#si demain... (turn around)
roshanzion2023 · 11 months
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mthguy · 3 months
The great Bonnie Tyler performs “Holding Out for A Hero”
Tyler came to prominence with the release of her 1977 album The World Starts Tonight and its singles "Lost in France" and "More Than a Lover". Her 1977 single "It's a Heartache" reached number four on the UK Singles Chart, and number three on the US Billboard Hot 100.
In the 1980s, Tyler ventured into rock music with songwriter and producer Jim Steinman. He wrote Tyler's biggest hit "Total Eclipse of the Heart", the lead single from her 1983 UK chart-topping album Faster Than the Speed of Night. Steinman also wrote Tyler's other major 1980s hit "Holding Out for a Hero". She had success in mainland Europe during the 1990s with Dieter Bohlen, who wrote and produced her hit "Bitterblue". In 2003, Tyler re-recorded "Total Eclipse of the Heart" with singer Kareen Antonn. Their bilingual duet, titled "Si demain... (Turn Around)", topped the French charts.
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weidli · 2 years
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
thank you @frubeto and @carlomenzinger for tagging me!!! since frubeto did some wips i am also going to do that because i think it’s fun :3 so heres 5 wips and 5 published ones
last five published:
It’s three days before Ivo’s worry overpowers his want to give Franz the space and time he’d asked for.
(tatort münchen, bold in a barren and desolate land)
Natürlich, denkt Kalli. Natürlich, wenn ich ein Tag frei hab und mal Fahrrad fahren gehen will, geht den Kettentrieb sofort kaputt und es fangt an zu regnen.
(tatort münchen, irgendeinisch fingt s’glück eim)
Adam awakes to pain.
(polizeiruf frankfurt oder, water from a deeper well)
"Franz?" Ivo says.
The world is small and quiet around him; narrowed down to a tunnel with the ghost of his dead partner at the far end. White noise in his ears, accompanying the lingering ringing of his gunshot's echo.
(tatort münchen, waiting for the sun)
It's eight minutes and seven seconds between Carlo hearing the gunshot echo in the elevator shaft and the emergency crew finally managing to get the elevator moving again.
(tatort münchen, a hole where my heart should be)
Die ganze Geschichte fing so an: Ivo trat an einem kühlen Frühlingsmorgen aus der Haustür und fand eine Katze. Er sagte, überrascht, “Guten Morgen,” und die Katze hob den Kopf und erwiderte, “Miau.” 
(tatort münchen, si tu m’aimes demain: Franz gets turned into a cat. He and Ivo confuse their colleagues, solve the case, and find a way home.)
Franz Leitmayr erwacht ab dem lauten Klingeln von seinem Telefon. 
(tatort münchen, crawl home to you: AU of Wir sind die Guten. Ivo stirbt im Wald. Also, er stirbt in einem einsamen Krankenhausbett, auf blutigem Asphalt, in seinem eigenen Haus - aber zuerst, ganz am Anfang, stirbt er im Wald.)
Als Mikesch da auf dem Strand liegt, der Himmel hell und fern, denkt er für das erste Mal seit langer, langer Zeit: Hier, an diesem Ort und mit diesen Leuten, wäre ich noch lange glücklich. Nicht ewig, das kann er nicht. Aber lang. 
(tatort münchen, a footnote in someone else’s happiness; Franzs letzte Nacht in Portugal.)
“Der Kaffee ist bereit,” sagt Monika, in der Stille der Wohnung, und als Wilhelmine sich umdreht kann sie sich nicht mal dazu bringen, überrascht zu sein. Natürlich kommt alles auf das zurück. 
(tatort münster, title to be determined; alternate ending to Mörderspiele. Monika zerfallt. Wilhelmine erlaubt sich Sentimentalität.)
Matreus legt seine Hand auf den Macht-o-Meter und schaut zu wie es grün aufleuchtet. 
(vier gegen z, stein um stein; AU starting from 2x11. Der Klon wünscht sich ein Geschenk zum Geburtstag.)
i am going to no-pressure tag uhhh how about @kigiom, @breaddo, @edge-of-green, @riot-in-bloom, @egirlgarak, @tinypi and. no one else because now my brain is empty. but if we are mutuals and you wanna do this please do and tag me in it so i can see it
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ezechiel5172 · 2 years
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Okay, so I’ve been tagged several times in this “favorite opera lines” thing going around, and even though I’ve already done 5 of my favorites, I will go ahead and do more because why not?
So in no particular order:
...Can I just do all of Tatyana’s letter scene? please? okay.
Schchastye bilo tak vozmozhno,
Tak blizko! Tak blizko!
Happiness was once possible,
so close! So close!
-Eugene Onegin, Act III
Už je večer,
smím odbednit okeničky.
Všude tma, všude tma,
jenom měsíček bědným
lidem září a plničko,
plničko, hvězd..
Night falls;
now I can open the blinds.
Everything is dark, everything is dark,
and the poor have only the moon
and a whole legion of stars...
-Jenufa, Act II
Selig sind die Liebenden.
Die der Liebe sind,
sind nicht des Todes.
Und auferstehen werden
die dahingesunken
sind um Liebe.
Blessed are those who love.
Those who love
are not of the dead.
And those who died
for love
shall rise again.
-Das Wunder der Heliane, Act I
Le malheur, ma fille, n'est pas d'être méprisée,
mais seulement de se mépriser soi-même.
The misfortune, my daughter, is not to be held in contempt,
but only to have contempt for yourself.
-Dialogues des Carmélites, Act III
Prends cette île
qu'il est toujours en mon pouvoir
de te donner!
Un flot azuré bat ses grèves,
elle est belle, plaisante,
et c'est l'île des rêves!
Take this island
which is still in my power
to give you!
An azure wave beats at its shores;
it is beautiful, pleasant,
and it is the island of dreams!
-Don Quichotte, Act V
C'est Thaïs, l'idole fragile qui vient
pour la dernière fois s'asseoir à la table fleurie.
Demain, je ne serai pour toi plus rien qu'un nom.
This is Thaïs, the fragile idol who comes for the last time to sit at your flowered table. Tomorrow, I will be nothing more to you than a name.
-Thaïs, Act I
Ist das noch der Diwan, - auf dem sich -
dein Vater - verblutet hat? -
Is this still the sofa- on which-
your father- bled to death?
-Lulu, Act II
L'error che v'imputai...
Io... stessa... avea commesso.
The crime of which I accused you...
I...I myself...committed with him.
-Don Carlo, Act IV
“Rivolto allor Gesù al popolo assembrato
mostrò l'adultera ch'era a suoi piedi e così disse...
‘Quegli di voi che non peccò,
la prima pietra scagli.’
E la donna... la donna
perdonata s'alzò.”
Perdonata... perdonata... perdonata!
Iddio lo pronunziò.
“Then Jesus turned to the assembled people,
indicating the adulteress who was at his feet, and spoke thus:
‘Those of you who have not sinned,
throw the first stone.’
And the woman...the woman,
forgiven, arose.”
Forgiven...forgiven...she is forgiven!
God has spoken it.
-Stiffelio, Act III
Écoutez! Ces martyrs de la foi sont en prière là...et du Seigneur ils chantent les louanges...
en attendant la mort!
Vous, dans ce triste lieu,
répondez comme si vous étiez devant Dieu!
Listen! These martyrs of the faith are praying there...and they sing the praises of the Lord...while awaiting death!
