#shut up abt autumn shut up abt autumn shut up abt autumn
lex-the-lesbiann · 1 year
Like Real People Do (Hozier) is an Autumn/Linda song btw <3333
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cimicherrychanga · 6 months
oh, Dead IS The New Alive Manipulator Mix by Dope Stars Inc. you Get Me.......
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multifariousqueer · 9 months
hi love. could u write where felix takes care of fem!reader on her period? currently abt to get mine and i need some comfort lol, mine r hell. if u don’t want to that’s okay<3
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The morning sunshine blared through the window as your stomach started to sting a familiar sting. You had hoped that it would wait another week but it came in hot and dull as you awoke to the feeling of being wet. Your arm instinctively reached for your alarm clock only to find that you had class in a few minutes and had slept in. A groan escaped your lips as a text from Felix crept its way onto your device:
“Good morning, darling 😀”- Felix( don’t kill me, it was the early 2000’s)
“Where are you?”- Felix
You scrambled to get dressed and put on a pad before leaving your dorm.
The autumnal air brushed your skin as you felt more emotional and stressed. Felix and you had a project worth 3% of your semester grade due today and you stayed up until 12 last night messing around so you forgot to finish it. Tears stung at your eyes as you admonished yourself for not doing a basic task but you didn’t have time to go into a full fit because you were late.
When you reached class, the entire class looked at you as the door creaked open and Felix’s eyed you up and down before realizing that you weren’t okay. You sat down next to him and searched your bag for your supplies before realizing that you left your period bag at home. A period bag consists of : pads, tampons, lotion, perfume, and an emergency pair of panties. Upon the heartbreaking realization, you groaned and put your hands over your eyes and Felix immediately took notice:
“Y’alright love?” Felix said, rubbing your back.
This caused you to break into full blown tears as you got up and left class to run some water over your face.
Felix got up and followed a few minutes later to make sure you were okay:
“What happened?” He asked with genuine concern on his face
“I’m just on my period, that’s all”- you sobbed back
“Do you need anything to get through class?” He asked while rubbing your back
“I just want to cuddle with you and shower and go back to bed” you sniffled
“After class, I promise I will do that for you” Felix spoke
Felix hated seeing you in pain and he hated seeing you cry more. A piece of his soul broke Everytime you cried and he wanted to whatever it took to make you happy again.
Felix walked you back into class with a hand on the small of your back and he sat you down. He went up to the professor and spoke a few words that were unintelligible from where you were sitting and the professor called you over to his desk:
“Ms. L/n, it seems that you are incapacitated and scattered right now so I am willing to give you an extension on the project. Of course, I will have to knock off a few points but it is still possible to pass” the professor said sternly.
“Thank you so much!” You smiled
“Please sit down and try not to disrupt the class any longer” the professor spoke before going back to grading.
“Yes sir” you said.
Felix observed the interaction with a straight face before breaking out into a grin and escorting you back to your seat.
“How about we go back to my dorm after class and finish our project later” he said softly
“Please.” You said, while practically giving him a begging stare
Felix pulled you into a hug before planting a kiss on your forehead and returning his attention back to the lecture. He still kept his hand on your thigh and he snuck glances your way every now and again to make sure you weren’t in pain.
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Eventually, you went back to Felix’s dorm and he went to a drawer and pulled out a box of pads. Felix kept his stash stocked ever since he started dating you because he always wanted you to be comfortable.
“Wait here, I’ll go run you a bath” he said, ushering you to sit on his bed
You nodded in response and pulled out your textbook to finish the project once Felix left. You made a decent amount of headway before Felix came back and shut the textbook while staring at you:
“I told you we’d do this later, y/n” he smirked
“I know but…” you started before Felix interrupted you
“Even in pain, you’re still scholarly?” Felix asked quizzically while smirking at you
“I’m on my period, Felix. I’m not dying” you remarked
“So you don’t want to be cuddled?” He asked
“No no I do!!” You said with puppy eyes
Felix chuckled and took you into the bathroom. He undressed you and did away with your pad before delicately placing you into the tub. He was careful not to scrub you too hard but he wanted to get you as clean as possible. You sank into the warm, eucalyptus scented water and mewled as the warmth enveloped your body. Felix ran water over your body and made sweet comments about how strong you were for enduring your period:
“Look at my princess, so beautiful” he smiled
“Mmmm I love you” you sighed
“I adore you too, darling” he said, kissing your eyebrow before leaving to go to his bedroom.
You jolted a bit as Felix’s absence set in. You opened your eyes and looked around before you heard movement in his room.
Felix was prepping a pair of underwear for you and laying out an outfit for you. It was his old rugby shirt and some old boxers of his that you used as shorts. Felix learned how to prep underwear one day when you showed in “in case of emergencies” and he always prepped yours if you couldn’t. Felix also laid out some chocolate for you and put a stuffed animal on the bed. He went to get you from the bath:
“Where did you go?” You asked sadly
“I went to go clean up a bit and get you ready for bed” he replied
He pulled you from the tub and helped you get dressed. Felix laid you on the bed and cuddled with you. You took in the scent of his cologne and aftershave while making soft noises of comfort against his chest. He grabbed you and held you close and sooner or later you fell asleep in his embrace.
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charmed [16]: 'cat, rat, dog, and dove' (remus lupin x reader)
a/n: WELCOME BACK TO CHARMED. WE ARE HERE. we have arrived to this moment. BUCKLE THE FUCKING FUCK UP.
brief summary: the year has culminated into this one fateful night at the shrieking shack. word count: 9k
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series summary: if you're here, u know what this series is abt im not gonna waste space and recopy it here THIS CHAPTER IS ALREADY TOO LOADED.
series masterlist here
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The sun was out. Its rays peeking through the leaves of trees, their heat was much stronger in this month of spring than it was in autumn, when Y/N and Remus took their first early morning walk to escape from the Castle. It became a habit they maintained all school year, and it was so hard to believe that they had already walked their way to final examinations season. Two terms had rolled by, laying down all the tiles needed to strengthen their relationship even more.
Y/N’s arm was around Remus’ bicep. It was warm enough now for them to abandon their jackets, and they strolled through the Castle grounds in simple button-ups.
Remus peeked down at Y/N, who by reflex caught his eye. He shut an eye tightly in an exaggerated wink. Y/N smiled, resting her head against his arm for a second.
“Can’t wait for our kid to experience all that is Hogwarts.” Remus said.
Y/N’s eyebrows knit together as she beamed up at him.
Their chests burned from elation as they continued in their stride.
“Thinking a bit ahead though, don’t you think, we’ve got more than 11 years before we get to that point.” Y/N chuckled.
“Oh, you’re right. Before that, it’ll be you n’ me teaching them.”
“I agree with you. Sending them to Muggle primary school seems way too risky for exposure.”
“I do worry about socialization though.”
“Hmm. Me too. We should probably get in touch with other wizard families that have children the same age as ours.”
They came to a small halt as they overlooked the train tracks.
“I can’t wait for our kid to get on the train for the first time.” Y/N sighed.
Remus patted her hand in his. “What did you feel your first time on it?”
“Terrified.” Y/N chortled. “I was anxious even as a child. You?”
“Me too. But I guess, something really deep inside me- I don’t know. I just felt like my life was going to change, I guess.”
Y/N smiled softly at the gentle man before her.
“And we have to take that train really soon again.”
They continued walking, the castle of Hogwarts standing tall against them, hovering and watching over them as it has done for so long.
As the year continued to draw to a close, the exam season proceeded on. Today were the Charms finals for the 3rd-years, as well as the 5th-years’ OWL’s. Even the Weasley twins had been spotted with their books open, working in a corner of the library.
Y/N downed the last of her tea, as she rifled through a pack of fresh grading sheets. She waved her wand, and yesterday’s 2nd-year evaluations floated upwards, inserted themselves neatly in a folder, and slid themselves into her briefcase.
She clapped her hands together and got up to the door, opening it to a crowd of her 3rd-years. 
She let them trickle in and take their seats at the individually separated desks. Walking through the aisles, she placed an exam sheet on each one facing down.
“Alright, everyone, please get your things straight and then leave your bags up here in the front. Remember, you’re only allowed your quills for the written part.”
“You guys have one hour. Don’t forget to check both sides of the paper. Time starts… now.”
A synchronized whoosh of 30 papers being flipped over echoed across the room, followed by the etching of quills.
Y/N hated the written exams. She had nothing to do but to count the tiles in the classroom and twiddle her thumbs.
She was on her 5th recount of how many tiles spanned from one wall to another when a figure flashed in her peripheral.
Remus had passed by and judging the complete silence, assumed Y/N was sitting an exam. He waved cheerily, happy he had opted for practical examinations. Y/N rolled her eyes when she spotted him. Remus turned back around and passed the classroom door again.
“STOP.” Y/N mouth silently, gesturing to her students.
A few of them looked up and laughed, leading to a few more turning their heads.
“Enough.” Y/N shook her head, waving her wand and the door slammed shut, Remus disappearing from their sights.
“Professor Lupin’s just gloating that all his finals are over.” Y/N hushed the group. “Now get on, I’m not giving you extra time.”
She winked at the end, and the students returned to their scrolls, the atmosphere in the classroom noticeably lighter.
Light filled the room as Y/N clicked the lamp open. She turned to her side to find Remus wide awake as well.
