#since i was not able to claim the artbook
mysummerchoi · 2 years
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✨ Yeet Impact 3rd ✨
Fight for all that is beautiful in this world one yeet at a time 🕺
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fourangers · 3 years
Hi Fourangers,
First of all, I love your blog so much. It's like going through a history back when Naruto Manga chapters were released weekly and your reviews were so Golden, Hilarious and spot-on. Am a new fan though (especially an SNS fan), I just got into this fandom only this year. I don't know if you'll answer my ask, but I just wanted to try and ask you few questions and I pray that you might answer me....
1. Since you've written in a post that you were active in the eastern part of the fandom, How was chapter 698 received in Japan? Because this is the chapter I inherently realized they both love each other. Yeah, I was too late but somehow whenever they interact with each other in previous chapters I always find them to be 'Weird' for just to be friends. Chapter 698 is just blatantly obvious that they love each other. Considering Homophobia and Shounen genre, I have no idea how it was perceived over there back then in 2014.
2. Which scene made you to ship SNS?
3. As an SNS'er how do you feel about the ending, where everyone was married off when they were just 19 just to make some shitty sequel??? As a new fan, I felt betrayed and It would've been perfect if they had stopped at chapter 699, leaving an open ending.
4. How do you face with the accusation about Naruto and Sasuke as brothers and we, SNS'ers are Incest shippers??? I don't care about that Indra and Ashura thing. But Naruto himself told he considers Sasuke as his Brother couple of times. And in Chapter 699, Sasuke acknowledged, 'He finally understood what it meant'.... It's the only thing that confuses me and I don't even have an answer!!! Plus, Kishi himself gave an interview that he based Sasuke on his Brother... I really wonder how he gave such an interview when he literally made them wear necklaces with each other's faces.
5. How was Naruto and Sasuke's sexuality perceived in the fandom back then??? Man!! Kishimoto just made lot of comic reliefs on their sexuality by making Sasuke on Sai jutsu, Naruto not interested in Icha Icha but making Reverse Harem no Jutsu, Naruto was angry when Konohamaru made Boy on Boy jutsu whereas he had no problem with him doing it. LOL. And all those homoerotic posters. What do you think about their sexuality, personally??
6. Why did Kishi had to develop their bond as Soulmates with some unintentional or intentional romantic undertones, if he was eventually going to pair them up with girls??? He easily could've gave many such romantic tropes to other girls and keep the bond between N and S as purely friendship or brothers. It still would've made sense.
7. Final one, Was Naruto really Nosebleeding when Kurama made a joke about Sasuke's kiss in Chapter 572???? We had a lot of heated discussion with other shippers where they claim that it was just a splotch of snot.
Sorry for the lengthy ask....... I am so eager to know your answers and I don't want to spam your ask box by sending multiple asks.
Thanks 😊😊😊
Hey yo! Welcome new SNS fan! I'm so glad that you joined us and I'll try to answer as best as I can. I'm not very active here on tumblr (except browsing lol) but your ask was such a delight to read.
1. I honestly don't remember. I think I didn't follow the japanese boards until the eventual 699-700 disaster. People were craving for reactions and I was curious about it too lol. And well...it's been years, I doubt I'll be able to find the reactions from that time. Imo, most readers don't care much about pairings, they just wanted to read about power-ups and abilities and the basic Naruto Vs Sasuke. Though there are some backhanded jokes about how gay Naruto is for Sasuke.
2. Hah. It's going to be very anti-climatic but it was when Naruto and Sakura were eating in Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto just used Rasenshuriken against Kakuzu and he busted his arm. Sakura was healing his arm and her attention was focused on Naruto. I used to be a NaruSaku shipper so I thought "Oh hey! This is the moment that Naruto would have a candid romantic moment!" But nope. He talked about Sasuke. And I was already getting suspicious about Sasuke's feelings towards Naruto ya know? And the whole "SASUKE IS MIINEEEEEE" in Orochimaru's lair. It was that moment I thought "you only have Sasuke in your head don't you, Naruto?" and started shipping SNS.
3. Hooo boy was I surprised when it was suddenly revealed that they had the basic heteronormative, boring marriage with bunch of clones of themselves. Everyone thought that it was almost like a bad fanfiction come true and some thought that it was fake. It was a pandemonium lolololol. I also thought that it was too lame to be true and lo and behold, when it came true I was floored. And then whenever Kishimoto threw new material, I got insanely pissed off because S*arada and B*ruto becoming pairing material is ok because they are a girl and a boy, and then they paralleled with Naruto and Sasuke which are only FRIENDS because they are both men. ARGH. Open ending was what Kishimoto planned from the very beginning but wrote a sequel to earn more money.
In that aspect, I made peace with it because of the whole anime/manga industry. I learned that, as a mangaka, you don't earn a lot of money with selling books, but rather with merchandise and profiting with sales right. And that guy have a family to raise, have two kids (which is hilarious about how B*ruto movie is his self-insert story), he needs a steady income. Also, I read reports about how anime studios are so poor and animators don't receive a decent income not to mention they are overstaffed and tired, and B*ruto is a good money cow for them to earn money so they can invest later on other anime they have more passion about it. So even though I hate this story with a strength of thousands suns, they are putting meal on people's tables and making them pay rents. I'm ok.
4. Lemme roll my eyes because in the Last movie they said that Hinata is related to Kaguya and so is the Uzumaki and Uchiha clan so they are all related woo hoo. But in the aspect of brothers because reincarnations bla bla bla, didn't Naruto himself said that he's no longer that brother, he's himself? Hmm...I gotta re-read it. One day. Maybe. lol. But I'm sure that he said "Sasuke is not my brother but I'm sure we'll understand well as friends" so there. Honestly, there are a lot of interviews out there and a lot of them are fake, so I'd always take the interviews with a grain of salt lololol. I do know from artbooks that Kishimoto wanted to create Sasuke as a rival-esque character and that was it. As he was developing Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, since he liked the whole yin-yang concept, whenever he wrote Naruto's story, Sasuke's was developed at the same time as his shadow.
5. I can tell from Naruto Forums (I used to participate back in that day) MOST of the non-shippers thought it was gay as hell, but you know...it was a relic of that time. While they thought it was gay, they didn't put too much thought about you know? Because it was shounen, and we knew that it was a joke that it couldn't be taken seriously. Of course, in the SNS fandom, we did make more analysis and there were a lot of instance when Naruto and Sasuke's sexuality was questioned. Some other non-shippers also thought that Naruto was totes gay for Sasuke (including a IRL friend).
Imo, Naruto is definitely bisexual in my view. Sasuke I think he's asexual or gay. He's attracted to Naruto, but mostly because of his connection to him, not because of his physical attributes, so yeah...asexual. Or Pansexual. Sasuke is more complicated lmao. Imo, Naruto could be pansexual too, come to think about it. Yeah, I guess both being pansexual can be valid.
6. He developed Naruto and Sasuke being soulmates from the very beginning, that was proven in his comments in artbooks and in the manga. He probably created with the intention of making it purely platonic, going beyond physical ties. Then he shot himself on the foot by drawing Naruto thinking about Sasuke on bed, talking about how Sasuke is cool, meanwhile Sasuke waxing poetic about how Naruto saved him. What gives? Lol. Yeah, I think he got too enamored writing their relationship that he didn't have time to write romantic ones. What I noticed that Sakura's popularity never was really high, so I could see some editors putting their fingers all over it and making her less relevant. Also, Kishimoto didn't know how to handle her, so when she got her time to shine was the whole fake confession disaster. Coupled with Kishimoto sexism and, in his words (Kurenai's flashback), women are useful to spout more babies, women was never really relevant in his story, unfortunately. Even Kaguya who was technically the big bad boss, was never really fleshed out in comparison to Madara. So the null het romantic moments it's not because he wanted to elevate SNS moments, it's more about how he's incompetent about it. It's either Hinata slowly elevating to a relevant status because forced interaction (Pain's sacrifice and Neji's death) or Sakura being obligated to be pining over Sasuke because she's a girl. It's even more painful to see that, if we ignore B*ruto, both girls are shown to be just talking with their kids and dusting shelves, basically being housewives, even though thorough the story (especially Sakura) it was implied that both of them have much more potential than being their husband accessories.
7. It was a splotch of snot. I can confirm myself lol. Whenever the chapter is out and fans would scan it to scanlate it, the editor usually would amp up contrast to max. So usually the lines get much more thicker than usual, when you read the official release which gets straight from the source, you can notice how the lines are more delicate.
Oh lol...but then we also have a lot of controversy about translating style. THAT one is a whole new can of worms to open.
Man I had fun answering your questions! Please send more :P
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ichor-hunter · 5 years
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Hephaestus Blood Code- Rin Murasame "A blood code received from Murasame. It holds her passionate will to support allies who throw themselves into difficult battles and watch over them with a smile when they come home. This code focuses specalizes in dexterity based weapons and uses devious Gifts to toy with the enemy."
Introduction to Blood Codes and Rin
Blood Codes are the abilities imbued within a Revenant's Blood. Each Blood Code is unique to each Revenant that resides within the Gaol of the Mist. Once a Revenant has awakened from their slumber after the BOR parasite has been placed in them, the blood takes on a Code which I believe derives from the characteristics of that Revenant.
I'd like to think Rin is either a first/second generation revenant. She's burdened by the decisions she's made in the past that made her reluctant to battle. She replaced her unwillingness to go to the front lines by handling the support side for everyone at Home Base and always exudes a cheerful personality for the crew to come home to.
Greek Mythology
Rin's blood code is based on the Greek God Hephaestus.
