#sirius energy enterprises
angelaamayahboone · 1 year
Path of Light
As a  Spiritual Teacher, Seer, Energy Intuitive/Guide and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, I have consistently received information from the Masters of Light (Heavenly Hosts) for many, many years. I would like to share with you some of this information that was given.  Reverend George Graham Price whose spiritual name was Frater Achad stated in the book of the Ancient Mystical White…
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harrelltut · 1 year
I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com on quantumharrelltech.com’s Domain Communication [D.C.] Portal Defense.gov Network of ANU [DNA] GOLDEN 9 Ether [G.E. = www.ge.com] 2023-2223 iquantumapple.com Stock Market Economy [ME] Internationally [MI = MICHAEL] FUNDED by Mother Marie’s 1921steelecartel.tech Investment Land + Air + Water [LAW] ESTATES of SIRIUS blackannnaqi.tech MINING WEALTH of ENQI [WE] NUDIMMUD… Mathematically Accessing CAPITAL [MAC] FLOWS & Foreign Direct Investments in Underground STATIC [U.S.] IGIGISKYMILITARY.tech Markets Fully Protected by quantumharrelltesla.tech’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Secured Electronic Transaction [SET] CLOUD Language Records Scripted by ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [SAGE] Economic Enterprise Domain [SEED] MERCHANT Infrastructure [MI = MICHAEL] of AUTOMATED [MA] Integrated Marketing [I’M] Communications in Interconnection Agreement [iCIA] Contracts @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.]… MONETARILY DISRUPTING ALL 2023-2030 GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL SECTORS of basic artificial intel [a.i.] botdotcom.tech economies… as Eye Mathematically Access Complex [iMAC] apple-cillin2.tech Cloud Computing Encryption Records on Network [CERN] - based Intrusion Detection [I.D.] Systems @ ANU 1941 quantumharrell.tech [Clandestine ANUNNAQI Tech] Pentagon HQ of QUANTUMHARRELLTECH.ca.gov Under Secret [U.S.] International 9 [i9] Ether 1968 I.B.MICHAEL [IBM] GEN X SKY [IGIGI] Department of Defense.gov [iDOD] Protection [I/P] Laws @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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i.b.monk [ibm] mode [i’m] tech [IT] steelecartel.com @ quantum harrell tech llc
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i.b. 1698 quintillionharrell.tech sky elite 2wealthy4forbes.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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Eye Invisible Man [I'M] in the Quantum [IQ] Electronic Energy DNA Flesh of ijehovahgod.tech's SKY MEMORY Intel [MI = MICHAEL] RNA STEM CELLS... CONSTANTLY CALLING QUADRILLIONAIRE ME on My Mysteriously Invisible Phonetic [iPhone] Address Portal [IAP] Device [I.D.] of ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [iAGE] STOCK MARKET ECONOMY [ME] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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eye bee anugoldenblackwallstreet.com creator of apple [ca] 2 @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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iquantumapple.com 2 of quantumharrell.tech?!?!?!
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eye machine application creator [imac] of anu 2023-2223 quantumharrell.tech sky economy by anu [sea] golden 9 ether [g.e. = www.ge.com] iquantumapple.com e-commerce system [ecosystem] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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iscribealot.com Domain of SIRIUS quantumharrell.tech Domain Writes since iquantumapple.com Domain Empire @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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eye automated apple-cillin2.tech on harrelltut.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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eye bee mail [ibm] dotcom [i.d.] server of quantumharrell.tech's underground military calafia.gov mailing list system @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov  
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Eye Mathematically Access Complex [iMAC] apple-cillin2.tech Cloud Computing Encryption Records on Network [CERN] - based Intrusion Detection [I.D.] Systems @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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shell.us @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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Eye Automated Apple IRS [A.i.] Patented Software @ iquantumapple.com of SIRIUS quantumharrell.tech Business Tax Planning?!?!?!
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Eye ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [iAGE] 1968 genspaceX.com DOMAIN TITAN from 1698's… clandestine 1921steelecartel.tech society [shadow calafia.gov technocracy of quantmharrelltech.ca.gov] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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MAKE ANU GOVERNMENT of ATLANTEANS [MA.GA] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000!!! 
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michaelharrelljr.com intuitively quantumintranet.tech [iq] cloud computing principles systems [cps] and real time quantumharrell.tech applications @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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ibmdotcom.com of quantumharrelltech.com since ibmapple1984.tech and ibmautocad.tech communication network mechanics automatically programming [mapping] i.b.1698 michael's [ibm’s] 1968 qhtelecomdomain.com SIGNATURE PATENTS @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000 
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EYE QUETZALCOATL [IQ] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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Shhh... you talk 2 much about nothing
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blackatlantis5000.com academy of urani-atlantis.tech military art patents [maps] @ quantum calafia.gov's clandestine quantumharrelltech.ca.gov of quantumharrelltech.com 
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eye on top
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© 1698-2223 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All michaelharrelljr.com Domain Rights [Dr.] of Intellectual Property [I/P] Laws Reserved @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
Black and White (Part XV)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX
When Sirius Black walked into the run-down little coffee shop that Remus worked at, he looked extremely out of place. The Daily Grind was one of those cafes that had mismatched furniture and paintings from local artists on the wall. It wasn't glamorous, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it felt comfortable— homey. Remus was willing to bet that Sirius had never set foot in a cafe like this, preferring to get his coffee from Starbucks or a butler in a tuxedo or something. 
The first thing that Remus noticed about Sirius was that he was wearing a suit, like always, with his long hair in a loose bun and his posture stiffer than a board. He glanced around him, scanning the room, until his eyes met with Remus' and his jaw tightened. Remus forced himself to smile politely, offering the gallery owner a small wave. Sirius made his way over to Remus' table, his typical saunter less noticeable now that he was in an unfamiliar environment.
"Good evening, Sirius. Thank you for joining me." Remus kept his tone courteous, his words formal. He knew that he would have trouble relaxing around Sirius. The two of them had a business relationship exclusively; meeting up socially was strange and unprecedented.
Sirius' mouth twisted into what Remus could only assume was an attempt at a grin. 
"Remus," he muttered stiffly, giving a firm nod. He glanced down at the empty chair in front of Remus, but remained standing. Remus felt his shoulders tighten in discomfort.
"Please… have a seat." Remus gestured towards the empty chair and Sirius nodded again before sitting down. "Uh… thanks for meeting me."
He didn't know what else to say. Seeing Sirius in the cafe wasn't quite as hilarious has Remus had anticipated; instead, the two men were both uncomfortable, awkward, struggling to relax in front of one another.
"Yes, well…" Sirius began, before trailing off. "So… is this where you work?"
Remus nodded, his hands tightening around his cup of tea. He didn't hate his job, but it was exhausting. He was on his feet most of the day and he rarely had enough energy to paint at night. It took everything Remus had in him to drag himself out of bed each morning, ready to face the same mundane routine that slowly ate away at him. 
"It's… nice." Sirius glanced around at the paintings on the wall. His mouth spread into a thin smile as recognition lit up his face. "There's a familiar one…"
Remus glanced over his shoulder to find one of his older pieces hanging on the wall behind him.
"Oh… yeah… I forgot that one was there. It's… not my best work."
"No, it isn't."
Remus spun around to cast a glare at Sirius.
"That's not very polite."
Sirius cocked an eyebrow and Remus could have sworn he saw the slightest hint of humour in those silvery eyes.
"Why? It's not. Your current stuff is much better. The paintings that you've been producing recently? They're a different caliber altogether."
Remus could feel his cheeks heat up as Sirius paid him a rare compliment. It was backhanded, yes, but it was the closest thing to praise that he could hope for from the gallerist.
"Uh… thanks." 
Sirius leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his bangs and brushing them away from his eyes. Remus felt himself mirroring Sirius, finally able to sink into his chair and relax slightly. 
"So…" Sirius began, cutting the silence, his tone gentler than usual. "I… I am sorry. About yesterday. I know I said that earlier, I just… want you to know that."
Remus chewed the edge of his lip, trying to formulate his response. Every fiber of his being wanted to say it's okay, to brush off what happened the other day as if it had been perfectly normal. That was his immediate response to everything. 
It's fine.
It's no bother.
It's okay.
Although he couldn't figure out why, there was a part of Remus that didn't want this to be the same as always. It wasn't okay. The way Sirius treated him wasn't fine, and Remus wasn't going to allow himself to be a doormat. Not this time.
"You were an arse."
