snazzysickly · 5 years
Show Don’t Tell (Arthur Morgan x Reader) Part 1?
Summary: Keeping your secret is hard enough on your own, but joining a gang nearly blows your cover, especially when you fall for one of the members.
Warnings: Bit of blood, swearing, alcohol, crossdressing?
word count: 4,184
A/n: I made this a while ago, hoping to make it into a series, but I never got the motivation to make the other parts. There’s still a possibility it can become a series but we’ll see how things go. Thanks for reading!
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A bounty hunter tackles you to the ground, and you start to wrestle with him. You try to reach for your knife, but you’re unable to find it. The bounty hunter cuts your shirt, exposing your chest. You fight harder trying to get him off, when you hear a gunshot and the bounty hunter falls dead atop of you. You push him off and stand up, looking at the Irish fellow that held your gun.
“Thank you.” You say exhausted, picking up your hat and knife.
“Why, you’re a woman!” The redhead says, looking at your chest.
You’re eyes go wide, and you put your knife against his throat. You glare at his shocked expression.
“If you dare tell anyone, I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and kill you myself.” You hiss in his face.
“Trust me ma’am, I won’t tell a soul.” He raises his hands in surrender. “Names Sean.”
You don’t know why you did it, and why you even decided to help him in the first place, but you let go of your grip on him, putting your knife away.
You button up your coat despite the hot weather, trying to conceal your feminine features. Sean hands your gun back to you and you holster it.
Holding out your hand, Sean grabs it and you pull him up. He’s dusting himself off, when you hear the sound of horses. You turn in that direction and find more bounty hunters approaching with their guns out. You turn the other direction, only to find the same thing. You sigh and hold your hands up, easily outnumbered and surrounded.
Now here you are, upside down with the blood rushing to your head. Your arms and legs tied up, the Irish redhead in the same predicament. You remember his name to be something like Sean. He annoys the bounty hunters as they threaten the both of you, when you sudden hear the distinct sound of gunshots.
Sean laughs and taunts the bounty hunters as they run for cover. You’re calling yourself a fool for trusting him with your secret. He’s way too talkative. Sean seems to think that we’re saved, but you still think that these people could just cause more trouble.
You see three men rounding the hill, taking out the bounty hunters in the camp. Sean calls to them while you remain silent, observing them.
The last of the bounty hunters run away and the three men walk up to you and Sean. He barks at the men to cut him down, and one of them, who Sean calls “Arthur”, does. Another one of the men, with dark skin and a couple of scars on his face, cuts you down.
You fall to the hard ground with a thud, the four men surround you. The sound of a revolver click brings your attention to this Arthur fellow.
“Who are you?” The Hispanic looking man asks. You decide not to answer, remaining silent.
“If you don’t answer, you’ll end up like the bounty hunters.” Arthur says, bringing the revolver closer to your head.
“I wouldn’t do that Arthur. He saved my life, you see. Singlehandedly took down the whole lot of the bounty hunters.” Sean vouches for you. “Could be beneficial to the gang.”
“Just let Dutch decide, Arthur.” The man that cut you down says.
After a long while of thought, Arthur pulls his gun away from your face. He turns to the others, “Javier, you take Sean back to camp.” The Hispanic man nods, taking Sean to his horse. “Charles, you take, him.” Arthur points to you. The man with the scars, Charles, picks you up and calls for his horse, stowing you on it.
“Are you coming Arthur?” Charles asks.
“I’m going to look around, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
Charles nods and kicks his horse’s sides, putting it into a trot. You watch as Sean rides with Javier, happily chatting away, while you lay on Charles’ horse, tied up and silent.
Charles takes a different path as Javier and Sean to avoid suspicion. He was looking out for any lawmen or bounty hunters that could recognize either of you. About half an hour in, Charles speaks up.
“What were you doing with Sean back there?” He asks in his low voice. He cranes his head to look at you for a second.
“I was trying to help him, but I got caught up in his mess.” You tell him honestly, “Must have thought I was in your gang.”
Charles hums, focused on the path ahead of him. He didn’t seem like the talkative type, unlike Sean.
“How’d you get that scar on your face?” You ask him.
“Hunting incident,” He then adds a second later, “cougar.”
As it turns out, Charles was relaxed, you didn’t mind talking to him. When he asked for your story, you told him the one you made up if you ever got into situations like this. Your story went as such, your parents died when you were young so you resorted to a life of crime. He believed your fake story.
Not long afterwards, Charles tells you that you’re here. The sun is setting, and your ribs were hurting from being on the back of his horse so long.
Charles hitches his horse and throws you over his shoulder. He carries you to someone’s tent and puts you on the ground. You look around the tent and find a man with black curly hair, a black hat atop his head, with a mustache upon his upper lip. This could only be Dutch Van der Linde. Charles very briefly talked about him.
“We found him tied up with Sean. Said that he saved his life” Charles explains while cutting the ropes off your legs.
“What’s your name, boy?” Dutch asks you.
“Louis Hall.” You answer with your fake name you gave yourself when you first started dressing as a man, when in fact, your name is Y/n L/n.
“Well Louis,” Dutch starts, “we don’t take just anybody into this gang of misfits, why should you be the exception?”
You’re about to answer with something sarcastic and rude, but you hold your tongue to weigh your options. For one, you could tell that this Dutch guy was on a high horse and needed to be knocked down a peg or two. But on the other side, you knew that you couldn’t keep running from the people that were looking for you. When they do find you, you’d rather not be alone.
“It seemed to me, Mr. Van der Linde, that after watching what Sean is incapable of doing, I decided my services would really benefit you.”
