#skeleton: hercules
sosoawayrpg · 1 year
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Hades, o Deus do Submundo, ficou farto de ser subestimado pelos seus irmãos deuses do Olimpo. Ele planejou sua vingança e elaborou um plano para destruir o Olimpo e governar ele sozinho. O Deus sabia que o cálice dos deuses era a chave para sua vitória. E este cálice possuía o poder de curar qualquer ferida e conceder vida eterna, tornando seu dono invencível. No entanto, o cálice estava guardado no Olimpo e protegido pelos deuses mais poderosos. Hades sabia que não poderia enfrentar o Olimpo sozinho e precisava de ajuda. Então, ele procurou o duende mais trapaceiro chamado Rumpelstiltskin, que era conhecido por seu amor pelo ouro e por suas artimanhas. Hades fez um acordo com ele, oferecendo-lhe riquezas e apoio em troca do cálice dos deuses. Com o cálice em suas mãos, Hades se tornou mais poderoso do que nunca. Ele lançou uma enorme ofensiva contra o Olimpo, destruindo tudo em seu caminho. Mesmo os deuses mais poderosos não puderam resistir ao poder do cálice. Hercules, o herói do Olimpo, enfrentou Hades em uma batalha final. Mas Hades se mostrou invencível com o poder do cálice, e Hercules foi derrotado. Hades finalmente conseguiu destruir o Olimpo e e reconstruir do jeito que ele queira. Mas isso ainda não era suficiente, ele tinha prometido fazer o inferno na vida do sobrinho e foi o que fez, enfeitiçando Megara para odiar e ter repulsa de Hércules, e transformando um herói em um completo nerd medroso de Tão Tão Distante.
Hércules (+25)
Megara (+25)
Hades (+30) indisponível.
Perséfone(+30) indisponível.
Tânatos (+30)
Panic (21+)
Pain (21+)
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houseofmouselove100 · 11 months
Everyone here seems to be having a good time
The evil queen has a wooden basket with water and apples in case someone wants to get apples with their mouth.
But there Daisy makes Snow White avoid that because the apples could be poisoned.
Donald is dressed as Buzz Lightyear but the mirror rejects him
Mickey shows everyone some failed Hades auditions and shows one who is with Mr t
That makes Hades ashamed and pulverizes into pain and panic.
Donald tried to be the Alien from pizza planet but nothing
The magic mirror is upset when he sees Pete in his underwear, so a frustrated Pete goes to the basement and finds the box where the ghosts of the haunted mansion are
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Here's the brand new couch drawing with the main six characters in Skele-Talks
Izzy the Skeleton
Fenny the Fox Familiar
Anon Anon
And Rainbow Dash
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And here's the old variant
Times have changed, haven't they?
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Hades Aidoneus is based on Hades from Hercules. He is a 57 year old god, funeral home director, and uses he/him pronouns. He has the power of the Underworld and immortality. Hades is portrayed by Keanu Reeves and he is open.
Often then not, Hades always received the short end of the stick when it came to his family and his duty to the dead. Whilst Hades didn’t care much for the ocean or its creatures like Poseidon it still seemed like a better gig than being stuck underground with a bunch of lost souls moaning and groaning all the time. No, it was Zeus who had it all. He ruled the heavens and earth, roamed where he pleased and had little to almost no responsibility other than ordering gods and nymphs around. Living in bitterness for so long can really take a toll on someone, even an immortal one. He lived in constant envy of his brothers position, just wanting to be free from the shackles of the underground. Controlling the realm of the underworld was not a forgiving one, it was often isolating and cold. Which was what gained Hades the reputation of being a dark ruler. In reality Hades could be charming, and sensitive even, but that of course came with emotional outbursts as well. Zeus’s mortal son Hercules was roaming around a quaint town called Evermore, and with him caput he could take over Zeus position with a little help from the titans too. He knew little of his nephew and even less of what his brother had been up to all these centuries later. It felt wrong to want to sweep his nephew’s existence off from the mortal plane but the ever growing need to want to be free was an even greater feat. Plus how hard could be to kill one insignificant human? However his plans were soon thwarted when he entered Evermore in search of his nephew only to wake up with no memories of his past. So he did what anyone would do without their memories, he created a life for himself. Hades memories are tethered to his nephews Hercules also regaining his, a connection to someone of actual blood relation he couldn’t even remember. Living through blurry vision as the two pass by each other unknowingly everyday until one of two wake up first. Knowing whenever it will happen, there will be war.
