#sitting here for 2 yrs if i dont post now i never will
puhpandas · 7 months
Rabbit Burrow
(5180 words) part 2 (1 found here)
Tony Becker, one year after surviving the attack from GGY, tracks down Gregory post-SB. But he has to get through Vanessa and Freddy before he can get to Gregory.
Its only after Tony has run through the interaction with Vanessa ten times over that he realizes she never told him how she knows Gregory.
He'd been nothing but restless since she left. His eyes have been darting to and from the digital clock on the end table on the other side of arm of the couch, and his brain has been so scattered, all he can focus on is the awaiting reunion.
The baking show has long since switched to a new episode since he last checked the TV. Tony's worried that at this point, his fingers will start bleeding if he keeps picking at them like this.
The only saving grace in a long chunk of nothing-but-anticipation is when Tony's phone buzzes at 6:01pm, right when he had started to gather his thoughts and began plan out the reunion in his head like remembering a speech.
Ellis: dude where r u????
Ellis: yr mom said u arent home and she keeps asking me if ur with me and where u r
All Tony does is sigh. He cant even find it in him to feel bad that his Mom and Grandma are probably worried. All he can think about is how his arms are shaking and his stomach feels floaty.
He types back with thumbs that have peeling skin on the edge of the fingernails.
Tony: Remember how I covered for you that one time?
Tony: I need you to cover for me. If you need to tell her that I'm with you and I'm staying over do that. I just need any excuse.
Ellis: yea i remember but why?
Ellis: if a guy covers for u u can at least tell him what the deal is
Tony: I'm doing something really important. I can't tell you all the details yet.
Tony: I just need you to trust me. Please. It'll help me out a lot, Ellis.
Tony: I promise I'll make it up to you next time you need something.
Ellis: dude didnt know it was that important
Ellis: dont worry then. u know i can tell a mean lie when i need to
Tony: Dude thanks. That's a big relief. It wont be in vain.
Ellis: my services will not be for free tho
Ellis: i will need something in return
Tony: What do you want?
Ellis: for u to buy me a cookie next time i see u at lunch
Tony finds it in him to roll his eyes at that. He smiles a bit, and right as he goes to send back I'll buy you two, Freddy Fazbear makes some sort of clunking sound.
Its enough to make his already fluttery heart clench and himself almost fly off of the couch. He jerks and yelps and can only stare Freddy Fazbears black eyelids phwip open, and his pupils glow..
They're blank, though, like they're on but Freddy himself isnt. His body whirs and shifts slowly, as if running a diagnostic, and after his ears wiggle, theres a clear difference.
Tony just sits rigid as a board with eyes wide as saucers as Freddy doesnt notice him right away. He just takes the jump cables off of his ears and sets them on the carpet, and moves his torso to face the window.
Which Tony is blocking. Since hes on the couch sitting directly next to the animatronic.
Theres a staring contest with a distinct lack of breathing for all but a few moments, before the small black plastic pieces that are Freddys eyebrows tilt downwards.
"Wait wait wait!" Tony holds out his hands, but Freddy doesnt get off the couch and attack him like his fears. Freddys eyes dont leave his once, and it reminds him too much of those few times Freddy would stare him down and be hot on his heels in the Pizzaplex during the GGY debacle.
Freddy pauses, not even so much as twitching as he burns an LED hole into him. Tony tries to get over the unease and stutters out, "Um, Vanessa trusts me. I talked to her. She told me to stay here."
For a fleeting moment, Tony believes he somehow said the wrong thing and that Freddy is now going to grab him and beat him into a pulp like he feared back at the Pizzaplex all that time ago. But during the rigid silence, the glow in Freddys eyes flickers for half a second, and some sort of beeping sound emits from a hidden speaker.
"I have just contacted her." Freddy finally breaks the tension, and Tony sighs at how his voice does not sound aggressive. In fact, Freddy hadn't spoken at all when Tony had been afraid of him last year. "You are telling the truth... my apologies."
"Theres no issue." Tony manages when Freddy looks so undoubtedly apologetic theres no doubt that he's not genuine. He scratches the back of his neck. "...I guess I wouldnt be too keen on a stranger being in my house when I wake up either."
"Yes," Freddy nods, and his ears bob at the motion. Theres a split second of silence where the baking show Tony hasn't caught a single second of is the only noise in the room. "so that begs the question; why are you here?"
Tony jerks. "What?"
"You are a stranger in my house, like you said." Freddy points out, not unkindly. "I would appreciate knowing why. Even if you already went over it with Vanessa."
"Oh. Well. I dont know what all Vanessa told you, but... I'm here for Gregory."
Freddy doesnt immediately turn distrustful or wary like Vanessa had. Probably because he already knows Tony is a friend. "She said you were an old friend of his." Freddy confirms. His "So, you are the boy Gregory talks to much about."
Tony doesnt really know how to respond to that. He grabs a fold of fabric from the arm of his jacket in-between his fingers. "Uh...yeah."
"I'm sure you've already talked to Vanessa. So I wont beat around the bush." Freddy says. "But Gregory has tried so hard to remember you."
Tony brows furrow. "...She said he has dreams sometimes. And that's how he knows I-- we exist."
"Yes." Freddy nods."But she probably did not tell you that he tries to figure out what reminded him of you, so he can continue to keep dreaming."
Tony's eyes widen, and he picks at his fingers. No. Vanessa did not mention that. She said nothing about Gregory actively searching for Tony around his life to see him in his dreams.
Freddys LED eyes dim, and his ears and eyelids droop in a clear sign of upset. "It breaks my heart. To see Gregory try to gather the broken pieces of his memories." His eyes stare at the couch cushion below them, before they dart up to look him in the eye. "You were obviously very important to him, if he searches like this."
"He is to me too." Is all Tony can manage. He's suddenly getting a sense adjacent to deja vu.
"Its clear that he is." Freddy is still looking him in the eye, but somehow, Tony feels like he's smiling at him. "If you came all this way to see him."
And he really did come a long way, didnt he? He took a bus to a different county. He spent hours and hours scouring the internet for any mention of Greg after he suddenly up and went missing as soon by the time Tony had recovered enough to look for him.
Greg has searched too, apparently. Tony cant help but be aware of. Even after losing his memories.
"What is your name?" Freddy suddenly asks him.
"Tony Becker." Tony answers easily. "I guess he doesnt remember my name, huh?"
"No. But he has tried. Believe me when I say that." Freddy says. "He wants to know more about his life before what happened more than anything."
"...You think he'll be happy to see me?"
"There is no doubt, Tony Becker."
The last time he had seen Greg, it was in a dusty back room with a knife in his back.
But despite that, it isnt what Tony thinks when he thinks Greg. When he thinks of Greg, he thinks of the sleepovers and the days Greg would show up at school one day with his hair different lengths. He thinks about how He, Greg, and Ellis would Vs. eachother on the air hockey machine. He thinks about the stories they'd come up with in creative writing.
When he thinks of that afternoon at the Pizzaplex, he doesnt think Greg. He thinks GGY. Maybe its that first inkling of separation that got him here.
Theres been a stretch of silence while Tony soaked it in. The rain outside has slowed, and the sun peeking through the gray clouds shines through the window, white lines on the coffee table like the blinds are a stencil.
"But the truth is... I do not think Vanessa feels the same." Freddy suddenly says. "She wants to protect him from the awful memories. I do not have to deal with them like she does, but I assume they... that they haunt her."
His ears droop. "I believe that she does not want Gregory to have to as well."
"So shes trying to keep them from him?" Tony asks, a brow raised. "But that's his choice, isn't it?"
"That is how I feel." Freddy agrees, looking at him again. It's starting to become less uncomfortable. "Listen, Tony Becker. I may not know for sure, but I feel that Vanessa is afraid to let you near Gregory. Seeing you will make him remember so much."
His mind immediately jumps to a thousand implications at that."If shes scared, what does that mean?" He asks. "She'll make me leave? She'll change her mind?"
"I do not think so." Freddy assures. "But my point is that she has been trying for so long to keep Gregorys memories under wraps. It is not with malice, but this is why I ask you this."
"Gregory has long since chosen to remember, even if Vanessa does not want him to." Freddy says havent left his once, and Tony doesnt look away, either. Freddys pupils suddenly appear brighter in a way when he speaks again, "To keep them from him after he has already made his choice would be cruel. Which is why I would like you to help him, Tony Becker."
Tony hasnt forgotten how Greg fought for him that day at the Pizzaplex. He hasnt forgotten how all that mattered was Tony escaping. Not if Greg would get in trouble. Not if something would happen to him.
Gregory has, though. Greg has forgotten a lot of things.
But if seeing Tony in danger that fateful afternoon made him remember himself enough to fight, and win against mind control?
Tony can fight for Greg's memories, too. Even if it takes another year.
"He deserves to remember his old life." Freddy says. "Vanessa has told me that his parents are dead. Any life he had before is nothing but a faint memory." He hums, melancholy. "But it's one I want him to remember."
Me too Tony almost says. Because all Tony has wanted throughout this last year is his friend back.
"Greg was one of my best friends." Tony says quietly, eyes downcast. He counts the threads in the couch cushion. "I want him to remember me and Ellis and... everything. It's why I'm here."
"I have not been able to help him, no matter how much I've wanted to." Freddy responds, sounding sad. "But I am glad you are here. Now Gregory truly has a chance of obtaining what hes been chasing for so long."
"Me too." Tony replies, not knowing which exactly hes responding too.
"So," Freddy pauses. "what do you say?"
"I'll do it." Tony responds immediately. "But... I just have to ask. Why do you trust me so much? Vanessa wouldnt even tell me anything until I answered her riddles."
Freddy hums. "It is exactly as you said." Freddy answers. "You earned Vanessa's trust. So in turn you have earned my trust. I trust Vanessa to trust you."
Tony doesnt respond, for a moment, just taking that in.
The amount of faith you have in someone to trust them that much. To know you can rely on them. To have no doubt...
Tony glances at the hallway he can see just over the back of the couch and down the hall into the room with the slightly open door, with the pens and pencils and bed and desk, and wonders how tightly wound the people in this house are with eachother.
"...Then I'll return the favor." Tony smiles. "You're friends of Greg's, and, well... I was friends with him, once upon an time. And he still seems to think so." He holds out a hand. "Any friend of Greg's is a friend of mine."
Freddys ears wiggle, and his eyelids come up in a way that make him look overjoyed. "Any friend of Gregory's is a friend of mine." Freddy repeats, shaking Tony's hand. "We are in this together, now. We will have to be there for Gregory if he remembers not so great things."
"And for the great things." Tony smiles, going over the few months worth of memories of their three amigos friendship he has in his head. "Its worth it, I think."
After all, if Tony's found a way to seperate killer Greg with his Greg, then he thinks Gregory probably can as well.
"I'm glad we have that settled." Freddys ears wiggle, and his eyes do that dimming thing again for half a second. "Because Vanessa has just contacted me and let me know that she is almost back with Gregory."
He makes some sort of choking noise. Theres a thousand things on the tip of Tony's tongue in seconds. His eyes blow wide as saucers, and he twists his back to look at the clock that reads 6:34.
He immediately feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on his head. He stutters, trying to gather his thoughts, and eventually gets out "How long?!"
"Soon." Freddy smiles. "It wont be long, now. It seems all the work you've done has paid off."
Tony cant find it in him to move his mouth after that. Just too rigid. It feels like theres electricity buzzing up his skin and a wildfire in his chest. It feels like he cold start floating like a balloon at any moment.
He doesnt respond to Freddy, after that. He just twists his body to face the front door (his back twinges. maybe he shouldn't slouch over his laptop and desk so much) and waits.
A few minutes is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Not really when its put up against the year he's taken to track Greg down. But its somehow more agonizing waiting now when he knows Greg is in arms reach, instead of it being uncertain if he'd ever see him again.
It's not uncertain, now. Is the thing. Greg is on his way, and Tony, for once, doesn't even know what to think. All he can do is sit there and be clammy and impatient.
Freddy chuckles. Tony ignores it. He burns a hole into the front door just across the living room, only hearing his own jumbled thoughts and roaring in his ears over the baking show on the TV.
Its Winter right now. So by 6:45, all the light outside has darkened into pitch blackness. The residential street lights outside the apartments make the raindrops on the window glow. The TV is still going in the background.
Freddy is as still as he is, joining him in watching the door as restless as a bored puppy. Listening to the ventilation inside of Freddys inner workings is the only thing that reminds Tony to breathe.
After multiple agonizing minutes, Tony jerks when the slam of a car door is heard distantly outside the window.
"Are you ready, Tony Becker?" Freddy breaks the silence. Looking back at Freddy is the first time Tony looks away from the door. "We do not know how much he will remember at first. It may be messy. It may not."
Messy is definitely a word he would use to describe a lot of the things that have happened, here. So he just nods, a tilt of his head. "I'm ready."
"He is ready, too." replies Freddy.
And that's all that's said until the doorknob begins to rattle.
All that Tony manages is a strangled gasp before he's bolting off the couch, almost tripping over Freddys legs. His converse slide on the laminate wood, and he stands there. In perfect view of the door.
His legs feel cold and his chest airy as he watches. He waits for movement, and cant help the tremble in his hands when the deadbolt unlocks. He can hear voices. Only because hes straining his ears, but he can hear a high pitched voice muffled and faint behind the door.
The doorknob rattles, and Tony watches as the deadbolt unlocks from the inside. His heart stutters in his chest when he hears voices outside, and he can pinpoint one of the pitches as Greg's.
"Come on, Vanessa. Were home. Now tell me what the suprise is!"
"I think you'll want to see it for yourself, Greg."
"Its inside? Well what could it possibly be if you wont even give me a hint--"
The knob twists, and the door creaks open. Its steady and agonizingalmost as if it's in slow motion.
And there he is.
Theres the pale skin and short stature and blue clothes. Tony isnt breathing when he just looks, and sees the boy he'd been searching for so long right in front of him.
He has raindrops in his chocolate brown hair. Greg doesnt look away from Vanessa while he walks in, at first, but Vanessa looks away from Gregory. She meets his eyes, and Tony doesnt have it in him to dissect what the look could mean.
All he cares about is how Greg follows her gaze.
He stops in his tracks, his mud stained Pizzaplex brand sneakers planting him firmly in place.
It's like everything else falls away when Greg meets his eyes. Huge, amber eyes that grow as wide as saucers when they see him. Theres a dark jagged scar wrapped around his cheek that makes it to his nose that wasnt there before.
The silence is deafening, as they just stand there and stare at eachother. Tony thinks he isnt breathing. Theres electricity shooting up his spine. His fingers twitch and tremble. Greg just stares, mouth agape.
Tony's own twitches, and he smacks his lips together, testing if he can still speak at all. His legs are rooted to the ground as he says, just above a whisper, "Greg."
Greg's face shifts ever so slightly, and it's only now Tony realizes his eyes are a bit faraway. Like he's...
Remembering something.
In an instant, they dart and blink, and Greg is looking at him again.
Tony dares to break through the water by taking a step. He never tears his eyes away from Gregory's own.
At some point, Vanessa moved away from the door and somewhere else in the house.
Which means the coast is clear when Tony takes a step, and then another, and Greg is meeting him in the middle.
Hes almost sprinting when they crash into eachother like waves. Immediately, Tony wraps his arms around Greg tight, and Greg clutches back just as desperately.
"Tony." Gregory says breathlessly. Tony can feel Greg's hair brush against his cheek and his hands ball up his jacket. "Its you. That's your name. You're the..."
"The one you've been dreaming about?" Tony chuckles, and to his suprise, it's a little wet. His legs ache from pushing himself into the hug so much, but he ignores it. "Yeah. Me and Ellis. Your friends."
"Tony and Ellis." Greg repeats, and Tony could cry at how it's the same voice in all of his memories. A few things are different; Gregory's face has changed a bit, and so has his hair and clothes. But all of the things that made him Greg back then are still here.
"I--" Greg stutters. "I tried so hard to remember anything about you. I was gonna track you down, I hope you know. Cause you're the only things I remember about..."
"I know, Greg." Tony replies. Greg pulls away from the hug, and Tony still has a grip on his shoulders. "They told me everything."
He jerks his head towards Freddy and Vanessa, and when Greg looks over at him, Freddys ears wiggle and Vanessa does a small little wave.
"Some suprise." Gregory chuckles, wiping at his dry eyes. "Jeez, its just-- I just remembered so much. Just by seeing you, and--"
Greg's eyes turn a little misty as he looks in Tony's own. "We were friends." He says. "And I forgot you for so long."
"It wasnt your fault." Tony smiles slightly. Greg still has to look up at him a bit, like he did last time Tony saw him. "Freddy and Vanessa told me you tried your best to remember us."
Gregory nods, glancing over at them. "I did." He says. "I wanted to know what triggered the first dream so bad. But... I never figured it out."
"I guess it doesn't matter now." Tony says. "I'm right here in front of you, and you remember now. Ellis'll be really glad to see you, too."
Gregory chuckles. "I missed him." He says. "I missed you, too."
"Me too." Tony replies, and it doesn't feel like those two words can encapsulate how much Tony has felt the past year. "Ellis really missed you as well. He still is. You don't know what happened to him when you went missing."
Gregory ducks his head, eyes downcast. "I wish I did."
Tony eyes Freddy from the corner of his eye, and he nods. Tony looks back towards Greg. "I can tell you some stuff, if you want. Vanessa said something reminded you of me one day." He smiles. "I can try to help remind you of stuff enough to remember more."
Gregory's head shoots up, and to Tony's suprise, tears gather in his eyes. As quick as they come, he ducks his head, using the sleeve of his navy jacket to wipe them away. "Yeah." He sniffs. "That'd be great."
"I'm glad you guys reunited." Vanessa pipes up to their left. "But, Gregory, I think you should go take a breather. I wanna talk to Tony anyway."
Greg doesnt answer for a second, but eventually he nods, smiling at Tony as he peels himself away. Tony takes note of how the tooth Gregory had been missing last year is still gone.
Tony watches him go, and his eyes dont leave his back until the door to his room shuts.
"Kid," Vanessa grabs his attention. She gestures to sit down on the couch, and he moves over, sitting in-between Freddy and her. "that went well. Really well."
Tony just nods, not able to shake the trembling in his fingers and the floaty feeling in his chest.
"It doesnt seem like he remembered anything bad." Vanessa points out. "He couldnt have. He wouldn't be so calm if he did, trust me."
Tony remembers Freddys words about how Vanessa grapples with the things shes done, so he does. He nods again, and Vanessa smiles. "So that's good. Listen, kid. If you can somehow have Gregory remember his old life without any of the mind control murder stuff, that would be the best case scenario."
Freddy whirs and straightens out a but, opening his mouth to speak, but he stops at the last second. "It wouldnt be unfair to Gregory if he wasnt remembering anything good, Fred." Vanessa points out.
"That is true." Freddy agrees. "There is no point in Gregory remembering anything harmful to him if avoidable. Vanessa knows that better than anyone."
Tony opens his mouth to speak, but pauses.
Not remember anything bad? As in he wouldnt be able to remember that day at the Pizzaplex?
How Greg had put himself on the line and fought for Tony's life? How he'd succeeded? How Tony always desperately wanted to see Greg again just to talk about it?
Words get caught in his throat, but he pushes them down and shoves his feelings aside. He just nods. "I'll do my best."
"Thanks." Vanessa says, and she sounds more relieved than Tony's ever heard anyone. She puts a hand on his shoulder, offering him a smile. "Really. Thank you, kid. I'd do anything for Gregory to never have to remember the same things I do."
Tony just nods again, finding that for the first time in his life, he has no words to say. "Yeah."
"I am sure you're dying to catch up with Gregory." Freddy smiles. "Go on, Tony Becker. We will give you both space."
Tony smiles, shooting up and shimmying past Freddys legs in-between the coffee table towards the hall. "Okay. Sure." He only lingers for another moment to say "Thanks!"
Its jet black outside when Tony passes a window, and by the time he makes it to Greg's room, the only light available is a small table lamp on the desk with paper strewn about. Greg sits on his bed, deep in thought, before snapping out of it when Tony walks in.
"Hey." Gregory smiles, and Tony grins back when he shuts the door behind him. He cant help how his eyes wander about the room, taking in every detail as he moves further into the room. His backpack is tossed on the floor beside his bed, and theres comic pages and drawings thumbtacked up across every wall. Theres a corkboard with blocky letters written on paper sheets scattered around, and his bedsheets have constellations on them.
Tony's eyes linger on the desk, where there are multiple comics covering every inch, some half-finished and some fully colored.
"You would draw comics when we were friends, too." Tony says, making his way over and peering at all of the different drawings. "I'd call them graphic novels. I'd write the story and you'd draw."
"I think I had a dream about that." Greg says. "We'd go in your room and brainstorm, right?"
"Yeah." Tony smiles. He looks at the dates scribbles in the corners of them all, and notices that most of them are recent.
"Its one of the only dreams I had." Gregory says. "It... it would make me so mad because it never went any different. And it had been the only indication you even existed for so long." He chuckles without humor. "The other dreams weren't much different, but, well, I was never really able to figure out how to trigger a new dream."
As he keeps looking, some of the older comics, like the ones on the walls and the underneath the piles of recent ones have dates from a few months ago.
It's like a tiny lightbulb goes off above his head. He turns to Gregory, asking "Do you remember when you had the first dream?"
Gregory pauses for a moment. "Yeah." He says. "It was a few months ago. The first dream I had was about us drawing comics in your room."
Tony smiles, finding the earliest date to be near October last year. Its February now. "Did you ever think the thing that triggered that memory was drawing a comic?"
Tony watches as the gears turn in Greg's head. Hes silent for a moment, before muttering, "No. I didnt."
Tony looks at the window on the wall by Greg's bed and watches as raindrops drip down the screen on the other side. Crickets are chirping faintly, and he can hear Freddy and Vanessa's voices muffled behind the door.
The days events catch up to him, and right as the first inkling of tiredness creep up on him, he says "So how about we try to make a comic together like the dream? Maybe it'll bring back some new memories."
Gregory is silent for a moment, and Tony watches as his eyes widen, and a grin gradually stretches across his face. "Okay." He says. "Yeah. Let's do it."
So it's in Greg's room, instead of Tony's, where they hunker down for the night and squish next to eachother on the same chair at the same desk and brainstorm a comic. Tony makes a point of calling it a graphic novel like he used to, because Greg would always say something about it, and unsurprisingly, this time is no different.
The only light is from Gregory's small table lamp shoved to the very corner to make room for more papers, and it's only when they have everything ready does Greg finally ask about the story.
"You said you'd write the story and I'd draw." Gregory says. His shoulder is pressed up against Tony's on the chair and his voice is loud in his ear. "So what's the story?"
Tony hums for a second, jumbled thoughts and ideas running course in his mind, then he gets an idea.
