#siruis x oc
Sirius black X fem!reader
2.8k words
About: drinking, mini party, fluff, happy feels
Drunk you is enjoying a party and kiss by a certain lover boy
I'm Drunk!!
Do you know what is better than winning the Quidditch house cup? The party that comes afterwards in the Gryffindor common room. The younger ones were sent off to bed after a few hours, silencing charms were sent up to not disrupt them. Leaving only the older students out in the common room. Cheers were loudly made when the Marauders had pulled out bottles of Butterbeer and even some Firewhiskey. So the real celebration of the night had finally started.
And that was how you found yourself dancing on one of the coffee tables dancing with Lily as the two of scream-sang the lyrics at each other, the firewhiskey in your cups sloshing around.
“My baby moves at midnight, goes right on till the dawn! Something Something Higgggghhheeerrr” You screamed at Lily, using your cup as your personal microphone, splashing yourself with the liquid. “Opps.” You giggled getting off the table and heading towards the table with towels to dry yourself off. Your head bobbing along to the song as you walked through the crowd of people.
“Hello drunk girl.” A cheery voice said from behind you, turning to see your friend James standing there.
“Hello not drunk boy.” You replied, it was a rule that one Marauder always remained sober for these parties to make sure everyone was taking care of and James was stuck being tonight. Remus had offered to take it since the party was partly to celebrate James as chaser but he refused. You on the other hand had no worries, you worked hard all year as a chaser and you were going to enjoy it.
“Having fun?” James questioned pulling your drink from your hand as you cleaned up yourself a bit, luckily not much got on you.
“I am. As much as I love Quidditch, Walkers trainings are grueling. Kinda glad his leaving this year.” You chuckled grabbing your drink back from your black haired friend.
“Wonder who is going to replace him?” James said looking around at the room questioningly. There will only be three seven years on the team next year, James and you and Sirius. You couldn’t see yourself as Captain, you liked the game but as a leader made it seem more of a chore than anything else. It had to be one of the boys. James seemed to come to the same conclusion as you both turned to Sirius. He didn’t look upset by the fact he may not make Captain, even if he would be upset he would be happy for Sirius.
Sirius was leaning back on the wall as he talked to Marlene and Remus, You bit your lip as you stared at him. It was hugely unfair how pretty Sirius was or was it suppose to be handsome? You didn’t care. Sirius Black looks were the bane of your existence. Sortly after the start of fourth year Sirius Black had fully come into his looks, his dark hair finally long enough that it framed his face bringing out his sharp jawline, his piercing grey eyes that could look into your soul. The way he would tell a story about a prank and they would light up and a mischievous smile played across his lips. Or when you were sad and broken-hearted about your boyfriend breaking up with you he would wrap his large arms around you, so you bury your face in the crook of his neck smelling his aftershave. His hands rubbing your back as you soaked his shirt, while he whispers comforting words with his soothing voice so your body relaxes against him. Or when he would run his fingers through his hair (a habit he picked up from James no doubt) when he was focused on planning a prank, his face concentrating as he chewed on the end of his quill. Or when he would rest his arm on your shoulder, his large, well fit, arm from years of being a beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, pulling you close to him when he was happy. His eyes bright as he listened and hung to every word you spoke, as you could see every fleck of the different shades of grey in his eyes trying not to get distracted by them.
Seriously, Sirius Black looks were the bane of your existence because no friend should find another as attractive as you found him.
Even as he leaned against the wall laughing at something Remus had just said, he wasn’t even trying to be attractive and yet here he was. Bloody perfect.
“Coin toss between the two of you.” You finally spoke up, taking a long swing of your drink emptying your cup. You needed more; sure you’ll regret it in the morning but you are only young once right?
“I think his better at Quidditch.” James commented, you nodded your head in agreement, Sirius did put in a lot of time practicing. If it wasn’t war time Sirius would have tried to go professional.
“But you have the leadership skills.” You pointed out, James wasn’t bad at Quidditch it was actually unfair how he was so good at so many things without even trying. If you weren’t friends with him you would have hated him. In a nice way though.
“Guess we’ll find out later.” James smirked, running his hand through his hair when he watched Lily make her way over to the two of you, or more likely you. “Hello lovely Lily.” James said sending a smile to Lily when she got close enough. Rolling your eyes at him, James was just as attractive as Siruis to most of the Hogwarts students but he only had eyes for Lily. And Lily could not care less, even if she found him extremely attractive not like she would ever admit that outside late night girl talks though.
Ignoring him she wrapped her arm around your elbow and pouted. “You left me!”
Letting out a giggle at her. “I’m terribly sorry my darling! How ever may I make it up to you?” You tried to give the most sincere face but found it hard when the alcohol in your system just wanted to make you giggle. You were a happy drunk, better then some people.
“I shall take a new drink. I’m empty!” She said holding up her cup and pouted once more.
“Mee too! JAMES!” You yelled causing the boy to jump at your outburst. “May we have two new drinks please?”
“Am I your house elf?”
You and Lily turned to look at each other before turning to James at the same time and telling him yes. Then the two of you burst into giggles at the not funny joke. James just shook his head but still went to the drink table to fill their cups. He was such a good friend.
Two, four maybe five drinks later you found yourself talking to a group of people about the final save of the game. Walkers explained excitingly about diving off his broom in order to catch the snitch, you were grinning at him thinking about how great the catch was. It was a catch that would get him remembered by the recruiters that showed up today. Lily had zoned out and was curled up on the couch sleeping next to you, James had placed a blanket over her a while back. You would have to help her to bed in a few or maybe just crash next to her so she wasn’t alone waking up. Your body warm as you swayed with the music still in the background when you tried to pay attention to the conversation but you were finding it hard to focus.
But you were drunk and happy and it was just a good day all around.
“Can’t you stand still?” Sirius asked throwing his arm over your shoulder causing you to stumble slightly but catching yourself as you stared at him, a smile on your face in return of his.
“Of course but I like this song!” You exclaimed.
“Then come dance with me.” He grinned at you, causing your heart to beat a little bit faster. Sirius was just attractive you didn’t like like him. No that would be wrong, right?
