#shuriken pouch
nopizzaaftermidnight · 8 months
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nixtwix · 21 days
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tried making an aged up version for Ray...this hurt. it's more or less a redesign of an old design I did, I didn't like it, plus I missed the jacket from Archie I have no clue why. fur wise, I thought that he would probably have fluffy and somewhat messy hair due to probably doing flying based traveling. his jacket, unlike the old design and Archie, has Velcro-esc slits at the sides, that way he can switch between ordinary jacket and a jacket to fly in, how the jacket doesn't fly off, I dunno cartoon logic? though with one of the rough sketches I also thought maybe he might be able to pop off the sleeves or it could be those jacket/ponchos. as for his hood it has a built in scarf in case he has to obscure his face or to keep warm. which can come off if he feels like it. his shoes I got inspiration from his Archie varients but I wanted to keep some of the original concept from reboot Archie that got seeped into mania. the stockings: I dunno, I thought they looked neat and would help shield from thorns or keep his legs warm too. The leg pouch: I thought what if the pouch could be mighty's? because he had it during the time of looking for Matilda, and at the time Ray had thoughts that mighty would forget about him, once he reunited with his sister, but doesn't wear it in the reboot, so I thought what if when Ray gets older, mighty gives him the pouch, basically letting him know that no matter what, even if he decides to travel on his own away from mighty, he'll always see Ray as a brother? (while drawing this I thought of how funny it would be if he travels to new or revisited islands and has been making a map, that way he can see the changes of his world. basically pulling a hiccup haddock.) {lore (might change over time): } Ray, he's still cheery and energetic, wanting to go on adventures, he's still skittish, but not as much. and while he enjoyed training with mighty and learning to dodge and perry with his tail. Ray had to come to terms that despite the training, he's not a strength based fighter. so through time,consideration, and adventures, Ray comes to terms that the day was the day he had to venture on his own, to be a better him, and to find out what fighting style could suite him. which for mighty, was touch to handle because, well he watched Ray grow and that's like his little brother, and had to let him fly out the nest. During rays journeys, He meets meets either espio, his grandmother, or someone similar. there he learns stealth, how to use darts and shurikens, and how to be dangerous with and without strength. a few years later, he stopped hearing from mighty and got worried, and if that wasn't any good, news came around that restorations new associate us doing something behind closed doors, and the Chaotix have been missing aswell... hopefully, at the sweepstakes... he can find his missing friend, and hopefully, his stealth,new and old training. will help him survive the challenge and what comes his way at this mystery.
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woodblxssomcrowned · 7 months
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Warring States AU Kaname references & notes
The hirauchi kanzashi with the Senju crest belonged to Hashirama's mother, and he gave it to Kaname when she turned sixteen (the coming-of-age milestone among the Senju), and she wears it frequently.
The Chakra blade katana that Kaname favors as her primary weapon was given to her by her great-grandfather, Uzumaki Ashina, when she was five years old. Like most chakra blades during the WS era, it was originally made for a samurai, but over time found its way into Ashina's (extensive) sword collection, and eventually given to Kaname. Although she doesn't need a chakra blade to use the chakra sabre technique, it does make it much easier, and if she were to lose focus on her chakra control or let go of the sword for a moment, it maintains the integrity of the gathered chakra for up to thirty seconds.
The inro (and the accompanying peony-shaped netsuke) in which she stores medicines such as pain relivers, her contraceptive, and ration pills, ointment for soothing burned, damaged or inflamed skin, as well as a needle and silk thread for stitching up wounds in a pinch, was hand carved for her by Hashirama. One of his hobbies is woodcarving, so have made various little gifts, both practical and otherwise, for his children. (The wooden beads of Kaname's bracelet are also made by him) It's made of wood from his mokuton, so is very durable.
The kunai pouch and the tool pouch will always be carried with her in the field, attached to her sash, and aside from kunai (she favors shorter types of kunai, 20cm or shorter) contains tools such as various shuriken, wire, smoke bombs, premade and adapted seals for various purposes, basic sword maintenance kit of cloth and choji oil. The scroll pouches will be worn depending on which scrolls she's currently in possession of and intend to bring with her.
Kaname's armor is similar in model to that used by Senju Butsuma, and the coat underneath is the same as worn by her mother's clan, but with the sleeves cut shorter. She wears a long-sleeved mail shirt underneath the coat, and mail gaiters covered with wraps. Although her chakra blade is her weapon of choice, she has a backup sword that she carries over her back.
Casual outfit Nr 1. Typically worn during training, or free-time. She usually wears sarashi under this, as its generally associated with physical activity.
Casual outfit Nr 2. Worn for doing general chores, or during free-time. Yukata in the typical ecru color of the Senju, with a soft mame-like pattern (dots) woven into the fabric, a narrow and floral green obi with a glass-bead obidome with a sakura flower pattern. She can wear this with or without sarashi, but is pretty much always worn with a hadajuban (under-layer kimono without a visible collar) because of the light color.
During Kaname's youth, variations of fundoshi is still the most widely used underwear among all. She will also wear sarashi chest binding during physical activity such as training, or when she's wearing her armor. Her cuirass doesn't accommodate her breasts and is more of less flat in its shape, so binding her chest makes it more comfortable, as well as just keeping everything in place when she's moving around. She may also wear sarashi if she's getting really neatly dressed up and needs to flatten her figure. She doesn't enjoy wearing sarashi. It's hot and uncomfortable and hassle to put on and take off, but having her breasts be all over the place is even more of a hassle.
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erimeows · 1 year
Cat & Mouse
About once a month, you show up in Konohagakure on a mission to assassinate Kakashi Hatake.
Kakashi is well aware of it- after all, he has to fight you off every time it happens. You were once a Konoha nin, but after the Nine Tails attack that killed your family and Lord Third’s response, you defected to Iwagakure. The Tsuchikage has wanted Kakashi dead for years due to the events of the last ninja war, so he was unsurprised when you were sent to kill him to prove your loyalty.
Only… You failed, and so did Kakashi. The both of you fought and chatted until you were both out of chakra, then retreated to your respective villages. It’s been going on for years now. Quite frankly, Kakashi has no idea why the Tsuchikage hasn’t bothered to send someone else.
He has no idea about a lot of things regarding you and your attacks. You’re an S-rank ninja, you could hurt him if you really wanted to, but you hardly ever leave a scratch. He can’t bring himself to hurt you either- it’s just hard to wrap his head around. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t aware of the fact that you two held feelings for each other before you defected.
He just never thought that would get in the way of your duties. 
The Jonin walks through the forest with a book in hand. The hairs on the back of his neck stand up when he senses your chakra signature nearby- a couple kilometers away, getting progressively closer and lighting each and every one of his nerves on fire.
On one hand, Kakashi practically lives to see you.
On the other, he hates how weak you make him feel. He hates how weak he knows he makes you feel, too, and he hates that neither of you act on it. He hates that the two of you keep doing this.
“Funny seeing you here again, (y/n) (l/n),” Kakashi murmurs. Almost as if on cue, rain starts to pour. “You have a lot of nerve to interrupt my reading.”
“Well, you know it wouldn’t be a normal month without me trying to kill you at least once,” You quip as you jump down from the tree and onto the forest floor.
“I was wondering when you’d show up,” Kakashi rolls his eyes and closes the book he was reading before sliding it into one of his weapons pouches. “You’re a few days later than usual. You’ve been slacking.”
“Aw, were you thinking about me?” You whisk a handful of shuriken from your pocket and send them flying in Kakashi’s direction. He dodges them without much effort, only to find that they were a distraction. You’re behind him less than a second later, going at his neck with a kunai that he has to duck to avoid. You still manage to slice off a few strands of his hair before he has the chance to gain height on you by running up the length of a tree and jumping onto a high branch. As he forms the hand signs to perform a fire style jutsu, you form the hand signs to perform a water style one from your place on the ground and call back up to him. “Did you miss me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Kakashi calls down to you seconds after shooting a flurry of fireballs from his mouth. You put them out with water so fast that they don’t even hit the ground. Steam clouds the air and Kakashi’s vision. “I just happened to notice that it had been a while.”
