astoldbyandre · 2 months
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cronakillz · 6 months
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☆amayah taylor ☆
•⩊•samantha fowler •⩊•
amayah is an international superspy, able to take disguise as anyone or anything that will help her get her job done. currently, amayah is undercover on the board of an anime convention hunting predators in the community. as samantha, she is shy, sweet, and helpful to all that need her, but in reality she is cunning, manipulative, and absolutely fierce. what will her next job be? (i will be posting that lol bc i love her)
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cameronhatcher · 1 year
closed starter || @amayahxfontenelle
Cameron had come home to East Haven a couple of times in the many years since he'd left, primarily for the holidays to see his family, but he always tried to make some time to see his old friends. He was excited that he'd be able to spend some actual time with them now that he was planning on staying here for a while. Cam was entering a coffee shop when he spotted a familiar face that he hadn't seen in years, "Amayah?" he questioned, walking over with a bright smile, "Oh my god, look at you, you look amazing! How've you been?"
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ladyazulina · 1 year
WTW Ghost Gala - Day 1: Pumpkin Carving
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🎃 Pumpkin Carving 🎃 - You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
I didn't have to think long when a name popped up in my head:
✨ Maya ✨
Also known as Amayah or Amayah Nomura.
She's the main character of her story, which has passed (the story) through a lot of names—seriously, where is the one that really fits?
She was my character during a roleplay in a My Hero Academia forum.
Then, she passed to be one of the six main characters of the original (or attempt to) story, Heroes.
I started posting and sharing Alternative Universes featuring her like Ethienne, and also have been working on a prequel of whatever the final name of her story will be, calling it simply Maya.
Now I think the original story will be called Prowess, but there's still a long way to go.
You're probably asking yourself why I would choose Maya as the sacrifice. It doesn't have a complicated answer.
✨ Maya will go willingly ✨
That doesn't mean she won't fight or will simply let herself die at the slightest opportunity, no. What that means is that, after all the effort and all the actions and all the energy and all the possible things she could do, if in the end, she still has to die, she will accept her fate and die.
And, more importantly, will do so in a way that would let everyone around her understand it. And they will respect her "choice" that way, the course of fate. Because, of course, Jessenia and her family would riot and challenge the gods and everything if she dies in a way she shouldn't.
I won't think about the circumstances of her death because that's not planned in any of the universes where I have her. Almost deaths, yeah. Unbearable pain, hell yes. But she always lives through it. And like the way she gets to live through it all, in that same way I picture her death right now.
If she has to go, she will go. Taking the hell of the world with her if she's able. Leaving something behind to reassure her loved ones if she's not.
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maverick-bennett · 9 months
closed starter || @amayahxfontenelle
By this time in the storm, Maverick was just trying to make himself comfortable on the floor of Tequila Cowboy. He was sat up against the wall, with a rag over his side and a tight grip over his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but the longer the storm went on the less optimistic he felt about the outcome. He was growing tired and weak, but being the man that he was, he didn't tell anyone. Instead he tried to make conversation with someone nearby to distract himself from the pain. Whistling over at her to get Amayah's attention, Maverick nodded when she looked over at him, "I got cigarettes in my back pocket here, mind helping me get one of them?" he asked, since he couldn't move much without causing himself more pain.
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ladymalchav · 10 months
The only photo I took at the play my niece was in last night:
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angelaamayahboone · 1 year
Path of Light
As a  Spiritual Teacher, Seer, Energy Intuitive/Guide and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, I have consistently received information from the Masters of Light (Heavenly Hosts) for many, many years. I would like to share with you some of this information that was given.  Reverend George Graham Price whose spiritual name was Frater Achad stated in the book of the Ancient Mystical White…
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plus-ones · 4 days
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putitonmydash · 7 months
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Chareese Amayah Vrij
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toofourlove · 6 days
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Chareese Amayah Vrij
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thebritishdragon · 2 months
Smaugust, Day 7.
-Amayah Katz
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jeremyxlieberman · 5 months
closed starter for @amayahxfontenelle location: Amayah & Wesley's place
This was possibly the last thing that Jeremy ever wanted to do, but with the letter he got from this loan place in New Hampshire, he knew he needed to get this done. His mother had used his name to get some kind of money for whatever new adventure she was working on and of course, missed every payment. Now the place was threatening to repossess anything he had to make up for the payments due and Jeremy just wanted to pay the whole thing off. He had most of the money, but he needed a little more and Amayah was the person that came to mind. He just didn't know how to bring it up to her. So, he showed up with a bottle of wine and treats from the bakery and hoped he wasn't already giving himself away as he knocked on the door.
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rayxclairmont · 6 months
closed starter for @amayahxfontenelle location: chapman university
Ray found himself at the university doing some meetings with the dean and other counsel members. School meetings were always one of his least favorite things to do, but he was always present for them because he did care a lot about the education students got. Her just hated some of the people in the council. He'd never sat that to them, though. Definitely wouldn't be a wise idea. Once the meetings were finally over, Ray was walking around campus and smiled as he spotted one of the professors. "Hey, Professor Fontenelle." Ray said with a grin. "How are you?"
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ladyazulina · 2 years
December Dialogue Writing Prompt
December 31
“Time is the one thing you can’t get back.” Someone is expressing regret about wasted opportunities to your character- how do they respond?
“And if you continue using it that way, you will continue feeling that. I suggest you start doing something now, because then it will have passed again.”
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ovidiomedes · 1 year
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comfort 🙏
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dgdraws · 1 year
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Day 2 of OC-tober: a new OC
Amayah plays the bass and sings lead vocals for her band, Girl-Z. She's also a fierce roller derby competitor :) I just settled on my design for her this past weekend!
Amayah Willis is the cool, pretty, popular girl my vampire, Kath, has been stalking observing in 2028 after being in torpor the last two decades. For the ten years before that, Kath was living as Vixyn Nightshade, the Mall Goth Scene Queen counterpart to her sire, Ebon Nightshade. Now that she's a) among the undead once again and b) finally away from Ebon, Kath is ready to soak up whatever the new youth culture is all about.
Enter Amayah, a Brooklynite in an alternate future where the 2008 Recession was the Second Great Depression and the next twenty years were not much kinder. Oh, and covid still happened! But teenagers like Amayah are still out there living their lives, posting silly clips on Flurp and doing political demonstrations at Mayor Cynthia Nixon's City Hall.
Amayah has been slowly drawn into the orbit of the Foot Clan, the army of teenagers that squat in our empty theatre. Like Amayah, the majority of the Foot Clan aren't hip to the masquerade but as the coterie of vampires in their midst stirs up more and more trouble, the consequences are starting to pile up.
Through it all, Kath has been fixated on interested in Amayah, and it seems like she might return the sentiment but... Ebon's shadow looms large (and sometimes literally) and they haven't quite crossed that line. Yet? We'll see!
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