#and mainly just want to add people to simply plural
puppydogsys · 1 year
i need someone to just like.. sit with me and talk thru my sys flip and the alters that are popping up i am simply lost and going in circles 😵‍💫
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1800pain · 11 months
Hello. As a show of my ability, I have created a private system server template for you to use. While "private" is in the name, I have included two access roles (Friend and Trusted Friend)—however I have not done any permissions for them. There is a Bot role that has permissions for them, like access to the System Setup category.
And, like the last template, only traumagenic systems can interact with this blog and use my templates. Endogenic systems and their supporters get blocked.
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Note that not every single channel is in this gif, just the ones I deemed the most important to show.
Use the template here, however do note that the announcement channel and all of the forums channels will not copy over, and you will have to add them yourself: Private System Server Template
I am okay with you editing my template for your own use. Do not redistribute as your own.
If you need any help, you can leave an ask in my inbox.
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Explanations for channels under the cut. LONG, BUT PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT TO READ.
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All forum channels are marked with a speech bubble emoji 💬 in front of them; those are channels that you will miss. The single announcement channel that also will be missing is marked with a mega emoji 📢.
#welcome - When someone joins the server, they will not see any channels, and you must give them a role so they can access this the server. You can see their welcome message here so you know someone's joined.
📢 update-status-fronting - If a switch happens, you put up a DNI, or want to otherwise warn people about your current state, you can update it here.
🔇 layout by 1 800 pain on tumblr - Feel free to delete this.
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Text channels:
#bot - This is the only channel that has "Use application commands" permissions on it. If you would like to set it on other channels, you'd have to do it manually—or you can add it to the @​everyone tag.
💬 dms - In the title, I put "[DM/GC] Channel name" under the post, then write the participants. I have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 thoughts - Headmates' thinking time. I also have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 mailbox - Essentially, I create a channel with a headmate's name and there are two tags: Read and Unread. Read means they've read the messages people leave for them, and Unread means they have yet to read them. It's a simple way to communicate with headmates who are not fronting.
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System Setup:
All servers here are unable to be chatted in; only any member with the Bot role can do that. I enjoy setting up my PluralKit work into a few separate categories:
#resources - Easy access to Simply Plural, Notion, Evernote, or various places I get PNGs to set up PluralKit profiles—things of that nature and related to it.
#pk-setup - For descriptions and things.
#pk-pfps (not in gif) - To add profile pictures and banners. I put it in its own space because it's a different type of spam, image-based spam, than pk-setup, which is mostly text-based spam.
#new-arrivals - For showing people who made their PluralKit account, mainly for documentation.
#pk-spam - Just general things that don't quite relate to the ones above; typically things like pk;r.
💬 image-resources - If you change your icons or banners a lot, this can help. I put icons/banners here with credits to the original artist, the original art, and the edited version we use in our profiles. It's tagged by Icon, Faceclaim, Banners, etc.
#pk-log (hidden, not in gif) - To store PluralKit messages. If you also would like, you can add a more general moderation bot (such as Carl-bot) to also store non-PK messages.
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#to-do: Self-explanatory; got any plans? Put them here.
#sys-chat: More general system chatter.
#sys-work: Talk about... system work.
#headmate-observations: If you notice something about your headmate—such as a positive/negative trigger, a various quirk they have, or any idea how their role works—share it here.
💬 headspace: A headspace forum to talk about headspace. More information in the image below.
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The collection of the channels that you will miss, check the images above for extended information:
📢 update-status-fronting (uncategorized)
💬 dms (in general category)
💬 thoughts (in general category)
💬 mailbox (in general category)
💬 image-resources (in System Setup category)
💬 headspace (in System-centric category)
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flagsandtags · 4 months
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intro !!
this account is ran by 2 people !! But Saturn posts the most :3
main accs:
saturn aka the starry city sys
salem aka a clucking system
You may also find all our flags on Saturn's pinterest
our stance on good faith identities
our dni list (read before following atleast.)
on this account we will post (mainly coin or recoin) flags !!
both of the owners are queer, audhd, and systems
flags will mostly be made by us but we may also share flags made by others!! these will always have proper credits. if you see your flag here and you want us to take it down please let us know!
Reminder we don't identify with every flag we post, we coin terms for everyone not just ourselves
if you would like to request a flag, please do it via asks :) they'll pretty much always be open! (and of course, we'll respond to normal questions n stuff there too)
all recoined flags will have a reason for reclaimation stated below the flag
please do not reupload our flags without permission !! u may use them in profiles without cred just dont claim to have made them :D thank you !!
do not use our dividers either, they are made by saturn
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Please don't be afraid to be specific !! We prefer when others are specific about colors and symbols !!
we dont support and will NOT do the following requests
radqueer flags
Contradicting labels (lesboy, turigirl, etc)
endo/willo/etc flags
Xeno source (that feels like your treating sources like xenogenders..)
proship/darkship/etc flags
anti xenogender xenoids
Hate speech (homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc)
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we support and WILL do the following requests
queer flags
traumagenic system term flags like roles, symptom holders, ect
recoins of endo flags (turning them into anti endo terms/flags)
recoins of good faith flags (turning them into reclaimed terms or anti good faith labels, such as lesboy being used for tmasc lesbians who DONT identify as men, but are comfortable using masculine terms)
those autistic spinterest/hyperfix flags
non humanity flags (alderhuman, otherkin, therian)
hearthome flags
pro xenogender xenoids
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"who can use your flags?" "How are we allowed to use your flags?"
You are allowed to use them in the following place
If "with credit" isn't specified it's ok to assume you aren't obligated to add credit, as long as you don't claim to have made it
- plural kit
- simply plural
- atlas duo (once it's ready)
- Tumblr profiles
- userboxes with credit
- lighthouse
- pronouns.cc
- pronouns page
- any other customizable profile websites/apps
You are not allowed to due the following
- use them as a non traumagenic "system"
- steal our flags
- repost our flags without permission given
If you find anyone using our flags in ways we don't allow, feel free to let us know in dms or an ask
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simplyaskfellowplural · 7 months
hi! Could you give me examples of using costume fronts?
like what you’d use? Because I’m at a loss and I’d love to have help!
