#sistan and baluchestan
arefkhodabandeh · 2 months
ساماندهی گوسفندان سطح شهر
چند هفته پیش، به کمک دوستان، پنجاه نهال در آرامستان کهنه کلا برای زیبایی فضا و ایجاد سایه کاشتیم، چند روزی نوبتی برای آبیاری رفتیم، تا اینکه در روز چهارم چیزی وجود نداشت، همه نهال ها توسط گوسفندان خورده شده بودند. Continue reading ساماندهی گوسفندان سطح شهر
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post-leffert · 11 months
Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran (Sep 25th 2022)
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warningsine · 11 months
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Iran-Pakistan crossfire, January 2024.
by anthro.atlas
Iran launched missile and drone attacks on the province of Balochistan in Pakistan on 16 January 2024, claiming to have targeted a militant group striving for the independence of the Baloch territories in Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Pakistan denounced the attacks, which killed two children and injured four others in Panjgur District. It retaliated two days later with military strikes on Saravan in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan that claimed the lives of nine foreign nationals. On 19 January 2024, both nations declared the resumption of diplomatic ties, following their agreement to defuse the tensions.
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Heavy fighting between members of the Sunni militant group, Jaysh al-Adl and Iranian securityfForces with support from the IRGC appears to still be ongoing in the Sistan and Baluchestan province of Southeastern Iran; earlier an explosion was seen at the IRGC depot near the town of Rask which was claimed to have been captured by militants, as well as reports now that militants have managed to capture the IRGC Naval Headquarters in the coastal city of Chah Bahar.
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humanrightsupdates · 7 months
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Iranian Kurdish man Reza (Gholamreza) Rasaei is at risk of execution in relation to the September to December 2022 nationwide protests in Iran. Following a grossly unfair trial, on 7 October 2023, Branch Two of Criminal Court 1 of Kermanshah province convicted him of “murder” and sentenced him to death, admitting his torture-tainted forced “confessions” as “evidence”.
From September to December 2022, an unprecedented popular uprising against the Islamic Republic system took place across Iran sparked by the death in custody on 16 September 2022 of Zhina/Mahsa Amini days after her arbitrary arrest by Iran’s “morality” police. Iranian authorities extensively and unlawfully fired live ammunition, metal pellets and tear gas and subjected protesters to severe beatings.
Hundreds of protesters and bystanders were unlawfully killed by security forces, including dozens of children, and thousands sustained injuries for which many did not seek medical care due to fear of arrest. More than half of those killed belonged to the oppressed Baluchi minority in Sistan and Baluchestan province and the Kurdish minority in the provinces of Kurdistan, Kermanshah and West Azerbaijan.
From early November 2022, Kurdish human rights groups reported a “highly securitized atmosphere” in Kermanshah province marked by the extensive deployment of security forces. This development underscored the authorities’ increased repression in anticipation of protests between 15-19 November 2022 to commemorate the protest killings of November 2019.
To date, the authorities have arbitrarily executed seven men in connection with the “Woman Life Freedom” protests after grossly unfair trials marred by torture allegations.
On 19 May 2023, Iranian authorities executed Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghoubi, who were put on trial in December 2022 and January 2023, and sentenced to death on the vaguely worded and overly broad charge of “enmity against God” (moharebeh). The authorities imposed the charge based on unfounded allegations stemming from torture-tainted “confessions” that the men used firearms in an incident during protests during which three members of the security forces died. However, they did not charge them or convict them of murder for these deaths. On 10 May 2023, the authorities announced that their convictions and sentences had been upheld by the Supreme Court despite due process violations, significant procedural flaws, lack of evidence, and torture allegations that were never investigated.
Amnesty International obtained information that the three were subjected to torture while forcibly disappeared and forced to make incriminating statements.
Take action now
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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🇵🇰⚔️🇮🇷 🚨
Pakistan launched a series of missile strikes inside Iranian territory targeting what it says are terrorist groups near its border with the Islamic Republic.
