#skin clin
euphoricfilter · 1 year
i would like to share this smut fic idea that’s been rotting my brain for days now
(cw: smut, dom! jimin, sub! reader, both wearing skirts while they fuck and a little bit of spanking, use of a dildo. mild talks of body image)🕺
likely to be titled: ‘the feminine pact’
this is half a product of a tiktok i saw and half part of the conversation that was brought up last week… maybe two weeks ago about how femininity and dominance can coexist within the same sphere
and a mildly self indulgent fic to heal my weird mindset when it comes to clothes and how undeserving i feel of actual nice things or ways i present myself
☆ jimin and you who have been in a long term relationship, both know you’re each other’s lasts and neither have any plans to break it off as you are both very much obsessed with one another and hold too much love for the other to even think of someone else in more than a platonic sense
☆ i’m thinking maybe you stumbles across a pretty little dress or skirt, something super feminine and so far out of what you would normally wear. and maybe jimin notices you’ve been looking at it for a little longer than you usually would and asks why you don’t buy it
☆ you’d shake your head and tell him it wasn’t really for you (and jimin would pick up on the double meaning). you’ve both talked about self image and self depreciation before so he knows it’s more than just not thinking it’ll fit your body— you feels undeserving.
☆ and so, as the best boyfriend he is, jimin would obviously order it for you. but he wouldn’t stop there; he’d buy one for himself too!!
☆ and maybe you would cry, a little overwhelmed, scared, worried even. but so very much in love with jimin and how much of a sweetheart he is that you don’t know what else to do but cry and cling onto him with a blubbery thank you tumbling off your lips between hiccups
☆ jimin wouldn’t have been oblivious to talk of his own frowned upon femininity. not exactly the perfect man, too lithe and too pretty. probably having grown up in a household that held ‘typical’ masculinity above everything. and so, his own personal growth would play a part in the story too!! as he discovers that it’s okay to be a mid-point. that being a ‘good stereotypical’ man isn’t the be-all-end-all and that actually accepting femininity as a part of himself makes him feel more comfortable in his own skin
☆ and hence forth the femininity pact!
☆ you’d probably both talk about it again because communication is important for the both of you! how when you wears skirts or dresses you feel strange in her own skin. and jimin talking about his own little fantasies of just, not being restrained to what has been expected of him and exploring a part of him he hadn’t felt comfortable to explore before
☆ and then comes the conversation of how you’d even approach this. starting off small. glittery pink eye shadow and hours spent watching make up tutorials from youtube, streamed on the tv so you can really take in what is being said
☆ learning how to do eyeliner, with you sat on the counter in the bathroom as jimin leans closer to the mirror. and maybe he learns how to do it a little faster, less chunky, maybe even learning how to do it with eye shadow. and then each morning, he does his own and then yours
☆ once the dysmorphia becomes somewhat more bearable with the make up, still a new feeling for the both of you. then would come the clothes. probably one of the biggest challenges
☆ both of them starting with cute tops, an easy start but still a little daunting. jimin would make sure you’re always matching, always changing before you do and then helping you into your clothes. kissing each insecurity he knows you have before helping with your buttons or zipping up a skirt
☆ and of course, jimin would find you utterly beautiful. it’s not that he hadn’t seen you as anything but before. but this, this was something new.
☆ and so, he’d fuck you with the both of you wearing skirts.
☆ glittery eye shadow clinging to the pads of his fingers that leave a shimmery path of pretty love down your body as he pulls your shirt over your tits
☆ his eyeliner a little smudged— print of your lipstick painting his cheeks, maybe dark red, or a blush pink.
☆ maybe he’d fuck you on the bathroom counter, make up and skincare clattering to the floor as he thrusts up into you. silk pyjamas pulled over your thighs and jimin’s pooling at his ankles, calling you pretty and perfect and so utterly his— he wants to stuff you full of his cum until it’s dripping down your thighs and you’re a total mess with zero thoughts except him.
☆ and maybe the days you needed that little push, swallowed by your own self deprecating thoughts and ugly emotions that made you feel shitty. jimin wouldn’t have it. tugging a skirt up your hips and then laying you over his thighs, deft fingers coming down to slap your ass until tears cling to your waterline and slick soaked the crotch of your frilly panties
☆ and maybe he gets a little carried away while the two of you are out. dragging you into the bathroom, kissing you until your lips are smudged and sticky with lipgloss that he re-applies after fingering you. your pretty glittery nails digging into his shoulders and raking down his back
☆ and being the little menace that he is. he’d buy you a glittery pink dildo. all cute and fun until he makes you bounce on it in front of him. his cock straining under the dress he’s wearing.
☆ and you’re not allowed his cock until you’ve made yourself all pretty and messy for him. pretty pussy a little puffy and used before he slides between your walls and claims you as his all over again. making sure you lick his cock clean of your juices and stuffing his fingers back into your cunt so his seed doesn’t spill out of you.
☆ just jimin fucking you in a skirt and the both of you being pretty people that learn to love yourselves and pretty things
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nico-di-genova · 4 months
Heart On Your Sleeve (I Think It's Mine)
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Summary: Alex knows the pain of tasting a win only to have it ripped from you, the way it leaves you gaping and wounded and spilling every part of yourself across the floor. He knows the hurt, and yet it is worse to see it, somehow. Or: Post Indy 500 comfort for Pato, who so very dearly needs it.
Ao3 Link
Pato smells like shampoo, clean, hair damp against Alex’s skin where his lips are brushing the crown of Pato’s head. Beneath the cedarwood scent, there is the lingering undercurrent of rubber and gasoline, remnants of racing that are forever embedded in him – in both of them. It is a smell that tends to stick, soaked into the core of a driver and becoming a permanent piece of them.
Laying on the mattress at the back of Alex’s bus, with Pato curled up in his arms, his face buried in the crook of Alex’s neck, Alex breathes in the scent of him and tries to ground himself in the familiarity of it. He can’t afford to float off into his own thoughts, not with Pato still sobbing against him. They both lost today, but it is Pato who is tasting the sharp bitter taste of failure so strongly he is choking on it. Racing is in Pato’s blood, and it is spilling out of him,  across the sheets, with every sob that wracks his body.