Setting down your drink you let Sirius led you out by your hand to the make shift dance floor, wrapping your arms around his neck he placed his hands on your waist. His thumbs lightly brushing your skin where your shirt had lifted up as he pulled you closer to him. Okay maybe you had a small crush on your friend but you couldn’t tell anyone that.
The music quickened as you danced with Sirius, him twirling you around before pulling you back towards him so every part of your body was touching. Both of you laughing at each other when either one of you messed up. You smiled up at Sirius running your hand through his hair, pushing it back letting your hand lightly caress his neck. Your bodies grinding against each other in a way that only the confidence of firewhiskey would allow you to do so in a room full of people.
“Now isn’t this better than dancing by yourself.” Sirius grinned twirling you around another time before just swayed back and forth with you, so he could properly talk to you.
“Hmm maybe. Only if I had a better dance partner.” You teased, Sirius scoffing before dipping you low and pulling you back up.
“Nice try love. I have had dance lesson till I was fourteen, if anyone is bad it would be you.” Sirius grinned, neither of you paying attention to the music anymore but going at your own pace.
“You like dancing!” Sirius defended himself with chuckle reaching up to remove the hair that had fallen in your face. Okay maybe you have a bigger crush on him but what was a girl to do?
“I like dancing like an idiot and enjoying myself. Real dancing..lameee.” You sang resting your hands on his chest looking at him. Getting lost in his eyes once again but at least you could blame it on drinking if you got distracted. The way they light up as he teased you, always light hearted and fun, the way his tongue quickly flicked out wetting his lips. Why was that attractive? It really shouldn’t be.
“You seem to be having fun now.” Sirius hand pointed out forcing you to focus on the conversation instead of the way his eyelashes curled around his eyes. Being inches apart meant you could see every beautiful feature of his. It was the alcohol, you swear it.
“Ehh I guess. I do have you.” You smiled at him, reaching your hand up to rest on his jaw, running your thumb gently over his slightly stubbled cheek, as he lightly rested his head against your hand.
“I am pretty awesome.” He said but no sign of his normal arrogance while he said it, he just kept his eyes on you, a soft smile playing at his lips.
“You should be careful with that ego, it’ll blow up your head. You’ll be captain bighead.” You giggled. Sirius and his ego. He was confident but it wasn’t without reason. Perfect at everything, he was. Prat. Even now with him standing beside you, doing absolutely nothing you were completely enamored by him.
Merlin help you. How long were you suppose to act like everything was just friendship between the two of you? Was it one sided? Your brain was too fuzzy to really think and sort through memories of if Sirius treated you any differently. If maybe he flirted with you more then his causal ways. You didn’t quite catch what he said being so wrapped in your thoughts. You needed to do something, somehow let him know how you were feeling but how are you suppose to do that? Hey you with the face, I like you. No that was too awkward and you would never have that kind of courage to form those words.
You could decorate the Great Hall with a million rose pedals and ask in balloons if he will go on a date with you. Nice and over the top. The Marauder way.
Or maybe you could just kiss him? Right here right now. While he is stood close, his eyebrows raised while he stared at you waiting for a response he wasn’t going to get.
You gaze shifting between his eyes and his lips deciding what to do. Slowly inching closer, so close you could feel his breath on your face but he wasn’t pulling away. Every nerve in your body was jumping as you moved closer, his hands wrapped around you. All you could feel was him.
Moving so close that your noses were touching, trying your best not to ruin the moment by going crossed eyed you waited for him to pull away but he didn’t. His breathing had stopped as the two of you stood there in the middle of the common room, people grinding and bumping into you but neither of you cared all to much lost in your own little world.
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes and finally closed the distance between your lips. Finally doing what you dreamed of doing. No really, dreams and dreams of kissing Sirius Black. But none were like this. Sirius was gentle holding you like you were some fragile doll. His hand cupping the back of neck pulling you closer while you moved together. Distracted by the hand on your waist, his lips moving against your own you couldn’t think of a better moment then right now. Quidditch House Cup meant nothing than finally being able to kiss your friend.
“We need to stop.” Sirius whispered as he pulled away resting his forehead against your own, his face flushed as he watched you.
“Do you really want me to?” You questioned giving it a pause, maybe you were taking this the wrong way and pushing yourself on him?
“No.” That was all you needed to hear as you brought your lips together again this time wrapping your hand his hair pulling slightly as you deepened the kiss. His hand grabbing at your waist pulling them against his own body. Any thought lost.
“Yes yes!” Sirius said suddenly gently moving you away from him creating some distance between the two of you.
You were so confused on what just happened, you thought that he liked you? Why else would he kiss you back if he didn’t. You held your hands behind your back and stepped away trying to look for an out of the situation.
“You’re drunk!” Sirius said shaking his head as he looked at you.
“You’re drunk. “ You retorted like it was some sort of amazing comeback but your feelings were hurt right now and you were surrounded by people and couldn’t escape at this moment.
“No I mean, I want too. But I don’t want you to be drunk and regret it in the morning. I want you to want it sober.” Sirius mumbled running his hand through his hair before running his hand down your arm and pulling out your hand to hold it.
“Well sober me isn’t going to have the courage to do it!” You said tossing your hands in the air in exasperation, taking Sirius hand with you causing him to laugh at you. “Ever heard of liquid courage?!?!”
Sirius just smiled at you and pulled you into a hug, burying your face in his neck the two of you just stood there taking the warmth of each other in. Sirius pulled back taking both of his hands and placing them on both of your cheeks so you were looking directly at him.
“I will kiss you in the morning. You can just decided to punch me in the face or kiss me back. No courage from you.” Sirius told you.
“Ohh. I should go to bed then. I never knew I could have permission to punch you in the face.” You lightly teased but your heartbeat speed up, you wondered if Sirius could hear it, it was so loud. He wanted to kiss you, he wanted you and it was only because you maybe had a few to many that he was turning you away.
“Very funny. Now go have fun.” Sirius said kissing your forehead and pulling away from you.
