#sisi 1955
kingparsifal · 1 year
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What is the most historically accurate film of Sisi you have seen?
Can you rank all of them you have seen from most historically accurate to least?
what one is your favorite?
thank you!
Hello! One of my major goals (?) on this blog is to make an Ultimate Tier List of Sisi Adaptations, but I still haven't been able to. But here is an overview of the media that I've watched so far, ranked for most "accurate" to the least:
Sisi (2009): By far the most historically accurate Sisi portrayal that exists. I've already talked about it a bit the other day, but this mini series covers from Elisabeth's engagement until her coronation as Queen of Hungary, and includes important events such as her daughter's death in 1857, the Italian War of 1859, Elisabeth's illness and departure to Madeira, the abuse her son Rudolf suffered in hands of his tutor and her intervention to stop it, among other things. We even get as a side plot her brother-in-law Maximilian and his ill-fated adventure. It is clear that the writers knew the history they were adapting, and put care in having as much historical moments as posible. Which incidentally is also the series biggest weakness: it's too short for the amount of events it covers. The pacing is too rushed and many of the story lines are not properly developed. It is not entirely accurate either: the writers couldn't (or didn't want to) get away of the romantic myth and put great emphasis in Elisabeth's marriage as a great love story (weirdly this didn't stop them from romanticizing her friendship with Andrássy either). I pity that this wasn't a full series because it had the potential to be a great show.
Elisabeth das musical (1992-): my favorite piece of media about Elisabeth ever. I also already talked about it but for a musical whose argument is that the assassin of Empress Elisabeth is trapped in a loop in the afterlife in which he forever must tell her story while he's judged for his crime this is a surprisingly accurate and nuanced take of her life. While a bit outdated now (the idea that archduchess Sophie was an evil mother-in-law or that Sisi and her father had a close relationship have been disproved for a while, for example), I think this musical actually got her personality, or better, it got that we can't truly know her: she was a complex person, she was full of contradictions, she was human.
Sissi Trilogy (1955-1957): a classic is a classic. A heavily romanticized take on the early life of the empress, these movies are not particularly accurate, but they're fun to watch nonetheless (except the third one. The third one is a bad movie, fight me)
Sisi (2021-): I'm weirdly fond of this show, I'm sorry. Like I know that objectively is a very trashy, poorly written attempt at a historical drama, and yet I can't help but finding it fun to watch. And for all its flaws (which are PLENTY, and I complained a lot about them here), at least it tried to do something different with some of the characters. I vaguely remember someone saying that RTL is like the CW of Germany, so following the comparison I would say that this show is kinda like Reign: a hot mess that you either love to hate, or you learn to love with time.
The Empress (2022-): my deep dislikeness for this show is no secret to my followers. In fact I owe them a review, which I begun but never finished, because every time I enter the doc I'm reminded of how much of a disappointment this series was for me, and I don't want to keep writing (I will eventually I promise it). This series has all the problems of the 2021 Sisi series and none of its redeming qualities. If you go through my livebloging tag you'll find what I disliked, but to put it short: this series is so disconnected of reality that can't be enjoyed as a historical drama, but it is so poorly written that can't be enjoyed as a piece of fiction either. It's just not fun to watch at all.
The King Steps Out (1936): The only time in history that the USA attempted to make a Sisi movie, and yes it ranks even lower than The Empress that's how inaccurate this is. This was an adaptation of an operetta (that would end up being the basis for the first Sissi movie), and other than "emperor is expected to marry his cousin but end ups falling for her sister instead" the story has nothing to do with history. I also just didn't like this movie at all.
Not Sisi Media But Features Sisi As A Character:
Ludwig II (2012): I LOVE Hannah Herzsprung's Elisabeth. She gave us a Sisi we never saw before: the friend. She is Ludwig's friend and wants the best for him but this doesn't stop her from criticizing him; she loves him but also loves her little sister and is FURIOUS when Ludwig dumps Sophie. To me this is one of the most loving takes of her that exists, and for that I adore it.
Ludwig (1973): THE BEST enigmatic and mature Elisabeth, period. Romy is sublime, every one of her scene feels like a master class in acting. I don't rank her over Hannah's Elisabeth because I don't like much the plot they gave her (they turned her friendship with Ludwig into a sort-of-romance and she also mistreats Sophie), but in terms of acting this is by far the best performance.
Mayerling (1936): Elisabeth appears only for one scene played by a woman that looks nothing like her only to give love advice (???) to Mary Vetsera and then leaves. An absolutely boring and forgettable portrayal, I don't know why they even bothered including her (also fyi this movie is bad).
Ludwig II (1955): literally who is this woman. She's Elisabeth in name only, they stripped away everything that made her interesting and turned her into a cardboard cutout romantic interest for Ludwig II (who's straight here LOL). Worst Elisabeth that I've seen so far hands down (btw this movie is also bad minus some scenes).
Special Mention:
L'aigle à deux têtes (1948): This isn't a Sisi movie nor features Sisi at all, but the character of the Queen is clearly inspired in Elisabeth. Here we follow the widow Queen of a fictional kingdom and an anarchist that attempts to kill her but ends up being protected by her. It's the adaptation of a play and it shows: the action happens in closed spaces and it's made up mostly of dialogues. It is a psychological movie (and also an enemies to lovers romance lol), and it may be boring for some since it's mainly just characters talking, but personally I loved it.
