#sickening. it was cute but noooooo.
jennrypan · 4 months
"Oh wow cute batfam picture"
*tagged as brudick*
😶...I'm gonna start shooting people in the FACE. What the hell. Yall are literal Hell
And tumblrs a big ass bitch for having the gall, the AUDACITY to show me that shit. Die.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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I’ve returned from my sketchbook quest , and here’s a drawing for dauntless-daffodil , who came up with the idea for the spear baby au.
oh gods looking at that cute little innocent face i can just FEEEEEEL baby spear watching as chaggie and the hotel all stand around them hotly debating What Food Is Even Healthy For A Baby Spear Spawn Child To Be Eating
Charlie: "A cookie??"
Angel Dust: "They don' need cookies, ya useless gays, they need milk!"
Charlie: "We had cookies in the hotel??"
Vaggie: "Why would they need milk? They've got teeth already! Fangs, even!"
Angel Dust: "That ain't how nutrition an' shit WORKS toots!"
Niffty: (shakes jar full of money) "SWEAR JAR!"
Angel Dust: "Fuck. Shit." (hands over three dollars)
Charlie: "Since when are there cookies in the hotel that I don't know know about???"
Cherri: "If they've got fangs and like chewing stuff, maybe they need meat or something?"
Niffty: "OR BLOOD!!!"
Vaggie: "We are NOT-"
Angel Dust: "Ain't no baby under my watch gettin' fed steaks and BLOOD!"
Charlie: "Where did the cookie even COME from?!"
Husk: (coughs)
Charlie: "Husk! You gave them-?"
Husk: "....bar's always got snacks. And they were just. Staring at me."
Angel Dust: "Husky noooooo....!"
Vaggie: "How? I did a double sweep for undeclared cookies just two days ago- you KNOW what Charlie does to your bar if she goes snack hunting in the middle of night and actually finds something. She's like an adorable cookie gremlin."
Charlie: "Heheh!"
Husk: "Yeah well, she's not the only one allowed to like f- fffffffudging cookies. And your kid seems to take after her, so whatever."
Angel Dust: "Baby cat, that's no reason ta- oh for cryin' out loud, now what Vaggot?"
Vaggie: "...what? I didn't say anything."
Charlie: "Vaggieee, you're smiling~"
Vaggie: "Huh?"
Husk: "Like a dumb... dumb."
Niffty: "Beaming! Grinning! AS WIDE AS A SLIT THROAT-"
Cherri: "-fuck fuck fuck, shit shit, damn crap hell- here, take my money and don't fucking talk like THAT in front of the kid either, what the fuck."
Angel Dust: "Sickening."
Niffty: "Thanks!"
Angel Dust: "I meant Darth Vaggie getting all googey eye'd over her an' Charlie chip having a kid."
Charlie: "Oh so you think they're my kid too, huh?"
Angel Dust: "Are ya gonna let Vaggie raise 'em without ya?"
Charlie: "No~pe~!!!"
Angel Dust: "Then congrats on parenthood ta both of ya, it's already going to hell."
Vaggie: "Okay, uh-"
Husk: "You're gonna fffffeathering cry again."
Vaggie: "-no I'm not, I'm just glad the... my kid isn't still crying. Our kid. They, really are pretty happy with the cookie aren't they?"
Charlie: "Of course they are! It's CHOCOLATE CHIP!!"
Angel Dust: "It's not. Baby food."
Charlie: "It is if it's my baby, and they get milk to go with the cookie!"
Angel Dust: "V-gal, stop her! Use ya dang mom veto!!"
Vaggie: "Eh. Charlie was a hellborn kid and she grew up fine. I trust her."
Charlie: "AWww!!!"
Angel Dust: "Unbelievable."
Husk: "Whipped."
Vaggie: "Yeah? My kid didn't even have to say anything to get a cookie out of you, fluff boy."
Cherri: "Uh, guys.... gays...?"
Husk: "What."
Charlie & Vaggie: "What?"
Angel Dust: "Both and speaking, baby."
Cherri: "Where did..... the baby go...?"
Hotel crew: "....."
Place where baby was: (empty except for crumbs)
Spear Baby: (gone)
Vaggie: (wings bristling) "The-"
Charlie: "OUR!"
Vaggie: "Our-"
Demon Charlie: "-BABY!?"
Niffty: "MOTHER OF FUCK." (throws down swear jar) (tries throwing herself onto the broken shards but angel dust and husk grab her)
-meanwhile, elsewhere in the hotel-
Alastor: (walking quickly)
Spear Baby: (crawling after him)
Alastor: "....shoo."
