#ts4 prehistoric
dustyratt · 1 year
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fullbody outfit (tail and body separately)
for large dogs
Echo, Blue, Delta, Charlie +26 swatches
all LODs | maps | no morphing
HQ compatible
Cats & Dogs DLC is required
Jurassic World: Evolution conversion | Commission | Full-sized 4k preview poster
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(early access, public 03.05.2023 | MAR 05)
@sssvitlanz ❤
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mama-lerka · 10 months
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Beautiful spring has grown up a bit! ☀️
Mommy can't get enough of her adorable daughter and so far she doesn't seem to be thinking about having any more babies. It won't be a secret if I say that Eura is already planning to make her daughter the next tribal leader in the future, all because she considered the day when the baby girl was born to be a particularly lucky day because of the "signs of nature". Of course, in such an early epoch primitive people could not yet determine the first numbers of summer, winter, spring or fall, so for Eura this day looked not like a usual cycle of changing seasons, but like a sign from above: yesterday there was a heavy frost and a snowstorm, and at the moment when her daughter was born, the snow began to melt everywhere and it became much warmer, during the day the sun warmed the earth tenderly. Definitely, it is a miracle! The girl is favored by Mother Earth herself! And yet, this is only Eura's own conviction, and only time will tell how the little girl's future life will really turn out.
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simsparrows · 2 years
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It wasn’t just her children who were filled with anxiety over the news of her pregnancy. Sparrow was distraught. 
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The tribe’s high elder, Umata, had given Sparrow words of comfort. She was a skilled midwife and had delivered several babies in her life, including Sparrow’s close friend Tsala. 
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Tsala, who had been blessed by the Watcher with easy pregnancies, could tell this pregnancy of Sparrow’s was weighing heavily on her. It hadn’t exactly been planned or anticipated. 
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Eagle listened intently to Umata’s words of comfort, she was trying to absorb as much information to help her dear friend, Sparrow, through this challenging season.
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“The last pregnancy of mine was a disaster,” Sparrow groaned. “If this is what the Ancestor’s intend, I will accept this fate, but I worry so.” 
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“The ancestors would not grant you this new life in your blood line if it didn’t mean you could handle it,” Tsala offered, but she knew this was of little comfort. Several of her pregnancies had come out complicated times and left her taut with worry. 
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“Eat the root of the Twangiit plant twice a day and your child will be blessed with vitality,” Umata said, almost oblivious to the tense atmosphere. 
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“Sparrow,” Eagle said in her soft voice. “I know this is so hard for you right now, but you will get through this pregnancy and will be gifted with a beautiful child. We’ll be here every step of the way.” 
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The others agreed wholeheartedly. 
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Still not convinced, Eagle added, “My prayer bones spelled out your fate last night.” 
The others looked at her keenly. 
“Your child will be healthy and they will carry on your bloodline for many generations.” Eagle, a priestess of bones, had spiritual connection to the future. At her promise, Sparrow allowed herself the smallest reprieve from her anxiety. 
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amethystamanda · 3 months
Stone Gemology Table
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Before there were tables, there were stones. And there were also pretty stones. Sometimes people used stones to make pretty stones prettier.
For your pre-gemology table saves (or post gemology table saves), a Stone To Cut Stones On.
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A total of 74 swatches (shown below). Found in Creative Activities, or by searching Gemology or Jewel. 500 Simoleons (cheaper than the original, but still something to spend your money on). Off the grid, same as the original.
A mesh edit of the stone coffee table from Outdoor Retreat, making it into a gemology table. Does not require Outdoor Retreat, just Crystal Creations.
There are 2 medium slots and 4 small slots for deco or whatever fits in them. I would recommend not using move objects near the front of the table, because that area is used by the sims.
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Five basic natural swatches:
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28 swatches from the Historian palette (@academiapalettes):
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28 swatches in the Scientist palette (@academiapalettes):
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and 13 more fantastical swatches of my own creation:
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Known issues:
Original effects are still present, including modern tools and bright light from the grinder while in use. I removed what lighting I could, but that one spot is an effect, not a light.
The grinder looks a bit out of place, but it would look weirder removed, I think, because the animation and visual effects would remain the same.
