#shuichi iguchi x you
shig-a-shig-ah · 2 years
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When you and Spinner start dating, you know he’s inexperienced and you’ll need to take things slow. Still, you can’t help but wonder why he seems to avoid being alone with you.
As it turns out, he’s just shy about his very unique anatomy.
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» pairing: Spinner x afab!reader » word count: 4.4k » notes: This fic was co-authored with @sugarakis-p2​, so huge shoutout to them for writing the bulk of the smut (and be sure to go give them some love if you liked the filth). I was supposed to write this as part of my 1k follower event last year, and got super waylaid after writing the setup, so this def would not have seen the light of day without them! The prompt was for virgin!double-dick!Spinner with an experienced reader, and for life of me I do not remember who requested it but if you’re out there, I hope you enjoy. » contains: double-dick Spinner, soft virgin Spinner, no prep, double penetration (one hole), belly bulge, creampie. 18+, minors DNI. » ao3 mirror
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It's sweet, how nervous Spinner is the first time he takes you out. He stammers through small talk, barely managing to look you in the eye as the two of you slurp down noodles in some hole-in-the-wall place where you won't be recognized, and where it won't matter if you are. His cheeks burn red at every one of you reassuring smiles, and that's cute too, though it also makes you a little sad. You know it's not just his natural shyness that has him constantly looking around at the other couples, or rubbing at his neck like he can't believe his luck. He's told you what his life was like before the League, after all—lonely and isolated in some backwater town where things weren't exactly easy for heteromorphs.
You're also not surprised to learn, through what sputtering conversation he manages, that he doesn't haven't much dating experience, and that in his case not much amounts to nothing at all.
You don't mind that. Find it endearing, really, especially when it's the polar opposite of you, with just enough experience under your belt to leave you feeling jaded with the whole idea of romance. Or rather, that's how you'd felt right up until you met him. After that it had been weeks of flirting and not-so-subtly showing your interest—and, you're fairly certain, of Toga and half the League nagging him to get on with it already—before he'd finally invited you to dinner.
An enjoyable dinner, at that; you have a good time despite the awkwardness, even if he's clearly too in his own head to realize it.
You don't mind that, either. Only wait until he walks you home and the time comes to say good night, and then lean in to press your lips against the soft scales of his cheek.
"I had a good time," you tell him, as he stares wide-eyed and red-faced. "Let's do it again.”
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One date turns into two, then three. By then Spinner is capable of conversation and minimal closeness; he only fumbles slightly when you work up the nerve to lace your fingers through his clawed ones as you drag him around the rundown arcade he'd suggested. He grins too, rather than issuing those shy, uncertain smiles, even if he still obviously tries to suppress his enthusiasm as he rattles off trivia about various game franchises.
It's cute. He's cute, with the way he keeps brushing strands of lilac hair out of his face, and how he still looks away every time you let your adoring gaze linger. And though that night is the first time you think seriously about how much you'd like to get him alone—really alone—you also know things will keep moving slowly. You don't even consider inviting him in when he walks you home at the end of the night.
You do notice, though, how he hesitates outside your door before saying goodbye. How he reverts back to stuttering, all of it nothing but forced small talk—a flimsy excuse to hang around.
It's clear what he wants to do, and you spare him the struggle of working up the courage.
"Shuichi," you say gently, lifting one hand to cup his face. When he goes silent and still, you lean in and press your mouth to his. It's short. Sweet. Wonderful.
And when it's over you both smile at each other, and you go inside alone.
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For your sixth date you finally give in to that urge to get Spinner alone, and invite him over for a movie. It's not meant to pressure him, exactly; you think of it more as providing an opportunity. Your goodnight kisses have started to linger a little longer after all, and there's a whole world between chaste kisses on your doorstep and actually taking him to bed. It's a world you're eager to explore.
At first, you think he's eager too. There's a shyness in the glances he keeps sending your way, but there's also a new anticipation there, one you can't help but notice as you curl up on the couch together. So, you let your head fall to rest on his muscular shoulder, and when there's a lull in the film you turn your head to look at him and shift a little closer, peering up at him from behind your lashes.
Spinner swallows hard. His nerves are obvious in his wide eyes and the rapid beating of his heart, but he doesn't hesitate when you slot your mouth against his. He leans in, moving uncertainly as the kiss deepens, and gasps in surprise when your tongue traces lightly over what passes for his lower lip. His own thin tongue flicks out; he tastes faintly sweet-tart like the energy drinks you see him indulge in on occasion. A faint thrill sparks in your belly and a pleased moan slips past your lips as you instinctively try to deepen that kiss, craving more.
And then Spinner is pulling back abruptly. He refuses to look at you as he retreats to the other side of the couch, shifting uncomfortably.
"I hear this part is really good," he mumbles, nodding to the movie. "We should watch."
You spend the rest of the evening fidgeting with embarrassment, wondering what you did wrong, and Spinner beats a hasty retreat the moment the credits start to roll.
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"Did I—did I do something wrong the other night?"
It's taken you an hour to work up to the question, and even then you only ask because you apparently have to. Spinner's clearly not going to bring up the way he practically fled your apartment the last time you saw each other.
You'd thought after he left that maybe he just needed time—thought maybe that was why he'd texted you the next day and invited you to the hideout, but then he never brought it up. And you haven't been able to stop worrying that you'd offended him, or turned him off somehow.
But he only shakes his head quickly at the question. "Of course not." The scales on his cheeks redden as he adds, more quietly, "You know I really like hanging out with you."
"Good," you say, "because I really like hanging out with you, too. I—" You pause. Deliberate, and then lean in to kiss him. It's soft and short, and he doesn't give any indication that he doesn't like it. "I really like you."
"Me too," Spinner says, practically tripping over his words in his rush to get them out. "That's what I should have said, that's what I meant."
You grin. He grins.
But when the two of you are done with the game you're playing and you shift a little closer to him, he still jumps to his feet, mumbling about seeing what the others are up to as he drags you out the door.
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"I just wish he'd tell me if he's not interested in me like that," you complain to Toga two dates later. Both times it ended the same—anything more than a lingering goodnight kiss, and Spinner started stuttering excuses for why he couldn't stay. When you asked what was wrong, he only denied acting strange.
Toga's emphatic in her response. "Of course he's interested! I've seen the way he looks at you, all blushy and stuff?" Her yellow eyes take on a far-away glaze, her face flushing the way it does at the mere thought of romance. "And you should have seen him when he was trying to work up the courage to ask you out."
You want to believe her, but you're not sure you do. You stir the melting ice in your drink, suddenly glad that Shigaraki is the only other person here. His face is hidden behind a curtain of hair, attention firmly fixed on the game he's playing on his handheld.
Your gaze focuses back on Toga. "If he likes me so much, why is he scared to be alone with me? I knew he'd want to take things slow, but anything more than holding hands or a goodnight kiss, and he practically flees."
"Maybe he's embarrassed. Maybe that's all it takes to get him"—Toga covers her mouth and giggles—"you know."
You get the gist. Think she might even be right, because it wasn't until after the movie at your place—until after that more heated kiss—that he'd started working so hard not to be alone with you.
But that doesn't make you feel any better.
"We've been on eight dates. And he knows I'm not inexperienced like him. Why would I care if he gets turned on just by making out." You chew at your lip. Let out a sigh. "And he won't even talk to me about it. Just pretends like he has no idea what I'm talking about."
Toga hums sympathetically. Is quiet for a moment, and then perks up again. "Maybe he's asexual?"
You consider it. You could work with that, probably—it's the constant rejections that are getting to you more than the absence of an escalating physical relationship. But before you can ponder the possibility much, there's a snort from across the bar.
"You're both idiots." Shigaraki hadn't given any indication that he was listening, and he doesn't even bother to look up from his game as he says it. Even so, his tone holds no small amount of derision.
"That's not very nice, Tomura-kun," Toga pouts.
"So? It's true." His red eyes finally flick up from the screen, brow knitting into an unimpressed stare. "Spinner's room is right next to mine, I can hear what he does after those dates. He's definitely not asexual." Cracked lips curve into an unsettled frown, and then Shigaraki's face smooths just as quickly, one hand raising to point accusingly. "Besides, if either of you had any brains, you'd realize what has him acting so weird."
You roll your eyes, but you take the bait. "Care to fill us in, then?"
Whatever answer you were expecting, it's not what Shigaraki gives. "He has two dicks."
You blink. He has to be fucking with you, but you also know he's not the type. Sarcastic or downright sour, sure, but not much for pranks or outright lies. You and Toga exchange a brief glance. "Did he tell you that?"
"No, but he has a gecko Quirk, right? Geckos have two dicks." There's an edge of impatience in Shigaraki's voice, like this should all be common knowledge. "He's probably just worried he'll scare you off if he pops a boner." Shigaraki smirks, then outright snickers. "Or boners."
You ignore that last part; you're already pulling out your phone to check what he's telling you. A second later your eyes are widening at the images on-screen.
Maybe Shigaraki is on to something.
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"This is stupid," you mutter to yourself as you hover outside Spinner's door two days later. Reluctant though you'd been to take dating advice from Shigaraki—a man whose experience is, you're certain, limited to the eroges not-so-discreetly tucked away on the top shelf in his bedroom—desperate times do call for desperate measures. And when your date last night had ended with a languid kiss and Spinner running off red-faced and stammering, it really had started to feel like desperate times.
You force yourself to lift your hand and knock.
There's a faint shuffling before Spinner opens the door. When he does he's shirtless, a faint sheen of sweat covering the toned span of his chest and that's enough to render you momentarily mute. You knew he trained—had listened to him talk impatiently about wanting to be stronger for the sake of the League—but you hadn't considered you might be interrupting by showing up unannounced. He apparently hadn't considered it might be you knocking, either, because his eyes go wide and his face starts to redden almost at once.
He rubs at the back of his neck. "What are you—"
You cut him off before he can start, pushing past him into his room. "Don't talk. Just listen."
He fidgets nervously but he nods, and you shake your head in an effort to focus. Seeing him half-undressed is distracting, and apparently not just for you, either. He keeps glancing from where you're standing to where his shirt is slung over the back of a chair, but he clearly doesn't know if he should reach for it after you'd so emphatically told him to simply hear you out.
You drop your gaze to avoid looking at the swell of his pecs or the defined lines that bisect his abdomen. If this conversation goes the way you're hoping it will, then maybe you can finally take the time to appreciate just how fit your almost-boyfriend is.
"I've been thinking," you slowly start, "about why you don't want to be alone with me." Spinner opens his mouth like he's about to deny it; before he can, you take a few steps forward, until there's only a few inches of space between you. You lift one hand to cup his cheek. "It's okay. I knew there must be a reason, especially because I feel like I've been pretty clear that I want to be alone with you." You lean in, pressing your lips gently to Spinner's. When you pull away there's a clear internal conflict on his face—his brow furrowed and his breath shaky. You give him a soft smile. "It's your Quirk, right?"
Spinner shifts uncomfortably. His hands lift, and at first you're worried he's going to push you away from where you're still standing so close to him. Instead, he averts his eyes, swallowing hard before he mumbles, "I'm not... I'm not like most guys. Down there."
Your heart twists a little at how self-conscious he looks, but you still can't help laughing a little. "I sort of figured that out already. I might have, uh, googled some things."
"And you're not—I mean, you'd still want to...?"
There's an edge of hope in Spinner's voice now, earnest even if he sounds like he can't quite believe it. The smile you've been wearing widens, and you finally let your gaze drop to look him over. Your hand trails from his cheek down along his shoulder, then down along his arm, your fingers brushing over the swell of his biceps and further still. You lace your fingers through his own, and tug him towards his bed, nodding for him to sit. He hesitates, then does as you ask. Before he can protest, you're sliding into his lap, knees settling alongside his hips.
His eyes widen, his breath catching, and you stroke soothingly at his hair. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to," you murmur, leaning in for a brief kiss, "but I really do mean it, Shu. I want you."
Spinner's tense beneath you, every muscle in his body seemingly rigid with nerves, but his hands settle tentatively at your hips. That's all the encouragement you need to lean in and kiss him again. And, though you've tried to be gentle on all the occasions before this, you don't hold back now; the moment his mouth starts to press back against yours, you're parting your lips to deepen the kiss, licking at his tongue and savoring the small noise that rises up from the back of his throat.
He pulls away when that sound escapes him, but it's not in the same way as before; he's making no move to rise, is only casting his eyes down in embarrassment.
"Sorry," he mumbles, as though he has to apologize for finally giving you a real reaction. You only shake your head and dive back in, letting your tongue tangle with his more vigorously this time. His fingers grip tighter at your hips, pulling you closer until his bare chest is pressing solidly against you and he's whimpering without any more apologies, his hips bucking just the slightest. He lets out another whiny, surprised sound when you grind yourself back against him a little, and it's then you realize you can feel him—twin bulges pressing into the soft flesh of your inner thighs.
Your hips rock against him, your lips moving from his mouth to his jaw. You hadn't wanted to rush or pressure him, but the feel of him beneath you now is making it hard to remember that: all you want to do is explore him.
You drag your palms over his chest. Wrap your arms around him to grip at the taut muscles of his defined back. "Shu," you whine, your stomach fluttering and your heat pressing harder against him in the hopes he gets the hint. When he goes still beneath you, you prepare for disappointment, but a second later you're pleasantly surprised.
"I—" Spinner starts, and then pauses. He takes a deep breath and tries again, tripping over his own tongue. "You're so—you're so beautiful, and I wanted..." He hides his face in your neck, seemingly unable to finish. He can only murmur against your skin, "But I never thought..."
You can see his scales turning red, and you lift one hand to stroke at his hair, coaxing him gently back so you can look at him. "I know. But I want you, Shu." Want him so badly it hurts. To try and show him just how much you mean it, you let your fingers trail over the soft skin of stomach, down towards his straining arousals. You brush lightly over those pronounced bulges. "All of you."
Spinner's mouth drops open, a shuddering exhale escaping him even as his whole being softens into the touch.
"R-really?" he asks, and you nod, staring into his eyes. For a moment the two of you are silent, simply gazing at each other. Then, just as you're beginning to wonder if you need to be more assertive, he seems to steel himself; a second later he's reversing your positions, pinning you beneath him and pressing his mouth hungrily to yours, grinding himself against you even as shaky hands work to tug off your shirt.
"Is—is this okay?" he pauses to ask as the fabric bunches under your chest, but you only nod eagerly and reach up to help him slip the shirt over your head, feeling a familiar rush of excitement as you realize this is really, finally happening. You feel another thrill when you realize just how new this familiar act will feel, too. Because it's Spinner, and no matter what else you've done, you haven't been with anyone like him—not with anyone you liked as much, and certainly not with anyone sharing his unique anatomy.
The heat pooling in your gut only intensifies when you consider the possibilities, when you think about how thoroughly he could wreck you. You want that. Need it.
"'S more than okay," you breathe. Your hands drop to fumble with his pants, shoving them down over his hips, and though Spinner's own fingers are shaky he manages to start working off your own.
He helps you pull off your shirt next, and once you're both in your underwear he doesn't hesitate as much as before. He only pauses to kiss you passionately, the velvety smoothness of his scales intoxicating against your skin.
He grinds his cocks against you with a whimper. "How should—how should we—"
The words cut off with a cute moan when you cant your hips to grind harder against him, all the more eager and impatient now that this is really happening. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to mind—his own hips are working back against yours with fervor, his breathing ragged.
"I... I wanted to try..." It's hard to speak now, hard to focus on anything except the ache in your center that's been waiting too long to be quelled. How lucky, then, that Spinner's uniquely equipped to satisfy you. "Both," you manage to pant. "Both at once."
You can't help but giggle at the way Spinner's eyes widen, his scales during a deep crimson as he averts his eyes. "Okay," he says, hooking clawed fingers around the band of his boxers, shifting just enough to slip them off, the bashful expression never leaving his face.
When his cocks finally spring free, you gasp—not at the fact there are two, but at the size, both of them bigger than you'd expected. All your research had pointed to a variety of possible shapes and sizes, but to your delight they're thick, flushed red and almost human but with smoother heads, cascading pearly beads for you.
Spinner tries to pull away to reposition himself, and you stop him. "Where are you going? I want to touch."
