#sits and stares at this for 1000 years tbh
licorice-tea · 7 months
The Object Of All My Desires
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: so much angst, unrequited feelings (or so law thinks!), pining, yearning, (verbal) fighting, cursing, reader refers to law as a “stalker”, which is valid tbh bc he’s being a little weird, but not really, strawhat reader
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: oh my god i spend so long on this and i just kept hitting mental roadblocks! but then, tonight i got the inspiration to write like ~500 words and finished it up. there were only meant to be 2 parts, but similar to the second season of bridgerton (which it’s inspired by) there will be a 3rd! (the 1st part is based on the first meeting of kate/anthony, this part is based on that entire pinning phase+the confesssion, and the last will be shorter and basically be a resolution of everything.) also, im looking for beta readers! pls dm or comment if you’re interested!!! and if you’d like to be tagged in the next lmk! thanks for reading <3
Part 1 • Part 3
The second time you and Law were around one another long enough to have to face the other and, god forbid, speak, would come 2 years after your first meeting. After all your training apart from your crew, you had finally united and started traveling together again. You and your nakama took on all the challenges Fishman Island had thrown at you and soon moved on to the next adventure: Punk Hazard. It was there you met the standoffish Captain of the Heart Pirates again, and he proposed an alliance to Luffy between your two crews. So here you are; in an alliance with a captain you’d managed to piss off 2 years ago, and who clearly still carries that grudge with him.
Law already doesn’t like being part of the alliance with Straw Hat- but you only make it 1000 times worse. It’s unbearable having to be on the same ship as you, let alone sit at the same table over meals or pass each other in hallways. Not to mention, you seem to make everything a competition. And he doesn’t want to be in as childish a feud as the one that the swordsman and the love cook have, but you’re forcing him to act that way. You’re absolutely insufferable, and how he ever found you remotely intriguing or pretty to begin with is beyond his comprehension.
And yet, Law can’t pull himself away from you, nor you from him. He lingers in dark hallways just to pass by you as you go about your errands on the ship. He stares long enough to burn holes through you, then turns away milliseconds before you catch him (or so he thinks.) But every time you approach the reserved man, he exudes an air of annoyance.
It all makes you wonder, “What’s his deal?” Besides your little tiff back in Sabaody 2 years ago, you’ve never done anything to offend him in his time on the Sunny… Maybe you just need to clear the air. Yeah, that’s it; confront Law and ensure there is no bad blood between the two of you. No grudges, just goodwill.
You hope.
The Strawhats and co (Law) are docked at a small island, just for a day or so. Frankly needs supplies, Sanji; ingredients, Chopper; medicine, Zoro; booze, etcetera. And since most of the others have something specific they’re in search of, you have a free day to explore and shop!
You bid Brooke goodbye and thank him for watching the ship, then make your way up the dock and into town. It’s a quaint area, but the market near the entrance of what resembles a town square is overflowing with interesting bits and baubles.
Though you are happy to have this time to yourself, you’re not alone. Law is a mere 20ish feet away. He doesn’t greet you or even make eye contact, instead choosing to lean into shadows and stand behind vendor booths. You can tell that he’s trying to go unnoticed, pretending to be interested in whatever wares the shopkeepers have for sale every time you turn back to check for him.
And it’s fine, for a while. This could be a good opportunity to try and talk to him and ensure that the two of you are on good, if not neutral terms. It’s a little strange that he’s following you now after the two of you have had close to no interactions during his week or so on board the Thousand Sunny, but you don’t mind.
You cannot, however, pass up the opportunity to harmlessly scare him when he gets momentarily distracted by one of the little shops. While Law is reading titles of comic books (how strange…), you double back so that when he looks up, he can’t find you. He scans the marketplace, but to no avail- you must have run off somewhere.
Then you tap his shoulder, and the man nearly jumps out of his skin as he whips his head around to see who it is.
“You really like stalking me, huh?”
“…I’m not stalking you.”
“No? Well, whatever you want to call it, it’s the second time it’s happened.”
“What are you-“
“Sabaody, 2 years ago.”
“I wasn’t stalking you then, either.”
“Fine; following me through at least 3 groves while trying to be quiet and stay out of sight.”
Law scoffs. “Whatever.”
“Hm…” You lean to the side to see what’s behind him; display shelves with various comic books. “What were you looking at?”
“Nothing, I wasn’t even looking here.”
“Ah, so it’s ok for you to lie to my face, but not me to you. Got it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You nearly laugh. 2 years ago, after proceeding to follow you through several groves of the Archipelago, Law had insisted on knowing if you were a pirate or not, and the conversation had somehow escalated into an argument. It was a stupid little thing. But, you find it funny now, which is why you’re attempting to make jokes about the encounter and ensure him there are no hard feelings reserved over it. “Again, Sabaody.”
“Well… maybe you should stop carrying a grudge over that.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I only bring it up because I think it’s funny.”
“I think it’s childish.” Law doesn’t know why he says this, to be honest. He wants to come off as smart and witty, though he might not have executed it very well.
With a scoff, you cross your arms. “Law you’ve refused to even look at me in your time with my crew. When I try to talk to you, you act like you don’t hear me or straight up ignore me. Then you go and stare at me from across as if I can’t see you. And I’m childish?”
“Yeah, you are, and I don’t like you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Better than you being an awkward asshole with no explanations as to why.”
“I’m not fucking awkward, shut up.”
“Oh no, you just follow people around for the better part of an hour without talking to them. Very charming.”
Law huffs, unamused, and storms off without another word.
You sigh and continue browsing the stalls. “Ok, so, maybe there is some bad blood between us….”
Things are awkward between you and Law for the remainder of the evening. Not only is he avoiding you, but you’re also avoiding him. And though you still try your best to be at least a little friendly, he straight up ignores all of your attempts. Whereas before your little confrontation in the marketplace, the stoic man would have at least responded with an eye roll.
When it’s dinnertime, you take your seat next to Robin as usual. Casual conversation and laughter flow around the table easily and seemingly endlessly… until Law walks in. He sits in the only empty chair, next to Chopper’s, and nods at Sanji in thanks for the food. And you, foolishly, try to incorporate him into the conversation. Maybe you do it to try and heal the small rift between the two of you, or maybe you simply want to provoke him further (though you'd never admit it.)
“So, Law, how was your day?”
Everyone pauses their conversations to not-so-discreetly listen in. They had also recognized the growing tension between you and the ally captain, for seemingly no reason at all.
“Mind your own business.”
“Hard to do when you’re always in mine.”
He nearly spits out his drink.“What?”
“You heard me.”
“I’m starting to get sick of your behavior, y/n.”
“So sick that you just can’t seem to leave me alone?”
“Watch the way you speak to me-“
“My apologies Law, I’m so used to being watched by you rather than having conversations, I must have forgotten my manners-“
“Shut up!”
“Fuck you!”
Now that both of your voices are raised, the crew sees it fit to intervene.
“Watch how you speak to them, Trafalgar-“ Sanji warns.
Similarly, Robin tries to talk you down. “Y/n, he’s our ally-“
The attempts to calm what had nearly turned into a screaming match prove futile, as Law storms out. You scoff and cross your arms. He’s so infuriating, it makes you sick to your stomach.
Silence passes as your crewmates look between each other, none wanting to be the first to… console you? Admonish? Give advice.
“You two should talk, y/n.” Says Robin, ever so mature.
“If he wants to talk, he can come to me instead of constantly staring at me from across the deck without saying anything.”
“Well, he’s clearly not very good at showing it, but you realize that he likes you, don’t you?”
You blink and turn to look at her. This must be another one of her dark jokes. “Very funny, Robin.”
“Oh, y/n, come on!“ Usopp groans; he’s had enough of the yearning and tension. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No! Because he doesn’t like me. He’s been holding a stupid grudge against me since the first time we met back in Sabaody-“
Nami backs up Usopp’s point; “A crush, y/n. He’s had a crush on you and he’s too shy to talk to you normally-“
“So, what, it’s ok for him to just watch from afar but then act like a jerk when I try and talk to him?”
Surprisingly, Chopper speaks up next. “…Maybe your intentions came off different than intended?”
This makes you bite your lip in thought. Perhaps they had.
Nami pats your shoulder, “Now, go work this out so the rest of us don’t have to deal with all your unresolved tension.”
You unintentionally pout; the last thing you want is to talk to Law right now. But, your crew urges you on, and all but pushes you out the door.
You find him pacing back and forth on the starboard deck of the Sunny.
He whips around and you swear you see his scowl become even more pronounced than usual. The crease between his brows deepens, as the corners of his lips turn into a borderline pout. “Not done tormenting me?
“Tormenting? I just… I came to talk to you.“
“I find that hard to believe. From the moment we met, you have been nothing but rude and a nuisance to me.”
You scoff, all plans of reconciliation forgotten. “Believe me, Law, the feeling is mutual.”
“Fuck off.”
“This is my ship, so why don’t you fuck off? Jump overboard for all I care.”
“Maybe I will if it gets me away from you.” Law turns on his heel and storms off the open deck and into a hallway.
“Good luck swimming, asshole!”
Your rebuttal brings him right back to his former position, face to face with you so that your screaming match can continue “I hope you know that every moment I have to spend on this ship is torture, y/n, all because of you.”
“I haven’t done shit to you, Law.”
“Then whose fault is it that I feel this way? Go on, name someone else so I can take it out on them instead.”
“It’s your fault if you feel any type of way about me besides amicably. I’ve been nothing but kind, and-“
“Bullshit. Whether you know it or not you’ve done… something to me, I can feel it.”
“Oh yeah? And since when do you know anything about how you feel, all you do is brood.”
“I don’t brood. And I know that you are the bane of my existence.” He spits back, making sure to emphasize the word bane.
You hold your breath, refusing to play into this childish argument any longer. Or maybe it’s because, even if it’s just a little, his words genuinely hurt. You realize then, that you don’t want to be the so called ‘bane of his existence.’ He takes your silence as an opportunity to continue, though at a much lower volume than before.
“… And the object of all my desires.”
After a moment of disbelief, your scowl turns to a raised brow. “Excuse me?”
“Every one of my waking hours is plagued by thoughts of you. It doesn’t help that I can’t go anywhere on this goddamned ship-“
“Don’t you talk about the Sunny that way-“
“- without seeing you!”
“Well you must enjoy being around me if you’ve decided I’m,” you create air quotations with your hands, “the object of all your desires.”
You feel so out of your depth now. All you know to do is to bite back with witty remarks, even when he opens up to you. And he seems to do the exact same.
“It’s a nuisance.”
Your lip trembles, but you refuse to cry in front of Law while he plays this sick mind game with you. “I didn’t know liking me was such an awful fate.”
He lets out a shaky breath. “There are so many other things I should be focused on, but all I think of is you. It’s not awful, but it’s making me weak.”
“You’re such a prick, Law.”
He’s bewildered, mouth gaping as he tries to understand what could’ve been wrong with what he’s just confessed to you. “I’m saying I like you, y/n, I- Do you hate me that much?”
“No, I don’t hate you, idiot! But you- when you started traveling with us, you made me feel like I had done something to offend you, and then when I confronted you about it in the market you started to really hold a grudge, then you - I just- that’s not how you treat people!”
“Are you messing with me right now, Law? Is this another play to try and gain the upper hand in this… ongoing thing we have?”
“No, I wouldn’t…” He trails off and shakes his head. He probably would, if he weren’t so enamored with you and on the condition he possessed the social skills to pull off such an elaborate scheme. “It’s not.”
You’re silent again, but both you and Law are refusing to break eye contact. He must notice your still watery eyes and trembling bottom lip because he steps forward. His hand travels to your arm, then your chin. Forced to look at him, you are pained to see a similar unhappy look in his eyes. Minus the tears. You could almost take him for sorry if it weren’t Trafalgar Law, of all people. So instead of falling into his arms like you suddenly feel a desperate need to; you step backward.
You fold your arms over your chest as you look off somewhere- anywhere besides his eyes. “Law, nothing good can come of this.”
“This? What is this, y/n?”
“These.. feelings.”
“You feel the same?”
“I didn’t ask to feel this way!” You bite back, “But… yes, I do.”
“So what should we do?”
“We aren’t going to do anything, Law. You just stay in your lane, and I’ll stay in mine.”
“I thought you didn’t like that I was avoiding you?”
“Well now that I know why, what else can be done? Nothing can happen between us, Law. And we can’t allow feelings to complicate this alliance. I can’t allow that, at least; it’s too important to Luffy.”
He searches for reasoning that will trump yours but comes up with none. And so, with a heavy heart, he concedes. “Okay.”
“Nothing happened.” Law confirms.
“And nothing will.”
You nod and start walking away. “Goodnight, Law.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
And once you’re back safely in your room, the tears start to spill. You hate this- you hate him. You hate the way he makes you feel. You hate that you’re in love with him, and it took you this long to realize.
The tears don’t stop until you’re knocked out, and by the time you wake up, they’ve stained your cheeks.
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
I'm 5"9, with shoulder length curly hair, I have white skin and blue eyes. I am born in June and a Cancer. I'm a little on the chubbier side and very insecure about it.
For personality stuff I am the responsible, mom friend who everybody seeks advice from. I'm quiet and reserved towards people whom I don't yet know and can tend to be shy, but once I get to know that person I can be quite the loyal and passionate friend. My love language is a mixture between acts of service and physical touch.
For things I like I am VERY passionate about reading and writing. I also can get quite hyperfixated on things that interest me in the slightest. So if a person is willing to listen, I could go on for ages, rambling about anything and everything that coincides within that topic. I guess another thing to add on is I like learning languages. I'm currently learning French and had an attempt at Ukranian and Japanese in the past few years.
I'm sorry, but it's hard coming up with things about me, so I hope this is enough 🥺🥺
Thanks in advance <333
Thank you for your request sweetheart! 🩵
I ship you with…
Eugene Roe!