🌞/🌑 Typing... (She/Her)
Hello! Thanks for the Question! This is relating to our most recent guide on explaining Custom Fronts and Member Profiles! This can be found here!
So! We do have some basic ideas! But it mainly boils down to what your system might need! Here are some basics to think about!:
What does your system struggle with? Would you benefit from tracking certain things? (Helps to answer especially with amnesia between headmates, or even just a smooth brain system wide)
What would be interesting to track often? If you like seeing the data in Analytics, seeing what time of day, how often you do something, would that be cool to see? Would it help?
Keep in mind stressors with how many custom fronts you can manage. Can you easily manage 20+ custom fronts without needing to reorganize? Can you barely handle 5? Find your safe spot!
Do you want to make your own icons? Do you want to primarily use the custom status for the fronts to figure out what happened? Do you want to use emojis to signal more easily what's happening? (An example would be a "Out and About" Custom Front, within the description, you have the biking emoji, Walking emoji, dog emoji, air emoji, all of these signal "I'm walking the dog"/"I'm going on a bike ride", and so on!)
Do you benefit from letting others know what's up? If you're doing something specific is it helpful for your system only? Or maybe it could be a fun status to help other people who you might have invited to look at your account. Like a Sleeping Custom Front, or a Busy custom front.
What privacy settings are important? With it being limited right at this moment, what's extremely important? Do you need to separate some custom fronts into two different ones so they display different information depending on who's allowed to see it? Do you not care who sees it? Is no one allowed to see it?
What is important to those in your system?
There are a lot of cool things you can try! And definitely don't stress yourself out! Here are important reminders we tell ourselves if we need to reorganize:
We use certain custom fronts for certain reasons, get to the root of why it's important, and reevaluate it's importance and if you can keep it, scrap it, or turn it into something new.
What do we need to think about with our data? What do we need it to do for us? Do we want the comfort of pressing a button and that gives us the confidence to actually commit? Is it the validation that others see our front update? Or is it literally just something we want to do?
We need to make sure it's accessible for us to use, and for others to know what it's there for if we let people see it.
All of these questions have continuously helped us center ourselves. We definitely love using custom fronts for ourselves and they help dramatically.
Now! For inspiration we personally can share these custom fronts:
Sleeping, Waking Up, Fronting Notes, Social boundaries (All separated by Please interact to Do not Disturb), Memory Loss, Dissociation, Derealization
Everyone in front (so you don't have to tediously add every single person into front, helps for bigger systems like us!)
No one in front
Little(s) in front (helps if you don't allow your littles to be seen but it's important people at least are aware)
Member Forming (helps track when members formed!)
That's the custom fronts we are comfortable sharing! And if you want more inspiration or ideas, here's a link to an Imgur group of screenshots from another system that helpfully compiled their custom fronts for ideas! There are also Custom Emojis you can easily download and use for custom front and even member profile images! Simply Searching up blackholeemojis (not tagging as we're unsure if they don't like being tagged) on Tumblr can help you get started looking into Custom Emojis!
For other Questions / Advice check out our List!
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natycupcak3 · 20 days
NatyCupcake's Tumblr Blog's very long "about me"
Hello all beings from Tumblr! I am Naty. I am 18 years old as of the date I am writing this. My pronouns are they/she, plus a list of neos I've yet to decide on... I am Brazilian, therefore English isn't my first language. I identify as a transgender non-binary xenogender person! (if you do not know what xenogender is, click here.) I have created this blog mainly to interact with the Pop-Culture Pagan community that seemingly resides mainly in this site, as well as witches and pagans in general. I am a Poképagan, which means I am a Pagan that believes Pokémon spirits/deities exist in this world and we are available to work with them as spirits/deities in a pagan context. For example, at this moment I work with The Creation Trio (Arceus, Dialga and Palkia), Jirachi, Solgaleo, and soon Xerneas. I have an altar set for the five and I will add Xerneas as well to the altar whenever I have stuff for her. My Pokémon altar is made of the cards of said pokémon, dolls/figures of said pokémon, and crystals. For example, for Arceus I gave a Jade/Jadeite, inspired by the movie "Arceus and The Jewel of Life" where the Jewel of Life is, well, a Jade (at least as far as I can remember). Don't think I'll post pictures of my altar immediately in here, if i do... I'm just a bit scared bad stuff will be sent my way, I apologize :,) I am very much a baby witch, as well as in the broom closet. I am able to light some incense and do some stuff with candles from time to time, as well as some simple protection spells, but nothing else, pretty much. I would love to change that sometime though! I am very interested in tarot, even owning a pokémon themed tarot deck I bought from Etsy! I brushed it off telling my parents they were just normal pokémon cards. They don't seem to mind my altar either. So, I'm alright! Hehe Now, for non-spiritual stuff: I love to draw and listen to music! I am a furry artist and I've been in the fandom for around 9 years. My favorite music genres are J-Core, Speedcore, Drum n Bass, EDM, Vaporwave, etc. Basically just electronic music. I also really love anime, my favorite genre is magical girls/mahou shoujo! My favorites are Cardcaptor Sakura and the Precure franchise. My favorite Precure Seasons are Go! Princess, Mahou Tsukai, Smile, and Tropical Rouge. Something I should also mention is that I am a system and otherkin. I am a disordered system (OSDD-1a). Other mental stuff i have going on is autism, ADHD and BPD, so please do be patient with me! As for my otherkind (is that the correct conjugation? hehe) I am fictionkin and a therian. I have a ton of fictotypes, but my theriotype is a golden tiger. I can't remember the exact kind of tiger, but it's probably a siberian one. I will use singular and plural pronouns exchangeably, so do not correct me, please. For the serious stuff: DNI if syscourse participant, anti otherkin/therian, basic DNI (can't think of anything else to put in here... if in doubt, ask). I am planning on using this blog for digital altar stuff, as in reblog/post things of the pokémon deities i work with such as images/gifs, prayers, offerings, etc. Although if I don't post for a long time, don't worry! I simply forgot to post or don't have any energy to, and it snowballs until i completely forget about this app- but please don't worry! ... Well, if you do worry or just want to be friends, do add me on Discord! My username is the same i use everywhere (natycupcake). I am in there every day and I'd love to meet fellow pop-culture pagans or just people who want to be friends with me! :D That is all, people! Gods, that was long. Thanks for reading it all if you did! ;P Until we meet again~
