#sims stone age
history-of-sims · 1 year
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Beautiful pregnant Naru ❤️
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amethystamanda · 6 months
971 BC
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Here we see where Gartnait got his eyes.
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There was an illness going around. They heard of at least 5 people who died. Who knows how many others didn't make it?
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There are baby turtles around! So cute!
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Beonill aged up into a Horse Lover who wants to be a Social Butterfly, Gartnait is Erratic and wants to be an Artistic Prodigy, and Cochlan is an Artisan who wants to be a Social Butterfly.
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There is definite variety in the 5 biological children of Neamh, even with only two different fathers.
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marfuhenka82 · 5 months
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kyriat-sims · 1 year
My Stone age save has gotten a little clean up, a couple of lots included and with kind permission from @jennisims her decor animals are now included in the download.
📥 For info and download: See my blog
You’ll find the original tumblr post here.
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soulful-simmer · 11 months
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The girl tensed a bit as Lùcas approached but immediately relaxed upon seeing him. “Well hello stranger!” Her voice was soft but excited and full of sweetness. Lùcas guessed she was around his age but he made no response.
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The girl looked him up and down, noticing his dirt stained hands, awkward stance, and the way his eyes seemed to look slightly past her. As if satisfied with her own examination of the stranger, she stepped toward him and held out a freshly picked yellow rose.
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Lùcas remained frozen, surely it must have been this girl’s singing he heard but he could have sworn he also heard his own name echoing through the trees. The girl was amused by his cautious demeanor and reached a gentle hand to his, guiding it to take her offering. “Didn’t think my singing would ever disturb no one way out here, but I'd be glad if it brought me a new flower picking companion." Her voice had a way of fluttering Lùcas noticed, as if she were always half singing. Unphased by the fact that Lùcas had not so much as uttered a word, she continued.
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“My name is Aebbe. I think I’ve seen you before, but seems like you don’t recognize me,” she giggled and turned back to pick more roses. “I thought I was the only one crazy enough to come this far into the forest, but I needed fresh flowers for my crown,” Aebbe motioned to the flower crown adorning her wild head of curls but, remembering Lùcas’ blank stare, lowered her hands quickly.
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“Come on, I’ll show you my favorite creek!” Aebbe grabbed Lùcas’ hand without hesitation and led him excitedly through the forest.
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deathclawfaggot · 2 years
Roo [she/her]
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isa-ah · 2 years
i made a new sim im obsessed with yall might have to deal w fanart of her sorryyyyy
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accomplisheddoubt · 11 months
Generation 1 - The Stone Age
The Stone Age 2.5 million B.C. - 600 B.C.
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Heir Name: Gron Tovvuakk  Life State: Sim Aspiration(s): Angling Ace Traits: Outdoors, Self-Assured, Dog Lover, Angler's Tranquility Occupation: Hunter Cause of Death: Old Age
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If only I had kept up with family photos over the following generations 😢
The Legendary Legacy was founded by Gron Tovvuakk who had 8 children between 5 different women. 6 of which survived adolescence. Assi Brevdekk was his main woman whom he shared a home with. During their time period, The Stone Age, Gron was the family hunter while Assi and their daughters were the gatherers.
Aspiration(s) Completed: Angling Ace
Achievements Earned: Harvested Interest, Cast Away
Goals: ✔️Have at least 5 children with 5 different partners. Never marry. ✔️Reach level 10 Fishing.
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
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tough-to-be-a-god · 1 year
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The Wort Legacy
HISTORY CHALLENGE: Prehistoric The Thistlewort Tribe
Thistle Wood, Sneezewort and Firefly Wort in my History Challenge! Thistle is really enjoying archery, and Sneezewort has taken to fishing and dabbling in gardening.
Thistle's scared of plants after being eaten by their Cowplant. Guess we're swapping the hunter-gatherer roles!
Firefly is named as such due to his birth happening at the exact same time as a fire starting on their lot! He's was born on the second day of summer, and is unable to leave the cave because of all the rain.
Thistle and Sneezewort are planning to take Firefly and start a nomadic journey across the worlds! Just as soon as this damn rain season is over...
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history-of-sims · 11 months
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Gnag, an elderly man with a twinkle in his eye, and his curious daughter, Foga, came to meet the family. Naru observed their visitors with a hint of hesitancy, her gaze flickering between Gnag and Foga. Tarc, on the other hand, welcomed their guests with open arms, his eyes brightened with recognition as he looked at the old man.