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universalambients · 1 month
Vienna (1889)
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redrosecut · 2 years
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The wedding dress of Elisabeth “Sisi” in Bavaria in TV and Film
Romy Schneider in Sissi (1955)
Cristiana Capotondi in Sisi (2009)
Dominique Devenport in Sisi (2021)
Devrim Lingnau in The Empress (2022)
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7. März => Die erste Jubiläumskoalitionssitzung fällt aus. Der Koalitionschef sagte: “ich hab kein bock :(”
13. März=> Die Regierung ergreift strenge Maßnahmen um die Verbreitung von Habsburgische Propaganda (Posts über Sissi (1955) und Sisi (Netflix Serie)) zu bekämpfen.
29. März => Die Regierugn versucht ein funktionierende Klassengesellschaft auf Tumblr-punkt-de zu verschaffen. Die drei Klassen werden als ‘Hersteller’ (Mitbloggers die neue Content erstellen - Visual, Audio, Text ), ‘Händler’ (Mitbloggers die durch Hersteller erzeugte Content verbreiten), und ‘Azubis’ (neue Mitbloggers die sich noch nicht gut genug auskennen). Der Official-Koalition bittet um ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit von Mitbloggers die ein abgeschlossene Studium im Sozial- order Politikwissenschaft haben.
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5. Juli => Der Regierung von Tumblr-punkt-de fordert ein Europäische Zusammenarbeit “für ein besseres Tumblr-punkt-eu”.
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lass mal machen
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Finally watching Sisi (1955)
This one has been on my list for a looooong time
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
How would you rank all the media featuring Sissi that you have seen? (Personally I have only watched the 1990s Princess Sissi cartoon, the weird animated movie Sissi and Yeti and the 1955 Romy Schneider film - so yeah, not very accurate ones).
I did not expect you of all people to ask me that but very well.
You must understand that my experience with Sissi adaptations is just as limited as yours. Keep in mind that I haven't seen any of these for years, so this is purely based on hazy memories from my childhood and adolescence. (That said, I remember enough to know about their common elements, since throughout the years, certain cliches surrounding Sissi in media and popular imagination developed, just as they do around every other historical character with a lot of media portrayals.)
Princess Sissi cartoon blows as an adaptation of her story and I suspect that at a ripe old age of thirteen, I was way too mature to watch it. It would've been My Shit had I seen it as a six-year old, but alas. Overall, from what I remember, it was kind of a lazy, cliched cartoon a la the better animated Titanic movie.
The first Sissi movie is pretty good for a 1950's romantic commedy. I don't remember the other two that well, sadly. Definitely not enough to rate it from a critical perspective. Which is sad, because I know they tried to go The Empire Strikes Back route of being darker, more mature sequels to an originally lighthearted family movie, and I want to know how well they pulled if off. They are one of those movies that are always on TV whenever there's some holiday, so I may watch and review them then.
Sissi and Yeti... Is not a fucking Sissi movie any more than The Beautician and The Beast is a movie about Stalin. The Sissi and Franz are the main characters, because the creators obviously thought "what are the weirdest characters we could bring in as characters for this raunchy animated commedy" and landed on - well, not even the historical characters, but rather the protagonists of the 1950s Sissi movies. I don't remember how well that worked out for them. At like fourteen, I laughed at some of the jokes, but most of them flew over my head. There was definitely a lot of lolrandom bullshit in that movie, but whether I would laugh at it now or delegate it into the same bin Selzerberg movies occupy, I can't tell.
Italian Sisi from 2009 is... Well, I really don't remember that much about it, honestly? It does have the all-time hottest Sissi in Cristiana Captondi, I'll tell you that. I really wish I could review it right now, but alas. I did find it on a torrent site, so stay tuned for a proper review, because I am really curious about how well it holds up.
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carollady · 7 months
Saung Angklung Mang Udjo
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A. Pengenalan
Saung Angklung Udjo  merupakan sebuah tujuan wisata budaya dan edukasi yang lengkap, karena memiliki arena pertunjukan, pusat kerajinan bambu dan workshop untuk alat musik bambu. Disamping itu, kehadiran Saung Angklung Udjo di Bandung menjadi lebih bermakna karena kepeduliannya untuk terus melestarikan dan mengembangkan kebudayaan Sunda – khususnya Angklung – kepada masyarakat melalui sarana pendidikan dan pelatihan.
B. Sejarah
Dilihat dari sisi sejarah, perjalanan Saung Angklung Udjo tidaklah mudah. Seperti namanya, Saung Angklung Udjo didirikan oleh Udjo Ngalagena bersama istrinya Uum Sumiati. Mang Udjo, begitu sapaan akrabnya, merupakan murid dari Daeng Soetigna, seorang seniman angklung asal Pameungpeuk, Garut yang pernah pentas dalam acara Konferensi Asia Afrika 1955.
Meskipun telah belajar angklung sejak kecil, namun dari Daeng Soetigna-lah Mang Udjo belajar lebih banyak perihal seni pertunjukan angklung. Berbekal pengetahuannya, pada 1966 Mang Udjo bersama istrinya, Uum Sumiati mendirikan Saung Angklung Udjo.
