#skam unpopular opinion
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: most people in the active fandom right now will NAUT like season 5 lol (not me though)
are you implying that s5 isn't gonna be heartstopper young royals skam s3 esque. disagree❌❌
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psychic-waffles · 11 months
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just caught up on amber's skate from last night and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa she was so good 😭😭😭😭😭
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lamey-amy · 2 years
I feel like Skam Austin gets so much hate but I really liked it by the end and I'm reeeeeally sad we aren't getting Shay and Zoya seasons.
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Thank you for the tags! @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes & @goldenskykaysani
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I first started watching LS around the 2nd or 3rd episode of season 1 after seeing some adorable gifs of Owen & TK floating around on my tumblr feed.
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I wish I could find out who patient zero was that first brought them to my attention from my follow list, but I think it must've been someone from the Skam fandom? maybe?
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, baby!! and ngl, I highly doubt anything will top it at this point just based off where the plots have gone since.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
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I mean - y'all knew what the answer would be to this one, right? Obviously Paul is my favorite. I do also really love TK. I know I have a reputation for loving Paul because I get very animated about him LOL... but I would like to put TK in my pocket and keep him safe forever, thank you.
Top five episodes. Go!
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Paul. One hundred percent, I need it from Paul. I know everyone and their brother is going to or has answered Carlos for this and that tracks for a tarlos based fandom... but my unpopular opinion is that we've gotten quite a bit of character backstory for him this past season compared to some others like Nancy, Paul, and Marj. I feel like Paul has been part of the core group since the beginning but hasn't seen the amount of meaty plots as some of the others have. He's due!
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What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Okay, I have two ideas for this: - an episode in which some of the characters who rarely interact are somehow trapped together due to some kind of emergency/disaster/storm and must navigate their way out together while the rest of the team helps from the outside. There are a few groupings we could use for it, but I personally would have the potential pairings be one of the following (or all three at once??): Paul & Tommy... TK & Grace... Judd & Carlos. I feel like these 3 pairings are people we don't get to see interact one-on-one often (or at all) and it would be super fun! - a true HEAT WAVE. they very briefly had that heat thing happen in 4x01 but I want a whole episode about a temperature heat wave and how first responders have to deal with them. this is TEXAS, c'mon. Plus the theme of heat throughout the episode could pop up in various character's stories. Tarlos = sexy heat. One of the firefighters = heat in the form of pressure in their job like a promotion of some kind. etc.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I have absolutely no fucking clue 😂 So I will instead direct you to this wonderful little spec fic by @littlemissmarianna As much as I hate everything to do with the Gabriel plot and tbh am not excited to see its continuation... if they manage to pull something off like that fic, I might actually enjoy some of it!
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
... soooooooo I must confess something here...
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*whispers* I don't actually know all about the elusive 5.05 spicy scene. someone needs to fill me in. I have not been paying attention to spoilers & speculation as much this time around since last season's speculation went so terribly for me 🤭🤣
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Something about Carlos "getting homesick after a weekend in Branson" just tickles me. and the sarcastic way TK talks about the idea of Carlos wanting to travel the world also just amuses me to no end...
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so this paired with the way the wedding went down, I think TK wouldn't want to make Carlos travel very far. or leave his mother so soon. I think TK wants his husband to feel as safe and comfortable as possible and so they spend a weekend at a nice spa/resort near Austin. Some place like this: Miraval Austin and then spend the rest of their honeymoon week bundled up together at home.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
for fics, I'm gonna be a little lazy here and link some of my previous themed fic rec lists:
but truly there are some wonderful fics in those lists!!! For some fanart: - this one by @whatsintheboxmh is one of my faves. ankle grab my beloved. 🥺🥰 - this one of s5 TK by @fitzherbertssmolder is so adorable! - this one of BUTTERCUP! by @greentealycheejelly is absolutely precious. - this one of Paul & Marjan!! by @heartstringsduet is amazingggg. give me all the paul fanart - this one of Grace by @yorit1 is stunning.
I'm not sure who has already done this, but I'm gonna tag some mutuals that I don't think I've seen it from yet (no pressure though!!) @lemonlyman-dotcom @herefortarlos @tkstrandreyes @three-drink-amy @littlemissmarianna @mikibwrites @alrightbuckaroo
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jennibeultimate · 11 months
the deniss situation is super frustrating!! I see people say "oh, he should quit the quads and just be the next jason brown" and forgetting that JB tried that quad toe for so long and ultimately there is only so far you can push a tech ceiling, especially when your competitors are all getting a second quad in the short already. Deniss clearly likes working with Steph and they clearly share an artistic vision of skating but I wonder if Deniss would benefit from a summer camp w a different team that has a different (or any?) jump specialist for a bit.
