#iago icons
xsunnysworld · 4 months
hi! can i request icons of iago from aladdin?:0 thank you!
ㅤㅤㅤ★៹ icons !!
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⌗ IAGO .ᐟ
© aladdin and the king of thieves — ( 1996 )
𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 or 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 if you want more content.
credits for the content made by me.
why not 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 this? that would be great.
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I still think about TWST!Iago being teased but never revealed OTL
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ᴊᴀғᴀʀ × ɪᴀɢᴏ (dir. John Musker × Ron Clements • 1992)
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Iago is AroAce
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today years old when I found out that there is an audio recording of Otello with Gerald Finley My Beloved as Iago
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whilomm · 2 years
voice acting isnt just about How Many voices you can do (tho that is a really valuable skill), there are plenty of voice actors who are known for doing a single voice, usually just their normal voice, or they get most famous off roles that are just their normal voice
patrick warburton (joe from family guy, kronk)
kristen schaal (mabel pines, louise belcher)
H john benjamin (archer, bob belcher)
J.K. simmons (cave johnson, stanford pines)
gilbert gottfried (iago, digit from cyberchase)
(note: just listing a couple of their so goddamn many roles each for recognitions sake, they got so many more of course, also some of them like H john benjamin might have more vocal range than their normal voice, but you know what i mean)
the difference is these VAs 1. are cast for the roles that are right for that one voice theyre known for 2. do a good job at that one voice 3. most of their voices are memorable and unique
...chris pratt is being cast just for the name recognition, in a role hes not suited to, and doing a shit job, with the most boring ass normal dude voice in the universe. which, yeah sure it worked in the lego movie where he was literally playing Normal Guy McDudeface. it dont work for an iconic character known for having a unique voice.
so like. having no vocal range or just using your normal voice for your biggest roles is fine!! if your normal voice fits. if chris pratt wants to play more Normal McDudeface chars, well he can still go fuck himself for being a homophobic piece of shit and supporting his 3%er bro of course. but he could give a passable performance. sucks ass as mario tho!!!
anyway no "you can still tell its jack black why are you praising his voice huh" isnt a good arguement. yeah you can tell its him but, besides the fact that no he is actually changing his voice to fit the role even if its still recognizable as himself, hes doing a good job at it. thats the difference. his normal but slightly to the left voice works. pratts doesnt.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Hi has your opinion on Prince Wu or any of the characters substantially changed since you’ve first seen the shows?
why is it always prince wu 😭😭 no, not him. i hated that obnoxious little fop from the very first second i laid eyes on him and a decade later my opinion of that twink has not changed. he is a nothing character who only exists to chew the scenery and grate me, personally [<- katara voice]. i doubt he will ever grow on me in any significant capacity. that said, of course my opinions on many characters have changed. for one thing, i don’t think i actually recognized the existence of male characters in fiction until well into my teens (with the exception of iago, because i was a very edgy child). so my love for sokka and aang really developed upon way more recent rewatches. i always liked them, of course, but if you’d asked me as a kid, i would’ve said my favorite male character was iroh without hesitation (and don’t get me wrong, i still love iroh, but i find the way people talk about him as if he’s some irreproachable beacon of wisdom and fatherly love to be really annoying). i also had to really work to love ty lee; i definitely didn’t understand her depth and motivations as a child. haru is also a character i’ve really only come to appreciate fairly recently. conversely, i was obsessed with katara, azula, and toph from the moment each appeared onscreen, and that obsession hasn’t wavered. katara especially is like some kind of parasite to the brain. what can i say she’s an icon a legend she is the moment she is every moment. korra too. as much as i struggled to watch lok back when it was airing because i thought it was such a disappointment (and you know i still think that), i was always obsessed with korra. and of course “korra alone” and korrasami finale literally did change my life. also the herbalist, for some reason, has always been a kind of icon to me. i don’t even really know why, but she imprinted on me at such a young age. i guess she’s just everything i wish to be in life. i hope this answers your question lol
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dianethepisceswitch · 10 months
🐍Random Rant #1🐍
TW: Aladdin(1992), Chapter/Book 4, bondage, p*edophilia(but technically legal in the story), general nastiness, mentions of icky yuck times (non-con), female anatomy
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I was watching some Twisted Wonderland on Youtube last, and a video autoplayed right after what I was watching was over. It was the scene for Aladdin where Jasmine kissed Jafar. I left it on because I was thinking about Jamil x Reader am a twisted individual.