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Song recommendation: Cornelia Street - Taylor Swift
- Okay, so I think you and him would have SUCH great chemistry together, like you and him just have this natural romantic energy towards each other and it’s great
- When he first met you he would look at you like you are the best thing he’s ever seen, you’d see him staring at you and you’d just be like “is he okay?” LOOOL
- He thinks it’s so cute when he comes up to you and you get a little shy, I mean he would never admit it to you, but he thinks it’s adorable whenever you get shy around him
- Through out the night he could tell you were getting more and more comfortable with you and he would feel so happy with you getting closer to him omg
- Hed end up asking you out for dinner by the end of the night, he hasn’t felt that good talking to someone in a longgg time, and even just meeting you and seeing how beautiful you are inside and out, he just has to ask you
- He would be so sweet planning out a date for you guys, like asking you what all your favorite things are, food, hobbies, sports, whatever you like doing, and that day he will make sure you guys do all of the stuff you like doing! He’s so thoughtful when it comes to date nights
- Both of you are the responsible couple for sureee, like you guys are the parents of the friend group and can always calm a group down when they get a little too crazy LOL
- I think he’d definitely be interested in the things you are really into if you tell him about it, he’s always got an open mind when it comes to learning about new things, so if you ever want to talk to someone about something you’ve gotten fixated on please tell him bc he is happy to hear 🤣
- He enjoys seeing you on how passionate you are for reading and writing, like he thinks it’s so fascinating how you can sit and write down 1000 words in just one sitting, it’s honestly super impressive to him
- And you know multiple languages? You honestly can’t get any cooler to him, if you ever start speaking around the house, or he sees you practicing, he will come up to you so quick and ask you how to say a word in that language, or just watch you study on it quietly, trying to learn some of it too! If anything just tell him all of the sweet pet names and cuss words in the language too and he’ll be fine 🤣
- He hates when you ever get insecure about your weight or your body in general, he will remind you over and over and over again how gorgeous you are to him and how much he loves you AND your curves. Like he can’t get enough of them tbh
- He loves seeing how passionate you can get for the people you love, like it literally makes his heart beat for you so much faster, and he just loves you so much omg, both of you have that same passion for loved ones and that’s also a reason why I think you guys would be so good together
- He thinks your blue eyes are so beautiful, like he could stare into them for hours if he wanted to, you are just so gorgeous to him in general
- Both of your love languages are acts of service so I think you guys would be so loving and caring in a relationship with each other, like helping the other out when they need it, and just being a good help to the other person, but y’all are just a good healthy couple fr
- When any couple needs some sort of advice, or if any of your friends or his need some type of relationship advice they definitely come to you guys, like y’all would be the OG couple in a friend group for sure and people would think of y’all when they think of a great relationship
- Ugh let me tell you how he loves playing with your curly hair (only if you let him ofc) But if he does, just stroking his fingers through your hair he will get so sleepy so quick, it’s just so calming and relaxing for him to do
- He can also be a big sucker for physical touch too, holding and snuggling up to you once the days over, one thing you’ll notice is that he gets extra touchy and cuddly when he’s sad or he’s had a bad day, he gets so soft around you 🥹
- Overall you guys would be the perfect significant other to one another. Like y’all just blend out so well together you can’t really explain it, both of you enjoy being with each other so much and he can’t wait to spend so much more time with you.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Okay hear me out…not a mlt but sort of on the same track…me and my sister took the 5 love languages quiz today and I’m curious on what you think each of the member’s primary love language would be out of the five. The one we took was cool bc it gave you a percentage for each one. I’ll also try to think of some mtls but I literally could not…I just stared at a blank ask for like 5 minutes trying 😂
oooh this is actually really cool! love this! remind me later to tell you about how I'm literally living that y/n life, bc this ask reminded me of that fact lol
Namjoon - idk why, but I feel like receiving gifts or words of affirmation. just the way he gets so shy when the other members compliment him makes me think that it really means a lot. and the gift thing, I just think of how he uses and reuses everything! like, when he got that cool table specially made? the dude puts a lot of thought into his objects, and we've seen him wearing that blue hipster outfit about 1000 times now.
Jin - quality time!! I mean, all the man wants is for Yoongi to sit with him and fish. not necessarily talking (although I think words of affirmation is probably a close second), just being together. having a drink, living out a simple moment with the people he cares about.
Yoongi - physical touch and you can't tell me otherwise. he just wants to hold your hand. usually pretty good at not taking what people say to heart, although he definitely appreciates the kind things people say. so I think physical touch and then quality time?? they seem pretty even to me, tbh. remember when Hobi shared that story at last year's festa saying how he invited Yoongi out for a drink, not meaning to go immediately, but Yoongi was instantly like, "yeah, let's go!!" yep. I love Min Yoongi.
Hobi - receiving gifts. he always gets so happy when the members bring him something (i.e. the little bag Joon bought him in Malta or the flamingo Tae won for him). he's not super into physical touch, it has to be the right time/right person, which is proof that Hobi is me and I am Hobi.
Jimin - is this even a surprise?? physical touch. followed closely by words of affirmation. Jimin will give you all the attention in the world and then some, but he needs some of that to be directed back at him. if he's hugging you, he wants to be hugged back.
Taehyung - words of affirmation takes the cake, I think. remember the letters they read aloud (there have been a few occasions) in that one Bon Voyage and how he cried? or how he admitted that he tried to get praise from Hobi for years? Tae loves physical touch (but with the right people, he's not as open physically as Jiminie) as well as quality time, but he needs words. (IN THE SOOP, HIS CONVO WITH JK ABOUT GOING ON WEVERSE TO GET REASSURANCE FROM ARMY. there's so much evidence for this I feel like sksksk)
Jungkook - I think Jungkook is a words of affirmation/physical touch guy for sure, but I also think acts of service are high up on the list, too. he seems pretty evenly rounded, but I just feel like he's grown more into words of affirmation and physical touch because of his hyungs. however, they took such good care of him and still look out for him, almost constantly serving him and each other in some way. so I think a lot of how Jungkook feels loved stems from the acts of service and therefore love from his hyungs and army as well!!
send me an mtl!
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angelsxbelle · 4 years
what kind of boyfriend they are.
alrrrrr here we go my personal headcanons of my haikyuu boys UNDERRATED EDITION- what they’re like as boyfriends/ur favorite thing about them<3
pairings: hirugami x reader, matsukawa x reader, goshiki x reader
warnings: none!!
underrated boys go brrrrrr
note: i did plan for this to take place when they are adults, so just keep that in mind while you’re reading, possible very very minor timeskip spoilers, not even
anyways let’s get this ball rolling bf headcanons let’s go
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hirugami, SACHIROU
so starting off strong we have what should be everyone’s favorite boy hirugami
you guys first met outside, you were walking your dog while it was a beautiful day, almost too perfect to be true as you met your future boyfriend by your dog refusing to stop sniffing his ass
as you manage to tug your dog away for dear life, he looks up at you and is surprised to see how stunning you are
as your dog keeps sniffing his ankle, you strike up a conversation about dogs or anything else he’s interested in
he’s so cute when he talks about what he loves- 
anyways you guys just kind of hit it off tbh
things just get even better from there
so moving on to actual relationship stuff
he’s the best boyfriend ever, like actually
the kind of man that has that rom com moment where he’s standing out in the rain professing his love to you
coffee shop dates, tons of them
likes to just listen to you talk while he stirs his drink, softly smiling as he watches your face light up as you talk about whatever’s been on your mind lately
he also loves dog parks! loves to take you and the dogs to go play together, to him its the best thing ever
i get really interesting vibes from him, like very stable protective dependable but also soft and vulnerable 
you always know you can rest your face on his shoulder at the end of the day
although he’s reliable, he isn’t afraid to try new things with you, he really likes to have new experiences and make memories with you 
husband material x 1000
song that sums up your relationship: this side of paradise, coyote theory
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matsukawa, ISSEI
so, for starters i hope we all get the same vibes from him that i do
issei’s your classic lazy bf, he acts like he doesn’t care, wraps his arm around you lazily when you want to cuddle, vvvv chill abt everything
loves you with his WHOLE HEART, and will not hesitate to let you know that if you doubt yourself for a second
you guys probably met in some weird way but it’s endearing
like you were walking out of a coffee shop one day and he wasn’t paying attention to you and smacked you right over onto the sidewalk
he apologizes profusely, and probably smirks while saying,
“how about i give you my number to make it up to you?” ;)
smart ass mattsun🙄
although he gives off carefree vibes, don’t get me wrong he’s an absolute blast to be around, the kind of guy that stays in your head after he drops you off at the end of the night
will go apple picking with you and push you over as joke
makes it worth it by plopping down into the leaves next to you though
when you nuzzle your face into his chest his sweater smells like cinnamon and wood smoke, his big arms around your back pulling you in close
when you look up he’s staring down at you like he’s looking at an angel, the sky around him soft with gray clouds and leaves gently falling down from the trees around you
can be a bit joking towards you during the day but once you get home at night, it’s completely different
this mf will not let you escape his arms, no matter how much you want to get up and go get a glass of water or anything like that
will act distant or tease occasionally, but at the end of the day, mans is WHIPPED for you
probably wants to get married one day but is too shy to say anything
song that sums up your relationship: pope is a rockstar, sales
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okay so we all know how amazing tsutomu really is
he’s the future ace how is he so underrated🙄 🤚
anyways- here we go:)
you can tell by just looking at him, being in a relationship with goshiki is probably going to be one of the sweetest parts of your life
you just know when you come over to him he’s just going to look up at you like he’s a little puppy🥺
he may not have a lot of experience with relationships but don’t get me wrong, he will try his ABSOLUTE best to give you everything you could possibly wish for and be the best boyfriend you could ask for
you met in your first year of high school!!
on the first day of your first year, you saw him sitting in the corner of the classroom, he probably looked scared shitless
after you sat next to him and started talking to him, his eyes just brightened like the kind of thing you would see in a cartoon
you found out you had more classes with him later on and stuck with him ever since
you’re the only friend he has that’s actually a girl-
you guys stayed close friends until your third year, when you noticed he was acting weird and decided to confront him about it after school
he just barely chokes out a confession and his face is completely red when you give him a tiny kiss on the cheek~
we’re just gonna pretend he didn’t literally ask ushijima for advice
now onto boyfie tsutomu😌
LOVES taking you out on fun dates, like think carnivals, movies, skating, stuff like that
will 10/10 spend all his money winning you a giant stuffed animal
he’s sweet in an innocent way, but knows how to keep you interested and show his playful side while also being serious about your needs
he always goes for those little gestures of affection like making you food, even though he really can’t cook and leaving you little love notes to find
vvvv affectionate
soft kisses all over your face
likes to be the little spoon when cuddling
he’ll actually visibly sparkle if you ask him about volleyball or anything he’s enjoying lately, likes to talk to you about his interests
it makes him feel really comforted knowing there’s someone that will always be there to pay attention to him and care for him
he can’t imagine his life without you anymore
song that describes ur relationship: can we be friends, conan gray
the end:)
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
now hear me out,,, an au where lan wangji is an editor who works for an erotica publisher and wei wuxian is essentially chuck tingle. (also lwj writes romance novels on the side)
wei wuxian didn’t plan to write erotica he wants to make that really clear, he was actually studying like biomed or something equally “oh wow my parents can brag to the other parents about this”
but, as frequently happens in wwx’s life, he got drunk with nhs, like really drunk and they woke up the next morning with a laptop on the floor beside them and loose paper strewn everywhere
they don’t really remember what they were doing or thinking last night but they’ve both drawn a bunch of really shitty and weird porn (the less said about the anthropomorphic version of wen chao’s pet turtle the better) and wei wuxian has like 20,000 words of an erotica story on his laptop
when he starts reading it, at first he’s like haha what the fuck this is so weird but then it turned out to be really good??? and nhs blushed at some of the ~sexy~ scenes so that’s how wwx knew he was writing the good stuff
anyway they’re sitting there, eating their hangover food and wei wuxian goes so uh my story was good right? and nhs is like yeah it was, top stuff i would buy it and wei wuxian goes what if i actually wrote it,,, haha just kidding,,,,, unless?
and in his defence he doesn’t actually write anything for the story for another like three months but then he finds himself in the middle of exam season and he’s like fuck it stress relief let’s write some erotica
he finishes the book and his exams (which he does well in but whatever) and then spends his summer holidays editing the book
when he comes back, he slaps down a paper copy on nhs’ desk and is like i finished it. nhs, thinking he meant his latest lab write up, opens it up to a random page and starts reading it out loud which was a Mistake
he trails off mid-sentence, and whips around to glare at wwx with all the wrath he can muster. it’s raunchy nhs says and just read it wwx tells him so nhs does
like 2 hours later nhs turns to him and says if it wasnt for you and the librarian staring at me the whole time i definitely would’ve felt something and wwx is like so it’s good? and nhs is like fuck yeah it is but i dont get what you want from me?
pretty much wwx passed out after exams, slept for like 20 hours and then woke up and went i should publish this and decided that nhs should draw the cover art.
nhs agrees of course and a month later wwx self-publishes bc there’s no way he can walk into a publishing house with his porn and not just combust on the spot and he decides to go by the name yiling patriarch
wwx clicks the final button to upload the fic and nhs just toasts him and goes yknow what,, this is the closest you’ve ever gotten to having sex and i’m proud of you
wei wuxian is the man who guarded his first kiss for the first twenty years of his life for someone special,,,, wwx definitely wants his first time to be special and there’s no way he’s putting out for someone he doesn’t think is important & despite having dated before, he’s never gotten close enough to someone to go yeah let’s do it so our boy is still a virgin
so wwx’s entire erotica writing inspiration comes from porn, nhs’ way too in-depth answers as to how his latest date went and uh more porn
wwx blusters about a bit bc how is he meant to respond to that and nhs is like maybe you’ll finally move on from reading those trashy romance novels and read something more exciting and wwx is like how dare you call them trashy!! hanguang-jun is a master of the romance novels!! he understands the heart in a way that no other person has ever!! 
and nhs just chugs a bunch of wine and is like yeah hon okay, do you still blush when the main characters hold hands? and wwx is like no! of course not! (it’s a lie, he blushes a lot)
so nothing really happens with the book at first and wwx forgets about it for the most part but then he wakes up one morning and he’s got an extra like RMB 1000 (i dont actually know much about currency so it’s roughly $200 if my quick interneting is legit)
wwx is like wtf? and once he finds out it’s from his novel he’s doubly like wtf? but then he finds out that someone had purchased his book and did a dramatic reading on youtube bc wwx decided that regular erotica was boring and decided to make it satirical or whatever and people loved it??
he’s got nothing better to do so he just goes hm yeah remember that Author i dated who had an “incredible idea that would absolutely amaze The Critics and helped explore his own convoluted mind” let’s make something of that and he writes another book kinda mocking that idea in a very horny way.
he publishes it and someone writes a review of his two books on their blog and now he’s actually starting to get popular - he’s got more money from those two books than he did by working at the local cafe for the whole week
wwx is poor and broke and semi-disowned anyway by this point so he goes fuck it and spends every moment he’s not studying writing erotica. 
he publishes another like five books by the time the year is out (i know the maths isnt working here but this is a book world where wwx can just do that via the power of loneliness and friends who egg you on)
also?? he varies his books. some of them are porn parody things a la chuck tingle and some of them are genuine porn and one book was just him writing a recipe book but making it sound as horny as possible
by the time he’s published his like 8th book or so he starts getting reviews that are critiquing his book and most of them boil down to the fact that he needs an editor or something 
he ends up asking nhs for help and he’s like oh sweet my brother’s boyfriend works for a publisher who does that sort of thing
cloud recesses actually specialises in erotica and i hate the idea that lqr has spent years reading and editing erotica but sacrifices must be made
(side note that i know nothing about the writing or publishing process so pls don’t judge me too harshly)
wwx goes in with his latest manuscript and ends up arriving like ten minutes late, he rushes into the room sweaty and hot, takes one look at the guy sitting on the other side of the desk, flushes an even brighter red and runs back out of the room. he checks the plaque on the door and walks back in slowly and goes hm i didnt expect you to be so hot
cue lan wangji
lwj has always enjoyed being an editor. what do editor do specifically? idk? edit? regardless, he enjoys it. 
while most of the time he’s happy working from this side of things he also likes writing
lwj fucks. he deserves it tbh. but, while he’s had a tonne of one night stands and fuckbuddies, he’s never actually dated someone. so the fact that he’s writing romance novels under the pseudonym hanguang-jun makes his friend jzx laugh a lot
he tried writing porn once and he just couldn’t do it. it was always too clinical or vague and lacked any actual passion bc he was always going oh okay mc sucks a dick but the guy i slept with last week was like a 6.4/10 when it came to sucking dick so maybe mc should also be bad at it or whatever and it just ends up falling apart,,,, but romance he can do
as an editor lwj has pretty high standards for good erotica but he’s really found himself enjoying yiling patriarch’s work even though he’s clearly just been editing himself so when the guy sent cloud recesses an email asking whether they’d be interested in his latest book lwj was ecstatic. 
he also didnt expect wwx to be so hot
anyway,,, we now get to enjoy a week of lwj thinking that wwx is super hot but even more annoying and then him deciding that annoying is hot and now wwx is just absolutely amazing and wwx is just panicking the entire time 
i want my publisher to rail me so hard wwx texts nhs and nhs just responds has he read the bdsm scene with the alien who has a tentacle dick and a knot yet? and wwx is like no??? nhs just goes shame, it will give him so ideas for if you ever grow a backbone and just ask him out
they publish one book together and nothing happened between them the entire time other than yearning and horniness,, of the heart and body. 