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amethystamanda · 6 months
976 BC
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The earth shook again, but no one was hurt and there was little damage. They seem to have moved far enough from the volcano. Maybe this is a better place to stay for a while.
Then later that same day, there was a much bigger quake, and they lost almost half of everything.
Beonill turned into an Angelic toddler, Gartnait is Clingy, and Cochlan is a Stargazer. Gartnait's eye colour changed, as happens to babies, to be something less uncanny.
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Einwys is a Glutton with the Mind and Body aspiration.
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Friendly duels at parties are fun
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(My eyes were broken, so Gartnait gets new ones.
And I changed my CAS background in the middle.
...I forgot I made the title thing...)
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marfuhenka82 · 5 months
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spriteysims · 1 year
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Their first child was a girl and they named her Tati. She was a calm, gassy baby and was able to soothe herself, but rarely needed to with her attentive mom.
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Tati grew into an independent toddler with the top-notch infant trait and quickly developed a love of sounds and a hatred towards being carried. She maxed out all toddler skills except Thinking and could usually be found imitating the wolf, Lo.
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As a child, Tati inherited her love of the outdoors and fishing from her parents. She would often run down to the beach to gather water and be gone for hours, fishing and finding shells in the sand.
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Tati grew into a teen and clearly inherited her mother's beauty. Her solitary childhood by the water developed into a loner trait, like her father, and her parents' encouragement throughout her life gave her high self-esteem.
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Now Tati is a few days away from young adulthood and has begun a relationship with a nice young boy in the tribe, Bry. He's cheerful and a foodie and luckily for him, Tati is already halfway to mastering cooking thanks to her mother's guidance.
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kyriat-stories · 2 years
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- Would you really do that for me honey-sis?
- Yes bunny-sis! I would. I can’t live without you either.
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- What do you say Hdajk, can you manage without them?
- Yes I can. It won’t be easy to see them go. It breaks my heart to think I might never see them again, but practically? Yes. I have you and I have my sisters. And I will not stand in the way of Noor’s happiness. We will manage.
- Hdajk, your unselfishness astonishes me. You truly are a strong woman. And you have proven again that your love for your children has no limit.
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- This is by far the most difficult thing I’ve had to do as a mother.
- I know, but it’s the right thing to do.
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The next weeks were filled with busy preparations. It was decided that Tjen was going to accompany them to the harbor, and help them find a ship to take them to the island of Krete, where Rusas brother lived.
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A few days before their planned departure the new babies were born. Just as Lea had predicted there was two of them, a gift from the moon, and a gift from the sun. They were given the names ‘knyfei and Ak’nei.
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- Remember these tears that I shower you with, Eira whispered, I love you very much, even though I will never know you, and you will never know me. Take good care of our parents, one day they will need you, like you need them now.
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- I have doubts, Noor admitted, do you think we are doing the right thing, leaving everything behind?
- Yes, it’s the better solution all things considered, Eira said and wiped a tear from her chin, and besides -  it is our destiny.
                           - END OF CHAPTER FOUR -
A huge thank you to those of you who have followed, liked and commented on my story so far. It means a lot, and I am truly grateful.  💕
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simsparrows · 2 years
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Even after Ghark tried cheering her up, Rain went home that day with a heaviness inside her chest. She sat down and fought back tears. Some time later, Fern saw her sitting there and approached her. 
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Fern inquired as to why Rain was sitting pensively by herself and after a bit of prodding...
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Rain immediately began to complain about the new baby. It was the same things she said to her friends. The baby will upend their lives, take away their parents attention, and force so many extra sacrifices onto the family. 
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Fern listened patiently to her little sister. She didn’t scold her not even when Rain angrily looked at her and said, “it’s not like you can understand. You’re the special oldest child.” 
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Fern looked at her sister with nothing but love in her eyes. She told her, “Rainy, you don’t remember this but when you and River were born I threw tantrums. I didn’t want siblings either, but then you and River arrived and became my sisters, my best friends.” 
There was a pause as Rain’s eyes filled with tears. 
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“There’s something else, isn’t there?” Fern asked gently. 
Rain noded, fighting back tears. 
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“What if she gets hurt?” Rain said, voice cracking. “I don’t want Ama to die.” 
Fern’s heart broke at this confession. She had an inkling there was more than just sibling jealousy at play. She reached out to her younger sister and squeezed her hand. 
“The ancestors will watch over Ama. I know in my heart they will.” 
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Fern and Rain rose from the log bench and embraced in a tight, loving hug. 
The prickling anxiety weaned in Rain’s heart. 
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“I love you, Fern,” Raid said, feeling peace at last. 
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