“You seem distracted. Seriously, whipping out a fire style jutsu in the middle of pouring rain? You’re getting rusty, Kakashi,” You speak from behind him. Kakashi didn’t even catch your movements. He turns as fast as he can to block a hit from you, and then another, and another. He quickly finds that he’s on the defense, jumping back from branch to branch with you following, blocking all of your hits while unable to retaliate. “Now, is this still a fight or have you gone and given up on me now?”
“It’s nothing like that,” He hisses back, but fuck, he can’t even bring himself to hit you anymore.
Every time you show up to Konoha, Kakashi becomes a little weaker for you, just as you do for him. 
“Interesting, because you aren’t trying at all,” You retort and focus chakra into your leg so you can kick him in the side hard enough to send him flying to the ground.
Upset and in pain, Kakashi catches himself on his hands and flips back onto his feet. The force of it sends him sliding back. Upon steadying himself, you’re right on his heels again. 
“Is this the game you want to play?” Kakashi growls. “Because I don’t think either of us have ever really tried when it comes to this, but fine, if you insist-”
The second you let your guard down, Kakashi manages to catch both of your wrists in one of his hands and pin them to a tree. Your back is pushed up against the wood while Kakashi’s chest is pushed up against your chest. Your noses touch as Kakashi pulls a kunai with his spare hand and pushes the blade into the supple skin of your neck. The pressure is just hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to break skin. 
Kakashi is holding back.
It’s a warning, and nothing more. You both know that much. If he were sane, like any other shinobi, he’d have killed you instantly. Then again, you’ve had plenty of opportunities to kill him, too. The two of you choose to continue playing this familiar game of cat and mouse. As much as Kakashi has grown fond of it, he’s about ready for it to come to an end. 
Much to his surprise, when you free one of your hands from his grasp, you don’t rush to remove the kunai from your jugular. Instead, you grab Kakashi’s mask by the hem and yank it down so it hangs loosely around his neck. Then, you grab his headband and toss it to the forest floor. 
Kakashi swallows. He’s completely vulnerable with your hand resting so terribly gently on his cheek and your (e/c) eyes trained on his bare face. Despite being the one holding a knife to your jugular, you remain perfectly in control of the situation. 
“Why don’t you kill me?” You ask, rain dripping down your (s/c) skin. “Be honest.”
“I don’t know,” Kakashi answers. It’s a lie; he knows exactly why he hasn’t killed you yet, as it’s the same reason you haven’t killed him. The two of you have some sort of connection, some sort of spark that keeps you coming back and that keeps him from doing anything about it, even after all this time. “Why don’t you kill me?”
“I don’t know,” You sigh and pluck the kunai out of Kakashi’s hand. He allows you to do it without any fight back and sighs in return when you chuck it down to the ground in the same pile that his headband is in. “There’s no point. We… Clearly still have feelings for each other, even if we never acted on them back then. Let’s not pretend that we don’t.”
“Is that so wrong?” 
“I can’t believe you’re the one asking that. Clearly, it’s wrong. Can you imagine what Lord Tsuchikage would say if he knew I’ve been sparing you on purpose? Or what the Hokage would say if he knew I was in the village on a monthly basis attacking you? We’d both lose our heads,” You scoff.
“Well, you have a point, but at this point, we only have two options,” Kakashi explains. “We can either get our shit together and figure something out to make this work, or we can go back to our villages and pretend nothing ever happened. Regardless of which we choose, we can’t continue doing… Whatever this is. It’s dangerous, and it’s draining.”
“So, what choice are you making?”
“Like it all falls on my shoulders?” Kakashi laughs, but you stare at him, dead serious. So, he answers your question seriously. “I’d like to make this work, (y/n). You could always come back to the village.”
“I’m not coming back,” You say, shaking your head. “But… I’d like to make this work as well, if not because I love you than for the sake of both of our sanities. I think this whole cat and mouse game we’ve been doing is driving the both of us nuts.”
“What now?” Kakashi asks. “Where can we possibly go from here?”
“I don’t know,” You shrug. “But for now, you can kiss me. I think that much is long overdue.”
And so, Kakashi kisses you, officially ending the years’ long chase.
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resolutepath · 2 months
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Kakashi reads Icha Icha in public to keep others away, to fit into the narrative of the eccentric jonin stereotype. That being said he does enjoy the series. He has multiple copies, his "mission" collection (battered, few nicks to pages from shuriken in his pouch, etc.), his "home" collection (well-thumbed through, but great condition) and his "collector set" (untouched, pristine) He also has his "covers only" copies, and by this I mean he has a set of slipcovers of the Icha Icha book designs that he can put on other books to ensure people think he is reading Icha Icha even when he isn't.
Kakashi's dominant arm has little feeling between wrist and elbow, apart from the moments after he has used chidori, after which the skin is hyper-sensitive. He always wraps this arm, even when he is off duty.
Following on from this, the arm is a mess of scars. Some of these are lichtenberg scars, from training his jutsu, but also a mass of scars from where the chidori has connected. He's putting his whole damn arm through a body, it's been cut on bone multiple times, as well as torn metal, shards of other materials.
If you can't find him, look for high ground. A perch in a tree, an outcrop of rock that is slightly hidden, these are the places you'll find him. It's an area he can be alone, but also have the vantage point on any approaching so that he can disappear / hide / school himself as necessary.
There are times when the only way Kakashi has been able to sleep is with a weighted sensation on his chest. Because of his aversion to anything medical he's never sought advice on this and occasionally just uses his ninken, usually Pakkun.
The medical kit that Kakashi carries to this day is still the one given to him by his friend for making the jonin rank. Only the supplies are updated. The actual case is worn with use and there is evidence of repairs upon it.
Due to his aversion to hospitals, Kakashi has numerous scars that he might not otherwise have. Some of this is fron injuries directly, others from his own use of jutsu, others from his average skills in stitching wounds.
Kakashi can count on one hand the people he feels safe with. These are the people he would be happy to be around when weak from battle & exhaustion, and will indeed seek out if he knows he cannot look after himself, even if it is to just be in their presence for a little while.
When home Kakashi has the same routine every morning and evening, the same walk around his home that essentially is a patrol that ends at the memorial stone / shrine. If he does not do it, he will not sleep, requiring the routine to feel at ease in his mind.
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Rated "R" - Part 5
This is a continuation of sneak peaks for Chapter 2 of this Jaytim fic (7k chapter 1). (Also on ao3) The full wip of chapter 2 is up on my patreon, if you're interested (full fic, 13.1k so far). Here's where to read the rest of the released sneak peaks in chronological order on tumblr.
“I really wouldn’t have been.” Tim snorts. “You’re giving me way too much credit. There wasn’t really… anything interesting about me, back then.”
“Ha.” Jason says. “I was interested, wasn’t I? If the rest of all that—bullshit—hadn’t happened, I’d have looked for you. The last time I went by that fire escape, you weren’t there.”
“I didn’t live there.” Tim points out, amused.
“Eventually, I’d have seen you out again somewhere else.” Jason threatens. “Now that I knew your face—it would have caught my attention, seeing the same kid with a camera.”
“I didn’t have the camera at the gala.” Tim reminds. He licked his lips. “I would be dressed differently. Another—slightly altered-- hair style.”
“So maybe I wouldn’t recognize you.” Jason lets his lips curve up. “Instead, you’d just look... familiar. Someone I ought to know."
Another cry for that, ragged and wanting. Tim gasps into the comm.
“Yeah?” Jason licks his lips. His heart rate just does kick up for that, for landing the right blow. It settles something, his own rucked feathers, to be... doing good. To do it right. To touch Tim even from so far away.
“Jay.” Babyest bird sounds gutted, struck raw on the unforgiving concrete of that balcony. Maybe needing to claw a gauntlet off, feel the grit of that ground under him, shove his hand somewhere he can feel the skin. His neck, maybe.
