creators-island · 1 year
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Wukong loved joining Macaque for his summer baths.
Macaque is a winter monkey, he’s used to cold weather and he doesn’t really like the hot weather. So he always takes long baths in summer, Wukong accompany him so he didn’t feel alone.
[I’ve been trying new stuff with my art program]...
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pt.6 of the greatest showman x lmk au !! enjoy it while it lasts !! <3
hiii everyone!! thanks for waiting so patiently for the next part haha… i’ve been in iowa for the last two weeks for a creative writing camp and had the best time!!
at this point i have no idea when i’ll run out of ideas for this au. maybe when i’ve drawn every single frame. i also need to introduce y’all to the other characters like mei and azure and literally everybody else… i have a long way to go!!
ANYWAYS i realized like yesterday that i’d never drawn that scene of wukong and macaque together in that million dreams sequence when they’re younger kids and just hanging around that old abandoned mansion, thought it was too cute not to draw.
AND YOU CAN NEVER FORGET SPICYNOODLES this stuff has my heart, it is my forever and eternal brainrot. here’s another comic for them and some closeups so that y’all can take some better looks at them.
also PLEAASSEE stop reposting my art; i’ve seen multiple of reposts without permission on tumblr and pinterest and if you’re gonna do it at least add some credit!!
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lozfanchick · 7 months
Inspired by Introverted-monkey-noises Greastest Showman AU. Please go look at their art! It's amazing!!
Here is a snippet of Macaque and Wukong making up after Wukong and his circus burnt to the ground because Wukong never had enough. With a sprinkle of MK and Red Son's rewrite the stars romance~
Additionally at the end there is the full plot details that I unfortunately don't have time to expand on but I want to give the idea to the fandom.
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its-malarkey · 11 months
Okay I should NOT be allowed to post every time I think of a good song for Shadowpeach (I had to have done it like three or four times now) but. Hear me out. Tightrope from The Greatest Showman. For Macaque
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zarinosa · 2 years
Melody AU: Macaque Profile
Macaque is a Broadway themed character who’s abilities and references surround the plays he has made/played in. His favorite play is the Phantom of the Opera. His life is a tragic one at that.
He was friends with Wukong long ago, and was in love with him. However, Macaque did not confess his feelings, and Wukong had left him behind to be with his new friends. During the destruction of FFM, Macaque had been scarred on the right side of his face, covering it with a mask due to how bad the mark was. All of his cries for Wukong to save him were left unanswered.
This left him with only bitterness and sorrow. When he saw The Phantom of the Opera back in 1910, he felt heard. Like someone knew how he felt. He based his look after the Phantom, and went on to be in the shadows and remain a mystery.
He heard of Wukong’s triumph through other genre’s of music. He hated Wukong, wanted nothing to do with him. Macaque however was popular, at least, his persona was… The Showman.
He made many plays, and likes to star in many others. Wukong only ever opened up to him, and wanted him to do so. That was one of the big things that stick with him when creating his vision.
Macaque trained MK to become a better dancer and singer in his own time. Macaque really wanted MK to succeed, and genuinely liked MK’s spunky and unique music tastes. Then he heard about MK being Wukong’s successor. It began to make sense to him, and he couldn’t help but feel.. Angry.
He did his best not to look at MK as Wukong. Macaque is always pained by the memories of a friend that was no longer his. A tragic tale that he sings to himself… For hundreds of years, alone.
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casualmelody · 1 year
I Know Those Eyes, Part 2
Even when the others finally arrived, Xingshen was deeply uneasy. It didn’t help that she could tell the Mayor was there, his blank eyes and empty smile setting her on edge. Thankfully, the show soon began, the lights dimming. Xingshen began to relax and prepared to immerse herself in the story. The curtains parted, showing a hooded figure clad in red and black.