Spinner pants as you caress his throbbing lengths, slicking them up with the copious pre leaking from his tips. His clawed fingertips dig into your sides as he braces himself, obviously struggling to temper his responses, not that he needs to on your account. It's cute how worked up he is, has you desperate to see how he reacts to finally being inside you.
That thought is enough to put an end to your patience. You shimmy out of your panties as fast as you can, and then stretch your grip wide to take both his cocks in one hand, pressing them together and leaning back to guide him towards your puffy lips, teasing at your drooling entrance with what's effectively now one massive cock.
"N-now?" he stutters, looking almost panicked.
You grin mischievously. "You want to touch me, too, don't you?"
Spinner nods. "B-but shouldn't we"—he whines as you guide his tips over your soaked slit—"shouldn't we prep you more?" He's clearly nervous, his hands shaking as he grips at your side.
You only giggle. "You're slick enough."
With that, you arch up into him. He groans immediately, pressing down on your hot body and holding you close as the substantial girth of his combined cocks breaches your wet hole. You whine at the stretch, and the sting of that invasion, and Spinner starts to pull away almost at once. You wrap your legs around his waist to keep him close, clinging to his back in wordless encouragement to continue, too breathless to actually speak.
You don't know what you were expecting, exactly, but what you get is mindblowing. The sweet fullness of him slowly slipping inside you, and the coolness of his smooth scales against your flushed body has you practically quaking beneath him already as he kisses along your neck.
"You're so—a-ah—so warm, 'n tight," he slurs against your lips, repeating those words over and over as he inches his way deeper. He only stops to look anxiously at your face when you let out one especially throaty whimper. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"
Your only response is to kiss him deeply and press your hips harder against him, coaxing him deeper. Your cunt feels stretched impossibly wide already, the splitting of your walls bordering on uncomfortable, but somehow it still isn't enough. Spinner whimpers at the tight grip and then, holding you by the shoulders, finally drives himself fully inside you, bottoming out.
For a moment he pauses, no noise but a choked sound escaping him. Then, as if he can't contain himself any longer, he starts bucking his hips, melting into a moaning mess as he humps into you, shallow, erratic thrusts massaging your inner walls.
Even with no proper rhythm, you're overwhelmed by the sensation. You've never felt so full, so good—like his cocks are fighting for space inside you , stroking every possible part of your insides as you do so. His hands match that thoroughness as his thrusts grow more demanding, his clawed fingers caressing your flushed skin, exploring everywhere they can reach.
All you can do is hold on. Grip him tight and feel his defined muscles flexing under your fingers with every one of your movements. He's so deep, is making you feel so complete, and you can't even think—can only lay back as Spinner edges your body towards the boundaries of euphoria.
It's not long before you're tipped over the rim. The heads of his cocks reach somewhere deep inside you're not sure you'd realized existed, the thick swell of him pressing snuggly against that perfect, sensitive spot on your front walls, and then you're coming undone, constricting around him.
That crushing squeeze has Spinner crying out his happiness, his lavender hair tickling your cheek as his eyes drink your ecstasy, making it clear it's not just his own pleasure that has him so full of bliss—he looks half-drunk on your response to him, on how good he's making you feel.
Spinner's hips snap harder, one arm sliding around to grip tight at your waist as he leaves the last of his restraint behind, his movements so feral that, as he works his way deeper than you thought possible, you can see a slight bulge in your abdomen moving back and forth with each thrust.
You're screaming as he keeps going. Drooling and babbling how much you love it, eager to make it clear just how good he's making you feel—better than anyone ever has. Eventually, as the pulsing thrums of your orgasm stretch out into what feels like impossibly long bliss, you go entirely dumb, incapable of anything except laying slumped against the sheets, grateful but nonsensical sounds clawing up from your throat.
His hips start to stutter before long, and you pant as warmth spreads through your cunt and the sense of fullness increases, Spinner seeming to grow even thicker, harder in the moments before he cums. Then he's convulsing and trembling, his cocks twitching deep inside you as he floods your insides with copious rushes of warmth.
When it's over he flops next to you, gasping. His cheeks are red, his eyes glazed over with bliss, and you roll slightly, kissing him hard and then running your fingers through his hair. He looks spent, but now that you've finally, finally gotten what you wanted, you fear you're going to be addicted.
You lean in close. Kiss at his ear and then whisper, "Round two, but this time on my hands and knees."
Spinner's eyes widen, but he's already shifting, nodding vigorously yes with the biggest grin you've ever seen.
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Taglist: @dabisqueen @kiwiimochi @simultaneously-sick-and-calm @nonobadcat @httptamaki @toughbook @xxjesshuxx @lawfulrhi @doomsthotstash @arozaur @sukiirei @evilmortytrapremix @sunasb3tch @tomurastrashpanda @kinjuutsu @pestlaege
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frickingnerd · 3 months
dating spinner / shuichi iguchi
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pairing: spinner / shuichi iguchi x gn!reader
tags: fluff, gaming dates, mention of the league of villains, potential minor manga spoilers, protective spinner
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spinner is a very reclusive person, who has issues trusting others, after how he was treated by people in the past
he often fantasized about dating someone, but it always seemed like more of a dream than something that could ever come true
but then he met you, someone who treated him unlike anyone else he met before. spinner could feel normal around you, yet at the same time felt like he was truly special to you!
spinner is a little awkward when you first start dating. he's never been good at making friends, nor does he have any dating experience!
but he does his best to treat you well! he's holding doors open for you, picking you flowers when he comes by them (as he lacks the money to buy some) and he always compliments you!
those are all things he picked up from media as romantic things, so he attempts to recreate those romantic moments with you!
but while he tries to be someone else, to be a perfect boyfriend, he quickly has to come to terms with the fact that this isn't him
spinner isn't the type to take out for a candlelight dinner. but he's the type to order pizza and burgers with you and play games all night!
while spinner doesn't have a lot of money, he tries to buy the two of you multiplayer games as often as he can! whether it's shooters, puzzle games or farming simulators
occasionally, shigaraki or other friends from the league also join the two of you during your gaming nights!
spinner really wants you to get along with his friends! after all, he doesn't have many, so the few friends from the league are very important to him
though he does get a bit jealous when he notices how well you get along with them. but spinner would never admit to that and let his jealousy ruin those friendships!
spinner is deeply insecure about his looks, after all the harassment he has received about it. he can't stand up for himself when people harass him, but when you get harassed, it's a different story!
spinner doesn't tolerate anyone being mean to you! not even when his friends make a “joke” about you! people can be mean to him all they want, but they better leave you out of it!
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Shuichi Iguchi x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Animal Instincts, Smut, Breeding Kink, Overstimulation
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You were always so warm.
Being what he is, he was cursed with a hell of a lot more animal traits than he'd like to admit. He was always cold, always trying to stay warm. It used to be hard to do, sleeping alone without a heat lamp, that was why he played so many games. The consoles and his PC always let off plenty of heat to keep him comfortable. But ever since becoming a villain, heat was a lot harder to come by, and he'd be damned if he asked someone to cuddle with him.
But when he met you, that suddenly wasn't a problem anymore.
He liked sitting next to you, you were like a heater for him, and he never felt awkward being so close to you.
He liked playing games with you and showing you all the things he enjoyed.
He liked sitting next to you while you read to yourself.
He especially liked being able to hold onto you.
You two had an unspoken agreement, he got to use you for warmth, you got to enjoy his company. It was really nice.
It only became a little bit awkward around January. It was exceptionally cold during the months, and... Well it was also that time of the year for his kind. There weren't many lizard-quirk people, and even less of a Gecko breed specifically, so it wasn't like it was a common occurrence, much less a common practice.
Shuichi had never really gone far with anyone, most people who've tried ended up being odd-balls or weirdos, so when the time came and he started having odd dreams of you he.... Didn't know what exactly to do.
He started getting protective of you, especially around the males of the group.
He started catching small animals for you to eat, and you were thankful, but let them go.
Whenever the days would start you'd always get up and go on about your business, Shuichi close behind you to push you back into the warm bed nest, to keep you safe.
You weren't daft to it either, you knew how he felt about you, and you tried making it obvious about how you felt for him.
When the changes started, you went along with them easily, if anything you got him gifts too. Warm scarves and sweaters, and you were sure to stick close to him, so he would always know where his mate you were.
He appreciated it.
He especially appreciated you making the first official move on him.
For as long as you two were in the league, there was no need for more than just cuddling and closeness, but when you held his hand one day, in the midst of his mating season, he knew he had to mark you as his.
You were really, really warm.
Tight, too.
His arms wrapped around your body as he held you close to him, bucking into you as fast as possible, pressing you even further into a mating press without giving you much space to move.
His whining and pleading were matched with your moans and kisses, as you tried to hold onto him for dear life.
His breathing was quick as he fucked into you- His mate. He needed to get you full of him, needed you to take every drop of him- He'd be good for you, he'd be good for the eggs, he knew he would be. He'd protect them just like he protected you, he swore it as he bit into your shoulder. He was drooling as he kept drilling into you, almost deaf to how overstimulated you were.
You'd be fine, you could take it- He was sure you could take it. You would take every ounce of cum he'd give you, and you'd be happy too- So full of him, round with his child because you were his mate.
Your cute face covered with tears and drool, your beautiful eyes rolling into the back of your head as you arched your back against him, clenching around his cocks as he fucked himself deeper into you.
"One more- f-fuu- Just one more honey, you- You'll be the perfect mother- I kno-Oooh~ you will-aah~"
"Sh-shuichiii- T-too much- T-t-toooh~ f-fuu-full~!"
"N-nnngh~nah... S' okay... W-warm... So warm... Good... Nnngh..."
And he'd keep going, taking such good care of his perfect mate.
After all, it was only natural.
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabispreciouslittlebean @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @kelin-is-writing @elias-fable
Enjoy this short little one off, just so the Spinner fans can have some food while they wait their turn for their Sugar Baby.
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blurbios · 1 year
League of Villains' Doting S/O
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synopsis: little stories about how you show love for your partner and how they react.
Dabi: part 1, part 2
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a/n: this is my first little series, initially intended it to be a short one off post, but expanded upon it in editing (somehow went from under 1k words to almost 3.5k geez) ! i have many more ideas to come in the near future, but any and all comments or requests are welcomed!! thank you x
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mamayan · 10 months
Heyyy okay so I made sure to reread your rules and I need to know your rules on Spinner with a gf that has big thighs and a bit of a belly
Bc me personally I think hes so handsy (during sex) especially with a chubby partner I can literally FEEL his scaly hands n claws grabbing at my belly rn oml
I think in missionary he'll grab your belly and roll it in his hands like how cats do with fabrics and stuff and he starts DROOLING bc of how soft your tummy is im
I hope this is alright since its all positive but if it isnt just delete the ask :D
This is 100% body positive and I’m here for it!♥️
Tag List: @sharpcheddarcheese (for Spinner!)
I think you mean Spinner’s rules, which are and will always be sit on his face. All the way, he’s a big strong villain and while he’s not a man you wanna bring home to your family, he’s a man you wanna make have a home, with you specifically.
His skin is hard and scaly, his muscles tough, he’s always a cool to the touch. He would adore being blessed to touch and hold you, to grip your hips and feel your skin spill through his fingers and fill him with warmth while he fills you. However you let him take you, he’s worshiping every inch he can lick, grab, pull, squeeze. He’s honestly just amazed someone is letting him touch them, let alone love them so intimately. He’s touch starved to the extreme, so once you let him loose, prepare yourself.
He’s vocal. A little stuttered and whiny because he’s just overwhelmed with affection and lust for you, grabbing and grinding into you so desperately and needy. Your belly, your thighs, your chest, your ass, your neck, will have have signs of his presence when he’s done with you which he isn’t.
He’s telling you how you make him feel, because he’s so pussy drunk off you that he’s blabbing every little praise he’s bottled up inside, too embarrassed before to say it.
“So fucking soft- ah! ngh, need to see you, see your pretty face while I, oh fuckkk” He’s quick to cum but can you blame him? With how you look beneath him, taking his cocks so perfectly?
“You’re so perfect, fuck, so perfect” his eyes are nearly rolled back in his skull when he’s inside you, “Squeezing me so good, wanna fill you with both.” Because he does. If you’re willing he’s more than happy to do all the work, all the prep, stretch you with toys and make it so blindly pleasurable you want both cocks at once. “F-feels so good inside!”
His face may look to be in pain, but please rest assured this man is in heaven. Of course he’s working to make sure you finish before him, but it’s damn hard with the way you stretch to fit him, and he’s not easy to take with just one of his cocks. He’s melting in pleasure while holding you, panting and drooling because it’s all too much and not enough at the same time. He’s messy trying to rub circles on your clit while bucking into you, and he’d have cut a couple claws to avoid hurting you if you two ever did become intimate.
When you do cum, he’s rabid. Mindless because finally he can finish too and it’s become painful edging himself like this, scaled fingers digging into your soft flesh of your waist and stomach while he batters into you with no rhythm. He’s making up for it with enthusiasm and sheer power though, drilling you stupid and silly while going crazy himself.
If you beg him to cum inside, he’s filling you up and overflowing you while his free cock either shoots over the both of you or sprays beneath you against your ass and the sheets. If you ask him to cum outside, he’s aiming for your stomach and your chest, because his instinct to mark you is terribly strong.
He’ll need recharge time after you two finish, and it’ll hurt his feelings if you try and move even an inch without his help. He’s doing as much as you’ll allow him to do, run you a bath, bring you water/food, hold you, slide his long fucking tongue inside you to dig out his own cum. He just wants you to feel as loved as he does with you, to make sure you know how grateful and appreciative he is to have you in his life.
He knows he’s not the most comfortable to snuggle with, so he’s on board with getting your soft blankets and the like, and burrito style wrapping you up to hold against him. You’re like his own personal little heater, so soft and sweet. He likes being the big spoon the most, but will happily lay his head on your chest, stomach, thighs, if you let him.
He secretly fantasizes about you two having had normal lives and childhoods, and being in high school and dating. Having a study date at each other’s houses, and you offering him your lap as a pillow while petting his hair and telling him how handsome and wonderful he is.
Spinner just loves you, however you are and just as is. He’s the most aware of what society’s standards of beauty does to people, and he’s the least judgmental and most supportive individual you’ll meet. You drive him crazy in general, but he’ll never complain getting to hold your soft, warm, sweet body against his own. Never.
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imagineanime2022 · 10 months
S/O With Ghost Rider Powers
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead X Reader, Keigo Takami/Hawks X Reader, Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Dabi X Reader, Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner X Reader
Requested: @supernatural-hunter1
Request: Even better idea? What if Aizawa, Hawks, Shigaraki and Dabi had a S/O who’s quirk is ‘Ghost Rider’ like from the movie ghost Rider that would be epic?😅
Warning: - Injuries to Reader
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
🐛 The first time that Aizawa met you, you were in school, he’d gotten to know you as a person before seeing you with your quirk was active. 🐛 You quickly moved to the top of the class and became someone that everyone was watching, that being said you were still scary to a lot of the kids and took to working the night shift where your skills were more useful. 🐛 Villains learned to fear the skill that came with your flashy display and Aizawa became the only hero that seemed to be able to keep up with you whether you travelled by your chain or your motorcycle. 🐛 You and Aizawa grew closer to each other and you finally got to know the man that hid behind the stoic face.
Aizawa had asked you to help him with a practical lesson that he had gotten together for the new first years, he wanted to see where they all were and having you as a constant bar seemed like a good idea, he had a plan to split them into group putting them in terrain that best suited them and see how far they could get in a fight with you however you didn’t even get 1 fight in before everything went sideways.