when wwx realises this means that he won’t get to see lwj again he immediately writes a new book and like a month later he’s back in lwj’s office, lying on his couch while whining about the cafeteria prices at university
lwj is very enamoured by the fact that wwx is writing erotica and studying biomed bc wow
they do this for like another three books and wwx’s eroticas evolve from here’s a dinosaur man fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on to be like here’s a dinosaur man with black hair and golden eyes and a stern look to his face fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on
and hanguang-jun’s latest book?? i dont want to say that this au’s version of wangxian is hanguang-jun finally finding inspiration to write porn (his muse is wwx of course) and writing the most amazing porn with feelings and plot novel ever,, but it is. 
wwx read it five times in the first week and when nhs finally tried to read it he was like uhhh wwx are you a narcissist, the love interest is exactly like you? and wwx is like ??? no???? he’s nothing like me??
anyway one day wwx gets called into lxc’s office and lxc is like so i’ve read your latest book (not the dinosaur man, a serious one with like normal people and not overly humorous thank fuck but still full of lwj yearning) and wwx is like okay? and lxc goes yes, see i was worried that you didn’t care very much for my brother but after reading your book i���m not so sure and wwx gets the weirdest shovel talk ever which is interspersed with like compliments for his porn writing skills
anyway lxc accidentally mentions that lwj writes books too and before he can take it back wwx is like who??? and lxc is like are you fucking stupid?? you told lwj to his face that you loved his books,,, he broke his theme of tender romance to write kinky sex with a character that’s a lot like you and wwx is like .,,,,,,,,, hanguang-jun??? HANGUANG-JUN???!!
lxc barely manages to confirm it before wwx is sprinting out of his office and across to find lwj.
regretfully for everyone else, lwj is in the lobby so thirty people get to hear it when wwx comes in and shouts LAN ZHAN!! back then, i really wanted write porn about you! ... i think i have actually? but i want to write porn about you and i want to be able to do the research to make it accurate! and i also want to go on dates and hold hands and feed each other food! and i love you a lot! 
lwj is dying inside bc his brother’s bf is there, his uncle is currently waiting for the elevators and a whole bunch of staff are also there but also wwx likes him??? dinosaur man was lwj??
he goes over and they make out for a really long time right there in the middle of the lobby but no one wants to get between them when they’ve been pining for so long
after that they start dating and they do all the romantic stuff but also,, let’s just say that the next book wwx publishes is a lot more creative than all of his previous books
and they become some writing power couple with horniness of the heart and body and sometimes wwx will be like hey lwj i don’t really know how the logistics of this sex scene will work and lwj will be like we could try it out ourselves? and wwx just pats him on the head and is like im sorry but you dont have enough dicks for it to work ),: better luck next time
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power-chords · 3 years
Post-trip round-up, integration, thoughts (cut for length & some Heavy Shit)
WOW I needed that and I am so glad I realized I needed that. It has been well over ten years since I last took LSD, and my reluctance to indulge in psychedelics again was rooted in a long and complicated history that I don't really need to hash out here, but doing a mild dose of mushrooms last weekend gave me the confidence and conviction that I was ready.
Would it have been wiser to take a less bonkers dose for the first time in a decade plus? Probably! Do I regret a single moment of it? Not a whit! It's tough to overstate just how powerful, therapeutic, and restorative a good acid trip is, even an occasionally intense, uncomfortable one. I do not recommend eating multiple tabs of extremely good blotter on your first rodeo, but Adam's even more of a veteran psychonaut than I am, so I was 1000% well cared for, totally safe, and in a comfortable, familiar environment. In that setting, and in a positive frame of mind, acid is not going to throw anything at you that you are not equipped to handle. I would love to make this an annual or biannual thing.
The cool, funny, wacky delightful stuff:
Put it under my tongue at 10 AM-ish. Went to go listen to some music and doodle until it kicked in. I forgot that the come-up is like, do not make any fucking plans involving hand-eye coordination LMAO. I was trying to doodle Bowery Ballroom in an old sketchbook, and that devolved quickly. The markers were old so some of the caps were really stuck on there, and I wound up devolving into fits of laughter from the absurdity of pulling the caps off with my teeth.
Ink stains on my hands started writhing and trailing and were very cool. That was the first thing I noticed. I got very sad that I stopped drawing and making art, which was something I did all my life and almost went to school for but stopped doing as an adult. And then I realized I could start drawing again any time if I wanted to, and I didn't have to be GOOD at it or a proper artist for it to be worthwhile and fun. Felt immediately happy again.
Adam decided to watch Lethal Weapon???? I was like, Don't Like That. Even though he had headphones on and I couldn't hear anything. I am ambivalent about screens at best when I'm tripping, and at worst I don't even want to be in the same room with them. Guns and violence seemed comically, brutally stupid. Turned my back to the TV and continued drawing and writing until I could no longer hold a pen. Eventually Adam got on my wavelength and was like yeah, this is too much! (He took like, twice the dose that I did. I have no idea how he was even able to talk to me, but he managed!)
Felt the need to message Liana while peaking, picked up my phone, and saw that she had already sent me this:
Tumblr media
I thought that was HILARIOUS (tbh it actually was, and it was not just the acid talking)
For the first few hours of teeth-grinding, reality-shearing intensity, Adam and I mostly lounged in bed with the shades pulled all the way up and the window open, cuddling and petting Ernie. Fantastic bonding experience for the whole fam.
Looking at every surface in the apartment became like looking at a stained glass ceiling, or an infinite mandala, or the muddied rainbows in oil-slicked puddles. It looked like Ernie's fur was breathing and someone had colored all over the white parts of him with a highlighter. Adam agreed with this assessment. Formica on the kitchen counters was bananas. So were the trees outside, rippling like celluloid and brighter green than I had ever seen them.
The two of us spent a good 15 minutes doubled over with laughter because Adam suggested a contraption for funneling Fancy Feast directly into Ernie's mouth, kind of like shotgunning a beer
Adam: "I can't believe I used to to this and get on the subway and try to do things with people." Me: "What? How did you even figure out how to get from Point A to Point B?" Adam: "I mean, we didn't, really. We usually got lost. It was fine, though." Truly, it's about the friends you make along the way!
The second half of the trip, when things are starting to mellow out a bit, is when you become a real rock star. I went outside for a walk around the neighborhood, and to sit in the park with my headphones on while watching kids play on the playground, and it was ECSTATIC. I was just overjoyed. My face still hurts from smiling.
Forgot that I needed money to realize my goal of obtaining a popsicle, so I had to detour back into the apartment and explain all of this to my husband before resuming the popsicle quest. He thought it was very funny, but sympathized.
Fresh air, popsicles and San Pellegrino on acid. On another level! 100/10.
Bathrooms still universally suck, LOL. -10/10. Not a fan of that bathroom while tripping face! Every time I had to pee it was like WELL here we go again into the Pink Squirming Hell Chamber (I am making this sound like more of a big deal than it actually was)
15 HOURS. 15 HOURS Jesus Christ lmao I did not stop seeing weird shit on screens and surfaces until like 1 AM. And even then, if I stared long enough, funky colors and patterns would re-emerge. It's a commitment. I feel happy and refreshed, but also totally exhausted. Definitely have to budget a full weekend of No Plans for any future trips.
The Heavy Shit:
There is some Cronenberg-level body horror right before the visuals get super rainbow-stained and stereotypically psychedelic, which sounds bad, but I promise it isn't. It's watching the veins pulse under your skin and change into very saturated colors, pores and hair and scars become very defined and wiggly, and as someone who has so much bodily anxiety related to my alopecia/IBS, it was weirdly... freeing? You get to experience all this stuff in an entirely new frame of mind, shedding judgment and old thought ruts. I remember thinking, "I do not need to feel shame about my body," and letting go of so much baggage.
At some point mid-afternoon I decided to retrieve my phone from the drawer again, and saw that I had a missed call and a voicemail from my dad. I decided to play it back, and he was just phoning to tell me that he was listening to a live version of "Sally Simpson" and Keith was doing this thing where he wasn't even touching the cymbals, and had I listened to that specific performance before and noticed the same thing, and wasn't he truly the greatest drummer that ever lived? "Anyway, no need to call me back, just wanted to let you know. I love my bubbie!" (His term of endearment for me.) And I went to go sit in bed and weep for a straight 15 minutes, the most cleansing, purging cry you could possibly imagine, while Adam hugged me and rubbed my back. I was overwhelmed, overcome by this feeling of cosmic Love and Connection with my family and my husband and all of my friends.
I had been sitting on and burying so much fear and distress from the past 18 months, the chronic, low-grade trauma that was worrying if COVID was going to kill my father, my best friend and closest confidante and the one person on earth who I feel truly Gets Me on a spiritual level, and all of that came out. Fully processed and released every ounce of grief. What replaced it was the absolute, unshakable faith that no matter what happens — including my greatest fear, which is inevitable, no matter how far off it may be — he will always be with me, and a part of me, in the music we both love, and I will never, ever lose that.
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shipuu · 4 years
So i find tratie adorable so this how i think they got together
We are gonna make this realistic not that “fell in love when we were 16 and somehow managed to stay together through everything”. Nothing wrong with that trope. But like i said ~~realistic
Katherine gardner - originally from washington dc. She went to gerogetown uni.
She has always been passionate about the plants and first decided to major in Agricultural Studies, but then she didnt really like it.
So she switched to environmental studies. Not exactly about plants per se. But still related to the environment.
She sees the way humans are destroying the world and genuinely wants to help
Shes got good friends in college, sleeps around a little bit. Has a good relationship with her father.
Extremely hard working. Work ethic 1000000. Graduated with honors. Got a job at an enviromental consultancy firm in new york.
Travis off to college. I believe he went to a college in ny to be close to CHB and connor. Probably a community college seeing as he couldnt afford other unis
Nothing wrong with that. His relationship with his mom is rocky. So she wouldn’t be able to help out.
Majored in business administration. He takes it lightly his first year, seeing as how he isn’t used to the education system because he lived at CHB his whole life.
He genuinely wants to be successful. To have a life for himself and connor. So after first year kicks his butt, he works hard and raised his GPA the following years.
Extremely good at math and numbers. He steal messes around, playing pranks on people but nothing harmful. Also sleeps around a lot. (Nothing wrong with that)
Malcolm pace made an offhanded comment about how travis should start a new club at uni called “how to steal” and he considers it before shoving the idea away.
During the summer, he helps chiron with any business related things (tax forms, buying shirts, selling strawberries). Connor and him still play a lottttt of pranks
Graduated with honors. Lives in brooklyn With connor who is currently attending college. They still visit CHB from time to time.
So this one time, he steals something but then gets caught. Nothing expensive. A petty offence really. He calls chiron up to save his ass but chirons like NOPE.
So he gets charged. And the court gives him community service since it really was a petty offence.
He has to work with those “plant a tree” volunteer services during the weekend.
Katie is also volunteering there for fun and mostly because during the weekend, she has time to spare.
Travis goes there and is genuinely surprised to see her since he hasnt seen her in 4 years. ( she doesnt visit CHB as often. And even when she does she doesnt see the stolls)
Katie is genuinely surprised too.
First day, they dont talk the whole morning- just planting trees. Katie is still curious as to why he is here. So by the afternoon she asks him.
Shes isnt one bit surprised about the stealing thing. She also forgave them about the Easter Bunny cabin incident as it was 8 years ago??¿¿
Hes kinda nervous and blushing when he tells her the truth. Tbh he had a tiny crush on her back when they were teens. But it sorta went away, as they didnt interact much.
They catch up and its mostly just small talk. The next day, they talk more and katie realises travis has changed. He isn’t as annoying anymore. Travis also realises that katie has changed as she doesnt lecture and scold people anymore. Shes become more chill
The volunteering thing is over so they exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch. However over text, their convo is dry seeing as they arent THAT close and with their busy adult lifes. They slowly drift apart.
Fast forward another year. Katie works at her environmental firm and they start a new project. The firms brings in business consultants because the project has to be a success. One of the consultants is obvio TRAVISSSSSS.
Again both of them are surprised to see each other. Like always they dont really talk in the beginning. Mostly small talk. But then they get paired together for a part of the project.
So then it begins, late nights, coffee runs, laughter at 11pm in the office. Trying to work on numbers and investors and getting the most out reach on this project.
They get to know each other on a much higher level. They start to like each other but wont say anything.
Travis admits katie is gorgeous. And katie admits travis is handsome (not to each other. They just think about it)
2 months later, katie invites travis over to work on the project, trying to come up with an action plan. He brings over beer. And they settle in. Its 2 am. And they both are tipsy.
The project is long forgotten, and start talking about weird things like is cereal soup? Is gucci even worth it?
Its 2 am. Katies apartment is dim because of the lighting. They are both drunk. Sitting on the floor, extremely close to each other. Travis find hers absolutely gorgeous. Her cheeks are flushed coz of the alcohol. And shes wheezing so hard coz of what he said.
Katie thinks he looks hot as hell. And with his knowledge on business she finds him 1000 times more attractive.
Travis kisses her first, he pulls back about to apologise, before katie grabs him by the shirt and kisses him back. They have drunk sex on the carpet.
When travis wakes up the next morning, he realises he fucked up. Sleeping with a coworker. What was he thinking? You dont mix business and pleasure.
So he leaves her apartment. And when katie wakes up to see him not there she is kinda hurt.
They see each other in the office next day. And travis cant make eye contact with her. Katie is super confused because she thought he had a good time.
When everyone goes to lunch. She grabs travis and pushed him into a broom closet. And practically interrogates him.
Travis admits he likes her and she says the same. They’re super close to each other(coz of the tiny closet). The electricity in the air is charged. And they kiss again.
Travis doesnt wanna have sex in a closet so he picks her up, slams her on a table in the closet, bunches her tight skirt around her hips, and goes down her.
And katies just trying not to moan loudly. But failing miserably. Travis stoll knows how to eat pussy.
The rest of the day is filled with luscious glances, slight touches, her putting her hand on his thigh under the table and slowly inching upwards.
They meet up that evening at her apartment. And they agree to start dating. They keep it lowkey not yet telling connor.
After 1 month, they tell connor who btw called it from day one. He’s extremely happy for them.
Travis gets a bit jealous when guys flirt with katie and vice versa. But the two them only have eyes for each other.
Katie gets paired with another guy from the office for some work. Travis also notices that the guy checks katie out a lot, even though she is oblivious.
because of their conflicting work schedules, and how they never get to see each other. Katie working on the project with “that guy”travis is busy with his work, and helping connor out in his senior year. Late nights where they miss each other so much
And thats when their first real fight happens. Hes yelling. Shes yelling. Travis gets insecure that katie doesnt want him anymore. Katies positive they are gonna break up.
In a last ditch effort, she goes to his place. And have a painfully truthful conversation on how they both messed up. They promise to do better and communicate more
That night they make ~~love~~ to each other. Not sex, LOVEEEEE.
After that its smooth sailing. They have fights now and then, but nothing they cant handle.
Their first “I love you’s” is a week after they made love to each other. She was making dinner ( shes a fucking amazing cook) and travis is standing behind her arms around her waist, chin on her shoulders.
And they’re talking and he says “well thats one of things i love about u” and after a second he realises what he said and practically freezes. Katie stops stirring the pasta and turns to look at him.
They both just kinda stare at each other and travis is so fucking nervous and then katie breaks out into the most breathtaking smile he has ever seen. she tells him i love u back.
Their kissing turns to making out and he picks her up, slams her on the kitchen counter and they have sex. (They also turned off the stove dw)
2 orgasms later. They finally eat dinner. And things between them are fucking amazing
After dinner they retreat back to the bedroom where katie is screaming his name and travis’ grunting heavily.
And it’s complete bliss.....