“Can’t sleep?” She muttered.
Y/N huffed, stacking her pillows and coming up to a seated position.
“It’s the full moon soon. How are you feeling?”
“The usual.” Remus yawned, turning on his side. He examined the grey circles under Y/N’s eyes through his wrinkle-decorated own. “I just feel a bit weird.”
“Hm.” Y/N responded. “Me too.”
“We’re probably just tired from so many back to back exams and all the grading.”
“Yeah. And my heart is kind of hurting. I just can’t really believe this year is ending. This has been the best job I’ve ever had in my whole life.”
Remus slid his hand under the covers to find hers.
“All good things must come to an end, my love.”
Y/N smiled sadly.
“What are the odds Flitwick needs another year off, eh?”
Remus chuckled.
Y/N clicked the lamp off and the two laid back in once again total darkness. Outside their window, roamed the creatures of the night. Centaurs, unicorns trudging across the Forbidden Forest, Dementors floating outside the Castle perimeter, and strolling stealthily in the Hogsmeade village; a ginger cat and its newfound friend, a big shaggy black dog.
Remus strolled along on his daily walk of the Castle grounds. Y/N had opted to stay in bed well into the afternoon that day, feeling more tired than usual.
He found a tree stump near Hagrid’s Hut and installed himself comfortably under it. He pulled a book from the pocket of his robes and opened it to the page he had last marked. About three quarters of an hour passed when he noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron come down and go into Hagrid’s. He returned to his book.
A small while later, he noticed more figures make their way to that direction.  One sported a bowler hat, which he recognized as the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, and two wizards followed him. One of them had a shiny axe attached to his belt, which glistened when it caught the sun.
Comprehension dawned upon Remus. He had heard of Hagrid’s Hippogriff case with Malfoy and the Ministry, and Y/N had told him in passing of the Harry and his friends’ interest in the outcome.
They emerged from the hut and crossed paths with the men. Remus closed his book. Those three better not involve themselves any further with the case, he thought. He didn’t want them to be exposed to the execution.
Harry dropped the crystal ball he was supposed to return to Professor Trelawney and ran.
Thus began a very fateful night.
Remus walked through the Castle that evening and felt a weird shift in the air. Exams were over sure, but there was a certain trio that seemed the opposite of celebratory. Making his way down to the Great Hall, he took a seat next to Professor Sprout.
“Evening, Lupin.” She said happily.
“Good evening, Professor.” He responded kindly.
“Y/N coming soon?”
“Hm? Oh, I’m not sure, she’s taking a nap now. She’s been awfully tired this past week.”
“That’s okay, classic end-of-year burnout” she replied, then proceeded to ask him how if he had finished all his grading.
Remus conversed with her a bit distractedly as he watched over the Gryffindor table, spotting Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were visibly pre-occupied and were huddled away from the other students, discussing seriously.
“Have you heard from Hagrid? Poor thing, his Hippogriff’s been sentenced to death today. It’s going to happen tonight, any minute now actually I think.”
Remus turned to face her. “Really? That’s horrible…”
Professor Sprout pursed her lips in agreement before taking another bite of chicken.
Remus looked over at the trio again. They were standing up hastily, walking out of the Hall with quick little steps. He frowned. What were they up to?
He took the time to finish his dinner calmly and bid the fellow staff goodbye. Making his way back into his office, he pulled out his things quietly as the bedroom door was still shut; Y/N was probably still asleep.
He took a seat at his desk and pulled out what looked like an old used piece of parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
The map opened and unfolded as traces of ink bled upon its pages, forming its intricate content. He scanned it quickly, before turning his attention to Hagrid’s Hut. Hagrid’s dot was there, along with Dumbledore’s and other names he assumed were Ministry officials.
Running along the path to his Hut, he stopped at the two dots moving right under the Whomping Willow. It was Harry and Hermione. Where was Ron? What were they doing by that tree?
A thought popped in his head and his stomach sank. He moved up the map, praying to God that his far-fetched conjecture wouldn’t be true. Landing on Hogsmeade Village, he looked for the Shrieking Shack. The weight in his stomach sank even further. Ron’s dot was there, accompanied by none other than… Sirius Black.
His hands shook. He had to go help him. But as he watched the dots move, a third one came into view.
It was labelled “Peter Pettigrew”.
At that second, the blood had left Remus’ face. His hands grew cold. He shook the paper. He rapped his wand at it. He blinked and blinked again. The dot was still there, labelled with that name as clear as day.
In that very moment, a 13 year-old puzzle just came together with this one final piece. The web wove itself to completion. He understood… Stuffing his wand in his pocket, he jumped out of his chair and sped out the door.
In the Shrieking Shack, blood pressures were high.
Ron lay in the corner, with his weight off his broken leg, clutching his rat Scabbers. Hermione stood in the corner, quiet and pale.
Harry was fuming, frozen with his wand lifted and pointed to a ghastly, ghost-like Sirius Black.
"Going to kill me, Harry?" he whispered. 
Harry stopped right above him, his wand still pointing at Black's chest, looking down at him. A livid bruise was rising around Black's left eye and his nose was bleeding. 
"You killed my parents," said Harry, his voice shaking slightly, but his wand hand quite steady. 
Black stared up at him out of those sunken eyes. 
"I don't deny it," he said very quietly. "But if you knew the whole story." 
"The whole story?" Harry repeated, a furious pounding in his ears. "You sold them to Voldemort. That's all I need to know." 
"You've got to listen to me," Black said, and there was a note of urgency in his voice now. "You'll regret it if you don't.... You don't understand...." 
"I understand a lot better than you think," said Harry, and his voice shook more than ever. "You never heard her, did you? My mum... trying to stop Voldemort killing me... and you did that... you did it...." 
Crookshanks jumped in between the two and sat itself at Black’s feet, looking back at Harry with deep yellow eyes.
The seconds lengthened. And still Harry stood frozen there, wand poised, Black staring up at him, Crookshanks on his chest. Ron's ragged breathing came from near the bed; Hermione was quite silent. 
And then came a new sound - 
Muffled footsteps were echoing up through the floor — someone was moving downstairs. 
"WE'RE UP HERE!" Hermione screamed suddenly. "WE'RE UP HERE -- SIRIUS BLACK - QUICK!" 
Professor Lupin came hurtling into the room, his face bloodless, his wand raised and ready. His eyes flickered over Ron, lying on the floor, over Hermione, cowering next to the door, to Harry, standing there with his wand covering Black, and then to Black himself, crumpled and bleeding at Harry's feet. 
"Expelliarmus!" Lupin shouted. 
Harry's wand flew once more out of his hand; so did the two Hermione was holding. Lupin caught them all deftly, then moved into the room, staring at Black, who still had Crookshanks lying protectively across his chest. 
Y/N woke up to a dark room. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. Her entire face felt scorching hot and her mouth was dry like she hadn’t drank in days. She rolled over in the bed. She had crawled under her blankets in the evening before dinner for a quick nap, but judging by the chill and dark air outside, she must have slept into early night.
She felt a tightness in her pelvic area, like cramps. She placed a hand on her abdomen.
Pulling herself out of bed lazily, she head to the bathroom. Her period was supposed to start a few days ago, so this must’ve been it. However, as she sat down on the toilet, there was nothing.
Suddenly, a realization jolted her mind awake.
She ran back to the bedroom, rummaging through her drawer for a pregnancy test. She went back to the bathroom and waited for the result.
She put down the test swiftly, looking away as she felt her heartbeat quicken. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Slowly, she picked up the stick and read the result once more.
Holy shit.
She looked around her and it occurred to her that Remus was nowhere to be found. She checked the clock. It was well past 10pm. 
Where the hell was he?
"Where is he, Sirius?" 
Remus spoke in a tense voice, cutting through the weighted silence that took over the Shrieking Shack.
Black's face was quite expressionless. For a few seconds, he didn't move at all. Then, very slowly, he raised his empty hand and pointed straight at Ron. 
Mystified, Harry glanced around at Ron, who looked bewildered. 
"But then..." Lupin muttered, staring at Black so intently it seemed he was trying to read his mind, "... why hasn't he shown himself before now? Unless" -- Lupin's eyes suddenly widened, as though he was seeing something beyond Black, something none of the rest could see, "-- unless he was the one... unless you switched... without telling me?" 
Very slowly, his sunken gaze never leaving Lupin's face, Black nodded. 
"Professor," Harry interrupted loudly, "what's going on --?" 
But Harry wasn’t able to finish his sentence, as what followed knocked the wind from his throat.
Remus lowered his wand. He walked to Sirius’ side, seized his hand confidently and pulled him to his feet. He gazed deeply into his eyes for a second, before the two men pulled each other into a deep embrace.
“I don’t believe it—“ Remus gasped, voice muffled.
“God, it’s been so long,” Sirius muttered back, “my friend.”
"DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Hermione screamed. 
Lupin let go of Black and turned to her. She had raised herself off the floor and was pointing at Lupin, wild-eyed. "You -- you --" 
"Hermione —"
“— you and him!" 
"Hermione, calm down —" 
"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione shrieked. "I've been covering up for you —" 
"Hermione, listen to me, please'" Lupin shouted. "I can explain —" 
Harry could feel himself shaking, not with fear, but with a fresh wave of fury. 
"I trusted you," he shouted at Lupin, his voice wavering, out of control, "and all the time you've been his friend!" 