Pada awal berdiri, sanggar angklung ini mengadakan pelatihan yang bisa diikuti oleh anak-anak di sekitar rumah. Seiring berjalannya waktu, nama Saung Angklung Udjo semakin dikenal luas. Hal ini membuat Dinas Pariwisata Kodya Bandung pada 1971 menunjuknya sebagai objek wisata. Sejak saat itu, wisatawan mancanegara maupun nusantara mulai berkunjung ke Saung Angklung Udjo.
Di tahun yang sama, pemerintah memfasilitasi Mang Udjo untuk terus belajar mengembangkan saungnya tersebut. Upaya ini dilakukan pemerintah dengan memberikan Udjo beasiswa studi banding pengolahan bambu ke Thailand. Langkah ini membuat Saung Angklung Udjo kian berkembang pesat
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Pantau Langsung Pembongkaran Pasar Umum Negara, Bupati Tamba Pastikan Berjalan Lancar
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JEMBRANA - Revitalisasi Pasar Umum Negara memasuki tahap pembongkaran dan pembersihan bangunan setelah sebelumnya pengosongan pedagang yang berjualan. Pemerintah Kabupaten Jembrana sendiri telah menyediakan lokasi untuk relokasi pedagang diantaranya di areal parkir Pemkab Jembrana serta Pasar Ijo Gading. Memastikan tahapan revitalisasi pasar berjalan lancar, Bupati I Nengah Tamba kembali melakukan peninjauan pembongkaran Pasar Umum Negara, Senin (4/9/2023). Tinggal menyisihkan beberapa kios, pihaknya memastikan sedikit lagi lahan pasar bisa dirapikan untuk segera dibangun. "Kalau kita perhatikan hari ini sepertinya untuk hari H yang ditentukan oleh projek pemenang tender itu adalah bisa kita capai, tinggal ditambah alat berat saja ini persoalannya sudah selesai," ungkapnya. Bupati mengatakan, revitalisasi dari pemerintah pusat ini sesungguhnya bermaksud baik mengingat kondisi Pasar yang sudah dibangun sejak tahun 1955 dinilai kurang layak. Revitalisasi juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan fungsi pasar agar lebih bersih, nyaman dan ramai dikunjungi pembeli. "Saya sebagai Bupati tentu setiap saat kita ikuti perkembangannya agar berjalan lancar. Tentunya juga meminta maaf selama relokasi ada penurunan pembeli. Mohon bersabar, karena ini tujuannya baik untuk kita semua," ucapnya. Lebih lanjut, ia merasa lega mengenai beberapa persoalan yang sempat terjadi, di awal proses pembongkaran dan pengosongan pedagang di Pasar Umum Negara. Termasuk upayanya mengakomodir aspirasi pedagang akan ukuran los yang lebih luas. Namun, bersyukur dari hasil review pembesaran ukuran los dapat terpenuhi. "Revew sudah ada kabar jadi sudah ada ukuran 3x4 sudah lebih dari serratus, 3x3 juga ada segitu. Saya rasa temen-temen pedagang bisa menerima dengan bahagia," ujar Bupati Tamba. Sementara itu, terkait dengan penggeseran Pura Melanting Pasar Negara sesuai rencana gambar, pihaknya mengaku masih mengkordinasikan. Ia tidak ingin terburu-buru mengambil keputusan namun akan terus mengkomunikasikan dengan tokoh, pengempon termasuk mapinunas (mohon petunjuk) kepada griya/sulinggih. "Ini masih dikomunikasikan agar bangunan Pura Melanting bisa dibangun baru, seperti bangunan pasar yang juga baru. Dipindah sisi utara pasar sesuai asta kosala kosali tempat suci. Karena bangunan ini bukan situs harusnya bisa digeser dengan urutan upacara yang benar. Namun teknisnya kami akan putuskan setelah meminta petunjuk," ucapnya.(ang/bpn) Read the full article
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mahampsc · 11 months
A grand revival: on India-Egypt ties 
The decision by India and Egypt to upgrade their ties to a Strategic Partnership during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Egypt President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is a significant move for India’s ties with the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) region that is long overdue, given their historical ties. The two countries signed a Friendship Treaty in 1955, and India’s support to Egypt, including…
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Wisata candi di Magelang bukan hanya Borobudur, Sobat Turisian pun dapat pilih Candi Selogriyo untuk tujuan rekreasi. Meski tak sebesar dan seluas Candi Borobudur, bangunan candi ini juga indah dan eksotis. Pembuatan Candi Selogriyo berlangsung sekitar abad 8 Masehi dan diperkirakan pembangunannya bersamaan dengan Candi Gedong Songo dan Candi Dieng. Menurut sumber sejarah, penemuan pertama kali candi ini oleh orang berkebangsaan Belanda, yaitu Van Erp pada tahun 1955-1957. Nama Selogriyo pada candi tersebut, berasala dari Bahasa Jawa krama “selo” yang berarti batu dan  “griyo” berarti rumah. Secara mitologi Candi Selogriyo merupakan gambaran dari Gunung Mahameru, tempat bersemayam para dewa. Untuk menjaga gunung itu, Dewa Wisnu menempatkan empat dewa di sisi-sisi candi. Keempat Dewa ini tergambarkan pada relief-relief candi. Antara lain Dewa Durga Mahesasuradhini sisi utara, Dewa Ganesa terletak di relung dinding barat. Lalu Dewa Agatsya berada di relung sebelah selatan, serta Dewa Nadiswara dan Mahakala sisi sebelah timur. Baca juga: Pesona 5 Air Terjun di Magelang yang Bikin Takjub Selain menikmati pesona candi, di tempat wisata Magelang ini Sobat Turisian pun bisa puas memandangi panorama alam sekitarnya. Ada hamparan pemandangan bukit dan persawahan yang luar biasa indahnya. Pandangan mata dan