Dutch stares at you, his eyebrows furrowing until he unexpectedly laughs. He pats you on the back, making you stumble forward a bit. He motions to Charles to cut the rest of your ropes. You rub your sore wrists and take the bottle of whiskey from Dutch’s hands.
“We’ll figure everything out tomorrow, for now, enjoy the party!” He gestures to the camp around him, and then takes his exit.
For the first time now, you finally get a good look at the camp that you were taken to.
There where quite a few tents set up, Dutch obviously had the biggest one. Looking around the campfires, you found a large assortment of different people. You expected a whole lot of sweaty men, but you were surprised to find a number of women here too. It made you think that maybe you take down your disguise, but you decide against it.
You sit around the campfire, atop of one of the logs, listening to the song that Javier is playing and singing. Soon enough everyone around the fire starts singing as well. You don’t know what song they’re singing but you smile a bit awkwardly and enjoy the fire.
Sipping your whiskey, you realize it’s been awhile since you last had some company, and it has taken a toll on you. Trying not to raise attention, you get up from your seat and try to find someone familiar.
Although you quickly find Sean, you don’t feel like dealing with his seeming endless energy. You look for Charles, but find him around the campfire with Javier, who is playing a guitar. Instead, you pick up a few more bottles of whiskey and find a rock overlooking a small cliff. Close enough to the camp that you won’t seem like an enemy, but far enough to get some much needed solace after everything that happened.
On your second whiskey, you hear bottles clanking from behind you, meaning someone was getting a bottle out from the crate. You pay no mind to them until they spoke.
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting you to still be here.” The unmistakable voice of Arthur fills your ears, the man that pointed a gun to your head.
You hum and take another sip from your whiskey, but say nothing else, expecting him to leave. Unfortunately, he didn’t. In fact, he got closer, he sat on the rock with you, taking a swig of his drink. You turn to him, annoyance written across your face.
“What do you want?” You demand.
He has the audacity to smile at you, and you’ve just about had it with him, so you turn to stomp away but he answers you, stopping you in your place.
“First time I heard you speak, lot more feminine than I had imagined.”
His words made you stiffen, you were much too annoyed to conceal your voice like normally. Without answering him, you walk further into camp, away from Arthur.
“Mister Hall?”
You turn to see an older woman with heavy makeup, tied up hair, and a red blouse talking to you. She looked assertive with her hands on her hips. “I prepared you a tent to sleep in. This way.” She weaves through camp, avoiding all the drunken. You follow her blindly, and soon she stops at a small tent with a bedroll next to a larger one with a sleeping child and who you presume is the kid’s mother.
“Here you are.” She motions to the small tent and you crawl inside. You pat the bedroll then look to her.
“Thank you ma’am.” You say politely, not expecting to have a tent so early on. It wasn’t much, and you’ve rather have the tent that was on your horse, but your horse wasn’t here, as it fled while you were saving Sean, although you weren’t going to complain.
“Susan Grimshaw.” She tells you, and you nod.
“Thank you Ms. Grimshaw.” You say again. She firmly nods and walks away.
Wanting privacy, you close the flap to the tent and finally unbutton your coat, exposing your ripped and bloody shirt from the bounty hunter Sean killed. You take off the useless shirt and your satchel, that luckily didn’t get taken by the bounty hunters, and toss them both into a corner of your tent. You really would have like a change of clothes, but your clothes were on your horse. Luckily, your undergarments didn’t get ripped or bloody, so you put your coat back on, and button it again. You get under the uncomfortable bedroll and try your best to fall asleep.
You wake up to a voice from outside your tent, you blink yourself awake and focus on the voice. Your eyes squint, trying to figure out who is talking, until it hits you.
“Louis, mind if I come in?” Sean asks. It takes a second to realize that he’s talking to you.
You lift open the tent flap a bit, signaling to him that it’s okay to come inside. He crawls inside, barely enough room for the both of you.
“How you doing lass- I mean-” He stumbles over his words and you stop him.
“I’m okay Sean, thank you for asking.”
He nods and stares at you long enough to get awkward, your eyebrows raise, looking at him, wondering what he wants.
“Is that all? Or?” You question, confused.
“Oh! I got you a new shirt because I remembered what happened to your other one,” He says, looking at the torn shirt lying not to far from you.
You grab the shirt from his outstretched hand and look at it, bringing the shirt to your nose. Surprisingly, it didn’t smell bad at all.
“Thank you Sean, I’ll come out after I change.” You slightly smile at him and he nods, exiting your small tent.
The shirt was a dark seaweed green color, with white buttons. Fitting for an Irishmen. You chuckle as you slip it on. Slightly baggy, just how you like it. You tuck the rest of the shirt into your pants. Reaching for your hat, you rest it on your head, and exit your tent, the bright light blinding your eyes.
You were honestly surprised with the hospitality that everyone has given you. Even though you haven’t been here for more than 24 hours, everyone you walked by said good morning or some form of greeting. You only knew a couple of names yet you were welcomed. You’ve never been in a gang that had welcomed you so quickly.
You sit at a table, talking to a young boy named Lenny while eating a loaf of bread from your satchel, Ms. Grimshaw walks up to you. She tells you that Dutch wants to see you at his tent, so you get up and head in the direction of his tent. The camp in the daytime is much different than at night. Today, just about everyone looks ready to work, or are already working.
The little boy you saw sleeping in the tent next to yours last night, races in front of you, off to play somewhere, you figure. Who knew why there was a child amongst a gang of outlaws, but you weren’t one to ask.
At Dutch’s tent you see Dutch with an old man with a clean-shaven face. The man introduces himself as Hosea when you walk into the tent.