You, in this place of grief,
answer as if you were before God!
-Les Huguenots, Act V
È se accusarmi il mondo vuol
pur di qualche errore,
m'accusi di pietà,
non di rigore.
And if the world wants to accuse me
of some error,
let it accuse me of mercy,
not cruelty.
-La clemenza di Tito, Act II
Ein Traum hat mir den Traum Zerstört,
Ein Traum der bittren Wirklichkeit
Den Traum der Phantasie.
Die Toten schicken solche Träume,
Wenn wir zu viel mit
Und in ihnen leben.
Wie weit darf sie es,
Ohn' uns zu entwurzeln?
A dream has dashed my dream to earth,
a dream of crude reality has killed
the dream of fantasy.
The dead send us such dreams
when we spend too much life
with and in them.
How far can we go in grief
before disaster?
-Die tote Stadt, Act III
Che un dì rinasca, io spero,
dell'aurea età l'albore;
che degli umani in core
regni fraterno amor.
I hope that one day the dawn
of the Golden Age is reborn;
that brotherly love reigns
in the heart of humanity.
-Il viaggio a Reims, Act I
Gibt es einen, der nicht trivial ist?
Is there an ending that isn’t trivial?
-Capriccio, Final Scene
Tutto nel mondo è burla.
L'uom è nato burlone,
La fede in cor gli ciurla,
Gli ciurla la ragione.
Tutti gabbati! Irride
L'un l'altro ogni mortal.
Ma ride ben chi ride
La risata final.
Everything in the world is a joke.
Man is born a joker,
In his mind, his reason is
always wavering.
Everyone is fooled! Every
mortal taunts each other.
But he laughs well who
has the last laugh.
-Falstaff, Act III
Les métaux, ces fleurs souterraines
Aux impérissables couleurs,
Ne brillent qu'au front des reines,
Des rois, des papes, des grands-ducs,
et des empereurs.
Honneur aux maîtres ciseleurs!
Tra la la la,
Honneur aux maîtres ciseleurs!
Metals, those underground flowers
with never-fading colors,
only shine on the brows of queens,
of kings, of popes, of grand dukes,
and of emperors.
Honor to the master metalworkers!
Tra la la la...
Honor to the master metalworkers!
-Benvenuto Cellini, multiple appearances throughout the opera
Leicht kann des Frommen Herz auch wanken
Und überschreiten Recht und Pflicht,
Wenn Lieb' und Furcht der Tugend Schranken,
Verzweiflung alle Dämme bricht.
Ist's recht, auf einer Kugel Lauf
Zwei edler Herzen Glück zu setzen?
Und unterliegen sie den Netzen,
Womit sie Leidenschaft umflicht,
Wer höb' den ersten Stein wohl auf?
Wer griff' in seinen Busen nicht?
Even the pious heart can easily swerve
And step away from right and duty,
When love and fear of rightousness' limits
Despair breaks all bounds.
Is it right that two noble hearts' happiness depends on the course of one bullet?
And if they are defeated by the nets
in which passion entwines them,
Who is to raise the first stone?
Who does not look into his own heart?
-Der Freischütz, Act III
Adieu donc, vains objets qui nous charment sur terre !
Salut, premiers rayons de l'immortalité !
L'infini m'appelle et m'éclaire ;
Je meurs pour la justice et pour la liberté.
So farewell, useless things which charm us on earth!
Greetings, first light of immortality!
The infinite calls me and enlightens me;
I die for justice and for liberty.
-Hérodiade, Act IV
Liberté, redescends des cieux,
Et que ton règne recommence!
Liberty, come down again from the skies,
and may your reign begin anew!
-Guillaume Tell, Act IV
Écoute bien:
Là-bas au fond du cimetière,
il est deux grands tilleuls! c'est là que pour
toujours je voudrais reposer!...
Si cela
m'était refusé... si la terre
chrétienne est interdite au corps
d'un malheureux,
près du chemin
ou dans le vallon solitaire
allez placer ma tombe!
En détournant les yeux
le prêtre passera...
Mais, à la dérobée,
quelque femme viendra visiter le banni...
et d'une douce larme, en son ombre tombée
le mort, le pauvre mort... se sentira béni...
Listen well!
Down there, at the back of the cemetery,
there are two great linden trees! It is there I wish to rest forever!...
If this is refused me...
if Christian ground is forbidden to the corpse
of a wretched man,
go place my grave
near the road
or in the lonely valley!
While turning his eyes away
the pastor will pass by...
but if, in secret,
some woman will come visit the banished man...
and with a gentle tear having fallen on his spirit...
the dead man, the poor dead man...will feel blessed...
-Werther, Act IV
Tu vois bien que je parle la sienne
quand je l'embrasse ainsi...
You well see that I speak the same [language as her]
when I embrace her like this...
-Ariane et Barbe-bleue, Act II
Pourquoi, les maîtres?
Parce qu'ils t'on fait naître, se croient-ils le droit
d'emprisonner ta jeunesse adorable?
Why are they the masters?
Because they gave birth to you, they believe they have the right
to lock away your adorable youth?
-Louise, Act II
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WIP: trilingual soldiers
This started out as part of my answer to a prompt from lulunicorn on the TOG server and grew into its own thing. I'm experimenting with a different form of planning with this one: I'm writing the dialogues alone for now and when I rewrite it I'll add the narration.
And translate everything into English.
Anyway, if you're into French / English / German messes set during ww1, please read on ;)
(TW: suicide gets referrenced in a fairly flippant manner.)
"Oh putain—t'as trouvé ça où ?"
"Bet he stole it from the Lieutenant."
"Hein? Ça va pas la tête ? Si jamais Lebrun l'apprend il va devenir fou!"
"You might get shot."
"Eh bah au moins j'aurai les pieds secs pour une fois, ça me changera."
"That's not funny."
"Ouais, y a déjà assez d'Fritz qui veulent nous faire la peau, file leur pas un coup de main hein!"
"Vous voulez du chocolat oui ou merde?"
"I can want chocolate and want you alive."
"Non, dans la vie faut faire des choix."
"Bon ben donne ton chocolat, alors."
"Merci. Enfin un peu d'bon sens. Joe? Chocolat ?"
"You're an ass. And a thief."
"I can steal or I can drink. Your pick." [Miming]
"Moi je vote pour que tu restes sobre, vu qu't'es l'seul qui sache viser."
"Ta gueule, Jean-Claude."
"Fuck you too, rosbeef!"
"Ah, see, you got the accent right in the end."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Y dit qu't'as une sale gueule. Aïe! Put—"
 Joe and Sébastien move to shield Jean-Claude at the same time, which results in them nearly breaking their noses against one another—and for nothing to boot, seeing as nothing explodes in the vicinity. Rubbing his nose, Sébastien shares a look with Joe and turns toward the East side of their trench to try and see what's happening... which is when Jean-Claude, somehow extirpated from below two sheepish immortals, pokes his head over Sébastien's helmet and hisses.
 "Y fout quoi Berger là ? Il est con ou quoi ?"
"Il en a p't'être marre? Ça sera pas l'premier."
"I said maybe Berger's trying to end it."
"With no one shooting?"
"Y dit quoi?"
"Y dit qu'le suicide de berger va pas aller loin si les Fritz se décident pas à tirer."
"Tu dis ça comme si c'était dommage!"
"Mais non laisse le, c'est moi qui traduit mal."