According to Pakistani authorities, the strikes are in retaliation for recent missile strikes by Iran inside its own territory.
Iranian sources say the strikes targeted the Sistan and Baluchestan provinces in the southeast of Iran.
Pakistani authorities said they had no intention of escalating the situation, while the Iranian authorities have condemned the strikes.
"At 4:50 a.m., Thursday, several explosions were heard in the area of Saravan city, and after the investigations, we found out that Pakistan had targeted one of Iran's border villages with a missile," a security source told Mehr News Agency.
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
Blinken stuck in Switzerland after Boeing malfunction
Secretary of State Tony Blinken couldn't fly back to the U.S. from Davos as planned Wednesday because of a mechanical issue with his airplane, a State Department spokesperson said.
The big picture: The plane Blinken was flying on is a modified Boeing C-40, a U.S. Air Force aircraft assigned to Joint Base Andrews, Rose Riley, a spokesperson for the Air Force said.
Pakistan launches retaliatory airstrikes on Iran, killing at least 7 people
Foreign Ministry says strikes on Sistan and Baluchestan province taken ‘in light of credible intelligence of impending large-scale terrorist activities’
ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan’s air force launched retaliatory airstrikes early Thursday on Iran allegedly targeting militant positions, an attack that killed at least seven people and further raised tensions between the neighboring nations. The strikes in Sistan and Baluchestan province follow Iran’s attack Tuesday on Pakistani soil that killed two children in the southwestern Baluchistan province.
Iran, Pakistan On Brink Of Military Conflict Following Missile Strike - China Urges Calm
Iran's Tuesday missile and drone strikes targeting Sunni jihadists in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province have as expected unleashed a diplomatic war between Tehran and Islamabad.
Pakistan started its response by recalling its ambassador from the Iranian capital Wednesday, while also booting the Iranian ambassador from Pakistan. Pakistani officials say that two children were killed in what Iran said was a response to the January 3rd suicide bombings of Kerman city, which killed over 100 people.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Up to as many as 45 people, including children, are feared to have been killed Friday in a crackdown on protests by Iranian security forces in the southeast of the country, human rights watchdog Amnesty International said.
Security forces fired live ammunition at "peaceful protectors from the rooftops of the governor's office and several other buildings" in the city of Khash in Sistan and the Baluchestan province.
The violence Friday comes after nationwide protests against the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, was detained for breaking the rules on headscarves, then found dead in the custody of morality police in Tehran.
Large-scale demonstrations have also taken place recently in Zahedan, following the alleged rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl after being detained by the police chief for joining in a protest.
As many as 14,000 citizens have been arrested in Iran over the last six weeks.
Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, died after being beaten by security forces armed with batons on September 23.
Iranians are asking that you share this information and raise awareness to what's going on in the country.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
The Gando creatures -- the westernmost population of mugger crocodiles in Iran -- are a last outpost, bordering a “no-man’s land” without crocodiles stretching between southeastern Iran and the Nile crocodiles of Egypt. Muggers (Crocodylus palustris), the iconic freshwater crocodile of South Asia, are now extinct within Myanmar,  Bhutan, and, likely, Bangladesh. There are about 500 muggers still surviving within Iranian borders, with a few also surviving in southern Pakistan; they are in unique peril, compared to the healthier muggers in India and Sri Lanka, given local drought conditions. Following the highly-publicized disappearance of the Zayandeh-Roud river in the metropolitan and cultural center of Isfahan, in late 2021, drought continues to endanger riparian corridors across Iran. But good news: Muggers continue to appear in drought-stricken Iranian refugia and in habitat near major metro areas near Pakistan’s Indus mouth.
From 29/30 July 2022, at Thatta, near Haleji Lake between Karachi and Islamabad:
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From 16 January 2022, in Iran.
