#shrine icon
bigbadjackal · 7 months
Now looking for 1 more person who would like to join the group order for one of my bronze Wepwawet statues. 🥳 I’m in the process of seeing if I can nail down an ordering date so I can set a deadline for when interested parties should aim to have the money available to send over to me. I’ll update accordingly when I’ve got a date determined. Thank you to all who have helped spread the word, we’re so nearly there in terms of having the numbers needed to proceed! 😃
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webdiggerxxx · 9 months
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dramoor · 7 months
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"Before the wheel of time stops in my life, have mercy on me. Before the wind of death blows and diseases appear in my body, have mercy on me. Before the majestic sun in the heights becomes darkened for me, have mercy on me. Before the trumpet sounds, spare Thy servants and have mercy, O our Lord Jesus."
~St. Ephraim the Syrian
(Image via Pinterest)
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purringysalamiri · 2 months
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relocated my shrine
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twojackals · 6 months
Meanwhile, the jackal corner is on fire today. It's definitely a Jackal kind of day.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 7 months
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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"Everything you went through was meaningless." [St Voyager S3 E7: 'Sacred Ground']
#Serving Jesus realness#star trek screenshots#Janeway#iconic that all the aliens are like 'damn....that's crazy....anyway-' about Janeway HEHEHE they're like snickering behind their hands#I would be too honestly if some outsider tried to speedrun my ancient spiritual rituals#Love the vibe of 'this could all be hazing' they're putting out. Also I keep seeing the face paint on the guide woman as like a mic#honestly this woman's fucking hilarious HEHEHE#Janeway: I'm dying. / Alien Guide: We all die someday :) <- lady who just told her to stick in her hand in a poison jar#AHAHAHA THEY REALLY DID HAZE HER...I love these guys they're so nahnahnahbooboo-core#also the refrain 'Everything you went through was meaningless' ..... thinking BIG thoughts about post-voyager voy crew back on earth#I really do earnestly love the gleeful contempt vibe...it just seems so right. In a funny way but also in a way that's deeply true#the feeling of trying to find answers while you universe laughs and says there are none - it's meaningless - but you're welcome to go ahead#and try. If you find God you have the feeling it would just stare at you blankly. Then laugh.#Chakotay: Captain I've been so worried about you! Have you found a solution? / Janeway: Absolutely. I'm going to walk into the death shrine#Chakotay: (internally hysterical) Oh of COURSE!!!! no of COURSE she's going to walk into the DEATH SHRINE!!!!#great imagery in this one <3 folks who love religious imagery (me) will get a kick outta this one <3#anyway I love when star trek does hopeful eps like this...makes me tear up like. Yeah there could be a scientific explanation but that#doesn't make it MORE true or MORE real than the religious one - it's just as valid to believe in the spirits#Also those three old creeps were lovely <3 scared me and I like that! existential dread!
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pixelsjoy · 1 year
Me playing Tears of the Kingdom: As much as I miss the champions, it makes sense they're not mentioned much. It's been a hundred years since they died. Even if they survived the Calamity, most of them would probably be dead at this point. The only exception being Mipha, who would have been the only one that would still be alive if she survived the calamity due to her age. The reason they're still remembered so much in Breath of the Wild is because the Divine Beasts, one of the last remaining connections to them, are still active and looming in Hyrule. Impa also said that their spirits feel uneasy knowing their task of defeating the Calamity wasn't done. They were at peace when the Calamity was defeated and passed on. They're not brought up from that point on because them and their era are over and can be laid to rest.