Download on patreon (free): https://www.patreon.com/posts/100320495
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nursesimblr · 8 months
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Nimli The Woman should have suspected something was wrong when she managed to prepare an onion soup without interruption from a crying Zull. But instead of being suspicious, she took the opportunity to eat in peace for the first time in days. She chatted with Triki The Midwife and helped Ugg The First with the garden. When she returned to the cave, Zull was still sleeping... ... And he didn't wake up even with Nimli picking him up. His small body was cold and he no longer breathed. Nimli The Woman ran towards Ugg and Triki who were still tending the garden, shouting for help. Something was wrong and she could see it now. She watched in slow motion as Triki wrapped Zull in a hug with tears in her eyes and Ugg cried out for the Watcher's intervention. Without thinking much, Nimli ran towards the volcano. "Something is wrong!" She screamed when she reached the top "Zull doesn't want to wake up, he needs to feed but he doesn't want to wake up!" "Zull is with me, Nimli." Answered the voice. "No… Zull is in the cave with Ugg and Triki. You need to help us, Zull needs to wake up and…" "Zull is with me. It's what happens when a sim leaves their mother before they are ready to face the world. They sleep in paradise, and wakes up next to me." "I demand that you bring him back! And I want it now, Watcher! Give me my son back!" "Interesting… but you demand anything from me. Haven't you learned your lesson? Zull is with me now thanks to you, or have you forgotten that you demanded that he leaves you days ago? You don't demand anything in paradise, Nimli. Especially when you are not ready to deal with the consequences." "Then take me! Do what you want with me, but bring Zull back. I beg you, Watcher!" "You will go back to the cave and tell Ugg that Zull no longer belongs to you. You will also make sure to keep his little body buried near the cave. From now on, may today be remembered as the day to remember those who no longer live in paradise. You and everyone who came after you will remember this day."
before || next
It is with an extremely small heart that I come to say that Zull did not survive his death roll. By coincidence of fate, the little one died in the first week of autumn, a great opportunity to found the first simnation holiday: Zull's Day, my version of Halloween.
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history4sims · 3 months
Unga Bunga: Infant Edition
I present to you 3 base-game infant recolors for the Prehistoric / Stone Age / Whatever you want to call it Era. Please do not upload as your own. 
I have recolor requests open. Send me an ask or leave a comment on my Patreon!
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I give you 2 different onesies, one with short sleeves and one with long sleeves. There is also a matching diaper! All 3 recolors come in black & brown variants.
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Download on my Patreon (it's free! no ads)
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enkhanthor · 1 year
Prehistoric Mammut Outfit Fur 2 conversion for Infants
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Prehistoric Outfit for infants (boys and girls), 4 swatches.
Texture based on Todd Toddler Outfit Fur 2 for Toddlers by Mammut.
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Update: Two more Swatches made by me. I fixed the color tags (I always forget). It has a hole in the cap that is more noticeable in the black color. This is not a problem with the texture, but with the onesie used, probably an error by EA Games. The infant's head in the 3D view appears through the clothing at one point.
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kyriat-sims · 1 year
My Stone age save has gotten a little clean up, a couple of lots included and with kind permission from @jennisims her decor animals are now included in the download.
📥 For info and download: See my blog
You’ll find the original tumblr post here.
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acidheaddd · 2 months
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So uh. Father Winter has a crush on Alistair now??? Even after he completely snubbed him as a child??? Fuckin weirdo.
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history-of-sims · 1 year
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Tarc 🌴
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teeth-boiler · 1 year
Roo [she/her]
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simsdelsworld · 10 months
(TS4) Future World 3000 - Earth Museum (aquarium and museum).
 In the far future, an interactive museum of life on Earth and civilization has been created.
A building with working elevators, an oceanarium and various exhibitions
More of future world project
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mama-lerka · 10 months
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❄️ During the cold season, the men fought several times with Hominids (a family of primates that includes humans and great apes), who were most likely searching the forest for food. The rest of their time was spent with their children. Euro and the leader of the tribe had another son. Since he is the second, he was assigned the father's lineage (for more on this, see further ↓↑). The child inherited most of his father's appearance, so he was very happy to have such an heir. Unfortunately, the First Son (yes, that is the firstborn's name) began to receive much less of his attention, and he was generally quite lonely, because even the mother-leader was busy every day outside the shelter, exploring the area and searching for food for the tribe. The community had not had time to prepare properly for winter, so they had to scrounge for supplies from the forest animals. Asia had learned to grow some vegetables, and even in the cold weather she was lucky to harvest a small crop. On the whole, the tribe survived its first winter without incident.