Spear Baby: "Guh!"
Alastor: (nervous sweating) (walks FASTER)
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Ravening War episode 5 reactions! I’m so close to being all caught up, I’m so excited to be able to go through my dash without being scared for spoilers again
The lemon saint sebastian kills me every time lmao
Ooh new minis!
Oh those things are horrifying and also kind of cute?
I love how Aabria’s makeup references Karna’s eye
Angels of a mushroom god that can save me from perdition
I love intricate battle sets like this
Oh the pumpkin one is actually cute
Deli taking a level of barbarian makes sense yeah
God the deli/colin drama kills me
God Karna is so pretty
Battle master Colin go off hell yeah
What a wild way to ask permission to kill someone
You’re leeking!!
Just a cheeky lil silvery barbs
Oh, shit indeed
Yeah you fucked up.
SO many silvery barbs
Oh nooo poison
The concept of uncanny valley is so wild in this situation where nothing is actually human. Like. Would these vegetables and fruits etc be capable of feeling the discomfort of the uncanny valley?
There are fucking stakes.
Well. At least we have a sense of what we’re doing now. Even if it’s not a great thing to be doing.
You know, Raphaniel, I’m not entirely sure it is good to be this way!
Karna just going batshit when Deli is hurt is great
Wails from the Grave??
Just wanna lodge a complaint with the fate board.
Dice are jewelry for gamers!
Oh that’s so gross
Really cool, sick as hell, also EW
Gotta say, I really appreciate how Anjali immediately clocked and embraced the manner in which these creatures communicate
Karna giving a sacrifice to the mycelium <3
Horrifying. Horrifying!
Yeah you two should talk. You really should.
Oh god I take it back? I take it back.
Shoutout to the composers for this season btw the music really does add so much <3
W h a t
Who is that what’s up with that voice
How is this the FIRST TIME anyone’s talked to Colin with telepathy
We talk out loud okay? Like buds.
Cheese?? Colin backstory moment??
New map!! Malleable map! Malleable terrain! I love this shit!
Great point. We’re having fun!
Bro what?? Brennan what?? Why?????
Matt’s FACE-
I need this energy to be directed somewhere else!
Best buds. Yep. Sure. Mhm.
Oh noooooo Karna
It’s almost like it’s been molding :D
They should put up cones!
You were always a problem??? God that’s fucked up
Ew ew ew
What that gravy doooo
Matt’s so good at noises damn
Everyone disliked that!
Honor skips a generation.
We gotta finish burning you DAMN
Kill! Your! Dad!
Glowing corn? Zac dad moment? What is this, freshman year?
I’m glad Colin gets a moment of having a glass of water and a hug and getting to talk.
That’s the amazing thing about necromancy! It’s not just skeletons and stuff, it’s closure!
Fun fact: I used to have an English teacher named Fontini
Did he just go to quote the ‘what is grief if not love persevering’ line from WandaVision??
A library of skulls holy shit
It just looks like steel. Just regular metal, non food metal.
God his visions are sick
Deus Pa’Zuul
Man they were just supposed to be left alone!
Yeah just go say hi to the speaker for the heart of the world
Ooh Karna and Raphaniel are talking againnnn
Oh they’re so stealthy
Yayyyy battle set close ups <3
The seventh kingdom!!
Graham cracker sidewalk!!
We do love to see it
Get absolutely got man
Deli and Karna are so scary sometimes
What an insane way to finish a sentence that started with ‘I am possessed of healing’
Oh my god
The idea that Raphaniel feels kinship with these creatures specifically because they would be pleasant to consume together. Hnnnng.
The fact that deli just kills with no hesitation no matter who’s telling him to
We’re getting in character :D
Ooooh Karna
Ok the one slap was kinda hot and then it devolved a Lot
No coherent thoughts about the preview except that Aabria’s makeup looks so good.
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy season 17 episode 4
(Get these characters some Ragu sauce because they've been through enough.)
This episode has been the best for the season so far, I loved it.
Jackson and Jo
(Never thought I'd have to put them in a title together.)
Jackson and Jo I was intrigued at first when they were being just friends but then they swapped it and slept together. At this point I'm not sure if I like the pairing it's kinda odd borderline cringe, but maybe it'll change. It might be because it came on so suddenly and different. They've pledged to be a friends with benefits thing which is for the best, because Jackson really does go through clothes like he does clothes, but we all know how that is going to end up, someone is going to catch feelings and I don't think it's going to be Jo.