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selfcarecollective · 2 years
Welcome to Selfcarecollective
This is a redone because we did the previous one at ~1Am lollolol
If any of you want, our SP (Simply Plural) is Selfcarecollective
1. DNI
2. Boundaries
3. What tags mean
4. How our posts work/content warnings, and our personal trauma,
5. Our system workings
6. Systemmates Introduction master post link
7. End
Our DNI right off the bat:
- Anti-Endo/Anti-anything other than DID/OSDD
- People who think they know us IRL
- People who use r/Systems cringe, used old KF and or use the new website for KF
- People who support anyone who's been rightfully called out and wasn't forgiven broadly, and specifically Cloud.city.skyline, or Stuffwithbits
- People who support and or are a proshippers, z**phila
- Should be obv. But anyone who is anti-lgbt, anti-xenogender, anti-ageregression
Our personal boundaries:
- We do not post our face in the case of our post getting picked up by any cyberbullying platforms. (Ex; reddit, KF, Etc)
- We only post basic information and never share our trauma UNLESS it's a vent/rant, of we know you personally.
- We will offer advice if asked.
- We align ourselves neutrally with diagnostic criteria and personal experiences. Something might be said to not happen, but within systems, we might have seen it happen. And since we rely on firsthand experiences, that will be what we rely on.
- We don't post hate comments, but if we do get comments that are Anti-Endo, we will screenshot, block if able, and if not we will just delete. We quite literally don't care about the anger towards us, interacting is just giving us more to add to our hate comments folder. (We do in fact have a hate comments folder.)
- Most of our collective prefer Headmates, some like alters, some kind of like system mates. Regardless, never use the term "parts" for us. We do use "Core" for our Ex-Host Kyst, and possibly others. Because it fits for us, but this might not be the same later.
How our tags work:
Every person has an emoji or combination of emojis that's related to them and how they identify themselves.
- Name + emoji(s)
~ This person is in the post, whether that be just in the front while the post was being made, or actually in the post. Mainly used to just find broad participation
- Emoji(s) alone
~ This person has typed in a part of the post or made the post themselves. Used to find when someone is actually speaking.
When people make posts relating to triggering topics, the posts will start with a TW/CW and will include the subjects. The tags will also include these tw/cw
Our personal trauma subjects related to Religious Trauma, SA, Emotional/physical aB*$e (*u, s) and so on. Other people in our system are maybe indifferent to the trauma, or see it a debilitating to remember and get hurt by the most soft trigger.
Within our system collective, we have 5 sidesystems that make up our collective. We discovered our collective in 2020, and actively supported ourselves in 2021.
Our collective is named Self-Care Collective
Our sidesystem names are Self-Care System, Fantasy System, Auteur System, Loner Group, Lost Kingdom System, and Roamers.
Our collective is Polyplex, Multigenic, and TraumaEndo.
Self-Care System: Adaptive, Peiragenic (TW, S3w3r$l!d3/S*****e), Personagenic
Fantasy System: Endogenic, Parogenic
Auteur System: N/A
Loner Group: N/A
Lost Kingdom System: Pregenic, (Also Traumagenic)
In truth, Fantasy System was created by Tulpamancy by our Ex-Host Kyst before he understood the drama within the term and where it came from. That current 3 members that make up Fantasy System reject Tulpamancy and prefer to use Parogenic.
Loner Group was created for members that don't want to be apart of the major systems (S-C, AS, FS).
Lost Kingdom has deemed themselves closed for new members. And they have their own trauma as the Pregenicy, they have memories of passing away before forming to our collective.
This is a master post of any introductions our system mates make:
That's pretty much it!
Thanks for reading!
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Come Together - Little Movie Star Chapter Five (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter 
Summary: It was finally time to meet the Padalecki’s. What if they did not like you? You were expecting a lot of things but you certainly were not expecting this. Were you dreaming? You had to be.
Words: 1,912
Warnings: language, Jared being a hugger (you’ll understand why I put it here), being uncomfortable, scared of having to go back, surprises, kinda a filler chapter but important for the future of this story
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Tonight, the Padalecki’s were coming over. When Jensen broke the news to you, you were excited but equally nervous. Danneel drove the kids over to their grandparents so they would not disturb you during dinner. Not that they ever annoyed you. The exact opposite, actually. You loved having them around. But you were supposed to focus on Jared & Gen tonight.
The thought of them getting to know you scared the shit out of you. They were the Ackles’ best friends, after all, & you wanted to leave a good first impression behind. It took you some time to figure out what you wanted to wear for dinner. It would be held at home so you did not have to overdress but at the same time, you found dressing nicely to be convenient. After changing your outfit one too many times, you settled on a simple look. While it was nothing special, you did feel confident in it. And confidence was definitely something you needed later today.
Spending hours in the bathroom was not planned, it simply happened. You wanted to look perfect. Danneel had told you that there was no need to worry, that they would love you just as you were. Being a fan of them for a long time, you knew they would never judge you by they way you looked. It just was not in their nature. Still, it could not hurt to put effort into your look, right?