The villains had broken into the USJ where the exercise was supposed to take place, you were already in the leather get up that you usually wore when you were out for work “normal plan?” You asked. “You think you can handle that many of them?” He asked. “You can’t?” You asked with a raised eyebrow, the kids watched as you ran down the stairs leading to the field that the villains occupied. Your hand hovered over the chain that linked round your neck as it expanded turning into what was your normal weapon immediately taking out the few villains closest to you when you realised that Aizawa had cancelled their quirks, this continued for a few minutes with you taking out people’s legs or using the chain to pull them close enough for you to knock them out, however it seems that the leader of the group was sick of watching everyone, he was faster than you expected and made his way to you within seconds. “You and Eraser are pretty cool but you're getting in the way.” He reached out grabbing your arm at the wrist, you let out a scream at the pain that travelled through it but when you looked down you could see that the part of the coat that had rested there was missing but your healing meant that whatever he had done was no longer visible on your wrist. “That hurt like a bitch.” You glared at him as you kicked him away, however the hit that connected with your side next was more powerful than anything else you had been in contact with, the wind was knocked out of you as you hit the floor but your eyes connected with the monster that had been standing next to the leader. “Ghost!” Aizawa called. “I’m fine, focus!” You ordered, lucky for both of you it wasn’t much longer before All Might showed up to help with the fight, that made things easier and they were finally forced out when the rest of the faculty came to help.
“You okay?” Aizawa asked as he walked over to you once he made sure that all the kids were okay. “Me? Yeah I’m fine.” You answered, he lifted the wrist that the leader now knew by the name of Shigaraki had grabbed. “He touched your wrist, were you able to heal it?” He asked. “Yeah, his quirk causes things to decay. It seems that my quirk worked against his, I still felt the pain but the wound is gone.” You explained. “I’ve never been happier for your healing.” He breathed out and you smiled. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” You winked before Hizashi came over as loud as ever to make sure that you were both okay.
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Keigo Takami/Hawks
🪶 When Hawks first met you, you were in your hero gear, so he didn’t think much of you really, you were another hero with a fire quirk, that is until you were called to a meeting with him over a joint project. 🪶 Hawks worried about working with you at first because of his weakness to fire but quickly learned that your control over your flames meant that he was in no danger at all. 🪶 He was absolutely fascinated by the chain you used as a weapon, he could get over the fact that he doubled as a belt when it wasn’t in use and always begged you to teach him how to use it. 🪶 His favourite thing about your quirk was your bike though, he didn’t realise that you were able to extend your quirk to other objects that you owned and the first time that you showed him near lost his mind and now he’s always racing you.
You stretched your arms over your head after finishing the 3rd catch of your shift, you leaned forward on the handle bars “you think you can take a break?” Keigo’s voice sounded as he landed in front of you. “Break?” You asked “I don’t know about you but I started about an hour ago, there’s no need for a break.” “3 guys in 1 hour?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and you shrugged. “Some of us take our patrolling seriously.” You teased and he looked at you and twisted his head in challenge. “Is that so?” He asked. “How about a little competition then?” “Competition, that doesn’t seem very serious.” You said sitting up. “No this is super serious, if you win you’ll be No. 2 hero.” He informed you. “I’m not sure that’s how this works, Hawks.” You reminded him and he shrugged. “You’ll be No.2 hero to me, Ghost.” He teased as he stepped closer. “You're not going to leave until we get this started are you?” You asked. “You know me so well.” His eyes were playful behind the visor and you rolled your eyes. “Name your terms.” You ordered.
You dragged yet another petty criminal into the agreed precinct, you pushed him towards the officer at the desk “what’s this one in for?” She asked. “Attempted robbery.” You answered and she nodded. “He’s on 15, you know.” She informed you and you looked at her. “I’ve still got time to catch up to him, I’m on 14 right? I’ve got an hour before the end of my shift.” You asked. “Do it for the girls,” She winked, at this point she had been dragged into a few of your bets that she had become subject to ust as much teasing from your boyfriend as you had and therefore wanted you to win with all of her heart. “Is our referee being biassed?” Keigo’s voice sounded from behind you as he dragged in three new guys. “You did that to show off, didn't you.” You narrowed your eyes. “What? They were just together… That's all.” He winked as he leaned against the desk. “I hate you.” You mumbled, flaming hair flaring slightly as you realised that you weren’t going to win. “No you don’t.” He denied his wings broadening to cover the both of you as he leaned in “you wouldn’t be dating me if you did.” “You're getting very close to your one weakness.” You smirked. “Are you talking about you or the fire?” He asked softly. “You don’t seem to be worried about either of them.” You grumbled stepping away from him. “Trust you.” He shrugged and for a second you were ready to retract the sentence, “Now you’ve got 30 minutes to make up 4 people, good luck.” “You were stalling me.” You narrowed your eyes at the realisation and he winked before disappearing out the door and that was when you decided that your previous statement was true you hated your boyfriend.
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Tomura Shigaraki
✋ Shigaraki met you when you kicked your target straight through the door of the bar walking in yourself, placing the money on the bar to pay for the damages before picking up the target and pulling him out. ✋ One For All ended up hiring you as the personal assassin for Shigaraki and later the League Of Villains. ✋ Shigaraki considered you a close and trusted friend since you never left him and you didn’t even flinch when he threatened you, an argument led to you both finding out the healing that your quirk provided made you immune to his quirk. ✋ You and Shigaraki became a feared couple after your first attack at the USJ, your appearance made you scary enough but dedication with which you protected Shigaraki and he, you became something that people strived for and feared all at the same time.
Shigaraki was easily the hardest person to get to know, people who met him were scared of or disgusted by him, that is until he met you, you didn’t flinch away from him or pretend that you liked him in fear of your life, you argued when you thought that he was wrong, you fought him when he challenged you and you encouraged him when you knew that he needed it.
Shigaraki valued the times that you spent alone because that was how you started, it was just the two of you, it seemed that everything had gotten so crowded now that it was rare that you managed to get any time together without someone interrupting. You were both sitting at the bar, you were leaning against Shigaraki’s shoulder as you watched him play the newest game as he mumbled about whatever he was trying to do. “Hey lovebirds, it’s time for us to go,” Dabi said as he looked down his nose at the two of you. “She’ll be there in a minute.” Shigaraki muttered his hand gripping your thigh where it rested. “She better be.” Dabi grumbled as he walked back over to Toga who seemed to be waiting for you all, you leaned over pressing a kiss to his cheek as you attempted to stand but Shigaraki wrapped his hand around your wrist. “You leave them to come back.” He said as he looked at you. “I promise that a bunch of teenagers are not going to stop me from coming back here alright.” You winked. “If all else fails I have a motorcycle to get back here.” “Use it.” He ordered and you nodded. “Of course.” You promised and he finally let you go.
Most of you managed to get back unharmed and with the kid that you were told to collect, you were in charge of chaining up the prisoner for whatever reason and of course he had no intention of making it easy, his hand came up an explosion going off in your face and honestly if you had been anyone else you would likely be dead but despite the fact that the force of the explosion had removed muscle and skin from the side of the your skull you were still reaching for the syringe in your pocket “your lucky that the boss man wants you alive, or I’d be testing how fire resistant your quirk actually makes you Bomber boy.” You said as he succumbed to the drug that you had injected. “(Y/N) come here.” Shigaraki gestured for you to come over. “What’s up?” You asked, your face finishing its healing process. “Stay away from him from now on.” He ordered and you looked at him and shrugged. “If that’s what you want.” You sighed leaning back against the bar, his fingers reached out taking your chin in his hand and twisting your face to look at your newly healed skin before nodding to himself, you just smiled and settled on the stool behind you as he ordered Twice to finish the job that he had given you.
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🔥 It was obvious the type of relationship that Dabi had with fire, you met him when he was a teenager, you were both alone on the street and decided to make a name for yourselves together, you were lucky because had Dabi been any older he wouldn’t have accepted the order. 🔥 You were the only person that he let get even a little close to him, he never seemed to be afraid of your flames, so when you were fighting together, he’d often grab that chain that you used to move you out of the way of something. 🔥 Dabi was never far from you and he never liked being split from you on missions, you didn’t really like being too far away from him either, he could be reckless at times. 🔥 You could often be found sitting close to him as you talked about things in the presence of others, he could be the voice for the both of you if you needed, he noticed that you had a habit of letting the flames dance around your fingers when you were nervous.
You were sitting in the bar, in one of the booths, your flames dancing through your fingers as you, you looked up as a shadow cast over you before a drink was pushed towards you, you wrap your hand around the cup pulling it closer as Dabi slid in next to you looping his arm around the back of the chair and behind you. “What are you doing over here?” He asked as he leaned back. “Just watching.” You answered as you looked over the group that you had just joined. “Try not to worry so much, you could wipe the floor with most of these idiots.” He said, pressing a kiss to your temple. “You really think that he’s doing this because of Stain?” You asked “that he even followed him?” “No, not really.” Dabi answered. “But we’re not here for that anyway, if he’s going to get me closer to No.2 then we’ll stay here as long as we need.” “I guess that’s true.” You nodded, letting the small flame move through your fingers of its own accord. “You need to stop worrying.” He pulled you closer as he looked around catching the eyes of Shigaraki across the bar and Toga who started skipping towards you, Dabi reached out linking your hands together and moving them under the table, silently thankful that you didn’t pull away from him and his scars. “I’m not worried, I trust you.” You explained. “What are you two whispering about?” Toga asked as she leaned over the back of the chair on the other side to you. Dabi rolled his eyes as he looked away from her while you smiled. “Nothing.” You answered. “Just wondered how many of these guys are going to come back after this mission.” “You think some won’t?” She asked. “Will you go away?” Dabi glared at her as he pulled your attention back to him “we need to make a plan for how we’re going to keep the teachers busy.” “Your chains would be perfect for keeping Eraserhead occupied.” Shigaraki said. He was the only one that had fought the night shift hero before so you trusted what he was saying. “No.” Dabi muttered, “I’ll keep him busy.” “I mean you can both do it.” Twice said as you looked at him and twisted your head to the side. “Huh?” You asked. “I just need you measurements and I can make a copy of you that can keep the teachers busy while we look for the kid.” Twice explained “not that it’s any of your business.” “How does that sound?” You asked. “Fine.” Dabi nodded “don’t get too touchy.” He helped you climb over him to get to Twice and he watched the whole time until you were back with him.
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🦎 You and Spinner connected because you were both told that you were too scary to be heroes, you had each other's backs from the day that you met and that continued for the rest of your life.
🦎 Spinner was unbelievably protective of you, he watched people around you and because your quirk was one that you could hide you ran into less trouble than he did but he was always there much like you were for him.
🦎 Loves that you run warmer than most because he’s cold blooded, he uses you like a space heater and you love it.
🦎 You were the one that saved him or caused a distraction so that he could get away, you were the one with the bike after all, you met up with him once you shook off the heroes every time and he never doubted you.
You had all headed into Deika City after deciding to kill two birds with one stone, you needed to make sure that the fight lasted long enough for Gigantomachia to get there twisting your neck to the side you activated your quirk the chain that had been wrapped around your arm under your leather jacket falling to the floor the end staying wrapped around your wrist as you looked at the man in front of you before using your finger to signal for him to come at you. “Are you going to fight me or just keep looking at me like that?” You asked.
“I’ll kill you.” He growled out and you smirked as you twisted your head.
“We’ll see about that.” You smirked as you dove forward ducking under his attack wrapping the chain around his leg pulling him down pressing your foot to his chest keeping him there, “you really should have be a little more cautious.” 
“So should you.” He smirked but as his partner came out of hiding to hit you, you easily stopped the blow only second later did Shuichi come out of nowhere to slash him straight across the back, he fell to the ground.
“Thank you Shu.” You smiled “would you mind?” Your eyes travelled to the man you were holding down.
“Gladly.” He stabbed straight through his neck and you leaned forward pressing a kiss to his cheek taking one of the dagger out of his many holsters, coating it in fire before throwing it at the man that was getting ready to attack you both.
“Make sure that you come back to me.” You ordered as he jumped up onto the building in search of Shigaraki.
“Always.” He promised and you nodded as he disappeared and you continued fighting.
After the fighting was finally done and that announcement was made that Shigaraki would be the leader of the new group The Paranormal Liberation Front you finally had some down time, you and Spinner and been separated during the time that you were supposed to be helping keep Machia busy, you were on opposite teams. So now as you all sat in the new room everyone healed back almost back to normal, you were lounging across the sofa with Shuichi curled up with you, your body slightly heated for him. “We’ve never really been apart that long before have we?” You asked running your hands through his purple hair and he grunted.
“A month is a long time.” Shuichi mumbled and you hummed.
“You guys haven’t been apart for a month..?” Compress asked and you looked at him and shook your head.
“We stuck together from the day that we met.” You explained.
“Well that explains a lot.” He shrugged.
“What does that mean?” You asked.
“Well you work so well together and I know you are both in a relationship but sometimes you almost seem like the same person.” He explained. Spinner turned his face to look at Compress for a second but in the end he didn’t actually say anything and you rolled your eyes.
“He’s good at reading me, always has been.” You shrugged with one shoulder, careful not to jostle Shuichi too much. “Don’t know what I would have done without him.” 
“Aww that’s so cute!” Twice said and you smiled rolling your eyes.
“Enough of that, mind your own business.” You mumbled turning yourself away from them and shielding the both of you for a moment away from all of them.
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curiousquirks · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | BNHA x Reader
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Hi everyone, welcome to my Kinktober line-up/masterlist! This will be my first ever Kinktober and I’m super excited! I had fun with randomizers to help me select characters and prompts! There will be at least two kinks per character to be paired together for a small fic every single day of October. All fics will be tagged with "curiouskinks 2022"
Warning: Dark content included! Please mind the tags/content warnings given for each day!
Day 1: Sir Nighteye | Mirai Sasaki x GN!Reader
Cage | Pet Play | Obedience Such an obedient pet, always carefully following instructions just as he asked. As good pets should–always knowing their place.
Day 2: Dabi x GN!Reader
Photo/Video Recordings | Overnight Bondage Don't worry about the details, sweetheart. Dabi just needs a little something to remember you by.
Day 3: Mr. Compress | Atsuhiro Sako x GN!Reader
Fear Kink | Asphyxiation | Shock Collars Atsuhiro seems like such a gentleman, but you're just so naïve. It's one of the things he enjoyed most about finding you and he couldn't wait until you saw his surprise.
Day 4: Curious | Chitose Kizuki x AFAB!Reader
Sex Pollen | Free Use | Dirty Talk You're a loyal little toy, always available when needed for dear Chitose to let off some steam. What makes you think you have the right to beg?
Day 5: Trumpet | Koku Hanabata x GN!Reader
Eye Contact Restriction | Play Party You convinced him to let you both go to this party you heard about but only after Koku set up specific rules. You weren't allowed to look at anybody but him. That didn't mean the rule applied to him too.
Day 6: Chronostasis | Hari Kurono x GN!Reader
Somnophilia | Mindfuck Hari really feels you don't trust him. He sees no reason why you shouldn't. You'll learn quick that his methods are fucked up even when he means well.
Day 7: Edgeshot | Shinya Kamihara x AFAB!Reader
Cuckolding | Contracts | Aphrodisiacs You and Shinya had a preestablished agreement that allowed you both to fulfill aspects of your respected kinks with mutual consent. You decided to take things a step further, and he gave you his full approval.
Day 8: Lady Nagant | Kaina Tsutsumi x AFAB!Reader
Degradation | Tease And Denial Kaina thinks that you're absolutely adorable and extremely pathetic when you're begging for her attention. Shame you'll have to work for it.
Day 9: Best Jeanist | Tsunagu Hakamada x AFAB!Reader
Face Sitting | Oral Fixation You both couldn’t stop glancing at each other’s mouths and it wasn’t long before you both caved. It feels like you can't get close enough to each other.
Day 10: Overhaul | Kai Chisaki x AFAB!Reader
Consensual Non-Consent | Black Sheet Party | Branding You didn't know the surprise that Kai had planned for this weekend but you were excited when he asked if you remembered your safe word. You certainly didn't expect him to ensure that everyone would truly know you were his property.
Day 11: Spinner | Shuichi Iguchi x GN!Reader
Suspension Bondage | Foot Jobs | Forced Orgasm You wanted to try out something that piqued Shuichi's interest but getting him to stop wiggling as you tied each knot was harder than you thought. Maybe you'll just need to tired him out.
Day 12: Hawks | Keigo Takami x GN!Reader
Semi-Public | Facials Being so high in the hero rankings doesn't leave Keigo with a lot of time on his hands, much to his annoyance. Both of you have to take what little time he gets, even if it's in public.
Day 13: Mirko | Rumi Usagiyama x AFAB!Reader
Fucking Machines | Vibrators Rumi couldn't have asked for a better sight to come home to: walking in on you spread out in the living room with dozens of toys scattered around. She's not wasting any time in joining either.