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One would not usually associate Iran and its snow-clad mountains, arid deserts, high plateaus, lush green Hyrcanian forests and the Persian Gulf coast with crocodiles. But Sistan and Baluchestan, the country’s second-largest province by area, that borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, is home to the animals. [...] The BBC December 28, 2021 described how conflict had increased between crocodiles and humans in Sistan-Baluchestan due to extreme scarcity of water.  Asghar Mobaraki, Iran’s foremost expert on crocodiles, noted in an academic article last year: 
The (crocodile) population in southeastern Iran remains severely vulnerable to extreme climatic events, such as periodic droughts and floods. Iranian crocodiles are therefore directly impacted by climate change and are in critical need of immediate study to evaluate this threat. [...]
The province is home to the Baloch people, who make up the majority and overlap into the neighbouring Balochistan province of Pakistan. The province is also home to Chabahar on the Persian Gulf, where India is building a huge port. [...]
“The crocodile found in Iran is the same species that is present throughout the Indian subcontinent, the mugger crocodile or Crocodylus palustris. Regional differences are possible, depending on factors such as resource availability,” Sideleau said.
He noted: 
The Iran muggers represent the westernmost population of mugger crocodiles and the westernmost population of crocodiles before you reach the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Africa. There is a “no man’s land” with no crocodilian species from Iran to Egypt, where Nile crocodiles are currently found in Lake Nasser, the reservoir created by the Aswan High Dam. This “no man’s land” is almost certainly due to the aridity of the region and the lack of habitat.
“Crocodiles in Sistan-Baluchestan are known by the Balochi term ‘Gando’, meaning ‘moving on a belly’,” Mobaraki told DTE.
“We estimated that there are 500 gandos in Iran currently, almost all of them in Sistan-Baluchestan,” Mobaraki said.
“An estimated 500 wild muggers remain within the southeastern part of Iran, in Sistan and Baluchestan Provinces (the Gandou Protected Area). They occupy ponds along two large rivers, namely Bahu-Kalat and Kaju, two dam reservoirs (Pishin and Zirdan), small artificial water dams, and some manmade local ponds in villages,” the article written by Mobaraki last year, noted.
He agreed with Sideleau’s view that the gandos of Iran were scientifically considered to be the same as the muggers of the Indian subcontinent. “But the Iranian populations are in an extreme habitat. Hence, they seem to be a bit polymorphically different. They are smaller than their Indian relatives,” Mobaraki said.
Iran had been in the news over climate change in November 2021, when the residents of Isfahan, the country’s third-largest city, had clashed with authorities over the ‘disappearance’ of the city’s river, the Zayandeh-Roud. [...] The Iran Meteorological Organization has estimated that some 97 per cent of the country is dealing with drought at some level, according to media reports.
The preceding headling, image, caption, and text excerpt were published by: Rajat Ghai. “Yes, there are crocodiles in Iran and they are in trouble due to climate change.” DownToEarth. 16 January 2022.
The other two species of crocodilian in South Asia are the saltwater crocodile and the unique gharial. The saltwater crocodile has been eliminated throughout most of its Indian/South Asian distribution range, while the gharial has been driven to extinction in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Bhutan and now only lives in a couple of specific river systems in Nepal and the Ganges corridor of India. Though now apparently locally extinct in Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Bhutan, small populations of muggers persist in Pakistan and Iran. Former historical distribution range and current distribution range:
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arefkhodabandeh · 7 months
چند کلمه در باب این باور که با افراد مذهبی نمی شود وارد گفتگو شد !