“Nahh I’m going to bed!” You sang turning around and headed back to the couch where Lily laid, you stood debating how to wake her but in the end you decided that you were just going to sleep on the other end of the couch. Pulling a free blanket to cover yourself up you made yourself comfortable, the party was already dying down so there was no need you worry about that. James wasn’t far away anyways.
“You kissed Sirius.” Lily mumbled groggily causing you to jump a little bit not expecting her to wake up. You could tell she wasn’t fully awake.
“I did.” You confirmed.
“You said you didn’t like him.” Lily accused you, his eyes fluttering open a little bit while she stared at you accusingly.
“Shut up. I’m drunk.” You mumbled closing your eyes and hoping that morning would come fast and maybe not a massive hangover that would ruin the mood.
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kiesjournalfrommen · 1 year
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New Book Idea:
ㅡ Lana Coded.
Releases: July 4th 2023
I. Trash Magic
II. West Coast
III. Stargirl Interlude
Tom Riddle
has an enemy, her name is Olivia Remmington and she hates Riddle, very very much. Every chance she gets is to seek his suffering. She wants to destroy him yet, when the time comes too - She is frozen. Stuck, afraid to move her heart is holding her back from doing what she is destined. Unfortunately it costs her. She loved Riddle dearly, she became infatuated since she first met him during her First Year at Hogwarts. Albus Dumbledore finds that she is smitten for him.
The two are neck and neck in any and everything - Olivia and Tom grow to be nemesis. Any chance they get is an argue or a tension of emotions.
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Students fear him, while others come to her. She is the better half of him, and vice versa. Her heart swells at him. Completely starstruck by him.
- He cannot fulfill her desire of her being with him - Instead he hates her deeply, quickly searching to find the right words, he cannot. He doesn't love her but wants her, he needs her badly.
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She doesn't understand the quick glances he shares to her. Not knowing the naughty thoughts he has about the girl. She walks by him, she's a lie to lush quickly scammering to him. She's addicted to his love. The way he loves. She loves him deeply.
Black Women/White Man
Chamber Of Secrets
Enemies to Lovers
Killing (Avada Kedavra)
Slow burn
Cigarette Burns
Jazz Playlist with Lana
Stressful subjects
Toxic Personality
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Tom Riddle
Lana Del Rey Coded
Black OC
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They casually fight a lot and it's very tense when they do. Some descriptive mentions of intercourse and very very (yk) thoughts (Mostly Tom)
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curawrites · 2 years
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My hero academia
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simpforsnape · 4 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 2232
warnings: minor errors. and more plot. I own nothing but my OC, all credit goes to the creator of Harry Potter. JKR
credit to the creator of this gif.
Previous - Next
Chapter 10
His name rang in her ears like a bell. Harry must have been in trouble. Anah's body began to move on her own as she sprinted out of the Shrieking shack off to her Godson's rescue. So many thoughts had gone through her head. Was he hurt? Heaven's, was he dead?
Merlin helps us.
Once she was out of the Whomping Willow she froze in place seeing what all had happened.
Remus had transformed into a werewolf, and Pettigrew was nowhere to be found.
Her head turned over to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione all standing behind Severus... He was.. protecting them.
The snars of Lupin caught her attention quickly. Her hands gestured up in front of her as she quickly tried to gain his attention.
"Remus... This isn't you.." She spoke as the werewolf began to step forward. His form didn't bother her, but the fact that her dear friend was suffering did something to her.
"Remus." She almost whispered.
His snarls grew louder as he shuffled closer. Before he could strike, a black dog appeared out of the blue attacking him from aside.
It was Sirius. Anah quickly transformed into her animagus to help him. Werewolf Remus was very excessive. His swings were strong. Though his attention was on both, Anah still became his main target after she had bitten him.
The snarls of the Wolf, Dog, and Jaguar had the three students in parallel. This was happening.
Overwhelmed the werewolf took one final swing that sent the other two animals flying down the hill.
"Anah... Sirius!" Harry yelled pushing aside Severus to run after the three.
The potion's master tried his best to reach after the boy.
"Get back here Potter!" He was gone before he could blink again. Emotions never showed on his face, but Severus was surlily worried about Anah. He couldn't just leave the students, although if he wanted to. He could.
She had to take care of herself, otherwise, he wouldn't know what to do if he'd lost her too.
Both Severus and Hermione helped Ron to the hospital wing while Harry chased after his Godparents.
The fight between the three carried on. Scratches and shrieks filled the atmosphere while the body of the animals collided. This wasn't something Harry needed to see. Sirius, also known as Padfoot was holding the werewolf off as long as he could. He took more damage than Anah.
His body was beginning to go out. He grew weaker after every attack. The werewolf was about the strike again. Sirius had enough hits already, and one more could kill him. From the corner of her eye, the transformed Professor sprang into action before attacking Remus from aside. He clawed her during the mix, which caused her to yell from the injury.
"Anah!" The teenager caught the attention of the monster that was soon in front of him. The drool was rolling done the sides of its chin. This was no longer Remus, but only the monster inside of him.
There was a noise from a distance that caught the werewolf's curiosity. With one final snare, he sped off disappearing from the scene.
Harry ran down to Sirius first. He was already transformed into his human form. But he wasn't responding. Anah on the other end was holding her stomach. The hit took a toll on her.
“Harry..” Her voice weakened as she stumbled over to the young man who quickly helped her stand up.
“We have to go.. Before the Dementors come..”
He shook his head refusing.
“But you're bleeding... And Sirius is-”
She moved past the boy quickly going to help up the injured Sirius.
“I’ll be fine. But we must hurry Harry. Help me take him to my chambers..”
He agreed. Harry propped Sirius’s arm over his shoulder as the three then went back to the castle.
Anah made sure to look out for the Dementors. After all, they were after Sirius. Once they arrived in her Chambers both Harry and Anah quickly laid Sirius down on her bed.
Harry stood to the side of the room watching his Godmother heal his Godfather.
Who would have ever thought the world's wanted man, and the world's greatest witch would turn out to be his godparents?
Anah sat on the side of the bed with her wand settled in her hand. She waved it around Sirius’s body mumbling charms that quickly healed him.
This only went on for a matter of minutes. Once done, the healed man opened his eyes looking at the first person he had seen.