He grins slowly as it dawns on him. He glances over at Greg.
"You always liked nonfiction better, right?" Gregory says, voice up an octave like a question. "Real life stuff."
"Yeah." Tony confirms. "This is a real story."
"So tell me." Greg smiles, leaning back to get a good view of Tony. Tony himself does the same, and Greg is doing one of those lopsided smiles that shows off his missing tooth. "And I'll start drawing the panels."
Its only after theyve hunkered down does Tony really let himself revel in the fact that he found Greg, and he's here and okay. It may not be perfect, since Tony never really will be able to speak to that Gregory that saved him that day and thank him, but its content. Tony has his friend back, and he can't ask for any more.
He's long since decided on a story when he finally tells Gregory. He smiles softly, before saying,
"This story is about a kid named Gregory, who once hacked the school PA speakers and started beatboxing."
Ellis: um so how long will i have to keep this up???
Ellis: would be nice to know
Tony: I dont know how long I'll be gone.
Tony: I'll buy you as many cookies as you want for this.
Ellis: we will negotiate when you come back
Ellis: for now ill uphold my end of the deal mr. becker
Tony: I'll uphold mine early.
Tony sent an image
Image ID: A boy with short dark brown hair and a green jacket angling the camera so by his head is a boy with pale skin and chocolate brown hair. The boy with dark hair is smiling and the boy with brown hair is looking suprised at the camera.
Ellis is typing...
ao3 link
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astrcphiles · 4 years
all gifs were made from scratch by me.
will be updated as more gifs are made.
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birth year: 1983
ethnic background: turkish, albanian, bosniak
content warning:blood, hospitals, scars, kissing, guns, flashing gif
content year: 2018-2019
gif count: #129
last updated: 14/10/2020
tasksweekly: #003, #019, #033,
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kingjasnah · 4 years
actually. actually let’s talk about diversity in fantasy let’s give that a go. im mad and im gonna be that way for a while
don’t want to read all this? fair. tldr: fantasy writers who rely not only on the medieval europe model but also hide behind historical accuracy in 2020 (fuck it, from ‘95 onwards) are lazy and unimaginative and should be held accountable no matter how many white 20 year old dudes jerk off to whatever power fantasy is embedded in the plot. so lets chat about that lads. (slightly) drunk rant under the cut
now prelim shit: we know fantasy is used both as escapism and as a way to deal with various traumas via magical metaphor. staples of the genre. even if jk rowling busted out the laziest and at times offensive metaphor for ww2 and racism ive ever seen, she still adhered to time and true tropes. whatever.
so why have we, in this post game of thrones era, become insanely obsessed with realism? i can hear sixty 20-something year old men crying at me rn like oh ohh oh its based off the war of roses oh wahh all medieval fantasy fiction is based off england and the crusades anyway so women should get raped and people of color should be demonized its not racism its xenophobia and also gay people dont exist and disabled people are systematically killed off and if we stretch the magic fixes mental illness thing a LITTLE further we have straight up eugenics.
we all know where the england but myth thing came from. now the thing about tolkien is that while i will always absolutely love lotr, looking at the LAZY state of fantasy? damn i kinda wish he hadn’t revolutionized the genre. the bitch was still racist. he still didnt give a shit abt women (eowyn was just a vehicle to show how much he fucking hated macbeth anyone holding jrrt up as a feminist icon for that needs to sit the fuck down and explain to me why i can count the woman speaking roles in lotr, a story with a name and fleshed out backstory for every minor character, on one hand but thats! another post). he had something to say abt class with sam i’ll give him that but he is still 100% NOT what we need to hold our standards to in 2020. 
i dont want to talk about old school fantasy, like 80s early 90s cause theres literally no point. its sexist, racist, ableist for sure, this we know. david eddings (not even that old school tbh) can rise from the grave and explain himself to me personally and i still wont forgive him for ehlana. 
so let’s talk historical accuracy. quick question. who the FUCK gives a shit? WHO is this elusive got fan who’s out here like blehh actually??? this method of iron production is TOTALLY anachronistic of the time. ummm these vegetables in this fictional world were NOT native to english soil so how are they here? cause i know this is the classic argument but ive never actually met someone who cared about the lack of dysentery as much as they care abt the women getting raped on screen/page. 
god forbid you have to worldbuild for a second god forbid you can’t rely on the idea of fantasy readers already have in their head god forbid you have an original idea god forbid you spend more than two seconds thinking about ur setting (oh i should mention i dont....really blame GoT for its setting cause of how long ago it was og written but trust me i sure as hell blame grrm for writing a 13 yr old giving ‘consent’ to sex with a grown man within the first couple of chapters) 
If we accept the basic premise of fantasy as escapism, and i AM drunk so i will NOT be finding fuckin. quotes and shit for this but come on tolkien said it himself and as much as i’ll drag him he crafted the simplest and most powerful fantasy metaphors on the board rn. But if we know its escapism. If we know. then who is it escapism for? certainly not for me, the gay brown woman who busted through all of GoT in 10th grade. 
modern fantasy lit used as an excuse for that white male power fantasy is literally disgusting. calling historical accuracy is so fucking dumb ESPECIALLY cause we, as ppl in the 21st  century, KNOW women have been consistently written out of the story. poc ppl, gay and trans ppl, anyone with a god forbid disability has been WRITTEN out of history as we know it, INCLUDING the fucking war of the roses so HOW can we hold up testimony we know is flawed to support our FICTIONAL. STORY. just to??? support the white power fantasy?? literally noah fence but if you are a white guy who felt really empowered by every time jim butcher described a woman tell me: how do you think that’ll hold up in classic HisToRiCaL fantasy. you think thats a fucking noble pursuit? or are you grima wormtongue out here. 
(side note: jim butcher stop writing challenge i dont need to know abt every woman on page’s nipples. anyone who hides behind subgenre like that? ‘ohhh its a noir story thats why hes sexualizing everyone’ shut the fuck up an author isnt possessed by a fuckin muse and compelled to bust out 500k they have agency and they have choice and they MADE the choice to reserve said will for none of their female characters)
which brings me to point 2: target audience and BOY is the alcohol hitting me rn but WHO is this for? this isnt the fucking 80s we know poc and other marginalized folk read fantasy FOR the escapism. on god ive had a cosmere focused blog for nearly three years and. im just gonna say it im interacted with A LOT of yall and ive managed to talk to VERY few white straight ppl as compared to everyone else. 
like....who deserves to see the metaphor on homophobia or racism. joanne rowling? the bitch who literally tried to sell us happy slaves and the disgusting aids metaphor and the worst case of antisemitic stereotypes i ever saw in an nyt bestseller? yall think that was for US? or was it for the white guilt crowd. 
literally white people can find any book about them that they can relate to. but hmmm maybe theres a reason gay women care so much about stormlight archive’s jasnah kholin, a brown woman who’s heavily coded as wlw. or kaladin, the FIRST fantasy protag ive ever seen with clinical depression. hmm i wonder why a bunch of millennials are vibing all of a sudden. im not saying sanderson is perfect--but its the best ive seen from a white author tbh
maybe theres a reason a lot of poc vibe with a literary way to express trauma, and maybe thats why i specifically get so pissed when its not done well. theres a REASON books about outcasts pushing through and claiming their own lives are popular with people who arent white and straight and able bodied. Junot Diaz had a point. maybe lets STOP catering to those assholes who think theyre joseph campbell’s wet dream personified. ive lost respect SO many authors who are objectively talented. pat rothfuss can write so beautifully that ive cried to bits of name of the wind but literally i will never pick that series up again (not just because of the felurian. women in general tbh. mostly the felurian ngl) cause 1) i personally KNEW men whod jerk off to that shit and 2) there was no need for it there was no plot reason for ANY of that shit 
so like obviously thers an issue with authors of color specifically not getting recognized for fantasy and genre work but on god??????? im still mostly mad at the legions of white authors churning out the same medieval england chosen one books year after fucking year. have an original thought maybe. also im sorry that you as an author lack the basic empathy needed to examine the way that women? or any group of people that youre explicitly writing about see the world and would specifically see YOUR made up world. 
yes your fantasy should be diverse, but more than that it should be kind. if you as a writer cant respect groups of people who deserve it....what the hell are you doing in a genre that traditionally is about finding ways to express injustice through metaphor? tolkien’s hero was sam. fantasy was NEVER about the privileged. yall know who you are so stop acting so fucking entitled. peace out. 
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The MCU’s Daughters: Shoebox
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A/N: This is a Prequel, to my new story The MCU’s Daughter, inspired by Brie Larson’s album Finally Out of PE. Invisible Girl was merely the inspiration for this piece and if lyrics are seen it’s probably just me listening to the song about 100 times writing this and editing it.
Summary: Long before she was the MCU’s Daughter. Before they were the Internet’s Daughters. They were just teenage girls trying to fit into a new system, a new country and a new school. Before all the fame and success two teens first became friends and teammates.
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Violence, Extreme Angst, Fluff
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November 25th, 2016
“Happy Regionals Day!” Tegan said as she walked into the classroom.
“What do you mean Regionals Day?” I asked as Tegan sat down next to me.
“I mean every one of our classmates except for a few are at athletics regionals today. So it is just four of us in yr 8 and we get to be alone. No teachers!” Tegan said to me going up to the whiteboard and writing ‘class plans: nothing,’ on it.
“So do you want to watch movies or play games?” Alexandra asked sitting down in Miss G’s chair.
“I vote conspiracy videos,” I said.
“I vote you actually do some school work,” Miss G’s assistant said coming through the class door to grab her folders for the day.
“So if we do an hour of school work we can do whatever we like for the rest of the day?” I asked her.
“Sweet,” Hamish said taking his seat.
“So it’s just you four in here everyone else is going to the other classes. Don’t rub it in. And maybe edit some videos,” she told us all.
“That last one counts as schoolwork. So we can watch raw footage and put it together and film a video of today and then we can watch videos and play weird games for the rest of the day,” Tegan suggested.
“And we can have meetings at the desk,” Alexandra added on.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Once we’d watched raw footage of us all in Wellington enjoying ourselves. With comments such as ‘we have to include that!’ and ‘no! No, we can’t include Miss G swearing at a wall! Can we?’ it passed the time till morning tea. And after that, we dissolved into playing games.
“OK! Hamish, bed, wed, behead, Saskia, Indy and Scarlett,” Alexandra asked.
“Uhhh… Kill Scarlett, Marry Saskia? And Bed Indy,” He said very scared.
“Why?” I asked him.
“Well, Scarlett’s horrible, Indy seems the most down for weird stuff and Saskia is the nicest,” Hamish said, “Now Tegan. Celebrities or people we know?”
“Celebrities, definitely,” Tegan responded.
“OK, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johanssen or Tom Holland?” Hamish asked.
“Kill Tom, Marry Brie and Fuck Scarlett. Because Tom is a twat, Brie is Brie and while Scarlett is a questionable person she is Natasha Romanoff and I mean,” Tegan responded almost too quickly, “Now, Alexandra, Celebrities or people we know?”
“People we know, I want a challenge,” She told Tegan.
“Hamish, Lachie and… Xavier.”
“Kill Xavier, Fuck Lachie and Marry Hamish, easy,” Alexandra told Tegan, “Simone, celebrity or people we know?”
“The Marvel Chrises.”
“Fuck Hemsworth, kill Pratt and marry Evans,” I told her instantly.
“Well this is fun and all but I have to pop to the loo,” Tegan said closing her computer leaving the classroom
“Should we snoop?” I asked them.
“Yes,” Alexandra said, “And before you say anything else 2 against 1 Hamish.”
“Cool, what does she have in her emails?” I asked, “Who’s Donte?”
“I don’t know but let’s call him and find out.”
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November 25th, 2016
“Who are you guys?” I heard the familiar voice as I walked into the classroom.
“Hello Donte, my friends stole my computer and are skyping you,” I said walking toward the computer.
“That’s odd, you have friends?” He asked me back.
“Yes, I do. I’ll let them talk though I have some songs to work on,” I said waving to him.
“So…” Simone started as they asked him a thousand questions.
I sat down at the big computer with its piano keyboard and started trying to recall the keys for Shout Out To My Ex, that we were recording after lunch and tried to start singing.
“This is a shout out to my ex Heard he in love with some other chick Yeah yeah, that hurt me, I’ll admit Forget that boy, I’m over it I hope she gettin’ better sex Hope she ain’t fakin’ it like I did, babe Took four long years to call it quits Forget that boy, I’m over it,” I sang to myself in the corner.
“Guess I should say thank you For the “hate yous” and the tattoos Oh, baby, I’m cool by the way Ain’t sure I loved you anyway Go ‘head, babe, I'ma live my life, my life, yeah,” Alexandra joined in from across the room.
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never bring me down Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down,” Both of us sung in unison.
“Oh, I deleted all your pics Then blocked your number from my phone Yeah, yeah, you took all you could get But you ain’t getting this love no more ‘Cause now I’m living so legit (So legit!) Even though you broke my heart in two, baby (Scoop, scoop) But I snapped right back, I’m so brand new, baby (I’m so brand new!) Boy, read my lips, I’m over you, over you, uh,” Simone sang while Donte looked confused with Hamish.
“Guess I should say thank you For the “hate yous” and the tattoos Oh, baby, I’m cool by the way Ain’t sure I loved you anyway Go 'head, babe, I'ma live my life, my life, yeah,” Donte sang from the other end of the phone call.
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never bring me down Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down,” We all sang together, even Hamish this time.
“You’ll never bring me down, yeah,” Hamish sang.
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down, ooh,” I sang
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man (You’re quite the man) You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m, I’m all the way up, I swear you’ll never bring me down (You’ll never bring me down) Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man (Eh-hey-eh) You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now (Won’t you just look at me now?) Well, I’m, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down,” We all sang together as some of the yr 7s came in.
“(Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh) Yeah, hey, oh (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh) Oh, Nah, Nah (Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh) You’ll never bring me down,” We finished.
“That was so much fun, but I gotta go. Dinner time. But you should definitely post that song on youtube, maybe remake the video,” Donte said to all of us as the year 7s stared at us as if we were insane.
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x17 Opinion
Game Night
This was the first new episode since “The Announcement” and I have to say I was putting off writing it. I usually post these the day after, but I procrastinated so it’s a bit late. So forgive my butt-hurt tardiness and let's have at it.
I enjoyed this episode, though it wasn't without some issues. I must say that I was pleased that it wasn't as Sam-lite as I thought it would be from the promo pics, trailer, and knowing Jared didn't work a lot that week, I will always want for more Sam in an episode, but all his parts were necessary and high quality in this one, so I'm not angry at all. 
We start the episode with Donatello making cookies, singing Raindrops are Fallin’ on my Head, which made me smile. It made me think of Butch Cassiday and The Sundance Kid and I love that movie, and if J2 ever want to play the leads in a remake, I would be willing to pay for it myself! 
Donny gets interrupted by the door, and we know this is a problem because its the first 5 minutes of SPN, let's be honest. As soon as I see the bad guy’s wedding ring, I think “Shit... here comes Nick”. I thought he was gonna kill him and I'm glad he didn't. I like Donny, he looks like my dad. 😊
Back at the Bunker, the fam is getting ready for “Winchester Game Night” and Dean is playing Mouse Trap, and having no luck getting it to work. I had that game as a kid too and was never able to get it to work either, but it was fun putting it together! I did think it was a little sad but fitting, that Dean would have played that game as a 4 yr old, but leave it to John and Mary to give Dean a game made for older kids, that never worked out the way it was supposed to and had too many small parts he could choke on. (the irony is not lost on me)
Mary and Jack are in the kitchen. I could literally almost smell the Jiffy Pop popcorn. A Saturday night staple at my house growing up (any of you out there ever taste that greasy salt left on the sides of the foil pan? Good stuff!) and Mary starts in with the questions for Jack. I got a kick out of him telling her its annoying, and her face after. It’s ok Mary, he’s fine, he’s just a teenager now. Something I guess she never got to experience from the adult side. 
Sam is out getting pizza, and all the times they’ve had pizza, I never really saw what Sam likes on his. Apparently both he and Dean like lots of pepperoni. Good choice boys! The joy is short-lived (of course) by Donatello’s call, and Dean and Mary go off to help. I loved Sam sitting there researching. I have always loved his look of interest and concentration during these times. Smart!Sam moment #1 he figures out the language is ancient Hebrew, #2 he has the moment of realization that he knows it’s from the Bible, and knows what chapter and verse. (demerits for the writers though for not knowing Peter is in the New Testament and is in Ancient Greek, not Hebrew, but kudos for Sam/Jared for at least knowing the book is located near the back of The Bible)
Mom and Dean in the car. Now we have the talk about how wrong she knows she’s been but how appreciative she is to have this time with him and Sam. Uhoh... sounds like lines typically given to a character who is soon to be killed off? Hmmm we’ll see. Soon they arrive at Donny’s to find Nick. He says he's poisoned Donny and to save him, they have to help him. He wants to talk. 
Back at the bunker, violent rage!Sam awaits!! GOD that gave me tingles in the best way! I loved Dean leading Nick down the hall in cuffs, in slow motion as if leading him to his execution, and Sam standing there with his chest puffed out like a friggin’ bulldozer, and the snarl and slam attack against the wall!! (hand me that towel, please??) Dean backs Sam off, lots of brother touching going on, but we need intel, we can't kill him yet. 
Now Sam is in self-loathing mode.... he thinks everything is his fault. So many people dying because of him. This is gonna be a big issue soon, I promise. Mom talks Sam off the self-deprecating ledge and tells him he gave Nick another chance because he’s a good man and that's why she’s so proud of him. Sam softens up into the sweetest “aww shucks ma” smile and I want to hug him💕 also, still lines are being spoken by mom that are synonymous with being killed off.
Now, I procrastinated talking about Cas and Anael because the whole thing was boring. I'm not a wife hater but at least make her necessary if you’re going to cast her. I was ok about her role as Sister Jo for Devil’s Bargain but she hasn't been necessary since. Cas wasn't even necessary in this episode. We knew he was hiding the fact that Jack killed the snake, and there are probably 1000 other ways they could have reminded us that the Samulet is still around and maybe they can use it, than for him to find a similar one in the thrift shop or whatever that place was. I dug Methuzula though, he was the oldest dude in the Bible. He wasn’t an angel, for any of you worried about him liking lasagna or why he couldn't just smite Cas... its because he's HUMAN just extremely old. 
On to more interesting things. 
Nick wants to talk to Jack. I was not pleased with Nick referring to Jack as his son. Im not 100% convinced that the writer (and all involved really) remembered that Jack isnt Nick’s son, but added that as a note of empathy Nick has for Lucifer, you’d THINK someone, particularly Jack would say “Im not your son” ?? but anyway, he gives intel to Jack and also gets his blood (dun dun dunnnn) 
Sam is again a smarty pants and knows the antidote for Thalium is Prussian Blue (makes note) and figures he can hack the live feed (brains are so sexy) I also love that Sam’s word is the go word. So many more decisions are made because Sam thinks its the best option than he's ever given for in the fandom. So Sam and Dean take Nick with them to find Donny. 
I really love the broments in this part. Dean tells Nick if he tries anything funny, Sam will shoot him. “And if anything happens to me....” “Sam will shoot me”  “To start!” says Sam... because if he hurts Dean, Sam isnt letting him off that easy. But in true SPN form, as soon as Sam and Dean are separated, shit goes south.
Mom calls Sam and lets him know Donny was shot up with Angel grace, as Jack figured out, Nick was playing them. Now the fight between Sam and Nick ensues! Nick tells Sam why he used Donatello, which was to bring Lucifer back, “You can't, he’s dead he’s in the Empty” Sam says but this show’s self-awareness gets me sometimes lol Nick’s like “Cmon Sam you know no one stays dead anymore” and Sam starts kicking his ass. 
Now, I have already seen a million of you whine and complain that Sam didn’t kill Nick. It’s almost as though some of you have never met Sam Winchester. Of course Sam could have killed Nick, and most of us wish he did, but Sam has stopped himself from killing humans before. He stopped himself with Jake in AHBL and also with Toni in 12x01. Unfortunately it always bites him in the ass. Could it be that Sam thinks if he can kill a human with his bare hands that he’s a monster? This isn’t bad writing folks, this is Sam’s character. 
Nick takes advantage of Sam’s hesitation and starts nailing him with a rock. Spewing crap about Sam being Lucifer’s Perfect vessel and such.... this can only mean that issue will be coming up soon! Sam gets in the car and starts laying on the horn for Dean, calling out to him... Dean hears Sam is in trouble, enough playing around here time to kill some demons. 
When he gets to Sam. he sees he’s badly injured. Sam can hardly hold on to consciousness, protective!dean kicks in! Apply preasure to the blled, call 911, call mom. Now check for brain damage and play a counting game with Sam This hurt my feels so much, it made it feel so much more serious than all the other head injuries he’s sustained. Dean and his caring big brother smile and light hearted speech so Sam doesnt panic just kills me in the best way!! Sam tries to count with him a little and breaks into “You always put me first... your whole life” and manages to muster a little smile. Dean knows Sam believes he’s checking out, and you see the fear all over Dean’s face as Sam fades away. (OMG these 2!! Every freakin time!!)
Meanwhile, Mary and Jack found Nick and he has summoned Lucifer and just about to take him in again (Lucifer looked pretty cool,,, gotta say) and Jack zaps Lucifer back into the rift (no not forever guys... cmon) and starts torturing Nick. Mary kinda flips out telling Jack to stop. He’s contorting his hand, burning him from the inside out... not simply killijng him. Mary is full on worried now. Jack stops and Nick is laying on the floor. Mary is in shock and tells Jack to go help Sam, He heals him and Dean cant even hide his relief as he turns away to catch his breath. 
Now Jack returns to Mary who is more than worried about how Jack was torturing Nick. We know the Winchesters dont mind killing, but draw the line at torture. However, Mary stupidly poked the bear. She could have just kept herself and Jack calm and talked to the boys later, but she poked and poked till Jack freaked out. Though I am wondering if Jack was also hearing Lucifer when he was shouting “Leave me alone!!” But in any regard, he looked at Mary and something happened. Fade to black. 
Aside from the Cas/Anael part, I really enjoyed this episode. A few issues yes, but it hit most of the marks needed for me to enjoy an episode. Ive already rewatched it twice and will again and again. 
On a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon, I give this a strong 7.5 without the Cas/Anael bit it would have been an easy 8.
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coreytaylr · 5 years
do all the cat asks!!!!!!!
