ivyandink · 7 years
Okay so, first off I'm sorry I fell so behind on your story things have been nuts. But I'm all caught up now. I've never really like Thalia for Levi (sorry shy) I sort of always felt it was that one relationship you have, your first, puppy love, that experience you know? Where when your a teenager your whole life revolves around this person and then one day it just doesn't. I guess what I'm saying is I couldn't see them end goal like I could with Clem and Elliot. .....tbc
“...But Penelope and Levi I can. I feel like Levi has never known someone who gets him and Penelope always has. Even for no other reason that's something significant to me. I know if this relationship is going to happen it's going to be a long drawn out thing, it complicates things, but it's not impossible. I also have a question what is Clem's relationship to Vi and Levi? Like do they like her now that she's back, or will we find out soon?“
First, let me start off with, thank you so much!! It makes me goofy happy when people take the time to go through my story, and catch up, start from the beginning, etc.  SO thank you, thank you, thank you
And I totally agree with you on Thalia! I think they were cute together, but ultimately, even if she hadn’t gotten cold feet and broke it off, I don’t know if I could see them being end game. But they were perfect for that sort of first relationship, seeing what it’s all about and a learning experience, like you said! 
And the comments about #Pevi (best ship name ever, right? loool) yes it would definitely be long, and difficult if they decide to take that path. Could potentially be worth it, but who knows, huh? lol. 
And for Clem and the twins-- they like her in a sort of indifferent way? She didn’t really take the role of “step mom” till they were teens and already mostly independent. They like her because she makes their dad happy, and he always spoke highly of her while she was gone, etc. But neither are close to her. They wouldn’t just go hang out with her on a whim, without their dad or Penelope around, ya feel me? But it’s not like an awkward situation, either. 
I definitely haven’t paid enough attention to the last gen, which I feel bad about lol 3 I’m just so focused on the kids’ plots. But I will definitely try and make an effort to show off the step-mom dynamic with Clem! :)
(my old english teachers are all probably turning over in their graves (i mean not really because i hope theyre all still alive???) because of how many sentences i start with ‘and’ lmao oh well)
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neopixiesims · 7 years
I love the Chelsea has a really big like don't f with me face. I know everything you're saying is BS try it with somebody else not me. I kind of love her.
Me too!!! i heart her sooo much! She’s direct and I appreciate that. Maybe other people will appreciate that too ;) 
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sandy-sims · 7 years
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Happy Birthday @simsomedia! 🍹
Sandy and Mel decided to celebrate poolside! 
“I am thankful every day for this community, because without it, I wouldn’t have met you! I am so incredibly lucky to be able to call you my friend. I hope this birthday brings you nothing but happiness and joy, you deserve it all. You are a constant ray of sunshine in my life; I love you to the moon and back, Mel.” -Sandy
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shysimblr · 7 years
May k ask 6, 13, 14, 15?
Thanks for ask babe :D 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I tend to be attracted to people who are laid back and relaxed :) since i’m the opposite of that i feel it balances well lool xD
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I love it! especially when my bf’s nieces are like can I play with your hair and they braid it and stuff... I love that :D 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Um not really, i think that its more like Karma so if something bad happens.. it’ll be balanced with something good and vice versa so nothing can be all good or all bad if that makes sense... as for miracles... i am yet to see one so.. idk hahah 
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I got accepted into grad school and found out i’m graduating my first degree :D 
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early-grape · 7 years
Can we have more sitcom episodes? I am throughly amused.
uhh yeah i can try to do that :^) they’ll be pretty bad tho!
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soleilsim-blog · 7 years
Not a question but I just love how detailed you were when answering these questions.
thank you pal!!! i spent a lot of time developing these characters so i always wish people would ask me more about them!! it’s really heart-warming that people wanna know the little details!
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sammyshuno · 7 years
Okay, so after all of this does this mean that Bella still loves Caleb just a little bit?
