#simm i hate you
whollyunnecessary · 1 year
Somehow even after all of the other atrocities with Dhawan Master and everything else Chibnall did with the Gallifreyans I still didn't think all of the gifsets with the lyrics to Rasputin were real
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abraincellandahalf · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time David Tennant caused the downfall of a UK prime minister, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice, right?
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clowns0cks · 6 months
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
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The Master (John Simm) says, “You mean you’re just gonna… keep me?” He has a disgruntled expression.
The tenth Doctor (David Tennant) says to Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), “It’s time to change.” It then cuts to the Master who rolls his eyes. It then cuts to the Doctor’s face. The Doctor says, “Maybe I’ve been wandering for too long.”
The Doctor turns towards the Master while saying, “Now I’ve got someone to care for.”
The Doctor runs towards the Master and eases him to the ground. Off screen, Jack says “Put it down.” As the Doctor eases the Master to the ground, the Doctor says, “There you go. I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
The viewer sees the Master from a high angle view. The Master says, “Dying in your arms.” Then it cuts to a low angle view of the Doctor holding the Master. The Master continues, “Happy now?”
A low angle view of the Doctor holding the Master. The Doctor looks over at the bullet wound and then back at the Master’s face. He says, “You’re not dying, don’t be stupid, it’s only a bullet, just regenerate.” It then cuts to a high angle view of the Master lying in the Doctor’s arms. The Master says, “No.”
A close up on the Master’s mouth. The Doctor says, “Regenerate.” It cuts to a low angle view of the Doctor’s face who says, “Just regenerate, please.” It cuts back to the Master and then to the Doctor who says, “Please, just regenerate, come on.”
A low angle view of the Doctor’s grimacing face. He says, “It can’t end like this. You and me, all the things we’ve done.”
The Doctor says, “We’re the only two left.” A tear trickles down his face.
A low angle view of the Doctor’s face. Then it cuts to a high angle view of the Master’s face. The Master raises his eyebrows and says, “I win.” It cuts back to the Doctor who looks devastated.
/End ID]
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d1rthaus · 10 months
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Human Traffic - dir. Justin Kerrigan 1999
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the-river-rix · 1 month
Let them fuck nasty for the last season you stupid cunt
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the master would absolutely love watching how the grinch stole christmas
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Guys my hot take is that i usually don’t like bringing back characters like 14 was pushing it (still adored him tho) but if there’s one character they could keep bring back forever that i would never get tired of regardless of the sense it makes its simm!master. He’s just my absolute favorite 😭 he’s already popped back up two times he should do it again
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claudia-kishi · 2 years
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superstore rewatch: season two (black friday) ↪ jonah being jonah
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
i do think a lot about the master & the doctor both deliberately seeking out other regenerations of each other than whoever they’re mostly interacting with. especially when they just want a chat, a moment’s truce, something that could be called comfort if they dared to put it into words. easier to do those things when, well, they’re still enemies, but the hurts are farther apart in time. ‘i’m your future, you’re my past, we’re both still hurting each other where we come from, but that’s a different me and a different you, and tonight, can’t we just play a game or share a bed for old time’s sake?’ you know?
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micahdotgov · 1 year
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this conversation is so strange and has been on my mind since i first watched it like. how in any way is it rusts fault that marty cheated on his wife especially when the affair started before he had even met rust like how could this be on rust. martys reasons for cheating on his wife are that his dad died a year ago and rust exists. also rust misogyny reveal people say he isnt sexist bro look at how he is talking about women. bimbo. crazy pussy. and im not even going anywhere near "all the dick swagger you roll" what does any of this mean what is wrong with them
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clowns0cks · 3 months
making a list of what the master listens to, based on his secret diary!!!
First, Delgado master said he likes prog and loves king crimson's music
then, it's all simm master
Simm master has a girls aloud cd
then, in his "taking over the earth playlist" he has
Hands up - Ottawan
Groove is in the heart - Deee lite
Attention to me - the Nolans
Love to hate you - erasure
Oops upside your head - the gap band
Better the devil you know - sonia
I can't decide - the scissor sisters
He also says the drumbeat in his head is on rhythm of call me me by blondie
If you needed suggestions for a master playlist here he his telling you himself lol
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professionalowl · 1 year
playing with ideas for an essay about dr. who series 3 and the various angles it presents on the concept of humanity except in order to realise it i might actually have to rewatch dr. who series 3. do you see my problem
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in900years · 2 months
tag drop!
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cipher-fresh · 4 months
Mutual #1: Ruby is DEFINITELY Missy’s daughter guys
Mutual #2: I wish 15 had condemned cops or something when Ruby asked why the TARDIS looked like that
Mutual #4: She Charley on my Pollard till i Scherzo
Mutual #5: I hate that Moffat is returning to write an episode. Can Steven Moffat kill himself please
Mutual #6: I love that Moffat is returning to write an episode. Can RTD kill himself please
Mutual #7: What if we kissed in front of Ianto’s shrine in Cardiff and we were both girls
Mutual #8: Chibnall’s episodes outside of his era are some of his better ones. I think for every cool thing he does there’s law of conservation of energy applies and the next episode he makes sucks
Mutual #9: I really do not mean to TJLC but i think the Doctor is going to realize he’s in a TV show this season. Bc i don’t know what to do with the death of RTD’s subtlety in foreshadowing
Mutual #10: I’m not misogynistic but I just hate everything about the 13th Doctor era and I just think it doesn’t have a single redeeming quality.