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When you woke up today, the first thing you did was checking your phone. You knew you should not but sometimes you felt the need to. By now, everyone knew about you. And while the hate comments were becoming less & less, some days, you only noticed the negative responses. Of course, the media had picked up on the fact that you were a new person they could write about. There was not much to report about you, though. Some paparazzi had shot a few pictures of you over the time of you living in Austin. At first, you were creeped out by the idea of being watched 24/7. Now, you were dealing with it way better. When you were seen with Jensen, you posed for the pictures & it was fun to mess with them, really. Besides your first Instagram post, you had been quiet on social media. The hate wave still needed some time to die down & you did not want to add fire to the flame by posting more stuff about your new life. Surprisingly, the articles that had been written about you were mainly positive. Of course, a couple of them were looking for drama but because of your silence on social media, there was not much they could write about.
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Walking out of your room after checking your look in the mirror for the hundredth time, you saw that you still had an hour left before they would be coming by. You could ask Danneel if you could help in the kitchen. She had insisted on making the main dish while the Padalecki’s would bring over dessert. Danneel heard you walking in & gasped when she turned around to look at you.
“Wow, (Y/N). You look gorgeuous.” blushing at her words, you thanked her.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” walking over, you could already smell the delicious dish Danneel was preparing.
“You could set the table if you don’t mind?” she asked you & you immediately got to work, grabbing everything necessary to put on the table.
Hey, Dee?” you were at a point where calling her by her nickname did not make you uncomfortable anymore. Yet, if you had to be fully honest, being in Jensen’s presence calmed you more. Comparing your relationship to the beginning, though, the both of you had improved by a lot. And you were grateful that your trying was not for nothing.
“What’s up?”
“Where’s Jensen? Shouldn’t he…I don’t know, be here already?” you knew he was not the person to be late, especially not for something as important as this. Okay, it was just dinner but he was aware of your nervousness even days before. Danneel informed you that he was at the Padalecki’s house & would arrive right in time with them. Okay, good. At least he did not forget about it.
Ever since you had arrived in Austin, Jensen’s filming schedule was all over the place. The crew wanted to give him more time with you & the change in his life. This ended up in him flying back & forth from Vancouver to Austin almost every couple of days. It was exhausting & you had reasoned with him to focus on his work entirely, that you guys would be okay here. But nope, Jensen wanted to be there with his family & you appreciated his efforts a lot. A lot of weekends, he was at conventions all across the country but he always managed to stop by & spend time with you all. He was great.
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There was knocking on the front door & you knew it was them. Danneel asked you to get the door & you were silently preparing yourself. You had multiple conversations in your head & hoped that one of them would be fitting. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door. Damn, you knew Jared was tall but he was tall. You were pulled into a bone-crashing hug before any words were exchanged. Right, you knew Jared was a hugger, you had seen enough videos of him admitting that. Still, you were getting used to physical touch & his hug did more bad than good. You hated yourself for feeling that way, there was no need to be scared of hugs.
“Easy, pal. Let her go.” Jensen rescued you by tapping Jared’s shoulder. It was as if he suddenly remembered that you actually were not one for hugs. Pulling away abruptly, he scratched the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry…” he quietly apologized. “I’m Jared. It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/N).” you could not stay mad at him, the look in his eyes & his smile was enough to forget the uncomfortable hug immediately.
“It’s no problem & likewise, Jared.” stepping out of the doorway to let them in, Gen came into view & she smiled sweetly at you. Not making the same mistake as Jared, she simply shook your hand.
“Hi (Y/N), I’m Gen. You look pretty.” would you ever stop blushing whenever someone gave you a compliment? You were not sure but it was something you could work on, you thought.
“Thank you. It’s good to see you.” keeping your nervousness at bay, you were proud when your voice did not crack. If you acted like this the entire evening, you would be fine.
Jared & Gen walked into the house to greet Danneel & Jensen stopped you before you could follow them. Facing him, you gave him a confused look, not knowing what he wanted from you.
“I’m sorry about Jared. I told him you weren’t one for hugs but that jerk doesn’t listen very well.” Jensen felt bad that the first interaction between you guys was uncomfortable for you.
“It’s fine, Jensen, really. I knew he was a hugger.” a laugh escaped you, one that eased him a little. Now he could tell you were not mad at what happened. It could only get better from now on, right?
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Dinner went by fast. It was easy to talk to them & while they did ask you a lot of questions, they were never uncomfortable. They knew where the line was that  should not be crossed. At least for the time being.
“So, (Y/N).” Jared started.
“I heard a rumor that you’re a fan of Supernatural?” he gave you a smile that showed you that he knew the answer to that question already. You nodded your head.
“Started watching about three years ago.“
“That brings me to my next very important question. Who’s your favorite? Sam or Dean?” oh, he did go down that road, great. You could feel Jensen’s eyes on you & Jared was looking way too confident. Honesty was important, right? Well, then you might as well confess.
“Actually…Cas is my favorite.” you admitted. Both, Jared & Jensen, gasped & acted as if the world just ended. You laughed at their antics. They could be such children.
“That’s my girl.” Danneel spoke up & high-fived you. Yeah, you could get used to that group of people.
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Danneel & Gen left Jensen, Jared & you alone, knowing what they were about to tell you. Jared had brought you a little gift. It was one of his hoodies from the newest “Always Keep Fighting” campaign. The one with the “Family Has Your Back” logo. After thanking him, you immediately put it on, loving how it fit you. It was a little too big on you but that made it even comfier.
“We have to tell you something.” Jensen started. Oh no. Usually, when people from your past started a conversation like this, you were sent back the next day. Wait…Would they really do that? After everything?
“O-okay?” hiding your nervousness was not possible anymore. Jared noticed you trembling hands & eased your mind before you got the wrong impression.
“Hey, it’s alright. It’s a good thing, I promise.” again, Jared’s smile had an effect on you. Maybe it was because he was so empathetic.
“Remember when you told me that you enjoyed acting a while ago?” Jensen continued after you nodded, “I managed to get you two auditions. They are online, so I can be there with you this entire time. That is, of course, only if you wanna do this.” your eyes widened at his words. Had you heard him right? He got you auditions? Plural? That was literally one of your biggest dreams.
