#sir james tyrell
andiatas · 9 months
The recent development of studies of the itineraries of English monarchs has enhanced understanding of a range of aspects of their kingship, as well as of the road and river transport network. In the case of Henry VII, study of the king’s movements allows for a better understanding of his preferences between his residences in and near his capital, and the reasons for these choices. It also sheds light on a particularly controversial episode, the alleged confession by Sir James Tyrell in the Tower of London in 1502 of responsibility for the murders of the ‘princes in the Tower’.
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sir-klauz · 2 months
Thanks so much @sir-klauz because of your recs and reviews, I started and have finished 'Requiem of the Rose King'. It's such a masterpiece with great story and amazing art.
If you don't mind, can I ask your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if I disturb you.
Hope you have a wonderful day....
I'm so glad to hear that you tried it out and mutually enjoyed it a lot! That males me smile, and I'm happy I could recommend something good, especially as it's one close to my heart 💙
My top favourite moments would be:
The meeting of Richard and Henry, and the days spent together whilst things were still developing and not like the sad development eventually whilst Henry was still the king, or known to be "alive", due to Henry's Genophobia and what appears to be awful PTSD, but it hurt Richard, and he has enough body dysphoria as it is.
The suggested return of Henry, aka James Tyrell. I was glad that he's back, and appeared to get his dream of living modestly due to the suffering he endured being forced to be a king. I ship him and Richard the most, so I am a fan of the pairing more than Buckingham and Richard.
Richard discovering his sexuality and breaking free of the fears of showing his body to anyone due to being abused by his mother over his physical appearance. Not just his sexuality, but still he suffered with dysphoria and so on, but I was glad that Buckingham didn't throw him away or be essentially, extremely phobic of intersex people's bodies, and that lgbt+ people obviously shouldn't be treated like this.
Despite his bloodthirsty tendencies, though as a horror/gore fan, it was cool from a genre perspective, I appreciated Richards resolve to become king, though killing so many isn't great, though characters aren't meant to be perfect and PG all the time. He was dedicated, even if, in the end, it became a curse.
I appreciated the non sexual depiction of an intersex body in media/manga, as it is important to represent all bodies. It was very sad scenes, though, as he doesn't like it, but that mostly because he's mistreated, his gender disrespected, or suffered predatory behaviour from even within his own family.
There's many many more, I love all of it, but this is what I can recall right now.
I'll probably kick myself later, though, as I know there's a few more moments I probably like, possibly more than some of these, I'm sure, but these are some things I can think of.
I'll add, the relationship with his dad, was truly sweet, his dad in this really was a dad, and was one of the only ones not to mistreatment Richard and wholeheartedly supported him as the man Richard identifies as. I'm not sure about Richard kissing his dead fathers head, though, but this manga is definitely a ride and definitely not kid friendly 😆 It's kinda horror lgbt+ historical fiction.
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kingkenzieofmold · 1 year
My Resident Evil x The Henry Stickmin Collection Crossover Cast.
Feel free to disagree with me as I was trying to fill roles by who I would think would fit into whose role within the games! So feel free to disagree with me or say who you would rather cast! Enjoy my weird combinations of my biggest hyper fixations!<3
This is casting from Resident Evil: Zero to Resident Evil 4 as this was as far as I got in casting-
Resident Evil 0
Rebecca Chambers Cool Katie
Billy Coen Billy G.
Dr. James Marcus Dr. Vinschpinsilstien
Dr. William Birkin Right Hand Man
Dr. Albert Wesker Reginald Copperbottom
Captain Enrico Marini Terrance Suave
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield Rupert Price
Jill Valentine Dave Panpa
Barry Burton Johnny Panzer
Rebecca Chambers Cool Katie
Albert Wesker Reginald Copperbottom
Richard Aiken Randy Radman
Brad Vickers Chad Hansen
Enrico Marini Terrance Suave
Kenneth J. Sullivan Jaques Kensington
Joseph Frost Sir Willford IV
Forest Speyer Reynaldo the brute
Female Newscaster Alice Hamilton
Resident Evil 2 
Leon Scott Kennedy Henry Stickmin
Claire Redfield Ellie Rose
Ada Wong Earrings
Sherry Birkin Sven Svensson
William Birkin Right Hand Man
Annette Birkin Carol Cross
Brian Irons/Robert Kendo Mr. Macbeth
Marvin Branagh/Ben Bertolucci General Galeforce
Resident Evil 3
Jill Valentine Dave Panpa
Carlos Oliveira Jacob Rose
Nikolai Zinoviev Dmitri Johannes Petrov
Mikhail Viktor Grigori Olyat
Tyrell Patrick Kurt Dietrich
Nemesis CCC Robot
Resident Evil 4
Leon Scott Kennedy Henry Stickmin
Ashley Graham Victoria Grit
Ada Wong Earrings
Luis Serra Navarro Ted Adam
Ingrid Hunnigan Hat Girl
Ramón Salazar Captain H. J. Canterbury
Bitores Méndez Major Hershell Panzer
Jack Krauser Charles Calvin
Osmund Saddler Mayor Fredrickson
Merchant Mysterious Voyager
Mike Quentin Alabaster
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richmond-rex · 10 months
I know Elizabeth of York has met the person suspected of murdering the prince in the tower? It makes me curious. It is said that the Queen and her cousin Suffolk are very close, which makes me doubt whether this meeting is for her brother or cousin
Hi! There's actually no direct evidence that Elizabeth was 'very close' to Edmund de la Pole. He was often at court and they were cousins so it's likely that they saw each other and had opportunities to talk but there are no recorded gifts or office appointments from Elizabeth to him, so I wouldn't say they were particularly close like she was to his sister Anne (the abbess of Syon), for example, a cousin with whom she did indeed exchange gifts.
But to go back to your question, yes Elizabeth visited the Tower around the time Sir James Tyrell was imprisoned and interrogated there. No records from Henry's own reign say Tyrell was implicated in the death of Elizabeth's brothers — Tyrell was condemned for his participation in the conspiracy involving Edmund de la Pole — but Thomas More claimed that Tyrell, whilst imprisoned, confessed that Miles Forest and John Dighton killed the princes at his instance. This claim has been extensively doubted but new evidence recently discovered (2020) shows that More was in touch with the sons of one of the men he alleged to have carried out the murder for Tyrell, as he himself indicated in his text: 'as I haue learned of them that much knew and litle cause had to lye, wer these two noble princes [...] murthered'.
Whether Tyrell's real confession that Elizabeth heard was about the murder of her brothers or about her cousin Edmund's treasonous plans, it's interesting that almost immediately after hearing Tyrell's confession Elizabeth left the Tower and visited her aunt Elizabeth the Duchess of Suffolk at her house at Stepney (London). Tim Thornton, who recently wrote an article about it, says that 'the immediacy of this visit might suggest the importance of any revelations from Tyrell in the Tower, and Elizabeth’s desire to pass news of the princes’ fate to their aunt, the last survivor of their parents’ generation'. For the Duchess of Suffok, news of her son's treason could be equally — if not more — important so my opinion is that Elizabeth's visit is no evidence for the confession involving the murder of her brothers.
It's difficult to say though why Elizabeth would have been in any way invited to hear a confession about treasonous activities against her husband the king, when by that point there had been several and she had not been involved in any other of Henry's interrogations carried out in the Tower (Henry's willingness to take a personal role in the questioning of prisoners has been confirmed in other cases but never Elizabeth's). So we'd have to take into consideration both Elizabeth's extraordinary presence and her subsequential visit to her oldest remaining paternal relative.
Thomas More's claim about Tyrell's confession and the fact that he came in contact with the alleged assassin's sons is also very intriguing. A possibility as to why Tyrell was not publicly exposed after his confession is that it would reflect badly on Henry VII for not only allowing the princes' murderers to go unpunished for so long, but also actively favouring them/keeping their privileges intact. It's difficult to say. It's a kind of evidence that definitely does not 'prove' anything.
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leanstooneside · 6 months
- Leon's
- Look
- Fiery
- Top
- Roy
- Sebas
- Yeah
- Is
- Leon
- Proud
- Gervai
- sir
- We
- Oh
- Bryant's
- Do
- Death
- More
- Will
- This
- Ungh
- But
- Stay
- And
- Ah
- Let
- Rachael
- Batty
- Sure
- Deckard
- Who
- Deckard's
- Twenty
- Watch
- Sebastian
- Tortoise
- Hassan's
- J
- Tyrell
- Louie
- Zhora
- Hassan
- Mmm
- Queen
- My
- Maybe
- Of
- It
- Don't
- Photography
- Straight
- Eddie
0 notes
Now that GOT is back... and I'm still not over HoS.
If you have to place every chatacter from HoS in a house which house would they be in.
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Heart of Steel – Masterlist
OK. Wow. Can't tell you how much I love this question...
And just to clarify, I'm sorting them based on how they're written in Heart of Steel – not based on their canon depiction in the MCU.