"I know." Sirius' gaze dropped to his hands, which were fiddling with a packet of sugar. Remus felt a wave of something— was it affection? — pass over him as he watched Sirius. He hated it.
"It was rude," Remus continued, trying to sound upset, to hide the fact that Sirius' fiddling was in any way endearing. "The way you spoke to me. The way you acted around me. It really was unprofessional."
"I know."
Sirius didn't justify his actions. He didn't make any excuses, didn't try to explain anything, he simply sat there as Remus called him out, a distinct look of guilt darkening his silvery blue eyes. 
"You… really shouldn't treat people that way…"
"I know."
Remus paused. He brought his tea to his mouth and took a sip, giving himself time to think.
Sirius glanced back up at Remus, his eyes shining like a lost puppy. Remus had to suppress a grin.
"Why what?" The gallerist asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Why did you… what made you so upset? Why were you so… cruel?"
Remus watched as Sirius closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly as he leaned further back in his chair, as if he knew this question had been coming the entire time. Sirius' eyes shot open, darting back and forth as they searched Remus' face. After a moment, Sirius finally spoke.
"You don't know much about me…" He began, before trailing off. Remus remained silent, assuming that there was more to follow. There was. "I… I do that on purpose. I don't like getting too close to my artists. It… this has been strange for me; you being friendly with James. It… made things awkward."
Remus cocked a brow and pursed his lips.
"How so?"
Sirius gave a heavy sigh.
"I don't… really have any family. I have James and Lily. That's it. They're… they're all I have."
Remus was confused. He had read about the Black family before; they were well-established business people, the family name known throughout the city from their various enterprises. Sirius was a member of this prestigious family, how could he say he didn't have any?
Remus' face must have betrayed his thoughts, because Sirius let out a dark laugh.
"Before you ask, no, I'm not close with the other Blacks. They're… the only thing we share is the name. I'm not… well, I'm different. We don't speak anymore. It's better that way."
"Oh." Remus didn't know how else to respond. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's as much my doing as it is theirs."
"I see…"
"Anyway…" Sirius' fingers turned the sugar packet over and over and over. "I'm… very protective of James and Lily…"
Remus scoffed. 
"You weren't jealous, were you?" He asked with a grin. Sirius didn't respond, and Remus realized his mistake. His smile faded. "...were you?"
Sirius shrugged his shoulders, his focus remaining on the sugar that danced through his hands.
Never in a million years would Remus have expected Sirius Black to be jealous of him. Remus was broke. He worked himself to the bone, barely sleeping, hardly eating, unable to afford anything beyond the absolute necessities. 
"I'm…" Remus began, not sure what it was he wanted to say. "I don't think James or Lily would ever replace you…"
"No, I know that…" Sirius said to the sugar. "I know that. I just… have trouble believing it…"
The man in front of Remus was someone so different than the Sirius Black he thought he knew. This was someone soft, scared, afraid of losing the people he loved. This was a man who had everything and nothing all at once, who couldn't fathom going through life on his own. This was someone that Remus understood.
"I'm… I'm sorry if I— "
"No, you're fine," Sirius interrupted, glancing back up at Remus, a forced smile on his face. "This was on me. I've got a bit of a temper. I lashed out at you. And I'm sorry about that. Anyway…" Sirius' hand dropped the sugar and brushed his bangs from his eyes. "None of this is important. You just… wanted to know why. So… that's why."
"I really am sor— "
"Can we please drop it?" Some of the ice returned to Sirius' voice, reflected in the glacial blue of his eyes. Remus gave the gallerist a curt nod, knowing that the subject was a delicate one. 
"Yeah, sure. Consider it dropped." Remus tried to smile, to keep his emotions hidden from his face. "We're good, you and I. As far as I'm concerned…"
"So…" Sirius mumbled, picking up his sugar packet again, breaking the suddenly awkward silence. "You mentioned a message?"
Remus swallowed past the lump in his throat. When he was still angry at Sirius, he had planned to make the man feel bad about his drunken voicemail. Now that they had connected over a candid heart-to-heart, it didn't seem right to bring it up.
"It… it was nothing. Honestly…"
Sirius raised a brow skeptically.
"You… you just left a voicemail is all. It really wasn't anything… you didn't say much…"
Remus watched as the colour faded from Sirius' face, his eyes growing wide with horror. Butterflies erupted in the pit of Remus' stomach as the icy blue of Sirius' irises melted through his heart.
Shit shit shit…
"It really wasn't—"
"I don't remember leaving that…" Sirius twisted his sugar in his hand, accidentally breaking the packet and spilling the grains across the table. "Fuck!"
"It's fine! I've got it! I can clean it up!" 
As Remus moved to sweep up the mess with his napkin, Sirius slammed his fist against the table, startling the artist and causing the sugar grains to jump.
"Was I drunk?"
Remus blinked. He looked at Sirius, who suddenly looked more angry than nervous.
"Uh… p— possibly? It was only a voic— "
"Was I drunk, Remus?"
Sirius looked— well, serious.
"Uh… y— yeah… I… I think so."
"Fuck!" Sirius' profanities echoed across the cafe, earning him scathing glares from the other patrons. "Shit!" He muttered, a bit quieter.
"Really, Sirius. It's fine. It wasn't anything! You didn't say anything embarrassing or anyth—"
"I have to go."
Sirius was on his feet before Remus could even respond. The artist stared up at the other man, mouth agape, utterly confused.
"Sirius, you don't—"
"I'm sorry, Remus."
He did sound sorry. His eyes grew soft for a moment as his gaze lingered on Remus. Then, before the artist could get in another word, Sirius was heading towards the door.
"Sirius, wait!"
Remus' protests came too late, Sirius was already out of earshot. Remus stared as the expensive suit and elegant bun faded from view, wondering what the hell had just happened.
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FanFiction: Auror Training Chapter 1
The Moorland was cold and sodden with the weeks rain as Harry Potter trudged toward the little stone shed tucked in the copse of pines. The windows were dark and empty and a few birds took off from one of the holes in the half collapsed roof as he stamped mud off his boots on the entry way. The door was the most solid thing about the whole place. With a rusting sign declaring the place as a health hazard affixed prominently to it and with no nob to be found it was a thoroughly uninviting place. Nevertheless Harry pulled his wand from beneath his robes and tapped sharply three times and it swung inward. What lay on the other side would have surprised any muggle enterprising enough to have made it past the unprepossessing exterior, though the series of magical protections laid around it made it so any that got within a mile of the shack to decide that hiking the moorland was really quite dull and that they might as well go find some more interesting place to spend their holiday. The interior was large enough to house several dragons and ceilings high enough to hold a quidditch match without fear of anyone knocking their heads against the rafters which were lost in the gloom far above. The walls were lined with doors each with a number or plaque designating what might lay behind them. And in one corner there was a large pile of odd-looking boxes and bits of equipment covered with clothes. The whole place had the forlorn air of disuse and neglect that drove home just how badly todays mission was needed. Harry Potter had been appointed as Head of the Auror Office less then six months ago now, but it had been at least that many years since the last new Auror had been trained in this facility. The Auror Office had recruited heavy in the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War. With Dark Wizards loose and with the Wizarding Communities desire for security at an all-time high Harry, Ron, and Neville had been in the first of several large groups of new Auror hired to fill the need. But surprisingly quickly the focus had gone from safety to gold and the Shacklebolt administration had been forced to cut its spending. Kinsley had been unwilling to sack Aurors whose services were still very much needed so the training of new recruits had been suspended. When Harry had taken over the position of Head of the Auror Office he had been surprised a just how under-manned the Department had become. Ron and Neville had both left years ago now, Ron to join George in running Wizard Weasley Wheezes, which according to Harry’s annual investors reports was doing quite nicely and still growing steadily. Neville had left to join the Hogwarts staff as a Herbology Professor and seemed to be quite content whenever He and Hanna came round for dinner over Holiday breaks. Without them Harry had most often elected to take solo missions. The rest of his colleagues were just that colleagues not close friends and he had attributed the increasing pitch of Ginny’s complaints about his long hours too the birth of their second son. The new baby was much less fussy then James had been, but still he could tell that Ginny’s reserves of energy were perilously low. Harry let himself smile briefly at the thought of James Sirius toddling around the living room just this morning. He quickly let it slide off his face as he saw the small knot of people standing in the far corner of the training hall. They were an odd collection, some seeming to be on the verge of running from the room, others standing and chatting causally with their fellows, and one, quite tall and lean looking was standing at rigid attention and staring straight at Harry. “Welcome to your first day of Auror Training.” Harry said getting the rest of the groups attention. “I would like to congratulate you all on passing the initial testing and background evaluation. It was quite a task narrowing the pool of applicants down. We had quite a lot of interest, more then 50 applied but for one reason or another there they were disqualified.” They all looked quite pleased at this announcement. One girl with nut brown curls even grinned and elbowed the witch next to her in