generic though. And too artfully placed. It looks like a movie set.
Where the fuck is h-*DING!*
Then a blue screen like some of the holographic screens he's seen before, pops up. "Welcome to ☆~Knights In Gotham~☆! Complete the game or be trapped forever~♡!" It reads in cutesy font.
Well that ONE way to get him out of bed. But unfortunately, it takes less then 15 minutes to confirm that he is, indeed, not in his native reality. MIGHT be drugged or hypnotized. He'll have to test. But the whole new reproductive set, suggest otherwise.
So he pokes around. Speed runs his emotional "I'm trapped, might never see my family again. No. No! I WILL escape!" Character arc/mental breakdown in the shower. Finds some pants.
Figures out what sort of game this is. It's an Otome game. Dating. Based on? His FAMILY. Fffffuck his life.
Okay, should be TOO bad right? People never get their personalities right in fan stuff. Thanks to the Bats being Cryptids. So Tim can just pretend they're other people, right?
The game world he quickly realizes, is using HIS knowledge to fill in the blanks of the massively unfinished framework. This assholes Meta powers? Can only trap him IN here. He's not in control of it. NO ONE IS. Oh, that's so much worse.
Outside? Bruce has BatDad'd panic beat downed the Otome Meta. Where is his BABY BOY!? He can't answer you unconscious, Bruce. Thankfully, Dick is observant. There us a computer on. With Tim on it. He puts two and two together. They are able to keep the power on and transfer the computer to the cave.
Meanwhile? Tim is staring down a Bruce in FULL Brucie Mask. Debating with himself. Because on ONE hand? Childhood wet dreams: Get? But on the OTHER, baggage for daaaaays. And there us no guarantee this isn't a PG title. So like? Bruce would DEFINITELY be the hardest Route, wouldn't he?
He has no idea what he's doing.
He doesn't PLAY these type of games.
He figures, since demon child DOESNT have a reason to hate him here? Probably the safest bet. Especially since he won't feel as bad manipulating a version of him. It should be fine right?
Wrong. He doesn't play these sort of games. Is unaware of how they work and what's at stake. He bungles it. Doesn't play to the troupes, gets his first Bad End. He knew just a touch TOO much, too soon, too openly. Damian's character became convinced he was either a Rouge or an Assassin. But! He got all those "heart event" thingies! Tim mentally protests!
Which is why it doesn't just cut to black, a sudden attack from behind, "Game Over".
No, Tim wakes up behind bars. In a bunker. Nicer then a prison cell, but only just. Because Damian LOVES him. But can not allow him to continue his criminal ways. So he's going to rehabilitate him. By force if necessary. And he knows, because he is not a fool, that Tim does not truely love him. But?
He can fix that too.
They have time.
Outside? Actual Damian is horrified. His feelings towards Drake are... complexe. But this?! Absolutely not! He lunges forward. Dick is trying desperately to hit the Restart. It's not working. Damian hits it HARDER. It works immediately. (They later realize only the "Route" target can restart the game)
Tim wakes up in the starting room.
This time he fuckin LOOKS UP Otome Games on a computer.
Takes a bracing shot of whiskey, because this IS Drake Manor and he knows where his parents hid the good stuff, and tries again. Gets the Neutral End. Fuck! Okay, tries AGAIN. Gets shot, Game Over. Oh god damn it!
He keeps going.
Nothing seems to be WORKING. He's getting stressed. Lonely, desperate, hopelessness trying to set in. He just... just wants to feel WARM you know? Reassured. Held. Knows he's not thinking clearly, but...
So he goes after "Brucie". He KNOWS Bruce. Knows how he picks his one night stands. Knows how to dress up just enough, just OFF enough, to not be suspicious. It's a bad idea. He knows it as he gets dressed. As he arrives. Flirts. Charms and drinks, but not too much. Let's himself be tucked under Bruce's arm. Led away.
Kon always said he was great with his mouth. From the way "Brucie" tenses, like iron under the sild of his suit, holding himself back from grabbing and being rougher then his reputation would allow? He'd say Bruce agrees. Tim certainly puts his all into it. Let's himself lose himself to the rhythm of movement. The scent of Bruce's cologne. The slide over his tounge.
Stolen moments though, aren't enough to get to everything Bruce wants.
The party ends too soon. And Tim leaves with the other guests.
Only to find himself FIRMLY in Bruce's route. The man showing up everywhere. Stealing kisses. Hands disappearing under clothes. Bruce, as he tends too, obsessed. In love. Overwhelming. Tim finally, FINALLY get a Good End.
He also gets fucked, in his bed, within an inch of incoherence, by Batman.
Yet the Game does not release him. Because it did not say "complete A Route" the realse conditions were Complete the GAME. So now Tim has to "win" the others.
All while they watch.
Because THEY are the only ones who can start a new route. Bruce absolutely could have hit that restart once the Good End popped up. Yet... he let the scene play out. Sat, alone, having sent the others to bed... and watched his son get fucked by a version of himself. Watched his son gasp and whimper, cry out and sob, in pleasure.
