#sir ragnvindr
honorary-fool · 8 months
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impulse control is in the negatives right now
(source post)
and second version because I wanted one with Venti in it
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lanternlightss · 4 months
the boy and the whirlpool real
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Something something thoughts about my hc that Venti was overworked before he was carefree. Him wanting to do good by mond & the friends he lost, struggling to help rebuild it while also dealing with grief and suddenly being thrust into godhood and a new form all at once
Unlike most of the gods we know about Venti didn't start off as a deity and had to just. Cope?? He was just a little wind sprite man he was just a lil guy that lost two of his friends ;-; Not to mention the red haired warrior walking out on them after he just ascended
I also hc that he had to learn to deal with human emotions too so everything felt so much worse and more overwhelming because he wasn't used to it. So fueled by guilt and grief he tries so incredibly hard to carry on his friends' legacy and create a mond they'd be proud of. He was so tired and not at all processing his emotions properly.
Gunnhildr supporting him and having to remind him to take breaks
A parallel to the far future when a certain green bard reminds the acting grandmaster to rest,,,
I'm so soft for Venti's relationship with the Gunnhildr clan actually
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just-venti-ng · 1 year
Hello writer!! I saw that you were taking requests for good memories and bad memories of (word). So forgive me because I am feeling angsty but can I get both a good memory and a bad memory for the word secret/secrets? I will leave it to you to make me cry and laugh at the same time 👌☺️ (Just kidding unless you want to 👀). I hope you have a wonderful day and that life treats you well! See ya around 👋!!!
(ah, I missed you, anon! I'm not sure if you'll ever see this since it's been so long, but if you do, I hope you enjoy! It's kind of a long one!)
"It will be our little secret, then."
That's what the bard had said once upon a time under the shade of a stout oak with a finger to his lips, his feet dipped in the water of a nearby pond where he'd often go to leisurely strum his lyre.
It was the boy's favorite spot—the only place he really felt he could escape from it all in this petite little nation, sealed off by the wind.
Every smile he graced his people with was honest; genuine. And yet only here where the fireflies dance and the water reverberates his songs right back at him did his joy truly glimmer.
To think the little spirit was the boy's only witness.
"And once the revolution has ceased and we're all free to go where we've always pleased, we'll share with them this gift at a most extravagant feast!"
Barbatos stares at the feather cupped within his newfound hands, its edges appearing to have been tipped in blood.
How is he meant to show this to them all when the one who wished to see it most is—
"Dead," says a rather gruff voice tinged with disbelief. "You're supposed to be dead."
Barbatos twists around slowly, careful not to lose his balance. It is an odd thing, standing on your own two feet when all you've ever known is how to float.
"Sir Ragnvindr!" He calls cheerfully, putting his arms behind his back and giving a clumsy little bow. "How pleasant to make your acquaintance once more!"
"Inconceivable..." the redhead—Sir Ragnvindr—mutters, his voice a tad thin as it splinters at the ends with barely-contained anger and grief. "Just who are you, anyway?"
"Why, I'm your trusty bard and friend—"
But right as Barbatos takes a necessary breath in order to say his bard's name, he's unkindly interrupted.
"Don't," Sir Ragnvindr snarls. "Don't... say his name." He pauses, his mouth drawn up into a tight frown before he finds the will to speak with the same conviction once more. "I don't know who or what you are, but you certainly aren't him."
Barbatos feels his insides shrivel as those words echo within this new, hollow vessel of his, cutting deep into the skin he's only just donned. He hasn't had time to let it thicken against pointed phrases like this.
I don't know who or what you are...
But as an elemental being born from a single shred of the thousand winds, he supposes he's never needed such a thing as skin before. He certainly can't allow it to hinder him now, even if the melody has been harshly ripped from the song that is his life and left it sounding empty. He as the harmony must rewrite that melody and carry on.
"And why can't I be him?" He asks somewhat coyly, taking an experimental step forward.
"Because he—" At last, Sir Ragnvindr's voice wavers. Wavers and cracks under the weight of watching the most stubborn boy he ever had the displeasure of meeting take his final breath.