a conspiratorial sort of way. Harry noticed a witch in the distinctive Black and Silver robes of Magical Law Enforcement give this little display a most disapproving frown. One wizard towards the front rubbed the bridge of his nose while he smiled in most pleasant way and jangled the spurs on what where unmistakably cowboy boots. The talk thin one with a mop of blond hair had not stopped staring at Harry nor did he seem much concerned with his selection over the heads of many other highly qualified witches and wizards. “Now don’t get too excited, you have only earned yourselves a spot in training. Which is quite rigorous and can take as up too three years to fully complete.” Harry said squashing the smiles of all but the nutty brown-haired witch who seemed to be smiling even more brashly then before. “You can be disqualified at anytime during this training.” Trying to put a bit of steel into his voice “The most common reason is incompatibility with the job, but death and dismemberment are not unknown in this line of work. I would be very surprised if all sev…. Of you managed to make the cut.” Harry finished a bit hurriedly he had been about to say all seven of them, but he had just realized that there wasn’t seven trainees. There were eight. He made to reach inside his rode but restrained himself with a sudden thought. Yes, this might make a good first exercise for his new group of hopefuls. What had his own instructor Savage called them? Oh yes, “A Teachable Moment” that was it, Harry thought fondly of the old hard as nails Auror who had put him through his training. He clamped down on a smile remembering the closed casket funeral that they had held for him after he tried to bring in a gang of Werewolves called themselves the Sons of Greyback. “Well let’s get right too it shall we? Your first task will be to find out which of you doesn’t belong here.” This cause an immediate flurry of motion. The Wizard with the cowboy boots spun his spurs on the stone floor and let out an “Ay Dios Mio!” The Witch with the Café au Lait skin and the Magical Law Enforcement robes was backing away slowly wand in hand with the other hand steadying it in the fashion of that department. The Tall Blond Wizard had shoved his gloved hands into the opposing sleeves and sunken into a sort of half crotch. And had stopped staring at Harry for the first time since he had arrived instead bestowing that icy blue-eyed gaze on the rest of the people there. The remaining five had been goggling at Harry and seemed to have been confounded by this pronouncement. Until the little curly haired witch piped up. “Don’t belong here? What do you mean by that?’ She said with a most aggrieved tone “Sir?” she added hastily “I mean what I said” Harry put in amused at the lack of deference. “There are supposed to be seven new recruits here for training, but eight of you have turned up. That means one of you is not who they claim to be.” This seemed to break the spell on the rest of the trainees, and they began inching apart. Except the girl who had spoken and her friend she had elbowed “Joan and I are not imposters!” She declared firmly the girl next to her, Joan apparently, nodded vigorously. Then her eyes fell on one of the men standing nearest her. She squinted for a moment and then said a bit reluctantly “And you’re Castor Flint, aren’t you? You were Quidditch Captain for Slytherin” His eyes went a bit wide at being identified but then he seemed to place the two girls and smiled with relief “Yes, I am, and you are Blight right, from Gryffindor? Tysam Blight.” “Tamsyn” she said a bit nonplused “Tamsyn Blight and this is Joan Peterson she was Gryffindor too” pointing at Joan “We were in the same year as you at Hogwarts.” Castor who had not been looking at her while she reminded him of their connection suddenly pointed at the slightly older man standing with his arms crossed, frowning. “You’re Horace Dirkwell, you were Hufflepuff Head Boy weren’t you?” Horace flushed a bit his large ears turning pink. “Yes, in fact I was, Didn’t I give you detention once? Caught you out of bed after hours, right?” Castor grinned a bit maliciously “Yup, but I was only trying to nip down to the Kitchen get a midnight snack.” He said clearly trying to sound innocent and failing by half “House Elves down there are always good for a few snacks.” “That is all very well” said the other man who had not moved away from the group or been recognized “but just because you know each other doesn’t mean you are supposed to be here.” “That’s true” Said Joan “’But there were sure to be at least a few other Hogwarts graduates here, if we want to sneak in wouldn’t we have disguised ourselves?” “All right I buy that.” Said the man in a flat sounding accent “I didn’t go to Hogwarts though, but I sure as hell didn’t sneak in!” His voice rising a bit with defensiveness “I had to take twelve Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests just to qualify to apply!” “Just call them NEWTs.” Tamsyn Blight said with a bit of a laugh “Why did you have to do that? I only did 11 myself.” “I am from America. Illvermorny doesn’t have NEWTs, we have our own tests, but they said that I would have to take them if I wanted to be an Auror, didn’t realize I didn’t have to take them all. Wish someone had told me the Transfigurations almost killed me.” Tamsyn smiled but it was forced there was still so much tension in the air “Anyhow the name’s Lucas Baker. Not that it proves anything, but I got my instructions to report here a week ago.” Scratching the back his sand colored hair Lucas looked defeated as if he half expected them all to accuse him of being some kind of Dark Wizard come to infiltrate the Auro train with malicious intent. “As did I!” Declared the Spanish speaking wizard in the spurs “Antonio Angelino-Bruja Curanderos-Pedrito from Uruguay and trained by the fine Maestro of Castelobruxo, and I am no impostor!” He said in a thick accent. He seemed to have exhausted his English with that declaration as he went back to rubbing the bridge of his nose with his wand half raised. The well-dressed caballero had a tight jacket with silver button down both sides, and his silk black hair looking as if it was combed often. They all looked around to the last two. Introductions seemed like as good a place to start as any. Tamsyn was a bit perplexed by this test. How were any of them supposed to find an imposter in their midst. It had only been pure luck that four of them had been at Hogwarts at the same time. That cut her pool of suspects in half, but how was she going to spot an intruder when she didn’t even know who was supposed to be here in the first place. Lucas seemed like an honest sort, and Antonio could be lying or not but even if he was didn’t mean he hadn’t been invited to train to be an Auror. Lots of Witches and Wizards had secrets, she knew she had a few under her hat that even Joan her best friend didn’t know about. “Well? How about you two?” Castor prompted And under the stares of the six other trainees the Witch in Ministry robes broke first. “I am Gwen La Barre” she said in clipped but perfect English “Officer Gwen La Barre.” Her wand still up and scanning through them all never lingering on anyone longer then a moment. “I have been working for Magical Law Enforcement for six years, waiting for them to reopen the Auror Candidate Program. I have more then earned my place here!” She said heatedly giving a quick sideways glare toward the spot Harry had retreated to. “Why don’t I recognize you from school, surely you would have been there around the same time?” said Horace trying to sound as unaccusatory as possible as Gwen’s wand pointed his way. “Beauxbatons is a family tradition.” She answered looking like she would have rather cursed him into next Tuesday then answer questions. “Well it is easy to prove.” Said Joan gently “Just show us your badge, that will have your name and portrait on it.” Officer Gwen looked a bit mutinous at the suggestion that she had to prove herself to Joan but then make a quick survey of the four Hogwarts students and clearly concluded that they were the ones that needed to be convinced. And conceding to numerical advantage she shoved her wand back into its holster on her belt and pulled a black leather wallet with an MLE badge and a small portrait of a younger less hostile looking Gwen La Barre inside. “It could be fake.” Antonio chimed in having found his voice again. Horace frowned “I worked at Gringotts Bank for the past few years, I know a few anti-forgery spells you mind if I try them?” Gwen shook her head and handed the shinny brass shield over to Horace Dirkwell who muttered something none of the other’s caught and tapped the wallet, the shield, and finally the portrait who responded by scowling and turning around showing only the tight black bun that the real Gwen wore as well as she took back her Badge with a smug dark eyed glare at Antonio. He seemed to melt for a moment until he noticed that there was another person who had not introduced himself yet or even moved out of the half crouch, he had taken the moment Harry Potter had told them there was an intruder among them. He was very tall, and very lean, and his blond hair was long and shaggy and fell over his forehead nearly covering his pale blue eyes. Even with all the others closely examining him expectantly he did not make to speak or to move but waited, patient as a glacier that knows winter will come again. It was Lucas who finally spoke “Give it up, Dude. It’s got to be one of us. Either Me, you or Antonio here.” His shoulders slumped a bit “And while I don’t think it was me, I suppose I could have been hexed or cursed into thinking I am supposed to show up here.” “Might be one of others.” The tall man said. “Transfigured or Polyjuice to look like someone else.” “Not me?” Gwen blurted out a bit startled at hearing the strangers deep rough voice for the first time. “No, not you, I think. Criminals do not hide as Poliisi, Police. They hide from them.” He said looking at Gwen levelly. Then as if on command he came out of his crouch stance. Gwen almost took a step backwards he seemed even taller than before having crouched for so long, but his eyes never left hers and they held her in place. He was not threatening her, only as cautious as she had been. He must know as well as she did how bad I could be if the Auror Training Center had been compromised. If someone had learned about this closely held secret place, what else had they learned? Gwen broke the contact with an effort to give Harry Potter another glance. He had not moved; he was leaning