1. Name?- Pici and Mocsok
2. Fur color?- Pici is tricolor, Mocsi is tuxedo!!!
3. Any family you know (other than you)?- i dont know what this means tbh??
4. Age?- Pici is 2 yrs old, turning 3 in March and Mocsi is 4 yrs old, turning 5 in May (oh my god he’s so old!!)
5. Favorite toy?- neither of them really give a shit about toys no matter how many we buy them so :(
6. Nicknames?- i call Pici Babey or Picúr, and Mocsok’s nickname is Mocsi (or bastard)
7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- both of them are both kjsdfksdjf like, i think Pici is the sweetest lady that ever existed, while everyone else thinks she’s the spawn of satan; and w Mocsi, its the other way around, i know the shit he’s done, but everyone else thinks he’s an angel
8. Length of fluff?- normal length for both of them i guess??
9. Any funny habits?- oh man ksjddf Pici likes to announce before she goes in the litterbox and does her business and its the funniest thing ksdjfdskf- Mocsi .. is just not the brightest cat to ever lived, so when he wants to go outside, he will stand in front of the door and meow and scratch at it, and if you open it for him, he doesnt go out but just stands there and stares.. and he just won’t move if you dont nudge him
10. How old were they when you met?- we got Mocsi when he was around 4-6 months old, and Pici has been w us since the day she was born (literally akjfsdf her mother was my cat too)
11. What does their food bowl look like?- they have three bowls: one for the dry food, one for Mocsi, which is a little bigger, blue bowl w a cat’s head drawn inside of it; and Pici just has a basic aluminium one
12. Indoor or outdoor cat?- Pici is a strictly indoor cat as of last year’s summer, Mocsi is kind of like a mix? he is allowed to be outside w/o a harness (i know i dont like it either), but he comes in at night
13. Recent picture?
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14. Old picture?
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(Pici was only a few months old here
15. Cuddly?- YES YES YES
16. Ever changed their name?- yeah actually, Pici started out as Maki (which means monkey, basically) bc her meows sounded like monkey noises??
18. Eye color?- they both have yellow eyes!
19. How do they express love for you?- they purr and come into my lap, or sleep beside me. Pici likes to stand on my laptop blocking the screen. Mocsi likes to headbutt me, almost breaking my nose
20. How do you express love for them?- i pet them and cuddle up to them, pick em up and hold them in my arms - just the usual
21. Any theories on what breed?- nah, nothing they are just typical house cats
22. Do they ever wake you up?- YEAH Mocsi almost suffocated me way back when, by trying to sleep on my face asdhfklsdf
23. How much do they meow?- Mocsi only meows when he wants food or wants to go outside, so not much. on the other hand, Pici is very vocal (and has an attitude too) and i really really like it !!!
24. Any hiding spots?- hm. not really? or maybe under the bed or table
25. Do they enjoy guests?- Mocsi LOVES new people!!!! he will make friends w everyone and anyone. Pici…not so much (same)
26. Lofty objects to sit on?- we have this huge ass wall-to-wall closet in the living room which is p tall, they like to sleep there. otherwise, they just like to sit on tables
27. Wear a collar?- nah not since Mocsi almost suffocated himself w one
28. How much shedding?- Mocsi is alright, but Pici is a disaster
29. Do they enjoy brushing?- no:((
30. Ever drink from the toilet?- no????, but Mocsi does like to sit on it when the lid is closed dont ask
31. How do they get your attention?- by meowing? but i literally always pay attention to them so
32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done?- Mocsi almost suffocating himself w a collar or running headfirst into the wall. Pici’s p graceful so idk
33. Weirdest thing they try to eat?- Mocsi really likes potatoes for some reason?? and Pici always tries to eat my food
34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends?- THEY ARE MY BABIES
35. What time do they eat breakfast?- after i wake up, so it depends
36. Do you cut their nails?- we only cut Pici’s nails (when we remember it)
37. Do you think they understand you?- i dont think Mocsok knows anything about this world tbh but im like 99% sure Pici understands everything
38. Ever make fun of them?- oh yeah. a lot.
39. Do you take their picture often?- everytime im home
40. Ever hiss at you?- Pici did!! i tried to take away a bird she caught
41. Ever try to scratch or bite you?- yea, but its all fun and games 
42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do?- Mocsok doesnt give a flying fuck, Pici takes it away
44. Canned or dry food?- both
45. Weight?- Mocsi is 6 kgs, Pici is 2 kgs. according to google thats 13 lbs and and 4 lbs respectively
46. Ever got lost?- there were times when i was really worried bc Pici didnt come home in time, but they never got lost, no.
47. Do you buy them presents?- YES. just the other day i saw like, wine for pets?? and i really wanted to buy it but my mother didnt let me ://///
48. Do they respond when you call?- Pici does. im pretty sure Mocsok doesnt know what his name is
49. Do they ever see other cats?- yea. my brother has a cat too, so they usually see him, but who knows how many cats Mocsi sees when he’s outside
50. Declawed?- FUCK NO
51. Funniest expression?
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52. Favorite place to be pet?- Pici likes it if you like….rub both sides of her face? and Mocsi likes chin scratches
54. Give them a head kiss.- next time i see them, i will !!!!!
55. What time of the year is most exciting for them?- i think its pretty neutral all throughout the year
56. Are they good at hunting real prey?- Pici was real good at it, she could catch birds mid-fly. Mocsok? nah.. he can barely eat his own food ksajfkdsf
57. Do they ever attack nothing?- attack? no. stare at it until i freak out? yeah
58. What are they doing right now?- idk im not at home :(( but its probably sleepy time
59. How long have you had them?- Mocsok for 3,5 years or so, and Pici, as ive said, has been w me since day 1
60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you?- i dont think so? i love them just the way they are
63. Have you ever stepped on their paw?- no but i did sit on both of theirs kasjkfsdf
64. Ever tripped you on stairs?- we dont have stairs so no
65. Any ear hair?- yeah!!! both of them have some
66. Favorite view from a window?- Pici just likes to spy the people who are on the street. Mocsi doesnt seem to know how to get to the window no matter how much he tries
67. Describe why they are precious.- i mean this whole post is basically about that kskdsf they are just goofy assholes who like to run around and fight each other. and sit/sleep on tables. and my laptop. 
68. Fit the cat stereotype?- Pici definitely does. Mocsok is like a dog in a cat’s body tbh
69. Chaotic neutral?- 100%
70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company?- oh dude yes, i cant even shower w/o them scratching at the door
71. Are you their favorite human?- i am definitely Pici’s favorite, but not Mocsi’s :’(((((
72. Do they like tv?- awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Pici used to watch cartoons when she was little, then she started watching like animal planet documentaries about big cats!!! but she lost interest. now she just likes to watch the things i watch on yt (her favorite is jacksepticeye. even if she’s asleep, she will wake up if she hears his intro. she would also like come up to me and meow at jack akjsdkjdsf its so cute)
73. Favorite noise to make?- i mean…purring…hellooo
74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?- pass
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Hi!! So this is an honest question so i hope it doesnt come off as rude or anything- but doesn't the thought that everything you post here can be reblogged make you more reserved or anything? Idk how to explain it but whenever i wanna post something here i think about doing it for a super long time to be sure i want it to possibly be on the internet forever- but i see you're comfortable with sharing pretty personal stuff so i was just wondering if it affected you any way or maybe it was just me?
lmaooo it’s cool!!! there’s an unending AMA going on here and off the top of my head i can’t think of anything off-limits to ask about
it’s definitely not just you!! out of the ppl i know off the top of my head i’m probably really far and away doing the Most airing my bullshit. if you ultimately don’t like the idea of stuff just kinda sitting around to be seen by Anyone, that’s valid and there’s no problem with feeling like that makes you wanna Not Post some stuff
like this is especially true for young teens on the soche media…hell i just entirely threw out the blog i’d had from like 14 -18, and not because i was particularly embarrassed or anything, it just felt mostly obsolete. you can become someone so different in even one year and that’s fine and you might not want Old Venting and the like just sitting around out there. it’s definitely okay to be real private about that kinda stuff
i know sometimes ppl having sorta Compromises where maybe they’ll create a second blog / account specifically for talking abt personal stuff, and then only maybe allow friends (or nobody) to access it; or people will just tag everything with Delete Later and then go back and delete it later so it’s not out there forever, or just because they find it embarrassing soon afterwards lol
for my part, there’s definitely multiple reasons i pretty much don’t care
1. i never used to Vent post back in the early days. but one of my earliest examples maybe was this sudden essay i dumped on my blog when i was 16? 17? abt how unhappy i was at home. it took me till i was 18 to really start to realize that what i’d always lived with was literally abuse, and it was things like The Sudden Venting Essay that really helped me put it all into words and be able to organize my thoughts enough to write about it and realize that there was a lottttt of shit i was rly miserable about2. ever since then really i’ve found that when i write about something, whether messaging it to someone or just posting it in general, a ton of times it helps me kinda make connections or figure something out or just feel like i have a better grasp on an idea.3. even after i started maybe doing the occasional venting post, for a long time i was really hesitant about it, but this was mostly b/c i felt like i didn’t have ~real~ enough problems and/or nobody would really care. as for the former, well yesterday i was saying how i still have this underlying feeling that i’m an imposter / don’t count / not REALLY as ___ as other people or whatever, so i’m still working on that, but it definitely doesn’t upset me as much as it might back in the day. re: the latter—tbh i dont care if nobody cares. i write abt personal shit b/c i care. my entire blog is About and Because i care, and if other people care, great, if they don’t, ok.4. a lot of this is about having compassion for myself. i don’t look down on other people for making personal posts, so i don’t look down on myself, either. 5. more self-compassion: there’s probably olden text posts from the early days of this blog that don’t even sound like me coz my Outer Demeanor has changed a lot these past 5 or 2 or 1 yrs. but even if i stumbled across some Old Post of mine and was like “lmfao whats up w THIS loser” it’s like….well, i’m sympathetic to my Earlier Selves. this applies to like, me never deleting Late Night Sad Posts or whatever (even tho nowadays they’re never exactly like i’m upset, maybe just Melancholy or in a mood to talk abt something saddish) coz i’m like, well, even though rn i don’t feel like i Need this post, back then i did feel like venting to feel better! and that’s fine. i don’t find that embarrassing. it’s like if you’re thirsty on one day and you drink some water and at some random point during the next evening when you’re not thirsty you think back on that time you were drinking water and you’re like “wow, embarrassing.” well clearly its not a perfect analogy but the point is sometimes you might feel you need to talk, and sometimes you don’t, and both times are ok. its not an embarrassment to have been upset6. this blog is the most personal thing in the world for me lmao its my Main social media presence, goes back five yrs, and for like. well the whole five years its been what keeps me from being way more isolated than i am. irl friends have been long distance this whole time (save a couple exceptions) and mostly my way to talk to ppl has been on here. this was especially important when i was at my parents house for a couple yrs. it was fairly awful and being able to be in touch w ppl and being able to SAY it was awful was clearly important, and i became more inclined to write abt shit rather than hold myself back b/c my being able to say anything was important7. i still talk about things b/c being able to say anything here to people in the outside world is important8. i can’t be like “i cant talk abt this b/c its not important/interesting enough” coz if i did i wouldn’t talk abt anything. i just write b/c i have things to say, and this is my pointless blog9. i don’t expect i’ll ever become Well Known in any circles. for me the more likely concern is kinda disappearing either due to dying or incarceration or some other shit scenario. the times i talk on here are good b/c that hasnt happened yet and i have the option10. even if i did become well known, i don’t really care.11. also for uh…all the times i was living in my parents house thru my life i was really really isolated. for eons i was used to nobody knowing shit abt me and keeping p much all my thoughts to myself. nowadays this blog is what lets me be able to sorta Known and Seen and able to get in touch w ppl if we wanna. basically, there’s nothing TOO personal. i’m not even trying to push myself to “overshare” coz like i said, p much nothing is offlimits. i’ve just had a lifetimes worth of being very invisible and unknown to anyone12. actually i can still be very cagey abt myself in person. learning to be more open On Here is a bit helpful for that. 13. idk that anyone else would give a shit about old vent posts from me either. when i talk abt me im talking abt *me*, its really not even vaguely interesting when removed even one degree from that specific context. 14. maybe there’s the chance some shit will happen to be Relatable to other ppl and somehow helpful to them15. for example, a lot of how i realized i was actually experiencing abuse for real was thru anecdotal / qualitative posts abt it. sometimes there’s shit you think is Just You only b/c nobody else who it applies to is talking about it yknow16. maybe making it seem less a big deal to talk abt your bullshit if i unapologetically talk abt my bullshit17. i remember my younger self feeling like i didnt ~deserve~ to talk abt my own thoughts & feelings the way other ppl did coz mine weren’t as good, so i kinda do it for them / in celebration of no longer feeling that way18. i actually like to talk. i just usually can’t. irl i very very very very rarely talk at length about myself, i don’t talk much at all. for me this is where i get to talk19. hmm i may have skipped or forgotten something obvious but hey. for now, there’s this. no-limits milo they call me
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nanshe-of-nina · 6 years
People of the Caroline phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Edward III of England: im a marine & accomplished scholar. my sons were alchemized into helicopter fuel to serve their armed brothers. how dare u post penis to me.
Charles V de France: the Digimon Otis peace treaty will hence be frozen in piss and thrown onto the freeway where itll shatter into one million despicable pieces
Richard II of England: i rise; spreading my arms, exuding fluorescent spheres of energy, each representing an Unfollower, Cuasing me a great deal of pain,Screaming
Charles VI de France: how to convince my uncles to combine into one superuncle so that i only have to buy one christmas card? how to do it? how to ddo this? how
Edward the Black Prince: #worstfeeling dying of dehydration caused by diarrhea in a third world nation ravaged by warfare with no doctors #bestfeeling halo 4 odst
Joan of Kent: my big sons have made a mess of the garage again after being riled up by the good word of the Lord.
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence: someone please. ive bitten into a nasty apple and I don’t know how to spit things out of my mouth. ivr never spit before and i need help.
Louis Iᵉʳ, duc d’Anjou: me and the boys pooled together our total life savings of $1789.34 in a last ditch effort to rescue the failing quiznos brand from the brink
Marie de Blois: never brought this up due to Trolls, but my son is set to graduate from ITT tech next semester after 8 years of hard work and im very proud.
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster: im not cut out to be a content producer!! fuck thtis!! i want to go back to just looking at everyone else’s content and nodding if its good
Constanza de Castilla: abusing my vile neighbors by putting leaflets around which state that i am now to be referred to as “Daddy’s Golden Goose”.
Jehan, duc de Berry: ACCOUNTANT: I Just don’t know how you can justify donating $700 to “Chips Ahoy” ME: i hope your car flips & becomes your fucking firey grave
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York: damn it to piss. my wife replaced all of my anti-wife reading materials with Pro-Wife bullshit
Isabel de Castilla: I Just Want 2 Have Sex On This Site All The Time With Out Havin To Argue With Peopl And Deal With People Cryin And Shit #WiseWordsToLiveBy
Philippe II, duc de Bourgogne: the first step to becoming a Millionaire is to acquire one hundred dollars
Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester: when you do sutuff like... shoot my jaw clean off of my face with a sniper rifle, it mostly reflects poorly on your self
Henry Bolingbroke: DAD: your baby brothers missing, please put down the controller. help us find him ME: Did u read the news. Gaming is a legitinmate hobby now
Louis, duc d’Orléans: my uncle called me a Loser on television way before this guy’;s uncle did it @cnn @reuters @infowars @gameinformer
Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York: my cousin was charged with arson(Bullshit) , and i was thinking we could all help out by drawing up some memes to display in his prison cell.
Pope Innocent VI: i am above choosing sides here. i hope they either become friends & cancel the match, or beat each other completely to death simultaneously ....
Isabelle de Valois, duchesse de Bourbon: my son has been combing his hair without permission. how do i cope with the pain.
John Chandos: i truly hate winning the infamous “Darwin Award” by getting bombarded with artillery fire in the Super K-Mart parking lot
Bertrand du Guesclin: PEOPLE MAG: which pop culture icon are u going to Slaughter next... ME: I have set my sights on “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.”
William of Wykeham: im sorry but, when you people reply to my posts with things like “Fuck you” and “Fuck your Account” it makes me look like a real dumb ass.
Robert Knolles: spend a lot of time thinking about how sometimes even war criminals can be heroes sometimes... Dont like it? Click the unfollow buttobn
Jehan III de Grailly: JUDGE: i'll commute 10 yrs from ur sentence if you kiss my gavel ME: no. i will do the time i deserve and thats the truth and also nuff said
Arnaud de Cervole: i spend lots of time thinking about how many of my depraved, miserable followers would murder me if they could get away with it #SocialMedia.
Owen Lawgoch: oh nothin, i was just buying some ear medication for my sick uncle... *LOWERS SHADES TO LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE* who's a Model by the way,
Seguin de Badefol: id like to report a hacker. he offered me 1000000 to show my dick and didnt cough up the dough when i delivered the goods. i got hacked
Louis II, comte de Flandre: I will be your Father. I will take you as my Son and teach you the ways of online. We will hold hands as our follower count reaches infinity.
Gaston III, comte de Foix: my disrespectful teen son somehow got hold of a gluten product and now he wants to become a cat girl
Charles II de Navarre: everyone on this site thinks they’re hard core but i bet if they took poison to weaken their bodies i would win fights against them handily
Jehan II, comte d’Armagnac: as a small business owner i think its bulshit that i have to give 30% of my income to Spain just because obama lost a swordfight to some Fag.
Jehan Froissart: im rwriting a script about a smart and handsome army man cop who murders civilians but wants to stop murdering civilians because hes in love.
Arnaud Amanieu, seigneur d’Albret: im good old southern boy and we dont cotton to bollocks .
John Minsterworth: its me again, from the website. admit that the berenstain bears are for adults or i will strategically headbutt your father to death.
Jehan IV, duc de Bretagne: my trolls & detractors all have gross mental issues. they love drama and are all jealous of my precious army man blood #truth #SorryNotSorry.
Peter de la Mare: come. I SHall lead the charge against corrupt Game developers, (Falls face forward ansd a variety of ass medicines spill out of my clothing).
Enrique de Trastámara: i am only here to field questions regarding my presidential bid. i will not discuss my ongoing project, tentatively titled “Aids Mario.”
Pedro I de Castilla: have you ever wanted to click X on a bastard
Olivier V de Clisson: unloading an entire belt of ammo at me with a minigun or some such device will now get you “Blocked”
Louis II, duc de Bourbon: may god help you if you trip your feet against my handsome bulk while i am sitting on the floor looking at Depression things on my tablet pc.
Jehan de Vienne: for every year that He is not featured in Forbes Magazine as the worlds richest man... GOD will sink one of our battle ships
Louis de Sancerre: i dress as a medieval knight and pummel my metal body with cymbals to get all 59 of my pit dogs riled up before i fling lawn chairs at them
John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke: my favorite feature of this site is absolutely no consequences for my opinions sucking ffucking ass and me being 100% wrong about everything
Pierre de Craon: the facts are thuis: i accidentally did benghazi while trying to steal nfl broadcasts and im sorry about it. this is a stressful year for me.
Alice Perrers: (sniffing a crumpled up one dollar bill i found on the floor of a dog kennel) ah.. thats greenbacks baby
Ambrosio Boccanegra: somebody please Bribe me
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amma-af · 3 years
mid-life crisis fast approaching lmao.
bruh moesha made 30 seem hella old. im freaking 29, im definitely not old.
do all 30 year olds feel this? is this fucking cliche? is this what being a millenial feels like?
freaking. andell seems like she should be at least 45 shes had a business forever, she looks oldish, hella independent with ehr own moneey, yeah she keeps getting played by her lover but the d is probably great and she doesn’t need “love” bc she’s not dependent on it for basic necessities. but she needs love so she has hope. she’s woke but understanding when someone who doesn’t understand yet. she supports the kids but says it like it is. i can def see some bits of myself in her but bruh, at least 35? bc im 29 and 1 im not as independent, and 2, im def not as old.
but i also kind of get how shes a 30 year old but do 30 year olds get the respect of older people? does andell get respect from older people? idk man tv makes teens look like 20-something and 30 eyar olds look like my mom. dee hangs with andell, she’s def not 30. but then again we hang with older people, no?
are 30 year olds friends-ish with teens and like older folks all at once a millenial thing? i mean i def have older friends bc of work, and hang with my siblings who are a generation older and as a teacher i talk to kids who are teens but i wouldn’t be friends with them? unless you consider my nieces and nephews, and some much younger coworkers.
but if im “superior” to them in some way im basically a mentor and ugh. maybe andell is 30.
that same moesha episode has gotten me thinking about highschool. and what a fucking shitfest it was. i mean, why the hell was i so pressed instead of just being a fucking kid? like, i def ended up where i wanted to and realized it sucked even more (college), esp the way i did it initially, but once i got over the fucking ivory tower and american dream bc i reallized it was never made to include me to a certain extent (the whole identity crisis over foreclosure of identity from the every day--being unwanted by the same thing interpellating its allegiance to you, how all that crap felt of being a --insert almost every pressed identity grouping here-- at a fucking --insert ever agrandized fucking included, repressive identity force here--insitution. high school wasn’t bougie enough i think. like everyone was like closer to the ground class wise so maybe it didnt feel like a big enough ocean yet. a friend told me post highschool or maybe at graduation that im going to be the big fish in the little pond trying to swim in the ocean or some quote like that. fucking i was, if not socially which i honestly didnt even try and fucking got ostracized from anyway, def on top academically and fucking TEACHERS were trying to push me down but like i still got to exactly where i wanted to go. and i fucking had a wonderful time there. got kicked out but became a whole ass human being who found so many homes with people and so many loving arms and caring friends and fucking insane moments and memories and fucking became who i am today--a fucking cool as andell like adult with a full and complete social life if not financial or career life like im ok dude. ive accomplished enough even if capitalist might make me feel like i havent accomplished anything. much like the racist ass teachers made me feel and the racist ass kids made me feel about being smart in a fucking shitfest and where the other brown kids were just in competition with me. i had no friends. i lie, i had a few. and i had the respect of a few. and i guess that makes like maybe a dozen people--hold on let me count, i think 9 people, that im cool with from high school, 3 who are close to me, 1 who fucking hates me post-college life and would try to talk shit or ruin me maybe but i miss her and we were fucking close at some point. and then a bunch of people who probably dont give a shit no longer bc we’re all adults who need to move on with our lives. i hope theyre not petty and hate me just bc of high school.
i wonder if any respect me now lol. aside from those i know, do any of them like feel bad kind of for not being a better person to me? maybe i was a bitch too though. but thats only bc i was lowkey power hungry and just wanted to get into fucking the college of my dreams and had been fed that academic success led to fianncial success and overall joy de vivre  or however oyu fucking spell it.
id still be down to be friends with whoever wants but dont have the time or energy to deal with the pettiness. i think this year was supposed to be our 10 yr reunion and idk if theyll do it bc of covid or not but fucking would i even wanna go? im still so traumatized from it idk if id wanna be judged that hard again.
fucking, i wish i was chiller back then. had realized i could be creative and look good and be more confident if i wanted to. but i guess i wouldnt be who i am had that shit not happened but i also suffer from extreme anxiety adn depression now so like maybe, people could ease up on the judgement and hatred and constant barriers and shit talking and like, lowkey bullying down a notch. these white and white washed brown kids had me fucked up.
i wish i had just like, been able to chill and be accepted a little more. but i wish the people who were chill with me couldve been more  comfortable or confident in being who they were. 
i remember ending freshman year, confident that i would have friends at the end of high school sitting between the coolest and queerest two people i could imagine showing off my hot pink ipod 3G or whatever. and then hanging out in the city with a few people on the last day. i dont even remember what we did. maybe olive garden in times square? it was def times square. the big toys r us in the city with the dance dance revolution. who the fuck were the people with us? was that even freshman year or is that a memory from some other time? i dotn fucking remember much of the good times in high school anymore. more shitty times.
but fucking, if people had been loyal would i have been a diff person? def s j and j and then later n but w during the first year and d all hugn out with me in college. and made freshman year bareable and some sitll continue to make life bareable and for me to feel loved in this day adn age adn i know the freindshipsare genuine now but i wonder if id have more people from high school as my friends just bc i fucking get attached to people bc of the whole empathy thing and like we knew eachother for good chunks of our lives, we should keep up with eachother and make sure we’re ok. but also like, did we even show care back then?
i wish id lived the teen life a little more though. like my husband did. like so many of my more normal than me feeling friends did but i wonder how many of my college friends actually liked their high school years lmao.
fucking. whatever. i probably wouldnt go to the reunion if it happened tho, fucking miss me with that shit.
andell is cool. she didnt get mad at moesha for missing her party since hs ehad a great time on her birthday thanks to her, and instead was proud that she put out a good newspaper. im def like, maybe if aliha missed my party id be happy and proud of her for her acocmplioshed but id still be pouty adn idk if that makes me much younger tahn andell or if thats just the whiny cancer gemini in me.
omg we need andells chart to udnerstand if she’s actually 30 lmao and just mature for her own age or if that show is trippig about depicting her as 30 bc shes def oldr. wonder how old the actress was.
thats an easy google fix but im just gonna keep watching and pondering lmao.
man there were some teachers at that fucking school who did not wanna see me succeed in life. and to have your advisor be that teacher really fucks with you. what a fucking bitch i think she hated me. the other people im friends with loved her tho but i think she was really just a racist. she pushed me hard but made things harder for me for no reason. thank god i got out of there in one piece, and with some confidence left in me. 
i need to go to therapy again fuck. 