Day 14: Overhaul | Kai Chisaki x GN!Reader
Vampirism | Medical Kink Soft cold fingers lay against your neck as Kai checks your pulse point. You talk about your most recent worries in regards to your health, but his eyes never left your neck.
Day 15: Trumpet | Koku Hanabata x GN!Reader
Sex Work | Humiliation | Straight Razor Shaving Mr. Hanabata had hired you, for one of your weirdest requests, but it was good money. Who'd turn down the opportunity to insult a politician.
Day 16: Lady Nagant | Kaina Tsutsumi x AFAB!Reader
Piercings | Hair Pulling | Clothed Sex The shirt Kaina was wearing clung to her chest making her nipple piercings even more visible. Your whole body felt hot as your eyes locked with hers. No words were spoken as she gave you one simple beckoning gesture.
Day 17: Chronostasis | Hari Kurono x AFAB!Reader
Sweat | Voyeurism | Dirty Dancing Hari leaned himself against your back, sweat clinging to your body as you both made as little space between you as possible. Your nails drag along the arm he snaked around your waist, as he reminded you who you belonged to.
Day 18: Overhaul | Kai Chisaki x AFAB!Reader
Orgasm Control | Glove Kink The only physical touch you'll get is filtered through leather when his fingers brush against your skin before finding your center. You're under strict instruction to not touch him or yourself, and good girls follow the rules.
Day 19: All for One x AFAB!Reader
Kitten Play | Humping | Orgasm Denial Look at you being such a patient kitty, but he still hasn't given you permission. Your begging is oh so lovely though, but you better not disobey him.
Day 20: Dabi x AFAB!Reader
Breeding Kink | Choking | Mommy Kink Nails dug into your skin, as your grip around his throat tightened. His pace was bruising, and you almost didn't hear the word that left his mouth.
Day 21: Overhaul | Kai Chisaki x GN!Reader
Tattooing | Slave Auctions Being bought by the Shie Hassaikai, hand picked by Overhaul, gave you shelter from some of the harsher choices in the auction. You were still their property though, and the fresh tattoo on your chest was a constant reminder.
Day 22: Mirko | Rumi Usagiyama x GN!Reader
Cutting | Knife Play You press the knife slowly into her flesh, blood slowly dripping following the trail, making a small cut. She hisses at the pain before leaning forward making eye contact, breaths escaping her mouth harshly, and asks for more.
Day 23: Tomura Shigaraki x AFAB!Reader
Begging | Mirror Sex | Collars A mirror was set up nearby, something Tomura only noticed when you shoved him back onto the bed. He doesn't get to focus on it long before you guide his hands up to lock the collar around your neck.
Day 24: Giran | Kagero Okuta x AFAB!Reader
Lap Dances | Body Worship Kagero's eyes never left your body as you danced, taking a long drag from his cigarette. He relaxed his arm on the back of the sofa as you walked over, his eyes not knowing where on your body to stay focused.
Day 25: Shin Nemoto x AFAB!Reader
Corsetry | Bondage | Mirrors Slender fingers carefully lacing up your corset, eyes briefly locking in the mirror in front of you two as he does. Your hands run along his body before you drag the rope along his skin, moving yourself behind him. No words spoken, only silent intimacy.
Day 26: Mr. Compress | Atsuhiro Sako x AFAB!Reader
Chains | Pussy Worship | Impregnation Cold metal chains wrapped around your wrists, digging in as you move around. Your body was sore and your breathing was rough, as your eyes struggled to stay open. Atsuhiro wasn't joking when he told you that you had a long day ahead of you.
Day 27: Dabi x AFAB!Reader
Hate Sex | Virginity Kink | Dacryphilia Your constant bitching was pissing Dabi off. You needed to get laid, and if he had to be the one to fuck you then fine. He was surprised to find out you've never done it before. Don't think he's going gentle though.
Day 28: Shin Nemoto x AFAB!Reader
Tease And Denial | Priest Kink | Formal Wear Everything about this was unholy, Shin knew this– every part of his body burning. He collapsed to his knees, with eyes that looked like they were searching to make you his new religion.
Day 29: Tomura Shigaraki x AFAB!Reader
Pegging | Praise Kink Tomura's fists were clenched tightly, his nails digging into his skin deep enough to draw blood. Ragged breaths muffled by the blanket as you whisper praise into his ear. You're the only one that gets the privilege to see him like this.
Day 30: Lady Nagant | Kaina Tsutsumi x AFAB!Reader
Guns | Drug/Alcohol Use | Aphrodisiacs It may have been a bad idea to drink while using this new pill Kaina found, knowing rationally that it would lead to bad ideas. You were waiting on the pill to kick in when you begged Kaina to see her quirk up close. She knew the pill was working while she watched you lick up the length of her gun.
Day 31: Skeptic | Tomoyasu Chikazoku x AFAB!Reader
Daddy Kink | Spit | Human Furniture How obedient you were, no matter what he told you to do. He was amused to say the least, and had been the past 20 minutes.
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Hey, My Tumblr Peeps, today I decided to work on a fanfic of a different My Hero Academia character, and I don't recall seeing many fanfics pertaining him in it. I may have seen 1 to a few fanfics with this particular character in it, so for any1 who's a fan of non other than My Hero Academia's very own, Shuichi Iguchi, who's also known by his villain name Spinner🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎
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🦎The Only One Who Truly Cares About My Happiness🦎 ((Adult) Spinner (aka, his real name Shuichi Iguchi)) x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Angst and Possible Fluff (Warning ⚠️: Bullying, Language, and depending on the reader's imagination)
When you were a child, you were bullied because of (stuff you were born with (to the reader's imagination of what the reader was born with)) and you couldn't help that, which wasn't your fault. You felt as always no one was going to save you (nor protect you) from being bullied, then that one fateful day, the unusual happened. You didn't know at first however on your way home there was a lizard like, child who was following you and you weren't sure if he is trying to follow you without you knowing, however for whatever reason, you basically kept walking until you bumped into the leader of the bullies.
You tried apologizing for bumping into (him/her/them), however as it turned out the leader of the bullies actually intended on blocking your usual walkway to walk on your way home. As ((s)he/they) was about to punch you, that same lizard like, child grabbed the leader's hand, then kicked (him/her/them) in the back of one of the legs, long enough for you to find and ally way to hide in. As it turned out, the lizard like, child hid in the same ally way as you did.
When you first saw him, instead of running away, or harming him, or name calling him, your first reaction was, "I'm not sure why you were following me, however I'm glad you saved me from a beating I was about to receive from (bully's name), and if it wasn't for you, I probably would have ended up in the hospital or probably found dead somehow. And you're the first one who actually protected and even saved me, because no one else ever has, not even when they see me get beat up and bullied, no one else gave a damn, because of I was born with (something the reader was born with to the reader's imagination).". You then continued, "As you can see, when people found out what I was born with, they just wanted to make my life worser and I was treated horribly for this.". The lizard like child was shocked about every word you said, as he replied, "I'm sorry you had to go through this. No one deserves to be treated like this just because of what they're born with. As you can see I was treated horribly for what I was born to look like as well, to the point where I would have to stay hidden alot, then I thought no one would be out there in the rain so here we are now. What I did was out of instinct I guess.".
He then introduced himself, "Anyways, my name is Shuichi Iguchi. What's your name, friend?". You were so happy that he called you friend, which made you felt he was the first friend you had ever had, so you decided to reply, "Well, Shuichi Iguchi, my name is (Any Gender Reader Name). It's nice to meet you.", then you continued, "Since you're the first friend I ever had, would it be alright, if I can call you, Spinner? Since you did an usual good deed for me and I'm saved, protected and cared about for once, I figured since no matter which paths we both take even separate paths, I still rather be by your side and I also figured I'd ask." He then blushed with a slight smile, as he said, "Well, I appreciate your kindness towards me, so I guess you can call Spinner from here now on.". Then after that day you and Spinner went your separate ways, until next time you and Spinner both see eachother again one day.
A decade or longer went by came when you and Spinner saw eachother, you saw him doing what it seems like villain work and you actually found it awesome. Once Spinner got done with his villain work, he notices you looked familiar, and then admitted that you recognized him just through his lizard like, skin. Tough he did worry you'd be upset about it the way he was apologizing to you, especially about being part of The League of Villains, while it became obvious eversince after he saved you, he did have a crush on you obviously, and you're always precious to him, eversince that day you and Spinner met eachother for the first and only) time, during your childhood with him. You assured him that you're happy for him. You thought it was cool of him, especially if he is a villain, especially part of the League of Villains.
So you and Spinner decided to exchange contact information (cellphone number, social media accounts, mailing address, etc...), so both you and Spinner can keep in touch with eachother. So whenever Spinner isn't doing any villain work and you're not busy with anything (job, or family or gathering, or etc... (Or other things the reader may need to do)), you and Spinner both make plans on meeting up, wheather it's going on dates, you hanging out with Spinner where he hid alot, and other things you and Spinner enjoy doing together. You just had so much fun with the first friend you had ever had. Well that's also the beginning of your relationship with Spinner as well.
One day, on your way home from one of your date times with Spinner, as both you and Spinner had exchange confessions with eachother and had meaningful conversations with eachother, then when you were halfway home, you decided to hug and then kiss, Spinner. He was shocked about it at first, because he never thought anyone could ever love him, or even love him back, however since he realized how precious he is to you, he decided to reply with a hug and kiss back. Then both you and Spinner said your goodbyes and mentioned about planning for another date time with eachother.
Once you got home, your parents were at the the kitchen table holding letters you had from Spinner and the letters you started writing to Spinner (that you were going to finish), as both of them gave you a look of disapproval. Your mom said, "(Any Gender Reader Name), you're not allowed to write letters to this ,"Spinner" character nor allowed to see him anymore.". You then replied, "You can't be telling me "it's because of he's a villain!", being the reason why, mom!". Your Dad then said, "No, it's not. It's because he likes video games, what he looks like, and what you're born with! That's why!". You then shouted, "You don't understand! He saved me from a beat down (bully's name) was going to give me, when I was a damn child. He's the only one who protected me, unlike anyone else, because all these other times I was bullied no one gave a damn about me! He's the only one who truly cares about me!". Your Dad then replied, "Do we look like we care about wheather or not this lizard boy gives a damn about you! In life you need to dig for gold! Not dig for gamers, and lizards, including the lizards who make you happy!". "Are you trying to put in my fucken head that I have to be a gold digger and be in relationships for money and with those who make you happy and not those who love me?!", Your mom then butted in then said, "Your father's right. Your relationship with this creature is out of the question and starting tomorrow, we will be putting a camera on you and also, your father and I will be find a rich man with tons of money who actually not green and is normal looking to us! Now go to your room!". You decided to get on your way to your room, however before you went into your room you shouted, "Well, mom and dad! This gamer, green, lizard is more human than both of you and the vast majority of the people I had ever met or known ever will be!!", then you proceeded to shut the door and as much as you wanted to slam your door, you resisted the urge, because you know slamming the door will only make things worse.
After you went inside your room, an unfortunate events you overheard your parents conversation then you quietly peaked through your door to find out they have an ash tray out that they seem to have freshly bought, as you noticed that both of your parents were burning every letter Spinner sent you and every unfinished letter you planned on writing to Spinner, as they put all these letters on top of the ash tray. You were furious and lost faith in both of your parents. You basically have no one in your world to trust now, especially when it comes to your relationship with Spinner.
You then decided to text Spinner that you don't want runaway from home. Luckily your parents don't know that you gave him in you social media contact nor do they know you have his cellphone number in your contacts. Once Spinner received the message you sent him, he was confused as he replied to your text message as he texted "Why?". You saw his question in the text message, so you decided to explain everything that happened after you got home. After he saw the message you sent him, he understood and texted you, assuring you that he understands.
So, after your parents left to go shopping for a camera to put on you, you managed to sneak out of the house, to make your escape. However before you continue your escape, you took everything that meant something to you and every little item you need with you. You then decided to use your parents lighter that they used to burn your unfinished letters to Spinner and his letters to you, to burn the house with for you to get your revenge on your parents, then tossed that lighter in that house you're burning up. After that you continued your escape from there.
Spinner then texted you to ask, if you needed help escaping, then you texted him about being able to escape with no trouble due to your parents camera shopping and about meeting up at an arcade to hide in, so you and Spinner can lay low for a while. Spinner agreed, as he did what you suggested to him in a text message. After your parents got home, the house was completely burnt down and they were furious about it. They had to find another city to live in, because they rather move on from the fact that the house was burnt down, however they never figured out how the house was burnt down.
As months went by you and Spinner decided to have a wedding together. As you can tell the members of the League of Villains (Twice, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Shigaraki) were at the wedding as they're happy for Spinner and you both. Before the wedding was thought of he told all of the League of Villains members about how he met you and that he used "Spinner" as his his villain name, which even came to Shigaraki's surprise. When it comes to Spinner's relationship with you, Shigaraki only cares about the face that you and Spinner are both happy. And what a happy wedding both you and Spinner had.
Neither you nor Spinner had ever imagined the relationship between you and Spinner would even happen nor a wedding, however the relationship that you and Spinner are in basically made both of your life and Spinner's life better and your wedding with Spinner has definitely made both you and Spinner feel special just as much as you and Spinner both make eachother feel special in general. It was definitely an amazing ending for both you and Spinner.
🦎The End🦎
Anyways, my Tumblr Peeps🦎To be honest, I have been wanting to write about Spinner for atleast a few months, however I wanted to makesure the time feels right, on how to go about writing about him, and plenty of other stuff, before I do go about writing about him🦎For fun, I figured I'd write about that's pretty much not cannon at all origin behind the Spinner villain name, even tough I write alot of things that aren't cannon in my fanfics🦎I honestly just felt interested in having the reader ask to call him Spinner during the reader's and his childhood, even tough the reader and Spinner would wait years until meeting eachother again🦎 Anyways my Tumblr Peeps, I hope you enjoyed reading this fanfic with Spinner in it, as much as I enjoyed working on this Spinner fanfic🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎
Note: Since I got this fanfic written down, and there an interesting topic that caught my attention earlier today, so I will be deciding which character who I haven't written about yet, to write about for my next fanfic that I plan on starting, before I actually start it...🤔👀😁👍
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tokosparrow · 1 year
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-   “say hey toko !!” ★彡
★彡 you could call me toko!!
★彡 inbox is open so we could talk!!
★彡 please read my carrd in my bio before interacting!!
★彡 you could request anything art related as well but don’t be weird!
★彡 any fandom with a star will be made with joy since that’s my current hyperfixation and such!!
// let’s now talk about hashtags !!
#toko talks : where i talk about anything and to anyone :3 ; #toko draws : where my drawings will be sorted :3 ; #toko writes : where you could find my writing :3 ;
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will write !! //
- character x reader (ofc)
- i mainly prefer to write male readers but female readers are always welcome regardless (gender-neutral pronouns will be the norm though)
- headcannons
- fics
- platonic and romantic related stuff
- fluff, angst, comfort, or any other type you want, be specific as long as it’s not weird.
wont write !! //
- pedo related stuff
- proshipping
- gore
- nsfw
★ // ( i’ll add more later on if i need too )
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★ now it’s time for a character list !!//:
Marvel (MCU)
// loki, thor, peter parker, (+ possibly more, just ask :))
Rushmore ☆
// max fischer
// stephen stills, wallace wells, matthew patel, gideon graves (+ maybe more, just ask to make sure!)
My Hero Academia
// fumikage tokoyami, mezo shoji, izuku midoryia, shoto todoroki, juzo honenuki, shuichi iguchi, chizome akaguro.
Mr Osomatsu-san
// matsuno brothers, the riceballs (i’ll only platonic requests for them).
The Owl House
// luz, hunter, alador, belos (philip), the collector (platonic), hooty, king (doing platonic for them both as well).
Inside Job
// the gang, alpha-beta.