“Anah..” His shaky voice called out to her. She only smiled down at him. Her hand brushed against his face as she quickly pulled away.
“You're lucky I know my spells, Sirius.”
His weak laugh filled her heart. He was thankful. “Have you seen your face?..” He questioned bringing his hand up to trace over the marks that we're plastered there.
“Of course I have. Now rest, you can't hide out here all night long.”
Harry observed the room he was standing in. From the looks of it, Anah had plenty of pictures of people settling on her desk. Maybe it was of family members? He slowly walked over examining every image.
He saw a picture of his parents. It was bewitched. They were together with Harry waving. They looked so happy together. He moved on to the other pictures that were there. Out of the six, he counted only four stood out to him the most.
The picture of His parents and himself. The one of Anah and Severus Snape. Which looked quite odd, it had seemed as he was forced to take the picture. But yet, he was.. smiling? There was also a picture of a woman who looked just like Anah, but she had black hair and dark brown eyes. In the picture, she was holding a baby. He only wondered what that was about.
The last picture was of a little girl. She had long black curly hair that stopped at her shoulders. Some hair was up while the rest rested on her shoulders. She was smiling, and she seemed happy. Her eyes were glowing. She had a mixture of dark brown and hazel eyes.
He picked up the portrait turning over to see the written words on the back.
" Can't wait to meet you.”
His attention from the picture soon turned over to Anah. She was doing a healing charm on herself.
“Professor..” Harry spoke settling the picture back on his place.
“You know, you don't always have to call me that.” She smiled before hissing after a sharp pain hit her chest.
“What may I call you then?” He only eyed her actions.
Anah threw her ripped cape off of her body as she then traced her wand over her wounds.
“Whatever you wish Harry.” She hissed throughout her words as she continued.
He watched in awe as her injuries began to heal.
“So.. if I wanted to.. I could call you.. Godmom?..” He questioned as she turned to him. But now her injuries were clear, but the marks remained on her body. The pain still ached in her chest and face.
“Yes, but.. Not everyone must know Harry.”
He shook his head, she was right. Everyone didn't have to know. Once she was strong enough she gathered herself together, along with Harry and Sirius as they went off to the Clocktower Courtyard.
Once they arrived the three had seen Hermione. She was standing near a large mythic animal by the name of Buckbeak. It was a long story..
Hermione caught sight of the teen as she quickly ran over to hug Harry. She must have missed him. Sirius turned to Anah.
“How could I ever thank you?..” A grin formed on her face as she glanced over to the teenage boy.
“You know what I want Sirius.”
He did indeed. She wanted the two to have a steady relationship.
“I’m working on it..” He said with a smile shaping on his face.
“Go.” They exchanged a long hug until he whispered something in her ear.
“Take good care of him Anah, at least until I can clear my name.”
She shook her head while the embrace extended.
“Take care of yourself please, and don't ever forget to write.”
He pulled away slowly as he shook his head.
Anah turned to Harry and Hermione.
“Don't stay up too late.”
They both shook their heads.
“Yes Professor..” They announced in unison.
“Also Professor V. Professor Snape is looking for you.”
“And where might he be?” She questioned with her hand still rested on her stomach.
"With Dumbledore."
So they must have been in his office.
With a final wave, Anah was off to the Headmaster's study. The halls of Hogwarts were quiet. It was unusual for her since she was used to it being full of students. She got slower to the entrance of his office. She noticed her reflection beaming off of the windows that stood across from the statue.
She looked ragged, and if she was to walk in now. Well, it wouldn't be good for her. She chanted a spell that allowed her appearance to change back to her usual form. Though, the gashes from Lupin were still there on her face and body. The pain radiated off of them.
She stepped onto the stairs that led up to the office. As the stairs moved she caught sight of three people standing in front of Dumbledore's office.
She entered the office quietly with all eyes quickly fixed on her. There stood Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Severus.
"Ah, there you are." The elder wizard spoke with his hands fixed behind his back.
Once Severus laid eyes on her, the poor man nearly exploded. He noticed the cuts that were formed on her feature. It was bothersome to see them on her delicate features.
He cleared his throat as his eyes stayed on her.
"Severus..” She whispered taking a few steps towards him. His hand came up to trace over the markings that were settled there, but he remained quiet. The two heard the elder witch and wizard mumbling amongst themselves with a smile plastered on their lips.
“Finally together, at last, are we?” Minerva remarked which caused Severus to cringe. Dumbledore’s chuckle.
When it came to his personal life, he was never the one to show affection in public. Yet, it made a difference whenever he was in front of the Headmaster or Minerva McGonagall. But he remained the same old Severus.
“Let us go..” Severus's words echoed throughout the room while he eyed the two elders. Anah agreed. With a final nod, she bid the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall a goodnight.
Severus and Anah left soon after heading down to the dungeons instead of her chambers. Once arrived Severus forced her to sit at his desk while he went about to find some potion.
“Love what are you doing?” She questioned but hissed after one of the scars began to open back up.
He remained silent as he went through his things. The sound of items being pushed around scorched throughout the room. Anah remained still with her hand rested on her chest.
When he turned around he showed her a container that was filled with some substance.
“Where are the wounds..?” He questioned with his eyes settled on her.
“There on my chest, but you don't have to-”
“Remove.. your shirt..”
Anah complained.
“Severus, I'm fine-”
“Your not. The wounds aren't fully closed.. And I wouldn't want you getting sick, or worse allowing these wounds to become permanent.”
He settled the container on the desk still giving her a look.
She had no other choice. Severus wouldn't let her leave until she was fully recovered anyway.
She stood up from his desk chair walking over to him. Like asked, she unbuttoned her shirt laying it across his desk.
He grabbed the container, opening it. He scooped a handful of gel out of it before setting it back down.
“It will only sting for a bit.” He announced.
He brought up his gel covered hand over her chest as he applied it over the wounds. As expected she hissed his slightest touch. It did hurt after all.
The wounds healed almost instantly. He used his thumb to rub the remainder of the gel on the cuts that were there on her face. Once he was done he placed a small kiss on the woman's forehead as he then pulled away.