"You died," he corrects with a shuddering breath. "I watched it happen with my own two eyes. I etched your final words into my memory, into my heart itself, but I—"
The man clutches at his chest as if to say it should've been me.
"I can't see the world on your behalf," he finishes, the grip on his shirt tightening as if trying to wrench his own heart out of his chest. "N-not... not when you were so young."
You and I both, the spirit silently agrees. You and I both.
With that, Sir Ragnvindr glances around, clearly searching for something familiar. "Wh-where...?" He stutters out, looking around more rapidly by the second. "If you're really him, where is that bumbling pixie that always followed you around, huh?"
First of all, rude.
Second of all...
To think the spirit was that integral to the bard's life that its absence makes those who knew said bard feel incomplete...
It's sweet in the saltiest way, like seawater might taste to a man dying of thirst.
But if that man has never known the difference...
"That spirit," Barbatos starts slowly with a gentle yet sorrowful smile. "Gave its very life so that I might live on. Its power combined with that of the fallen god was enough to resurrect me."
And if Sir Ragnvindr was reluctant for even a moment, it all dissipates into a cloud of fluff whenever Barbatos reveals the feather hidden behind his back.
"It gave me this in its final moments—a surprise it brought for us all whenever we achieved victory at last."
Sir Ragnvindr's face crumples after that as he looks to the clear blue sky with shining red eyes. He closes the distance between them as he pulls the bard into a hug, not knowing it was all a lie from the start.
And the feather slips through Venti's fingers, flying off with the wind like a secret better left untold.
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heedmywarnings · 2 years
I can't get over Diluc's birthday art
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danijaci · 8 months
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Got it siiiurrrr
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hoyoversenews · 7 months
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subscribe to my telegram - t.me/AratakaBattleBeetlesItto o((>ω< ))o
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newbieineverything · 1 year
List of Diluc Ragnvindr headcanons that I don't see a lot but love to death or there's a lot of them and they have been hiding from me
Diluc loves animals and they love him as much.
Diluc needs glasses, that's why he's always glaring in angel's share he's really squinting but doesn't want to wear his glasses around Mond he's already changed a lot and he really doesn't need more people reminding him of that. Only Adelinde, Elzer & Kaeya know and all of them found out by catching him unaware in his office.
The secret network he is part of includes Ayato & Yelan (not saying they know each other just saying it could be the same network they use to get the info they need)
It's not the same one that Kaeya uses bc the one he uses is probably more of a local one and gets the important info through contacts with the bigger international networks it's probably the same network that was established by Kreuzlied (the Lawrence that was in the wanderer troupe and fought with the bell) & Rostam joined.
The Darknight hero was created to do missions for the network not to catch petty thieves, treasure hoarders and hillichurls. I think he carries out missions for the network all around Mond and very little in the City itself, anything done within the city is probably to lessen the burden on Jean & Kaeya when he notices they are more tired than usual or when he's already in the City and bored/wants to hit something.
The Darknight hero's custom is like the webcomic but also puts his hair in a bun, the mask has glasses for his eyes.
Diluc only used normal swords as a knight and started using the Claymore after he left Mond.
Diluc has chronic pain in his left hand from the Delusion, AND some locks of his hair became white and he dyes it red now (his hair started turning at the end of those four years, when being away from his vision and home started to affect him much more after his near death experience)
Continuing from the previous point his return to Mond was to slow the effects of the delusion on him, and because they needed a member of the network to be stationed in Mond for the increased activities of Fatui and Abyss order. He really shouldn't have continued using the delusion when he returned.
Diluc is smart, yes he was naive but I don't think he's an idiot or even still as naive, and to make Kaeya appear smart you really don't need to make Diluc appear dump to prove your point.
Diluc and Kaeya reconciled after the events of the comics but they didn't immediately fix everything and I believe this is what genshin is doing, showing us how they are getting better and better.
Cavalry captain Diluc is so much weaker than Diluc now.
Diluc got his falcon after he left Mond.