He had been so close. Alex had seen it.
“I got you,” Alex promises, tastes the shampoo as he does. “I got you, it’s okay.”
“It hurts,” Pato cries, shakes, clings to Alex tighter with hands that must have been so sure on the wheel earlier but now tremble when he curls them around the fabric of Alex’s shirt.  
 Alex knows it does, knows the pain of tasting a win only to have it ripped from you, the way it leaves you gaping and wounded and spilling every part of yourself across the floor. He knows the hurt, and yet it is worse to see it, somehow. To see the haunted sort of look on Pato’s face when Alex had asked him if he was okay and Pato had shook his head before stepping in front of the cameras, red-rimmed eyes and wobbly smile something that he couldn’t hide. And then in the press conference. In the shadows of the speedway as they made their way to Alex’s bus. In the shower, when Pato stood under the spray of the water and stared unseeingly at a spot on the wall behind Alex.
Alex had washed his hair and Pato had let him, arms limp at his side, leaned forward enough to rest his head against Alex’s chest and softly cried. Alex is not gentle with very many things, he can be abrasive, brusque, but when he lathered soap along Pato’s back and worked at the tension in his shoulders it was done with all the care and gentleness he possessed. And then he watched the soapy water swirl down the drain at their feet and hoped it took the day with it.
Instead, when he closes his eyes he sees Dixon passing him, Josef passing Pato, a sick shared parallel between the two of them. For a moment, Alex had given into the hope that he could pull it off, that they both could, when he and Pato had been trading the lead back and forth with each other and the racing had felt like riding a livewire. Alternating who had the clean air and the tow and being told by his engineer that they were focused on 1 and 2, that it was all beginning to slot together. He hadn’t been thinking far enough ahead then to consider which one of them would win, if second place would have felt satisfactory enough if it meant he got to watch Pato douse himself in milk. And then the cracks started to show, when they said Alex didn’t have the fuel to go all out, when he realized victory wouldn’t be his. It had fractured further when he watched Josef gain on Pato, shattered completely on the final lap, lay broken and crystalline in the pitlane when he got out of his car but had watched as Pato couldn’t.
He is trying to fix it, reassemble Pato and the hope back together with calloused hands, but Pato keeps shaking in his arms and he can’t seem to make the pieces fit.
“I got you,” he continues to promise, as Pato cries harder, clings tighter.
“Please,” Pato begs, and Alex doesn’t even know what he’s begging for. Release maybe, relief, something to ease the ache he must be feeling. The physical ache from having his body held so tightly for so long, or the mental one from replaying that last lap again and again trying to will it to go right. Alex knows he wouldn’t be able to vocalize it even if he tried, not with his throat raw from the sobbing and his breath coming out uneven.
He runs a hand along Pato’s back, presses a kiss to the crown of his head, tries to slow his own breathing so that Pato will maybe feel it and mimic him.
“Easy, Pato,” he tries, quiet against the drying tufts of Pato’s hair, like he’s speaking to a spooked animal.
“I can’t-“ Pato starts, chokes on a ragged inhale. His grip on Alex’s shirt goes so tight Alex can feel him begin to grab at skin, the pinprick of fingernails against his back.
“It won’t-“Pato tries again, chokes again, presses himself impossibly closer to Alex.
Leave. Alex thinks, realizes. It won’t leave.
Alex closes his eyes and watches third place slip away, Pato keeps his closed and has the win dripping through his fingers like water, or like the blood he was offering in exchange for the chance to finally know what it felt like to have a wreath rested around him. He’s not in front of the cameras anymore, no media or fans to distract him with questions and praise and sympathy. It’s just them now, and instead of sleep offering relief, it is the repeat of a race they gave their all to that plays on a loop in both of their heads. Only, Alex has won here before, he at least has the relief of memory to fall back on, Pato has only the loss, the absence.
“Hey,” Alex soothes, “Pato, baby, come here. Look at me.”
He eases himself back, grips Pato by the shoulder and works to pry him away for long enough that he can actually see his tearstained face. There’s a damp patch on the collar of Alex’s shirt, moisture cooling at his neck. When Pato opens his eyes they are red-rimmed, glassy, and blood-shot.
“That’s it. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I- I need- the-“
“I know, it’s okay. It’s done. It’s okay.”  
Pato’s lip trembles, his eyes fill with fresh tears.
He shakes his head and forces out raggedly, “It’s not.”
“It will be. I promise, baby, it will be. I know it hurts, but you’re hurting yourself more right now.”
He isn’t letting it go, not the way you have to once the adrenaline wears off and there’s nothing left but the loss. He’s clinging to the hurt of it with a desperate sort of wish that if he hopes enough it will change the outcome and they both know it won’t. This isn’t St. Pete, a fluke and a delayed win, this was just Josef having the better car and Pato already having admitted he had driven his to the limit. Alex knows he’d pulled everything from the McLaren, drained it of every bit of potential that it had till there was nothing left but the metaphorical fumes. He’s proud of Pato simply for somehow managing the performance that he did, but Pato is only seeing the back of Newgarden’s car as it crossed the line first.
“I can’t,” Pato pleads, unwraps his arms from where they’d been around Alex and then grabs at Alex’s chest instead. Alex lets him, lets him pull on his shirt until he’s pulled forward to close the gap between them again and Pato is breathing heavily in the hot air between them.
He moves his own hand up from where it was resting on Pato’s shoulder, threads his fingers through damp hair. His thumb rests at Pato’s temple, soothes at the headache he is sure is forming there, if not pounding already. Pato has been crying so much he’s surely lost what little water he did manage to sip down after the race.
“You have to let it go, Pato. You have to.”
Bury it, shove it so far down you maybe forget the taste of it, push and keep pushing until there’s time until it works its way back up again. That’s what he would do, what he does, but that maybe wouldn’t work for Pato. He’s got his heart on his sleeve along with the rest of him, maybe wouldn’t know how to bury something at all.
"You focus on the next one, right?” Alex offers instead. “And then the one after that, and the next one. Until it’s next May and you go again.”
