fearfled · 4 months
@sieverts // starter call with Allie Smith (oc)
the sound of a small beep signified a grand entrance, though, the hour of intrusion would technically be considered trespassing. Impetuous fingertips rushed a key card into her pocket and Allie gently slid open the door on floor 102. Classifieds.
Files along with various other documents were located merely a few floors above where the seven resided, and just below, the big office.
She was in the shit now.
The blonde was well aware that every action had a consequence. The consequence of a misuse like this? dire at best, murder for a potential baseline. The hope would be a quick release into the good night rather than a forceful hand ripping out her spine.
Tension shook at her bones deep beneath sun-kissed skin while Alice took in the first awing view of the hallway. Doors lined the corridor. A fluorescent light above dimly flickered, as if the floor itself had been forgotten and remnants of an old electrical problem still phased in and out.
She'd never gotten so close before. Although determined, a seed of anxiety did wedge itself deeply inside of her hyperaware damned vessel of a body. The downfall of Vought would be her own. But, an eye for an eye - right? and she didn't care if she went blind.
Finally, nimble feet crossed the threshold of a door way that looked at least somewhat promising. Blonde tendrils were pulled up in a messy bun that sat lazily atop her head, too focused to worry about the tickle that the locks created at her neck and chest. She wrapped a cheap hair elastic around them and stuck a pencil through the curls to keep them in place and soon enough those impulsive fingers were rifling through a file cabinet that was unusually well taken care off, not a line of dust on it. Photos would be better than grabby, grubby hands and thievery considering the state. They'd notice the files were missing otherwise.
A slight tick of the clock in the room burrowed into her skull, infecting her ear canal with throbbing. If only she could remain blissfully unaware.
and then a small creak, ever so slight caused her to stiffen and sink herself into the darkened corner of the room, a hand still fished out and holding onto the drawer. Maybe it was nothing.
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belayadeath · 3 months
⋆ @sieverts , L. MARSHALL , said: did you expect me to walk away?
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“  maybe i did.  ” you wouldn't be the first. countless words were left unsaid to simply linger in the back of her throat, words that would more than likely come back to haunt her tongue. i'm a means to an end, a bridge to be burnt once they'd made their escape for good. “  can you really blame me?  ” her words were harsher than even she had expected, prompted by passion. they'd made it out of hell together, had their first taste of freedom in decades, but for some reason he'd stayed around. this entire time, she'd figured there was a reason; some ulterior motive to his ' change of heart ' concerning her. it was too good to be true. “  after last night, i don't know... i don't know what i expected.  ” it certainly wasn't that. the kiss. so hungry, yet softer than she had ever been touched. a feeling she'd forgotten to long for many, many years ago. and so naturally, when he was nowhere to be found this morning, all her doubts and fears simply clicked.
                “  why are you still here? why haven't you run for the hills yet? you're free.  ”
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citizenstarlight · 4 months
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peacespun · 4 months
its been years. years and suddenly he is no more than a boy, finding some way to steal the bandages from infirmary for him. suddenly he's a teenager all over again, looking at those sad green eyes and thinking about all the dumb adventures they were going to get into once they graduated school, the things that naively allen hoped that he could save him from. they would have been eighteen by then, men in their own right but boys in the eyes of the world still, but they could make their own choices. choose their own path. none of that would come to be. by some sick twist of fate and some rich assholes kid named bernard. mommas boy, through and through, a sniveling little bastard. it took one night for the adventures to be stolen from them, for the path to become a mystery and suddenly there was no way out. no way for him to know anything except that one day, when he'd come back to their dorm after his classes, leon's stuff was already gone and the next time he saw that damn bernard kid he had a broken arm and a busted nose that, truly, allen saw more as an improvement, two dark black eyes included.
there was nothing. no goodbye, no communication, no way for him to reach out. no way for him to know what happened to him even long after he graduated and went looking for him. because he did try. for the first few months out of school he tried but nobody would give him any real answers or were unwilling to help him. then medical school caught up to him, late night classes and exams. then the war. and he was so quick to volunteer, as soon as he was able. its been so long...
and now here he is, dressed in plain clothes rather than the uniform he was clad in much earlier that day. carefully stepping into a safe space, one for them. nobody to ask questions or judge. for the first time it would be just them. there's a place open late .. midnight. and at first he's slow, looking over every face in the bar for him. takes note of the two men in a corner booth enjoying a drink, one of them practically sitting in the others lap. another four that were all laughing with each other at a table he passes. two or three that chat at the bar, all smiles. and that is where he finds him. leon marshall. its really you.