Also side note. Hermes and demeter 100% approve
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leossmoonn · 3 years
hii congrats on 1.4k!! can i request 🔮 for male marauders and golden trio era? my pronouns are she/her, i’m gryffindor, i laugh in situations i shouldn’t be laughing at, i’m very friendly and i act the same around a person i know for 5 minutes and a person i know for years, i’m loud when talking, i’m too kind for my own sake, i get annoyed easily but everyone says i’m funny then, i get nervous easily especially around a person i like and i get especially loud then, i love nature and swimming and i love dancing but i’m really bad at it,, thank you!!
thank you so much! yes yes of course!
male marauders ship - james potter
when james first heard your laugh, he immediately fell in love. he was in detention and had heard your laugh from outside the classroom. you were walking through the halls w marlene and dorcas as you all had a free period. james turned his head and fell even more as he saw your face. he then realised it was you, gryffindor prefect and top of all your classes. sirius had always thought you were a know-it-all, but james thought you were funny and pretty and he was determined to get to know you better.
so after detention, he went to his house to find you. luckily, you were studying w remus and lily. he walked up to you all suave and gave you a little smirk, to which you reacted by just staring at him while sweating profusely. little did he know, you also liked him. but ofc he didnt know that, not yet, so his smile faltered and he gave you a warm, polite smile instead and said “hi, y/n. i’m james potter. we have potions and DADA together.” he held his hand out for you to shake and you stared at it for a good few seconds before laughing. youre like “y-you, you know my name? ohmygod, haha- WOW. s-sorry, i-i’m not usually this um, giggly. HAHA” and james just grins and says “no worries love. do you mind accompanying to hogsmeade this weekend” and youre like “… alright…” and james is sooo happy hehe. “it’s a date!” he exclaimed before running up to his dorm to find sirius to tell him the good news. the wait for the weekend was painful for both of you, but def worth it.
you met him at the gates, looking beautiful as usual. james complimented you like 100 timed in the first 5 minutes, you were grinning like a child who just got their christmas wish. you two strolled around the town, james ending up buying everything for you 💀. you open up to him pretty quickly and you two bounce from topic to topic seamlessly. at the end of the night, you two were at hog’s head and (ik this sounds like a muggle thing but shhh) they had karaoke night and lily and remus sung a duet, to which james pulled you up from your seat in surprise. at first you're confused and are like "wth???" and james is like "dance with me, darling!" and you're like "HAHA NO" and james frowns and asks why and you pull him close and say "i'm horrible at dancing, james. althought i will admit, i love it," you chuckle. and james is like "perfect! here, i'll teach you, m'kay?" and you're not so sure but yk james won't let up so you follow him to the dance floor.
he puts your arms around his neck and he puts his hands on the middle of your back, not too high, not too low, and you two start dancing. james at first is impressed and is like "you're not half bad, l/n." but he's spoken too soon bc you then begin to step on his feet as you two sway faster. and he's like "OW OW OW!" and you pull away from him and is like "ah im so sorry. i didn't mean to :((" and he just shrugs, "it's alright. no worries. here, lemme teach you". and he takes you in his arms again. "just follow my lead, okay. relax and just feel the music. if you panic, just stop, look at my feet, and regroup, m'kay?" and you nod tentatively and he smiles and you two start swaying. for the first 3 minutes, your eyes are at his feet, watching his and making sure you don't trip again and hurt his toes. and a few minutes later, you are dancing like a pro! (you step on his feet still... but only a few times so its not that bad hehe).
male golden trio ship - fred weasley
fred made smth blow up in hagrid's face (bless his soul) and the whole class went silent except for you. fred and george were laughing, but they were keeping it quiet while you were literally honking. your whole face gets hot with embarrassment as you realise you're the only one laughing and everyone is staring at you. you look down in shame at your desk as you feel everyone's judging eyes on you. well, not everyone is judging hehe. hargrid ends up taking 15 points from your house, 10 for the prank, 5 for you laughing (oops...). hagrid continues class and everyone goes back to paying attention to him except for fred. he's staring at you the whollleeee time.
you're two grades below him (u two are 5th and 7th year but ill age u up to 16 instead of 15 since he’s 17:)) so honestly he's never really noticed you outside of the common room before. you are friends w ron tho so ofc he knows of you and has seen you around the school, but he's never really paid attention to you before until now. and he glad he finally did because you are gorgeousss. after class, he ends up approaching you and ofc you're starstruck bc your best friend's cool, funny, hot older brother is talking to you.
he's like "i noticed you were laughing at my prank. you think that was funny?" and his tone kinda makes you scared bc he's really serious, but you end up nodding really slowly. his serious face breaks into a happy one as he says "great! at least someone was amused. say, you're friends with my baby brother, right?" he asks. and you're like "um... yeah..." and he says "great! well, why don't you take a break from hanging out w my loser brother and hang out w me tonight? george and i are planning a few more pranks." your jaw drops to the mf floor and youre like “uh. um yeah… s-sure” and fred’s like “😁😁😁 GREAT. see u then, l/n!” and your heart goes 🦋🦋🦋 and youre like “alright.. see you then”
so like you tell your friends, harry ron and hermione, abt your plans and harry is like “cool cool. tell us how it goes!” and hermione and you are giggling abt you hanging out w a boy two years up from you. and ron’s like “yeah whateva. have fun ig🙄” and hes just jealous bc his cool olders brothers are stealing his best friend but you reassure him you’re still his bff and youll hang out w him after/the next day. A
NYWAYS so it comes time and you step into the common room, confused as there was no one there. so you go and sit on the couch to wait but as you sit down, fred’s face immediately emerges from nowhere and you literally trip over and fall into him (which youre freaked out bc you cant see his body) but the invisibility cloak drops and he puts his arms around you quickly and holds you up just as your abt to fall. and your faces are literally like millimeters apart. and you think youre abt to kiss but fred pulls away and helps stabilize you before grabbing his cloak. youre like all shy again and he just smiles and says hello and sits down in the couch. you follow him in suit and he explains what the invisibility cloak is. then he gets out all his toys and prank stuff and you’re honestly really interested and you even give him ideas for new pranks and yk he likes you like 1000 times more hehe.
you two end up talking for a few hours and you emerge out of your shell and fred is very happy bc he now sees like the real you. a few hours later and your curled up on the couch, head on his shoulder and youre about to fall asleep (super romantic). fred then mentions george and youre like “oh wait. how come he isnt here?” and fred’s like “hes w angelina. his gf” and youre like “oooh” and then you boldly ask “do you have a gf” and you lift your head up from his shoulder and your face is so close to his, not as close as before, but you can feel his breath on your lips. and he looks you in the eyes and is like “no” and youre like “do you like anyone?” and as he speaks he looks down at your lips, “yeah. i think i do” and you think you know its you bc well like, how can you not in this moment. and youre like “who?” and hes like “you” AND THEN (im sorry this shit is so long but im living the dream) he leans in and your lips touch and you kiss and its all 😍🦋😏😁😋😩🥰🤩😽👻. lol anyways you pull away and are like 😳 and fred is like 😏 “ill see u tmrw right?” and youre like “y-yeah…” and you watch as he stood up and collects his stuff and leaves you. once you know hes gone, you stand up and start squealing and jumping around hehe and you run upstairs to tell hermione.
next morning, fred finds you at lunch and asks you point blank if you wanna be his gf and youre like “yes duh.” and you two then become official! so even tho fred is a prankster and is always carefree and stuff, he does have a compassionate side that comes out when he feels need be. hes so supportive too and he treats you like a mf queen. he’ll literally buy you anything and will do anything for you. he also plays jokes on u which you get him back and hes very impressed w your creativity and boldness.
so during breaks and summers, you visit the burrow and you two often hang out outside near the willow tree in their yard. you two also go swimming in the lake (let’s pretend its a big lake not a pond lol). its super nice and relaxing especially on like 90 degree days where you two are melting. you two always are splashing each other and laughing loudly. sometimes you two just cuddle and drink pumpkin juice and talk about what fred is gonna do now that he’s outta school. tbh youre afraid that once you go back to school and youre apart, youll grow apart, but fred always assure you two that you wont bc you two are soulmates <3
hope you enjoyed this!
join my celebration!
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
Celebrating Bakugou’s Birthday Headcanons
💥🎊~SFW (very fluffy...the most fluffy)
💥🎊~Bakugou x Fem!Reader (mutual pining)
💥🎊~Happy Birthday to the little rat, here are some hcs to celebrate! 🥳
💥🎊~Tbh I should have just made this a oneshot because that’s basically what it is but in HC format because it’s easier for me to write whoopsies...🥴
💥🎊~I wrote this in like four hours so I’m super sorry if it sucks...it was honestly really hard for me to write with no motivation what so ever but I just wanted to make sure I got something out in time for the baby’s b day! Double whoopsies 🥴
💥🎊~Also long post triple whoopsies 🥳
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💥🎊~ “Here we go, today is the day!” You say to yourself as you wake up in the morning, already excited for what’s to come.
💥🎊~ You see reader, you and the rest of 1A (mainly the bakusquad) decided to surprise the gruff explosion boy for his birthday.
💥🎊~ And as you got ready that morning, you decided to take a little extra time in making yourself look even more beautiful than you already were, examples being putting on a little more makeup than usual or even taking some extra time to learn a new hairstyle.
💥🎊~ You’ve had a crush on the ash blonde for a while now, ever since the beginning of the school year, and it only continued to grow as you watched him become stronger and develop more of a gruff softness with his classmates.
💥🎊~ So this was the perfect opportunity to show him how much you cared, and on top of that you had an excuse for you lookin even more ‘like a snacc’ than usual.
💥🎊~ “Y/N!!!! Come on hurry up!!” You hear you’re best friend Ashido knock at your door, you quickly finish whatever you’re doing and pull yourself together, taking a quick glance at how you looked in a mirror before opening the door.
💥🎊~ “Geez girlie, you look bomb, get it, bomb?” You huff a laugh at the bad joke as she takes in your appearance.
💥🎊~ “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this spruced up before, well except for that one party you got to go too. Lookin good, ready to try and reel him in?” She teases as she takes a quick snap of one of your bra straps under your shirt.
💥🎊~ “Ashi!!! No. And besides, I’m sure he doesn’t even like me back anyways.” You shoot back as a bright pink blush paints itself on your s/c cheeks. Ashido was the only one who knew about your longtime crush on the ash blonde, and frankly she was the only one you trusted enough. Fortunately for you, she proved liable.
💥🎊~ “Ha, I wouldn’t think so, have you seen the way he looks at you whenever you’re paired up in a match or even during the sports fest?” She asks excitedly as she steps into your dorm room, following you over to your bedside table as you open the top drawer, retrieving a medium sized box wrapped in a bright orange paper, a green bow attached to black ribbons sitting on top of it.
💥🎊~ “No Ashido, and ya wanna know why? Because I’d be in the middle of a FIGHT then!” You playfully yell back as she lets out a laugh at your flustered face. “Plus, I’m sure that’s not even true anyways, there’s nothing special about me that would make him ‘fall in love’” You quote with your hands as you take the gift from your drawer, tucking it under your dominant arm as you grab your purse with the other.
💥🎊~ “Alright, think what you want. Just know that you are a tasty lady with a tasty bod and personality and if he don’t like it back, he doesn’t deserve you.” She chuckles with her hands on her hips as you roll your eyes amusingly in response, nudging her out of the door as you close it behind you.
💥🎊~ “Where is he right now anyways?” You inquire as you and Ashido make your way down the fourth floor hall to the elevator, “Doesn’t he get up really early in the mornings?”
💥🎊~ “Yep, sure does. To be fair I don’t really know what he’s doing right now, but he’s not in the common room.” She responded as the two of you stepped in the elevator, pressing the lobby button that would transport you to the common room.
💥🎊~ “Oh, well I hope someone came up with a good enough distraction so we have enough time to get everything ready.” You say hopefully as the elevator drifted downward, Ashido nodding in agreement. The rest was silence, a few moments going by before the familiar ‘ding!’ sound of the elevator alerted the two of you that you had arrived to the floor.
💥🎊~ You took a deep breath and fiddled with a necklace that hung around your neck, anxiety building of the unknown, and if your secret plan would actually work. Ashido placed a comforting pink hand on your shoulder and flashed you a small smile, you shot one back and took a deep breath, closing your e/c eyes for a moment before stepping out of the elevator.
💥🎊~ “There you guys are!” Kaminari waved happily from the common space, alerting the rest of your classmates that you and Ashido had finally shown. Well...all except for two?
💥🎊~ “Huh? Where’s Kirishima? Wasn’t he another mastermind of all this?” You ask curiously, placing your box on one of tables and signaling to Urakaka to keep an eye on it, to which, of course, she saluted with a bright smile.
💥🎊~ “Oh he’s keeping Kacchan occupied for now, they went to the gym for a workout an hour or two ago.” Your vibrant green-eyed classmate Midoriya replied with a grin, also holding a small box in his right hand.
💥🎊~ You took a sigh of relief, thankful that Kirishima had bought some time...but wait...Midoriya said a couple hours ago...
💥🎊~ oh no...
💥🎊~ “Wait?! A couple hours ago? That means that they’re almost done by now right?” You ask suddenly, startling a few of your classmates in the process, a couple seconds go by before all hell breaks loose, Iida resorting to shouting out orders to his various fellow classmates.
💥🎊~ You and the other girls were tasked with setting up tables and helping hang streamers from the ceilings, Urakaka’s quirk coming in handy as she would hold onto you as you attached the fragile paper material to the bland, off white ceiling.
💥🎊~ Orange and Black sheets were draped over the kitchen tables as Sato and Momo worked in the kitchen, whipping up tea and desserts for the class to enjoy during the party.
💥🎊~ To be fair, all of them would probably be chewed out by said birthday boy for ‘doing too damn much’ but deep down they all knew that he would appreciate it.
💥🎊~ Bakugou, however, never really thought much about his birthday, sure he celebrated it as a child but once he became a teen he kinda dropped it. He never really saw the appeal, I mean...all a birthday means is that you turn a year older right? To him it was just another day, so why did it matter so much to the rest of his class?
💥🎊~ Well, all of you had been through a lot as a class, with all of the villain attacks and heartache never seeming to end. It was rough, and it was hard to deal with. But the 21 of you still managed to get through it together, but part of you feels like Bakugou was hit the hardest by it all. Him and Midoriya of course.
💥🎊~ You’d never really seen him show any emotion aside from anger or brashness, maybe you’d even experienced some sass or a few cocky comments. But that’s about it....
💥🎊~ So why did you care so much about him?
💥🎊~ Why did your heart flutter every time you saw him?
💥🎊~ Why?
💥🎊~ You never realize that you had subconsciously tuned out the happy smiles and giggles and shouting as you don’t pay attention to the front doors opening and the immediate echo of “Surprise!” that comes right after.
💥🎊~ “Y/N!! Look out!” Urakaka shouts from below you, snapping you out of your thoughts, which only resulted in you to beginning to fall from the ceiling as you hear your female friend shout “release!” from underneath you. A scream rips from your throat as your body fails to react fast enough for you to catch yourself. You clench your eyes shut as your vision catches quick blurs of your classmates scrambling after you.
💥🎊~ 1000 thoughts rush through your brain as you brace yourself as best you can for impact in those quick couple seconds.
💥🎊~ But the impact never...came?
💥🎊~ “Oi, the hell was that for dumbass?” You hear a gruff voice say as your eyes open in shock, your mind drawing a blank as you stare up at none other than Bakugou himself, who had caught you in the heat of the moment with that sexy rapid reaction time of his-
💥🎊~ “I....uhhh...” You fail to answer as your eyes dart around the room, only for them to land on Ashido trying her best to hold in a laugh. “ I don’t really...know?”
💥🎊~ “Hah?! Whattaya mean you don’t know? You just fell from the ceiling! Watch how you release your quirk pink cheeks!” He shouts as he gently places you back on your feet, keeping a strong hand on your back to make sure you’re steady before removing it.
💥🎊~ Embarrasment rushes through your body, giving you shivers and goosebumps as you quickly look for Urakaka. “Urakaka what happened?” You unintentionally shout in her direction. She flushes profusely and shakes her hands in front of her before moving to cover it.