“Welcome, viewers, to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen. It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior and how those who bring light in this world inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear.” As he spoke, shadows began to appear on the wall to illustrate as he spoke. Xingshen felt her heart begin to pound, tears immediately springing to her golden eyes. Her very stomach felt sick, and she could feel her breathing beginning to quicken. When MK mentioned getting snacks, she instantly whispered that she would join him and sprung up from her seat, moving quickly to the exit. Once outside, she put her hand to her neck, feeling the frantic pulse. She tried to control her breathing so that when MK came out she could simply say, “It is nothing, I simply must go. There is urgent business I must attend to elsewhere, I was only just informed of it while waiting for you. Please remain safe.” With the excuse given she nearly fled home, slamming the door shut behind her and pacing madly around her living room, speaking aloud to herself. “It is not possible, your emotions are simply getting the better of you. Control yourself. What would Zhizhu say if she saw you in such a state? All is well.” But her fingers began running through her hair repeatedly in a self-soothing motion. Despite her intense unease, Xingshen found herself going back to the theater. Even when her heart felt as if it would burst from her chest, even when she felt like she would throw up, she stayed for the accursed, beautiful voice and his wicked story. When the evening play concluded, she resolved to stay behind. Surely speaking with the showman would but a stop to these feelings. When the audience filed out, she sat there, one leg crossed over the other. Her hand rested idly on the bench, fingernail tapping the wood anxiously as she waited. Finally, she saw the hooded figure emerge. “Oh,” he said. “I figured everyone was gone by now.” “Your story,” Xingshen began. “Where did you learn it? I have never heard of it before.”
“From an old friend,” was the reply.
“Was he the warrior of the story?”
“You could say that.”
Xingshen was quiet for a few seconds before she asked, her voice slightly breaking, “Do you know the details of his death? Did he suffer greatly?” “Oh I would say so,” the figure said, taking a seat on the bench next to her. “I found a letter from someone who was with him in his final moments. Seems before he went he was asking for someone named ‘Zhiyin’. It was probably the poor guy’s wife. Shame she wasn’t there for him. I wonder how quick she moved on after hearing the news. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had on a wedding dress that same hour.”
His words knifed her heart. “She would never have done that. She would have taken his loss deeply and would have spent her years barely able to function without him at her side.”
“Yeah? Well you sure didn’t seem so upset in your condo surrounded by fancy furniture.”
Xingshen looked up from her folded hands to the black-furred simian sitting before her. She removed her sunglasses, showing her golden orbs now filled with tears. In a stricken tone she whispered, “Liu’er.” The monkey would have spoken, but he was suddenly held in a crushing hug. “I only knew what had happened when it was too late, I wish I had known! The stories...It was said that you attempted horrible things, and I was so anxious that the rumors were true!”
She felt the monkey stiffen, his hands going to her shoulders to shove her off. Xingshen pulled back, her eyes searching his as tears went down her face. Macaque, looking disconcerted, smoothed his outfit and said, “Yeah well...people say a lot of things about me. You get used to it.” Bewildered by his attitude, Xingshen asked, “How are you alive?”
“Why would you care? Shouldn’t you be off...what is it you do now? Making jewelry and fancy dresses?”
Xingshen frowned in continued confusion. “Liu’er, I care deeply when something happens to my friends.” “Not enough to look for me. To try to write. Anything. And now you’re hanging around the Monkey King’s apprentice.” Macaque raised an eyebrow at her, a smirk crossing his lips. “Guess you traded one monkey for another, huh? You always did have a way of getting around.” At this Xingshen stood, her lips curled back in a snarl. “How dare you mock me? Do you want to know what happened when I had to read what happened to you, Liu’er?” Not giving him a chance to respond, she yelled, “I MOURNED! I still mourn! I kept your name inscribed upon a tablet that now rests in my dwelling. Words cannot even begin to describe what it felt to realize I had lost one of the only people who truly knew me! When I read of your death, a piece of my soul died along with you!” Macaque had jumped when Xingshen began yelling, her deep voice echoing throughout the empty theater. For a few seconds the two held eyes before he scoffed and got up. “Yeah. Sure.” He turned as if to leave, but paused at Xingshen’s next words:
“I don’t pretend to know the hardships you faced, and I do not know what truly happened, but I can only ask that you allow me to repent for my long absence. For you to walk away now when I have at last found you...” Her hand moved out to hold his own, her large smooth hand encasing his smaller paw. Macaque sighed and rolled his eyes, pulling away his hand. “Times have changed, butterfly, and so have we.” That was all he said before a shadow portal formed beneath his feet, letting him slip away from her. Xingshen was left behind in that theater, crying silently as she stared at the spot where her friend had once been. Alone in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the suited figure watching her from a distance with a heathenish smile stretching across his face. 
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sowul · 3 years
Based on a Nocturne AU thought of in Wish’s discord, and “Tightrope” from The Greatest Showman (2017) 
Dual POV, “~~~” Is the switch to Macaque’s
CW: Brief Mention of Panic and Hallucination
Wan Ji was tired. With assignment deadlines, on top of her parents, on top of Lu. She was tired and just wanted to let off some steam. So, it shocked her when she found herself standing on the empty stage of the auditorium. 