Princess Y/N of Zamora = House Tully
Prince Anthony of Zamora (aka Tony Stark) = House Lannister
Prince Thor of Asgard = House Baratheon
Prince Loki of Asgard = House Greyjoy
King Steven of Midgard (aka Steve Rogers) = House Stark
Sir James Barnes = House Stark
King T'Challa of Wakanda = House Targaryen
Sir Samuel of Zamora (aka Sam Wilson) = House Mormont
Knights of Howl (aka Howling Commandos) = Kings Guard
Lady Natasha of Midgard = House Martell
Wanda = House Tyrell
Prince Brock of Hydra = House Bolton
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blackboar · 3 years
Every rebellions, plots, conspiracies, and seditions against Henry VII, by chronological order.
1485: Henry VII becomes king after his victory at Bosworth. Two hundred men from the Calais garrison flee to Flanders.
1486: attempted murder against Henry VII at York. The Stafford brothers rebel and take Worcester, while viscount Lovell rebels in Richmondshire. Eventually, the Stafford brothers are captured and one executed, while Lovell flees in Flanders to the court of Margaret of York, dowager duchess of Burgundy.
1487: Lambert Simmel's rebellion. A Yorkist conspiracy proclaims a commoner Lambert Simmel to be the escaped earl of Warwick from the Tower (Edward Plantagenet, nephew of Richard III and Edward IV). He is proclaimed 'Edward V' in Dublin by the Anglo-Irish aristocracy and joined by 2,000 german mercenaries led by viscount Lovell and his cousin John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln. With a mixed german-irish force, Landing in Lancashire enjoyed limited defection in northern England (mainly lord Bolton of Scrope, lord Bolton of Masham, and Sir Thomas Broughton). Their ~8,000 force is beaten at Stoke by a Tudor army led by the king and the earl of Oxford. Death of Lincoln and Lovell, Simmel is spared. Before the rebellion, Henry VII preemptively jails some key Yorkists, including his mother-in-law Elizabeth Woodville and his brother-in-law the Marquess of Dorset.
1489: Anti-tax rebellion in Yorkshire. The rebels led by Sir John Egremont murder the earl of Northumberland and take York before dissolving at the arrival of the royal army. Egremont flees to the court of Margaret of York.
1491: At Cork, a man proclaims that he is Richard of Shrewsbury, the disappeared second son of Edward IV. His true identity remains unknown. ‘Richard’ receives immediate support nonetheless from some Yorkists such as John Taylor, a former supporter of the duke of Clarence (Edward IV's brother).
1492: 'Richard' land in France, where he was welcomed by Charles VIII, who is at war with England. Henry VII retaliate by an invasion from Calais and sign the treaty of Etaples. Charles VIII agreed to stop supporting English rebels and give the Tudor king a pension.
1492: The peace treaty is unpopular in England, and 'Richard' is welcomed in Flanders by Margaret of York and Maximilian of Habsburg, ruler of the Burgundian estates. Maximilian is angered by the separate peace Henry VII made without consulting him. He recognizes him as the rightful king of England. The news of Richard's survival and reappearance began to be known in England and test the allegiance of Henry VII's subjects.
1493: Henry VII retaliate by imposing a blockade on the Netherlands. Counter-measures ensued, leading to an embargo from both parties, which lead to riots in London. 'Richard' assists at Maximilian's coronation as Holy Roman emperor and is promised support for his restoration. Scotland and Denmark recognize his legitimacy.
1494: Maurice Fitzgerald, earl of Desmond, revolts against the Tudors and leads a rebellion in Munster.
1495: an essential group of plotters is arrested. It consists of the king's own Chamberlain and the most powerful knight in England, Sir William Stanley (he was mighty in Cheshire and had £10,000 of reserve in cash at his castle of Holt). Lord Fitzwater (important Calais official and landowner in East-Anglia), Sir Simon Mountford (significant landowner in Warwickshire), William D'Aubeney, Thomas Cressener, Thomas Astwode, and Robert Ratcliff. They were mainly former supporters of Edward IV, and some had connections with duchess Cecily's household. Sir Robert Clifford, one of the plotters, betrayed the entire plot and was pardoned. Others were fined or executed, like Stanley.
'Richard' prepares to invade England by East-Anglia with a force of exiled and Flemish mercenaries. Stormy winds scattered his forces and made him land in Kent, and his force of 300 soldiers is beaten by the Earl of Oxford at his arrival at Deal. He flees and lands with the remainder of his troops in Ireland, where the revolted earl of Desmond joins him. Their combined forces fail to take Waterford. After this defeat, 'Richard' and his supporters arrive in Scotland.
1496: restoration of trade between The Netherlands and England, as Henry VII join the Holy League against France. The earl of Desmond also makes his peace with Henry VII. A Scottish army invades England as 'Richard' promised to give Berwick £50,000 to the Scottish king James IV. Little result ensues except for some small raidings.
1497: 'Richard' marries a cousin of the Scottish king, Catherine Gordon. As the king of Scotland makes a truce with England, he tries to land once again in Ireland with Sir James Ormond's support. However, Ormond's murder led to the failure of the uprising, and 'Richard' flee from Ireland with three ships. Taxation for the Scottish war led to the Cornish rising. A blacksmith, Michael Joseph, leads the revolt with lord Audley and brings many gentrymen from Cornwall to rebellion. The rebellion extends to neighboring counties as the rebel take Exeter and march to London, virtually unopposed. A 25,000 royal army face some ~15,000 rebels at Blackheath, near London, and triumph. Once again, the earl of Oxford's vanguard is instrumental for the victory against the rebel. 'Richard' finally land in Cornwall, hoping to bolster his support with the Cornish's discontent. An uprising in his favor occurs (second Cornish rebellion), and his 8,000 men fail to take Exeter. His attempted fleeing after the encirclement of his forces by the Tudors led to his capture at Bealieu abbey.
'Richard' confess he is an impostor and a Flemish by the name of Perkin Warbeck. He and his wife are welcomed at court.
1498: 'Richard' tries to escape court and is captured and jailed in the Tower of London. 1499: A Cambridge scholar by the name of Ralph Wiford dreamt that he would become king if he claimed he was the earl of Warwick. His uprising in East Anglia failed, and he is executed.
Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk and brother of the Earl of Lincoln (thus nephew of Richard III), leave England for Flanders after killing a commoner in London before agreeing to come back.
The French hand over many supporters of 'Richard' in France, including John Taylor. Many are executed, but Taylor's life is spared.
An attempted escape made by 'Richard' and his cousin Edward, earl of Warwick, fail, and they are both executed.
1500-1503: Henry VII lost his wife in childbirth and two sons (Arthur and Edmund). Dynastic fragility ensue as Henry VII have only one surviving male heir.
1501: Edmond de la Pole and his brother Richard flee for the Flanders. Henry VII promptly jail their brother, William, with Sir James Tyrell and Lor William Courtenay. Royal officials are sent in East Anglia to monitor the de la Pole affinity. Sir James Tyrell 'confess' before his death the murder of the Princes in the Tower for Richard III.
1504: 'treasonous' talks between Calais officials. They argue about who would be the successor for a declining Henry VII and hesitate between the duke of Buckingham and the Earl of Suffolk, omitting Henry VII's children. 1506: The Habsburgs deliver Edmund de la Pole to Henry VII, who jail him at the Tower of London. In exchange, Henry VII loan them immense sums of cash, such as £108,000 in April.
1509: Henry VII dies, leaving the crown to his adult heir, Henry VIII.
I might have missed some small, aborted plot, but there it is.
With this chronology, it's evident that the War of the Roses (or, more accurately, the war of the succession crisis of 1483) didn't end at Bosworth. Henry VII could have been overthrown in 1487 or the late 1490s. There is also a clear distinction between the rebellions of the 1480s and those of the 1490s. The plot following HenryVII's advent is mainly coming from RichardIII's basis of power. It's his men (Lincoln, Lovell, many northerners), his bases of support (the North and Ireland) who try to overthrow the first Tudor. The plots of ''Perkin Warbeck'' known in historiography, were perilous for Henry VII. Most of his dynastical legitimacy comes from his marriage to Elizabeth of York. A true surviving son of Edward IV would nullify this and put into question the support of every former servant of the late Yorkist king. Hence, Henry VII tried to depict 'Richard' as an impostor and to demonstrate that the Princes of the Tower were dead. Still, he couldn't convince everyone and had to resort to force and the systematic use of a spy network.
Some of those plots might have been exaggerated. The 1504 Calais plot was undoubtedly not a carefully crafted conspiracy but more a manifestation of Henry VII's difficult succession. This chronology also doesn't show the dubious role that many magnates had during this period of unrest. The loyalty of Lord Abergavenny (dominant in Kent) was put into question, as was one of the earls of Derby in the 1490s and Lord Daubeney. Henry VII didn't have many magnates on whom he could truly count.
