#shut up anya!
fuckmyskywalker · 6 months
I find absolutely poetic that Leia is more like Anakin because it is a very girlcore thing to do to be exactly like your father and inherit his toxic traits ❤️‍🩹 I love her that's why I am also a Leia kinnie.
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j-liz · 3 months
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Having an hour to spare after the recent chapter is a blessing and a curse.
So I drew the babies.
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h0estar · 3 months
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this is what actually happened
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Endo successfully gagged me I cannot lie, praying this leads to an Anya backstory
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wolf-m4sc · 5 months
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nonokoko13 · 3 months
My thoughts of this chapter
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anyasathenaeum · 5 months
Nobody asked for it but you guys are going to be getting a Choso smut fic (specifically with inexperienced!Choso) because he’s my JJK husband and I love him and I’ve decided I’m going to write something for him.
Thank you for attending my TED talk.
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reinathevocaloid · 5 months
My Sladick Fic Rec
(aka an ongoing list of all my fav fics)
safe harbor by greeneyedfirework
He’s in a hostile city, with a bounty on his head, injured and alone. He needs a place to hide.
slipping by greeneyedfirework
Nightwing wants information off of a mobster’s phone. Deathstroke wants a flash drive. Both are located in an upscale BDSM club. Dick has a bad feeling about this.
extraction by greeneyedfirework
Taking over the rival operation was so much easier with Deathstroke the Terminator.
captor by greeneyedfirework
Dick wasn’t expecting Luthor to arrive for his daily gloating with a guest.
plunder by greeneyedfirework
The ship Dick’s being held prisoner on is attacked. By the Deathstroke. Right before Dick is supposed to go into heat.
eye of the storm by greeneyedfirework
Watching them is like observing a hurricane.
unmarked by greeneyedfirework
Dick has some run-ins with a family of hunters.
silver bird by greeneyedfirework
Dick didn’t know there was a werewolf pack nearby, and he certainly didn’t expect them to stumble upon him gathering wolfsbane.
caught by greeneyedfirework
Dick is the new leader of the dragonriders and his dragon has to take a mate.
heavy lies the head by greeneyedfirework
“Hello, little bird,” Slade Wilson smiled down at him. “Or is it Your Grace now?”
parry me by greeneyedfirework
Dick is brimming with restless energy.
bargain by greeneyedfirework
"Get us out of here, and I'll spend a day in your bed."
crumpled paper by greeneyedfirework
Five times Adeline Kane disapproves of Nightwing, and one time she understands.
as though i had wings by tospreadthewingsofthesoul
Bruce is back from the dead, and Dick isn't coping well. In fact, he's barely coping at all. It feels as though everything in his life is falling apart. So of course that's when Slade decides to reappear in Dick's life and turn everything upside down. A story about learning to ask for what you need, how to hold your boundaries, and how to trust that the people you love love you enough to help.
light and frolicsome by tospreadthewingsofthesoul
Glimpses into Dick and Slade’s relationship. (companion piece to “as though i had wings”)
hold on to let go by roipecheur
The first time Dick met Deathstroke the Terminator, he was twelve years old, and the mercenary broke his leg and tied him up on a rooftop. In retrospect, Dick thinks it started there. Or, Slade keeps tying Dick up over the years, and Dick can't be blamed for getting his wires crossed.
for the right price by roipecheur
The morning after Dick's life falls apart (again), he wakes up to Slade's gun in his face and a ten million dollar contract on his head from an anonymous client. Searching for the culprit might just take them closer to home than they thought.
trails like smoke by wednesday
“Is there a reason you’re here?” Dick asks, curt, because the shoulder that got the worst of the damage is a constant low thrum of burning pain. Trying to wrap the wounds is proving to be exactly as annoying as he expected. More, actually, since he now has to do it with an audience. “Here in this room I rented. For me. My room, in fact.”
take the offer that wasn’t made by wednesday
“That’s not what my contract is about.” Slade sounds out of breath, but not angry; if anything, he sounds smug. Dick’s thoughts screech to an unexpected halt. The arm around his neck tightens, making him lightheaded. And for the first time since Dick found out Deathstroke had taken a contract in his city, Dick feels real panic, like white noise spreading through his veins. There’s a sting right above the collar of his costume, and Dick spends the last ten seconds before the tranquilizer knocks him out drowning in waves of fresh fear.