“So?” Jared asked when you were silent for a few seconds. You just needed time to process everything. But holy shit. Of course you wanted to do this!
“I’d love to! What are the auditions for?”
“One is for being a main character in season 13 of Supernatural & the-“ Jensen was cut off.
“WAIT WHAT?! You’re kidding, right?”
“He so isn’t kidding.” Jared chimed in.
“And the second one?” everything was too much right now. How could you possibly deal with this information without freaking out?
“A role for the next Avengers movie.” Jensen finished. Yeah, sure, why not?
“How? How did you get these auditions for me?” you were shocked to say the least. What was happening?
“We do have some connections.” Jared winked at you & this time, it was you who pulled the both of them into a hug. Jared looked surprised while Jensen just smiled. He appreciated whenever you initiated physical touch, knowing it was not easy for you.
After the talk, Danneel & Gen joined you guys again & you excitedly told them about your upcoming auditions. That was so foreign to you. Having upcoming auditions. Even though they made sure that you understood that they could not guarantee anything, you were more than grateful that they even got you this opportunity. Supernatural & Marvel, both fandoms you loved wholeheartedly. And now you had the chance to be play an actual part if everything worked out. And how you hoped it would. Your life had changed so much lately & it could change even more now.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter 
Published (04/17/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth​, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121​, @samsgirl93���, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​, @sergantbuckybarnes​ (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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blogwonderwebsites · 6 years
Nature Growth Has Lifted Counties That Voted for Trump. Mostly, It’s the Wealthy Ones.
Nature Growth Has Lifted Counties That Voted for Trump. Mostly, It’s the Wealthy Ones. Nature Growth Has Lifted Counties That Voted for Trump. Mostly, It’s the Wealthy Ones. http://www.nature-business.com/nature-growth-has-lifted-counties-that-voted-for-trump-mostly-its-the-wealthy-ones/
President Trump’s economy has left the most distressed swaths of the country waiting for their share of the good times.
“You could feel things getting better and better,” said Tom Hughes, a homebuilder in St. Charles County, Mo., describing how his business began to rebound from the recession over the last few years.
ST. CHARLES, Mo. — The prosperity is apparent on the way into town: the 21-floor casino resort and spa on one side of the interstate, and on the other a freshly built retail quarter of boutiques, a brand-new Hilton hotel and a P.F. Chang’s. It unfolds from there along the highways heading west with more gleaming office parks and multiplying subdivisions.
This is not the Trump country of the popular imagination, the land of shuttered plants and the economically left behind. St. Charles County, in the suburbs northwest of St. Louis, has had the highest median household income in Missouri for several years.
But in 2016, Donald J. Trump won the county by 26 points, and he is still popular among people like Tom Hughes, a homebuilder whose business was rebounding from the recession before Mr. Trump took office.
But, Mr. Hughes said, “Now there’s an optimism that I haven’t seen, maybe ever.”
Mr. Trump rode to office in part by promising economic revival to sputtering towns across America. Economic growth has accelerated since he took office, from the final year of President Barack Obama’s administration, and Mr. Trump frequently claims credit for it.
But the growth under Mr. Trump has not helped everywhere. It has lifted wealthy areas, like St. Charles County, which were already growing before he took office. And it has left the most economically troubled swaths of the country, the ones that Mr. Trump promised to revitalize, waiting for their share of the good times.
The divide is pronounced between the high- and low-income counties that helped deliver Mr. Trump the White House.
The most prosperous Trump-supporting counties — as ranked by the Economic Innovation Group, a think tank in Washington focused on geographic disparities in the American economy — added jobs at about a 2 percent annual rate in 2017. The least prosperous Trump counties, which the group calls “distressed,” did not add any new jobs, on net. As a group, the distressed counties saw more businesses close than open in 2017, and they lost population over the course of the year.
St. Charles County, which sits in the most prosperous slice of American counties, saw job growth of nearly 2 percent last year, and business growth of 6 percent. By contrast, about 200 miles north in Illinois, Knox County ranks in the bottom fifth of prosperity nationwide, according to the Economic Innovation Group’s rankings. It flipped in 2016 from supporting Mr. Obama, a Democrat, to Mr. Trump, a Republican.
A housing development in St. Charles County.
The county has the highest median household income in the state of Missouri.
A new commercial development in St. Charles County, where the poverty rate is less than half the nation’s.
A new development advertised on a construction fence. The area was growing before President Trump took office.
In Mr. Obama’s final year in office, according to data from the Labor Department, Knox County lost 1 percent of its jobs and businesses. In Mr. Trump’s first year, it lost more than 5 percent of its jobs — and nearly 7 percent of businesses.
Knox County also continues to see higher unemployment than the nation as a whole. Its unemployment rate was 4.7 percent in July, down only slight from its rate of 5 percent in July 2017.
The people in Knox County, at least those who have stayed, have seen factories close up and move to Mexico or Mississippi. They have seen wages stagnate and young people leave. And in 2016 the residents, or enough of them at least, thought Mr. Trump might be able to turn things around.
“There’s always that hope,” said Johnny Holland, 40, on his way to work at Target in Galesburg, the Knox County seat. “It’s a gamble,” he said of his vote. “Nothing’s changed yet.”
Republicans nationwide remain optimistic that economic improvement over the next year will leave their families better off, according to polls conducted for The New York Times by the online research firm SurveyMonkey. That is true for high earners, lower earners and the middle class alike. The best predictor of optimism is not income level, the polls suggest. It is the fervor of support for Mr. Trump.
But there may be a more complicated dynamic: a difference between places like St. Charles, which mainly want government to get out of the way, and places like Knox County, which are looking for rescue. While many in St. Charles give Mr. Trump only partial credit for a boom that preceded his arrival in office — and most of that for simply not messing it up — Trump supporters in hard-hit Knox are still holding out hope that he can turn things around.