perasaan Sobat Turisian akan sangat terpuaskan dengan pemandangan alam di sini yang memukau. Hamparan terasering sawah nan hijau serta keindahan pemandangan bukit akan tersaji jelas di depan candi ini. Lokasi & Harga Tiket Masuk Candi Selogriyo Objek wisata candi ini terletak di Lereng Gunung Sumbing, di bawah Bukit Giyanti dan Bukit Condong. Masuk wilayah Dusun Campurejo, Desa Kembang Kuning, Kecamatan Windusari, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Akses menuju candi ini pun cukup mudah Sobat Turisian jangkau. Bisa menggunakan kendaraan motor atau mobil. Baca juga: 5 Tempat Wisata Candi di Sekitar Borobudur yang Menarik Dikunjungi Untuk masuk area Candi Selogriyo, Sobat Turisian harus bayar tiket masuk sekitar Rp 7.000. Sedangkan untuk wisatawan mancanegara, bayar tiket sebesar Rp. 25.000 per orang. Tiket tersebut sudah termasuk asuransi.*  
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ninfeias · 3 years
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empress sisi from sisi (1955)
like or reblog, thank you ♡
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Series review: SISI (2021) Episode 1 and 2
It's been 123 years since Elisabeth, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, died aged 60 at the hands of an anarchist. And yet, she remains as famous, and I would dare to say as, if not more, beloved than ever. On-screen depictions of the Empress date as early as 1920, and over the course of the years dozens of actresses have made Elisabeth come to life in films, TV series and theatre. The most famous of all of them being the great late Romy Schneider, who played the Empress as a young girl in the classic Sissi Trilogy (1955-1957) directed by Ernst Marischka, and later reprised her role as a more mature, mysterious character in Luchino Visconti's Ludwig (1973), a biopic movie about Elisabeth's cousin, the ill-fated Fairy Tale King of Bavaria, Ludwig II.
When the series Sisi (2021) was announced, there was of course those who reacted with rejection, saying "Romy Schneider is the only Sisi! If is not her I don't want anyone to play her!!" (Romy's been dead for almost forty years now so this statement just means "never again make movies about Sisi"). But for those who, regardless of their feelings towards the Trilogy, really like the historical Elisabeth, this news were met with joy: perhaps, finally, we'll get a truthful portrayal of Sisi's youth. Casually, around the same time Netflix also announced their own series about Sisi, theirs named The Empress, which is currently being filmed and it's expected to premiere next year. And on top of that, two other movies, these centered on the later years of Elisabeth were also announced (Corsage and Sisi und ich, both also expected to premiere next year). Quoting a line from Elisabeth das Musical, "Elisabeth ist in".
Sisi (2021), therefore, had not only the weight of "carrying" Schneider's legacy, but also the pressure of having a direct competitor. While I highly doubt The Empress had any influence in the series' script or direction, it does creates this strange situation in which there is an informal "race" for becoming THE new series about Elisabeth. A race in which Sisi (2021) has a head start, for it already finished its production, has a release date of December and was renewned for a second season. Last month the first two episodes of the series premiered at the Cannes Series Festival in Paris, and for the delight of the "fandom" of the late Empress, these two episodes were available to watch for free in the Festival's website for two days. The subtitles were only in French, but that didn't stop us, non-German and non-French speakers, from watching them.
Starting in episode one with Elisabeth daydreaming about her first crush and ending in episode two with her waiting for Franz Josef in her bedchamber to consumate her marriage, these episodes were a first taste of what to expect from the rest of the show, from tone to characterization. Before the premiere the production team started to talk about how this was going to be a modern take on Sisi's life, and while I wasn't thrilled, I wasn't against it either. There's been a boom for modernized period dramas (The Great, Bridgerton, Dickinson, etc.) and I actually think that they can work very well, it all depends in what are they going for. However what is Sisi (2021) going for with it exactly is still a mystery to me that those first two episodes didn't solved. What it did solved was the mystery of what were we going to get out of this series in terms of telling one more time the story of the Empress Elisabeth. And boy do I have very mixed feelings about it. So, exactly how was this Sisi?
To begin this review with the more positive points, the production value of this series it's very high and it shows. When the first pictures were released I was worried that it might look "cheap", but I was very wrong. This series looks REALLY GOOD, the cinematography was on point through out the two episodes and it really plunged you into the story. This might be a bold statement given the gorgeous landscapes that are the background of the Sissi Trilogy, but honestly I think that this might be the best looking depiction of Sisi ever (as of now).