allen leans against the polished wood next to him, signaling the bartender to say, " next ones on me. " finally, gray eyes move to @sieverts and his smile grows warmer, " is this seat taken? "
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devilsnare · 1 month
          ASHLEY  WALKED  INTO  LEON'S  OFFICE  WITHOUT  KNOCKING  OR  EVEN  SO  MUCH  AS  A  HELLO.  Her  heels  clicked  on  the  tile  floor  as  she  walked  right  past  her  boss  and  to  his  liquor  cabinet.  ❝ Before  you  open  your  mouth, ❞  she  extended  her  finger  out  to  shush  him.  ❝ I  need  a  drink,  something  strong. ❞  His  supply  was  always  better  than  hers.  ❝ This  has  been  the  week  from  hell. ❞  She  rifled  through  his  small  liquor  cabinet  looking  for  the  right  bottle.
           Finding  it,  she  pulled  it  out  and  grabbed  two  glasses.  She  held  them  up,  offering  to  pour  him  a  drink  too.  She  waited  for  his  response  and  then  began  to  pour.
           End  of  the  day  Ashley  looked  different  from the beginning  of  the  day  Ashley.  In  the  morning,  her  makeup  was  flawless,  hair  curled  nicely,  and  not  a  single  crease  was  seen  in  her  suits.  But  by  the  end  of  the  day,  especially  a  day  like  today.  There  were  coffee  stains on  her  shirt,  flyaways  and  frizzy  hair,  and  smudged  lipstick.  The  closer  it  got  to  the  end  of  day,  the  less  she  cared.  
         Ashley  took  a  long  sip  of  the  whiskey.  It  was  smooth  and  had  a  nice  little  burn  at  the  end.  ❝ Okay  now  we  can  talk. ❞ 
* ˚ ✦ a starter for  @sieverts / @warspun
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herosupe · 2 months
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breathy  laugh  escapes  her  as  she  leans  her  cheek  against  his  arm.        ❝     it's  12:01  in  the  morning.  you  have  all  day  to  kiss  me.  ❞               she  shakes  her  head  as  smile  spreads  across  her  lips,  barely  visible  to  human  eyes  in  the  dark.  she  reaches  up  and  trails  fingertips  over  browline,  scooting  closer  so  her  nose  nears  his.     ❝    but  i  don't  mind  if  you  want  to  get  an  early  start.     ❞            she  won't  complain  about  the  moments  of  softness  she  gets  of  him.  among  everything  else  she  gets  to  herself.    fingers  continue,  along  shape  of  his  jaw  before  she  hovers  close  enough  all  he  needs  to  do  is  lean  forward  to  kiss  her.
@sieverts said: i haven’t kissed you yet , today .
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45calibers · 2 months
*taps the mic* ahem
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bluesupefire · 4 months
It had thrown her off guard when the one and only @sieverts invited her for a date, surely he had been smooth with it, he caught her attention and his "It's going to be something different." stirred her curiosity more than she expected. That was Valentine's weak spot, curiosity, she wasn't the type to back out at all, especially if people started being cryptic about things. ⸻ It was cold outside, the moon was up in the sky, the leather jacket she wore hugged her nicely, the fire flowing under her skin warmed her up to the point of relief, thanking the powers she was "gifted with", if only the other undesired ones weren't there as well. "Are you sure you're not taking me into the woods to kill me?" She asked jokingly as she looked up at him walking by her side, his suit never leaving him, the helmet secured on his head giving him some sort of intimidating look if she had to be honest.
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timerevolt · 5 months
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        They were connected somehow, both twisted into something unfathomable by science. Though Lulu would not wish this fate upon anyone – she was thankful to connect with someone like her. She could not even imagine what he had been through. What she did know was she wanted to make him feel good.
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        “Hey, handsome.” Lulu smiled as she walked into the room in which they stayed. “Miss me?” With a wide smile, she made her way over to him. The slip dress quickly found its way to the floor, leaving her nude. She moved on top of him as she pressed a kiss into his lips. When their lips parted, she spit into her palm. A graceful hand slipped down between his legs and wrapped around his cock. Nose pressed against his own – as she began to jerk him off.
nsft starter call. | @sieverts
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diioonysus · 3 months
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it's all in the eyes
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citizenstarlight · 4 months
        To Annie’s surprise, there was an Almond Joy bouquet that waited for her at the door. Some people could be surprised, but Captain Vought could be romantic in his way. A smile blossomed on her lips as she hugged the candy to her chest and made her way through the apartment. “Leon?” The sweet voice inquired – as she looked for him.
