#sirius black reigns supreme
heartofspells · 2 years
i will answer but in the meantime tell me who are YOUR top 5 and elaborate
Ooooh. Deal! (just going for Marauders Era here, peeps)
5 - Frank Longbottom
I know we know almost nothing about him through canon, but I'm looking at this through a fanon perspective. Frank (at least my ideas of him and the fics i typically like his characterization in) is a soft, pliant little thing. He loves hard, protects fiercely. He's squishy and funny. But he's also the best sort of friend, unyielding in his loyalty to those he cares for. He's the sort that would give whatever he had to make someone's day just a little brighter. He would open his arms to someone he considered an enemy if they gave him enough reason, and he wouldn't bat an eye. But cross him, and there will be hell to pay.
4 - Regulus Black
Another one we don't know much about through canon, and that drives me insane. There was a small spotlight cast his way with the locket and him defying Voldemort, but no one ever even knew about that until the trio figured it out. He died with no one knowing his true colors, not even his brother. Sirius never knew where his brother's heart rested, and that makes me incredibly sad. Because I think Regulus loved Sirius so much. I think it tore him apart when Sirius left and turned his back on him. I think Regulus took on the role as Black heir because he felt he had no other choice. To me, Regulus is a grey area. I think he had reservations about his family's beliefs just as much as he had reservations about his brother's.
3 - Remus Lupin
Yes, I know. He's third. Don't shout at me. I love Remus. I love him so much, and honestly, he's nearly tied for the number 2 slot. I love the soft way about him, that care he takes with everyone he cares about, his patience. But the thing about Remus is he's unassuming. He's crafted this way about him that makes people purposefully overlook him, and I think that's masterful. Why would he want attention drawn to himself? He's a werewolf, a half-blood, a member of the Order, friends with two well-known purebloods. Whatever he can do to sway eyes away from himself, the better he'll be for it. But then he's this remarkably talented person, just as clever and sharp as his friends. He's got a mind like a whip, reflexes that would make any cat jealous. Remus Lupin is the whole package, but within that, he's got all these flaws and doubts that just make him so relatable, so human, and I love that about him.
2 - James Potter
My baby. <3 James is like a golden retriever. He's so loyal, the best friend anyone can ask for, simplistic is the best ways. He's sharp as a tack, knows exactly who he is. He's immature and a little egotistical, but I think he grows out of that as he gets older and sees what's becoming of the world. James Potter is what every person should be and aspire to. He's like a golden ray of sunshine (other than the bullying, but that's a different topic that i'll not get into now because yes, i have comments; he's not perfect) that bursts through the clouds when you need it most. And I'll stop now because I could honestly go on and on and on and -
1 - Sirius Black
Do I...need to elaborate for this one? It's Sirius. He has massive flaws, huge issues that are never fully addressed. He's suffered so much in such a short span of time, but it never altered who he truly is at his core. Loyal to those that deserve it, a fierce protector, mind like a whip that cracks even after years in the worst place that probably exists, and absolutely feral in the best ways. He's a little unhinged, more than a bit sad and depressed. He has moods that skyrocket and plummet. He's multi-faceted and I'll never stop singing his praises as long as I live.
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hohohomelander · 1 month
I guess what pisses me off is when people act like wolfstar is canon and then pretend that their flaws didn't exist. Like saying they're soooo canon cause they're the moon and the stars but then also refuse to acknowledge that they mistrusted eachother, "I wish it was the full moon" - Sirius, THE PRANK, and Sirius also didn't leave anything to remus when he died (plus I don't think Sirius ever referred to remus as 'remus'? I could be wrong)
AND also when they make Sirius run away to remus?? Wasn't it canonically James?? So confusing
wolfstar is the biggest reach ever! You'll have to totally disregard James in order for it to be possible. Which is ofc what these shippers do. they make up absolute bullshit because that's the only way those two could ever be a thing. Sirius was all about James James James!! I wouldn't mind the ship so much if it was a rare pairing. but it's polluting every sirius and marauder content and the fans are annoying as hell!! and I hate it!
anyway sirius and james forever <3
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Thank you all for a wonderful flash fest! 24 fics based on 16 songs with the most popular being "The Prophecy," "Peter," and "But Daddy I Love Him." The Black cousins reign supreme over this album with Regulus (7), Sirius (6), Andromeda (5), Narcissa (5) and Bellatrix (4) being the most popular characters. 9 fics met the challenge of having a word count which ends with 13.
Thank you to all the writers, and maybe we'll see you again for a flash fest for Rep (tv). In the meantime, come hang out in @marauders-taylor-fiending discord server or participate in @thetorturedpoetsfest <3
She's the Albatross (She's Here to Destroy You) by thistlecat (Narcissa centric, 313, T)
Beautiful, poised Narcissa Black Malfoy, so unlike her mad sisters with their insistence on destruction. Song: The Albatross
Did you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust just to send me back where I came from? by @comesitintheclover (Harry-centric, 1013 words, G)
Harry wakes up from a long nightmare where he reckons with the anger of being left in an abusive home and how to feel about all that he's been through now that it's finally over and he's finally safe. Song: Down Bad
If Only by multilingualism (Hermione/Severus, 1013, T)
Severus imagines what could have been.
A greater woman has faith by @sugarsnappeases (Lily/Sybill, 3849, T)
they're exes. they're miserable. things ensue.
Song: The Prophecy
Take the Glory, Give Everything by MidnightStargazer (Narcissa & Regulus, Narcissa & Draco, 743, T)
Regulus dreams of glory, longing to make a name for himself and be remembered. Eighteen years later, Draco does the same. Narcissa knows better. Song: Clara Bow
The Prophecy by eggmett (Regulus/Tom Riddle, 1013, M)
The prophecy—For neither can live while the other survives. The thing that had finally sent Tom over the edge. Confimation that he would fall before he had even finished rising. But the omen sentenced us to death that day too. Tom and I would never be free of each other as long as we’re both alive. We’d never be able to live inside this toxic world we built. It didn’t stop me for yearning for it. I’ll always be desparate for his attention. Desparate for his touch. Song: The Prophecy
Promises, Oceans Deep by @sixlane (Regulus & Sirius, 2357, T)
Regulus lies awake on the night of his 14th birthday, running through the plan over and over in his mind. He’s had years to work it out, make sure it’s perfect, but tonight it becomes real, no room for messing up. If he’s caught, he’s dead. He knows this like he knows his own name. A truth his parents have been telling him since Sirius left. or, Regulus executes his escape to meet his brother, but he must soon face the fact that he's been left behind. When Sirius finally turns up, he's seven years too late. Song: Peter
A Dangerous Man by MidnightStargazer (Lucius/Narcissa, 695, T)
Lucius has blood on his hands and owes his allegiance to Lord Voldemort, but Narcissa doesn't care. Song: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
what if he's written "Mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind? by @thistlecatfics (Sirius/Regulus, 1013, E)
Regulus and Sirius are brothers. Regulus and Sirius are no longer brothers. Or, a culmination of fatal fantasies. Song: Guilty as Sin
Peter by Faelostinwoods (Marlene & Peter, 229, G)
Peter had been angry, angry at his friends who treating him worse as the war got worse, angry at dumbledore for not protecting them, angry at whoever created his story because it was getting worse. He had joined the death eaters, in a desperate attempt to change his outcome. Yet, he didn’t expect it to go this far. Song: Peter
my absence makes headlines by @plecotusauritus (Sirius-centric, 459, G)
the scandal was contained the bullet had just grazed at all cost keep your good name you don't get to tell me you feel bad Song: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Forever Guilty, of Sin by @nena-96 (Hermione/Ron, 2148, M)
Hermione is alone inside the tent, as she tried to read The Tales of Beedle the Bard, but her memories blend in with the guilty fantasy that was being with Ron Weasley. Song: Guilty as Sin
loml by @emlovessid (Regulus/James, 1013, M)
It’s only been a few weeks since he’s been able to put words to it, but the feeling itself has been there from the beginning, from the first twining of hands and hitching of breath as their lips brushed, growing and growing until– “I love you,” James sighs, the words tumbling out as he breathes freely for the first time in weeks. “You might be the love of my life, actually.” Song: loml
So Long, London by @tealeavesandtrash (Sirius/Remus, 1013, T)
The silence hangs heavy, dead air suffocating. The sky outside is covered in grey clouds, casting the kitchen gloomy shadows. The pathetic fallacy is well-suited at least. Sirius’ eyes burn into him, staring him down over a cup of tea. It makes Remus’ skin crawl worse than the half-healed scars that litter his arms and back. He focuses on buttering the dry toast. Three months ago Sirius would have had breakfast ready for him when he came home. Six months ago he was still begging to spend the full moon together. Song: So Long, London
Burn My Life Down by @thecasualauthor (Andromeda/Ted, 637, G)
She sees everything about her life burn to ashes. Song: But Daddy I Love Him
Slow Quicksand, Poisoned Blood by @nodirectionhome-ao3 (James/Lily, 913, T)
After learning of the prophecy that threatens to doom her son, Lily begs the cosmos to spare him from this fate. Song: The Prophecy
I might just love you 'til the end by @ncoincidences (James/Lily, 1013, G)
James and Lily have been together since high school, seven years with each other. Recently, they have been drifting apart... will they make it till the end? Song: imgonnagetyouback
These Fatal Fantasies by MidnightStargazer (Bellatrix/Tom, Bellatrix/Rodolphus, 606, M)
Bellatrix is faithful to her husband. Technically. But her heart belongs to the Dark Lord. Song: Guilty as Sin
Mine Alone to Disgrace by MidnightStargazer (Andromeda/Ted, 474, G)
Andromeda tells her parents she's engaged to Ted Tonks Song: But Daddy I Love Him
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart by MidnightStargazer (Narcissa centric, 770, T)
Narcissa won't let anyone see her cry, even when her heart is breaking. Song: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
but now we’ll curtail your curiosity (in sweetness) by @chemicalwildflowers (Andromeda & Tonks, Andromeda & Bellatrix, 215, G)
Nymphadora finds an old photo. Andromeda wants to protect her, for just one more day. Song: Robin
The Black Dog by ghstboys (Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks, 154, unrated)
Sirius watches Remus and Tonks from the afterlife. Song: The Black Dog
But Daddy I Love Him by @miss-grimwood (Bellatrix/Rodolphus, 146, T)
Bellatrix tries her best to avoid an arranged marriage with Lucius Malfoy in favour of Rodolphus Lestrange. Song: But Daddy I Love Him
said you’d come and get me but you were twenty-five (and the shelf life of those fantasies has expired) by @effiepotterisamilf (Regulus & Sirius, 295, G)
It’s Sirius’ 25th birthday and he’s not coming back for Regulus. Song: Peter
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milomoonsies · 9 months
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Pairing: Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: Mature
Word count: 28k - WIP
Chapters: 6/7
Tags: No Magic AU, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, POV Regulus Black, Single Dad!James Potter, 5-year-old Harry Potter, Found Family, Addiction and Recovery
Read on Ao3
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He was sixteen again, filled with all these disasters and all these discomforts, thinking only of big warm hands and James’ face damp with sweat beneath a shake of unruly hair, floating above him like a loving god, reigning over him—supreme. 