Because one of these days it will work, one of these days Pato will cross the line first. Alex believes that, unfailingly. He’s raced with hundreds of drivers, across so many series, and very few of them have driven the way Pato does. Quick with his hands and quick to recover and so very good at finding that space where they all want to be. He zones in with a precision Alex has experienced himself, but Pato somehow lands in much faster. He will win, because Alex has been a winner, and knows them, and can see the makings of it in the man he holds now.
“And the further you get, the less this one hurts.” He says it for himself just as much as Pato.
“But it hurts now,” Pato forces out around the breath he draws in, manages to say all four words even if they are muffled against the fabric of Alex’s shirt.
“And it won’t stop until you let it,” It’s a harsh truth, but a truth nonetheless, because Alex doesn’t like to lie. His comfort has always come in the simple form of brute honesty, and maybe that made him a dick sometimes, but sometimes it was just what it was.
Right now it’s what Pato needs to hear. Because Alex will continue to hold him, kiss him, whisper comforts against his cedarwood smelling hair as long as he needs, but it won’t change the race. And Pato will drift off to sleep in his arms restlessly, his breath evening out only in unconsciousness, but he will still wake with an empty look in his eyes and a distant gaze as long as he stays in that car. He could go in circles on that final lap forever, pull Alex along with him if he needed, but it wouldn’t change it. He knows that. Alex knows he does.
It’s close to midnight, the lamplight in the room is dim enough that it’s luring them both toward unconsciousness. Alex can feel the toll of 200 laps at 200+ mph beginning to set in, truly set in, and knows he’ll wake to the ache of it tomorrow. There was a time he could bounce back quicker, but he knows come morning there will be a soreness in his joints, his chest, that Pato will try to ease away with whatever breakfast he manages to produce from one of his many favorite spots. Or maybe with his hand around Alex’s cock, distracting him from the pain and replacing it with slow-building pleasure as he’s done in the past.
He takes care of Pato now, and Pato takes care of him tomorrow, and they pass comfort back and forth the way they had the lead today. But tonight he only needs Pato to breathe, to look at him with eyes that don’t shine with tears, to speak and not have his voice come out wrong. He needs to put Pato back together enough that the pieces hold just for a while, just long enough for him to get some sleep.
“I know it’s not the win you wanted. I know it hurts, and it sucks, and you maybe want to take a crowbar to Josef’s car-“
Pato laughs against him, breath warm against his skin. It doesn’t sound right, not yet, but it’s almost him. Almost, which is the best they can do right now, in the car and out of it.
“But I’m proud of you. The team is proud of you. You didn’t do a single thing wrong today, baby. It just wasn’t your day. Not yet.”
“Yet?” Pato asks, pulls back, shifts up on the mattress so he’s resting his head on a pillow alongside Alex. Face to face, Alex is able to trail a hand down from out of his hair to cup his jaw. His eyes are still shining in the light, but the tears don’t fall as steadily.
Alex smiles, really smiles, the sort only reserved for Pato because he doesn’t think it’s fair that Pato should get to express all the joy in their relationship. And because he isn’t an asshole, not really, he’s just careful with who he gives himself to.
“Of course, ‘yet’. Your name will be written here someday, and you’ll get to chug a mouthful of disgusting milk, and you’ll know how it feels to win here. I know it.”
“You do?” Pato asks, earnestly. There’s a light in his eyes, a dim ember, nowhere close to its usual spark, but rekindled, nonetheless. He asks it like Alex is responsible for deciding who wins himself, like Alex will be the one to wave that checkered flag come next May and welcome Pato to the brickyard, kneel beside him and kiss them like it’s a win they both have earned. He asks like he’s surprised Alex believes in him.
Alex feels like he’s made himself clear in that regard, what with the way he’d hugged Pato earlier and whispered in his ear that, ‘it should have been you. It will be you. One day.’ But maybe Pato hadn’t heard him over the crowd still chanting his name and the reporters calling to him and his own internal voice repeating that he was a failure too loudly to process much else at all.
So Alex repeats it in the silence of the bus, where he’s sure Pato will not miss it, “Of course.”
He shifts so there’s barely a breath between them at all, feels and hears Pato’s quiet inhale as Alex closes the distance and kisses him. Alex pours himself into it, into the gentle touch of his palm against Pato’s neck, the loop of his leg around Pato’s so he can pull the man to him fully. Pato tastes like salty tears, Alex licks them away. He closes his eyes and dredges up things he has buried, just long enough that Pato can maybe taste them, the honesty of it, and then he packs it all away again and pulls back.
Pato chases him, and Alex laughs, soft and breathy.
“No wait, let me finish,” he demands.
Pato stills, nods, opens his eyes from where they’d fluttered closed during the kiss.
Heart on his sleeve, Alex thinks when all he sees is love, but then Pato smiles at him, and he thinks he maybe isn’t hiding his own heart as well as he thinks. He’s seen the photos the social admins post, the ones where he’s staring at Pato with so much adoration it’d be impossible to miss how much he respects him. Affection pouring off of him through the cracks in his mask that he isn’t sure if he wants to fix sometimes.
He swallow and then confesses, “Dixon passed me today because I let up. Because I was coasting, and he was to the floor, and I didn’t care. I didn’t care about third place or fourth, Because you got around Josef and I watched it. It should have been you, Pato. And it wasn’t today, but it will be. I don’t believe in fate, or luck, but I believe in you. Even if you don’t right now.”
It’s sappy, and cheesy and everything Alex hates, but all the things Pato loves. The words come easier when he has Pato grinning at him.
“You were watching me?”
“I was cheering your name. Along with everyone else. Your world remember?”
Pato’s brow furrows until he remembers their car ride from a few days ago. The joke Alex had made to the cameras about it ‘just being Pato’s world’, how maybe Alex hadn’t meant it as a joke at all.
“Shut up, it is not,” Pato laughs, shoves harmlessly at Alex’s chest.  
“Maybe not to everyone else,” he admits, grabs Pato’s wrist and raises it to kiss at the exposed skin there, feeling his heartbeat against his lips.
Pato stills, lips parted slightly, tear tracks on his cheeks dry and breathes out fully. It doesn’t catch in his throat, isn’t choked by grief and failure.
“So it is just you fighting me for the win next year then?”
Alex grins, “Of course. I’m not just gonna give it to you.”
“Oh? No?”