"Why's Jean-Claude pissed at me?"
"Y dit quoi ?"
"Because he thinks I'm doing word for word translations."
"Oh, Bouquin ! Y dit quoi?"
"Attends deux minutes—il en est où Berger ?"
"Il est au milieu du champ! Le con!"
"What's he saying?"
"He says Berger's a dumbass. I think we can look, they're still not shooting."
"T'as dit quoi?"
 They poke their noses over the edge of the trench, like the dirtiest mushrooms ever created, and watch as Berger from around the bend walks through no man's land with what looks like a ball held high above his head. Then he shouts:
 "Comment on demande si ils veulent faire un match ?"
"Wollen sie spielen!"
"Y dit quoi?"
"Je sais pas, je parle anglais, pas allemand. What did you say?"
"I said 'do you want to play?'"
"Il a demandé si les Fritz voulaient jouer."
"Ah ouais. Logique."
"Ils disent 'bla bla bla hören'!"
"They're not hearing him."
"Ils t'entendent pas Berger, gueule plus fort!"
"T'es tout con toi, je gueule autant qu'je peux!"
"What did he say?"
"He says he can't shout louder."
"He needs to tell them to send someone over."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Y dit qu'il faut que Berger leur dise d'envoyer un gars. Berger! Dit leur d'envoyer quelqu'un pour te parler !"
"Mais je parle pas allemand moi! T'as qu'à envoyer ton rosbeef c'est lui qui sait leur causer !"
"He's saying I've got to go there isn't he?"
"Yeah you're not going up there—y peut pas sortir Berger!"
"Y fait quoi?"
"Putain Joe! I said stay down there!"
"They're not shooting, I'll be fine."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Y dit qu'il est con, Joe reviens ici !"
 Joe goes over the side of the trench. Nobody shoots, but from the English trench to the West, several voices rise in clamor.
 "Ah bah y sont contents de l'revoir les rosbeefs. J'espère que les Fritz vont pas lui éclater la caboche maintenant, ça serait con."
"Y vont pas lui mettre une balle, ils sont en train de lui parler !"
"Pas faux. C'est à moi qu'y fait signe ?"
"Non, à moi. Son copain là bas doit pas parler français."
"Tu vas y aller ?"
"Si j'y vais pas on est encore là demain."
"Sebastian! Come on up here! We're trying to organize a tournament!"
"Y dit quoi ?"
"Y dit qu'ils veulent faire un tournoi."
"Un tournoi de foot? La comme ça ?"
"Faut croire que les Fritz aussi ils font la trêve."
 Sébastien goes over the wall. The other three are done gesticulating when he gets to them, looking at him expectantly.
 "Gentlemen, this is Sebastian."
"Schon Sie zu treffen, Sébastienne."
"Ta gueule, Berger."
"Oh allez, soit pas chienne. Aïe!"
"What's the problem?"
"His accent makes it sound like he's using the woman's version of my name."
"Was sagt er?"
"Er sagt, dein Akzent ist sehr gut. Ow."
"So what do you want to do for the tournament?"
"Use your head as a ball."
"Had a good time over with the froggies, didn't you Joe?"
"They're decent, but their rations are as gross as ours."
"Qu'est-ce-qu'ils disent?"
"Was sagen sie?"
"Joe. The tournament thing?"
"Right. Daniel and I were thinking two teams each, draw for the first matches, see who wins?"
"Ils veulent qu'on fasse deux équipes chacuns et qu'on tire au sort pour les premiers matchs."
"Ça me va. Pas d'armes à portée de main, on garde les casques pour marquer les joueurs ?"
"He says no weapons out, and the helmets mark the teams."
 Joe translates into German.
"Bouquin! Y disent quoi?"
"I'm gonna have to go back, Jean-Claude's not gonna stop asking. On fait une équipe tranchée Nord, une pour la tranchée Sud ?"
"Pas de problème. Tu dis pas au revoir à ton rosbeef?"
"Oh...right. Gotta go back to your own trench."
"Yeah... I mean, I'll be back topside in a few but uh. At the end of it I'll have to get back to my side."
"Right. Yes. Makes sense."
"See you when I kick your ass, Bookin."
"Ta gueule, Joe."
 They make their way back to their respective trenches, where Jean-Claude is waiting for news and proves eager to play the game, if customarily overenthusiastic about it. They set up the teams, get the captains up in the field where non players have started to sit and mingle.
Then Sébastien gets called over again.
 "Wir haben ein Problem. Wir haben keinen Schiedsrichter."
"Qu'est-ce-qu'il dit?"
"Il dit qu'on a pas d'arbitre."
"Tu parles allemand toi maintenant ?"
"Non, j'ai des yeux."
"Warum kämpfen sie?"
"Sie sind Französisch. So zeigen sie ihre Zuneigung."
"Why are the French fighting?"
"I don't know, I think it's a French thing."
"Berger thinks I'm an idiot. I can referee if you want."
"Qu'est-ce que tu leurs a dit sur moi?"
"J'ai dit qu't'étais con. Si j'arbitre, ça te va ?"
"Tant qu'on laisse pas compter les points aux Fritz."
"Haben Sie einen Soldaten namens Fritz?"
"Attend—what does he want?"
"He wants to know if you've got someone named Fritz."
"No. Listen, Berger says it's okay with him if I Referee for the match."
"I'll be honest with you mister Bookin, that might not fly with my men."
"Was sagt er?"
"Sébastienne—ow—er sagte er könne vermitteln."
"Es ist ok für mich, aber die Anderen..."
"He doesn't want me to do it either does he?"
"It's not him, it's his men. He thinks they won't want it."
"Now wait a minute—"
"Qu'est-qu'ils disent ?"
"Ben... What's his name?"
"Thanks. Daniel a dit que ses hommes voudraient pas d'un arbitre français, ensuite Wilhelm a dit que des hommes voudraient pas d'un arbitre français alors maintenant Daniel est vexé et il veut bien d'un arbitre français. You *are* okay with me referring, right? Offended as you are."
"He's got a point, you know."
"...fine. But only if someone from our side shares the duty with him."
"Fine, I'll do it."
"He's your friend. You might want to help him."
"And the rest of your men gave Joe a huzzah when they saw him. If they don't trust him they won't trust anyone else."
"Fair point."
"Qu'est-ce-qu'ils disent ?"
"Joe et moi on va co-arbitrer."
"C'est qui Joe?"
"Is he asking who I am?"
"Ignore him, he's an ass."
"Wait, you've been there two weeks and they still don't know your name?"
"That's irrelevant—it *is* irrelevant, hush. Now—wir brauchen eine deutsche Schiedsrichter."
"War—oh. Ja, genau. Schneider! Komm her. Schneider wird den dritten Schiedsrichter sein."
"Good. Joe, if you see them cheat, just do the same, I'll personally forgive you for it."
"Don't worry, we'll have a watcher. Jean-Claude! Viens ici."
 Berger groans. Jean-Claude's head pokes over the lip of the trench, pretty much alone by then.
 "Vous êtes sur le territoire de qui?"
"De personne, c'est la trêve. Viens ici!"
"Warum kommt das Kind zu uns?"
"Er ist ein Verfechter der Regeln."
"What did you say? Why are they calling a baby frog over?"
"Because no one can cheat when he's around—we banned him from all card games. Bouge tes fesses, Jean-Claude, y caille trop pour traîner."
