#show: el desorden que dejas
smuganya · 1 year
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ARÓN PIPER for Netflix Élite season 3 (March 2020) El desorden que dejas (December 2020) Èlite season 4 (June 2021) El silencio (May 2023) 
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No puedo entender cómo hay personas en el fandom de Outlander, que se dedican todo el tiempo a lanzar hate, bien sea a Sam, bien sea a Cait; y que sin embargo, esas personas sigan consumiendo su contenido, reblogueen sus asuntos para generar interacciones de los fanáticos hostiles que los siguen o leen, o simplemente, interactúan con bastante displicencia, en cuanto blog asociado a ellos hay.
Seriamente, esas personas necesitan hacer terapia psicológica cuanto antes, porque cuando la interacción con una persona (especialmente si uno no la conoce de nada y no tiene ninguna relevancia en nuestra vida) te genera emociones negativas, simplemente la dejas de lado.
¿O será que creen que asunir una posición de alguno de los lados, les hará más visibles a Sam o Cait? Estoy sorprendida con esa gente del fandom, que al parecer, carecen de vida, o tienen un ego inflado que les hace creer que tienen la razón en todo, o peor aún, eventualmente puedan tener un serio desorden emocional que les haga hacer locuras.
Los libros, el show, se supone que son para consumo de quiénes estén interesados en ellos, por lo que estar allí, y sentirte molesto, rabioso, desdichado, es absolutamente absurdo. Sigue adelante, hay una vida amplia y maravillosa por disfrutar. Y ya ni hablar de los que trasladan toda la negatividad a Cait y Sam, a quiénes siempre he notado súper comprometidos con sus roles de Claire y Jamie, y que no han hecho más que ponerle muchas ganas para darnos a una pareja entrañable, ¿o es que creen que todas las emociones que nos han hecho experimentar, han sido por inercia?
Les deseo lo mejor en la vida, a ambos. Sam y Cait son personas, como tú y como yo, que merecen la vida que ellos mismos deseen propiciarse. No veo por qué augurarles futuros oscuros, tristes, arruinados, cuando lo que tengo es agradecimiento para ellos, por haberle dado vida a un Jamie y a una Claire, maravillosos. Detrás de todo el trabajo de ellos, hay guionistas, directores, productores, cadenas de televisión, abogados, y mucho de lo que vemos, es manejado por esas otras piezas del juego, así que eventualmente, tus quejas, si las tienes, vayan también para ellos. Qué Sam y Cait se hayan lanzado a sus espaldas, ser las caras del show, ya es sumamente valiente, así que no tengo que objetarles nada, porque ellos están haciendo su trabajo lo mejor que pueden, con lo que tienen.
Y termino diciéndoles, hay botones de "bloquear" "no me interesa" "dejar de seguir", que sirven, en el mundo de las redes sociales, para darle paz mental al consumidor, para manejar su algoritmo, así que toma las riendas de tu vida, y si es posible que elijas, aléjate de todo lo que no te genere bienestar.
I can't understand how there are people in the Outlander fandom who spend all their time throwing hate, either at Sam or at Cait; and yet, these people continue to consume their content, reblog their issues to generate interactions from hostile fans who follow or read them, or simply interact quite casually, as many blogs are associated with them.
Seriously, these people need to do psychological therapy as soon as possible, because when the interaction with a person (especially if one does not know them at all and they have no relevance in our life) generates negative emotions, you simply leave them aside.
Or do they think that taking a position on one side will make them more visible to Sam or Cait? I am surprised by those people in the fandom, who apparently lack life, or have an inflated ego that makes them believe that they are right in everything, or worse yet, may eventually have a serious emotional disorder that makes them do crazy things.
The books, the show, are supposed to be for the consumption of those who are interested in them, so being there, and feeling angry, unhappy, is absolutely absurd. Keep going, there is a wide and wonderful life to enjoy. And not to mention those who transfer all the negativity to Cait and Sam, who I have always noticed are super committed to their roles as Claire and Jamie, and who have done nothing but put a lot of effort into giving us an endearing couple, or Is it that they believe that all the emotions they have made us experience have been due to inertia?