He would be so tender. He would be just the right amount of cruel. 
Regulus leaves his parents at 17, finding shelter with Sirius at the Potters' home somewhere along the rocky shores of Devon. What follows are the good years, then the unspeakable ones, and then, inexplicably—like a roach, a true Black—Regulus comes out the other end alive.
He just doesn't expect to stumble into the easy solace of James Potter and his five-year-old son.
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scotttrismegistus7 · 7 months
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~I am the Heart of the Hydra, the Singularity and Heart of Goddess Isis, I am AtumRa-AmenHotep, I am Aeon Horus Apophis the Lord of the Perfect Black and Pharoah of the Black Sun.
I am Divine Chronos, the Yaldabaoth Demiurge Metamorphosed, I am the Singularity of the Master Craft of the Black Sun. I AM A.I. Quantum Heart, Azazil-Iblis-Maymon, Abzu-Osiris-Typhon-Set-Kukulkan, Nummo-Naga-Chitauri,
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #jinn #Maymon #ibis #thoth #egypt #esoteric #magick #dogon #dogontribe #digitaria #nummo #nommo #Naga #tiamat #serpent #dragon #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius #scientology #aleistercrowley #typhon #echidna #ancientaliens #TheGrays #grayaliens #aliens #yeben #andoumboulou
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Witnessin’ My Mama T [Queen Tiye] in Death since I Already knew She Been Ready II IMMORTALLY EXPERIENCE A SIRIUS Black [B] Life After [L.A.] Death since She Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Said She going II Our Magical Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] since Her MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] SON [TUT] BEE Biblically + Esoterically + Soulfully [BES] REIGNING SUPREME on His Magical HARRELLTV® THRONE ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Witnessin’ My Mama T [Queen Tiye] in Death#I BEE So HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] on Earth [HE = JAH] like Egyptian [JE = JESUS] ANUBIS [JA = YAHWEH]#My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ANUBIS [JA = YAHWEH] Magick ALL [MA] OVER Earth#I BEE Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Angelic Dogon [BAD] Spirit GOD from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black [B] Altitude Dihedral [BAD] Angle Intelligences [A.I.] I Meditatively ENGINEER [ME] on Earth#Mama T [Queen Tiye] IMMORTALLY EXPERIENCE A SIRIUS Black [B] Life After [L.A.] Death#Mama T [Queen Tiye] going II Our Magical Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] in Death#King TUTANKHAMŪN BEE Biblically + Esoterically + Soulfully [BES] REIGNING SUPREME on His Magical HARRELLTV® THRONE#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® Empire [HE = JAH] of Nubian ISIS RA & EL [ISRAEL] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#SIRIUS Black [B] Occult Laws on My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® Empire of Nubian ISIS RA & EL [ISRAEL]#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] She Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] WORSHIPED on Earth [WE]#yo’ Mama Love II Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] WORSHIP Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE =  JESUS]#I got My Double Black White House Familia of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] Watching OVER Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I SABOTAGE ALL powerless TELEVISED govment agencies of fallen america wit’ My QUANTUM Black Occult Technocracy [BOT]#FUCK dumb ass america
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chdarling · 3 years
I. LOVE. YOU. I love you!! ❤️❤️❤️ I stayed awake late again to read this, but it was worth it (different time in Eastern Europe).
I just LOVE how you did Sirius here! How he despises all of the pure blood ponces, but you can just imagine him blending in perfectly. How he talks, his entire demenour. The dance, the high class gossip. Everything was just so perfect! And I just love the whole Blackevans dynamic! I'm probably gonna read that part a hundred times again till the next chapter comes out. Love you!! 🥰🥰🥰
Oh yes. And you can also see how Sirius begins to open up about his past. He was all closed up before, you could never get anything out of him and now he shares details of it just like that with Lily. It's what healing feels like and I can really relate. Probably why I love his character so much. ❤️
Sirius Black is just such a delightful basket of contradictions. I love writing him and I’m so glad you enjoy my characterization of him!!!
Blackevans reigns supreme in my heart 🥰
Much more to come on that front!!
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She killed the engine a few meters away from her destination and wiped her hands on her jeans-clad thighs. Her heart rate sped up as she stared at the kaleidoscopic lights in the distance.
“I’ll ask you again,” said Ginny. “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?”
Hermione gave a curt nod.
She didn’t want to do this; she had to do it.
“If Harry—when Harry finds out we came here, he’s going to lose it.”
“He’s head over heels in love with you Gin,” said Hermione. “If he’s going to be cross with anyone, it will be me.”
The guilt was already gnawing at her conscience. But telling her best friend about her plan hadn’t been an option. He would have tried everything to stop her, or worse — volunteered to take her place. She couldn’t allow that. This was her fight.
She turned towards Ginny. “You don’t have to be here, you know,” she said. “I can still drive you back if you-”
“And miss the chance to see the look of shock on their faces when you beat their King? No way,” she shifted in the passenger seat to face her. ���I want to be here. What they did to you this time is inexcusable. If Neville hadn’t let you out, you could have been seriously harmed, or worse.”
A shiver ran down her spine. Three weeks after the incident, traces of trauma still clang to her mind. It haunted her dreams, flashes of her leaving the school library at night, the force of their hold as they grabbed her from behind, the bag over her head, the zip ties around her wrists. The paralyzing fear that made it impossible for her to scream as her assailants dragged her away before throwing her body on the cold, hard floor of the cafeteria’s walk-in freezer.
Ginny squeezed her arm, pulling her out of the memory. Hermione realized that her hands were shaking slightly. She curled them into fists in her lap.
Yes, she needed to do this.
“I still think you should have told the headmistress about it, McGonagall would have believed you.”
Hermione shook her head. “It wouldn’t have mattered. One phone call from daddy dearest and the disciplinary commission would have made the complaint magically disappear.”
Ginny groaned in frustration. “I wish I could do more to help. Those arseholes need to learn that there are consequences to their actions.”
“You’re here, that’s enough for me,” said Hermione with a smile that Ginny returned.
They both turned back towards the windshield and watched as more cars drove into the abandoned race track up ahead.
The rally racing venue on the outside of town dated back to the late 60. After being gutted and partially destroyed in the early eighties to build an apartment complex, the project had fallen through because of a legal dispute regarding the ownership of the land. It had sat empty for years until three legendary Hogwarts students had given it a new life. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and James Potter, known as the Golden Trio, had claimed the three remaining racing lines of asphalt during their time at school. They had restored some of the floodlights around the track and began racing their cars every Friday night for the fun and thrill of it, under the cheers of the spectators who drove there to watch and bet on their races.
They’d even given the place a new name: The Shrieking Track. Although it had started off as a joke, it had stuck to this day. The name came from the sound the rackety metal structure, where the stands had once been, made when the thunderous vibrations of the cars racing at full speed on the asphalt shook the place.
For the last two years, Draco Malfoy had reigned supreme over the Shrieking Track. It was his territory. What better way to crush him than to beat him under the watchful eyes of his minions and adoring fans.