"I'll vouch for the kid mate, he'll call any foul out as he sees it."
"Vertraust du ihm?"
"Ja klar."
"Y disent quoi?"
"Y disent que t'es un bon gamin. On a besoin de toi pour surveiller les arbitres, vérifier qu'on triche pas."
"Tu vas pas tricher pour notre tranchée, tu les aime pas."
"Ta gueule, Balland."
"Fous lui la paix, Berger, c'est pas comme si il avait tort. Tu veux surveiller ou pas ?"
"Ils vont s'énerver si je surveille ?"
"What are they saying?"
"Was sagt er?"
"He wants to know if the referees will get pissy if he calls them out. Les arbitres ça sera Joe et moi—et Schneider. Si il s'énerve on peut toujours lui mettre une balle."
"Ben voyons, et tu redémarre le merdier pour tout le monde?"
"Ta gueule, Berger."
"Schneider says he'll behave."
"Great. If he doesn't we'll just kill him."
"Tu dis quoi?"
"Juste qu'on va pouvoir commencer. Va voir Lepage et demande lui s'il a toujours son sifflet pour arbitrer."
"Ce gosse. Je sais pas qui l'a foutu là mais si je le croise, je lui fait manger mon casque."
"Am I going to have to agree with Berger?"
"He says whoever got Jean-Claude here should get his face caved in."
"Damn it."
"Don't make me pick sides between the French, Joe."
"Go get your team, Daniel."
"Bon, je vais appeler les gars hein. Qu'ils soient là pour le tirage."
"Tu fais ça." [pause] "I want to take Jean-Claude along, when we leave."
"He's never going to survive this thing. You know he's not."
"I know! And I don't want that for him, but 'Bastian...you have to remember how it went—"
"Yes, of course I do. I don't want to *tell him* I want to take him away from here."
"If he's caught as a deserter it'll be the firing squad for him."
"If we take him far enough away...."
"Sebastian. He's already got trouble adapting to French people in the *army*. What do you think is going to happen if you drop him on a whole different continent altogether? Just because he's got no family doesn't mean he's got no roots there."
"It's not going to be quick, Joe. They keep saying it's going to be over soon but they always say that and it's *never* true."
"Ich könnte den Jungen nehmen. Wenn das Waffenstillstand endet. Ich könnte ihn nehmen. Wenn ich sage dass ich ihn gefangen habe..."
"What does he want?"
"He says he could take Jean-Claude. Pretend he's a war prisoner."
"Jean-Claude? Lying?"
"Es würde nicht funktionieren. Er lügt nicht."
"Er lügt nicht."
"Bouquin ! J'ai un sifflet! Je le donne à qui?"
"À moi, on va voir si les autres en ont avant de refiler les affaires de Lepage à n'importe qui." "D'accord. Ça va?"
"Ouais ça va."
"Ça a pas l'air d'aller."
"C'est la guerre, Jean-Claude. Personne a l'air d'aller."
"Hey, Jean-Claude. This is Schneider. Schneider, Jean-Claude."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Y dit que l'allemand s'appelle Schneider."
"Oh. Enchanté. Euh. Comment on dit—"
"'Schön Sie zu treffen'."
"Schön Sie zu treffen, Schneider."
"Sag 'enchanté Jean-Claude'."
"Enchanté, Jean-Claude."
"Oh. Il a l'air sympa."
"Jean-Claude magst du."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Y dit qu'tu trouves Schneider sympa. Trouve toi un coin ou t'asseoir, on va démarrer."
 After the match.
 "I got word from Andy, while I was with you."
"Hé, Bouquin, ton rosbeef y veut—"
"Il boit pas d'alcool."
"Ah merde. Problème ?"
"Non, religion. Y a du café ?"
"Ouais attends, j'vais en chercher."
"Merci. What did she say?"
"Might be time to regroup. Nico's—"
"Yeah, I can't leave Jean-Claude in this mess."
"I had a feeling you'd say that."
"You're going to go anyway, aren't you?"
"Nico needs me."
"Yeah. Of course."
"Will you be—"
"I'm always alright. How are you going to do it?"
"I figured I'd wait until it occurred naturally."
"Or you could—merci Jean-Claude."
"Vous parlez de quoi?"
"Joe va devoir repartir dans sa tranchée à la fin de la trêve. On cause tant qu'on en a le temps."
"Oh. Je peux causer avec vous ? Je l'aime bien, ton rosbeef."
"He wants to know if he can sit with us."
"...if you're okay with a change in topic."
"Vous voulez pas que j'reste?"
"Si, vas-y, assied toi."
"Vous avez pas l'air de vouloir que je reste."
"Que tu restes ou pas, on peut pas se dire tout ce qu'on a à se dire de toute façon. Et pis y t'aime bien aussi, Joe."
"What did you just say to him?"
"Just that we didn't have time to finish our talk right now, wh—ça va, Jean-Claude?"
"C'est ton ami particulier ?"
"Yeah uh—not right now. Un ami particulier?"
"Comme mon oncle. Il est parti au Maroc en 1907 avec l'armée et il s'est fait un ami particulier. Quand il est mort, Paul—c'est son ami—nous a ramené ses affaires et ensuite il est resté habiter chez nous. Il arrêtait pas de parler de mon oncle avec ma mère, elle faisait les mêmes têtes quand elle parlait de mon père."
"Can I—"
"Wait, please."
"Je sais que j'suis pas comme tout le monde, mais j'suis pas con, hein. Le rosbif, c'est ton ami particulier ?"
"Non. On s'est connus avant la guerre. Lui et moi c'est de la famille. C'est comme si je disais au revoir à mon frère, tu comprends ?"
"Ouais. Tu m'le dirais, si c'était un ami particulier ?"
"Tu sais pas mentir, Jean-Claude. C'est dangereux, pour les hommes comme ça, si on apprend leur secret."
"Why is Jean-Claude upset?"
"I think he thinks I'm lying to him."
"Tu sais, quand Paul était vivant, j'ai dit à personne que c'était l'ami de mon oncle. Je sais pas mentir quand on me pose une question, mais on m'en pose jamais, des questions."
"Sebastian what's going on?"
"We're having a bit of a crisis here—"
"Yes, I can see that thank you—what is the crisis *about*?"
"He thinks you and I are an item and I don't want to tell him because I don't trust him."
"C'est pas grave, Le Livre, j'ai l'habitude."
"Jean-Claude, attend—"
"Jean-Claude, come back."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Il te demande de revenir. S'il-te-plaît."
"Bookin and I aren't together. I already have someone."
"Y dit quoi?"
"Are you sure?"
"It's not like anyone from your trench is going to ask him about me outside of my relationship to you.”
“Bouquin. Y dit quoi?”
“Y dit qu’il a déjà quelqu’un.”
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thetwotorches · 4 years
Françoise Hardy songs always crack me up because no matter how up-beat they might sound, they’re always depressing and dark as fuck. xDDD
This is such a great Mersey Beat tune!! And she looks so chill in the video- smiling even! But here are the lyrics in quick and dirty translation by myself (original below): We all here who are the same age We live for the instant in the day to day But sometimes one reflects more Our lives, are they going to take another turn?