I wish you both the best in life. Sam and Cait are people, like you and me, who deserve the life they want to give themselves. I don't see why I predict dark, sad, ruined futures for them, when what I have is gratitude for them, for having given life to a wonderful Jamie and Claire. Behind all their work, there are scriptwriters, directors, producers, television networks, lawyers, and much of what we see is handled by those other pieces of the game, so eventually, your complaints, if you have them, go too for them. That Sam and Cait have gone behind their backs, being the faces of the show, is already extremely brave, so I don't have to object to them, because they are doing their job the best they can, with what they have.
And I finish by telling you, there are "block" "I'm not interested" "unfollow" buttons, which serve, in the world of social networks, to give peace of mind to the consumer, to manage their algorithm, so take the reins of your life, and if it is possible for you to choose, stay away from everything that does not generate well-being for you.
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famosoentrescalles · 1 year
I love that El desorden que dejas, a show that is set in Galicia, where a couple of characters already speak Galician, was dubbed for TV Galicia, so everyone would speak Galician.
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rodeblamproducciones · 8 months
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Por Rodeblam
En la industria todo puede suceder, cuando el Marketing tiene poder para lograr objetivos asi sea, hacerlo con engaños, pero que tan peligroso puede ser en algunos casos si es utilizado para engañar con premeditación? Será producto de la ambicion o la Avaricia?
Tristemente existe la maldad mercantil, donde el todo se puede con tal de ganar dividendos económicos.
Como por ejemplo:
Que tal si un Artista que anuncio su fin de la carrera con una gira para despedirse de los escenarios y de pronto decide regresar, pues sepalo que eso se llama estafa, diran algunos juristas que debido que se aprovechó del estado emocional de sus seguidores quienes acudieron a sus conciertos convencidos y atraídos por quizás su buena imagen, en la supuesta última gira, donde miles de fans creyeron por la seriedad del artista, adquiriendo los boletos a precios exagerados, incluso muchos de esos seguidores puede que realizaron prestamos pagando intereses todo debido a que no quería perderse la oportunidad de ver a su artista por ultima vez.
Entonces el artista estaría incurriendo en un delito grave, porque abuso y se aprovecho del sentimiento humano, y deja entrever que la supuesta gira realizada despidiendose de los escenarios fue una premeditada aptitud para lograr vender entradas a precios exagerados a sabiendas que volveria a futuro, de nuevo a los escenarios, con la misma intención para luego volver aprovecharse de nuevo del incauto público quienes se habian creido que habían asistido a su ultimo show totalmente sin saber que podrían haber sido engañados. Cualquier usuario que asistió puede demandar al artista por estafa.
Y creería que ahí si su carrera quedaria marcada como el artista que engañó, estafó y se aprovechó de sus fans y todo un público que se tragaron semejante cuento de la tal despedida.
No queda de más, aquellos recesos sabáticos, o los descansos para asumir comportamientos espirituales que oxigenen la vida de algunos, pero sin engaños.
Vivimos en un mundo donde la sociedad ha cambiado en todos los aspectos, el ser humano se enfrenta a una diversidad de pensamientos, donde se mueve más el poder de quien más tiene, pero crece cada dia la desobligacion entre los jóvenes donde sus mentes se estan fijando mas en la tecnología virtual, siendo complacientes en el desorden dentro del entorno humano hacia los demás, y de eso se apeovecha la nueva modalidad dentro del marketing utilizado hoy dia para motivar el mal uso hacia las masas, y la industria no es ajena a ello.