Usually when she was stressed, she’d just go find Elle and spend the afternoon in their bakery during their shift. Perhaps she was more stressed than she initially thought. Or, her feet were influenced by the posters for the upcoming play she saw every day, “Megapolis University Theater Presents: THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, March 23, 2XXX!” It was a classic, one she has seen many times throughout the years. She had nearly all the songs and choreography memorized, some steps alluding her.
She remembered walking past the theater one day, hearing the performers rehearsing a song. The cast member’s voice ringing through the auditorium and spilling through the minuscule cracks beneath the door. Wan Ji recalled thinking the voice was beautiful, fitting for the role Charity Barnum. Perhaps, looking back, it would be that memory paired with her recent spat with Lu that pushed her. 
Her feet pulled her to one of the multiple spots marked on the stage with x’s and dashes. Her body then positioned itself in the starting position. The stance felt natural, as though her body was always meant to be this way. 
Tilting her head up, she felt a flash of panic constrict her. Her traitorous mind filled the empty seats of the audience with shadowy, faceless figures. Their only feature being their eyes, wide and unblinking - staring at her. She felt her chest tighten, and her breathing grow fast and shallow. Then she forced herself to blink, to tear her gaze away from the empty seats. When she looked back, the seats were once again empty. 
She took a moment, a deep breath to calm herself- ‘six seconds in, hold for seven, release for eight.’ Then the silent music began.
Some people long for a life that is simple and planned
Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written
But I’d follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own
Flashes of memories danced across her mind, just as she danced across the stage. Her father’s disappointed face as she made a step. Her parent’s smiling faces turned to her brother with a bow. Lu’s face contorted in anger as she twirled. 
The more memories that rose from the depths of her mind, the louder her singing became. The more emotion she poured into each note. 
Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We’re walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We’re walking a tightrope
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?
It was near comedic how well timed it was. For her foot to get caught on a raised plank, causing her to trip and fall. Her voice cut into a yelp as she closed her eyes and braced for impact.
That never came?
She opened her eyes to see a monkey demon staring at her with wide eyes, almost as shocked at their position as she was. As if he didn’t expect to catch her in his arms before she hit the stage. The red markings on his face concealing the full extent of his blush that she no doubt knew she matched.
He broke eye contact first, looking to the spot where she tripped and mumbled something about “…I told them it need to be fixed.” Then he turned back to her and gave her a grin that was probably supposed to be cheeky, but it just looked nervous.
“…Close,” he chuckled, “but it’s more like this.” 
He pulled her up and closer to himself, so they stood in the starting position of a waltz. She looked at their positioning, then back to the demon’s face. He had that same nervous grin, and Wan Ji couldn’t help but chuckle at the turn of events. 
“I suppose I should thank you for coming to my rescue.” She said once she stopped laughing.
“A ‘thank you’ would be appreciated Lotus.” Lotus? Interesting nickname. “Well Plum, my name is Wan Ji.” A puzzled look flashed across his face, “‘Plum?’ How’d you come up with that one?”
“You smell like plums, seemed only fitting.” Then she panicked a little, “Unless you don’t like it! I’m sorry, I don’t know your name and I didn’t know what to call you, so I just said the first thing I could think of-“ “It’s fine, I like it. As for my name, it’s Macaque.” He said in a soft voice, effectively cutting off her rambling.
“Macintosh, got it.”
The demon, Macaque, barked out a laugh, “It’s Macaque. Ma-ca-k”
Wan Ji shrugged, a playful and unapologetic grin in place, “Sorry, bad with names.” 
She watched Macaroni shake his head, a small smile ever present, “We’ll work on it. For now, I do believe a lesson in choreography is needed?”
The question was painted on his face, though he did not voice it, Would you like to? His arms were loose around her, if she decided to back off she could without resistance. She felt the beginnings of stage fright well up in her again, but she stamped it down. 
“Lead the way Maestro.”
Macaque was lazing about backstage in one of the empty dressing rooms. Half-eaten plum in one hand/paw(?), script in the other. He read the lines highlighted in orange highlighter with unseeing eyes- he already knew his lines, having memorized them after the first read through. But, he didn’t have anything better to do so here he was. He guessed he could’ve gone home- being done with classes for the day, but he couldn’t not take advantage of the empty theater. Finally able to give his sensitive ears a break after sitting through lectures and hearing the babbling nonsense of his classmates. 