Yes, just today, I have a bit of luck You who is listening again, you, you know it well That from one day to the one after, suddenly all can change? Who can know how it will be tomorrow? Oh yes! We all who are the same age I ask of myself, what are we going to become? If tomorrow on you I have the advantage that we reserve for what’s to come? The immaterialism of a day, the immaterialism of an instant How much time do we have left to last? Maybe, like me, you ask of yourself often What will I be in some years? What will I be in some years? What will I be in some years? -----
Nous tous ici qui avons le même âge Nous vivons pour l'instant au jour le jour Mais parfois on refléchit davantage Nos vies vont-elles prendre un autre tour? Si, jusqu'à aujourd'hui, j'ai eu beaucoup de chance Toi qui l'attends encore, toi, sais-tu bien Que d'un jour à l'autre après, soudain tout change? Qui peut savoir comment sera demain? Oh oui! Nous tous qui avons le même âge Je me demande, qu'allons nous devenir? Si aujourd'hui sur toi j'ai l'avantage que nous réserve l'avenir? Insouciance d'un jour, insouciance d'un instant Combien de temps cela va-t-il durer? Peut-être, comme moi, te demandes-tu souvent Que serai-je dans quelques années? Que serai-je dans quelques années? Que serai-je dans quelques années? -----
It’s just so....dark, french teenage angst, which really seems to be her brand around this era but damn- it takes talent to make a Mersey Beat song dark bro. xD Existential crisis at age 17. I mean....if we’re all gonna be emo we may as well slap a beat on it we can dance to, right?
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oceanwaves-blog · 6 years
Gratsu headcanon part 4
Being parents
• They didn't plan to have a child to be honest. They were only going with Wendy at Magnolia Orphanage. She had some stuff with her to give the children for Christmas and needed help with the boxes and they were the only ones free.
• Natsu used to play with Asuka when she was little, so he didn't have any trouble keeping the children occupied while Wendy was talking with the priest. Gray choose to stay back and watch the scene with a tender smile.
• His moment of peace didn't last long as one of the woman working here caught his attention. She was struggling to hold the baby in her arms and hang up the laundry at the same time. After a moment of hesitation, he went and offered his help. He was planing to help with the laundry, but before he knew what was going on, he had a baby in his arms.
• Gray is able to determine that the baby is a little girl by her clothes and features, and that she is very young, maybe a only month or two. Gray stays close to the lady who gave him the baby to hold, and he doesn't miss the little smile on her face.
"Is she yours?" He found himself asking.
"No. She joined the orphanage a week ago."
• Gray only nods while he turns back his attention to the little girl in his arms. He doesn't know why, but the idea of giving her back to the lady causes his heart to ache, and he can't understand how can someone abandon such a little being.
• He is surprised when he feel a arm wrap around his waist, but he doesn't have to look up to know who it is. Natsu put his chin on his shoulder, and he can feel some of Natsu's long hair escape from his messy bun as it brushes his cheek.
"She's cute," Natsu said, voice low.
"She is."
"We have to go Gray."
• Even if he agreed he made no move to give the baby back to the woman, and Natsu didn't do anything to correct that either.
• Natsu brings a finger to the baby's cheek to caress it gently, careful not to wake her, while Gray pulled the baby closer to his chest, as if he could protect her from the world.
• They didn't know how long they stayed like this, until the voice of the lady bringing them back to reality.
" You three look like the perfect little family," she laughs.
• When Gray gave the little girl back, they watched her disappear into the house with longing eyes.
"You wanted her to stay with you right ?" Natsu said.
"Yes," Gray found himself answering.
"You want to come back tomorrow? " The pinkette asked.
" Yeah.."
• Two months later they arrived at the guild with a little girl in Natsu's arms that they claimed to be their child. None of them had seen it coming, but it didn't take long before everyone warmed up to little Ayame.
• Honnêtement, ils ne prévoyaient pas d'avoir un enfant. Ils s'étaient rendus à l'orphelinat de Magnolia avec Wendy car elle avait quelques affaires à offrir aux enfants pour Noël et qu'elle avait eut besoin d'aide et qu'ils étaient les seuls à n'avoir rien à faire.
• Natsu avait l'habitude de jouer avec Asuka lorsqu'elle était petite alors il n'a pas eu de problème à garder les enfants occupés pendant que Wendy parlait avec le prêtre. Gray decida de rester en retrait, observant la scene avec un sourire tendre sur les lèvres.
• Son moment de paix ne dura pas longtemps puisque son attention fut sollicitée par l'une des femmes travaillant à l'orphelinat. Elle semblait avoir du mal à étendre le linge et tenir simultanément un enfant dans ses bras. Après un moment d'hésitation, il part offrir son aide à la dame. Il s'attendait à étendre le reste des vêtements mais avant qu'il n'enregistre quoique ce soit, il se retrouva avec un bébé dans les bras.
• Gray fut capable de déterminer que l'enfant dans ses bras était une petite fille grâce à ses vêtements et les traits de son visage. Elle semblait très jeune également, peut être un mois ou deux. Gray resta près de la femme qui lui avait tendu le bébé et il ne manqua pas le petit sourire sur ses lèvres.
"Est-elle à vous ?" Il se retrouva a demander.
"Non. Elle ezt arrivée ici il y a une semaine"
• Gray hocha de la tête et reporta son attention sur la petite dans ses bras. Il ne savait pas pourquoi mais l'idée de la rendre à la femme, lui causait une certaine douleur au coeur et il n'arrivait pas à comprendre comment est-ce qu'on pouvait abandonner un si petit être.
• Il fut surpris lorsqu'un bras se glissa autour de sa taille mais il n'eut pas besoin de relever la tête pour savoir de qui il s'agissait. Natsu posa son menton sur son épaule et Gray put sentir les longues mèches qui s'étaient échappées du chignon en bataille de Natsu, froler sa joue.
"Elle est adorable" dit Natsu la voix basse.
"Elle l'est."
"On doit y aller Gray.."
• Même si Gray venait de donner son accord il ne fit aucun mouvement pour rendre le bébé à la dame et Natsu ne fit rien pour corriger cela.
• Natsu porta un doigt à la joue de la petite pour une caresse, en faisant attention de ne pas la réveiller. Gray rapprocha l'enfant contre son torse, comme pour la protéger du reste du monde.
• Ils ne savent pas combien de temps ils sont restés comme ça jusqu'à ce qu'une voix de femme ne les ramène à la réalité.
"Vous ressemblez à une parfaite petite famille tous les trois" Rigola -t-elle.
• Quand Gray redonna la petite à la femme. Ils la regardèrent s'éloigner vers la maison.
"Tu voulais qu'elle reste auprès de toi pas vrai ?" Dit Natsu
"Oui" Gray se retrouva à répondre
"Tu veux qu'on revienne demain ?" Demanda le rose.
• Deux mois plus tard ils arrivent à la guilde avec la petite dans les bras de Natsu, clamant qu'elle est leur fille. La guilde fut surprise mais il ne fallut pas longtemps avant qu'elle ne s'habitue à la présence de Ayame.
I would like to thank @jinx13gxa for the Amazing beta work this time :) it was sweet of you doing this for me !
Also thanks to @mdelpin for bringing the idea to me and blame @fineapplethepineapple for the idea of Natsu with long hair !
@ftlgbtales @fuckyeahgratsu
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travers-de-reblog · 5 years
How about Optimus in loneliness?
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Prompt(s) by @badthingshappenbingo
Words : 358/337
Fandom : Transformers Animated
Warning : The true version of the text is in French, so I tried to translate him in English and idk if it’s good or not. Sorry English guys !