Honestly I'm not sure what they're doing with Jackson. He hasn't had a plot in a really long time it seems like they're just using him as a general filler to put the ladies in relationships, and where did my baby Harriet go she carried the show for the few seconds she was in it last time.
Other than their new arrangement neither Jackson nor Jo have any pressing plots at the moment.
Link and Amelia
(Currently carrying the Grey's relationship game.)
Before we get into it can I just express how adorable it was seeing Amelia gardening and mothering. She's really doing a great job.
And Link and his one man band serenading his son is adorable as well. He's an awesome father as everyone knew he would have been.
The pandemic and the possibility of Meredith dying is getting to them, as it would for anyone in their positions. I loved that he sat with Amelia and allowed her to feel all her feelings. Link has been the only partner Amelia has had who actually listened to her instead of talking over her concerns and dismissing them and in return she sat with him and allowed him to process his grief in the way he preferred to. Their levels of communication is on point right now and I am excited to see where it goes. Then there's also the scene where she's afraid for Meredith, her and Meredith had a rocky start and even now they don't have the best relationship but still it's great to see the moments where they let us know that they do care about each other.
Nico and Levi
(At this point I'm sad to put these two names together up here.)
I shipped those two so strong at the beginning but now I just want Levi to stand up for himself and leave Nico hanging, give him some time to let him realise what a good thing he is messing up. I'm still seething at his hypocrisy calling Levi a baby gay and lowkey pressuring Levi to come out to and move out of his mother's basement only for him to find out that Nico hasn't come out to his parents either and worst of all basically left him homeless by putting him out.
I was sad to see that Levi was falling down the same rabbit hole again. Levi hunny you deserve better. At the beginning of the episode when they had that awkward hi moment I was like oh no here we go again. Jo's reaction to finding out about them was perfect their friendship really has grown on me. It was a little odd at first but I approve of them as each other's persons, and for Jo to let him know he's worth more until Nico gets his crap together.
Oh Owen, no just no, he miss diagnosed a patient because he didn't look at the whole picture and just saw a piece, however he took the time to educate himself so I'm feeling a little better, I was expecting him to get mad or offended but he wasn't he took it in stride usually some of the doctors would tend to get snippy at the resident's when they pointed out that they made a mistake but he didn't. This is a common mistake made where doctors don't take into concept ethnicity when they're diagnosing patients and I'm glad they touched on this topic.
Owen has no other current plots at this point to touch on, at least until him and Teddy talk again.
Richard Webber
Meredith better be alright and come out unscathed, because if she does that will destroy Webber. He was so stressed all episode trying to make the decision of whether to put Meredith in the trial or not and I could only imagine the panic that went through him when he heard her mention George. Finally he made the decision to put her in the trial. Her reason for putting her as her POA was because Richard tends to be calm in most situations but she underestimated how important she is to everyone in the hospital they were all literally only interested in her during the briefing, and seeing him in her room all the time was adorable she was alone yet not alone at the same time because he was always in the room watching over her. He is the father that Meredith never had.
(Her plot is apparently coming next week)
She really didn't do much other than educate Owen, worry over Meredith and express her concern about her parent's recent move to an assisted living facility.
Seeing her and George together again warmed my heart and seeing her on the beach with Meredith was a surprise as well especially because the few conversations they had in season 16 were the most I'd seen them talk about things that didn't involve work, but they've been together from the beginning along with Richard and been with her through it all, they're all a family and even though her and Meredith have their ups and down they have a similar relationship to Amelia and Meredith they fight sometimes but when push comes to shove they are there for each other.
(A moment of silence for season 5 through 7 Teddy. May she rest in peace.)
Her plot wasn't so much as about her as it was about Meredith but I understand her concern about Meredith dying under her watch. The whole hospital was basically looking over her shoulder with pitchforks for incase she screwed up. It's a lot of pressure when Meredith Grey is your patient, and after the whole her being heard cheating on Owen with Tom by the whole OR the eyes were probably sharper than ever.
But then onto the worst part, her going to visit Tom. Now I know he said he was going to move on for his own sake, but out of all the times they broke up or separated he has never actually ignored her he would have answered even if it was to say go away and even so he has Covid and wasn't answering the door, why didn't she try to open the door or call 911 that's concerning. She could have even threatened to call the ambulance first just to make sure he wasn't really ignoring her. That would have gotten a response from him for sure. But I just can't fathom how she just left after getting no answer from him.
(Get it hun.)