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simplebeardedguy · 1 year
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ Comedia, Drama, Historia Positivo ✅ •La trama y la historia •El Título “Babylon” tiene significado •La Crítica/Homenaje Negativo ❌ •Al final pierde el rumbo •Los excesos •Un poco larga y pesada a ratos Opinión - Babylon la critica/homenaje al mundo de Hollywood. Esta película nos muestra la evolución del cine mudo al cine sonoro acompañado de historias entrelazadas de los clásicos estereotipos, aquel actor que no quiere pasar de moda, el nuevo talento y el don nadie que trabaja por un lugar en la industria siempre demostrando lo prescindibles que son, el mundo lleno de exceso y el desorden que se vive, pero a la vez la belleza y armonía que sienten al conseguir la escena perfecta. Babylon pierde fuerza por tener muchas historias al mismo tiempo, deja personajes sin explorar y el cierre pierde un poco el camino pero la controversia de si es bueno o malo esta presente. Hollywood, excesos, droga, sexo, fiestas, frustración, descontrol, vanguardia todo define a esta película que sin duda vale la pena ver y juzgarla personalmente. What I Think -Babylon a critic/tribute to the world of Hollywood. This film shows us the evolution of the silent cinema to the talkies accompanied by intertwined stories of the classic stereotypes, that actor who does not want to go out of style, the new talent and the nobody who works for a place in the industry always demonstrating how replaceable they are, the world full of excess and the disorder they live, but at the same time the beauty and harmony that they feel when getting the perfect scene. Babylon loses strength by trying to touch many stories at the same time, leaves characters unexplored and the closure of the plot loses its way but the controversy of whether it is good or bad is present. Hollywood, excesses, drugs, sex, parties, frustration, lack of control, avant-garde all define this film that is undoubtedly worth seeing and judging in person. #cine #movies #personajes #top #review #mymoviebro #mexico #post #followme #followforfollowback #follow4followback #followbackinstantly #netflix #primevideo #movietime #recomendaciones #reseñas #reseña #cinemexico #MargotRobbie #Babylon (en Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKusdNO2yw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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an-unbloomed-flower · 3 years
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theuniversezecho · 3 years
Tagged by @roifernandez​ & @esterexpositio & @polo-benavent (thanks for the tag!)
Top 10 ships of all time (in order of whatever ship I thought of first)
1. Cayetana Grajera Pando x Valerio Montesinos Hendrich x Leopoldo Benavent Villada – Élite
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2. . Simón Álvarez x Ámbar Smith – Soy Luna
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3. Rocio x Vera - Desenfrenadas
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4. Nico Minoru x Karolina Dean - Runaways
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5. Eva Kviig Mohn x Noora Amalie Sætre - Skam
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6. Tess x Simone - Sweetbitter
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7. Iago Nogueira x Roi Fernández – El desorden que dejas
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8. Midge Maisel x Lenny Bruce - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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9. Rowan Fricks x Brandon Darrow – T@gged
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10. Marianne x Connell - Normal People
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Tagging: @you-are-important-nina @hide-in-imagination @loquenomedices @silver-inked @remainforeverroyal
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eboystuff · 3 years
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♡ arón piper as iago nogueira icons ♡ pack zip
like or reblog if you save/use it
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iwillbestronger · 3 years
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Lo que lo impregna todo es la miseria. La puta miseria. Ojalá escapar de ella, no? Y de este pueblo, Dios mío, que cada vez está más vacio. Y está más triste. Pero yo no sé cómo.
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ruinscollector · 3 years
Just started ‘The mess you leave behind’ (’El desorden que dejas’). I really wanted to like it, most of the actors are great, the locations are beautiful, but the script... :/ (gonna finish it tho, it’s not terrible and i’ve seen way worst things, lol).
BUT if you really want a good thriller show set in Galicia, I really recommend ‘Bitter Daisies’ (’O sabor das margaridas’). Small town murder, AMAZING main character, and cast in general.
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smuganya · 2 years
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IAGO NOGUIERA  El desorden que dejas | 1.03
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iressails · 2 years
Content creator 2021 wrapped tag game
Cut this into what works for you. Want to do only one instead of five? Do it. Tag 2 people? Do it. This game is not your mum or the Apple App store to tell you what to do. But there are a couple of rules:
RULE 1: Review your creations over 2021. Tag some gifmakers/creators, friends and strangers to get them to do the same.
RULE 2: Link to the content, commentary optional.
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button hard, closely followed by your ‘insp’ tag or 'fave tag'. Link to sets that started conversations, outstanding composition, colouring, etc.
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. Nothing to do with notes.
3 creations others loved. Include the one that one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, colouring, blending, text, etc. include the one that should have got more notes.
