#wrecker headcanons
dystopicjumpsuit · 29 days
Some Wrecker headcanons for Wrecker Wednesday
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Look, I know I talk about food a lot, but it's my true love, so I'm not sorry, and I'll probably definitely do it again.
Because this man can cook. He never really even considered cooking before the Batch got to Pabu, but after trying Shep's sushi, Wrecker and Omega begged Shep and Lyana to teach them how to make it. That was how it started.
And because Wrecker is intensely competitive and loves a challenge, he pushed himself to make the most perfect kriffin' sushi on the island. The most precise knife work for his sashimi, the most uniform nigiri, and when he perfected maki on the first day, he demanded a real challenge and immediately graduated to uramaki.
The Marauder was sticky for three days afterward.
After that, he wanted to learn it all. Every time he went to a new food cart on Pabu, he'd watch the vendor's techniques and try to replicate them exactly when he was practicing on his own. He scoured the holonet for new recipes and tutorials. He started testing new flavor combinations (some of them were so bad even Batcher wouldn't eat them, but mostly they were good to great), and combining different techniques, and experimenting with new ingredients that the Batch encountered on their travels. Sometimes it was a huge success, and sometimes it was a spectacular failure, but either way, he learned something new every single time.
Over time, he realized that the type of cooking he enjoyed most was the fiddly, delicate, precise work; he was good at it from all those years working with sensitive explosives, and he liked to keep his skills sharp. But what he loved most was when his family all sat down to eat a meal he'd painstakingly cooked for them, balancing Omega's endlessly curious palate with Hunter's sensitivity to overwhelming flavors and Crosshair's love of spicy and acidic food. When he found the perfect dish to satisfy all three? Well, that was a good day.
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@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
(The Bad Batch) Dad Things
Random dad things I can see members of the Bad Batch doing with Omega.
(Some of these were inspired and included in a previous short story request, so they will overlap a little).
- Obsesses over the thermostat
- Says “ask _______,” which is the equivalent to “ask your mother.”
- Falls Asleep the second he sits down on the couch, especially with a holoscreen on
- Sneezes really loudly
- Pokes fun/embarrasses in public
- Fashion show in the living room after a day shopping with ________
- Grill expert, takes it very seriously
- Grunts when he sits down/gets up
- He doesn’t want the pet, but ends up being its bestie
- The king of saying “no.”
- Reminds you to check your oil at random times
- Goes outside to take vids of the storm
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stars-n-spice · 29 days
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Wrecker Wednesday Headcanons!
for @sunshinesdaydream :)
Various random Wrecker headcanons that have been floating around my head-
Doesn't like needles so he doesn't have a lot of tattoos. Really the only one he has is a '99' that all his brothers got to match that he has on his forearm. No, he definitely did not cry like a baby when he got it.
Despite not liking needles, the man has nipple piercings. This headcanon actually came from my sister who doesn't really watch the show but randomly brought it up to me one day and it's been living in my mind rent-free ever since.
Plays off pain like it's nobody's business. ESPECIALLY when he has a headache. Whenever he has a headache, out of fear of what happened with the chip malfunction, he'll go and isolate himself for a bit until it goes away because he doesn't want something happening again. He also thinks that he's the "strong" one so he underplays being in pain and every now and then will just collapse randomly due to exhaustion.
He can be a really big flirt when he wants to but if he genuinely really likes someone he becomes a flustered mess. He can joke and make comments, but the moment someone he's interested in or attracted to responds he just "wrecker.exe stopped working."
Memory issues from being bonked on the head one too many times also later needs a hearing aid in his left ear
Demisexual :) I project on the Batch and make them all aspec one way or another and I think Wrecker is omni and demisexual
Oh here's something devastating: he has a cat allergy. Does that stop him? Oh definitely not. His face would be puffed up, his eyes red and watery, and he's constantly sneezing, but he got to pet a cat and that was worth it.
Those hips don't lie 👀 I think he's a good dancer. Put on some cumbia and watch the man go!