Life’s weird like that. Sometimes, when you love someone a lot, you never really get over them. So, yes, probably. I don’t think they’ll ever be completely over each other.
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Day 4: Kickass Hero/Heroine | Okay, I'm sure Zdina would kick my ass for calling them a hero or heroine, so I'm not calling them a hero or heroine but I'm just saying they are super kickass. Now I'm going to leave out the same side door I came in before Zdina gets word of this and attempts to kick my behind. Their heels look like they hurt.
HAHAHA this is SO funny to me. I guess they are kickass. The hero part is subjective, right? :) I wanted to do one of those cute “Zdina replies” with them saying something cocky. Maybe that’s how I’ll start replying to all my Zdina-centered asks from now on. I need to break into their repertoire of emotions and let you know EXACTLY how they would feel about you saying that ♥ Thank you for thinking of us :D
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valhallansim · 7 years
TAG. YOU'RE IT. The rules are to state 5 random facts about yourself. Then go,to ten favorite blogs and tell them they are it!
Aaaaah nice, thank you for tagging me dear!! ♥ Let’s see if I can think of something interesting to tell about myself LOL.
- I have 3 tattoos: a half sleeve full-colour valkyrie on my left upper arm, a blackwork Mjölnir on the back of my neck/upper back, and my dad’s handwriting on my lower left arm. I want more, but my mom and friends would kill me… :(- I live at home with my mom, sister and brother (I’m the eldest), and our 5 cats: Monza (17), Bacardi (14), Liev (1), Fiona (1) and Valhalla (turns 1 tomorrow!). Monza and Bacardi are both Norwegian Forest Cats (aka huge), and the three babies are all Siberian Cats (aka huge too).- I identify as an aromantic heterosexual woman. - I really, really want to start a Youtube channel- I suffer from kyphosis which lead me to having to wear an incredible torture device named a back brace corset for 2 years for 22 hours a day, and a giant body cast around my torso for 6 months prior to that. Fun times were had for all (no).
I tag the lovely @zx-ta @weepingsimmer @psychoticcoven @paper-lioness @elvensimming @pixelven @pyxiidis @eiyr @neverloore @erosims @solistair and everyone that wants to do it (also, if you don’t want to, don’t feel pressured ‘cus of me LOL)
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neopixiesims · 7 years
Extraordinary because their creator, who I love, is extraordinary. Don't be a turkey just accept this. Let it happen.
I don’t know if you are complimenting me or not. Also why would I want to be a turkey. They’re dry... ♥
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simcataris · 7 years
Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy it to the fullest.
Thank you so much! I will
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So I was thinking about this earlier while on the toilet, I wanted you to know how special your story is to me that I decided to think about it then in quiet moments, why does Zdina prefer they/them? Like is there a hidden reason behind it? Does she hate that people think because she looks like a woman she's weak and so she has a distaste for the word? Is it because of her childhood?
Mel, oh my god lol, I’m laughing so hard. Thank you so much for that intro. And also, Melllllll this is so many questions and you know I’m just gonna sit on my thumbs, right? It’s all an integral part of the story. It will come up. The answers you seek will be revealed! There IS a reason. Well, reasons. I will say that no, they don’t hate that people think it. I don’t think they care that much what other people think, and they outwardly and purposefully present as female (there’s a reason!). They just don’t like anyone that’s close enough, or who isn’t slated to leave this world in a relatively “soon” like time frame, to continue to label them. It has nothing to do with disdain for womankind or resent or anything like that. But ya know Mel, the thing about that is that she/her pronouns are not applicable lol. I’m sorry, I love you ♥ Thank you for caring about my story as much as you do. It makes me emotional, also pretty fucking self-conscious LOL
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neopixiesims · 7 years
How dare you proclaim a Philomel could he normal. Blasphemy!!! They can never be normal they are akk extraordinary!
Extraordinarily bad at many things or extraordinarily normal? 