I agree wholeheartedly on the "super frustrating"! Such a tragedy.
I know why ppl make the comparison between Deniss and Jason's situation, but Deniss is a completely different person. So while their struggles seem to be comparable, you cannot just copy paste another skater's strategy and think that it would work the same way.
Ppl don't only forget that Jason was struggling with quads for his entire career, but also that their situations have some differences.
Jason had a powerful federation to back him up, Deniss cannot rely on his fed pushing his scores. (not to say Jason didn't deserve his scores, but sometimes his GOEs seemed a bit high compared to other skaters that did just as amazing triples with difficult entries etc. but were from small federations, not even Yuzu received as high GOEs on triples throughout his career though Yuzu wasn't from a small fed either, this was just an example)
Deniss isn't as consistent as Jason is/was with his triples. If Jason fell on the quad try you could maybe see him struggle a bit with the 3A sometimes but not with any other jump. Deniss isn't able to recover from his quad fall as quickly and he never had the same success rate with his triples in competition to begin with.
Ppl don't like to admit or see it...Deniss skating skills and transitions aren't nearly as good as Jason's were. Jason is exceptionally in the transition department, Deniss is great but there is still a jarring difference between what those two do.
Skating nowadays relies a lot heavier on jump abilities than when Jason was struggling with quads. There is only a couple of years difference age wise but skating has changed a lot. And let's also not forget that not being able to do a quad did make Jason miss the Olympics in 2018 and almost also in 2022. So it's not like Jason's strategy was always working against stronger jumpers in the US. Deniss is just luckier in that regard bc in this case a small country is a blessing.
I am not sure if the technical expertise is lacking for Deniss. They invited jump specialists to Champery, Ghislain Briand is giving summer camps there for several years in a row, he's now even part of the coaching team, so actually Deniss does have a lot of specialists to work with. Maybe a summer camp with different ppl or approaches could help him. Maybe the problem is more mentally than physically, I don't know just speculating. There are videos of Deniss landing quads both 4S and 4T even in combination. So technically he is able to do them, just the success rate in competition is basically 0.
I was also thinking is Stephane still the right coach for Deniss? I know this opinion is widely unpopular but if it weren't Stephane specifically would that option be still this outrageous? Ofc they share a vision and I also understand that the entire success of Deniss' senior career is a joint work between Stephane and Deniss, but there is only so much a coach can do for you. And maybe it reached its limits. I think Stephane himself even looks frustrated when Deniss came off the ice at SkAm. It's just a thought so pls don't come at me...
We aren't in his shoes and I wouldn't want to tell what is right for him. For me it's just clear that his current strategy is not working and that he can't continue this path forever bc it can't be mentally good to not be able to get any kind of success. Maybe they are already aware of the problems and are working on it. I hope he'll find a way. I cannot offer a solution, just wish him well.
I can only repeat, it's frustrating. And it's probably or definitely the most frustrating for Deniss himself.
Crossing my fingers for the free skate! 🙏
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pastelwitchling · 1 year
I thought now would be the proper time to talk about my (maybe slightly unpopular) opinions on The Eighth Sense. Here are my thoughts on this show, why I think it was so popular, and my overall opinion on kbl. At least, the ones I've seen so far.
So grab your tea and some biscuits, because this might be a long one.
I loved The Eighth Sense. Let's just get that out of the way real quick. I thought the actors had so much charm, I love everyone they wanted us to love and hate everyone they wanted us to hate, and the characters themselves were also great and refreshing.
Jihyun is a country mouse, but he's independent and unyielding. Jaewon doesn't keep a distance because of any kind of homophobia, but because of his own self-deprecation. The characters, for the most part (I'll get into that more in a bit) are very nice and good-hearted people. Except for two, but we don't like them, so we will be ignoring them.
I saw the reaction people had to this show, so I had to check it out, and yeah, I get the hype online. Very quickly, I realized why it was being talked about so much. Has anyone ever seen the show Skam? Either the Norwegian or French versions? Well, The Eighth Sense is shot exactly like that. To someone who's never seen anything but the Asian-based bls, seeing that European style on a kbl is kind of surprising. Even if you have seen Skam, the style is still shot more "indie" with simpler, quieter scenes, and it's not something we're used to seeing with non-European characters. At least, not in a bl.
That said, a lot of the shots are a little too... artsy, in my opinion, and I didn't like some of them. Like as Jihyun comes down the stairs at one point, the scene cuts to him on opposite sides of the staircase, or there were mirror scenes, or closeups on people's faces for no reason, and they kept yanking me out of the scenes.