“No, gonna push you all the way to the line. Make you earn it.”
It’s late, and they need to sleep, and Alex isn’t meaning to veer into suggestive territory, but he ends up there somehow anyway. He’s not even slightly interested, dick soft in his sweatpants and exhaustion pulling at him now that he doesn’t have Pato falling apart in his arms to focus on.      
Pato waggles his eyebrows, “Oh yeah? Earn it? I thought I was pretty good at that?”
“Eh, sometimes. If you’re trying to get me to call you a ‘good boy’ again you’ll have to wait until morning though.”
Pato pouts, but quickly loses it to the yawn that escapes him.
By one, they’re asleep, Pato curled back up in Alex’s arms with his back pressed to Alex’s chest. Outside, there is the occasional bark of a dog, the shout of someone who had found satisfaction in their race finish and was content to party for the sake of it. But they are not content people, Alex and Pato, unless it came to each other. Pato is restless, hungry for more, and Alex has never known when to stop moving, stop chasing, stop hunting for another win. So tonight they do not party, instead, they fall asleep to the steady sound of each other’s breathing in Alex’s bus while Pato’s stands empty and largely untouched.
“So proud,” Alex mumbles when he’s on the edge of unconsciousness, teetering in and out of awareness, “Always.”
He doesn’t know if Pato is already asleep, if he hears him, and then he himself isn’t awake to gauge if there’s any sort of response. But it doesn’t matter anyway, he’ll say it again come morning, say it until Pato believes it. Alex doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve, but he’s put a piece of it on Pato’s, lets the man carry it and trusts him enough to do so. It’s the piece that makes loving Pato easy, the piece that believes he’ll win at the brickyard, and he’s given it to Pato in hopes that one day he will believe in himself too.  
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
Can you write headcanons of gotham scarecrow in summer with his s/o 😩?
Gotham Scarecrow in summer with his s/o
Hello dear, I hope you're doing well. Of course I can write headcanons of our dear Jonathan in summer with his s/o!
But first let me apologize for the awful delay, I am so sorry about it and want to smash my own head against a wall since I know how frustrating it is to not receive any answer to a request. So, again, sorry!
Warning: just my bad English I think... sorry about it, I'm working on it!
Word Count: 543
Now, here it is:
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🎃 First, a picture: Jon and you at the beach, both seated under a huge parasol on one enormous Halloween themed towel. You, in our favorite swimsuit, and dear Jonathan with this one:
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🎃He has a super-sensitive skin so always take some sunscreen with you, especially now, for your date at the beach. He would want you to apply it on his skin, arguing that you'll have to put it on his neck anyway so please, just help him with the rest. Plus, the sun is too bright and his eyes too sensitive so he can't see very well and doesn't want to miss a spot *cough* liar *cough*
🎃Because of his "sensitive eyes" never forget to bring a straw hat. They have to be protected at all times as well as his head. Even with his mask on, Scarecrow as red as a tomato would ruin all dramatic and horrific effect. You know it, he knows it, so hat and sunscreen always in your bag.
🎃I don't know why but I'm pretty sure Jonathan doesn't support the hot weather very well. If his hideout doesn't have AC, don't be too surprised to find him on the cool floor in nothing but his underwear, and groaning about how he's not gonna make it.
🎃He can be a little baby, especially with you since it means you'll pamper and spoil him rotten.
🎃Make sure to at least bring a fan to help him, or he's going to melt on the floor.
🎃If you like to cook or make home-made ice-cream, cold dishes, or treats like watermelon smoothies, he'll definitively help you. He's good at cooking since, for him, it's a bit like chemistry. Plus he likes to do couple things with you, and making cute little watermelon cubes will bring a smile on his face.
🎃He's not very confident in water or with water games since it means being outside and without his costume. He'll do it to make you smile but will be glued to you, too afraid to look people around directly in the eyes.
🎃 Any indoors activity, he will be happy to participate. He would be delighted if you help him improve his villain costume to make it more summer-friendly.
🎃He loves when both of you are outside at night, enjoying the cool air and watch the stars, protected by the darkness of the night. If you are afraid of the dark, though, he'll make sure to light a cute little pumpkin lamp and put it next to you.
🎃If nights are cool, he would be too happy to cuddle and bring you warmth. He would never say it aloud, since he's too shy for this, but he likes how your pajamas show more skin and allow him to touch your skin directly.
🎃If nights are hot… well, sorry for you dear, because he is CLINGY and wouldn't want to let you space, don't worry, though. He would be too happy to offer to take a shower with you to help you wash the grim. Clin-gy.
🎃He likes when summers slowly start to end, the leaves slowly turning yellow and orange, and his favorite season is upcoming.
🎃He would be super-excited and would love to share his plans with you: how to decorate the house, what movies he wants to watch waiting for Halloween and during Halloween, what costume you'd like to wear… He will also talk about his grand villain's plans, but only if you're comfortable with it.
🎃He can't wait to harvest the pumpkin both of you planted months earlier and watched so carefully to carve them with you!
A/N - I hope you liked it dear. Have a beautiful day/night and take care! 👻🎃
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Are there any outfit examples you could pull up for the main cast + Volturi? I have a difficult time envisioning anything other than what the films chose even tyough I hate most of it
Oof, afraid I'm not the person for that, though I agree the films' fashion choices were atrocious.
The thing is, the fashion choices made by Alice that are described in the books are atrocious too, only they are expensive atrocious. Very nouveau riche, even Bella who doesn't know anything about fashion can tell at a glance that the Cullens have extremely expensive clothing. Edward, at one point in Twilight, is described as dressing in a shirt that's clearly too small (I don't recall if Bella realized the shirt was too small but the description, that it clins to him so she can see the muscles, gives as much away), and the color scheme for everyday wear is pale and nude shades, no strong colors.
On the flip side, Alice and Rosalie show up to prom with clothes that should never have gotten past the entrance (for those who don't recall: Rosalie's dress is backless red with a split in the front that goes down to her navel, Alice's is a bunch of triangles stitched together so as to show off as much skin as possible), and that are just not right for the occasion. You don't dress like a high end escort at a Vegas casino for your high school prom.