Hephaestus is a Blacksmith and a fire God known for his creations of many different things. Hephaestus was notably a secondary God in various mythologies and the only pertaining role he did have was his revenge against his mother Hera, who claimed to have hated him, called him ugly & deformed after birth. He was tossed away from Hera but the gods Thetis and Eurynome rescued him.
As for the revenge against Hera, he created a golden throne and Hera was so enthralled by the creation that she immediately wanted it for herself. The minute she sat on it, she was trapped by invisible cords that refuse to let her go free. Hephaestus was the only one that could see these cords and the other gods begged Hephaestus to let Hera free but he refused until he got drunk by Dionysus, the god of wine and vegetation.
Hephaestus is also famously known for being the creator of Pandora, after being commanded by Zeus. Pandora was created after inducing Prometheus' punishment for stealing Hephaestus fire from his workshop.
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Similarities between Rin and Hephaestus
Hephaestus was known for his creations in his workshop. He provided armour and weapons to many famous heroes and gods. Rin is relied on for handling maintenance, upgrades and selling new Blood Veils and weapons in her workshop.
Hermes, Davis' blood code is also a sibling of Hephaestus. Of course, we don't see them interact in the game even though their stations are right next to each other. Presumably, they both get along since I assume Davis also gets his weapons tuned by Rin.
Since Louis' blood code is Prometheus and Prometheus was the one who stole fire from Hephaestus' workshop along with the knowledge of metalwork, these Greek Gods only interacted indirectly through those instances. Louis and Rin do get along in the game and they both support each other while Rin looks forward to the reports from him, Louis trusts her with managing his weapon, bringing new material and other things relating to Rin's workshop.
Eva's blood code is Harmonia but the relationship between Harmonia and Hephaestus is completely different from Rin and Eva in the game. Hephaestus gifted Harmonia a necklace and the lore of Harmonia's story is called: Harmonia's necklace. The necklace caused great misfortune for Harmonia but it grants the wearer eternal youth. Hephaestus gave Harmonia the necklace out of spite of her mother Aphrodite who cheated on Hephaestus with Harmonia's father Ares. However, as we can see from cutscenes, Rin sincerely cares about Eva, especially when Eva left Home Base not knowing the depth of her condition and felt upset about not being able to keep a good eye on her.
Rin's has the blood code Hephaestus while Mia holds the blood code Artemis. These Greek god and goddesses are siblings, and while they don't interact much in Greek Mythology, it's understandable that Rin has taken a shine to Mia. Mia was able to fit in at Home base with Rin around and I think Rin is just as excited to have someone who is close to her age that she can befriend.
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Hephaestus was known for his supposed 'deformity' but from how I'm seeing it,  Rin doesn't have any physical deformity. She wears her purifier mask everywhere but we learn from the artbook that it's due to her handling weapons all the time. Working with BOR parasites and queen blood metals would probably emit some miasma or toxins in the air.
Then there's Rin's name in battle "Yaksha" or in other words demon. With Hephaestus' nature in Greek Mythology, the Yasksha part of Rin's background would relate to Hephaestus' spiteful nature against other gods that did him wrong. Rin doesn't exhibit Hephaestus' true nature but can easily reveal those characteristics during battle only. With Rin, she feels guilt with the things she was incapable of doing but Hephaestus' didn't deal with those kinds of emotions.
However, with the strong battle experience Rin displayed in her memories, she has that advantage over Hephaestus'. Hephaestus' as I have read, hasn't fully immersed himself into battle, he's more of a support for battle providing weapons, shields, and armory to the other gods (along with his knowledge of fire and metalwork). Rin in the past showed the opposite of that. While she is now gotten comfortable being in the support role and acquiring the knowledge and proficiency of helping other Revenants, she doesn't carry any grudges, unlike Hephaestus.
Hephaestus was more along the lines of deception with the mythology behind Harmonia's necklace, Pandora and the golden throne for Hera. We see those traits being exploited more within Rin's Gifts for her blood code. "Uses devious Gifts to toy with the enemy." Several of Hephaestus' creations were for deviousness and or weakness for the gods he gifted his creations. While there's not much connecting lore between Hephaestus and Rin, the one major common trait they share is that they're both seen with a hammer in their workshop.
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Hephaestus' Gifts
Avance-Increases the amount of ichor gained from drain attacks. Pioneer's Guidance-Makes Gifts easier to master.
Hephaestus was always finding the best of ways to master and perfect his creations over all things, including the creation of Pandora.  These two Gifts are from Hephaestus' subconsciously ingrained mindset to perfect his works. - Inhibit Resistance- Increases inhibit resistance. Inhibit Removal-Cures you and your partner of inhibit. Use to block the effect before being afflicted.
These inhibit preventative Gifts is based on Hephaestus' defiance against certain Gods. He would conjure up an invention or a certain craft that would end up leading to the other's downfall.
- Swift Destruction-Increases damage dealt in proportion to your mobility. Vanishing Hollow- Dodge attacks by transforming into mist. Countermeasure- For a limited time, dodging enemy attacks generates projectiles that attack the enemy. Evasive Snare-Dodging enemy attacks generates projectiles at the cost of ichor that attack the enemy.
These Gifts aren't as much related to Hephaestus since he didn't participate in battles. These correlate more towards the gimmicks of his creations. There's always an intriguing pro or con towards his creations such as the chair for Hera so these Gifts could translate from his creations rather than Hephaestus' power prowess. - Flames of Rage-Manipulates ichor to create a trap at your feet that immolates assailants. Dancing Blaze-Fires a ricocheting bullet. These Gifts related to Hephaestus' proficiency over Fire. He utilizes fire in his workshop for his creations or makes creations that would cause a cursed effect on it and the bearer of it which links to the Flames of Rage gift. Or the Flames of Rage could also reference Prometheus steals his fire.
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Concluding Thoughts
Rin's Blood Code Hephaestus is aligned with her role at Home Base rather than the lore behind Hephaestus. She brings a lot of cheerfulness to the harsh world they live in. It makes sense why she doesn't fight anymore, but I hope there is some kind of development where she'll grow out of the fears of abandoning her comrades. I'm sure she'll play some sort of bigger role based on the true ending but for now, Rin deserves all the happiness in the world and I'm glad she was created differently from her Greek God counterpart.
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raflovestuffs · 5 years
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Hey there People! I’m so glad that I’m finally able to present you the first os of a two parts story I wrote and called "Upcoming Age". I have this in mind since a long time but wasn’t able to write it!
@poppysfanworld gave me the idea of the flashback and I also was inspired by the artbook and the piece of art of @looneylolita!
I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter :)
Like a dancing ballet, the dragons flew to the hidden world. The spectacle of their flapping wings showed the greatness of these majestic beings. Hiccup had spent five years of his life with them and witnessing their departure was by far the most difficult thing he had ever faced. Toothless’ glanced down even more. He looked at his human friend from the edge of the cliff with his big sad eyes, still hesitating to take off. The auburn-haired man smiled through his tears to reassure him, as if to say, ‘It's going to be alright’, and Toothless gave him one last look before flying off to his freedom.
The Berkians stayed long in front of this cliff, gazing at the sky, even after all the dragons had left. Thereafter, everyone had finally returned to the camp. The dragon riders had wanted to stay a little longer, but eventually did the same. Only the chief remained.
In the absence of his artificial leg to support him, he had taken a seat at the edge of the cliff and remained there until nightfall, lost in thought. The tears he had let flow earlier, had dried on his cheeks.
He heard footsteps behind him. Someone crouched down by putting their hand on his shoulder. Without having to turn around, he knew it was Astrid. His gaze crossed hers and the young man's face relaxed. His features softened as he smiled at her.
"Come on, it's time to join the others."
Hiccup sighed before agreeing. She helped him to get up and he leaned on her shoulder to walk. Astrid supported him in his steps to where the villagers had gathered. Small groups had formed around improvised campfires.
The couple passed through them, stepping over a few people. They watched the men rub their hands to warm themselves by the fire. They told each other stories from the good old days, smiling at the memory of the dragons.
Berk obviously needed to gather after the sad event that had just taken place. Sharing the happy memories that their friendship with the dragons had given them seemed like good therapy.
The further he went, the more amazement could be seen on the young leader's face. Seeing his people gather in this way made them happy despite everything that had happened.
Astrid turned to him.
"What should we do when our loved ones are not with us?"
"We celebrate them," he replied without hesitation.
That's what his father always said. He always had the right words in difficult times. Hiccup was happy to have Astrid at his side for this, among other reasons. She reminded him a lot of his father and it helped him to move forward.
They finally found their old friends sitting in a circle around a fire. The gang was complete. Fishlegs was crying in Ruffnut’s arms as she gave her brother a sadden glance. Snotlout, who was next to Tuffnut, watched the scene unfold without saying anything. They looked really bad. They looked up when their group leader and friend arrived. He smiled at them before sitting beside them.
"So what are you doing out here?" he said to them.
"Well, like everyone else... " Tuffnut replied.
"We’re telling each other stories," her sister added.
"We were recalling the time when the twins almost burned down the shoreline with the fireworms fiasco," explained Snotlout, somewhat amused.
"And I was explaining to them that it wasn't completely my fault... maybe Ruffnut’s," retorted the male twin.
Snotlout was about to say something, but Hiccup cut him off.
"The Edge... it was the good old days, wasn't it?"
"We were young and free," Astrid agreed.
The others then let themselves go to their good memories.
"The Dragon Eye... when we discovered it, it changed everything. It allowed us to explore the world... a world so vast... " his voice broke when he realized that he could never explore this world in this way anymore.
Astrid grabbed his hand and squeezed it into hers, as if to testify to his presence, she was there for him.