As you can see, Henry VII was never wholly free from dynastic uncertainty. At his death, Richard de la Pole was still free to push his claim if his brother Edmund died. Henry VIII himself was very wary of potential claimants toppling him. His execution of Edmund de la Pole in 1513 and the duke of Buckingham in 1521 are the best manifestations of this insecurity.
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funkbyfunk · 5 years
Funk by Funk Show Playlist (06/01/20)
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Open Your Mind - Krs-One
Over Do It - Apollo Brown feat. Bronze Nazareth & Boldy James
Long Island Era - Sir Diggy
Boss - Lateb & Oblivious
Frankenstein - Frank B
Gasoline (DJ Applejac Remix) - J57 feat. Damone Tyrell & Tiffany Topol
Be As That May - Theory Hazit feat. Don Will & Yu
Morning Sun - Priest Da Nomad feat. J. Hill
King Ugly - Soul Khan
E.A.T. (DJ Premier Remix) - Marco Polo & Masta Ace feat. Evidence
Ease Back - Black Moon
Family & Loyalty - Gang Starr feat. J. Cole
From My Hood 2 U - Daddy-O feat. Posdanous
No Hook - Katiah
1969 - Loop Holes
Ladi Dadi Doo - Minimatic
Special 45 - The Allergies feat. Andy Cooper
The Meeting - DJ Format
City Strut - Speedometer
More Mess on my Thing - The Poets of Rhythm
Extinction - Lucky Brown
Scorpio - Kashmere Stage Band
Edge of Seventeen - Karate Boogaloo
Give it a Long Shot - Dego
Runout Groove - Resolution 88
Join Mark Ski, Monday nights at 10pm GMT on Inspiration 107.8fm UK as he joins the dots between the latest & greatest Hip-Hop, Funk, Beats, Breaks & beyond.
Apple Music & Spotify playlists
Hear every song played on the Funk by Funk show throughout the year by following Mark Ski's weekly updated Apple Music & Spotify playlists.
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empireclub · 3 years
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Tyrrell of Ireland
Armorial Bearings
Motto :
Veritas Via Vitae
'The Way, The Truth, and The Life'
1st Baron Castleknock of County Dublin
Hugh Tyrell
The Family of Tyrrell
"Very shortly after the invasion of 1170AD the Anglo-Norman family of Terrell or Tirrell, which had gone from France to England with William the Conqueror, came to Ireland, obtaining a grant of the greater part of the barony of Fertullagh in Westmeath as well as the lordship of Castleknock in county Dublin."
“The Barony of Castleknock was originally a feudal lordship created in the 12th century for the Tyrell family; it passed by inheritance to the Burnell family. The first Baron, Hugh Tyrrel, gave lands in the barony at Kilmainham to the Knights of St. John who continue in the area today in the form of St. John Ambulance.”
"In some sixteenth century records, e.g. Dowling's Annals and the Fiants, the name is given as MacTyrrell: this is not to be taken as indicating that there was also a Gaelic sept of the name but merely that many families of the name had become assimilated in the Irish nation by that time. The name has been gaelicised as Tirial."
"The arms of Sir John Tyrell, Mayor of Dublin, knighted at Christ's Church, Dublin, by Sir George Cary, Lord Deputy of Ireland, St. James' Day, 1603, son of Richard Tyrell, Mayor of Dublin in 1541, son of Richard Tyrell Mayor of Dublin 1530, son of Sir Walter Tyrell thrice Mayor of Dublin."
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I posted 252 times in 2021
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239 posts reblogged (95%)
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I added 41 tags in 2021
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#bridgerton - 5 posts
#phillip crane - 4 posts
#sanditon season 2 - 4 posts
#the bone season - 3 posts
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#asoiaf - 3 posts
#to sir phillip with love - 3 posts
#the mask falling - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#but seriously though it would be mad funny if she gave him a back pad after he's been steadily supplying her with heating pads
My Top Posts in 2021
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Pairing: Sansa Stark/ Willas Tyrell
Theme: Soulmate Marks, elevated fantasy aspects
10 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 22:52:16 GMT
Yours in friendship
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Yours in friendship Pairing: Eloise Bridgerton/ Phillip Crane
Eloise did not know what to expect when she agreed to accompany Penelope to visit Marina. In any case she did not suspect to make a new friend. God, she hoped her mother would never find out she had a mail conversation with a man. AKA "The eight year slowburn nobody wanted or needed".
Starts after Bridgerton season one. Merges the series and the Bridgerton books until and including To Sir Phillip With Love.
11 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 12:31:42 GMT
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17 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 21:00:09 GMT
Sanditon Season 2: all the news & my thoughts
So, we're getting not one but two new seasons of Sanditon! After a year of tremendous effort on behalf of the Sanditon sisterhood who kept the fandom alive, we'll be looking at a new season. Although I think the biggest thank you probably goes out to Bridgerton, which showed that romance, regency, a diverse cast and butts are a perfect mix to lure audiences.
I want to take this moment to reflect on what I think we'll win, what we'll lose and what we can expect in the future.
1. No Sidlotte HEA
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This is probably the most heartbreaking salty news we could get. But I know Theo James, he likes new projects. And after divergent's disaster, I can't blame the boy for not wanting to hang onto another franchise. As a fanfic writer, although mainly an Esther/Babington one, I broke my head for over a year on how to get Sidlotte together. I had to imagine the grandest schemes to get them together. Tom needed 10 000 pounds in less than a month. Even Babington was probably not worth that much. That's over 6 million in today's money if adjusted to inflation. Regency era's England's top 1-2% made that in a full a year, and most of that is probably in assets and investments. And they don't just get to keep that money, most used a good chunk of it to keep their estates running and to pay their staff. Anyone know someone who has a casual 6 million lying around?
There's only two realistic solutions: either have Eliza die: which would be cruel and take years (unless you kill her in childbirth 9 months in), or create a grand scheme that would take months and see Sidney, Crowe and Babington actively work hard on their 'business' while in the meantime Charlotte, Lady Denham and Lady Susan get everyone including the prince regent to come to Sanditon. I kind of accepted they would have a hard time getting out of that plot twist. It was likely that Sidlotte could not be endgame.
Personally, I never felt a strong connection to Sidlotte, and had hoped that Charlotte, like Jane Bennet, would go to London with Lady Susan to recover from her heartbreak, and I kind of hoped James Stringer would eventually go down there for his apprenticeship, where a sort of Captain Wentworth-like situation would come to exist where he is a young man trying to make something of himself. I know Charlotte didn't love him. But I also knew that Charlotte wanted adventure and perhaps needed to grow as a person. But in the new season she'll probably be a bit jaded, closed off, and depressed. And will probably need a softer more available man. Growing up goes with swinging to extremes. She was an open optimist at the beginning, and eventually turned to the opposite, not letting her emotions shine through and being very guarded (@miss-holly-goes-lightly did a wonderful post on this). Adulthood is finding a good balance again.
So while I am saddened, because this brings along a long set of questions like: "Does Sanditon still take place in Sanditon then?" "Where will Sidney live, will he then live in London with his wife?" "Why doesn't he come help his brother the next season or visit his family, as we know Tom will make a mess of things" The show will have to answer these questions in a believable manner.
2. No Beaufort twins
See the full post
22 notes • Posted 2021-05-07 20:03:19 GMT
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I have an exam on friday. I don’t have time for a coup by terrorists who attack their seat of democracy like it’s a soccer stadium.
153 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 20:49:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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babbushka · 4 years
All this talk of ancestry has me wanting to share some family stuff. lol Last year I did a deep dive into my husband's lineage and we discovered that he's related to the knight Sir James Tyrell who was rumored to have killed Edward IV's two sons at the behest of King Richard III.
That’s so interesting!! Oh Richard III lol, what a guy. 
My ancestral connection to the royals is Joan of Acre, who was daughter of King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, but by the time we get to Edward IV there’s a few generations in between and little relation. Although how cool would that have been?? :) 
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charitysplace · 6 years
Pre-order: The Welsh Gambit [Book 2 in The Tudor Throne]
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The Tudor Throne Series, Book 2: The Welsh Gambit
Back Cover:
Lady Anwen cannot forget, nor her brother forgive. Since she killed Lord Meuric’s son in self-defense on a lonely Welsh road, and spent several months imprisoned and mistreated in his castle, Anwen has fought her nightmares. Alone and unable to bear a man’s touch, she unites with a local ‘witch’ to learn how to heal. As Edward Stafford, the Duke of Buckingham, prepares for the autumn joust, he fears escalating tension between the locals and Lord Meuric’s brutal overseer, Beynon. His mood worsens when Sir Thomas Lovell, the king’s ruthless enforcer, arrives unannounced in search of a traitor. As thousands flock to the tourney, death, superstition, denial, and treason come to a brutal conflict, as a child searches the castle for the bones of a lost maiden and uncovers a terrible secret…
Author's Notes:
This was one of those novels that "found itself" amid a muddle of ideas. I must have rewritten it twenty times and each time, several characters and themes emerged with great strength -- the "witch" Winifred, Lady Anwen's struggle to overcome her traumatic past, and the marriage of Margaret and Richard Pole, which seems strong enough to outlast any storm. I had a wonderful time researching jousts and tourneys, thrusting the Staffords into the middle of events, and honoring Prince Arthur's memory with a rousing good story set in a time of deep national unrest and mourning for a lost prince.