❀ Helga Sinclair: She toys with him often, and it’s so easy to mislead a man would couldn’t remember much of anything. Hades on the other hand finds it mildly annoying when she rears her head around, but he hopes that she might have some intel on what's going on in Evermore. ❀ Sarah Hawkins: There is no doubt in Hades’ mind that Sarah is an extremely hardworking woman who has been through the wringer, especially because of her family. He can relate even if he can’t entirely remember how. ❀ Simon Petraglia: Suffice to say, Simon is a bumbling man most of the time and there’s something inside of him that Hades can feel more than see. A darkness that his own recognizes even though it’s still buried deep.
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skeletonmunroe · 4 months
Minor Super-Villain 523: Natcha
she's Natcha daddy's super-villain
(prolly more like your great granddaddy's going by the demographics of this website)
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evermorehqspromos · 6 months
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Nestled deep in the woods through thick vines and thorny branches lies the most peculiar town named EVERMORE. One might not even notice its presence at first glance. Far from city life and the roaring ocean you’ll find people of all kinds, and even something more magical lurking about. Humans, fae, witches and shapeshifters all alike live together somewhat peacefully within the towns unwavering borders. Not by choice though, that was the problem. No one could leave. Stepping foot outside the county line of Evermore will only lead you back down the same road to Evermore once more. [ HERCULES BIOS ] / [ MAIN ]
------------------------------------- WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
would you rather fight king kong or 100 of the stop motion skeleton warrior dudes from jason and the argonauts?
amazing incredible ask no notes. I’d fight King Kong, but mostly because i believe I could fix him.
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See them in action!
Skeleton Warriors (Jason and the Argonauts)
Porcine Teeth (The Dancing Pig)
Medusa (Medusa Against the Son of Hercules)
The Giant Fish (The Fabulous Baron Munchausen)
Polar Giant (The Conquest of the Pole)
King Kong (King Kong)
Flying Monkeys (The Wizard of Oz)
Humpty-Dumpty (Alice in Wonderland)
The Statue of Talos (Jason and the Argonauts)
I love you special effects.
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longlistshort · 2 years
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Captain Hercules Fighting Hydra, 2015, by NYCHOS, located in downtown Los Angeles.
From his other website about the work-
It shows the fight between Captain Hercules and Hydra, and is a fusion of two stories: One goes back to the greek mythology, where Hercules is given the task to kill Hydra, a nine headed snake that grows two new heads for every decapitated one. The other story refers to a comic book published by none other than Marvel, where Captain America fights the identically named terrorist organization Hydra. When merging these two plots, Nychos creates the story of Captain Hercules, who is battling a multi-headed snake and its skeleton. Covered with the translucent skin of a lion and equipped with the attributes of both heroes – Hercules’ spear and Captain America’s shield – Nychos’ character appears on multiple layers, visually as well as substantially.
More of NYCHOS’ work can also be found on his Instagram.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
I love your Pokémon x ROR work. Can I ask for something similar but instead of fighting during ragnarok, the Gods and humans meet some of the Pokémon outside of battle? Like intimidating ones like Charizard to cuter ones like Pikachu who’s still pretty strong. They’re confused on how to handle these creatures they’ve never seen before then out comes teen!reader who happens to be their trainer who easily takes over the situation. It be funnier with the gods reacting to a human child being able to tame and bond with the scarier Pokémon aswell
-You hadn’t meant to cause harm or panic in Valhalla, you had found a large park, one that was perfect for a picnic and relaxing, as you wanted to take a break with your team, who came to Valhalla with you after you passed in a rockslide accident.
-The park was perfect, there was a huge lake for your Gyarados to swim around in, and lots of room for your other Pokemon to run around, climb trees, or rest under trees in the shade, and just enjoy their second chance in this new life.
-You hadn’t realized that Pokemon weren’t something common in Valhalla, only god like ones, legendries, so when your Pokemon all ran off to go and have fun, they caused a lot of panic.
-Your Sylveon, Pikachu, and Mimikyu remand together, running off into a busy district where they were quickly surrounded by gods and humans, curious as to who they were.
-Qin Shi Huang kneeled down, looking curious as he held one hand to his chin, “Hmm I’ve never seen creatures like this before.” He held out his hand and Sylveon called out happily, saying her name as her ribbons stretched out, grabbing onto his hand, as if shaking it.
-Ares was kneeling next to Pikachu, doing the same and Pikachu scurried up his arm, sitting on his shoulder, calling out happily while made so many grin on how cute it was.
-Jack was looking at Mimikyu, who had an uneasy feeling about him, like he was something dangerous as Jack tried to read him, “Hmm how curious- it looks much like that one, but it’s different.”