Night Is Young by wednesday
Dick imagines a little chime when that final timer ticks down to zero and the file transfer finishes. He almost sighs in relief. And before he can pull the drive out, a soft click at exactly his six o’clock stops him.
Break the Fall by wednesday
Getting rescued does not make Dick's situation better, not at first.
Black Gold Blues by wednesday
The gut punch is what gets him. Dick knows all the ways to tense and relax correctly to take any kind of hit with the least damage to himself, but that only works when he’s prepared, when he sees the hit coming. He does not see it coming, when one of the henchmen in this drug operation turns out to be on some Venom knock-off.
in every end (we start) by wednesday
At first, when he gets dragged downstairs and towards a metal door that screams cell, he’s relieved. They’ll leave him alone and he’ll be out in no time. Easy. Then the badly suppressed fear and nervousness of the alpha guard a few feet away from the door registers. Followed by the impressive blood splatters on the floor and walls.
no stopping (’til I break every rule) by wednesday
Dick can hear Deathstroke lazily walking down the line of handcuffed, terrified hostages trying to shuffle back even closer to the wall. He already knows where this is going. There’s not enough time to decide which would look less suspicious—looking up or not. Slade grabs Dick’s hair and pulls him up, leaving him no choice but to move forward until he’s kneeling at Slade’s feet. He can hear shuddery sighs of relief from the other hostages and can’t blame them.
with your best shot by wednesday
Dick and Slade, sitting in a cage. Decidedly not doing anything as pleasant as kissing.
ain’t lived if you’ve got no regrets by wednesday
Around the time he’s trying to decide if some friendly chatting would make his chances of escape better or much worse, something smashes through the roof of the warehouse. Someone, he realizes just a moment later. Before that someone even hits the ground, Dick recognizes him and regrets the lack of a panic button an order of magnitude harder. Because he can definitely feel some panic right about when Deathstroke starts shooting while still airborne.
Safest Place in the World by Skalidra
Being an international spy is a dangerous job, but not nearly as much as hunting those spies down is. When Dick needs a place to lay low for a little bit, and bandage a few wounds, there's really only one place he knows of that's far enough off the radar. Luckily, he's got a key.
Deals in the Desert by firefright and Skalidra
On the eve of the Garage's final battle with Luthor, Dick spies a familiar face out in the desert. Someone who could be enemy, ally, or something in-between, depending on how he plays it. Lucky for him, Slade turns out to be in a talkative mood.
Resolute in Resurrection by firefright
It's rare that a new immortal is born. Rarer still, that they already have a prior relationship with an existing one at the time. Dick has no idea what it is that's happened to him, but Slade is absolutely going to make sure he finds out.
I’ve Killed Very Many Fathers, You’ll Have To Be More Specific by walkerofthestars
Nightwing is kidnapped by an enemy of Deathstroke because they’ve noticed the two teaming up a few times- enough times to think they must at least be friends. However, unfortunately, they’re a bit more than that, so they basically just signed their death warrant.
truce until daybreak by Sandrine Shaw (Sandrine)
It's dark in the room, but not dark enough that Dick can't make out the familiar splash of orange, the distinct shape of Deathstroke's armor, taking up more than half the bed.
I want to lay here (lost and bitter) by withthekeyisking
Dick doesn't know why his marks vanish so quickly, what that means for the wounds his soulmate carries, but his mama (and then Alfred) tells him not to worry. Slade doesn't know what made his soulmate go from regular bumps and bruises one day to actual injuries the next, but he's going to kill whoever's responsible for it.
Hidden Treasures by withthekeyisking
Nightwing gets kidnapped by a group of people who intend to sell him to the highest bidder. Much to Batman's surprise, Deathstroke comes offering him a way to save his boy, apparently free of charge. The question on everyone's minds, however, is why?
Jarring Inertia by withthekeyisking
Nineteen years ago, the mercenary Slade Wilson came to the aid of King Bruce Wayne, a partnership that ended in the winning of the Great War. His price for this help? Someday down the line, Slade would ask the king a question, and the king would have to say yes. King Bruce, a man of his word, begrudgingly agreed. Prince Richard, now just celebrating his twenty-second birthday, comes face to face with the fact that even in deals he wasn't a part of, everything has a price.