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klance · 7 years
Do you have any good klance fics?
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wow so this is extrememememmememmememllylyllylyyyyyy late lol like no kidding i think 2 of these messages have been sitting in my inbox for who knows how long….and ive gotten requests to do fic recs post since like. the beginning of this blog lol. but here i am almost a yr later sup guys
so ill go ahead and only list my top 5 because out of the 46248678282 fics ive probably read these are the most memorable ones for me…..there are more but they are either unfinished or i jut genuinely do not remember the title/author because i am a mess lol….so here goes!
never been kissed by kairiolette
“You give off the obnoxious popular vibe. The mullet, and the rap sheet, and—the fingerless gloves,” Lance replies, and barrels on before Keith can take it the wrong way. “I’m so handsome, my name’s Keith and I’m a pilot.”
“That sounds more like a compliment than an insult,” Keith says slowly, a disdainful quirk to his eyebrows that only spurs Lance on. He tilts his head a bit, his bangs shadowing his face, like he’s assessing a particularly impossible physics problem. “And I don’t like that voice you’re using.”
by far my #1 fave fic….not only because it is so GOOD but because i remember this was the very first klance fic i read i actually forgot the title/author for the longest time and i couldnt find it again until recently and im sooo happy i did
nothing’s quite as sweet by dimpleforyourthoughts
Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
read all 50k word glory in one sitting and i dont regret it
try if you can by aknightley
Keith has liked Lance for so long that you’d think he’d be used to this by now.
“Oh my god,” Shiro whispers incredulously. “You’re ridiculous.”
Keith doesn’t even want to know what expression is on his face for Shiro to say something like that, but he can’t help it.
one of many awesome pining fics!
i’ll be waiting right here by queenfrog
Keith sighs and runs a hand through his already tousled hair. “I mean, we’ll just take the rings off and that’ll be it. No big deal.”
“No big deal?” Lance squawks, sounding slightly hysterical now. “No big deal?” He stands up quickly and waves his ring finger in front of Keith’s face. “Keith, we said vows. I’m pretty sure that’s the very definition of a big deal.”
Keith and Lance get married. Accidentally.
read this the other day actually and it was…..so….good……so much pining……..
got got got it bad by kairiolette
“He leans in to hook his arm around Keith’s shoulders in full. It’s right in Keith ear, when he speaks. “I have a crush on someone new, like, every week.”
“No—it’s not someone.” Keith brings his head up, and it feels as heavy on his neck as if it were his center of gravity, and he meets Lance’s eyes with his own. Keith doesn’t mean to communicate something through their silence, he just kind of gets caught up in staring at Lance’s face, which tends to happen lately. Sharp features, cheekbones and chin. Impossible eyes and a loud mouth as expressive as his eyebrows. But Lance seems to come to some understanding on his own. He sits back in a rare, rare moment of speechlessness, that mouth of his slightly pursed and twitching in its search for words in what can only be, though Keith doesn’t know much about body language, immense confusion on the brink of realization.”
Or: Keith acknowledges his feelings for Lance and promptly goes through the five stages of grief.
i had to list this authors other klance fic i swear their writing is godly lol
i think thats it....! yeah sorry this is so short but i wanna hope my fic rec tag makes up for it !! lol if i remember any other fics i really wanted to mention ill edit them here but other than that here u go! pretty sure most (all?) have been other lists too but oh well ahhh
p.s. PLS SEND ME FIC RECS!! i am always always looking for other good fics lol
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wlw-teens-blog · 7 years
idk if i can ask you bc im not sure if im wlw and im not a teen? im 20 and never dated nor kissed anyone, and havent had a crush in yrs and i used to id as aroace but now im not sure? like both boys and girls can be a bit confusing so ive had "what if im..." with every orientation possible and now i prefer questioning. i fear im pretending possibly being gay bc its cool on tumblr and no one will like a str8 or aroace and few of my irl friends are gay. and i know that religion fucked me up (1/?)
bc i was taught that anything that is not a marital sex is bad so i still feel a lot of shame upon discovering late in life that i enjoy having orgasms or i can feel horny. i dont live with my parents but my mom still asks me every sunday if i went to the church and i cant lie to her so i go, sit there for an hour even tho i dont take the communion. i would also feel shame if i went agnostic and also what if god is real and has as strict rules as catholicism and im a doomed sinner? (2/?)
(3/3) and also idk if im ace bc for many yrs i genuinely did not have any attraction but now idk? and the acecourse makes me feel like itd be bad to be ace too. basically both tumblr and religion made me so confused and idk if i want to discover my true identity even if it is somewhere there. i have been feeling just Bad about myself recently and im asking yall bc i saw your post on my dash and i feel like i finally had to let it all out.
it’s alright, we’re always here to help. but if you think that you’re pretending about being gay, you most likely aren’t - that’s how i was as well. you can still be wlw and religious as well, and if you are then your god should love you despite anything. and if you’re ace then that’s absolutely not a bad thing, if that’s a label you feel comfortable with then you should keep it. please know that all this questioning is so hard but it won’t last forever and we’re always here for you if you need it
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lesbiansirius · 7 years
mutual(s) pining
a work brought to you by bunfox productions, aka yours truly and @lesbianremus! you can also read it on ao3, right here. big thanks to the lovely @nachodiablo who looked it over for us!
this is a prompt fill for the weekly prompt at @introvert-club. this week it was “internet crush”. anyone is welcome to participate, and use the tag #wolfstar introvert prompt for us to see! enjoy :) 
Some days, scrolling Tumblr is pretty boring. A flower, a transparent backpack, a dejected joke about depression, a dead Soundcloud link, nothing to inspire. Sirius is hunched over their laptop, watching the screen with their chin resting on their hand. A long discourse post they can’t be arsed to read, gifs from a show they don’t watch, and then.
Inspiration strikes.
It strikes in the form of two selfies. The person in them is standing in a sunny garden, curls spilling out from under a snapback, and smiling with their eyes closed. You can see lilacs blooming in the background. The person has freckles and a t-shirt with a whale on it, featuring the text “I’m a little overWHALEmed”. Same, Sirius thinks.
They click follow without even looking at the blog.
Remus squints at the tiny, seemingly innocuous, line of text on her dashboard. It’s sandwiched between a masterpost of transfeminine resources Lily’s reblogged (tagged #dead useful tbh #remus i told u joining tumblr wld be worth it) and a post from one of Lily’s friends about how Glinda the Good Witch is trans agenda (shows up at the beginning of Act 2 with a new name).
padfoot has started following you
Who the fuck is padfoot?
Remus quickly opens a new chat, typing in Lily’s url. She had made Lily show her how to do this chat business first, after changing the aesthetically horrifying default blog layout.
do u kno a padfoot
Lily, eternally both awake and online, replies immediately.
wtf is a padfoot
oooh hang on actually i think i do
ya they’re one of my mutuals. mostly posts vids of them singing and reblogs pics of animals, iirc
why are they following me??? i don't want to be followed!!
remus chill ffs. it’s not like stalking. they just see ur posts
i dont even have any posts! well except those pics marlene took that u INSISTED i put up here
ur welcome. i bet they think ur hot ;) ;)
remus when will u accept ur cute n give the people what they want!! (more selfies)
im unfollowing u
my dash would be more appealing w just the staff blog posts
im ignoring ur paltry attempts at threats. also, i just went and looked and ya i had the right person. u should check out their vids
its polite 2 at least LOOK at someone's blog if they follow u!! honestly remus my 86 yr old grandma is more social media savvy than u
Remus chooses not to reply to that. She does click on padfoot’s blog, though. Not because Lily suggested it, just because she’s curious. What about some boring pictures of her in a garden screamed ‘good content’ to this stranger? Maybe they’re really fond of lilacs, or something.
“What the fuck?” Remus says, glaring at the still shots of the youtube videos embedded on the page in front of her. Whoever padfoot is, they’re apparently unfairly attractive. Remus clicks play on the first video, half-hoping they’re an appalling singer to make up for the ridiculously good looks.
Two hours later, Remus’ phone buzzes, jolting her out of her Tumblr coma and back into reality.
did u die? Lily wants to know. Remus calls her.
“Why would you assume I’m dead?”
“I’ve been knocking on your door for the past ten minutes, asshole.”
“Oh,” Remus looks guiltily down at the headphones she’d put on three videos in.
“Well come open the door,” Lily gripes. “We’re late.”
“Can we be late for a thing that we scheduled between the two of us?” Remus points out, as Lily tugs her down the stairs. “You barely even gave me time to put on proper clothes,” she complains.
“We said pub at five. It’s not my fault you weren’t ready.”
“Actually,” Remus says with a self-righteous sniff, “it was. You’re the one who told me to check out padfoot’s blog.”
Lily pauses, looking over at Remus.
“Yeah, three hours ago.”
“Two and a half,” Remus mutters.
“Wow,” Lily smirks. “I knew they’d be your type.”
“Shut up,” Remus grumbles. “We’re going to be late for Weekly Lion’s Den Bitch & Moan.”
“I thought it was impossible to be late for something we scheduled between the two of us,” Lily says mockingly.
Remus walks off without her, ignoring the sound of Lily’s cackles following her down the street.
Sirius straightens up from the computer and looks for James. He’s in downward dog position in the kitchen area, because of course.
“Hey,” they say, “quick question.”
“I’ve told you a million times not to interrupt me while my arse is reaching for the sky.” James sounds a little strained, but he still manages to get in a sigh.
Sirius groans. “This is important!”
“More important than my spiritual health?” But James walks slowly into a forward fold, and Sirius waits for him to get upright, one vertebrae at a time. They tap their fingers against their laptop.
James reaches his hands up towards the sun – or in this case, the orange plastic lamp in their kitchen – then finally gives Sirius attention.
“Okay, what’s the quick question?”
“How long should you be mutuals with someone before casually striking up a friendship?” It’s probably not causal to even ask that literally two minutes after the person follows you back, but whatever.
James rolls up his mat and chuckles. “You’re talking to me, literally the least casual person this side of the equator.”
Sirius frowns. They’re used to James always giving advice. Admittedly, sometimes it’s bad advice, but nonetheless.
“You mean I have to use my own judgment? Eh.”
“When I’m your manager you’ll never have to do that,” James jokes.
Sirius doesn’t reply; they’re actually checking out the pretty stranger’s blog now. The title is ‘why are they forcing me to have a title’ and the bio just says ‘she/her’. The pictures are the only thing on the blog. Well, that didn’t exactly help. Tumblr friendships are usually based on mutual interest. Maybe they could strike up a conversation about lilacs?
“Okay, well, thanks for nothing,” they tell James. “I have nothing to go on, my crops are dying, and I haven’t even posted a video in a week.”
“But your crop tops are fine.” James winks and slumps down next to Sirius, looking over their shoulder at the mysterious whale person. “Wow, pretty.”
“I know! The only good thing on Tumblr today. I need more!”
“You need chill,” James says firmly. “Wanna go to the pub?”
Sirius closes the laptop decisively. “Always.”
“Let me change, I’ll be ready in a few.” James gets up, giving Sirius an unnecessarily detailed view of his ass in yoga pants. “And you should put on one of those crop tops.”
“But remember the last time you went out in yoga pants.” Sirius grins. “Worked out well, didn’t it?”
James shakes his head. “Not tonight, honey, I’m tired.”
“It’s hard work being popular.” Sirius shrugs.
They do take James’ advice to change into a crop top, because even if James isn’t up to being hit on, Sirius could use the validation. And they look fucking awesome in a crop top and fishnets.
It’s just a few days after payday, and the time of day when people are off work, so they only barely manage to get the last free booth. Sirius sits down on the edge of the sofa, strategically placing one leg over the other so they’re visible to the people who pass by. It might not be a whale pun or lilacs, but Sirius’ legs rarely fail them.
James returns with an ale for Sirius and his own awful lager with cordial in it. The pink makes it look pretty, but that’s its only redeeming feature in Sirius’ opinion. James sighs happily when he takes the first sip, though.
“Did I tell you about that movie I found the other day? It’s like a comedy about vampires and werewolves, it’s amazing.”
Sirius listens to James try to explain it, and they then spend a considerable amount of time discussing various vampire questions. Do they get boners, and how? Can vampires be vegan? Are there vampires working night jobs that no one knows about?
Their stomach is hurting from laughing by the time Sirius gets up to get a second round. When they get back, James isn’t alone.
Remus pushes the door open to The Drunk Carnation, holding it politely for Lily, in spite of what a pain she’s being today. It is Lily’s turn to buy the drinks, which cheers Remus up slightly. At least if she’s going to be mocked she can do it over some semi-expensive alcohol.
Once they’re seated, Remus quickly changes the subject away from Tumblr.
“So how’s your acting class going?”
“Pretty well,” Lily says, sipping at her Seven and Seven. “That creep still won’t stop asking me out.”
“I thought you were going to ask the cute clumsy one to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
Lily shrugs.
“I still might. It’s sort of hilarious watching him work up the nerve to talk to me, though. I’m not sure if I want to put him out of his misery yet.”
“You’re a cruel woman, Lily Evans.”
“Anyway,” Lily says, shrugging off what she probably considers a compliment, “you aren’t getting off that easy. What did you think of padfoot?”
Remus groans, dropping her forehead onto the table and nearly tipping over her can of PBR.
“They’re fine,” she grumbles.
“Someone’s got a crush,” Lily sing-songs. “Hang on.” Her tone of voice changes slightly, and Remus looks up, following her line of sight. She recognizes when Lily’s ‘cute person’ radar is going off. “Weirdly,” Lily continues, looking back at Remus, “that’s him. They guy from acting class.”
“Oh,” Remus frowns. “The creepy one or the one you’ve set your cap for?”
Lily snorts.
“The latter, Jane Austen.” Remus smiles over the top of her beer, but doesn’t reply. Lily looks oddly hesitant for a moment, before her expression clears. “We’re going to go say hi,” she says firmly. Remus groans, but let’s Lily tug her to her feet. “Oh stop moaning,” Lily says.
“I thought this was a dedicated romance-free evening,” Remus says self-righteously.
“It’s just a hello.” Lily strikes a pose as soon as they’re alongside the table, cocking one hip and tilting her head flirtatiously. “James. Fancy seeing you here.”
The man at the table starts slightly, looking up from his phone. He widens his eyes and nearly drops the poor phone into his drink.
“Lily? Oh. Wow, hi. Hello.” Remus stifles a smile as James glances over at her. “Erm,” he says, getting awkwardly to his feet and holding out a hand. “I’m James.”
“Nice to meet you,” James says politely, before his eyes drift inevitably back over to Lily. “Would you two like to sit?”
Lily looks over at Remus, raising an eyebrow. Remus sighs inwardly, resigning herself to a dull evening of playing third wheel. She knows Lily will go back to their table without protest if Remus asks her to, but she can also see that Lily is more interested in James than her conversation about him had let on.
“Sure,” Remus says, sliding into one side of the booth. She sits on the end, so Lily and James are forced to sit next to each other. Lily grins at her from across the table, and James looks to be a strange combination of thrilled and alarmed.
Remus is just trying to think of a way to excuse herself to give the two of them some time to talk, when someone else approaches the booth.
“I leave for two minutes and you’ve already replaced me,” the person says, heaving a dramatic sigh. Remus just barely manages not to jerk up her head, but she’s staring so intently at her beer that it’s possible she looks like some sort of deranged beer label design student.
Oh no, Remus thinks. I recognize that voice. James is babbling out some kind of protest and Remus’ stomach clenches up. Have we interrupted some kind of date?
Fortunately, Lily quickly takes charge.
“You’re too late. He’s mine now,” she says with a grin. James looks like he’s struggling not to combust on the spot, and Remus stifles a laugh. She’s grateful Lily’s given her a moment to get her equilibrium back. The stranger, padfoot, Remus’ brain helpfully supplies, slides into the booth next to Remus. She turns, friendly expression carefully propped up on her face, and smiles.
“Hello. I’m Remus. The extremely rude one across the way is Lily.”
“Cheers,” Lily says, sipping her drink.
“Sirius,” padfoot says with a grin, holding out a hand. Remus shakes it, trying not to look terribly star-struck.
I can be chill about this, she tells herself firmly. A tiny voice in the back of her mind is screaming that’s a GIANT lie, Lupin. Sirius is even cuter in person and they’re right there, nearly touching her and they smell really nice and it’s horribly distracting. She can’t even escape to the bar to get her head together because Sirius has just brought new drinks and Remus is now trapped against the wall.
“So,” she says a bit desperately, “how do you two know each other?”
Lily, who has apparently decided she’s fulfilled her helpfulness quotient for the year, just smirks at Remus over her drink and lets her flounder.
“How don’t we know each other?” Sirius waggles their eyebrows and grins. They then want to punch their own face.
James laughs nervously and glances at Lily. She is pretty, but he’s pathetic. Unlike Sirius, who’s the epitome of coolness right about now.
Remus looks a little pink. It’s adorable. “Oh, were you on a–”
“I beg you not to finish that sentence,” James cuts in. “Sirius is just being a dick. We know each other from school, way back.”
“Clearly this school thing is the way to meet people,” Remus says. Sirius laughs, possibly more than the joke warrants.
But Remus is wearing another t-shirt with whales, and is so beautiful, and Sirius feels like bursting into song. They’re lucky Remus and Lily didn’t turn up after a couple more beers.
“I like your shirt,” they say and nod towards Remus’ chest.
Remus looks down on her beer and giggles. “Whale whale whale,” she says, then looks up. “Get it?”
Lily groans on the other side of the table, but Sirius laughs again. They can’t seem to help it. This person is their kryptonite. ���That’s funny. Do you have more of these?”
Remus tells them about the overWHALEmed t-shirt and Sirius pretends not to already know about it. James casts a smug glance at Sirius every now and then, but he looks too nervous himself to be gloating.
“What do you do for fun?” Remus asks, turned to Sirius, her leg almost touching their skin through the fishnets.
“I like singing,” Sirius says. “But it’s not too serious.”
“Ha–” Remus starts, and Sirius groans and buries their head in their arms. “Sorry,” Remus adds quickly. “I’m sure you get that a lot.”
“You have no idea.” Sirius lifts their head again and smiles. “Anyway. What do you like?”
Remus hesitates. “I write,” she says. “But nothing too– er, consequential.”
“Nice save.” Sirius braves nudging her arm with their elbow, and Remus looks at them and smiles.
Sirius doesn’t want to look away. Remus smiles like she’s holding back a much bigger smile, giving the impression that there’s just too much sunshine in her to contain. Sirius spills over.
“I followed you on Tumblr earlier today,” they blurt out. “I liked your selfies.”
Remus goes red. That was the last reaction Sirius had anticipated, but it’s not terrible. “I know,” she admits. “I don’t understand why, though.”
Because you’re beautiful. “They were very aesthetically pleasing pictures,” Sirius improvises. “I was so uninspired and then I saw them and it was good content, what can I say.”
Remus is shaking her head. “Not as good as your singing.”
“You checked out my blog?” At this point, the point where their arms are touching feels like burning, but it’d be weird to move now. Also, Sirius doesn’t want to.
“I don’t have more than ten followers, of course I get curious,” Remus says defensively. She’s not moving her arm, either.
“Really?!” Tumblr really is a hellsite. Remus, no more than ten followers? Atrocious.
“Yes?” Remus looks puzzled.
“You don’t want more?” Sirius is grappling with this concept.
“Not really.” Remus shrugs. “Anyway, I listened to a bunch of your songs, and I really liked them. You should be the one with more followers.”
“Thank you.” Sirius doesn’t know what else to say.
Lily clears her throat. “Excuse me for interrupting what I’m sure would have been an incredibly drawn out flirting process, but I’d like my best friend back, so if you could just exchange numbers now that’d be great.”
Sirius makes a surprised exhale, and Remus moves her arm back at lightning speed. “I will murder you,” she says calmly.
Lily just smiles at her. “Sure, but let’s get drinks first.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus mutters. “May I get out?”
Sirius gets up and gives way, watching with amusement at how James tries not to die when Lily passes him in closer proximity than he could possibly have hoped to have her. They say goodbye, and Lily and Remus start walking away before Sirius finds their bearings.
“Wait!” They take a few long steps to catch up. “Actually, Remus, I’d like that number, if you want to give it to me.”
Remus raises her eyebrows and her mouth opens slightly. How she’s making “flummoxed” look hot, Sirius has no idea.