“Much.. Thank you.” She smiled.
It felt so much better. The benefits of dating a potions master.
While Severus went to clean his hands she quickly grabbed her shirt to put it back on.
She stood there in front of his desk awaiting his attention.
His back was turned against her.
“How would you feel.. If I stayed here.. for the night?” She questioned as he turned to her. A gentle smiled formed on his face. Thankfully, she was the only one that was able to see this affectionate side of him.
“I wouldn't mind. I enjoy your.. company..”
She peered at his comment.
His hand intertwined with hers as he soon led her to his chambers. He seemed almost eager.
She must have been in for one hell of a night. After all, it would have been much needed.
@darkthought15 , @shadow-of-wonder , @random-fandom-things-555 , @1-800-snapesimp
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readingwithlemons · 4 years
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Hercules = Peter
Lafayette =Remus
Laurans =Siruis
Hamilton = James
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
You know a CANON ship has little to no canon substance when 95% of the blanks get filled in by fans (cough cough JILY cough cough DORLENE cough cough SIRUIS X MARELENE cough cough REMUS X DORCAS cough cough). Sorry, I was choking on a bit of air.
But actually, Blackkinnon and Remus x Dorcas aren’t canon, we don’t even know Dorcas and Marlene’s age. Those two are basically OCs. Sirius has zero history with women and the only woman we ever see having a romantic relationship with Remus is Tonks.
And yeah, 99.9% of this fandom’s obsession with Lames is due to fanfics (most Lames fics aren’t even well-written, at least not from what I’ve seen).
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It is weird that some marauders fans fight among themselves over ships like Marlene x Dorcas and Marlene x Siruis, there is no proff of Marlene being romantically interested in any of those characters she was mentioned once in the entire series, Marlene is basically a poorly written OC. Why fight over these "relationships", it like they forget their fanfics are not Canon.
Yea I knew they fought over them! But now that I’m seeing someone else point it out, it’s ten times funnier 💀💀💀
“My fanon ship is more canon than yours!”
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my-carousel · 3 years
water my bones | ongoing | harry potter x male oc
tags: ghosts, master of death harry potter, the noble and most ancient house of black.
after the second wizarding war comes to an end, harry potter finds that his ghosts still haven't left him. maybe that is why, when he sees him in the crowd - he thinks siruis, but the stranger he stops is no tangible siruis but a son of house black.
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The Choices We Make
Not many people get it. Most get a series of choices and that's how you create your future. But Carolyn found herself having a single moment that would change her future if she let it. Does she reach out to him? Or retreat into herself?
Sirius Black X OFC
roughly 5k words
The wind whipped the snow in flurries against the windowpanes as the Hogwarts students sat down for breakfast on the early Monday morning. Carolyn sat alone this early, unable to sleep any longer, she wandered up to the Great Hall not in the mood to wait for her friends this morning. She knew they would come up soon enough. Putting some jam on her toast she sat there munching on while watching the snow out the window, thankful she didn’t have to go outside for any classes this morning but she needed it to quite for the afternoon. The Great Hall filled up fast, a group of unhappy children tired from getting back to school after winter break. Carolyn herself wished she had another week or two enjoying time at home with her parents and siblings. She was the only child at Hogwarts currently, her older sister Elieen graduated three years ago, and her two younger twin sisters Valerie and Kathleen were just short of eleven this year and didn’t make the cut off. So that left Carolyn alone in her fifth year at Hogwarts taking her O.W.L.S this year. With all of her studying just an extra week of relaxation would have been a gift, the professors seemly turned it up a notch and started giving them twice the amount of work from last term. Add onto the fact that a war was at an all-time high, which was hard to ignore when you walked through the Slytherin common room now a days, she just wanted to be back home with her family.
Shortly after three of her roommates found her sitting in the usual spot at the end of the table, grinning at their friend, she couldn’t help by smile back at them. Vivian went around the table to sit beside her, her half-asleep self leaning against her friend clearly not ready to be awake. While Adelina and Isabella sat across from the other two girls and started to put food on their plates. Carolyn grew up with Isabella and Vivian, their mothers forcing them to go to manners classes together. And Adelina and her mother came into the picture after the first year of Hogwarts. Carolyn was just glad that she generally liked the girls, she knew it was just luck that she did. Not like it mattered much if she did like them or not, she was expected to be friends with them by her parents but they were easy enough to get along with.
“Do you think the owls will be able to make it through the snow?” Isabella asked, flicking her brown hair out of her face as she turned to look at the snowstorm outside. “I left things at home that mum was supposed to send me but I’m not sure I’ll get them.”
“Hopefully they are just hiding out some place and waiting for the weather to get better. Dad said there is something important he needed to tell me. Said he would send the information once everything was final.” Carolyn said shrugging her shoulders.
“You just left yesterday, why wouldn’t have he told you then.” Adelina spoke up, giving her a questioning look.
“I’m not sure. His been…off lately.” Carolyn said quietly chewing her lip, a habit that she was supposed to long get rid of. It wasn’t very unbecoming of a pure-blood witch to have such an easy tell. Her eyes searched around the girls, none of them needing further explaining from her. Each of their families had members that are now ‘off’ it was the wording they used for family joining up with the Dark Lord. They still were not supposed to speak out loud what people were doing in case someone overhears them. They didn’t want others to know who were exactly involved with what. Carolyn was sure her father wasn’t doing the worst things, sure he may believe in him but he could never actually torture and kill innocent people.
“Must have just been distracted then. It takes a lot trying to right the world. I’m sure you will find out soon.” Vivian jumped in before being cut off by the sudden silence that overtook the Great Hall causing the girls to pause their conversation trying to figure out why.
It didn’t take long to figure it out. The doors were held open already but in walked four boys in their year, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and James Potter. Clearly trying to ignore the fact that everyone was watching them enter the room. Mainly most were watching one Sirius Black walk across the hall, soon whispered erupted when they sat down at the Gryffindor table.
“Maybe he is telling you who your new husband is.” Isabella smirked at Carolyn, causing the girl to laugh at the idea coldly.