Brian Ledbetter at his home in Knox County. “The jobs going away is what tore this county apart. Jobs might bring it back,” he said.
St. Charles has prime geography, with available space near railroads and highways, and close to a major city at the center of the country. Local leaders have been zealous recruiters of business. The county has landed aerospace contractors, IT companies, small manufacturers and operations centers for corporations, including Mastercard. A huge Amazon distribution center is coming next year.
Like suburban counties everywhere, St. Charles was gut-punched by the recession — Mr. Hughes’s business went from 173 employees to five. But growth picked up again around 2012, and in the last few years started into overdrive.
“Investors held off for a long period of time, and eventually they just decided that the economy was going to be solid for a while,” said Greg Prestemon, president of the Economic Development Center of St. Charles. “That certainly has happened under the Trump year-and-half. But also before that.”
Mr. Trump came to St. Charles last November to rally supporters for his signature tax law as it was speeding through Congress. He boasted that it would be great for construction workers and other middle-class Americans, and that his wealthy friends hated the plan.
Mr. Prestemon said the tax cuts were broadly welcomed here, though they did not appear to be driving major business decisions. “I haven’t heard anybody say, ‘Now, that this has happened, I’m going to make a $5 million investment,’” he said.
St. Charles is a stalwartly Republican county in any year. Federal bailouts saved two of the biggest employers, Citigroup and General Motors, in the teeth of the recession, and stimulus funds paid for most of a critical highway project. But when Washington’s involvement regards regulations, conservatives in the county have bristled.
Tariffs Mr. Trump has imposed on certain imports — and retaliatory tariffs levied by countries such as China on farm goods and a wide variety of American exports — have been somewhat disquieting, given the county’s significant agriculture business.
But many local Trump supporters said they trusted the president had a worthy long-term goal, even if it involved some short-term pain. And they appreciated his efforts to roll back regulations.
“It’s truly his economy, I don’t care what anybody says,” said John Haake, an Ayn Rand-quoting conservative sitting in the conference room of his laser technology shop. After the 2016 election, “a whole euphoria was going through the business community.”
In Knox County, a three-and-a-half-hour drive up the Mississippi River, that confidence is harder to come by. Once a redoubt of solid union manufacturing careers, the county was pummeled by plant closings from the 1980s until the early 2000s. Most brutal was the shuttering of a Maytag factory in 2004 that employed around 5,000 people, leaving a giant warehouse that still sits “Available,” as a banner pleads to passing drivers.
A gas station in Knox County, Ill., which ranks in the bottom fifth of prosperity nationwide.
In 2017, Knox County lost more than 5 percent of its jobs — and nearly 7 percent of businesses.
A shuttered grocery store.
Trump supporters in Knox County are still holding out hope that he can turn things around.
“This town’s really gone downhill,” said Brian Ledbetter, 45, who works at the state prison across from the old Maytag factory. That trajectory is why he, along with nearly 60 percent of the county, voted in 2008 for Barack Obama. Mr. Obama visited Galesburg multiple times in his political career; he spoke of its struggles in his star-making 2004 speech at the Democratic National Convention and mentioned it again in his 2010 State of the Union address.
But nothing happened. And in 2016 Mr. Ledbetter, along with a narrow plurality of voters in Knox, voted for Mr. Trump.
“The one thing he kept keying on was bringing jobs,” he said. “The jobs going away is what tore this county apart. Jobs might bring it back.”
Had anything changed here since 2016? No, he said. Not yet. But it would take time, he said, and the fact that the economy elsewhere, in wealthier places, is doing so well means the benefits would eventually trickle down to here. “They can only build so much,” he said.
Knox County officials say they have stopped looking for deliverance in the landing of a Maytag-size factory, a “moonshot,” and frankly they are a bit tired of hearing about those years. They said the future is in smaller manufacturing companies, new industries and local entrepreneurs, anything that would keep the brightest young people from leaving, as they almost all do. Officials see signs of a turnaround in the flurry of new retail — a Kohl’s, a Love’s travel station, a Kay Jewelers — in the bustling boutique restaurants downtown and, for the first time in many years, in a haul of tax revenues in Galesburg that outpaced city expenses.
“There’ll be a group of people always that want to go back to the good old days of the 1920s or the 1880s or whatever,” said John Pritchard, the mayor of Galesburg, who insists that the Labor Department figures about Knox County are simply wrong. “But the reality is I think most people are feeling better about how things are moving. It’s just a challenge to keep people here.”
Marisa Miller, 23, who plans to be a physician assistant, was sitting in her car in the vast parking lot of the old mall, where the last department store was having an out-of-business sale. Her parents worked at Maytag and her grandparents worked at the Butler factory that closed down in 2005.
“Honestly we’re bringing new places here,” she said of the stores opening in the other parts of town. “But we’re seeing other places leave.”
Ms. Miller said she was not surprised that economic revival had not yet washed over her town. She hadn’t expected Mr. Trump to bring one in the first place, she said. The only thing that had changed since the election seemed to be that certain people around town were angrier. As soon as she can, Ms. Miller said, she plans to leave town herself.
Jim Tankersley covers economic and tax policy for The New York Times. @jimtankersley
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/03/us/trump-economy-missouri-illinois.html | http://www.nytimes.com/by/campbell-robertson, http://www.nytimes.com/by/jim-tankersley
Nature Growth Has Lifted Counties That Voted for Trump. Mostly, It’s the Wealthy Ones., in 2018-09-03 18:49:53
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battybat-boss · 6 years
Big Pharma Cannot Explain Why People with Very High LDL Cholesterol Have No Cardiovascular Disease and Live Long Lives
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Very high LDL and no cardiovascular disease – at all!
by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick DrMalcolmKendrick.org
If your hypothesis is that all swans are white, the discovery of one black swan refutes your hypothesis. That is how science works. Or at least that is how science should work. In the real world, scientists are highly adept at explaining away contradictions to their favoured hypotheses. They will use phrases such as, it's a paradox. Or, inform you that you didn't measure the correct things, or there are many other confounding factors – and suchlike.