💥🎊~ “There was a huge spider right next to you on the ceiling, and I didn’t wanna startle you but I know how much you hate them so-“ She starts but interrupts with a very profuse “I’m so sorry I panicked!” that you can’t help but chuckle at. You calm down a little more and thank her for looking out for you before apologizing yourself, but you still can’t help the huge blush that rushes to your cheeks.
💥🎊~ ‘Omg omg omg that did nOt just happen he did nOt jUsT cATCH mE I-‘
💥🎊~ The worries voices of your fellow classmates snap you out of your thoughts once again as you rush to reassure them you’re okay.
💥🎊~ “Y/N are you okay?!” Midoriya and Kirishima ask in unison.
💥🎊~ “Ah! I’m fine! I promise!” You say, only before turning to face Bakugou, who was looking away...almost as if...
💥🎊~ ‘he was embarrassed too...’
💥🎊~ “Thank you, Bakugou.” You say lightly as you flash him a small smile of gratitude, only for him to reply with a rough ‘tch’.
💥🎊~ “Okay! Now that that’s over let’s get this party started!!!” You hear Ashido yell eagerly over the rest of the class, soon enough shouts of agreement could be heard as Sato and Momo appeared from the kitchen with Tea and Cupcakes, along with an actual birthday cake that was hidden in the back of the kitchen.
💥🎊~ You hear a “Tch, nerds” from behind you as you rush to the goods, your classmates following close behind as you help Momo and Sato set up the food and drinks.
💥🎊~ The day continued on with Bakugou putting up an annoyed front as you all agree in shouting happy birthday, blowing kazoos and pulling strings on confetti poppers as he reluctantly blows out the array of candles that are placed on the huge 3-tier cake that Sato had been working on all day. It was truly magnificent, white fondant draped over each of the layers, decorated with orange and green stripes with black frosted roses trimming the third tier, ‘Ground Zero’ written in cursive along the top of the cake that was encased in the roses.
💥🎊~ “Holy crap Sato!! You really went all out!!!” You hear Kaminari say behind you as you hear the clicks of phone cameras sound off around you, all of your friends recording and taking pictures to remember the happy moment.
💥🎊~ A few more minutes pass and each one of you has a cup of tea and a cupcake in hand as you all parade around the birthday boy, much to his surprise and slight annoyance, but he’ll never admit that deep down he was thankful for the enthusiastic celebration.
💥🎊~ Cheap, plastic party hats are passed around and even Mr. Aizawa partakes in the festivities, wishing the ash blonde his own happy birthday as he retrieves a cupcake and teacup himself, much to your surprise.
💥🎊~ Soon enough it’s time for present opening as Kaminari nudges the birthday boi over to the couches, the other 19 of you taking sitting positions accordingly around a coffee table that was filled with presents from everyone.
💥🎊~ “The hell is all this for?!”
💥🎊~ “For you Bakubro, duh.”
💥🎊~ “You extras do too damn much.”
💥🎊~ “But you still love us anyways.”
💥🎊~ “Tch.”
💥🎊~ His gifts include all different items, from boxes of pocky and video games, to even hoodies and fitted shirts and sweats, and of course a custom pair of black crocs with the words ‘ground zero’ spelled across the front in the little attachments...wonder who those could be from?
💥🎊~ “You’ve gotta be kidding me Shitty Hair...”
💥🎊~ “Don’t hate the player man, hate the game.”
💥🎊~ Your eyes widen as you see him reach for your gift to him, and you immediately find the courage to speak up and excuse yourself to the bathroom, when really, you were lying and choose to sneak outside instead.
💥🎊~ “But Y/N isn’t that your gift?” You hear Sero inquire.
💥🎊~ “Yeah but it’s fine! I really gotta go though.”
💥🎊~ “If you say so...”
💥🎊~ You quickly look back and notice that he opens it slower than the other ones, taking out a small index card you had placed in the lid of the box, you quickly glance through one of the window, only to see him reading it before you hide yourself from view.
💥🎊~ ‘Meet me outside, it’s important’ The card read, written in messy f/c gel pen.
💥🎊~ He sighs before quickly standing up and brushing off anyone who questions him, he grunts out a “Ill be back soon, screw off and don’t worry about it.” Before walking towards the front door.
💥🎊~ To his and your surprise...no one followed, and no one even seemed to question it.
💥🎊~ You feel your breath hitch in your throat as you hear the front door open and see Bakugou step out, turning to face you and letting the door close softly behind him. He flashes you the card and you give a small nod in response, almost as if the two of you had just silently confirmed the reason why you even wanted him here in the first place.
💥🎊~ “Well, what is it?” He asks with his usual gruff tone, but for some reason it feels much softer than earlier.
💥🎊~ “Umm...well I-“
💥🎊~ The worry comes up again as your mind decides to draw a blank on you once again, and you can’t help but blush profusely and look away. Why? Why are you like this? Why can’t you just say what you want to say? You hate it, you dread it. This empty and tingly gut feeling in your stomach, almost as if it is truly churning to the sounds of your embarrassment.
💥🎊~ “Well? Out with it already, don’t have all night ya know.” He replies bluntly as he leans back on the rails of the front porch, crossing his arms in front of him as he switches his gaze to the wooden ground instead of your flustered form.
💥🎊~ ‘Come on, out with it already y/n! He’s right here, right in front of you. He paid attention, he didn’t come out here for no reason. Just come on...say it....do it.’
💥🎊~ “Alright, think what you want. Just know that you are a tasty lady with a tasty bod and personality and if he don’t like it back, he doesn’t deserve you.”
💥🎊~ ‘fuck it, here goes nothing...’
💥🎊~ “If you’re not gonna say anything then I’m just gonna go back inside, this is a waste of my time.” He says, causing you’re eyes to widen and tear up. You shake your head silently as he turns his back to you, walking toward the door and reaching his hand out to the handle.
💥🎊~ ...but you grab it just in time...
💥🎊~ “Stop...” The word that exits your lips is barely audible as he feels the shake in your voice.
💥🎊~ “Hah? What is it then? You wanted me to come out here? So if you’re not gonna say anything then I don’t see the appeal in wasting-“
💥🎊~ “ I like you.”
💥🎊~ You feel the world stop around you and the silence that immediately follows as you prepare yourself for the worst. Good lord, the words just came out...they just escaped your lips and you could barely even handle it.
💥🎊~ “What?” Is all you hear back...
💥🎊~ ‘screw it, it’s too late to go back now...’
💥🎊~ “ I like you...Bakugou. I do...and I’m sorry if it’s weird or anything and honestly I’m okay if you don’t feel the same way...but I just want you to know anyways...”
💥🎊~ He only stares in silence, crimson eyes widened with shock.
💥🎊~ “I’ve felt like this for a long time to tell you the truth, and if I’m being honest I’ve tried to shake it off countless times but i just can’t get you out of my head. Whenever you show up and show out, whenever you talk about your dreams of becoming the number one hero...I can’t help but smile and think about how hard you must be working, and how far you must be pushing yourself to get stronger. And I feel it in my heart whenever I see you look my way or whenever you stand tall with a huge boasting smile after you’ve just won a battle. You’re amazing Bakugou...and I know that you’re gonna make it. I know that you’re going to get where you want to be, and I can’t help...but...we’ll I can’t help but long to be there with you as your journey continues...”
💥🎊~ more silence...
💥🎊~ “and I want to be there for you when you finally reach your goal...if you’ll have me of course.” You can only look down at the ground, twiddling your thumbs in anticipation as you let the words just explode from your lips...silence...more and more silence...“I love you...Bakugou.”
💥🎊~ The moments pass painfully slow as the silence fills the air and you feel heartache set in again.
💥🎊~ “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say all of it at once. I’m sure it’s a lot and I don’t want to-“
💥🎊~ “Shut up.” Is all you hear, and before you can even register the sound of Bakugou’s boots hit the wood...you feel strong and calloused hands engulf your face and wipe away your tears.
💥🎊~ tears you didn’t even know you were shedding...
💥🎊~ “Baku-“
💥🎊~ “I said shut up...ya damn nerd.”
💥🎊~ And you do...as you instinctively reach for his waist, wrapping your arms around it as your bury your face in his chest, finally letting out the sobs that you had kept in for so long...it was finally out...and he finally knew. And all you could feel was relief as you felt his right hand come up to rest on the top of your head.
💥🎊~ “Tch...you girls...always so damn emotional...just like Deku....” You hear him huff out in a short chuckle as you giggle slightly through your tears.
💥🎊~ “I’m sorry...”
💥🎊~ “You know...I’ve been thinking about it...”
💥🎊~ “Oh?”
💥🎊~ “and I think I love you too...Y/N.”
💥🎊~ It takes you a few seconds to even register the words that come out of his mouth. He lets you pull away from his chest and take a few steps back...e/c eyes meeting crimson ones as you stare at him in disbelief, mouth agape.
💥🎊~ “Yo- Your- hold on...you’re joking right?” You whisper with a shaky voice, just loud enough for him to hear as you bring a hand to clutch your chest.
💥🎊~ “Do I look like the type of person who jokes about shit like this? Idiot, of course I’m not joking.”
💥🎊~ “Then that means-“
💥🎊~ “Yeah...I like you too, dumbass.”
💥🎊~ “Holy shit...” You don’t even finish your sentence as you squeal, your hands rushing to cover your mouth, tears starting up again.
💥🎊~ “Oi...” “Holy shit.” “Oi!” “Holy shit.” “Oi!!! Y/N!” You finally snap out of it as your gaze switches back to his, he gives you a look that means it’s time to go back to being serious and you do, pulling yourself together before turning to face him again.
💥🎊~ “So are we gonna do this or what?” He asks bluntly, holding out a pale, calloused palm your way.
💥🎊~ It takes you a few moments to respond...but when you do-
💥🎊~ “Yeah...let’s do it.” You say as you take the hand that reaches out to you, only to be pulled into a deep, sweet, and intimate kiss as the sun sets on the horizon.
💥🎊~ Your first...and his first.
💥🎊~ “Happy birthday...Bakugou.”
💥🎊~ “Katsuki, call me Katsuki.”
💥🎊~WOWIE ITS FINALLY OVER WOOO!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE RAT AND IF YOU SOMEHOW REACHED THE END OF THIS POST I APPLAUD YOU! This took so much thinking for me to write out the way I wanted and honestly I’m pretty darn proud of it...so I hope you enjoyed it too! If you like it then please lemme know what you thought!!! I love talking to you guys! Have a good night and happy 4/20/20!!!🥰🎊💞
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redgrve · 4 years
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check out jas michaud’s task to read about most of his summer. 
the self para below is rambly and does not match the graphic ! i got tired about 1000 words in and gave up !
tbh louis’s theme isn’t very accessible so i would suggest doing /mobile if you actually care to read this shit.
the flight back from disneyland to dc is long and lonely, and louis mainly tries to sleep through the whole thing to calm his anxiety. it's hard without jas next to him, who's been holding his hand through every agonizing flight, reaching for him every time the plane rattles or shakes. and now he's trying to take up as little space as possible while he's seated next to a stranger – a middle-aged woman with her kid in between them, who is stickily eating fruit snacks and stubbornly refusing to blow his nose. louis luckily has the window seat, and he's pushed himself as close to the wall of the plane as possible, trying to make himself smaller, wishing this would end. which is saying something, because he's not exactly looking forward to the touch down either.
the last time he saw his dad, he was waking up in the hospital wing, shoulder throbbing like nothing has ever hurt him before, laura sutton's features coming into view. he'd been so disoriented that it had been nearly impossible to process the information she gave him, so despite being the first to know the whole story about the brotherhood, what the witness protection students would know, and more, he'd be asking more questions for days to come, trying to recollect what was going on. naturally, one fact stood out more than most: he'd been the target. and somehow, by some stroke of luck, he'd survived. and then, she'd told him his dad was here. " do you want to see him ? " and what else can you say but yes ? even if the whole ordeal is entirely overwhelming and what you really want is to go back to sleep.
there's a long awkward silence after the two of them say their hellos, before his dad interjects. " you did good, you know. there's a lot of people talking about you now, it's been...kinda cool to bring up that i'm your dad, " his father jokes with a wry smile. " i could probably get you a job at my agency, if you want to come work with me. " louis sits up a bit, wincing slightly as he does so. this is normal for them, his dad offers louis a path, and louis can't tell if his dad thinks he's doing him a favor or if he has this desire for his son to follow in his footsteps. in most every occasion, louis has said yes. but when his dad suggested threat elimination at gallagher, louis had said no. and now he feels like his dad is only proud of him because he's finally accomplished something that could imply a career on the field, fighting assassins and the sort of work his dad is really proud of. but louis doesn't even think that fighting cecil is the coolest thing he's done, not by a long shot.
" no. " honestly, louis surprises himself a little with the words. " i don't want to do what you do. "
his dad pauses, looking stunned for a minute. " well, we have...tech jobs too. i could talk to someone, i'm sure i could get you in. "
and the offer is tempting, because the job search has been daunting to louis for weeks now, his heart palpitating every time he's talking to a recruiter over email, blood pressure rising every time he's trying to set up an interview. but it doesn't feel right, just like going to blackthorne never felt right, and he doesn't want to spend his life feeling like he owes something to his dad, like he couldn't be there without him. especially after what he'd done the night before. " no, that's okay, " louis shakes his head, " thanks, but...i think i have to figure it out for myself. i mean, it shouldn't be too hard now, right ? " he cracks a smile, " granted, that didn't have much to do with my programming abilities, but i'm sure any of the alumni would write me a recommendation now. i'll figure it out. "
" okay, " his dad nods, " up to you. " and as usual, he's characteristically hard to read and louis can't tell if he's disappointed or impressed him, because it's always that little nod, the tuck of the chin, and naturally his dad has spent years training himself to be stoic and unreadable but it seems that sometimes he doesn't know how to turn it off because louis never knows where he stands.
they've sort of talked since then, brief phone conversations where he's mentioned graduation, asking if jas could come visit ( naturally surprising his dad with the fact he has a girlfriend, which louis doesn't blame him for – he's pretty surprised too ! ) louis secretly wonders what his dad thinks of him dating, since obviously relationships and romance haven't gone too well for him, but that's not the sort of thing they talk about. louis doesn't even know if his mom ever knew the truth or not. he's never asked.
the jolt of the plane touching the ground in d.c. shakes him awake, gasping with his heart pounding as he grips the seats, and the mom sitting one seat over flashes him a concerned glance. his lips spread into a sheepish grin as he nods, flushing red as he fumbles for his phone, which has slipped back into the cushions of the seat. naturally, he's got to text jas that he's landed, and he lets his father know too – even though he doesn't need to, that man knows everything about everyone at all times, and louis wouldn't be surprised if there's a tracker on him somewhere.
he helps the woman and her kid get their bags down from the overhead bin before following them out of the cabin into the d.c. airport. he's waiting there a while after he gets his bag from the carousel, he hasn't heard from his dad, so he paces. he calls jas, he plays tetris. he sends soren a picture of a really weird-looking lizard sitting on the ledge outside, just because he wants to know what he thinks. and an hour later, his dad pulls up. louis throws his bag in the backseat and climbs into the car.