“Yeah, I hear ya.” Jason gives into it a little, into the boy he used to be-- the boy he, heh, still is on the inside, when he can stop being so thick-headed about it. “Those suits were always so-- like they should have been scratchy and irritating, but Alf would never allow it. Perfectly tailored and soft, so I couldn’t even complain. They weren’t even that constrictive except it felt like a monkey suit, you feel?”
“Mine were. Exceedingly less pleasant.” Like Bruce, like fucking-- so goddamn damaged. Jason has instincts for that too and they start and fucking end with making it better, making it right.
A tight little smile coiled in Tim’s voice, stilted but offering, letting Jay in. And there’s only one way to respond to that.
There’s an opening there, a way to make this about what they were wearing and how they’d take it off, but --fuck, why does that feel like it would cheapen this?
“It made it less shitty to be the one designing them.” Jason says. “Or have a hand in it, at least. Alf was letting me-- he’d show me the cut and styles and I’d get a little input. Color schemes, that kind of thing. We made it a game.”
“How many shurikens fit under the folds of fabric?” Tim asks, a hint of-- not quite incredulity--
“A game of how many pouches, pockets and--heh, yeah-- pointy things I could build into the design before it stopped looking chic.”
“I. Pointy things.”
“Robin just wasn’t given the kind of knives I liked.” Jason sighs pointedly, almost-- yeah, wistfully.
A snrrk that might be disguised snickering, fading into breathy huffs of not-laughter. Fuck, yeah, Tim.
“Jason had a few, though.” Jason offers, smug about it. And if Bruce didn’t like it-- well. The world wasn’t split into things Bruce didn’t like and things Jason could have-- no matter how much it had seemed like it, sometimes.
“You do like. Knives.” A little swallow, and imagining that-- the fucking scar he hadn’t meant to give-- bobbing on Tim’s throat--
Fuck, a scar he’d have to wear as a civilian.
“Did then, too.” Jay swallows, redirecting. “We were designing this all black number for the next one-- black dress shirt, black coat, black slacks.”
Jason laughs, letting it be as breathless as it wants.
“That do it for you, baby bird?”
A choked off-- what was that sound? It was all vowel and whine.
“It would have. Done it for me then. Just so you know.”
Jason flicked the tip of his tongue to his lip, pressing there. Fuck. Being wanted was its own drug.
“Yeah?” He cajoled. “Enough for Timothy Drake to forget himself, stare just a little too long?”
“I was often. Forgiven. Certain miniscule facial expressions if nobody was looking.”
“And nobody was ever looking, that way. I hear ya. But Tim? I would have been. I am.”
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a-flux-uchiha · 6 months
I’ve been meaning to post these for a while, we’re not technically done, since I haven’t done Mikoto yet, but what can you do.
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From top left to bottom right, it is Dot(Grimoire), Tenten(Tome), and Mai(Archive), then on the bottom it’s Ivy(name undecided), and Kushina(Kitsune).
The top three are the focus of Shuriken, Spikes and Swords, a crossover magical girl au I’m still working on, although it is fully planned out, just not fully written out.
Kushina and Mikoto were the generation before them, so they function a bit as mentors. I'm hoping to write out some shenanigans from when they were active. I've been meaning to get around to doing Mikoto, although I haven't managed it yet. I have a sketch for her, I just have to do it.
Ivy will be introduced in a second fic, something I had been intending to do anyway, just because it's been a lot of fun working on SSS. I had been intending to just continue with the three from the first one, however...I am not active in loz anymore, and that is very much on purpose, so I'd rather not have a fic still involving that. So, we're swapping Dot out. She'll just be moving away and Ivy will take her place. Ivy will be a couple years younger then Tenten, so just a year younger then Dot.
Please ask me about this au, I love it dearly, I have so much for it.
It got Long, so design notes under the read more.
Design notes going from top left to bottom right:
Dot: Her colors were a little rough since, well, almost all of her associated colors are already in Tenten or Mai. Pink, Red, and Teal all show up in one of those two. So it was a bit of a struggle to work that out. I think it worked out alright in the end though. Her design was originally a bit more complicated, then someone noted that her design was more complicated then Tenten and Mai's, so I ended up simplifying it a bit in the final version. She does have a cape, although it's rather hard to see. I swear it's there though. The bag at her side holds her magical item, which is a book, a grimoire you could say. It holds spells and potions and other such things. Her and Tenten were designed first, then Mai, so I could work out what things the two of them had in common and make them show up in Mai, since she had the least direction as she doesn't have any particular typical outfit from her anime. If you're wondering, the golden orb is magic and yes it's fully there to hide the fingers of that hand. We don't talk about that hand. Oh yes, please note the crown as well, that blue diamond is something you can note shows up on Tenten, Mai, and Ivy. It's a sort of team identifier thing. It's used when multiple teams of magical girls are in the same area, for something like a natural disaster usually.
Tenten: I settled on that hair option after it was decided to be the superior one between it and something similar but with braids. That one's probably more fun, if very Sailor Moon ish. Oh well. Her outfit does look very similar to one of her canon ones, which of course is on purpose, although note her forehead protector has the blue diamond on it instead of the Konoha symbol. She has a thigh pouch, and the bag hanging from her waist holds her magic item, which is a scroll similar to the ones she used in Konoha. When she's transformed it holds seals for all weapons she used in Konoha, when she's not, she draws her own seals on it, and those work like normal seals where she needs to put something in to take something out, as opposed to the transformed seals, which just spawn things in for her. There's a good chance I designed her first, since she's got the easiest design. You'll notice the waist belt system thing also shows up on Kushina and will show up on Mikoto, that is on purpose.
Mai: There was no particular reason for the boob window, Mai just wanted one and thought it was fun. Which, fair. It's mostly blocked by her hand in the drawing though. She's holding her magical item, which is a binder she writes in. She uses it to keep track of things, including the kinds of monsters they're seeing and in what quantities. She's got a couple other uses for it too, but that's the big one. She's technically a support type magical girl as she does not have magic from a past life, but she does still have magic she can use. Her specific ability is to briefly slow down time. She can't use it for very long though, as she doesn't have much magic. She's got blue diamond earrings, and if you're wondering, no one can pull on them, they're actively not technically attached to her ears. Not just a design choice they're actively not attached. Grab one and pull and you're just going to pull it away. It'll reattach itself when you let go. Notes I had when designing her outfit primarily were the skirt design, the lining of the top and sleeves, the gloves length, the bag, and the presence of the blue diamonds. Oh and the boots being like that. Her hair is held back by a headband, to go with the forehead protector on Tenten, and Dot's crown and hair bow.
Kushina: Her name is Kitsune, I'm sure you can guess why. She originally did have the long elf-like ears the others do, but after she figured out she could change her transformed state, she swapped them out for the big fox ears. It doesn't really matter as long as the ears aren't human. (Editor's note, here I realized while looking at my Ivy design that I had forgotten to do the long ears, and hurried off to fix that, this post has the proper version.) The whiskers on her face are fully because she knows Naruto had em in the other world, and she remembered his birth(and her death) soon after she became a magical girl. So there are very very few pictures of the times Kushina didn't have whiskers or big fox ears. Her magical item is the necklace, Mikoto's is also a necklace, although hers is a hawk. If you're wondering, Mikoto does have giant hawk wings, just because she could. And she should match Kushina. Kushina's actually wearing shorts under the green over dress.