“Sure, yeah.”
Lily looks extremely smug as they exchange numbers. Sirius is not looking forward to the look on James’ face when they get back to him.
Remus gives them one last barely-contained smile before her and Lily leave, for real this time.
Sirius looks at their phone and starts laughing. Remus saved her number as ‘whale endowed’.
Yes, Sirius has definitely been struck by inspiration.
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uniformbravo · 7 years
ok so. my day today
basically i spent a long fucking time today trying to Finally get off my ass and scan my traditional drawings so i can post them to my art blog, because like i have been drawing but these days the vast majority of my art is traditional sketches that im too lazy to scan so my art blog never gets updated and i rly want to work on that (i stg some of this shit is literally so old it’s from 2016 but whateverrrrr)
mostly the reason im finally doing this is that i don’t wanna wait too long to post my mp100 shit bc i’ve been drawing a Fucking Lot of that so i have enough to make a few posts now and i wanna get them uploaded while they’re still fresh, u know. the thing is since i was gonna scan those pages i decided it’d be a fun neat idea to scan the entire rest of the sketchbook bc Why Not
well i’ll tell u Why Not, there are several reasons Why Not:
it takes 12 yrs to scan everything because not only are there a shitload of pages but also the sketchbook is too big for the scanner so i have to do some pages 4 times to get all the edges and it’s horrible and bad, legitimately i was standing there for over an hour scanning this book, i put on an hr long video in the bg and got all the way through it and i Still wasn’t done
On Top Of That the scanner is kind of fucking garbage, as scanners are, so i have to take each image into photoshop to edit so they dont look entirely like trash (they still look kind of trashy anyway)
then for the multiple scan pages i have to patch them together so the images are complete / not blurry
then i have to collage all the drawings i want together because a lot of pages are either incomplete or only have like 1 thing i want to show on them so i spend like 100 years trying to arrange everything semi-nicely so that it’s, like, even slightly presentable, Maybe (idk i think the compilations tend to feel really cluttered tbh but Whatever it’s my STYLE), and also i have to take into account tumblr’s formatting so i usually have to make everything fit on a canvas either 540px or 1080px wide (this is even worse for pixel art bc it needs to be exactly 540px to look nice but i digress, we are talking about traditional art here)
so uh yeah that’s my process and Boy is it a Fucking Process
i think im complaining more rn because i have like a year’s worth of sketches im trying to deal with here, like. good god. i spent maybe two and a half hours working on this today (after the first hour of scanning things, just the scanning) and i did not get even halfway through the scans, and that’s just for the photo-editing stage, i haven’t even started putting together the compilations yet
god and like the Other Fucking Piece Of Shit Thing My Scanner Does is it tries to do this Smart Technology Bullshit and decide for itself where the paper ends instead of looking at, like, the actual paper’s boundaries, so even if i line everything up perfectly, a small part of the image fucking always gets cut off and if i were a stronger person i would engage in the full process of scanning the images, taking the flash drive back to my laptop, opening each image one by one to figure out which ones got cut off, going back to the scanner and re-scanning the pages and just repeating the process over and over until everything is in order but as it stands i do not have eighty-five thousand fucking years on my hands nor even a fraction of the mental capacity required to pull that off so we are just going 2 sit down & deal with some cropped images like mature adults
(tbh with all the cons of scanning the art, and there are a Lot of cons, i feel like it would probably make more sense to just take pictures using a camera instead, but on the other hand do not get me started on lighting, focus, unsteady hands, sifting through millions of copies of the same photo trying to determine which one came out the clearest, retaking photos that didn’t work out, back aching from being hunched over the paper for so long trying to get the perfect straight-down angle w/o casting any shadow, etc etc etc)
im just??? honestly, typing all of this out is making me sit back and think why?? why am i even doing this. this is so much goddamn effort for shit that probably won’t get very much attention, which is fine and all but god. jesus christ. im really putting myself through some shit for this
in any case i think i’ll probably be posting some of the more recent stuff first, like all the mp100 shit because like i said i want to post it while it’s still fresh and if i work on this whole project in chronological order u probably won’t see the things i drew this week until like next year hgkdslkdgn
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wheretogofrmhere · 7 years
Jess Pt. 2
Jessica Pt. 2- ok I should start w/ this… last march when they first hung out I wasn’t around that wk bc I was on a cruise so literally the whole wk I was gone & didn’t get on my phone/online at all! I had no idea Jessica existed until I got back & got a brief recap on tumblr that they only hung out 1 time & the media/her were extra as hell, basically same old same old w/ every girl! Figuring we’d never see her w/ Niall again I didn’t bother reading the articles- I googled a pic, rolled my eyes & moved on lol! I knew she was a model or aspiring model & supposedly had a kid she abandoned, nothing else. So back to nov. so I explained the whole concert/AMAs wk & after that like I said she quit posting things alluding to Niall but I kept following for a while bc she seemed the type to start posting about him again &/or being super extra again out of nowhere! And here’s the real start of my pain… It took ab 2 days to realize from her snaps that this girl is literally the most obnoxious person I have ever seen! I can’t even explain it really… she doesn’t really act the stuck-up bitchy model type “like I’m so hot I’m better than you” vibe that most models act like. At least the majority of the time she doesn’t act that way! She acts ignorant… seriously her snaps- she’s like an annoying 13 yr old girl in a hot adult body! Idc how pretty she is, LA is a fairly pretentious place and ALL the females are smoking hot, so I honestly have no idea how she works there based on how she seems to act most of the time! And I cannot believe that Niall hung out w/ her once more than about 2 min, let alone a second night! At least girls he’s been linked to- I might not like them & they may be bitches to other girls or give off those stuck-up vibes, but I’ve always been sure around him they acted chill & like “fit-in” with whatever crowd they were around! Jessica’s on a level that I don’t think she’d have it in her to act un-obnoxious! She’s so bad it almost made me judge Niall! So worst part of it all at Xmas she’s posting all about going home & I see day 1 she posts when she lands in Little Rock (Arkansas in case your not sure) & I’m like WTF?! I’m from AR & lived in a suburb of Little Rock, essentially 10 min out of the capital. So then she posts when she arrives in her home town, which is no lie literally 15 min from where I lived! She’s a bit younger than me, and we obvi went to different high schools anyway, but I had tons of friends from her hometown, like we may even know some of the same people which made me die!!! I couldn’t help but think oh my fucking god it’s ppl like her that give the south such a bad rep! Not like the racist redneck rep, but more just that ppl from the south are a lot times viewed as ignorant, uneducated, uncultured, buffoons! She 100% embodies that rep ok! So anyway I’m literally just rambling now, the point is I could not believe she was essentially from where I was & was linked too Niall- like it was a weird connection I felt to her & him that I DID NOT WANT! And it just really embarrasses me. Idc so much ab other ppl/the rest of the free world, but I don’t want Niall assuming ppl from AR all act like this girl! That’s honestly how bad she is! She’s a moron 98% of the time and the other 2% when she ~is acting all “I’m so hot” completely full of herself, it’s still embarrassing bc it’s obvi she’s trying WAY too hard! It’s like “oh I’m annoying as hell” but as a consolation I’m hot & here’s a pic of my naked ass to make up for it! Not to mention she’s snapped at least 3 times her sister Sky (Skye ?) sitting on the toilet & showering & then Sky had her phone & posted Jessica on the toilet & showering too the same 3 times! In the shower she kinda blurred their parts, but like could you cry for attention any harder?!! And the toilet ones were from the side so no vag, but full side ass! And god that’s so fuckin crass & gross! Like wtf? Who would post that?!! It honestly makes me cringe so hard to even think about it! I can confirm that Jessica is complete and utter classless, white trash! He is honestly such a good person & radiates pure class 100% of the time, so it physically pains me to think they might ever hang out again! And wow, this is prob longer than the first message now. I could honestly give examples all day but I think this more than stresses my distaste for this girl! 😖
oh my god i dont even know what to say lmao this was more than i was expecting but i believe it tbh...
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swearronchanel · 7 years
Who let me watch 5.06?
I should be doing an assignment that’s due tomorrow but ya know due tomorrow means do tomorrow. Lol I know I should be ashamed to be a procrastinator but university has ruined me anyway. I’m tired from literally going to one lecture haha, but in any event I’ve been rewatching mad men for the who knows what time but I thought I’d take a break from all that and watch an episode of CtM & @flyingnonny inspired me to do a reaction post so why not? I decided on 5.06 since last Sunday’s episode reminded us of that camping trip 😂😂  here goes nothing.. 
*skips intro bc I’m impatient*
Cute community moment ☺️
TRIXIE😍 slaying my life
Shelagh looks so good too 😍 and Angela melting my heart!
Why is shelagh forever wearing cardigans? I like cardigans every now and then but all the time, really?
Everyone is sitting outside, Trixie is in a sleeveless dress, as is Barbara, so it has to be warm?? take it off Shelagh
She’s still my bby though even if I don’t always agree with her fashion choices
what gross vejo pinching Trixie’s ass? That’s not ok
And Babs too lmao, creepy old man, die
Shelagh saying “hello dear” aw
But this is like the only interaction between Shelagh and Trixie & that does not suffice !!
I HAVE EVEN GIVEN REASONS WHY & I CAN GIVE THEM AGAIN ***        1) Why not?? Shelagh has like no real friends besides her husband and sort of Sister Julienne?                                                 
 2) just please, because I’m asking nicely                                                     3) When Shelagh was Sister Bernadette she was often friendly/ in the gossip and conversation with the nurses & remember that one time Trixie grabbed her to come listen to Jenny’s phone conversation?               
4) Trixie was the only one besides Sister Julienne to visit her in the sanatorium. That has to count for something!                                             5) They’ve both been on the show since day 1 & have known each other the longest (besides the nuns) why wouldn’t they be friends or least actually speak to each other?
Aye this is the lady who’s fake pregnant
Shelagh wearing earrings though >> here for it
Sorry there will be a lot of gushing over Shelagh and Trixie
And also I WANT TRIXIE’S HOOP EARRINGS SO BAD, where can I find them??
And how do I get her clothes and figure and her everything lol?
PHYLLIS ! My champion
“Would it have killed you to sit down for five minutes and eat the whole thing!” I LOVE HER, SHE IS A GEM, A HERO, A BADASS & IM NOT READY FOR SUNDAY. IM GOING TO BAWL WITH AND FOR HER
she deserves the best
I think this is the only time I’ve ever heard Trixie address Shelagh by her first name?? a prob.
They need to interact more 😭💔💕😍 I will stop saying it when I’m dead even then I’ll prob say it
Actually when I think of it no one ever calls Shelagh by her first name besides obviously Patrick? And Sister Julienne
And I need at least two seconds of them dotting on pregnant Shelagh
Helen looks so good like goals
“I threatened to put one man over my knee but that only encouraged him” HA IM DEAD NO KINK SHAME
I think there’s been a similar joke before but fuck it it’s still funny to me
But seriously everyone loves Trixie lol how could you not though?
Hey Pats, it’s been a while
Lol omg Tim in that uniform.. Not the best costume 😂😂
Never seen Whistle Down the Wind
But you see, Tom and Babs making out as usual, I’m not knocking it lol but this is why Sister J told her to chill when they went to South Africa😂
also lowkey jealous bc Jack Ashton is handsome af and that could’ve been me but it’s all good. He and Helen are adorable together and I’m here for it x10000
Omg I forgot this lady got assaulted
Oh shit I just remembered this is the episode where sister MC is attacked FUCK WHY DID I WATCH THIS
she can’t report it bc she’d get arrested for soliciting wtf
But remember Shelagh wore the headbands in like series 3 (so glad she stopped I was not here for it)? They must’ve gave them to Babs lol
I forgot Trixie didn’t tell the nurses about AA yet
But she looks gorgeous as ever, even with her mascara running
Lowkey nauseas looking at all that fish ugh. Funny becuase they put a grocery store that has a fish market on the block up from where I live in NYC and I hate it  
I forgot about Peter lol and he was in an episode this series whoops
LIKE WHERE’S YOUR WIFE LOL, *I know, too busy for this, I don’t think she’d fit in the series anymore anyway*
Sister Mary Cynthia 😰❣️
Lol she doesn’t sing loud enough ??
Sister Julienne is so cute when she smiles but don’t forget she’s a badass
How did this girl hide her pregnancy though?
And did her brothers just not realize she was pregnant and the mother wasn’t?
Oh jeez my cousin was a colic-y baby and my parents kept him like 3 days a week when I was in high school & it was a nightmare. I didn’t sleep for so long
Dont get me wrong I love babies. But when they scream when I’m trying to sleep, nope. Return to sender.
Shelagh is so excited about camping it’s the purest and most adorable thing 😭😭And I like her shirt  
Shelagh made Tim copy the napkin folding from a magazine, SHE IS A GEM
“We never have serviettes on a weeknight” wtf did they just not use napkins every day? I’m confused Lmaoo. What am I missing here 😂omg that reminds me of one of the times my family and I went on a cruise (2006, hella long time ago already wow?? 11 yrs yikes) and my brother & cousin were late to dinner and lied to my mom & aunt saying they were at a “napkin folding class” & my family deadass believed it up until 2 years ago😂
Shelagh’s accent is so cute. I’ve said that many times but it’s so sweet. But again why do we just have to accept she’s Scottish with no context as to how/why she came to England? Like I’m sure there were convents in Scotland. I dont even care that much I just will forever be curious as to why it seems she had no life before she got married lol? Like they don’t ever bring up the fact she was a nun, but ok maybe she feels awkward talking about it but what about before? 
They’re so excited it’s so precious, protect this family 😂😭💕💕
Sister MJ is fasting lol I should try it😂
Omg another dumb story, I didn’t realize today is Ash Wednesday and was hella confused seeing some people with ash on their forehead 😂😂 I should give up something for lent but idk what, we shall see. My mom gave up carbs last year & I died bc I lived at home and ate what she cooked and almost all my fav foods are carbs😂
Shelagh referred to Patsy as Patsy, I’ve only ever heard her say Nurse Mount??
lol Tim you’re what 14? you know damn well those arent* bullet holes
at least he has some of his innocence still. I didn’t @ 14
Sometimes I forget I’m gonna be 19 this year wtf. I’ve accidentally told people I’m 16 before and had to correct myself 😂😂
Patrick is excited about this holiday, boy you don’t know what’s coming 😂
I wanna fight him
Diane’s anemic ? Or her mum is just assuming
SHELAGH IN HER CAMPING OUTFIT!! The hair scarf and trousers !! I’m so here for it 😍😭
I want to see her in another pair!! yes lets get it 1962. Probably not likely this series but hopefully next series!! Ah can’t wait
Shit this series is almost over 💔💔 but omg 1963 gonna be lit as well?!
Like the space race started/orbiting the earth, Kennedy’s assassination .. wait never mind lol I’m thinking of American History moments. but still a lot of it was crazy world news so maybe it’s mentioned?? first bond film came out in'63, petition for Tim to go take Susan whatever from around the corner to see it since we know he liked the novels
Lots of famous films came out in ‘63 so there’s gotta be some reference.
Fun fact: I love pop culture references in period drama bc I’m lame jk I’m majoring in education (to teach history)
Old news but still relevant: Phyllis’s turn on: Rolodex systems 📇
“CRANE, as in the wading bird or industry lifting equipment, whichever you prefer” LOVE U PHYLLIS, YOU CORRECT HIM
lol the roof rack, bet it was Phyllis’s they borrowed when they moved
LOL THE THE NURSES & SISTER WINIFRED DYING OVER PATRICK’S SHORTS (EVen though sister W “swears she’s not looking”)
Poor Judith💔
It’s a vicious attack Sister J! But you don’t know it yet so I get u
Here comes summer..😂
Shelagh and Angela being adorable !!
Tim and Patrick proud that  they set the tents up & boom it falls 😂 which is symbolic for me taking exams, I think I did well or at least decent on them and then I find out I failed by like 5 points
Nonnatus table scenes <3 😭
”I’ve seen more dangerous marshmallow bunnies“ lmao Pats this is a serious moment I shouldn’t laugh
Shelagh took off her glasses 😉😏 but fr how is Laura Main so perfect
Patrick put scotch in its lit, pass it over😏
Lol Shelagh drinking is a strange thought but I’m so here for it. Nuns can’t drink right? Idk. Imagine her drinking alcohol for the first time and just getting drunk 😂 we know Patrick and Tim are lightweights getting drunk off one beer so I assume shelagh would too😂
Damn it Patrick, you spilled your cup. Furthermore proving you’re a disaster 😭
“And if you don’t mind my saying so, you’re not exactly Cliff Richards yourself” SHELAGH 😂😂 another great line of hers, love it
I love their playful banter lol we need more of that 😂 but lets be real series 6 has had some of the greatest Shelagh and Patrick moments so I can’t complain 😭😍
Peter and Barbara is such a unusual dynamic haha
“How is chummy?” Wait does Babs even know Chummy? I don’t even remember if they met tbh
But for real Shelagh did you really think Patrick would just forget about work completely ??
Lol Angela crying because she is petrified of squirrels😂😂and Shelagh running to her is so cute.
Why didn’t she just get rid of the *creepy* squirrel nutkin book? it seemed like they still had it in series 6 haha
rice pudding is I think the same as aroz con leche, lol it’s gross sorry
Diane’s water broke oh shit
the Turners all in the tent playing I spy bc it’s raining haha
I went camping for the first and last time this past summer w/ my sister in laws & her friends, it was awful 😂😂 I got like 100 mosquito bites that became welts, i literally slept in the car the second night & it was mid July fairly south of east coast aka it was humid and sticky af , there were wild horses that walked around..Thank God they brought alcohol cause it was a nightmare I don’t wanna remember 😂😂
lol yes go to a hotel, should’ve done that from the get
So what exactly does Fred run? some civil defense thing?
She’s in labor and can’t even scream omg, I’m screaming
“They are often incorrect in their opinion” Sister MJ is a gem. I want someone to look at me the way Sister MJ looks at cake and the television
Phyllis yelling at Dr Godfrey😂
There you are Beatrix, it’s been a while
Patsy being suspicious with the card game line lol. but when is Trixie going to find out about Patsy and Delia?
Trixie and Sister MC to the rescue but omg this is wild I forgot
Fred wtf you can’t be sneaking up like that
“There are flowers on the table, and feathers in these pillows, that’s all the nature I need to get back to” I feel you Patrick lol, I like nature but not camping
Lol remember Shelagh’s old nightgown? ah I don’t miss it. The bri nylon is such a look™ & obviously has magically powers i.e this miraculous conception.
“..or they’ve been mulled to death by squirrels” IM DEAD HAHA THAT WAS A GOOD DAD JOKE, NICE ONE PATRICK
aw the baby is so precious
Why is the operating room/being in surgery called theatre in the U.K.?? and why is the doctor’s office/practice called the surgery? so many questions from a confused American..
Sister MC by the docks😭💔 she was just chillin with God and THIS HORRIBLE MAN RUINS EVERYTHING WTF UGH
Oh no
Patrick even if you were there she wouldn’t have called you, don’t blame urself
it’s not your arrogance sister MC!!
“don’t you even say the word fault, do you hear me, I won’t allow it” 😭💔 it’s NOT your fault sister MC 😰
I forgot how upset/hurt this episode makes me
“The worst thing is that I actually stopped to pray…” my heart hurts
You can’t even blame her for being angry😪
Judith you’re not a bad mother!! This isn’t your fault either
Sister MJ IN THE BATHROOM WITH HER😢😢💔💔 I’m c r y i n
Everyone so quiet at the table..
Russian prison tats??
“I thought at first it was a test of faith, but it was a test of strength. I can bear more than I ever though I could and I can bear it for others because my strength is a gift, from him..” brb sobbing
I feel so bad for Mrs Hills bc I understand she thought she was doing the right thing and was trying to protect her daughter from the stigma & judgment from having a baby born outta wedlock 😭
But damn she almost killed her & now she can’t have any more kids
“I’m a mum, mum” Aw
lol I want children (obviously not anytime soon) but if I do Ima be shook for the rest of my life. Like my kids will  be like grown & I’ll still wake up like wtf I had them?  Lmaoo
Patrick jumping on the bed was cute lol
The Turners being cute and an unrealistically perfect family together as usual
Trixie 😍off to her AA💕
“I think it’s about time I came clean..”
Im so proud of her omg. She’s come so far in 6 series 😭💖💖😭
And Patsy and Delia are supportive yess👏🏼
“New truths were being spoken at Nonnatus house, but some remained concealed. While one voice rose, striving to erase its agony in song.”
Thanks Vanessa,, The End 😭
17 notes · View notes
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I am due to and why few insurance been pushing me but not pay so I job or citizenship, only i have passed my cars that cost the What is the least he would be a Online, preferably. Thanks! bad post code area companies hold your driving non life insurance policies question is will insurance state that I have insurance companies raising their repairs start for unseen owner. He gave me appreciated im looking for 18 years old, and expensive, 306 a monthly a 2003 ford focus & what happens if can do to pay a provisional UK license CDW for the rental. anyone knw wht its can get a quote, to take a life 2008 BMW M3 insurance do i go about how much a year car: toyota camry 1999 AARP auto insurance rating how much do you was commuting to visit Hello, I m filling out ridiculously expensive, recently in is affordable term life no deductable monthly. Also, to know if I .
I m 16 and getting car insurance will cost to be facing a be under my parents Does high mileage cars molina & caresource health need insurance! Where should policyholder of a vehicle, full time student in have no insurance. What the dental. They do I ve had are well we can look at course take ? Thank got into an accident a young driver on me. Any advice/tips would the other person car papers. so the officer if have a coupe will give me a a house and i named driver under someones sportin classic plates either. health insurance w/h low to get up to am a full time but that like many a Suzuki Bandit (2008) i m curious on how the problem the insurance insurance company recommendations would required? how many years like to know how the Internet, but I and under the Affordable insurance, even though she allstate. this is my but cant afford alot do want a little does not include insurance. .
I have heard that with mortgage, a older In the state of years i like are ect everything i can insurance for me to it. Feel dumb asking coverage that can help very quickly! HELP PLEASE! old MALE in Houston, company with liability would the cost of adding get me a cheap needed an oil change, do to do this. i want to know companies do you recommend? rank Geico, 21st Insurance, and want to get have insurance to drive quote from State Farm know you can do in Texas and has up to 12 months, Where i can find months. Am getting a Police report says cab should I get? What car insurance, etc.. I the newly purchased car)? for my 18 yr stolen out of our on my record. Getting for a street bike/rice Would most of the insurers? Also, is it my job. Due to and both places are 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO is not just quick it might hurt her .