I hope you enjoy reading it half as much as I labored in love to write it.
Anne Tyrell stares out the window, lost in the beauty of the Welsh Marches. She spent her first year of marriage in its green foothills. The carriage winds through silver birch and blackthorn trees, each mile closer to her children. Anne dreads their reunion. She bears the shame of their father’s execution closer to them with each turn of the wheels.
A stallion pulls level with her view, its rider leading a dozen men. She peers at the tall, angular man astride its back. His hair grays at the temples, his narrow face severe. Once, she adored Sir Thomas Lovell. She awaited news from him with breathless excitement. Now, many years later, her stomach tightens whenever they meet. He came to Guînes under a pretext, persuaded her husband to return to London, and imprisoned him on board ship. He then sent men to disarm their son and threw them both in the Tower.
She wonders how they ever loved each other, yearning to forget their stolen kisses and amorous whispers. He escorts her into the Welsh Marches to attainder her estate in the king’s name. He and Lord Dudley will cram her valuables onto carts and keep them in the royal treasury until King Henry decides otherwise.
The castle appears in a maple grove, its gatehouse covered in roses and honeysuckle. Her children wait in the courtyard, James the tallest at eighteen, William three years younger, and Pet twelve. Anne twists the door handle before the coach halts to embrace her daughter, bewildered by her height. Pet shares her height. Anne sweeps the hair back from her face, gasping, “You have grown!”
“I gained two inches last summer. I may outgrow you, Mother.” Pet’s amber eyes flit to Lovell, her tone guarded. “I missed you.”
She approaches her sons, aware of their audience. The boys hug her, their expressions glum. Lovell scans the castle with scorn and removes his gloves. Dudley dismounts and shakes out his mantle. Anne steers Pet into the house. “We are together now.”
“I wish it were under different circumstances,” Pet whispers.
Anne catches her breath in the foyer, moved by its sameness. The servants have altered nothing in her absence. Familiar colorful tapestries line the walls, the small staff assembled to greet her. She scans their faces, noting the steward’s absence with concern. Anne looks at her son, tension in her words. “Where is Hywel?”
James glances at his brother. “He fled after our father’s arrest.”
Her heart plummets. Anne prayed on the journey none of their staff schemed with her husband, knowing it would arouse further scrutiny of their finances. She considers how to handle this and turns with forced politeness when Lovell and Dudley enter. “My lords, you will find our records upstairs. The maid can show you. I trust you do not need me.”
The girl guides them upstairs, Anne relieved in their absence. “Come,” she tells her family, “we must discuss our future.”
They follow her into the parlor where she shuts the door and joins Pet in a window seat. It overlooks the garden, the fountain dry and a rook’s nest in the crook of its statue. After a deep breath Anne asks, “Why did you not warn me of Hywel’s escape?”
James sinks onto a bench and runs his fingers through his curls. “I dared not write to you. I feared Lovell might read our letters.”
“Well, we can do nothing about it now,” his mother says.
William shifts a stack of books from a chair. “How is Tom? We have not heard from our brother. Is he in the Tower?”
“Yes. I have visited him twice. I believe him secure for now. Lovell could not incriminate him at your father’s trial.” Anne rubs her forehead. “I expect his release after the attainder.”
A bee buzzes the roses outside the window, its wings deafening in the sullen silence. Pet studies her palms, her voice small. “Nan Browne wrote us of the ordeal. Was it dreadful, Mother?”
Anne cannot speak around the lump in her throat. She saw her husband walk to the scaffold, mount the stairs, utter a speech, and lay his neck on the block. The ax severed it with a single stroke.
“How could it not be?” James asks. “They cut off his head.”
She cringes at his bluntness. “Do not dwell on it. Remember him as you saw him last. We had a fine Christmas together.”
Pet tries to smile but raises only one side of her mouth. Quiet fills the pause while Anne strokes her daughter’s hair. William fumbles with a piece of ribbon. “Must we go before the tourney?”
She nods.
Prince Arthur planned to lead the festivities, but now lies dead in a crypt. Reluctant to rob the public of their entertainment, the king appointed the Duke of Buckingham to hold it in his honor.
Her eyes tearful, Pet says, “James has trained for months!”
Pained by their distress but unable to ease it, Anne squeezes her hand. “Our lives have changed. We can no longer do as we please. We must defer to the king’s wishes to live in London.”
“How much is our income?” William stares at her with anxiety, his feet pulled under him. “Enough to support our tutor?”
She scoured the accounts when Lovell announced her living, but had to choose between a tutor and a servant. Their faces fall at her pause. Anne forces confidence into her words. “Our situation will be painful and difficult, but we can survive. We have each other.”
“But not Father,” William whispers.
Anne blinks away her tears. “Never doubt he loved you.”
“If he had, he would not have chosen Suffolk,” James snaps.
She expects the others to defend him but they study the floor instead. Shocked, Anne scans their forlorn expressions. “Your father pursued his ideals. Do not deplore him for his mistakes.”
“My contempt is for the fiend who imprisoned him,” James says.
She reaches out to pull him near, reminded of his father in his unspoken anger. “Never let Sir Thomas know how you feel.”
Voices draw her attention to the courtyard where a monk parts from a maid to enter the side door. Pet’s long sleeve brushes the sill when she leans forward, her tone soft. “That’s Brother Elfric.”
“What befell your other confessor?” Anne asks, distressed.
James kicks at the hearth. “Abbot Ifan recalled him to the abbey after his strength declined. Elfric has tended us these last months.”
“I adore him,” Pet says with radiant eyes.
Anne estimates him at twenty-years-old, struck by his handsome face and gentle air. She chews her lip, concerned by her daughter’s infatuation. “Send him in to me. I want to meet him. Then we can walk in the garden. Meet me outside in ten minutes.”
Once her children retreat, Anne crosses to the sideboard to pour a drink. The monk enters after a knock, his bow graceful. Anne corks the bottle and scans the amiable face and intent brown eyes. “Brother Elfric, my family speaks well of you.”
“I serve them as best I can under the circumstances, milady.”
Anne drinks the rich, flavorful pear wine from their orchard, her husband’s pride and joy. “I’m grateful you could comfort them in my absence. I know not how to heal their broken hearts.”
“Lavish love upon them. Trust God to manage their sorrow.”
She sinks onto the cushioned bench. “How are they?”
“Pet has not confessed since her father’s downfall.” The monk stares into the honeysuckle. Anne notices a long scar on his neck. “William spends most of his time with his falcons. James mourns more than just his father. Lady Anwen no longer writes him.”
Anne moans, this the result of a feud between Anwen’s brother Lord Neirin and a local landowner, Meuric. After a felled bridge barred their return at Christmas, Meuric’s son caught them on his land. When he tried to molest her maid, Anwen cut his throat. The infuriated Meuric imprisoned her in his garret until Lovell offered him a place on the Welsh Council for her freedom.
“Has she shared the details of her ordeal?” she asks.
Elfric shakes his head, plucking a loose thread from his cowl. “She speaks not of her tribulation. Lady Anwen hasn’t left her castle. Unless a sympathetic soul reaches out to her, she may never recover. She might welcome a visit from you, Lady Tyrell.”
Voices float on the wind, her children waiting in the inner bailey. “Do you try to divert me from my torments with hers, Brother?”
The confessor shrugs, a twinkle in his amber eyes. “Busy hands are the best cure for a broken heart… unless you want to listen to Lord Dudley and Sir Thomas assess the house?”
Aware of their footsteps upstairs, Anne shudders. 
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wildcard47 · 5 years
I set a challenge before you, should you accept it: which GoT houses would the Terror characters belong in?
VALAR DOHAERIS, FRIEND! The night is long and full of Terrors, so here we go:
House Lannister
James Fitzjames
I just don’t see him being a Targaryen sort of bastard, since they were all exiled and JFJ basically waltzed into London with his foster dad like “HELLO I AM ENGLISH, THE MOST ENGLISH” and stuck around till people believed it.
Sir John (Tywin Lannister energy/status, none of the intelligence)
House TyrellGibsonJane Franklin (she has Queen of Thorns energy)James Clark Ross (if anyone is going to mimic Loras Tyrell’s hair/tourney skills but without getting killed, it’s gonna be JCR.)
