#skin care in winter
myownpoint56 · 2 years
Want to know how can you glow sensitive skin naturally? If you are lucky to be here. Natural skin care is becoming widespread globbly , as more and more people recognize the importance.
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beautytips123321 · 2 years
Beautiful Young Woman Applying Eye Patches
Skin care is so much more important than makeup. Makeup is for when you're having fun and going out. But your skin is forever. See more details....
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beauty-service · 2 years
Who doesn’t want soft and smooth skin? but maintaining healthy radiance, especially during the winter season is a tough task. Worry not! With Yes Madam, salon at home, you can get glowing and nourished skin easily and level up your skincare game. Know more here.
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worldundrone · 2 years
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lulubeanie · 1 month
Don't forget that you can always draw your ocs and favorite characters in fun outfits that you think they would wear. you can and should do this
#duck speaks#it's very fun to do and like. think about what types of clothes they'd like to wear#and the things they'd pick out at a store with all sorts of clothes to choose from#it can be a way to get to know the character better also I think#especially for ocs. it's like a way to develop their character#what sort of clothes do they typically wear ? what textures and colors do they like in clothes ?#are they comfortable showing skin with their outfits ? do they get cold or hot easily ? what type of climate do they live in ?#is there a type of outfit they wish they could wear but are too scared/don't have the means or money to ?#do they normally dress more casual or more formal ? what would a formal or casual outfit be for them ?#what do they wear in the summer ? what about in the winter ?#what are their pajamas like ?#do they dress in fashion from a specific era ? what era are they from also ?#do they dress more feminine or more masculine ? a mix of both ?#do they wear the same/similar outfits over and over ? is there something they always wear no matter what outfit they have on ?#do they care a lot about their appearance and how other people see them ? how does that effect their outfits ?#lots of things to think about#also you should draw them in outfits for mee#I love outfits and I love to see them#you don't have to make them up from the top of your head even. you can have an idea for what you want and look it up for reference#I do this a lot#I'll go in pinterest and search up like. 70s fashion or 2010s teen fashion or something#and look around to get a better idea of what I'm going for#pinterest is nice because you can click on a image you like and it'll have similar ones under that :]
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talksosweet · 29 days
my parents are making me go on a diet for my skin i'm acc gonna kms i'm not even joking like
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diveyne · 2 months
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petalsfordany · 11 months
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Yellowjackets Funko pops
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whoopsies-daisies · 2 months
All i want is the comfort and security of big fluffy blanket, combined with the freedom and coolness of no blanket. Is that really so much to ask for?
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manasurge · 1 year
Tis' the season where I mentally and physically suffer. Complaining below (feel free to ignore, I'm just venting. I usually do this every year to get most of it out of my system lol):
mmm the fall/winter SAD is indeed in full swing. No warmth + no sun = a bad bad time. I always get so annoyed when ppl assume that I love winter bc I'm a "winter baby", as if that has any sort of divine intervention on instantaneously adapting you to perfectly fit the climate you were born in. NOPE. Silly human superstition. I start to freeze once it hits below 20C. I wish I lived in a warmer climate o|-< The depresso is probably going to make me very whiny and moody until next spring, so an early forewarning bc I'm EXTREMELY annoying about it this time of year bc it's the only way I know how to deal with it. But moreso in addition to the physical stuff is how badly it messes with my mind, making me so depressed to the point of just... sitting in non-moving silence where I become stiff as a board (very painful btw) and I isolate, making the bad depresso brain time even worse where I overthink everything bc of the silence and isolation. It's also always the time of year where everyone goes quiet too, which is understandable, but also makes things 10x worse (I am very alone in my life and where I am, and kind of rely on online friends bc they're all I have. I don't even have a pet. I'm literally just, loner mode. I don't really have much family to speak of, and only one family member I do speak to. I have little to no connections at all. But regardless, this is still the best living situation I've been in my whole life, so that's saying something).