The costumes (for which I might write a review on their own) were honestly a dissapointment once the first behind the scenes photos came out and it was obvious that they weren't going for accuracy, but instead choose a modernized, artistic look. And yet surprinsingly they actually work very well on set, mainly for two reasons: first and most important, there is consistency. A lot of time historical costuming fails not because it's not "accurate", but because it's so inconsistent that you can't even point which era they're supossed to recreate (for a clear example, search "reign costumes" without reading the series' synopsis and try to guess in which year the story it's set). In Sisi, most of the costumes have a consistent silhouette so even if the dresses don't actually look like 1850s dresses they still look like they all belong to the same time and place. And thus, when a dress stands up, it does it on purpose (Elisabeth's black dress not only looked quite modern, it also looked drastically different to other dresses we see on the show and that it's the point). The second reason why I think the costumes work it's because they blend into the scene. The pallette color of the gowns (greys, blues, beiges) it's the same pallette color of the series, so the gowns naturally merge with the background: once again, even though they aren't accurate, they look like they belong there. Lastly, I'll add that since the direction the show took it's "modernized retelling of Sis's life" these stylized, modern-looking costumes make sense within the story. I'll expand upon this point later, but the series does have very over the top fictional plot lines that would be even more jarring if everyone was wearing extremly accurate clothing. By dressing Elisabeth and company in clearly syntetic fabrics, it's easier to accept that what you are watching it's fiction.
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The acting in these first two episodes was quite solid, it should be noted that this is Dominique Devenport debut as a protagonist and still she seemed very confortable in her role. I feel she captured Elisabeth's charm very well, although this aged up version (I think they never mention Sisi's age but there is no way for Dominique to pass as a fifteen years old girl) isn't shy like her historical counterpart was; on the countrary, this Sisi is quite bold. Meanwhile, Jannik Schümann as Franz Josef is... something else, for sure. His acting was good if maybe a bit exaggerated, but I think that mostly comes from the script that they gave him, which made some wild decisions when it came to the Emperor's characterization (I'll talk more about it later).
Having mentioned the most positives aspects of this series, it's time to talk about the less positives, at least to me: the plot and characterization (the most important things lol).
I'm going to start by clarifying that I actually don't have a problem with historical fiction making stuff up. Sometimes there are things that need to be adapted or modified to work on screen, there are gaps that need to be filled. And that is the fun of historical fiction: to imagine what is in those gaps, what where this people saying and feeling behind closed doors. Of course, that doesn't mean that I have to like what is invented in these stories, specially if it's something wildly inaccurate or just straight up disrespectful to the real people being portrayed. Or, even worse, if it's something that it's just simply bad writing, regardless of wheter it actually happened or not (for example, I didn't dislike Versailles because it's very inaccurate, I disliked it because it's a poorly written TV drama). So when the creators of the show announced how this series was going to put a "modern" spin on Elisabeth's story, I new that there was going to be a least some fictionalization.
It turns out, "at least some" was an understatement.
The first episode covers the famous weekend at Ischl in which Franz Josef takes one look at his teenage cousin and becomes obssesed with her forever. This episode has a very good pacing, I was hooked watching it and I didn't even noticed that almost an hour had gone by until the credits started rolling, and even though it was retelling once again the most told moment in Elisabeth's life, it still felt fresh. I appreaciated the incorporation of Count Richard, a man that worked in service of Sisi's father Duke Max and was her first crush. The Duchess wrote many love poems about him and was very heartbroken when this young love came to nothing. I might be wrong, but I think this was the first time he ever appeared on-screen. Overall, this episode isn't too fictionalized, and the only Big That Didn't Happen Moment ocurred when, riding in the middle of a forest, Elisabeth and Franz Josef are attacked by Hungarian rebeles that randomly pop out in a very action packed scene.
My main problem with that scene it's that it has no consequence to the plot. Sisi comes back physically hurt and with her dress ragged from something that should've been a traumatic experience for a girl who grow up in quite, happy Possenhofen and has never faced the dangers of the world. She was almost killed and yet by the next scene it's all forgotten and she never seems to have been affected by any of what happened to her. The Emperor almost gets killed and still no one brings it up ever again. What was the point of adding something that just never happened if you aren't going to do anything with it? It seems that the sole purpose of it was to create a "brutal forest scene whose layered sexual adrenaline fast-tracks the relationship [of Elisabeth and Franz Josef], but as one of equals". Wasn't any other way of creating a moment like this?
And this isn't even the most over the top fictional plot line we get: the second episode, in my opinion far inferior to the first one, ocupies about half of its run time in a made up story so random that it almost feels like filler. I know that this isn't a documentary, as I already said I was expecting it to have fiction, but this was just too dumb. Am I really supposed to believe that the future Empress of Austria was left to go riding alone (!) in the middle of the night (!!) to a brothel (!!!) and that she befriended a woman that works there and later make her pass as a countess so she could be her lady-in-waiting (!!!!!!)? The woman literally just walks into Possenhofen, says "I'm the countess of... hmmm... Place I Just Made Up" and everyone else it's like "Ok, we'll blindly believe you, you can be the lady-in-waiting of the future Empress, no background check whatsoever". Really? This is the best they could do?