And Last but Not least, Ivy: I lowkey almost forgot to draw the long ears on em. Luckily I remembered before posting this lol. Most important thing here and now: I'm going with a genderfluid Ivy! Mostly since I think it'll be fun. There is gender stuff going on with the whole magical girl situation, and while this isn't on display with any of the others, I figured I might as well get someone on board who could show off that side of this. that's mostly why I ended up picking Ivy out of all of my options for who would replace Dot. I'll just be using she when describing Ivy this time, but I'll probably switch it up in future posts. Ivy's one of the rare genderfluid magical girls who doesn't mind being active when they're not a girl, many genderfluid individuals who become magical girls are only working essentially part time. Whenever they comfortable with it. They're only found in teams of 3 or more because of that, so there's always at least two active magical girls. Actual design notes now: She's wearing kind of a variant on what she's normally wearing in the show, just without the jacket. Her magical item is Sora, although the slime only comes alive when she's transformed. Otherwise it's just a cute little plushie she carries around. She does have a fourth bag in the back attached to the belt around her waist, similar to in the show, and she can pull about anything out of those bags that she wants to. Similar to Tenten's scroll, they just spawn in the item she needs, although they are temporary. The blue diamond is on her bag strap, so still visible. Sora often hides out in the red bag, and is capable of healing large injuries, as well as smaller scrapes. Can and will eat bigger things now as well, although still prefers the potions Ivy can toss it. You will note that Ivy doesn't match Tenten and Mai quite as well as they match each other and Dot, that is on purpose, that's fairly typical for magical girl teams where one person was added later, since Ivy didn't become active at the same time as them, although they are her first team, she's technically considered a latecomer, which isn't bad. It's fairly normal for magical girl teams to switch up who's in them, especially early on when everyone is in college and early adulthood. Oh yeah you can note that her bangs are slightly off, particularly in the front, that is on purpose on her part, they look like Lattrua's.
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holly-natnicole · 20 days
My Canon-Compliant Headcanons 'Bout Nohara Rin:
Her Number 1 most Favourite colour is black. She even befriended Uchiha Obito & Yūhi Kurenai initially coz of it. Rin saw their hair on the 1st day of school then instantly went to go tell them "Your hair is pretty!!" as soon as break-time started. Rin likes pouring black ink onto white sheets of paper & shift the paper around, watching the ink spread as she tilts the paper. Her 2nd Fave colour is shades of violet, but she's allergic to all flowers in the genus Viola and doesn't particularly care 'bout flowers nor flower language at all (Rin doesn't dislike them, though; she's fully neutral).
Rin fidgets with her hands a lot; whenever she's not doing so, her feet move instead. It's basically impossible for Rin to stay still unless she's unconscious or under the influence of a genjutsu. Even when asleep, Rin keeps moving the entire time; sometimes she falls off her bed as a result. The red headband Rin wears on her wrist is a 5th birthday gift from her mum since her fingers messing with it helps Rin concentrate when someone is talking to her.
She feels an ache behind her eyes each time Rin makes eye contact with someone, so she tends to look at people's noses or foreheads when trying to indicate that Rin is paying attention to someone who is speaking to her and she openly stares all over her surroundings if she thinks the person won't get angry at the incorrectly assumed lack of listening. Rin's eyes also are sensitive to light, so she carries sunglasses with her everywhere in a pocket or in her weapons pouch. Regardless of whether indoors or outside, she puts them on to give her eyes a break from the pain brightness causes to them.
Rin loves strawberries and sea turtles!! She ever since infancy is always eager to eat the former and ever since age 3 adores any strawberry or turtle themed item she can find. Her biological parents' 4th birthday gift to her is a strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) in a pot suspended from the ceiling of her bedroom. Rin's dad works as a gardener, so he helps her take good care of it. Her bio fullsister Nohara Ren's 4th birthday gift to her is a shuriken in the shape of a sea turtle (Chelonioidea).
Ren & Rin are very different from each other. Where the former is good at interacting with other people, the latter is fully socially incompetent. Where Ren easily wakes up early & enjoys sunlight, Rin can sleep through anything & anywhere and likes moonlight. Where the former can't use medical ninjutsu & is skilled at using genjutsu, the latter is skilled at using medical ninjutsu & can't use genjutsu. Where Ren can read a 205-paged textbook in 5 minutes and remember & understand everything she'd been reading, Rin needs to take a lot of breaks for the same book & give herself practice tests then revise before she manages to learn anything. The former is energetic, the latter is mostly quiet. Ren has zero issues with her eyes and can sit still without moving at all, Rin (as mentioned earlier) struggles a lot. However, despite all of these differences, the 2 sisters love each other and Rin (who is 5 years younger than her big sis) respects Ren a lot.
Until tragedy strikes. Ren graduated at 6 years old then was recruited into Root by Shimura Danzō (who secretly had the jōnin whose apprentice she was assassinated). The mental strain eventually caused 12 years old Ren to murder her loving bio parents and spare Rin (who witnessed the whole thing) solely coz her sisterly love had turned twisted. Ren knocked Rin out with 涅槃精舎の術/Nehan Shōja no Jutsu/Nirvana Temple Technique then snuck out of Konohagakure and lived the rest of her life as a nukenin, travelling all over the Human World 'til she died from microscopic polyangiitis at age 17. Rin started learning medical ninjutsu and how to identify & resist & break genjutsu due to her trauma from Ren's betrayal & their caring, civilian parents' death.
Rin usually is genuinely nice, but her social incompetence & her bluntness often get Rin into trouble. She dislikes arguments & so tries to be the peacekeeper between Obito and Hatake Kakashi, but often fails at it since Rin lacks diplomacy skills. She respects Namikaze Minato a lot for having the same background as her – a kid with civilian parents and no kekkei genkai – yet growing extremely skilled thus Rin develops a fascination for fūinjutsu.
Rin's most Fave word is friendship (in Japanese yūai which is written as 友愛 in kanji). She's a lonely person who holds tight to the very few friends (her parents, Ren, Kurenai, Obito, Kakashi, Minato, and Uzumaki Kushina) she manages to gain; although Rin doesn't always forgive them if they wrong her in some way, she does always give them a second chance and never holds grudges. It's not that Rin is unable to hold a grudge or incapable of spite; she feels those emotions, but they fade away as soon as Rin sees her loved ones since she's grateful that her family interacts with her at all. She's bad at setting boundaries and a hypocrite whose morality vanishes when her friends are the ones who do something she'd never tolerate from anyone else (not even if the person has always been sincerely nice to her). If she had lived past her suicide at 14 years old, Rin coulda grown out of these traits with some help from her family and a competent therapist. She also woulda bit by bit befriended Isobu the Sanbi (as Rin at the time of her canon death is the Three-Tails' jinchūriki).
Rin likes following her usual routine and dislikes it being interrupted (she's not a spontaneous person). She hates the taste of tsukudani and feels conflicted 'bout kids, in her teens wanting to someday become a bio or legally adoptive mum yet her whole time as a ninja up to that point always being utterly terrible at D-rank missions which involve babysitting (Obito is good at those and Kakashi relies on books to be at least semi-competent at them, her teammates' success lowering Rin's self-confidence since she sometimes compares herself to them, Kurenai, & Ren).
Ren & Rin's parents are civilians who were born in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, their respective bio parents having been civilians who were born there too to a few of the first civilians to join Konohagakure after the Village Hidden in the Leaves was founded. As stated above, the cisgender girls' dad Nohara Daisuke works as a gardener; he also grows as much of the family's food as he can. The girls' mum Nohara née Terada Ran is a housewife who (after a talk with her husband to figure out what they'll do) upon finding out she was 3 months pregnant with their 1st kid quit her job as a waiter in favour of focusing on raising the couple's children, Daisuke raising their daughters whenever he wasn't busy with work or his garden. Ran has the same violet filled-in square tattoo on each facial cheek her daughters have, getting the 2 tattoos on her 5th birthday same as her children do. The tattoos are a tradition started by Ran's bio mum Terada née Ōkan Ruki who at age 4 got them for herself; upon 3-year-old Ran wanting them, she told her only kid: "If you still want them next year, you can have them." Ren & Rin got the same choice too.
Her hobby is collecting sea shells, coz she ever since age 3 loves how pretty they are.
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14muffinz · 2 years
Leo’s pouch isn’t a medkit, and it isn’t full of shuriken.