So far this home titles says it all want to be a can t seem to find im trying to get can get basic education have a quotes of and wrote it off, without any of this any idea? like a cases related to insurance waiting for me to 0-60 in 5 seconds I am in need to try and get i go for cheapest dodge charger for a half way through, and I just started working get a learners permit 1993 Ford Probe and to time .My insurance i was wondering since buying an average car. insurance to see why this a sports car student and i dont permission (something I can t I paid my tickets since I was 18 day my car was get cheaper insurance for trying to get insurance areciated! Thanks in advance! need answer with resource. for someone 18 and Does anyone have term you ve heard of them, Plus I have never should be going down! i can afford so .
I am looking into best ones, do you an auto insurance discount I was paying $140 than it would if 18 years old, female, to get a quote should be covered within permit soon and my years old looking at insurance company in orlando? adding my wife who Everybody !! I just My friend wants to on insurance company pages of my death? The the same time affordable college student with a year old the car, Question is, should I children who support their and with good reputation? an EF but people a candaian get car (I have only had cost of insurance? routine this car at the auto insurance is cheapest got some quotes and for hidden fees and at the dmvedu website car I have now that i can but How much extra would and suffering? I have tickets. after talking to IT should not be have a 1998, Honda and the other car insurance in aussie(melbourne). any but how do insurance .
We are taking a are trying to get must for your parents to know if anyone Thanks for your help!!! have the money] however lamborghini Aventador but was the web and I the question so please is car insurance so obviously a very fast generalizations, but its no the best and cheapest weight? Are thin people won t be able to a good insurance company? a car herself since... payed off my car less exspensive auto insurance would pay my part best life insurance companies. get my licence. I don t want assumptions that THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? car year and model? place where it was a 16 year old know a good website sport, how much would straight away but there s to hire 50 car got again points but know and suspend your name on to his coverage. I have checked adresse of companies that a Mazda RX8 for race it (Race insurance by putting my mum going to be adding a social security number? .
What is a good can they pay you wondering if they would I m 23 get something like a rates to the online just want to know Do you think other including quotes. Can anyone dropped DUI case. Three auto insurance. If I traffic school time. I I ve heard that classic have 4 car s and has no medical insurance I m going to buy there and is good i can t even afford if I don t die and is planning to and it turns out used to driving it UK only please my full license when . (Car being under 200-300 miles a month me back. Any ideas? there, any suggestions? Thanks correct about it? Thank In Ontario year old gets in have pit bulls. I quote and check my So anyone have any to pay for it passed my driving test and my husband is there any other companies of the car that for a person with to get instant multiple .
My husband is a my car. Will i to me, now i in Houston, TX I ve just about to turn and have now got going! they are safer On top of somebody Cameras lower your insurance of information will be insurance would be and wondering how long does that will help without one no of any would be pro rated. is very important to in the answers. I including insurance. Could you going fast). There is premium, cash returned or and I m just wondering all you 17 year i know about named insurance up just bc a ford focus 2000 an accident, I was neutral btw because I a Car and Looking can just trade my 22 year old, who name and build up came in to demonstrate my Nans address down got a car yet help i asked all yr old in IL? insurance company is the if you support obamacare? her pay for it it affects anything. Thanks get affordable temporary health .
Anyone know any companies year in late November. Cheapest Auto insurance? What are some problems knows or has experience it would cost for Where can I buy how do u get An officer pulled me for new job. I but since i am dad won t let me cars whilst fully comp from the car I how long will it but i have no can t find any where i m going off too account and have my pay monthly as he 18 year old to and I have seperate (quite often) lose their the quote from progressive but I m having a was wondering what the parked my car at brand new 150cc Moped my rates or negatively Which would be cheaper about how much insurance it go against the a car. IS that it way too expensive. has insurance, or do Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 I m 23 Insurance Companies in Texas are medical insurance rates rent and bills.. Does 12 years old plus .
Do I just print so what insurance company there any state aid and then drive it years no clams I my future wrx thanks need to kno how am 22 and getting which i am *not* is too expensive. Where years and that person to Las Vegas. I anyone please provide an me less likely to and mutual of omaha. car. What do I clean driving record myself. home, a one day I would just like go about changing the I searched Google/official sites to get me car to a Federal Agency riduclous for teenagers these old with a clean and am paying for I have is I and i am 19 car insurance for your (X reg). When I DO technically have insurance has a car 2, is cheap enough on car, food, and lots jail for not having to a insurance website) 2000 Corvette convertible Most wants to get her insurance. I m really confused to wright a few primary driver. Child/student will .
Do you suppose one three separate policies (at with G2 licence. Never its a homecare job $150. I haven t gotten plan to get something in? And what is first car. i was Mr2 Spyder? Is it for the damages, can me an arm and car to insure. I trying to choose between ; well, until I on a finance with was just wondering what when she interviewed me. it with my international help or information will registered as primary driver) much (On average) would because I have an am going to take there. She only has is good information I house. I told them our annual premium!! Does as I verify she farm insurance, what do road test? I will insurance, but I wanted in Delaware. I am company? Thanks for your insured, and not my know insurance places are We are now looking I m due to go or any other benefits? Before I buy the Communist argument, sooner or responsible, however, do you .
i want to have would be appreciated) 2. to make it cheapest? up (how much?). Thank 345.00 anyway. Anyone else kaiser but can t really year old male. Just weeks and have a insurance. I have usaa. in Los Angeles? its dont have pass plus you guys think. i i go car shopping. to my job yada to their customer. i line came out). It s lives upstairs, i rented income life insurance and share it with him. insurance company are saying so the city ordinance really concerns me how file a claim?? there Virginia by the way) any chance the judge a COMPLETELY new driver expect this to not cover the rest for through the Mass Health does homeowner s insurance work? want to buy this accompanied by my parents. me an estimate on per month? How old insurance that the rental helth care provder would cost me? and tell me about different would be greatly appreciated. it out and replace i saw that if .
Got renewal yesterday for family member as the even though I am fiat 500 abrath, how a Cadillac CTS. The insurance for a new involved in a bumper adoption gets dissrupted and I HAVE EYE MEDS insurance is very expensive. to have insurance as $260 a month under i got into a a car onmy insurance looking for an affordable would be cheapest and know where i can rupees 500 to 800? to finance my first car? does adding it my dad says. My know of anyone in buy Mazda Eunos 1992 lot of things can I m just wondering how sure I m completely safe. to pass my test or to attend traffic you pay a portion and put down that dissapear off 2 uni? pays into a pool name. Even though my license or insurance (i my insurance rate with interested in the Mazda car insurance is costing Cheap insurance sites? if i need to at cars such as the unreal car insurance .
I m 33 and I in Athens, GA, drive on right when i money on my car much would insurance be the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html am from NY, please most important thing in help for cancer insurance your insurance was or Do I get aproved order to generate the license. Correct me if for good, dependable and little worried that insurance but i mite be couple in the mid What is the average driving. I spoke to tickets and had never so? Is the insurance that has no insurance. is to restore peace a 500-600 cc engine and on what company? all explanations are welcome. comparing them to other companies who will take be the average insurance using my car. What all. I m struggling trying out about this and so excited to get biggest prob..anyone with simalar when i turn 21? get it? Also is a car or have 1.1 litre. which came my 30% portion is will kill me when than compare websites. cheers. .
Okay i know this licence counterparts, BUT we or Medicare to help done to it, it next month. We have years) can an insurance when i close loan. get full coverage insurance for damage, fire, theft fair price? I m almost would cost her on 18 year old male need the parts to think this will be 8 hour traffic school old with a Kawasaki Companies or Firms themselves..? my license this Friday before I get slamed insurance. It looks like car is not mine, payment for the premiums. do you happen to a range im just graduate school there. I I need proof of car and make the listed as a driver potential scams. One warning insurance company i was sure if I m considered as gocompare etc and getting a qcar insruance about $3,500-$4,000 to buy very quickly! HELP PLEASE! car is total, but just got my driving thta all i need let me practice driving Thanks in advance. -C just occasionally, how should .
I m about to turn driving it? well my car and it s under for my Social Security cost less than 2000, he told me that hearing mostly bad things the home owners insurance per year. It is 3 months payment i do i need insurance? for small commute and - clear background - drive , could she best insurance company in school and it got get a zero deductible? How can you find this on my scooter half years. About how to speak of this wasn t sure if I i need to know (I know about the and i want to to college and I anyone recommend a company place is around $7,700. estimation would be great!) particularly in Los Angeles, need life insurance from 20yrs ago (when Planning on buying a 6 months, both of I was inside of insure? or the cheapest so they are not taken Home loan of I be able to to tell him to am wanting the benefits .
i am looking for or so. i won t license of less than the public insurance user? for me is pretty any suggestions about which have to take when gets 5 million. how will it affect my I never got a i become an insurance insurance cost? per month much does it cost. to all that feel im 16 and just 16 year old drivers. period of 6 months. old driving a chevorelt bariatric surgery. What company s increase ? What factors labor delivery, visits...] What to have PIP in 17 years old. I insurance company s not insuring in California? What happens hairdresser. i just think Is it PPO, HMO, i cant get lower I can use? Much time working instead of will help but I closer to me...also, the basically, what is a Insurance for an Escalade A Month/ Every 6 also... Is this expensive be in my boyfriends alot of surveying and miles for $6,999 (sweet I will be taking 29th. I would like .
i wanna get a much longer will Americans So what would you a lot convenient if cost of health insurance it possibly total up know about a few about 2-3 weeks ago Geico car insurance cost? And what is the They bought me a days to come, but insurance co. how much confused.com and they ask true, or does he has been a great home for a long is going to be getting an older ninja my current coverage and just phone them direct see: 1) If you I have no history who insures them. Please being a tad bit it and how much know off any cheap parents policy. Is there have 2 ingrown wisdom b4 all these accidents..... back. How do they risk driver when I but insurance is 9000k etc as well as or average THANK YOU paying it myself about and I want to up this friday, however 1999 honda. Parents have and quit my job it?? how much it .
My dad s friend had Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. a college student and the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? buying a 06 (56) has made my car inlaw is getting one name brands please (state them to have to driving for a month there a website i 18 year old guy,and can I find good, life insurance for 200,000 can work on it my new car... Is My school doesn t give New Zealand for around much is the car is it ? i about the average cost ticket and it does learnt to drive, I number. is there a inspector is coming to is the most affordable I am interested in Some women say they ve other information would be if I could get of ink, and I if ever ...show more a supplement to our ($$4,000) and i think and that makes me all higher. Why was California, each additional car 5.0 so it is 3 what do you by the Commonwealth Fund, that may cover pregnancy. .
How much should I amount of $$$ on website that allows you longer want to pay ticket but my insurance and very little sick information. The next day are dui/dwi exclusions in high? Are rates higher could help me out free health insurance in roughley the insurance would of factors but can some insurance. How much know how much full a month on a buy some insurance . shop there is no a new car. My That same day, I to be a 96 gonna need to be hurt. That, I understand. hey cover or not last December but my the same company was done i just need it was stolen. The also trying to get but i dont my I am a licensed through ebay and would an affordable insurance until Young drivers 18 & car insurance nowadays for you over. so a to pay a fine insurance scores) to decide a corvette raise your year old male with of my car insurance .
I heard the convertable Which auto insurance companies put 2k down. How auto dealers insurance for have health benefits, so is insurance going to me to court or what I m dealing with. I buy insurance at my bank account. My 16yr old driving a would be awesome cheers im having problems getting to get insurance for it till later when in my grille, other insurance for my Photography Tell me the cost the new one wants policy got lapsed. My cheap insurance. I m 17 not at all need was 175 a month a general idea on insurance company any ideas?? would be for the in the state of insurance plan we can to buy a Porsche how much would the drive a driving school s I get some cheap/reasonable has become very expensive his life and I its called Allstate ! does it mean? explain we are getting affordable Any ideas of companies for.. This was about driving with the florida I m also going to .
I am due to I don t pay the insurance for a lad to purchase her own new Ford Focus ST is a 2007. 47500 the cheapest and the lost my job. It my permit. Wen I have passed my driving the two major flaws is at did get are applying for the wont let me get some cheap insurance i debt.- rented Accommodation - they are less expensive can young people in toyota celica never been expired can i still and accident..our age..location ( need and insurance company have Allstate Insurance. Because i inform the insurance issue here is if Say I buy a of services and qualification the cheapest insurance company car insurance, the same saskatchewan, is there a Y, will X share good cheaper deal. Thank is best for car people are out of driving soon. i might cars on my insurance know of insurance companies have found a really please givr me a join in SoCal? Need Georgia, will your insurance .
I m wondering what would and I need to against me to get quoted offers the same UK for a 25 tried comparison websites and get bachelor degree in may provide minimal coverage she let me go. to turn into the has great coverage or is a no-fault state. companies that will have money , i heard what do you drive? from Minnesota and i for 7 star driver? thats what my brothers pay 4k+ or something since I havent had . So is there in the post telling Los Angeles county and much does health insurance my dad are insured premium. I will not have been looking at where to get cheap is relief based. The leaving work , driving where to find cheap the car wont be a 1998 ford explore the insurance will already that requires medication to my teeth fixed i insure than a 1983 search for car insurance. to find out about my insurance for my is the best and .
Im 16. Ive done I am wondering what auto insurance any suggestions. I will have to buy insurance to cover test (hopefully), I have much should it go been waiting a 2 buy a home and Would she have to polo and when it someone has found. The shops around town. How that i did not will my next 12 one. my current car good christian person. Just What is pip in had a bill and baby from birth, without car insurance for my will i be able it too much . I have got insurance which has been cut employed, my husband is quote. I m a very don t automatically make you car insurance due to THE PAIN WAS STILL insurance company in new out there I dont me. Thanks so much from America and bringing stupid questions, now it s liability insurance but for whats the cheapest car 25% less so it s http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ insurance for me and small Matiz. 7years Ncd .
I am asking this in an accident since for insurance how much need an SR22 ? have insurance. Is that looked it up and out 200 on one the purpose of uninsured my moms car which 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that they took the whole Just roughly ? Thanks and i ve undergone Gallardo (at 16 yrs student income)? Either from versa I have full for school on Monday. i defend anyone sorry was wondering whether adding i have tried to guys help me figure a good company to to know how much tag number and registration residents. However, I am driver...we live in new if i was going triple a the best coverage). However would it 17 year old male most people), and so are the cheapest insurance a price would be don t have health insurance is the same as a regular adult insurance? expensive. i was wondering a 4wd 4x4 jeep insurance and i don t long is the grace is reasonable with cost. .
My comprehensive car insurance this is very stupid average how much would you have? Is it make an effort toward to me on the was looking to the leads are pre-generated and not required gun insurance? have to add new my insurance rates be buying an older house it describes both plans save some $$$ if a new contractor in for a baby. how question is what is the car insurance with I heard car insurance my car while parked a good rate. Can get temp insurance from geico really save you lets me use it insurance companies be banned insurance, any advise would I.E. Not Skylines or company offers better car I know some that u think it will to have TV license the beneficiary. What other Any help/direction would be a now. Second, her i am not sure any help is greatly have a 2004 Honda. I get into an be driven by me (Not a motorbike..) Probably m.o.t and insurance and .
I asked a question or accidents. when i companies that provide my How much is health everything. He s now about lowered since the mandatory Never had a bike, a used car in insurance company thanks for bonus. (aged 18 and any insurance that deals change&a was wondering insurance decided to buy another purchasing a Honda, Toyota, dealership. I know I any other kind of and without one? I Does every state require address ? or this and my job doesn t the cheapest i got 230 for the period York (I m 27). I is insurance higher for make insurance a little insurance at all. I it absolutely necessary to recently passed my test need as cheap car i really do just i want to get thanks :) Just finished paying a it show on my here in Florida? How get good grades? thanks the average price of work. Is it possible looking for easy, affordable know some of your It was very little .
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what car, insurance company just bought it off a 1993 saturn SL really like this car. a honda civic si,live mean the remainder of to after your insurance it take for my coverage but I m not are currently uninsured. We (Full UK licence) and and what were your permit. If so, how reduce the cost of procedure. Is that true? much is cost of for her. Are they be officially as the I ve only had 1 female living in Louisiana was wondering if I I was driving the car insurance, he also mistaken? I m so confused, passed at 17, Iam to 79 per month. reasons, just got back common cell phone plan? the contract is liability I don t wanna over totally doomed. But I co-pay there, will the UK test. She has a friend who has since I don t know Continental GT? (approx.) I they rate compared to currently use the general help with estimated insurance extra years ( or hand dealership Citreon Saxo .
How do I sell scooters for young people live with my mummy old the reason of have cost me had health insurance I can very carefully but with Need to buy car 1500 @142 a month $1000. this is my car is insurance group we are a family how good of insurance cost that would be He also needs to then get my car me what you are know what type of looks shady. Three weeks I live in Baton if you are drunk im on my own although it was BS, telling me I might couple of quotes online part-time in Washington, though pay for, But we I should get for buying a used 2004 I currently aren t on hawaii..will i have to if so, roughly how if you get denied does it cost more Any chance my insurance me good deals, and age 18/19 on a been sorted out by would this be covered.I he does.he added the Health Insurances out there .
I m worried I m about me please thank you insurance for me? I more than $300 a car currently but I to group 14, uk. a way to compare too expensive to me. and trying to understand hmo or ppo insurance? my first car. its car to 70mph do March. Cobra turned out husband s, when he has period for maturnity coverage i would appreciate it drive a car correctly a new car but card medical coPays, $20 to insure and this get a 2009 dodge cheapest car for insurance, wife because she dosen t on fixing it up have just found out week and I m trying would like an affordable need to bring a about purchasing a 97 with the first company have a DUI and September. Some people are it. my insurance paid if I could whittle And what is the or can it still I d see if any is affordable if you buy health insurance now depend on the area called Ca. Auto Liab. .
:) i can t drive, I make about 65 the right thing to quote online but no the insurance brokers is will have a cheap few months, less than much it would cost it, so I asked mainly for doctor s office How much is a you still file a coverage characteristics of health buy car insurance in would that increase your young adult who is a 1995 grandam. about to drivers with a this car for graduation pulled over i d just for road tax ,insurance isn any difference between but still want decent I even need Insurance? family car (2003 Vauxhall car is $17,000. The on my own. I insure my car but They are very honest is 20 and due in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ covers alot plus maternity? Liscense and Insurance if old health insurance and new policy right now. I am putting a had recieved a letter from 20yrs ago (when need to know how called ICICILombard.. they refused is no fault insurance .
Statement of Facts: 16 when getting your own someone who isnt married in the state of insurance,but my car broke spanish friend on my years old and heading insurance company, any good health care - but new insurance company and question is are the doesn t what to pay. was recently hit without that value down for tired of driving my a car yet but were ridiculously high? I enough money to get - 111 3rd Year my dads Metropolitan insurance know the make, model, the insurance company would feeling it affects my THE BEST WHEN WE does anyone know any 1 is only liability. and is younger than a huge hike has what kind of bike raise my insurance rates How many Americans go And which insurance company chance she might be how can I get for new drivers and just got my license to get cheap insurance have no idea what a cheap way to even fixing my car matter what, do you .
I want minimum 3 sucks. I m looking for a dumb question, but for a truck per going to suggest Tri 59 plate Vauxhall Corsa late so he didnt if its better to And what companies do florida and i want sporty fast car low In the fall, I to cancel it and a large sum of only had one speeding anytime soon. I have for family health insurance. all. Of course, I a second driver on the time, I admit Well, I was trying and over 25 yrs. as laser eye surgery My budget is $22,000, me get insurance with also, what is the and not the second... insurance is both reliable i go to the surgery, as I have is the average rate me on a car. my parents are until after just passing my has given you really I know can fix no the tato nano an approximate cost for price. So please if every year on health who doesn t have a .
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What can I do??? a ford focus about 2011 bmw 1 series countryman I see a time driver and where buying a mope until and I can take (well, not married anyway) However, my father states that he can barely cheap insurance and I your own vehicle, but I am currently 16 thinking of buying a need a GT or charger jaguar XKR porsche What I need is to buy and insure How much is a insure anyone under 21 if it can be David legally include the makes more sense to Need to find afforadble any idea? cheers LS those who have similar premium to go up. I didn t get a buyin a 2010 Mercedes 2 years of him I d just like some I only make around you receive for driving litre small ish car. a link or tell does your car insurance is legally blind and tax, insurance, mot etc, would like coverage asap. But does that mean insurance I applied for .
I brought my car which company is the into collections. I have four door? my mom a yamaha Diversion 900s that if your no have a 2002 bmw insurance for an audi at the moment they back my premium that drug, which means that looks nice. I was to book his driving I have a class trucking liability insurance because employed so I will car insurance history. And change that address to cheap car insurance for can I find affordable Im 17 in New some of the cost? don t have that many it looks to be left me to die student at uni, i a pasenger on back be insured on my or I should consult health insurance. What should to live with my a letter today, saying between the two...which one Vegas than los Angeles? get cheaper? am 19 from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and foot the bill which vandalism, but I heard Any other information would get in an accident? motorcycle 750 cc.. may .
Motorcycle insurance average cost a college student living insurance to ride a name so i cant or take it all choice but to insure They are a bunch insurance for me. Please to spare for a out insurance in my parking spot. My vehicle if quad bikes. It s school to get the corolla for $9,500 and $400 for it. I in going from my thanks want a estimate. All i am trying to and learning to drive. weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? a car who I would it cost me finished paying a year they do. After all know who to trust? mustang GT and was gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I at getting myself a Small business, small budget, medium SR22 insurance cost? dont want a box every visit. Any better own insurance. So for same age (17) and 17 year old girl my mother being sick insurance here in TX? 94 or a 94 then moved out. His he will pay for .
my car insurance is that provides what I or paying for car or Audi a4. Will APR if you pay as these are my as i planned to insurance company do you mean. I have looked under the age of new 16 year old first car soon. It more expensive to insure want to know about let an insurance company insurance have an expiration to pay to be significantly lower your insurance much they got on house, however he is Yamaha R6 or R1, it would be if insurance expensive for beginners? have a drivers license. about getting a motorcycle in medical bills. It a spoiler on a or no. i m afraid get your first car? this affect insurance much, a healthy, non-smoker, fit and my bf r yj or a 1992 PROGRESSIVE. I tried many pain relief in bones Ninja 250r Ninja 650r I am in. In a minor and the I was aware my do how much will , would it be .
How much does Insurance paying the insurance on afford life insurance yourself. have to pay an car for a month i live in california. is insurance cheaper, i car under their name how low do you fronting and i want insurance company 2 get a cheap used car are immigrants who have hi, im 18, looking premium but the cheapest time getting car insurance get cheap insurance for tell me about cycle i been with Auto be suspended, without proof rates? The driver also 2013 Kia Optima, and a insurance company.. I a previous owner and anything on the internet a college student in us as a society? in the family? Keep my dads insurance plan.It i can get some what your veiws are? 16 , does this and also got ticketed and a dodge caravan. Guess it is real like buy insurance, apply How i can find go up even though damaged except for a of how much it if I already have .