Dans le langage courant, lecrépuscule désigne le moment de la journée où entre le jour et lanuit, le ciel s'assombrit au coucher du soleil.
Les optiques dans le vague,Optimus se laissait aller à une description scolaire de la pièceélémentaire qui se jouait devant lui. Quelques cyberweeks plutôt,le cybertronien se serait fait une joie de se retrouver à ce mêmeendroit, un livre de poésie humaine à la main, pour profiter del'orchestre formé par la biodiversité terrienne qui s'étendaitautour de lui.
Mais les événements quis'étaient déroulés durant ces derniers mégacycles l'empêchaientde trouver la paix intérieure.
Tout avait plutôt biencommencé : la Terre continuait de tourner sous les caresseschaleureuses du Soleil. Enfin, il y avait toujours cette épée deDamoclés qui se tenait au dessus des Autobots, avec Oméga Suprêmesous le contrôle de Mégatron.
Puis ils avaient décidéd'agir en envoyant Bumblebee sur la Lune. Tout s'était accéléréensuite si vite que les souvenirs faisaient chauffés le processeurdu robot bleu et rouge.
L'arrivée sur Terre avecles doubles de l'Autobot géant, la bataille aux rebondissementsrocambolesques qui suivit et … et la mort de Prowl. Il avait donnésa propre étincelle pour sauver la Terre, ses amis et plus encore.Jazz avait été dévasté par la perte de son ami.
Optimus ne cessait de serembobiner les images de ce film de tragique dont il était un desprotagonistes accablés par le destin.
Le Cybertronien s'en pritrageusement à l'arbre auquel il était appuyé : le pauvre végétalse retouva tranformé en copeau de bois.
Prowl n'aurait pas aimé queson chef s'en prenne à la nature sur un coup de tête.
Optimus émit un faible rireavant de retomber sur le sol, le visage caché dans ses mains.
Demain, il devait repartiravec ses compagnons sur leur planète. Là-bas, ils pourraient offrirune tombe décente décente au Cyberninja. Et après, que cepasserait-il ? Le robot ne savait pas.
Mais pour le moment, lerobot avait besoin de purger un peu de sa peine, loin de l'ambiancepesante qui planait sur Détroit, seul aves sa douleur.
In common speech, thetwilight refers to the time of the day where between day and night,the sky turns to dark at the sunset.
Staring into space, Optimuslet himself go at an academic description of the elementary playwhich was performed in front of him. Some cyberweeks sooner, thecybertronian could have felt happy to stand in this same place, ahuman poetry book by hand, to enjoy the orchestra formed by theearthling biodiversity which was spread around him.
But the events which hadtaken place during those last megacycle prevented him to find innerpeace.
Everything had quite wellstarted : the Earth kept turning under Sun’s caress. At least, therestill was a sword of Damocles above Autobot’s head, with OmegaSupreme under Megatron’s control.
Then they had decided to actby sending Bumblebee on the Moon. Everything had accelerated then sofast which the memories were burning the blue and red robot’sprocessor.
The arrival on Earth of thegiant Autobot’s doubles, the battle at the extraordinary bounceswhich follows and … and the Prowl’s death. He had given up his ownSpark to save Earth, his friends and more. Jazz has been devasted bythe loss of his pal.
Optimus can’t stop rewindingthose pictures of this tragic movie whose he was one of thoseprotagonists overwhelmed by destiny.
The Cybertronian began toattack furiously the tree at which he was leaning : the poorvegetable finished in shaving.
Prowl wouldn’t have likedsee his boss destroy the nature who didn’t wish that.
Optimus emitted a weak laughbefore fall again on the ground, the face ins his face.
Tomorrow, he had to go backwith his partners on their planet. Here, they will offer a propergrave for the Cyber-Ninja. And after this, what will happen ? Hedidn’t know.
But for the moment, therobot needed to purge a little of his sorrow, far away of the heavy ambiance which glided on Detroit, alone with his pain.
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ezechiel5172 · 2 years
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Si demain... (Turn Around) (Official Video)
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marianajacqueline45 · 4 years
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Hoy cumple años Bonnie Tyler 69 años es una cantantebritánica, compositora, empresaria y filántropa activa. Es poseedora de una voz muy característica, como ronca o rasgada. Comenzando como un cantante local en Swansea, Tyler saltó a la fama con el lanzamiento de su álbum de 1977 The World Starts Tonight y sus sencillos «Lost in France» y «More Than a Lover». Su canción «It's a Heartache» fue un éxito a ambos lados del Atlántico, alcanzando el número uno en varios países europeos y rompiendo las listas de éxitos estadounidenses. En 1979 ganó el 10º Festival Mundial de la Canción Popular con su canción «Sitting on the Edge of the Ocean». Su carrera alcanzó su punto máximo en la década de 1980 con su colaboración con Jim Steinman, lanzando éxitos internacionales como «Total Eclipse of the Heart», «Holding Out for a Hero», «If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)», «Here She Comes» y «Loving You's a Dirty Job (but Somebody's Gotta Do It)». En la década de 1990 tuvo un mayor éxito en Europa continental con sencillos como «Bitterblue» y «Fools Lullaby», con el productor alemán Dieter Bohlen (cerebro del famoso dúo Modern Talking). Tyler había continuado con su éxito en el Reino Unido y Estados Unidos. Haciendo una reaparición a finales de 2003 en Francia, Tyler lanzó «Si demain... (Turn Around)» con Kareen Antonn, que fue número uno en Francia durante diez semanas, vendiendo más de 700.000 copias. En los últimos años ha aparecido en varios programas de televisión del Reino Unido; por ejemplo, hizo un cameo en la telenovela británica Hollyoaks. Más tarde estuvo de gira con Robin Gibb en 2010 y con Status Quo en 2012. Su último álbum Rocks and Honey tuvo un éxito moderado en Europa, con su sencillo «Believe in Me» con el cual representó al Reino Unido en el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión, quedando en el puesto 19 con 23 puntos. #Collage #ProgramaCollage #musica #HistoriadelaMúsica #music #magazine #revistacollage (en Montevideo, Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMKPspJQfi/?igshid=fnqxlayhavgy
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OTP 3 Song Meme
Thanks for the tag @illusivesoul! <3
Post 3 songs about your OTP
As much as I love my Shega and my Shoker... my real OTP is FemShep/Kaidan >_<  so I will use them for this tag ^^
I will begin saying that my HC for Kaidan is that he is a French Canadian, and talks in French from time to time... maybe my love for this language didn’t help but huh, what can I say XD I have a song for every game :P
Mass Effect 1:  Pablo Alborán & Zaz - Inséparables (Videoclip Oficial)
Revoir passer les anges Les cœurs sont si lourds quand ils se sont vidés Retrouver le goût du fruit, l'odeur de la pluie Marcher à tes côtés
Ce n'est rien qu'une main dans une autre main Mais c'est tout Ce qui nous tient jusqu'à demain quand tout flanche On se laisse et on se retient comme une danse Comme une danse
Alors pour toi, pour toi seulement je chante Et ma voix et ta voix sont inséparables Inséparables, inséparables
Sin ti yo me pierdo sin ti me vuelvo veneno No entiendo el despertar sin un besos de esos Sin tu aliento en mi cuello Sin ti yo me pierdo sin ti me vuelvo veneno No entiendo el despertar sin un beso de esos Sin tu aliento en mi cuello
Translation (is half in French half in Spanish ^^):
Seeing angels passing by again hearts are so heavy once they're empty finding the taste of fruit again, the smell of the rain walking to your side
It's nothing but one hand in another hand but it's everything to hold us until tomorrow when everything will collapse we let us go and turn around like in dance like in a dance
So for you and only for you I sing And my voice and your voice are inseparable inseparable, inseparable
Without you I get lost, without you I become poisonous I can't imagine waking up without one of those kisses without your breath on my neck Without you I get lost, without you I become poisonous I can't imagine waking up without one of those kisses without your breath on my neck
Mass Effect 2: Who wants to live forever - Queen 
There's no time for us. There's no place for us. What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us? Who wants to live forever? Who wants to live forever? There's no chance for us. It's all decided for us. This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us. Who wants to live forever? Who wants to live forever? Who dares to love forever When love must die?