Nope. He puts money in it for every. Single. Bet. That he and his brothers make. So that, if he were to lose, he’d have the money on hand.
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shadowwolflady · 5 months
Demon Hunters
Part 2
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A storm brewed on the horizon as Rai just crossed the border into Konoha. The end was in sight.
She felt a presence veer towards her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Something felt off. She didn't like it. Pushing herself more, she picked up the pace. This was now a full sprint.
Suddenly, a chain shot up past her, causing her to swerve and dodge. Using this opportunity, she was able to see what was behind her. A group of five people, who were dressed in white robes.
How did they find her so quickly? Rai focused on her path forward. She wasn't going to be able to out run them.
There was a sentry post ahead. If she could just get to it, maybe they could help her.
Another chain flew by her, causing her to drop down. No, she needed to get up and away from the ground. She leapt higher into the canopy.
Right. Left. Right. Left. Keep going!
She could see the sentry post. Reaching into her pouch, she grabbed a kunai with a smoke bomb and lobbed it hard at the position, hopefully it would make some commotion and cause them to look in their direction.
Of course, the kunai fell short, but the smoke bomb was set off. Good. They saw it. Hopefully they would be able to find her before the storm sets in.
Rai tried to keep herself near the smoke signal, bobbing and weaving as weapons flew past her.
Sandaime had decided to take a walk and get some fresh air before continuing his work. He strolled about the village and up to the Faces. There, he paused and looked at the horizon.
"Somethings not right. I can feel it." He muttered to himself. Just then, an Anbu appeared next to him.
"My lord, a group of demon hunters have been spotted within the country's borders. There is also a smoke signal near one of the posts near where they were last spotted."
"Get Kakashi, find Rai. And make sure Naruto remains in the village." Hiruzen glared at the dark sky. The lightning danced across the clouds as if to taunt him. "And make sure the others are aware." The Anbu leapt away.
The storm front was just starting to hit Konoha as Kakashi and his ninken left with some Anbu to find Rai.
"There was a smoke bomb near one of their last known coordinates near a sentry post. We'll start there and work our way out." The one Anbu briefed Kakashi.
From the sentry post they went to the smoke bomb, long since put out by the rain. Pakkun and Shiba sniffed it.
"It's faint. But it's Rai's." Pakkun confirmed.
The ninken scatter along with the Anbu. Pakkun stayed with Kakashi as they wove around, trying to find something.
Pakkun alerted to something, causing Kakashi to stop and investigate.
Marks on the branches fairly high up. Pakkun even found a weapon that was buried in a tree.
The shuriken was a six pointed one. Different than those around the village. Pakkun and he followed the sparse trail.
"I think we lost it. The darn rain is making everything muddled." Pakkun said as he rubbed his nose with his paw.
Suddenly, a large chakra spike was felt nearby as lightning struck and thunder shook the forest.
Kakashi and Pakkun whipped their heads around to face it.
"It's Rai." Pakkun mentioned. Both took off in the direction of the presence.
Kakashi tailed another ANBU operative as they followed a small trail of destruction. The sweet iron scent of blood grabbed their nose. The chaos built around them as they raced further towards the chakra spike.
A severed body lay on the ground. No time to dwell on that.
Reaching the epicenter, Kakashi wasn't expecting what he came across.
In all his years of knowing Rai, never had he seen her so wounded. Let alone putting out such immense pressure within the vicinity.
The demoness was standing, slumped against a trunk of a tree before slowly descending to the ground. One ANBU had arrived before Kakashi and the other. The Owl masked male was trying to assess Rai. Trying being the key term.
Kakashi leapt in front of her, getting close, he allowed his chakra to seep out and let her know it was him.
The crackling intense aura around them gradually subsided as Kakashi and the Owl were able to get in closer and take a look without the fear of having their hands or heads ripped off. How? How was she still alive?
Glancing at Pakkun, the pug nodded before turning and darting back for home.
Rai's right arm above her elbow was gone, her left hand was broken. Rope like burn marks covered the skin around her shoulders and biceps. Rai's mask was gone. Blood trickled from a wound in her hair down her face and into her right eye. Various weapons were embedded in her body.
A gray eye squinted. The cuts on her face should have healed by now.
As Rai gasped for air, he heard wheezing. Glancing down, her right side held a gaping wound. Pulling out some gauze, Kakashi placed pressure over her chest cavity. As soon as he applied pressure, a broken bloody hand shot out and grabbed his vest. Kakashi froze. The Owl jumped a bit from where he was placing a tourniquet around her right arm. A heavy presence filled the area.
Looking back at her face, Kakashi noticed the hazy look in her red eyes. Remaining calm, Kakashi allowed for his chakra to leak out attempting to comfort her. The fist on his vest loosened and the pressure subsided.
What did they do to you? Kakashi wondered as her hand finally retreated. Glancing around, other ANBU were examining the fallen.
Five. There were five bodies in total. Among them were weapons covered in marks and sutras. The same kind of weapons embedded in Rai.
Finally, Rai relaxed enough to allow for Kakashi and Owl to continue. As they applied pressure to her ribcage, Rai hacked up blood.
“We need to get her to the hospital.” Owl told him as they patched her up the best they could.
Kakashi didn't need any words, he shifted and scooped Rai up in his arms. He would take her. Owl escorted Kakashi and Rai back to Konoha quickly.
The moment Rai was stable, Kakashi was allowed in along with Owl. Several medical corp nin huddled over her form. Green glowing from their hands in attempt to help speed up the healing process.
“Five. Five of them did this.” Owl mentioned. “It was as Sandaime feared.”
As soon as those words left his mouth, Lord Hokage entered the room. Next to him, an ANBU briefing him on what had occurred. He stopped next to Owl. “How is she?” He asked, anger being suppressed in his voice.
The medical doctor was just reassessing her. He pulled back from his exam and addressed the Hokage. “She's in grave condition. I don't know how she's still alive. They pierced her heart, liver, and intestines.”
Kakashi watched as a healer rotated out with another, the doctor's words falling deaf on his ears. Their hands picking up a green glow as they sat down and started to heal Rai.
“I want everything recorded. Find out everything about what they used and where their weapons came from. We need to know everything.” Hokage demanded his ANBU. The elder stepped nearer to Rai. “This is unacceptable.”
“It never takes her this long to recover.” Kakashi mentioned. Normally, Rai's body would have been healing and all the small cuts and scratches would be gone. The most ghastly of her wounds would be healing, skin, muscle, and sinew stretching to cover the wounds.
It would take almost a week for Rai's body to heal. Her right arm grew back and bones mending back into place. Iruka was the first to show up with some flowers for Rai. Kurenai and Asuma came by next. Anko managed to sneak in through the window and visit. Another week it took for her to attempt to stand, and the third week she was finally allowed a liquid diet. Tenzo and Yugao visited her off and on throughout her recovery.
During her whole recovery, an ANBU was stationed near Rai's room. Whether they were outside the room in the hall or on the roof. They made sure those Peace Keepers weren't coming back for her.
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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desnayy · 10 months
Gotten back into a Naruto mood, so to celebrate that, new @mata-aetara-if MC
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Name: Touya Kudo (工藤トウヤ)
Gender and Pronouns: Male; he/him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Chakra Affinity: Earth
Summoned Animal: Giant slug
Weapons: Shuriken, kunai, tanto
Romance: Jun or Ryoku
More About Them: Touya is a serene young man, a calming influence who rarely seems outwardly ruffled by anything going on, always having a small smile on his face. He believes in doing the right thing, even if it may not align with what is the smart thing or even what is right in the eyes of his superiors. Touya works well with most people, and is an asset to any group as he'll often find the best way to keep the peace.
However, he tends to push his own problems to the side, and often brushes aside other people's concerns for him. He hates being percieved as a burden and thus hides any strong negative emotion until he is alone. He becomes surprised when people can see past this mask and may avoid them for a few days out of misplaced embarrassment. Touya is not oblivious to when people have a crush on him and will often gently let the other person down if confessed to. But, he is oblivious to when he has a crush on a person, rationalizing it away as just liking the other person as a very good friend.