The chains... I'm not one to kink shame. If you like bondage, I'm not gonna shame you. BUT. There needs to a whole lot of consent, which, in this movie, there wasn't.
The apple thing is just iconic. I love the symbolism of apples in this movie. As a writer, I just think it's perfect. When Aladdin gave Jasmine the apple during A Whole New World, it was a symbol of his love. According to the University of Michigan, "It is a complex symbol, with a variety of meanings and incorporated in a variety of contexts. It can mean love, knowledge, wisdom, joy, death, and/or luxury. The apple could be an erotic association with a woman's breasts, with the core sliced in half representing the vulva,". As written in the quote, apples also have erotic meaning, which is represented when Jafar forced Jasmine to feed him the apple. Jamil please give me an apple (Also, ew. Jafar got apple juice and shit on her face.)
"Genie... I have decided to make my final wish. I wish for Princess Jasmine to fall desperately in love with me." I could see Jamil doing this, both normal and overblotted Jamil. If regular Jamil did this to the reader, I would be jumping for joy. If overblot Jamil did this I would fucking puke, I swear to god.
I guess 8 year old me tuned out what I didn't want to hear. I genuinely gagged when I heard Jafar call Jasmine "pussycat". NASTY. People calling people anything referring to animals, especially sexually, just sickens me. It makes me gag.
Almost everything Jasmine says about Jafar while she pretends to be in love with Jafar is something I would say about Jamil. Tall, dark, well-dressed, and she starts saying something about his eyebrows at some point. ME. Literally me.
The kiss was obviously really gross and icky. That is exactly how it would go if it were overblot Jamil. I love how disgusted everybody in the movie looks. Even Iago looks disgusted, look at his fucking face.
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One last thing...
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There goes Jazul stealing my heart again. IT'S CANON, I WON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
I have finally watched Once Upon a Studio! Seeing all the disney characters was so exciting!!! I love how we get to see certain characters interact that we may never have even thought about before, like the dalmatian puppies and Chernabog XD
It's hard to pick my absolute favorite moments, so here are just the ones that I like in general XD
The men's room scene. Seeing all the boys getting themselves fixed up for the photo, and Gaston being his usual self. And Minnie covering her eyes when she came in!!! We have to protect her.
Kaa getting pan smacked by Rapunzel. That poor snake can't catch a break XD
That alien following Ursula all lovey dovey. I still need to see Disney's sci-fi movie, but that was adorable ^^
Prince Charming losing his shoe and trying to get Eric to stop Max! And then Cinderella encouraging Max XD I like to think that's a subtle nod to her being a dog person with Bruno (the dog, not the rat man XD)
Scars iconic "I'm surrounded by idiots..."!
GENIE!!! Rip Robin Williams.
Hades' "I knew this was gonna happen" proving once more how relatable he is XD
This was just such a nice short to watch. I would absolutely sit down and watch a whole movie based on what happens at the studio after dark and all the shenanigans that entail ^^
YAYYY! You got to watch it!!!
All these moments were amazing, I loved them all too!! We love Minnie; she's a lady and respects the men's privacy! (Or maybe she's a lady who knows what she is and isn't willing to put with seeing XD Either way we love her), yes poor Kaa!! i feel like he has the same curse as Wile E Coyote XD (no body will let him eat!! 😭), omg Ursula going 'oh no no no' gave me so much serotonin XDD i have no idea what exactly is going on but it sure was funny XD (this woman used to be a scourge on the sea ☠) , YES!! THE CINDERELLA BIT!! i just love that they have fun together so much <3<3<3 they are legitimately cute as hell as a couple (and yes totally omg!! that didn't occur to me but y e s! Thank you, you're so right!! Cinderella's totally a dog person !!!), y e s XD i loved Scar's bit too XDD (i love that Jeremy irons came back for this), RIP Robin Williams ^^ and Gilbert Gottfried as well!! (This was the first time since 1992 Iago was not voiced by him. no i'm not crying), and of course Hades said that XD of courseee. reminds me of how he responded to Jafar's ridiculous evil laughter in Hercules and the Arabian Nights XD and...