Hobbies I think he'd be good at/pick up: Baking, fishing, woodworking, pottery, and
He's not a big fan of the cold and he tends to run hot. He's a big ol walking portable heater and weighted blanket. Ergo he gives the best hugs :)
The man is a hoarder. Though he'd prefer the term "collector." He has his plushie collection and a munitions collection but I think that he also likes to take keepsakes from various (successful) missions just to have to remember them by
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blackseafoam · 13 days
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A Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption AU that’s been living in my head for a while 🤠
Omega does not like the names Hunter gave the horses
The Batch is a small time outlaw gang of brothers hiding out as hands on a dude ranch. Trying to leave their pasts as mercenaries behind them. Until they receive a mysterious letter that their long lost younger sister is being housed in an orphanage nearby. After an unsuccessful attempt to legally adopt her, they return later to break her out.
Now they’re all wanted criminals trying to outrun the law as well as their past.
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jedi-hawkins · 1 month
I have a sneaking suspicion that Crosshair will always tell a different story about his hand when asked. Some that he's given:
Omega cut it off
Got cut off as punishment for trying to steal the Crown Jewels of Naboo
Knitting accident
Ventress ate it
Cooking mishap
A porg attack
Got caught in a rayshield
Slept on it weird and it just fell off
Cursed by a Nightsister witch from Dathomir
He cut it off himself to fake his own death
He broke it petting Batcher too hard
Lost a fight to a lawn chair
(Tech’s reason) He was tired of being the ‘more boring twin’ and had to be a pick me
(Echo’s reason) He wanted to be more like him.
(Hunter’s reason) He had such a crush on General Skywalker he did it to impress him
(Wrecker’s reason) He was trying to rescue a baby animal and it pooped on him, Crosshair was so disgusted he cut his hand off right there
Reasons in collaboration with @probadbatch @arctrooper69 @photogirl894 @moonstrider9904
He got hungry
He lit a match and let it burn, just to feel something
He gave Hunter a hand with something but that’s not what Hunter meant.
Hunter ate it. (Crosshair has a tooka he named Hunter so people don't know which one he's talking about)
Halloween costume. (Echo chimes in - ‘he wanted to be me/General Skywalker’)
Now Omega paints his nails twice as fast *or half as slow
For his new fancy toothpick holder prosthetic (it shoots toothpicks out of it)
Omega is the only one who tells the truth about it, and no one believes her cause it sounds just as crazy
Edit/Notable Mention: “What do you mean?” *looks down* “OH SHIT! Oh my god, what happened to it!? My hand, it’s gone!?”
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havoc-7 · 13 days
Tech would have been so excited to take Phee’s last name
except the problem was, the rest of the Bad Batch took it, too.
It started with Omega. She was out shopping with Tech for one thing or other when he introduced himself as “Tech Genoa” and she just got so excited and bounced up and down and exclaimed, “And I’m Omega Genoa!” And it wasn’t really the time to correct her, except then Wrecker picked up on it and he got so excited because “that’s right, we get a last name now!!” And they just run around the house screaming “Omega Genoa” and “Wrecker Genoa” while a flabbergasted Tech tries to find a tactful way to explain that actually only he gets the last name.
Hunter and Echo of course know how the last name thing works, but they also thinks it’s hilarious, so they start using it, too. First just as a joke around the house, but then it just kinda starts to roll off the tongue, and admittedly, it’s kinda nice having two halves of a name instead of just one. Crosshair thinks the whole thing is absurd, until someone new in town asks him which family he belongs to and he just scoffs and says, “Genoa, obviously,” and he started using it after that.
And that is why Phee came home from an expedition two weeks later to see a hand carved sign on the front of the Batch’s door that reads “The Genoas” and an extremely exasperated but endeared Tech.