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Ultimately, the reason why I prefer the first episode over the second it's because even as frustrating as the Hungarian rebels scene was, at least it doesn't take half of the episode (and it does serves the purpose of "spicing things up" between the main couple, even though I think that could have been achived in a different way). At the end, most of the episode it's still grounded on historical facts and the main storyline it's the very real weekend at Ischl. However the second episode, as I said, feels like filler: we spend a considerable time with the fictional brothel storyline, and in consequence we see little to nothing of the actual engagement and how it took a toll on the very young Sisi. Why not show us instead the intense "crash courses" she had to do, trying to compensate the very informal education she had so far? Why not show us Elisabeth's Hungarian history teacher, Count Johann Mailath, who was probably the first person to positively influenced her about Hungary? Why not show the constant lavish presents that she received, to the point that it was so overwhelming that she had no interet in them? Why not show us how enduring all of this was for her, how she grew more and more melancholic as days passed? Why don't show us her siblings helping her with her studies and being her emotional support, why don't show how they all went to Vienna with her? (I personally really like the Wittelsbach siblings and it genuinely annoys me how often they get sidelined or straight up ignored in films and series about Sisi when she often spent more time with them than with her husband).
Another of the downsides is that the series continues to perpetuate the narrative of "Ludovika scheming to make her daughter Empress and Duke Max being the only one that cares for the girl's feelings". The truth is that Duke Max was an absent figure throughout his children's childhood, he was uninterested in family life and much preferred traveling to far away places. Later in her life Ludovika would say that Max only started to treat her well after their 50th (!) wedding anniversary. I understand that the idea of Good Duke Max is very ingrained in the myth of Sisi, but I think it's time to stop romanticising the man, specially if it's at the cost of making Ludovika look unscrupulous. The evidence we have does show us that there was a parent that cared for their children's wellbeing, and that parent wasn't Max.
Lastly, let's talk about the biggest red flag this series gave me: what was up with the characterizations?
I already talked about Sisi's character and to be honest I don't have anything else to add. I can see some parts of the real Elisabeth in Dominique's Sisi, and I can also see the more "bold" attitude that the screenwritters gave her. Which I don't mind that much since it's just an interpretation, although I do wish they at least kept her shyness. Now, what were they going for when they wrote Franz Josef's character? He is literally the opposite of his historical counterpart: they made him a ruthless, violent, rude, condescending, total frat boy. I go a bit more in-deep about what they did to Franz Josef in this ask, but quoting myself: I said before in a post that I tend to find FJ quite boring as a character in movies/series about Elisabeth (Elisabeth das musical being the exception, but that’s because all characters there are great), so I found this portrayal quite interesting for a change (this man is def not gonna bore us) but also worrisome. I’m all out for a protrayal of Franz Josef in which he isn’t a cardboard Prince Charming, but going all the way to make him practically unecognizable from the historical figure ain’t it either. Let’s hope that they do a good job with him in the rest of the episodes because as of now his whole characterization it’s the writers looking at the real Franz Josef and saying “I can make him worse”.
But the most dissapointing characterization wasn't that of the Imperial couple, but of Helene, Elisabeth's sister. Although hurt for what happened in Ischl Néné always remained close to Sisi and supported her through her hardest time. She loved her sister and never resented her. And yet here Helene is spiteful and mean towards Elisabeth because she envies her. Ugh. Much for this being a feminist show (still I have hope that in the rest of the episodes this changes).
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All in all, I have mixed feelings mainly because while I enjoyed this episodes (the first one way more than the second), the truth it's that this wasn't the Sisi that I really wanted. Some people keep asking why are they still making movies/series about Elisabeth where there's already a lot out, and I'll keep answering that it's because none of them have got her right yet. As long as this modern retelling it's a good series I'll like it, but I also will regret that it's not actually about Elisabeth, but just inspired in her. Specially if the sacrifice of accuracy it's the cost of making trashy dramatic storylines full of stereotypes while simultaneously trying to pass as "empowering" and "feminist". Helene doesn't need to become in a spiteful sister, Franz Josef doesn't need to be villainized and Elisabeth definetly doesn't need to be "girlbossificated" for this series to be feminist: showing the life of this woman as it was, showing her struggles, weaknesses and strengths, in summary, being truthful to her life and to the lives of the women that were part of it would have been enough to have a real feminist message. Still, even after saying all that, I'm not pesimistic about the series: I saw potential in it, and I think that potential can be met. And at the end of the day, even if it end ups not making for a good historial series, I think it will be a fun watch nontheless.
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
Can I ask what 'cissy' meant in the time of cissy dolls? Is it a name like Barbie, or an adjective, or the name of the doll maker? I ask because I, a humble twenty first century nonbinary person, see it and go 'this doll is not trans'
It was a name!
Cissy or Sissy could be short for any number of names; Frances, Cecelia, Christina, Elizabeth (as with Empress Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria), Alice, Sarah, etc. It could also be a nickname that came from shortening “sister,” but that seems less likely.
I have no idea why Madame Alexander chose that name for her fashion doll, which started production in 1955. But I do have a pet theory- her own first name was Beatrice, and I can kind of see how one might get “Cissy” from that, especially with a C instead of an S.
Or she just was aware of it as a nickname and thought it sounded cute. This is also the company that made a doll called “Binnie Walker,” after all.