" hey, sorry i'm late, " his dad apologizes, "got caught up in the office as i was leaving." louis nods and says he understands. " how was graduation ? " and louis gives him the lowdown, about casino night and the small ceremony the next day. he hadn't really asked his dad to come, because he didn't want to trouble him. his dad is sitting in the driver's seat, turning onto the highway, wondering why louis didn't ask him to come, figuring he didn't want him there. neither of them say anything about it.  
the following week is actually pretty nice. they both wake up early, louis's dad reads the paper and louis reads a book and they don't really talk, but it's nice. they both like their eggs over easy, but they both don't drink coffee. louis pours his down the sink every day, but he thinks it's nice of his dad to make it, so he doesn't say anything. in the afternoon hours, louis sends emails, he talks to recruiters, and his dad drives him to three different job interviews that he's scheduled throughout the week. louis plays a lot of battlefront, and he's almost to the next rank in csgo by the time that jas comes to visit the following week. he has news that he thinks will make her really excited – he's waited to tell her in person – but she's so excited to see him that he doesn't even have to bother, lifting her up in the air when she runs into his arms and he's pretty sure that there's no better feeling. he'd probably tell her that he loves her right then and there if so many people weren't staring and he knows that he'll probably get all choked up. so, he just reaches down and laces his fingers with hers and they walk out of the airport to meet his dad, and he can't stop beaming because he's so fucking proud to bring her home and to call her his.
so, that night he tells them both over dinner about a special projects bureau of the fbi calling him ( louis is not allowed to talk about the special project, of course ) although dcs did call him as well, because scott put a good word in – at least, that's what louis is assuming – but he's turning them down because he's more excited about what the fbi is offering him. jas jumps up to hug him, of course, and louis is pretty sure she's gonna cry again. however, louis can't help but notice the way his dad looks at him, really proud with the widest smile ( or perhaps the only smile ) louis has ever noticed on his father's lips. it's the first time in his life he's ever been able to read him, and even though neither of them say a word, louis knows he's proud.  
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margarethx · 5 years
1000 Reasons to Love The Mandalorian (12/1000)
Another thing I love about The Baby - apart from his cute noises which I’ve mentioned in Reason 9/1000 - is that he has an actual personality.
He could have been just adorable. Like sit there, make some baby noises, and hug his dad. Which would be fine. But that would make The Baby closer to a pet and he’s much more than that.
For example, we see his curiosity and fascination with everything that is going around. We have multiple scenes when he stares at whatever Mando is doing at the moment - either with this “mmm yes, murder” attitude or just because he probably thinks his dad is really cool. (This also includes his undying love for pushing buttons, switching things and looking at shiny metal objects.)
When Din fights The Mudhorn you can see that The Baby is concerned. He does not understand everything, but knows enough to be scared and care about Mando’s well-being. We see slightly darker example of that when he tries to Force-choke Cara. The Baby wants to help and knows how to do it - even if there won’t be any reward (e.g. with Greef Karga... it was purely selfless, I think).
He is also playful and mischevious. Like in the moment when he looks Din dead in the visor and switches something right after he was told to not touch anything. Or when he pretended to be a little bat and then hijacked Razor Crest.
Tbh all these things may sound just like any baby, but I believe that Baby Yoda is actually more mature and understands quite a lot for a toddler. It’s hard to be 50 and learn nothing. He’s a little bit too clever to be compared with a human two-year-old. He seems to be, for example, very good at hiding for a child. And he never really cries because of minor incoveniences or slightly scary things. (Which is actually kind of depressing, because it may suggest that he’s just very used to this level of chaos and death around him... Poor baby...)
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corvixa · 5 years
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Not my picture, Google to the rescue.
This tree helped me start using disibility aids.
Which, sounds really weird, but it did. My legs have always hurt, but my dad was very much for me being 'normal'.
Can't be autistic. Mask it.
Can't be dyslexic. Hide it.
Can't be disabled. Ignore it.
I was just flexible. Nothing big. When I started have allergic reactions that covered me in welts? It'll pass. Allergic reaction to water? Doesn't hurt that much. Ignore it. Migraines? Power through. Pain. Pain. Pain. Never miss school. Never show it. Catching chicken pox 4 times? Mumps twice? Immune system problems? Ignore it. I think the only reason my mum was allowed to take me to hospital when I was 4 with whooping cough was because I was vomiting blood. And boy did I regret the day I told a teacher he hit my mum.
So, even years after he was gone, when a doctor told me I needed a cane to walk? My brain screamed at me that I was a failure. That I was being lazy. That I should just walk. I could still run, it hurt, but I could do it. I didn't need a cane (I did, like 2 years before a doctor tentatively brought it up tbh.) Yeah, I badly fractured my sacrum, didn't notice because I'm so used to being in pain till I wound up paralysed at work from the swelling. (Thankfully it went down but I have issues from the fracture.)
I accidentally left it places. Work, friends houses. I hated that people stared at me, people called out that I was a benefit cheater, faker, etc. I worked at the time, didn't claim anything because I didn't feel worthy of it. That was for real disabled people after all. I worked myself to exhaustion.
Went through a bad break up that lead to me fleeing the city with my dog, which is how I came to Nottingham. Land of everything named Robin Hood. I love it here, I felt so much better, but still, I hated the cane.
I was hiking through Sherwood Forest, I had brought it but I wasn't allowing myself to lean on it. Then I came across this tree. It's called Major Oak and is between 800 to 1000 years old. It's surrounded by a small fence that I've never seen a person step over (before it was in place, the tree started dying because so many visitors was compacting the earth. This tree has won awards like best tree in Britain etc.)
This tree is loved enough that people don't step over a knee high wooden fence.
And it has support struts.
I leant a little heavier on the cane looking at it, feeling the difference it made and how it didn't change anything.
Maybe I wasn't failing by using it.
Maybe I should use everything available to make my life easier.
It wasn't a perfect fix. Life doesn't work like that. I still fought every step. I cried when my wheelchair arrived and just stared at it for days, hearing my dad's voice in my head.
Failure. Fake. Hide. Pass. Vile. (Slurs I don't want to write.)
But I eventually tried it out in my garden.
Discovered that spinning in circles is fun and laughed to drown out the voices.
I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user and that's fine.
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It isn't perfect, I still have days where I hear those voices. Because of how I broke my sacrum, sitting down for extended periods is extremely bad for me. Like I will lock up and be in agony bad enough I actually have cried and shouted in pain over it. This is easily solved by standing for a few seconds every 30 minutes to an hour. But- sometimes, I don't do this.
Because I know how people react when you stand up from a wheelchair. Sometimes I feel good and I don't let it bother me. Sometimes I force myself too remain seated, for several hours and spend days in agony for it.
I still remember the tree though.
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atamascolily · 5 years
lily liveblogs “terminator: dark fate”, part 2
“It’s raining men (and women)”.... hallelujah? Or not, as the case may be.
(For those just joining us, part one is here)
I was kinda hoping they would run the credits  after the title, but I guess filmmakers... don't do that anymore, because we all have short attention spans these days?? Some of that is George Lucas's fault, I know, but tbh I kinda enjoy the creative ways in which filmmakers USED that space occupied by the opening credits... like how The Karate Kid uses it for Daniel and Lucille's road trip between Jersey and California, how it establishes how many friends Daniel had, the importance of his bike, and the whole "putting the car in neutral" and rolling it to get the engine going AND the motif/promise of the pool... all in a minute or two. Magical.  I kinda miss that compared to earlier films.
Anyway, highway at night in what the screen tells me is Mexico City 22 years later. Okay, then. There's ice... and then lightning crackling on the road edge, which can only mean one thing -- a visitor from the future!!
There's a woman making out with her boyfriend underneath the highway, and she says "Oh, my god," and the boyfriend thinks it's all his doing, LOL. Sorry, dude, not today.
THE SPHERE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY OVERPASS, HOLY FUCK, WHO SET THOSE COORDINATES?? It's a good thing the spheres destroy everything around them, or else this movie would be very, very short.
As it is, Grace falls naked from a great height, banging on supports as she goes down. Ow. Great way of showing she's not quite human.
Of course the watching girl goes over to help while her boyfriend sits there slack-jawed until she shames him into going along. They pick her up and carry her towards their car, only for the police to show up and demand to know what's going on. They think that they're drug dealers (?) and don't believe that she fell from a bridge.
"I love it when it rains naked ladies," says the cop, which is movie-speak for, "I'm an asshole about to get my ass kicked and the audience is going to cheer while it happens".
He grabs her, and Grace sees his gun, and goes for it. Yup, he's down. She's got some sort of augmented vision like the Terminator though anyone who's seen the trailer knows already she's on the side of good.
Grace takes out all the cops completely naked, and I love how this scene is filmed because it's so not focused on anything sexual and it's not sexualized at all, at least for the male gaze that I can tell. It's just... a naked woman kicking ass without obsessing over the fact that she's naked, and it's so goddamn refreshing.
The boyfriend thinks she's amazing. His girlfriend walks over and hugs him. Grace strides up to him and compares her bare foot to his boot. "Don't thank me yet," she says in a deadpan.
Cut to Grace wearing his clothes driving away in his car as the boyfriend stands around in his boxers and yells for her to go to hell. And I like this because it's so much more effective  this way to leave the details in the reader's head and show us the results. The girlfriend steers him away, and he starts blaming her, for getting them involved in the first place. Fuck you, dude. I hope she dumps him that night, too.
Cut to Dani in the street somewhere, carrying flowers and chatting with a tamale vendor. We learn from this that she always has flowers -- an association with life and spirit, and not letting the grind get you down. I approve.  
Dani has a brother, Diego, who wants to be a pop star, and a father whom she reminds to go to the doctor. Caretaker of the family! Of course they have a dog, named Taco. I'm sure this will be relevant later. I hope Taco survives. Diego tries to chat up a neighbor named Julia, and I'm sure this will all end tragically. I hope she survives.
Dani and Diego leave just in time... for another naked person to drop from the sky in a glowing electric sphere! What are the odd??!
Okay, I don't remember the spheres forming ice in previous films, but it's a cool detail that it makes all the laundry on the lines freeze and shatter... so it's gotta be SUPER COLD. Like, liquid-nitrogen levels of cold.
Like Grace's sphere, this one drops its inhabitant off in mid-air, but the Terminator is able to do a beautiful leap and land on his feet like a cat. He looks like a marble sculpture here - beautiful, smooth, polished, muscled grace. Hot damn. There is absolutely no emotion on his face as he stands up, and even without the music cues, you know right away something is wrong.
There's a woman staring at him when he turns around. And now he looks friendly... earnest, helpful. "Good morning," he says in Spanish as he reaches out to touch the jacket she has in her hand, and it spills up out of his skin HOLY FUCK THAT IS CREEPY AND AMAZING at the same time.
The woman FREAKS OUT and he SMILES at her ever so slightly, and--
Cut to a busy city street. Unlike the highway where Grace appeared, this in the middle of the city, with lots of apartment buildings and traffic. Dani and Diego are on a bus.
Cut to Dani's father answering a knock on the door while Taco the dog barks hysterically. I know, I know, I'm so sorry, Taco. There's the Terminator, and he's so charming and earnest in his plaid jacket, looking for Dani. He claims to be a friend. Her father is shocked. "That's strange. Her friends call her Dani..."
(but it actually makes PERFECT SENSE for reasons that will be explained later [kinda] in the film!!!!)
Cut to a factory. Arius Motors. Dani and Diego going in to work as cars swing by on the line. There are robot arms and it's all very timely and metaphorical. Somebody goes by on a bicycle INSIDE THE FACTORY and I have no idea how that works, but okay.
Diego's station has been replaced by "a new guy,"--an orange robot arm. Dani asks the supervisor what's going on and he says, "The future," and the manager wants to see Diego in his office. Dani goes in his place, the supervisor says no, Dani pulls out her hair tie, and goes anyway. THIS IS WHY SHE'S THE LEADER OF THE MOTHERFUCKING RESISTANCE, Y'ALL, she’s ALREADY taking no shit from robots. 
Dani's father shows up at the factory claiming his kids forgot their lunch and can he come in? Poor dad is definitely dead. I hope Taco at least survived, but I doubt it. Meanwhile Grace is approaching and just leaps over the turnstile like it's no big deal and I LOVE IT. Then she follows a security guard into a corner and mugs him for his uniform and it's all so goddamn quick.
The security guard tells "Dad" that he can't come in without a helmet and vest, which is bullshit, because most of the employees don't wear them, but whatever. Grace keeps walking. How the fuck did she dress so fast, but she looks great. She's got a jacket awkwardly covering her gun, and it's not subtle, but no one seems to notice.
Dani is arguing with the boss, who is... American? At least he's speaking English. She's trying to keep her brother's job, but he's all "well, he's not as good as you are," and Dani is Not Having It. She threatens to tell them that machines are coming for ALL the jobs, and god, I love her so much because EVEN WITHOUT TERMINATORS MESSING UP HER LIFE, SHE WAS GONNA GO PLACES.
"Dad" goes to Dani's station and she isn't there, but he talks to Diego. (I don't know how he knows so much, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty.) The Terminator makes that lame excuse about bringing lunches, and Diego is confused, because Dani already took care of that--
Then Dani shows up and the lunch morphs into a gun, and I'm not sure how they did that, because wasn't the morphing stuff not supposed to MAKE GUNS--ok, maybe he took the security guard's gun and morphed the lunch OVER it as a cover with his polyalloy bits--but FUCK this dude is SCARY--and points the gun at Dani as she and Diego stare--only to have his head blown open as Grace fires.
Grace keeps shooting as Dani screams, and grabs Dani before she can get to "Dad". Grace is way better at explaining things than Kyle Reese: "That is NOT your father. That was a machine that sent here to kill you. " It helps that the Terminator has lots of metal bits exposed at this point, and rapidly shifting back to normal. Come with me or you're dead in the next thirty seconds!"
Dani doesn't buy this, but she runs as Grace shepherds both her and Diego away.
And that back arch as the Terminator sits up and regenerates back to his "original" persona--which, I'll note, he DIDN't steal from anyone in our present; it was the one he came with UNLIKE the T-1000 in T2--and it's scary as hell. And even watching him run, and leap--it's not human. It's a predator disguised in human form. Well done, filmmakers.
I like how they show Grace's augmented senses here, and how she has the extra warning to shove Dani and Diego out of the way when the Terminator goes flying for her. He slices her cap off with arms that are suddenly sword-knives, and she swings a mallet at him, knocking him flat--and flinging him into a wall when she hits him again. She is really fucking strong, and I've never seen a woman be this strong before and it's AMAZING.
She hits him on the head over and over again, and then he starts crawling up the mallet towards her and it's so creepy HOLY FUCK and then he sends her sprawling and pops the mallet back out of his head OH MY GOD.
Grace starts using a piece of car siding as shield because she lost her weapon, keeping herself between the Terminator and Dani at all times.
Diego crushes him with a machine--I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, FILMMAKERS, NICE CALLBACK. Unfortunately, it doesn't take, but it does give them some breathing room. Meanwhile, Grace is tired and out of breath, and visibly overheating. The perfect time to introduce herself to Dani!
Grace explains the situation on the run, and throws Diego into the truck they steal outside when he hesitates. I gotta hand it to her, she's doing this whole thing pretty well.
Diego sees her arm. "Are you a machine too?" "No I'm human, like you!" They don't believe her. "No, I'm augmented." THIS IS GOING TO BE A THEME, OH MY GOD. More on this later. Grace can argue with them AND hotwire the truck at the same time. #goals.
They bust out of the factory. The police immediately go after them, not sure how that worked, and Grace says "Oh, shit," seconds before the Terminator (now revealed as the Rev-9) busts through the wall with a truck and a... snowplow? I guess it's for moving stone and metal bits around the factory? Whatever. It's a lot. The police cars go flying.
Somehow Grace manages to drive AND explain backstory at the same time, which I admire, because I can barely talk and drive at the same time.
There's a lot of civilian casualties, mostly due to the Rev-9 snowplowing everything. They end up going backwards up the highway off-ramp and onto the highway. The Rev-9 busts through more things and loses the snowplow. It's a bad day to be driving in Mexico City, let's just say that much.