-He touched Mimikyu’s head, to find it only to be a disguise, flopping over, breaking it. Instantly Mimikyu was crying, dark shadows coming from underneath it’s disguise, crying out loudly.
-Jack did his best to apologize, but seeing the dark shadows quickly had many running, Pikachu had nearly been knocked off Ares’ shoulders, but he caught him before, “Pik-a CHU!!!!” and lightning surrounded him and the war god, making Ares’ skeleton visible as he was electrocuted.
-Sylveon was chill in Hades’ arms now, while still holding onto QSH, looking completely unbothered as she called out, telling the other two to calm down.
-Many were prepared to fight these strange creatures, thinking they were a threat as Ares was twitching on the ground, charred before they heard, “Hey you guys! You were supposed to stay in the park!”
-The three instantly called out, seeing you running over and jaws dropped, seeing a child as the three Pokemon ran over to you, calling out happily, Mimikyu scurrying up your arm and held you around your neck, hugging you.
-Hades was polite, inquiring about your creatures and you told them that they were Pokemon, your partners, and after explaining what Pokemon were, many calmed down, as they had seen them before, just not ones like this.
-You apologized to Ares who told you he was fine, just shocked, literally, that Pikachu was so strong! You went to speak before you heard another of your Pokemon call out and you turned, seeing Snorlax gorging himself at an outdoor restaurant, “Snorlax!!”
-They all followed you over to the massive Pokemon who called out happily, seeing you while you apologized to the restaurant staff who were fine, as Snorlax didn’t break anything, he was just eating his fill on the endless food that was available.
-Hercules was impressed, “This is one of yours too?” you beamed, putting a hand on Snorlax’ belly, “Yup- this is my cuddly fat boy- isn’t that right?” Snorlax, hearing your pet name, pulled you into his arms, hugging you close which made you laugh.
-You recalled him into his Pokeball, followed by the others before you heard Gyarados calling out loudly, as if he was ready to fight as the sky darkened, “Oh no!”
-You all turned, seeing the lake in the park, seeing Gyarados stretching out of it, glaring down at Lu Bu, who was holding halberd, looking feral himself, ready for a fight as everyone scrambled after you as you shouted out Gyarados’ name.
-Seeing this massive Pokemon instantly calming down, hearing your voice, turning from this human that seemed so adamant to fight him, lowering his head as you leapt, hugging at his face.
-Jack was in awe, seeing this massive creature being so gentle with you while Lu Bu was pouting that you took away his opportunity to fight something strong.
-You recalled Gyarados back in as you apologized to everyone for causing so much trouble before Hercules pointed back at where a picnic was set up, your picnic, “What about that one?”
-You turned, seeing Charizard snoozing on the blanket, fast asleep and you beamed, “That’s my Charizard! He likes to sleep a lot but he’s just as strong as any of my Pokemon!”
-Charizard, hearing his name, woke up, sitting up and yawned loudly before walking over, hugging you from behind as you told your tale about how you died, taking your Pokemon with you, and now you were all here in Valhalla.
-Charizard rested his head on top of your own, still looking a bit sleepy, but Jack, Hercules, Lu Bu, and Ares were all easily able to tell that he was insanely strong, despite looking so unassuming.
-You were happy to have them all join your picnic, calling all your partners back out, telling them to behave this time, as you talked about your world, about all the different types of Pokemon you had seen, which they enjoyed.
-You were only a child, but you were a warrior, just a different type of warrior then what they were used to, but that didn’t make you any less of one and they wanted to know more about you, and what drove you to become a trainer.
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peculiarbeauty · 1 month
just to preface this , please don't reblog. i know a personal is about to get ahold of this. do not - i repeat - do not reblog. thanks.
so by the way , i really wanted to talk about what i am looking forward to with disney since they announce a lot. i know i tend to talk about certain things i am really am not looking forward to with disney. i LOVE disney , i just feel they could make better decisions sometimes. i hope that my feelings on disney never affects anyone here though yk because at the end of the day , you deserve to be excited for what you are excited for !! just as i am. <3
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on that topic , the things i am REALLY looking forward to : elio , lilo and stitch live action , mufasa , wizards beyond waverly place , captain america brave new world , zootopia 2 , freakier friday , frozen 3 , toy story 5 , hoppers , incredible 3 , the greatest showman the new musical , hercules broadway musical
the things i WISH i had more interest in but maybe the previous stuff they offered didn't land for me , maybe that will change : moana 2 , star wars skeleton crew , pixars win or lose , avatar fire and ash , percy jackson and the olympians season 2 , mandalorian and grogu
the things i'm uninterested in : snow white
i thought that my list for uninterested topics would be bigger than it was but seriously i am super optimistic about everything else coming. even mufasa impressed me actually ?? bc it's an original story. they can go every which way they want and make it their own. which is something i would like to see more from disney these days. originality is important to me !! and i don't want everything from disney to just surround making a remake. that's lazy to me. on that same topic though , stitch actually looks so so good. at least his model does.