"You're wrong," said Lupin. "I haven't been Sirius's friend, but I am now — Let me explain...." 
"NO!" Hermione screamed. "Harry, don't trust him, he's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead too -- he's a werewolf!" 
There was a ringing silence. Everyone's eyes were now on Lupin, who looked remarkably calm, though rather pale. 
Where the hell was he?
Y/N’s head was spinning as too much was happening at the same time. She glanced around hurriedly for signs of Remus, then remembered she was clutching the positive pregnancy test and looked back at the positive result, then saw the Marauder’s Map was splayed across the desk, still open.
She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She stuffed the test in her pocket then headed towards his desk. She’d be able to find where Remus was on the map, then would go back to sleep.
It took a while for her eyes to scan the entire Castle for his name, to no avail. Where the hell was he? Surely he was not outside… It then dawned on her that tonight was the full moon.
She looked over to the Shrieking Shack and nothing could have prepared her to see what she saw. Not one, but six dots. One was Remus, but he was accompanied by Harry, Ron and Hermione, as well as…
Y/N felt her heart freeze. Sirius Black? And… Peter… Pettigrew?
None of this felt possible. It couldn’t be. Grabbing her wand, she rushed out the office.
With this new information, the full moon had completely been replaced in her mind. Unfortunately, the only one who did seem to still remember was a certain Potions professor, on his way up to their office right now, where the map laid wide open.
"Not at all up to your usual standard, Hermione," Remus said. "Only one out of three, I'm afraid. I have not been helping Sirius get into the castle and I certainly don't want Harry dead.”  An odd shiver passed over his face. "But I won't deny that I am a werewolf." 
Ron made a valiant effort to get up again but fell back with a whimper of pain. Lupin made toward him, looking concerned, but Ron gasped, "Get away from me, werewolf!" 
Lupin stopped dead. Then, with an obvious effort, he turned to Hermione and said, "How long have you known?" 
"Ages," Hermione whispered. "Since I did Professor Snape's essay..." 
"He'll be delighted," said Lupin coolly. "He assigned that essay hoping someone would realize what my symptoms meant.... Did you check the lunar chart and realize that I was always ill at the full moon? Or did you realize that the boggart changed into the moon when it saw me?" 
"Both," Hermione said quietly. 
Lupin forced a laugh. 
"You're the cleverest witch of your age I've ever met, Hermione." 
"I'm not," Hermione whispered. "If I'd been a bit cleverer, I'd have told everyone what you are!" 
"But they already know," said Lupin. "At least, the staff do." 
“The staff? Does Professor Y/L/N know?” Ron gasped.
Sirius let out a howl of genuine laughter. “Professor Y/L/N!” He cackled. 
Remus scratched the back of his head, suddenly slightly bashful. “Professor Y/L/N and I… have been married for over 10 years.”
Harry, Ron and Hermione’s jaws dropped.
Silence fell over the room once again, as Remus stood there not knowing what to say next and Sirius standing by his side with his arms crossed, a slight smirk on his face.
“Well, we knew that!” Hermione exclaimed, finally. “That was more obvious than the werewolf thing! The whole school talks about it—“
She was interrupted as a new set of footsteps echoed from the staircase. The kids froze as Remus and Sirius turned to face the door, wands at the ready.
In burst Y/N, as if right on cue in a play. She was flushed and was panting, it appeared she had ran the whole way there. 
“Remus!” She cried out upon seeing him. “YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO—“ She took a step forward until she spotted his company, and slowly took the step back. “What…” She murmured shakily, “is happening here?”
“Professor Y/L/N.” Hermione gasped softly.
Her eyes hovered over Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were in shock to see their Charms Professor, before landing upon Sirius. Something unrecognizable flashed across her gaze. She couldn’t believe what, or whom, she was seeing. She had thought the map made a mistake.
Y/N didn’t hear her. “Siri…?” she whispered, fixated on the man in front of her.
That’s when Harry lost it.
Y/N jumped from the sudden outburst and Remus came by her side to put a soothing hand on her shoulder. “Remus, you better explain and you better explain quick.” She said tensely.
“We have not been helping Sirius," said Lupin. "If you'll give me a chance, I'll explain. Look —" 
He separated Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's wands and threw each back to its owner; Harry caught his, stunned. 
“There”, said Lupin, sticking his own wand back into his belt. "You're armed, we're not. Now will you listen?" 
"If you haven't been helping him," Harry said, with a furious glance at Black, "how did you know he was here?" 
"The map," said Lupin. "The Marauder's Map. I was in my office examining it —“
"You know how to work it?" Harry said suspiciously. 
"Of course I know how to work it," said Lupin, waving his hand impatiently. "I helped write it. I'm Moony — that was my friends' nickname for me at school." 
"You wrote —?" 
Y/N caught Harry’s eye and gave him a confirming nod.
"The important thing is, I was watching it carefully this evening, because I had an idea that you, Ron, and Hermione might try and sneak out of the castle to visit Hagrid before his hippogriff was executed. And I was right, wasn't I?” 
He had started to pace up and down, looking at them. Little patches of dust rose at his feet. 
"You might have been wearing your father's old cloak, Harry--" 
"How d'you know about the cloak?" 
"The number of times I saw James disappearing under it...," said Lupin, waving an impatient hand again. "The point is, even if you're wearing an Invisibility Cloak, you still show up on the Marauder's Map. I watched you cross the grounds and enter Hagrid's hut. Twenty minutes later, you left Hagrid, and set off back toward the castle. But you were now accompanied by somebody else." 
"What?" said Harry. "No, we weren't!" 
I couldn't believe my eyes," said Lupin, still pacing, and ignoring Harry's interruption. "I thought the map must be malfunctioning. How could he be with you?" 
"No one was with us!" said Harry. 
"And then I saw another dot, moving fast toward you, labeled Sirius Black.... I saw him collide with you; I watched as he pulled two of you into the Whomping Willow —"
"One of us!" Ron said angrily. 
"No, Ron," said Lupin. "Two of you.”
He had stopped his pacing, his eyes moving over Ron.
"Do you think I could have a look at the rat?" he said evenly.
"What?" said Ron. "What's Scabbers got to do with it?" 
"Everything," said Lupin. "Could I see him, please?" 
Ron hesitated, then put a hand inside his robes. Scabbers emerged, thrashing desperately; Ron had to seize his long bald tail to stop him escaping. Crookshanks stood up on Black's leg and made a soft hissing noise. 
Lupin moved closer to Ron. He seemed to be holding his breath as he gazed intently at Scabbers. 
"What?" Ron said again, holding Scabbers close to him, looking scared. 
"What's my rat got to do with anything?" 
"That's not a rat," croaked Sirius Black suddenly.
"What d'you mean — of course he's a rat —"
"No, he's not," said Lupin quietly. "He's a wizard.”
"An Animagus," said Black, "by the name of Peter Pettigrew." 
"You're both mental.”
"Ridiculous!" said Hermione faintly. 
"Peter Pettigrew's dead!" said Harry. "He killed him twelve years ago!" He pointed at Black, whose face twitched convulsively. 
"I meant to," he growled, his yellow teeth bared, "but little Peter got the better of me... not this time, though!" 
And Crookshanks was thrown to the floor as Black lunged at Scabbers; Ron yelled with pain as Black's weight fell on his broken leg. 
"Sirius, NO!" Lupin yelled, launching himself forwards and dragging Black away from Ron again, "WAIT! You can't do it just like that -- they need to understand -- we've got to explain --" 
"We can explain afterwards!" snarled Black, trying to throw Lupin off. 
Y/N joined and stepped in front of Sirius. “Sirius, please!” She put both hands on his shoulders, causing him to flinch. Her voice was shaking. “They deserve to know the full picture.”
Black stopped struggling, though his hollowed eyes were still fixed on Scabbers, who was clamped tightly under Ron's bitten, scratched, ad bleeding hands. “Fine. But make it quick. I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for.”
"You're nutters, all three of you," said Ron shakily, looking round at Harry and Hermione for support. "I've had enough of this. I'm off." 
“Ron.” Y/N said sternly. “Sit down. I’m not joking, you’re going to listen.”
Hermione spoke, in a trembling, would-be calm sort of voice, as though trying to will Professor Lupin to talk sensibly. 
"But Professor Lupin... Scabbers can't be Pettigrew... it just can't be true, you know it can't..." 
"Why can't it be true?" Lupin said calmly, as though they were in class, and Hermione had simply spotted a problem in an experiment with grindylows. 
"Because... because people would know if Peter Pettigrew had been an Animagus. We did Animagi in class with Professor McGonagall. And I looked them up when I did my homework -- the Ministry of Magic keeps tabs on witches and wizards who can become animals; there's a register showing what animal they become, and their markings and things... and I went and looked Professor McGonagall up on the register, and there have been only seven Animagi this century, and Pettigrew's name wasn't on the list." 
Lupin and Y/N laughed.
"Light again, Hermione!" he said. "But the Ministry never knew that here used to be three unregistered Animagi running around Hogwarts." 
Y/N cleared her throat.
“Sorry, four Animagi. Although we didn’t really know back then about you, my love.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Still, wanted to make sure you got the number right.”
Hermione’s eyes grew wider if it was even possible. “Professor Y/L/N, you’re an Animagus too?!”
Y/N nodded and gestured to Remus to proceed.