Mutual #11: You are literally an anti-feminist if you hate anything about the 13th Doctor era
Mutual #12: Spydoc are pegging each other rn in my Google docs
Mutual #13: Guys I’m getting a tattoo of the 8th doctor should it say “autism” or “lesbian” underneath in impact font
Mutual #14: It’s so sad that Simm!master turned into a puppygirl. Oh well I must comply to canon
Mutual #15: Was Thasmin queerbaiting? No nuance pick one
Mutual #16: Everybody listen to the TV movie soundtrack NEOWWWWWWW
Mutual #17: Tegan and Nyssa would have the Monkees on their sex playlist
Mutual #18: I just wish 14 got a whole season, you know? Or maybe two. Or three. Who needs 15 anyway?
Mutual #19: If David Tennant steps foot on a Doctor Who stage again I will kill him with my blade
Mutual #20: Link to pirating big finish in reblog. everybody please come to 6th Doctor land with me
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unfortunate17 · 27 days
wilmon✨ & "I'll do anything"
here’s a little university!AU that I’ve had in my head since the S1 days haha. again, not even going to pretend this is 5 sentences.
“I’ll do anything,” Simon groans, wiping down the last of the tables as Ayub laughs unhelpfully behind him. He rolls out his shoulders, sore from a long shift of carrying plates and trays. “Seriously, man, he won’t leave me alone. Every time I turn around, he’s right behind me - like take a fucking hint.”
“Is he still sitting next to you in lecture?”
“Yes,” Simon cries, throwing up his hands in frustration. He drops into a chair, watching the rhythmic motions of Ayub sweeping the floor. “Like - the room seats two hundred and there’s barely fifteen of us here - why the fuck do you want to sit right next to me?”
Ayub snorts, “I’m telling you, Simme, he’s into you.”
Simon makes a face, “Don’t start with this shit again. Please.”
“I don’t get why you hate him so much.”
Simon looks at him in deep disbelief. “Are we forgetting the fact that he disappeared during our sociology final last year and I had to present it by myself?” Simon tips his head back, groaning at the embarrassing memory. “I had to retake that class because of him - and he didn’t even fucking apologize.”
“Sara said he had a family emergency,” Ayub points out gently, “remember?”
“Yeah right, that’s just an excuse and you know it.” Simon rolls his eyes, slumping back into the chair in exhaustion, “I’d get it if like - oh I can’t miss work today or else I’m going to get fired and then I can’t pay my rent - but come on. I saw his apartment, bro - mama and papa definitely help him out. No way he’s paying for that place on his own.”
Ayub sighs, setting the broom down and emptying the dustpan in the trash. “Bro, you complain about him all the time - just tell him to get lost.”
It’s a testament to their years of friendship that Simon doesn’t cross the room and strangle him. “So now I can’t even complain?” He snaps, the slow simmer of irritation that’s been building up throughout the dinner rush finally catching up to him.
Ayub’s expression shifts then, his eyes suddenly going wide. “Uh, Simme, you might not want to - ”
Simon gets to his feet, crumpling the rag in his hand as he stalks towards the front. “He’s a fucking trust-fund baby,” he rants, moving to swipe aggressively across the counter. “You really think telling him to fuck off is going to work? Wilhelm is literally the single most insufferable human being I have ever fucking met and - ”
A loud clattering interrupts him, followed by the sound of rapidly shuffling footsteps. When Simon turns around, the first thing he sees is two empty coffee cups on their side, the contents of which are dripping out over the table he’d just finished wiping down. Then, his stomach sinks.
Wilhelm is standing in front of the door, looking adorably windswept in his expensive wool coat. His cheeks are flushed, his expression mortified. “Sorry,” his breathes, voice cracking as he scrambles for a stack of tissues, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to - ”
Thankfully, Ayub is the first speak. “Hey, man, it’s just a spill. don’t worry about it, okay? I’ll take care of it, let me just go grab a mop.”
Simon throws him a panicked look at being left alone, but Ayub only shrugs in return as he makes his way to the back.
“I need a mop,” he tells him simply, shouldering past Simon with a pat on his arm.
Simon watches him go, swallowing tightly. There’s a long moment of deep, uncomfortable silence. Finally, he forces himself to take a deep breath. “We close in four minutes, sorry,” he says, voice thin.
Wilhelm’s head is bowed, eyes trained on the floor. “Yeah,” he mumbles, “I know.”
Guilt churns in Simon’s stomach like acid. “I didn’t mean for you to hear that,” he offers then, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Wille’s tone is robotic. When his gaze finally flickers up to meet Simon’s, his eyes look like broken glass. “Sorry about the mess.” He runs an awkward hand through his hair, even as the strands tumble back into his face almost immediately “I’ll - I’ll just - ” he jabs a thumb at the door, turning to leave.
Simon’s feet carry him across the room before his mind can catch up with his actions. “Wille, wait,” he begs. “That was - I’m really sorry.”
Wille turns to look at him as he pulls the door open again, backlit by the setting sun. His eyes are dark and sad, “It’s fine, Simon.”
Simon wrings his hand, “We - we open at eleven tomorrow,” he offers nonsensically, “if you come back then - ”
The ghost of an unhappy smile flickers across Wilhelm’s face. “I wasn’t here for a sandwich,” he shoves his hands in his pockets as he leans back against the open door. “I just thought. You’re always drinking flat whites in class. And I thought - that I could, you know, bring you one and we could like - ”
Dimly, Simon thinks he’s going to be sick.
Wille looks away then, blinking rapidly like he’s fighting back tears. “Anyway,” he clears his throat, “I got the message. I’ll leave you alone now,” he steps out onto the street, shooting him a last, small smile. “Have a good night, Simon.”
Simon opens his mouth to say - what exactly he doesn’t know. Maybe he means to apologize once more, to ask Wille to come back inside, to offer to buy him another coffee.
Instead, the door swings shut between them before he can decide and Simon watches through paned glass as Wille’s late evening silhouette disappears out into the crowd.
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