"It also allowed us to expand our knowledge of dragons! " exclaimed Fishlegs, who had just dried his tears. "We've discovered so much! Between the Night Terrors, the Death Songs, the Sentinels, the Eruptodons, the Razorwhips..."
This last evocation inevitably reminded him of Heather, for whom he had been of particular interest for some time. As he looked at others, he realized that they had thought of her too. Astrid put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"I miss her too," she sighed, trying to smile.
"Ah... she still had the coolest dragon of all," exclaimed Tuffnut, looking nostalgic.
Everyone laughed at his dreamy gaze.
"We experienced a lot of things there, though... " said Ruffnut. "We learned to work as a team, didn't we, Astrid?" she said while giving a light punch to Astrid’s shoulder.
"Aha, that's right."
"And we have met so many different people, different cultures, different places..." added the chief.
"The last few years have been really rich," concluded his girlfriend.
"Rich in twists and turns, yeah," Snotlout suddenly exclaimed. "Don't forget that we almost got killed, I don't know how many times, by dragon hunters! Not to mention the volcano on the shore, which almost destroyed the entire island! And do you remember the time you and Fishlegs almost-"
Astrid had presented him with her axe in front of his eyes and Hiccup had hastened to lower it down gently.
"And you forget how many dragons we were able to save because of our recklessness," Hiccup reminded him.
The brown-haired man looked down, grumbling, and Hiccup continued his speech.
"We left Berk to live new adventures, to learn how to manage on our own. And that's what we did. We've been through... so much there. These last six years have undoubtedly been the best years of my life. I've been through... incredible things with Toothless, with all of you. We learned to help each other, to support each other in the most difficult times."
He turned to Astrid and looked into her eyes.
"To love each other."
The blonde's blue eyes grew larger; a smile appeared on the corners of her lips. Hiccup took her hand, squeezed it, and kissed her, before facing the gang once again.
"And as for today, we left Berk to offer a better life to our dragons and new adventures that await us."
He squeezed the hand of the young Hofferson, once more. The rest of the dragon riders looked disconcerted. They were stunned by the words of their leader. They all nodded with big eyes. All except Tuffnut.
"That's all well and good, but can you tell me who's going to take me to see Chicken now?!" he exclaimed.
The others looked at him strangely before laughing with a good heart.
Hiccup felt as if a breath of fresh air was invading him. Like he could breathe again. As if any tension had dissipated. His friends had managed to cheer him up. He felt good in their presence. And he knew he owed it to one person.
"Thank you," he said, turning to the one he loved.
This one smiles at him. With a glance, he invited her to get up to escape from the group. She took him under her arm and they left the others with a last nod.
As they moved away from the crowd to their respective tents, they observed the landscape around them. They had a whole village to rebuild, a whole life.
In front of the distracted look of her boyfriend, the blonde called him by name.
"Hiccup, are you all right?"
"I feel better. Thank you again for taking me to see them. I needed this."
The girl looked down and smiled.
"You had to make a serious decision today. It was essential to the survival of the dragons and to ours as well."
She raised his head and looked into his eyes.
"I just want you to know that even though it was hard for all of us, you made the right decision, Hiccup."
Hearing Astrid say it aloud reassured him somewhat because it was true that he had asked himself the question and had turned it over several times in his head after the fact. But Astrid knew him too well and she already knew all that.
"I'm going to miss him," the young leader whispered.
They had just arrived in front of his tent. Astrid helped him to sit on the floor while keeping a comforting hand on his shoulder. In his saddened look, she held his head in her hands.
"I'm going to miss him too, just as much as Stormfly, but you did it for their own good."
The young woman lowered her hands down along his chest.
"And, they'll always be there," she had finished saying by placing a hand on his heart.
She managed to get a smile from Berk’s chief, who covered her hand with his. His other hand caressed her face by releasing it from the golden strands that concealed it.
"You've always been there for me, Astrid."
He kissed her on her forehead.
"Toothless is my best friend. He helped me to become the man I am today. But none of this would have been possible without your support."
The girl's eyes opened wide.
"Living without him will be a difficult ordeal, but you know what, Astrid?"
He paused.
"When I picture myself happy, it's with you."
Hiccup’s face relaxed. He smiled, with misty eyes:
"Do you remember the promise I made to you when we were children?"
"As if it was yesterday," the young woman agreed.
"So I’m asking you Astrid Hofferson, do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"
Winter was already well settled in when young Hiccup Haddock decided to leave home. As usual, he had left without permission. Anyway, his father Stoick the Vast wasn't there to stop him. And with Gobber as his only babysitter, he could get away.
At just ten years old, the future village chief was an intrepid boy, in love with nature and its beauty. He liked to get lost in the woods. He didn't really have any friends among the children in the village, but he claimed to love his solitude. The truth is that he was only looking for recognition from his village, and for them to stop treating him a ball and chain.
He soon arrived at the entrance to the forest. He rubbed his arms to warm himself up a little before venturing inward. His feet treaded on the snow-covered ground, leaving footprints behind him, sinking deeper into the forest. The young boy had planned to land in a quiet place to observe the few birds that would hide in the hollows of the trees. In this period of extreme cold, the dragons had left as they did every time the Snoggletog period arrived. The small animals could therefore find a quiet life where they did not have to constantly escape from their dangerous flames.
Hiccup then took a position on a tree trunk from which he could observe some birds coming out to wash themselves. He grabbed his notebook and, with his left hand, began to scribble some sketches. Despite the cold and his red cheeks, he continued to draw for nearly half an hour. After a while of staying in the same position, he decided to move to another place. He went a bit further into a more densely wooded area, and settled again. He began to draw the trees around him and the white carpet at their feet. A noise, however, made him lift his head from his notebook. He closed it with one hand and approached the sound he had just heard. It sounded like cracking wood. He then, continued to walk a little further.
Someone seemed to be making a physical effort. He approached again.
It was a girl cutting wood. She seemed to be his age. Two blond strands of hair protruded from her white fur hat. A wolf's skin as a coat, the little girl didn't seem to feel the cold.
She chopped one more log. Hiccup was watching her closely. This figure looked familiar to him, but he was not sure of himself until she turned around. Without realizing it, he had laid a hand on a branch that had broken under the pressure of the latter. The noise had alerted the blonde. He instantly stooped down to hide.
"Is anyone there?"
That voice. That authoritarian voice that could only belong to one person. Astrid Hofferson. The girl had always occupied a very large place in his heart. So much so that he fell in love with it. He had fallen in love with her fiery temperament, her ability to handle the axe like no one else and her beautiful blue eyes. Hiccup was desperately in love with this girl but he was too shy to confess it to her. Yet he wanted to, but he was too afraid of being ridiculed.
"Have you been here long?!"
The young boy jumped. He hadn't seen it coming. He immediately got up to face her. She crossed her arms on her stomach and raised an eyebrow. And Hiccup knew what it meant; she wanted answers.
"Well... that is to say..."
"What exactly were you doing?"
He gulped with difficulty.
"Well, it's just... I was in the forest and... you were there and..."
"And what Haddock?"
He was stuck. She would never want to believe it. He had to invent something. Or not. Why not go for it?
"There, I followed you because... I love you Astrid Hofferson. Since forever and... one day I will marry you."
He had done it. He had said what he had on his mind.
"It‘s never gonna happen."
And she had dashed all his hopes in less than five seconds. Hiccup stood still in front of her, wondering why he had said all these things. The poor boy didn't know where to put himself. He finally regained his senses and turned back.
"Goodbye, Hiccup."
She had said his name. Astrid had said his name. And she said goodbye to him. The young boy's legs became all shaky. He smiled a little stupidly at her before leaving, red cheeked, for his hut. Gobber could lecture him tonight, it wouldn't change anything about what happened earlier in the forest.
Astrid had tears in her eyes.
"Of course, Hiccup."
He took her in his arms and held her very tightly against him. They were both so happy. They had come a long way. Astrid was so proud of what he had become. By doing that, Hiccup was finally taking full responsibility for himself.
Astrid slipped her hand over his cheek. She looked at his face.
"I love you Hiccup Haddock," she said before kissing him tenderly.
Huddled together in the chief's bed, Hiccup and Astrid were not asleep. They didn't need to talk either. One look was enough. And Hiccup looked her in the eye. He had a question.
"When?" he asked, clasping her hand.
"When what?"
"When are you going to be my wife?"
She smiled.
"In winter, just like when we got engaged."
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thedarkangelpuppet · 4 years
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Before you order, please make sure to have read my Terms of Service. These terms apply to private commissions only. This information is NOT applicable for commercial work, therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes.
All prices below are base prices. Things that might increase the price are complex character designs, number of characters, not being able to provide a good visual reference, complex backgrounds and amount of detail in the image in general.
One commission equals one slot- so if one person orders three pieces, that person fills up three slots. If all slots are taken you can ask to be put on a waitlist.  
- There are five avaliable slots
How to order:
Send me an email or  order via  [email protected]
Your name:
Your e-mail:
Type/category of commission:
How many characters:
Any specific wishes/details you want included:
Character name:
Character personality/description(s): Please give me everything you have on your character that you want me to have in mind when drawing them - also characters from series since I might not know them. You can also send me a youtube link to a video portraying the characters' personality.
By sending this order I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of service for commissioning
You can place multiple orders in one mail, just include the above info multiple times.  
Please include reference images of your character(s). If there is anything specific you would like me to get inspired from (e.g. environment for background or stock images for poses) please include them as well. If you cannot provide reference for the character (meaning you only have a text description), an additional +02.00$ will be added to the price.  
Payment method:
Paypal only
Terms of Service
If you have a problem with any of these terms, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying for your commissioned piece.