By Vigor and Resolution by withthekeyisking
When King Bruce agreed to an arranged marriage between one of his children and King Slade of Grevemort to form an alliance, they all assumed the chosen child would be an omega. None of them knew that King Slade's tastes ran far more towards alphas, and that lack of knowledge is really biting Dick in the ass.
all the fire i've swallowed by wingdingery
After the dragon Ravager died attacking Gotham, Dick knew it was only a matter of time before others came seeking vengeance. He also knew what he had to do when they arrived. Trading himself in exchange for Gotham’s safety is the easiest choice he’s ever made.
a safety net of thorns by wingdingery
Dick’s night is already a nightmare—Blockbuster’s learned his identity, putting Dick’s friends and family all at risk, and Dick is desperate to find where he’s hiding before it’s too late. The last thing he wants to do right now is deal with Slade Wilson.
a knife, baby, edgy and dull by cheju
Slade’s presence should be unsettling, and it is – don’t get him wrong. But it’s also finally something happening, a chance for Dick to work off some of this tension. He’d be lying if he said a part of him wasn’t itching for the fight he knows is coming.
listen to teeth by cheju
Dick's failing his mission, can't get out of his handcuffs, and guess who walks in the door. Just fucking guess.
somebody's going to emergency, somebody's going to jail by perissologist
Dick’s mouth is dry. He doesn’t know why he’s so shocked. It isn’t like he didn’t know that Slade is a contract mercenary. A killer, to the fullest extent of the word. It’s just that—while Slade might have been the bane of his existence when he first struck out as Nightwing, recently…Dick can count more times that Slade’s helped him than hurt him. And he thought Slade was better than this.
your marks on my skin by Ana_Writes
And there- there was a mark, on the inside of Slade's hand, one that Dick never noticed- No. It's not that Dick didn't notice it. It just wasn't there before. But now- Now, after they touched- "No." Dick breathed out, breath leaving his lungs in a rush as if he got punched. He dug his nails into the skin of his neck and barely felt it through that weird burning sensation that didn't want to stop. "Why-"
leash by envysparkler
Dick is sold to a werewolf pack.
Bite Down Into Me by EveryDarkCorner
Vampire!Slade is a seductive menace. Unfortunately, he's also the only one who can protect Dick from Ra's al Ghul.
Bitch and Moan by EveryDarkCorner
The new Vigilante Reform Act has made superheroes illegal. Luckily, Slade can protect Robin. Unluckily, he has stipulations.
You All Over Me by brazenlyunabashedlyshamelessly
“I had it handled.” “Really? ‘Cause from where I was standing, it looked like you were getting your ass kicked.” “Yeah, well, you’re blind in one goddamn eye, I’d expect you to miss a couple details.”
melancholy (snap out of it) by Anonymous
Dick knows that voice. He recognizes it even before Deathstroke helpfully turns the lamp on with a loud click! and allows himself to be seen, casually lounging on the cot, legs crossed at the ankle.
Everything He Should Never Be by TimmyJaybird
Slade comes home early from a job, and a simple "I missed you" is enough to make Dick rethink everything they are- and whatever he had first thought they would be.
I'll continue to add more to this list as I gain more favs!!!
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celticcatgirl2 · 6 months
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“Papa said that he loves a woman who can kick his ass…so does that mean that mama is CHEATING!?!?!”
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I was re-watching Episode 1 of Spy x Family, and in Anya's flashback with her "caretakers", they said the words, "your power will bring world peace"
now, this obviously put some type of stress on anya (if you theorize that she's around 4-5 in the anime, then she must have been 3-4 in the flashback)
imagine telling a three-year-old that their powers will bring world peace. they'd obviously feel very scared, but progressing in the anime, while anya reads twilight's thoughts, her motto becomes, "i need to do _____ for world peace!" (like apologizing to damian, and studying hard).
helping a spy out would be very cool for her, and that's what's implied in the anime, but i think it goes deeper than that.
anya felt some responsibility to ensure world peace, because that was why she was created. And she knows that.