Diluc is probably scarred heavily
Diluc knows Beidou, probably travelled with her for a while but didn't meet Kazuha
Diluc is just an insomniac and always tired not angry just tired.
Diluc didn't write Kaeya out of the will, I think the fight ended immediately after Kaeya got his vision which snapped Diluc out of it, I think he took Kaeya to the church and immediately isolated himself in his room. After all if he's away he can't hurt the last person in his family (Yes he mercy killed his father here).
EDIT: just remembered this but Diluc not having his vision affected him, he didn't lose his memory or start hallucinating but his emotional connection to these memories became blurry till it reached the degree of feeling that they are someone else's memories & relationship it started to get better when he returned to Mond but was far from good and started to heal after he got his vision back which is what prompted the RagBros reconciliation and attempts at fixing their relationship.
Probably have more but can't remember them.
Some headcanons not about Diluc specifically:
Diluc didn't really have any friends returning to Mond, but after Venti appeared and his relationship with Kaeya started to get better those three along with Rosaria became close.
Kaeya is the one who started the name the Darknight hero as soon as he knew it was Diluc because he's little brother™
Not all Ragnvindrs become knights, I think the Librarian position was more popular for them at the start of the clan then the responsibility for winery was added but in later generations young men always became knights then retired and took over the winery
Adelinde is more of big sister than a mother to Diluc and Kaeya (Same with Elzer he's more big brother really)
I think Crepus was into some shady business (don't really know how much but it's not betraying Mond more like how & why he got such a unique delusion) that Diluc found evidence for after everything that happened with Kaeya and that it is also part of the reason why he left Mond, because now he has people he knows where to find to answer his questions.
As much as I like theories that Eroch is a Fatui or a segment of the Doctor I really like the idea that he was just a corrupt politician even more, just some guy hungry for power and would do anything for it.
Vennessa & Ragnvindr got together, that's it.
Kaeya isn't suicidal, and I don't think he has a drinking problem more fakes it to get information from the patrons in the tavern and to annoy Diluc when he bartends.
Kaeya doesn't hate grape juice & doesn't like it either but it's his sacred duty as the little brother to act like he hates it, that it's an abomination and argue with Diluc about it to annoy him.
Kaeya didn't take the Ragnvindr name, he's in the will and considered the second master and part of the family but he never took the name.
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ofbardsandmen · 10 months
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diluc with the girls is my favorite genshin genre.
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kodzue-ken · 1 year
I love how most of the birthday mail from the Genshin characters are either just; super sweet, confused on why birthdays matter, acting like birthdays don’t matter, a casual birthday, kinda Silly, feels like they were sent to the wrong person, or a combo of more than one.
But then some are just like….. hey for my birthday let’s go on a Date
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lanternlightss · 2 years
1, 13 and 35 for the genshin ask game perhaps 👀
1. Who did you choose as your traveler?
i chose lumine! i thought she was very pretty :)
13. Favorite enemy?
hmmm…. honestly, anything that venti’s burst can easily pick up is my favorite lmao. slimes are very cute though.
35. A random headcanon.
before the rebellion went into full swing, nameless bard wrote a note leaving all the possessions he had in venti’s care. he was free to do whatever he wanted with them, be it sell them or destroy them.
all this to say: venti has the Original Nameless Bard Cloak™️. the one they buried the bard with was a copy.
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"He was my first friend. He taught me to dream. He taught me the importance of freedom and the courage to fight for it.
He taught me to love.
And when he fell in battle... He taught me loss too."
Venti, about the Nameless bard
"He was the spark that ignited the flame. He was the first to believe in our cause and he was the first to spread the roots of the windblume.
He was the first to willingly leave.
And even then, he continued to spread the seeds of freedom, the winds of change."
Venti, about Sir Ragnvindr
"She was the voice of reason, an older sister. She cared for the people and fought for our right to be free. She risked much despite her position as the Storm's lover.
She taught us the art of the bow. She taught us the art of being brave.
She was the one that ended it all, the one who looked the Storm in the eye before he fell. And she was the one that fell with him."