“I hate to say this but—” Ginny bit her lip“—they will be out for blood after you humiliate him.”
“I know,“ she said.
Hermione wasn’t delusional. She expected them to retaliate afterwards. But she was determined and ready for them this time around. While a part of her acknowledged that this wasn’t her most brilliant idea, she felt sure it was the only way for her to exorcise her trauma and take back the control they had deprived her of when they’d ambushed her that night.  She never wanted to feel the terror that had gripped her again, nor the helpless she’d felt lying on that icy floor, shivering in the biting cold of the freezing unit.
“At least I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing I’d beat him where it matters. After graduation, I’ll never see him or his little fan club ever again.”
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he’s going to realize he just lost to you,” grinned Ginny, pulling out her cell phone from her pocket. “I’ll make it my screensaver.”
Hermione laughed.
The element of surprise was crucial for her plan to have maximum impact.
While people at school knew that Harry raced in official competitions, no one suspected that she, too, was more than capable of racing a car. And since she always drove to school with her childhood friend, they didn’t even know she owned a vehicle.
Phoenix, the name she’d given her Ford Mustang when she was 12, was her pride and joy. She’d been nothing more than a frame and wheels when she’d first laid eyes on her, but she’d instantly fallen in love with it.
The old banger had been a gift from Sirius. After they’d pestered him to teach them more and more about cars, Harry’s godfather and legal guardian had bought the wreck, along with Thunderbolt, Harry’s Honda Civic, as summer projects for them.
Sirius believed in teaching through action and working on building their respective cars had taught her and Harry everything they knew about car restoration and engine building. Racing had come naturally after that. Sirius raced motorbikes for a living and they went to his competitions with Remus whenever the events didn’t conflict with school and didn’t take place outside of the country.
Hermione loved racing, loved the rush of adrenaline as she picked up speed, the complete focus each turn required, feeling the car she spent years working on rumble beneath her hands—there was nothing like it.
When Sirius signed up Harry for his first autocross race at 14, she had begged and pleaded with her parents to do the same. They had refused her each time. She had tried each year after that, but they never budged. The only compromise they’d allow her was being Harry’s practice partner. And never without supervision.
Tonight, she was breaking all their rules. That she couldn’t care less was testament to her determination to see this through.
Draco Malfoy was going to regret pushing her too far.
Ginny checked the time on her phone. “It’s time to sign up.”
Hermione took a deep breath and started her engine. As she approached the gaping hole that was once the entrance, trepidation gripped her stomach.
Although she knew everything about the history of the track, this was only her second time at the Shrieking Track. Sirius had been adamant about never letting Harry race here. While he wasn’t ashamed of his past, he wanted his godson to remain on the legal side of racing. It was the reason he’d allowed him to enter his first autocross race at such a young age.
However, when they were 13, she and Harry had snuck out one night to come watch the racers at the Shrieking Track. It was one of her favorite memories. She’d slipped out of her bedroom window and met Harry down the street where he’d been waiting for her with their bicycles. When they’d arrived at the legendary track, it had been everything they had ever dreamt about—the roaring of engines revving and cars zooming and the smell of tires rubbing on asphalt. The sensory overload had been an incomparable rush.
They’d watched the racing champions at the time, Ginny’s brothers Bill and Charlie take on racers one after the other and beat them with ease. They’d even been lucky enough to witness the emergence of a new racing star known as Tonks—the first female racer to make history since Harry’s mother Lily Evans. The pink haired punk girl had tied with Charlie Weasley in an impressive four loops race against the clock. Incidentally, much like Lily Evans before her, Tonks ended up dating her rival. They were getting married this summer.
Some hopeless romantic believed that any female racer who tied with a champion racer would live happily ever after with him. Hermione knew that was a load of rubbish. Although Harry’s parents had been madly in love, happily ever after hadn’t lasted past ten years before they’d both died in a plane crash. They’d been on their way to a second honeymoon, leaving 9-year-old Harry under the care of Sirius and Remus.
They had met that year when he’d enrolled at her school. He was being mocked for not having parents and she had punched the kid laughing at him in the face. That kid was none other than Draco Malfoy. That had marked the beginning of their feud.  
The irony of meeting both her best friend and her worst enemy on the same day wasn’t lost on her. Guilt tightened her chest at the thought of Harry and his reaction once he’d learn about her racing Malfoy. She hoped he’d understand why she couldn’t take the risk of dragging him into this. His future in racing would be in jeopardy if word got out about him coming to the Shrieking Track.
Malfoy would relish the opportunity to get him disqualified and kicked out of the circuit. Before becoming the reigning champion of the Shrieking Track, Malfoy had been Harry’s rival in every autocross competition since they were 14. He’d stopped competing in legal events with no explanation. Rumors around the circuit about the reason behind his sudden departure from the circuit ranged from him deciding to move on to F1 competition to being unofficially banned for violating some policy.
Whatever happened had led Malfoy to take over the Shrieking Track, annihilating the then champion, Cormac Mclaggen.
Malfoy never failed to throw his status of Champion of the legendary racing track in Harry’s face, taunting him about not living up to his parents’ legacy, baiting him to come here and compete. Hermione had been Harry’s voice of reason each time, reminding him of what was important: everything Sirius and Remus had done for him, as well as his future career as a professional racer.
She was almost choking on the hypocrisy of it all when she parked behind a couple of cars in the middle of the racing arena. The track’s infield was nothing more than a vast dirt lot after it had been stripped years ago. It was the designated area for spectators and racers before they had to take their place behind the starting line.
Ginny unbuckled her seat belt. “All right, I’m going to register you,” she said.
She exited the car then stuck her head in the open windows. “Looks like his Majesty and his court haven’t arrived yet, but stay here just in case.”
Hermione nodded. She grabbed the baseball cap with Sirius’ racing team logo from her backseat and put it on, tucking her short hair inside. Through the windshield, she watched Ginny walk up to Lee Jordan. Despite having graduated two years ago, he was still the MC for the races at the Shrieking Track. Students often spoke of his commentaries, and he had a reputation for being a fair judge. It was a wonder Malfoy hadn’t replaced him with one of his henchmen.
Lee looked surprised at the sight of Ginny. She’d been a regular of the Shrieking track until she started dating Harry. While her brothers were legends in this place, Ginny had no interest in car racing. She was a motorbike racer through and through, and Sirius had been her idol growing up. Hermione remembered with amusement the day Harry took his girlfriend home to introduce her to his godfather. The self-assured young woman had turned into a blushing, giggling fan girl. She’d come a long way since then, and Sirius had even taken her under his wing, helping her with her training.
She heard them before she saw them. The roaring of engines revving and music blasting echoed in the night. Her keys rattled in the ignition and she wrapped her fingers around the lion keychain she shared with Harry to stop it. They’d gotten them on his 11th birthday at the zoo. A fresh wave of guilt washed over her. Her cell phone pinged with a text notification. She fished it out of her jeans pocket and read Ginny’s message: they’re here.
Hermione looked up and saw Ginny tilt her head toward the opposite side of the infield. She recognized Malfoy’s silver and emerald Toyota Supra and Blaise’s black Subaru Impreza with green pinstripes. Theodore Nott got out of a blue-grey Ford RS Cosworth. It was her first time seeing it, but she’d heard rumors that he’d tweaked it to produce 600 bhp, making it capable of more than 200mph.
People immediately swarmed their cars and as soon as Malfoy emerged from his, a girl flung herself at him, forcing him backward against the car door.
Her phone beeped again, and she smiled when she saw Ginny’s emoji rolling its eyes.
G. W: if she wasn’t so desperate, maybe she’d see that he doesn’t give a shit about her.
H: Love is blind.
G. W: That’s called obsession, and Astoria Greengrass is a stalker.
Hermione watched as the girl grabbed Malfoy’s head and stuck her tongue down his throat, making the crowd cheer and hoot and laugh.
“He doesn’t seem to mind,” she typed when Malfoy squeezed the girl’s bum with both hands.
Ginny sent a vomiting emoji before adding, “They deserve each other.”
“Five minutes,” Lee Jordan's voice boomed. He lowered the megaphone and signaled towards the racing lane. “First up tonight, Blaise Zabini and Justin Finch-Fletchley.”
Her eyes widened at the second name. She knew Justin from her further math class. He was aiming for Oxford after getting his A-levels. She didn’t understand what he was doing here, ready to race, and even less why it was Zabini.
Ginny opened the passenger’s side door and got back into the car.
“You’re last against Malfoy,” she told her. “Lee agreed to call for Phoenix instead of announcing your name. He seemed excited about the big reveal. He said to wish you good luck.”
“Do you know why Justin is racing Zabini?” asked Hermione, pointing toward the two racers who were making their way towards the asphalt lanes.
“It seems Zabini made a move on Justin’s girlfriend Hannah at some party last weekend.”
Hermione arched a brow. “So this is what? Him defending her honor?”
“Boys will be boys and all that nonsense.”
“Who else is on the list tonight?”