At least it was silent, before he picked up the sound of the doors slamming open and stomping feet. He jumped, not expecting the sudden noise as no one was supposed to be here at this hour- including himself. He thought it might have been a teacher, or maybe a custodian, but there weren’t the squeak of cart wheels, nor the click of heels or dress shoes. Which, why did all professors wear the same shoes anyways? 
He listened as the stranger’s footfalls moved down the aisles of the house, up the steps, and across the stage. They were so sure that he figured it may have been one of his fellow cast members here for extra practice. It would be interesting to watch, much more entertaining than “reading” his lines so he got up and snuck around backstage until he reached the wing. 
When he peeked his head past the curtain he- that isn’t a cast member. It was a girl, with long hair and- were those fox ears? And three tails?? She must’ve been a Huli Jing, but what was she doing here? Macaque watched her look around, she seemed just as confused as he was about her being here. Then he heard her sigh and move to one of the x’s that marked the stage. He recognized that stance; it was the starting position for one of the songs in their current production. She moved into it so naturally, as if she had done this many times- she might have. 
But then he saw her tense, eyes go wide and unblinking, staring at the empty house. Did she have stage fright? A hand/paw(???) reached up to help her, but before he could move she blinked and took a deep breath. She visibly relaxed after releasing the breath, so he put his hand/paw(?????) back down. It seemed she was going to perform, so he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed to watch.
Some people long for a life that is simple and planned
Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written
But I’d follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own
She was good, very good. Her dancing was graceful, each step sure. And her voice never wavered. She took breaths at the appropriate intervals, her words were enunciated, and her voice projected all throughout the house. He had no doubt that if anyone were to walk past, they would hear her as clear as if they were standing right next to her. 
The song was an emotional one. A song of a woman who lives a life with an uncertain future. In the musical, the song is performed when P.T. Barnum is on tour with opera singer Jenny Lind, by his wife Charity, who was left at home with their daughters. Her performance, was just as emotional. As though she herself was Charity, and her emotions were hers.
Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We’re walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We’re walking a tightrope
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?
If he hadn’t seen the frightened look on her face as she fell, he would’ve thought it was planned. Part of the heartfelt performance, one he wished he knew the cause behind. 
He hadn’t felt himself flitting across the stage, with the same speed one would use to rush backstage, to jump from one side of the stage to another during a number. It wasn’t until he felt her in his arms that he realized what he was doing, and a blush bloomed across his face. Thank the gods for his red markings that would hopefully downplay the full extent of his tomato impression.
He looked away first, back to the spot she tripped on. It was that damned plank, one that kept tripping other cast members during rehearsals, but the director was too stubborn, or cheap to have it fixed. 
“I told them that needed to be fixed.”
Remembering the girl in his arms, he looked back at her and gave her his best grin. Hopefully he didn’t look as nervous as he felt.
“…Close,” he chuckles, “but it’s more like this”
He pulled her up so they stood in the starting position of a waltz. He watched her look at their positioning with baited breath. Was that too forward? Did he just mess up? His eyes were wide with panic, but when she turned back to face him he switched back to his earlier grin. Then she laughed. It was full of mirth, and he swears it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.
“I suppose I should thank you for coming to my rescue.” She said once she stopped laughing.
“A ‘thank you’ would be appreciated Lotus.” Macaque watched her eyebrows furrow at the name, seeming confused by it. Well, if she asked him he wouldn’t know how to answer, he didn’t even know where it came from. 
“Well Plum, my name is Wan Ji.” Wan Ji, a pretty name. Then it was his turn for his face to screw up in confusion. “Plum?” how did she know he was eating one?
“‘Plum?’ How’d you come up with that one?”
“You smell like plums, seemed only fitting. Unless you don’t like it! I’m sorry, I don’t know your name and I didn’t know what to call you, so I just said the first thing I could think of-“ “It’s fine, I like it. As for my name, it’s Macaque.”
“Macintosh, got it.”
A bark of laughter escaped Macaque, “It’s Macaque. Ma-ca-k”
“Sorry, bad with names.” Even he knew the apology wasn’t genuine, but he let it slide with a smile and shake of his head.
“We’ll work on it. For now, I do believe a lesson in choreography is needed?” A thick eyebrow raised as he asked. He recalled her earlier panic before she began and kept his arms around her loose and un-restricting. Leaving the final decision to her. 
He watched her closely as she thought on his question, seeing the beginnings of that earlier panic in her eyes before she blinked, and it was gone.
“Lead the way Maestro.”