All drawings may or will include a subtle sign that you may not remove.  
I might record the drawing process and post it on my youtube.  
Prices are subject to change based on demand.  
I have the right to reject any order that I do not feel comfortable drawing for any reason.
Currency accepted is either USD or Euro and can be paid through PayPal or bank transfer.
Commissions can be paid either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval.
Don't send me any payment before I have agreed to give you a slot and requested you to send me the payment.  
I will notify you when I have started on your commission and you, therefore, lose the rights to a refund (see point 7 further below for more info on refunds)  
While I'm working on your commission I will make reviews with you to make sure I make it just right for you!  
The amount of reviews depends on the complexity of the work.  
During the reviews, you will see work-in-progress and these images will usually include a watermark and be smaller than the finished piece.  
The time it takes to finish your commission varies 1 week - 3 months depending on factors such as health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, other work, and con seasons.  
If anything comes up that will slow the progress of the initially estimated delivery time I will let you know asap.  
Once the piece is finished you will receive the full-resolution image along with a web-friendly size. Note that there is no physical product. Depending on where you live, we can arrange to print your artwork.
You get 3 rounds of changes on the commissioned piece included in the price.  
A fee will be added if you want something changed on the final drawing - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made.
If you wish for me to change something in the drawing you have previously approved, I will charge you a fee to change it. The amount of the extra charge depends on the change you want me to make and is usually based on an hourly wage.  
If your reference is unclear to start with changes will come at an extra charge.
I, Darkangelpuppet claim the rights to the produced drawing, not the buyer. Therefore I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:
Promote myself with it everywhere  
Publish books with it (artbooks, etc.)  
Display it everywhere to my liking (website, social media, etc.)  
Post it wherever I want  
The buyer is allowed to:
Use the commissioned piece for personal use unless agreed otherwise (you can upload it on all your social media profiles, forums, etc.)  
Print the artwork and claim the character(s) as their own, but not the artwork itself.  
Use the artwork to promote themselves. You are not forced to give me credit when you post it but it is very appreciated.  
Use the artwork on their Youtube channel and in monetized videos as long as the artwork itself is not the main subject for the earnings.  
The following is considered copyright infringement:
Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way.  
Claiming the artwork as your own  
Removing my signature from the artwork  
Altering the artwork without my consent  
I reserve the full rights to the image and it's use/distribution unless otherwise agreed upon (rights to the image for your own non-personal use may be purchased at any time).
I will do everything I can to make my customers happy!  
If you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece please tell me right away so we can find a solution together.  
I am willing to change some of my terms for you if you ask before I start on your commission. If you, e.g., do not want me to post your art anywhere, we can discuss this.
The buyer is not allowed a refund once I started working on the commission.  
If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.  
If you cancel your order before I started it, you can get a full refund.  
If you are getting a refund, do not request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself.  
If you request a Paypal chargeback at any point when you were not allowed to ask for a refund you will lose all beforementioned rights to the commissioned piece and I will have the full right to profit further from it in any way. I will decline the chargeback and supply Paypal with our conversations in which we talk about the commission as evidence that I have completed work for you. Furthermore, you will be blacklisted for commissioning me again.
If the buyer breaks any of the points stated above they will lose all the beforementioned rights to the artwork commissioned by me, Darkangelpuppet, and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit. If you have a problem with any of these statements, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying your commissioned piece.
​What do you get?
Drafts/mockups that you must decide which one I should continue with (depending on the complexity of the commission there might be fewer or more drafts)  
Sketch and/or final sketches that you must accept before I continue the work  
Insight and involvement in color plan (depending on the complexity of the commissioned piece)  
The full-resolution file of final drawing and a smaller version for internet upload. Final file formats are usually PNG.
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komatsunana · 6 years
Chronicles of Exandria: The Legend of Vox Machina II
I did this for the first volume, so I bought this artbook right away just to do it again. <3 My Winter’s Crest gift to all the critters.
The art. Once again I cannot overstate the stunning artwork of the critter community. I know some fans balk at the price, but all the artists are paid to have their art in the book - and I think the big price tag is well worth artist getting some compensation for their work (do correct me if I’m wrong). I won’t be sharing any photos of of the art, but most of it is available online already.
However, I will share this photo of the print on the box the book came in:
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Excerpt of the Foreward:
“The memories in this book are real. They were created with love and laughter around a table with friends, and let loose on the wind to find what ears would listen.  The joys and pains of every winding turn still occupy our minds daily and if you are reading this, I suspect they live on in yours as well.  We were there.  We witnessed it unfold.” 
Vox Machina was only able to scry on Scanlan once, as seen in the episode Jugs and Rods, but some time after Scanlan warded himself against arcane sight.
The Mantle of the Tempest is described as “eternal autumn leaves.”
Keyleth goes on to rule with wisdom and grace.
Usually the Cobalt Soul has problems researching historical figures for whom there is little written word about...... With Taryon they had the opposite problem: there was too much! lmao. And 90% of it is believed to be embellished or flat out lies.
Nicknames that Taryon gave himself and were never used by anyone ever: “The Winsome Winner of Wildemount,” “Talented Tary,” “Golden-Maned Guardian of Good,” and “The Vindicator.”
Uvenda, the gnome in Vesrah, is still alive!! She’s stepped down as leader now and is the tale-teller of Vesrah.
The Ashari call the kraken that VM fought for Keyleth’s Aremente “Ulugrah the Requisite.”
Uvenda claims that Ulugrah, upon learning that the creatures it had trounced were legendary heroes (I’m assuming they mean Vox Machina), it boasts about it’s victory against them to anyone who will listen any who come to its lair in the Plane of Water.
Tova went by different epithets including: “The Bear,” “Little Half-Ear,” “The Bloody-Handed,” and “The Skin Changer.” After surviving the Hells thanks to Vax’s ring of invisibility, she gained the name “The Unseen Death.”  Little else can be verified about Tova, but none of her friends she went to with Dis survived.
Grey Hunt Lore
Lord Wolf de Rolo and Lady Melanie van Musel de Rolo were the leaders of the 4th reign of Whitestone. It was a political marriage and Melanie was particularly unhappy. She had a garden filled with flora and fauna from her home in Wildemont. The garden is now known as the Widow’s Garden and many of the plants were poisons that she used to slowly assassinate Lord Wolf with.  
After being injured in the Great Whitestone Fire, he couldn’t recover because of the poison and he died leaving Melanie the ruler. She decided to redraw the lines of the city walls, pushing into the Parchwood Timberlands which didn’t go well. Construction was plagued by accidents, animal attacks, and phantoms were reported (such as of Lord Wolf) - though the construction of a Temple of the Dawnfather went unhindered.  
Lady Melanie’s cousin was Ivan van Musel, a cleric, and he declared that Melanie had pissed off the Dawnfather by expanding without showing reverence. Ivan went into the forest after much mediation and was later found battered but alive atop a felled Direwolf.  Ivan had a vision in which the Lawbearer agreed to the expansion no further than where Ivan had felled the Direwolf and that from here on, a citizen of Whitestone must venture into the Parchwood when called to do so and be tested. 
Melanie created the title Grand Master of the Grey Hunt, the third ruling house of Whitestone, for Ivan.  The third house has since forth been in change of the Grey Hunt and managing the city’s relationship with the world beyond the city walls.
Hundreds of gold in property damage during Vox Machina’s stay at Dalen’s Closet while VM “relentlessly pranked” each other.
Whitestone became a thriving metropolis during VM’s year off - in part because of Allura keeping it safe during Thordak’s reign while everywhere else was ravaged.
K’yrrn - the dark elf that kidnapped Taryon - is from Xhorhas!
Though Tary could be called a fool, a braggart, a coward... in the moment he stood against his father’s selfishness and bigotry and forgave and reconciled with him is described as being more valiant than slaying.
Lionel Gayheart had “an unusual case of amnesia.”
JB Trickfoot continued to work in Whitestone’s library and it’s thanks to many of her notes that the Cobalt Soul has as much as they do on Vox Machina.
“Uh, yes, the very first thing I remember about meeting Vox Machina was when the red-haired lady jumped off a mountain.  It was grisly.  But what I’ll remember forever is what happened afterward.  The coin that Lady Vex’ahlia used, the glow of light, the power.  It brought her back to life.  They really were like gods.”
Taryon’s autobiography’s dedication:  “This book is dedicated to Lawrence.  But it is for my family.”
Taryon thinks his father was actually proud of Tary’s Darrington Brigade.
Tary never liked his father, but after returning home Tary began to love him.
Mariya, Tary’s mom, was part of the Brigade and took care of the injured warriors.
Maryanne, Tary’s sister, became the driving force behind the Darrington Fund charity and even gave up her home for those less fortunate than herself.  When she called Tary “brother” it was no longer an insult.
Tary is most proud that his mother finally has a united family, one to be proud of.
Kaylie Shorthalt talks a bit about Lionel - says he was a goofy son of a bitch. He kept talking to her about ducks though.  He once tried to show her his house, but he just took her to an oasis in the middle of desert that was full of ducks.
The Cobalt Soul doesn’t like to spread rumors but they do have theories of Lionel’s Marquesian mallard heritage.
Aes Adan, aka the Meat Man, rise to power coincided with the disappearance of several low to mid level criminals.
A scholar once went to visit Scanlan to interview him to see if the rumors were true that Scanlan had been the Meat Man.  The Scribe returned, unable to remember anything from his visit.  In his notebook were only crude drawings of ducks.  Scanlan still using that Modify Memory...
The fucking Cobalt Soul knows that Scanlan sacrificed the 9th level spell he was saving for Vax to stop Vecna from leaving.  It’s history folks.