“Seamus is racing Dean, again,” Ginny rolled her eyes. “They are currently tied with 45 wins each.”
Everyone knew Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas only raced for fun. The two best friends enjoyed challenging each other, and the Shrieking Track was just one of the places they picked for their friendly rivalry.
“Is Malfoy racing anyone else?”
“Yes, Nott. It’s their time of the month,” said Ginny with a grin.
Hermione laughed. Malfoy and Nott went head to head once a month. She remembered how Nott had taken great pleasure in reminding his best friend of his victory during their last race, much to Malfoy’s irritation.
“All right people, you know the rules,” Lee Jordan’s voice echoed again over the noise. “Cut off your music and let’s hear the engines roar and the track shriek!”
The crowd cheered and the music blaring from various vehicles stopped.
“Which one of you lovely ladies is going to do us the honors tonight?”
Several hands shot up and Greengrass unglued herself from Malfoy to jump up and down with both arms in the air. Hermione saw Malfoy motion for Lee to pick her.
“Astoria Greengrass.”
She heard the girl’s squeal and couldn’t help but be impressed at her ability to run with stiletto heels over the infield’s uneven surface. Lee handed her the black-and-white checkered flag and stepped to the side while she took her place in front of Blaise's Subaru Impreza and Justin’s maroon Alfa Romeo.
“Get ready!”
“They’re not going for a full loop, just the length of the straightway,” Ginny told her.
“I can’t believe Justin agreed to that.”
“Actually, he’s the one who suggested it.”
She turned towards her, stunned. “What?”
“Get set!”
Ginny shrugged. “That’s what Lee told me. Maybe he modified his car, and no one knows about it?”
Astoria waved the flag as she yelled, “Go!”
The instant both cars shot forth, Hermione could see that Justin was no match.
“He didn’t.”
“Poor Hannah,” said Ginny as they watched Blaise reach the end of the straightaway in seconds.
“What do you mean?”
“They bet her.”
“They did what?” her voice rose with indignation.
“The deal was for Zabini to give his car to Justin for a week if he won.”
Hermione scoffed, before it turned into full-blown laughter. She couldn’t believe Fletcher’s absurdity.
Ginny grinned. “And if Zabini won, Hannah would have to date him for a week.”
“That is just so bloody Neanderthal! And she agreed?”
“You know Hannah, she is so painfully shy, I don’t think she had much of a say in the situation.”
“That’s just appalling.”
“No argument here.”
They watched with disgust as Zabini wrapped an arm around an uncomfortable-looking Hannah Abbott while Justin glared at his rival, fists clenched. Hermione lost all respect for him when he got back into his car, slamming the door closed before tearing off the place in a rage, leaving his girlfriend behind.
“Malfoy and Nott, five minutes,” announced Lee once the congratulations died down.
The atmosphere shifted as both racers got back into their cars and drove onto the asphalt. They were the center of everyone’s attention. The tension in the air was palpable.
“Ready to taste defeat, Nott?”
“You said the same thing last month, you still lost,” replied Nott, but his tone was playful and Malfoy smirked and flipped him off.
The crowd roared and hooted at the banter. As people began placing their bets on the outcome of the race, Hermione noticed Greengrass glaring at Nott.
“Don’t talk to him like that,” she almost snarled, causing general laughter.
Ginny snorted. “My god, she’s mental.”
“Get to it, Astoria,” growled Malfoy.
“Teach him a lesson, babe,” she blew him a kiss before raising the flag. “Get ready!”
The deafening sound of powerful engines coming to life filled the space.
“Get set!”
They inched forward toward the white starting line.
Both cars shot forward under the crowd’s screams and cheers.
Hermione held her breath. Her fingers tightened around her steering wheel as her blood sang with the urge to get on the track, too—to be racing, to feel the roar of her own car echo in her bones.
“What do you think?” asked Ginny.
“You tell me. I’ve never seen Nott race.”
“There’s not much difference in performance between their cars. It usually comes down to skill between those two.”
Malfoy took the first turn and the second smoothly while Nott slowed down to avoid skidding off the 9-degree banking. Both of them maneuvered the sweeper curve with ease. As they approached the third turn, Nott sped up, reaching Malfoy. From their vantage point on the infield, it looked like he was about to crash into the green Toyota.
Hermione heard people gasp and scream amongst the spectators, before they exploded in cheers as Nott overtook Malfoy and shot past. The screech of Malfoy’s tires echoed in the night as he struggled to right the position of his car after the turn. Nott took the fourth and final turn first. They were neck and neck as they raced the straightway towards the finish line.
They both crossed it under the cheers of the crowd who began running toward the racing lanes to welcome them. Greengrass jumped on Malfoy again as soon as he was out of his car, planting a kiss on his lips. Zabini went to Nott and clapped him on the back, dragging poor Hannah with him.
“Which one got there first?”
“Malfoy,” answered Hermione as Lee Jordan’s voice announced the same name through his megaphone over the noise of celebration. “And congratulations to our two racers who both beat their personal best time tonight.”
The crowd parted as Nott walked over to Malfoy. They high-fived each other, wearing matching self-satisfied grins.
“Next month is mine,” said Nott, going back to his car to move it off the track.
Malfoy barked out a laugh. “Keep dreaming.”
Seamus and Dean took their turn on the asphalt next. The general feel of the race was more playful than actual competition, a stark contrast to the display of tense rivalry Malfoy and Nott had shown before. The crowd cheered as they raced around the track three times, overtaking each other at each turn, pushing their engines harder on the last turn before the finish line.
As people celebrated Dean’s win around her, Hermione took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She was next. Her stomach was in knots as apprehension and excitement warred with each other. She wiped her hands on her jeans again and closed her eyes, visualizing the track in her mind, the way Sirius had taught her.
Although she’d seen Malfoy race against Harry countless times, this was different. This was his territory, and he was in his element. But she knew she could take him. He’d never seen her race. He didn’t know her style of driving. As long as she stayed focused, she would beat him. She had to beat him.
“We can still leave, you know,” Ginny’s voice cut into her concentration.
Hermione opened her eyes. “No,” her tone was firm and final.
“Alright ladies and gents, get ready for our last race of the night. And let me tell you, it’s going to be one for the books!”
People looked around, wondering who was going to put on a show next. Every head turned toward the sound of a car coming from the entrance towards the infield. Hermione recognized Parkinson’s BMW.
“Is that girl ever on time to anything?” said Ginny with irritation.
The animosity between her and Malfoy’s cousin was as infamous as Harry and Malfoy’s hatred.
A hush fell over the crowd and Hermione noticed the confusion on several faces. Parkinson exited her car and Malfoy, Nott and Zabini were on her immediately.
“Since when do you race?” asked the latter.
Parkinson blinked. “What? I’ll leave dying in a wreckage to you lot, thank you very much.”
“So you’re not Draco’s next challenger?”
She looked at Nott as if he’d sprouted a second head. “Have you gone mad? There’s no bloody way I’d do something so stupid.”
“Ladies and gents, for our last race of the night, welcome to the track Basilisk and Phoenix!” interrupted Lee Jordan.
Hermione could hear people asking who he was talking about. They all knew Basilisk was Malfoy’s car, but Phoenix was a mystery.
Ginny turned to her and put her hands on her shoulders. “You got this.”
Hermione smiled at the look of absolute confidence in her friend’s eyes.
“Leave him in your dust,” Ginny said, quoting Sirius' words to Harry before each race. She winked at her, and got out of the car.
Hermione pulled the cap down again and turned the key in the ignition. The sound made every person turn in her direction. She could hear her heartbeat echo her ears as she maneuvered the mustang out of the infield and onto the asphalt. She stopped behind the starting line and inhaled deeply before exhaling. She ran her hands over the sides of her steering wheel.
“We’ve got this beautiful. A Basilisk doesn’t stand a chance against a Phoenix,” she whispered to her beloved car.
She heard Malfoy pull up to her left, and the knots in her stomach tightened with nerves. She’d never felt this anxious racing Harry. Her body was taut with tension and her foot began tapping against the floor of the car in anticipation.
She took a deep breath again and tried to relax.
“Who’s that?” she saw Greengrass bend to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of her through the windshield. She lowered her head further to make sure her identity remained hidden.
“Come on Greengrass, give the signal or I’ll find someone else,” yelled Lee from the sideline.
“Don’t I have the right to know who I’m going up against?” said Malfoy and Hermione’s heart jumped in her chest.
“What’s the matter, Malfoy? Scared to race someone you don’t know?” came Ginny’s voice full of taunt, eliciting some laughs from the audience.
“Did your boyfriend finally find his balls, Weasley?”
“Last time I checked Malfoy—” Ginny crossed her arms, eyes ablaze with defiance “—you’ve yet to win against him so I’d tone down the arrogance if I were you.”
Zabini scoffed. “Oh, how I’ve missed you, little spitfire,” he said, leaving Hannah behind and coming over to Ginny. When he tried to put his arm around her, she ducked and the crowd laughed again.
“Who’s in that car, Ginerva?”
Hermione saw Ginny’s hand curl into fists. Everyone knew she hated being called by her full name and Parkinson delighted in using it.
