#sick and tired of their pinning
joonytown · 2 years
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someone help her
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 2 months
met a VERY charming lil friend yesterday who i have never (knowingly) seen before!!! 🖤💛
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this is the Sequoia Pitch moth (Synanthedon sequoiae), yes, moth! these fascinating little creatures bear an incredible resemblance to members of the family Vespidae, like common paper wasps and yellowjackets, and that’s no simple coincidence!
the appearance of these moths is an example of Batesian mimicry, a type of mimicry where one species mimics the warning signals of another species, but without having the same harmful or undesirable defences.
in this case these moths look like they may give you a nasty sting, but really they’re about as harmless as a moth can be! (plus they have gorgeous slightly iridescent black-lined wings and fluffy little shrimp-like tails! absolute cuties!)
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xejune · 5 months
Doodle of Branch's bros showing Poppy an enlarged baby photo of Branch and Branch just going feral in the background?
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i know this isn't exactly what you asked for anon, but consider this the aftermath 🤲
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ruvviks · 3 months
hi everyone my laptop died again so i won't be online much for the foreseeable future considering how i'm frankly about to kms from all the bad things that have been happening to me as of late ✌️
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pathos-logical · 1 year
Do you know of any resources or posts specifically about captioning comics? I am very new to this, but I love comics and I make comics so I want to learn how to caption them properly. Thank you for your blog and all you do!
Delighted you asked this, since it gives me the excuse to share one of my top favorite posts about exactly that!!! I used @/TheQueerWithoutFear's addition in this post as a personal bible when starting out with art IDs! I think this post also has advice which is generally applicable to lots of comic IDs, since people can get bogged down writing every single detail of a piece when the broad strokes would do and thus detract from the overall comprehensibility of an ID. I also really appreciate this site as a great resource for examples on how to write concisely and with an audience in mind, and this post also lays out a lot of good tips! I'll round out this post with some general advice/guidelines:
Neither alt text nor caption IDs are better or even necessarily more accessible than the other; what matters is good formatting (so please don't put IDs below a readmore or use anything but plain text, use sentence case and primarily formal language, use brackets and "ID/End ID" formatting for caption IDs but omit them from alt, etc!)
For comics, especially long ones, I personally favor conciseness over strict fidelity to art, though this is highly subjective and depends on the piece and sometimes my mood. What I would boil this down to is that you don't need to include every detail in a piece to write a good ID, and using narration/prose is often more understandable than transcribing visual techniques (Ex: "She notices something to the side" is clearer and more succinct than "Action lines next to her face indicate she saw something to the side")
Organizing an ID's information in a top-down format is best for comprehensibility: start with who/what is featured (and where they're from, if applicable) and what they're doing, and then move on to background, style, and details
Last, you're welcome, and thank YOU so much for reaching out!! Artists like you make the world go round!! Please feel free to reach out if you ever have more questions, and have a wonderful day!!!
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cyeayt · 8 months
Back on my bullshit answer my questions
while doing some rudimentary research for this poll it has come to my attention that pins and needles are a feeling felt while the limb is asleep, not the period of intense sensation/tingling/sensitivity experienced while it comes back online. or maybe it's both? the stuff i read referred to it as tingling that happens while the limb is pinned/under pressure/numb. i cannot find anything that references what i have come to think of as "the agony" but ive referred to it as the pins and needles in the options for this poll anyway.
Mild: limb has muted sensation but can be moved and used carefully, pins and needles begin almost immediately after limb is moved from whatever position caused it to fall asleep. Pins and needles not painful and do not appear painful, and last a few seconds, person affected is capable of speech and moving other parts of their body during pins and needles, which last a few seconds.
Middle intensity: limb is numb or partially numb and can twitch but not be moved precisely. Pins and needles begin a few seconds after limb is unpinned or when it is moved. Pins and needles not painful but intense and appear uncomfortable, taking a lot of the affected person's attention/capacity. they last between 5 and 7 seconds.
Intense: limb is numb and cannot move/be used, pins and needles begin 5-7 seconds after the limb is unpinned. pins and needles are intense and may be painful or not painful but 'unbearable', causing the affected person to cry out, grimace, or otherwise appear to be in pain. Person cannot speak or move their other limbs during pins and needles, which last 10 or more seconds (without shaking) and have residual tingling for a few seconds after limb regains movement/becomes bearable to move
obviously this all depends on how long the limb was pinned but just answer whichever is the most common for you, and if you want you can put in the tags what positions make your limbs go numb/how you deal.
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galacticpanther306 · 1 month
Similarities between supporters of palestine and supporters of Israel.
1. They love boycotting.
2. They love accusing people who work for those companies of being complicit with either side eventhough the employee just wants to get their shift over with and go home where they can be left alone.
3. They can't take no for an answer heck they can't take being told that the individual isn't interested for an answer.
4. They don't care if the individual in question is having thoughts of committing suicide and think that if they help they're giving the individual a pass for not being interested in this movement.
Anyone on either side that comments on this post with anything nasty will get blocked and I'm getting fucking sick of this behavior.