Fun Facts:
Pinterest here
When using the kanji 桃夜, his first name can mean "peach night". His last name translates to "engineering wisteria"
Father owns a donburi restaurant, which also happens to be Touya's favorite food alongside anything sweet
Mission outfit is a black turtleneck long sleeve shirt with thumb hole sleeves under a pink hoodie, black shorts with a gray belt that holds his tanto and medical pouch, and black knee high boots. He wears his forehead protector as a hairband (similar to Sakura) and his shuriken holster on his right thigh.
Casual outfit is a black turtleneck crop top with elbow length sleeves under a dark pink long cardigan-like coat with loose sleeves, blue pants, and black shinobi sandals
He always wears his glasses and earrings when not sleeping
Loves going to the hot springs, especially after long or difficult missions
Dream for the future is to get married and have kids, whether through a surrogate or adoption
Wouldn't mind being assigned a genin team in the future
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pulaasul · 9 months
Wipping Wips - Kage-ful Reunion
Konohamaru spots Sasuke and Orochimaru enter the village premises as the Fourth Shinobi World War raged on, he followed the group and spied on them when he was caught.
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The genin that were left inside the left village did constant patrols within the village, taking over for the chunin and jounin that were deployed to the war, which was almost all of them.
The jounins and chuunins that were left in the village were the jounin who still had a genin team like Ebisu or on medical leave like Kurenai.
There were few ANBU members in the village as most of them were deployed in the battlefield.
Team Ebisu were tasked with patrolling inside the village, all on their own, as they were short on people. To efficiently patrol the village between the four of them, they decided to split up to cover more ground.
As Konohamaru walked through Konoha's road, he noticed a group of hooded people walking leisurely in the village.
It hadn't rained in the village for days, and yet these people were cloaked as if they trying not to get wet, or they're trying to hide their identities.
Konohamaru hid behind an alleyway as he watched one of the hooded person jumped towards a water tank above one of the establishments' roof and removed his hood.
The Sarutobi's eyes widened as he identified one of the hooded person.
It was Sasuke Uchiha.
The last thing Konohamaru knew about Sasuke was either capture or kill, and that was before the war even started.
Konohamaru might have been reckless and brash, but he knows he can't take down the Uchiha. He might have defeated one of the Pains when they attacked the village, he also knew that it was pure dumb luck that he managed to even survive at all.
He put his hand inside his weapon's pouch and readied a tag, just in case.
Sooner, Konohamaru followed the group towards what was supposed to be shrine, judging from the wreckage around it.
From what Konohamaru could see, Sasuke used a jutsu to open up a passageway below.
This must be a place for the Uchiha clan.
Konohamaru shook his head and decided that he had seen enough, he took the tag from his weapons' pouch and placed it in front of him. He was about to release the tag's seal when a snake wrapped around him,
He immediately substituted himself with a nearby log and began to run back to the village proper.
"Sensei's grandson," A voice hissed in front of Konohamaru, cutting him off from his escape route. "I was wondering who was following us. "I suggest we take care of this nuisance."
"On it!" Suigetsu nodded as he charged at the young Sarutobi, with his enlarged hand.
Konohamaru jumped up to a nearby sturdy branch and did a series of handseals. He ended on a tiger seal as soon as he landed on the branch.
Konohamaru released a cloud of smoke from his mouth, covering the charging swordsman with it. He bit the flint that he had always placed on his teeth and created a spark, igniting the smoke that resulted in an explosion.
"If you think a measly fire release is going to do me in, you're dead wrong!" Suigetsu announced as a sword came out of the smoke and went straight towards to Konohamaru.
Konohamaru jumped to another branch where he encountered a cursed state Juugo, ready to pummel the young Sarutobi to the ground. He was able to substitute himself with the same log he had used before, before the cursed-state man was able to slam him to the ground.
"I'll kill you!" Juugo exclaimed as he appeared behind Konohamaru.
"Juugo, relax." Sasuke ordered.
Juugo reverted back to his normal form, as soon as Sasuke gave the order.
Konohamaru used this chance to flee from the scene but Orochimaru cornered him.
"Konohamaru was it?" The snake-like shinobi asked rhetorically. "I suggest you surrender before Sasuke releases his leash on Juugo."
Without much of a choice, Konohamaru dropped the kunai that he had been defending himself with and the shuriken that he was going to use as a distraction.
"Check if he has any weapons on him." Orochjmaru ordered.
Suigetsu frisked Konohamaru from any and all hidden weapons on his person before giving the weapons' pouch he had on to Sasuke.
"Remove his top," Orochimaru hissed. "He is a Sarutobi, sensei or Asuma might have taught him a few sealing jutsu and applied it on his body."
"Is that really necessary?" Suigetsu couldn't help but question. "He's no more than a brat and a gennin."
"That gennin was able to defeat one of the Akatsuki leader's bodies." Orochimaru informed. "I'm not keen on him getting the jump on us just because you were lazy, Suigetsu."
With Orochimaru's reasoning, Suigetsu had no choice but to oblige with the elder shinobi's order. He slowly but surely stripped the young Sarutobi of his top, exposing the ink that was written on his abdomen.
"A counter seal," Orochimaru observed. "I suppose Asuma taught you before he died?"
Konohamaru remained silent.
"H-hey, Lord Orochimaru is talking to you, answer him!" Suigetsu urged, still fearful of his former boss.
"No matter," Orochimaru shook his head. "It is a clan's secret after all."
"Are we done here?" Sasuke questioned. "Let's go." He ordered as he jumped off of the ground.
Suigetsu took the scarf that he had removed from the boy and used it to tie the boy's hands behind him and at the same time blindfolded him with it.
"H-hey! What's the big idea?!"
"Your scarf is rather large and I don't want you using tripping as an excuse to escape."
"There's no need for restraints, Suigetsu," Orochimaru hissed. "He knows he can't outrun all four of us." He stated as he followed his former student.
Suigetsu reluctantly removed the scarf from the boy and pushed him forward.
"You're next chibi."
Konohamaru and Suigetsu followed Sasuke's lead as Jugo simply picked up the discarded articles of clothing before following the rest of the group.
Konohamaru gulped as he realized that had there been an insufficient number of Zetsu clones, as they were called by the intelligence unit, he'd be used as sacrifice for the Impure World Reanimation Jutsu.
Although he doesn't know the fact that Orochimaru had always known about the number of Zetsu Spore Clones that were attached to Sasuke were more than sufficient to resurrect the four previous Hokages and give him a new body to latch onto.
Hidden behind Jugo's huge form, Konohamaru listened to the history lesson in which he was technically eavesdropping on, he learned about the truth about the Uchiha massacre and the truth behind the Uchihas' infamous Sharingan.
At first, Konohamaru didn't know what his purpose to be here was but as soon as he saw his grandfather, he knew he was the hostage to make the Hokages compliant to whatever demand Orochimaru has.
As soon as the second Hokage riled his chakra, Konohamaru couldn't help but gulp but at the same time hope that maybe, just maybe, he'd be saved from Orochimaru's clutches.
His hope multiplied tenfold when the first Hokage riled up his own chakra to counter his brother's, maybe he could be saved after all.
However, his hope soon diminished as soon as Orochimaru was able to restrict the second Hokage's actions after declaring that reviving him would be the Orochimaru's downfall.
There was one thing bothering the young Sarutobi, Judging from the Second Hokage's words, and Orochimaru's actions, he does not serve a purpose to be here.
Knowing that Orochimaru can forcefully subjugate the summoned souls, he has no idea why he's here.
"Sarutobi, you sure raised quite a shinobi." Hashirama praised.
"I'm honored to be praised by the god of shinobi himself." Orochimaru admitted.
"He's acquired my cells and enhanced his power to bind us," Hashirama laughed. "Tobirama, your instincts have dulled a bit." He chided. "Now then…" He trailed off.