But the real controversial opinion comes here, are you all ready?
I think the show could be a little... offensive sometimes.
I mention this because I didn't see anyone else say it, and maybe I'm just missing those posts, but... you guys ever notice that the chubbier characters are always snacking on something? It's such a small, but such a gross stereotype. If you're not stick-thin, it's because you're constantly eating. And then, wouldn't you know it, these only two chubbier characters end up with each other at the last minute even though they never shared so much as a scene throughout the whole show, AND despite the fact that Joonpyo clearly had a thing for Aeri. But oh, she's this pretty little social thing, so we can't have them together.
And... Hedwig. Look. If they'd teased him and had a problem with him because of how rude he is, fine. Great. But from the very beginning, before he's even said a word to anyone, he's being laughed at and mocked, not just by our sweet little country mouse and his friend, but by the entire class and professor just because of how he's dressed and how over the top he is. What, because it comes from a queer character and an ally, it's okay? It just really left a bad taste in my mouth.
And that's really it. Oh, and the fact that the villains are forgiven in the end so easily despite not deserving it for a second, but that's more a personal preference. I really enjoyed the show, the acting was amazing, and Jihyun is actually pretty inspiring for how tough he is. That said, no, I don't think it was the flawless masterpiece that everyone else seems to think it was. It was certainly shot different, but not perfect.
That's pretty much the gist of kbl, in my opinion. They're shot different--quieter scenes, more of a budget with things like mics and soundtracks--but not perfect. Could any other show, from any other country, do what Until We Meet Again did? Could any random couple manage in My School President better than Gemini and Fourth? I don't think so. And a lot of that comes down to how Studio Wasabi (I know that's not what they're called, but that's what I've always called them) and GMMTV do things, even with the smaller budget.
I also think that a lot of this "kbl is the superior" attitude comes down to BTS and k-drama hype. A lot of people are caught up in the whirlwind and excitement of the Korean everything coming out nowadays, but for someone who already had her BTS and k-drama phase long ago, I'm just not as taken in, I guess?
I don't know, personally, bigger budget doesn't equal better. And I think giving kbl this much praise for just starting to do what thai, japanese, and taiwanese bl have been doing for years now (and with plenty of flaws, too, Semantic Error and Unintentional Love Story are the only two I can think of that I enjoyed beginning to end without any really uncomfy moments) is, I'm sorry, just a little ridiculous. I think they still have ways to go before they're my go-to for bl.
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drowsyanddazed · 1 year
Jade you watch Druck? I’m screaming, what’s your favorite season?
hi! yes!! my favorite season is season 3 (my favorite in most of the remakes lol) but second favorite is 7/isi (partly bc i rlly love sascha, i think he’s my favorite character in the whole thing). idk if this is an unpopular opinion but third favorite: season 5/nora. i think the writing was the best of all the new gen druck
do wanna mention though i rlly wanted to love season 6/fatou, i saw advertising for it and that’s why i started watching the new gen druck in the first place, but i think maybe i went in with too many expectations? i felt like the pacing was a bit off & while fatou and kieu my had good chemistry, i wish they had more on screen time and they communicated better, probably fourth favorite? (ik you asked for my favorite but i’m giving you up to four <3) put more wlw in skam!!
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nicolinocolino · 2 years
Ok, I finished Prisma:
My first and main question: why twins, specifically? Why not simply brothers? In life, of course, twins are just another random act of nature. In media, though, everything is a choice, a symbol, and the decision to make these characters twins has to mean something. Two halves of the same whole, dualistic world views, a shadow of the self, codependency, etc… but I didn't see any of these themes? The twins were different, sure, but I wouldn't call them mirrors or even narrative foils. They had their own struggles that didn't relate at all, and their stories hardly entangled at the macro level. I guess I could see a sort of “we’re the same on the outside but not the inside” message underlaid, but it was weak, and even then that could have been reinforced better by, oh, I don’t know, the parents treating them the same even though they have their own problems or interests, or love interests treating them like one person. Literally anyone treating them like one person in two bodies — but actually all of the characters recognized that Andrea and Marco were very different. Am I just not getting it? I’d love to be enlightened.
Maybe an unpopular opinion but Ilo Dani and Vito were a very uninteresting and unlikeable trio (to me). Idk if they were supposed to be, but I thought they were annoying and their whole music video arc was honestly cringe fail embarrassing level 10 :/ not saying their behavior and personas were unrealistic, it’s just that these characters had a ton of screen time and they weren’t even funny or enjoyable. I had no reason to root for any of them. The scenes that revolved around these three dragged heavily. I thought the actor who played Dani was meh. Speaking of Dani, why is everyone after him? He was so boring. And not to keep being a downer but the "will he choose music or sports" storyline made laugh. What is this, High School Musical?