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robinchan-hananomi · 10 months
One Piece 1099
I think the montage of Kuma traveling around the world was really impactful. Because we know those aren’t the only places he had been. He had gone to any and all places he could in order to find any possible way to heal Bonney.
However it’s interesting that those places made an impact on him. That they impacted him enough that a few years later when he made the decision to help the Strawhats, he thought of those locations.
The fact that Kuma was able to send the Straw hats to places that would most help them shoes just how well Kuma knew the crew and the places he had been. He had known Mihawk would be able to train Zoro, that Nami the navigator would be safest in Weatheria. He knew Chopper, the doctor, would be best at that island with all the medicine, and Franky the shipwrights had the best chance with Vegapunks’s home island. I think he wasn’t overly sure what to do with Sanji, because to be honest he had no way of knowing that Iva would be freed and would be able to train Sanji in the battle cooking. I think he just took the chance of sending Sanji to something associated with the Revolutionary Army and hope for the best. In a similar fashion I think he took a chance with Robin too, sending her to Tequila Wolf knowing that eventually the Revolutionary Army was going to show up. I think he did a similar thing with Usopp, recalling Hercules and figuring he was a good person to help Usopp out.
Brook and Luffy were the only wold cards. We learn Shakky had an influence in sending Luffy to Amazon Lily, which means he likely saw Brook, a walking skeleton that he knew nothing about, recalled that during his travels there was a group who had a satanic religious practice, and figured that Brook would figure out how to make the best of it.
Kuma is a very intelligent and well traveled man. Through his travels in trying to best help his daughter he learned of many places. Then through his time as a Shichibachi he probably sent many people to places that he thought would best deal with what they needed. I just like how it relates to his later actions and ties it all together to show just how big of a heart Kuma has.
In addition, it also drives home just how fucked the media is in One Piece. Media is a very powerful tool, which is why Morgan’s is an Emperor of the Underworld. We see how Morgan’s can spin events however he wants and has the majority of the world believing his version of events. After all, it would be almost impossible to argue against what they are hearing.
The World of One Piece is pretty isolated. They have limited contact between islands, usually made by Transponder Snails. Depending on the type of snail would determine how far they can contact. Most only have short range, meaning they can only talk between the immediate islands. There are some transponder snails that can cross significant distance, and depending on where you are they may be easier to attain, like Barto’s crew having one that connects to a transponder snail all the way in the East Blue. The other key is that you sometimes need to know the transponder snail number to get the correct snail. Some just broadcast to anyone nearby, as seen in Punk Hazard.
So while Transponder Snails can help, primary way of getting out news in One Piece is the News Coo’s, which are all controlled by Morgan’s. It’s kinda concerning how so much information is controlled by one man. And while officially Morgan’s works for the World Government, the reality is that he does what he wants. Morgan’s doesn’t care if the information is true, he cares about entertainment which is why the Revolutionary Army disregards what he writes and try’s to use their own information network to get information.
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jezabatlovesbats · 4 months
Oogie: What… are… THOSE? Barrel: (wearing sandals with Jack’s face on them) Uhhh… I dunno. I thought they looked kinda dashing. Oogie: I’ve got a few days left to get rid of this skeleton man, while the entire scheme I’ve been setting up for MONTHS goes up in smoke… and YOU… ARE WEARING… HIS… MERCHANDISE?!?! Lock: (sipping from a cup with Jack on it) Shock: (chewing gum from a bag with Jack’s face on it) Lock: Heh heh heh… thirsty? Shock: Ahahaha… want gum? Oogie: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! (the lair blows up)
(Source- Hercules)
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direwombat · 7 months
5 songs, 3 outfits
tagged by @corvosattano, @carlosoliveiraa, @voidika, @g0dspeeed, and @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies, and @aceghosts to do this fun little game 🧡🧡🧡
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sun bleached flies // ethel cain
"god loves you but not enough to save you," so, baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself; so i said fine, 'cause that's how my daddy raised me: if they strike once, then you just hit 'em twice as hard.