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grandhotelabyss · 2 months
Who are the greatest characters in all of literature?
(Sub-questions: Best characters in Shakespeare? Do you agree with Bloom's sextet of Hamlet and Falstaff first equal, followed by Macbeth, Rosalind, Cleopatra, and Iago?)
It's an interesting question, because there essentially are no "characters" exactly before Shakespeare. People act scandalized by Bloom's "invented the human" line, but he's transparent about deriving it from Hegel, and it's not that different from the academically respectable New Historicist thesis on "Renaissance self-fashioning."
Before Shakespeare—and then after Shakespeare but only in popular fiction—there are myths and archetypes to whom a few stable characteristics attach but who are available for reinvention and recirculation, an infinitely malleable legendary surface without inherent psychological depth: Prometheus or Odysseus, Arthur or Roland, Count Dracula or Sherlock Holmes.
On the other hand, the type of modernity inaugurated by Shakespeare—and then passing from him into Romanticism, realism, and modernism—gives us the character of bottomless, labyrinthine depth rather than an iconic or archetypal but flat figure: tragic heroes like Hamlet, Milton's Satan, Goethe's Faust, Captain Ahab, and the Brothers Karamazov, or more strictly novelistic figures like Emmas Woodhouse and Bovary, Hester Prynne, Anna Karenina, Isabel Archer, Clarissa Dalloway. And then, reuniting the novel to the epic, the character to the archetype, perhaps the 20th century's greatest literary character: Leopold Bloom.
(Honorable mention for accomplishing the same synthesis as Joyce but from the other direction: Ursula Brangwen. If Joyce tailors a Homeric hero to Flaubertian proportions, Lawrence turn an Austen heroine into a Biblical prophetess.)
Best characters in Shakespeare: I do mostly agree with Bloom (Harold, not Leopold). I love Falstaff less than he does, though; there's a meanness or squalor in Falstaff he doesn't seem to see. I would also replace the bewildered Macbeth with the raging Lear, and I might add Prospero to our roll call, since he is (I fancy) the closest thing we have to a Shakespearean self-portrait.
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random-dragon-exe · 4 months
All this talk about villains and Disney Villains is making me want to share my top 5 favorite Disney Villains.
So anyway, here's my favorite villains and why I like them as villains.
King Candy: Tbh, I mainly like him as a villain because Wreck it Ralph was my first Disney movie I completely hyperfixated on...to this day. But in terms of villainy, this dude killed who knows how many people by going turbo. He's wacky and fun, yet cruel and doesn't care who he'll have to manipulate or hurt to get his way (IMO the perfect balance I've seen). His cybug form is awesome yet creepy. Not to mention the twist that he's Turbo is written so well.
Mother Gothel: A truly horrible villain because of how real she is. A narcissistic parent. The way she gaslights and manipulates Rapunzel to stay in the tower is not just twisted, but it's disturbingly real and written well in the movie. With great dramatic flair and a singing voice, she has an underrated villain song. Also she's the only Disney Villain to die from old age as she turns to dust (which is not a pretty way to go).
Dr. Facilier: The one Disney Villain who practically oozes of charisma and charm. Alluring anyone to make deals with him through his showmanship, he's one shady (pun intended) and deceitful villain. With Keith David's velvety voice, he has an amazing song with vibrant visuals to boot. Also ASAIK, he's the only villain who's song turns against him and plays when he dies. (Yeah, he royally screwed up)
Jafar: Devious and delightful, Jafar is the most power hungry villain who's fun to watch. Similar to King Candy, he's not afraid to resort to murder or manipulate people to suit his needs. His relationship with Iago is also fun to watch. I also find it interesting how he goes forward with Iago's plan instead of berating him when he brings it up. It's a shame we didn't get the full unused villain song, but the Prince Ali reprise is short and great. His series of transformations are very iconic.