Her and Winston are so cute and they haven't even met in person yet. Seeing the way how they handled the whole dinner with his father was a nice moment. The dinner was super awkward and he managed to make me hate his dad in one scene. This one seems to be the real deal for Maggie she isn't freaking out at the pace like she usually does and took the invitation to family dinner quite well. I'm glad to see she's no longer a cheerleader but now has a life of her own and probably soon maybe even a plot.
Tom Koracick
(Take Owen instead.)
NOOOOOO not Tom, we haven't gotten to see his character development yet. And why has he been through as much as someone who has been on the show since season 6 give the dude a break man. The whole time I knew he was going to get worst being asymptomatic doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get them later plus the fact that they sent him home alone was enough to know that something was going to go bad.
First thing first the rest of the doctors are sickening the way they treat him, can he come on strong and be a douche yes but I remember Bailey telling George at one point when he was making fun of Karev that they still had to be on his side even if they didn't like him. They are not on Koracick's side they just sent him home to rot and now it may very well cost him his life. I know Meredith is the sun but they could have at least kept Tom in the hospital to just to monitor him or if that wasn't able to happen they could have kept better tabs on him to make sure he was ok.
Am I the only one who's seeing Helm as his intern later in the future? They clearly have the same taste in video games and they would get along better when he becomes more open to people. Plus idk Helm just reminds me of someone in Nuero or even cardio, she has that tough attitude and strong drive like Cristina and Stephanie etc.
I don't think he's going to die though or at least I hope he's not going to die. Bailey's mother is there for a reason I more see her as the one to die.
Last but certainly not least is Meredith am I the only one who suspected that George was next Ellen Pompeo and T.R Knight have a good relationship off set. If anyone was coming back it was going to be George. I can't see Eric Dane coming back. Chyler is filming Supergirl in Vancouver I think and the others are still alive which makes it more unlikely for them to show up on the beach unless if they heard about Meredith being sick and came back to help or something.
Either way I was ecstatic when I saw George, as I said at some point before he was one of those characters that I didn't like before but the more I watched the show the more I appreciated him until he became one of my favorite characters on the show. He's every bit as 'Georgelike' as I remember him. The only thing was I was a little peeved at the fact that she got to be close to George and talk about her kids with him and not Derek but as I realised later apparently Derek is death and when she reaches him it means she choose to live. Which I'm ok with I guess it was good just seeing them again, and it was even better when we got to see the 4 OG's sitting together again even if it was just in a dream.
She has to pick her kids, they need her and so does GreySloan, she needs to live.
I'm hoping she recovers soon, as much as I would like to see even more visitors at the beach. Has Meredith not been through enough? Although this is as peaceful as I've seen her to be completely honest.
Next week is looking extremely dramatic already.
Meredith seems to be getting better although who knows how long that will last.
Koracick is worst like I said before I don't think he will actually die but something extremely dramatic is going to happen besides him being near death it might be another peice to the Teddy, Owen and Tom love triangle seeing that they're both working on him.
And the last part I saw was Bailey's mom I knew her talking about her parents all of the sudden meant that something was going to happen to one or both of them. Unfortunately I think she might be the one to die Grey's has a habit of bringing in secondary characters when too many primary characters are at risk. Plus it'll give Bailey her plot which I'm lowkey ok with because Chandra Wilson's Emotional scenes are always on point.
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jonstavk · 7 years
In case anyone needs a reminder (unfortunately some people still need to be reminded ???)
Before you make a post or fan fic, think of these situations that are okay whilst involving the kids from stranger things or It.
- hand holding
- light cheek kissing
- an innocent kiss (aka bev x bill kiss or mike x eleven kiss)
- cute PG Dates that aren't totally dates but still v cute
- confessing emotional feelings of love, gratitude, admiration, fondness, adoration .... etc
- modest descriptions of clothing or features. Do NOT talk about their nether reigons OKplz
Things that are not okay and shouldn't have to be explained and yet here I am???
- sexual advances (they are 13 😩 noooooo)
- removing of clothes (seriously. STOP.)
- I'm cringing just writing this. How do people think this is okay.
- sexual harassment , forceful sexual advances (I'd rather die than read this)
- think of it like these are your v own children , do you want to read about your own children doing highly inappropriate things @ a v inappropriate age??
- now think about a grown person writing about this kinda stuff about your children
- this is how MANY of us feel when you sexualize 13 year olds. Uncomfortable. Sickened. And veryyyy angry that you fucked with our baby cubs ok .
- let's protect these kids. Because they are .... K I D S .
* this goes for literally any underage character you're writing about*
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