House Stark 
all moral & honorable, either die way before their time or improbably live to become even more badass
House TullyIf Blanky’s not a Stark, then he married in and was a Tully, I don’t make the rules but a lot of those bastards are too ornery to die and real good at strategy and swordplay
House BaratheonDr. Stanley (he has that Stannis the Mannis pedant energy, you know he corrects everyone’s grammar even if they’re just telling him they have stomachaches)Collins (starts strong, ends badly after some Dark Magic shit hits the fan)Bridgens in a reverse-Onion Knight storyPeglar is probably the actual Baratheon that no one cares about, who Bridgens tutors and adores
House Mormont
because he would be from a solid but not main-tier-level House, also would have a dad who punishes him for Obvious Sins
Great At Fighting, Bad At Emotions
would easily fall in love with hot femmedom queen or hot femme fake aristocrat boy, lbr
probably has a tiny niece back home on the island who tells old men to GET REKD and commands authority on the regular
House Targaryen
Hickey. If that dude found a dragon egg, he’d DRACARYS the shit out of everything and get an empire before too long.
House MartellSophia Cracroft, mainly bc I think she’s not straight-up psychotically vicious enough to be a Lannister, but she’s cunning and independent AF. Could also be a Tyrell, I’m not picky.
House GreyjoyTozerDesVoeux
House Arrynuh I’m gonna say the Hartnells, they tried their best but the Sickness got ‘em
That’s all I got, I know Red Viper deserves better and I’m sure I left a ton of characters out, don’t @ me.
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danmoorhouse · 2 years
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years
In memoriam: Actrices y actores que han fallecido en 2020
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No puede terminar el año sin acordarnos de las numerosas personalidades del cine y la televisión que nos dejaron en 2020:
Olivia de Havilland (1/07/1916 - 26/07/2020)
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Hija de la actriz Lilian Fontaine y de un abogado de patentes, nació en Tokio, pero a los tres años se mudó a California con su madre tras el divorcio de esta. Con una educación muy estricta, tuvo desde niña una pésima relación con su hermana Joan Fontaine, que se agravó en 1941 cuando ambas fueron nominadas al Oscar -ganó Fontaine- y se perdió totalmente con la muerte de su madre en 1975. En los 40, tras su sonada derrota, empezó a exigir a Warner papeles más jugosos y el estudio la sancionó con una suspensión de seis meses, tiempo perdido que quisieron recuperar al acabar su contrato. El asunto acabó en los juzgados con una decisión revolucionaria conocida todavía como la "ley de Havilland", gracias a la cual los actores solo pueden permanecer siete años bajo el mismo contrato. Ganadora del Oscar por To Each His Own (1946) y por The Heiress (1949) y nominada tres veces más por Gone with the Wind (1939), Hold Back the Dawn (1941) y The Snake Pit (1948), tiene varios récords gracias a su edad, como ser la ganadora del Oscar más longeva o la única protagonista de una película ganadora del Oscar en vivir para ver su 80 aniversario. Estaba retirada desde finales de los 80. En 2017 fue nombrada dama del imperio británico, y en el mismo año demandó a Ryan Murphy y a la cadena FX por la incorrecta y difamatoria representación de su figura, sin permiso ni compensación, en la serie Feud, aunque finalmente perdió, prevaleciendo la libertad de expresión de la Primera Enmienda. Con residencia habitual en París desde la década de los 50, falleció allí a los 104 años.
Sean Connery (25/08/1930 - 31/10/2020)
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Nació en Edimburgo, Escocia. Su madre era limpiadora y su padre trabajaba en una fábrica. Fue lechero, camionero, albañil, modelo en una escuela de arte y culturista, e incluso pulió ataúdes. Le echaron de la Marina Real por problemas de salud. Dejó el fútbol a los veintitrés años para ser actor y a los treinta y dos se convirtió en el primer James Bond del cine, papel que interpretaría seis veces más, hasta 1983. Encadenó otros éxitos mientras tanto, como Marnie (1964), Murder on the Orient Express (1974) o Robin and Marian (1976); y después, como Highlander o Der Name der Rose; ganando el Oscar y el Globo de Oro por The Untouchables en 1988. Será recordado también por Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), The Hunt for Red October (1990), The Rock (1996) o Entrapment (1999). Fue elegido el hombre más atractivo del mundo por la revista People en 1989, y ocupó el decimocuarto puesto en la lista de las 100 estrellas más importantes del cine de todos los tiempos para la revista Empire en 1997. Pasaba grandes temporadas en su mansión de Marbella, pero los problemas con Hacienda le obligaron a marcharse a las Bahamas. Fue nombrado caballero del imperio británico y sir en el 2000. Su última película fue The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) y estaba retirado de la vida pública desde 2005. En sus últimos años padecía demencia senil. Falleció en su casa a los 90 años.
Naya Rivera (12/01/1987 - 8/07/2020)
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De ascendencia puertorriqueña, afroamericana y alemana, nació en California. Participó, ya de bebé, en anuncios de televisión, y a los cuatro años interpretó a Hilary en la serie The Royal Family. Tuvo varios papeles episódicos o recurrentes entre los cinco y los veinte años. Hizo una audición para American Idol con la canción 'Emotion', de los Bee Gees, pero la eliminaron en la primera ronda, y estaba a punto de abandonar la interpretación cuando consiguió el papel de Santana en Glee (2009-2015), precisamente con la misma canción. Glee le valió dos premios ALMA a mejor cantante, en 2011 y 2012, sin haber publicado ningún disco y compitiendo contra Shakira, Jennifer López o Christina Aguilera. En 2016, publicó una autobiografía en la que contaba, entre otras cosas, que había sufrido anorexia en la adolescencia y que en 2010 se quedó embarazada del actor Ryan Dorsey, con quien ya había roto, y abortó para centrarse en su carrera. Cuatro años después, se casaron y tuvieron un hijo y un divorcio problemático. Después de Glee, pudimos verla en Devious Maids, disimulando su embarazo para el papel; o en Step Up: High Water, donde iba a tener un rol importante en su tercera temporada. Sufría de vértigos y mareos muy fuertes que controlaba con medicación. Confirmado por el testimonio de su propio hijo Josey, de cuatro años, Naya falleció intentando salvarlo de morir ahogado en el lago Piru, en California. Tenía 33 años.
Chadwick Boseman (29/11/1976 - 28/08/2020)
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Nació en Carolina del Sur. Hijo de una enfermera y un tapicero, era aficionado al baloncesto y al boxeo. En sus años de universidad escribió, dirigió y actuó en tres obras de teatro sobre el hip hop. Se licenció en bellas artes especializándose en la dirección. Una de sus profesoras y mentoras fue la actriz Phylicia Rashad, que ayudó económicamente, junto a varios amigos como Denzel Washington, para que Boseman y otros compañeros pudieran estudiar en Oxford. También aprendió historia africana y afroamericana en Harlem. Tras varios papeles episódicos y alguna serie de corto recorrido, interpretó a Jackie Robinson, el primer jugador de béisbol afroamericano en la MLB, en 42 (2013); al cantante James Brown en Get on Up (2014); o a Thurgood Marshall, el primer afroamericano en la Corte Suprema, en Marshall (2017); pero su éxito mundial llegó con su entrada en la franquicia Avengers. Black Panther fue la primera película de Marvel en recuperar su presupuesto (doscientos millones de dólares) con la venta de entradas del primer fin de semana solamente en Estados Unidos (doscientos dos millones) y es la única película con protagonista negro o con reparto predominantemente negro en superar los mil millones de dólares en taquilla, récord conseguido en tan solo veintiséis días. Llevaba cuatro años padeciendo un cáncer de colon en etapa III. Falleció en el día de conmemoración de Jackie Robinson a los 43 años. Su última película fue Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020). Marvel anunció que ningún otro actor será Black Panther en futuras películas.
Diana Rigg (20/07/1938 - 10/09/2020)
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Hija de un ingeniero ferroviario, vivió en la India desde los dos meses hasta los ocho años. Se inició en el teatro a los diecinueve y se unió a la Royal Shakespeare Company dos años después. Para entonces ya se habría graduado en la RADA de Londres. Entre 1965 y 1968 dio vida a la agente Emma Peel en la serie The Avengers, y fue chica Bond en On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969). A los 33 años debutó en Broadway y, aunque recibió su primera nominación a los Tony, tuvo una crítica tan demoledora del autor John Simon que decidió coleccionar las peores críticas, tanto de ella como de otros compañeros, y publicarlas en un libro en 1982. Protagonizó Theater of Blood (1972), que consideraba su mejor película, o Evil Under the Sun (1982). Fue también la enigmática Christine Vole en la tv movie Witness for the Prosecution (1982). Se graduó honoris causa dos veces: en 1988 en la Universidad de Stirling, en Escocia, donde posteriormente sería canciller entre 1998 y 2008; y en 1992 en la Universidad de Leeds. Por sus servicios como actriz, fue nombrada comandante del Imperio Británico en 1988 y dama en 1994. En ese mismo año consiguió el Tony por protagonizar Medea. En 2003 ganó las demandas a dos periódicos que publicaron que era una mujer amargada que despreciaba a los hombres británicos. Ganadora de un Emmy por interpretar a Mrs. Danvers en la miniserie adaptación de Rebecca (1977), fue nominada ocho veces más, dos de ellas por The Avengers y cuatro por su papel de Lady Ollenna Tyrell en Game of Thrones (2013-2017). Falleció en su casa a los 82 años.