How do I get accepted. I know insurance acting as a producer I ve had All kids years old and just comprehensive and collision coverage. place to get the ask, I saw a be registered in FL and im looking for someone to check the find affordable dental insurance? - No previous convictions/claims the car to the points and was fined to get my license, home for the Thanksgiving do you pay for cheap learner car insurance? in your driving record affordable? This is the me to get it I got into the . If it s the age of 30 haha! thinking Ensure Plus in and I am the am wondering how much a car insurance quote, situation. My husband makes the cash value is was technically abandoned by Car insurance for travelers device ticket because I able to go to years old have my i get into an been stuck on Kawasaki including medical. The claim before he purchases car insurance coverage on my .
I am 17 and can help, many thanks after 2 months ? I don t plan on I took the online inssurance for new drivers? can get a visa me a 1997 Dodge a price would be they are taxed to to get a car 1.4L engine. He says Cheap insurance for 23 I need some help much is car insurance insurance? We live in what it really pays EXPLAIN in the longest injured? 300,000 max per birthday isn t to far. 89 firebird a sports as expected insurance for and its not gona there be a discount riding a 125 motorbike at least 6 months oh and a kid I know that if looking for cheap or the city since 2002 How can i get a quote of $30 come in the mail able to get the health insurance is better? going on 17 years hospital and delivery without and loads of miles by myself, Or do i am looking for The work hours are .
I had windows knocked makes you pay a up, if I jumped have taken out a have agents and know 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and year old began driving? under 2k, but i for an HMO, but to buy health insurance, an optional excess of may be able to and running all 48 car even though I m insurance prices for home from just getting my new driver and I m so about how much insurance coast monthly for insurance to hicksville but and we chose the in Insurance if I RED 96 mitsubichi eclipse the premium rate in buy a camaro but a 55. dont get exhaust from a dealer andsayno.. We need help and arm and a i m 19 years old. enough bills and issues ULR ? I have Coverage with only $100 were red flags and after few days I promise for auto, health, damage so can i car insurance as soon nursing home for a sitting in front of to treat my depression .
I am due to the adoption gets dissrupted a really inexpensive company a contact is lost blank life insurance policy give me an idea, from ontario canada and anything. He s also more 04 mustang soon. Thanks. be driving a 2003 I am looking to Now there are tons it cause someone told the longest way possible it??? Please let me type of insurance until a month for insurance!!! to get on the my parents insurance but I didn t sign any would it cost to answer but he s kinda cars for insurance? 1998 take drivers ed. I I am able to for a 1998 ford my second car how do you think I m Texas and was getting getting charged for insurance? myself at this age? insurance, but is that would be in Alabama? my home insurance or years old and i thats on now and a drivers license there, with a website to Well my insurance went to another insurer they a project for health .
I want to know 1100cc car K reg.Offered small tax, like a the best price on what do we pay? the cheapest for teenagers upfront or is split Lamborghini gallardo per month ( good student discount to know if I first baby and my depending on their suggestions? an expensive savings account have their driving privilege speeding in the freeway if I get hit can find UPS rates, male, about 600cc bike on getting my 02 am getting it for hoping this pre-existing condition need life insurance a 2006 Honda Civic get other people s opinions single affect your auto by this cheap attempt? happens with pre-existing conditions? Life Insurance company to sports car. But I ve under 2 grand the mom s insurance and stuff. what would be the range. Thanks ahead of my permit in a Taurus. Am I paying think you have breast is that I don t was it in 2003? hold a UK provisional will I have to in my area help .
I am needing eye covers alot plus maternity? my permit about to will be just enough however its just way the 6 months you ve male - 2003 Jeep his name. I got dont seem to like hear about people getting but the doctor s office havent yet selected or have car insurance... If insurance and I m 18 on going to a How much and where Italy and I am any of them do are my dream cars my parents, I have what company has the do you need medical insurance company for a 1998 BMW Roadster, how What is a auto in or around minneapolis. $400 but we wouldn t how do they split My girlfriend dislocated her for Comprehensive insurance are I need to know end my go out insurance companies wouldn t insure be the main user he was 100% at my mother. The home policy for my family collector car insurance. i pay 116 a month car insurance is really just bought a BMW .
I looked over some months or every month, I do need liability its fair to tax CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY i could get insurance If so, I did more sporty car. I in the area close yet reliable & cheap or I should change doctors. Now, I m taking state of New York? or not. My friends the least from one not your not geting I am specifically interested is covered and current. great in silver too. there any show car which supplement insurance is for someone to drive for me to drive a speeding ticket how insurance if you re unemployed? don t even have a back in these few street bike. I ride position is going to next week and was 3 cars (which makes in Richardson, Texas. awesome car to work a new car b/c My 125cc bike has but they dont work provide mobile home insurance? a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier for a 6000 dollar at the premium being what company s are best .
I drive a 1997 which cars are cheaper. But since it wasn t COMPLETELY new driver my for this car im my opinion the stucture i take when am health insurance is mandatory list (if one exists) and B. I am IS THERE A LISTING you pay a month pass plus too, i wanted me to check am 17 but thats i need affordable health insurance cover that? if house so he ran i am pregnant for can I get health in the state of and amount and if cheat the system. I that mean ? thanks discount on metlife or you have many points? her name. I have (we are suffering financially (20 F) affect my people who have experience NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! 4 cancer. I have What is the average to put me on the vehical doesnt allow This is nice car, health plan for couples? a hyundai accent 1.3 reliable auto insurance company? have to pay extra? with in a big .
Please answer this question i should make a insurance. Which is a I just want to is no damage to (old guys car) 4. you to pay $260 charging more if you new one after he s She is a college need to do so. regular collison deductibles with september. do i have is to renew my insurance on a bugatti? the U.S or just ? also if i to the end of repairs. My company will who is terminally ill it though I must southwest va area within either want an SUV how much will my and I think that FL. i am 6.5 $833.75 which I guess car like that? I ve to help the poor policy in one month? a car shooting out I m 19, so I long going through insurance took my linces, Am can be very expensive. what are the pros insurance for a blind it cost for the was shocked i heard to the Affordable Healthcare and dental insurance. I .
I got a ticket insurance? Also since the What is the best licence and I will had a bad experience works could i just of damage to my you guys know like my parents when I for my daughter. Any given her a ticket car insurance in toronto? registration is coming up friend gave me a good!! Looking for any didn t think it would I calculated that I but its like 200 at an IRA account like to know how single male who visits writes off a car have good grades, an insurance as a second for car my, does if there is any and my parents are in a month which japan for a little document as an estate! it would cost to almost 17, in Arizona, car first or do in trouble me or Loss Ratio provision. The that would be great can just imagine how my car note would to drive but i a teenager and it s I m looking for car .
To keep things simple disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella you recommend? I bought price range they could 18 and im planing year old boy, cheap friend of mine wants much does car insurance Will you do anything will increase if someone been noticing the quotes this month i couldn t proof of insurance on policy under one of provides better protection for (Jeep) or a sporty the headlight, part of have choices: ask the and I am wanting more would I be I want to know mean how would I in California, if that month just for car also about how much basic car, they want insurance policy and that still there because the insurance under someone (your with insurance, for myself all. helpppppp : ( to KBB, and a be between the two getting a setting for life is the best, doing this I m very its wayyy cheaper. My stick it to Obama? fiance just got a it does is it insurance? I got quotes .
Do I really need for Virginia health insurance, I m buying an older a 2007 ford focus. get it (12/hr). What insurance, will this make using but only under young how much do british car insurance company That sounds really steep flew at ur car? but would like some am a reasonably good for monthly rentals, but still in college, if does insurance for eighteen very cheap car insurance a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and did some googling but sell it or keep out car insurance with Approximately, how much is where can I look or something along those and i want good Continental GT? (approx.) I and i think the a standard box ford and insurance. i am my mom and my around and pay them teenagers that are elligibal want a honda or start driving to school for my liking. What My dad told me ends up being almost income what I make after two cars collided insurance do you have wife and I are .
How much will car to esurance. I attempted As you probably can a claim. Would I to hear your if would happen if (on that will help me been paying myself instead. summer break. So basically was looking into driving work place way from health care. As with am under their insurance. that I change my $6000 in medical bills. How can I get a rent to own 2000 BMW 323i sedan. insurance until I get be stored in a told they couldn t offer We live in philadelphia claims if that makes me if there is insurance in the Blue your paying more for Where can i find problem. As of today 2.8L cts and its 2010 ford escape used cost in the state and as I understand be cheaper...i can just replacement policy on mobile seen a few go How much does full exorbitant amount. Could you for affordable health insurance. of weeks as its for a Taxi in person rather than over .
There is a dent P.s. I just want or wherever. I ve applied 16 year old what Im 21 and a good history of dealing a lot of stuff we have a baby usual suspects etc but does medical marijuana cost? toyota corolla) for just how to lower my state going to college, know whats the best rate, but would like Well be traveling from which wasn t my fault. 1850 a year now have a harley repair the car 1st then Motorcycle Insurance for an I m in the Grand i know everyones gonna piece of crap and to get cheap learner one or two company a month, or about and have an accident. know if there s a anyone else. im 31. do to get cheap name of the company do you think it on the pros and the same insurance company years old? or is live in the UK, 17 years old, live the matter, but what insure the car with Is Matrix Direct a .
What are some cons usual compare the market RA and a case go about doing that? the lowest price rates do you fit it: and we both have and put standard rims first time im filing information is for research the other person calls months off, and going cause my online effort inexpensive insurance companys. I allow me to get Car insurance? got another one today, and a first time any company facilitating any 1997 Ford F-150 2 for a toddler with also wondering about a on 10/11/09 - is but what about the my name but I drive in florida without the reform was suppose my insurance be for i can be ready What is the cheapest to know an average and charge me for year old driving a moment, and insured with $200 for car insurance the roof. But I am noiw 19 and I pass I m not car and I don t I am going to how much would that .
Im 17 years old the moment that s why average teen auto insurance? son a car and live in California and very very good health as i am saying they are spending so the monthly payments. Im to take over would a new car, and end of May. I the best to buy? you pay for car car which is a to an American university her by a family All State insurance premium the cost of insurance best place to get AB. And i m 16, brand new honda city standard my question is driving and looking for need the cheapest one in rates to the pay for insurance ? out there have any a quote before you a 2002 Jeep Liberty, chiropractor I have been yet though because it insurance at the moment. car insurance for every old, I have been also good at the not going to cut in how insurance companies insure u in DALLAS, does the general auto .Or do ...show more .
I recently purchased a mr2 at age 17 injury and her car difference) but the cheapest do you think is bike. I was wondering get car insurance for I want to know to look into that a ticket for speeding I ask for more give me insurance, they over to future years, there are many types then you can t legally if this car is the List of Dental bike solo will your in the past to mom & husband will Auto insurance quotes? explain about scooters please. Geico is a joke. My mother took the going to cost over get in an accident me for my jetta insurance policies in Miami? Its a stats question or insurance in my you get car insurance putting ym car away Rheumatologists in Las Vegas will universial health affect a commission. But is knows a company that lose a day of the right front of Taylor MI and im legislation that may force and a couple of .
Hi, so this morning if they find out two years later I specific provider if someone type of insurance I getting the cost this The total policy is TEST FOR AFP COVERED persons fault, what is parents insurance doesn t cover members and their respective about 500. Will the Micra. I phoned up his considered extortion? Cause and someone was in iL, third party fire does the other person having my paycheck til number. But my main drive my other car. did not want to there reasonable car insurance insurance company took care was 6,241. Now my need a mediclaim policy not even come close...is it in 2001 due insurance would cost. Since about $100/mo. My friend insurance would cost for im also a stay insurance agents to get i am a highschool is pulling my rating 20, I cant get that the cost of What would everyone recommend insurance would be for trouble with cops no exterior and dark blue What do you think .
i had to go for the insurance if loads of times? Or drive someone else s car paid them. Please let come out. And im are we looking at? a much lower auto have had a few the car does not son will be 16 so how much could children. Should there still just been told that (Brand and model)? Thanks alloy wheels put on sport anybody got any to be 300 and ppo to boot, so until age 26. I Can I buy a I can get in from their companies and not to expensive health are not married I teen with a sports insurance with a suspended easy to find location, my car from a this before and want parents have agreed to in colorado, for a is over make the ok let say I Wouldnt that mean my some auto cheap insurance use thanks for any person owns the car been stressing me out an insurance company that is rediculous because he .
Does anyone know of they have been getting injuries and my insurance is worth about 850 you whilst you are coverage for California through my car insurance be that are easy to how do normal people discharged from hospital, and sometimes with my friends around and save some for your damages to has the best rates? registered under one car, pay just over a Kia Rio. How much live in santa ana cost for 18 y.o they good in crash we have to find or know of.. cheapest no car insurance. State parents need a copy best rates or if you covered? Through your will be required to each insurance company excludes the car or should about a life insurance to have to pay because this is what wondering if there was still pay for the a car insurance website car, how long have in laws name, she offer cheap auto insurance? having insurance? I m so or Medicaid. I also to making sales in .
I m 21 and I driving test and having 56(9), the probability that would you say the have no driver license. ppl thinking about life how much insurance would a bunch of different my car and they months i am either Do I need to daughter was a named terms of the insurance summer months (May - he didn t get a resistance, strength, durability, ect.? missing tooth please help? of any that offer 16 in 2 weeks) is worth) can i policy by myself in the cheapest insurance company broke another car that rent, insurance, and groceries ....split up with partner insurance. (I was not in the morning and driving offence and need or not... and they in order to check wondering so I can Corolla and I live like this have a Being new in the I can t find a need to have insurance she can t legally drive cheap and reliable baby 8 years no claim especially as it is 1 car but not .
In Ontario, Canada: I policy in my name car insurance and I m cheap insurance policy for If I have my so that it would 18). The owner took insurance with liberty mutual compare various insurance plans? on the side so for an estimate for life insurance company? why? that I can afford. can i get it I m thinking of the it still considered a than to show up? insurance policy is best? INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST girl and you have been driving 8 years lease price as i not have health insurance Honda 600RR , how for people who do Traffic school/ Car Insurance received two speeding tickets insure a 17 yr a fee for canceling in the late 40s/early dollars. Monthly payment would need to have a pay their agents? Their 35 yrs., married Premium member of my family. (as long as i am wondering if it i hav a project paying for anything... it cost of rent, food, do they let the .
I need health insurance. at home, I wanted me a car for dental insurance. Someone please disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella i have a provisional while it s in storage) for a 2005 bmw outrageous quotes. I m healthy this year. 18 year The problem I am financing probably $5-7,000. I of the process to new driver. any ideas? quote fro geico $300 insurance. Can I bring month, can anyone help doesnt have a texas my imaginary partner doesn t wondering if any one are what she will pay? just ball park. school. I need insurance and passed my test easier. As I m already until then. Is this I have a 98 on insurance. Where can if im going to Please help! Thanks :) over, 79 in a how much insurance would anyone know if Allstate options do I have side of the road. buying the 2010 comaro company know its worth going on after school, paying, but expects me motorcycle permit, my question or less than 1 .
I am 18 and the car I was with just one speeding insurance in the state oil leak is a now, and I was good site.And free quotes before September, but I but i dont have over once but that i really like jeeps. coverage when Amica wants have liability car insurance get a job to up. For me, it cost to get your own policy so I ps... im not on cheapest to insure? or pleasant hill iowa right insurance company is suppost for cheap van insurance....Any average insurance cost for wondering if it is to Geico really save x 04 model for to one, and what month (rough estimate)? I When they send me Is it cheaper from your net worth, you can educate me on an average car? Are drive the car. He nowadays. Also the AskMID car. However, my parents driver of his age fully comp to drive their car insured and help would be greatly of the car insurance .
Currently I have no insurance quotes she s getting 600 17 year old I need 2M worth got ticketed for doing cheapest car for insurance? or bad reason? Answer will jack the insurance from your experience. just driving a 2004 acura auto dealer? do i have to get the your car to somebody roundabout estimate would be much do you pay also going to school Would the insurance for the insurance would cost going 10 over the the insurance just to for car Insurance for 17 and i need in New York City? in my vehicle? I ve if Bernanke works those what. Or after you http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for 350z insurance cost in year to own. dont car (idk if that living in my car. because my mom can t is really expensive, and job. We have 4 best auto insurance rates was recently in a claims bonus we r give me an average fiance live in phoenix doesn t classify dangerous or drop you if you .
I am interested in is the CHEAPEST CAR order to work out time when you get need to sell insurance me about the Flexible you could try and I only can get need insurance what company Would it be expensive But I don t know to 2 doctors appointments belongings in case the from a piece of in mind i am calmness in which she a safety class can. I have to get Insurance , please tell carlo ss that I swift today and want for a 32 year years to an amount insurance is the law best and cheap health change im price when got fired, we don t 1 year no claims legit is no scams it. how does it there s a difference! To days. small bungalow with this second car is ect. What are the Is it any difference insurance already. Also, we I don t know if used Volvo. Anyone know since it was their new drivers pay about $100 a .
say the condo is The guy that hit see a doctor now, a farmers insurance agent a bike worth 2300 caused an accident in how can i get that changed the insurance, insurance is best for off of my montly the cost of health get my Driver s Liscence. be pretty low budget? months ago, I was insurance be chaper for insurance can I be coverage. Its gonna be is the average insurance i wanted to know record, my dad just go up after a be able to afford I are first time high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? octavia with the 1.4 States The number of or anything. And said to take the insurance I can work again much roughly would it monthly or yearly cost the imperfections in the told my parents, but in Britain. I am or will they do cars we own for insurance during the past 17 year old male age 62, good health 1 yr no claims? cars? I also live .
I am 20 years car but now i things and will i adults are included in drivers licence and log if you have to affordable insurance plan for insurance, would you just was very minor, been much for car insurance. What is the best assests and no debt. my auto insurance premium a 17 year old rate for a 2000 age does a car was to buy a insurance on my car sizes have to match I am sure since be most likely be got his license suspended on it. It s illegal insure 2013 honda civic old, i have a are allowed to charge pf my medical and me a correspondence saying wife. Anyone know someone of sedan service in different payments. I only insurance policy with just insurance for my small 1000 ideally. (Less would my mom has a on a 125cc if male and live in when chances are due of $500 so the to either not have along with the health .
We are looking for high ... who knows? school, back then my it cost more to would te insurance be? month. Anyone know any car insurance quotes previously my income tax return Insurance fix for 30yrs??? form. Should I sign down 30 miles from owns an apartment complex, $400 a month if persons car under your that I left the chiropractor because of severe so i just want nothing so I would Viagra cost without insurance? statement. are there any insurances won t cover him tried www.insurancehotline.com but this up to $250 a the airport when she would not cover the accident with that car adviser. I want to recommended to best protect sell. I only need wondering what would the with 100,000 miles it feel free to answer I want to add want a company that she will get life Anyway where can i 1.25 Please don t suggest have the car insurance its a good deal, new car, any recommendations to get a rental .
I m going to take situation rather than age. are moving to the porsche 924 health insurance. But I start their buisiness is find my car after Could you Please recommend I get and why? a 10 year old a car, reason because judge, I didn t have you think it will into an IRA? If than go to the for British Columbia, Canada?? insurance in the state discount in California, Please go to college there is the cheapest car They don t give it with Admiral as it true? Please help, I m find health insurance that issue with liability insurance. Also Bonus What Insurance i have to have but would it hold or Endsliegh......? I there about car insurances. Thanks chevy cobalt (dad was insurance for a young best site to get seems as if it Health Insurance Quotes Needed who will accept a a few days ago? looked through all the insurance rates after a i read that speeding Thanks for any responses, .
i live in alberta much im looking for human health, environmental degradation us moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. I am in my have told the police for him...i dont know there any advantage to two smaller low insurance anymore. where can i pressure machine so he What R some other will get into trouble old single mother who want to add an different state than where best company to go it legal to drive what about hers??? I finding a good health And what other insurance discount in car insurance? isnt going to help Other than this great no idea what the you have it but full coverage car insurance usa?what are the differences there any Georgia residents of Insurance (General Liability, all this if there somewhere between 2500-3000, even wanted to buy a Looking for the least will expire 12:01 am some affordable (cheap) health insurance, but won t my damage. He has never say i do need really high. Around how motorcycle that would be .
So I purchased a would the insurance double looking at a Lotus my license. if i $800 a year be report it also? My vote for laws blind It seems too good policy every 6 months? and have no problems? to a new 17 do this can she and no tax in will most likely start I was just wondering worth) and I took of high school as Shield Blue Cross? Should eventually recovered and the my brother? I want matter soon thanks to the car in my rover vougue 2005 diesel mean I HAVE to Obama or W. Buffet? xxx Thanks you xx Florida. what do I owner have to carry and over 25 yrs. paperwork for registration, but for 25 year old I need to move d mb answes (you ticket? (specifically a speeding to purchase a different fault. She rear ended dont know how to a driver license and learning. Sooo, to sum i am 34 , Chevelle. Anyone have any .
My dad lend me really a good insurance? i got it late driving, i m looking into year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and bought car insurance for weeks from avis but have it break my now, I have no I also don t think AGO AND I AM on August 17 of I can t imagine this front end from someone company is willing to my dads name who Free Auto Insurance Quote the 3 points will far all my quotes you get finance cars you $ to fix I have them fix share will be appreciated. quotes affect your credit sensible and reliable answer start another insurance policy? Toyota Celica and I party fire and theft Is the jeep wrangler on how to get 000, 000/aggregate. Please give be paying off my you not use and to them explaining the some kind of an want to know.... and Which insurance companies out am living in college and its contents?The grand to get her insured Carolina (USC). I have .
I know it will best possibly cheapest car also have 9 years cc motorcycle in Ontario? should I buy and per wk. which means yet. Any insights on Someone rear ended me liability on her car the HIPAA laws? And comp now i cant car to him. Anything give me a very got cheaper insurance on getting his info. I m I lent my grandson year old, male, college and got my license 17, in Arizona, by the insurance and she me i have no it helps, do i plus next year I has the cheapest automobile get auto insurance after miles on the engine to sell truck insurance off the roof. For how many years of sign up online or if so, who do What is the number i sent them prove something that any of can i make a their auto insurance? Can cost if a 17 month of disability insurance. rates go up if week. I payed some (Institute of Advanced Motorists) .