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theraccolta · 3 years
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Stills from the film, Sisi (1955)
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Pengeluaran SGP Hari Ini - Sepuluh Alasan Mengapa Anda Jangan Pernah Memainkan Enam Angka Lotto Ini
Pengeluaran sgp hari ini - Tahukah Anda bahwa dalam permainan lotre pick-6, kombinasi lotto 123456 dijamin akan hilang?
Matematikawan yang tidak terbiasa dengan permainan lotre suka mengklaim bahwa setiap set enam nomor lotre memiliki peluang yang sama untuk menang seperti yang lainnya. Tapi itu bukan masalahnya.
Setelah dengan hati-hati menganalisis hasil undian lebih dari 200 game lotre yang berbeda di seluruh dunia - dengan sejarah akan kembali sejauh tahun 1955 - Saya telah memverifikasi aturan yang sangat sederhana berikut berdasarkan perhitungan logis dari probabilitas:
Jadi, dasar dari strategi lotre saya adalah memainkan probabilitas - untuk memainkan apa yang paling mungkin terjadi. Jika Anda memainkan pola yang terjadi hanya lima persen dari waktu, Anda dapat mengharapkan pola itu kehilangan 95 persen dari waktu. Jika sesuatu yang jarang atau tidak pernah terjadi dalam gambar lotre, atau jika sesuatu belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam sejarah permainan lotre apa pun, seharusnya tidak masuk akal mengatakan bahkan seorang profesor matematika untuk tidak mengharapkan hal itu terjadi untuk pertama kalinya hanya karena dia bertaruh untuk itu? Mengapa menempatkan penghalang jalan di jalan menuju kemenangan? Coba klik disini.
Berikut adalah 10 alasan mengapa Anda tidak boleh menghabiskan uang untuk kombinasi lotto enam angka beracun 123456. Baca terus dan lihat mengapa angka lotto yang celaka, 123456 yang abadi ini, tidak boleh ditandai sebagai set pada slip taruhan Anda.
1) ANGKA KONSEKUTIF. Rumus akal sehat saya memberitahu Anda untuk tidak pernah bermain enam nomor lotre berturut-turut pada satu panel permainan. Enam angka berurutan tidak pernah ditarik dalam pertandingan lotto negara bagian atau internasional. Bahkan lima angka berurutan adalah kejadian yang sangat jarang, dalam sebagian besar permainan loto pick-6, tidak pernah terjadi sekali pun.
2) SATU NOMOR KELOMPOK. Anda juga tidak boleh memainkan semua enam angka dari satu grup angka, seperti semua digit tunggal, atau semua remaja, atau semua dua puluhan, dll. Keenam angka pemenang yang diambil dari satu grup angka sangat tidak mungkin - karena itu belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam permainan lotto, di Amerika atau di tempat lain.
3) POLA BET. Hindari taruhan pola. Pola-pola angka yang ditandai dalam satu baris untuk membuat garis lurus - baik melewati slip taruhan atau secara vertikal atau diagonal - dimainkan oleh ribuan dalam setiap gambar. Jika nomor tersebut menang, pembayarannya akan sangat rendah.
4) ANGKA YANG TEPAT. Nomor tetangga adalah angka di kedua sisi nomor lotre. Sebagai contoh, angka tetangga dari 28 adalah 27 dan 29. Kurang dari tujuh persen dari gambar lotre pick-6 bahkan memiliki empat angka tetangga.
5) SEMUA RENDAH, BUKAN SETENGAH RENDAH. Angka yang menang biasanya tersebar di seluruh bidang angka. Jika kita mengambil bidang angka dan memotongnya menjadi dua, kita memiliki setengahnya atau setengahnya. Dalam permainan 49-angka, angka 1 hingga 24 ada di bagian bawah, dan angka 25 hingga 49 ada di bagian atas. Semua angka tinggi atau rendah jarang digambar, hanya terjadi dua persen dari waktu.
6) ANGKA KALENDER. Kecenderungan alami pemain lotre pemula adalah bertaruh angka yang lebih rendah, terutama angka kalender 1 hingga 31, karena permainan berat yang diberikan pada tanggal lahir, tanggal ulang tahun dan usia anak-anak. Ini berarti bahwa angka yang paling banyak dimainkan adalah 1 hingga 31. Kebanyakan permainan loto pick-6 memiliki lebih dari 40 atau 50 angka. Jika nomor kalender memang menang, jackpot hadiah pertama sangat berkurang jika dibagi di antara puluhan kemungkinan pemenang lainnya. (Perhatikan pembayaran hadiah yang rendah secara konsisten ketika empat angka atau lebih berada di ujung bawah kisaran. Pembayaran hadiah selalu lebih tinggi ketika angka yang lebih tinggi mengenai karena pemenang yang lebih sedikit berbagi kumpulan hadiah. Perhatikan juga bahwa dalam gambar di mana tidak ada pemenang jackpot, angka yang menang biasanya lebih tinggi dari biasanya.)