جامعه کنونی سراوان، از شهروندان مذهبی و غیرمذهبی تشکیل شده است که خواهان تغییر وضع موجود و گفتگو می باشند. اما این دو گروه درباره چه موضوعاتی می توانند باهم وارد گفتگو شوند که فراتر از مرزهای مذهب هستند؟ بنظرم می توانند درباره موضوعات مختلفی باهم گفتگو کنند؛مثل : مباحث اجتماعی و فرهنگی – مسائل محیط زیستی و حفاظت از محیط زیست – سیاست و اقتصاد – هنر و ادبیات – حقوق بشر و دموکراسی – مسائل انسانی و…
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akasizarabad · 1 year
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‌ ☀️ غروبِ صحرایی Desert sunset . . . . 📌: Darak - دَرَک 📸: @H.Azizi4205 🏷️Tags: #digital #photography #photographer #nature #photooftheday #picofday #Iran #Sistan_Baluchestan #Baluchestan #Zarabad #Darak #desert #sun #sunset #ایران #سیستان_بلوچستان #بلوچستان #زرآباد #درک #صحرا #غروب #خورشید #عکاسی #عکاسی_دیجیتال #منظره #طبیعت (at Darak, Zarabad, Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaRIupMKpY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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falgunengineering · 16 days
Exporter of Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge in Iran
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Falgun Engineering Enterprise is an Exporter of Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge in Iran. Falgun Engineering Enterprise is a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Hydraulic Pusher Centrifuge, Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge, Bottom Discharge Centrifuge, Bag Lifting Centrifuge, Decanter Centrifuge, Sea Salt Centrifuge, Salt Centrifuge, Dewatering Centrifuge, Separation Centrifuge, Filtration Centrifuge, Screen Centrifuge, Pusher Centrifuge. We were a Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. In the chemical industry, maintaining stringent quality control standards is imperative, and the Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge serves as a linchpin in upholding these benchmarks. As a cornerstone in the chemical sector, the Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge adeptly navigates the intricacies of separation processes with unmatched efficiency and adaptability. From ensuring precision separation to facilitating resource recovery and guaranteeing quality assurance, this centrifuge emerges as an indispensable tool for chemical manufacturers striving to streamline operations and elevate the caliber of their chemical outputs. Working Process: The Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge initiates the process by introducing the chemical mixture into its rotating drum. Operating at high speeds, the drum generates a potent centrifugal force, driving the separation process. During rotation, this force pushes the heavier solids outward, while the lighter liquid components migrate towards the center. Features: Exact separation Flexibility in Various Chemical Procedures Recovering Sustainable Resources Energy-Saving Procedures Constant and Dependable Functioning Managed Procedure Specifications Integrating Quality Assurance in Chemical Compounds Seamlessly Adaptable Setups Automated Surveillance and Management Falgun Engineering Enterprise is an Exporter of Mechanical Pusher Centrifuge in Iran and various locations like Alborz, Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Bushehr, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Fars, Gilan, Golestan, Hamadan, Hormozgan, Ilam, Isfahan, Kerman, Kermanshah, North Khorasan, Razavi Khorasan, South Khorasan, Khuzestan, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Markazi, Mazandaran, Qazvin, Qom, Semnan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Tehran, Yazd, Zanjan, Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Karaj, Tabriz, Shiraz, Ahvaz, Qom, Kermanshah, Urmia, Rasht, Zahedan, Hamadan, Kerman, Arak, Yazd, Ardabil, Bandar Abbas, Eslamshahr, Zanjan. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 4.16 (after 1940)
1941 – World War II: The Italian-German Tarigo convoy is attacked and destroyed by British ships. 1941 – World War II: The Nazi-affiliated Ustaše is put in charge of the Independent State of Croatia by the Axis powers after Operation 25 is effected. 1942 – King George VI awarded the George Cross to the people of Malta in appreciation of their heroism. 1943 – Albert Hofmann accidentally discovers the hallucinogenic effects of the research drug LSD. He intentionally takes the drug three days later on April 19. 1944 – World War II: Allied forces start bombing Belgrade, killing about 1,100 people. This bombing fell on the Orthodox Christian Easter. 1945 – World War II: The Red Army begins the final assault on German forces around Berlin, with nearly one million troops fighting in the Battle of the Seelow Heights. 1945 – The United States Army liberates Nazi Sonderlager (high security) prisoner-of-war camp Oflag IV-C (better known as Colditz). 