Saiki K
// kusuo saiki, kuriko saiki (i don’t really know if she technically counts)
Mob Psycho 100
// shigeo kageyama,
★ i’ll add more characters/fandoms that i feel comfortable doing later !!//
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★ other wise you could request me to write something or draw something (the rules i wrote also apply for art related stuff) !! //
-   bye bye !! ★彡
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 years
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☽ = Dubcon/Noncon Content 🔞 = NSFW/Smut
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My Hero Academia
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Tomura Shigaraki
Play Nice (In-Progress) - Tomura Shigaraki was her dad's boss's son. He was the creep that stole girls' underwear and tried to grope her in his room. But it's not like he could get her Dad fired just because she wouldn't sleep with him, right? ...right? 🔞☽ Play Nice Bonus Chapter (23.5): Drunk on Love - In which Spinner and Shigaraki get drunk and whine about MC.
One-Shots & Drabbles
Making Up for Lost Time 🔞 - For the first time in his life, Tomura Shigaraki has full control of his quirk. With this newfound freedom, there is so much that he wants to do. And it just so happens that you are at the very top of that list.
Cold Hands Fluff
Stealthing (Non-Consensual Condom Removal) 🔞☽
General SFW & NSFW 🔞
Dick Headcanons 🔞
Physical Touch HC's/Meta
Play Nice Shigaraki Headcanons
Tea Game Headcanons
Dabi | Touya Todoroki
Burnt Bridges (Complete) - If a boy is picking on you, it means he likes you. She could almost laugh. By that logic, Dabi must’ve been fucking in love with her. That thought was what finally made the tears start to spill. Not because of how ridiculous it was or how isolating it felt.
But because it was exactly what she wanted. 🔞
Spinner | Shuichi Iguchi
Step by Step: A Gecko’s Guide to Becoming a Really Bad Person (In-Progress) 🔞☽ - In which, Bully!Reader manipulates Step-Bro!Spinner sexually in increasingly demeaning ways. And eventually, he asks his good ol’ pal Tomura Shigaraki for help.
One-Shots & Drabbles
Play Nice Bonus Chapter (23.5): Drunk on Love - In which Spinner and Shigaraki get drunk and whine about MC.
Himiko Toga & Jin Bubaigawara | Twice
One-Shots & Drabbles
Back-Alley Nurse GN!Reader
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Jujutsu Kaisen
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Ryomen Sukuna
One-Shots & Drabbles
Apex Predator 🔞☽ - At the end of the day, curses were trophic beings. Sukuna? Of course, he was an apex predator. He knew how to wait, to watch, to be patient. To wait until his prey was in exactly the right position where victory, making the kill, was guaranteed. Enter: Yuji’s new little girlfriend. The ingénue. The prey.
Yuta Okkotsu
One-Shots & Drabbles
Konbini Crush - In which you talk to the cute guy with the sword you always see at the convenience store.
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Ichimatsu Matsuno
Time to Pretend (In-Progress) - Ichimatsu x F!OC. Ichimatsu always knew that he was garbage. But even he didn't realize what an absolute piece of shit he was until she reminded him. TLDR: Ichimatsu reconnects with a girl he bullied in high school. And she's way hotter than he remembers. 🔞
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Hazbin Hotel
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Relationship SFW & NSFW Headcanons 🔞
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Original Characters
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Mephistopheles - DnD Commission between F!Succubus, M!Dragonborn, M!Humans, & M!Elf 🔞
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veg-hotwings · 1 year
"You should tell him"
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia
Relationships: Mr.Compress x OC; slight soft DabiHawks
Characters: Mr. Compress | Atsuhiro Sako, Female Original Character, Himiko Toga, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Hawks | Takami Keigo, Tomura Shigaraki | Shimura Tenko, Spinner | Iguchi Shuichi, Twice | Jin Bubaigawara
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1138
Other tags: League of Villains as Family, Feelings, New Year's Celebrations, Snow
AKEMI BELONGS TO @aka-lambda!
Merry Christmas, I'm so happy I met you! ❤️🌿🍒
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“You should tell him, you know”
A young, high-pitched voice wormed its way through her thoughts, making her look away from the man’s distant shape to focus on the girl who stood next to her, her wide grin still visible on her cheeks even with the soft scarf around her neck.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she replied, her face suddenly hotter and redder despite the winter night’s chilly air, more self-conscious than she’d been just a few moments before.
The girl ignored her protests, huffing her breath over her gloved hands, her golden irises not really transfixed on their family, somehow lost and far away.
“You’re the luckiest among us all” she continued as Akemi had never spoken, rolling on her heels while the others’ screams and voices lightened up the atmosphere at the deserted temple.
Something uncomfortably similar to a pang of guilt clenched at the quirkless’ heart.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, as much as I love being in love, it’s not always as easy as I make it seem having my dear ones far away” Toga explained after staying silent for a bit, a sad sigh shaking her small figure. “Nor is knowing they probably hate me because of my love language” she added, her voice low and shy, almost a murmur. “I’m not the type to lose hope, and I’ll keep pursuing Izuku-kun and Ochacho-chan until they finally love me back, but waiting for a chance to even see them is so hard sometimes”
Akemi kept quiet, studying Himiko’s expression from the corner of her eye and hiding herself a little bit more in her own scarf, her rainbow tresses dangling softly around her.
“Sometimes I really envy you, Akemi-chan. And them, most of all” she added, pointing towards two lonely people in the distance with her chin. Even from their far away spot Hawks’ massive red wings were more than visible, quivering gently as Dabi’s long, warm fingers caressed through ruby feathers. The hero leaned in towards the arsonist, not minding their surroundings in the slightest as the two of them rang the bell and offered their prayers for New Year’s. The contact was barely there, but there was so much intimacy in that tiny gesture that Akemi had to turn her eyes from the couple, her chest tightening.
“I know Dabi-kun doesn’t trust Hawksie completely yet, but they’re still trying, every day, to be themselves around each other, to be real and truthful with each other despite their differences”. Another sigh. “What I’m trying to say is that you and Mister don’t have any of these problems. You’ve always fought for the same goal together, you don’t have to work on your trust issues with him to make sure he won’t betray you, and surely you won’t be on opposite sides of the battlefield when war comes, so what’s stopping you? Is it because you’re afraid of rejection?”.
Himiko furrowed her eyebrows, as Akemi found swallowing extremely hard, her pulse thundering in her own ears. “You’ll never know if it’s impossible if you don’t tell him, won’t you? Maybe he doesn’t reciprocate your feelings now, but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever be together. Maybe all he needs is a chance to look at you differently, men can be so oblivious sometimes!” she sounded exasperated now, but it was a good change from her rare dim mood. “Besides, I think the two of you would make a great couple! You’re both so funny, and you were both told your quirk - or lack thereof - was something to be ashamed of, something useless. Still, I would have never met Izuku-kun and Ochaco-chan last summer if it wasn’t for Mister, we wouldn’t have taken revenge on that Overhaul piece of shit for Big Sis Magne’s murder, and you were there too all along. You’re such a great support to us, Akemi-chan, and you’re family. Don’t ruin your chance at being happy, don’t let their voices convince you they were right about you, okay?”
There were so many thoughts in Akemi’s head she found herself unable to even open her mouth, so distracted by Toga’s words she didn’t even notice the girl crouching and moulding a snowball in her hands. “If you don’t wanna do it for yourself, do it for me, at least!” she chuckled once again, her expression now devoid of any trace of dreariness. “I love a good romance!”
And then, without another word, she flew towards her friends, shooting her snowball straight towards Jin’s face and smacking it right in the centre. Jin started chasing her right away, her laugh silver in the air as she jumped on Spinner’s shoulders and instructed him to run away from the man as her valiant chariot. The gecko loudly protested but humoured her anyway, and even Tomura was slightly smiling in the shadows, observing the scene next to an amused Atsuhiro. The sight of the magician made her gaze slip towards Dabi and Hawks again, but they weren't at the sanctuary anymore, probably distanced themselves from the group to have some privacy.
Himiko was right. Of course she was, so why couldn’t she bring herself to confess to the man she loved? Was she really such a coward? Frustrated, she trailed her eyes to Atsuhiro, and this time she found that Sako was already looking at her too, a smile on his mouth that grew wider when their irises met.
“Come over, c’mon” he mimed with his thin lips, gesturing for her to cross the snow field of the temple courtyard, and she graced him with the same mirthful expression. Maybe today wasn’t the day she confessed to Atsuhiro yet, but she wouldn’t be such a fool to waste a chance to stay beside him.
At some point, from the village at the base of the hill, a cascade of fireworks skyrocketed upwards, exploding in a myriad of colours across the dark, cloudy sky, and the League stopped their games to look at them. Toga and Jin darted to the front of the balcony, pointing at the lights with enthusiasm, Tomura and Spinner stayed in a corner, quiet but visibly relaxed while Dabi and Hawks joined them from behind, their fingers intertwined, one of the hero’s wings barely draped over the arsonist’s shoulders to keep him close.
“Happy New Year, Akemi” whispered a familiar voice near her, and she almost leaped from her skin, her cheeks as red as the fireworks. Atsuhiro was still looking at her, a delighted smile on his face, his eyes as gentle as his words.
Then and there, Akemi swore to herself she wouldn’t hide her feelings from him any longer. Maybe not tonight, but soon enough, before her heart collapsed from them.
“Happy New Year, Atsuhiro” she replied lightly, shy and joyful.
Yes, soon.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Villain Masterlist
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Tomura Shigaraki
dating tomura shigaraki - headcanons
gamer boyfriend shigaraki - headcanons
patching up shigaraki after a battle - headcanons
yandere shigaraki crushing on his neighbour - headcanons
Touya Todoroki / Dabi
dating dabi/touya todoroki - headcanons
dabi with a s/o who has a healing quirk - headcanons
patching up touya todoroki - headcanons
dabi comforting you after a break up - headcanons
friends with benefits hawks & dabi - headcanons
dabi with a s/o who's sensitive to loud noises - headcanons
touya's childhood best friend dating natsuo - headcanons
Jin Bubaigawara / Twice
romance is not dead (yet) - oneshot
Shuichi Iguchi / Spinner
dating spinner / shuichi iguchi - headcanons
having your first fight with spinner - headcanons
Atsuhiro Sako/Mr. Compress
breaking up with mr. compress - headcanons
Himiko Toga
dating himiko toga - headcanons
himiko with a s/o who likes her smile - headcanons
Oboro Shirakumo / Kurogiri
memories of who we used to be - oneshot
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Kai Chisaki / Overhaul
call me your favorite, call me the worst - oneshot
Kaina Tsutsumi / Lady Nagant
being in a poly relationship with mirko and lady nagant - headcanons
Akaguro Chizome/Stain
stain meeting a shapeshifter - headcanons
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Shuichi Iguchi x Reader
Warnings: Pet-Play, Dominant Reader, Double Penetration, Mentions of Cheating, Mentions of Murder, Safe Word Usage, Alcohol Consumption, Hints at Manipulation, Hints at Misogyny (?)
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You figured this marriage would be the best thing to have ever happened to you. He was older than you, smarter than you, richer than you could ever imagine, and he loved you so much. He spoiled you endlessly, gifting you lavish gifts and expensive clothes and other items, you never had to clean the house or even cook him dinner, you were living in the lap of luxury! You knew when you got into this relationship that he was a busy man, running his business and going on business trips, doing what he needed to, so you never asked questions.
You loved your husband so much, he was a good man.
You were married for almost ten years together, and despite how many times you two tried, you could never get pregnant. He never blamed you for it, never got mad about it, if anything he seemed thankful. After all, that gave him plenty more time to focus on his job.
You loved your husband, truly you did, but there was one thing you didn’t put up with.
Your mother had gotten ill, so you needed to go off to see how she was, to see if there was anything you could do to help, or if you needed to send her off. Once your decision was made, and the funeral had gone on easily, you were finally able to return home to your loving husband and his open arms.
Apparently, his arms were too open, because you found him in bed with his secretary and accountant.
If only he had talked to you.
If only he had told you the truth.
If only he had changed his will before having that heart attack and drowning in the pool.
You were crying for days when he died, crying when you spoke to the police, crying when you had to put him in the ground, crying when you fired the accountant and secretary he stuck his dick in, crying when you had to sell your share of his company, and crying when you went to bed.
Now you were a widow, with newfound fortune and no family to share it with.
You were lonely.
But it could’ve been worse.
The police questioned how you got over your husband's death so quickly, and you rolled your eyes, explaining you were in the process of divorce before he passed away. You explained his extracurricular activities with other women, and they in turn questioned you about the money. You rolled your eyes again and explained you could give two fucks about the money, wanting to be rid of it more than anything. You were telling the truth too, having donated many of your newfound funds into homeless shelters, foster systems, local libraries and so on. You didn’t want anything to do with that man, you explained, having instead moved into a small little home for yourself and selling off everything he had previously owned. Of course you were suspect number one, but the police were far too dumb to catch on to anything, and you were much smarter than a simple vexed housewife.
Did you kill him?
… Well it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve it, but no one needed to know that.
But the fact of the matter still stood. You were lonely. Loneliness snuck up on you, afterall you never anticipated feeling this way, especially after getting away with something scott free. You were lonely after your grandparents died, but you still had your parents.
You were lonely after your father died, but you had your mother. You were lonely after your mother died… You wished things could've been different. When did it all go wrong? When you got older? When you couldn't bear his children? You couldn't guess, and frankly you didn't care anymore. Why would you care about the thoughts of an old fool like him, anyway? You had better things to do. You could paint, work in your garden, visit places and people at your leisure.
But none of it soothed that aching loneliness…
So, you tried dating. You were still young, confident in yourself, and you knew you could wrangle any man you could ever want! So… You refused to believe anything was wrong with you when men would avoid you, swipe over you, choose someone younger rather than someone their age. It was frustrating, but there was always one more option…
No… Not that one… Too many muscles… Far too young for your taste… A bit too expensive… Oh that's just obscene-
This site wasn't one you'd ever expect yourself to be on, but you had money and time to spend on someone else. Besides, it was better to hire someone rather than just sit alone in your home, right?
There was one young man who was damn near a decade younger than you- But you weren't that… Opposed to him. He had great reviews from everyone, sans some creeps complaining that he wouldn't act like an animal no matter how much money they put on the line. What you gathered from that was he had dignity, and you liked that.
So you hired him.
Truth be told, no matter how confident you were, you were still terribly nervous. Days went by where you meticulously cleaned your home, putting everything in its proper place. You paced and double checked yourself in the mirror, wondering if you looked okay, maybe too old? Not old enough? What were you even doing, maybe you could still cancel-
There was a knock on your door and you jumped, quickly moving to answer it. He was taller than you anticipated, and far better looking in real life than on your tiny little screen.
Shuichi Iguchi was in your doorway, the male escort you hired to… Simply spend time with you.
He looked familiar, but you couldn't be bothered to put your thumb on it, welcoming him in and offering him a drink.
Shuichi was very thankful you didn't ask questions, or make a comment about any of his affiliations with the League. He was also pleasantly surprised you were rather young, and really attractive too. Maybe this time he'd actually enjoy himself. Coming into your home he made himself comfortable, telling you exactly how he liked his tea, and being cordial with you while you sat with him. However, he noticed your nervousness while the two of you sat in silence, the clock ticking in the background.
"... Are you alright?"
You jumped, "Ah- y-yes uhm I'm just a bit…. Nervous, is all I'm not really- I-I've never-"
He caught on, "Oh, really? A pretty thing like you? I-I'm sorry, that's just hard for me to believe…."
You blushed and nodded, laughing at his compliments. "Yes, I'm afraid I'm new to this whole exchange… I just lost my husband you see and I'm a bit lonely-"
"Oh wow I'm sorry-"
"He was a cheating bastard, don't waste your breath on him."
Shuichi shut up with that, nodding. You smiled again, immediately changing the subject.
"Sooooo, Shuichi, what is it that you do?"
"Uh well, mostly this…" He hesitated mentioning the League, but caught himself. "I also play video games…"
"Oh fun! I used to play some, but I haven't played any in quite some time though…"
"Cool… What about you..?"
"I spend most of my time doing small things and donating, charitable work, things to help others. But even then I've grown lonely…"
Shuichi hummed, "So why not get into dating? Why this?"
You laughed shortly, "I tried, but I'm out of the age range for most men my age… Ugh, and look at me, doing exactly what they are…"
Shuichi took your hand, his was far colder than your own, "You're not really, I can promise you that. We're just talking, and it's not like I'm a dumb kid, I know what I like n' all that. You're not taking advantage of me, so don't even think about it, alright?"