#I'm one of those people that's staying out of this conflict#i've got enough problems to deal with and i don't need anymore.#If you read my post and still want to treat me like shit then i have a very effective weapon called the block button.#FUCK OFF!#I don't care if ot would cause problems at least it would numb the painful feeling of existing on this planet.#I just do my job and go home where i don't deal with anymore bullshit.#I'd rather kill myself than show support to a movement that has 0 benefits.#Partycoffin#friendlyfrankenstein#tunnelva#syntheticcharmva#hollowtones#cyberscraps#anonymouspuzzler#kmodo#weevmo#Downydig#Even if i was associated with either side i would tell both sides that they ruined my life.#I would also say that both sides are acting like a bunch of bratty children.#And the rudeness i would be acting towards both sides would be done on purpose.#If you try and make me choose a side i will harm myself.#If you're a supporter of either palestine or Israel and you try and comfort me thanks to this post you will get blocked.#This situation ruined my life.#Supporters on both sides can go fuck themselves.#Only normal sane human beings can comment on this post.#If you claim to be normal meanwhile you support either palestine or Israel then you're actually insane and should be sent to an asylum.#i don't care if it causes problems at least it would numb the pain of living on this planet.#if this is how supporters of palestine and Israel act then i don't want to join either side at all and remain on the “leave me alone” side.#i'm sick and tired of it.#pinned post
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saline-coelacanth · 2 months
I am once again making a post saying that I am not working on the Ninjago fusion au anymore and I took the characters from that au and turned them into their own thing. They are not Ninjago fusions anymore, they are their own characters within their own universe. It gets really annoying when people acknowledge the characters in the context of the au and not as their own thing.
I don't want to make this post to make anyone feel bad, I just want people to know how frustrating this is for me to deal with since it happens a lot. I get that the fusion au was popular and that a lot of people enjoyed it, I enjoyed it too. I wouldn't have held onto these characters if I didn't. But I have moved on and I wish people would do the same.
Sorry for being dramatic I know this probably isn't that big of a deal, but again I've dealt with this a bunch and it gets really annoying to see constantly. I guess I just wish people would see the Half Magic boys as the Half Magic boys and not the Fusion boys.
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mbat · 5 months
wait so where did this anti and proship shit even come from lol
like its yet another form of nuanceless "us vs them'ing"... its honestly immature and i feel like it really shuts down actual diacussions that could be had, but instead we just label ourselves and others and ignore and hate on those who are on the "other side"
not to mention how frankly beyond obsessed weve become as a culture with whether people are morally good or bad/if people are good or bad people (which imo feels like a deeply christian thing to worry about but thats a different topic for another day)
i think its just healthy that we as people spot when were doing things like making meaningless dichotomies that do nothing but separate us, and instead try and think of the nuance of the situation, or at the very least smudge the line drawn in the middle. to create an "other" is not only to hurt those you deem as other, but to begin to hurt those you deem as the "us", and especially the one you deem as yourself.
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marinerach · 3 months
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happyendingsong · 5 months
Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you've had a great day today <3
sooo sweet THANK U !!!!!!!!!!! i hope you've had a wonderful day too <3
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stellarstarryyy · 6 months
Demigirl pride merch acquired and my parents are non the wiser; mission accomplished
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Hey so uh what's up with the no likes if you don't reblog rule? You seem incredibly harsh about it and it kinda feels super rude, but maybe there's a genuine reason? Like I just added a rule to my blog asking people to interact before or shortly after following so I know they're real people, so maybe it's a similar situation? /gq /nm
this is the last ask im posting about this mark my words after this im fucking done. so anon if you have been on tumblr longer than like a week you know that theres no Algorithm here. this means that likes do nothing. if you like a post it will not show that post to anyone else. the only thing it does is save it to your likes page and show up in the notifications of the op and whoever put it on your dashboard unlike twitter where if you like a post it has a chance of putting it on one of your followers timelines. likes are functionally useless and literally were not implemented on tumblr until a full year after its creation and half the fucking userbase doesnt use them anyways. usually it would be fine if you just liked a post and didnt reblog it. i do it sometimes. some posts are meant to not be reblogged. thats fine. but with drawings and paintings and writing and every other form of art put on this goddamn site we can put hours into that shit and when someone likes it it does nothing but clog up ones notifications and (in the case of my stuff) annoy me. it doesnt get it anywhere. does that make sense now finally
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shuckstruck · 2 years
♛ Call me Shuck! • 31 • she/her • bi • paladin • artist • gamer ♛
- You can find a list of my tags here. You can probably learn more about me reading that page than this post, lmao.
- I don’t bite and I love to talk about my ocs. Feel free to ask me things about them!
- I have a couple of sideblogs here if you’re interested in something a little more focused. Infrequent posting there.
- I’ll tag any triggers! Feel free to ask if there’s something you need tagged! I tag common triggers in a “word///“ fashion.
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pinnithin · 2 years
im blacklisting all wizards now i guess, which is a shame because im on the wizard website
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kigiom · 2 years
blorbo in the washing machine this blorbo in the blender that. when are they going to put ME in the washing machine. when are they going to break all MY bones in the blender. when are they going to punch ME to a pulp and then nurse me back to health in a house by the sea. huh. huh. when.
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