against the wall his wand in hand and a slight smile on his face. She thought about him for a moment, all the powerful enemies he must have made in his fight against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and since in his decade of work as an Auror. And now as head of the Department it might be a tempting thing to get him alone like this with nothing but a handful of raw recruits to back him up. She shook it off if an attack was planned against Potter they would have struck the moment he opened the door, or at least before he noticed the extra person in attendance at his training session. What was the intruders plan? Did someone simply want it so bad that they found some way to sneak in? That surely wouldn’t work…but…She admitted to herself that she might have attempted something similar if she had been passed over. She grimaced looking at the other around her, mostly barely out of school, so many of her friends from the MLE Bureau had applied with her but only she had made it. She broke off the smug looking Slytherin was talking again. “So, who are you anyhow? What’s your story?” Castor inquired with his wand conspicuously pointed straight down at his own feet. “My name is Kullervo Gallen, Durmstrang graduate, recommended to Auror training after I assisted with apprehension of Madman Markov.” Kullervo stated succinctly. Gwen gave a little grunt of recognition at the name but none of the others had any clue who that might be. “Well, Kullervo. Got any bright ideas on how to prove our innocence to this bunch of suspicious Brits?” Lucas said with the air of someone who doesn’t expect an answer. Gwen seemed to bridle at her characterization as a suspicious Brit but kept quiet. “I would submit to Veritaserum.” Kullervo said nonchalantly Antonio and Lucas looked at each other with equal degrees of apprehension the powerful truth serum was not a precise tool. It made you spill all your secrets to your questioner not just the relevant ones or necessarily even the ones being asked for. “Even if that was legal, I don’t think any of us have that on hand.” Joan said patting down the many pocketed apron she was wearing and giving Lucas and Antonio a quick smile. “Questioning under the Cruciatus Curse then.” Kullervo Gallen said as if he was suggesting a walk in a fine garden rather then questioning under an unforgivable curse of extreme pain. “Not Bloody likely Mate!” Castor Flint shouted as a chorus of similar replies came from all the Trainees and a muttered “Ay Dios Mio” came from Antonio. “I was thinking that we could all put our memories of our examinations into a Pensieve but we haven’t got one.” Lucas said a little chagrined. “I’ve got an idea we can try; I’ll use Revelio and Finite to see if any of use are using a disguise or under some sort of spell.” Said Tamsyn brightly. This was assented to quickly enough as it was at least less intrusive then the other suggestions and might work. But even as friendly as she was having a strange witch point her wand straight at your face was not a pleasant experience. Even after she started with her friend Joan and the other two Hogwarts students Lucas found himself wincing despite the friendly round face and understanding smile on the young woman’s pretty face. Antonio closed his eyes entirely. While she did this Kullervo was stripping off his gloves, then his belt and boots and leaving them in a neat pile on the floor. At Tamsyn’s raised eyebrow he explained “Manticore Skin, repels most spells. I want no doubts.” “Where did you get those?” Castor inquired with a hint of jealousy “Very rare, Manticore Hide is expensive.” “I made them myself, after I killed the beast when it attacked me.” Gwen let out a low whistle tangling with a Manticore was not something many Wizards could claim to have done. Most that could were Ghosts and their boosts about how bravely they fought nothing but lies. “Revelio, Finite Incantatum” Tamsyn said point her wand at Kullervo’s unblinking eyes. Nothing had changed none of them had been magically disguised. “Anyone feel different, like they had been hexed into coming here today?” She said hopefully. They all shook their heads glumly. That hadn’t worked, what next? “Hold on a minute!” Castor said excitedly “My Foe-Glass!” He spent a moment rummaging inside a small satchel on his waist and the triumphantly produced a small round Foe-Glass. But his triumph did not last long as he gazed into it and they were all visible. All of them were visible in his Foe-Glass to one degree or another even Potter who was about 50 yards away watching them all intently. Tamsyn and Joan were only misty figures and Gwen and Horace barely more then that but Antonio, Lucas, and Kullervo were all plan as day. Castor Flint looked around at them all suspiciously but with a huff put the glass away. muttering about the uselessness of temperamental Dark Detectors. “I’m stumped.” Horace said plainly “I guess this is the point in a mission where we would return to headquarters for help?” “There are only so many things one can do before it’s best to cut your losses and return to base.” Joan said fiddling with her long brown braid nervously “That would be the prudent course, better to get help and fight again another day.” “But if we were to return now, we might be bringing some unknown enemy with us.” Gwen said with assurance. “That might be just what the intruder wants. No best to call help to us or set up so safe meeting place where rigorous interviews can be conducted.” She said as if reading from the manual. “Which is likely what we are in for if we can’t figure this out ourselves. Hours of repeating the same story over and over with Ministry Wizards trying to pick apart every little discrepancy.” She looked very depressed. “But we aught to be able to handle this ourselves, that’s what being an Auror is about. Not calling in the MLE at the first sign of trouble.” Castor declared hotly. “We just don’t know enough to make any kind of deduction, we’ve no idea who was supposed to be here today. I know Joan is supposed to be, cause we applied together, but other then that any one of you might not have made it through the exams. Even Castor and Horace could be the intruders even if they are who the claim. Heck as far as I know there could have been eight trainees approved for today.” Tamsyn looked frazzled her curly brown hair bouncing with every syllable. “We would never be sent on a mission with nothing to go on, maybe only a little but not nothing!” Her eye seemed to light, and she turned to where Harry was leaning against his wall still looking like he was enjoying this. “You’ve got a list, haven’t you? A list of who is supposed to be in the Training Course. Haven’t you! Sir.” The Sir was as late as it had been the first time but all the eyes in the room were fixed on his spreading grin. He nodded his head. A new voice came from behind them all “Oh Blimey, Harry! You let that play out a bit long didn’t ya?” They turned and Antonio Angelino-Bruja Curanderos-Pedrito from Uruguay had a completely different manner about him. As if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders he sagged and began pulling off bits of his face. But they weren’t his face only rubber. He seemed to rip his whole nose off leaving only a small protuberance rather then the regal beak that he had been sporting. Finally, he reached up and pulled off his dark head of hair, only a wig and revealed his mousy locks beneath. “Hello, Dennis. Long time no see.” Harry said as if he hadn’t just caught an imposter in his secret training facility but instead had run into an old friend at the train station. Dennis Creevey smiled broad enough to nearly slit his face into. “Surprised you didn’t make me from the first even under all this garbage.” Gesturing at the litter of prosthetic face and wig he had just shed. “How’s Gin? Getting on well with James and the new baby? Picked a name yet?” Harry’s grin was sardonic this time “I would tell you Dennis but then it would be plastered all over the Daily Prophet Front Page.” “Oh well, people is curious is all, it’s a human interest story. But I’m after bigger things today. Got any comment on the sorry state of these new Auror Recruits? Harry shook his head “They seem fine to me, just need a bit of training up is all.” Dennis snorted “How about the lack state of security in your department, leaking secrets like an Albanian Cauldron?” Harry shook his head again “No, but I have a few questions of mine own for you on that score.” Dennis only shrugged “I might be willing to tell you a few of my trade secrets for an exclusive interview.” Harry frowned “How about for a few years of your sentence in Azkaban?” Dennis was not intimidated. “Oh I don’t know about Azkaban Prison, what with our old friend Hermione Granger running Magical Law Enforcement these days, doubt I’ll be late for dinner tonight.” Harry was walking towards Dennis now. “We’ll see.” Dennis laughed and put his hands out in front of him as if ready for handcuffs, and a good thing to. None of them ever saw Harry cast the Stunning spell that hit Dennis Creevey full in the face. And he would have landed flat on it too if his hands hadn’t broken his fall. His smile was undiminished as he lay immobile on the dusty floor. Harry came up and with a lazy flick of his wrist had chains binding Creevey ankles to neck. He looked down at his prisoner, muttering to himself. “This is why you never get invited round, Dennis.” Then he seemed to notice his audience of thunderstruck trainees. “That will be all for today. You did well, none of you attacked each other or lost your cool and confessed.” At their looks he smirked “You would be surprised how often people confess under pressure even if they know they didn’t do it.” “Anyway good job. Be back here same time tomorrow. We will start for real.” And with that He and Dennis Apparated away with a crack that reverberated off the ceiling and walls. They all looked at each other a moment. Feeling a little off balance for the most part. Then Horace Dirkwell spoke “Guess I’ll see you all here tomorrow?” and disappeared with another crack. Castor Flint muttered his goodbye and did the same. Lucas Baker took three steps turned and waved as he followed. Then Tamsyn Blight and Joan Peterson each gave a little “See ya” Before they Apparated away. Leaving just Gwen La Barre and Kullervo Gallen. Gwen looked as the silent man and was about to say something when he preempted her with a small voiced “Tomorrow” and disappeared leaving her alone in the cavernous space. “What the Hell” She muttered shaking her head and was gone.