This is makeup and not clothes, but Bella struggles to recognize herself at her own wedding. It sounds to me (especially since Bella, a brunette, notes her thick dark lashes) like Alice painted a new face on her. I can only think of certain youtube beauty gurus who shall remain unnamed (but, uh, wouldn't be surprised if Alice greeted Bella that morning with a "Hello, sister!")
In a sentence, think the Cullens are dressed quite badly.
With that, I... can only give you advice you look up badly dressed and/or tacky celebrities for inspo.
As for the Volturi, I think given their insulated way of life and agelessness you're not restrained to the contemporary. The possibilities there are truly endless, as they'll have the resources and opportunity to wear whatever they damn well like.
On missions, however, or just went venturing into the outside world, I imagine Aro has the guard looking put together so they're taken seriously. This means well-tailored clothes, solid colors or unobtrusive patterns, and so on.
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careforcritters · 1 year
Vet Med in Warrior Cats: Oncology (Cancer)
Pebblefur, a Windclan deputy who appears in Code of the Clans, was stated to have died from a “strange, agonizing lump in his belly”. Shellheart, a former Riverclan deputy and father to Crookedstar, was also stated to have a similar painful lump in his abdomen, which caused him to retire and is suspected to be the cause of his death. The medicine cat in Crookedstar’s Promise, Brambleberry, stated that she had seen this condition before and that cats who suffer from it never get better. Ravenpaw has this same condition in Ravenpaw’s Farewell, which leads to his death.
These cats are likely suffering from a form of gastrointestinal cancer, and the most common presentation of GI cancer in cats is small intestinal lymphoma. Signs of intestinal cancer include vomiting, inappetence, diarrhea, and weight loss. While vomiting and diarrhea were not mentioned in the books, Shellheart and Ravenpaw both appear to be suffering from pain and gradual weight loss. Intestinal tumors can also lead to perforation, which would cause death fairly rapidly. Most lymphomas are small cell, which is a low grade lymphoma, and has a slow onset and progression of clinical signs. This is consistent with the three cats in warriors who were seen to have cancer, as Shellheart and Ravenpaw both knew that they were dying as their pain slowly got worse. 
In a veterinary clinic or hospital, small intestinal lymphoma would be diagnosed with a combination of histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement. It would be treated with a combination of chlorambucil (a chemotherapy drug) and prednisolone (an anti-inflammatory). Expected survival time is about two years with treatment. Medicine cats would have no way to know what the cause of the symptoms was, and would have no treatments for it even if they did. The best that they can do is to provide supportive care and try and ease their pain until death.
In the novella Cloudstar’s Journey, Petalfall is described as having periodic seizures and progressive weakness after suffering from an illness. As the prey grows scarce in Skyclan, she eats less and becomes weaker and has more frequent seizures until she passes. It is possible that Petalfall could have had a tumor in her brain since they can cause seizures, but this is never confirmed. Since the seizures were noted to have started after Petalfall fell ill, she is more likely to be suffering from meningitis or encephalitis after the infection spread to her nervous system. This topic will be covered in the neurology section. 
Other common cancers in cats that are not seen in warriors include squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth, skin, and nose, fibrosarcomas in skeletal muscles, and mammary tumors in intact females. All of these tumors could be visible in later stages without imaging or surgery, but none of them appear to be mentioned in the series. As stated before, medicine cats don’t have diagnostic or treatment options for any type of cancer. One explanation for this is that the warriors’ lifespans are shorter than most domestic cats and that many characters die of other causes before reaching an advanced age. However, since they live outside, have near constant sun exposure, and none of them are spayed or neutered, I would expect a much higher rate of squamous cell carcinoma (especially in pink skinned cats) and mammary gland tumors.
Gieger T. Alimentary lymphoma in cats and dogs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2011 Mar;41(2):419-32. doi: 10.1016/j.cvsm.2011.02.001. PMID: 21486644
Withrow and MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology
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obfuscated-abstract · 3 months
Title: Association of hypermobility and ingrown nails
Date: June 2012 Published in: Clinical Rheumatology Publicly available: It is now.
Citation: Erdogan, F.G., Tufan, A., Guven, M. et al. Association of hypermobility and ingrown nails. Clin Rheumatol 31, 1319–1322 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10067-012-2014-4
Full text
GJH: generalised joint hypermobility
JHS: joint hypermobility syndrome (now known as hypermobility spectrum disorder or HSD)
Article Summary
Ingrown nail (onychocryptosis) is a common condition. Risk factors are well-defined and include ill-fitting shoes, faulty nail trimming, hyperhidrosis, poor foot hygiene, and genetics. Repeated trauma has been proposed as a cause. Ingrown nails are most commonly found on the first toes where the joints bear the most pressure.
Joint hypermobility has been shown to modify an individual's gait includings an increase in pressure in the medial midfoot region. Orthopedic foot problems like pes planus are common in hypermobility patients.
Generalised joint hypermobility (GJH) is a major component of joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS) which has other features that may make individuals more proned to ingrown nails such as fragile and thin skin, autonomic and proprioceptive sensory neuronal dysfunction (resulting in hyperhidrosis and vulnerability to recurrent trauma).
The Beighton criteria has been used for the assessment of GJH but has been criticised for only including certain joints and lacking consideration for associated symptoms or conditions.
This study aims to investigate the association between hypermobility and ingrown nails and the hypothesis that local hypermobility might play a role in its occurence.
Materials and methods
Details the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of patients in the study and the control group. Assessments were made using the Beighton criteria and measurements of local hypermobility.
Ingrown nails is a common condition with peak occurences at two distinct age ranges suggesting differing causes
Several predisposing factors have been identified including a positive family history. Joint hypermobility has similarly been shown to be familial
Ingrown toe nails are more common in patients with GJH and are associated with more limited mobility of the first toe. This is counterintuitive but GJH predisposes individuals to repeated trauma, a risk factor for ingrown nails.
Hallux limitus/rigidus has been associated with first toe hypermobility. Pregnancy and obesity are also risk factors for hallux limitus/rigidus. Ingrown nail formation is also common in dancers and other sports people.