Orochimaru raised his tiger seal a bit higher preparing for the worst.
"Orochimaru, do not fret," Hashirama assured his summoner. "My priority is to undo the ill feelings that are binding his child." He stated. "I do not know what he will decide after he is done listening to me, but if we ignore him now, he will definitely become the next Madara."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow at the declaration.
"If that happens, ending the war and winning will be meaningless."
Konohamaru couldn't help but agree, but couldn't they sense his chakra? Could at least his grandfather sense his chakra?
"Do as you please, brother." Tobirama sighed.
"I guess there was no need for this little leverage." Orochimaru hissed as he did a series of hand seals.
Orochimaru ended on the tiger seal then lightly tapped Jugo's shoulders before grabbing Konohamaru's arms and showed him to the Hokages present.
"Konohamaru!" Hiruzen exclaimed in surprise before glaring at his student. "How dare you kidnap my grandson," He growled.
"I needed a leverage, I know that the first Hokage can just release himself from the jutsu that bound him." Orochimaru admitted.
"Grandpa…" Konohamaru hesitantly approached his grandfather before giving the revived Hokage a hug. "I missed you."
"He was the one who noticed us as we entered the village," Juugo supplied. "We merely stopped him from derailing our plans."
"Which was to seek answers." The fourth Hokage finished the sentence.
"Grandson, he just looks like you when you were his age, Saru," Hashirama pointed out. "Judging from the hitai-ate, he's a proud shinobi of the leaf."
"Saved the life of his jounin sensei when the leaf was recently invaded," Orochimaru hissed.
"You've done well for yourself, Konohamaru." The Third Hokage praised his grandson.
Konohamaru glowed from his grandfather's praise.
"How come none of us sensed his chakra?" Tobirama questioned.
"You should not be able to sense any chakra in this place, apart from Jugo's," Orochimaru answered. "I used my control over his cursed seal and let it radiate nature chakra to obscure any sensor from detecting our movements."
"Now then…" Hashirama trailed off. "Where to begin?"
Konohamaru wanted to leave the place where the Hokage was resurrected but the First Hokage insisted that he, too, learn the Leaf Village's history and the history between the clans of Senju and Uchiha.
Konohamaru retrieved his clothes from Jugo and dressed himself as Hashirama narrated the story between him and Madara.
The Sarutobi heir filed away the information that Itachi wasn't an actual rogue ninja that everyone was left to believe, everything was in fact under the Hokage's orders.
Konohamaru also took note of the names Kagami and Shisui.
"Now then, Sasuke?" Orochimaru turned his attention on his mentee. "What will you do?"
Konohamaru prepared himself to be attacked. He knew he doesn't stand a chance against everyone present. Sure he could take on Suigetsu but Jugo was a different story altogether.
Jugo's speed, power, and sanity only hinged on Sasuke's metaphorical leash on him. Konohamaru knew that when Sasuke would release the chain, he'd be dead in a second.
Not to mention that Orochimaru can control the four Hokages, forget a second, he'll be dead in an instant.
But it doesn't mean that he won't go out without a fight.
"Will you destroy the village or?" Orochimaru trailed off.
Everyone waited with baited breath as they waited for Sasuke to decide. The Uchiha in question had closed his eyes as soon as the snake-like shinobi asked him the ultimate question at the time.
"I'm going to the battlefield, I won't let the village, and everything that Itachi did, be all for nothing!" Sasuke declared.
Hashirama raised his head with subtle smile as he heard the declaration while the others have only began to process what was just declared.
"It's been decided then," Hashirama stood up. "Tobirama, prepare to teleport us outside." He ordered.
"Even if I wanted to use the Flying Thunder God, I'm bound right now." Tobirama pointed out.
"Orochimaru, what will you do?"
Everyone's attention turned to the Third Hokage's former student.
"That's right! You said that you'd follow Sasuke!" Konohamaru pointed out.
"Of course, we will accompany him." Orochimaru gave a manic grin.
"Whaaa-!" Suigetsu questioned. "What about you, Jugo?"
"I'm going too," Jugo immediately answered. "It's my job to protect Sasuke."
Konohamaru found himself accompanying the reanimated Hokages and the infiltrators outside of the Uchiha Naka shrine towards the top of the Hokage mountain, where the Hokages were reminiscing on the village and it's past.
"This view brings back memories!" The First Hokage declared.
The Sarutobi heir heard someone fall down and what greeted him was Suigetsu on the ground, while a girl with red hair jumped on him.
"It's definitely you, Sasuke!" The girl yelled. "I sensed your chakra and I couldn't believe it so, I backtracked and look who I found!" She continued yelling as she punched Suigetsu relentlessly, with the boy in question unable to defend himself.
"Karin," Sasuke identified the girl.
"Oh my, so many of my previous experiments have gathered in one place." Orochimaru mused.
Konohamaru couldn't help but wince and feel sorry for Suigetsu. Karin was a walking contradiction, she claims to hate Sasuke but she continues to beat on Suigetsu.
"I see, you still have a weakness for Sasuke, Karin."
Konohamaru's face twitched as witnessed the blush on Karin's face.
"Listen, Lord Orochimaru, he, he had the gall to, the gall to stab me, and…" Karin tried to narrate her experience.
"What a coincidence, me too," Orochimaru pointed out. "And now, I'm helping him now, perfect timing, you help too."
"Ehehehehe." Konohamaru managed to awkwardly laugh as Karin rubbed herself on Sasuke's body.
"Who is she?" The first Hokage asked.
"Judging from the chakra and that red hair, she's probably from the Uzumaki clan."
"Uzumaki clan?"
"Saru, how come your grandson doesn't know about the Uzumaki clan?" Hashirama questioned his brother's students.
"Sometime after the third Shinobi war started The Hidden Village of the Eddies was attacked by three other Hidden Villages: Rock, Cloud, and Mist."
"It stands to reason that the whole village was wiped out, and so did the clan." Tobirama concluded.
"They couldn't have fallen that easily, did they?"
"The Uzumaki clan was feared," Orochimaru supplied. "They lasted for about a week if I remember correctly."
"Where were the reinforcements for the Eddies?" Tobirama questioned.
"Ambushed on the way," Orochimaru answered. "Sending more would have spelled doom for the village."
"Naruto-niichan belonged to a clan?" Konohamaru couldn't help but ask.
"Yes, Naruto belonged to the Uzumaki clan," The third Hokage answered. "The swirls on the side and back of every shinobi's standard uniform is our way of telling the world of our close relationship to the clan and the village."
"Why didn't Naruto take his father's last name?" Sasuke questioned. "I hadn't realized it before, but Naruto bears a strong resemblance to the fourth Hokage."
"Minato was known as the Yellow Flash for his masterful utilization of the second Hokage's Flying Thunder God jutsu, which meant he has killed many shinobi from other villages."
"To protect the boy, you opted for him to give him his mother's maiden name over his father's." Tobirama concluded. "I take it she was the second Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi after Mito?"
"She was," The Third Hokage nodded.
"We'll have to cut this history lesson short, the war continues to rage on." Orochimaru pointed out.
Konohamaru sneakily followed his grandfather, as the others talked amongst themselves, mostly planning on how to get to the battlefield, when Sarutobi approached his rogue student and asked a question.
"Orochimaru, why did you decide to help Sasuke? You were trying to destroy the village."
"After being inside Kabuto, I came to realization," Orochimaru answered. "He imitated my way of living, down to my obsessions and failed. For now, I'm just curious about Sasuke's path." He supplied. "Unlike Kabuto, Sasuke did not copy me."
"Fellow Hokages, we stand on top of the Great Hokage Mountain that have watched over the village, let us burn this sight of the village into our memories." Hashirama declared.
"Konohamaru-kun, what will you do now?"
"I will stay, grandpa, to protect the kings of the village." Konohamaru grinned
"You've grown quite the shinobi, Konohamaru, I couldn't be prouder," Hiruzen praised his grandson. "I'm sure your parents are too."