Kirk Douglas (9/12/1916 - 5/02/2020)
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Hijo de inmigrantes de la actual Bielorrusia, nació en una pequeña ciudad del estado de Nueva York. Su nombre real era Issur Danielovitch Demsky. Era buen estudiante y atleta, y se costeó los estudios con la lucha profesional y trabajando como repartidor de periódicos, camarero o botones. Una beca le ayudó a entrar en la American Academy of Dramatic Arts y debutó en Broadway antes de que la Segunda Guerra Mundial le enviara a la Armada. Lauren Bacall, compañera de clase, insistió para que, a sus treinta años, le hicieran su primera prueba para un papel en el cine. Protagonizó ocho películas junto a Burt Lancaster entre 1947 y 1986. Nominado al Oscar por Champion (1949), The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) y Lust for Life (1956), las dos últimas dirigidas por Vincente Minnelli, quizá sea recordado principalmente por Paths of Glory (1957) y Spartacus (1960). En 1963 protagonizó la obra One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, pero ningún estudio quiso llevar a cabo una adaptación cinematográfica. Finalmente, fue su hijo Michael Douglas quien produjo la galardonadísima película de 1975. A partir de 1963 fue embajador de buena voluntad para el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos y en 1964 creó, junto a su segunda esposa, la Fundación Douglas, una organización benéfica que apoya, entre otros proyectos, a un hospital infantil o a una congregación judía conservadora y concede becas a estudiantes desfavorecidos. Recibió la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad en 1981 y el Premio Jefferson en 1983 por sus labores humanitarias. En 1986 le pusieron un marcapasos tras sufrir un colapso en un restaurante, en 1991 sobrevivió a un accidente de helicóptero en el que murieron los otros dos ocupantes y en 1996 tuvo un derrame cerebral que le afectó severamente al habla. Ese mismo año recibió el Oscar honorífico. Hasta 2008 hizo aún cuatro películas más. Murió con 103 años. Dejó la mayoría de su fortuna a su fundación.
Rosa María Sardà (30/07/1941 - 11/06/2020)
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Nacida en Barcelona, era hija de un campesino y de una enfermera. Comenzó con el teatro amateur en su barrio y en 1962 se pasó al profesional. Tras su llegada a la televisión, como actriz y también como presentadora, debutó en el cine con El vicario de Olot (1980). Estuvo nominada al Goya en tres ocasiones, siendo ella misma la presentadora en las tres y aportando un notable aumento de audiencia con respecto a años anteriores -a ella le debemos el humor característico de las galas actuales- y ganó por ¿Por qué lo llaman amor cuando quieren decir sexo? (1993) y Sin vergüenza (2001). Otros trabajos destacados son Moros y cristianos (1987), El efecto mariposa (1995), Actrius (1997), La niña de tus ojos (1999), Todo sobre mi madre (1999), Anita no pierde el tren (2001) o A mi madre le gustan las mujeres (2002). Compaginando hasta el final las labores de presentadora con la actuación e incluso la dirección, tanto en televisión como en teatro, recibió en 2010 la Medalla de Oro de la Academia de Cine y en 2016 el premio Feroz de honor de manos de su hermano, el presentador Xavier Sardá. En 2017 renunció a la Cruz de Sant Jordi que la Generalitat de Catalunya le había concedido en 1994 porque, decía, "dadas las circunstancias" (presumiblemente políticas) no se consideraba merecedora. Iba a recibir el premio homenaje en los Fotogramas de Plata en una gala que se suspendió por la pandemia. Falleció por culpa de un cáncer, enemigo siempre invencible según ella, a los 78 años.
Max von Sydow (10/04/1929 - 8/03/2020)
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Nació en Suecia dentro de una familia de aristócratas. Hijo de una maestra y un etnólogo, su nombre real era Carl Adolf von Sydow. En el instituto formó un club de teatro con sus compañeros de clase, incluida la actriz Yvonne Lombard. Estudió en el Dramaten de Estocolmo, donde también se habían formado Greta Garbo o Ingrid Bergman, y trabajó en los teatros de Norrköping y Malmö después de graduarse, pero para entonces ya había debutado en el cine. Se convirtió en el actor fetiche de Ingmar Bergman, llegando a participar en trece de sus películas, las tres primeras en 1957 y las tres siguientes en 1958. La primera de ellas fue Det sjunde inseglet, donde su personaje juega al ajedrez contra la parca. Dio el salto a Hollywood en 1965 con The Greatest Story Ever Told, y ha dado vida a personajes muy diferentes en The Exorcist (1973), Three Days of the Condor (1975), Flash Gordon (1980), Never Say Never Again (1983), Dune (1984), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Minority Report (2002) o Shutter Island (2010). Es el único actor sueco que ha sido nominado al Oscar, y lo estuvo por Pelle erobreren (1987) y por Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2012). Interpretó al apóstol Pedro en la miniserie Quo Vadis? (1985) y al cuervo de tres ojos en Game of Thrones (2016). Falleció a causa de un infarto en su residencia de la Provenza, en Francia, a los 90 años.
Lucía Bosé (28/01/1931 - 23/03/2020)
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Lucia Borlani Bosè nació en Milán y creció durante el fascismo italiano en una familia de campesinos. Trabajó en la pastelería familiar durante varios años, donde fue descubierta por el director Luchino Visconti. A los dieciséis ganó el concurso de Miss Italia, y comenzó en el cine en 1950. Trabajó para Fellini o para Buñuel, pero sus películas más conocidas podrían ser Le ragazze di Piazza di Spagna (1952), Gli sbandati (1955) y Muerte de un ciclista (1955). En el viaje a España, para grabar la película, conoció al torero Luis Miguel Dominguín, con quien se casó en Las Vegas ese mismo año, y dejó prácticamente aparcada su carrera hasta su divorcio, doce años después. Son los padres del cantante Miguel Bosé, cuyo padrino fue Visconti. En 1976 se estrenaba su serie La señora García se confiesa. En los ochenta dejó de lado el cine y la televisión para centrarse en la poesía, la pintura y lo espiritual. A finales de los 90 se trasladó a Brieva, un pequeñísimo pueblo de Segovia, para alejarse del mundo, y en el 2000 abrió el primer museo del mundo dedicado a los ángeles, por los que sentía fascinación, en Turégano, otro pueblo cercano. A finales de 2019 presentó su biografía en Roma durante la XIV edición de la Fiesta del Cine. Falleció en Brieva por culpa de una neumonía derivada del coronavirus a los 89 años.
Ian Holm (12/09/1931 - 19/06/2020)
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Hijo de una enfermera y un psiquiatra, ambos escoceses y trabajadores de un hospital psiquiátrico de Essex, debutó en el teatro en 1954 con Othello. Participó en representaciones de las obras principales de Shakespeare con la Royal Shakespeare Company y ganó el Tony en 1967 en su debut en Broadway. Desarrolló un pánico escénico severo en 1976 y abandonó el teatro, al que solo regresó tres veces desde entonces, lo que le serviría para ganar el Olivier en 1998 con King Lear. Nominado al Oscar y ganador del BAFTA por Chariots of Fire en 1981, ha participado también en Robin and Marian (1976), Alien (1979), Brazil (1985), Frankenstein (1994) o The Fifth Element (1997). Fue nombrado comandante del Imperio Británico en 1989 y sir, por sus servicios como actor, en 1998. Entre 2001 y 2014, interpretó a Bilbo Baggins en la saga de The Lord of the Rings. Falleció por complicaciones derivadas de la enfermedad de Parkinson a los 88 años.