Maleficent: What can I say about her that hasn't been already said? She's the mistress of all evil and she wants others to fear and respect her for it. Willing to instill fear onto others, she's ready with powerful curses when she needs them. She carries herself with a sense of poise and elegance, yet is very stern and commanding. She's not afraid to let literal hell loose when she's homing on on her target/victim. Her dragon transformation is hellish yet beautiful in terms of animation and is the most iconic symbol of her and Disney Villains.
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Rereading the Scalding Sands event and seeing your post about Jamil's childhood friend got me thinking about it again, and I had some thoughts that are probably completely off-base but I had to somehow release them into the wild anyway, haha. I hope that's alright!
I think the most popular theory is that Jamil's friend is a twisted version of Iago, which makes a lot of sense considering his dynamic with Jafar and how iconic they are as a duo. That said, Iago has been referenced by the game in other ways (Jamil wanting a parrot as a pet, the Iago plushie for the guest room) which makes me wonder whether there's any other alternatives for who his friend might be...and the next characters that come to mind are Aladdin and Abu.
I find it really interesting that a lot of Jamil's childhood memories (hiding in the urn whenever in trouble, stealing the melon, haggling with merchants and running around the markets, etc...) seem to be direct references to specific scenes in Aladdin's first act (namely, stuff that happens during One Jump Ahead and the scene where he meets Jasmine) and that whenever he brings his friend(s) up it's usually within the context of getting up to some kind of mischief in the markets, which is something that (based exclusively on the source material) has a stronger association with Aladdin/Abu than it does with Iago. There's also that Bloom Birthday voiceline where he says one of his middle school friends would usually try to take his snacks from him, which also really reminds me of Abu, who gets several scenes where he's trying to steal or hog food in one way or another (the bread scene and the apple scene with Jasmine come to mind off the top of my head)
(.....Actually...the more I type this down, the more the little bits and pieces we know about his friend just start to sound like Ruggie..............I guess them getting along so well in the masquerade event makes a lot of sense, haha)
But in all fairness, I might be reading too much into it and forgetting something.....Still, I guess I was curious about other people's thoughts on the idea of twisted Aladdin or Abu as Jamil's friend. Does it sound plausible at all given what we know? Is it a theory that gets brought up often?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think it’s possible to reference a Disney character in the lore while also having a Twisted counterpart appear in the world of Twisted Wonderland itself! For example, we hear a lot about the mermaid princess of legend (Ariel), but we also know that Rielle (presumably Twisted!Ariel) exists. This is the case for many other characters as well, from side characters to the main cast itself.
I'm under the impression that most people think Jamil's middle school friend is Twisted!Iago, but that's mainly due to Jafar and Iago being such an iconic duo in the Aladdin movie. I personally haven't really thought about it much beyond that because I just really want Jamil to have a shitty sidekick 😂 I admittedly have a weakness for that kind of a dynamic, so in my heart I was praying and hoping hard for Iago to become canon when I first played through the Scalding Sands event! I went back to reread some parts of the event and the vignette mentioned but 🤔 I only saw Najma mention the "middle school friend" once in 3-11, though it wasn't in context to being up to mischief. It seemed to just be a remark that she, Jamil, and that friend hadn't been to the market together for a long time. In the other scenarios where Jamil was being mischievous, there didn't seem to be a mention of that friend. For example, when Jamil almost set the fruit stand on fire and when he hid in an urn, he seemed to be acting alone. For the latter situation, Jamil was specifically hiding from his parent, not up to trouble with the middle school friend. In Jamil’s Yasmina Silk vignettes, silk melon vendor does mention that Jamil (alone) once swiped fruit from their stall, but Jamil reminds him that he just didn’t have money that day. He paid the vendor back by wrapping money up in a scrap of paper and placing it with a melon rind.