Mass Effect 3:  Zaz - Eblouie par la nuit
Éblouie par la nuit à coups de lumières mortelles, à frôler les bagnoles, les yeux comme des têtes d'épingles, je t'ai attendu cent ans dans les rues en noir et blanc ; tu es venu en sifflant.
Éblouie par la nuit à coups de lumières mortelles, à shooter les canettes, aussi paumée qu'un navire. Si j'en ai perdu la tête, je t'ai aimé et même pire ; tu es venu en sifflant.
Éblouie par la nuit à coups de lumières mortelles. Faut-il aimer la vie ou la regarder juste passer ? De nos nuits de fumettes, il ne reste presque rien, que des cendres au matin.
Dazzled by the night's mortal lights With cars driving close by me and my pupils thin as pins I waited for you 100 years long in the black-and-white streets You came over, whistling
Dazzled by the night's mortal lights Kicking the cans on the ground, as lost as a ship If I lost my mind, I loved you and even worse You came over, whistling
Dazzled by the night's mortal lights Will you love life at last, or just watch it pass by? There's almost nothing left of our nights of smoking But your ashes in the morning
I tag, without obligation, of course ;) @machatnoir , @joz-stankovich, @starsandskies, @innercherryblossomsoul, @schizoid-freak , @vorchagirl , @scientistsalarian , @seigephoenix , @sweet-ree and @blueteaparty​
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monami-laurens-blog · 7 years
Family Denial - Mullette
Author’s Note: Mon ami! Good evening! This took two hours to write and let’s just say it was totally worth it! Also my Jeddmads fic I Will Always Be Here will be posted soon! Don’t forget! If you want me to write so fic about your ship look at my list then send an ask! I’ll be glad to satisfy your needs! <3
Word Count: 2274 
Warning: Small panic attack (it’s really not that bad), people hating on Laf and Herc’s relationship, a lil’ slap
Prompt: None!!
Hercules and Lafayette make their way up to the doorstep of Lafayette’s birth parents home. They traveled all the way to France, because Lafayette’s family in France were dying to meet Laf’s significant other. Lafayette was happy to bring Hercules to his family, but they don’t know that his lover was another man.
“Babe...I don’t know if I can do this” Hercules says, his voice low so no one but Laf could hear, “What if they don’t like me and they force us apart?”
Laf shoots his boyfriend with a warm and comforting smile, “Mon chéri, trust me, they’ll love you. I’m not sure if they are okay with people like us, but they are family they need to know.”
Hercules was still terrified, with all the eyes looking at him weirdly when they would do the things the so-called normal couples do. (Laf says they are the out of the ordinary couple because they are different in so many ways but still are meant for each other)
“Que dis-tu de ça (How about this), If they don’t approve we will walk right out and go back the hotel room.” Laf says, trying to calm Herc down. He could see in his eyes that even though Lafayette was comforting him there was still fear.
“No, we are going, it’s you family Laf. I can’t take that away from you just because I’m afraid of what they’ll think. I will just...try to stay calm.” Hercules says, taking a deep breath and sliding his hands into Laf’s.
“It will be fine because I’m here” Laf whispers into Hercules hear giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Laf rang the doorbell and was greeted by his older brother Michel. “Frère! Nous saluons le retour! je vous ai manqué! (Brother! Welcome back! I missed you!)” he said immediately grabbing Laf pulling him away from Hercules’s grip.
“Haha, je t'ai manqué aussi bien que je t'ai vu hier!! (Haha, I missed you too even though I saw you yesterday!)” Lafayette says with a small laugh. Hercules loved that laugh.
“Entrez, entrez! Mère et Père et très heureux de voir la jeune fille chanceuse! (Come in, Come in! Mother and I very excited to see the lucky maiden!)”
Hercules tried to say something but he didn't get to say anything because Lafayette dragged him in. He was even more nervous than before. Lafayette’s brother assumed that Laf was dating a girl. They will not approve of him, he was sure of it.
Both Lafayette and Hercules were seated on a couch while Michel went to fetch Lafayette’s parents. Laf squeezed his boyfriend’s hand as reassurance, but he barely got a squeeze back, instead Hercules flashed a fake smile on his face to hide the fear. Lafayette don't believe it one bit.
“Ahh, mon fils merveilleux! Comment vas-tu aujourd'hui? (Ahh, my wonderful son! How are you today?)” His mother smiled warmly going in for a hug.
“Je suis génial Mère, où est-ce qu'il est au travail? (I’m great Mother, where is Father is he at work?)” Lafayette asked, he didn't realize it but his hand had slipped out of Hercules’s again.
“Malheureusement, il était très impatient de voir votre amant, mais je lui ai assuré qu'il la verrait demain, alors je m'attends à ce que vous passiez la nuit? (Sadly, he is, he was very eager to see your lover but I assured him that he would see her tomorrow, so I'm expecting you to stay overnight?)”
“Bien sûr, Mère! (Of course Mother!)” Lafayette said, he sat back down on the couch and saw the fear upon Hercules face. He had forgotten that Hercules had learn French, so he knew that they were staying over. He wanted to comfort him, and talk to him about the matter but his mother started to speak.
“Maintenant, où est-elle? Michel, je parie qu'elle est belle! Cheveux courts, yeux bruns ... Chou, mon cher! Plus je pense à cela, plus je me (Now, where is she? Michel, I bet she's beautiful! Short hair, brown eyes..Oh dear! The more I think about it the more I get excited!)” Lafayette’s mother sat on a chair, her eyes were filled with desire to see the woman. She wanted the best for her youngest son after all.
Hercules sat there awkwardly, not knowing if he should tell them or let Laf tell them.
“Oh, je suis désolé d'être gros monsieur! J'étais très heureux de voir mon frère que je n'ai jamais demandé de votre présence! Quel est ton nom? Ou parlez-vous uniquement l'anglais? (Oh, I’m sorry to be rude sir! I was very excited to see my brother that I never asked about your presence! What's your name? Or do you speak English only?)”
“Je m'appelle Hercules Mulligan, et non, je parle français, je l'ai fait pour Laf (My name is Hercules Mulligan, and no I speak French I learned it for Laf)” Hercules said rubbing his legs with his hands so he could wipe off the sweat. Laf looks at Hercules with worry and starts to get nervous himself.
“C'est une bonne chose à faire pour un ami, M. Mulligan. Mais s'il vous plaît, fils ne me laissez pas souffrir, laissez-moi le voir! (That is such a nice thing to do for a friend Mr.Mulligan. But please, son don't let me suffer let me see her!)” Lafayette mother whines, she then straighten her posture and clears her throat because she realized that whining was unprofessional.