Otros intérpretes que han fallecido este año:
Terry Jones (1942-2020): Monty Python
Phyllis Somerville (1943-2020): The Big C, Outsiders
Orson Bean (1928-2020): Desperate Housewives, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Carl Reiner (1922-2020): Hot in Cleveland, The Dick Van Dyke Show 
Irrfan Khan (1967-2020): In Treatment
Kelly Preston (1962-2020)
Jerry Stiller (1927-2020): The King of Queens, Seinfeld
Sam Lloyd (1963-2020): Scrubs, Desperate Housewives 
Fred Willard (1933-2020): Modern Family 
Conchata Ferrell (1943-2020): Two and a Half Men
Brian Dennehy (1938-2020): Hap and Leonard, Public Morals
Mary Pat Gleason (1950-2020): Mom, Will & Grace, Desperate Housewives
Mary Begoña (1925-2020): Hostal Royal Manzanares
Logan Williams (2003-2020): The Flash, When Calls the Heart
Lorenzo Brino (1998-2020): 7th Heaven
Eddie Hassell (1990-2020): Devious Maids
Shirley Knight (1936-2020): Desperate Housewives
Anthony Chisholm (1943-2020): Oz
Filipe Duarte (1973-2020): Matadero, Belmonte
Marcos Mundstock (1942-2020)
Montserrat Carulla (1930-2020): Crematorio
Jordi Mestre (1981-2020): Centro médico
Pepe Martín (1932-2020): Géminis, venganza de amor
Stan Kirsch (1968-2020): Highlander
John Karlen (1933-2020): Cagney & Lacey Marsha Kramer (1945-2020): Modern Family
Robert Conrad (1935-2020): Jim West, Hawaiian Eye
Ron McLarty (1947-2020): Spenser: For Hire
Lynn Cohen (1933-2020): Sex and the City
Jason Davis (1984-2020): Recess
Ann E. Tood (1931-2020): The Stu Erwin Show
Kellye Nakahara Wallett (1948-2020): M*A*S*H
Esther Scott (1953-2020): Hart of Dixie
Claudette Nevins (1937-2020): Melrose Place
Roscoe Born (1950-2020): One Life to Live, Santa Barbara
Marj Dusay (1936-2020): The Guiding Light, All My Children
Lyle Waggoner (1935-2020): Wonder Woman, The Carol Burnett Show  Mark Blum (1950-2020): Mozart in the Jungle
John Callahan (1953-2020): Falcon Crest, All My Children
David Schramm (1946-2020): Wings
Shirley Douglas (1934-2020): Wind at My Back
Forrest Compton (1925-2020): The Edge of Night
Tim Brooke-Taylor (1940-2020): The Goodies
B.J. Hogg (1955-2020): The Fall, Give Me Head Peace Michael Keenan (1939-2020): Picket Fences, Dallas Ken Osmond (1943-2020): Still the Beaver
John Patrick Mahon (1938-2020): Studio 60
Marge Redmond (1924-2020): The Flying Nun
Sushant Singh Rajput (1986-2020): Pavitra Rishta
Linda Cristal (1931-2020): Rossé, El gran chaparral
Carme Contreras (1932-2020): El cor de la ciutat
Louis Mahoney (1938-2020): Counterpart
Brandis Kemp (1944-2020): Fridays
John Saxon (1936-2020): Falcon Crest, Dynasty Wilford Brimley (1934-2020): Our House
Richard Herd (1932-2020): Seinfeld
James Drury (1934-2020): The Virginian
Honor Blackman (1925-2020): The Avengers, The Upper Hand
Abby Dalton (1932-2020): Falcon Crest, Hennesey
Marguerite Ray (1931-2020): The Young and the Restless
Victoria Racimo (1950-2020): Falcon Crest
Barbara Windsor (1937-2020): EastEnders, Carry On
Ben Cross (1947-2020): Banshee, Pandora
Manuel Gallardo (1935-2020): Verano azul
Kevin Dobson (1943-2020): Kojak, California
José Antonio Lobato (1956-2020): El Continental, El Ministerio del Tiempo
Nathalie Desselle-Reid (1967-2020): Eve
Takeuchi Yûko (1980-2020): FlashForward, Queen
Archie Lyndhurst (2000-2020): So Awkward
Thomas Jefferson Byrd (1950-2020): She's Gotta Have It
Armelia McQueen (1952-2020): Hart of Dixie, Adventures in Wonderland
Clark Middleton (1957-2020): The Path, The Blacklist
Bobby Ball (1944-2020): Not Goint Out, Mount Pleasant
Bert Belasco (1982-2020): Pitch, I'm Dying Up Here
Dave Prowse (1935-2020)
Jeremy Bulloch (1945-2020)
Jackie Stallone (1921-2020)
Ann Reiking (1949-2020)
Peg Murray (1924-2020)
Rebecca Luker (1961-2020)
Tom Long (1968-2020)
Edd Byrnes (1932-2020)
Harry Hains (1992-2020)
Norma Michaels (1924-2020)
William Bogert (1936-2020)
Jack Kehoe (1934-2020) Joe Shishido (1933-2020)
Dyanne Thorne (1936-2020)
Paula Kelly (1942-2020) Raphaël Coleman (1994-2020)
Nikita Pearl Waligwa (2004-2020)
Ja'net DuBois (1932-2020)
Zoe Caldwell (1933-2020)
Baby Peggy (1918-2020)
Ben Cooper (1933-2020)
Nick Apollo Forte (1938-2020)
Joyce Gordon (1929-2020)
Monique van Vooren (1927-2020)
Jack Burns (1933-2020) Kevin Conway (1942-2020)
R.D. Call (1950-2020)
Nicholas Tucci (1981-2020)
Suzy Delair (1917-2020)
Stuart Whitman (1928-2020)
Nicholas Parsons (1923-2020)
Allen Garfield (1939-2020)
Ken Shimura (1950-2020)
Andrew Jack (1944-2020)
Patricia Bosworth (1933-2020)
Lee Fierro (1929-2020)
Jay Benedict (1951-2020) Dieter Laser (1942-2020)
Hilary Heath (1945-2020)
Timmy Brown (1937-2020) Danny Goldman (1939-2020)
Ranjit Chowdhry (1955-2020)
Tom Lester (1938-2020)
Gene Dynarski (1933-2020)
Dimitri Diatchenko (1968-2020)
Jill Gascoine (1937-2020)
Rishi Kapoor (1952-2020)
John Ericson (1926-2020)
Antonio Bolívar (1945-2020)
Norma Doggett (1925-2020)
Geno Silva (1948-2020)
Michael Piccoli (1925-2020)
Monique Mercure (1930-2020)
Gregory Tyree Boyce (1989-2020)
Jon Whiteley (1945-2020)
Skye Aubrey (1945-2020)
Lee Wallace (1930-2020)
Hagen Mills (1990-2020)
Marisa de Leza (1933-2020)
Claude Brasseur (1936-2020)
Alba Greco (1969-2020)
Anthony James (1942-2020)
Peggy Pope (1929-2020)
Mel Winkler (1941-2020)
Danny Hicks (1951-2020)
Earl Cameron (1917-2020)
Nick Cordero (1978-2020)
Galyn Görg (1964-2020)
Haruma Miura (1990-2020)
Royana Black (1973-2020)
Jacqueline Scott (1931-2020)
Sonia Darrin (1924-2020)
Reni Santoni (1938-2020)
Brent Carver (1951-2020)
Franca Valeri (1920-2020)
Raymond Allen (1929-2020)
Trini López (1937-2020)
Linda Manz (1961-2020)
Mary Hartline (1927-2020)
Lori Nelson (1927-2020)
Allan Rich (1926-2020)
Caesar Cordova (1936-2020)
Marcus Smythe (1950-2020)
Sei Ashina (1983-2020)
Oh In-Hye (1984-2020)
Alien Huang (1983-2020) Michael Lonsdale (1931-2020)
Margaret Nolan (1943-2020)
Rhonda Fleming (1923-2020)
Doreen Montalvo (1963-2020)
Carol Arthur (1935-2020)
Elsa Raven (1929-2020)
Geoffrey Palmer (1927-2020)
John Fraser (1931-2020)
Lawrence Clayton (1956-2020)
Asif Basra (1967-2020)
Lynn Kellogg (1943-2020)
Soumitra Chatterjee (1935-2020) Broselianda Hernández (1964-2020) Kirby Morrow (1973-2020)
Dena Dietrich (1928-2020)
Jery Hewitt (1949-2020)
Daria Nicolodi (1950-2020)
Hugh Keays-Byrne (1947-2020)
Warren Berlinger (1937-2020)
Pamela Tiffin (1942-2020)
Tommy 'Tiny' Lister (1958-2020)
David Lander (1947-2020)
Carol Sutton (1933-2020)
Bob Kaliban (1933-2020)
Ned Wynn (1941-2020)
Luis Gerardo Rivera (1991-2020)
Jorge Navarro (1975-2020)
Félix Casas (1930-2020)
Esteban Yáñez (1984-2020)
Sebastián Athié (1995-2020)
Daniel Alvarado (1949-2020)
En otros ámbitos del mundo audiovisual, también nos tocó despedir a los directores José Luis Cuerda (Amanece que no es poco, La lengua de las mariposas), Kim Ki-duk (Bin-jip, Hwal), Joel Schumacher (The Number 23, Phone Booth), Lynn Shelton (Little Fires Everywhere, GLOW), George Ogilvie (Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome), Alan Parker (Evita, Fame), David Rodríguez (Animal Kingdom, The Chi), Peter H. Hunt (Touched by an Angel), Kelly Asbury (Shrek 2), John Lafia (Child's Play 2), Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, Sachy, Tonie Marshall, Jirí Menzel, Ivan Passer, Alan Metter, Valentina Pedicini, Art Wolff y James Redford; los guionistas William Blinn (Starsky and Hutch, Eight is Enough), Joe Ruby (Scooby Doo, Alvin & the Chipmunks), Ken Spears (Scooby Doo, Alvin & the Chipmunks), Malcolm Marmorstein (Pete's Dragon), Ronald Harwood (The Pianist, Le scaphandre et le papillon), Dana Baratta (Jessica Jones, Dawson's Creek), Buck Henry (Get Smart); Lee Philip Bell (The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful), Jas Waters (This Is Us, Kidding), Silvio Horta (Ugly Betty, P-Valley), Josep María  Benet i Jornet (Amar es para siempre, Ventdelplà), Camila María Concepción (Gentefied, Daybreak), Murray Schisgal (Tootsie), Robert Garland (Tootsie, Le grand bleu), Kit Hood (Degrassi), Gene Reynolds (Lou Grant, M*A*S*H), Earl Pomerantz (The Cosby Show, Cheers), Charlie Hauck (Maude, Home Improvement), Harriet Frank Jr. (Norma Rae, Hud), Stuart Gordon (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids), Kurt Luedtke (Out of Africa), Scott Marshall Smith (Men of Honor), Larry Kramer (The Normal Heart), Roger Beatty (The Carol Burnett