#sin mí
estrellas-sin-colorr · 3 months
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— Estrella-sin-colorr
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limitrofe-girl · 1 year
La vida no me la quitó tu Dios, la vida me la quité yo
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loquenofuimos · 1 year
Y tu castigo será vivir con la culpa de no haberme elegido.
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gustav-rcmor · 2 years
Sin mí
Ahora no,Pero se que a ti te dolera más.Mi corazón ya estaba roto cuando llegaste.¿Para que lo curaste?Me duele,Pensar que había avanzado un gran paso y ahora retrocedi dos.Sentada con las rodillas en mí pecho,Ya no lo puedo evitar.Las lágrimas recorren mi rostro.Quisiera quedarme dormida en la tina y nunca más despertar.Me duele,Pensar que había avanzado un gran paso y ahora retrocedi dos.No…
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boho-natural · 1 month
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victormalonso · 7 days
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el mar, qué sería de mí sin el mar | the sea, what would be of me without the sea \ víctor m. alonso
autorretrato | selfportrait
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stars-n-spice · 11 days
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Wrecker Wednesday Headcanons!
for @sunshinesdaydream :)
Various random Wrecker headcanons that have been floating around my head-
Doesn't like needles so he doesn't have a lot of tattoos. Really the only one he has is a '99' that all his brothers got to match that he has on his forearm. No, he definitely did not cry like a baby when he got it.
Despite not liking needles, the man has nipple piercings. This headcanon actually came from my sister who doesn't really watch the show but randomly brought it up to me one day and it's been living in my mind rent-free ever since.
Plays off pain like it's nobody's business. ESPECIALLY when he has a headache. Whenever he has a headache, out of fear of what happened with the chip malfunction, he'll go and isolate himself for a bit until it goes away because he doesn't want something happening again. He also thinks that he's the "strong" one so he underplays being in pain and every now and then will just collapse randomly due to exhaustion.
He can be a really big flirt when he wants to but if he genuinely really likes someone he becomes a flustered mess. He can joke and make comments, but the moment someone he's interested in or attracted to responds he just "wrecker.exe stopped working."
Memory issues from being bonked on the head one too many times also later needs a hearing aid in his left ear
Demisexual :) I project on the Batch and make them all aspec one way or another and I think Wrecker is omni and demisexual
Oh here's something devastating: he has a cat allergy. Does that stop him? Oh definitely not. His face would be puffed up, his eyes red and watery, and he's constantly sneezing, but he got to pet a cat and that was worth it.
Those hips don't lie 👀 I think he's a good dancer. Put on some cumbia and watch the man go!
Hobbies I think he'd be good at/pick up: Baking, fishing, woodworking, pottery, and
He's not a big fan of the cold and he tends to run hot. He's a big ol walking portable heater and weighted blanket. Ergo he gives the best hugs :)
The man is a hoarder. Though he'd prefer the term "collector." He has his plushie collection and a munitions collection but I think that he also likes to take keepsakes from various (successful) missions just to have to remember them by
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Y me cansé
Y me cansé, me cansé de tratar de arreglar las cosas que no rompo, me cansé de buscar soluciones a problemas que yo no he causado, me cansé de buscar a personas cuando yo no las he echado, me cansé de siempre intentar dar lo mejor de mí y que nadie lo valore, me cansé y cuando uno se cansa no hay marcha atrás, llamadlo egoísmo, sin embargo yo lo llamaré amor propio, porque en el proceso de arreglar las cosas de todos y con todos la única que salía lastimada era yo.
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arte-inmortal · 6 months
Siempre tuve miedo a quedarme sola, todavía sigo teniendo ése miedo. Pero ahora prefiero quedarme sola a rodearme de personas: que me juzguen, que no me acepten.
Ahora prefiero quedarme conmigo, prefiero ser mí mejor amiga. La que no se quiere: juzgar, criticar, hablar mal. La que quiere: amar sus defectos y aceptar sus errores porque son parte de mí, de quién soy, de la persona única que soy.
Tengo miedo a quedarme sola pero es bueno ser consciente de que no necesito a nadie.
No importa: que me humillen, que me rechacen, que me juzguen, que me miren raro, que me hablen mal, que me pongan apodos. Nada de eso importa porque no me haré el mal que me quieren hacer.
Empezaré de nuevo, sin darle explicaciones a personas sin vida.
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jerrydevine · 20 days
this is currently happening to my friend eddie 🤭😐
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kurapike · 8 months
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masmiel · 7 months
Ya cambié de corazón
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loquenofuimos · 1 year
"Siempre quise que lo tuvieras todo, aunque ese todo fuera sin mí".
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delphis-oracle · 6 months
se acuerdan cuando subía cosas depres acá... ah qué tiempos jdjdjdjdj
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ax-dark · 1 year
Recuerdo cada vez que miraba el reloj y contaba los minutos en que podría hablar contigo, y haora cuento los minutos para ver cuando se gasta esta vida sin ti.
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victormalonso · 7 months
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Where would I be without the sea? | © víctor m. alonso
[I am a son of this planet; I was born by the sea. The milk I sucked from my mother's breast when I was a child was brackish, the same as you. I am a son of this land, of this planet that sinks into the mystery of salt in the enigmatic navigation of the waves; my blood has the same ingredients of a mother's milk, the one I told you above, the same cosmic components that have the ocean waves, or the silent and sometimes rough shore where I reflect the shape of my soul every day and every night]
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