#baby care in winter
beautifulbundles · 2 years
Taking care of a baby in winter is not an easy task. Due to the low immunity of children, mothers pay special attention to them.  Fall in the temperature increases the risk of seasonal colds, flu, and infection.
We as adults can fight the cold and rough weather, but sailing through these three long winter months is much more challenging for newborns.
Every mother does a lot to protect her child from the cold winds. So let us look at all those ways by which we can keep our kids safe and warm in the winter season.
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worldundrone · 2 years
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hypewinter · 1 year
Bruce carefully approached the child playing by himself in the park. The child giggled as they played with chalk, the sidewalk illuminated by a single street lamp.
"What are you drawing?" he said softly, not wanting to alarm them.
The child turned, revealing themself to be a little boy, no older than 5. He had raven black hair and icy blue eyes. Bruce could practically already hear Oracle snickering on the other end of the comms. She had probably already taken a snapshot of the boy through his visor and posted to the batkids group chat which contrary to popular belief, he did know about. Bruce sighed internally. He'd never hear the end of it when he got home. Especially if he had the kid in tow. Let's hope that didn't happen.
"Hello Batman!" a cheery voice broke him out of his thoughts. "I'm drawing a gargaggle!"
Bruce refocused on the boy who showed no signs of fear. He didn't even look surprised which was strange to say the least. "A gargaggle? Do you mean gargoyle?"
The boy furrowed his brows for a bit before piping up again. "I do! It's such a funny word. I can never get it right."
"I know the feeling," Bruce said, crouching down next to the boy. "Sometimes I struggle with words too."
The boy's eyes went wide as if he couldn't believe the Batman struggled with words. "Say-" Bruce started, "-it's pretty late out are your parents nearby?"
The boy shook his head. "No, I don't have parents," he said as he went back to doodling.
Ok Bruce don't freak out just yet. "Oh, then do you have a guardian of sorts? Like an older sibling, or another family member? Like an aunt or grandparent?"
The boy shook his head again. "Nope. Oh! But I do have a friend. She's very nice and gives me lots of gifts and special things."
Alright, he could work with that. Maybe this 'friend' was the kid's guardian and he just didn't realize it yet. That could happen if he was put in their care recently. Bruce cleared his throat to get the boy to look up at him again. "Do you know where your friend is right now?" he asked.
The boy smiled wide. " 'course I do! She's right over there!" As he spoke, he pointed to a clutter of trees, just to his left. "She really loves you and your family," he said. "She's shy though, so she hid when she saw you coming."
"I see," Bruce replied as he got up. "Well maybe I can convince her to come out." He walked over to where the boy had pointed and pulled apart the bushes, hoping to find a woman who he could talk to about the dangers of wandering around at night. Instead he found nothing.
Bruce heard a giggle from behind him. "That's not where she is silly," he said.
"But that's what you-"
"She's not in the bushes, she's in the shadows. She's really good at hide and seek you know. Once we were playing and she hid in the shadows. Then she snuck up behind me from another shadow. It was really unfair! I never win hide and seek or tag against her," the boy said, starting to pout.
She's in the shadows? A meta? And one with a similar power set to Signal no less. Hmmmm.
Bruce began making his way back to the boy. "Then where is she right now?" he asked.
The boy shrugged, as he returned to his drawing once again. "I don't know. Sometimes she leaves and doesn't return for days. Since you're around, I don't think she's coming back for a while."
Great, just great. He had managed to scare off a little boy's only guardian in the middle of the night. Good going Bruce. he chided himself. He crouched down next to the boy again. "Do you know how to get home? Maybe we can wait for your friend there."
The boy turned to Bruce again. "Sure do!" he said, puffing out his chest. " 'cause I'm a big boy and big boys know how to get home on their own." he recited.
That was another point for the growing concerning information checklist. "Okay let's go wait for her then."
The boy's face dropped as he looked longingly at his gargoyle drawing. For a moment, Bruce thought he would have to bribe the kid with a lollipop but instead he held up his arms to be carried. "Okay," he said solemnly.
Bruce exhaled in relief as he picked up the boy. After pulling out his grappling gun he turned to the boy. "Where to...." Shit. Had he really forgotten to ask for the kid's name?
The boy in question didn't seem all too bothered by that fact. "Danny," he answered seamlessly. "And it's that way." Bruce aimed his grappling gun and off they went.
It took Danny all of two directions before he was out like a light. Bruce sighed, switching directions. Yep, he would truly never hear the end of it.
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pinksugardollz · 10 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
If you think incest is an inherently lgbt dynamic,there's a good chance you're a white gay who hasn't actually experienced incestous abuse
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
It's so hilariously jarring to me to see people saying the DLC made them finally care about Rose. Idk I just inherently cared about her and considering the entire plot of RE8 was Ethan caring about her it's weird to me that players wouldn't until now. Better late than never I guess
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z-1-wolfe · 1 year
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happy birthday cringe fail white girl
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icterid-rubus · 1 month
I could have a million years and one day to knit a single sock for someone and I’d still be up at that final hour with a hairdryer trying to block the project the night before.
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xinyidecor · 3 months
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Aquamarine 🌊 has different beauty from every angle Plus the elegance of pearls overflowing the screen It has a refreshing and cool temperament s925 silver ➕ natural aquamarine Simple and elegant, full of texture✨
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stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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1-800-dreamgirl · 2 months
the realest statement about fandoms nowadays is: you guys would never survive a day during 1D’s peak
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hypewinter · 5 months
Guys!! Okay so I love deaged plots a lot. Like A LOT a lot (I know shocker right?). Well anyway I was rotating in my brain who I could deage next when it hit me: Clockwork.
Now I know what you're thinking. "Winter, he's the ancient of time. How on earth would he get stuck as a baby?" But to that I would rebut that it is actually quite simple my friend. You see, he gets corrupted. Or more specifically, time gets corrupted. Between Superboy Prime punching a hole in reality and the speedsters constantly playing God, time quickly starts (for lack of a better term) dying off. It's like having a ball of yarn that people keep cutting or setting fire to or throwing in the mud. There's only so long it can last for.
So yeah, time and reality as we know it is barreling towards oblivion. Especially because the only one who can fix it, also happens to be so connected to it he got affected too. The only thing that saved Clockwork from the corruption that was crawling it's way up his body was temporarily severing his connection to time. This unfortunately had the effect of resetting his body to back before he was connected to time (ie when he was a newly formed being. Just barely with consciousness. Not yet with a name nor purpose).
Luckily before he did so, he left Danny with a very detailed list on how to fix everything. Starting with a family of light footed idiots who need to learn to leave well enough alone.
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pinksugardollz · 9 months
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bl33ditout · 7 months
"waaaaaah winter bad summer good" JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY GOD WE GET IT
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nulltune · 2 years
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idk why but i'm feeling !!! damn festive!!!! soo i'll cope with an inbox call! 😳✨️ will def be winter/christmas related jsyk -winks- and i'll be capping at aaaa lucky seven! WAIT I'M GETTING MORE HYPED AS I SEE THESE LIKES TYSM 🥺🥺 CAP REMOVED NOW!!! GO WILD GO FREEEE COME 2 MEEEE as usual, multis don't forget to specify ! <3
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Happy Solstice everyone
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