“I didn’t even think of that!” Carolyn told her before her smile faded. Sirius and her were planned to be engaged for as long as she could remember. The perfect pair. Her parents made sure that she was friends and got along with her future husband, explaining it was the least they could do within the restrictions that they had put upon themselves. Despite Sirius going on a rogue path her parents believed he was still a good match for her. His parents even believed that Carolyn could bring him back to them, which is why over the years they were actually friends. But something happened over winter vacation, Sirius Black ran away from home and got himself disowned. He was officially a blood traitor and that means he was no longer an option for Carolyn. She couldn’t help feeling sad at the thought, with Sirius she wouldn’t have to hide her thoughts and would have been able to be who she really was. There were already countless days and nights spent around each other growing to become a couple that generally liked each other. With him Carolyn could find happiness but now that had gone out the window. She couldn’t even think about how much she generally liked Sirius, she wouldn’t say loved but she could easily see herself growing to love him. But all that didn’t matter anymore.
“Oh yes the lovely ‘talk’.” Vivian said rolling her eyes at her breakfast with disgust.
All the girls went silent for a moment while looked at each other, the talk was an awful conversation that once you turned sixteen you sat down with your parents and got your job and husband choices. Being pure-blooded women, they didn’t have as much freedom that they liked to pretend to have at Hogwarts. Everything was watched and planned out for them from the day they were born and you were just told what to do and where to go. Sometimes your parents did take things you wanted and liked into account, which is nice of them to do but wasn’t really seen anymore. Carolyn’s parents were one of them that always wanted her to be at least happy with her life and would protect her at all cost.
“Yes and no. Mum and Dad asked what I wanted to do; they had no problem with me going to be a healer after graduation. But we really didn’t talk about the husband part yet. I guess we will see.” Carolyn said looking down at her plate. The girls sat in silence for a minute longer before Carolyn smiled at the three of them not wanting to be stuck in a serious conversation.
“No use getting upset about it. Isabella! You still haven’t told us how the winter party ended with Micheal.” Carolyn smirked at her friend, the Slytherin girls’ attention turning to the blush on their friends cheeks waiting for the story.
The morning was spent going to classes and hoping the weather outside would calm down as the Fifth year Slytherins had Herbology after lunch. And they were not looking forward to making their way across the grounds in the weather. Carolyn left her homework in the dorm for transfiguration and had to quickly run to her room causing her to be late for class. As luck would have it as she turned the corner Sirius, who also seemed to be running late ran smacked into her. He opened his mouth before closing it again as he still stared at her unsure what he was supposed to say. It was odd, Sirius Black almost never shut up most of the time.
“I’m sorry Lynn.” Sirius said quietly but Carolyn gave him a grin as she looked at her friend, he would always be her friend no matter where they were in life.
“You didn’t mean it, no harm.”
“That’s not what I’m sorry for. I mean.. I am but…I’m so sorry. I couldn’t do it anymore.” Sirius explained shaking his head, his face showing how sorry he actually was. Carolyn reached a hand up running her thumb across his cheek, the bruise that he was trying to hide by magic creams was starting to show itself. She had found it for him a few years ago and made sure he always had some when he came back from home knowing how bad he had it on home.
“I don’t blame you. I am quite capable of taking care of myself. You needed to take care of yourself.” Carolyn shrugged, putting her hand down to her side not wanting anyone to walk into the hallway and get any ideas that something was going on between the two of them. Carolyn couldn’t actually be seen with Sirius anymore without her being seen as a blood traitor herself. They stood in silence between them, knowing this was the last time they would ever be able to speak with each other.
“If you ever want out Lyn, I’ll be here. No matter when.” Sirius told her. “I know you don’t have it like I do, well did.. but I know you don’t follow what your parents’ beliefs. You can get away if you really want to, only if you do.” He explained to her. Though Carolyn had never actually said the words there were too many summers days of the two choosing to wander around muggle London for someone who truly felt disgusted by muggles. Too many nights furious at the state of the world right now, for someone who would believe in her parents world. Carolyn never needed to speak it but Sirius understood her, it was the best part of being friends since you were babies.
Not like that mattered anymore.
“I’ll be okay. I can handle some pure-blood ways. My parents will make sure I am loved and happy.” She shook her head at him but gave him a smile.
“But you’ll have no real freedom.”
“I have a lot more than other of people.” Carolyn defended her parents, she was never going to have a whole lot of freedom but that was the way she was raised. Looking at her friends she had plenty of choices that she had been able to make, a little thing such as a husband really shouldn’t matter, to make her parents proud.
“Just because you are treated better then some others the outcome will still be the same.” Sirius rebutted.
“It would have been nice to marry you but even that was never our choice. Who says I cant find that with someone else again?” Carolyn told him shaking her head.
The two turned as they heard footsteps coming down one of the side hallways making the friends separate further. Carolyn looked around waiting for the person to come by to know if she had to be worried or not but they seemed to go down another hallway. Pulling her bag up on her shoulder she realized what a position she was in.
“We can’t talk again.” Carolyn spoke softly, almost in a whisper. “This has to be goodbye.”
“I know.” A smile across his face despite the situation they were in, he could always smile. “You know, I knew I could be different thanks to you.” Sirius wrapped his arms around Carolyn in a hug, pulling away he kissed her cheek and turned around and started to walk away.
“Sirius…class is this way.” Carolyn told him raising an eyebrow at him, pointing down the hall towards the classroom in the opposite direction.
“Ehh not going.” He yelled back giving her a wave as he turned around the corner.
Shaking her head Carolyn fixed herself and headed to class, she was not going to be skipping. Also hoping that transfiguration would be a good distraction for her. Her feelings were hurt, she had to lose her first friend but she was happy for him. He did never fit into his role, though running away wasn’t something Carolyn could’ve seen coming from him. She was glad that he would be able to find happiness even if she had to lose him. Carolyn gave Professor McGonagall a small smile when she slipped into her seat besides Vivian, her friend giving her notes to look over.