They each get to watch. As Tim bonds with "them". Spends time with "them".
Eventually, Tim manages the secret Harem Ending. Stumbles free into the waiting arms of his family. They rejoince. But the question remains~! What will they do know? After so long, thinking darkly that they could "do better"? That TIM deserved better then the touch of imposters? That is the question we ask! As I run out of steam and need to sleep! Thoughts?
tim's family watching as he works through all their "routes" 👀👀👀👀
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Meghan Markle is a Bully and the Proof is in the Office by u/sdowney64
Meghan Markle is a Bully and the Proof is in the Office This started as a comment on another Reddit post about Meghan Markle’s charity “work” in Canada as she popped in on yet another women’s charity that was a clapback to the Royals and specifically works to combat woman harmed by “colonialism.” 🙄 The post discussed how those organizations ruin themselves by aligning with a bully. I made a long comment but several people noted I should make it a separate post, so I am doing that here. Unfortunately I can’t link to the original subreddit post. I've said this before but I really think it needs to be said again. I am a retired auditor. I worked for an Inspector General & before that a DoD contract auditor for a total of 14 years. One thing I learned working both those jobs is when you have significant staff losses in short amounts of time, you have a toxic bully boss at the helm, 100% of the time. I also learned it in my own office, and it's why I left DoD and took a lateral transfer to the IG at a different agency. Let me repeat that: 100% of the time.In all my years of auditing, when there was a significant staff loss of 10 or more staff in less than two years, there was never, ever, ever any other reason except a horrible toxic bully boss running the show. And when an organization ignores that bully boss and doesn't remove them, they will continue to get wave after wave of staff loss. Resignations & impulsive firings, but mainly resignations.And here is the other thing I learned, which makes that statistic so glaring. Employees will rarely leave a job they're happy with, even if someone offers them more money, better benefits, better commute, or even better quality of work/life balance. It's true. The majority of employees, if they are happy in their job, will pass up better options in a new job. But when an employee is miserable and being tortured in their job, they will leave that job for less pay, worse benefits, longer commute, and things that you would think they would never give up stable employment for.Because the bottom line is, the boss makes or breaks the environment. And that is why anyone who thinks there is any other reason that Meghan & Harry can't keep staff, they are absolutely lying to themselves. I've seen it too many times to count. And it stood the test -literal testing, evidence-based testing, interviewing employees who are living through it, interviewing people who left and were MORE THAN HAPPY to say in their exit interview WHY they were leaving and where they were going and how they'd accepted less just to get the hell out of there. That is the type of boss Meghan Markle is.And while I fault Harry for a lot of things these days, he was not the OG Bully. Before Meghan, he made coffee for his staff. She put a stop to that immediately. So he was happy to co-bully, but without Meghan, there would have been no bullying and no systemic toxicity. Harry is emotional and could be petulant and rash, but overall was decent and acceptable to work for and with. Once Meghan shows up, the whole dynamic changed. Anyone who pretends otherwise and thinks she's a role model and a good person is lying to themselves.The proof of who Meghan Markle is and how awful she is as a person is sitting front and center for all the world to see in her rapid and overwhelming staff losses. It was happening at the palace, and then the proof is at Archewell, that pattern continued! Same EXACT pattern. Talking to you, Tyler Perry, and every liberal organization I would have supported until you refused to look at facts and aligned with the monster that is Meghan Markle. post link: https://ift.tt/Ov6YbJn author: sdowney64 submitted: November 22, 2023 at 02:09PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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So my vacation went a little sideways because some family decided to do shit without asking me and mess everything up which is pretty on brand for them. So I'm mad but! Here's a quick fun drabble I wrote during my free time.
"Fix this. Now."
Mai Nguyen would consider herself a strong woman with an iron resolve. She'd survived all the bullshit that came with being an Asian woman in a STEM field, especially an engineering one, and came out on top every time.
But here, staring down the leader of the Decepticons, her resolve wavered ever so slightly.
Even more so considering said leader was no longer the massive multi-story form he usually took. No, he was currently inhabiting a prototype android body, and it was at least 30% her fault he was stuck in it.
(The other 70% was absolutely Masterson's fault. She's just the fool who helped with the fuel cells and some welding.)
"Sir, we're doing everything we can, but I'm not sure how quickly we can resolve this problem," she explains. Masterson was sitting beside her, pointedly not making eye contact and staying silent. She'd whack him over the head if she could.
But considering the presence of their boss in the meeting, she knew she probably shouldn't do that.
"As previously explained, this will absolutely be temporary, just until your actual body heals up," Governor Nakamura says from where she sits beside Megatron. "Once you're body is deemed repaired enough, your consciousness will be transfered back. Until then, the Gen 9 prototype will contain you and allow you to function."
"Function?" Megatron snaps, whipping his head around to look at her. "How exactly do you expect me to function in my current state?"
Mai and Masterson flinch back but Nakamura doesn't even blink. "You can still communicate with your officers. Paperwork and the like will be transfered to smaller devices. And should battles occur, we can link your neurological system to a similar aircraft for you to utilize."