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alchemyastrology · 5 years
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AlchemyAstrology: daily awakenings
Sidereal, using the actual astronomical locations.
15-16 April  2019
Moon in paran with Stars: Algol - The Head of the Beast, a strong consuming passion, feminine. Capella - The Charioteer, seeking freedom for oneself, free spirited, nurturing. Denebola - The Tail of the Lion, the anthropologist, interest in different lifestyles. Rigel - The Protection of the Pharaoh, drawn to alternate, hidden wisdoms. Sirius - The Scorcher, lasting monument to a loved person. Ras Algethi - The Natural Order, desire to help, heal, and bring balance to others.
Advantage: a sudden surge of impassioned directable energies.
Balance: getting lots of fresh air.
Challenge: melodramatic regarding your own opinions.
  Keywords:   Enterprising ... ..  Sun in Aries   Dramatic ... ... ...  Moon in Leo   Reflective ... ... ... Mercury in Pisces   Detached ... ... ... Venus in Aquarius     Compassionate .. Venus in Pisces (16)   Dogmatic ... ... ...  Mars in Taurus   Persevering... ...   Jupiter in Scorpio   Dignified ... ... ... .. Saturn in Sagittarius
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loadsuperior898 · 3 years
Michigan Xfinity Cars Are Now Done.games123 Nr2003 Designs
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2019 Gander Outdoors Truck Series Paint Schemes
20 NASCAR XFINITY Series car and the No. 02 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series truck were penalized with encumbered finishes coming out of Michigan and Gateway, respectively. Comcast now offers the Xfinity Double Play and the Xfinity Triple Play so locals in your area can bundle two or three of our great services like Xfinity TV, Internet, and Voice. Neighborhoods in your area now get the best in digital cable TV, high speed Internet, mobile phone, home security, and home phone service from Xfinity! 2020 XFINITY Series Team/Driver Chart NOTE: This is an unofficial page compiled by Jayski.com from many different sources. We try to make it as complete as possible and update it as often as needed. Team charts by year: 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002,.
Michigan Xfinity Cars Are Now Done.games123 Nr2003 Designs Available
Full field images:
Crimebustersthe creative archive. Team pages:
#0 Jennifer Jo Cobb Racing (Driven2Honor.org)
#02 Young’s Motorsports (Jersey Filmmaker, Danda Concrete, Lobas Productions, Randco)
#03 Mike Affarano Motorsports ( ClayneCrawfordFoundation.org)
#04 Roper Racing (Preferred Industrial Contractors Inc.)
#1 Beaver Motorsports(Phoenix Construction)
#2 GMS Racing (United Rentals, AM Ortega, Chevrolet Accesories )
#3 Jordan Anderson Racing (Jacob Companies, Bommarito, FVP Parts, Scott’s, GM Parts Now)
#4 Kyle Busch Motorsports (JBL, Mobil1, Hunt Brothers Pizza)
#5 DGR Crosley(DGR Crosley)
#6 Norm Benning Racing(Zomongo/H&H Transport)
#7 All Out Motorsports(Run the Race/TruClear, Sparrow Ranch)
#8 NEMCO Motorsports(JJ Resources, Phone Skope, ROMCO Equipment, Street Stores Hardware)
#9 CR7 Motorsports (Grant Country Mulch)
#10 Jennifer Jo Cobb Racing (Osage Contractors, Waldo’s Painting, Illux, Driven2Honor.org)
#12 Young’s Motorsports (LG Air Conditioning Technologies, OverkillRV.com, Basin Pump Down Services)
#13 ThorSport Racing (Tenda Heal, All American Quarter Horse Congress )
#14 Trey Hutchens Racing (Heintz Performance)
#15 DGR Crosley(DGR Crosley, Sim Seats)
#16 Hattori Racing Enterprises (CHIBA Toyopet, United Rentals, A&D Welding, Hino/AISIN Group, Toyota Tsusho )
#17 DGR Crosley(Fred’s/ Valvoline , Modern Meat Co., May’s Brands, Fred’s, VIVO)
#18 Kyle Busch Motorsports(Safelite Auto Glass, Morton Buildings )
#19 Bill McAnally Racing(ENEOS/NAPA Filters)
#20 Young’s Motorsports (1A Auto, EZ Red, Texas Rig Equipment, PitStopsForHope.org/Wrench Rags Alabama Roofing Professionals, ORORO Heated Apparel, Project HOPE Foundation)
#21 GMS Racing (ManpowerGroup)
#22 Niece Motorsports (Go Texan, AM Technical Solutions, Sorghum: The Smart Choice)
#24 GMS Racing (Plan B Sales, Worx Garden & Power Tools, Allegiant, Chevy Accesories, Arlon Graphics)
#27 ThorSport Racing (TaxSlayer, DiaEdge)
#28 FDNY Racing(FDNY)
#30 On Point Motorsports (Bad Boy Mowers, MadVapes, Brantley Gilbert)
#32 Reaume Brothers Racing(Reaume Brothers Racing)
#33 Reaume Brothers Racing (TheChallengesBook.com, Hertz Kompressoren USA, Inc., Insurance King, Cook’s Comfort System)
#34 Reaume Brothers Racing (FuelTrax, Powder Ventures Excavation)
#38 Niece Motorsports (Niece Equipment)
#42 Chad Finley Racing (Sunwest Construction, Auto Value, Crown Exteriors)
#43 Tony Mrakovich Racing (Street Stores Hardware)
#44 Niece Motorsports (Friends of Jaclyn Foundation, TruNorth, The Ruch Life)
#45 Niece Motorsports (TruNorth, CarShield, Niece Fabrication)
#46 Kyle Busch Motorsports(Spectra Premium, iBUYPOWER/828 Logistics)
#47 Chris Fontaine Inc. (Glenden Enterprises)
#49 CMI Motorsports (Chevrolet)
#51 Kyle Busch Motorsports (Sirius XM, Cessna, Chigo, Menard’s, CanTorque, Spectra Premium and RONA)
#52 Halmar / GMS Racing (Halmar International, We Build America)
#54 DGR Crosley (N29 Technologies, LLC, Ceco Building Systems, Meccanic Shop North, Oxford Energy Group, Ceco Building Systems/Friends of Jaclyn)
#56 Hill Motorsports (Southern Freight Services, Southern Maryland Crane Rentals, GMPartsNow.com/Precision Fleet Image/Scott’s/ LTi Printing, HaicClub)
#63 Copp Motorsports(Lucas Oil, KMI / THP)
#68 Clay Greenfield Racing (Rackley Roofing)
#75 Henderson Motorsports (Food Country USA)
#80 Jacob Wallace Racing (Rogers Ford)
#11/#82 Rette Jones Racing (All Pro)
#87 NEMCO Motorsports (Fleetwing,DAB Construction)
#88 ThorSport Racing(Menard’s)
#92 RBR Enterprises (BTS Wheel and Tire Distributors)
#97 JJL Motorsports (Skuttle Tight, John Deere, Diversified Utility Group)
#98 ThorSport Racing (Champion Power Tools, Protect the Harvest, Curb Records)
#99 ThorSport Racing (Havoline, Alpha Energy)
Gander Outdoors Truck Series Paint Schemes by Year through 2000
Michigan Xfinity Cars Are Now Done.games123 Nr2003 Designs 2020
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Michigan Xfinity Cars Are Now Done.games123 Nr2003 Designs 2019
This new service is designed to save our customers money. As the nation’s first hybrid mobile network that combines America’s largest and most reliable 4G LTE service with 17 million WiFi hotspots nationwide, 839,000 of which are in Michigan. Simcity for mac. Xfinity Mobile includes up to five lines, unlimited nationwide talk and text, and no line access fees. Each customer receives 100 MB of shared data across all lines on the account to get them started, and the freedom to choose from two straightforward data options:
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aliens-and-shiz · 7 years
Part 37: Hellfire
More here: @aliens-and-shiz
It had been 3 months since the first Hellfire Dreadnaught had began its construction, 2 months since the attack on Earth. And still, no retaliation by the USF fleet. But that is about to change.