You held onto his hand and gave him a squeeze, nodding your head, "I appreciate the reassurance… To make myself feel better, may I ask something…?"
"Sure thing, you can ask anything."
You hesitated, blushing. Here it comes.
"Is it alright if we just talk, for now…?"
Oh, that… Was not what Shuichi expected. He expected something far more profane. Perhaps something dirty, or even gross, but not this.
It was cute, wholesome even.
"Sure thing…"
Visits were often like that, and he was thankful you lived so far away from anyone. He didn't have to hide his face with you, and never expected you to do anything odd. The two of you got to know each other, watched movies together, and the most you've done was cuddle him at night. Shuichi was never opposed, you were soft and warm, the world was cold and hard, he could get used to this.
He even thought it was funny when you would smack talk your old husband. The man sounded like the person you were afraid to become, going after people far younger than yourself and manipulating them, making them your little play things rather than your partner. Every time that happened, Shuichi reassured you that you were nothing like that, even if you paid him for his time, he could deny you at any point, and he knew you would never push anything uncomfortable on him, unlike others. Many others.
Hell, even when you were drunk you didn’t push anything onto him. But, he did learn plenty of new things about you. Things you were far too bashful to talk about without intoxication.
“Wait wait wait, let me get this straight… He didn’t want you to-”
“Ever be in control! I could n-never make suggestions, use toys, or even- *hic* Eve-even tell him which hole to use!”
Shuichi laughed, “And he slept with other women? Ha, no wonder he liked 'em young…”
“He was terrible too- He only ever lasted ten minutes!”
You took another sip of your third glass of wine, Shuichi barely drinking from his first. “So, what would you have done, if given the chance?”
You cooed at that, your bright red face somehow turning even redder.
“Oooh, the things I would have done… I wanted to tie him up and torture him until he was begging for it- P-put a collar on him too- Wanted to mark him like mine-”
You muttered something about it not working, but Shuichi was too preoccupied with your confession of wanting such dominance over him. Your husband was a lucky man, why would he waste such an opportunity to submit?
“Yeah, I wanted to do so much with him, try using vibes and cock rings, wanted to try out shibari with em- *hic* W-wanted to make him my pet, y’know? But nooooooo, I don’t know what I want- Bas- *hic*- Ugh… Bastard…”
Shuichi was glad you were inebriated, you wouldn’t notice the red on his face or the tent in his pants.
He’d admit it was a little embarrassing, being used to something very similar, and yet completely the opposite. He was used to being a call-boy, an escort, a sugar baby. He was used to freaks asking him to act like a lizard. He was used to older women asking him to absolutely desecrate them- Men too. It never really bothered him, after all they pay for what they want, and if they want a dominant then he would be that for them. But really, he wanted someone to take control.
He wanted someone to take the reins and treat him like a pet- Like what you wanted to do. Was the idea extremely arousing? Yes, and unfortunately there was nothing he could currently do about it, and he half-expected you to not remember a damn thing tomorrow. So, despite his obvious attraction to you and his raging hard-on, he would be good.
For now.
He decided to call it there for the night, for the both of you, when you started talking nonsense about drowning your husband and hoping he rots in hell. He got you some water, set aside some pain killers for the morning, and he was about to leave you be.
Well, until you grabbed his hand and pulled him back slightly.
“Shuichiiiii… Staaaay… ‘Wanna cuddle…”
He blushed again, still half-mast. “Ah- I don’t think that’s wise-”
“Mmm- Promise I’ll be good… Don’wanna be ‘lone r’now…”
Your words were slurring even more as you started dozing off, and he relented. Crawling into bed next to you, he was sure to keep a good amount of distance, as to not… Alert you. But, he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your back.
“G’night Shu… Ichi….”
He smiled into your back, “G’night…”
The next morning you woke up with a splitting headache, as expected. You never really were one to hold your alcohol well-
You groaned when you remembered what happened last night, feeling your face flush as you held your head in your hands. You were ashamed of yourself, having spewed your guts to him like that- Oh fuck, you told him about your husband! You told him about your husband's death! Throwing yourself out of bed, you ran to the kitchen area and saw Shuichi eating some cereal, he was stopped right in the middle of taking a bite.
“Uuuh, good morning? You alright?”
The cops weren’t here yet, maybe he wanted to blackmail you.
“Y-yes I’m fine uhm… W-what are you doing?”
He looked to the side and motioned to his spoonful of cereal, “Eating, why?”
You gulped, looking at the phone in his hands and back to him.
Tackling him down to the ground you yanked the phone out of his hands, ignoring his pleads as you got off of him quickly and held it away from him.
“What the hells gotten into you!? Give me back my phone!”
“Not until you tell me what you plan to do!”
“I wanted to eat breakfast! Is that so bad!?”
You played ring-around-the-rosie with him around your coffee-table, before he jumped over it and tackled you. You squealed, trying to wiggle your way out from under him before he snatched his phone back from you, before pinning you to the ground.
“What has gotten in to you!?”
You huffed, still wiggling, “L-let me go! I have to get out of here-”
“Because I told you!”
Shuichi was confused, letting you go and sitting up, still pinning you by the waist. “Told me what!? Your kinks!?”
You flushed, “N-no! Not that…!”
“Then what the hell are you-”
It suddenly clicked in his head what you were talking about. It wasn’t nonsense what you were talking about last night, it was the truth. You paled when you saw his realisation and started wiggling even more, before he pinned you again.
“I’m a villain.”
His sudden outburst made you stop. You looked at him and scoffed, “No you’re not…”
“I am, my villain name is Spinner, I’m a part of the League of Villains…”
You were silent and he went on, “I needed extra money, so I picked up a side gig… The kind of thing I do isn’t exactly legal, but because people are desperate, they usually keep quiet… So I wouldn’t tell the cops anyway, even if I believed you.”
You scoffed, “You still don’t believe me?”
“Not fuckin’ really, you don’t take me for a murderer in the slightest…”
You rolled your eyes and wiggled again, “Could we get up now…? I’ll tell you everything, I just… I need to take those pain meds too…”
Shuichi sighed and got off of you, helping you up and getting you the pain meds he originally expected you to take immediately after waking up. From there, you told him your story, your method, how you didn’t even feel anything when you did it too… He told you a few stories about himself, and the two of you sat there. Shuichi’s cereal was long forgotten, and you were poking at your water.
“So… About your kinks-”
He flushed, “Sorry sorry, I just thought it’d be a good topic to talk about! Especially since you’re sober now and can probably remember a lot more.”
That got you interested, but you felt like teasing. “Why would you be interested in something like that? Naughty…”
He flushed a bit and chuckled, “Ha, uh… W-well I’m just curious, that’s all…”
You caught on suddenly, and it made you flush, “Shuichi, you know we don’t have to do anything, right…?”
“I-I know I mean…” This usually wasn’t as hard to do, or initiate, so why was he struggling now?
“Shuichi, maybe we should wait for that, don’t you think?”
You touched his arm and smiled softly at him, and he couldn't help but think about your hands. The hands that ruthlessly held your husband under water, were holding him so gently. Why was that thought so attractive to him?
“Y-yea sure uh… W-well, will you ask for me again soon?”
You smirked and he felt his dick twitch at the sight. “Maybe, darling. Now go on, I’m certain you have things to tend to.”
Shuichi nodded and after making sure you were alright, and reassuring you once again he was a villain (he showed you a picture of the Tomura Shigaraki sleeping- He snores apparently), he left. You waved him off as you always do, and smiled softly at him. He had his secrets, and you had yours. But, you found solace in each other, and shared your secrets with one another. It was… A soothing thought.
But now that those revelations had come to pass, you had to make preparations. You got online immediately and started spending hundreds on new toys that you’ve always wanted to try, and after reading up and studying plenty, you were finally ready to call upon your new pet.
Shuichi hadn’t taken any new clients since that night and morning. He didn’t think he could get it up for anyone else anymore, after all, you were his dream come true. You were older than him, sure, but you were so fucking attractive, and you paid him well, and you never pushed anything onto him and- Ugh, he was in deep.
It could prove to be a problem if he didn’t get it taken care of, but when he heard that ding on his phone, and he saw it was a transaction from you, he nearly tripped over his own feet getting himself together to leave. He wasn’t sure if he should bring anything or expect anything, but he couldn’t lie about not being excited. He had to adjust himself multiple times to not alert any stander-byes about his current very hard problem.
Don’t get too excited.
Don’t get in over your head.
Don’t rush.
All things he tried to tell himself as he arrived at your home, rather quickly. He knocked on your door erratically, alerting you that he was finally here. You gave yourself one more look over and smirked. You hadn’t felt this good since your wedding night, dressed in your finest nightwear, a sheer robe, just enough makeup to accent your eyes. You got to the door and opened it slowly, and you smirked at what you saw.
What Shuichi saw almost made him cream his pants. Sure, he was bigger than you and stronger than you, and he’s killed plenty more people than you, but you still looked like a predator, and he was your prey. You looked at him with sharp eyes and a smirk, and you looked hot.
“I uh… I-I got your t-transaction…”
You nodded, “And you came running, huh?”
Shuichi nodded with a gulp, his face flushing even darker. You let him in and allowed him to get comfortable, before you brought him to your room. You even lit candles- Fuck he was done for. You sat on the foot of your bed and patted the seat next to you, but Shuichi wanted you to know exactly what he wanted. With an embarrassed blush, he got on his hands and knees, and crawled over to you. Putting his head in your lap, and looking up at you with pathetic eyes. Your eyes were slightly widened, before you smiled down at him with an almost loving gaze.
“Tell me what you want, pet… And tell me what you don’t want…”
Shuichi whimpered and you could feel yourself get even more excited. “I… I want you to take control of me… T-to own me… I want you t-to take care of me a-and I… I wanna be good for you…”
You cooed at him and he felt his heart speed up. “And what lines shouldn't I not cross dear?”
He blushed even darker, “U-uhm… I-I don’t really feel comfortable with a-anal… N-not yet…”
You nodded and pet his hair, “Good boy… Now do me a favour, okay? Tell me if you have a safe word, alright~?”
“Y-yea ‘c-course uhm… M-my safeword has always been Leopard…”
“Thank you. Now, darling, is there anything else I need to know~?”
Shuichi shook his head and mumbled a soft, “No.”
“Alright then, now, be a good boy and strip for me, ‘kay~?”
Shuichi sputtered as he got up and nodded, taking off his clothes, rather quickly. He was excited, what could he say? Getting his pants off was difficult, to say the least. But, he knew you wouldn’t be disappointed, nobody ever was. That was one of, if not the only reason he was as popular as he was before he met you. He was “blessed” with more gecko-qualities than he’d like to admit.
When you saw him, you were surprised, and slightly worried. Would you be able to fit both? Your husband was only nearly half his size, and despite one of his dicks being smaller than the other, they both still had a lot of girth. Shuichi noticed your staring and he blushed, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.
“W-we don’t have to-”
“No, it's fine. This is what they invented lube for anyway. Now, come here~”
He looked back up at you and saw you holding your arms open for him, and he walked over to you slowly.
He did as you told him, keeping his head down, before you lifted his chin, “Look at me, baby~”
When he did, he felt something around his neck, and his eyes widened when he finally heard the metal clinking. You got him a collar, and it had his name, and your name on it. He looked at you in shock, and you were about to ask if that was alright, before he clung onto you, nuzzling into your waist, muttering his praise and pleading for you.
You smiled sweetly down to him.
Your husband would never.
“I’m glad you like your present baby, but we haven’t even begun yet. Get comfortable on the bed, okay~?”
He nodded and did as you told him, laying down on the bed and breathing in your scent, the pillows surrounding him as he laid there. You lifted yourself onto the bed, clicking something onto his collar.
He wanted to squeal when he saw the leash, but only moaned when he felt you rub yourself against him. You flushed, pleased to know he was already so ready for you. But, you wanted to go slow. It had been almost a whole year since your last time having sex, and you needed time to get used to him. Leaning over and grabbing the lube, Shuichi looked at you in anticipation. Slowly you dribbled some lube down his dicks, making him whine. Tossing the bottle to the side, you almost immediately started slowly pushing him in.
“H-haaooh f-fuck~!”
You smirked at his reaction to you, but stopped at about halfway, when you felt his second dick twitch outside of you. He whined again, his hips moving on their own before you tugged the leash.
“Ah ah, no… I need to ready myself for you baby, you need to be good, and patient, alright~?”
“B-but- Mmm~ F-feels good~”
You cooed almost mockingly at him and he felt himself buck at that, making you tug even harder at the leash, your other hand steadying his hips.
“I know it feels good baby, but patience is rewarded~”
He whimpered yet again, but nodded. You nodded as well, fucking yourself on his larger dick, slowly, making him moan with every little movement. It was torture for Shuichi, but he swore to himself he’d be good- He would, he’d be good for you, he had to be…
It felt like it took ages for your speed to pick up, and your moaning was something he wanted to hear for the rest of his life. Music to his ears, a song for his soul, and he wanted it to never fucking end.
But when you stopped and he whined again, you tutted at him, as you moved your other hand to press his other dick at your entrance.
“O-ooh f-fuck b-be c-carefu~Uuuhh~!!”
When you pressed him in to you, he threw his head back, moaning out your name like a prayer. He was huffing, his hands finding purchase on your hips while you slowly sank down further on to him.
Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t-
“F-fuck! N-no-no!! Leopard- Fuck~!”
You jolted when you felt him cum inside you, moaning yourself and gasping at the feeling. This was something completely new to you, and when he said his safe word, you tried pulling off of him- But he stopped you.
“S-Shuichi y-you said-”
“M’sorry I just- Aah…. F-fuck… I’m so-sorry….”
You immediately knew he was embarrassed when he shut his eyes tight, shoving his face in the pillows next to him. You cooed, your grip on his leash loose as you leaned forward, still with his dicks inside of you, making him moan at the slight stimulation.
“Shuichi darling it’s okay…”
“B-but you didn’t-”
“I didn't say we had to stop honey, you did~”
He flushed at that and gulped, whining softly when he was reminded of the collar around his throat.
“O-okay uhm… I-I take it back…?”
You chuckled softly, “What was that sweetheart? You take back what?”
“M-my safe word I-I take it b-back… Mmm- P-please move..?”
You smiled softly and nodded, “Of course baby~”
With that, you slowly lifted yourself, before fucking down on him, making him almost squeal. His moan was so loud, and he could swear this was the best he’d ever had. Anyone else before you seemed… Used to it. Used to double penetration. But not you, you were so- Tight and warm, and now you were full of him in so many ways, it made him want to cry how heavenly you felt, wrapped around him like this. Your hips moved painfully slowly, bucking your hips and moaning at the feeling. You were slow, sensual, and you couldn’t last much longer.
With a short gasp and a shudder, you came on him, making him cry out and whine.
"Fuck fuck fu-fuuuugghh~" Shuichi cried out, groaning in absolute pleasure.
You moaned softly as you pulled him out of you, slowly. Yanking his leash again, he tiredly looked down and moaned when he saw your combined juices dripping out of you and onto the sheets.
"Holy… W-wow I…. Ha…"
"How was that, my pet~?"
He shuddered at the name and nodded, "G-good- Really fucking good… Uh… I-I don't think I'll ever recover ha…"
You giggled, "Oh? Care to elaborate dear?"
You leaned to take the collar and leash off, but he stopped you. "I mean, I'm not… I-I'm not taking anymore clients… I-I want to be exclusive…. Exclusively y-y-yours… Your... Your pet..."
Your eyes widened at that, but you quickly smiled and nodded.
"I'd like that~"
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Tags: @keinacea @daniidil @elias-fable
95 notes · View notes
mamayan · 7 months
Shigaraki Tomura x Fem! Reader x Shuichi Iguchi (Spinner)
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Tomura and Spinner decide Katsuki’s lil sis needs to learn some manners. Tomura is happy to help.
TW: DARK CONTENT • NONCON (full on) • NSFW • Alcohol consumption • Forced alcohol consumption (anally) • Abuse/Manipulation • Gaslighting • Piss • Forced Enema (using beer) • Oral (M) • PIV • Rough Sex • Degradation/Humiliation • Fem! Reader • Quirkless/College AU • Not proof read!