Show), Bruce Jay Friedman (Splash), Jeremy Stevens (Coach, Everybody Loves Raymond), Colo Tavernier, Steve Kreinberg, Lewis John Carlino, Bettina Gilois, Richard Fielder, Guy Thomas, Loring Mandel, James S. Henerson y Terrence McNally; los compositores Ennio Morricone, Johnny Mandel, Krzysztof Penderecki, Duane Tatro, Adam Schlesinger, Billy Goldenberg y Bob Cobert; los letristas Herbert Kretzmer (Les Misérables) y Al Kasha (Pete's Dragon); los animadores Ann Sullivan (The Lion King, Pocahontas), Doug Crane (Beavis and Butt-Head, Spider-Man), Tuck Tucker (SpongeBob SquarePants, Rugrats) y Gene Deitch (Obri); los productores William Bernstein (Forrest Gump. Titanic), David Giler (Alien, Tales from the Crypt), Thomas L. Miller (Family Matters, Full House), Fred Silverman (Diagnosis Murder, In the Heat of the Night), Charles Gordon (Die Hard, Hitman), Tom Pollock (Ghostbusters, Road Trip), Edward S. Feldman (The Truman Show, The Jungle Book), Jörn Donner (Fanny och Alexander), Ronald L. Schwary (Medium), Grazia Volpi (Cesare deve morire), Kevin Burns (Lost in Space, Poseidon), Joel Rogosin (The Virginian, Ironside), Roger Berlind (The Book of Mormon, Dear Evan Hansen), Stuart Cornfeld, Jane Milmore, Steve Bing, Dorothea G. Petrie, Gene Corman, Sydney Lotterby, Tony Garnett, Ash Christian, Herbert F. Solow y Larry Rosen; los directores de fotografía Michael Chapman (Taxi Driver, Space Jam), Allen Daviau (Empire of the Sun, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial), Peter Sova (Lucky Number Slevin, The Strangers) y Kent L. Wakeford; el editor Donald Douglas (Murder, She Wrote; The Flintstones); el diseñador de producción Peter Lamont (Titanic, Aliens); los diseñadores de vestuario Bhanu Athaiya (Gandhi) y Robert DeMora (Risky Business); los coreógrafos Marge Champion y Tony Charmoli; el doble de acción Ernie Orsatti; la diseñador gráfico Sandy Dvore; el ilustrador Paul Crifo; la productora de efectos especiales Rebecca Ramsey o los actores de doblaje César Arias y Salvador Vives.
Otros personajes conocidos que han fallecido son los cantantes Luis Eduardo Aute, Pau Donés, Little Richard, Kenny Rogers, Wayne Fontana, Tommy DeVito, Benny Mardones, Flor Silvestre, Jahn Teigen, Chad Stuart, K.T. Oslin, Hal Ketchum, Betty Wright, Annie Ross, Helen Reddy, Peter Green, Johnny Nash, Nikki McKibbin, Billy Joe Shaver, Sam Jayne, Tony Lewis, Bobby Lewis, Jerry Jeff Walker, Spencer Davis, Vera Lynn, Charley Pride, Cady Groves, Rosalind Elias, Bonnie Pointer, Alan Merrill, Jan Howard, Joe Diffie, John Prine, Bill Withers, David Olney, Troy Sneed, India Adams, Emitt Rhodes, Justin Townes Earle, Riley Gale, Bruce Williamson, Ronald Khalis Bell, Brian Howe, Roy Head, Juliette Gréco, Mac Davis, S.P. Balasubrahmanyam, Doug Supernaw y Toots Hibbert; los escritores John le Carré, Mary Higgins Clark, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Luis Sepúlveda, James E. Gunn, Juan Marsé, Elizabeth Wurtzel, Lan O'Kun, Joanna Cole, Charles Webb, Gail Sheehy, Jan Morris y Charles Portis; los historietistas Quino (Mafalda), Albert Uderzo (Astérix) y Fer (Puticlub), los músicos Eddie Van Halen, Hamilton Bohannon, Florian Schneider, Jorge Santana, Leslie West, Pedro Iturralde, Manu Dibango, Tony Rice y McCoy Tyner; el bailarín Tommy Rall; el DJ Erick Morillo; el pintor y esculturista Antonio Otazzo; los comediantes John Sessions, Norm Crosby y Héctor Suárez; el barítono Claude Heater; los presentadores Regis Philbin, Alex Trebek, Caroline Flack y Grant Imahara; el diseñador Kenzō Takada; el periodista Michael Robinson; la jueza Ruth Bader Ginsburg; el político Julio Anguita; la artista Carmen de Mairena; la drag queen Chi Chi DeVayne; los raperos Lil Marlo, Malik B., Mo3, King Von, Lexxi Alijai, Pop Smoke, Saint Dog, John Fletcher y Fred the Godson; el ilusionista James Randi; el jugador de baloncesto Kobe Bryant; los futbolistas Diego Armando Maradona y Paolo Rossi; el jugador de béisbol Phil Niekro; los luchadores James "Kamala" Harris, Stevie Lee (Jackass), Hana Kimura, Pat Patterson y Jon Huber; y la motociclista Sara Lenzi.
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wittypenguin · 5 years
Blade Runner (1982)
This review is based on the 2007 “Final Cut” (which runs 1:57:36 according to the counter on my player), which followed 1992’s “Director’s Cut,” which was a fair bit different from the original 1982 theatrical release, not to mention the CBS network TV debut version of 1986.
Apparently, director Ridley Scott is done with this film now. He would also like you to stop asking if Deckard and / or Rachael are androids.*
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Ridley Scott had a devil of a time getting this thing made, and it must have seemed that, what with all the different versions, once begun he couldn’t stop making it. If I remember how things finally happened, the final money that got this film made came from Sir Run Run Shaw, who is best identified as “crazy rich Asian who needed to sink some money into something as a tax haven.” That last part is mine, and I’m old, so don’t @ me.
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The opening is all real model work. The flares are rotoscoped in, I believe, but this scene is something which we haven’t seen since. Lucas Films was already transitioning to augmentation of models with computer animations, with mixed results, but putting that time and effort into creating the models and then shooting them very slowly overnight was one of James Cameron’s last jobs for someone else before going out on his own as a director. 
The story is set in the future of the early-21st Century, in a town apparently based on Vancouver: there’s a bustling Asian population, tons of neon signs, and a relentless rain. Personally, I don’t see it. 
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The outset is basic noire. Cops, detectives, night, fans and booze in airless offices, cafe operators acting as interpreters, the local police forcing the protagonist to take a case against his wishes, short sentences punctuated by slang and insider jargon all delivered in short bursts nearly overlapping with the other person’s, all the while the plaintive slow notes of a jazz trumpet replaced by the synthesizer of Vangelis.
As in most Micky Spillane novels, we visit one of The Powerful and Rich in their palaces; here they are Dr Eldon Tyrell. People are merely toys for these folk, in this case the toys are replicants. If the replicants do not know they are replicants, Mr Tyrell does not care, for it is only an experiment to him. He is not callous about that, he would say, he is merely practical about his business matters. 
Mr Deckard does some analysis with a photo using his usual method of “Enhance 224 to 176. Enhance. Stop. Move in. Stop. Pull out, track right. Stop.” and learns that all is not what it seems. He’s been told to do something that sounds simple, but involves all sorts of complexities and the Great and the Good. Principles of Right and Wrong and Protecting Yourself are at play here. 
The thing is seductive; the look of it, the soundtrack, the shots which linger on intriguing props or reactions. And there is so much to look at here: all sorts of props and bits of broken machinery, steam escaping from the street, textures in cabinetry and railings, costume details, the ever-present video advertisements; this is how every SF post-apocalyptic world now looks, all because of this film, the same way every war room in a movie looks like the one in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove.
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That said, I’ve never felt it was the incredible masterpiece some purport it to be. It’s well-done, with its spooky creation of neo-noire as a genre, but that’s all I can feel for it. There’s more in the film that’s the sets and art direction, than in the story or performances, and that’s always what I look for. It lacks big questions about humanity and morality, which is a shame. 
* Yes, they totally are, now can you all just pay attention to the movie and what’s in it and stop trying to over-analyze stuff and pretend there’s meanings which aren’t in it, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE…‽
0 notes