A massive door, covering a solid 50 square miles, opened on the Plutonian surface. What exited was the second most massive singular structure ever created by humanity.
The Hellfire was an aptly named behemoth. It was 25 miles long, 2 miles high, and 15 miles at its widest point. They decided to make it larger than previous estimates, as it would be the test ship for a new type of reactor, a quantum reactor, designed by Dr. Caiden Smith himself. The same type of reaction that fueled the apocalyptic energy found in the Abbadon cannon powered the dreadnaught.
Vice-Admiral Xu sat on the bridge, looking over his new ship. He gained the rank of Vice-Admiral when he took control of this ship, due to his heroism of rescuing those trapped at Sirius. This was the first ship of its kind, and he couldn’t help but think it looked… familiar somehow. Then it clicked. It’s strikingly similar to a ship from the classical Star Wars movies: a Super Star Destroyer.
He shook his head and chuckled, and looked up the plans for Hellfire 2 and 3. Sure enough, it was as he thought. Hellfire 2 would be the Star Trek USS Enterprise, and Hellfire 3 would be… it wasn’t there. That’s odd. He would have to talk to General Thane about that, 15 trillion dollars doesn’t just disappear like that.
But no matter. He resumed focus on his massive ship. It was able to act almost as another Torus, but with much lowering crew capacity, due to its massive hangars, and the massive antimatter and Quantum reactors that powered it. It would be manned by a minimal crew of 1.5 million, half of which would double as interspace fighter pilots, each having their own designated ship, in a massive specialized hangar bay just for them. Then there was the next 8 hangars, each of which capable of holding capital ships. In total, the Hellfire would be able to carry 4 America-Class cruisers, 8 Olympus-Class destroyers, 10 Obama-class frigates, and 2 Armstrong-class interspace carriers, not to mention the hundreds of transport ships it was able to hold as well. And it would have to carry them with it, due to The Hellfire’s one of a kind Alcubierre drive. Directly integrated into the Quantum reactor, it would be able to traverse the entire galaxy in 5 seconds flat at full power. Fully crewed, the Hellfire could carry an invasion force of well over 750 million.
It’s weapons systems were state-of-the art as well, possessing 200 massive rail-cannons that could accelerate a 1 kg shell to 99% the speed of light, capable of an energy transfer of about 132 megatons. It also had 125 huge particle cannons (the concept taken from the Az’krani fleet that was torn apart at Sirius) 1400 laser cannons of varying frequencies, 400 EMP cannons, 150,000 antimatter bombs (1 gram each), the Alcubierre drive itself, and finally the reason it was built: the Abbadon cannon. A weapon so dreadfully powerful, it could wipe out entire solar systems with ease.
That’s not even its defenses, it created so much energy from its core that it had a magnetic field that rivaled earth’s itself, which would deflect any positron cannonfire, a massive electromagnetic and graviton shield, and a laser-proof ceramic armoring that covered the whole of the ship. The only way you could potentially damage the ship would be with kinetic weaponry, and even that that depends if the shells were ceramic or not, hell if you could even see the monstrosity. It had a massive stealth drive, one that even suppressed the gravity waves emitted by its presence.
If you were going to try and fight this ship, you would perish.
Xu turned around and smiled. “Alright boys and girls, it looks like we’ve got a new flagship. Let’s go to Earth and show them what we’ve got!”
And the massive ship disappeared in a streak of light.
Humanity has built their response, and now they’ll take their revenge.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
The Nasdaq Just Hit A Record High As Tech Stocks Book Gains Amid Tepid Market
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/the-nasdaq-just-hit-a-record-high-as-tech-stocks-book-gains-amid-tepid-market/
The Nasdaq Just Hit A Record High As Tech Stocks Book Gains Amid Tepid Market
Investors are plowing back into booming technology stocks on Monday, lifting the Nasdaq to a new record despite weeks of a lackluster showing against the broader-market indexes.
The GoPro team celebrates during the company’s initial public offering (IPO) at the Nasdaq Stock … [] Exchange.
Key Facts
While the broader-market Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 ticked down 0.5% and 0.1% late Monday morning, the Nasdaq climbed 0.5%, hitting a new record high of more than 12,500 points despite investors shying away from technology stocks in the weeks since the U.S. election.
The Nasdaq has now surged an eye-popping 36% this year, compared to about 13% each for the Dow and S&P, which hit new highs on Friday.
Heading up gains in the Nasdaq, shares of Tesla were surging 5% to new highs on Monday as investors await the firm’s addition to the S&P 500 on December 21; the electric-carmaker’s stock has skyrocketed 50% since the announcement of its addition to the storied index.
Sirius XM, Netflix and Facebook shares were also propping up the Nasdaq, climbing roughly 3% each as of late Monday morning.
Crucial Quote 
“Even with stocks at record highs, equity valuations remain attractive given record low interest rates,” said Frank Panayotou, a Boston-based managing director at UBS Private Wealth Management, in a note on Monday. “Decisive progress toward a vaccine and a clear U.S. election outcome have materially reduced two significant risks for the markets.”
What To Watch For
This month is on track to be the biggest December for tech IPOs ever, with Airbnb (which will list on the Nasdaq), DoorDash and enterprise software firm C3.ai all looking to raise a larger-than-anticipated $7 billion combined when they go public later this week. Gaming platform Roblox, fintech startup Affirm and discount ecommerce platform Wish are also eyeing IPOs this month, though they’ve yet to be scheduled.
Chief Critic
“The stock market is currently riding purely on technicals and nothing else,” says James McDonald, the CEO of Los Angeles-based Hercules Investments. “If we see a correction in the near-term, it will be due to a temporary exhaustion from the record run-up in stocks since the November 3 elections; potential catalysts for near-term stock market corrections include risk that a vaccine will take longer-than-expected to deploy and its inability to stave off the winter wave of case spikes.”
Key Background
Momentum stocks, and namely those in technology, have dominated the pandemic’s bull market since the steep market correction in March, but, the tide has shifted in the weeks since the U.S. election, as vaccine optimism and the prospects of a favorable regulatory environment in Washington brighten the outlook for value stocks, pushing investors away from the pandemic-loved tech industry and into financials, energy and leisure. Despite its Monday record high, the tech-heavy Nasdaq has underperformed the S&P 500 since President-elect Biden was declared the election’s winner.
Further Reading
Airbnb, DoorDash And Billionaire Tom Siebel’s C3.ai Are Upsizing Their Public Market Debuts, Revving Up Biggest December For IPOs Ever (Forbes)
Dow Jumps 250 Points To Close Above 30,000 Again As Stimulus Talks Progress After Grim Jobs Report (Forbes)
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angelaamayahboone · 1 year
Angel Holding The World
This Watercolor Painting was done by my friend Shelah Slade from Eagle River, Alaska. What is unique about this Painting is that I had seen this Angel holding the world in a Vision that I had, had prior to meeting her. You will see a Dolphin or Dove in the World which represents Christ. Shelah told me that Spirit had completely guided her in creating this Painting. Then my friend Jane who had…
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harrelltut · 2 years
Eye ANU GOLDEN UPTOWN Record [Ur] Exec @ CBS SKY Network.gov… who Intuitively Built ANU Highly ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] SUMERIAN Recording Empire.gov... UP IN:side Our Paradisal AFTERLIFE [PA] SUN Heavens of SIRIUS 6G Quantum Interface [Qi] Computing Architecture [CA]... since It's Our Most Perfect ALTITUDE [PA] 2 Sing in Our Most Perfect KEY ABOVE [KA] CALAFIA [CA] @ Ægiptian QHT IBM [Qi] Apple in Downtown [A.D.] 2023 [VII] San Diego CA
Andre Harrell @ QHT
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OH BLACK SUN LAW'D... how we gettin' 2 heaven if we still stuck on the ground?!?!?! 