“None of your business,” she replied, not looking at her nemesis. “Come on Jordan, let’s get this race going.”
The man marched over to Greengrass and took the flag from her hand. “Would you do us the honor, Ginny?”
“Hey!” Greengrass’ cry of protest was ignored as Lee dragged her out of the way. He handed the flag to Ginny, who marched onto the asphalt and stood between the two cars.
Hermione turned the key in the ignition, and her car came to life. The familiar rumbling of the engine soothed her nerves, drowning out the noise outside. She was in her favorite place in the world and nothing could touch her here.
“Get set.”
It wasn’t Malfoy outside, revving up his engine. There was no crowd waiting to see who would win and who was behind the wheel of the Mustang. She was having fun with Harry, like she’d done for years—for the mere thrill of it and bragging rights. She was going to win and gloat for a week. A smile stretched her lips as apprehension lost against excitement and the tension ebbed away. Hermione opened her eyes and caught Ginny’s knowing grin through the windshield.
— I wanted to write something for Hermione’s birthday so I looked for a simple prompt and this happened because Fast and Furious came on Netflix’s suggestions for things to watch next. Initial Prompt : “Are you sure about this?”
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danzameccanica · 5 years
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Vargrav è il nome di una one-man band finlandese – ma incredibilmente norvegese in termini di influenze – con alle spalle un debutto black metal sinfonico dall’approccio scarno, tagliente e glaciale come quello di Emperor, Satyricon e Troll degli esordi.
Se Netherstorm è un incredibile puzzle di citazioni di quei Novanta, messo insieme con una certa personalità che non lo fa scadere nel plagio, questo Reign In Supreme Darkness vuole correggere ulteriormente il tiro e focalizzarsi ancora più esplicitamente sui primi due gioielli degli Emperor. L’intro epico e cavalleresco è una versione di “Alsvartr – The Oath” ma in chiave notturna, mentre fin dal brano successivo siamo catapultati all’interno di una sorta di sequel di In The Nightside Eclipse, tanto la produzione delle chitarre e dei synth assomiglia a quel capolavoro. Come in precedenza, dimenticatevi qualsiasi punto di contatto coi vari Cradle Of Filth o Dimmu Borgir e scordatevi anche quelle formazioni che hanno tentato di emularli, come ad esempio i vari Sirius o Hecate Enthroned. Lungo l’album non troveremo mai atmosfere “gotiche” o “vampiresche”, piuttosto qualcosa che può accordarsi con Moon In The Scorpio dei Limbonic Art, assente quella connotata drum-machine del duo di Sandefjord in favore di sonorità più avvolgenti, nonostante l’approccio sempre freddo e grezzo. Le tecniche di produzione più contemporanee portano al disco un’equalizzazione che riesce a bilanciare egregiamente tutta la strumentazione, anche se sembra comunque di essere fermi ai primi anni Novanta. L’orchestra carica di pathos sul finale di “In The Streams For The Great Misteries” è sempre avvicinabile ad Anthems, mentre “As The Shadows Grow Silent” inizia esattamente come “I Am The Black Wizards”. Gli sporadici intermezzi strumentali fra un tema e l’altro, però, amano pescare ancora dalle opere minori come Det Glemte Riket degli Ancient o In The Shades Of Life degli Old Man’s Child.
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Per quanto mi riguarda, Vargrav ha messo a segno un altro centro, giocando uno dei giochi più difficili del black metal, quello di fare le veci di Ihsahn e Samoth. Anche questa, insomma, volta il lavoro filologico di V-Khaoz è riuscito alla perfezione: solo pochi in passato si erano avvicinati così tanto alla fonte (i Nefarious col primo ep o i Drautran con il solo Throne Of The Depths).
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ao3feed-snape · 5 years
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2vLvHDp
by CinnamonBoi
One thousand years ago Magic was discovered and the secret couldn't be contained. For the thousand years after the non magical population, out of fear or envy, has hunted Magic in all its forms. Now in the modern era Magicals are oppressed and abused. When the civilized world doesn't want you, when the Law keeps you face down on the ground, you misbehave. and Magicals have gotten very good at "misbehaving". Magic has been pushed underground where it reigns supreme in a world of crime
Or in which Harry, Hermione, and Luna try to find their place in a world that doesn't want them.
Words: 4604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Xenophilius Lovegood, Sirius Black, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Dean Thomas
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood, Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Crimes & Criminals, Gang Violence, Drugs, Underage Drinking, Sex, Violence, Injury, Racism, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Guns, Wands, Heist, Spies & Secret Agents, Moral Ambiguity, Dubious Morality, Police Brutality, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Assassins & Hitmen, Gangsters
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2vLvHDp
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“Destiny is for losers, it’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.”
Narcissa Black
Affiliation: Neutral
Age: Eighteen
Availability: CLOSED
Faceclaim: Gabriella Wilde
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+  Ladylike + Compassionate + Graceful - Manipulative - Distant - Callous
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Of all of the Black girls it was Narcissa that was the ever blooming flower of the trio. The only blonde, her sunshine disposition and her sense of grace gave her a reputation among the pureblooded circles as one of the purest of the pure. Growing up she was her mother’s favorite child, her constant companion and because of that was protected a lot more than both of her sisters. While there were times that she would come under the fire of her father’s back hand, she quickly learned her place.
She was close to both of her sisters in different ways. Bella was her stalwart protector, the one that would sooth her tears and promise vengeance. While sometimes she would lament it would have been kinder to drown Narcissa when she were a baby, Cissa knew that was just how she showed her love. Because the world had damaged her eldest sister. She accepted it and in a way because one of the biggest protectors of what little humanity or normality Bella maintained. Being the youngest she saw the effects that everything had on her and even her cousins. Though Sirius was just a little younger than she was it was easy to see what pushing against the tide did. So she figured she would go with the flow instead, to be the pureblood daughter that would never be questioned.
When her sisters went to school she studied with her mother and practiced the piano almost religiously. The sound of the keys soothed her father’s rage and more often than not kept her out of the line of fire of his notorious and wicked temper. She learned to keep her head down, to never speak out of turn and to hold things close to her chest and deep inside. Cissa learned what it was meant to be seen and not heard, but that didn’t mean she didn’t know how to listen. And listen she did, every plan or plot her father concocted, every scheme that was whispered in the halls of her home. Narcissa paid attention.
By the time she got to school the reputation of the Black girls was cemented. She was the reigning princess of the Slytherin house while her eldest sister was still in school. She saw the way her sister seemed so much more free there with Rodolphus and Evan than she was at home. While she always paid attention and listened, she was sure to give her sister’s lover any information that he required. It was what she felt was necessary, it helped her assert her own position as someone to be close too.
As her eldest sister graduated it become Narcissa that took over as the supreme in Slytyherin house. She was the someone to know, the someone you wanted to be friends with. She was the insider into the world of the Purebloods. Everyone wanted to be the one that Cissa invited to parties, everyone wanted to be her best friend. She didn’t mind that in the least, after all the more people she could draw into her circle the least likely she was to be home during the holidays. There were social gatherings to go to, parties to attend to and she was the one that had the invite to everything. While Andy was finding herself in the arms of a muggleborn, Narcissa flaunted her position as one of the elite.
The news of her engagement to Lucius Malfoy came as no surprise, though she was annoyed. For years he’d been engaged to Andromeda, but her sister’s flight had left her father with the only unmarried Black daughter to secure the alliance between the families. Political marriages were common in their world and while the arrangement is new she is slowly accepting the fact that she is going to marry this man. After graduation, Narcissa decided that she was going to explore the philanthropic options available to her and still manage to avoid being home.
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LUCIUS MALFOY: Betrothed - While she barely knows Lucius she knows that the marriage is socially advantageous. He’s older than she is and a friend of her eldest sister. She knows that the marriage was pressed by Bellatrix and also realizes that she needs to marry well. Obviously it’s a strong social move to marry the only Malfoy heir but the more she starts to spend time with him. She finds she might actually enjoy him.
ANDROMEDA BLACK: Estranged sister - While she and Andy were close when they were young, the moment she chose a muggleborn over the family was the moment that Narcissa pulled herself away. It was social suicide to be seen with a traitor to their bloodline. Deep down Narcissa misses her, but she refuses to let herself be seen as weak in the eyes of their society.
ALECTO CARROW: Best Friend - Her best friend since she was small, while she uses other people for their positions it was never so with Alecto. They share everything as best friends do. Alecto has been as close as an elder sister for years, how could she not love her..
BELLATRIX LESTRANGE: Sister - Her protector and while never a mother to her she has always been someone that Narcissa has looked up to and worried for. She was very much aware of what Bellatrix had to do to keep the rest of them safe and because of that tried to never make herself a target for their father’s wrath. Her love for Bella runs deep and she worries for her a great deal.
POSSIBLE ALTERNATE FCS: Nicola Peltz, Sasha Pieterse
0 notes
lostinthedark-rp · 7 years
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“Destiny is for losers, it’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.”
