thelowlandbench · 8 months
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karlstad · 1 year
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i know he/they write 'theyr' but every time i see a theyr tag i think 'can't it be the yr in real life' ;)
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grafixhannoi · 10 months
Skero. Mader. Laser - 12.2023
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norlotha · 2 years
Chapter 1: The Blacksmith
The day was breaking in the realm of Norlotha. The sun beginning to rise in the village of kern; its rays seeping through the morning mist, bounding over the rustic wooden buildings and waking the woodland creatures from their rest, and with the song of the curbird, the scuttle of the horned gnome and the groaning call of the angel frog, the villagers of kern also began their day.
Kern was quite a large village on the island of skeros, it's people known to outsiders as 'wildfolk' (or officially 'skerans'). As a people, their lives were well protected against the ways of the mainlanders, as life to them was quite enough without the noise and mess of industry, war and conquest.
It was a peaceful place and a peaceful life. But of course to maintain this life the skerans had to know just how to defend their island, and that they did.
Though rich with craftsmen, hunters, tailors, cobblers, and all sorts of hard working folk, many of the islanders were trained from a young age to fight and a good few were soldiers, armed with some of the most fierce weapons in the realm.
Which brings us to Tharün, the blacksmith.
Inside a round, stilted hut, lit only by a fire in the centre of the room, a young man pulled a glowing blade from hot coals, striking it with a hammer.
Sweat beading from his weathered skin, he blasted away at the weapon, with concentration and conviction in his eyes, an expert smith.
Tharün was well respected among the other villagers as not only a skilled craftsman, but the son of the great healer Garün,
and of course as a man that would help and protect each and every one of his people.
He stood at around six and a half feet, an average height for the skerans. His hair an almost white grey and his skin pale. He was fitted with modest clothes, with blues, greens and browns, clinging to his broad shoulders, dirtied by his hard work in the forge.
Before Tharün could bring his hammer down again, the door abruptly swung open.
"Tharün! A letter!"
There stood Bryffin, Tharüns young apprentice, holding open the door, trying to catch his breath.
Tharün placed his hammer aside and cast the unfinished blade to quench, steam hissing from a large, iron bucket.
"You mean… THE letter?!" He said eagerly.
"Yes! Your mother! Look, read it!" Bryffin rushed to meet Tharüns hand with the letter from his apron pocket. The envelope was worn, and had a wax seal stamped upon it. It was addressed to "my young bear, Tharün".
A feeling of dread and anticipation boiled in his belly.
"Seven years Bryf'..." He unfolded the worn piece of paper.
"It's been seven years .." said Tharün as he started to read.
Silence filled the room, all that could be heard was the crackling of the forge. Tharüns face dropped.
"Well? What is it sir?!" Bryffin whispered.
"It .." Tharün stammered, fighting back a well of emotion…
"It says 'Leave with the chosen. Find me at the clearing in the forest of souls. The island is in great danger.'"
Tharün flung open the door of his workshop and scrambled down its steps, barely touching the ground as he darted onward into the village.
Rushing past his fellow skerans, most of whom looked confused and shocked at his haste, as he whipped between people in conversation, jumped over market tables and dodged through the crowds. He had someone that he needed to see, who's words couldn't be more important. Farlön the Eldar.
Tharün arrived at a shack, clad in runes and hanging stones, the roof quilted with grass from the ground right over. He paused for a moment to catch his breath; and proceeded on.
Bashing his first against the wooden door he shouts,
"Farlön! A letter! It's my mother!"
A grunt is heard through the door and quick footsteps approach.
The door swung open, clattering through chimes that rang out and before Tharün stood the village Eldar himself. Farlön.
"My boy! Is it true?"
An old, stout man looks up at Tharün, his round, aged features peeking through a scraggly grey beard. He hangs onto his ancient staff, with various coloured crystals embedded in the tip.
"Yes! It's got to be! But it's a warning, and I fear for the island. I need your guidance, please!" Tharün said, his breath short.
"Come in my boy, and calm yourself down. Let's see what light this old wizard can shed on this letter…"
He leads Tharün through the door and sits him on a stool by his table.
Atop the table were maps, drawings and stones, strewn chaotically across the surface. A full cup of steaming tea is placed infront of Tharün.
"Drink. And tell me what the letter says" said Farlön.
Tharün sips from the cup, instantly feeling a sense of calm break through his anxiety.
"It says leave with the chosen. I'm guessing that means at the festival in a few days, to leave with the young students to the mainland. But why? I'm not meant for that! I'm just a blacksmith!"
"Hmm.." grunted Farlön. "None of us know what we're meant for. What else did it say?" Farlön began to pace, looking up at one of many bookshelves he had in the shack.