“You wanted to see me?” You ask the man with a cigar between his fingers.
Dutch takes a drag from his cigar then answers, “Yes, Hosea here recently received a tip about a banking stagecoach coming into Valentine today. I want you to rob it. The coach will be guarded so I would go armed.”
“Try to be quiet about it, don’t want the law finding out. Use guns as a last resort.” Hosea says. You can’t help but notice the difference between the two. Hosea rather you be more discrete about this, while Dutch just wants it over and done with.
“I would love to rob this stagecoach, but as you can see, my gun holsters are completely empty.” You curse the bounty hunters for taking your all your weapons, you’d rather them take your money instead. They even took your grandfather’s knife that you stole when running away.
Just then, Arthur walks passed Dutch’s tent. Dutch notices and calls the man over. You groan inwardly, you were hoping to avoid Arthur as much as possible.
“Bring Mister Hall to Valentine and get him a new gun and a horse. You have a stagecoach to catch. Louis will fill you in.” Dutch explains. Arthur looks at you, hesitating, then nods.
You want to groan, but hold back. Why’d did it have to be the person that you’ve haven’t gotten along with? You could’ve easily gotten the job done on your own. Though you should’ve expected it, they weren’t going to let you go alone on your very first mission in the gang.
Arthur leads you to his horse. It was a beautiful light brown American paint with white spots. He gets onto the saddle, and you pull yourself onto the horse’s rump.
He takes the path to a town called Valentine while you tell him what Dutch told you about the stagecoach. He doesn’t say much unless it’s to give a sarcastic remark.
It doesn’t take long until you’re in front of the gun store in Valentine. Arthur hitches his horse, and you slide off the horse. “I have some money, I can buy what I need.” You tell him.
“Sure.” He says shortly, you roll your eyes.
Despite this, Arthur still follows you into the store. You quickly find that he’s looking around the store as well. You pick up a new cattleman revolver and a carbine repeater, both simple guns, but also cheap. You take a long look at the double-barreled shotguns, but you wouldn’t be able to get your guns ammunition if you were to buy it.
You place your guns on the counter, buying a couple boxes of ammunition for each gun. After you pay, you sling the repeater over your shoulder and holster your revolver. Walking out of the store, you find Arthur leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. Once he notices you, he puts out the cigarette and pushes himself off the wall.
“Ready to get a new horse?” Arthur asks you, already walking towards the stables. You jog up next to him and match his pace.
“About that…” You start, looking at your feet. “I spend the rest of my money on the guns.”
“Are you really that poor?” He snarks.
“Hey its not my fault the damn bounty hunters took most of my money.” You shoot back at him.
Arthur lets out a sigh, “I’ll buy it for you, just don’t get the most expensive horse.”
You nod. Great, now he’s going to think you owe him something.
Inside the stables, you look at all the different horses. None of the horses click with you until you come across a beautiful dapple-grey Hungarian half bred. It wasn’t the most expensive horse, but it wasn’t the cheapest either. You still ask Arthur, he begrudgingly buys the stallion for you, along with a saddle.
As much as you dislike Arthur, you still were very thankful for him. After how your relationship started, you would’ve thought him to be the last person to buy you something.
You lead your new horse over to Arthur’s, enjoying the lively town. While walking pass the saloon, you see two men pushing another man outside, they threaten the man, he tries to defuse the situation, but the two men start punching him. You hear Arthur scoff from next to you.
“Damn O'Driscolls.” Venom laced his tone.
“O'Driscolls?” You ask, looking at Arthur.
“Yeah, slimy bastards.” He spits harshly. You can sense the tension, but you and Arthur keep walking, but now you notice Arthur is using his hat to cover his face.
O'Driscolls. Oddly that name sounded familiar. You racked your brain, trying to remember where you’ve heard it before. While pulling your leg over your saddle, it hits you like a fright train.
Before you started dressing as a man, you had joined a gang that had a plan to steal some information from another rival gang called the O'Driscoll Boys. Still new to that gang and the outlaw life, so you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. The plan went sour quickly, but you didn’t realize that your gang had retreated. You narrowly escaped with your life, barely making your escape. Needless to say, you left that gang shortly after.
“You alright there?” You hear Arthur’s voice from in front of you. You didn’t realize you’ve fallen behind until your horse stopped. Arthur watches you kick your horse back into a trot, matching his pace.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about somethin’.” You reply, hoping he doesn’t ask about it.
“Well, you better be done thinking about it, we’re almost to the spot.”
A little further down the path, Arthur reins his horse to a stop, and you follow his movements. While loading your guns, making sure they have ammo, Arthur asks how you should rob them.
“Well, I’m sure it’ll be more intimidating if we both follow a bank coach, so you distract them, while I knock out the guards and rob them blind. If things go bad, we have guns.” You explain, putting your bandana over your mouth.
Before he can reply, you kick your spurs into your horse’s side, taking off into the woods to hide until Arthur distracts the coach.
Speaking of which, the stagecoach rounds the corner, Arthur acts like he’s turning onto the path the coach is taking. He starts small talk with the driver and you slowly come out off the woods, trying to be quiet. Arthur then says something about their front wheel being loose. The driver stops the coach asking the passenger next to him to check it out. There where only four guards riding next to the coach, but you realize that there are probably more inside the coach.
While the coach is stopped, you knock out the two guards in the back with the blunt end of your revolver. You try to keep the guards out of sight from Arthur and the man checking the wheel.
Silently, you pick the lock on the back of the coach containing the money. You’re almost done picking the lock until you hear, “The wheel isn’t loose.” Then a gunshot.