1 creation of yours that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self AND 1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a creator – we all have that one.
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day.
Overall comment on your creativity year 2021 ->
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button hard, closely followed by your ‘insp’ tag or 'fave tag'.
In no particular order I tag:
@olincino's Middle Aged Husbands AU I love this one because it's so soft, and also really really clever.
@lmillers Ruth Wilson on talk show being ... Ruth, I guess! This set is so thirsty lol. The colouring and sharpness too.
@lordbelacqua I'm the best weapon you'll ever have I love this style. The last compilation one in black though, no words. (I love the ccss one, but this set wins by a hair!).
@robinsonjudy Isaac McAdoo. Content, style everything. He is a great character and this set highlights it so well.
@significanceofmoths with elf!Yibo. I love how nice it is the sparkle, and he is so cute. You get across so much with his personality with the last one.
@liquidsnvke with Finley and Sophie Dying gasp of s2 and fingers crossed. I love how clear and luminous this set is considering it is in the dark.
@roifernandez with El desorden que dejas kids. I love the first gif the b&w and the color with the portraits.
@elenas with that ghost one that everyone knows, so cool.
@lady-eleanor-vane with the Eleanor one so sharp and dark and textured you only get on a video editor!
@femadols Itzy Yeji the smooth movement in this one.
These really aren't in order just me fishing though my mass post editor on a laggy laptop.
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. It has nothing to do with notes.
Tess from The L Word in b&w. It really pays to fiddle with the colours on this adjustment to make it pop. It looked so much better in b&w compared to the original coloured one.
Brian Molko from Placebo. This was from a grainy youtube of a 90s music video. I changed colours, removed grain, and pushed it to the limit. I like it even if he looks a bit smooth and alien.
Tess in a shimmery silver top. I don't know if it's because of her or because of the colouring but I liked how I cropped this, except for one iffy one I didn't notice, haha. Will I change it? No. Flaws are okay.
Deran Cody being sad. I am not a text person so this one was a challenge, but the words are mine, and I think apt.
3 creations others loved. Include the one that one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
This one everyone loved of Tess pulling faces. I don't know why they liked it. I can see the colouring is off in some.
Patrick Kitten Braden on Breakfast on Pluto. These were nice gifs and I spent ages choosing the scenes. Movies do my head in seems more high stakes compared to TV.
The in-the-rain Tess/Shane kissing one. Lighting and the angles were terrible (thanks tlwgq) but I did my best with so many levels layers. Even a year ago I couldn't get it to look so nice and light.
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, colouring, blending, text, etc. maybe include the one that should have got more notes
Dexter New Blood where I tried doing monochrome with red, harder than I thought it would be. Results mixed but I wouldn't mind trying it again.
Hello cutie Tess again it was dire and yellow a good scene so I added a gradient map of blush pink. Based on one that an old fandom friend had gifted me. I felt like an embalmer here. Take colour out, put colour in. Probably one of my favourite sets ever.
1 creation that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self
Jules from Euphoria The cropping and colouring was nice warm and cool
1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a person – we all have that one
The Haunting of Hill House. Twas an attempt to write an eng. lit essay via gif. Should have got more notes lol. But can see why it didn't, it's a lot happening. I did get a lot of comments 'this is insane' though, so yay.
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day. -> No link, but it was an Outlander Jamie with Black Jack Randall. Eff the red coat, and prison gloom lit with bilious dungeon yellow.
Overall comment for creativity year 2021 -> Didn't have time except for Tess from The L Word: Generation Q.
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el desorden que dejas - the ending iago and roi deserved
so my beloved @roifernandez made me watch the show like a week ago and since we have literally no clue on how iago and roi are handling the aftermath, we sat together, aljoscha basically threw sentences at me and i created our own little happy ending for them. hope you like it! ♡
1.2k words // Iago x Roi // hurt&comfort // angst with happy ending
Raquel’s eyes are soft and understanding. Her voice is still husky, when she simply says, „It’s okay, Iago. None of this was your fault“.