Also me playing Tears of the Kingdom: - holding back tears - Damn I miss the champions
#LIKE YEAH. I GET IT FROM A THEMATIC POINT. BUT FROM A 'SIR THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS' POINT. I AM ACHING#I love the sages in TotK! Don't get me wrong!#I mean look at my icon tee hee#But I've grown so attached to the champions their absence feels so off. I'm fifty-fifty on it#I wanna be clear: Big agree with people who say the Sheikah Shrines and tech being suddenly gone feels off#It's unexplained and feels far too significant to easily write off#I feel similar about the champions and how little they're mentioned in game#I don't think Zelda even has a single line of dialogue that mentions them.#She and Link lived through the calamity and knew them as friends#At least a tiny mention would have made sense since she does briefly talk about the Calamity with Sonia and Rauru#I guess it makes a little sense?? In regards to the developers wanting to be hush hush about BotW spoilers for newcomers#But the way they went about it is like they tried to forget it happened. It doesn't feel right.#This might also be my biased speaking cause the original sages? Cool and all#But they feel so hollow compared to the characters that the champions had#Anyways I am still VERY in love with TotK. It's consumed way too much of my time#But I also wanted to talk about this gripe dhdjfjejfjd#Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I'm sorry this is a whole wall of spilling#Anyways will I cope by remembering Age of Calamity is a thing despite how much it obliterates the timeline?#Dang right#Tears of the Kingdom#Breath of the Wild#TotK Spoilers#LoZ TotK#Loz BotW#BotW Champions#Long Post
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chumbyy · 7 months
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beware the ruinskeeper!!!
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soyouwinagain · 8 months
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if this doesn't help us win idk what else will
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holified · 7 months
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Honestly, how come the Inuyasha manga doesn't have a fully colored version like Naruto and Bleach do?
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bigbadjackal · 8 months
Looking for three more people interested in joining the group order for one of my standing Wepwawet jackal bronzes. 😊
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cherubytes · 3 months
i just shuffled my queue and i got like 8 v1 posts in a row help me
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twojackals · 1 month
A Practitioner’s perspective: Icons.
Hi! My name is Nesi, and I’m a Kemetic Polytheist. I sometimes spend time describing my day-to-day life as a Kemetic practitioner, and I’m happy to open my door to assisting others with greater understanding of this beautiful spiritual path.
I finally had the opportunity to re-launch my website (https://wepwawet.ca) on new hosting (it has been down for several months now), and to celebrate I decided to take some cool pictures of some of my main shrine icons and share them with everyone!
Some people have the privilege in this world to have access to marvelous, expensive icons made of detailed, heavy wood, brass or bronze, marbles, precious materials, and so on. I however have not been that lucky, and this is added on top of the fact that Wepwawet is already not a popular Deity to find in commercial images.
Sometimes, as a result, a practitioner becomes creative: repurposing items, commissioning where possible, or crafting suitable images on your own.
Here is a selection of icons I have on my Shrines!
Hybrid form
In my experience, Wepwawet has never asked of me to obtain specifically an icon of hybrid jackal-man form — except once. One time, in well over two decades. And this was the result, because when I saw this statue online, it was all I could do but promise it to him just so that I could move on with my day!
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One reason Wepwawet has never asked me to procure these human-animal statues is because they are almost always labeled as being “for Anubis” in terms of inscriptions or accent decor, or the statues come pre-emblazoned with nonsense hieroglyphs which mean nothing at all — something he has specifically asked me to avoid, if I am able to do so. But the above statue contains neither, though some of my other statues will fail this litmus test and still are acceptable for other important reasons.
Continuing in the Mixed human-animal category, I have two other primary statues of importance. The first is the very first statue to represent Wepwawet I ever purchased — ever. And this one does in fact brake the rule of having a few too many glyphs no one wants or needs, but that doesn’t matter much for this piece. When you’re talking about nostalgia, history, and connection, this piece brings it all back to me, and Wepwawet is quite accepting of it as a result.
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You will never find me pretending this statue is unique; it is, most certainly, not that and is a simple commercial statue. It was the coloring which drew me to it back then, having very little access to any statues of any kind yet coming across this silver-colored beauty was like a stroke of luck.
The other hybrid statue I enjoy the most is the Anubis piece from the Artisan Guild International collection, and I’m really happy to have a copy of this on my shrine. Even though we all know it was meant to represent Anubis, Wepwawet still enjoys having it on his main shrine.