GJH is a fundamental part of JHS but JHS has other characteristics that could not be assessed in this study but could contribute to ingrown nail formation
Joint hypermobility is more common in children and less so in the elderly as a result of related complications so patients over 50 were not included in this study but could be included in further studies to strengthen this study's position.
Further studies are needed to demonstrate the association between GJH and ingrown nails but, despite complicating factors, this study shows that there may be an association.
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Going out with friends and washing my hands and having to shed all my rings like they’re an extra skin. You know that bitch washin her hands when you hear DInK clin-cliNK tink tink
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Then there round 9 of “oh boy glass!Wilbur has trauma”. Adding the flashback is definitely genius. Both in an attempt to solve the ‘deadname’ issue and to let us know that their wasn’t really a point where Wilbur accepted that he was the Pythia. He didn’t get to accept it in his own time. They skipped over that part. He got dragged into the role kicking and screaming. He got kidnapped off the street. And then they beat any resistance out of him. He got brainwashed and now he’s clinning onto it because that’s what he’s been doing for so long to survive.
Also, Tommy finding his name is very interesting now because while it’s probably not the right method it seems to be working. Not to Tommy, but we can see in Wilbur’s inner monologue that it is. [Echoes of pain flashed over his knuckles, but at the same time, there was a sick sort of thrill that ran through him hearing Tommy say that name.] literally the trauma of being hit vs. the need to hear his name and fight back and be his own person. It’s still not his name and being called by a nickname hurts even more than the name because he hasn’t had that closness in years and it’s not like Tommy ‘earned’ the right to call him Wil, he’s just forcing his way in. It’s so complicated and messy and I am loving it.
Now more sad ralisations! I’d forgotten how touch starved glass!Wilbur was. Like it’s so bad even the metal hand makes his skin tingle. He’s going to be so clingy later on and that’s the only thing comforting me right now.
Then there’s this line [Every breath he took that wasn’t in service to Clara was a waste.] and I should have seen this coming. It was only one step away from [”Refusing Her calling is like refusing the reason you breathe.”] and yet it slapped me in the face. You know what else slapped me in the face? The fact that Wilbur immideiatly accepts and internalised this reasoning. Literally the next his breathing is pointless. Just instant acceptance that the best way he can serve his goddess is to die. And he’s so fucking loyal too. He’s terrified of dying. He does not want to die. Yet he still brings it up and tells the Deathlings they should kill him. Not in those words of course cuz he’s too scared to say “you should kill me” out loud.
I feel like part of that mentally is just not knowing what to do and what’s going to happen and being so done with it. He feels like there’s only one way this is going to go and he wants to prolong the inevitable while still being terrified of it. It’s also the agency thing again. He’s not choosing to die he just thinks that what Clara would want him to do.
Also also, Wilbur is not a bad person! He’s done some stupid shit *cough* he almost killed a kid *cough*, but he’s not a bad person. He doesn’t want the Deathlimgs dead. He doesn’t want to curse them to an early grave. He knows that Tubbo is right and that he”a a risk and that he should still try to escape, but when that happens it will put the Deathlings in danger. He can tell that they are just people now and not the monsters he was told they were. And he can tell his existence is targeting their relationships apart. So he suggest taking him out himself, for their safely and for their benefit. With a lot of self-deprecation mixed in.
Lastly, there’s the shift in Wilbur's mentality after Techno brings up that a new Pythia would be chosen if they kill him. This, too, feels like a natural culmination of the past chapters. If he’s not serving Clara and he can’t advise Schlatt, can he even be called the Pythia? Could he still claim that title when he hasn’t been earning it? This mindset stems directly from the idea that he’s a failure for getting kidnapped and that Clara would punish him for failing to escape when those things are put of his control. It’s very interesting to see how he denies control over his own actions in one situation and feels responsible for things put of his control in others.
Now we get a Wilbur who feels like he can no longer call himself the Pythia. He doesn’t belong in the role once again. It’s like he’s that little boy being kidnapped all over again. But back then he was Wilbur. Now that identity has been erased and as much as Tommy tries, he can’t just snap it back into existence. So now Wilbur is neither himself nor the Pythia and I am very excited to see where this new development goes.
[If he wasn’t either of those things, then that meant he was nothing.
Nothing at all.]
Bee nailing it again with the final lines. I don't think we’ve had one hurt this much in a while. I could feel my would scattering while reading it. So I am not apologising for how long this as has gotten.
YEAHHHHH that was exactly the point of the flashback! I wanted to show that wilbur didn't want to give up his name. he didn't want to become the pythia. he was a scared kid dragged into a world he was wholly unfamiliar with. he was confused and alone and had to dive into the ideology as a survival mechanism to cope with what was happening to him, which is part of why he's so deeply entrenched in it now. if he gives up his beliefs about being the pythia, then soooo much trauma is going to come flooding back in. even if he doesn't think about that consciously, his subconscious knows it, so he's fighting back as hard as he can to hold onto his coping mechanisms now.
and that's also exactly why tommy's method seems to be working. wilbur was never going to start on the road to rediscovering himself on his own. he was way too entrenched in the mindset for that because again, coping mechanism. tommy has to force him to confront these things to kickstart the process. it's complicated and messy but it's what's working for them both. will it result in a healthy recovery? ehhhh not exactly. but that's where the fun of it comes in.
oh glass!wilbur is so fucking touch-starved you don't even know. I had that realization myself while writing a few chapters ago because I was like "wait... no one would just casually touch a 'deity' like for a hug or something" because that would be considered borderline sacrilege. there was no one in the palace he was close enough to to get any kind of physical touch from. when I realized that, I realized that wilbur probably hadn't gotten a proper hug since he became the pythia, and I was like 'oh he's gonna be so damn touch-starved' so I started incorporating that more into the story. he will be extremely clingy later on.
yeahhhh that whole thought process was rough to write. it was supposed to feel like a natural progression as he becomes more desperate and disconnected from clara as time goes on. he can feel his connection slipping the more tommy uses his name, and the more comfortable he becomes with the deathlings (or rather, tommy jack and niki). he can't let himself accept that. so when they're debating killing him, he immediately decides to voice his agreement. because he can't slip away from clara if he's dead. he doesn't want to die, but he can't live in this purgatory anymore. if he does, he subconsciously knows he's going to be pulled away from her, and he's terrified of what that'll do to him.
his relationship with control and autonomy is soooo messy he's so fucked up. like you said, it's a natural culmination of the past few chapters. the more tommy bends the bars of his cage, the more scared he becomes of slipping away from clara entirely. so how can he even be the pythia anymore?
i'm so glad you liked the final line it hurt to write. and ty for the long asks spruce!! so so thrilled you liked the chapter. it was so much fun to write and I love hearing your thoughts as always <3
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seejas07 · 20 days
The Science Behind Acne Scars: Causes and Solutions
Acne scars can be a persistent and frustrating skin issue, affecting both appearance and selfesteem. Understanding the science behind acne scars, their causes, and available solutions can empower individuals to take proactive steps toward clearer, healthier skin. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the various types of acne scars, their underlying causes, and effective treatments to help you achieve smoother skin.