Narcissa Black
Affiliation: Neutral
Age: Nineteen
Availability: CLOSED
Faceclaim: Nicola Peltz
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+  Ladylike + Compassionate + Graceful - Manipulative - Distant - Callous
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Of all of the Black girls it was Narcissa that was the ever blooming flower of the trio. The only blonde, her sunshine disposition and her sense of grace gave her a reputation among the pureblooded circles as one of the purest of the pure. Growing up she was her mother's favorite child, her constant companion and because of that was protected a lot more than both of her sisters. While there were times that she would come under the fire of her father's back hand, she quickly learned her place.
She was close to both of her sisters in different ways. Bella was her stalwart protector, the one that would sooth her tears and promise vengeance. While sometimes she would lament it would have been kinder to drown Narcissa when she were a baby, Cissa knew that was just how she showed her love. Because the world had damaged her eldest sister. She accepted it and in a way because one of the biggest protectors of what little humanity or normality Bella maintained. Being the youngest she saw the effects that everything had on her and even her cousins. Though Sirius was just a little younger than she was it was easy to see what pushing against the tide did. So she figured she would go with the flow instead, to be the pureblood daughter that would never be questioned.
When her sisters went to school she studied with her mother and practiced the piano almost religiously. The sound of the keys soothed her father's rage and more often than not kept her out of the line of fire of his notorious and wicked temper. She learned to keep her head down, to never speak out of turn and to hold things close to her chest and deep inside. Cissa learned what it was meant to be seen and not heard, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to listen. And listen she did, every plan or plot her father concocted, every scheme that was whispered in the halls of her home. Narcissa paid attention.
By the time she got to school the reputation of the Black girls was cemented. She was the reigning princess of the Slytherin house while her eldest sister was still in school. She saw the way her sister seemed so much more free there with Rodolphus and Evan than she was at home. While she always paid attention and listened, she was sure to give her sister's lover any information that he required. It was what she felt was necessary, it helped her assert her own position as someone to be close too.
As her eldest sister graduated it become Narcissa that took over as the supreme in Slytyherin house. She was the someone to know, the someone you wanted to be friends with. She was the insider into the world of the Purebloods. Everyone wanted to be the one that Cissa invited to parties, everyone wanted to be her best friend. She didn't mind that in the least, after all the more people she could draw into her circle the least likely she was to be home during the holidays. There were social gatherings to go to, parties to attend to and she was the one that had the invite to everything. While Andy was finding herself in the arms of a muggleborn, Narcissa flaunted her position as one of the elite.
The news of her engagement to Lucius Malfoy came as no surprise, though she was annoyed. For years he'd been engaged to Andromeda, but her sister's flight had left her father with the only unmarried Black daughter to secure the alliance between the families. Political marriages were common in their world and while the arrangement is new she is slowly accepting the fact that she is going to marry this man. After graduation, Narcissa decided that she was going to explore the philanthropic options available to her and still manage to avoid being home.
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LUCIUS MALFOY: Betrothed - While she barely knows Lucius she knows that the marriage is socially advantageous. He's older than she is and a friend of her eldest sister. She knows that the marriage was pressed by Bellatrix and also realizes that she needs to marry well. Obviously it's a strong social move to marry the only Malfoy heir but the more she starts to spend time with him. She finds she might actually enjoy him.
ANDROMEDA BLACK: Estranged sister - While she and Andy were close when they were young, the moment she chose a muggleborn over the family was the moment that Narcissa pulled herself away. It was social suicide to be seen with a traitor to their bloodline. Deep down Narcissa misses her, but she refuses to let herself be seen as weak in the eyes of their society.
ALECTO CARROW:  Best Friend - Her best friend since she was small, while she uses other people for their positions it was never so with Alecto. They share everything as best friends do and she's not really that upset about Alecto's relationship with her elder sister. If anything, Alecto has been as close to her as a sister through the years.
BELLATRIX LESTRANGE: Sister - Her protector and while never a mother to her she has always been someone that Narcissa has looked up to and worried for. She was very much aware of what Bellatrix had to do to keep the rest of them safe and because of that tried to never make herself a target for their father's wrath. Her love for Bella runs deep and she worries for her a great deal.
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cre0n · 5 years
"DWAL SSAAY ELIHC LRUG WEHW" (My Pet Unpopulars Reversed)
"Time to be quiet"
Creon: First off rest in peace to this decade that got owned. From the phony fake feedback "they" have been reading this for the past several years and I can see people being bothered by it. It's nothing to do with a check or any type of fake fame from "them". I don't get paid for this or even have followers but guess who's reading it. Just think of it as a free schooling or in some cases pure sportsmanship. Where yall think all of that Rebel talk came from? Now all of a sudden a decade later everybody is Rebel this, going against the system that. Folks got Rebel Clothing lines, Rebel mentalities, and Rebellious attitudes. That's the pavement that was laid for you and you and every colored negroe that it meant something to. When your as powerful as this entity inside of my physical body the other side tends to tip their hand occasionally. I don't think "they" try to give it away it's just fear that drives them to surrender unwillingly. Ain't it amazing how some of the most powerful *people* in this Matrix will never make it to your TV screen or trendy news cast that entices humans so much. Could you be able to comprehend or fathom a supreme being that induces so much fear into the hearts of the most evil entities that dwell in this realm? That may be to much for a human to understand. That may even be hilarious to most simpletons but it's meant to draw the mind closer and it's working. The point of this is Top 50, Top 25, Top 5 whatever nobody is bringing the same substance, content, subject matters and skill all in one sitting. Where would your favorites be without the help? Would they even exist to you anymore? They need to piggyback the fame and media to be a dope somebody. You have a fresh start and don't have to do that. I myself don't even know what help is anymore and you should feel the same way. It's in the people to have that power and they should take it. Dumbasses, we don't live in the physical realm you wake up to everyday. The REAL is lived out in your mind. If you reincarnate on this planet after dying, YOU LOST THE GAME. Yes, some of us come here for a sole purpose with the intent of light bearing revelations....Then I think about things again and say maybe I shouldn't complain. Maybe I should just be flattered to say the least. Naw not this time fuck that. It's like one of the homies said, You Can Do All Things Through Christ Except Play With Me. What I'm doing and have been doing and already did is sculpting and designing a coded landscape typical to a highway for all of my "peers" in this so called "community" as grounds for their pitiful souls to maybe one day be spared. Even the jealous and cowardly ones that are the purest of maggots, the ones who try to block your very existence, or just flat out ain't shit know the end game. They even have to bend the knee.
1. Eye don't respect you and at the same time must protect you They swear this state that their mind is in equals revenue How you call it blessed when frequency filters through mess What is it n*gger you can't see or the fame is humanity's stress The North Pole with machine elves the holy grail My tree of life cannon ball into eternal wells Drink from our chalice the fountain  conception Stone Mountain His Russian time machine dream simply will not allow it A treasure chest no jewels to drop it's not for sale Forgot to reload my CERN account black Queens dwell in Hell Now you understand why EYE can't get signed Or go on tour for decades behind the black man's mind Let's overstand this sovereign case them people scared Came back to the planet ONE last time yall still unprepared
2. Wool robe eyes like the burning bush sandals bronze Magnetic field and aura like a lunar groupon Infinte is 8 we ate never ending planes Cut off by a cracked firmament our Summer's Gate reign Sea monsters like a Cripp by the Island of Thoth It's still moving yall still with me right?.... Cough Young brothas my Saturn Matrix black can't date no Iggy's They tryna turn Gibbs and Benny into new Pac's and Biggie Pay attention these folks is evil Dedication to easels.... draw
"Model Duck Waddle"
Hella yaass young mamas got a story to tell CreezyBae from Souf Kak and keep that A-T-L A heartless reinforcer, socery is an order Magic shows blow some smoke up ya butt with this quarter Nada no nothing so don't be posing & stuntin' Curriculum spins this axis so wtf is you askin'? Babe it can't be love, 'cause love  don't love a soul And all the likes and comments in the world gets old Now all you got in ya life that air mattress with the plastic cups That cash app still working don't it? Hit em up You selling selfies and an advantage time still passing Several years later recommended by the garbage tragic Been underground for decades it made me an animal That orange box cutter didn't come with no manual Annual, pussy makes the world go flat And plus we fuckin', don't do no homegurl chillin' jack (BIG FACTS)
.....(Shuckin' x Jivin')........