Venti, about Lady Amos
"She was the last to join our little group, but she was also the last to leave. A quiet but sturdy presence. She went from the newcomer to the constant, always there even when the rest of us had left.
She taught me the strength of bonds and belief.
She was the glue that brought us back together in the end."
Venti, about Knight Gunnhildr
My chat with @lanternlightss got me Feeling things about the Old Mond gang man
They all played such an integral part in shaping how Venti sees the world
And they loved and cared for one another so much g o d
I can't believe the brainrot made me actually write smsmdmkd
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sweetjazzygirl · 2 years
i just learned that Sean Chiplock got suspended on twitter.
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heedmywarnings · 2 years
Diluc doesn't want you to have a bad day
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ananthologyofsouls · 2 years
Of all the times Diluc for you to come home you choose when I am pulling on Ayaka's banner! I did say that if I lost my 50/50 I wouldn't mind it being to you, but I didn't think you would go 'bet' when I said it.
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blueparadis · 1 year
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢  Wearing a bunny outfit was indeed a good idea to attract customers but little did you know, it would attract the attention of the owner of Dawn Winery.
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ bar tender!fem!reader x diluc rangnvindr, explicit smut, piv sex, semi-public, unprotected, cunnilingus, s/d dynamics, soft-dom!diluc, mentioned aftercare. 1,4k word count. | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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“What a pleasant surprise is this” The familiar deep voice puts a cease to your merry humming. You turn around facing none other than the owner of Dawn Winery, Diluc Raghvinder, your master. Has he been waiting here? Alone?  In the dark? 
You try to brush him off by stacking the bottles from the crate one by one, carefully and slowly so as not to break any of them. “I had to get more customers somehow,” your tart reply makes him walk towards the door and press the knob to close it. He is standing right beside the door. If you were to go out of the wine cellar, you have to solely depend on your luck and so far it has not been shining on you lately. 
“I’m not done talking,” He scoops you against his body as his voice echoes in the room. 
“Well, it can wait, can't it, master Diluc? The bar is overflowing with customers by Archon’s grace and I need to be on my way to serve them.”You struggle in his grasp as you speak, trying to get out of his arms that caged you the more you tried to retaliate against his touches. This is not the first time he has been sneaky, actually, he has a history. You have gotten used to it somehow. You would have let him turn the wheel like he usually does but not right now.
“Wait. Wait.” With a low husky voice, a huff in between he speaks again. This time softer, “I— I’m sorry, alright? I shouldn't have snapped at you the other day, when I said you weren't doing your job right enough.” His breath fanned against your ears as he slid his nose all over your upper chest, at the exposed area, and having his arms locked around your stomach was not helping either. 
“Let me go—I've got work to do.” You still protect, try to deflect his soft, slow, and steady touches. It always starts like this but ends up with him sinking his teeth onto your skin, marking you his, reminding you of him wherever you try to go, however far you try to run.
“Don’t,” Diluc muttered, undoing the strings of the first hook. You could feel your boobs relax, chest muscles free of tension and pressure. “You have done enough,” Turning you towards him to face his body, he slipped his fingers along your inner thigh at the lining of your dress playing with it. He must add that the stockings added a great flavor to your dress, not to mention to your alluring aura and how you carried yourself around the elites, guests, regulars, and normal customers but it is a hindrance now. “You have done enough my sweet bunny.” He repeated with a honey-dewed tone before tearing the stockings, running and sliding his hands up and down your thighs. His touches are not gentle anymore. It is rough and intense. 
“Wait— Sir Diluc,” You moan as his tongue travels along the column of your throat followed by his soft lips placing open-mouthed kisses. Diluc does not provide you another chance to talk, to resist rather you are lost in his crimson gaze as he pulls the string at your back undoing most of it, at least to have a good look on your nipples.
“Your nipples are hard.” He exclaims looking at them, insatiably making you push his chest but he is bigger than you, stronger than you. Even if your hands are mobile and free, there is nothing much you can do. It is adorable that you are still resisting. “Tell me bunny, did it turn you on walking around like this among those customers?” He leans towards your face whispering, “Or does the thought of making me hard during work turn you on?” 