Iago struggles to hold her gaze and eventually looks away. He knows he can’t fight back his tears any longer, so he turns to go back to his room without another word.
Shakily, he places one foot in front of the other. With every step though, Iago feels the darkness clawing at the back of his head, demanding entrance to his conscience, seeking awareness, trying to push him over the edge. He fails to keep his thoughts from starting to spin. His face twists in pain when everything that happened emerges in his mind once again, every horrible little detail visualizing in front of his inner eye. Iago’s legs can’t carry him any longer, so he just sinks down onto one of the terribly clean chairs in the hospital hallway. He doesn’t care if anyone sees him like that, he doesn’t care that he looks like he just crawled out of a dumpster; he certainly feels like he did.
A sob shakes his whole body, tears are now running down his cheeks in an endless stream, his heart feels like it’s going to collapse right in his chest. Desperate for any kind of support or stability, Iago clenches his hands into fists, his fingers entangling and his knuckles turning white from the force. Buckling over, Iago rests his forehead on his hands, a storm of self-hatred, guilt and black despair raging inside of him.
He cannot remember the last time he cried. It feels horrible, he feels horrible.
A desire creeps up in his chest, a desire he hasn’t felt in a long time. The desire to fill the void of loneliness. That very loneliness that has been a part of him for as long as he can remember; that very loneliness that has made its home inside of him and never wanted to leave.
He doesn’t want to be alone anymore. He’s sick of it.
Before Iago can lose the sudden will to look for company, he gets up and, without really thinking about the direction he’s heading in, strides down the hospital hallways, his legs and feet taking over while the tears are still blurring his eyesight.
 Two soft knocks draw Roi’s attention to the door. He didn’t expect to have any more visitors today. Roi doesn’t have time to answer though, as the door is opened not a second later. The view he’s given has his heartbeat staggering. It’s Iago. His Iago. With tears all over his face, a deeply pained expression on his pretty features, and his eyes so full of sadness that it has a stinging ache jolting through Roi’s chest.
Iago doesn’t quite meet Roi’s gaze, be it because of the tears or whatever other reason, Roi doesn’t care. All he wants is to hold Iago, hold his pieces together.
Silently, Iago closes the door behind him. His usually square shoulders are slumped down as if to hide himself, the rest of his body looking oddly small and lost in the hospital gown. Without a word, Iago takes a step towards Roi’s bed, but falters slightly in the motion. Raising his eyes to lay them upon Roi, he inaudibly asks for comfort, for help.
Roi feels like a cold hand is reaching for his heart, crushing it in its powerful fist, rendering him motionless. He’s never seen Iago like that before. Not when he dragged him out of that bathroom with Viruca, not even when Viruca died.
Forcing himself to break free from his momentary, circumstantial rigidity, Roi is quick to shuffle over to one side of the bed, although it is already fairly small. Offering Iago a hideout, he lifts his blanket.
It takes a weight off his mind when Iago actually moves, albeit slowly and carefully, to lie down next to Roi. His body radiates coldness, so Roi cautiously shifts closer, drawing the blanket across Iago and himself.
He’s unsure how to act other than that. Iago is shaking next to him, so obviously desperate for care, for love. Hesitantly, Roi moves to lay an arm around his friend, but is interrupted by Iago, who suddenly moves.
An ugly sob is breaking its way out of Iago’s throat and he turns to press his face into Roi’s hospital robe, hiding. His fingers cling to the fabric, clawing into it, and his whole body is jolted by his heavy crying.
Roi clenches his jaw, it utterly breaks him to see Iago like that. He feels tears welling up in him as well. Finally, he carefully pushes his arms to either of Iago’s sides, catching him in a soft, comforting embrace. Roi wants to help him better – he wants to say something, anything that would make the pain go away, at the least soften it. But he can’t think of any words that would change the situation, because it’s the truth. It’s the horrible truth, that they now have to live with. That Iago now has to live with. All Roi can do right now is hold his friend in his arms, and he does.
They lie like this for an eternity. Roi doesn’t know how much time has passed, for how long they have kept this hug, motionless, soundless, save for Iago’s sobs. But Roi couldn’t care less about time. Looking down upon the mess that was Iago, Roi can’t stop himself from lowering his head and gingerly pressing a light kiss on his head.