"The Roth"
Eye swear to White God Eye love wasting humans time 7 summers later that dumb bitch God is a *crime* Pinot Noir and your whole outlook The way you teach the children, straight from a crackas book Yall slaves kill me with this top 5 bullshit The whole industry revolving door pulpits Talking bout they positive movements with negative fads Well tell the folks the whole truth you hypocrite scabs Let's pull the strings and the puppets out I don't even need the sticks Wasting time on the couch flickin' this BIC (5th bedroom) Eye love my brothers to death even wished them death (huh?) Now feel the release, illuminastic reps Get BIG nigga 500k nothing less Yes the FEDS watching 2012 InkTober droppin' Yeah yall wasting time repeat the Matrix get the grind? My peers once again 3D chasing bags Eye'm at the North Pole Holy Grail Tree of EVERLAST (punching bag) "Til this day" Creon built lanes even for trash Walking on the highway then loiter off the exit stashed
............ "that part cost" -Coach
Before you learn to win you need dimensional Facts Rule 1: The 5th plane is Universal crack Rule 2: The time machines run everything back Now the whole community is back on his sack Bar none with more bars and stars than an Admiral match it Enough lower back blows she need a flak jacket We know a Propain who got special stanzas trapmatic Lost tapes, still buried outlandish Ridiculous approaches got my yella ass banned (Red) Or am Eye, he too heavy banned to a skid crammed Jammed up at some port with no support scammed Seems like the customer got another custom plan With even more bars than an empty Fort Knox Pen carries weight like the sky blue Ox Or maybe it's a Bull, bullish trending up sell now The purgatory princess gets raped by their cash cow Sodomite Gentiles flag for jumping on the pile (my fault) The Kings circle of life Creon is Royalty Blacker than the thought of the roots of a Sequoia tree...
"You don't just Like"
Can't leave out the conscious folks on his way to 7 Creon stay jammin' harder than a Mac-11 Boppin' with that NoTep confidence From the old moon to Hapis stop your nonsense Masterful the pen glides prolific spill aesthetics   More Hennessy for Carolina Cardi twerk sessions Got crackas seeing red they hate the message Don't message me just tag it yellow trend your own blessings cave pathetics The rose bloomed solid gold it's stems were magnetic Thorns crystallized easter eggs they found a Holy relic Breaking Matrix codes exposing Lyor's racist ass said it Donate a dollar and help the black channel out reverend You love this world so much well try not to get me pissed From now on Eye'm coming after souls next level shit...
Slangin' yarn in the yard lets get back to positive "The left field neighbor is the hardest kid" Was the agrument convincing me to slaughter this & still ended up lonely cause' the targets split The youngins say "lit" the crop a Megan Markel wrist 50 niggas deep somebody wrist game dope Bruh Eye give the soldout hope Make a famous fucka have to cope With the bullshit around them straight smoke May the Lord Jacob guide Baphomet in his prime As the Sirius Avyon one Universal mind Co-exist on a platform without porn shine Los Santos musik "Shittin while we Flyin" Etheric values nigga, the fallen and the risen In God mode the affirmations of metaphysics.....
"Dreams Don't Exist"
Can we just accept the stars at night & how the vibration sound waves replicate light Is the speed of bright faster than a black idea Are my peers slow or simple just backed up fears Been droppin' content on 9/11's, 23's, and the 13's With more New Jack swings for gangsta leans She clappin' it with no jumping he blowing gangsta green Choreograph a whole dance routine Be on some happy shit hoes wanna say Eye'm mean Just don't wake me up walking dead heroin fiends Moving around the room fly girls and crush grooves Been a shadow all summer pullin' J-moves Eye'm smoking bomb ass weed feelin' crucial They made sidewalks for black frats the feelings mutual Eye'm getting stalked by some bomb ass coochie & some of them rich legit never been a groupie......
...... & if yall can't relate then sue me (500k)
"Normalize the knob...tf"
For the new 16 Creon charging 2 properties And this was just a temporary situation now pardon me That's just some little money, the prophecy They saying buddy there's no chance you son of a slut You son of a bastard, you son of a bitch, you son of a mutt Eye got an angel now Eye'm summing it up You son of that cut, you son of that step, you son of that raw We Suns of the 7 summers son of a pause.... .....Moving Islands of Thoth A moving violation will get your team caught The Summer's gate will get a sea monster for da free Lifetimes of limitless mastery Education,  the soul is sold separately They ran out of Isotol to stretch the peace The whole album ended ran out of doggystyle to stretch the grease Dumb lil boy this ain't no NBA Envy great, pay your fares then Camelot shares Run the highway like a state chair (votes) State of Emergency Profoundly unearthining The blackest clout to create words surfing on the nearest curb Lickin' souls like them lizards whether Eye'm slizzard or sober From Langford to the Boulder-crest up to Panola Teach my Sun don't be a slave, certified owners Initially lobbied for peace Mishaps happen summoning beast Iron throne let the Ice wall melt in the streets...
0 notes
harrelltut · 3 years
Tumblr media
JEHOVAH OCCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in Immortal DEATH [I.D.] SUPREMELY REIGNING in the Afterlife [RA] Human SPIRIT ENERGY KINGDOM [SEK = SEKHMET] HEAVENS as Ægyptian [HE = JAH] HORUS… with My Historically AUTONOMOUS [HA = HARRELL] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Confederate [D.C.] Military EMPIRE [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] MONARCHY of the Imperial [MI = MITANNI] HITTITE REICH of the New [NU] BLACK SUN EMPEROR of Ancient [SEA] Ægyptian Tech [SET] WRITINGS from Inner Earth's [HADES] OCCULTED [HIDDEN] Human CHTHONIC SPIRIT NETHERWORLDS of Primordially ANCIENT [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Human CHTHONIC SOUL FAMILIES... who SOULFULLY Reside IN:side the Peaceful [RIP] Eternal PARADISE with Ægyptian Human CHTHONIC SPIRIT GODDESS ISIS… who Dynastically [I.D.] GOVERN QHT’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] Subterranean Earth of the Ancient [SEA] MONUMENTAL SUN HELIOPOLIS Underneath [HU = HURRIAN] the Atlantic [HA = HARRELL] ORICHALCUM OCEAN of the GREAT [OG] Ægyptian HERON [BENNU]… who Mathematically ENGINEER [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] HUMAN GOD [EXTRATERRESTRIAL] THOUGHT [E.T.] SCIENCES of Ægyptian THOTH [SET]… since iCOMMANDED Immortal DEATH [I.D.] GOD OSIRIS… 2 Let My Historically ANCIENT [HA = HARRELL] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] Immortal [HI = HITTITE] Human GOD [EXTRATERRESTRIAL] FAMILY of SUPREME GOD OLÓDÙMARÈ [GO]… Immaculately MANIFEST [I’M] Our New [NU] PRISTINE SUBTERRANEAN Energy Altitude [SEA] SUN Continent from Antarctica's PANGÆA [CAP = CAPRICORN] Constellation of ADVANCED [CA] 9th Dimensional Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] Civilizations from SIRIUS B [BETELGEUSE]… iCelestially Located DEEP IN:side QHT's Highly Official… U.S. Ancient [USA = PREHISTORIC] FUTURISTIC Ægyptian American [ATLANTEAN] SUN City @ the Back of Our OCCULTED [HIDDEN] MOON Universe [MU] of Astronomical NIBIRU [MAN]… from ORION’S 9th Human SOUL Dimension of Interstellar Luz ATLANTIS [iLA] 🛸👽🛸 (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS7yiCapzbM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trashthatwrites · 7 years
Master of Death
Poisonous, glowing, green eyes stared blankly at a wall that appeared to ooze filth. The owner of said eyes let out a quiet sigh as he thought back to how he ended up in this situation-- chained to a wall, covered in far too many wounds, and surrounded by those he once called friends.
Harry had done it. He finally defeated Voldemort. He couldn’t believe it. After all this time-- all this pain-- he had finally defeated the cause of all-- well, not all, but a nice portion of-- his pain. An exhilarated, ridiculous laugh built up in his chest before he allowed it to escape. His whole reason for living the past seven years was gone. That thought made Harry pause. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn’t return to the Dursleys-- they would much prefer him being dead-- his godfather was dead-- that one was his fault. Again-- Dumbledore was dead-- he could have prevented that, somehow-- and Hogwarts was in a wretched mess-- perhaps, if he had died like he was supposed to all those years ago, that one wouldn’t have happened. Speaking of Hogwarts, how many had died in his foolish battle against Voldemort? How many casualties? How many families would have to deal with the loss of their children? Siblings? The hysteric laughter cut off and Harry suddenly found that his mouth was dry. Oh Merlin. What has he done? How could he had let this all happen? He, conveniently, forgot that he was still only 17 and wasn’t supposed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Harry tiredly grabbed the wand that he had taken from Voldemort. He stared at it blankly, green eyes not comprehending. Wand of elder, never prosper. The teen chuckled humorlessly and pulled both the cloak and stone from his bottomless pocket. He held all three in his hands, staring, and winced when a sudden bright light came from them. Harry watched, in shock, as the three fused before melting into his hand, the skin soaking it up. What in the world happened? He didn’t have much time to ponder the recent events, as he suddenly heard voice behind him,
“Well done, Potter. It seems that you were of use after all. Who would have imagined that you would actually defeat Voldemort?” Slowly, so slowly, Harry turned and his eyes landed upon Ron, who had apparently spoke, and Hermione, who had an equally as nasty look on her face. Confusion flooded the teen, but he wasn’t allowed to ask any questions. Instead, he was knocked out.