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Standing Jackal
In the standing-jackal theriomorphic category, the world-wide offerings of such statues are limited, at best. This first piece, I reached out to an artist to create, it is carved from wood, stained on the base and painted black otherwise. It is a very simple piece but one of the first legitimately-undeniably-Wepwawet pieces I ever had.
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And with a thirst for All Things Jackal, I would move on to finding other ways to get my standing-jackal fix; namely, when I entered the world of 3D printing.
The majority of the icons on my shrines are, in fact, plastic — a true, egregious breach of protocol for many ritualists out there, but one that should be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between the person doing the offering, and whichever God(s) they believe in. In my case, the form of the standing jackal has always come up in my relationship with Wepwawet to be more important than the material, though should I ever enter a financial windfall, I’m sure that will change.
I created the Jackal model from scratch in a software package called Meshmixer and later fleshed out in other programs over the last few years. This first print-out is using a PLA Plastic filament that is mixed with wood (about 30% wood to 70% plastic is a common ratio). This allowed me to sand the finish piece, paint it, and apply top coats to give it a metallic-like finish. The base was also 3D printed in the same material, and stained with regular wood stain.
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A little quote from me making this model a handful of years ago:
1) Put shapes on the board in roughly the anatomical location. 2) Spend 4 hours making it look less silly 🤨 3) ??? 4) Profit.
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Back to the jackals:
The next piece is actually a PLA model with Acrylic paints sitting on top, but the base is in fact made of wood and was made by a friend of mine back in the day. The original piece had a much smaller wooden jackal standing on top, but it was quite fragile and simply could not weather the ongoing apartment moves we endured over several years, hence being replaced with the 3D printed alternative which is also quite a bit bigger.
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Then arrives my Standard, a pride and joy of of mine as the entire thing — including the stick and base — are 3D printed, yet it stands at least 4 feet tall. Everything is done in the same wood-plastic filament I had used in previous projects, the carrying pole is printed in several components which fit together to form the tall stick, and there is a base which holds the pole (not pictured), printed in a metal copper-plastic hybrid filament for strength.
Being able to effectively have a true standard was a goal of mine, and I’m glad I was able to make it a reality.
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And the last icon for the page, at least for now, is a pair of cheeky little Wepwawets who hail from the Hachette collection of small statues. I actually have over 100 Gods of Ancient Egypt from Hachette in a tall display cabinet, but these two obviously hold a special place in my heart for obvious reason.
One cites the English inscription “Wepwawet” while the other puts it forward in French as “Oupouaout” which I actually appreciate so much since that is exactly how I pronounce it anyway.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kim Hongjoong & Song Mingi Characters: Song Mingi, Kim Hongjoong, Original Characters Additional Tags: Organized Crime, Mafia AU, Blood and Violence, Gun Violence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Don't join a gang kids, Song Mingi-centric (ATEEZ), Mingi needs huge hug, hongjoong is a good friend, Mild Language, Smoking, shoot outs and how to hide them from your mom, Panic Attacks, lots and lots of trauma, poor mingi, Mentioned Choi Jongho, everyone is speaking korean the whole time Series: Part 1 of Mafia AU Summary:
Mingi is certain there are bees in his stomach.
They're way too aggressive for butterflies, or whatever other insects normal people get when they're nervous. He has bees, and he is almost sure if he opens his mouth at the wrong time, they'll fly out in a huge swarm and sting him to death.
He is pretty sure that being dead wouldn't even solve his problems. Mr. Lee would likely resurrect him just to yell and maybe hit him some more for daring to die right before such an important meeting.
 Posting this here as well largely for the fun of it! @allyallyorange and I have decided to use our various powers to torture Mingi as much as possible, and it has been so much fun already. There will definitely be more of this series, and I can’t wait to write/share it all! 
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the-void-archives · 1 month
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Nayoko [44 Icons]
‣ Download Here Medium: Visual Novel Examples:
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