The winter storm blew on for days, almost no one got owls within the last week and soon Carolyn had forgotten all about the letter her father was supposed to send. Classes were back again taking over her life and with her O.W.L.S coming up she spent her days and nights studying for them. It wasn’t until a week later that the snow had settled and they could finally see the sun and receive the letters from their parents. For the first couple of days, she didn’t even get letters besides from her mother asking her how she was doing. But as the days dragged on, she noticed some odd behavior from some of the Slytherin boys, mainly Amycus Carrow and Sewlyn Jugson were giving her attention. Carolyn best guess was now that she wasn’t claimed they were showing their interest in her but her parents would never allow a marriage with them. Amycus was always sadistic, even as a child and he never grew out of it. He enjoyed picking on the smaller students and the ways he went about it, some of the kids were found shaking and crying and wouldn’t speak for a week. Of course, everyone knew who did it but they were all scared to speak up. And Sewlyn was just an idiot. His family was lucky he had an older brother to carry on the family because Sewlyn wouldn’t be going anywhere in life. He followed Amycus everywhere and where Amycus came up with all the grim idea, Sewlyn would be the one to follow through with them. They made a disgusting pair.
They had been leaving her flowers or jewelry every morning, something the girls found extremely funny. Her mornings were spent thanking them and coming up with pleasant excuses to not wear the gaudy jewelry. Throwing the bracelet at Adelina laughing head she ran to the bathroom to be the first into the shower.
The fifth-year girls were smiling at Vivians story when they walked into the great hall until they saw they were behind the Marauders. Things were still tense between the Slytherin house and the Marauders in general, a couple days after the talk with Sirius there was a huge fight between the four of them and a couple of Slytherins, curses were thrown and in the end half of the fifth year had detention for the next three months.
“Blood traitors” Isabella muttered under her breath when we walked past them, causing the group to glare at her but they wouldn’t start anything. Even to Potter and Sirius three months worth of detentions were more then what they wanted Carolyn looked down at her feet trying not to look at the boys.
“What do we have for classes today again?” Carolyn asked, trying to change the direction the conversation could have gone.
“Well we have Herbology first thing. Oh and Professor Turner apparently warmed up part of the grounds for whatever we need to do today. I guess the greenhouses weren’t big enough. Then we have Defense Against the Dark Arts, then lunch and then a free afternoon.” Vivian let her know as she passed the eggs around the girls. “Which means studying all afternoon.” She complained rolling her eyes at the idea.
“I mean you don’t really have to study.” Isabella spoke up giving her a wink, unlike the other girls Isabella wasn’t expected to get good grades her only goal was to become a good pure-blooded wife. The other reason Isabella generally studied and tried in school was her own version of defiance against her parents. These were the small acts of freedom that the girls could commit too without being disowned and left in this world.
“If I want to be a healer, I don’t have a choice. N.E.W.T.S are going to kill me.” Carolyn groaned at the idea of it.
Just then the morning owls came in, included Carolyn’s fathers brown barn owl Milo. Sighing, she took the letter off of him and gave him some of the breakfast while she opened the letter.
Hello Carolyn,
                Sorry it has been a while, work has been busy and has kept me distracted. I will probably be busy for the next couple weeks, so I will try my hardest to be able to write to you. How has the start of term been treating you? I know you are working hard for your O.W.L.S but do try to remember to have a little bit of fun. You are only at Hogwarts for so long. Your mother says hello and that she is planning to send you a package next week so any treats you would like? One of the reasons I needed to write to you, other than just checking in, is the discussion of your future husband. I’m sorry I couldn’t talk to you in person, a letter isn’t very personal or how I wanted to tell you about it but I would like you to start making a choice. Considering the state of things and what had happened recently, Black is no longer an option I have figure some other options for you. I have three for you, two seventh years an Antonin Dolohov and Thorfinn Rowle and a Rodolphus LeStrange who just graduated last year. Now the two boys in Hogwarts you can get to know in the meantime and Rodolphus we will meet up in the summer but please feel free to write to him. He will be sending you an owl sometime soon. I think all of these men show wonderful promise and will be able to take care of you. Though you are more than capable of taking care of yourself. I do worry being your father. I am certain you will be able to find love with one of them. I must go, I am sorry once again for dropping this on you like this and would love to actually be able to talk to you. Maybe I could take a hour of your time next Hogsmeade trip if you wouldn’t mind wasting it on me. But as always, I love you and study well darling.
Carolyn blood ran cold when reading the letter, the names on the list were not good people in the slightest. They made Sewlyn and Amycus look like perfect saints against them. Her friends noticed the dread that had fallen over her. She handed over the note for the girls to read, soon as they were done they sat in silence unsure what to say.
“Do you want to talk or do you need a bit?” Vivian asked quietly handing back the letter to Carolyn, they took her silence as an answer.
Why would her father do this to her? Carolyn just felt numb, she wanted to remain neutral in this war. She wasn’t brave enough to fight and she didn’t even believe in the pure-blood side but could never go against her parents. She loved them, it wasn’t like they were bad parents. They were the best, loving and kind and gave her anything and everything she could have asked for. Why did this happen.
The girls led Carolyn out into yard, it wasn’t long of walk through the cold that they found themselves taking off their gloves and jackets. It was like stepping into a reverse snow globe. A huge part of the courtyard was warmed enough that all the snow had melted, green grass was showing though and even flowers were blossoming. On the left a section seemed to be roped off for class filled with these giant plants but everywhere else students seemed to be lingering around enjoying the warm. Looking across the yard ahead Carolyn could see Dolohov and Rowle hanging out with a group of older students. They seemed so normal and harmless laughing at whatever they were but Carolyn knew better and no faster did she think that, she watched them cast a curse on a smaller student causing the group to laugh even harder.
Carolyn wondered why again her father would pick them, they were going to be Death Eaters or at least support His side of the war. Rumors were already spreading about how during winter holidays they went to a muggle town and decided to explore their untraced magic by torturing a muggle family. Sure, they were just rumors but they could always have some truth to it. Carolyn wouldn’t be surprised about it honestly the way they even bragged and made some comments about it in the Slytherin Common room. They were so different than who she thought her parents would pick for her, people so cruel.