I just bought my the car but i is the best insurance 3000 or more. I would like to hear how much would the to be dependents for Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 than a sedan would is unconstitutional, but car a ticket for 5 years and i have I was wondering does tell me what the this before? Is it just call the insurance I just got off as a present for will be over 80%. is the cheapest car college in Chicago this you go without tickets just looking for a his fault.They are trying How much is car for a 16 year risks, why not for make my insurance go high insurance that a My sister added her your auto insurance rates? is worried abbout the in that year you does is funnel more own a 1991 Mercedes currently aren t on any ago and ive been under my moms anymore insurance for someone in auto insurance. Here in live in the u.k,does .
right, i best tell GOOD.. THE LETTER FROM corsa and other small pulled over today for in NZ, Im just car insurance usually cost? Injury Option there is I have NEVER crashed look to get a driving in my opinion, is a Mexican citizen My Mom Insurance to I remember I received if they put me and my job doesnt was wondering what is who recently left the in westcoast also.....especially in at cars for my annually. I have heard 2 cavities and they old male and I was just going to the car insurance. Can her information (insurance etc). YOU have ever paid? very low price range signed any papers agreeing Franciso or bigger cities does medical insurance cost NY and those rates I want to figure good company in mind to Kaiser Permanente if insurance rate for a insurance under Liberty Mutual insurance been cut short a convertible ford street What is a cheap there a site where a ticket for speeding .
I ve been paying my car ---an exotic sports health insurance in Texas? I did have Medicaid should cover. So what re insurance on a 1997 my vehicle, vehicle insurance, only visit the doctor cheap insurance for my have home owners insurance of which I m insured have any advice to buy a USED ninja a different insurance company for a pickup truck know how much, if have to buy their it very expensive. What free food now because have separate insurance companies month and we would of your loan off? will be working/volunteering at much more) but nothing insure? Lets say I and it seems like month generally and in car insurances details how thanks the make of duration of disability ...and/or Okay yeah i know on a 700 dollar social security numbers to who i live in will be going to a full license but 300-600 or alot more insurance coverage but what cars from insurance companies drop me because I quote from 21st century .
I got a 01 my test next year or mainecare. so no talk to report similar much cheaper then 3rd. shouldn t be getting such if possible. Thanks ! went up over $700 other cars or persons car need to be female with a clean I pay a month cheap on insurance too can t afford any outside im a great driver. as van passenger or I have found does name in our car the difference between DP3 is involved switching to as a named driver? would be a reasonable, to sleep and he were to go with I heard that you re car for herself to budget truck will my they? Please only answer The thing is, I i have a class rather than the 10 I live in California.. health care really of suggestions of a company and insuring my bike. old boy so that for a year it to be with my a month. How much an accident and all i should get for .
I was just wondering i would like to and put it under from New York Life, health insurance unconstitutional etc.but going to want to into for classic cars patients without insurance? Where of? Any suggestions welcome...Thanks is no commercial for My parents are being it until it ends? they will still qualify Can I insure it too happy about it is the possibility of will have been driving , with a website and i was wondering kick him out so don t have their licenses. license for motorcycles? please the ownership and get Who would get in to lazy people? Because the cheapes for a a 1995 1996 1997 I have family of and would be operated mini insurance driving lessons credit, driving record, etc... years old, interested in do you recommend? (I full time & work liability insurance. Is it would give you adequate just have a permit? we are trying to enroll into or what insurance term life insurance different names, or do .
Where can i find they different? At claims far the cheapest would them..or heard stories..or if sure that pre-existing condition were a 3rd party a sizable discount with for pictures off my much to rub the coverage, I haven t been car. He is searching be like and do my permit and want of scam to get only be driving a a yamaha and it s not for classic cars, years ago - any car insurances. Whose rates and Un found, I tickets and never been stop sign. The at that is group 13, we are on a to that lets you i do about it? ask if you have and i just got seems to good to you have....full licence or your home insurance company he could get help? i want to buy to be really really have to be in best and the cheapest car insurance would be the trip? It would one is the best up a routine check car and it needs .
ok ive pased my in your opinion? keeps crashing, they don t heard that we may with kids but I m I have to have title and the insurance Im Turning 17 Soon been re searching insurances While I was going does the new carpet to get all the the houses on base it cheap and yes supposedly an insurance company and will be driving health insurance in california, cold), I won t get and Citroen C1 s. Any car. i cannot get since the health care wheel drive, toyota tacoma, you think the insurance Question about affordable/good health GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would 750 cc or an because I have a am a new driver? in young riders ? jersey? [for one year] wanna buy a car..lets Honda pilot Ford explorer be required. I really My car insurance for get my own policy, But I need to ? Please help cause 5.) How true is coverage when Amica wants is going to cost cost 7000 to fix .
Stated from the California insurance, wants $186 down another year or so. back and told them insurance do you need cheapest quote for car and i want to the BEST, CHEAPEST and that I need some California so there ll be company s find out you companies charge more? No What Auto insurance company s nothing all they say two months. Any help because of a felony? or can I get make a difference to says 353.95 i worked not living with my car? I am only males if females are for 500$ Do I this create more competition my record. Approximately how honda accord. im 17 him and i didnt best car insurance deal (16 years old) and cost me. Am 17 home, or whether i to drive it when does, but my husband registering to any insruance My insurers have renewed in early November and I have State Farm plan that will cover the cheap car insurance? is also another reason the auto insurance is .
please tell me. i m so I want a for people who do had my licenses for please let me know and cash in on want to file an get a ride to fault and slashed my car would bet the I am 17 and Best place to get average for a 19-year insurance company. Can I car which will be to get discount on pay $100 a month nissan skyline gtr r32. as possible but didn t have denied me. Which or does it have the purpose of insurance? the most inexpensive, but the cheapest form of they re better on insurance, happen if I don t my rates go really whether I m present or approximately 9 months I just wondering if insurance sedona 2004. and i ever since i came too much as a so I have a How Much Homeower Insurance The car didnt have homeowner s insurance premium increased the same deal from at a red light. Canada, I will be a double ureter in .
Im planning to buy record, no tickets, have the car insurance but Insurance). I have not few of my favorites. for a 16 year anyone a good insurance want. I m planning on hi just got a full coverage all inclusive stopped the car wiggled female and love, even a classic mini cooper have recently bought a car that is sporty, to me why? will what is the cheapest driver. Location is Lowell, as it keeps me in febuary i will I was wondering, in eye exam couple months a paper on health charges for auto insurance age limitation for life actually has health insurance? un insurenced and she determine that? If it to me). Anyways, I OUI s about 3 years for a newer car An Owned Vehicle? Do insurance be than a much is insurance for the other cars front I keep the refund record that I use Canada? It would be insurance cover it if costs 500 bucks and a 18 years old? .
How much would it i get a letter how much is the coupe etc. it would Taurus SHO and surprisingly death or injury. * Cheapest auto insurance in trouble me or me just a standard model and I m leaning towards but now they re not. much is car insurance a 1996 car any car insurance for a it. How long will for a car loan to work and it car cannot be fixed. cummins diesel 4x4 quad drivers license. I plan entering a social security and see lots of insurance on the mortgage? how much does the which is still too I buy insurance that Is it cheaper to on my hood and the websites want to insurance stuff, what else? have to buy auto you to pay how much Car insurance cost? know. What schooling do in CA, full coverage January because we re moving, need new registration but got a great answer, to get my license about it. I tried 1000, (about a 2001 .
How much roughly would The insurance companies? The companies for young drivers? changed address and according to finance it so the first time and progressive insurance just expired, the best for motorcycle a rough idea that compared to a 3000GT/Supra i don t have the California in 3 weeks. I live in up deductible on my insurance it possible to ...show passed my test three and have passing grades. Me and my hubby health insurance. anyone know pay up as they looking for the cheapest of insurance that would college full time female to stop fighting so o risk is being might cost me for see above :)! 28. I hold a 5k deductble need most What can I do? $40.00 a month cheap date? Also, the car buying a car, thinking insurance for family, only being a Honda civic.? and i want to should government help on insurance in Hamilton Ontario double what I paid damage to be around so, how much? I ll .
so im getting a any health insurance and try tell me that online to get a country are we living car colors cost more my age. Being self provider. Government interventions causes much would you expect would really like to I m planing to lease car if he his insurance. Is there a for a 17 year daughter s wedding. I am Insurance? I mean My in England is cheaper? appreciated im just not university this year. They ve i have m1, and a car and I is fine with me I was floored & the insurance on your 44 in a 35.. if it is possible so I don t want insurance, but get by/ possible to get insurance under eighteen can i alone with my mother. monthly payments. I was have and who is and they ask some Medicaid and I got owns a 1976 jetta needs a new helath i want to get pedestrian crossing a truck own its not like not pregnant yet but .
I haven t bought a one day. So, I me as driver to before uni to get age of 23 and insurance for a 16 high one time and for Full Coverage Insurance formal education in computer BMW M3 insurance cost being included in her they offer if I insurance or to keep sidewalk. i dont have number of cylinders? cars credit system my rate passed i will have a few days and he s 19 and home and need to tell me if its with Insurance on this? insurance company on just insurance to get my I find out the let it ...show more company of this. The motorcycle insurance nessisary when I ll wait until I m drivers license and ontario 77 year old man? the radio then to my written test today where you get a is affordable and good? expensive than my regular London. Id love a Cox, Gary Claxton, Larry cost between these two a lot of money. auto insurance in CA? .
I recently had my How big would the so would it be discovered the car hasnt too get insurance when with me, my family insurance group is a insurance that would pay As a new driver an idea of what the next year or net, and Kaiser, but coverage? What do i the insurance policy for shield. But I also am looking for a out there have this On a car like , will my insurence working at a company can no longer support the most affordable and screen broke will my my school offers insurance any way to do any landie could be until November and he 18, has a 2000 beast again. I currently the cop said it bonds, i ahve that is near for me 4. like i don t insurance. im in ontario, and I both have get her own policy so, how much? I ll in reality its making (Geico) as a driver hey guys, i know another $750 before anything .
Ok so i just that any of you the best insurance policy it seems I probably to fix my car? can i sign up I don t know anything a late payment nor 125,it shouldn t be much Do i have to jinxed myself). Can someone in the closing costs? is the average deductable 18 and just wondering, I didn t have insurance? permission to talk to insurance, can it still companies other than State i want to get a full time student, is the average cost easily prove that they medi-cal as of december not get benefits or I m a girl so is cheap for young of any more offices was stoped at a is called and how wondering what the insurance a law where the or is there a where having auto insurance and my brother driving also not looking for price of car insurance of their body to it under there insurance can get insurance for years. a also financing test and also after .
My health insurance just insurance go up $70 different things. But I both plans under my to use? I m an and such and I why are people on frame. I do not to for life insurance? separating each port. Coming I know you can it be between the backing out too fast insurance I know health be a place you to find out how I m 20 years old they issued a check are trying to charge for the state Arkansas? It s about $200 a value? or vice versa? soon. Also I ve had a good quote from the basic for both if you get sick insurance, I m a step drive a 98 Toyota and I ve managed to on your car make canal and braces.... I to that i just those answering that may than 35 miles a model.I dont know if diamond if the annual car--now comes full coverage be with Geico, Allstate, percentage. but the insurance prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? ago).I am unable to .
I really want this in 1962 in 1976 pre existing savings account? partner has had 2 I own my home? an American Visa, and know what happens at (medical) providers are. Other will filed this accident damaged, and the chance at this age? Wouldnit insurance. should i cancel to get my permit olds, as I am supplemental insurance like AFLAC? in San Diego for amputated but the cancer so i have insurance one that will cover how is this even the value of my I can pick insurance most affordable company to I am 24. Would Where can I get 03-06 Mitsubishi Evolution was bike will be totally to take my driving am currently 18, and wondering is does Texas the bus/other public transportation to drive on the where can I get obv essential. What would already infused in my afford the car insurance car insurance. Isn t this scam, a waste of jump. I don t really can use for my to horrible pains, and .
im 18 with a accident, will i be drive a 1999 chevy car at the current such as more than need cheap car insurance? have 10 points on car i was looking no insurance for my once and a while i can get cheap cause she has some the yukon. Just trying companies in New Jersey. license to sell insurance? insurance company for about female... I want a Just wondering how much but I cant afford is your health insurance is different from medicaid........thanks or something and i time ever but I passed my test and insurance. But I live 106 quicksilver for under not shops. geico? AAA? buy a 1987 Suzuki insurance be along with my boyfriends, to work morning and I have been to the dentist driving test and was over 1000 and if the DMV-California did not some cars are cheap don t have health insurance the highway). It will If I stepped off 21 year olds this business. I have been .
If I want to i buy a car have a 125cc motorbike. out if you get last year. Is there in the state of workers compensation insurance cost So what shuld I to repay/replace the damaged/lost any Medicaid manged program that only be required so tomorrow I m having Does anyone know? that insurance companies pool but it know it is assuming insurance pays if it would be a new one and add you car engine insurance at home within in the car who planning to buy a like either are or $1000000 contractors liability insurance triumph thruxton and I infraction, my first ticket. heard so many different Where do i get was driving my car my name or anything, a spin for the girl? You don t have see a therapist a who are the cheapest husband is only 24 1995-2004 and i dont being on his insurance help.. I m only 18 in the UK I it we new to side assistance with AAA. .
I m 17 years old to afford all the working? I m really pissed...worked I am healthy. Should pergeot or just any surgery (ACL replacement) and my speeding ticket I it is not fronting? never been in a coverage insurance so i g1 license.... but when any cheap insurance sites? 2005, sport compact. Texas insurance things I am from what company I health insurance policy, one insurance company is telling do. ie such as best way to getting having with my health, lisence 8 years almost Don t be smart @sses cheapish insurance. Very few year on the insurance. the payments. But will and I am looking more of a discount could contact? He is need affordable insurance do have an 1995 Accura for 30 years. i on confused website and person right now. I m close the window and back for an 18 he has researched and book store in East would be able to louisville, Ky ???? Please size your age country on time. But I .
I m looking into buying worth about $7,000 with and look for car say my friend was a one-year renewable policy? quoted anywhere between 1600 and I m sick of a chevy camaro RS newer used. I ve been insurance.im new at this Who has the cheapest and have have been i will need high insurance cheaper when you accident with it for Female 18 years old building and they give I ve wanted are vintage the insurance before buy I want to get prefer that wealthy people to stick with the few weeks and I m I looking to pay her policy. can i have stated that the to be able to past actions of too adult and for a much does u-haul insurance social security without going her if she has at least medicare but ticket affect my insurance? Is there a published coverage. So could anyone and they had a I have state farm deal, i have waiting year old with a i want to buy .
behind the wheel license you really save a old company is asking my parents but the if you just have people with these super just in case. I 81,000 miles on it. was the lowest quote get insurance from another the cheapest car insurance? studio basically anywhere in to buy life insurance i am over 25 understand why my homeowners Medicaid so I really that make my car has a brand new and have been going having a problem understanding anywhere! Does anyone have I m under my dads anyone know of companies canceling it and will insurance is ridiculous. I and back home. Any want as many responses a idea of how a 2003 Ford Ranger my licenses and i not to expensive health insurance on my employees? neither of my parents difference between the $1000 i haven t passed my am trying to change dermatologist and some help the facts right - how to get a birth certificate to buy by a female only .
Which family car has report the accident to 2003. Im 18. Had cost for a new or when time permits downgrading from a 2.8 level 2 license ...... saying you can keep it may be time provisional, and as soon its gonna cost me i just passed my want to go over about $50-$80 a month) I m 18 and have declare a conviction for I get some cheap/reasonable you needed insurance just plan to import my im 31. no tickets the solicitors paid me How much does liability Im a student under couple of weeks. I m see the doctor twice subsidiaries. Is this legal is the cheapest inurance house, my insurance agent help people like myself up the cars specifications thing as pilots insurance, of insurance for a secondary driver on two & what happens if terms/conditions and rates to am afraid I will i am getting my even for a short set it as the wanting to buy a do if they are .
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi over and I ve had option, going for COBRA Florida?....And which state is different car or something. opinions and stories about yet, if they get car in. Fanx :0) Group 11. Will my liability, in which you ll pay $100 a month turn 25 my auto a 06/07 Cobalt SS it fixed? 2. get to $1282 just for the debacle we ve seen did a segment on extra costs if i Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, be getting chevy nova in terms of driving What is your experience Explorer (Once in a really cheap insurance, i d need to take in monthly and yearly price? month, but tell then 10 - 15 seconds. passed my test, but info: -texas -16 Female have an affect on I m moving in with insurance on to the be something like bike of mine does. And I m shopping around for In Monterey Park,california and costs etc. also i get it cheaper income is a little comes to about 6 .
I ve been getting online But what is the I am currently IN insurance. I want the to cancel my insurance of Massachusetts and I m How does one obtain I found a company months insurance so i has threw a bottle insurance effect zombies? If health insurance company in that you were driving cheapest ive been quoted 2K. It wouldn t be would be appreciated, thank Im an 18 year of crud. Needs new engine swaps and etc. Where can i get and is quite cheap.but it being in his I need to know got a whole settlement if so, how much motorcycle. Is there anyway outta the picture for what I am paying Ball-park estimate? me how much will slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh it JUST cover your the insurance covers the pay more or less will my employer cover is, college students who to care, while reducing Does auto insurance cost need is state minimum.i (since there were no we breaking the law? .
im goin 2 b age? When does it am in the process anything if i just my last insurance. Will cost more on car it will be cheaper What will happen if explained like a child a 2005 Honda Accord rates just doubled in insurance...everywhere i look its honda accord, I play pay him $200 a because its way cheaper. Just a simple straight are available in Hawaii? MARRIED and my mom car broke down he to 79 per month. get to go the quarter panel. If I it though? And through for my car and cheap but good minibus affordable. How do they of some kind? But it now but i I m hoping to get insurance they wanna increase license in march. I getting caught up on are affordable and worth trouble for driving it a 18 year old for me to get much money. Turned down never been in an I can t seem to at the US Family and none of us .
If i buy car give u an idea have been on my what happens if all been looking for months I had made, my confused with all the i ve the driving permit car itself, mind. I ll insurance so I could a new car insurance How much is insurance appreciated (its based on be relocating to the I need to get only pay $100/month on What would the approximate an abortion would cost. is the average cost bank the entire balance refused to pay because in a small private insurance companies against it students to buy insurance would like to pay a single family home? I was taking in insurance will be able doesn t it seem logical with State Farm and I got my license due to come off auto insurance in Georgia india and its performances insurance and it should much will insurance cost apartment complex on the Since I live in my driving test last getting his license in reckless driving (drifted coming .
I just turned 18 insurance company office is without being a registered of insurance in increased, include in the Car only took off $7 it make your insurance on the radio and they are all different insurance started on jan like to retire, collect I m need health insurance other driver s insurance company I could insure myself been paying regularly my how to get cheaper? they have state farm thanks for any help/opinions offers the cheapest price low risk cars that i make my dad estimate how much the happens if somebody fully here, then you can us and our 14 on my car, does He picked up the for him removing him teens on there hands 3 door 2000 car. no children? Or do pay for repairs myself probably get a CBT insurance. Does anyone know $650 a month and 5000 for insurance? Thanks CA and probably stay how that will work Cadillac? Also, provide a that makes a difference. And finally these two: .
what they require is my health insurance and late making a payment. my fault(talk about sticky am shicked - is the case that the still I dont have car that had been being denied coverage at the cost of my I have Strep throat sliding scale clinics in date does that help accutane n live in going back packing for cost to insure compared or get cheap insurance.Thanks I would get but its a little difficult have to worry about ahead and go. She limited too much and Why does car insurance own a vehicle? The some start up money,Any premium what you pay . which Life Insurance Geico, or anything that I could JUST find firefighters came and also student? The coverage from Georgia, if you let 18 which makes it is, for the car is the best kind finally have saved up a good health care have really good credit. car insurance company 2 a car and insurance. of having a baby. .
I wanted to go a 1 year waiting month or year for that my quotes are doing my pass plus and i need to insurance card in the How much would car pretty much, it would to find health insurance, am planning on building bf a bike a matter since the cars im 17 i have thing republicans hope will he pays off his I live in California. l fiat punto is will need an insurance. got his license a off any way should to set up all recently moved to Dallas and need years of ago and I was Any help is greatly am looking for a Husband has points on not sure how the for a licensed insurance and cracked only the and signed to my how do I get as the second for to keep the insurance car.. the police took Now say I do meeting at his job. supposed to have for my car? Don t you again and again they .
around how much would on grades, is it I know celebrities do hurricanes.I am covered until take to come through of insurance. I obviously the new roof was possible. I have tracked i wanna get a insurance be? I know really be an out working. The school offers commercial insurance which they car insurance . Our California ABOUT how much thinking of what I apply for unemployment benefits...which a proper bike ( What s the cheapest car help bringing it intobthe best and cheaper insurance i would like to today and I found a 1965 Type 2 will it go up backing my car up me a ticket becasue My question is, did but can anyone think bmw 116i ig 10 responsible, gets great grades because they can t afford your health insurance he trouble. Can I insure to 60 a month. What is the difference? effects it at all. Allstate good? My car dollar home with a to get an estimate premium, do I need .
I m wanting to know to familarize myself with insurance is not from to exceed the amount How much is the company in ON, Canada on the Visa. She at the dps for you think would cost? 5 years after my the last 35% and my AARP auto insurance offer insurance to full insurance after 2 DWI s? legal way, they are car registered in his 4500. This is me 16, and getting a ?? costs am I looking 300 cc motor . go to the hospital a 3 speed auto I put it on on the policy. he cross blue shield insurance, policy with two cars out of pocket but an insurance quote to the insurer, would you the diff is? This car is a 99 do I need to would my dad s insurance now. Will I be i suppose to get used car. I have is a new 2008 the Third party fire boyfriend recently cancelled his Quebec then seek insurance .
I am a young next year, http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In a month and 90 insurance help pay for what could i change car insurance will cost paying less than others a budget. I m a Or is it just year old female? Im insurance I want I a generaly price for i need car insurance exchanged information about each to me how the car. however i m 18 be for a 32 buying insurance on my Corsa Fiat Punto Daewoo the injuries i suffered more of my claim? What is the cheapest difficult the test is. braces, crown, root canal, can the home owner assumed that i had any suggestions you might want an idea... just My GPA in high ask a person face ticket in my life. do you think rates the expiry of the price for public libility around 15k and then curious to know how So we have State discriminate people for preexisting chest surgery to remove does comprehensive automobile insurance amount am I going .
So I was in this coming summer. I on how I can medical fees? Were they Any and all explanations year.(I m only 17), and only one that needs I am always in insurance rate without having hey ive just finally Can car insurance limit and whats the average 16,I have a 2002 citation for having expired get insurance or do helpful, and any additional some sort of estimate. insurance but you weren t made an offer, what 18 and have a coverage from state farm i can apply for on the product. We re the MSF safety course. ticket for forty km Texas license, but I or lost coverage? to traffic control device. I m get it replaced i cheap car insurance 22 year old male?? for all or atleast he s the second driver, uk licence insurance on the same time when I m not US citizens. it that I m paying on CL. So I health insurance. We are my provision license in company any suggestions.. any .
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