         Finally, Annie came upon Leon in the bedroom. “You shouldn’t have.” She placed the delicious bouquet beside Herbert—another token of their love. The slender arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled herself flush with him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Blonde head nestled under his chin, excited to spend the night with him on their first official holiday as a couple. She couldn’t wait to see what else he had planned.
★ ╼ valentine's day starter call. | @sieverts
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peacespun · 4 months
" when we grow up, i want to marry you. " they are no more than a couple of kids, stuck here in this shithole thanks to parents who didn't know how to handle them or didn't care. at least most of them were, there are a few of the other boys that their parents surely thought that they would become destined heroes. something about joining the military straight out of boarding school and becoming the next general or secretary of defense. which seemed laughable now, some of them didn't have the decorum and allen really doubts that they ever would. it was going to take more than beating on some poor kid that was already weaker than them for someone to call them brave. they are mindless bullies. they were children.
and here they are, aftermath of a beating, allen carefully dabbing away the blood that drips from leons lower lip when the words finally ring clear. when we grow up, i want to marry you. it allows for a warm smile to rise to his lips after they are spoken, but it lasts for only a moment before he finds a purpling bruise over his left cheek where the other boys had struck him first. he almost doesn't want to look at what could be underneath @sieverts' shirt.
" it would be an honor to marry you. " he whispers, removing bloodied cloth from his lip to examine the gash for himself. he knows that he's far from a professional, far from a working physician paid top dollar, but allen thinks he can recognize if someone was going to need stitches if by some measure of experience. " they beat you pretty badly this time. does anything feel broken? "
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devilsnare · 2 months
          ESCAPING  THE  WOODS  WAS  ABOUT  OPPORTUNITY  AND  TIMING  JUST  AS  MUCH  AS  IT  WAS  ABOUT  BRUTE  FORCE.  This  time  it  was  a  guard  who  didn't  properly  lock  his  door  after  a  nightly  check  in.  The  last  few  pins  never  slipped  into  place.  With  the  right  amount  of  force,  the  door  would  open.  Sam  had  paced  his  room  for  several  minutes,  contemplating  if  this  was  a  test  or  a  true  opportunity.  
          Getting  caught  wouldn't  be  good  but  he  was  desperate  for  contact.  A  conversation  with  someone  who  wasn't  experimenting  on  him.  Sam  had  been  hoping  they'd  let  him  socialize  with  other  supes  if  he  behaved  for  long  enough.  He  took  the  pills  and  let  doctors  stick  whatever  they  wanted  in  him.  Dessert  came  back  to  his  plate  but  he  still  wasn't  allowed  to  see  the  others.  
          He  decided  it  was  worth  the  risk.  Sam  forced  his  door  open  and  began  exploring  the  halls.  He  thought  he  remembered  the  way  to  the  lower  risk  pods,  where  he'd  be  able  to  talk  through  the  glass.  The  thick  metal  of  high  risk  cells  was  too  difficult  to  talk  though,  even  for  supes.  Shetty  made  sure  that  they  wouldn't  be  able  to  talk  to  each  other.
          But  Sam  couldn't  remember  the  way.  The  medication  messed  with  his  head,  made  his  mind  foggy.  Memories  were  hard  to  access.  As  he  walked,  the  wallpaper,  a  faux  forest  spreading  out  in  all  directions,  began  to  look  too  real.  Leaves  rustled  in  the  corner  of  his  eyes.  He  swore  he  could  hear  squirrels  running  around.  No  No  No  not  animals,  but  to  swishing  of  guards  uniform  as  they  walked.  They  were  just  around  the  corner.  
          In  a  panic,  Sam  reached  for  the  first  door  he  found.  He  let  out  a  sigh  of  relief  when  the  metal  handle  turned  and  the  door  unlocked.  He  closed  the  door  behind  and  sank  to  the  floor.  He  took  a  few  moments  to  catch  his  breath  and  steady  his  mind.  