"All right... but you'll need to help me, Sirius," said Lupin, I only know how it began..." 
Lupin broke off. There had been a loud creak behind him. The bedroom door had opened of its own accord. All five of them stared at it. Then Lupin strode toward it and looked out into the landing. 
"No one there…"
"This place is haunted!" said Ron. 
"It's not," said Lupin, still looking at the door in a puzzled way. "The Shrieking Shack was never haunted.... The screams and howls the villagers used to hear were made by me." 
He pushed his graying hair out of his eyes, thought for a moment then said, "That's where all of this starts -- with my becoming a werewolf, None of this could have happened if I hadn't been bitter... and if I hadn't been so foolhardy..." 
He looked sober and tired. Ron started to interrupt, but Hermione, said, "Shh!" She was watching Lupin very intently. 
"I as a very small boy when I received the bite. My parents tried everything, but in those days there was no cure. The potion that Professor Snape has been making for me is a very recent discovery. It makes me safe, you see. As long as I take it in the week, preceding the full moon, I keep my mind when I transform.... I'm able to curl up in my office, a harmless wolf, and wait for the moon to wane again. Before the Wolfsbane Potion was discovered, however, I became a fully fledged monster once a month. It seemed impossible that I would be able to come to Hogwarts. Other parents weren't likely to want their children exposed to me. “
Hermione noticed a hint of sadness as she watched Y/N listen to her husband’s story.
"But then Dumbledore became Headmaster, and he was sympathetic. He said that as long as we took certain precautions, there was no reason I shouldn't come to school...." Lupin sighed, and looked directly at Harry. "I told you, months ago, that the Whomping Willow was planted the year I came to Hogwarts. The truth is that it was planted because I came 
to Hogwarts. This house" -- Lupin looked miserably around the room, -- "the tunnel that leads to it -- they were built for my use. Once a month, I was smuggled out of the castle, into this place, to transform. The tree was placed at the tunnel mouth to stop anyone coming across me while I was dangerous." 
"My transformations in those days were -- were terrible. It is very painful to turn into a werewolf. I was separated from humans to bite, so I bit and scratched myself instead. The villagers heard the noise and the screaming and thought they were hearing particularly violent spirits. Dumbledore encouraged the rumor.... Even now, when the house has been silent for years, the villagers don't dare approach it...." 
"But apart from my transformations, I was happier than I had ever been in my life. For the first time ever, I had friends, three great friends. Sirius Black... Peter Pettigrew... and, of course, your father, Harry -- James Potter." 
Y/N sniffed.
"Now, my three friends could hardly fail to notice that I disappeared once a month. I made up all sorts of stories. I told them my mother was ill, and that I had to go home to see her... I was terrified they would desert me the moment they found out what I was. But of course, they, like you, Hermione, worked out the truth...." 
"And they didn't desert me at all. Instead, they did something for me that would make my transformations not only bearable, but the best times 
of my life. They became Animagi." 
"My dad too?" said Harry, astounded. 
"Yes, indeed," said Lupin. "It took them the best part of three years to work out how to do it. Your father and Sirius here were the cleverest students in the school, and lucky they were, because the Animagus transformation can go horribly wrong -- one reason the Ministry keeps a close watch on those attempting to do it. Peter needed all the help he could get from James and Sirius. Finally, in our fifth year, they managed it. They could each turn into a different animal at will." 
"But how did that help you?" said Hermione, sounding puzzled. 
"They couldn't keep me company as humans, so they kept me company as animals," said Lupin. "A werewolf is only a danger to people. They sneaked out of the castle every month under James's Invisibility Cloak. They transformed... Peter, as the smallest, could slip beneath the 
Willow's attacking branches and touch the knot that freezes it. They would then slip down the tunnel and join me. Under their influence, I became less dangerous. My body was still wolfish, but my mind seemed to become less so while I was with them." 
"Hurry up, Remus," snarled Black, who was still watching Scabbers with a horrible sort of hunger on his face. 
Y/N bit her lip as she dared to watch her old friend. She wanted to go touch him, comfort him, after so long… but she remained frozen on the spot as Remus continued.
"I'm getting there, Sirius, I'm getting there... well, highly exciting possibilities were open to us now that we could all transform. Soon we were leaving the Shrieking Shack and roaming the school grounds and the village by night. Sirius and James transformed into such large animals, they were able to keep a werewolf in check. I doubt whether any Hogwarts students ever found out more about the Hogwarts grounds and Hogsmeade than we did.... And that's how we came to write the Marauder's Map, and sign it with our nicknames. Sirius is Padfoot. Peter is Wormtail. James was Prongs." 
"What sort of animal --?" Harry began, but Hermione cut him off. 
"That was still really dangerous! Running around in the dark with a werewolf! What if you'd given the others the slip, and bitten somebody?" 
"A thought that still haunts me," said Lupin heavily. "And there were near misses, many of them. We laughed about them afterwards. We were young, thoughtless -- carried away with our own cleverness." 
I sometimes felt guilty about betraying Dumbledore's trust, of course... he had admitted me to Hogwarts when no other headmaster would have done so, and he had no idea I was breaking the rules he had set down for my own and others' safety. He never knew I had led three fellow students into becoming Animagi illegally. But I always managed to forget my guilty feelings every time we sat down to plan our next month's adventure. And I haven't changed..." 
Lupin's face had hardened, and there was self-disgust in his voice. "All this year, I have been battling with myself, wondering whether I should tell Dumbledore that Sirius was an Animagus. But I didn't do it. Why? Because I was too cowardly. It would have meant admitting that I'd betrayed his trust while I was at school, admitting that I'd led others along with me... and Dumbledore's trust has meant everything to me. He let me into Hogwarts as a boy, and he gave me a job when I have been shunned all my adult life, unable to find paid work because of what I am. And so I convinced myself that Sirius was getting into the school using dark arts he learned from Voldemort, that being an Animagus had nothing to do with it... so, in a way, Snape's been right about me all along." 
“Don’t put it all on yourself,” Y/N said grimly. “The blame’s to share. We both decided to not go to Dumbledore.”
"Snape?" said Black harshly, taking his eyes off Scabbers; for the first time in minutes and looking up at Lupin. "What's Snape got to do with it?" 
"He's here, Sirius," said Lupin heavily. "He's teaching here as well." He looked up at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 
"Professor Snape was at school with us. He fought very hard against my appointment to the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. He has been telling Dumbledore A year that I am not to be trusted. He has his reasons... you see, Sirius here played a trick on him which nearly 
killed him, a trick which involved me —" Black made a derisive noise. Y/N shushed him.
“Oh, Y/N, don’t go defending him now—“ Sirius chuckled.
“I’m not! I’m just— Rem, continue the story.” She said, crossing her arms defensively.
The two exchanged looks between each other, a bit of playfulness coming from Sirius’ end whereas Y/N still looked conflicted about being in his presence.
"Severus was very interested in where I went every month." Lupin told Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "We were in the same year, you know, and we -- er -- didn't like each other very much. He especially disliked James. Jealous, I think, of James's talent on the Quidditch field... anyway Snape had seen me crossing the grounds with Madam Pomfrey one evening as she led me toward the Whomping Willow to transform. Sirius thought it would be -- er -- amusing, to tell Snape all he had to do was prod the knot on the tree trunk with a long stick, and he'd be able to get in after me. Well, of course, Snape tried it -- if he'd got as far as this house, he'd have met a fully grown werewolf -- but your father, who'd heard what Sirius had done, went after Snape and pulled him back, at great risk to his life... Snape glimpsed me, though, at the end of the tunnel. He was forbidden by Dumbledore to tell anybody, but from that time on he knew what I was...." 
"So that's why Snape doesn't like you," said Harry slowly, "because he thought you were in on the joke?" 
"That's right," sneered a cold voice from the wall behind Lupin. 
Severus Snape was pulling off the Invisibility Cloak, his wand pointing, directly at Lupin. 
Hermione screamed. Black leapt to his feet. Harry felt as though he'd received a huge electric shock. 
Y/N gasped and clutched her stomach. Black slowly grabbed her shoulders and placed himself in front of her protectively.
"I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow," said Snape, throwing the cloak aside, careful to keep this wand pointing directly at Lupin's chest. "Very useful, Potter, I thank you...." 
Snape was slightly breathless, but his face was full of suppressed triumph. "I've just been to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your potion tonight, so I took a gobletful along. And very lucky I did... lucky for me, I mean. Lying on your desk was a certain map. One glance at it told me all I needed to know. I saw you running along this passageway and out of sight." 
"Severus --" Lupin began, but Snape overrode him. 
"I've told the headmaster again and again that you're helping your old friend Black into the castle, Lupin, and here's the proof. Not even I dreamed you would have the nerve to use this old place as your hideout — and you too Y/L/N. Here you are helping him out, a real criminal couple you two are…”
"Severus, you're making a mistake," said Lupin urgently. "You haven't heard everything -- I can explain -- Sirius is not here to kill Harry --" 
"Three more for Azkaban tonight," said Snape, his eyes now gleaming fanatically. “Though I do feel bad for you, Y/L/N, you never should have gotten involved… in the first place…I shall be interested to see how Dumbledore takes this.... He was quite convinced you were harmless, you know, Lupin... a tame werewolf —" 
“Don’t - you - fucking - dare—“ Y/N said through gritted teeth, wanting to lunge forward to strike Snape, but Sirius and Remus caught her arms, holding her back.