For the folks out there who love the Briarwoods’ love for each other, some of an excerpt of Delilah’s journal:  “No matter the cost, my love, I will do it.  I care not how many must die, or how grave the sins must be that I commit.  I broke the world once for you, Sylas.  I shall do it again, and again, and again, for you.  For us.  Forever.”
Vecna envied the Raven Queen, as her followers did so not just because they feared her, but because they loved and respected her too.
Vecna threatened the assembled protectors of Vasselheim, saying that it would be the perfect place for ambush, but that’s no fun when there are many less-protected loved ones.  People he threatened include Earthbreaker Groon’s daughter (Desir), Vord’s family, J’mon’s concubines, all of Whitestone and particularly Cassandra.  And Young Velora Vessar, “playing alone in her room.”
The Everlight: Redeemer of All
“Comprehension is the only true measure of dominion.”
Pelor, The Dawnfather: The Primordial Light
“Faith is defined by the darkness we have not conquered.”
Ethrid Brokenbranch AKA Sprigg the Obnoxious gets his own book of history by the Cobalt Soul.  Autobiographical writings were found in the wreckage of his house
The Goddess Ioun: Our Knowing Mistress
“Comprehension is the only true measure of dominion.” (This is the same quote as for the Everlight - idk which one is the error.)
The Raven Queen: The Matron of Ravens
“By my grace, all are rendered equal.”
It is forbidden to study Arkhan the Cruel.
Vox Machina lived out the rest of their days in relative happiness and peace.
Percy’s magnum opus is the Clock Tower of Whitestone - a national treasure of Tal’Dorei.
Vex continued to rule as Baroness for a time after Percy’s passing.  Vex saw her bother’s spirit after the birth of her first child.  She reconciled somewhat with her father and showered Velora with love and blessings.
Kaylie went to school at the Alabaster Lyceum in Emon on Scanlan’s dime.
Pike and Scanlan had a lengthy courtship.
Tary’s book The Daring Trials and Tribulations of Ser Taryon Darrington contained an accurate account of his time with Vox Machina, even if nothing else is accurate.
Grog helped Earthbreaker Groon restore the Temple to the Stormlord while staying Vasselheim, defending his title in the Crucible.
The final, actual words of the book that aren’t a dedication or part of an image:  “And as the story is told: ‘Everyday that raven comes to visit.’” ;’(
There is a stunning four page fold-out page of Percy’s clock tower. I cannot emphasize enough how lovely it is.  The end of it dedicates it to Vex and is quoted with, “I couldn’t have asked for a better dream.”
On the other side of the fold-out are some... sketches of Percy’s notes? It seems that Diplomacy is now powered up by Cabal’s Ruin.
 As part of “Cobalt Souls” thank you page: “Within a book, a story can only sleep. It requires a reader to give it life.”
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sailormoonartblog · 6 years
Uh a lot of people have been wanting an hd remaster of the classic show and many people beg to differ it’s aesthetically pleasing in many ways. Does every episode look great? No but its still remembered well to the point its in fashion and blogs. And to be fair part of the reason why Crystal was such a flop was because how ugly that show looked by the time season 3 came out it was too late to save it.
Yeah no. First of all, Crystal was by far not a flop, and I really don’t know where you’re getting your data from. Second, Season III did not need to “save” the show at all, it just needed to follow the path traced by Munehisa Sakai, Yuji Kobayashi and Yukie Sako, but Chiaki Kon and Akira Takahashi instead decided to ruin it, with Kobayashi being the sole saving grace of the season. Third, I’m 99% sure you’ve just watched the web-streaming version of Seasons I & II, ‘cause you wouldn’t be claiming that the show looked bad otherwise: I won’t deny that episode 3, for example, was visually terrible when it first aired worldwide in 2014 (hell, I made endless fun of it), but the definitive version looks radically different and failing to acknowledge it is pure intellectual dishonesty. You’ve also got no excuse considering the fact that the improved version for the DVD release, and not the streaming one, was the one that was exported everywhere outside of Japan, so if you’ve seen the show on TV you should know better than that. On the other hand Season III, which first aired on TV instead of on the net, did not receive any updates for the DVD release, so there’s no improvement in that regard; not counting the fact that any change to the animation they could’ve done would’ve never been able to redeem the utterly horrible character design. On a personal preference level, I’ll agree that, on average, the old anime looks slightly better than Season III on the whole (not that it’s a great compliment, lol) and some of the unfinished episodes of Season I, but it’s light years away from the stunning visuals of the finished version of Season I and especially Season II. Not to count the fact that, among the five character designers who worked on both anime series so far, Yukie Sako was the only one who managed to create an artstyle that was at least a bit reminescent of Naoko Takeuchi’s while giving it her own spin to it.I also don’t buy your claim that a lot of people were waiting for a new edition of the old anime, since A) its fans must obviously own it already, so they’d gain nothing out of a new edition, B) very few people own Blue-Ray players, so this is intended as a niche product from the start, C) the whole show has already been remastered for the DVD boxes from 2011 circa, so I really don’t know what else you could ask for, and D) high-definition can work for visually appealing stuff (as if a normal person could ever notice the difference from a TV screen, by the way), but it will only ruin low-quality products. I’m saying this from personal experience, because in 2013 I went to the cinema to see the Imax remaster of four different Disney Classics I already know very well: the result on Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King (three films featuring absolutely gorgeous animation) was stunning, while with The Little Mermaid (probably the most mediocre production ever of WDAS) its only effect was making its visual faults and difects all that more noticeable. If that’s what you want, go for it, ask for a remaster. But hey, why would you ask for it if you’ve already got it? Never mind.In the end, the story’s lesson is always the same: stans of the old anime will *always* get not only what they want, but also a bunch of unnecessary stuff to pander to them. Fans of the manga, on the other side, will be left waiting years even for such a menial thing as a re-release of previously published artbooks. Artbooks which already exist but, note this, are now out of commerce, not like the DVD boxes of the old anime, which are available everywhere to buy. Next time I’m asked why I’m so annoyed by the arrogance of most stans of the old anime, I’ll gladly redirect them to this obnoxious ask of yours.
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maximuswolf · 4 years
This had an alternate title before but I deviated from it so I'm just going to give it this now: SCHOOL IS SO HARD AND I WISH IT WOULD STOP ALREADY via /r/ADHD
This had an alternate title before but I deviated from it so I'm just going to give it this now: SCHOOL IS SO HARD AND I WISH IT WOULD STOP ALREADY
Note: haven't been diagnosed so idek if any of this is valid
tl;dr: ADHD is preventing me from performing well enough in school and I have too much anxiety to tackle any projects/homework/studying (and the related feelings that come with that)
Just what the title says and a lot more complicated feelings.
I (13f) just feel so confused and "away" all the time - I think people have described it as "brain fog" before? Like just feeling really overwhelmed with thoughts and what I have to/should do and other things I'm not sure how to put into words.
There are so many things happening and I feel like my world is just crumbling in front of my eyes - school has progressively become such a LIVING HELL OF A DISASTER. I procrastinate so much on homework and studying and it's making my grades drop significantly. Today it took me five hours to get a pencil to touch my artbook and start on my work (which I haven't finished). I also have year 9 checkpoints to do in April so if I don't get serious, I may very well FAIL (something I have been anticipating since last November).
I'm surprised my parents aren't more concerned (education is a big deal in my family). I had gotten so hyped by a redditor a few weeks ago to talk to them about my suspicion that I have ADHD but now I just have so many doubts. Before, I was hesitating because I didn't want to be a burden on them but now I wonder if they'll take it seriously or not (and also just questioning if I really have ADHD) and that scares me.
I've been talking here and there about my symptoms much more (you know, trying to ease them into the idea so I don't just come out with it like, "hey, your daughter might have ADHD!!!!") and the responses I've been getting every time have been....less than desirable?
I told everyone about how I find it hard to focus in class and my dad brushed it off as "everyone gets distracted by their thoughts from time to time - just move one". That really hurt because I've seen a lot of you talk about how you open up about your experiences with ADHD and the people around you dismiss/invalidate it but, it had never actually happened to me. It made me feel trapped and like I might be exaggerating and it made me question if I'm actually struggling.
Needless to say, the week of school after that conversation cancelled out any doubts I had about struggling.
I'm not even sure what I'm writing about anymore. Ughhh sometimes I swear I hate myself - like with a burning passion or something. I can never seem to do anything right. I came onto this app with an idea of what I would rant about and I have deviated so far I feel insane. Right now I have an art project (worth 40 marks) that I need to finish (I had barely started in the first place) that is due at 11:59pm!! (it is 10:40 as I write this sentence). I have to be in bed by eleven thirty for school tomorrow and I don't know what to do.
I feel paralyzed. Art has always been my worst subject. I have never been good at it. Every time I pick up that pencil I already know I am going to try and fail. The cycle never ends. I know I have to practice to get better but how am I supposed to be motivated to practice when the thing I need to practice makes me feel so insecure, dumb, talentless and inferior? I'm facing my "wall of awful".
I can't shake the feelings that something is wrong with me. I know it might be because of a disorder but I haven't been diagnosed so can I really "claim" that struggle? Does that last sentence even make sense? Does life make sense? I don't know. I probably sound hysterical to anyone reading this but oh well. I don't know how to end this. Idek what I'm going to put in the tl;dr but rest assured, I will go to bed feeling like an absolute piece of **** for either;
Staying up late to finish the work even though I've been promising myself (and my mum) for months that I will go to bed on time
Not doing the work and losing forty freaking points and then dreading the moment I have to explain to my teacher that "I didn't do it because it caused me too much anxiety and stress because it required me to accept that I can't do it perfectly and that I needed to climb up a wall of awful I have never been able to scale.