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saggitary · 4 months
Some Bad Batch Headcanons
Tech snores like a dad
Wrecker actually is a quiet sleeper
Hunter does the bare minimum to care for his hair, like he uses hand soap for it, and it still looks amazing
Omega being born with a blonde mutation and not having any developmental issues led the Kaminoans to allowing more blond clone troopers to live to deployment
Wrecker is the one that initiates picking up and carrying Omega mostly because it is easier for him to keep an eye on her this way
Wrecker has lost Omega in crowds more than once because she is barely hip height to him in S1, couple that with little to no vision in one eye and a trashed ear, he struggles a little bit (hence the picking up and carrying)
Despite not liking regs, the Batch had a lot of respect for the 501st and drew many of their battle strategies from 501st tactics
Echo didn’t share much about his time with the 501st until Omega came around, this lead to multiple story times which had the whole bad batch circled around him listening and fangirling
Crosshair cannot see things close up, as his eyes were modified for long distance, he needs classes or contacts for reading things but refuses to wear glasses
That being said he will steal Tech’s goggles because they do help quite a bit
Given the choice, Omega will choose Wrecker’s bunk to sleep in over Hunter’s
This is due to A) Wrecker actually likes cuddling and barely moves in his sleep, B) she noticed that Hunter doesn’t sleep as well with someone else in his bunk
That doesn’t stop Hunter from pouting that she chooses Wrecker
Echo is really good at sparring after his ARC training, being down 3 limbs only motivated him to get back to his peak form as well as he could. He can and will put anybody in the Bad Batch (including wrecker) on their shebs
Tech is ordained and can officiate weddings (no one knows when he did this or why)
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archivistofnerddom · 2 months
Hilarious random Bad Batch headcanon:
Whenever they know an explosion is about to go off, someone yells “Earmuffs!” and the person closest to Omega will grab her and get their hands over her ears before the explosion goes off. This is to give her as much ear protection as possible and to mitigate whatever potential hearing loss she might acquire because she doesn’t have the same protection their helmets give them.
Wrecker doing Explosion!Earmuffs is hysterical because his hands are just so comically large in comparison to Omega’s head.
Echo usually winds up wrapping his left arm around her head and pulling her into him to do a modified Explosion!Earmuffs.
Hunter will also use his whole body to protect Omega while he’s doing Explosion!Earmuffs. (Protective Dad is going to protective.)
Tech is a bit more of a spider monkey and gets Omega wrapped up safely with his arms as he’s doing Explosion!Earmuffs.
Crosshair, when he rejoins, is more straightforward. He just gets his hands over her ears when he realizes what “Earmuffs!” means.
And sometimes, it gets extra funny when the situation is super chaotic.
Something is about to blow up. Everyone yells, “Earmuffs!” at once and dives for Omega. Once the explosion goes off and the dust settles, Omega is in the middle of a pile of her brothers with their hands layering over her ears. When asked if she’s okay, she just smiles sweetly and goes, “I’m fine.”
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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maestro030403 · 2 months
Average night on the Marauder
Hunter *tucking Omega in*: Goodnight, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. 
Tech: Technically, there would be no bed bugs. We just cleaned. Why do you think there are bed bugs?
Crosshair: Goodnight. Sleep tight, don’t let the monsters haunt you.
Wrecker: Monsters?
Omega: What monsters?
Echo *sighs*: There are no bed bugs, there are no monsters. Just go to bed. 
Wrecker: But what monsters?
Hunter: No monsters. 
Omega: Just bed bugs. 
Tech: Again, there should be no bed bugs. Have you seen signs of them?
Echo: All of you go to sleep
*Quiet for a minute* 
Wrecker: But why does Batcher always sleep with Crosshair? No fair, I wanna turn
Omega: She sometimes sleeps by me
Wrecker: No fair
Crosshair: She just likes me best
Tech: Technically, it may be because of Crosshair’s unresolved trauma. Dogs tend to know when humans are not alright. Although that may not be a good enough reason because many of us have unresolved issues. 
Hunter: Yes, thank you for calling us out Tech, now go to sleep
 *Quiet for another minute*
Omega: I need some water
Wrecker: I have to use the refresher
Tech: It is too hot in here to sleep. What temperature is the ship set at? This is not the optimal sleeping environment
Hunter: Do not touch the thermostat!
Crosshair: Okay, mom.
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hellhound5925 · 11 months
I have no idea who made this but all I could think of was Tech 🖤
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 months
(The Bad Batch) How He Is with His Newborn Baby
Hunter: He adores them and spends a lot of time holding them. Hunter is also really big on the whole skin-to-skin contact, so it becomes a common thing to see him walking around shirtless with the baby cradled snugly in one arm. He gets pretty good at performing tasks around the home with the baby. He's enraptured by the little one, but also very attentive to your needs. Hunter makes sure you take the time you need to eat, shower, and just have time to relax every now and then. Literally, any excuse to hold them some more, and he's giving it. He is good at rocking the baby in such a way that they fall asleep instantly in his arms.