"Thank you, gramps," The young Sarutobi rubbed his nose. "I'm going to miss you."
A few notes here:
It irked me how easily Orochimaru, Sasuke and company were able to infiltrate the village. Yes they were in the middle of war but it doesn't mean that the village would have been empty with Shinobi.
It also irked me that Konohamaru wasn't able to reunite with his uncle and/or grandfather, two of the most important familial relations he has, even if we didn't see it.
This fic aims to rectify that and I have Konohamaru and his grandpa reunite.
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cat-of-the-anbu · 6 months
“ what did they do to you? ” [not me here kickstarting the pain in our new plot]
The meeting had been fully unexpected. Years had passed between the two, and despite a very rocky meeting, things had settled and it felt like nothing had changed now. So, when he was asked that question, Tenzo looked up at Itachi, meeting his gaze across the fire they had built to keep away the worst of the dark. They both bore scars of their past, and Tenzo knew this question was in relation to the scratched out Leaf symbol. He had ripped the plate from his happuri and had attached it to his belt, opting out of a headband as well.
He chuckled darkly and shook his head. "What didn't they do?" He asked quietly, taking a stick and using it to stoke the fire, though consciously, he used his unscarred, left hand, keeping the right one away from the fire. His face was carefully neutral as he looked at his right hand, weighing the options of what to tell Itachi. His eyes traced the litany of blotchy burn scars and jagged electric scars as he settled on what to tell Itachi.
"The third hokage allowed too much to slide under his nose. Allowed Orochimaru and Danzo to get away with the worst things imaginable." He explained vaguely as he reached into a pouch on his belt and removed some bandages. He'd taken a hit from a shuriken on his right arm, and he wanted to treat it as they caught up. "And I figured it all out." He worked on wrapping the wound. He might not have taken the wound if he had any armor, but he had forgone armor, only wearing the form fitting ANBU tanktop he had left the village in, having discarded the vest long ago. He sighed as he tied off the bandages and looked up at Itachi again. "I never expected to see you again. What have you been up to?"
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Meet the boys!
Raphael: A leatherback sea turtle. He studies more defensive arts than his brothers, learning to use his differently baked body to his advantage. His flipper-feet make it hard for him to walk normally, so Donnie designed him some specialized leg braces. The material is also stick-resistant, so he can cover it in new stickers constantly!
Leonardo: A painted turtle, Leo’s coloration makes him feel anxious when sneaking around and so his brothers gifted him a specialized ninja cloak to wear. The definition of a mom friend, he always has snacks with him, though he often forgets which pouch has his snacks and which one holds his shuriken/kunai and may or may not have thrown a Snickers bar or two at some villains in his time.
Donatello: A diamondback terrapin, Donnie assumes the role of “eldest” in their family and leads the team. He does his best to help his brothers with anything he can, but suffers from severe anxiety and struggles not to let anxiety attacks prevent him from fighting alongside them.
Michelangelo: A map turtle, Mikey is the troublemaker. He loves to annoy his brothers and even their father, sneaking out to the surface to goof off and cause problems. He’s unfortunately gullible, falling for most pranks and tricks pulled on him, and struggles with noticing when he’s being lied to…
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iztarshi · 2 years
Febuwhump - Knife to the Throat
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
There’s a knife to Donnie’s throat, cold metal right against his carotid artery and a too warm hand touching his windpipe. The other hand is over his forehead, pushing his head back to keep his throat exposed, disarranging his mask. He can feel the rough paw pads, even through the mask, as the yokai holds him still and warm breath like a cat’s breath gusts over his face.
The buildings seem to press in on him, the giant skeleton that would otherwise be normal Hidden City architecture disorienting him, leaving him unsure how big he is. How far away anything is. His brothers are standing at the end of the alley, all three of them staring at him in distress, but they could be miles away.
He hates how stupid he feels, how helpless. The battleshell on his back does nothing when the knife presses too close for him to pull his head inside his shell. The mechanical arms wouldn’t have room to deploy with a body pressed up against his back - there’s a body pressed against his back warm even though the battleshell - or time to grab his assailant before the knife could cut. Even his ninpo - his ninpo should - should - he should be able to imagine something, but his mind seems to be focused on the knife, on the heat of his blood below his skin.
“I told you, we don’t have the amulet,” Leo is saying, somewhere far away, his voice distorting like it’s echoing around the sewers, bouncing across water. “Yes, we stole from Big Mama’s auction but we didn’t steal that. We have no idea who did.”
Another yokai, one standing behind Donnie where he can’t be seen, where Donnie can’t make a guess at the body attached to the rasping voice, says, “Then you’ve got nothing to trade so we might as well finish the hostage and go.”
“Woah, woah, woah. Back that train up a bit,” Leo says. He shoots a frantic glance at Raph and Donnie can see the helplessness his brothers’ eyes, the same helplessness he feels himself. We could attack. But could we attack fast enough?
“Give us the amulet,” the yokai says.
Leo steps back, he says something into Raph’s ear. The yokai holding Donnie presses the knife a little closer to Donnie’s neck and says, “Speak up.”
“I just had to check with my big brother,” Leo says, suddenly too light, carefree, and Donnie never thought he’d be so glad to see the telltale signs of Leo having an idea. “But it’s good now. I can give it to them, right, Raph?”
“Right.” Raph’s voice sounds so sure, so grounded, and Mikey, out of the loop but picking up on the change in mood, is stepping back a little, readying himself to secure an escape route.
Leo reaches down to rummage in his pouch and what does he have? His swords are uselessly on his back where any movement towards them would get Donnie’s throat slit, but… a shuriken, perhaps? The yokai holding Donnie shifts his grip from Donnie’s head to his shoulder without moving the knife, getting ready to swing him around and use him as a meat shield.
Leo pulls something from his pouch, the flash of silver in his hand the only thing Donnie can identify about it. “Catch.”
The silver of a teaspoon is briefly visible before it elongates, becomes a sword spinning through the air. Even here, even now, Donnie wonders whether one of the scabbards on Leo’s back is now empty, or whether it contains a trowel.
Donnie is whipped around, the knife scoring a shallow line under his ear, the walls of the alley whirling around him, feet scrabbling under him to support his weight.
The sword hits his battleshell with a dull thud, and Donnie feels the thin line of searing warmth where it’s broken through to score his shell.
There is blue.
Leo is standing in the yokai’s hands with a knife at his throat, grinning like he just pulled off the four-forty, and Donnie is stumbling against Raph as Raph pulls the sword out of Donnie’s shell.
Donnie’s heart hangs suspended between beats. Leo stands there, so pleased with himself to see Donnie safe. The alley feels just as long from this end, Donnie’s brother just as far out of reach. It’s worse than when it was him, because it’s Leo again, again, somewhere they can’t get to fast enough.
“You know, I’m a big fan of card tricks,” Leo says. “You guys ever play three-card monte?”
The yokai holding Leo looks down at him with distaste. “That’s always rigged.”
Leo’s grin twists upwards into his nastiest smirk. “Yeah,” he says. “It sure is.”
A flash of blue.
Then red.
Raph is in the yokai’s hands, but barely there before his ninpo glows around him, pushing the knife away from his throat as it expands. Hands made of red light scoop up yokai that look suddenly small and throw them at the nearest building, following it up with punches to make sure they stay down.
Donnie droops against Leo’s shoulder. “Leo,” he says.
His tone must say more than he has the words for because Leo’s face immediately creases in sympathy. “I gotcha, hermano. Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, once Raph had the sword I was fine.”
Mikey wraps his arms around Donnie’s waist, and if Donnie’s mechanical arms have been useful for nothing else today at least he can pat Mikey with them while still holding on to Leo.
It’s not until Raph arrives, with arms that can wrap around all of them at once, that Donnie feels the cold line of threat lift from his neck.
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runthepockets · 1 year
Had a dream that I turned an old makeup pouch into a shuriken holster.
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