Anyway, accepting that the finding of someone with a very high LDL level, and no detectable atherosclerosis, will always be dismissed – in one way or another – I am still going to introduce you to a 'case history' of a seventy-two-year-old man with familial hypercholesterolaemia, who has been studied for many, many, years. Try as they might, the researchers have been unable to discover any evidence for cardiovascular disease (CVD) – of any sort.
In the past, I have spoken to many people with very high LDL and/or total cholesterol levels who are CVD free, even in very old age. The mother of a friend of mine has a total cholesterol of level of 12.5mmol/l (483mg/dl). She is eighty-five, continues to play golf and has not suffered from any cardiovascular problems.
However, none of these people had been studied in any detail. Which means that they can, and are, dismissed as irrelevant 'anecdotes'. Yes, the widely used and highly exasperating phrase that I often encounter is that 'the plural of anecdote is not data'. This, of course, is completely untrue, or at least it is untrue if you start dismissing detailed individual cases as anecdote.
Whilst an anecdote may simply be a story, often second hand, a case history represents a painstaking medical history, including biochemical and physiological data. In reality, the plural of case histories is data. That is how medicine began, and how most medical breakthroughs have been made. We look at what happens to real people, over time, we study them, and from this we can create our hypotheses as to how diseases may be caused and may then be cured.
So, a single case is NOT an anecdote, and cannot be lightly dismissed with a wave of the hand and a supercilious smirk.
In fact, the man who is the subject of this case history has written to me on a few occasions, to tell me his story. I have not written anything about him before, as I knew his case was going to be published, and I did not want to stand on anyone's toes. With that in mind, here we go.
The paper was called 'A 72-Year-Old Patient with Longstanding, Untreated Familial Hypercholesterolemia but no Coronary Artery Calcification: A Case Report.'
The subject has a longstanding history of hypercholesterolemia. He was initially diagnosed while in his first or second year as a college student after presenting with corneal arcus and LDL-C levels above 300 mg/dL [7.7mmol/l]
He reports that pharmacologic therapy with statins was largely ineffective at reducing his LDL-C levels, with the majority of lab results reporting results above 300 mg/dL and a single lowest value of 260 mg/dL while on combination atorvastatin and niacin. In addition to FH-directed therapy, our subject reports occasionally using baby aspirin (81 mg) and over-the-counter Vitamin D supplements and multivitamins.
In the early 1990s, our patient underwent electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) imaging for CAC following a series of elevated lipid panels. Presence of CAC (coronary artery calcification) was assessed in the left main, left anterior descending, left circumflex, and right coronary arteries and scored using the Agatston score.
His initial score was 0.0, implying a greater than 95% chance of absence of coronary artery disease. Because of this surprising finding, he subsequently undertook four additional EBCT tests from 2006 to 2014 resulting in Agatston scores of 1.6, 2.1, 0.0, and 0.0, suggesting a nearly complete absence of any coronary artery calcification. In February of 2018, he underwent multi-slice CT which revealed a complete absence of coronary artery calcification.
So, here we have a man who has an LDL consistently three to four times above 'average'. He had tried various LDL lowering agents over the years. None of which had done anything much to lower LDL. Therefore, his average LDL level over a twenty-year period has been 486mg/dl (12.6mmol/l.
Despite this he has absolutely no signs of atherosclerotic plaque, in any artery, no symptoms of CVD and is – to all intents and purposes – CVD free.
What to make of this? Well, I know that the 'experts' in cardiology will simply ignore this finding. They prefer to use the 'one swallow does not a summer make' approach to cases like this. For myself I prefer the black swan approach to science. If your hypothesis is that a raised LDL causes CVD, then finding someone with extremely high LDL, and no CVD, refutes your hypothesis.
Unfortunately, but predictably, the authors of the paper have not questioned the LDL approach. Instead, they fully accept that LDL does cause CVD. So, this this man must represent 'a paradox'.
And just in case you believe this is a single outlier, something never seen before or since, let me introduce you to the Simon Broome registry, set up in the UK many years ago to study what happens to individuals diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). It is the longest, if not the largest, study on FH in the world.
It has mainly been used as one of the pillars in support of the cholesterol hypothesis. However, when you start to look closely at it – fascinating things emerge. One of the most interesting is that people with FH have a lower than expected overall mortality rate – in comparison to the 'normal' population. Or, to put this another way. If you have FH, you live longer than the average person.