I’m sorry but you couldn’t pay me to care about Carola and Marco’s relationship :/ individually they were pretty okay characters and they actually had chemistry when they were close, but their arc was a snooze fest. Truly nothing original about their brand of boy meets girl.
The series might have benefitted from an "all is lost" moment — I was expecting it to happen to Andrea, and it almost happened but it didn't. Or maybe if the themes were more clear? Not that it needed to be spelled out but everything felt almost too subtle. I found myself thinking "I don't know what this character is thinking" or "I can't tell what's going on here" in scenes — not that I'm a media analysis genius (I'm 100% not) but like, I should be able to tell what's going on, what's being represented, connecting moments happening to past moments. Some stuff was just too subtle and I couldn't decide if it was important or not — it's almost like the writing itself didn't know if the scene was important or not.
Andrea and Nina's friendship (and relationship...?) were the best part of the series.
Maybe I've just flat-out memorized skam at this point, but... too many references?
Anyway, I was pretty underwhelmed. The cinematography and directing were beautiful, as I expected. The story is okay but slow. Its major downfall is the characters. I really didn't care what happened to any of them :/
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should i watch skam? so many people are talking about it 😭
Yes!!!!! I love Skam. Start with the og (Norway). It’s the best one and it’s the blueprint. You can start from season 3 if you just want to watch for Evak, but I HIGHLY recommend watching the whole thing. It’s so good. The besties have group watches for Skam. It’s a comfort show.
After Norway, if you want more, which you will, my favorite remake is France. Which is an unpopular opinion actually💀
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uhyeahmaybenoidk · 5 years
You can hate me for these words, you can call me a homophobe or whatever else comes to your mind. I will disagree but who cares one more or one less time. You can say that I’m acting shady by posting these comments. Whatever. You’re more than welcome to block me but I cannot keep ignoring and tolerating such behavior in this fandom. It’s not normal to call someone a homophobe just because they disagree with you so pretty please stop insulting everyone left and right.
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skamtrashme · 5 years
Why you are all so butthurt on every freaking detail of that season???
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Andem and Be Kind always? :)
Ooh, hi! Thank you for playing!
Andem - If you were writing a remake what changes would you make?
Oh. Holy crap, that’s tricky. I suppose I have written a billion remakes already with my fics. But, of course, a fic is not the same as a remake. With remakes you want something new and interesting, but I’m gonna answer this as if I got the chance to write my version of Skam. So. This wouldn’t be a popular remake, probably.  
First of all, I would keep everything that’s awesome, like the music, the cinematography, the realism, all of that. And I think I would keep Isak’s arc pretty much as it is, or at least strongly inspired by it. I just love his development so much. 
Season 1 would be pretty similar, too, at least with Eva and Jonas, their backstory and how things ended. I love that season. With Noora, though, I think I would choose a different path. I must I’m one of the few fans who actually liked that Noora learned to lower her guard a bit. I just wish that her love interest was more... likable. That whole “girl falls in love with bad boy” is such a tiring trope, especially when it’s “ice queen warms up to bad boy”. Ugh. I can buy that Noora and William both are hurt by their experiences and that they are pushing people away and are acting as assholes at times, and that it’s a good thing that they learn to open up to each other. BUT. I would definitely try to tweak their story. I think I might let William leave for London and let Noora take some time to figure out what she really wants. She could learn something about herself with help from the William character, yes, but that doesn’t have to mean that they should end up together. 
Season 3. Well. I wouldn’t change a thing, to be honest. I would even keep the Neon party scene, even if it’s kinda awful with the boys kissing the girls, looking at each other. I mean, the tension in that clip is off the charts, I wouldn’t miss that. So yeah. No changes in season 3. Well. I would like it if some of the characters around Isak told him they were sorry. Like Emma, for instance. And Jonas, too.  
Season 4. It started out promising. I would give Sana more time, though, and more resolve towards the end. I think I can say it as simple as that. And I would show more of Even’s story, too, and his old crew. The balloon guys!
Across the seasons, I would have shown more of girl Chris and Mahdi, especially. They would really benefit from being fleshed out more. And I would give season 5 to Vilde. She’s an interesting character, and I would love to see more of her as bi/pan, too. The show hints about it, but never expresses it. I would love to see representation of a bi/pan in a relationship with the opposite gender. Also, I would actually like to see a Sara season, because she’s always there in the background, on the outside, and I like it when we get different perspectives. I bet she has some interesting thoughts about all the other characters. 