The coach suddenly lurches forward, the driver taking off, realizing what was happening. You call for you horse, He gallops towards you, and you jump on, racing after the coach. Arthur shoots the two guards up front, when the four men inside the coach peak out the windows. They shoot at you and Arthur. You shoot one and kick your horse to go faster to get closer to the driver. You jump onto the coach, the driver tries to shoot you, but you kick him off, pulling the stagecoach to a stop.
By now Arthur has shot two men inside the coach, leaving only one left. He gets out, shooting at Arthur. You see your opportunity and put one clean bullet into the man’s head. He falls to the ground, and you move towards the chest in the back. This time, you shoot the lock, it brakes easily and you loot the chest. Two hundred dollars, not bad. You hand Arthur his share, along with the gangs share, trusting he will give it to Dutch.  
“Not what we planned, but it worked out.” Arthur says, counting his money.
You start cutting the horses reins off the coach and hitting their rump, making them take off. “Yeah, didn’t think it was going to work at all.” You whistle for your horse.
“Way to have faith in your plans.” Arthur says, getting on his own horse. You just shrug.
“Ride back to camp with me? I don’t know the way very well.” You mutter the last part, but you can tell he heard you from his expression.
“I was tied to the back of a horse the last time!”
Arthur rolls his eyes, but leads the way back to camp. You follow behind him, you notice that he avoided major roads as to stay away from anybody that could find out the crime you committed not far away.
“Nice shooting back there.” You attempted small talk.
“You too.” He responds shortly. You sigh, I guess he’s back to hating you. Doesn’t matter, I guess. You were still pretty mad at him for pointing a gun at your head when you tried to help someone in his gang.
The rest of the ride back is mostly quiet, apart from whenever Arthur gives directions. You now regret asking him to take you back to camp, the awkward silence is worst than getting lost. Although the ride was awkward, you distracted yourself by looking at the lovely scenery.
Thankfully, the ride wasn’t too long, and you made it back to Horseshoe Overlook, as Arthur called it. He called to Javier who was guarding the camp’s entrance. You hitch your horse at the hitching post and slid off the saddle. You can see Dutch making his way over to you and Arthur.  
“There you are! Any longer and I would’ve sent someone to find you.” Dutch holds his arms out in a way you would to hug someone, but you doubt he wanted a hug.
Arthur reaches into his satchel and pulls out the gangs share of the money, he hands it over to Dutch.
Dutch looks at the money in his hand counting it, then to the both of you. “I’m guessing it when well?”
“You could say that.” Arthur says gruffly, he then walks away from you and Dutch, going to his tent.
“What happened?” Dutch says, turning to you, his cheery tone now gone.
“I think he just hates me.” You say bluntly.
“Arthur’s just a hard one to crack, my boy. Just have some faith.” Dutch encourages, he pats you on the back, walking to his tent.
You look at Arthur, sitting on his bed, he’s writing something in a brown book he’s holding. You really hate to admit it, but you and him work well together.
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snazzysickly · 6 years
Warm Meals and Hot Baths (Arthur Morgan x Reader)
Summary: You find out that Arthur doesn’t take care of himself, and decide to put matters into your own hands, but that doesn’t stop Arthur from being stubborn 
Warnings: Uhhh none? Just good old fluff
word count: 1,269
A/n: I made this after remembering that my Arthur was aways underweight. And say thank you to my babe @tropfenlady for helping me whenever I got stuck. Love you babe
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While out camping with Arthur, you’ve noticed how little Arthur takes care of himself. At the brink of dawn you’d get ready for the day, eating, changing into cleaner clothes, and going down to the nearby lake and wiping yourself down. But when Arthur woke, he stayed in the same dirty clothes from the day before, he barely ate anything, and he didn’t do anything about the grime that was covering his body.
After watching him only eat an apple for lunch, you decided you’ve had enough. You rear your horse to a stop and speak to the man in front of you.
“Arthur Morgan, you feed your horse better than yourself.”
He turns to you, stopping his horse. He’s a bit confused, as evident on his face, “What are you talking about?”
You sigh, shaking your head. You turn onto a different path, telling Arthur to follow you. Valentine wasn’t that far away, you would take him there and get him cleaned up.
“We still have hunting to do.” Arthur protests from behind you.
“It can wait.” You answer bluntly, ending the conversation. He follows behind you and even though he could’ve easily run in the other direction, he knows he’s been caught, and that their would be no way to get out of it until you’re finished.
It didn’t take long until you reached Valentine, your horse trots down the muddy streets until you stop at the saloon. You hitch your horse and Arthur follows suit.
Swinging open the doors, you head straight for the bartender, asking for some beef stew and two beers. You pay the bartender and take your beers while he makes the stew. Finding an empty table, you place the beers on the table, and Arthur sits down while you go get his food.
When you return, Arthur has drank some of his beer. You place the bowl in front of him and sit down across from him. You watch him lift up the spoon and slowly bring it to his mouth.
“I didn’t poison it, Arthur, eat it.” You cross your arm and lean back in your chair, watching Arthur pout like a child. He’s been so busy helping the camp and helping complete strangers that he hasn’t had time for himself. You worry about him sometimes, but for now on, you’re going to keep him fed and healthy, even if you have to force-feed him every meal.
Finally, Arthur starts eating, although slowly. That stubborn bastard. When Arthur finally finishes his meal you’re beer had be long finished. By now, more people are walking in, while you drag Arthur out of the saloon and towards the general store.
Inside, you tell him to get a couple new outfits while you buy him more food for when you’re not there. He’s reluctant, but does what you say anyway, there was no point in fighting it.