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
LMK role swap AU I am very tired sorry if this is dumb.
Swap where
PIF and Tang (Tang being immortal demon in this AU and PIF being reincarnation of the pilgrim)
DBK and Pigsy
Red Son and MK
Bai Hei and Mei (LBD being one of he other pilgrims in this and Bai he being her descendant while Dragon of the west sea is an antagonist and Mei is their vessel)
Mac and SWK
Mayor and Sandy
So Macaque is the one to go on the journey to the west while SWK is imprisoned as a way to release him not that SWK knows this. The one going on the journey is PIF’s previous incarnation and the others are DBK’s previous incarnation, Lady bone demon and the mayors previous incarnation/warrior. Pigsy and Tang being 2 of the antagonists they meet along the way as well as their young kid MK. SWK escaping the mountain while they group are on their journey and thinking Mac abandoned him leading to him attacking the group, Mac not being able to kill him or talk him down so sealing him away.
Not that that lasts for long the Dragon of the west sea releasing him in secret from his prison, same kinda deal with LBD only dragon making SWK give an oath or vow that binds him (SWK thinking he’s powerful enough to stop it but not being able to) while he’s out him training MK and being in contact with Tang, Pigsy also being sealed away by Mac maybe in lantern?.
Macaque staying on flower fruit mountain by himself after his group pass away. PIF and DBK being reincarnations who got together and had Red Son, them running a noodle shop in town. Red still being an inventor and Bai he being basically his little sister type friend who tags along.
Red ending up crashing into Tang and Mk’s plan to release Pigsy with spell from lantern, Red ending up being able to use lantern/shadow powers and Mac meeting and training him as his successor. Red constantly trying to combine tech with the shadow powers and Mac being like
Mac: ‘...Kid I 100% respect the drama levels and showman ship...but that is going to explode and you are going to die...and then your mom is going to find out am I am going to die’
RS: I thought you were immortal?
Mac: your mother will find a way
PIF giving the if one hair on my kids head is out of place I will destroy you speech when Mac starts training him. Mac remembering her previous incarnation and knowing she is serious.
(Mac and RS are the most dramatic duo)
Red Son and MK constantly fighting but also being super awkward one accidentally flirting with the other and then both turning into blushing messes while Bai he just stands their at the side filming it for blackmail.
PIF/DBK and Tang/Pigsy being the most love-struck flirty ridiculous couples ever, and Mk and Red son being like ‘Oh gods no please not now please were about to go into a big fight can you please please not’
Mac and SWK having dramatic reunions and Red/MK awkwardly standing to the side as they watch the miscommunication romcom of their mentors life...They do eventually reveal to SWK the reason Mac went on the journey and that he had never been abandoned...SWK wants to reunite with Mac but... well the oath doesn't make that possible at all.
Sorry if this makes zero sense I am super tired right now.
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ok can i request macaque x s/o and their like mk's sister headcannons please
hi um...keyboard smash, I had fun writing this and sorry it took a while to get out but I hope you enjoy!
macaque x s/o and their like mk's sister headcannons please
Six Eared Macaque
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You know the forbidden love trope like Romeo and Juliet or Rewrite the Stars from Greatest Showman, that’s how he’s going to act even though both you and him aren’t technically enemies (He’s dramatic like that just humor him)
There’s going to be a lot of joking around and teasing, especially about how he shouldn’t be courting you since your brother’s the oh so heroic monkey kid. “To think, the sister of The monkie kid is friends with- no- courting his mentors enemy. Hm.”
Now getting Macaque to actually trust you is going to take a bit given his past but having patience and reassuring him that you indeed love him, spending quality time with him rather than anything else. Once that’s done and he trusts you enough to let his glamour down (after much begging from you) he’s going to wish he hadn’t.
When you both met you’d always wondered what his fur felt like and you knew it was soft but actually feeling it…..Damn…It was like cuddling a cloud and you had to be pried off him, not to mention how blushy your lover was when you couldn’t stop fawning over his six ears.