A/N: Don’t come for me, I had a dream and needed to get it out lol
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“Man don’t fuckin’—! Shit! Go left! Go fuckin’ left dammit’! NO! Fuck!” The controller went sailing across the room, hitting drywall and knocking down a corner of a poorly taped up poster near the stairwell.
“Hey dickwad, watch the fuckin’ face,” Dry eyes, bloodshot from staring at the tv all night, looked up.
You looked pissed, hair messy and face and clothing crumpled like you’d just rolled out of bed.
“It three in the morning you shitheads, shut up!” Your screech was akin to a pterodactyl, eyes blazing with fury as you pointed a manicured finger at all of them. “I have class in the morning! Shut this shit off and go to bed.” Like the whirlwind you appeared as, you were gone, stomping loudly up the cheap wooden stairs leading up from the basement smelling of stale beer and weed.
“What a—,”
“Cunt.” Tomura finished, looking at his friend with a roll of his eyes.
“She always such a bitch?” Tomura asks, curiously looking up at your ass as you slam the door shut behind you.
Shuichi looked awkward, “She’s his lil sis, so yeah, kind of always a bitch.”
“No shit? She’s firecracker’s sister?” Tomura looked shocked by the information before scoffing. “Makes sense then,” he’s back to focusing on the game, and the two resume their shouting contest at the tv.
They don’t know they’d be getting redecorated with kitchen condiments when they emerged from downstairs.
“Who the fuck?!” Spinner was nearly in tears, hot sauce directly in his eyes.
Tomura was oddly silent though despite standing slumped with ketchup and mayo dripping down his cheek, glaring balefully beneath his bangs as you snorted and tossed the empty bottle of mustard onto the floor. “I know shit for brains at least pays rent here, but you don’t,” you’re once again pointing a finger at him. “Listen crusty, me and my bro pay most of the mortgage, and then the other half is paid by Touya’s rich daddy and his pocket change.” Shuichi’s glare flattens a bit in fear under your icy stare as you glance at him like a bug beneath your foot. “You come over here all the damn time just to scream at the tv and lose, so do us all a favor, and stop showing your lotion needing ass around anymore.”
You leave just like that, finally feeling free from the incessant noise and nonsense as you get ready for your first class of the day, knowing your lab in the evening would be followed by a good night’s rest, finally.
Or not—
You return in the evening to another house party, furiously wondering which idiot set it up this time. Was it Katsuki or Touya? Shuichi was too much a follower and introvert to set up his own. The entire neighborhood was awake it seemed and eager to get drunk and wild, college students spilling out the seams of your home as you groan and push your way inside. Hands grab at you from all angles, only to feel the prick of your sharp nails in retaliation.
You spotted the spiky blonde hair of your idiot brother, his scowl matching your own as you confront him.
“The fuck dude?”
“Don’t fuck dude me, th’fuck’r doin’ home early?” He’s clearly intoxicated despite his stone faced demeanor, speech slurred as he sways a little. A pretty girl is looking at you with irritation for having interrupted her capture of prey.
“Put the nails away Babezilla, he’s my fuckin’ brother,” you sneer, rolling your eyes as you level him with a new found glare from the depths of hell.
“Everyone better be out before midnight or I’m lighting this shit on fire and claiming the insurance on the house and your body.”
“D’you take out insurance on my fuckin’ life?”
“Fuck around and find out.” With that you leave, Katsuki’s stunned face slowly morphing into one of rage as he screams out after you, held back by the girl half his size holding on to him like a desperate dog owner to their hound who smells blood.
Unbeknownst to you, you’re being watched. Carefully. As you sashay around the dirty house party, despite your terrible attitude, telling people what time to leave.
“I think she needs to learn a lesson in manners.” Shuichi glances over at Tomura, watching the young male scratch as his neck till red begins to pull up and spill. The crimson against his almost grayish skin looks ghastly.
“Y-yeah man…” something about the violent look in those garnet eyes makes him nervous.
“Go tell her I’m trying to take a piss on her bed.”
“Dude what? Why would I do that?” Shuichi looks stunned, making a face of pure confusion and revulsion. “That’s fuckin’ gross.” He receives an eye roll, chuckling beneath his breath.
“Just do it Spinner, remember where her room is?” Tomura points out, cocking a brow as if the purple haired male would catch on. He doesn’t, but Shuichi doesn’t want to admit so, nodding with a look of hesitation. “What exactly are you going to do when she gets up there?”
“Remember? A lesson in manners of course.”
Tomura happily grabs a freely left out six pack of beer, the glass long bottles cool and still dripping perspiration as they heat up in the room filled with liquored up sweaty bodies. The paper handle carefully balancing the weight of each one as he strolls up stairs, finishing his own drink of mixed hard liquors that still haven’t hit his system fully yet. Your room is on the third floor, more of a loft than anything, where you’d had a wall and door built to block out noise and add privacy. You have the most sound proof room in the house, the most secluded room in the house, and the most secure room in the house. Your brother made sure of it, throwing up extra locks as you insisted on getting a house with him near campus. Tomura is happy he found this information out through Shuichi, using his gaming friend to siphon out everything there is to know about you.
Despite your mean attitude, you’re quite the good friend. Well liked and adored on campus, pretty girl with a cute smile when you chose to use it. His own lips crack as they pull up into a grin, easily finding your room and closing the door. A normal bedroom, nothing special, with cute added decorations here and there as well as your books and study supplies left on your desk and bedside table. Tomura leaves the beer on your desk, finishing his drink and throwing the plastic red cup to the floor as he grunts and unzips his pants, freeing his limp chub as he steps up onto your bed.
He wasn’t kidding. He pissed all over your cute stuffed animals, pillows and blankets, releasing his foul pent up urine where you sleep.
“Ah fuck,” he groans, head falling back as he relaxes and fully empties his bladder just as the door slams open and you enter.
“No fuckin’ way— YOU SICK FUCKIN’ ANIMAL! THAT’S DISGUSTING!” Your shriek falls on deaf ears, the party drowning out your screeching perfectly. He doesn’t even turn his body, only his head as he looks down at your seething face with a lopsided grin.
“Aw, decided to join the fun now, Princess?” His scratchy rough voice isn’t slurred in the least, and it doesn’t take a lot to guess he’s mostly sober. Tomura shakes his cock a few times, making sure every drop hit your now soaked bed, before pulling up his boxers alone.
“Lock the door Spin.” He orders casually, and the ever eager Shuichi obeys, eyes wide in shock because Tomura really did it. He’s almost impressed, feeling something in his chest swell to see you so upset. All the times you’d mocked him as a loser who couldn’t afford to pay rent… it was true but that was besides the point.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing shit for brains?!” Shuichi flinched when you reeled on him now, but he held his ground as Tomura hopped to the floor, dropping his pants entirely now and kicking them off. It was comical the look on your face, eyes going wide and a hint of fear tinting your features before you masked it with rage. “You want to die or something? My brother will—,”
“Your brother is getting his cock gobbled like a turkey on Thanksgiving by the bitch I paid to do it. He’s not doing shit else tonight.” Tomura’s smile is vile, white teeth offset by his pale sickly skin as he chuckles, removing his shirt next.
The marks on his body can only be from some sort of self harm, scratch marks everywhere, scabs covering a majority.
“I’ve always liked your nails.” He starts, slowly backing you into Shuichi who seems more nervous than you at this point. Your glare is still in place, defiant pretty eyes sparked with emotion he’s dying to extinguish. “You’re wearing makeup today too.” He notes gleefully, and the way his face lights up almost childishly sends chills down your spine. A blaring red alarm is sounding as you realize his intentions aren’t just to vandalize your room.
“Tomura stop this right now—hck!?” It catches everyone but him off guard when he slaps you across the face, sending you to the floor as you gaze dazedly at your carpet for a moment.
“Shut the fuck up,” he sneers, rolling his eyes as you cough and sputter for a second. It’s the only second he needs to grab a fistful of your hair and haul you up, dragging you to your desk and swiping everything off and onto the floor to smash your face to the table. “You always scream and yell. It’s annoying how you always run your mouth slut.”
“Stop—! I’ll really scream! HELP! SOMEO—mhm!” He doesn’t hesitate to lift your head and slam it as hard as he can onto the table, effectively and violently silencing you.
“Holy shit dude—,” Shuichi halts when Tomura levels him with a glare. His eyes drop to you, even more rocked and dazed as a few tears leak down your cheeks.
“Since you like screaming so much…” he’s scratching as his neck with his free hand, cracking his knuckles after and dropping his hand to the waist band of your leggings. Your ears still ring from the blow, allowing him to easily pull your pants and underwear down to expose your lower half. He only pulls it down halfway, exposing your cunt and bare ass.
“Hey man, maybe we should stop…” Shuichi takes another step forward, eyes nervously looking at your exposed skin and limp figure against your desk.
“Nah, this bitch is getting a lesson taught tonight.” Tomura nods for Shuichi to come closer, his friend awkwardly shuffling closer. “Hold her arms behind her back and her face down.” Tomura helps grab both of your wrists, twisting them behind your back and pressing them down. He ignores your whimper, letting Shuichi hold you down now so he could free both hands.
Shuichi simply watches as Tomura grabs a beer, biting the cap off and spitting it on the floor as he saunters closer. Taking a few swigs, he grins and crouches down behind you, laughing as you flinch away from his hand on your ass.
“P-please stop—hii!” He only answers with a sharp slap to your ass and a giggle, deforming the soft doughy flesh with his hand and nails sinking in. Spreading one cheek wide, Tomura brings the lip of the bottle to the tight rosebud of your back entrance.
“Holy shit—,”
“No! No please!”
He ignores you and Shuichi, pressing forward and breaching your ass with the bottle and delighting in the squeal you make, legs going taunt and straight as the desk and Shuichi’s grip prevents you from going anywhere as he sinks about three inches of the bottle neck inside your ass.
“Bottoms up, bitch.” Tomura laughs, tilting the bottle up and watching the liquid begin to bubble and pop, disappearing inside of you as you groan and writhe for freedom, panic and tears painting your face. Keeping the bottle in place as he forces the beer inside you, Tomura leans up and over to lick the smearing mascara running down your cheek. The salt and chalky taste making his cock swell up into a tent in his boxers.
“Fuck man, is this even okay? I-I don’t wanna go to jail or some shit,”
“You won’t. She won’t say a thing.”
“Look at her cunt.”
It didn’t matter how much you cried or babbled out pleas, the slick literally dripping from your cunt to the floor in a slimy along your thighs was undeniable.
“Get your phone out and record.” They switch places so Shuichi can do as he’s told, Tomura holding you down much more roughly now.
Shuichi finds it hard to swallow as he digs past his own hard cock to grab his phone out, shakily opening up the camera and hitting film. He doesn’t need to be told to set up facing the scene, using a book shelf on the other end of the room as a stand. He takes his position again holding you, Tomura once more free to do as he pleased.
When the bottle is empty, Tomura pulls it free roughly from your stinging ass with an audible pop.
“Looks like you still got room, hm?”
“Oh god, please, Tomura stop,” your sniffling and little whines don’t soften his heart as he bites another cap off, leaning his own face against the desk to keep the contact as he pressed the new bottle inside your ass. The cool glass contrasted against your warming insides, the feeling of being full hard not to focus on as the alcohol slowly heated you. The liquid goes in faster as he tips it up high, forcing you on your tip toes to avoid tearing your poor hole as he gleefully watches the horror and humiliation on your features.
“Little butt chugging bitch likes having her ass played with huh?” Tomura teases, playfully pressing the now empty bottle in and out of your sore hole, enjoying the tiny wail you release.
“Yeah you like it.”
“I-I don’t—!” He doesn’t care to listen as he fucks you with the glass bottle head, sitting up to watch your hole take it as his cock twitches and soaked his boxers with pre-cum.
“S-shit man I’needa’,” Shuichi feels his mind go blank, pressing his denim clothed cock against your outer thigh and rutting his hips against it like a dog. Tomura snickers watching his friend blow his load in his pants, not seeing the hypocrisy when he does the same not a moment later watching you whimper and take another bottle.
He stops as three, yanking his boxers down and pressing his uncut cock-head right up against your tight hole and releasing before he can even enter.
“Shit,” he moans, pressing Shuichi out of the way to pin your body with his own weight as he rubs against your ass with his release coating your skin. “Holding all that liquid must hurt, huh?” He huffs against your neck, sucking on the skin and breaking the capillaries when he bites down hard enough to draw blood.
Your scream echoes around the room, the floor vibrating as the party downstairs rages on without a clue to your plight.
You groan at Tomura wiggles his full weight on you, your lower belly feeling like it may burst any moment, panic settling into your gut.
“I-I need to p-pee…” Tomura moans, rocking his hardening cock against you while you struggle beneath him.
“Pee then,” he grunts, focusing on rubbing against your sloppy pussy, “So fuckin’ wet. You been wantin’ this?”
“Hey man…” Shuichi had decided to join his friend in stripping to his boxers, no longer pretending to have a moral compass as he stroked his own cock to the sight before him.
“Yeah I gotcha,” Tomura easily stands and brings you up, still restrained with his hands as he drags to the bathroom attached to your room. Shuichi follows, stunned when Tomura just drops you to the floor and presses a foot on your lower abdomen.
“S’too much, please,” you writhe like a bug, Shuichi’s eyes watching as you try and get away only to be pinned harder with Tomura’s foot.
The liquid stored inside you has no where else to go but out.
“Fuckin’ nasty bitch, shit,” Tomura watches in fascination as the liquid spills out, only beer coming out as you sob and lay on the tile. Despite his words he works his cock to the sight. “Cheap enema.” He notes, grabbing your wrist and hauling you to the shower. “Turn it on Spin,” dragging your poor figure into the shower and stripping you down naked. The water is freezing at first, your flinches and pathetic pleas as Tomura dumps soap over your head and body ignored. He uses the detachable shower head to wash you like an animal, roughly soaping you up and spraying you off, careless about nearly drowning you as he washes your face a little.
He does a poor job, but you’re somewhat clean, makeup still smeared lightly on your face as your dragged out dripping wet back into your bedroom.
He doesn’t hesitate to throw you on your bed.
“Fuckin’ gross man…” Shuichi frowns, but he doesn’t hesitate to grab you despite the scent of urine turning him off slightly.
You fight now though, wildly flailing limbs struggling as you scream and wail for anyone to hear you. No one does, as Tomura shamelessly climbs into the bed with you, boxers gone and completely naked as he helps Shuichi press you to your hands and knees. Tomura positioned behind you and Shuichi by your face.
“Please… I-I’m sorry…” they pause, your voice so tiny they barely heard it.
“Speak up, whore, we can’t hear you.” Tomura yanks your face up by your hair, your neck twisting painfully back as you sob.
“I’m sorry!”
“For what?!” Tomura sneers, using your head like a joystick and rattling you around.
“F-for saying mean things, a-and throwing food o-on you…”
“That all?” He asks, cock pressed up against the entrance to your cunt threateningly.
“P-please Tomura… Shuichi…”
“Since you’re begging,” Tomura laughs, surging his hips forward and shoving his cock into your warm tight cunt. You release a silent scream this time, choking on air as his cock fills you this time, each thick inch drilling into you as he starts wildly bucking into you with little regard to your pleasure.
“Fuck her face Spin,” Tomura grunts, drawing blood on your ass as his nails bite in, fucking hard up into your pussy, soft mushroom tip unsheathing and kissing up against your cervix.
“R-right…” Shuichi feels guilty seeing your tear streaked face, wet hair clinging to your skin and watery eyes looking at him for mercy. It doesn’t stop him from cupping your jaw and lifting your head up to press his cock against your lips.
Tomura lands a sharp hit to your rear, moaning as you tighten at the bolt of pain it caused. “Better suck him good, or I’ll let him have your ass.” That seems to motivate you, soft lips parting open and accepting Shuichi’s much thicker cock into your mouth. Shuichi unexpectedly had the biggest cock you’d ever seen, the reddish tip and veiny shaft intimidating as you do your best to lick and suck despite the sweaty sour odor clinging to him.