crossroads // tracy chapman
all you folks think you own my life, but you never made any sacrifice. demons, they are on my trail; i'm standing at the crossroads of hell
knockin' on heaven's door // bob dylan
mama take this badge off of me, i can't use it anymore. it's getting dark, too dark to see. i feel i'm knockin' on heaven's door
baptize me // x ambassadors, jacob banks
i been prayin' for redemption, learnin' my lessons, my pain is my therapy
eight // sleeping at last
i want to break these bones 'til they're better, i want to break them right and feel alive
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dear reader // taylor swift
dear reader, bend when you can, snap when you have to
bastards // kesha
i got too many people i got left to prove wrong; all those motherfuckers been too mean for too long
them dirty bones // mike waters
here i go, i'm not shaky but i'm weak at the knees, and i don't even know if anybody's even listening to me, but i'll grow old; lead the way so i might as well risk it, I don't wanna die and never know
hercules // sara bareilles
i miss the days my mind would just rest quiet. my imagination hadn't turned on me yet. i used to let my words wax poetic, but it melted at a puddle at my feet
heroes & thieves // vanessa carlton
well, i'm stubborn and wrong, but at least i know it. i keep moving along and hope i can get through this
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tagging: @marivenah, @cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @sharkyboshaw, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else who wants to give it a go! (taglist opt in/out)
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captainkingsley · 14 days
Would it be absolutely corny to have Hercules gift James the adamantine for his skeleton as a confession of his affection. Absolutely. Am I going to write it into my eventual fic. Of course.
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Hercules Kosta is based on Hercules from Hercules. He is a 30 year old demigod, personal trainer, and uses he/him pronouns. He has the power of super strength. Hercules is portrayed by Darren Barnet and he is open.
Little did he know he was born for greatness, to be the reigning hand beside Zeus in Olympus, but that wasn’t how it ended up unfolding for a young Hercules. After being born to Zeus and Hera one would think he would live amongst the gods but fate had other plans. He was left on earth and found by a couple of farmers who didn’t think they’d ever be able to conceive. They took him in as their own and he was raised like any other normal kid, unbeknownst to him that he was actually a demigod. He was an awkward teen, working to do whatever he could to make something of himself. Hercules knew there had to be more and he could feel it calling to him. After high school he decided to go find it and that’s when he also started to realize he was able to lift things sometimes not everyone could that easily. In fact it even helped him develop a passion for fitness. After traveling for an entire year full of hiking and biking anywhere and everywhere he could, he knew he was ready to follow a dream. Hercules went to college for sports medicine and for the first time he was popular. People were inviting him to parties, girls were asking him on dates, and he had absolutely no real idea how to navigate it all. That’s why he met Phil just in time, an older guy down at the gym who was a retired boxing coach. It was through Phil’s training that he was getting into shape the right way and even able to think about his own programs for class. College was also where he reconnected with his childhood friend Peyton, though Hercules couldn’t recall why he ever stopped seeing him around. 
They were all constantly at the gym together hanging out so it made sense that after college Hercules and Peyton ended up taking trainer positions there under Phil’s management. Together they were building a business plan together but that all changed one day when Hercules met a woman at a bar, Megara. From the second they met he thought she was something different. He’d never met anyone like her before and he wanted to know more but his friends weren’t too sure about her. It had them questioning how quick he’d fallen for her in the first place, her giving Phil a bad feeling from the moment he met her dropping Hercules off that night. After that they all woke up in Evermore but Hercules had no memory of that night or the ones before that. A lot is blurry but it’s been slowly coming back. He knows Peyton and Phil who have been helping him where they can. Somehow he feels Meg could be tied to all of this but  doesn’t know why. Neither Peyton or Phil remember her either but that doesn’t change the bad feeling they have about her. Unbeknownst to Hercules his memories are tethered to his uncle Hades also regaining his, a connection to someone of actual blood relation he didn’t even know. Not to mention, someone that very much wanted him dead. Hercules can feel there’s something else for him in Evermore like he will finally know where he belongs.
❀ Parker Kokkinos: They met through Meg and Parker always seems to like Hercules whenever they hangout. Little does he know it’s all just an act to keep helping her get close to him. In Hercules' mind they are on their way to being friends.
❀ James Sullivan: A regular at the gym that’s become of his good friends. They go for beers after runs, go kayaking together, and Peyton tags along from time to time too.
❀ Joy Fraser: Hercules thinks she is really pretty and nice but gets all sorts of tongued tied around her. He appreciates that she’s never seemed to judge him for it.
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skeletonmunroe · 4 months
Minor Super-Hero Round-Up 009
These are some of the guys who Archie Comics didn't bother bringing back in the 60s.
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