The reaction you got when you got him noise canceling headphones was one of awe and shockingly a few tears, murmuring how quiet the world was, no yelling, no flinching or deafening sounds (he always keeps them on his person and cannot love you more than he already does)
Absolutely is going to be protective and slightly possessive whenever Sun Wukong shows up since there’s still some underlying tension but still makes a point to show off how lucky he is to be with you and how it’s curious that his successor’s sister is his lover.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Soo- I just was looking your Parents and Kiddos Au and just get a idea with a video-
So imagine that Mei get scared with fire in the city and Macaque it's not there for her or something
She and Macaque were in the city buying food or just little walk around, Mac was buying some fruit and tell Mei don't separate from him, Mei nod but then she heard music she turn her head to the sound a there where a little show
She look at Macaque an he was distracted and she sneek to the show, and then when she was there between the crowd, the showman used a lot of fire and she got scared, then how she can't get out of the crowd she start criying and calling for Macaque like this video
idk how to continue it sorry 💀
If Mei starts to call out for Macaque while crying, the shadow demon is going to run to her. He will hold her and teleport both of them to the most secluded area he can think of, away from any possible danger.
He's going to hold Mei and do his best to comfort her.
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cyber-phobia · 4 years
If all of your AU Izuku's were animals (Other than a rabbit or bunny) what would they be???
Manic: Black-Footed Cat, with a 60% kill rate
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Blow Dart: Coral Snake, a docile venomous snake that can be used for medicine.
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Izuku Todoroki: Kakapo, which is particularly unobservant and has no sense of danger
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Secret Crime: Rhesus Macaque, which steals from people.
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White Haired Izuku: Samoyed, who look exactly like their parents
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Love Tap: Sugar Glider, who needs a companion and will get very attached to one person.
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The Showman: Peacock Spider, showy and a dancer
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creators-island · 1 year
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Showman!Macaque AU
Where the Six Eared Macaque doesn't exist, in this AU, He's THE Greatest Showman: Liu'er Mihou. Director, Actor, Writer, Singer, Dancer and everything you'd ever imagine to entertain you, this man can do it. And Wukong loves it, even if his brothers don't.
Please gimme more ideas for this au i need them
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"a million dreams for the world we're gonna make" - a million dreams, from the greatest showman
HEYYY GUYS I'M BACK !!! ap exams are finally over and i'm pretty sure i flunked ap physics but i sat down to draw stuff the day i finished after a whole lot of karaoke with my friends. i had a sketch of this going on but it has always been lying around unfinished so i really wanted to get this done for you guys last night
BUT HERE'S A NEZHA APPEARANCE i know a lot of you have been asking for him and multiple ppl have suggested that he be the critic from the movie, and you're right it totally suits him,,, bro can be a harsh but necessary critic. and i've always wanted to draw that specific scene of wukong lifting macaque in that a million dreams dance sequence. so here you go !! the critic isn't frequent in the movie but he's a necessary character so if you guys want to see more of nezha in this au just let me know !!
other stuff that i've been wanting to draw contain mei, sandy, etc. the rest of the crew as the performers and a lot more shadowpeach and spicynoodles (some asked for that specific scene where time slows as redson and mk's eyes meet with the trapeze performance thing so that'd be cool to include for the next part of this series) and i definitely do want to draw macaque in his trapeze artist at one point, he'd be gorgeous.
also let me know if you want to see any specific scene or characters from this au !! i'm not done cooking and i have so many things i want to draw for it but as you know i can't satisfy everybody... so i'm gonna need your help narrowing it all down. this movie is a piece of art and i'm so ready to combine it with lmk and actively draw until s5 comes out. so excited for this summer !!!
as always, thank youuu for reading this (if anybody does !!!!!)
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creators-island · 1 year
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The first meeting in years, It was not very nice one.
Wukong feels betrayed, he was being kept as a dangerous animal while Macaque the love of his life was having the best time ever far away from him. And... He never saw him this happy in a long, long time...He couldn’t remember last time he saw Macaque having so much energy, Was it his fault? Did Macaque never felt happy around him? Was he really that unhappy in the mountain?
Meanwhile, Liu’er feels conflicted. He hasn’t heard anything about Wukong for YEARS, after the fight he tough Wukong would never want to speak to him again, and even when he came back to the mountain only to find it in ruins, the only thought in his mind was: Is Wukong okay? Where is he? Will he come back?
And now he is back, and Liu’er can only feel the trapeze slipping from his grasp  while trying to find the words, to say something, anything to him- 
then a scream... and everything went black
I believe someone ask me to do this specific scene of the movie but i don’t remember who, anyway HERE is the speedpaint 
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creators-island · 1 year
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In china being a teacher pays incredible well...And as we know being an artist is difficult without having a part time job, soooo Macaque Liu’ er Mihou is working as a part time theatre teacher and as Tang’s assistant...
A little Bonus:
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creators-island · 1 year
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Do you need a buddy? Don’t you wanna a pal’?
336 notes · View notes