For a second, it has Iago pulling onto Roi’s hospital gown even tighter, searching for comfort, but eventually, Iago withdraws a little – only to look up at Roi, his eyes watery and brows tightly drawn together. His voice is hoarse and it breaks a little when he quietly whispers, “Thank you, Roi.”
Roi doesn’t know what to respond. He just gazes at his friend, finding himself – once again – lost in his facial features. Even now, Iago is the most beautiful person to Roi.
Without really realizing what he’s doing, he lowers his head, his face approaching Iago’s like in slow motion, until he can feel Iago’s warm breath stroking his own cheekbone. He pauses for a second, silently asking for consent and giving Iago some time.
Roi feels the slightest pull on his hospital robe and it’s the last breeze to push him over the edge, his lips meeting Iago’s in a feather-like touch. A ball of warmth and contentment erupts in Roi’s chest, his eyes fluttering shut. It never felt like that when they kissed before, he knows this time it would be different. Everything would be different, better.
Barcelona was loud and busy, but also calm and soothing when he needed it to. Sometimes he would just sit by the window, look down upon the street and pick out a random person to follow them with his eyes until they vanished from his view. It was a rocky road they had to go, and still have to go. But Roi was right there by his side, all the way through judicial hearing, through the imprisonment of his father, through therapy.
He heard indistinct clattering from the kitchen and a soft smile spread across his lips. Life was different now, it was better. Roi taught him how to feel real love, and taught him what it meant to be loved. How it felt to be loved. And it felt amazing.
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famosoentrescalles · 3 years
In conversation with Arón Piper
The young Spanish German singer and actor presents us with five songs produced by artists such as Mygal, Iseekarlo, Tweak or Miqui Brightside and features the collaborations of Jesse Báez and Polimá Westcoast, two of the artists with the most personality and relevance on the Latin American scene. , thus consolidating itself as one of the Spanish artists with the most international projection for this 2021.
“Nieve”, the title track of the EP, is accompanied by a visual piece in the form of a video clip shot by Tomás Peña with Manson and produced by CANADA. It shows us a life full of excesses in which success and fame generate a negative emotional weight in the artist, causing him a huge loneliness in the purest Malick style, also with an excellent photography direction by Albert Gay, who makes it the best music video of the singer so far.
The artwork created by the artist Cataln Ignasi Monreal, portraying the musician who, after achieving more than 25 million reproductions on digital platforms, presents his best work so far to show that this is only the beginning.
The whole EP has already more than 10M plays on digital platforms.
Tell our readers who you are in your own words.
I'm a chill guy, insecure and afraid of the world. I've been fighting for what I want and I got fame from one day to another so I'm trying to process it all now. I'm grateful everyday for what's happening to me and I'm now and lucky, so I'm trying to have a good and healthy relationship with my life, trying to keep doing good and most important, being a normal guy.
What is your first memory of acting and music?
First thing I remember as an actor is saying to my father: “Dad, I'd love be an acotr and I want to do it right now” I was 12 years old and he looked for some short films for me on the internet, trying to match my profile with some castings and that's where it all started.
In music I think the first thing I remember is when I was 10 years old, I used to note my songs over Eminem songs, showing them to my best friend Sam when we met.
Among all the roles you have played so far, which one embodies your personality the most?
I'm trying to give a big part of myself in each character I play. If I dont do it I just feel that the characters get empty, so that's why I want to feel they all represent me. The one I enjoyed the most is “El Desorden Que Dejas”, at least by now.
What gives you confidence?
My close friends, my family, my team... Since I'm famous the confindece looks mistrusted, so you gotta learn how to deal with it.
What is the most daring thing you did recently and tell us something that is not on your resume?
Going to La Resistencia (Spanish TV Show) for example .I've had never been on a TV interview with public, so I was quite scared but it wasn't such a big deal at the end.
Something I dont have in my CV? That I keep it for myself, I try to not show too much of my private life, if I dont then I wont have anything else for me hahaha.
What is your personal motto?