“How sweet.” Snape said sardonically.
"You fool," said Lupin softly. "Is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban?" 
BANG! Thin, snakelike cords burst from the end of Snape's wand and twisted themselves around Lupin's mouth, wrists, and ankles; he overbalanced and fell to the floor, unable to move. Y/N screamed, throwing herself down to check on him. With a roar of rage, Black started toward Snape, but Snape pointed his wand straight between Black's eyes. 
"Give me a reason," he whispered. "Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will." 
Black stopped dead. It would have been impossible to say which face showed more hatred. 
Harry stood there, paralyzed, not knowing what to do or whom to believe. He glanced around at Ron and Hermione. Ron looked just as confused as he did, still fighting to keep hold on the struggling Scabbers. Hermione, however, took an uncertain step toward Snape and said, in a very breathless voice, "Professor Snape -- it it wouldn't hurt to hear what they've got to say, w -- would it?" 
"Miss Granger, you are already facing suspension from this school," Snape spat. "You, Potter, and Weasley are out-of-bounds, in the company of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue." 
Y/N whipped her head around, hearing the way Snape was beginning to speak to Hermione.
"But if -- if there was a mistake --" 
"KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape shouted, looking suddenly quite deranged. "DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" A few sparks shot out of the end of his wand, which was still pointed at Black's face. Hermione fell silent. 
“ENOUGH!” Y/N jumped up, pulling her wand out and pointing it straight at Snape. “Hermione, get back.”
“Step aside, Y/L/N. You don’t know what you’re doing.” He grunted.
“I said, get back, all three of you.” Y/N snapped, Harry and Hermione hurrying and backing up to where Ron laid.
“Severus, I’m serious, you need to hear them out.” Y/N said. Her voice was steely. She moved out from behind Sirius and inched her way closer to Snape, softly but steadily like a cat.
Snape ignored her. Remus struggled against his binds, his eyes not leaving Y/N. But deep down, he knew he didn’t have to worry. He had seen her fight during the first Wizarding War, and he knew how much more powerful of a witch she had grown into. Snape unfortunately, did not, as he returned his attention to Sirius.
"Vengeance is very sweet," Snape breathed at Black. "How I hoped I would be the one to catch you...." 
"The joke's on you again, Severus," Black snarled. "As long as this boy brings his rat up to the castle" -- he jerked his head at Ron -- "I'll come quietly...." 
"Up to the castle?" said Snape silkily. "I don't think we need to go that far. All I have to do is call the dementors once we get out of the Willow. They'll be very pleased to see you, Black... pleased enough to give you a little kiss, I daresay... I --" 
What little color there was in Blacks face left it. 
"You -you've got to hear me out," he croaked. "The rat -- look at the rat --" 
But there was a mad glint in Snape's eyes that had never been seen before. He seemed beyond reason. 
"Come on, all of you," he said. He clicked his fingers, and the ends of the cords that bound Lupin flew to his hands. "I'll drag the werewolf. Perhaps the dementors will have a kiss for him too —" 
“Severus.” Y/N warned, wand still at the ready.
Before he knew what he was doing, Harry had crossed the room in three strides and blocked the door. 
“Harry!” Y/N cried.
"Get out of the way, Potter, you're in enough trouble already," snarled Snape. "If I hadn't been here to save your skin --" 
"Professor Lupin could have killed me about a hundred times this year," Harry said. "I've been alone with him loads of times, having defense lessons against the dementors. If he was helping Black, why didn't he just finish me off then?" 
"Don't ask me to fathom the way a werewolf's mind works," hissed Snape. 
"Get out of the way, Potter." 
"SILENCE! I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!" Snape shrieked, looking madder than ever. "Like father, like son, Potter! I have just saved your neck; you should be thanking me on bended knee! You would have been well served if he'd killed you! You'd have died like your father, too 
arrogant to believe you might be mistaken in Black -- now get out of the way, or I will make you. GET OUT OF THE WAY, POTTER!" 
“Okay, I said ENOUGH!” Y/N raised her voice. 
With a wave of her wand, the floor tiles under Harry’s feet rolled upwards in a wave, and sent Harry tumbling back to the back of the room where Ron and Hermione were.
“Snape, I told you to listen,” She said, advancing on him with her wand. “I told you, I don’t want to have to do this. But you have clearly lost your mind.”
Snape turned to face her. His dark eyes darkened even more. “And I told you, to get out of my way.a What are you possibly saying, Professor Y/L/N, you really think I’m going to duel you?”
Y/N cocked her head to the side. “Why, you scared you gonna lose?” She said in a volume just above a whisper.
Snape jerked his wand and a spell flew at her, she whipped her own wand and deflected it. It bounced to the wall and knocked an old painting down.
With her empty hand, Y/N reached out to the trio and conjured a sort of bubble around Ron, Harry and Hermione. It was a protection spell.
Remus screamed in muffled yells as his mouth was gagged, and Sirius tried to free him but to no avail, there was no untying magical ties without a wand.
Y/N’s chest was heaving as she felt her heartbeat quicken.
A rapidfire of spells followed, bouncing between the two like fireworks. Y/N waved her wand, deflecting those Snape sent at her, conjuring out some of her own in the milliseconds in between. 
Snakes shot out of Snape’s wand, flying toward Y/N. She waved her wand and they turned into pink satin ribbons, falling through the air. She flicked her wand one, two, three different motions and jets of orange, red and purple shot toward him. He deflected two of them and managed to physically dodge the third. Snape rose his hands and a ring of fire encircled Y/N.
Remus let out another muffled yell, struggling terribly against his restraints.
“Don’t-“ Y/N muttered through gritted teeth as she began to make effortful circles with both her wand and her non-dominant hand. The others watched in terror. “Piss - me - OFF—“
The molecules of water vapor surrounding her had liquefied and splashed down onto the floor to put out the flames. “The shack’s made out of fucking wood, Snape, you want us all to DIE?”
She raised her wand high above her head, the water getting picked off the floor and she pushed the wave into him. It slammed his body into the wall behind him and with another wave of her wand, the water froze; trapping him there, suspended. 
Remus watched from the ground in awe. He had forgotten how powerful Y/N had become and it was magnificent to witness.
Snape’s head had knocked back and it drooped down, hanging from his neck. He had been knocked unconscious.
Sirius found Remus’ wand and untied him.
Y/N took a deep breath and lowered her wand. She waved her hand, and the protective barrier in front of the trio disappeared. Remus jumped to his feet and rushed to her, capturing her in a soulful hug.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He said, taking her face in his two hands, searching and scanning for signs of distress.
“I’m good, I swear.” She said, steadying her breath.
After what seemed like forever, finally Remus let her go. They immediately turned back around to heightened squeaking noises, coming from a very distressed Scabbers, still stuck in Ron’s tight clutch.
“Professor Y/L/N…” Hermione began. 
“That was amazing.” Ron breathed.
“How you used the Freezing charm to- to- Oh God, Professor Snape.” Hermione gasped once she saw what state he was in.
“This still doesn’t mean I believe you.” Harry said firmly.
Y/N, Remus and Sirius exchanged a look.
“Then it’s time we gave you proof.” Remus said, advancing.
“Ron, give us the rat.”
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highvern · 10 months
omg hey saw that your reqs are open hehe if ure free or if ure thinking abt taking a break from your wips would u consider writing something abt jeonghan x monster!reader from the recent one you wrote :0 of course you don't have to write a whole fic abt it but i'd like to know how they ended up together! i'm so curious ... and also i think i'm just a little insane abt that fic . well. hehe.
I too am a little insane over that fic tbh it was so fun to write!
So basically when monster!reader left the lake she essentially becomes human. Naiads/sirens aren't really known for their complex emotions in mythology lol so most of what she's experienced sans loneliness has been heavily muted because she was immortal and had been in that lake for who knows how long. did y'all watch aquamarine and how she's kinda childish about emotions? think that
But she knows she's drawn to Jeonghan, she has the insatiable urge to be around him all the time, and that's the reason she left her lake because he couldn't stay there forever but she could join him in his world.
More under the cut! this ended up so much longer than I thought but slay.
Jeonghan would show her everything, and she is wide eyed the entire time because all of this existed and she didn't know about it? It makes her feel a little ashamed for believing humans were nothing more than playthings for so long. But I digress.
He takes her to the bookshop he likes to frequent, discovers she can't read obviously (not that she cares), and promises to teach her if she wants. It's fall so the fruit orchards on the outskirts of the village are full of autumn fruit that he picks for her, watching her intently as she tries them with enthusiasm. Jeonghan even takes her through the woods, walking the secluded trails he knows like the back of his hand as she watches the animals scurry in the underbrush with wonder.
And all of these positive feelings she associates with him. Even on days where she can hear the lake screaming for her to comeback, she remembers all the things she missed that Jeonghan has shared with her. And so she stays.
Winter is horrible in her opinion. Cold and dry, she feels like her skin is going to peel off from the heat of the fire she remains in front of all day, attempting to read the books Jeonghan's collected over the years. In the lake, she'd lay down at the bottom, slumbering as the ice crystalized the surface of her home this time of year. And then, when warmer days came, she'd rise to play again. But her now human body won't let her do that anymore. So she has to suffer the biting air.