Read the full article at DrMalcolmKendrick.org
See Also:
Statin Scam: People with Higher Cholesterol Live Longer than People with Low Cholesterol
Japanese Research Exposes Statin Scam: People with High Cholesterol Live Longer
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customessay123 · 7 years
American history periods essay
seek Topic:\n\nThe impact of the colonial earned run av eonge, the the Statesn variation and the civic fight farther or soe on the historic discipline of the f either in States of the States.\n\n shew Questions:\n\nWhat was the beguile of the colonial the States period for the whole Ameri croupe register? Did the the Statesn transmutation contri onlye to the development of the Statess society? How did the swell-behaved troth histori chaty do action present-day(a) America?\n\ndissertation Statement:\n\nFor thousand large number atomic number 7 America became that bug out, that promise republic they hoped to build a happier succeeding(a) on.\n\n \nAmerican invoice periods essay\n\nTable of limit:\n\n1. Introduction: compound America\n\n2. The American alteration\n\n3. The courtly fight\n\nIntroduction: Colonial America. The seventeenth degree centigrade was a hard eon for the plurality of what was once to be bitched the joined States of America. It was t he geological date of changes, the era of large up all affaire up to entrance rolling a divulge prospective in a better place. For thousand population trades union America became that place, that promising land they hoped to build a happier future tense on. It was these changes that wafted the sense of progress to the raft belonging to the colonial era. The native set of the great unwashed of the seventeenth century America was to push-down stack to ad still or in otherwise words to be flexible and strong decorous to defend their right to be on the peeled land. The colonists consisted mainly of face, Dutch, Spanish, and French colonists and it was eastern matrimony America that became their fresh category. It was the era of continuous failures on the stylus to a bright future and these continuous failures in the 17th century started to be eonian colonies.\n\nThe major(ip) difficulty of the people belonging to the Colonial date was that they had diametric hearty and racial endorsegrounds, which created obstacles for finding the points of contiguity. The era of the tonic knowledge secondary became the home for people of distinguishable likeness of skin and make that light upon how to live with each other and was the first step to what present is proudly called to be the approximately powerful dry land in the world. America is a bucolic of diversities nowadays owe to the circumstance that each colony back in the era of Colonial America had its own economic, governmental, apparitional, and favorable structure. The major conflict of that era was this actually specific contradiction in terms of their colonies and their location and at the akin moment the successfulness can be seen in the concomitant that it formed the base for a province that accepted opposite people under its flag. It has authentically shaped Americans as a country giving them the smell of the right for being different and the lesson how to respect other social, religious and economic ways of financial support. It was the era that by its four major colonies: New England, the Middle Colonies, the Chesapeake bay tree Colonies and the southwardern Colonies gave the start to the most powerful realm in the world owing to its tractability and ability to adapt; owing to the variety of living-styles and economical strategies. So the great transmigration of the Europeans to North America represented the time of changes that the alert world required. This people, who were brave adequate to come to an unknown associate formed the national quality of the Americans, as the journey to North America was from six to twelve weeks and many of the migrants died from numerous diseases and their pabulum was scanty. The ships the traveled on, often experient gales and storms and people disappeared in the at large(p) sea. Still, people were strong copious to continue their make out for survival, forming what we call a real American nowa days.\n\n2. The American variety. The term American alteration is known to e real one American citizen and or just to a psyche who somehow is acquainted with Americans memorial. Back in the time 18th century the existing colonies were under a great dependence on the British empire, which controlled them and dictated their political and economic strategies. Years passed and the irredeemable changes needful to come. These changes had a lot of ideology in them, as they were full with ideas of independence. The American novelty was more than just the political separation of the long dozen colonies from Britain; it was the program line of a new nation and a new country the unify States of America. So, all the changes in that historical are corresponded to the values and the ideas of that time. For it was the time of the French and Indian war (1754-1763), American contend of Independence (1775-1783) and many other less probative rebels. The changes were well timed for just as John Adams said: The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. It was a great fight for independence that resulted in the pick of the first president of the newly formed United States of America, consisting of 13 ex-colonies.\n\nA in truth significant thing to add is that the conversion did not just influence the taradiddle of America it changed the history of the whole world. It was a mutation that created a qualitative new nation of survivors. The American Revolution was the driving force of the revolutions that took place all over the world creating updated societies. So, the conflict of that time was exhalation against the set ways of living people had. They were dependent of far governments that did not feel them but simply gave directions. The prosperity was the switching of these obtruding government by a completely new superstar and actually by a completely new country.It is very hard to underestimate the genuine value of the American Revolution for all single American. It did not just simply resultant function the cultural development and the nation itself, for it was the pray of the existance of the nation. Basically facial expression the American Revolution of the thirteen North American colonies against the British rule was the key portion of the creation of a new independent severalise the United States of America. It was prepared by the forgo socio-economic history of the colonies. The development of capitalism in the colonies and the graduation of the validation of the north-American nation contradicted the metropolitan insurance policy of the British Empire, which viewed the colonies as a source of raw materials and as a market. The American Revolution with its War of Independence was a cautious revolution, which lead to the deposit of the colonial suppression and to the organisation of the independent American state. And is as well important the embargos of the British Empire stopped restricting the d evelopment of industry and trade in the colonies. It was a magnificent beginning of a new state!\n\n3. The gracious War. The civilised War took place on the grease of the United States of America in 1861-1865. It was the war in the midst of the bourgeois South and North. The South states started a revolt against the North in monastic order to perpetuate and string out the slavery throughout the country. The United States needed changes for it was he time when a person was not considered to have the right to offend another person and call another person a slave and their property. The North was constitute fro those changes, but the South was a different story. As they needed a lot of functional force for their externalisetations they were eager to give about the humane motives and the honourable development. The polite War do a deep mug in the memories of the American citizens because it was the fight against racial prejudice which sometimes still continue all over the world as rudiments of the old times.\n\nThe reasons of the gracious War are very inconsistent and controversial on the other hand. It was not just a war between two exposits of the country it was the war against to completely different hierarchies within one single country. Those were two different social hierarchies of the north and the South. The South had the planters as a well-to-do class, which normally consisted of the descendants of aristocratic English families. The boundless tobacco, cotton, rice and lucre plantations of the South had the Negroes as slaves, who did not have any rights, to work on them.The Civil War expresses the values of par of both personality and the right of every citizen to have this right protected. The history of afro-American population in the United States resulted in the concomitant that they were formally free in the North and a part of the household in the South. The South was against Abraham Lincolns plan to stop slavery in the country. So the Civil War may be the war of two motivations within the very same country. This war has by all odds played an integral role in the political life of the United States of America.\n\nConclusion: The Civil War with the two contradicting ideas of life-styles created prosperity for the country for it made the base for a society with equality in its base in the first place. Another thing was that during the course of the Civil War the first mass official army of a contemporary type was organized.Ass the result of the Civil was and with a cost of immense looses the unity of the United States of America was saved and the slavery was eliminated. The side by side(p) economic ascent made America on of the most ecomonically-developed countries by the beginning of the XX century.The slavery was abolished on the beginning(a) of January 1863 and thought it was just the begging of the true war it was as well as the begging of a new healthy nation. The contribution of the Civil War is immense as it was the series of events that changes the course of history of the country and the nation.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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