Doing the work so haphazardly that the teacher wonders if I was on crack then going to bed knowing that I failed.
Either way, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight (like every night for the past month)
Thank you for listening to my TED TALK.
Submitted February 01, 2021 at 12:52PM by mysecondaccount27 via reddit https://ift.tt/3rioaqJ
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linuxgamenews · 6 years
Pathfinder: Kingmaker launch date for Linux
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Pathfinder: Kingmaker cRPG finally has a release date for Linux, Mac and Windows. Since Owlcat Games along with Deep Silver finally have a launch date. So the critically acclaimed and highly anticipated cRPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker will go on sale digitally and at selected retailers on September 25, 2018. Since that's not too far away. Preorders are available now in various editions. Aspiring adventurers can now check out the exciting and diverse range of Pathfinder: Kingmaker digital versions. Since this depends on how deep your wallet is, it's your choice.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Release Date Announce Teaser (Linux, Mac, Windows)
Explorer Edition
Digital download
Noble Edition
Premium Digital Download*
Digital ArtBook
Digital Original Sound Track
2 additional in-game player's portraits (one female + one male)
Royal Edition
Premium Digital Download*
Digital ArtBook
Digital Original Sound Track
2 additional in-game player's portraits (one female + one male)
Digital Chris Avellone Adventure Module
Digital Map of Stolen Lands
In-game pet - Red Panda
Pathfinder: Kingmaker cRPG Feature Trailer
Imperial Edition
Premium Digital Download*
Digital ArtBook
Digital Original Sound Track
2 additional in-game player's portraits (one female + one male)
Digital Chris Avellone Adventure Module
Digital Map of Stolen Lands
In-game pet - Red Panda+ Season Pass
Premium Digital Download
This includes 2 in-game items to help an aspiring adventurer. Also a signet that allows you to bless your party several times a day. Including a belt with a bonus to disease and fatigue resistance. Premium in-game items are designed to not break the game balance. More information and all relevant details are also available at  Steam, GOG and Humble Store. And every store has supports Linux, Mac and Windows via the aforementioned release date. While Pathfinder: Kingmaker will take players on a tour through the infamous Stolen Lands. The dangerous and turbulent territories well known within Pathfinder fandom. The computer RPG will revisit familiar characters and well-known locations of the series’ lore. And also give players brand new adventures, deadly foes and unforeseen twists and turns. Fans of the fantasy pen-and-paper RPG will experience its epic, heroic universe in new ways. While RPG gamers will discover their favorite genre in a more contemporary light. So this means stunning 3D graphics that bring the universe to life. Which I am indeed looking forward too. The trailers above have my interest. Pathfinder: Kingmaker cRPG will challenge players as both adventurers and rulers. So not only will you be able to claim explored lands but carve you own kingdom from the wilderness. But Kingdom founding will go beyond simple stronghold-building. So this is a true reflection of the hero’s character and also choices made within the game. So we have a release date for September 25, 2018. Which also includes day one support for Linux, Mac and Windows.
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theunnamedstranger · 7 years
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Okay, let me preface this by saying that this is the absolute last thing I’ll say regarding this drama. For a few reasons.
1. Seashel’s just gonna resort to the same dumb ass insults that he’s using right now if he finds this post, and this will become redundant quickly.
2. Taitoki has apologized and wants to move on from this, and especially since she follows me, I don’t want her to have to see more of this.
3. Generally, I don’t want to spam my followers with drama they don’t care about.
So seashel can talk more shit if he wants to. He can hide behind his block like the spineless coward he is and hurl the same insults I’ve heard a thousand times from other people. I’m not dignifying him with any more responses after this one. He’s not worth my time.
With that being said, let’s pick this apart. Under the cut.
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Are you seriously calling me a white knight just because I’m defending someone who happens to be female? Or do you just not know what the term “white knight” actually means?
Secondly, you agreed with my criticism of the absurd length of your review of that one bad space funeral game. Don’t sit here and act like it was me complaining like a bitch when you thanked me for giving constructive criticism to your review.
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Look at this. Look at it. 
Now stop lying
I’m not even touching the matpatt post because it’s just you being a fucking sperglord and acting all surprised when you insulted a youtuber and his fans and got blowback from said fans that you just insulted. And then you have the gall to say that matt’s fans can’t handle a slight ribbing because they were mildly upset when you insulted them.
...Well, shit, I ended up talking about that post anyway. Oh well.
I don’t get offended by much of anything. Disagreement doesn’t mean I’m offended, despite what you seem to think. Fuckin’ hell, if anything I’m elated. Seeing you bend over backwards and jerk yourself off like this is legitimately curing my depression. It’s just so much fun to mock you. I love it.
I don’t recall when I ever made a point to you that demanded evidence, but you frankly have absolutely fucking zero ground to speak when it comes to providing evidence. More on that in a second.
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You know what, you’re right. I had no involvement with this drama. As far as the claims put forward, I’ll just let Taitoki speak for herself.
But here’s two things I can say with confidence about this whole situation.
1. You blow everything presented out of proportion
2. Your evidence is abysmal, and, according to the apology video, outdated.
The evidence you give for Taitoki being a “pedophile apologist” is her suggesting to a friend that he block some creeper that was harassing him. According to Taitoki’s apology, she apparently got angry at one point and said some things that made her sound like a pedo apologist. But not only does she categorically deny actually being one, the snippets of conversation you provide as evidence don’t help the case in the slightest.
The evidence you gave for her harassing Lineder? You saying in skype that she made jokes about his depression on stream. You literally cited yourself as a source.
According to the apology, Taitoki apparently made jokes during a stream that Lineder didn’t seem bothered by, but was then approached by someone else and told that Lineder was indeed upset by those jokes. This smells exceedingly fishy, but out of respect I’m going to take it at face value. This just seems to be a lack of communication, and will hopefully be resolved soon.
So if we be exceedingly generous, Taitoki is guilty of saying a bunch of hurtful things and fucking up a lot with shit she says, unintentionally looking like a bully and pedo apologist in the process.
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Why are you comparing this to Bard?
You know, that sniveling little shit who doxxed you, sexually harassed your friends and wouldn’t leave you alone for almost half a year afterwards? You’re comparing her to someone who’s only guilty of mean words on the internet? Not only that, you’re acting like Taitoki’s somehow worse.
This is why I compared you to Keemstar. You blow things out of proportion and stir shit up about people on the internet. Only instead of doing it for internet points, you genuinely believe you’re doing something righteous.
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More lying. I haven’t followed you since the bard drama, and I gladly reblog your stuff without beef when it isn’t saturated in bullshit drama.
Not to mention I was on your side during the Bard and Sodapop drama, when you called out people who were actually bad. I also reblogged plenty of your art back before you saturated the blog with drama. You know this. Stop lying.
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Oh boy, this final paragraph is where Seashel just abandons any illusion of reasoning and just slings insults at me like monkey shit. This is all fluff and serves no purpose, but I’m gonna have plenty of fun mocking this after the intellectual rigor that was the rest of that post. It’ll be like a day at the spa.
imagine actually getting out bandicam to record the fact that you got blocked
I do that with everyone who blocks me. It’s part of my “wall of shame” tag. It’s because I kept having problems with people who block me and then pretend they didn’t block me when I block them back.
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I’m mostly doing it because I started reading it again, and pesterlogs make for great reaction images, just in case you really wanted to know.
Honestly, mocking someone’s choice of reaction image is just the lowest possible blow you can ever hope to use. It’s not scraping the bottom of the barrel, it’s punching a hole in the barrel and wearing it.
It’s for this reason that I will continue to use homestuck reaction images.
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In addition to that, an unironic MRA running an undertale themed blog - the concept itself is so beautifully cringey.
I don’t really know what’s so cringeworthy about being an MRA. I also don’t run and “undertale themed blog” The only things Undertale on my blog are
1. My blog theme
2. My icon
3. Art I occasionally reblog
This is literally “lol ur a furry/brony blog” under a different name. Please stop.
Also, you call me cringey? You’re an adult, right? Presumably old enough to vote in the united states? Because you don’t act like one. You can’t take any confrontation without SCREAMING AND YELLING and hurling your own shit everywhere, and you mock others for not being able to accept different viewpoints when you can’t either.
I’m still a teenager. It’s kind of impossible for me to not be cringeworthy. You have no excuse.
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Papyrus was originally going to be an MRA/brony stereotype, according to the official artbook for Undertale.
I own this character, bitch
They’re either the best troll (no reference intended) I’ve ever seen, or an amazing lolcow with 0 self awareness. Either way it’s golden.
Why is it that whenever I make a serious point everyone assumes I’m a troll, and whenever I’m trolling people assume I’m being serious?
Also, how do I lack self awareness? Do you know what the phrase means? How complete is your understanding of the english language?
Also, your most recent posts at time of writing seem to be slandering me quite a lot, yet you refuse to use my actual username and just call me “the mra papyrus”. What, am I voldemort now? Will stating my name cause Ragnarok?
Anyway, I’m going to apply Ice Law, as Seashel once coined after the bard drama, and cease talking to or about him. This post is going on my wall of shame, and he will be on record as the most unbelievably cancerous people I’ve talked to on this website to date. Thank you Seashel, you reminded me of why I signed up in the first place.
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digitalreverse-blog · 6 years
Take Over the World With Me (TOWWM) Pilot Chapter
Disclaimer: I may have created a few things within this story, but I do not make any money off of this story, and I only claim to truly own the OC. But even then, he's probably not the most original guy out there.