It's refreshing.
One night, wind is howling and snow is piling against the glass of the windows and she just can't keep herself warm enough under the layers of wool to find rest. So she does what she always does when she runs into a problem in this strange new world. She goes to Jeonghan.
He's shocked to see her in nothing but her nightgown at the foot of his bed, half of her face illuminated in candle light. Jeonghan's seen her in far more compromising states of dress but she always looks so beautiful it makes it hard to breath. And when she complains of the cold, he offers to let her share his bed. Respectfully.
She isn't sure how that'll help but she agrees since Jeonghan hasn't led her astray yet, diving under his blankets to be shocked by the pleasant toastiness underneath. She sighs as her shivering body slowly heats up, eyes slipping shut drowsily as Jeonghan lays a few inches away, watching her.
They wake up the next morning, tangled in one another's arms. Her cheek against his chest, legs wrapped around his to soak in the early morning. After that, she comes to his bed every night under the guise of staying warm.
And then spring comes around and she practically burst from her excitement. She'll get to see the flowers and all the new life emerge as the world wakes up. The town has acclimated to her presence now, unaware of who or what she was before this life, but hypnotized by her sweet smiles and childish laughter all the same. Each morning she practically runs to the town square to look for the garland Jeonghan mentioned, pouting when it's nowhere to be seen as she goes about her errands.
"It's still too cold." Jeonghan explains, snickering at her scowl when she accuses him of lying.
So she waits. And she waits. And she never knew time could feel like this, slow in a painful way. Time had been her friend before but now she resents him.
Then one morning, Jeonghan is acting odd. Not the odd paleness he has when he falls ill or the strange quietness when he argues with his father. But a new sort of oddness she has yet to witness. He keeps glancing at a cabinet in the kitchen over her head as they eat breakfast. When she turns to look herself, his face stretches and his eyes round; like the fish in her lake.
He isn't working in the mill today so they're meant to go explore now that the ground is soft and the sun is closer. Even the wind has turned his sharp claws into gentle hands this morning.
Just as they're about to step outside to leave, Jeonghan pulls her back by her wrist.
"I got you a gift" He whispers.
Her head tips to the side, "A gift?"
Instead of answering, he crosses back to the cabinet. There's a strange rope coiled on one of the shelves, pink and red and white. And when he aproaches her with it, spreading the length from arm to arm to display it properly, she realizes he wasn't lying about the flowers.
"It's beautiful!" She exhales, enamored by the tight twine of blossoming buds. Even in her new form, she loves beautiful things.
She gentle caresses the velvety petals, completely hypnotized.
"I made it for you." He glows in that way that he does so often under her gaze. The way most people do under her approving stare but she thinks his red cheeks are the prettiest.
Together, they hang the garland over the front door. It's meant to welcome a prosperous spring and good luck for the year. Jeonghan doesn't mention it's also a tradition for newly betrothed couples to signify their devotion to one another.
Passing through the town, she examines each new decoration eagerly, Jeonghan smiling behind her as he watches.
"Look at this one!" she squeals, a braid of three lines, crisscrossing yellow, white, and lilac.
She's ecstatic the world isn't gray anymore, bursts of color dripping from every surface possible. Even the sky has returned to a cheery blue, dimpled with gossamer clouds sporadically.
And in her excitement, she does what she's seen the humans do when they celebrate. When taverns are rowdy with drunk patrons, or when a couple gets married in the small chapel at the center of town. When the women welcome their husbands back from long journeys.
She throws her arms around Jeonghan's neck and kisses him.
After he swallows the initial shock, he kisses her back.
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miss-celestial-being · 11 months
Kiss Me
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request | masterlist
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: steve harrington x fem/gn!reader
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: you and steve make an arrangement
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: fake dating, unedited, bad writing (as always), good luck trying to make sense of any of it :)
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3.3k words (the majority of this is probably the word book ngl)
𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: i have no idea what the timeline is so dont ask. hope this is an acceptable comeback (also if youre confused abt the tags, everything i write is plus size reader bc i myself and plus sized but its never explicitly stated)
Book in hand, you walk through the halls, bundled in a sweater to fight the autumn chill. Aiming for your cream-colored locker, you can see the stickers littering the metal as someone bumps into you from behind, forcing the book from your hands and making you lose your page. You swear as you begin to bend down to pick it up, bumping your head against the person in front of you. You both pull back, lifting a hand to touch the aching spot on your forehead.
"Shit, sorry." A masculine voice draws your gaze upward and you lock eyes. You see your book in his hand, held out between the two of you. You take it back slowly, frowning as you see a smudge on the pages and a dent in the corner. You look up in time to see his eyes widen, looking at something behind you, before he grabs your face in both his hands and presses his lips to yours.
You stand completely frozen and only dare to breathe once he pulls away completely, his hands still planted on your cheeks. "I'm really sorry," he whispers, his breath mingling in the air between you. You notice now that he smells like he just came from the cafeteria; He had pizza for lunch, you note. You finally will your body to move and you turn your head in time to see a girl staring at the two of you, her eyes focusing on a spot on the wall as soon as you catch her. You turn back to the boy in front of you and nod in understanding. "It's fine," You say. He lets out a seemingly relieved breath, the corners of his lips twitching up into a half-smile.
You notice it falter slightly, his eyes once again behind you, and you rise on your toes to kiss him again. You grab his neck with your free hand and your eyes catch before the space closes and you let yours shut tightly. His hands snake around your waist as your mouths mold together, and when he pulls away, you're both breathless. He looks behind you once more, to find that the girl is gone, and his eyes are back on you.
"Thank you. Really, thank you," he starts, "I broke up with her like over a month ago and she's been obsessed with me. Keeps trying to get back together." He looks down at you, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I, uh, I didn't catch your name." You let out a sudden snort and your face heats as you cover your mouth with your sleeve-covered hand. You tell him your name, doing your best to keep your voice even. "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Steve," He laughs softly as he speaks. A moment passes, your eyes not leaving his. "Hey, uhm, this might sound weird--I mean I don't even know you--so feel free to say no, but would you mind," He coughs, clearing his throat, "would you mind, maybe, pretending to be my girlfriend?"
You're face falls, eyes wide and lips opening and closing like a fish as you try to think of a way to respond. "Just for a little--a few weeks maybe. I just- I think this might be the longest I've gotten a moment of peace from you know who." You open your mouth again to reply and he interrupts again, "You know what, that was dumb, I'm sorry. Have a nice day." He turns to walk away and you grab his wrist before you lose the nerve.
"Okay," You say simply. "Okay?" "Okay. I'll do it." He looks as though he'll fall to his knees with gratitude as he thanks you repeatedly. You pull him to your locker, unlocking it quickly before you place your book inside and take out a piece of paper and a pen. You scribble something onto it quickly and hand it to him. "My phone number," you start, "I don't have my own line, so don't be alarmed if a grouchy old man picks up the phone; that's my dad." He takes it and nods, placing it in his letterman jacket's pocket. "We should probably talk about how this is gonna work, so call me. My dad usually blacks out by eight so the phone should be free then." You lean up to kiss his cheek, trying not to make it obvious how nervous you really are, how fast your heart's beating.
Before he can respond, you pick your book back up--being sure to get the textbook for Mr. Jones's class--and close your locker, rushing to class. You can feel his gaze on you as you walk away and the heat in your cheeks only grows.
When you finally make it through the door, the bell rings loudly. You collapse into your seat all the way in the back, next to your best friend. "Who got you all flustered like that?" He teases and you open your book--on a random page, thanks to Steve--in front of your face to hide. "Oh c'mon, hon," He says mockingly as he lowers your book to see your eyes. "Mister Munson, please stop pestering your peers," Mr. Jones says as he walks through the doors. The ever-dramatic math teacher loves to make an entrance. "Yeah, yeah, Jonesy," Eddie rolls his eyes animatedly, and Mr. Jones puts a tally mark under 'Eddie Antics', the count now at thirty-seven. "Keep this up, Mister Munson, and you'll catch up to last year's record." "One can only dream."
Mr. Jones starts the lesson of the day and Eddie turns to you, his voice hushed, "Who was it?" You shake your head, eyes trained on the board. "Oh come on." He says, his voice a bit too loud as Mr. Jones clears his throat. Eddie apologizes quietly, his eyes not leaving your embarrassed frame. "Was it a guy? A girl?" You huff. "Really? A girl?" His eyes widen, a Cheshire-like grin overtaking his face. You give him a bored look and his face falls, "So a guy?" When you fall further into your seat he rolls his eyes. "Who was it, then? What guy thinks he's worthy of my girl?" "Your girl?" You ask with a raised eyebrow. "Yes. You're mine; I've claimed you. I'm like a cat."
You sigh exasperatedly at his antics and Mr. Jones pauses mid-sentence to add a tally mark at the sound. "What?! Really, Jonesy?" Eddie asks, pouting like a toddler who just got told no. Mr. Jones responds by continuing his lesson from where he left off and Eddie groans, leaning back in his chair until it's balanced on two legs.
You laugh quietly and look at Eddie, who has now decided that puppy-dog eyes would get you to spill--he was right. "Fine," You huff, realizing he was probably gonna hear about the kiss eventually anyway, "It was Steve." His eyes widen like saucers and the chair leans back too far, making him fall to the ground with it. Mr. Jones sighs again, adding yet another tally mark to the board; There are now thirty-nine.