"Find me at the clearing in the forest of souls… what is that?" He takes another sip.
Farlön plucked a seemingly old book with a tattered green cover from the shelf and opened it onto the table, flicking through the pages to arrive at a map.
"Ha!" He yelled.
"You see, in the mainland of Norlotha, the four kingdoms have been warring with each other for hundreds of years, but when they meet in the clearing…" his boney, wrinkled finger slid over the rough parchment.
" …all past quarrels are to be ignored. They meet there to speak of peace. But that hasn't happened for some time." Farlön scratches his beard.
"Right… well it goes on to say that the island is in trouble.. is it?"
Farlön stood up, grasping at his stick. "Who knows?! But a warning like this can't be taken for granted." He paused …
"The seeing stones!" Farlön reached into his robe and pulled from it a pouch.
He clears the stones and jewels from the map on the table, drawn with symbols and diagrams over it; and holds the pouch above his head.
"These ancient stones will tell me the path that is laid before you…" his eyes glaze over a glowing blue and he begins to speak in Eldar; an ancient language known only to older generations of mages.
"Fulfgarn, Elfempesh, Iskarion, Gemselsiar."
He tips the pouch and white stones fall out, bouncing onto the map. They sit for a second before glowing the same blue as Farlöns eyes.
He looks down at them.
"What is it? Am I to leave the island?" Tharün held his breath.
Farlöns eyes return to their usual green.
"The stones have spoken destiny's intent. You'll leave the island. But not alone. You'll have to choose two of your fellow skerans to go with you, as the road you walk mustn't be taken alone."
Tharün stands.
"You haven't got anything stronger to drink, have you?"
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comeupkid415 · 2 years
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Task skero strik
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jahntv · 4 years
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selfies mit woiferl. woiferl mit skero.
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x-heesy · 5 years
Vienna dialect hiphop
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deciphered-narrator · 3 years
find the word tag
thanks to @b-a-pigeon for tagging me! my words are: shadow, green, silent, and certain, taken from my wip many worlds beyond
"So what is this black rot anyway?" Asha asked.
"It's the dark," Verbrade replied shortly, glancing around the shadows of the trees.
"What does that even mean?"
"Don't worry about it."
She gazed out the window as the bus jolted to a start again, watching the dull Appalachian landscape roll by. The tree trunks were dampened by recent rainfall, and the undergrowth grew so thick that it was impossible to tread more than a few feet into the forest. In places, the other plants were overtaken by emerald green kudzu, a blanket of leaves and vines that crawled up over the trees, consuming them. On the horizon, the blue mountains rose up to touch the sky. Gray clouds hovered overhead, promising more rain.
The door swung open, surprisingly silent for its immense size.
In the doorway stood a . . . person? From the waist up they almost looked up like a person. Pale greenish skin, too-large shiny eyes, dressed in a loose, silky robe, but still humanoid. The real shock came when Asha glanced down. Spilling out from beneath their robe were tentacles, too many to count, writhing and churning to keep the person, the Skeros, upright.
"It certainly seems that your powers were intact during your time on Earth, doesn't it?"
"You have equipment to test that, right?" Cyren asked. "Let's get some real evidence."
"You were the only Necromancer in that area on Earth; therefore, you're the only possible culprit."
"But I wasn't," she said. "I saw someone else there—someone else from the dark."
"How convenient."
I'll tag: @tragedieds, @karolinarodrigueswrites, @authortango, and @viridis-writes. Your words are: memory, sink, crash, and past.
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rwood2477 · 3 years
Border Patrol: Arrests of sex offenders 'up significantly over 2000%'
The Fake News Media has perfected the practice of Lies and Coverups! A majority of people in the United States get all their news from the Fake News Media so they have have no knowledge of the truth. Plus the Cancel Culture together with the corrupt Big Tech companies work together to squash the Conservatives who are reporting the Truth!
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bring-onthe-rain · 4 years
I wanthi to skero nnb hel op my miuth numn.