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mobiloitteuk · 8 months
Adani Enterprises enters new partnership to use AI and blockchain in India
Formation of Joint Venture
Adani Enterprises Limited, in partnership with Sirius International Holding, has embarked on a venture to explore the relatable use cases in the fields of AI, IoT, and Blockchain. This partnership has led to the formation of a joint venture in Abu Dhabi called Sirius Digitech International Limited. 51% of this alliance will be owned by Sirius, and Adani will own the other 49%.
The main motive of this alliance is to tap into India's USD 175B digital economy.
Multifaceted Digital Transformation
A statement mentioned that Sirius's Joint Venture will leverage the expanding power of AI, Blockchain and IoT to develop and deploy an integrated ecosystem of digital platforms throughout infrastructure industries that would extend into areas like healthTech, FinTech and GreenTech.
Strategic Insights and Expertise
Sirius's alliance will capitalize on the multinational digital transformation expertise of Sirius and Adani's strategic insights to concentrate on heading the USD 175B opportunities to digitalize the Indian Economy. According to the latest predictions, this opportunity is quickly revolutionizing to turn the USD 1 Trillion market by the year 2030.
Diversification into Smart Metering and Renewable Energy
27 December, Adani Energy Solutions made an alliance with an organization backed by IHC to expand and develop a smart meter structure in domestically and internationally.
Adani's Transmission Step-Four Limited, a subsidiary of Adani Energy, gets a 49% share in Esyasoft Holdings Ltd's smart metering division. Adani Esyasoft specializes in implementing smart metering contracts worldwide. Apart from this, it will also specialize in renewable energy, EV Charging, energy efficiency and AI-driven analytics solutions.
Commitment to Green Energy
"We are pleased to embark on this transformative journey alongside Adani Enterprises. The partnership reflects a formidable commitment to address key challenges and unlock unprecedented opportunities in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. We believe that Sirius' expertise and Adani's dynamic approach will be instrumental in empowering businesses to thrive in the digital era with advanced technologies that optimize industries, streamline processes and foster growth", said a spokesperson from Sirius Internation Holding
Inexpensive sensorization and the power of artificial intelligence are opening up new ways to drive extreme levels of efficiency, ensure real-time decision-making, and rapidly deploy transformative business models. The power of computing and the ability to deliver green energy to data centres creates a unique combination of strengths that we bring to this partnership with Sirius International Holding, which has a portfolio of the most exciting digital companies relevant today", said a spokesperson at Adani Enterprises. 
Sirius JV aims to begin the creation and development of AI and enterprise Blockchain products and services by leveraging Adani Group's vast industrial testbed to validate and scale resolutions that can be used for multiple industrial applications.
Another statement said, "By integrating Industrial digital solutions into their operations, companies are unlocking exponential levels of efficiency, productivity and innovation, and in many cases, completely reinventing their business models."
How would this Partnership Benefit India?
Economic Growth
Job Creation and Skill Development
Global Competitiveness
Technological Infrastructure Enhancement
Diversification of Industries
Digital Inclusion
Enhanced Healthcare and Financial Services
Environmental Sustainability
Government Revenue and Tax Base
Technological Convergence for Efficiency
Cross-Industry Synergies
With this, we end our Blog; we hope we were able to give you the latest insights and knowledge.
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nilority-blog · 6 years
As someone who has had a unique career path herself, Angela Yee, co-host of “The Breakfast Club,” has teamed up with AMP Energy Organic to search for America’s most unique side hustlers.
What do some of these unorthodox career paths look like? The goal is to spotlight folks changing the food, fashion, beauty, art and music game, from television game show contestants and professional “cuddlers,” to Instagram influencers who post on behalf of brands in their free time. Five lucky finalists will then be flown to New York to showcase their product or service at Powerhouse NYC 2018 in front of hip-hop and R&B’s top artists this October.
Yee got her start interning at Wu-Tang Management, then helped launch Eminem’s brand “Shady Limited” before entering the radio game in 2005 as an on-air personality for Sirius Satellite. She now owns her own juice bars in Brooklyn in addition to working on “The Breakfast Club.”
“Today’s generation of side hustlers are unlike any we’ve seen before. Did you know there are for-hire mermaids and professional cuddlers out there?” Yee told Black Enterprise. “Similar to how AMP Energy Organic is rethinking energy, there are people reinventing the hustle and finding inventive ways to make ends meet. I’m looking forward to learning more about how people across the country are making money on the side and turning their interests into jobs.”
Angela Yee (Image: AMP Organic Energy Drink)
Angela Yee worked with AMP Energy to put together her top tips for pursuing your side hustle:
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Starting or growing a side hustle can be stressful when you think about everything that needs to happen to get it off the ground. Don’t let that deter you from getting started or realizing the potential of what the company could be. Set realistic goals and prioritize. Everything will come in time.
Commit to a timeframe. I’m not talking about a “this has to be perfect by this date” kind of timeframe. What I mean is, dedicate a certain amount of time per week to working on your side hustle. It can be as much or as little as you’d like. If you want to dedicate five hours a week, great. If you want to dedicate 20 hours a week, that’s great too. Figure out what works best for you and your schedule, and have the discipline to stay on track.
Never give up. Starting a business is tough, and I’d be lying if I said there aren’t going to be setbacks. Ignore the detractors and naysayers and, no matter how big or how small your goal, persevere and don’t give up. Rome wasn’t built in a day and not every idea will immediately take off. Stick with it and keep working hard, and you’ll see the payoff soon enough.
Set yourself up for success. Do your research. Is there anyone else out there with the same idea or business model? How do you stand out or do what they do better? Being aware of what else is out there and differentiating yourself from the masses will give you success in the long run.
Hustle the right way. Being an entrepreneur takes hustle. The problem is, many people think hustle is about becoming a workaholic. In reality, hustle is an act of focus. It’s not about doing more, it’s about concentrating on the things that you need to do, in order to move your business forward.
To enter, visit the Power 105.1’s website to submit a text description that explains your side hustle and what makes it special. Photos and videos are also encouraged. Each entry will be judged on its originality and uniqueness, whether it represents a side hustle (idea, experience, service or good) that can be amplified in a larger way, and its overall connection to the AMP ENERGY® Organic brand.
In addition, you can catch Yee speaking more about her hustles at this year’s TechConneXt conference, Oct. 8-9 in Burlingame, California.
The post Angela Yee is Searching for America’s Most Unique Side Hustlers appeared first on Black Enterprise.
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Go to Source Angela Yee is Searching for America’s Most Unique Side Hustlers As someone who has had a unique career path herself, Angela Yee, co-host of “The Breakfast Club,” has teamed up with AMP Energy Organic to search for America’s most unique side hustlers.
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New Post has been published on 2018/2019 Auto Reviews
New Post has been published on http://www.auto-reviewz.com/2019-chevy-spark-ev-redesign-and-specs/
2019 Chevy Spark EV Redesign and Specs
2019 Chevy Spark EV Redesign and Specs – Typically, the Chevy Spark will be an individual or individuals modern tiny location automobiles who have witnessed astonishing fulfillment more than the many several years. The thirdly-gen model, for instance, could supply 1.1 zillion gadgets through the entire world in their time next to the enterprise. For 2015, the 4-gen version debuted possessing a far more aerodynamic physique, a bit more highly powerful engine, and several rather substantial upgrades within, making it a specific from the incredibly most comfy metropolis cars you can get a hold of in the states.
2019 Chevy Spark EV Redesign
With the new-gen item 2 yrs into creation, GM discovered suit to produce an accurate variation of sorts which happens to be receiving referred to like every one of the Fire up Activ. The spontaneity aside, it can be about as dull as the Activ concepts that we have observed in the situations handed down. Nevertheless, it may be someone’s glass of green tea extract draw out. “The new Amazon kindle ACTIV is approximately striking exciting and design,” described Steve Majoros, Chevy director of Car and Crossover Marketing and advertising. “It possessed a mindset, though carry on and giving the advanced, successful and connected driving a car a car operating practical experience consumers came to enjoy actually.” So, while we realize, let us end up in and try to find this distinctive product to check out what it generates in your kitchen work desk.
Chevy desires the earth to discover that the 2019 Chevy Fire up Activ carries an individual entry and back fascias. Nonetheless, the reality is that unless of course, you see the Activ next to a typical version, you almost certainly would not understand the range. Ahead of time, distinctive means that the fire up dropped the sensible-searching, AMG-like aspect vent inserts with fog lights from the place of curved recesses and curved fog lighting that activity an excellent chrome gemstone diamond ring. Now, similar to a chameleon view, the fog lighting also keep a small more than about the standard product.