          He  had  never  seen  this  room  before.  There  is  a  desk  with  notes  spread  out.  An  office ?  he  thought.  No…  He  could  hear  the  faint  beeping  of  some  medical  machinery.  He  stepped  closer  to  the  sound,  venturing  deeper  into  the  darkness.  What  he  thought  was  the  back  wall  of  the  room  was  actually  a  thick  layer  of  glass.  Behind  it  there  was  someone  restrained.  Naked.  With  a  shock  collar  around  their  neck.  
          Sam  stepped  closer  to  see  who  it  was  and  pressed  his  face  to  glass.  He  gasped  when  recognized  the  man.  The  average  person  would  struggle  to  place  the  face  but  Sam  knew  it  well.  He  had  all  of  his  comics  back  in  his  cell  and  a  poster  of  him  above  his  bed.  It  was ... 
 ❝ Captain  Vought? ❞  He  said  out  loud,  not  fully  believing  it  yet.  ❝ Maybe  I  do  need  these  meds  because  you  died  a  long  time  ago. ❞  At  least  that's  what  the  world  had  been  told.  ❝ But  then  again.  They  told  everyone  I  died  too. ❞ Was  this  real  or  another  one  of  his  hallucinations ?
* ˚ ✦ a starter for @sieverts / @warspun from sam riordan
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herosupe · 2 months
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she  pauses,  her  fingers  lingering  at  the  zipper  following  the  knots  of  her  spine.   it's  not  the  first  time  he's  undressed  her,  it  certainly  won't  be  the  last.  but  the  offer's  far  softer-spoken.        ❝     yes.  please.  ❞               she  lifts  her  hair  over  her  shoulder  as  she  turns  for  him,  presenting  delicate  zipper  with  ease.  she  spent  all  night  shaking  hands,  smile  plastered  so  long  her  cheeks  and  jaw  ache.  there's  healing  moon-shaped  marks  in  the  center  of  one  of  her  palms.  vought  events  always drain  the  life  out  of  her.     ❝    you've  been  quiet  tonight.     ❞                       lifts  mocha  gaze  to  watch  him  in  mirror,  breath  hitching  once  hands  make  contact.  she  can  feel  bones  of  knuckles  when  his  hands  find  zipper  with  ease.  he's  the  most  talkative  person  she's  ever  met  and  tonight  ...  mostly  crickets.      ❝    do  you  want  to  talk  about  it  ?    ❞        it's  far  from  enjoyable,  being  paraded  around  like  show  ponies  in  front  of  vought's  investors  and  anyone  they  wanted  to  pull  into  their  three  ring  circus  of  a  company &  then  be  sent  off  like  a  good  little  dog. 
@sieverts said: ❛ do you want me to help you unzip? ❜
she  holds  front  of  her  dress  so  expensive  fabric  doesn't  slap  against  hardwood  floor  when  it's  off.           ❝     or  are  you  just  talked  out?   ❞      which  she  never  thought  was  possibility.  smile  spreads  across  her  lips  while  she  rolls  lower  lip  between  her  teeth  waiting  for  a  response.
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Trans? Need a Name?
i will fucking name you hmu
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ah, the things your sibling texts you when you are a radiation safety officer.
The dose was elsewhere given in layperson's terms as "ten x-rays per hour" which, using the RADAR Medical Procedure rough estimate, and a high-dose procedure (lumbar spine), gives me something on the order of 7 mSv/hour (700 mrem/hour). This is, in fact, pretty bad; for reference, the NRC's goal for the general public is 5 mSv (500 mrem) per year, and as a radiation worker, if I were to get about half that dose (that is to say, the dose from being in close proximity with this capsule, unshielded, for an hour) this would trigger an investigation into what I was doing.
With all that said, dose limits are intentionally fairly conservative, and you would need to handle this for quite a long time continuously to get a fatal dose. The Guardian reports it as being 19 Bq (about 0.5 nCi), incidentally, which is a pretty standard Cs-137 test source. Like, if you know a nuclear medicine technologist, they probably handle a very similar source regularly, but for brief periods at a time.
Anyway, if you're in Western Australia, do pay attention to this and if you see a weird metal thing on the road, matching this description, don't touch it! Follow the instructions of authorities! But, that said, the good thing about radiation is that your dose drops off steeply if you keep a distance. Unless you are in close proximity for an extended period of time, you are not at risk.
(On the other hand, from that same safety officer standpoint, I am screaming into a pillow. No one checked this en route? No one ensured this was in a secure container? No one checked this on delivery? This is in violation of like 5 separate parts of HAZMAT training in the US, and probably in Australia too.)
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