A lot of the activities that Jamil gets up to as a kid are references to the things that Aladdin has done, but I actually didn’t see an instance where the lone middle school friend was implicated to be a part of Jamil's antics. The best I could find was that Jamil mentions having friends (plural) that he detoured through the Camal Bazaar with (in Yasmina Silk vignettes and voice lines). In the vignettes, Jamil says “things happened”/stayed vague about other events that happened in the market, but Trey teases him by bringing up the instance when Jamil (alone) stole from the fruit vendor. Even if Jamil’s middle school friends were cited to have been involved, Jamil mentions multiple friends; there’s no way to confirm it was the specific friend that Najma brought up during the event itself. I think that story was shared less to drop lore about the middle school friend and more about showing the contrast between the freedom Jamil had back in middle school versus how he is in present day, bound by his duties to the Asims; he talks about how he experienced a lot of things during that period, including arguing with and ignoring his friends sometimes (which seems like a very normal friend thing to do, I could see this going either way since Jafar never got along with Aladdin or Abu, and even butted heads with Iago sometimes).
I believe the Broom Bloom Birthday voice lines are like... the most recent example of the friend was mentioned. Heck, it might actually be the only other time that friend is mentioned. It came to us quite a while after the initial release of the Scalding Sands Fireworks event (and in a far more limited place), so it may have been overlooked. This detail (of stealing Jamil's snacks) does lend some credence to the Aladdin or Abu theory; I don't think Iago was that eager to eat the crackers offered to him by the Sultan in the movie 😂 But I think it’s also possible (given that Jamil mentioned he had many middle school friends) that he could be talking about a different friend??
It’s possible that the middle school friend was characterized in other lines or stories (there’s a lot of them out right now, and I can’t possibly comb through them all), so there may be details I overlooked 😅
In any case, TWST didn't give too many specifics about one specific middle school friend so there's enough plausible deniability that they could be some other Twisted character, not exclusively just Twisted Iago. I think you brought up a lot of interesting points about the potential for that friend to be a Twisted!Aladdin or a Twisted!Abu! 👁 It's not a theory that I feel like I've seen all too often, so it definitely offers a new perspective and makes me excited to hear other thoughts and theories! ... Now I want to see more of Jamil and Ruggie interacting with each other--
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mischievous-eli · 1 year
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I am a huge arts fan.
This is my icon image close up.
Iagos mirror. It's absolutely stunning in person. The glass was so reflective, but at certain angles like a black sheet.
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aifolksongs101 · 9 months
Disney theme Lenormand
1. The Fairy Godmother: A card featuring a wise and kind fairy godmother, perhaps with a wand and a sparkling wand. 2. Snow White's Apple: An card depicting Snow White's poisoned apple, symbolizing temptation and danger. 3. Cinderella's Glass Slipper: A card showing Cinderella's iconic glass slipper, representing transformation and change. 4. Alice in Wonderland's Rabbit Hole: A card illustrating Alice's descent into the rabbit hole, representing a sudden change or unexpected event. 5. The Evil Queen: A card featuring the Evil Queen from Snow White, symbolizing jealousy and malice. 6. Beauty and the Beast's Rose: A card depicting the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast, representing love and sacrifice. 7. The Little Mermaid's Seashell: A card showing the little mermaid's seashell, representing communication and connection. 8. Peter Pan's Pixie Dust: A card featuring Peter Pan's magical pixie dust, representing imagination and wonder. 9. Tiana's Mardi Gras Mask: A card showcasing Tiana's colorful Mardi Gras mask, representing creativity and self-expression. 10. Belle's Book: A card featuring Belle's beloved book, representing knowledge and intelligence. 11. The Beast's Castle: A card depicting the Beast's enchanted castle, representing transformation and growth. 12. Pumbaa's Grasshopper: A card featuring Pumbaa's loyal grasshopper companion, representing friendship and loyalty. 13. Simba's Lion Mane: A card showing Simba's majestic lion mane, representing courage and strength. 14. Mulan's Dragon: A card featuring Mulan's trusty dragon sidekick, representing protection and guidance. 