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austro-trash · 7 years
0 notes
simontour · 5 years
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🤙 Gfrei di - über jeden Tog auf dem Planet. Gfrei di - dass da wieder bessa geht. Oida gfrei di - dass du do sein deafst. Gfrei di - üba deine Freind auf dera Erd. Gfrei di - dass'd a Doch übern Kopf host. Gfrei di - Herz und a Hirn oiso moch wos. Gfrei di - und fia des gib i nix. Gfrei di einfoch dass'd lebst. Gfrei di - moch amoi a gsicht wira smiley. Wia feiern woin dabei sein, des is unser lifestyle. Wir geben uns net zfrieden mit de Restln wia bam Reisfleisch. I was es muas wos weida geh doch heit' bin I scho zfrieden. wenn amoi ollas gleich bleibt. neid, geiz, leg i glei auf eis. i muas ignorieren wos es reidts. und mi auf positives fokussieren. weu wos ondas interessiert mi ned. des lebn wüs uns oft net leicht mochn. und kappt den leitfodn. doch wir leben net auf da schottnseiten. es san die ondan die des leid trogn. sie wuin uns einschüchtern, weiß mochn wia warn ned gleich. mit soiche leid suit ma sie erst goarned eilossn. des is a einbohnstroßn. se wuin si weiterhin aum leid bereichern. und de oamen bliatn lossn. mia subventionieren die gleichen fehler vo de gleichen. großen Banken. Bonzn mit Bleifuaß londn in da leitplanken. olle diktaturen werns sie amoi freistrampeln. wia miasn afoch los lossn mann. sie kneifen ihre pobacken zamm. doch wir gwinnen wieder Überhand. der wandel wird kommen. i bin scho so gspannt. (––– Skero - "Gfrei Di." Thanks for such an awesome tune.) http://bit.ly/2Vg5JCl
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jahntv · 5 years
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woiferl und skero.
0 notes
mangoscafe · 3 years
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FREE SHOW St. Raigner's Day show we would bring it close to home for 2022 👀 Friday March 18th. We put together a hell of a show for you guys at Mango's Hookah Lounge in Columbus, Ohio What do you have better to do on the day after St. Patrick's Day? Exactly nothing that you can think of so come enjoy some Drinks with great drink price's and LIVE MUSIC from great talent this is a all HIP-HOP Showcase.. This event will be 18+ Event COME ENJOY YOUR FRIDAY NIGHT AND TURN UP WITH US💯 Music will run from 8PM-11PM Show will be hosted by Raigner's best friend Andy 🤘🤘 LIVE PERFORMANCES FROM: Smallz- InphamouZ- Michelangelo Skero- J Biz R- WyteOut- Raigner (at Mangos Bar, Hookah & Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbDxcBtOJzl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hojlundfc · 6 years
19,26,30 :)
Thanks for asking 💛💛💛
19 - three songs that are your gulity pleasureI want it that way - backstreet boys Kabinenparty - Skero ( @damn-d4niel you know)Karma - Mike Singer ( Y'ALL DON’T JUDGE ME)
26 - three favourite non English songsSo Perfekt - Casper Her - Karp DiemSteiermark - Gert Steinbäcker
30 - three songs you really want your followers to knowTake It Like A Man - Wakey Wakey ( @millenniumfalke U KNOW)I Don’t Love You - My Chemical Romance In Between - Beartooth
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5 Undocumented Children Found Abandoned Near US-Mexico Border
Five undocumented children aged between 2 and 7 have been found abandoned near the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas.
The children, who were all girls from Guatemala and Honduras, were apprehended on May 9. None of them needed medical attention.
"It is heartbreaking to find such small children fending for themselves in the middle of nowhere," Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin L. Skero said as per NBC News. 
To get an update about the incident, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas led a Congressional delegation to Donna, Texas. While speaking at the facility, Mayorkas said, "The Biden-Harris  Administration inherited a dismantled system plagued by chaos and cruelty."
Mayorkas commended the collective work of the U.S. Border Patrol, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for having gone "beyond the call of duty to respond to this challenge while protecting our homeland."
The agency has witnessed a dramatic reformation under the new administration. The number of children in custody in the Donna Processing Facility in Texas dropped to below 700 in late April from 5,767 in March. Moreover, the children are now being kept in custody for 24 hours instead of the previous average of 139. 
Mayorkas emphasized the Biden-Harris Administration's efforts to crack down on smuggling groups. He also said the current administration is taking measures to reduce the processing time of undocumented children and ensure that they are properly placed in the care of their parents and sponsors.
"We must restore trust in our immigration system, re-open and reform our asylum process, and secure the Southwest Border by addressing the root causes of migration while adhering to the improved health and safety measures we put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic," Mayorkas further said. 
However, these improved terms only apply to unaccompanied immigrant children as the expulsion policy introduced by the Trump Administration under the Title 42 of the Public Health Safety Act remains in place. Under this policy, adults and families are deported if caught illegally crossing the borders. 
It can be recalled that President Joe Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to respond to the surge in undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers arriving at the border facilities.
In February, Biden established a task force to reunite children separated from the families during Trump's use of the Zero-Tolerance policy. The executive order signed by Biden states children entering the U.S. will not be separated from their families, except in cases required by the law or if necessary for the child's safety.  
The girls who were taken into custody Sunday were processed and turned over to the Department of Health and Human Service, Customs and Border Protection said.
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