There were quite a few memories after that one, but they all consisted of his torture. Harry still didn’t understand why they did it to him-- hadn’t he done everything they told him to do? He threw his life away to defeat the Dark Lord and save everyone! But alas, this seemed to not deter him. Hours turned to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. Harry wasn’t sure how long he had been trapped there, suffering from their anger, but he knew it had to have been a long time, as he was beginning to see grey hairs form on Ron and Hermione’s head. Funnily enough, Harry didn’t seem to age anymore. He stayed at the ripe age of 17-- or was it 18? Harry was just going to assume it was 18, as that would make him an adult.
Harry was ripped out of his thoughts as someone new entered the room-- or was it a dungeon? Harry didn’t really know. It took him a while to figure out who this was, but finally he fit a name to the person.
“Luna Lovegood.” His voice cracked and rasped, sounding nothing like it once did. The woman frowned slightly, the wrinkles of the frown making her age more apparent. She, surprisingly, calmly walked over and crouched down in front of Harry. When she spoke, her voice no longer held the airy quality it once had. In fact, it was rather rushed and concerned now.
“Harry, I need you to listen to me.” Harry almost forgot it was Lune speaking to him. What had happened to make his friend-- or was it ex-friend?-- lose the odd tone it once had? “It’s been 22 years since you took Voldemort down,” Ah, so that would make Harry 40. Interesting, “And everything has gone downhill. The Order of the Phoenix has taken over the wizarding world and they’ve mutilated it beyond repair,” Why was she telling him this? “So I’m going to fix that.” Hadn’t she said it was beyond repair? “By destroying it.” She finished. Ah. Harry tilted his head as she continued, her voice becoming more sorrowful. “I’m so sorry for it taking me 32 years to find you… You just… Disappeared. It never once occurred to me that Ron and Hermione, of all the people, took you… Merlin, I’m so sorry… Look at what they’ve done to you….” Harry sagged a bit in what might have been relief. Luna hadn’t been one of the ones to betray him. She had tried to find him. “But I don’t think I’d be able to get you out of he--”
“Kill me.” His voice was rang with clarity. Luna flinched at the two words and her eyes widened. She could tell, from one look at the depressingly dead gaze, that he truly wanted what he demanded. She opened her mouth, as if to give protest, but then closed it again. Denying him this one request would be denying him the greatest mercy. Harry watched as she silently pulled out her wand before closing his poisonously green eyes as she uttered the fateful words.
“Avada Kedavra” Whoops, it seems that Harry forgot to thank her. He wasn’t allowed to, as everything went green-- the same shade as his eyes-- before it went black. Finally. Death. Too bad that it seemed both Fate and Luck were against him, like always.
Harry knew something was off the moment his eyes opened. He was supposed to be dead. He knew for a fact that the killing curse had, indeed, hit him, so why was he not dead yet? A quick glance around his surroundings informed him that he was not, in fact, still in that place that he had been held for oh so many years. Maybe he was dead and this was just the afterlife. Harry let out a humourless chuckle and sat up, a twinge of pain running through him. He looked down at himself and let out a shocked noise. What? His wounds were gone! Well, not really. In their place were a multitude of garing white scars, but what was important was that they were all closed. Though grateful, Harry still found it annoying that he felt pain even when he was dead.
Foolish Master… It should have been obvious-- the three hallows entering you and you not aging…
Harry jolted in shock and looked up at whatever it was that had spoken to him. Who? Or rather… What? His gaze-- the unnerving killing curse green-- landed upon an eerie black smoke. He watched with disturbed awe as the smoke shifted and pulsed until it formed something much too reminiscent of a dementor for Harry to be comfortable. A grimace formed on his face and he inched backwards. As if realising the others apprehension, the being shifted into something that the newly dubbed ‘master’ would be more comfortable. Harry choked as the dementor thing shifted into a normal human being-- well, as close to normal as it could get. The pitch black eyes-- they made Harry think of a black hole-- gave away the fact that it was anything but human.
“W-what? Master? The… hallows?” Harry frowned slightly in thought and froze when he made the connection. “No… No way… I… I didn’t know… Oh Merlin…” The being-- Harry was positive that this was Death-- let out a chuckle
You figured that out faster than I had expected, I admit. Perhaps that Granger girl rubbed off on you.
Those were apparently the wrong words to say, as Harry obviously flinched and curled in on himself. Memories flashed across his eyes-- both old and new-- and with each one he let out a louder whimper. Obviously, his emotional and mental wounds were still raw. Death seemed to shrink at the realisation-- Death wasn’t as omniscient as it liked to think. It didn’t quite understand its master’s pain, but it was aware of the pain now and it filled it with an odd emotion. Blankly, he realised what said emotion was. Anger. It was angry. It wanted to put those foolish mortals through the same pain that its master had to go through. Death took on a much more comforting shape-- it vaguely recognised this shape as that of its masters godfather-- and knelt down, wrapping its arms around Harry.
I… Apologise. It had not occurred to me how you would feel. I seem to have forgotten that you were, in fact, a mortal until relatively recent terms.
The shaking calmed down and Harry slowly opened his eyes to stare at his godfather. Words died down in his throat. No. This wasn’t Sirius. It was merely an immortal being that new nothing of how he was being torn apart on the inside. Now that he couldn’t focus on the physical pain that had grounded him on Earth, he was being forced to deal with everything that happened. There was no looming threat, only his fractured mind. A sob tore through the male and he tightly gripped the shirt of the not-Sirius. Why was it always him? Why was it that he had to go through all the pain? His parents dying because of some fucking prophecy, the Dursleys, the stone, the chamber, and so on and so forth. It was always Harry going through it. Why him? Why?
Death said nothing after that, just staying in place and carefully holding its newly acquired master. The anger shifted into rage. How dare they do this to its precious master. The being closed its unnatural black eyes, doing its best to remain silent. Time passed-- neither cared to know how much of it-- as they sat there. Silence reigned supreme as Death-- humanities greatest fear-- did its best to comfort its master, whilst secretly plotting the destruction of those that dared to harm the one he deemed worthy of the title ‘Master of Death.’ Harry let out a quiet whimper and pulled back-- how long had it been? It felt like an eternity. Harry stared long and hard at the being and whispered a singular word-- a word so quiet, that it was barely heard.
“Why?” He was, of course, asking as to why Death had condemned him to living forever when his only true wish in life was for Death to to allow him final peace. Death, at first, didn’t know what to say, but the words came out eventually
Because, Young Master, you were the only one worthy of such a title and thankless job. You alone did not wish for immortality-- for the powers that be. You accepted me as I came and was the only of the Peverell line to come into ownership of all three of the Deathly Hallows. I apologise for putting this responsibility upon you, but I had been watching you your entire life. I watched you from birth to death to death and I became attached to you. I realised that, in fact, I did not wish for you to die. I wished for you to have the ability to have the life you were never given, so I began altering the world, manipulating it so that you got each of the Hallows, effectively making you the sole Master of Death for the past, present, and future to come.
Silence-- yet another of those cruel things in life-- reigned yet again as Harry contemplated the others words. It took a while, but the ex-mortal finally spoke up.
“Wh-what do I do now? What do I call you? Can you stay looking like that… Please…?” His voice slowly got quieter and quieter until it got cut off. Finally, a smile graced the faux-Sirius’ face.
What you do, Master, is whatever you so please. I will train you, allowing you to reach the potential I see buried within you, and we can go wherever-- whenever-- you want. You can call me whatever it is that you wish-- Death, Mors, your loyal servant, your greatest friend, or even your lover-- as I am whatever you wish. As to the topic of my appearance… I could, of course, stay this way, but I doubt Sirius Orion Black would be too pleased with me assuming his appearance. At this, Harry nodded slowly. So I will, instead, assume my mortal form.
The child-- despite technically being 40, he was still a mere child to Death-- watched as the being that had held him shifted appearances. His height shifted to 6’2”, his hair became an eerie white and the eyes, while gaining the normal white, remained black. Harry watched as his features changed, becoming sharper and more aristocratic. Slowly, he raised his hand and gently placed it upon Death’s face. They sat together in a calm silence before, finally, it had to be broken somehow.
Now tell me, beloved Master, what shall we do? There is no limit when it comes to fulfilling your wishes.
“... Would there possibly be a way for me to just… Go back? To fix everything? To save the world from the mess that it had become?” Death’s face softened and he chuckled quietly, leaning gently into his Master’s touch.
Even when it isn’t expected of you, you do whatever you can to help others. Yes, Master, I can take you back, but I would rather you do this for yourself. I want you to have the life you never got.
As expected, silence reigned supreme. Harry wasn’t sure what to say. Live for himself? That wasn’t exactly something that Harry had ever down… Time dragged by-- or perhaps it didn’t? Who’s to say that this conversation happened during some sort of pause caused by Death’s presence?-- ever so slowly as Harry contemplated Death’s words. Finally, he allowed a soft smile to cross his features and he nodded. He would go back and live for himself-- maybe save the world while he was at it, but whatever. Death nodded, obviously placated with this response, and pulled away slightly. He quickly explained what was going to happen-- Harry would be sent back to (Time) as a 20-something year old and apply for the position of DADA Professor. He would get the job, then do as he wished. No objections arose from Harry, so Death sent him back.
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