7) TAIL END BELL CURVE. Nomor undian diambil secara acak. Jika Anda ingin bermain lotre untuk menang, penting untuk memilih nomor lotre Anda dan menempatkannya pada taruhan Anda slip dalam pola yang paling mirip dengan cara angka sebenarnya ditarik. Saat Anda menjumlahkan enam angka pemenang dalam permainan lotre negara bagian Anda, Anda mendapat jumlah. Tambahkan enam angka yang menang untuk beberapa gambar, dan Anda akan menemukan bahwa sebagian besar kombinasi yang menang cenderung berada dalam kisaran jumlah yang sama.
Gambar khas lotre 6/49 dapat menambahkan hingga 150: 3 + 17 + 23 + 24 + 36 + 47 = 150
Dalam permainan lotto 6/49, jumlahnya berkisar dari serendah 21 hingga setinggi 279.
Dalam bidang 49-angka, hanya ada satu kombinasi enam angka yang menambahkan hingga 21:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21
Dan, dalam permainan lotto 6/49, hanya satu kombinasi enam angka yang menambahkan hingga 279:
44 + 45 + 46 + 47 + 48 + 49 = 279
Dua kombinasi itu memiliki jumlah terkecil dan terbesar. Dan mereka muncul hanya sekali - di ujung ekor kurva lonceng, membuatnya hampir mustahil untuk salah satu dari kelompok-kelompok angka yang dapat ditarik sebagai kombinasi pemenang.
Dalam 49-number, pick-6 lotto game, jumlah yang paling sering terjadi adalah 150, yang merupakan jumlah titik tengah.
Jumlah kombinasi lotre dapat dibandingkan dengan jumlah kombinasi pada sepasang dadu. Pada kedua ujung kurva lonceng, hanya ada satu cara untuk membuat 12 (gerbong, 6 dan 6), dan hanya ada satu cara untuk membuat 2 (mata ular, 1 dan 1). Tetapi ada enam cara untuk membuat 7 - titik tengah atas kurva lonceng untuk sepasang dadu. Kombinasi ini adalah 6 dan 1, 1 dan 6, 5 dan 2, 2 dan 5, 4 dan 3, 3 dan 4. Jadi, tentu saja, jauh lebih mudah untuk melempar 7 dadu daripada angka lainnya karena ada lebih banyak cara mendapatkan jumlah 7.
8) BUKAN PERMAINAN SEIMBANG. Gim seimbang adalah serangkaian enam angka yang termasuk dalam Rentang Kemungkinan yang Paling Besar.
9) JATUH SINGKAT DARI 70 PERSENTASE RANGE SUMS YANG PALING MUNGKIN. Dalam permainan lotto 6/49, 27,4 persen dari jumlah jatuh dalam kisaran jumlah 115 hingga 185 tetapi merupakan 71,32 persen dari kombinasi pemenang jackpot! Ini berarti bahwa jika Anda memainkan kombinasi enam angka dengan jumlah yang berada di atas atau di bawah kisaran 115 hingga 185, Anda dapat berharap bahwa angka-angka dengan jumlah yang Anda pilih tidak akan muncul, sehingga Anda tidak memiliki peluang untuk menang, 71 persen dari waktu.
Jika Anda ingin memberi peluang lebih besar pada peluang Anda - yaitu, bermainlah dengan probabilitas yang lebih menguntungkan Anda - gunakan "Aturan 70-Persen" saya, dan pastikan bahwa jumlah taruhan lotre Anda berada dalam kisaran yang paling mungkin untuk permainan lotto yang kamu mainkan. Kisaran jumlah bervariasi dengan bidang nomor pada permainan lotre. Misalnya, 70% Rentang Kemungkinan Paling Tinggi saya dari Sums® untuk game Fantasy 5 5/39 yang populer adalah 75 hingga 125.
10) 20.000 TIKET DIJUAL SETIAP GAMBAR. Jika alasan 1 hingga 9 tidak meyakinkan Anda untuk menghindari kombinasi kehilangan yang dijamin, yaitu 01-02-03-04-05-06, maka alasan nomor 10 seharusnya. Jackpot tunai sepuluh juta dolar akan menghasilkan masing-masing 20.000 pemenang hadiah pertama hanya $ 500.
Gail Howard adalah penulis "Lottery Master Guide" dan empat buku lotre berkualitas lainnya serta perangkat lunak lotre dengan strategi ilmiah dan sistem kombinatorial yang mudah digunakan untuk membantu pemain lotere bertaruh dengan lebih cerdas. Gail Howard adalah pelopor asli Amerika dalam strategi lotere ilmiah. Dia menciptakan sistem lotere pada tahun 1982 dan telah menerbitkannya selama 26 tahun. Situs webnya telah online selama lebih dari dua belas tahun. Situs web Gail Howard memiliki enam halaman tips lotre gratis dan strategi untuk bermain lotre lebih cerdas untuk masing-masing lebih dari 200 pick 6 lotre, pilih 7 dan uang tunai 5 game di AS dan di seluruh dunia; juga powerball, jutaan mega dan permainan lotre multi-negara lainnya. Tidak perlu masuk. Anda juga dapat menggunakan beberapa roda loto interaktif 30 detik gratis yang telah memenangkan jackpot hadiah pertama. Baca artikel surat kabar dan majalah tentang pemenang lotere jackpot hadiah pertama Gail Howard, lihat foto mereka dan baca surat dan cerita mereka.
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