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simsparrows · 2 years
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Even after Ghark tried cheering her up, Rain went home that day with a heaviness inside her chest. She sat down and fought back tears. Some time later, Fern saw her sitting there and approached her. 
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Fern inquired as to why Rain was sitting pensively by herself and after a bit of prodding...
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Rain immediately began to complain about the new baby. It was the same things she said to her friends. The baby will upend their lives, take away their parents attention, and force so many extra sacrifices onto the family. 
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Fern listened patiently to her little sister. She didn’t scold her not even when Rain angrily looked at her and said, “it’s not like you can understand. You’re the special oldest child.” 
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Fern looked at her sister with nothing but love in her eyes. She told her, “Rainy, you don’t remember this but when you and River were born I threw tantrums. I didn’t want siblings either, but then you and River arrived and became my sisters, my best friends.” 
There was a pause as Rain’s eyes filled with tears. 
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“There’s something else, isn’t there?” Fern asked gently. 
Rain noded, fighting back tears. 
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“What if she gets hurt?” Rain said, voice cracking. “I don’t want Ama to die.” 
Fern’s heart broke at this confession. She had an inkling there was more than just sibling jealousy at play. She reached out to her younger sister and squeezed her hand. 
“The ancestors will watch over Ama. I know in my heart they will.” 
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Fern and Rain rose from the log bench and embraced in a tight, loving hug. 
The prickling anxiety weaned in Rain’s heart. 
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“I love you, Fern,” Raid said, feeling peace at last. 
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amethystamanda · 3 months
Cave-to-Cave Shell Delivery
Because they had to tell everyone about the rock party somehow.
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A mailbox on a prehistoric lot looks very out of place, so I started working on this. This was the hardest thing I've ever made for this game. There are multiple geometry states, some of which only appear on certain LODs and not others, and some of which only appear on certain mailboxes and not others. Meaning that I had to make so many meshes, and then, because of some of the issues that came up (and there some serious issues), some had to be made multiple times. And then remade again. And again. And then edited again.
And when I didn't get it exactly right, it crashed my game. Two different mostly completed versions of this thing crashed my game. Then, once I solved the crashing, instead of staying put, the mailbox rose into the air and bowed to my sim when she 'opened the door' -- https://amethystamanda.tumblr.com/post/745291158833545216/sometimes-you-make-your-game-crash-sometimes-you -- and while I was trying to fix that, it instead rose in the air and floated through her. Then it sank into the ground. Etc.
I almost gave up, and I did make an un-animated mailbox, which doesn't show you when you have mail, but on my last try, it worked. So here it is.
When there's no mail, the feather lies across the empty bowl.
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When there is mail, the feather stands up and there are shells in the bowl, with one positioned to hold the feather in place.
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When mail is delivered or when your sim gets the mail, they will reach over the bowl.
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All options that appear on basegame mailboxes should also appear on this one, including modded options. (Yes, MCCC shows up.)
48 swatches, all the possible combos of:
6 colours of stone (white, tan-brown, orange-brown, dark brown, grey, almost black)
4 colours of bowl (grey & blue/green, black & blue/green, black & purple, black & red)
2 colours of shells (orange, pink)
1 red feather with a green edge
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BaseGame Compatible. Can be found by searching 'mailbox' or by looking with the other mailboxes (by using the eyedropper on an existing mailbox or by looking in Miscellaneous Appliances).
Make sure to leave room at the front of the mailbox for sims to interact!
Known issues:
The sound when a sim is putting something into or taking something out of the mailbox is not changed. Think of it as the shells moving around instead of the door opening.
Sims will still handle paper mail when they have visible mail, for example if you tell them to sort junk mail.
Download on Patreon (free): https://www.patreon.com/posts/100622174
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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The beginning || Meet the characters || family tree
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