This little girl is trying to take full responsibility to ensure world peace because she was told that was the reason she was created.
all of the forgers got some kind of benefit with the creation of their family.
twilight got a non-suspicious backstory to enroll into eden, and to live as loid forger.
yor got the benefit that the police's eye would be off her, since she was married, and could continue her killing.
bond got adopted, and escaped a toxic environment, and anya got love and stable parents.
in her (anya's) mind, she also got a reason to fulfil the reason she was created.
in her mind, this is not just twilight's mission. it's her mission too.
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the-music-maniac · 1 year
I'm starting to get a headache every time I see spyxfamily mentioned online (particularly on Instagram) because of the amount of people I've seen on the internet comparing buddy daddies to spyxfamily or shitting on buddy daddies because they like spyxfamily better, or saying buddy daddies is a poor copy of spyxfamily or shitting on Miri cause they like Anya better, whatever the fuck it is - I'm starting to get a pavlovian reaction y'all. I haven't even watched spyxfamily - and I'm sure it's a wonderful show - but I'm starting to get a kneejerk reaction of pure annoyance everytime I see it mentioned because I'm expecting more hate. I never even go on spyxfamily posts, i'm just trying to have fun and watch videos and edits of my fun little assassin family. Why do you need to compare them?? Both shows are awesome and they have different vibes. Miri and Anya are their own characters, not copies of each other. And if you like spyxfamily better, that's so valid, but keep that to the proper fandom spaces. Complain about buddy daddies all you want, just not in the comments section of buddy daddies videos. It's like basic fandom etiquette.
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bellamer · 1 year
"The Buddy Daddies fandom is starting drama !" "The Spy x Family fandom is calling our show a ripoff !" "Miri is cuter than Anya !" "Anya isn't as annoying as Miri !" "Buddy Daddies is baiting !" "Spy x Family is doing the same but with a straight couple !"
How about I kill both of you stupid fandom fucks in cold blood and sell your internal organs on the dark web ? Is it that fucking hard to enjoy both or just your respective shows without starting shit ?
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j-liz · 5 months
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Comic + update!
Beckers shame…
Here’s a gender swap comic for all of you!
So a little update, I’m going to be taking some classes this spring for learning purposes, so I’m gonna be spending a lot of time working on them! I will try to post as often as I can, but it will not be as frequent for now. I will try posting regularly on ko fi so my monthly supporters can really get their moneys worth, but I totally understand if some of you would like to withdraw for now! Remember, you are way more important! A full color version of this comic will be purchasable in my store, discounts will be applicable for all monthly supporters! Not all pages are painted exactly the same, as I’m experimenting with coloring styles but I hope it’s ok for y’all! Thanks for reading!
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plushchimera · 10 months
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fashion report time, because I've found what clearly is the best outfit in the game
now if I could only make a decision about it's color
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Melinda desmond heard that her son was kidnapped and being held hostage, so she goes to see him as a mother should. She has a car but has it driven at a snail's pace, so all the other parents who have driven to get their children have driven off by the time melinda arrived.
She plays the role of the worried mother for the teachers and SSS. Crying just enough and eagerly hugging her son. But she still maintains a dignified air. Unlike Yor, she doesnt even ask if Damian is unharmed. She fills her head with thoughts of how much she loves her son in the hopes that, if she thinks it enough, it would be true.
But then Damian mentions his father who, as far as we could tell, Melinda isn't fond of. And then the hateful thoughts toward her son flood back into her mind. She despises Damian and wishes she didn't have to be a mother. But she also knows that it's whats expected of her so she feels guilty for feeling this way. She tries to overcompensate again but thinking positively of her son, but that couldn't stop the hateful thoughts from slipping through.
Melinda Desmond is someone who never wanted to be a mother in the first place. She has the picture perfect family, her sons being of her own blood. But she hates them and hates herself for hating them. Meanwhile, Yor isnt related to Anya at all. Or romantically involved with her husband (yet). But because she desperately wants to be a good mother for Anya, she loves her to death and is incredible happy with her family.
The Forgers, who don't follow societal norms for what a family should be, but instead out of a desire to be a good family, are infinitely happier than the Desmonds, who abide by the rigid rules of society but have no desire to stick together beyond that.
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faraige · 6 months
anyone knows where to find the gifset of Anya in Empty Places saying that Buffy didn't earn her powers and she just got lucky next to a gif of a drugged, powerless, terrified, beaten up child Buffy in Helpless?
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