Arthur comes back with two new shirts and a new pair of pants. You smiles, happy that he finally listened to you. After paying, you walk to your last stop tonight, the hotel.
Arthur knows where this is going when you ask for a bath. He gives you a look, to which you reciprocate.
“Oh come on, you need to get all the grime off.” You say, leading him to the baths. He was so dirty you barely even wanted to hold his hand.
You push him into the room, and shut the door behind you. He shrugs off his coat for you, and you unbutton his shirt with care, while you try to ignore Arthur running his hand over your waist.
Once his is shirt off, Arthur uses his finger to lift your chin up, making you look at him. He tries to lean into a kiss, but you put a finger to his lips, stopping him. “Not until you’re clean.” You say, an eyebrow raised at him, and small smile on your face.
Arthur huffs and takes off his boots and unbuttons his pants, he had tried distracting you but it obviously hadn’t worked, not yet at least.
He gets into the tub, lying down in the water until almost his whole body is submerged in the soapy water. He sighs, the warm water soaks his dirty body. Watching him relax for a moment, you feel your smile growing.
When Arthur opens his eyes, he looks at you like he caught you doing something that you weren’t supposed to. Then when a cheeky smile blooms over the bastard’s face, you decide you should stop stairing and get to work.
Rolling up your sleeves, you kneel down beside the tub, taking a bar of soap and lathering it in your hands. You scrub Arthur’s head, washing out all the dirt in his hair. He lets out small grunts while you massage his scalp, his noises go straight to your core.
After you rinse his hair, you start scrubbing his chest, he winces when you touch the scar on his shoulder from being taken by the O'Driscoll’s. You run a light finger over the nasty looking scar, and slowly you bring your lips to the scar, giving the skin a soft peck.
You pull away from Arthur’s skin and immediately start scrubbing his arms, rubbing his tight muscles. While you start scrubbing his legs, Arthur suddenly speaks, “You can join me, you know.”
He felt guilty for making you take care of him while he did nothing. He knew he didn’t deserve your care, but he’d be damned if you left him. No one had cared for him as much as you had, not Mary, nor Eliza.
“I’m not getting in there with you, the water’s filthy.” You smirk. He huffs making you giggle.
“Then at least let me kiss you?” He asks, watching you.
You pretend to think for a moment before answering, “When you get out, Mister Morgan.” You say, rinsing the soap off his legs.
“Well then-” He started getting out of the bath, making you yelp. You rush to get him a towel, finding one, and handing it to him. Arthur dries himself while you find his new shirt and pants that he bought. He ties the towel around his waist when you hand him his neatly folded clothes. He takes them, but sets the clothes down. Instead, he grabs your waist and pulls you flush against him, giving your lips a soft peck before devouring your lips with his own.
His lips are soft and inviting as yours move along with his, his beard scratches your face, leaving a tingling feeling on your upper lip. The faint taste of beer rests on his lips. His hands rest on the small of your back, pulling you closer to his damp body. His hands run up your back and entangle in your hair. Lightly, he tugs your hair, exposing your neck entirely to him. Peppering soft kisses along your neck, his lips trail down to your collarbone, sucking on your sensitive skin.
“Arthur,” Your voice hoarse, “you need to get dressed.”
Arthur hums, his forehead resting on your chest. You know that this is one of the very few moments of peace that he receives, so you leave him rest for a bit. You hold Arthur against your chest, your hands play with his wet hair.
You rest your head against Arthur’s, pressing a kiss to his head. “Can you please get dressed?” You mumble into his hair, not expecting him to answer. To your surprise, he shakes his head slowly, making you sigh, this man was going to be the death of you.
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snazzysickly · 6 years
Relaxed evening (Arthur Morgan x Reader)
Summary: You’ve notice Arthur been stressed lately, and decide to relax him
Warnings: Smut, just pure smut, and a bit of fluff at the end
word count: 1,564
Tagging: @tropfenlady (don’t worry babe, I got you)
A/n: I love sub Arthur so I made some smut for it. And why is sex hard to write??? Anyway, its been awhile since I’ve written smut so I’m sorry, but I hope you enjoy
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After weeks of Arthur executing Dutch’s plan, you’ve noticed how he looses his temper at the smallest things, how tense his muscles look, and how most nights are sleepless. It was clear that Arthur Morgan was stressed, you decide that if Arthur isn’t going to take care of himself, you will. So, on an evening that Arthur isn’t busy, you take him to the nicest bar in Saint Denis.
After a warm meal and a couple of shots, you ask for a bath and a room, giving the bartender a couple dollars before leading Arthur up the stairs. Shoving him through the door of the baths, you tell him not to take too long, then you slam the door shut before he gets to reply.
You start to undress in preparation for when Arthur gets out of the bath. Earlier today, you went to the tailor to buy new undergarments for tonight. You decided to buy a lace-trimmed union suit. The garment cost a pretty penny, but you were sure that Arthur’s reaction would be worth it.
You lay on the soft bed, reading a book until Arthur gets out of the bath. Once he enters the room, you look up from your book and notice he’s wearing pants and his grey union suit, his hat atop his head.
“Howdy, cowboy.” You say, putting your book on the bedside table, and sitting up.
He looks up and notices you, taking in your figure for a second before a blush blooms across his handsome face. He adverts his eyes, using his hat to cover his red face.
“I didn’t know you weren’t decent, I’ll see myself out-”
“Arthur, you’ve seen me completely nude, don’t give me that.” You sass, putting your hand on your hips, stopping him from opening the door and leaving.
“Come here big boy.” You invite him.