"Steve?!" Eddie whisper-shouts once he gets settled again. You ignore him, writing down the equations from the board and he groans again, "Fine, ignore me all you want. I'll get answers out of you sooner or later."
You sigh as you pick up beer cans off the floor, keeping your steps light to not wake up the man currently passed out on the couch. You take the half-empty can from his hand and pour it out in the sink a few feet away. There really isn't enough space in these trailers. You watch the wasted money go down the drain and rub your tired eyes with your free hand. The only thing you want to do right now is lay down with a good book and read till the sun comes up, saying 'one more chapter' every time you finish one.
You don't have a chance to pick up your book as the phone's shrill ringing shakes the trailer. Your dad says something that sounds almost like a threat to the phone's life as you go to pick it up, extending the cord as far as it'll go so you can take the call in your room, the door shut. "Hello?" "Hey," the voice on the other side of the line says and you look at the clock next to your bed at the familiar sound. "Shit, I didn't realize it was already eight." "Is this a bad time? I can call back later, or you can call me when you're free?" You smile at his rambling. "No, no. We can talk now. I've just gotta keep it down so I don't wake up my dad. He's not fun to deal with when he's drunk, even less when you wake him up." "Yeah, I understand how that feels. Thankfully my parents are out of town." He mumbles something else you can't quite hear, but you aren't sure you're supposed to so you ignore it.
"Where do you live, I can drive you to school tomorrow." "No!" You wince at the loudness of your own voice, praying to whoever would listen that you didn't wake up your dad. It's not that you're ashamed of where you live, it's just that you don't want him making him feel like you're worth any less because you're not from some snooty rich area; you've heard about King Steve, what he's like. "Uhm, okay, I don't have to drive you. I just thought it'd make this ruse a bit more believable, y'know?"
"No, you're right, I'm sorry. I just... my dad might not be too pleased with a stranger pulling up to his house," You pause to think of the right words, "How about we meet at the library tomorrow morning?" "Sure thing, It'll give us time to practice our stories on the drive to school." "Stories?" You ask with a confused frown. "Yeah, like 'how we met', 'where our first date was', 'who fell first', that kinda stuff." "Are you expecting to get interrogated?" You hear him chuckle and you sigh, "We met at the fair, our first date was at the movies, and I fell first." There's silence on the other end like he's writing it down.
"Why didn't I fall first?" "You've seen me, right?" You joke, but you can hear his frown as he responds, "Yeah, and? You're gorgeous, I'd fall first any day." You feel a smile form on your face as you laugh out a response, "Thanks, but I think you can only fall first once." "My lack of grammar skills doesn't make what I said any less true." You're cheeks grow warm and you look down at your feet, "Thank you." "Of course. So, we met at the fair, our first date was--what if our first date was at the bookstore? You like books right?" "Oh, sure that works, I just thought you'd prefer the movies or something." "Cool, and then I fell first. Sound good?" "Yeah, sounds great." "Perfect, what time should we meet at the library?" You hum as you think, looking at the clock, then at your dad through the cracked door, "Does seven work? Or seven-thirty?" Based on the silence, you can tell he nodded to your question because a second later, he says, "Yeah, yup, seven works for me." "Great, well, goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow." "Oh, uh, okay. Yeah, goodnight." You frown at the sadness in his voice but before you can say anything the line cuts out.
You open your door to find your dad standing in front of the now-broken wall phone. You look down at the mess on the floor with a blank stare, drop the phone in your hand on top of the mess, and turn away to your room. "I'll pick up a new one tomorrow after school." You say as though it's second nature--it might as well be. He drunkenly mumbles something about not talking back before he collapses onto the couch. You close your door and open the window, picking up your book from your nightstand before you make your escape and hurry to Eddie's trailer next door. He opens the door before you can knock and you sit on the couch, opening your book to the page you left off at.
"So," Eddie starts, "Steve, huh?" You hum, nodding. "How'd that happen?" "We met at the fair." You hear Eddie shut the door, turning all three locks before he sits down beside you. "Where'd you go for your first date?" You huff out a laugh. You'd have to tell Steve he was right about the interrogation. "He took me to the bookstore. Now enough with the questions, please." He rolls his eyes, laying his head in your lap, prompting you to play with his hair, "Fine. I just wanna make sure you're happy. I mean, you know how douchey he was last year." "He's actually really sweet now," You say truthfully. Eddie hums, "Okay, I'll believe you." His eyes drift closed as you run your fingers through his hair, closing your book and falling asleep with your head back against the couch cushions.
You startle awake as Wayne walks through the trailer door, his boots are clunky and loud. "Sorry, peach, didn't mean to wake ya," He says and you shake your head, "It's all right, Wayne, I should be getting home anyway." "You sure?" You nod as you lay Eddie's head gently on the couch, "I gotta wake up kinda early tomorrow, but I'll be by to make dinner before you head to work? I was thinking lasagna?" "Sounds great, kiddo. Hey, how's Ed doin' in school?" You shrug, looking at the curly-haired slobbering mess that is your best friend, "Pretty much the same, but he has been getting better at getting to class on time, and I know for a fact he has at least one C+." Wayne lets out a sigh of relief. "That's good t'hear. I'd hate to see him miss out on life 'cause of the school system."
You open the door to leave when Wayne stops you, handing you your book before kissing the top of your head and shoving you out the door. You laugh quietly so as to not wake up the neighbors and head towards your open window.
Once inside, you close the window gently and lock it, closing your dingy blinds before crawling into bed and switching the light on your nightstand off. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, your lungs accustomed to the stench of alcohol and cigarettes. You start to drift off, sleep falling over you like a big dark blanket, relieving you of your duties in the real world and allowing you the comfort of your imagination.
The sound of your alarm makes you jolt awake, even as it's set to the lowest volume. You crack your neck and your knuckles before rolling out of the mess of blankets--a blanket cocoon if you will. You take a two-minute shower to avoid getting yelled at for using the hot water and wrap a towel around your body. You quickly put your hair up and brush your teeth, nearly forgetting to put on some mascara before exiting the bathroom and rushing into your room. Clothes are scattered all around and it takes you a good five minutes to find something clean to wear, even with the minuscule amount of clothes you own.
You toss on the clothes quickly, making a mental note to do laundry later, and you take your keys off the hook and run out the door. You grab your bike, leaning against the rickety railing of the stairs leading up to the trailer, and take off. Your keys jingle around in your pocket, nearly distracting you from the oncoming car.
You make it to the library with minutes to spare and you lock up your bike using the chain sitting in the front basket. You turn just in time to see Steve pulling up and you smile at the happy wave he sends your way. You wave back despite your exhaustion and greet him as he gets out of the car.
He rushes around to the passenger side, holding the door open for you with a dorky grin and you roll your eyes, "You could've just waited in the car for me." "Now what kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn't hold the door open for my fake girlfriend?" "You're a dork," You reply with a straight face and you swear you see a hint of pink dusting his cheeks and ears.
You get settled in the car as he comes back around the driver seat and starts the car. He makes sure your seatbelt is buckled before he puts the car in reverse and backs out of the parking spot. He pulls onto the road and turns on the radio, turning it down as he looks over at you, "How'd you sleep?" You shrug and he frowns, "Are you okay?" You stay silent for a moment, deciding if you want to tell the truth, and you nod, a smile plastered on your face. He nods at your answer and turns back to look at the road, keeping the radio turned down in case you want to talk.
"Hey," you finally speak up and he perks up, "Could you drive me to the general store after school? I need to pick something up." "Yeah, sure." You reach over to turn up the music as your favorite song plays through the speakers. You try your very hardest to not sing along and opt instead for humming along as you sway to the rhythm. Steve smiles at you and begins belting out the lyrics, forcing a laugh to leave your lips. You watch as he messes up the words, still singing his heart out with a wide smile, and you decide to join in. The car stops and suddenly you realize you're at the school. Your face heats at the people looking at you through the window.
Steve turns off the car, and with it, the music. He rushes out of the car, running to the other side, not caring how stupid he looks, before he's at your door, holding it open for you with a hand out for you to take. He pulls you to his chest and whispers in your ear, "Can I kiss you?" You nod subtly and he pulls back slightly to press his lips against yours. Your arms wrap around his neck as his hands hold your hips. You can feel the eyes of your peers, but kissing Steve almost makes that all go away.
You first hear whispers, then giggles, then, as you pull away, opening your eyes, you can see all the people standing and gossiping and pointing and you freeze. Your heart plummets as you think of the possibilities. Was this just a joke? Was Steve in on this? You look up at the boy's face to find him scowling. Only, it's not at you. He flips off the crowd as he pulls you closer to him protectively, grabbing your backpack and your hand, and walking into the school with you in tow.