A loud laugh broke through her thoughts, in the roped off class was Sirius with his friends. Potter was laughing at something Evans and Lupin were telling him, Sirius arm was thrown over Peter grinning at his friends as they were sat down at the base of one of the trees. McKinnon, Longbottom, MacDonald and Fortescue were sitting around them laughing at the story. It was such a difference between the two groups, one was just joy and the other were laughing because they were harming someone.
The differences were as night and day, Carolyn knew that her father wouldn’t have known how Sirius would turn out but he had hope and assumed he would turn out like him. But that didn’t make much sense the more that she thought about it. Sure her father was loving and kind but wasn’t he only that way to people he saw as equal to him? Carolyn couldn’t think of a single time that anyone muggleborn had ever been invited to the house parties, he never associated with anyone other than purebloods. Where would her father be standing in this courtyard? Wouldn’t he be over with Rowle and Dolohov? After all wasn’t he doing exactly what they are doing just at a grander scale. Carolyn never actually thought about it before choosing to stand away from it all but the facts were always there just hidden behind the happy memories of him.
He was a Death Eater. He was going around torturing and killing innocent people that only fault was being born. And if she continued on the path she was in, she would end up being on the Darks Lord side. There wasn’t a way to know that she would be able to stay neutral. Any of her husbands wouldn’t be and what would happen when she refused? She wouldn’t take an innocent person’s life. She wouldn’t stand beside her father in this war.
 Carolyn didn’t realize that she was staring between the two groups almost unaware of her actions. While she wasn’t aware others were, Adelina was looking over at her while Vivian and Isabella were talking about something. Slowly Adelina moved closer to her friend taking her hand as she stood next to her, her lips moved but Carolyn couldn’t process what she was saying. Her body felt warm as her eyes stared at her closest friend.
“I don’t want this.” Carolyn whispered quietly to Adelina. “I don’t want to make this choice.”  She hissed. It didn’t even seem to be a choice between husband anymore, it was a choice between what side she wanted to stand on. And she didn’t want to be in this war but going with her father’s options she would be picking a side to stand on. Who was she joking?  Carolyn would have always been expected to follow her parent’s side, it was only in her head that she thought she would be able to avoid this war. She never had any real freedom.
Carolyn eyes turned to Adelina, their hand still wrapped together while her best friend looked at her softly. Adelina wasn’t a person she knew from birth, they met on the Hogwarts Express first year when Adelina asked to sit with them. She understood how they were raised but she also understood Carolyn more than anyone in the world. If Carolyn would be picking a side, it would mean losing Adelina in the process. The girl who could understand Carolyn better than she could understand herself, who she never had to explain herself too. She would have to move to one of the set-up dorms that Professor Dumbledore had made because of people like her in the ongoing war. It wouldn’t be safe for her to walk into the Slytherin dorms anymore.
“You have too. I’ll be okay.” Adelina spoke, almost like she could read Carolyn mind of course. The two looked over at Sirius who was still sitting by the tree but his full attention was on them, his eyebrow raised in a questionable way. His friends were watching him confused about what was going on when Vivian and Isabella still were cluelessly talking beside them.
Carolyn squeezed Adelina hand giving her a smile, she didn’t have to tell her friend goodbye. After everything between them could have been left unspoken and Adelina would understand. Turning to Vivian and Isabella, she broke up their conversation easily.
“You know I love you guys. I know soon you won’t be able to talk to me or even want to but just know you guys are amazing friends and that I love you. And no matter what, I’m going to be on your side rooting for you guys. Just be happy, alright?” Carolyn spoke to them but walked away while they were stuttering over words trying to figure out what they missed. She could hear them calling out to her but she couldn’t stop or she would lose her courage.
Turning towards Sirius group of friends she put on a mask she was taught as a child. Honestly, she was terrified of what she was doing, she felt her stomach was in her throat with each step closer. Her hands were shaking as she tightly gripped them trying to get them to stop. This was her choice, a choice to be on the right side of this war and not allow anyone to take that from her. The rose-tinted glasses were off, it took less than a day for everything to snap into place and Carolyn could see the world the way it truly was.
 Sirius stood up from his spot taking a step forward almost wary of being the one to come closer as if he was misunderstanding the situation. Carolyn had a ringing in her ears, and it seemed like everyone was staring at her when almost no one actually was but it wouldn’t take long for the Hogwarts gossip to spread. She would have to write to her parents before they ended up hearing about her choice from someone else.
After it seemed like forever, she finally made it to Sirius, standing before him neither spoke up at first just watching each other. “I need help.” Carolyn eventually spoke up, unsure how to explain it any better to him. And he knew exactly what she meant by why Carolyn would be so openly willing to talk to him.
“I told you I’m here.” Sirius told her placing his hands on either side of Carolyn face, her hands resting on his waist when they looked at each other. Leaning forward Sirius moved his lips hovering over hers making sure she was okay with it, nodding her head slightly Sirius closed the distance pulling Carolyn closer. Despite the fact Sirius and Carolyn had been promised to be together since they were children, they had never taken this step with each other. Late nights curled up together were as far as they allowed, wanting it to be a choice instead of them being forced.
Sirius felt safe. His warmth was surrounding Carolyn as they moved together, her hands wrapping around Sirius, pulling him close against her. Carolyn wasn’t sure that she was picking Sirius himself, but she wanted to give whatever they had between them a shot though. With no rules or boundaries.  She knew that Sirius would help her in any way that she needed in order to get through the biggest change of her life, even if she choose to be alone he wouldn’t leave her alone in this.
“I’ve been wanting to do that forever.” Sirius told her before his face going stern. “We will do whatever we need to do to keep you safe. I promised to help you and I will. You picked the correct side, clearly me.” He told her cockily a smirk on his face causing her to break out in a smile reliving the fear in her body.
“It wasn’t just for you.” Carolyn countered his statement, rolling her eyes at his fake cockiness.
“My ego. You wound me, Lyn.”
“Pretty sure you’ll get over it.” Carolyn said, pulling him closer once again to kiss him, a smile playing on her lips when she did. Right now, not a worried thought in her mind, sure it wouldn’t last but at this moment she would focus on him against her lips. Carolyn had already made her choice and couldn’t go back now.
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