“That’s not how sluts suck cock, is it?” Tomura growls, forcing your head forward on the hesitant Shuichi’s cock and gagging you while the purple haired man moans. “O-oh fuck!” He grips your face from the front while Tomura fucks you rough and hard from behind. “That’s it Princess! Nice and deep!” Tomura cackles, focusing back on railing you senseless while Shuichi finally snaps and face fucks you properly.
“So good—fuck, your mouth is so warm,” he’s nearly in tears himself as he feels his tip slip into your tight throat, eyes rolling back as he works his hips now, watching drool and tears mix around your mouth and drop down onto his balls as they smack your chin. “A-almost done, almost done,” he moans, loving how your oxygen deprived mind slackens your jaw more so he can slip even deeper, your tongue licking at a vein under his shaft every thrust. “So fuckin’ good wh-when you shut up, heh,” he’s delirious on pleasure, loving the submissive look in your eyes as they gaze up pleadingly at him. “Cute when this mouth is used for something productive.” Shuichi laughs breathlessly, balls drawing up tight as he finally spills down your throat. “Fuck! Swallow! Swallow it all—!” His face and body scrunch up, nearly doubling over as he presses your nose against his pelvis and comes down your throat.
You black out. Limp figure gurgling on hot spunk spilling down your face as you drop to the soaked bed while Tomura supports your lower half up to keep fucking you. Your eyes barely open as the room spins, cunt clamping down like a vice on Tomura’s cock when he uses one hand to half heartedly rub at your swollen clit.
“Shit, gonna bite my dick off,” he moans despite the almost uncomfortable tightness, working your pussy up further as you spasm and soak his lower half, eyes rolling back. “Ah fuck, that’s it bitch, make a mess!” Tomura nearly whines, hips becoming jerky as you milk him for all he’s worth, his cum finally spilling inside you now.
“Bet you ain’t on birth control huh? Gonna knock you up whore.” He grunts, trying to fuck his spend back into you with his softening cock, overstimulating himself as he moans and whimpers against your back.
When he pulls out, a string of sticky fluids connect his cock to your pussy even when he’s completely out of you. He watches with a grin as his white cum dribbles out of your used hole. “Look at that. You do have some potential after all. At least for a cock sleeve that is.” He snickers, leaving you in a heap on your bed as he and Shuichi start to dress, grabbing the phone and coming back to film the aftermath.
“Say a word and I’ll send this to everyone. Do you hear me?” He doubts you really do, the fucked out look on your face making you appear stupid as you numbly nod a little. “Now say ‘Thank you Tomura and Spinner, for using my slutty holes’.” Tears leak freely as you stutter, “Th-thank you T-Tomura a-and Spinner…for u-using my s-slutty holes…”
“Good girl. I knew we could teach you some manners.” He grins, eyes crinkling around the edges darkly as he stares at your used figure still trembling and dripping cum.
“Let’s go, I’m in the mood to game a lil,” Tomura comments, wiping his cock with your panties and stuffing them in his back pocket as he buttons and zips up his fly. Shuichi follows, nodding as he dresses and fixes his clothes, eyes not leaving you though.
“Don’t worry. We can use her again later. I still got a few more brews.” Tomura chuckles, lifting the half empty pack up.
You wake in a panic, blood pumping fast and heart pounding. Your room is as you left it, eyes scanning your clean and un-pissed in bed and sheets. Your body is clean besides a sheen of sweat coating you, hands trembling as you dip a finger into your panties to find yourself soaking wet.
Did you have a wet dream about those two losers?
As if…
You found sleep was hard to come by as you kept imagining.
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imagineanime2022 · 7 months
The League Of Villains W/ Cow Girl S/O
Tomura Shigaraki X Fem!Reader, Dabi X Fem!Reader, Atsuhiro Sako X Fem!Reader, Shuichi Iguchi X Fem!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: I don’t know if anyone’s done this, but what about the LOV with a quirkless S/O who is a Cowgirl like? She likes to go hunting, She like to go fishing, and she’s really great with doing rope tricks.
Shigaraki Tomura
✋ At first the only reason that he tolerated having you around was cover, however you later showed off your skills and made getting rid of witnesses way easier, his quirk did leave no evidence but sometimes he needed people to know what he had done without being able to track it back to him. ✋ You were a hunter, you loved to go hunting and Shigaraki liked to provide you with hunting material, he also loved to watch you hunt, would often place bets when the group got bigger, on the fact that you’d always bring back a dead body. ✋ You would take him fishing sometimes, he never really fished, he’d bring a console and play while you fished but you guys still talked the whole time mostly about what he was playing. ✋ You grew up on a farm which is no surprise when the league needed somewhere off the books to stay. You could provide it for them.
“You're sure that they won’t know that we are here?” Shigaraki asked. “Why would they look here?” You asked “I’m supposed to be a quirkless girl who lives alone on her farm, they might warn me that you are running around but that's all they're going to do.” “How can you be so sure?” Shigaraki asked. “They don’t see quirkless people as anything other than victims.” You explained. “Mmm.” Shigaraki hummed as you smiled, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek.
The next morning you were right, there were a couple of pro heroes that came poking around, you were out on the farm when they called out to you, you glanced up at the house, you could see the outline of Shigaraki but only because you knew where you were looking “can I help you guys?” You asked pulling your horse to a stop on your side of the fence. “We just wanted to make sure that everything was okay out here, we heard that the League of Villains had been lurking around here, have you seen anyone out here?” One of them asked. “Villains? Out here? Not usually.” You answered “they don’t usually come out this far, nothing here for ‘em.” “You don’t think they’d be interested in the land?” He asked. “Where’s business for them, organizations that need space like this need business too, last I checked you guys shut the The Hassaikai, I can’t think of anyone else looking for that kind of space with the connections to pull it off.” You leaned forward on the saddle, hands wrapped in the reins and rested on the saddle horn. “Unless you're worried that the league of villains could pull that off.” “Well-” “You think they’re actually out here!?” You asked, faking a terrified look as you looked around the paddock. “Are you alone here?” One of them asked. “It’s the only thing that I have left of my family.” You answered. “Don’t worry there will be heroes stationed near the farm, if anything happens then you’ll be able to find one of us.” He promised. “Thank you.” You breathed as they nodded and continued on their way, you watched them go pretending that you had gotten back to work, when you were sure that they were gone you made your way back into the house where Shigaraki was waiting in the kitchen. “I told you, they see a quirkless girl and assume she needs protection, they won’t look for you here but if you intend to leave you need to be careful they’ll have low level heroes all over the place.” You informed him. “Right.” He mumbled. “Do you intend to help me around here?” You asked. “The others can help.” He waved you off and you smirked. “And what will you do?” You asked. “Watch like I always do.” He answered leaning back in his chair as you pressed a kiss to his shaggy blue hair.
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🔥 No one expected him to have a quirkless girlfriend but actually you fit him perfectly personality wise. 🔥 You never backed down from a fight and you learned to defend yourself in your own way, you had accidentally bumped into Dabi one night when you were in the middle of defending yourself, he burned the men that were causing a problem but you refused to let him walk away and eventually he talked to you. 🔥 Dabi had a tendency to walk away from you so you had a tendency to catch him with whatever ropey object that you had that would do the job and pull him back to you so you can finish making your very stupid point, you had to invest in a fireproof one after the first encounter. 🔥 Always flicks the brim of your hat whenever you wore it, he thought it was hilarious with your nose scrunched up and your eyelids flickering for a second a quick way for him to win an argument.
You had been arguing about your favourite snacks in the seconds before he had stood to leave, you weren’t done arguing your point though as you grabbed the lasso that you had decided to keep in the living room for these very common argument, you waited for him to lift his hand to wave you off before flicking the rope out to land comfortably around his wrist, he raised an eyebrow at you “Are you serious?” He asked. “I don’t like it when you walk away from me.” You mumbled with a soft pout “plus (Y/F/S) is still the best out there.” “Oh yeah?” He asked as he allowed you to pulling a couple of steps forward, he smirked when you attempted to stand up pulling you towards him when you were only on one foot. “Woah, why?” You asked, he smirked as fixed the hat on your head and flicked the brim. “I hate it when you do that.” “But you look so cute.” He smirked, leaning down “when do you ever make a cuter face?” “I hate you when you're like this.” You mumbled taking the hat off and throwing it back on the sofa “you're trying to distract me.” “Am I?” He asked. “From what?” “From the argument.” You answered. “It’s hardly an argument when you are wrong.” He teased, leaning closer, you narrowed your eyes. “I’m not-” “Shh.” He hushed you. “Not worth it, this is way more fun.” He pressed a kiss to your lips unlooping his wrist from your trap before pressing his palm to the back of your head keeping you close as he successfully pulled your mind from argument to something he’d much rather be doing.
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Atsuhiro Sako/ Mr Compress
🔮 Atsuhiro still doesn’t really know why you started talking to him but it helped with his act to have someone who was quirkless and very skilled, your fashion kept people enamoured, his tricks stayed hidden and you both had a good time. 🔮 I think that Atsuhiro would likely enjoy the quieter times as well when you're out fishing and stuff. 🔮 He’s not one for manual labour but he’ll watch you do your thing for hours unless it involves him getting too close to the animals. 🔮 If anyone stumbled across you while you were together you’d look unbelievably domestic, so much so that you had fooled a few heroes, when he opens the door in an apron in them idle of cooking breakfast while you are still on the farm.
You had been out on with the chickens you were collecting eggs, when you saw two people walking up to your house, you recognised one of them as Dabi, he would have been hard to miss even though you hadn’t met him and you guessed that the girl was Toga given that she was the only girl that was in the League. “Hey can I help you guys!?” You called. “Woah, you look cool!” Toga gushed “can we be friends!?” “That heavily depends on your moral alignment.” You smirked as you looked at Dabi. “So can I help you with something?” “We’re looking for Compress. He said that he would be here.” Dabi answered. “Mmm.” You hummed as you vaulted the fence with ease dusting your hands off, Dabi’s eyes moved to the lasso on your hip and you smirked. “Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you, doubt I could Dabi.” “You know me?” He asked. “Seen a few things on the news and Hiro talks about you a lot. You have destructive tendencies, it makes for a good story.” You shrugged as you gestured for them to follow you “thanks for looking after him by the way.” “It’d be more trouble if he died on us or got caught.” Dabi answered disinterestedly. When you opened the door for them, you could smell Atsuhiro’s cooking. “Hiro! You have visitors!” You called, there was shuffling as you pointed them to the dining room to take a seat, Atsuhiro came out of the kitchen. “Visitors?” He asked half expecting you to have brought in your favourite chicken to see him squirm a little bit, you pointed to the dining room where Toga waved excitedly at him. “Looks like I’ll be leaving again.” “Yeah but you’ll be back before you know it.” You winked and he chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to your lips. “Compress, you know that the boss man is impatient, hurry up!” Dabi grumbles. “I’m in the middle of something!” Compress called back not separating from you and you giggled. “You should go, I can handle the rest of the breakfast.” You promised, pushing him towards the stairs as you both separated, neither realising the way that Dabi rolled his eyes and Toga gushed. “Do you think I could find someone like that?” Toga asked. “Of course!” You called out at the same time that Dabi said: “Not a chance.”
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Shuichi Iguchi/ Spinner
🦎 You and Shuichi met by accident, you had been trying to prove to your brothers and sisters that you could do just as well as they could even without a quirk and he was running from all of the people that were teasing him, it resulted in you both meeting in the middle. 🦎 You were each other's biggest fan, you were fiery, you had learned to be over the years so Shuichi was usually the one that calmed you down, he just really doesn’t want to see you hurt. 🦎 That being said you were good with weapons, you had a capture weapon modelled after a Lasso and a gun on your hip that you definitely knew how to use. 🦎 When Spinner first arrived he had said that he wouldn’t join unless there was a place for you, Shigaraki had no intention of honouring that until he saw what you could do.
You walked in behind Spinner as you looked around the room, there were a large number of people in the room “so you're the quirkless idiot that wants in?” A gruff voice spoke, you looked over in the direction that it had come from “how the hell are you going to help Mind you I wouldn’t mind having a cute little thing to come back too.” “Do you shut up?” You asked. “Well you still wanna be here, are you scared little girl?” He asked. “Who are you?” You asked. “Names Muscular.” He answered. “Stupid.” You muttered, he growled as he lunged forward, Spinner had his hand on his sword but you moved him faster than him, your lasso securing around the bigger man feet causing him to fall to the floor, you wrapped the rest of the rope around his arms before he could get his bearings and pulled the gun out pointing it at his head. “You're about as intimidating as the bulls back on the farm.” You mumbled. “Alright that’s enough.” Shigaraki said as you looked at him. “You can stay, stay useful and you stay alive.” “Yes sir.” You said as you released the capture weapon Spinner pulled you towards him and away from the angry villain. “Must you always cause a scene?” He asked. “I’ll stop when people stop insisting I’m useless because I don’t have a quirk.” You answered. “Mmm.” He hums. “You hurt?” “Nah, not even a little bit, can’t say the same for Mr Muscle's ego though.” You winked at the man who had now moved across the room and he glared at you as Spinner pinched you a warning not to push too hard.
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curiousquirks · 2 years
Kinktober (+18) | Day 11
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Pairing: Spinner | Shuichi Iguchi x GN!Reader Prompts: Suspension Bondage | Foot Jobs | Forced Orgasm Content Warnings: Bondage, Foot Job, Hand Job, Forced Orgasm Word Count: 595
You wanted to try out something that piqued Shuichi's interest but getting him to stop wiggling as you tied each knot was harder than you thought. Maybe you'll just need to tired him out.
“Stay still!” You laughed, flicking him on his leg. “You’re making me take longer than I need to!”
Shuichi pouted, huffing as he tried to stop wiggling around. You focused back on your knot work, slowly circling him as you made your way through your design. He was currently suspended off the floor, attached to a contraption you bought online after showing him. Shuichi’s legs weren’t far off the floor, since he didn’t want to start off that intensely. You haven’t even managed to get a lot of rope around his body, you’ve only just recently got him set up. 
“This is harder than it looks!” He grumpily defended. 
“Staying still?” You joked, pinching at his side. He jumped, playfully glaring at you. “Are you not having fun, Shuichi?” 
“I didn’t say that…” He looked up towards the ceiling, blush crawling across his cheeks.
You spotted his growing erection through his underwear, smirking as you got an idea. “I really think that you do like it.” You teased, using your foot to rub against his cock. 
His head snapped towards yours, his mouth agape. “H-Hey, wait I-I didn’t–” He began before you interrupted him with a grind of your heel.
You let out a giggle as he whimpered, pausing only to let his cock free from its restriction. You continued pressing your soft foot against his throbbing cock. You curled your toes around the tip, smearing the precum as Shuichi shuttered. You could tell he was holding back any noises he clearly desperately wanted to make. You cupped his face, running your thumb over his cheek. 
“Do you like that?” You asked, your face equally full of love and amusement. “I think you like this little idea more than you thought, huh?”
He nodded frantically, not trusting himself to speak. “Tell me, baby.” You commanded, leaning dangerously close to his face as you stilled your foot. 
He whimpered again, screwing his eyes shut in frustration. “Yes…” He spoke softly, refusing to meet your gaze, his face felt on fire. “I like it a lot, especially…especially since you’re um…in control.” 
“You like me in control?” You asked, giggling. “Aw, baby.” 
Shuichi got even more flustered, wiggling around in his binds as he tried to hide himself. Your laughter continued as you grabbed his face for a kiss, which he pathetically melted into. He tried leaning towards you when you pulled back, pouting again as he tugged against his arm restraints. 
You walked behind him, heading away momentarily so you could grab a bottle. He tried to follow you but the angle did not provide him with much insight. You pressed your body up against his back before he could process what was happening. You squeezed some lube on your hand and without warning wrapped your fingers around his shaft. He gasped, his head hanging forward as you set a relentless pace pumping his cock without warning.
Your lips kissed against his neck as you whispered sweet nothings into his ear. He whined as tried fruitlessly to buck his hips to meet your hand. You hummed into his shoulder as you started expertly working his shaft. It didn’t take long before hot cum shot out of his cock, dripping onto the floor. His legs shook as he panted, twitching as you made sure he was thoroughly spent. You let go and reached for something to wipe your hand off with before moving your way around him. 
“Maybe you’ll stay still now.” You teased, a grin spreading across your face as you looked at his slumped flustered form. 
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