Slowly, but eagerly he walks towards you, still using his hat to obstruct most of his face. He sits on the edge of the bed and you crawl behind him. You first give a small peck to Arthur’s neck, then you start rubbing his shoulders, making sure to get the knots. Arthur groans, the beautiful sound making your core spark to life.
You work your hands around his body, messaging his tense body, the heavenly sounds he makes, gets you thinking of all the dirty things you plan on doing to him.
You get up from the bed and stand in front of him. Slowly you lean down, unbuttoning his pants and sliding them off his body. Then you unbutton his tight union suit, slowing your movements when you reach his hard on. Eventually you slide off his union suit and he sits naked in front of you, in all his glory. Dropping to your knees, you start massaging his legs, completely avoiding the place where he wants you. He groans when you rub a certain tight muscle in his thigh.
You start leaving wet kisses along his inner thighs. He bucks his hips, trying to get some sort of friction. You put your hands on his hip, keeping him from bucking up again.
“Y/n, please.” He moans when you nip his thighs.
“Fine, be a good boy now.” You slowly bring your face away from his thighs to his throbbing cock. You stick your tongue out and lick the slit of his tip. He moans lightly and you wrap your lips around the swollen tip and suck lightly. Relaxing your throat, you slowly take his length into your mouth, using your hand to pump anything you couldn’t fit. Arthur’s moans are music to your ears and you try to take more of him, just to here his sweet sounds.
“Jesus Y/n.” He moans, throwing his head back. His hips buck into your mouth involuntarily, making you gag. You jerk your head up, just to move back down. Arthur grabs your head and thrusts his hips into your mouth. You happily gag down his cock as he swears and moans.
You rub your thighs together, eager to get on top of the huge man. Arthur’s hips stutter and you can tell he’s getting close. You luckily pull away from him in the lick of time.
“I was so close.” He whines.
“We can’t have you coming just yet, we have a whole night ahead of us. Now, be a good boy and lay down.” Arthur senses your demanding tone and obediently lays on the soft bed. He watches as you slowly strip out of your undergarments, teasing him with a shake of your ass.
You climb atop of Arthur, lowering yourself onto Arthur’s face. He grabs your hips and harshly pulls you down, quickly lapping at your wetness. You gasp at the sudden attention and grind your hips on his face. Using two fingers he plays with your clit, eliciting a moan from your lips. Your hands go to your breasts, kneeing them and tweaking your nipples.
“You’re so good Arthur.” You praise him.
He moves his fingers away from your clit and to your slit. Arthur rubs his fingers along it, teasing you. One call to his name and he stops teasing, pushing his thick fingers inside you. Cursing, you buck your hips, enjoying the waves of pleasure Arthur brings you.
He thrusts his fingers gently, watching your face twist to one of pleasure. It only fuels him more. You feel your orgasm building as Arthur sucks your clit.
“I’m close Arthur!” You manage to moan out, he thrusts his fingers harder into you, never have you had someone eat you out as well as Arthur has.
“Cum for me.”
As if on queue, you throw your head back, releasing on Arthur’s fingers, your vision going black. Arthur slowly removes his fingers your juices covered them. You watch as he brings his fingers to his lips, seductively sucking on them.
You sit on Arthur’s stomach, coming down from your high, and immediately feel his hard cock against your ass. You crane your head, looking at his cock. The tip is red and leaking from lack of attention.
“You’ve been a good boy, Arthur Morgan, ready for your reward?” You tease, rubbing your ass against him.
“Shit-yes.” He groans, closing his eyes.
With one of your hands, you grabs his dick and squeeze lightly, causing him to buck his hips into your hand. You giggle and align yourself on him. Inch by inch, you lower yourself onto him, once you bottom out and relax on him, Arthur grabs your hips, trying to thrust into you. You tisk and remove his hands from your hips, and hold them over his head.
“Be a good boy now.” You whisper into his ear, keeping his arms in place. You nip his ear and give him soft pecks on his face until you reach his lips.
Your lips intertwine in a feverish kiss, you both fight for dominance. While kissing, you slowly start rocking your hips, enjoying the feeling of fullness that Arthur gives you. Arthur moans into the kiss, and you pull away from his lips, smirking at his half lidded eyes.
Slowly, you start bouncing on his dick, making sure that you tease him. Arthur tries to buck his hips up, but one sharp glare stops him.
“Please Y/n.” Arthur begs you. Looking into his lust filled eyes, you smile innocently. You love watching Arthur loose his mind because of you. He gets completely lost in the pleasure and nothing turns you on more than that.
Your hold on Arthur’s hand loosens until you let go completely, he’s hands immediately starts roaming your body. One hand cups your breasts and one on your hip, tugging you forward.
Finally, you bounce on him quickly, shoots of pleasure going through both of you. Arthur’s a bit hesitant to thrust into you, but when he does, you don’t stop him.
With this, he thrusts roughly and hungrily. You moan and put your hands on his stomach in front of you, supporting yourself.
With each and every thrust, you could feel the familiar feeling of your release building. Arthur puts his hands on your ass and pulls you towards him while still thrusting into you.
“Arthur! I’m-” You interrupt yourself when you come down on him for the second time this evening. Your eyes go wide and a pornographic moan comes out of you.
Although you’ve finished, Arthur wasn’t done. With a grunt, he holds your hips down and continues pounding into you, he knows he’s almost finished as well, but he squeezes every ounce of pleasure out of you that he can.
His moans get louder and his thrusts get shakier, until he thrust himself deep inside you, coming undone and spilling he seed inside you.