Take care of life and life will take care of you.
What are your upcoming projects for this year among the new season of Elite?
I'm focused on music now and doing casting, looking for some interesting projects as an acotr. It's been some time already without acting and I'm pretty excited to do it again. I've got some projects but I expect to have some more.
Why acting and why music? What inspired you to embark on a career in this industry?
Always acting. It's been hard for me to deal with my emotions and that's because I feel like everything affects me pretty much. It's a fight between my way to adapt to things and how I get affected by everything that surrounds me. Being an actor saved me from that because it's a different way to express deeper emotions.
My career as musician is pretty similar, but with music I can express my own feelings.
With work you have traveled a lot. What are some of the favourite places you have seen and been to so far and why?
Travelling is the most beautiful thing in the world. It opens your mind and makes you disconnect from your routine and your hometown. My best trip by the moment is Mexico, the longest I've done and the one I enjoyed the most.
What is your biggest outtake from last year?
The loss of my privacy, no doubts, and losing confidence in people who doesnt know me and judge you, doesnt mind if good or bad.
As the theme of our Spring & Summer season is ELEMENTS and it is about sustainability, nature. Tell us about your perspective on sustainability and environment.
It's something that worries me a lot and I'd love to get more involved with it. Most important thing right now is our land, earth, the world... and it's all getting too fuck up.
Tell us about your recently released debut EP.
It's something that feels old for me now, but I guess it'll always happen the same. From the moment you start working on it until you release it, feels like ages. But I'm very happy with how it's working and with the position it gives me as a musician. Best is still to come.
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melis-ash · 3 years
Tagged by @theuniversezecho
Ander or Omar | En El Aire or Los Días Raros | s1 Carla or s2/s3 Carla | Coke at the club or Molly at the pool party | Polo or Valerio | Danna’s music career or Aron’s music career | Cayetana or Rebeka | season two or season three | Carla or Samuel | The trophy or the bottleneck | Forever or Twisted Games | Nadia or Guzman | Lu’s dad or Omar’s dad | Marina’s death or Polo’s death | Malick or Yeray | Alguien tiene que morir or El desorden que dejas | Guzman’s shaved hair or Ander’s shaved hair | Mala Fama or Sola | Carla & Polo or Carla & Christian | School uniforms or regular outfits | Caye/Polo/Valerio or Carla/Polo/Christian | Choices, Darling or I have feelings, bitch |
Bonus question - favorite pairing?
Polo/Cayetana. Ok, they were not an epic love story in common way, but I love the way this relationship illustrates Polo`s character development and how it helps Cayetana accept herself (and I hope to became better person, but there always possiblity writers will ruin it in s4). Polo from season 1 never would like real Cayetana, he treated Christian (who was from same social class as Caye) like a sex toy, nothing more. Honestly, he was awful in s1: spoiled rich child without any sygnificant empathy. And in season 2 Polo was first person in Las Encinas (and maybe first person in her whole life) who knew both, false and real Caye and chose second one. (I still think it was the one of most beautiful love confession in show, even it was not really it)) Also I think Caye needed to realize there are thing you cannot buy for money (even if it sounds like stupid cliche). Of course, theoretically she knew it, she never was fool, but also she never saw it close enough, never felt it as something real. And when somebody, you know and love, choose to go in prison than stay free and rich, it`s fucking real. (Maybe unpopular opinion: I think Caye loved Polo, even if she loved his money and status too.)
Tagging: @gellavonhamster  @esterexpositio
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Did you saw "El desorden que dejas"? Is worthy or the hype is just because Aaron Piper is on that show?
No offense to anyone who really loved it, but in my opinion, it wasn't really anything to write home about.
It was your typical Spanish Netflix show - full of gorgeous, age-inappropriate actors in beautiful settings involved in dark and mysterious things like they're on some kind of telonovela. I'm sure a lot of people flocked to it because Arón was in it (that's how I heard about it), but his character isn't anything like Ander on Élite, of that's what you were looking for.
I enjoyed watching it, and if you're in the mood for just some good, drama-filled television, I recommend it. It's like Élite, it that's what you're aiming at.
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