A/N This is a short pilot chapter. It's been slightly revamped since inception, but it's still currently just here to introduce the story and the OC. That's my excuse. Yep. Oh, also, most of the revamping was the addition of world-building exposition, so the balance between exposition and story flow may be a bit off, for which I apologize. As well, Parseltongue is indicated as §Parseltongue§, and spells are italicized only when spoken.
Ah, how refreshing the train compartments are. The ashy blond teen rolled his eyes. The only thing refreshing about them is the knowledge they're taking him away from his incompetent peers.
With a sigh, he dropped down into the seat next to the window, letting his trunk fall silently to the floor. At least he only had to deal with said peers for two and a half more years. And not all of them were incompetent, just... the vast majority. One would think that after Voldemort's return, the students would have been more efficiently taught, but that didn't end up being the case. Rather, everyone relied on Harry Potter's skill to defeat the Dark Lord - which worked out quite well in the end: Voldemort had certainly been defeated by the surprisingly talented Potter during the anti-climatic scene staged in a graveyard. Anti-climatic because Voldemort hadn't quite expected Potter to be so battle able, and was quickly dispatched in a duel. So the papers told, at least.
In that following summer, Albus Dumbledore make the executive decision to inform the media of Voldemort's horcruxes, thus beginning a short and sweet search and destroy of all five remaining horcruxes - Potter's included. How exactly the Ministry destroyed the horcrux without also destroying the boy was never said: the Department of Mysteries is called so for a reason.
After placing basic sound wards on the compartment, both to block sounds coming in and to block sounds from going out, the teen reached up and took hold of a pendant around his neck, bringing it up to get a better look. It was a simple thing. Nobody would think it more than a trinket. He had been wearing it for three years now. It had almost become part of his image.
A sapphire sat as a four sided star in the center of a silver oval, which had simple filigree designs engraved on the edges. Very simple. But a dark, cruel brat was inside the gem. Voldemort had been killed, there was no doubt about that. Tom Riddle, on the other hand, survived.
Not even a year had passed, and good ol' Marvolo was ready to burst from his chrysalis into a blood curdling beautiful python.
"Calm down Marvolo. We've a couple weeks yet." he said with unveiled amusement. He himself was excited too, though. He never did get to do any fighting last time. He was kept under the radar. Nobody was supposed to know he was related to the dark in any way, after all. Although, if the plan goes right, he was unlikely to do any fighting anyways.
Light annoyance arose from the gem, but it didn't last very long.
Chuckling quietly to himself, he gently dropped the horcrux to lay against his chest. He released the wards on the compartment a few minutes later once remembering that Sirius Black was on the train, someone well versed in magic and could likely sense it. While he probably knew enough from his mother, a dark arts as well as a defense against the dark arts historian, to put up undetectable ones, it's always better to be safe than sorry. He was still under the radar, and drawing attention to himself for having wards up was not preferable.
Much to the teen's displeasure, the door slid open to reveal two people he hadn't expected. Not that he had expected anyone. He was a classic Ravenclaw - he liked to read books and keep to himself.
He raised an eyebrow at the intruders, Harry Potter and Sirius Black themselves, silently questioning their reasoning for disturbing him. He was just about to pull out a new book too, and he couldn't bring that one out with the two light labourers there.
Instead of answering, the dog grinned and hopped in, taking the seat across from him, while Harry sat next to Sirius after closing the door.
"Thanks for letting us join you, Lycus! We needed a place to talk without disturbance and knew you'd be cool with us being here." Sirius said, completely disregarding the bored look on the Ravenclaw's face. Harry was nice enough to shoot him an apologetic look, to which he replied by giving an inaudible sigh, accompanied by a look of understanding. Sirius was granted the right to be annoyingly excited to do most things after thirteen years in Azkaban. It was only fair. It wouldn't surprise Lycus if they had actively sought out his compartment - Sirius had a generous soft spot for the Ravenclaw that found Wormtail in the Forbidden Forest, ultimately ensuring his freedom.
The two Gryffindors began to talk to each other about plans for winter break, to which Lycus ignored (though didn't tune out) and leaned back to get more comfortable for the long ride ahead. Grabbing an artbook and color-automatic pencil from his trunk, he began to draw out some runic templates to try out when he got bored.
At some point during the ride, the two Gryffindors finished their planning and instead turned towards other topics, some of which Lycus participated in. Small banter continued through the rest of the ride.
The ride ended right after the drawing was finished, and the two Gryffindors had exited with a farewell by the time Lycus got the artbook back in the trunk.
He allowed himself a small smile when he got home. Free for three weeks.
The first of which was spent preparing for Marvolo's return. Unlike what one may think, it wasn't a blood or sacrificial ritual. It could be considered dark, but not necessarily evil. It was also rather simple, like many successful things in life. Occam's Razor. In fact, it required only one incantation.
T'was a Reincarnation Ritual, done when you wish to force a reincarnation before the soul's time, or to call the reincarnated soul that's in it's new body to you. It was created by Marvolo and Lycus - Marvolo with the idea, and Lycus with the knowledge to make it happen - based on a preceding ritual. Marvolo tested it (more like had Barty test it), and it was capable of taking a soul out of an inanimate object, and transferring it to a body, rather than making a new one. The caveat was that there was a soul mass to body mass ratio, so if you didn't have enough of a soul in the object, it would be unable to properly transfer and animate. They had half of Marvolo's soul, which should be enough, but it was always possible that it wouldn't be.
The preparation for it was creating the body, a potion, a very special leaf, and setting up the rune circle in which the body will be placed for the soul to enter.
The body was rather easy. Lycus was exemplary at ancient runes, far beyond that of what Hogwarts could ever teach. Granted, he had been provided with advanced runes from birth, so perhaps it was an unfair comparison. To him, the creation of a body with the specifications of being based off the original Tom Marvolo Riddle, alive and human, with the capabilities, repercussions, and magic to fit the wizarding bill, was kind of child's play. It was just like copying a prewritten text to a new page.
A silver moon leaf is a leaf of a yew tree, funnily enough, which had been covered in dew and placed under the light of a full moon. From a yew tree, because they were connected to death and resurrection already. The dew was just a transmitter of power from the moon, which, when full, provided some artifact of life giving magic. Lycus didn't fully understand it. The texts his mother had only went into so much detail. Such leaves are common, however, as they aren't that difficult to make. The only issue is that they only work when decently fresh.
The pendant had been soaking in the potion for eight days. It was akin to a Pepper Up potion, but it was made for a disembodied soul rather than a living person. Not surprisingly, a disembodied soul has a hard time being aware or doing things. The potion set out to make sure Marvolo was able to find his body, both by making him aware and by providing him with a connection to his body. It was designed by Lycus's father, a private potions master. Once the potion turned dark silver, Lycus began the ritual.
The golem-like body was in the center of the previously drawn runic circle, clothed, with runes on the inner outline with nine paths leading to the body, runes lining the inside of these paths as well, all geared to guiding the energy of the spell to the body rather than allowing it to escape. Walking over to the body, Lycus took the pendant out of the potion and placed the sapphire directly over the heart of the body. The rest of the potion was poured into the mouth of the body, and a wisp of light appeared, wrapping around the body, connected to the sapphire.
The teen placed the leaf on top of the pendant, stood up, and backed out of the circle. Once out, he knelt down to place his hand on the outermost part of the circle to provide it with power after he cast the spell. Focusing his magic, he looked at the leaf, and whispered one word in Parseltongue, courtesy of Marvolo. "§Fiendfyrei§."
The leaf blazed in a black fire, quickly turning stormy grey, and battered against the edges of the circle, but always forced back to the body by the nine paths. The sound of glass breaking was heard as the sapphire broke, releasing the half soul of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Looking at his watch, Lycus wondered if he would have enough energy after this was done to get to reading that one goblin book. He couldn't leave until Marvolo successfully entered his body: the runes have to be continuously powered lest he wanted the circle to break.
Lucky for him, Marvolo was conscious enough to find his body within a minute. The fire dimmed down and dissipated in a few seconds after the soul entered the body.
Once feeling the circle wouldn't break if he stopped powering, Lycus brought his magic back into himself. Marvolo, for the body is no longer just a body, sat up, blinked, and grinned. The amber eyes of Lycus rolled at that.
"To have hands again!" to accompany this, Marvolo brought his hands up to look at said hands, flexing them and bending their fingers as though they were odd and new appendages. "And not be a snake-face."
"I rather liked the snake-face. Perhaps not the most terrifying, but better to watch people avoid looking at you in fear than to watch them avoid looking at you because they'll blush." Lycus shook his head lightly, snorting in amusement.
"Perhaps... but a charming appearance is only beneficial for our plans you'll have to agree." the newly human Dark Lord stated, expecting no disagreement despite the semi-questioning tone he used.
"Naturally. But you're not the one who has to do most of the charming." Lycus countered. Marvolo may have chosen to have his original body back, but that didn't mean anything when you have magic to disguise yourself. What did matter was that Marvolo did more management than active interaction. At least, that was the plan.
"Hmm, perchance it seems that I may be more involved than we initially decided. I don't fancy the idea of being complacent, you see." Marvolo said, once more with the tone that he didn't expect any opposition to the notion described. Lycus would grant him acquiescence for the time being, opting to slowly nod his head in reply. It's not like he really minded the idea of Marvolo taking a more active stance.
After a few seconds of silence, the teen stood. "Well, while I'd love to continue this exhilarating conversation, I have a book to read," and he began to walk out.
"Of course, of course. Just remember that we have things to do very soon!" Marvolo called after, holding up the broken pendant as a reminder of what exactly they needed to do.
Anyways, hope y’all enjoyed. Till next time.
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Memories Quotes.