"I'm sorry," He says once you lose sight of them, "People are assholes." He lets go of your hand and your heart flutters as you realize you wish he didn't. You take the bag from his hand as he backs up slightly. "I've gotta get to class, but I'll come by yours once the bell rings, which class do you have?" You clear your throat before answering, now realizing you were just staring a his lips as he talked, "Uhm, Mrs. O'Donell, room forty-eight." He nods, looking up as though he's repeating it in his head a few times before he looks back down at you and nods. "I'll see you later, then," He says, his eyes catching on something behind you before he pulls you in for a kiss, just a peck, but still just as mindblowing as the others. You reach your hand up to feel your lips as you watch him walk away, and you know you're hooked.
i was gonna write more but i wasnt in the mood so this is all you get. lmk if you want a part two eventually
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(would’ve asked you in private but we’re having a very important convo about your dog and i just can’t take a break from that) gil to me seems like someone who like warmer climates, france seems warm to me tbh and i can also picture im in the south of france most of the time and of my girl dev sets foot in the human world for someone other than business, you’ll literally find her in the most far away place in scotland where it’s cold and rainy and cloudy and i was curious, if my hc about gilbert liking warm climates how would he view spending a holiday with devyn in scotland?
you make me write abt gil and dev in ungodly hours haha
you've never been to heaven, have you? || autumn dates with devyn
characters: gilbert feinze, devyn kang (feat. aurora and karlheinz)
tw: mentions of sex
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-it's safe to say that gilbert is not a fan of colder climates, but it wasn't like he despised it either; but hey at least scotland is not a fvcking scorching summer ground
-so yeah he still followed our darling devyn there bcos boy was so lovesick and he needed answers after their slowburn moment of almost kissing in the one ball
-the night where gilbert was sure something did happen between them
-so when he showed up at her doorsteps, dressed in his high-fashion winter outfit looking like a mafia winter playboy magazine cover of Chanel, devyn almost shut the door in his face, her face red as a tomato as she couldn't believe that he flew all this way to follow her
-and all for that one reason she's trying to avoid
-"I told you not to follow me."
-"I didn't follow you, darling Devyn. I came here after you. If I followed you, then I should've been here the day you arrived."
-devyn swore she wanted to wipe off that shit-eating grin from his face and kick him out so he can bury himself in the snow, but at the same time, she supposes a company from a friend won't hurt
-so yeah she just let him be. besides gil was even helping her out like serving her coffee or arranging some of her paperworks so she can be quickly done. would even feed the dog for her
-even cooks for her bcos devyn is not aware of lunch hours until her stomach started growling out of nowhere
-yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning
-he was even helping her find solutions on some of the problems for karl's projects, so let's say there's a dispute between a mining company and an agriculture organization, he will provide a different angle so devyn can formulate an arrangement
-how nice, she thinks, it's like the same old times
-nah it wasn't the same bcos sometimes she would catch him looking at her like she was the most magnificent piece of abstract art
-so once she was done with her work (mind you, she stayed up all night), she spotted gilbert already cozying up on the couch, wrapped in one of her spare thick blankets bcos he can't fvcking stand too much cold
-devyn approached him, carefully shaking him while saying, "you can sleep on my bed, it's far larger" (yeah bcos man is so tall I swear)
-"Are you inviting me for sex?"
-"W-wha—I AM NOT!"
-"Then don't casually offer that suggestion, or I might not be able to control myself."
-so devyn went back to her room and slept, convincing herself that everything is like how they should be, sleeping and hoping to travel in good dreams
-however, all she could see was darkness and despair, flashes of lighting and a huge wave of flood rushing towards her until she saw her beloved and precious aurora giving up every fiber of being she has, chanting devyn's name like a song
-and then she drowned and was never to be seen again. devyn was overcomed with grief as she tried to rescue her
-but no, she saw karlheinz drowning aurora even further, making sure this will be her last breath so she wouldn't be able to touch devyn again. he was smirking evilly as if to say everything played right under his palm
-and that's when devyn woke up with a start, with gil knocking on her door and asking her if something bad happened
-she quickly jumped out of the bed, opening the door and hugging gil as if to tell herself that someone she loves was still alive and untouched by karl, her tears staining his shirt as she cried on his chest
-when gil finally felt her calming down from her heightened emotions, he took her to bed and made sure she was warm and comfy surrounded by blankets
-"I'll go now, darling Devyn. You need sleep because you still have work— "
-but she won't let go, grabbing him by the wrist as she desperately whispered, "Please don't leave. Stay. Stay with me."
-"I'm not going anywhere. I'll leave Scotland the same day you are."
-No!" she almost cried, her eyes glassy with tear stains on her cheeks. "Not that... just... don't leave me here. I... I need you."
-and she kept repeating to him
-"I need you."
-"I need you."
-"I need you."
-he grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him seriously.
-"Listen, Devyn. I will do anything you want me to do for you, and that's how much I'm willing to go. However, once this happens, there's no turning back. We'll be risking everything, even our lives, just for this. Are you sure this is the way you want to die?"
-she nodded, desperate to be in his arms
-and afterward, everything was a hazy blur of needy kisses, hot whispers, tangled limbs, and devotions of love and passion
-they were in heaven... for now
-because this sinful affair will lead them to hell after
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autisticxmimikyu · 7 months
{Brain just won’t shut up tonight, & nothing I do seems to be helping. I’ve tried gaming, tried looking at comforting things, tried rationalizing things, but oof- I’m just overthinking to the max & there are literal tears in my eyes. Like a sense of doom & I can’t stop thinking abt it & what could go wrong.
This stupid health anxiety, I’ve never had it before & it’s been going on since last spring, & this anxiety-inducing headache (idk if that’s even what it is or if it’s a sinus headache bc it’s more in the bridge of my nose & forehead, but I don’t have any sinus thing going on so idk) that’s been going on since abt early autumn. I can’t stand feeling like this & I was never THIS anxious or overthinking before. Agonizing over every sensation & feeling.
Sure, I’ve made it this far, but I feel like I’m always living in fear of what could go wrong or happen. Like a pot on low heat, just boiling ever so slightly, terrified of the full bubbling boil.
I’m considering bringing up me possibly having OCD at therapy on Tues, but I’ve been researching it heavily lately & I’ve been thinking back & realizing how much OCD describes what I feel & do/have felt & done. I just want this sense of dread to stop, & if I do end up bring it up & do eventually get a diagnosis/help, good. But we’ll see if I can-}
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jtbb · 2 years
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mwagneto · 4 years
i miss being obsessed with rocketman dude never before or since have i ever been obsessed with something so badly i miss having such an insanely strong emotional connection to something i miss it
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ohh-deary-me · 3 years
autumn supremacy
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fa1lenangels · 3 years
literally hate when brown ppl say their favorite season is anything other than summer....like.......you don’t like stuffing yourself full of mangos and lychees and everything heavenly??? what do u like abt winter anyways it doesn’t even snow here......
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mulletfriend · 4 years
mulled wine good
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aro-aizawa · 5 years
england has no fucking right to being 36 degrees i want to fight the SUN
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request | masterlist
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: eddie munson x gn!reader
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: blurb
𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: very sure i made something just like this like last year but im trying to get back into writing so give me a break
not edited bc i wrote this in like five minutes and i abt to go to bed
The autumn air is crisp. A chill bites the cheeks of those who dare step outdoors. The trees are covered in fiery leaves, each gust of wind taking a few with it. The sky is full of grey and glum which covers the warm light of the sun. If you look closely you might find a few rays casting down on the rolling hills of green and beige.
Wisps of smoke escape your mouth as you look through the trees above. You lay flat on your back atop your best friend's van, half burnt joint loosely clasped between your fingers. You let out a quiet sigh of contentment, eyes fluttering shut. You smile at the silence.
Eddie takes the blunt from your hand, inhaling deeply. He holds his breath for a moment before the smoke comes out his nose. You open your eyes once again, laughing softly at the sight. "You look like a dragon," You say. Eddie smiles in response, "Really?" You nod, "Yeah, but not like a tough one." His eyebrows furrow in confusion and faux hurt as he places a dramatic hand on his chest, "How dare you, I can be tough."
You sit up, criss-crossing your legs as you pluck the joint from his grasp with a playful roll of your eyes. "You're too cute to be tough."
The smoke leaving your nose and mouth blocks your view of the boy, his face and tips of his ears now tinged red, his heart pounding in his chest. "You think I'm cute?" He ask, attempting to sound sarcastic and unfazed. The foggy state of your mind, however, doesn't catch the way his breath hitches as your eyes lock with his, and you nod with a laugh.
"The cutest," You reply in a joking manner.
Eddie takes a swig of his drink, trying to ignore the way your thigh touches his. He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it upon further thought.
Thunder rumbles and he looks up at the sky. A few cold drops splash upon hitting his warm cheeks. Seconds later, the loud pitter-patter of the pouring rain hitting the van drowns out the beating of his own heart in his ears. He looks to you, watching in awe as you lay with a pleased smile, eyes closed as you let the water rain down, wetting your skin.
You lift your head up to look at him and you smile. His dripping hair is shielding his reddened face from the rain, full lips parted, eyes trained on you. You sit up again, letting the rain weigh down your eyelashes as you reach for Eddie's face. You pull him closer, tilting your head to the side as you lean in.
Your lips press against his and he swears his heart stops. He's frozen in shock, eyes wide. The moment you start to pull away, his hand laces itself in your hair, pulling you impossibly closer, finally letting his eyes close.
You curse your need to breathe as you're forced to pull away panting. You look into Eddie's eyes, your shock-filled gaze and bitten lips no doubt matching his. You can feel the warmth in your cheeks combating the cool breeze and icy rain.
Words aren't needed to convey the emotions flowing through you both, so instead, you press your lips together once more, allowing the autumn leaves to fall around you.
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what i honestly might miss most about being young.....is not having enough prior life experience to be able to have nostalgia
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