Grace gets the first "FUCK!" of the movie, as the check engine light of the truck comes on, so Dani gets to drive while Grace makes improvised weapons out of rebar. Oh, wait, Dani can't drive, so Diego gets to do it. (Hahaha, I guess Dani's going to learn how to drive soon because METAPHOR)
Graces eases off her jacket so she can blow off steam and leaps into the back of the truck, yelling for Dani to put her seatbelt on OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE. I love it.
She targets the Rev-9 and throws. He doesn't even flinch at the first one and catches the second one. She stabs him several times through and then he grabs the rebar and moves the polymetallic alloy portion of himself onto the front of the truck while the metallic Terminator skeleton drives.
It looks like the skeleton is laughing at Grace, but I think that's just his resting bitch face, lol.
Grace changes tactics and shoots for the tires. The Rev-9 jumps and throws a rebar back at her and Grace deflects it so it misses Dani. Then the truck is dragging the Rev-9's protoplasm while the other half crashes and Grace has to fend him off. Rev-9 takes this opportunity and slashes at the tires with his sword-hands. Grace kicks him off and he gets run over, but it won't take. Diego crashes the truck as the tire blows and Grace rolls and takes a bad fall onto the pavement. The Rev-9's skeleton crawls out of the flames.
DANI WORE HER SEATBELT SO SHE'S FINE WHILE DIEGO DIDN'T AND IS INJURED OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE THE DETAILS FUUUUUUCCCKKKK. Like, Grace knew Dani had to wear her seatbelt BECAUSE SHE'S FROM THE FUTURE AND OLDER!DANI TOLD HER TO DO IT! And younger!Dani DID IT! OH my GOD! (either that or they really are just that drift compatible)
Oh, no, Diego has rebar through him, he's not going to survive AAAAAAAAH no whhhhhhyyyyy
Meanwhile, some poor motorist tries to help the Rev-9 and is murdered for his troubles. sigh.
Grace has to pull Dani over the body of her dying brother seconds before the Rev-9 smashes into the car and everything explodes in fire. Dani tries to run to Diego and Grace holds her back. Grace makes Dani run.
All of the Rev-9's protoplasm is oozing back towards the skeleton in liquid dark smears on the ground and it's so creepy FUUUUCCKKKK
And then the skeleton starts throwing rebar at them from the other SIDE fuuuuckk. this movie so isn't subtle, because there's the machine part and the human-looking part, and they're both working together as one, and this is a METAPHOR, we're meant to see the Rev-9 and Grace as FOILS to each other AAHHHHHH and the Rev-9 is also a SYMBOL OF WHAT HUMANITY CAN BECOME IF IT MELDS WITH AI, AHHHHHHH
"When they start to kill me, run," Grace says to Dani. But... AN SUV pulls up, knocks the skeleton flat on its ass as the human part of the REV-9 just stares in dull, placid confusion.
next up: my fave returns!
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rohobi · 7 years
Serendipity 05 | (M)
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pairing— jeon jungkook x reader, friendwithbenefitsAU  genre/warnings— smut, fluff, humour words— 3, 781 ↳ CHAPTERS → CHAPTER 6
summary: ❝For someone like you who has never been in love -never being allowed that opportunity, the library is the perfect place to imagine if you were. Because let’s be honest, you fall in love with perfect strangers on public transport all the time and being in the library is no different.❞
You have failed contract law two times and it’s not because you can’t do it or because you aren’t smart enough, it’s because you’d rather do that stupid 1000 degree glowing knife thing on your own fucking foot than be an actual lawyer. You see, you were only given two choices: medicine or law and honestly, fuck being a doctor.
Choosing law didn’t mean at all that you wanted to be a lawyer. It just meant that you had bought 5 more years of relative freedom from your menacing and controlling parents.
But freedom evidently comes at a price and for you, it was love and happiness and everything else that comes in between.
Sinking into the uncomfortable wooden seat in the public library, you liken yourself to a period stain on the underwear of academia because you have no interest in law and being a lawyer, and besides contract law, you were acing practically everything else.
“Hi sorry,” a young girl in a bright red velvet dress asks, shaking you from your thoughts. She points to the chair beside you, “Are you using this chair? My boyfriend needs a place to sit and this is the only table with free chairs.”
“Oh sure,” you smile, pushing the chair towards her. “Um, yeah no worries. Take it.”
“Thanks, just want my boyfriend to be comfortable when we study together,” she whispers, almost in a gloating way that makes you internally cringe. “You know how boyfriends get.”
“No I don’t and I didn’t ask,” You deadpan, blinking at the girl. “You can go now.”
“You’re right, you wouldn’t know.” She snorts at you, looking you up and down before rushing off with the chair. You watch her with a scowl on your face as she pushes the chair behind her boyfriends knees, kissing his cheek as he sits.
You roll your eyes and before you can curse out that couple, your phone vibrates loudly against the wooden table in front of your books.
“I swear to god if this is my mother...” you grit your teeth as you grab it, expecting it to be your mother and her callous communication regarding tonight's dinner but as you read the message, you are pleasantly surprised that it isn't.
In fact, you smile because it’s Jungkook.
Jungkook: Guess what just happened. I was leaning against a traffic pole and then felt something wet soak into my socks. It’s summer, there’s no puddles. So, I look down and you know what I see? A doG WITH ITS FUCKING HIND LEG UP, PEEING ON THE POLE AND ONTO MY LEG. I had to walk home wiTH DOG PISS ON ME!!! then I missed my ride to the harbour. The boys left on the boat half an hour ago without me and now I’m bored. Where are you? [11:02AM]
You snort as you lean back into your chair, “Idiot.”
You: Can you hang with Yoongi or something, it’s Taco Tuesday! I really can’t be bothered. [11:02AM]
It’s a lie but you’re quite content being alone today.
Jungkook: It’s Thursday idiot. Are you challenging me to find you? Also, Yoongi doesn’t have lips as soft as yours so I’m coming to find your sweet ass. [11:03AM]
You cringe. “Your ex-girlfriends may have enjoying your sweet talk but I sure as hell-
“Ssssh, you’re in a library!” a boy hisses across from you, behind his copious amount of astronomy books.
Your cheeks burn a blush as you stare at him. “What are you, the library police?”
He rolls his eyes, pointing to the sign that emphasised in all caps that your current seated position was in the quiet zone.
“Fine, damn, sorry.”
Turning back to your phone, you send Jungkook a gif of a child pointing the finger.
You: *gif* Well, from the sugar scrubs Yoongi has, I beg to differ. My professional opinion is that Yoongi does in fact have soft lips and that you should stay with him and kiss them instead [11:03AM]
You: Legit, nothing. You won't find me even if you tried, just stay home and play on your PS4 [11:04AM]
Jungkook: If I can find you in 10 minutes, will I get a prize? [11:04AM]
You: That depends on what you want and what you want is never actually good so no. Don’t know why you’d want to hang with me rn tbh I want to kill someone and that person could be you [11:04AM]
Jungkook is typing....
Jungkook: You can kill me if you want but do it with your lips lol all I want to do rn is to make out with you, can ye let your bestboi do dat? [11:05AM]
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head.
You: Why are you so annoying? Just kiss your fist, same difference [11:05AM]
Jungkook: Because you’d know all about kissing your fist haha. See you soon. Bet I can find you in less than 10 minutes, better be puckering up those precious lips of yours lol [11:05AM]
Jungkook: ?? [11:07AM]
Jungkook: ;) [11:07AM]
You ignore the rest of his messages before turning your phone off and putting it back into your pocket. He’d never be able to find you. You were certain Jungkook had never even stepped a foot into this library and he’s not about to start now. Picking up your book, you try to force yourself back into the prisons of sociology -a topic you have found interesting lately but the library and it’s once paradisiacal magic, stops you from even wanting to turn the damn page.
“Baby, don’t tickle me. I don’t want to get kicked out! I need to finish this report,” the young girl from before whispers, slapping her boyfriends hand away. “Stop it!” she squeaks when he retaliates with a hand up her dress.
The sound of her happiness pisses you off.
“Being kicked out is the last thing you should be worried about. I could kick your ass.” You whisper, slumping into your seat, letting your skirt be dragged up the cold uncomfortable wood. Who cares if people see your granny panties. “Why am I here?”
You have decided that there is something frustrating about libraries and it’s not because you spend most of your time in the one at uni but because now, it’s a place you often feel so damn lonely in that it’s no longer a pleasant escape anymore. And it’s not the learning atmosphere or the allusion that one cannot speak or make noise, to be quite frank, it’s them:
The couples.
The romantics.
The happy ones.
They ruin it.
Everyone around you has a friend or a lover (minus library police who looks content looking at the stars on his own but you aren’t about to empathize with that). Hands are being held under desks, people are cuddling together on the floor and on the couches as they read, shy smiles and earphones are being shared, heads are on shoulders, secret kisses are being exchanged.
It’s love and you hate it.
Because you aren’t in it.
You watch a girl not that much older than you sitting by the indoor spider plant against the chest of who you think might be her boyfriend. She looks happy, comfortable and beautiful but most of all, she looks in love.
You wonder what you’d look like in love if you were ever given the opportunity.
Spurred on by the passing scent of sandalwood, vetiver and cedar, you imagine yourself pressed against his chest instead of her. You’d definitely have your hand on his knee as you read or you’d be kissing his bicep every now and then, something that would affirm you as his lover to others.
You’d be a good lover maybe even better than her.
Shaking that thought out of your head, you clench your eyes closed. It’s an ugly thought and you can’t explain its origins. You’ve never been the type of person to feel insanely jealous of strangers but here you are, doing exactly that for no reason at all.
Maybe you were hungry.
Could explain why you feel so angry at everything.
Who knows.
You just feel a fervent desire to be held as you read or to have someone to just be there with you when you are so goddamn lonely that you aren’t okay, like right now when you feel like no one in this world cares.
And the intensity of this emotion makes you feel like your heart will burst when Jungkook sits opposite you suddenly out of the blue, wearing a white cotton button up shirt and blue sweats, panting like a madman.
Because he does care and he actually found you.
This big toe for thumbs idiot actually found you.
With perspiration dripping down the sides of his face, he tilts his head, a tired easy smile spreads across his face and you wonder why your heart hadn’t bled out all over your books. You can't believe he found you.
Leaning towards you, he whispers over your books. “I found you. Do I get my prize?”
“I can’t believe you found me?” you blink confusedly, “You’ve never even been in this building, how did you know which section I was in in?”
Crossing his arms over his chest, he laughs silently. “I asked reception if they had seen a grumpy and loud little shit wearing a pleated pink skirt with tomato sauce stains on it because there is no way she would’ve changed her clothes from yesterday and they pointed me to this very table.”
You roll your eyes. “Whatever.”
Leaning forward, he points excitingly. “See, what's with this shitty attitude. The sky didn’t fall on you when we spoke this morning, what's happened in the meantime. Your parents harassing you again about marriage?”
“Nothings happened, just leave me alone.”
“You could always just tell them that you plan on marrying me? That would get them off your back.” he whispers as though it were a genius idea. You imagine it, you telling your parents that you would be marrying an architect with nurses for parents. “Not too sure my parents would be keen on that but who knows. It’s your face that will get clawed, not mine.”
“So it is your parents?” he asks.
You shake your head.
But he doesn’t give in. Grabbing your arm, he shakes it as though you’ll actually tell him. “What is it Y/N?”
“Oh my god, Jungkook, I don’t want to talk about it,” you whisper harshly, pulling your arm back. “You’ll think it’s stupid and then I’ll be embarrassed and even more grumpy. Happy?”
“Of course not.”
“I’m sorry but I can’t help you with that.” you muster. "Honestly, I just want to be alone."
“Something is telling me that you're upset because you are alone. I know you. Come with me.” Scraping the legs of his chair loudly against the tiled floor, he grabs your wrist, pulling you out of your seat and dragging you through the quiet study zone and into the library aisles.
Rushing through aisles of tall wooden bookshelves, you watch his timberlands scrape against the dark blue carpet. If this was any other person, you would’ve kicked them straight up the gucci hole. But this is Jungkook and you trust him more than you trust yourself. You pass librarians restocking shelves, languid book explorers, indoor plants and many many empty aisles.
“Jungkook,” you pout, letting him drag you. “Are you taking me to the children's literature section so I can help you get a book out?”
He snorts, looking back at you. “No, of course not. I’m taking you to the horticulture section so I can deflower you.”
“Right,” the deeper you go into the library, the darker and more desolate it becomes. “You’re joking right? Because I know this is hot and a big fetish on pornhub but I can’t focus on anything but those pants right now.”
“What about my pants?”
Smiling, you whisper. “Your thighs look so muscular and your booty be poppin boy, I see you. You been working out.”
Wiggling his eyebrows, he stops to whisper in your ear. “Well, one of us has to.”
You gasp. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You’re weak is all, lucky you have me,” Jungkook smiles at you before looking left and right. “It looks like we are all clear.”
He drops his hand from yours.
“For what?” you ask.
He turns to face you with a smug grin plastered across his face.
Stepping close to you, he grabs your shoulders, pulling you into a random aisle and pushing you up against the bookshelf. Your back hits the shelf uncomfortably and you wince at the protruding corners of hard covered books against your spine.
“Fuck, Jungkook,” you whine, rubbing your back. “Be gentle will you?”
He steps close, raising his hand to caress your cheek. “Being gentle with you is impossible with a mouth like yours.” His eyes fall down to your lips. He can only guess what you might be thinking about when he watches you bite your lip.
“Jungkook?” you whisper, watching his eyes flick down to your lips. You’re so close you can see the little freckles on his chin and the scars of old acne on his cheek and then he smiles at your sudden complacency.
You close your eyes as he leans toward your face.
But he doesn’t kiss you like you think he will, he simply watches the pink rise to your cheeks as you clench your eyes impossibly tight. You look ridiculous and Jungkook doesn’t think he’ll have another opportunity to admire you so closely again, so that’s all he does.
“You look like your pushing a poo out,” he whispers, cupping your jaw, “Relax will you, why are you weird today?” You open your eyes as he relaxes against you. “You’ve been grumpy all day Y/N, what's happening with you?”
“Nothing,” Looking away from him, you take a deep breath. “I’m just ...I’m not okay and I feel lonely and I hate everyone.”
He nods in thought. “It’s okay to not be okay sometimes, I won't hold that against you.”
You look back to him in a small grin. “Thanks.”
“But I will hold it against you if you don’t tell when you aren’t okay. How do you expect me to help you or comfort you if I don't know? I’m not a mindreader.”
“Why would you comfort me? Why would you want to help me?” you ask, something passes through his face, hurt? You aren’t sure. “I mean, why would you ...I’m not important.”
“Y/N,” he holds your face tenderly, rubbing his thumb across your cheek bone. “I want to beat up the person who made you think that you weren’t important. I don’t like it when you aren’t happy, it’s just not right.”
“What?” you blush, feeling the heat of his affection boil in your chest.
“You mean alot to me you stupid egg,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours. “I’m here for you Y/N, you know that and you can tell me anything.”
Leaning down, he nuzzles your nose with his. You close your eyes, letting the feeling of comfort sink into your bones as you relax back into the bookshelf behind you. It hurts but you aren’t hurting alone for once, and that is nice.
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you whisper against him. “I do know,” You take a deep breath, he’s honestly the fresh air you need when everything in your world feels murky. “It’s just sometimes, I don’t even know why I’m not okay and my brain has to go and find reasons like right before you came, I was mulling over how single I am in comparison to the amount of couples there are in here.”
“Don’t be jealous of them. Men bring in their girlfriends in here so they can have a piece of mind and enjoy silence for once in their relationships. That’s probably why you saw alot of them in the quiet zone.”
You laugh in realisation. “Oh shit, you’re right. I feel a little better now.”
He smiles. “Good.”
Jungkook presses forward, rubbing his nose past yours to slide his lips over your smooth ones. It’s a soft chaste kiss but one that pulls you back down to earth from whatever rock you had launched yourself onto while you were hating the world.