Shit, this got too long. Sorry. And I haven’t really answered properly, since I would have done things a lot more different with a remake, based on the actors, and the country and everything else. Ah well. This was what I could think of now.  
Be Kind always - Unpopular opinion about skam?
I think I have spilled some of my unpopular opinions already, in my answer over here, lol. I think that I like that Noora learns to let down her guard is a pretty unpopular opinion, for instance. Or that I want a Sara season, haha.
Please don’t hate me. These are only my opinions. :D
Ask me a Skam question, please! (I’ll try not to rant so much in my next asks)
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Where do y'all get the idea that the whole scene is ooc for La Mif?
Maya only calmly stated that 'this is not the time'. As in, not now and that she should talk about it later? To keep the peace. Jo and Max are defending Tiff, as they wanted to give her a second chance. They're the type of people who watch from the sidelines and not immediately jump into the conflict unless it's really necessary. And their new friends, barely lived through the whole story, so they kept quiet.
I'm not defending Tiff at all, as she still needs to apologize properly to Lola. But saying that the new writing team are ruining the characters that we've only seen a few times last season, is a bit of a stretch for me. This is the first season that finally has a tiny bit of nuance and greyness to it, especially for female characters.
And let's be honest here, David would've ruined a story like this. He would've made Tiff transphobic, biphobic or ignore any previous seasons (like he did with Arthur's deafness). He probably would've made Mayla break up for something silly, to get the viewers engaged.
Anyways, I'm hoping for more this season, as so far, it's more complex than any of the previous things we've seen in SKAM France. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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karin-in-action · 4 years
Hi everyone, here comes an opinion. Idk if it’s unpopular. I think it might be.
As someone who is non-binary myself and who uses they/them pronouns (or equivalents of they/them if they are available in the language) I really appreciate the effort of English speaking Druck fans to use they/them pronouns for Ismail. But I also dislike the way that people who do use he/him for Ismail are attacked for it.
The German language doesn’t have an equivalent to singular they or another widely recognised gender-neutral pronoun that is acceptable to be used for people. There are gender-neutral neo-pronouns but they are not widely recognised.
There are two functions of singular they that come into play here.
It can be used when the pronouns of a person are not known which is the case for Ismail (but literally for any other character in the current season as well because pronouns have not been a topic of conversation in the show yet).
They/them pronouns are commonly used by non-binary people but non-binary people can use all sorts of pronouns. They can use he or she or they or neo-pronouns or a set of different pronouns. Ismail could be using pronouns that are not they/them. Maybe Ismail uses he/him, maybe she/her, maybe neo-pronouns, maybe a combination of pronouns or maybe Ismail just doesn’t care. There are too many possible options to assume that Ismail definitely uses they/them pronouns.
So how can we deal with this
use they/them when talking about Ismail because we don’t know Ismail’s pronouns (not because it’s safe to assume that those are definitely Ismail’s pronouns) and if the English language gives us this option we can use it
use he/him because those are the pronouns Ismail is referred to in the show 
avoid pronouns and just use Ismail’s name because that comes closest to what you would do in German if you don’t know someone’s pronouns
Personally i think there is no correct way to go about it. I think what’ important is to be respectful no matter what you do. 
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chibinora · 4 years
Unpopular opinions: Druck has the most boring S1, but they have the best girl squad, Robbe and Sander are the worst Evak remake, people that refuse to watch Skames bc it's problematic are hypocrites, and the OG Sana was overrated and not a good friend
Ok thanks for all the opinions, this is going to take a while
1) i get where you are coming from. The acting wasn't really good and the episode were too short!! I personally don't find it boring because it's a s1 and i could never. Jonas and hanna were adorable tho and i really liked hanna, i relate a lot to her
2) the best girl squad, for me, it's the eskam girl squad, even if i am no feeling the connection between them this season (i mean, it's not as strong as in the previous one) but it's probably because of the pov shift
3) i really like sobbe, but i understand why people don't like s3, because it had a lot of shitty writing. And sobbe is really too sexualized both by the writers and the fandom
4) facts!!! If they have valid criticism it's okay, but some of them won't even give it a try, but would still watch skam france and wtfock instead.
5) oh no, nobody disrespects sana like that, i'm sorry. She is one of the strongest characters of the skam universe and i find her a really good friend. Yes, she made her mistakes during s4 but everyone was being so racist and mean to her so i can't blame her. She is not overrated, she is just really great. And i think it's amazing that a muslim woc character is getting so much love
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sauerland-2001 · 4 years
Now I know why the skam producers said they never put plot-important stuff into chats only. The clips have to make sense even if you don’t follow the characters‘ social media and chats. This clip is a perfect example of why they did that.
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