Wrecker: The baby has him wrapped around their tiny finger already. He's already telling them how much he loves them and how proud he is. Wrecker also just spends time telling them all the fun things they're going to do together when they're old enough to walk, talk, etc. He is so unbelievably gentle and sweet with the little one in general, and also of course with you. He'll randomly stare at you and tell you how beautiful you are and what a good job you're doing.
Tech: This baby is not at the point where they can retain any information yet, but Tech spends plenty of time just talking to them. He talks about anything his mind can conjure up. The baby becomes so accustomed to the sound of his voice that it has quite the soothing effect. Additionally, Tech is very quick to pick up on the baby's cycle of needs. It gets to the point where they cry, and he can glance at his chrono and pinpoint exactly what they need according to the little schedule he's created. He also regularly checks the baby's weight, vitals, to make sure they're in good health. From time to time he voices yet again how fascinating the miracle of birth is and how proud he is of you, also checking your health.
Echo: Spends the first few weeks only holding the baby when sitting down. He can't get over how fragile they are, and he just sits there and stares at them as long as he can in amazement and adoration before they wake up from their nap or fuss about something they need. When the baby bursts into a fit of wails, he goes into a bit of a panic mode worrying about what's wrong. Eventually, he gets more comfortable and gets used to the idea that the baby is just communicating a need. It doesn't take long for him to become a professional dad. He gets pretty organized with the diaper bag and supplies so that he can just pull out whatever the baby needs at the drop of a hat.
Crosshair: He spends a good while just quietly holding the baby in his arms and watching them. Internally, he thinks they're absolutely precious and realizes he loves them so much. He already knew he'd love them, but he didn't realize it would feel like this. The baby is heart-wrenchingly cute, and he'd do anything to protect them. You come to find that he becomes more vocal, telling the baby in a sort of Crosshair-style sarcasm that they need to get their act together every time he has to handle a diaper change, feeding, etc. He's up with you at any hour day or night to help with the baby without a complaint, and regularly makes sure you're taking care of yourself also.
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gbgoffic · 12 days
From my experience with military men watching action movies with the batch would be insufferable.
Hunter: Soldiers never wear their blacks like that! Everyone cuts the top of the necks off because the burned hem is itchy!
Tech: Their use of Republic ships in this Old Republic biopic doesn't make any sense! They wouldn't be used in a battle context for another 300 years!
Wrecker: *takes breath*
Everyone: You can't be that close to an explosion.
Echo: *twitching at every misappropriation of clone slang*
Crosshair: ...
Well Crosshair refused to watch past the first few minutes when he saw how the actors were holding their guns.
Omega becomes this friend later. For now don't watch medical dramas with her.
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sprinkleofquirk · 3 months
In honor of autism acceptance month, I present to you my favorite autistic characters and why I think how I know they’re autistic 🖤❤️🖤
Please feel free to add on 💕
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(And please no spoilers, I haven’t gotten up the courage to watch season 3 yet- I’m not ready for the emotional damage 😩)
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jedi-hawkins · 1 month
Omega introducing her date to the batch:
Date: "Hello, Nice to finally meet Omega's Family. Hunter: “Just show her respect and treat her right and you’ll be fine.” Wrecker: “if you need food recommendations, let me know. Omega loves trying new things.” Tech: “In addition to new foods, new sights and activities would be nice. She is very active in all senses of the word.” Echo: “Heh, yeah. Honestly good luck keeping up with her.” Date: “And I assume you’re the one who’s going to intimidate me and tell me to keep my hands to myself?” Crosshair: *scoff* “Oh, Omega can take care of herself. I was going to warn you about her cause I didn’t listen to her once and look what happened.” *shows stump* “And I’m her brother, so what do you think she’ll do to you?”
Date: 😳😰 Omega: "Don't listen to him. That was done by a brainwashed clone assassin back at the rise of the Empire. He just has a terrible sense of humor about it.” Crosshair: “Sounds like something a guilty person would say.”
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axo-the-adhder · 3 months
why do i feel like wrecker would have like a tiny cute sneeze and tech would shake the entire ship with a single sneeze
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