Stepping closer to you, Jungkook vice pinches your chin, pulling away from your mouth to run his thumb over your bottom lip. You languidly open your eyes, staring at him as he gently latches onto your lip before letting it go.
Dropping his hand from your face, he stands back wiping his palm on his thigh. “You need to wash your face.”
Frowning, you push him away so that you can pull him into a choke hold in your arm. Squeezing around his throat, you drag him down the aisle. “Ruin the moment much! You are such a little nob you know that.”
“I have a big nob actually.” he chokes.
You laugh into his face. “The size of your penis does not matter when the size of your brain is so little. Try reading a couple books?” You poke into his temple.
“Fuck, I love it when you speak nerd to me.”
Pushing you off him and up against the bookshelf, he kisses you again. You can feel him smiling against your mouth as he pushes himself up against you, he fucking loves this, of course he does.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you give in to this kiss. You could honestly and seriously get used to kissing him, his lips were always so soft and being held by him and surrounded by his scent was comforting. Tilting your head, you deepen the kiss, unsure if you should use tongue but immediately doing it anyway because who fucking cares.
Jungkook made a list of rules and broke most of them on the same day anyway.
Pulling away from you, Jungkook begins kissing down your neck. Brushing his palm up your thigh, he moves his hand over your stomach before slipping it under your shirt. His fingers tickle your sides before sliding up your torso, stopping just underneath the wire of your bra. Cupping over your bra, he squeezes and you marvel at how perfectly his hand fits over your breast.
Pressing open mouth kisses against your neck, you moan as softly as you can manage being in a public setting. “Jungkook, keep it PG.” Dropping your hands, you wrap them around his hips, pulling him closer by his waistband so you can slip them under his shirt and feel the soft skin of his back.
His teeth nip at your earlobe before his lips press light kisses under your ear. You shudder at the affection but your heart ricochets against your chest, maybe libraries weren’t that sad after all.
“I love that,” you mutter and he groans against you, salt on the tip of his tongue. “Feels good.”
You really do love how quickly Jungkook can move from intense to leisure as if he had all the time in the world for you that makes you slump against him, a content sigh leaving your mouth.
Pulling your hand out from his back, you check your watch over his shoulder. “I have ...a dinner tonight with my parents at 7.” you say, feeling breathless.
Pushing his hands up your waist, he opens his mouth to roll his tongue on the most sensitive parts of your skin. “Hmm, want me to come?”
You laugh. “To the dinner or in your pants?”
Nibbling on your earlobe, he whispers. “To the dinner but if you want to make me come, go ahead.”
Dropping your hands from around his neck, you slowly and comfortably dip your fingers past the waistband of his pants. “I’d love for you to come ...but you haven't met my family before and when you do ...I’m not sure if you’ll still want to be my friend.”
Pulling away from your neck, he kisses your nose. “How bad can they be?”
Putting your hand in his briefs, you palm his hardening length. Jungkook bites his lip, and you watch his eyes close languidly.
“Pretty fucking bad,” you muster, stroking his erection. “You have to look a certain way if you want to come though.”
Pressing his forehead against yours, he clenches his eyes closed as you wrap your hand around his shaft to dry jerk him. “What ...kind ...of way?”
Pushing your nose past his, you place a tender kiss against his lips. He thrusts into your hand in response. “Leather loafers, designer socks, suit pants, dresser shirt, styled hair and gucci cufflinks.”
Dropping his head onto your shoulder. You press your thumb against his leaking slit.
“Fuck,” he groans deeply. “Yeah, I can do that. I knew your family were rich. Anything else?”
“Don’t be offended by anything they say. My dad will see a weakness and exploit it. It’s what he’s good at.”
Pressing you harder against the bookshelves, he whimpers into your ear. “And ...ah ...your mother?”
“She’ll like you because you’re hot."
You look over his shoulder, left and right to check if you are alone. Pumping his shaft as quick as you can go, Jungkook digs his teeth into the soft junction between your head and your neck as he cums all over your hand and in his pants.
His heart's racing and you are kind of disturbed, reluctant to pull your hand out and deal with his sticky cum. “That was quick.”
“You jacked me quick, fuck you.”
“I didn’t say that was a bad thing, I’m happy. My wrist lives another day,” Collapsing on you, you pull your hand out. You wipe it on the back of his shirt as you cringe. “So, you actually want to meet my parents?”
He nods against you, not wanting to move. “Yes.”
You rake your fingers through his hair with your other hand, massaging his scalp. “You think you’ll be okay?”
He shivers as you drag your nails down his neck. “Probably.”
Kissing his cheek, you push him away. “I’ll give you until 6:30 to back out. Have fun walking out of here with a wet stain on your groin that makes you look like you pissed your pants.”
He sinks into the bookshelf as you pull away, watching your back as you walk down the aisle. "Feel better now?" You nod before walking out his sight. "Absolutely."
Jungkook doesn’t know what he’s just agreed to but then again, neither do you.
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vocalinez · 6 years
eric the high school music kid
“the music teachers love me!” 
in this alternate universe, eric just goes ham over the music department ft. the boyz’ ‘00 line and kevin.
word count: 1.1k
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introducing mr. eric son, class of ‘18, king of the music room
he has his own seat in the music room where he’s designated to sit every class, every lunch, every rehearsal 
the music teachers are there to do what he says tbh lmao
his friends are entirely music nerds too
he was actually inspired to do music for all four years of high school and possibly as a career by his ol’ friend kevin
eric heard him playing the pokemon theme song once on the trumpet and from that day on, eric and trumpet #22 were lawfully married
yep he plays trumpet as a primary instrument but he dominates the entire brass section
all the junior french horns players just put down their instruments and gawk after hearing eric play notes on higher ledger lines 
his friend sunwoo is there joking around with them and saying, “appreciating the king of music, i see”
made a video of him playing the band score for the lion king soundtrack once
like, he played each and every part
the clarinet? first, second, and third parts are played by mr. son himself
the tuba? nothing less from the master of the brass section
eric practices his glissandos on the trombone in between classes
people would stare as he played 
he was so... loud
common belief is that trumpets are loud and obnoxious
eric wasn’t that... he was another LEVEL above that 
he learns all the solos in jazz songs in one try 
he wouldn’t stop blasting it in the music room after that 
the teachers in their office would cry hearing it, even after they repeatedly tell him to shut up lmao
but overall he’s super loved by the music department and his friends
he was really outgoing and had the best taste in music (aka the hoenn route 113 theme)
he was also super super sweet to younger students omg
a younger trumpet player would ask him for help and he’d be like “yes yes yes omg where do you want to start”
lowkey teaches more in 15 minutes than a teacher teaching for a whole year
makes really bad jokes for some reason
vine references for days
tried to recreate the i’m john cena vine and actually succeeded omg
fun fact: he forgot how to play the recorder after he trashed his in 4th grade lmao
but he learned how to play the john cena theme solely because of the vine look at this music legend 
always makes music council meetings hilariously fun
“it’s the spring dance next week u kno what that means”
he draws the lenny face on the board 
gets called out by the secretary of the music council for 1. being weird and 2. using an old meme
“dang it you think beethoven was treated this way? stop it”
you’d hear his playing of shooting stars on the pa system every once in a while instead of william tell as the song to rush you to class
everyone would cry listening to it
once asked his teachers if he could paint his trumpet pink
“i’m willing to buy it from you guys if you let me”
all the music students are honestly in love with him
i mean who wouldn’t be??? he’s like the purest thing in the school
but hey he’s got no time to love anyone since he’s 
ha eric the biggest shawol
when it comes to concert time he’s so straight on with his performances
“i’m in every ensemble”
literally he’s in every ensemble in the school 
all the ensembles that he can join, anyways
occasionally plays with the juniors in concerts 
but anyways!! he’s so professional when it comes to concerts and performances
he knows when to not overpower the other sections in their repertoire despite possibly being the loudest trumpet player to ever exist
he was tryna put his mute on the ground buT IT ROLLED AWAY FROM HIM 
so the mute was in the flutes section 
it was kinda awkward because everyone’s heads just flipped around to look at him
but he eventually got it back 
quietly of course since there was a bASSOON SOLO
he had to play with the mute two bars later
professionally played it off even tho he thought he was gonna play a note wrong and that it was gonna be evident
goes to show that even the best of the best can be a bit clumsy at times too :’)
really nice singing in the choir too :’) he held up so well in the men’s section and it complemented the ladies’ voices 
if you listen closely you could hear him aaaaaa
lkdjslkjgslj kevin came to the concert that night and was like “omg eric your voice improved so much when you were in the choir and your toot toot trumpet skills i’m sososososososo proud”
eric was so flattered he was waving his trumpet around shyly 
at the end of the concert that night the music teachers gave all the seniors a huge shout out but gave eric an even bigger shout out
“ladies and gentlemen let’s come and appreciate our most dedicated music student, eric son!”
ok so here’s one epic eric moment from that night
he whistled over his besties hwall and sunwoo over for some help
“introducing our three man reed trio, the boyz!”
lmAo im so creative
the band was passed down by one of his friends haknyeon bc he’s gotta graduate too lol
it’s kinda like a senior band kid only group
eric played the melody to giddy up on the sax
hwall did the lit harmonization with his lil clarinet bc i feel like he’d be a clarinet player lmAOLJGDLKFGJ
sunwoo would be the bass clarinet player
he did the rap part instrumental as a solo lol
after the last chord no one cheered bc they were so speechless
even the music teachers didn’t know that this happened
then everyone went WILD
the senior ensemble would be so impressed like
“damn i’m like the same age as y’all but i can’t even play happy birthday on my instrument without looking at sheet music for it”
^ mood 
and that night eric handed down the title of “the boyz” to another legendary junior
and the story on why he chose that junior?? mayb that’s for your own imagination
eric got into a nice uni nearby uwu
his musicianship skills were THAT fantastic 
he was able to get in out of 1000 students who applied,, like i can’t even get free waffles out of a line of 1000 imagine me applying for uni
tl;dr, eric son in this au is a lit music kid and we all aspire to be like him uwu
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qualeesi · 7 years
Game of thrones modernized 7x04 conversation:
*Dany and Missandei strolling beach together*
Missandei: Have you heard from Greyworm yet?
Dany: No but he said he promised he’d be back
Missandei: He better
Dany: Why what happened?
Missandei: We fucked
Dany: *repeats* YOU fucked? How did y’all even do that when he doesn’t have a-
*Dany looks down at Jon and back at Missandei, giving Missandei a look*
Dany: *whispers* Thats my husband he just doesn’t know it yet lol
Missandei: That’s right girl
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Dothraki: Want us to come with you that guy looks kinda shady-
Dany: No thanks he says he says he’s an expert with caves.
*Dany follows Jon into the cave. Jon shows her all the dragonglass*
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Jon: This is that dragonglass I was tryna show ya. All we’ll ever need against the zombies
In Danys head: Fuck I wish I discovered this first I could’ve used it to decorate my chambers
Jon: I got one more thing to show you
*Dany and Jon goes farther into the cave. Dany comes upon drawings*
Jon: The children of the forest drew these
In Dany’s head: Bullshit these drawings are new as hell I know he drew these but whatever i’ll go with it
Dany: What?
Jon: A very long time ago.
Dany: When?
Jon: A long time ago ok?
Dany: Wow! They were standing where we are right now. Before there were Targs or Starks. Maybe before there were men
Jon: Your grace what are you talking about lol come over here i’ll show you some more drawings
*walks further into the cave*
Jon: The children of the forest were here together
Dany: Doing what? Drawing dumb carvings I MEAN fighting each other?
Jon: *softly grabs Dany’s arm, guides her the other way*
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In Danys head: Omg I thought he was gonna ask for sex I was gonna accept ok Dany its too soon relax
*Dany looks at carvings of men and walkers*
Jon: See? These people believed in zombies too. Just like me. And they fought them, just like me. Together. You gotta join me in my zombie hunt if you wanna live. Because Zombies are real. They’ve always been real.
In Dany’s head: *stares at Jon* It’s dark we’re alone and I haven’t had any for months i’ll do it right on these rocks lets wait five seconds and see if he asks for sex
Jon: *stares back at Dany, waiting for her to say something*
In Danys head: Fuck nevermind he can’t read eye contact forget it
Dany: You definitely can’t defeat those zombies without my dragons. They’re fabulous
Jon: Alright your grace I know I can’t. Don’t brag
In Dany’s head: Maybe if I do a sexy strut walk towards him that’ll entice him to ask me ok lets do it
Dany: *slowly approaches him*
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In Jon’s head: Alright she’s kinda hot please let her ask for sex its been five years i’m dying over here
In Dany’s head: FUCK WHY DOESNT HE GET IT i’m angry now. i’m not helping him anymore
Dany: I will fight for you and the north. You’ve gotta bend the knee before I do anything, though...
Jon: I’m gonna be honest, my folks aren’t gonna accept any southern foreigner as their leader. Y’all put them through a lot of shit
Dany: But THEY WILL if you ask them. I’ll bet you five coins that they will. Just ask. Isn’t their survival against those imaginary zombies more important than your price?
In Jon’s head: I’m gonna fucking kill Tyrion for telling her what I said to Mance wtf
*Jon and Dany exit cave together. Jon grabs Dany’s hand*
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Dany: What are you doing?
Jon: *takes hand away* Oh sorry
In Dany’s head: Where was this in the DAMN CAVE?????
*Sees Varys and Tyrion waiting for the two*
Tyrion: *mumbles to Varys* You think they fucked?
Varys: *mumbles back* Without a doubt. Alright don’t say anything they’re coming
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Dany: what happened?
Tyrion: We took casterly rock
Dany: That’s Nice!
*Tyrion and Varys look worried*
Dany: *repeats* I said THATS NICE???
*Dany storms off after finding out about Tyrion’s 500th failed plan*
Ser Davos: Alright so me and Jon are gonna leave you guys alone-
Dany: I want Jon to stay with me so you will stay!!!
Ser Davos: Pardon?
Dany: All i’ve been doing is sitting on this fucking island playing in sand while all of my allies are being slaughtered!!
Tyrion: You still got the dothraki tho
Dany: How the fuck are they gonna survive when Cersei has snatched all of the chickens? I’ve been starving my damn self! What are we gonna eat later as a matter of fact???
Tyrion: *What Dany hears* Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah our plan is still good
Dany: STILL GOOD? Your plans have gotten worse and worse! I haven’t heard a plan this bad since my husband had me eat that horse heart
In Jons head: Wait wtf she’s married???
Tyrion: We’ll excuse me for underestimating the Lannisters-
Dany: The Lannisters! YOU’RE A FUCKING LANNISTER. No wonder why you’re too scared to do anything!!
Drogon flying overhead: Yeah fuck that mommy lets go burn some Lannisters
Dany: Drogon’s right. I’m flying him Viserion and Rhaegal to the Red Keep
Tyrion: Dany, I don’t think you wanna do tha-
Dany: My enemies are in the red keep! What kinda pussy do I look like avoiding a fight with them???
Tyrion: a SMART pussy!
*Dany, angry and horny, decides to pick on Jon*
Dany: What do you think I should do?
Jon: Me?
Dany: Yes zombie boy
Jon: Well i’m used to fighting with a sword but. I’d never-
Dany: NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Think of something else. I’m losing this war. What. Do. You. Think. I. Should. Do?
In Jon’s head: Seven Hells her temper tantrums are hot. Not as hot as Ygritte’s but hot
Jon: Nobody even believes your dragons exist. I didn’t either tbh. But since you’re the first one to have them in like, 1000 years, do something different with them. Burning down castles and cities is so 3000B.C. If you do that you’re just as boring as the other Dragon Burners were. Burn something else instead
Dany: What do you mean
Jon: Burn something thats wearing armour and thats not wearing a castle
In Dany’s head: Idk wtf he said but the northern accent is so hot i’m gonna do exactly what I think he said
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Dany: Ok thanks for the advice
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