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treason-and-plot · 7 years
I was tagged for the music meme: Rules: Post your current mood song and let’s share some good music within our community! 
All the music I’ve been listening to lately has been influenced by my Sims story, or maybe that should be the other way round? :D Anyway let’s just go with Superstar by Lupe Fiasco. An oldie but a goodie, and one which I can definitely imagine Roy having on an endless loop while he tears around town in his Ferrari. 
I’d like to tag @lyrea, @blurrypxls, @drudragonrose @stories4sims​ and @ohthesefaces for this one. No obligation though!  <3
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inabadromance · 7 years
I read your post about interaction so I'm here flying down from a limb to say hello, and have a good day, and then flying away.
i’m not sure what post exactly you’re talking about... the last one i just reblogged? i’ve written a lot of silly things in the past 2 days lol. have a lovely day! :D
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justkeeponsimming · 7 years
Some super, super late replies (so sorry! :()
Hey, guys!
I am so freaking sorry for the lateness of my replies. I have so many excuses (work commitments) and pretty much spend my free simming time queuing posts to keep the daily updates going - but this does mean my replies suffer. And it’s not cool! I love talking to you guys!
Please accept my humble apologies and I will try to improve! <3
kat88833 replied to your photoset “Finally I get to show you Poppy’s badass musician makeover! :3 I’ve...”
ooo pretty. she looks good in anything so this is just another fabulous look in her wardrobe. Thanks, Bae! <3 She was channelling a little bit of her inner rock chick (velvet inspired) for this aspiration. I feel your pain with the song writing. OMG it takes forever!
maimouth replied to your photoset “Before and After Tag! :D by @soft-almond This was so much fun! Thanks...”
So pretty!!! ����
Thank you, Mai! But I’m sure it’s not going to be as pretty as yours if you do this! <3
108sims replied to your photoset “For shiz and giggles, Poppy hangs out and gets to know Grim a bit...”
He had the romantic trait once in my game. I had a weird glitch where he got moved into a house. It was kind of funny to see all his info! OMG that’s the best glitch ever though? Any lovable batchelor needs to have a pad to woo the ladies! Was his house awesome? 
simalienn replied to your photoset “Forrest: “Oh…heh…hey..Mum. How’s it goin’?” Poppy: “Really well,...”
Poppy looks the same age as Forrest!! XD
She does look dang good for her age! It was whilst queuing the screenshots for completing the grilled cheese aspiration that I realised she still has an amazing figure after giving birth to 9 children! lol
simsomedia replied to your photoset “#dothedab!”
That syncness
My sims are the epitome of inappropriately timed poses, so I’d be disappointed if they weren’t in sync! :(
simalienn replied to your photoset “Poppy stays up all night and finishes the final stage of her...”
Eat one in space??? Holy Moly, that's commitment!
I’m sharing this comment because I’ve had quite a few people ask how I managed to get Poppy to do this. You need a fully built rocket and a grilled cheese sandwich in your inventory, then a special interaction appears stating: “eat grilled cheese in space” - or something like that! :)
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Poppy stays up all night and finishes the final stage of her...”
To talk to grim reaper, a grim reaper has to be invited. And we all know how......WHHHHOOOOOO
I didn’t have to be quite that evil this time, my dear! ;) Not pictured are the approximately 8 lots in total that I visited trying to find Grimmy but he wouldn’t show up, so I just decided to show a few of them. In the end, I invited Grimmy to the Bluffs and interacted with him there. Poppy had met him previously after bumping off Marcus Flex :) I’ve heard Grimmy can usually be found in night clubs, but he was determined not to show when I needed him to!
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Wesley: “That’s great, I love being the centre of gossip. My...”
nothing to hide behind!
I’m responding to this comment as well as a bit of foreshadowing. This is going to be important for the next few days of the queue. I spent far too much time writing these next few scenes, so I hope you enjoy them! XD
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