Understanding Acne Scars
Acne scars are the result of inflammation within the dermis, the skin’s deeper layer. When the skin’s tissue is damaged during an acne breakout, the body attempts to repair it, sometimes leading to scarring. The severity of the scar depends on the depth of the inflammation and the healing process. Acne scars can be broadly categorized into two types: atrophic and hypertrophic.
Atrophic Scars: These scars appear as depressions or indentations on the skin. They form when there is a loss of tissue, and can be further divided into:
Ice Pick Scars: Narrow, deep scars that extend into the dermis
Boxcar Scars: Broad, rectangular depressions with well-defined edges.
Rolling Scars: Wave-like depressions with sloping edges
Hypertrophic Scars: These are raised scars that form due to an overproduction of collagen during the healing process. Unlike atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars do not extend beyond the original wound site.
Causes of Acne Scars
Keyword Integration: dermatology clinic, skin specialist doctor, dermatologist near me for skin
Acne scars develop from a combination of factors, including genetics, skin type, and the severity of the acne. Here are some common causes:
1. Inflammation: Severe inflammation damages the skin and underlying tissue, increasing the likelihood of scarring.
2. Delayed Treatment: Not treating acne promptly or effectively can lead to more severe breakouts and subsequent scarring
Picking and Squeezing: Manipulating acne lesions can cause further damage and increase the risk of scarring.
Genetics: Some individuals are genetically predisposed to develop scars more easily than others.
Skin Type: People with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation and keloid scars.
For personalized advice and treatment options, consult a dermatologist at a dermatology clinic or a skin specialist doctor near you.
Preventing Acne Scars
Keyword Integration: best skin care clinic near me, skin care specialist, dermatologist appointment
Preventing acne scars begins with effective acne management and skincare practices. Here are some dermatologist-approved tips:
1. Treat Acne Early: Seek treatment at the first sign of acne to prevent severe breakouts. Consult a skin care specialist or visit the best skin care clinic near you.
2. Avoid Picking or Squeezing: Leave acne lesions untouched to avoid additional damage.
3. Use Sunscreen: Protect your skin from UV damage, which can worsen scars and pigmentation. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.
4. Maintain a Skincare Routine: Cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize regularly to keep your skin healthy and reduce the risk of scarring.
Schedule a dermatologist appointment for a tailored acne treatment plan and preventive strategies.
Effective Treatments for Acne Scars
Keyword Integration: cosmetic dermatology, skin care treatment, dermatologist near me for skin
Various treatments are available to address acne scars, ranging from topical treatments to advanced dermatological procedures. Here are some effective options:
1. Topical Treatments
Keyword Integration: dermatology clinic, skin care doctor, skin specialist clinic near me
Topical treatments are often the first line of defense against acne scars. They include:
Retinoids: Promote cell turnover and collagen production, reducing the appearance of scars.
Vitamin C: Brightens the skin and fades hyperpigmentation
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Exfoliate the skin and improve texture.
For personalized recommendations, visit a dermatology clinic or consult a skin care doctor at a skin specialist clinic near you.
2. Chemical Peels
Keyword Integration: best dermatologist near me, skin care center near me, dermatologist near me for skin
Chemical peels involve applying a chemical solution to the skin to remove the top layers, promoting new skin growth and reducing the appearance of scars. Different types of peels (superficial, medium, and deep) are available based on the severity of the scars.
Consult the best dermatologist near you or visit a nearby skin care center for a suitable chemical peel treatment.
3. Microneedling
Keyword Integration: skin care specialist, best skin care clinic near me, dermatologist near me for skin
Microneedling uses fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving the texture and appearance of scars. This treatment is effective for various types of atrophic scars.
For professional microneedling treatments, consult a skin care specialist at the best skin care clinic near you.
4. Laser Therapy
Keyword Integration: cosmetic dermatology, dermatologist hair loss specialist near me, dermatologist near me for skin
Laser therapy uses focused light energy to remove the damaged skin layer by layer, promoting new skin growth and reducing scars. Different lasers (ablative and non-ablative) are used based on the scar type and skin type.
For laser therapy options, visit a cosmetic dermatology clinic or consult a dermatologist hair loss specialist near you.
5. Dermal Fillers
Keyword Integration: dermatology clinic, skin specialist doctor, best skin care doctor near me
Dermal fillers are injectable substances that fill in depressed scars, providing immediate results. Common fillers include hyaluronic acid and collagen.
For dermal filler treatments, visit a dermatology clinic or consult a skin specialist doctor or the best skin care doctor near you.
6. Subcision
Keyword Integration: dermatologist near me, skin care specialist clinic near me, best dermatologist
Subcision is a minor surgical procedure where a needle is inserted under the skin to break up fibrous bands causing the scar. This allows the skin to lift and smooth out.
Consult a dermatologist near you or visit a skin care specialist clinic for subcision treatments.
7. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
Keyword Integration: dermatology clinic, skin care doctor, dermatologist near me for skin
PRP therapy involves using the patient’s own blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting it into the scarred area. This promotes healing and collagen production.
For PRP therapy, visit a dermatology clinic or consult a skin care doctor at a skin specialist clinic near you.
Combining Treatments for Optimal Results
Keyword Integration: best dermatologist near me, skin care center near me, dermatologist near me for skin
Combining different treatments can often yield the best results for acne scars. For example, microneedling combined with PRP therapy can enhance collagen production and improve skin texture more effectively than either treatment alone.