15. Jasmine's Tiara: A card showcasing Jasmine's beautiful tiara, representing success and achievement. 16. Genie's Lamp: A card featuring Genie's magical lamp, representing wishes and desires. 17. Tarzan's Vines: A card depicting Tarzan's swinging vines, representing flexibility and adaptability. 18. Aurora's Flowers: A card featuring Aurora's beautiful flowers, representing beauty and nature. 19. Flounder's Fish: A card showcasing Flounder's fish companions, representing support and encouragement. 20. Scuttle's Ship: A card featuring Scuttle's ship, representing travel and exploration. 21. Rapunzel's Hair: A card depicting Rapunzel's long, golden hair, representing creativity and self-expression. 22. Flynn Rider's Boots: A card featuring Flynn Rider's rugged boots, representing adventure and action. 23. Tigger's Bounce: A card showcasing Tigger's bouncy energy, representing joy and playfulness. 24. Eeyore's Cloud: A card featuring Eeyore's gloomy cloud, representing emotional depth and intuition. 25. Piglet's Pooh Sticks: A card showcasing Piglet's beloved Pooh sticks, representing simplicity and innocence. 26. Pooh's Honey Pot: A card featuring Pooh's honey pot, representing nourishment and sustenance. 27. Lumiere's Candlestick: A card depicting Lumiere's elegant candlestick, representing refinement and sophistication. 28. Cogsworth's Clock: A card featuring Cogsworth's precise clock, representing organization and structure. 29. Abu's Carpet: A card showcasing Abu's colorful carpet, representing creativity and imagination. 30. Aladdin's Lamp: A card featuring Aladdin's magical lamp, representing wishes and desires. 31. Jafar's Snake Staff: A card depicting Jafar's staff, representing power and control. 32. Iago's Feather: A card showcasing Iago's feather, representing communication and expression. 33. Rajah's Pearls: A card featuring Rajah's pearls, representing wisdom and insight. 34. Flounder's Fin: A card depicting Flounder's fin, representing support and encouragement. 35. Sebastian's Drums: A card showcasing Sebastian's drums, representing rhythm and music. 36. The Magic Mirror: A card featuring the magic mirror from Snow White, representing reflection and self-awareness.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'We are on the verge of a "Hartnettaissance."
Josh Hartnett recently had impressive performances on TV ("Black Mirror") and in movies ("Oppenheimer").
Since he's known best for his work on the big screen, we're highlighting Hartnett's top movie roles.
14. John Tate in "Halloween H20: 20 Years Later" (1998)
In his big screen debut, Hartnett played John, the son of Jamie Lee Curtis' character, Laurie.
It's what you'd expect — he runs for his life from Michael Myers. It's not the most memorable performance, but landing the role did help catapult him into the "next big thing" conversation in Hollywood.
13. Hugo Goulding in "O" (2001)
In this modern-day retelling of Shakespeare's "Othello," Harnett plays the evil Hugo (essentially an adaptation of the Iago character in the classic play), who plots against his supposed friend Odin (Mekhi Phifer) to get the attention of Desi (Julia Stiles) and ruin Odin's life.
Released at a time when Hartnett's star was rising fast, the movie helped show that Hartnett was more than just a pretty face.
12. Dwight "Bucky" Bleichert in "The Black Dahlia" (2006)
Though this Brian DePalma-directed adaptation of James Ellroy's classic pulpy noir didn't get the acclaim you'd expect with such legends attached, Hartnett still shined as a detective investigating one of Los Angeles' most notorious murders.
In a cast that also featured stars like Aaron Eckhart, Scarlett Johansson, and Hilary Swank, Hartnett proves here that his dramatic acting chops are on par with those of genuine movie stars.
11. The Drifter in "Bunraku" (2010)
A rare impressive performance from the decade or so where Hartnett found himself in B-movies that often went straight-to-video or On Demand, Hartnett has a blast in "Bunraku" playing the movie's lead, The Drifter, who stumbles upon some interesting characters — and a lot of blood.
10. Matt Sullivan in "40 Days and 40 Nights" (2002)
Hartnett leans heavily on his heartthrob status in this rom-com, in which he plays a guy who gives up any sexual contact for Lent.
Playing up his character's wide eyes and penchant for hyperventilating as his hormones gradually get out of control, Hartnett delivers big on the laughs and the charm here.
9. K.C. Calden in "Hollywood Homicide" (2003)
A year after doing the rom-com thing, Hartnett teamed up with Harrison Ford for this studio action comedy.
Harnett holds his own across from Ford, delivering a playfulness he doesn't often give us in his filmography.