Without Arthur holding you up, you let your head fall onto Arthur’s chest, your hair falls onto your face but you could care less. He wraps his warm arms around your sweaty body and holds you there until you pull yourself off of Arthur’s cock, his cum runs down your leg, but by now your eyes are drooping and you can feel the sleep start to envelop you. Before you completely drift off, you mumble an ‘I love you’ to Arthur. He says it back to you, in an equally sleepily voice, you fall asleep on him with a content smile on your face.
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snazzysickly · 6 years
Could you do one where Sadie and a (top) female reader gets drunk together in a saloon in Strawberry after fighting some O'Driscolls? I'm craving Sadie smut, so make it smutty if you can 👀
Pairing: Sadie Adler x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut with no plot
word count: 1,021
A/n: Thank you so much so requesting this!!! I had a bit of trouble with getting Sadie right but I think I did good! Also there’s no saloon in Strawberry so I made it Valentine. I hope you like it! 
The lively song ended and you bow to your drunken partner, you were very much drunk and that was plain to see. It was Sadie’s idea to go to the Valentine saloon after a hard days work of taking out an O'Driscolls. And now, you were dancing with drunken men along to the music the pianist played. You had tried to get Sadie to dance with you, but she opted to stay at the bar and watch you instead.  
You couldn’t deny you were heads over heels with her, so you were a bit disappointed when she didn’t want to dance, but you had a plan tonight to make sure to do a little bit more than dancing with her.
Of course you weren’t sure that she loved you back. Sure, she gave you special attention, and she spends a lot of time with you, but that could just because she thought of you as a close friend.
With the next song starting to play, you head over to the bar, where Sadie is, and you decide to execute your plan. You sling your arm around Sadie shoulders and speak in a terrible impression of a man’s voice, “What’s such a beautiful woman doing here alone?”
She plays along, “I’m just here for a good time, mister.” She bats her eyelashes at you, and you both giggle.
“I’d love to show you a great time, how much you cost?” You slur, your eyes are half lidded and you can smell the whiskey coming off of Sadie.
“For you,” she leans closer to you, your nose touching, “a couple of kisses would work.”
Now, if you were sober, you would’ve been taken back, but in your state, you had no shame, and the lust was clear in your eyes.
So, you hum, and grab her hand, taking her up the stairs and into an empty room. You lock the door behind you and press her against the door. Your lips slammed together in a hot kiss. Her lips were softer than you imagined, and your hands go to her hips, pulling her body towards you.
You pull off her neckerchief and start unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her breasts. You place soft kisses from her neck to her chest, slowly rolling your tongue over one of her nipples, she grabs your hair and tugs on it lightly.
Sadie suddenly pushes you off her and forces you on the bed, she removes her shirt and starts making work of her belts and pants. You go to help her, but she grabs your wrist, stopping you. “Don’t touch.” She warns you, letting go of your hand. You back off, and she watches you squirm underneath her.
When she’s fully undressed, you’re practically a mess. She gets on the bed and pulls you on top of her. You go straight in for a kiss, and she roughly forces your clothes off. She brakes away from the kiss to throw your clothes into a random direction of the room. Her rough hands play with your chest, pulling and squishing your boobs. Her thumb rubs your nipples gently and a tingling sensation goes through you. She knew exactly how to make you melt.
Your lips connect again, and Sadie sucks and bites on your bottom lip. You fight back by playing with her nipples, tugging on them and pinching them. She gasps, making you smirk from above her.
You start going down on her body, giving a sweet kiss to every imperfection and flaw. Lovingly you rub her thigh, slowly bringing your hand to her clit. You rub the bundle of nerves at a slow pace, its drawn out and more painful than pleasuring, but it does get her to shutter and moan.
She involuntarily bucks her hips up, trying to get more friction from you. She hisses, even though it’s slow, she’s gotten very wet, and you can tell she’s enjoying it.
“I swear woman, if you don’t hurry up I’ll-” She interrupts herself by moaning when you flick her clit.
“What are you going to do Sadie?” You smile, enjoying watching her powerless against you.
She groans and her head falls back on the pillows. Deciding she’s had enough, you push two fingers into her, thrusting into her tight hole. You watch her mouth go into an O shape.
To add to the pleasure, you give long licks to her clit, her hands make it into your hair, tugging and pulling on it roughly. You hum against her clit, eliciting a heavenly moan from her, you look at her face through your lashes and can feel yourself falling for her even more, if that were even possible.
“Shit! Go faster!” She stutters out. You gladly oblige, she’s close and you know it. Her walls tighten around you as you curl your fingers into her. She gasps, and her thighs close around your hand as she cums. She breathes out a sigh as you remove your fingers.
Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you suck on them, staring directly at Sadie as you do so. You open her legs and clean her juices up, her sensitive body jerks when you do.
“Feel better?” You ask, lying next to her. She nods and you place a soft peck to her lips. For a moment everything is quiet until Sadie blurts out, “I love you.”
You turn to her, shocked, she’s staring at you, a rare smile on her beautiful face.
“I love you too!” You respond, surprised. You search her eyes to see if she’s joking, but all you can find is pure love. You believe her, and you truly love her back.
Sadie crawls on top of you, she meets you halfway for a kiss. Its tender and sweet even though she can definitely taste herself on your lips.
She pulls away from the kiss, and goes down between your legs, prying them open.
“What are you doing?” You ask, looking down at her.
She answers you with a cheeky smile across her face, “Well you wanted to know what I was going to do to you.”