At a time when its social networking rivals are competing to advertise even more real-time sharing, Snapchat is turning its attention to the past. There are few structures in Lincoln that could prompt a lot more sentimental love compared to The Ritz Movie theater on Lincoln's High Road, both because of the charm of the older as well as much more lovely generations of cinematic masterpieces that were shown at the realisation and also the venue it could well be Lincoln's finest architectural example of a classic Art Deco structure. Memory feels very cohesive, however actually it's a rebuilding procedure," claims Ramirez. Every Kickstarter job must be completely moneyed before its time runs out, otherwise, your charge card or debit card will not be charged. Photo-syncing, in case you're unknown, was released several years ago to provide mobile customers an easier means to back up and upload their photos to Facebook's solution. Easy upgrade: whether relocating from old technology or purely altering your phone MEEM makes it take place effortlessly. Modify with each other old snaps right into a brand-new clip as well as share it to your Story, where it will appear with a white Memories boundary. Especially, this doesn't change just how Snapchat handles pictures shared from the video camera roll. These researchers had accessibility to individuals from many different English-speaking ethnic teams including African-Americans, Ghanaians, Germans, Indigenous Americans and New Zealanders of both European descent and also Maori/Pasifica descent. Your iPhone can also produce emotional video clips by matching your photos as well as video clips with a soundtrack. Take a picture or video clip now, save the snapping for later. Worst minute: There are lots of moments that have actually distressed me as a Sunderland follower in the Premier Organization. The movie club will certainly showcase docudramas, animations, experimental films, music videos as well as narrative films in a manner that is interesting as well as brand-new. Facebook informed us that it ought to be offered to all United States customers within a few weeks, and also as soon as the launch is total the company will certainly start working with bringing it to Android as well as other places. Some years back, a team of German researchers described a new way of recognizing why this happens, and they argue that when need" bewilders the mind's supply," we construct brand-new neural structures. Fabulous Enthusiasts Box -When the video game is released you will certainly get a restricted version deluxe box which include a DVD variation of the game with its own released publication code and the skins pack, a DVD variation of the BSO, a DVD version of the artbook, an Entrance of Memories USB Keychain, the miniature of The Bearer, the Nathaniel medallion, a collection of Gateway of Memories postcards, an unique card signed by all the advancement group, an initial sketch draw by Wen Yu Li as well as an authentication certification. Davachi assumes the research study is necessary since it could help researchers comprehend why human beings remember ordinary details concerning their everyday lives. The company refused to speak on the document, but urges that saving what issues has actually always been an important part of the Snapchat philosophy. Disincentivizing individuals from sharing web content is a trouble for any social platform, and also specifically one for Snapchat which is currently aiming to stay on top of the quick development of Instagram Stories. Each and every Kickstarter task is the independent creation of someone like you. Because of shade, Shade psychology refers to the research of this phenomenon as well as why we discover one area attractive or an additional anxious. Unforeseen." It showed to be a life-altering year in greater than one means: making her knowledgeable about the demand for research study, yet likewise for better care and also treatment for PTSD, she claims. If you loved this article and you want to receive more details concerning Read This method kindly visit our own web site. Other scientists are taking a different approaching to comprehending how the brain shops as well as sends info, coming with it from other body parts connected to an animal's nerve system. One of the most interesting component is that the scientists used whether two times, and also the incorrect positives only happened after the first time. I help a CVB I have actually been able to build up an audience for my company on Snapchat. The risk with this kind of thing is among uncomfortable kookiness, something Animal Kingdom Chaotic certainly teases with: rhythm stemmed from the touching of a typewriter, lyrics that seem to be based upon the decade-old Computer system claims no" catchphrase from Little Britain. You will receive the same benefits as the $25 donation, plus the DVD of the film with the production of and a postcard of the colorscript of our film, made and authorized by Fernanda Rizo. However after that you never see film heroes freezing via the winter season like Amir did, attempting to go to sleep on the concrete flooring of an abandoned Syrian class. The only thing we can state in our defense is that no person in our group is cutting corners - delivering group is working long hours to resolve all the inbound problems (and there are A Great Deal Of them) and obtain video games to you as quick as feasible.
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sugirandom · 8 years
365 days of writing: day 39
Warning: Currently a tad hyper so I wrote a long one today.
Day 39: Preparations
               I’m a bit elated with fan giddiness at the moment because I guess I just had my own version of an impulse buy. I say my own version because I had points on the website so technically wasn’t giving up any of my money, at least not literally so that’s the only way I could justify such a thing. I was going to buy a new back applicator because you are supposed to replace it often and I was already overdue for replacing it so I had intended to simply use points for just a necessity buy however I looked up Chrono Trigger and it’s  sort-of sequel (different case, deals with dimensions instead of time but had a lot of the same staff…also supposedly in the same verse) initially just planning to add them to a wishlist but Chrono Cross is apparently a really popular game and they claimed it only had 3 left in stock so I looked at my points and sure enough I had enough money. I used some remaining points to buy the Japanese version of the PSONE remake of Chrono Trigger…in the back of my mind I wanted to buy it because I love the cutscenes and also it’s good practice to play games in Japanese.
               So yeah I got them and got very excited thinking about it. Seriously as I’ve already nailed in precisely my CT fandom is dangerous and I’m sure this isn’t the last bit of money I dished out for this franchise since the squeal has a good soundtrack (my kryptonite) so it’ll be mine if I happen to find it in Den Den Town and if I happen to find the original Japanese Super Famicom version there goes that paycheck and if I ever happen to be lucky enough to find the artbook that is rare and out of print oooh boy what even is money? Alas, you see if an Anime is every made of this series I would gladly buy all the limited edition boxsets and I know I alone can’t warrant enough money for them to make it but if there are other fans as hardcore as me trust me it will be lucrative in the end. Sorry I shifted who I was talking to just then… Anyway, enough spouting my intense love for a fictional game that was made in the mid-nineties
               I’ve gotten two votes from people I get advice from that say to just wait and not sign up for online dating so despite my loneliness I’ve decided I will wait and see what happens when I go to Japan.  I might have to get the forms for my passport, etc. signed by a different person than I initially thought, I mean it’s the doctor I see for my Testosterone instead of just where I get the shots done so I’m hoping he can do it relatively quickly even though he’s sort of slow but I made an appointment with him so I can emphasize when I see him how I’d like them done A.S.A.P unless by some miracle he has the stuff done before our appointment in two weeks.  I’m also going to ask the admissions apartment of the language school all the questions I have in the meanwhile so I know exactly how to do the application and don’t make any mistakes that could slow things down. I worry a little bit about timing but I think I’ll be able to get everything done in time. I just have to keep telling myself that to keep myself optimistic otherwise I’ll be constantly anxious which would be very bad for my health and that would slow things down even more so…yeah no can do.
I tried twice now to call my best bro but I guess he’s scrambling to get things ready to come over today or his phone is charging because he hasn’t answered. We’ll probably continue as usual with our watching Gundam Anime and playing Chrono Trigger. Sadly, we have to level up one of our characters so that might slow the process down a little but once we do that we should have a leg up with unlocking the multiple endings. You can tell I’m obsessed with this game because I have every intent to play it again myself even after I’ve seen all the endings of a game and for me to not tire of a game like that means it has an intense hold on me.  Anyway, other than that I guess I might show him some stuff on youtube and we’ll discuss how our week has been and whatever we feel like talking about. Our discussions usually go all over the place.
Tomorrow it’ll be back to work for one more day and then I’ll have three days off again. I don’t think Chrono Cross is going to arrive until next week and Chrono Trigger will take until March to come since it’s a Japan import so I might just play more of Pokemon Moon or another video game on my down time. I want to get back to writing my stories too but I rarely feel like actually writing them when I sit down to do so and I have to try and figure out why. I guess it’s my critical voice so I suppose at the very least I’ll have to tell myself that only my best bro will read them at first and hope that quiets the critic that’s already trying to guess what issue my not-yet-written narratives will have. Since I don’t yet know how to fix the issues I’ve potentially seen and think it would be better to do so once I have the entire story at least in a rough format written out I know I have to push myself to just write.
I also want to allow myself a little leeway initially because I sadly have to confess my Zelda-based story does use a cliché and it pains my heart but I do want to wait and see if my narrative makes sense with said cliché or if I can somehow drop it. My honest hope is to approach it a different way and tie everything together, including the message I hope to convey, by the end of the narrative. I also really want to try to write my Sci-fi genre idea because I really want to develop the two alien races I’ve created for that idea more in-depth. I also think that is one I can write without having to do a ton of research. For my idea that involves Gods and Goddesses I have to get back to reading mythology. It involves the mains traveling to an alternate world where everyone is a God or Goddess or well most of society is and they have to help with a civil war or sorts that breaks out.  These are of course more human Gods and Goddesses and I’m basing a lot of it off of Mythology since I’ve had an instense love for Mythology since I was very young.
So yeah, that idea needs more research so I can flesh out the characters some though a lot of the base characters were established when I was about twelve years old. I also have to debate how to portray certain characters if I ever draw this as a sort of comic since I went for my pure idea when I was younger but didn’t think about how some character portrayals might be a bit too sexy or misinterpreted as such. You see my 12-year old self didn’t view having naked human-like character as sexual and while I don’t support the sexual stigma of nudity all the time…yeah I have to figure out how to work that issue out so I don’t seem like I’m doing fanservice or something like that. So yeah, I need a lot of work before I’ll write that one is basically what I took too long to say.
I’ll end this entry here because I went on and on and now my fingers are tired of typing. I think I might sing some while I wait for my best bro to come over since buying those games made my hyper and I haven’t recovered yet yikes.
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