Megatron glares at her for a moment. The eyes of the Gen 9 were the only inhuman part of the prototypes, with black sclera and pupils any color the user desired. Which in this case, were ruby red. The rest of him was incredibly human, with smooth skin the color of polished mahogany stretched over synthetic muscles and metal joints and even fuel lines that popped like veins when flexed. His hair, black as onyx and brushed back with streaks of gray along his temple, was synthetic but looked like it came out of a shampoo commercial. High cheekbones and a strong jaw accompanied sharp eyes and prominent nose.
He was, like all Gen 9s, drop dead gorgeous. And incredibly pissed.
Mai could sympathize with him, kinda. Sure she'd never been yanked out of her body and into a different one, but she could imagine how rough it would be to go down in battle, bleeding out and barely alive, passing out from blood loss, and waking up in a whole new vessel much smaller than the one she's used to. Kinda.
"And how long will repairs on my body take?" Megatron asks, glaring now at Masterson.
"Medical teams estimate about three days," Nakamura answers calmly, getting him to look over at her again. "For obvious reasons, all repairs will be done by Cybertronians only."
Megatron's jaw flexes but he doesn't protest. Instead he simply nods. "Very well." He stands, towering over them all at a prominent six foot five. "Do not think for a moment that this issue is resolved. However, more pressing matters are at play. I must meet with my officers regarding this change."
Nakamura nods. "Of course. Let me--"
Before she can stand and say anything else, he's leaving, opening the door and disappearing into the hall. The governor sighs heavily as Mai and Masterson watch him go.
"Does he, uh, does he know the way?" Masterson asks.
"No, no he doesn't," Nakamura replies, standing and quickly following after him.
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
Can we just let the Greeks have their gods? Why are people so obsessed with origins proving The Theoi Aren't Actually Greek™. I don't see anyone saying "well Hindu deities aren't actually Hindu, they're not from India! They're from the Proto-Indo-Europeans so aCkTUalY they're Eurasian Gods not from the Indian Subcontinent." Seems Hellenic Polytheist/Pagan spaces are hellbent on allowing Greeks to only claim deities whose origin is in the Mycenaean Pantheon. Otherwise they aren't actually Greek they're Minoan, Hittite, Phoenician, Egyptian, general ""ANE"", Etruscan (I guess), etc— then again even the Mycenaeans are robbed of autonomy because thats just a PIE pantheon like the Hittites. It's ridiculous.
Tracing the origin of deities is pretty awesome, but when you deny a culture its deities just because you can trace their worship back in history you're plainly being disrespectful. For example, Ašratu is a chief deity of the Amorite tribe, which came to rule Babylon. Thus their Goddess became apart of the "Babylonian Pantheon" as the Daughter in Law of An. Athirat an important Ugaritic (Canaanite) deity undoubtedly shares her origin with this Amorite deity, and became a principal Goddess in the "Ugaritic/ Canaanite Pantheon". Does that mean Ašratu isn't actually Babylonian and therefore (pretending they still existed) Babylonians can't lay claim to her as part of their heritage, culture, and pantheon? Or that Athirat isn't actually Canaanite therefore (if they still existed) Canaanites can't lay claim to her as part of their heritage, culture, and pantheon? No. That makes no fucking sense— Ašratu is Babylonian & Athirat is Canaanite even if the deities have their "origins" with the semi-nomadic Amorite culture.
Since Mesopotamian Ašratu was understood to be an Amorite deity, a connection between Ašratu’s and Athirat’s origins appears to be virtually certain. Being transferred to a different culture would have led to some adaptation of the Goddess to her new culture. This should stand as a caution not to apply specific details of Ašratu’s characteristics developed in Mesopotamia to Athirat simply because the earliest records attest to the former.” [X]
The same principles goes for the Greek Gods, just because a Theos' origin, for example Zeus, can be traced back to an earlier culture—*Dyḗus from the PIE people of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe—doesn't make Zeus any less of a GREEK deity.
This "they aren't Greek" trend is strongest with Aphrodite— whose worship probably "began" somewhere in the Ancient Near East primarily Cyprus or Phoenicia. The trend is also present and increasing with Apollo who has multiple different possible "origins."
If you're so obsessed with determining that none of the Greek Gods are actually Greek pick a different tradition to worship them in. Stop using "Hellenic" and say you're a PIE polytheist or Phoenician Polytheist or whatever tradition the """original version"""" of the Theos you are worshipping comes from. If you want to be a Hellenic Polytheist don't try and negate the Theoi's Greekness. Its bafflingly disrespectful especially since Greeks still exist and this is still their heritage.
No this isn't a "folkish" post its a salty post. And it is not directed at any one person but a phenomenon that pops up and seems to be increasing and I'm annoyed with it.
-not audio proof read-
[Edit, no I'm not talking about people who use 'Greek names' in Greco-Roman, Greco-Egyptian or any other syncretic traditions. I'm specifically talking about Hellenic Polytheist/Pagans who are obsessed with the Greek Gods being non-Greek because "origins"]
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