Lafayette then started to panic, internally screaming, he was getting light headed. He was afraid that they would disapprove of the relationship. Laf heard Hercules take a deep breath and held Lafayette’s hand. His mother’s eyes grew big and stood up.
“Excusez-moi, monsieur, mon fils est en relation avec une femme, alors je vous demande de lui enlever la main. (Excuse me, sir, my son is in a relationship with a woman so I demand you take his hand out of his.)” She could not believe his son was friends with people with this much disrespect. He was from America she should’ve expected it.
“M-Mother…” Lafayette said, looking at her with fear.
“Je suis désolé de vous l'abandonner Mlle, mais il est mon petit ami, alors j'ai tout le droit de tenir sa main et de le réconforter. (I’m sorry to break it to you Miss but he is my boyfriend, so I have every single right to hold his hand and comfort him.)” Hercules said with pride, he wasn’t afraid anymore.
Lafayette’s mother was taken aback, her son was in love with another man? She didn’t want to make any rash movements. She would just wait until her husband came home and then would take care of the matter. Shen sent her eldest son a look that meant for him to keep quiet and to play along.
“Oh! Je suis vraiment désolé! Je n'étais pas au courant de ça! C'est donc la personne gentille et belle dont vous parlez ... Gilbert? (Oh! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t aware of that! So this is the kind and beautiful person you were speaking of...Gilbert?)” He was afraid that things were going to get messy if he spoke so he just nodded.
“Je suis désolé, mais je dois m'occuper de mon petit ami, alors avez-vous une chambre d'hôtes depuis notre nuit? (I’m sorry but I need to take care of my boyfriend so do you have a guest bedroom since we are staying overnight?)” Hercules asked, helping Laf stand to his feet.
“Descendre ce couloir (Go down this hallway),” Michel pointed in the direction they needed to go to. “La quatrième chambre à gauche est à vous. (The fourth bedroom on the left is yours.)
Hercules thanked Michel and made his way down to the bedroom. Lafayette mother then pulled Michel into the kitchen and her eyes were now filled with anger.
“Mon fils aime d'autres hommes … (My son likes other men…)” She turns around and slams her hand on the countertop. “Je vais parler à votre père ce soir afin que nous puissions voir ce que nous devons faire ... Je ne permet pas à une personne comme ça dans ma famille ... et si vous leur dites … (I am going to speak to your father tonight so we can see what we need to do...I am not allowing a person like that into my family...and if you tell them…)”
“Je ne serai pas mère (I won’t Mother)”
The two then went their separate ways, but on Michel’s way to his room he heard sobbing from the guest bedroom. He pressed his ear to the wall because he was curious, did Hercules make his younger brother cry?
“J'ai eu tellement peur ... Je ... j'ai gelé ... J'aurais dû leur dire ... mais … (I was so scared...I-I froze...I should have told them...but…)” Laf cried, hugging Hercules at the same time. He thought he was strong enough but he was wrong.
“Shh, babe, it’s not your fault...they approved. Don’t think it's your fault okay?” Hercules didn't know what urged him to stand up and just confess but he is glad he did it. He isn’t as nervous to speak to Laf’s father.
“I’m a mess...why do you care for me?” Laf whispered. Hercules lied Laf down on the bed and kissed him on the forehead.
“Because, you are my mess and it's my job to always clean you up..” Hercules says with a smile, “I’m going to get a water for you okay?”
Laf nods and snuggles up in the blanket.
Michel’s heart was warmed, they were perfect for eachother for sure. But it is not meant to be. Michel runs to his room before Hercules sees him.
The next morning, Laf woke up a bit earlier than Herc so he got to see the man asleep and he thought it was the cutest thing. He grabbed his phone so he could take a picture. But when he took it he didn’t realize flash was on, so the man awoke from his slumber groaning.
“What time is it?”
Laf smiles and hugs his boyfriend, “Temps endormi (still sleepy time), sorry for waking you. You just look too cute when you are asleep.”
“What can I say? I’m the cutest.” Hercules says smiling, he then slowly drifts back to sleep with Laf in his arms.
Laf likes that spot so he doesn't get up until he hears a knock on the door.
“Fils? C'est moi, pouvons-nous parler en dehors de la salle s'il vous plait (Son? It’s me, may we speak outside the room please)”
“Bien sûr père! (Of course Father!)”
Laf opens the door revealing his father, he steps out of the room and closes it quietly. Then faces his father.
“J'ai vu un homme dormir dans le même lit que vous, je suppose que c'est votre ami? La prochaine fois, je préférerais qu'il soit dormi dans une pièce séparée afin que vous puissiez avoir la vie privée. (I saw a man sleeping in the same bed as you, I’m assuming it’s your friend? Next time I'd rather have him sleep in a separate room so you can have privacy.)” Lafayette father says, stone faced.
“Eh bien, vous voyez père, ce n'est pas seulement un ami que l'homme est mon petit ami (Well you see father that is not just a friend that man is my boyfriend)” Lafayette was started to get nervous again but tried to remember the feeling when Hercules held his hand.
“Boyfriend ... Un homme avec un autre ... n'a pas beaucoup de sens pour moi fils...(Boyfriend...One man with another...doesn’t make a lot of sense to me son...)”
Lafayette was stunned, was that a joke? He wanted to disagree with his father, but he was caught off guard at the time for some reason.
“Aucun fils de moi ne fera un tel horreur que de rencontrer un autre homme. Si vous voulez toujours être connu comme mon fils, je vous suggère de dire à l'homme dégoûtant de quitter ma propriété et de rompre avec lui. (No son of mine will do some as horrid as dating another man, If you still want to be known as my son I suggest you tell the disgusting man to get off of my property and break up with him.)”
Lafayette eyes were filling with tears, his family didn’t approve of him. He felt like an outsider, and unloved. He looked at his father again, there was no pity in his eyes. That’s when he saw a hand slap him across the face.
“Êtes-vous sourd? Je vous commande comme votre père … (Are you deaf son? I command you as your father to--)”
Hercules then swung the door open almost missing Lafayette’s dad’s face. “Je ne vous laisserai pas lui parler comme ça! Ou le toucher de telle manière! Nous serons sur notre chemin, il suffit de nous donner un moment pour collecter nos biens (I will not let you speak to him like that! Or touch him in such a way! We will be on our way, just give us a moment to collect our belongings).”
Hercules brought Lafayette back into the room and he broke down. Tears streamed down his face, he tried to speak but it's seemed like gibberish.
“Laf, don’t cry...It’s okay that they don’t approve...we have George and Martha. Those are your parents not these homophobes…”
“Je pensais qu'ils nous ont vraiment aimés Herc ... Je pensais que nous serions acceptés comme qui nous sommes ... mais ce crime? (I thought they really liked us Herc...I thought we were going to be accepted as who we are...but that a crime?!)” Laf spat, still crying.
“Laf, you need to breathe, okay?” Hercules says into his ear.
Laf nodded, and did as told. By the time Lafayette was stable again. It was time to leave. No one stayed at the door and waved to them as they left. No one even said goodbye to Lafayette. He was hurt, but he knew his real family was at home with all his friends and his adoptive...or real parents. Laf grabbed Hercules hand, and pulled him down for a kiss.
“Thank you for always being the best boyfriend.” Laf said, he smiled. He wasn’t sad anymore. He knew he was loved.
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