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snazzysickly · 6 years
Warm Blankets and Hot Chocolate (Gavin Reed x Reader)
Summary: The heating has broke and now you need to find a way to stay warm
Warnings: An overwhelming amount of fluffy clichés, swearing
word count: 1,145
A/n: You wanted Gavin fics, you got some. I wanted some as well, so enjoy my little trash man being a cutie
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You really curse yourself for not fixing your heating sooner. It broke in autumn and you kept telling yourself you’d fix it soon, but now it was winter. Now you were paying the price for it.
Everyone knew that Detroit was extremely cold in winter, but you weren’t expecting to be snowed into your shared apartment with your roommate, Gavin Reed.
You’ve already gone to the hall closet to get a third blanket, but now you were going for a forth. You walked out of your room with a heavy blanket draped over your shoulders. You surprisingly found Gavin searching the hall closet that you were trying to get to.
“Gavin? What are you doing?” You ask, trying to peer over his shoulder.
He whips his head and you noticed how cold he looks. Even though he’s covered in a layer of warm pajamas, his cheeks and nose are rosy, causing the scar on his nose to stand out, and his slightly parted lips look chapped.
“Oh hey (y/n), I’m just stealing all the blankets.” He says then picks up a stack of folded blankets. He tries to take a quick escape to his room.
Instead, you tackle Gavin. Sending you and Gavin to the cold floor, along with the stack of blankets. You hover over him for a moment with a wolfish grin. He stares at you with shocked eyes. You then quickly climb over him to grab the scattered pile of blankets and rush back to your room.
You shut your door and lock it at exactly the right time, as you hear Gavin slam into your door. He promptly tries the doorknob, but after wiggling it a few times he calls out to you.
“(Y/n)! Phcking open the door!” He calls from the other side of the door.
You snicker and you hear him pound his fist on your door, “Sorry!” You call back, “I can’t hear you over how comfy all these blankets are!”
“That doesn’t even make sense!” a few seconds go by and Gavin pipes up again, “(Y/n)! Just open the goddamn doors!”
“Fine, fine.” You put your hands up despite the fact he can’t see you. Slowly you unlock the door and once the door clicks, Gavin burst through the door. Though he couldn’t tell where you were (he was on the other side of the door for Pete’s sake!) Thus causing him to be the one to crash into you, hitting your heads in the process.
The two of you were on the floor, holding your heads in pain. Once you look back up at each other, you both start laughing. Gavin’s laugh sounded deep, like it came from his stomach. You liked his boyish laugh.
Your hearty laugh died down, and Gavin looked around your room while holding his arms. “Phck, it’s cold in here. My room’s a lot warmer.”
“Huh,” You shrug, “then I’m going to your room.”
You stand up, pick up a couple blankets, throw them over your shoulder, and march to Gavin’s room with the blankets trailing behind. You open his door and take a head dive at his bed. His sheets smell like him, like smoke and leather.
Gavin follows you into his room and snickers when he sees you face down on his bed. He shuts his door to keep the warm air inside, and jumps onto his bed, bouncing the both of you.
“Your room is warm.” You say, your voice muffled by the sheets and blankets.
Gavin hums, “Do ya want any hot chocolate? I think we gotta couple of packets in the cupboard.”
Your head whips up childlike, eyes sparklingly. You nod vigorously, making Gavin smile at your childlike antics.
“Glad to know your spirits haven’t been dampened by the cold.” Gavin says standing up from his bed.
“Nah, I’m fucking cold.” You rest your head on your hands and look at him.
“Okay, then I’ll be back soon.” Gavin give out a small laugh, then leaves the room to make the hot chocolate.
To be honest, there has always been a bit of sexual tension between you and Gavin. But both of you are too nervous to comment on it, so none of you say anything.
Your cold face is nuzzled into the sheets, when Gavin comes back with two steaming cups of hot chocolate in his hands. He sends you a quick, “hey,” making your head pop up again. He sets the cups on his bedside table, then takes a seat on his bed, underneath his blankets.
You quirk up and reach for one of the cups, feeling the burning cup of hot chocolate in your hand. It’ll warm you right up. You try to take a sip, but it burns your tounge, making you flinch away, putting the cup back down on the bedside table.
“Are you still cold?” Gavin asks, he looks a bit nervous, as he adverts his eyes. You notice his cheeks are flushed also, but that could just be the cold.
“Yeah, still am. It sucks, man.”
“Well- we could- while the hot chocolate cools- could you know- cuddle?” Gavin rubs his arm awkwardly.
You laugh and he stares at you, “You are not subtle at all, you know that?”
“Phck off!” Despite his words, he laughs with you, a smile upon his face.
You giggle while shifting around on his bed, to get closer to the blushing Gavin Reed. He was surprised that you actually wanted to take him up on his offer. You turn to Gavin and stuff your face into his chest, while wrapping an arm around his waist. You can feel him tense from the contact, but soon he melts into your touch and wraps his own arms around you.
Your smile is drowsy as his skin warms your body. Gavin rests his head on your shoulder, and lets out a sigh. He knew there was a mutual attraction, but he couldn’t bring himself to believe you liked him, like how he liked you.
Gavin clutches you tightly, enjoying the natural smell of your body, and your feather-like touch. Your bodies heat up like a furnace. The sudden warmth of Gavin’s body makes your eyes droop. You turn your head to look at Gavin. When his gaze directs to you, a soft smile reaches his face. You notice how his face looks so pretty with his eyes crinkled up, and a genuine smile upon his usually smirking face. In return, you smile back. Your eyes are closed while smiling, due to not being able to keep them open.
Slowly, you drift to sleep in Gavin’s arms. He watches as your face becomes peaceful, and your breathing slows. He snuggles closer to you while you sleep. By now, both you and Gavin have completely forgotten about the now cold cups of hot chocolate on the bedside table.  
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