#i hate the cold; I hate ice; cold air hurts my skin and burns my lungs#i hate snow (I'm sorry I just don't think it's pretty. It's gross; erases all colour/everything; blinding; kills everything; claustrophobic#I hate long nights; i hate all the darkness#I take Vitamin D drops every day during winter and they don't really help#I also use those special lights meant to help during the long darkness for the same reason; and they also do not help#nothing works!!!!!! eating and drinking hot things doesn't help me stay warm bc heat dissipates away quickly and doesn't help my extremitie#the cold makes me SO dry and dehydrated; makes my bones hurt; makes outside DANGEROUS AF. ICE IS BAD. BE CAREFUL.#I can't retain heat; my hypothyroidism makes me colder by default and I just don't metabolize good/fast enough to keep myself warm#(my body temp is lower than average; fun fact! same with my blood pressure! both of them are very low)#I think my average from all the times I've had it scanned during covid was 32-36C. No idea how that works; I just remember checking it a lo#my fingers and hands are going to freeze; making it harder to draw/type/etc.#I'm not going to wear gloves inside my home bc that's dumb and they don't help anyways. It will just screw up my ability to use my hands#I get to be in pain for months with increased potential of being sick :/#also I HATE bundling/layering myself with clothing or blankets; it's suffocating; restricting; sensory hell for me; sweaters are uncomfy :(#also whenever I try to do that all it does is insulate the cold for me; keeping me colder for even longer!!!!! it's so unfair!!!!#I've worn out 2 space heaters already and they don't work properly anymore (I used them both so much I wore out my preferred settings lol)#sobs; i'm a sad plant lizard
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moondoll4dg · 11 months
fall/winter girly wishlist
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getting ready for fall/winter!
/ bbw - snowflakes and cashmere body cream, warm vanilla sugar body cream, champagne toast body mist, strawberry snowflakes body mist
/ clothes - white turtleneck, white/gray sweatpants, black/gray hoodie, fleece lined stockings, lace bras, lace camis, cropped jackets
/ dove - dryness relief body wash, snow blossom body wash, macadamia and rice milk body scrub
/ aquolina - pink sugar, pink sugar red velvet
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biophilianutrition · 1 year
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Mood Forever
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bitegore · 9 months
is there like a curse you get put under when you decide that you like cold weather better than hot weather to never ever shut the fuck up when someone expresses a different opinion on the subject, or is that just a choice you are all making
#i really don't get it. i don't do this on posts about liking the cold#but every post about liking hot weather is FULL of people like 'ohhh but op have you considered it's easier to warm up than cool down'#as though a) that is true everywhere or b) we've never heard it before#first of all no it's not i will refer you to the years ive spent insomniac in the winter because no matter how i huddled i could not feel m#toes but second of all we fucking KNOW. we Know. we know you feel that way. It's not a secret we are AWARE. WE KNOW#no one's saying you can't like the cold but for fucks sake if you're not gonna say anything helpful what's the point of saying it#red rambles#i know i'm being a bitch this week but also i don't care. it's like fucking clockwork#every single time i reblog one of those posts i just wait for three or four people to tell me about how they 'can't peel off their skin' if#it's too hot. as though the only way to cool down is to take off layers#unfortunately i am not afflicted with whatever curse this is. sorry about your inability to shut up when you're clearly in disagreement tho#for the record i'm still housetrained and i have no intention of expressing this annoyance by going and bothering people who like the cold#you can like the cold if you want to i dont give a shit#but like. Seriously what the fuck is the deal with this shit#do you actually think that 'weh weh but actually the cold is better' is a unique opinion. approximately 50% of the people in any given place#will agree with you#there is absolutely no new complaint you can offer under the sun that will be fresh to anyone hearing it#as we have exhausted literally all of them by the age of like twelve.
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quietstime · 9 months
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sbrown82 · 9 months
I just really don’t like how light skinned I’ve been looking this winter! 🥴 🔦
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hazeltailofficial · 9 months
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Lush Tingle Body Conditioner
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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