1945 – More than 7,000 die when the German transport ship Goya is sunk by a Soviet submarine. 1947 – An explosion on board a freighter in port causes the city of Texas City, Texas, United States, to catch fire, killing almost 600 people. 1947 – Bernard Baruch first applies the term "Cold War" to describe the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. 1948 – The Organization of European Economic Co-operation is formed.[8] 1961 – In a nationally broadcast speech, Cuban leader Fidel Castro declares that he is a Marxist–Leninist and that Cuba is going to adopt Communism. 1963 – U.S. civil rights campaigner Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. writes his open letter from Birmingham Jail, sometimes known as "The Negro Is Your Brother", while incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama, for protesting against segregation. 1972 – Apollo program: The launch of Apollo 16 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. 2001 – India and Bangladesh begin a five-day border conflict, but are unable to resolve the disputes about their border. 2003 – The Treaty of Accession is signed in Athens admitting ten new member states to the European Union. 2007 – Virginia Tech shooting: Seung-Hui Cho guns down 32 people and injures 17 before committing suicide. 2008 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules in the Baze v. Rees decision that execution by lethal injection does not violate the Eighth Amendment ban against cruel and unusual punishment. 2012 – The trial for Anders Behring Breivik, the perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks, begins in Oslo, Norway. 2012 – The Pulitzer Prize winners were announced, it was the first time since 1977 that no book won the Fiction Prize. 2013 – A 7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran, killing at least 35 people and injuring 117 others. 2013 – The 2013 Baga massacre is started when Boko Haram militants engage government soldiers in Baga. 2014 – The South Korean ferry MV Sewol capsizes and sinks near Jindo Island, killing 304 passengers and crew and leading to widespread criticism of the South Korean government, media, and shipping authorities. 2016 – Ecuador's worst earthquake in nearly 40 years kills 676 and injures 6,274. 2018 – The New York Times and the New Yorker win the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for breaking news of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal.
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undergroundusa · 2 months
“Sunni Muslim Jaish al-Adl group militants killed at least 11 Iranian security force members and in attacks on Iran's Revolutionary Guards headquarters in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan in overnight clashes with IRG security forces...”
After the death of Muhammad in 632, a group of Muslims identifying as the “Sunnis” were pitted against a second group identifying as the “Shias (Shi’ite)” over who should be the new leader of fledgling dogma. This dispute spread across various parts of the Muslim world leading to a wide-ranging number of deadly conflicts constant through history to the present day.
Since then, the devout Islamic community has been disproportionately divided into two groups, the Sunni (the larger sect by number and the more influential) and the Shia (Shi’ite).
The ruling mullahs of Iran – the “revolutionary usurpers of the historically indigenous Persians of that nation – are of the minority Shi’ite Islamic community.
While the Sunni and Shi’ite occasionally band together to fight the “enemy of my enemy,” that coalition is always a fragile one. This makes a cunning adversary capable of playing one sect against another to neuter both.
But that simple effort is not being undertaken by the Biden administration and one must assume the idea of a somewhat peaceful Middle East – at least a Middle East that isn’t awash in violence, such as it is – is on the back burner in deference to winning an election; the pursuit of opportunistic power.
This is also why the Biden administration is playing both ends against the middle with the Israeli-Palestinian issue; insisting they are supportive of Israel while they call for regime change there and fund the Iranian mullahs, who, in turn, fund and equip Hamas (Sunni) and Hezbollah (Shi’ite). They need both the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel voting block and the pro-Israel voting block if they have even a remote chance of approaching a win in November.
Truth be told if the Biden administration was truly interested in peace or at least a controlled calm in the Middle  East. they would be playing the Sunni against the Shi’ite and tying the Iranian mullah’s hands rather than providing them with billions in assets to wage war against Israel.
For more straightforward, fact-based information and analysis log on to UndergroundUSA.com and subscribe…
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