Holding both of your palms in one fistful grab he arches his hips against your waist letting you feel his boner. If his hungry gaze did not make you wet while you were serving drinks at the bar, feeling his hard-on sure did. Diluc actually gave you time to answer yet it led to nothing but another disappointment. His patience was running out of time. You were like a rabbit in his trap and he could not just wait to devour you, have his way with you.
“Ya’know it is rude not to answer, especially your master.” He says with a brooding look on his face. His voice is steady, nothing mere of annoyance can be pointed in his way of talking either but the way he keeps his eyes on you tells everything. 
“Sorry. What was that?” Now he is just playing with his food. “Couldn't hear you properly. Come again?” He paused, looking at your hands that rested perfectly on his chest. “Or I should just check it by myself,” Before those words could register in your brain, he swiftly turned you around, pushing you onto the table. 
“Wai-wai-wait-wait” you blabber but it is too late. You could feel his hands over your ass cheeks, caressing roughly and now your red bunny outfit was in tatters. Your face laid hot against the glass of the wooden table as your master crouched down. Taking a good look he exclaimed, “what a pretty little liar.” 
His fingers are now teasing your wet clit, exploring and rubbing them. “What a fat pussy you have,” he says before lapping his tongue from the base to up your buttocks. An elongated groan escaped his mouth along the strain in his trousers growing more and harder to bear. 
“Ahh! Sir Diluc, please . . . more.” A stifling moan finally escaped your lips. Diluc spread apart your pussy lips apart and started to suck and lick alternatively with so much zeal, as if he was given the an opportunity to taste the finest wine in Mondsndat. 
The squelching and sucking noises were getting louder and louder while your body was slowly giving in, submitting to his urges. Your mind might be heavy on how unethical it is to have a physical relationship with your boss, but there is no way your body can deny him now. He has become your need, your saviour.
“Sir Diluc . . . Sir . . .Diluc. . . Diluc.” 
There was no response other than the wet noises that Diluc elucidated with his mouth at service. But seeing you all fidgeting and restless, your arms stretching to reach your clit, legs quivering and growing apart further he finally stood up. Unzipping his pants, springing free his cock out his trousers he grabbed your hips. 
“I’m putting it in,” He said but rather delayed it by smearing the cockhead with your juices. A jolt full of shivers ran through your nerves, skin coating with goosebumps before he pushed his cock to the tip in one full strong stroke. He was not joking when he warned you. Another prolonged groan before Diluc started to snap his hips against yours — deep and rough, calculated and hard; each stroke hit your sweet spot with so much precision that you had to cover your mouth from moaning loudly.
With your shame coagulated at the core of your throat, Diluc rasped, “This is my house. My property.”He hovered above you, kissing your shoulders, and said, “Tell me, darling, who exactly do you fear ?” And a harsh slap landed on your ass eliciting a shrill moan from you. His strokes are getting more erratic now. “Keep those pretty moans coming. Think you can do that for me?” he coaxed as he pulled you up holding you against his body, close to his chest.
“Yes. ’course. Sir Diluc.” You reply with vision blurred, the red bunny outfit layered at your belly button and the bottom part was in ruins. Diluc could not help but be impressed at your obedience. “Good Girl.” he praises “My good girl.” As he grabs your tits before hammering his cock into your hole again, panting and moaning; singing along with you in the same melody. 
Your nostrils could no longer smell the sweet aroma of the wines, rather the smell of sweat mixed with expensive cologne hit your nostrils. With a few longer and broad strokes he cums, and finishes inside you. His hands let go of the harsh hold on to your body but clasp around you with his cock still inside you, as both of you come down from high.
You finally reciprocate his touches as you hold his palms, and interlace your fingers with his. As you kiss his hand, he murmurs, “Didn't know scolding you would make you wear a bunny outfit.”
You tilted your face to see him. With a smirk you reply,“didn’t know wearing red would do the trick.” with a wink.
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