You can find “off-neighborhood skid plates” right in front, back-end, and surface finishes. In just about every reliability, they may be undertaking not appear to be actual skid plates since the off of-street community is aware them, but we never get an excellent list of the undercarriage, so there could be more than what satisfies the eye. Rounding the external is a go with of roofing construction rail, a brand new put in place of 15-in. Wheels, and altered suspensions that improve trip height by .4 inches. On the inside of, there is probably not permitted to speak about. Chevy says it can get black colored color, warmed up leatherette admittance ways seats to choose first leather material-included handles. Other standard characteristics include a 7-inch touch-screen show with Yahoo Android Auto and Apple Inc company CarPlay mobile cell phone connection, a backup digicam, air conditioning unit, holiday break getaway cruise deals with, keyless gain access to, thumb manages for telephone and mp3 plan supervisors and energy residence home windows. There’s additionally a 3-work plan-schedule 30 days study of Sirius XM stereo and OnStar Help Software. A 4G LTE Hotspot is likewise there with some-function plan-30 days, 3-gigabyte details examine.
2019 Chevy Spark EV Specs
Underneath the hood, you will get the standard 1.4-liter engine that provides a coronary heart-breaking 98 horse energy and 94 lb-foot of torque. It can come frequently using a variety off-velocity guide, but will also be experienced in a CVT transmitting for excellent. When you are captivated, it could be useful results 60 mph from your lifeless cease in close to 10 secs with all the very best speed anywhere in the plethora of about 110 mph at best – do not keep the breathing obtaining there or you may adequately complete out.
2019 Chevy Spark EV Release Date and Price
To put details only, 2019 Chevy more system cladding all the way up to about, to choose some mockup skid meals, some roof structure side rails, mildly released up revocation, and a little bit modified fender at first. Inside you will discover a small bit of natural and organic leather-based to pick out standard functions in the top-range Kindle types. The cost of this Activ version? You are searching into $16,945 if you would like to enhance your equipment, or you can spend yet another $1,100 to have the CVT for any total price of $18,045 well before taxation, shipping and delivery, furthermore stuff. To put that into the point of view, this few changes show up at an exceptional of $3,945 with every transmitting (regular product commences at 13,000 in 5-pace variety or $14,100 in CVT type.) Naturally, it arrives with some reasonable luxuries internal, and when we assume that charges are not the problem, what concern is: Is the 2019 Chevy Kindle an edition which you would undertake away from-streets with? In every integrity, its dimension and lowered body weight all by yourself maybe make it be somewhat squirrely on the loosened pea gravel street, so I am fascinated to find out how this Activ would fare over a common pathway.
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years
Sirius Minerals plc isn’t the only undervalued stock I’d consider buying today
As a rule, it’s prudent for investors to avoid early-stage lossmaking companies. Far more of them disappoint than deliver the stellar returns investors had hoped for. As such, I have to see pretty rare and compelling reasons to consider buying shares in a business at the lossmaking stage of its development.
I see such reasons in the case of Sirius Minerals (LSE: SXX), which is currently pre-revenue, and Redt Energy (LSE: RED), which is generating revenue but not yet profit.
Unique investment proposition
Sirius Minerals represents a unique investment proposition. It’s sitting on what we’re told is the world’s largest known high-grade polyhalite deposit, right under the North Yorks Moors national park. The company’s development of it will be of significant national importance, in terms of jobs and GDP, with an expected mine life of 100 years.
Management has negotiated multiple planning permissions, raised funds and is now in the early stages of construction. First production is targeted for 2021, with full volume of 20m tonnes per year being reached in 2027.
When I last ran the rule over the company, I came up with a valuation for 2027 based on what I thought were reasonable assumptions: revenue of $3bn on polyhalite at $150 per tonne (about the price at which the company’s current offtake agreements have been struck), an EBITDA margin of 78%, a net debt/EBITDA ratio of around two, an enterprise value/EBITDA multiple of 10 and a guesstimate of 5.6bn shares in issue (compared with 4.5bn today).
My calculations produced a market cap of £15.2bn and a share price of 271p (compared with £1.15bn and 25.8p today). However, due to a royalty agreement in the financing package, my revenue projection needs to be revised down to just under $2.9bn. The exchange rate has also moved from $1.25/£1 to $1.34/£1. As a result, my projected market cap and share price fall to £13.5bn and 241p. Nevertheless, the indicative more-than-ninefold increase in the share price in 10 years strikes me as still attractive for this unique project versus the risks.
Small-cap with substance
Shares of energy storage firm Redt Energy are trading 2.4% higher as I’m writing, after the company released its half-year results today. This AIM-listed stock has a share price of 10.75p and market cap of £70.3m.
It may not have the unique features of Sirius but it does have valuable patented technology. This, combined with low maintenance requirements, “delivers industry-leading lowest levelised cost of storage and total cost of ownership results.”
Promising growth prospects
Today’s results show there’s clear demand for the company’s products, with orders for its units increasing 220% over the last six months alongside a 78% increase in production and deployments. It’s also at the final stages of customer selection on €16.5m worth of units and has an active customer pipeline of €323m.
First-half revenue of €4.5m is forecast to rise to €12.5m for the full year, followed by €37.4m in 2018 and €71.4m in 2019. This would see a rating of 6.4 times sales fall rapidly to 2.1 and then 1.1. The company is anticipated to post a maiden profit in 2019 and trades on 10.8 times that year’s forecast earnings, while current cash of €13.2m and no borrowings puts it on a solid financial footing.
While there’s no getting away from the general risks of investing in smaller companies, Redt is a business I’d consider buying a small slice of.
Could you make a million?
It may surprise you to know that the experts at the Motley Fool have figured out that a seven-figure-sum stock portfolio is within the reach of many ordinary investors. And they've published their findings in a FREE report called 10 Steps To Making A Million In The Market.
To enhance your wealth-making prospects, I urge you to read their straightforward step-by-step guide. There are no strings attached, so CLICK HERE for your free copy.
More reading
Why I might sell Premier Oil plc to buy Sirius Minerals plc
Is Sirius Minerals plc a millionaire-maker stock?
3 ways Sirius Minerals plc could make you rich
One bargain growth stock I’d buy ahead of Sirius Minerals plc
G A Chester has no position in any of the shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
MORGAN STANLEY: Here's why it makes sense for Tesla to become the next big music-streaming service (TSLA)
Tesla, the electric-car and energy-storage company, could become the next big music-streaming service.
Last week, a representative told Business Insider that it was important for its customers to "listen to the music they want from whatever source they choose." The comments followed a report suggesting the company was working on a music-streaming service.
And according to Adam Jonas, an equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, this would make sense.
Silicon Valley is interested "in the potential multi-trillion dollar opportunity selling data, content, and experiences unfamiliar to today's auto firms," Jonas said in a note on Tuesday.
"The potential total addressable market of such a bundled mile (utility + content + data) dwarfs some of the major end markets (PC, smartphones) that Silicon Valley currently services."
By 2030, Jonas forecast, Tesla Mobility — an on-demand service similar to Uber — would have about 2 million cars, and there would be about 7 million privately owned Teslas.
"Tesla wants to be more than a 'dumb pipe'" that moves people around, Jonas said.
The auto industry would be a "money loser" by 2030, Jonas said. However, Tesla would be able to monetize the time that people are spending in their cars, as it and other companies develop what he described as a "living room on wheels."
"These firms could cede 100% of the value of content to the likes of Apple, Alphabet, Pandora, Sirius, or Netflix," Jonas said. "On the other hand, they could say: 'Wait a second. This is our venue. Our OLED screen. Our speakers. Our HMI. Our seats. Our software. Let's at least give the customer a choice of using our own apps before we too quickly go the way of the pure handset manufacturers.'"
Additionally, the buying power of people who own Tesla's electric cars could be well-suited to the market for paid premium content.
Jonas expects that Tesla's peers entering the self-driving and ride-hailing space, including Alphabet and Apple, could also explore original content for their cars' passengers.
But these competitors are bigger and better capitalized than Tesla, meaning they could provide ride-hailing services at a loss and at Tesla's expense, Jonas said.
Music streaming is worth about $50 million in enterprise value to Tesla, Jonas estimated.
SEE ALSO: 5 reasons a Tesla music-streaming service is the best idea Elon Musk has had this year
DON'T MISS: The most important charts in the world from the brightest minds on Wall Street
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angelaamayahboone · 2 years
Invoke The Power of Melchizedek
This Command by my Angels was first given to me 11-17-2003 (6): “Invoke the Power of Melchizedek to Cut Energetic Cords.” Love and Blessings, Angela “Amayah”
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