8. Ernest Lawrence in "Oppenheimer" (2023)
In Christopher Nolan's biopic of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hartnett stars as one of the real-life physicists who joined the Manhattan Project to create the atom bomb alongside Oppenheimer.
Hartnett plays Ernest Lawrence as a man who is not just friendly with Oppenheimer, but who tries to make the genius understand that his actions, especially his favoritism towards Communist thinking, can lead to problems.
7. Trip Fontaine in "The Virgin Suicides" (1999)
In Sofia Coppola's feature directorial debut about the tragic lives of five teenage sisters, Hartnett plays Trip, the movie's heartthrob who dates the most rebellious sister, Lux (Kirsten Dunst).
Hartnett plays his role perfectly, and Coppola frames him as a high school God on screen, complete with a flowing 1970s-style haircut and stylish outfits.
6. Dave "Boy Sweat" Hancock in "Wrath of Man" (2021)
The recent "Hartnettaissance" can be traced back to this Guy Ritchie action thriller.
This revenge movie set in the world of armored truck guards finds Hartnett playing one of the guards who befriends Jason Statham's character.
It won't be the last time Ritchie calls on Hartnett to bring one of his characters to life.
5. The Salesman in "Sin City" (2005)
As the slick assassin in the Robert Rodriguez adaptation of Frank Miller's iconic comic series, Hartnett's character plays a key role in bookending the movie.
His voiceover narrates his target at the start of the movie at a party. Then, dressed as a doctor at the end of the movie, he encounters a woman in an elevator. She knows from the sight of him that her fate is set.
Though Harnett doesn't get a lot of screen time, his presence in both scenes is thrilling and chilling.
4. Matt Eversmann in "Black Hawk Down" (2001)
Hartnett is front and center in Ridley Scott's acclaimed war movie, which follows the aftermath of a Black Hawk helicopter crashing in enemy territory in Mogadishu in 1993 during the Somali Civil War.
The role was a breakthrough in positioning Hartnett as not just a heartthrob, but a good actor in his own right.
3. Danny Francesco in "Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre" (2023)
Teaming again with Guy Ritchie, Hartnett delivers one of his best performances in recent memory. In this Ritchie action movie, Jason Statham plays a spy who must track down a device before an arms dealer (Hugh Grant) sells it to the highest bidder.
Hartnett plays the dealer's favorite actor, whom Statham's character uses to infiltrate the dealer's world.
Here, Hartnett gets to flex his comedic chops, as his egotistical actor character suddenly has to be as tough as the characters he plays on screen.
2. Danny Walker in "Pearl Harbor" (2001)
Michael Bay's blockbuster fictional epic about the attack on Pearl Harbor was slaughtered by critics and became a punching bag for audiences throughout the summer of 2001. But despite all of that, it features one of Hartnett's best performances.
Starring alongside Ben Affleck as two best friends who survive the attack, the role marks the biggest studio job Hartnett has had to date. Not only does Hartnett deliver an impressive dramatic performance, but he also carries the movie's main love story, alongside Kate Beckinsale.
1. Zeke Tyler in "The Faculty" (1998)
The same year Hartnett made his big-screen debut in "Halloween H20," he also starred in Robert Rodriguez's sci-fi horror "The Faculty."
As the rebellious, drug-dealing student at an Ohio high school who is repeating his senior year, Hartnett delivers all the qualities that would go on to make him famous: His boyish good looks, his brooding intensity, his signature deep voice, and that late-1990s look where you wear a long-sleeved shirt under a T-shirt.'
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms (obscure takes & slightly furry edition)
I was tagged by @tangledupblue and @reliablejoukido approximately forever ago! I’ve actually done this meme two times previously, but there are always more characters to talk about (that cannot be true forever, but we’ll say it’s true for now). So let’s get to it!
Also, I don't feel like tagging this one, but please feel free to do this if you want to! I always love to hear about peoples' favorite characters <3
1. Iago (Disney’s Aladdin)
I… I… I don't have any excuses, I just think he’s neat, ok?! There has always been something about the sarcastic talking animal sidekick trope that speaks to me, even though I can’t explain why. He’s just such a angry, self-centered, fun little guy, and he has a real character arc that runs through all of the 90s animated media! Love his role in the TV series, and I also love that he went off with Aladdin’s dad at the end of King of Thieves. For better or worse, he’s my favorite Disney character, period!
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2. Bad Bird/Karamaru (Samurai Pizza Cats/Kyatto Ninden Teyandee)
SPC is a show from the mid-90s era of dubs, and it’s generally beloved for taking a rather loose approach to its translation of the original source material. Bad Bird is yet another bird-type henchman, a rival to the "star" character, a bit of a punching bag, and also not-really-all-that-evil. I uh… I guess I have a type? *shifty eyes*
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3. Jose Carioca
Oh sh*t I lied, I do actually have ANOTHER favorite Disney character! Who is a bird!! I honestly don’t know why I have such an attachment to Jose. Three Caballeros was something I ONLY watched at my grandma’s house as a wee one, so I do have some very specific childhood memories of it, and little me always thought this charming parrot was the best part. I have never seen anything he featured in that didn’t originate in the 1940s (yeah, I slept on the DuckTales reunion because I don't have cable or Disney+), but I’ve heard he has (had?) his own long-running comic book series in Brazil. I’ve always wanted to see one of those!
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I uh… I definitely have a type. Who knew?? ^^;
4. Ryouga Hibiki (Ranma 1/2)
Ok look. I came into Ranma 1/2 in a pretty weird way: looking it up obsessively on the late 90s Internet, falling in love with character descriptions, screenshots and promo art, and reading fanfiction before I was able to watch or read ANY significant portions of the source material. Ryouga was always kind of my favorite back then, and he still is now (even though I have only seen a few of the OVAs and read about half of the manga). He’s just. He’s such an idiot (affectionate). But he's a great rival, a dog person, has Feelings but is incredibly awkward, and generally means well.
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5. Ben Wyatt (Parks and Rec)
Live action? GASP! Just… Ben Wyatt is a MOOD. The entire ensemble cast of P&R is amazing, but it’s incredible how much Adam Scott and Rob Lowe brought to the table. I am very normal about Ben, Cones of Dunshire, and the Letters to Cleo shirt (I am not).
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6. Lily Aldrin (How I Met Your Mother)
While I will watch Alyson Hannigan act in pretty much anything, HIMYM is a total comfort show for me, and Lily is just *chef’s kiss.* Don’t really have much more to say than that!
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7. Lum(?) (Urusei Yatsura)
UY has such a HUGE ensemble cast with tons of interdependencies, you practically can’t isolate one character without at least three others tagging along. You also can’t think too hard about them, because they are all idiots (affectionate) (there is definitely a distinction to make between characterization being good and characterization being deep). Lum is... not my favorite character (that might actually be the manga version of Mendo?), but she's such a dang icon, plus she’s the one I've tried to draw the most, so that… counts?? Much like Ranma 1/2, I also have to factor in all the years I spent wanting to experience UY. Amazingly enough, I've seen more of it than Ranma at this point!
Currently wishing I could watch the reboot too, because the manga characterization/version of events might actually be getting their day in the sun? :D
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8. Bentley (Sly Cooper)
Oof. OOF. Why did I do this to myself. The Sly Cooper series is a 3D platforming series from the PS2 era of video games. Penelope from Sly 3 might be my favorite character conceptually (she brings something really fun to the table, and geek girls FTW!), but her being The Fave is hampered by the fact that she only appears in the one game (What's that? Sly 4? Sorry, don't know what you're talking about). Sly 2 is hands-down my favorite entry in the franchise, and while he’s really difficult to play as, Bentley’s development across the original trilogy is… ghhh. IT’S SO GOOD, as are his friendships with Sly and Murray. Bentley!!! (I still love you though Penelope, you got done so dirty).
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9. Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
I don’t believe I’ve watched/played/read any TMNT property that is younger than a third-grader at this point. But Donnie’s the Smart One, and he is Purple. ‘Nuff said!!
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OK so. Birds and smart turtles. We're learning more about what my types are all the time...
10. Daisuke Jigen (Lupin III)
I have not seen much Lupin III. But Jigen is cool <3
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(I also like hats).
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