Consult the best dermatologist near you or visit a nearby skin care center for a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Post-Treatment Care
Keyword Integration: skin care specialist, best skin care clinic near me, dermatologist near me for skin
Proper post-treatment care is crucial to ensure the best results and prevent complications. Here are some general tips:
1. Follow Your Dermatologist’s Instructions: Adhere to the post-treatment guidelines provided by your dermatologist or skin care specialist.
2. Keep the Area Clean: Gently cleanse the treated area to prevent infection.
3. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your skin from UV rays by wearing sunscreen and avoiding direct sun exposure.
4. Moisturize: Keep the treated area hydrated to promote healing.
For detailed post-treatment care advice, consult a skin care specialist at the best skin care clinic near you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Keyword Integration: dermatologist appointment, skin care specialist clinic near me, best dermatologist near me
Q1: How long does it take to see results from acne scar treatments?
Q2: Are there any side effects to acne scar treatments?
Q3: Can acne scars be completely removed?
Q4: How do I choose the right treatment for my acne scars?
Acne scars can be a challenging skin issue, but with the right understanding and treatment approach, significant improvement is achievable. By knowing the causes and exploring various solutions, you can take proactive steps towards smoother, healthier skin.
For professional advice and treatments, visit VTIARA HAIR & SKIN CLINIC. Our expert dermatologists are here to help you achieve and maintain clear, scar-free skin. For more information, visit our website at https://vtiaraclinic.com/.
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skinclinicbengaluru · 26 days
It’s better to know what is real and what is fake. Botox is common, but there is a lot of fake information circulating online. ARA Skin Clinic is here to clear the record on these 6 myths.
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drkorauk · 1 month
Best Wart Removal in Southampton
Dr Kora Medical Aesthetics and Skincare Limited is one of the leading clinic in Southampton that provide Wart Removal. Warts and Verruca are small lumps that often develop on the skin of the hands and feet. Verrucas, also known as plantar warts, are a specific type of wart that occurs on the soles of the feet.
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dranubha-homeo-2 · 3 months
Homeopathic Remedies for Hair Fall
Hair fall is a common issue faced by many people today. There are various reasons behind hair fall, such as stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, and genetics. While there are numerous treatments available, homeopathy treatment for hair fall has gained popularity due to its natural approach and minimal side effects.
Homeopathy offers several remedies for hair fall that target the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. Some popular homeopathic remedies for hair fall include:
Arnica Montana: Known for improving blood circulation, Arnica Montana strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair fall. It is especially effective for those experiencing hair loss due to scalp infections or injuries.
Phosphorus: This remedy is useful for individuals experiencing hair fall due to stress and anxiety. Phosphorus helps in nourishing the hair roots and promoting healthy hair growth.
Natrum Muriaticum: Ideal for hair fall caused by dandruff or scalp dryness, Natrum Muriaticum helps in balancing the scalp’s moisture levels and reducing hair fall.
Silicea: This remedy is beneficial for those with weak hair and split ends. Silicea strengthens the hair shaft and promotes the growth of strong and healthy hair.
Lycopodium: Effective for hair fall due to hormonal imbalance or genetic factors, Lycopodium helps in improving hair density and preventing premature greying.
Benefits of Homeopathy for Hair Fall
Natural and Safe: Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and are safe to use without any side effects.
Holistic Approach: Homeopathy treats the person as a whole, addressing the root cause of hair fall and promoting overall well-being.
Boosts Immunity: Homeopathic remedies strengthen the immune system, which can help in preventing hair fall caused by infections or autoimmune disorders.
Improves Scalp Health: Homeopathic treatments focus on improving scalp health, which is crucial for healthy hair growth.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Many homeopathic remedies help in reducing stress and anxiety, which are common causes of hair fall.
Balances Hormones: Homeopathy can help in balancing hormonal levels, which is essential for preventing hair fall due to hormonal imbalances.
Personalized Treatment
Homeopathic remedies are customized based on the individual’s symptoms, overall health, and underlying causes of hair fall. This personalized approach ensures that the treatment is effective and long-lasting. Each patient receives a thorough consultation where their medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms are carefully evaluated. This allows for a tailored treatment plan that targets the root cause of hair fall and promotes healthy hair growth.
Promoting Overall Health
In addition to treating hair fall, homeopathy promotes overall health and well-being. By addressing the underlying health issues that contribute to hair fall, homeopathy helps in improving the overall quality of life. This holistic approach ensures that the treatment is not just a temporary fix but a long-term solution for healthy hair and a healthy body.
Dr. Anubbha’s Homeopathy Clinic
For those seeking professional homeopathic treatment for hair fall, Dr. Anubbha’s Homeopathy Clinic in Hyderabad is a top choice. Dr. Anubbha is renowned as the best homeopathic doctor for hair loss, providing personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. The clinic uses high-quality homeopathic remedies and ensures a holistic approach to treat hair fall, focusing on overall health and well-being.
Dr. Anubbha’s Homeopathy Clinic not only provides top-notch treatment for hair fall but also specializes in various other conditions such as allergies, diabetes, migraines, spondylitis, asthma, and skin issues. Their comprehensive and patient-centric approach makes them the top homeopathic clinic in Hyderabad.
If you are struggling with hair fall and seeking an effective and natural solution, consider visiting Dr. Anubbha’s Homeopathy Clinic. With their expertise and dedication, you can achieve healthy and luscious hair while improving your overall health.
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localbuzz · 8 months
Laser Hair Removal Fulham & Vauxhall London - Pure Skin Beauty Fulham are a chain of Unisex, Laser Hair Removal & EmSculpt clinics in Fulham South West London.
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Corns on the toes of children can be an uncomfortable and concerning issue for parents. Firstly, these small, hardened areas of skin can cause discomfort, and knowing how to treat them is crucial for your little one’s well-being. Therefore, in this blog, we will delve into corn treatment methods. Additionally, we’ll explore how to remove corns from toes, and provide valuable insights from Bucksfoot Clinic, the experts in paediatric foot care.
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itsmyblog2563 · 1 year
Facials For Dermabrasion Clin
Facials For Laser Anti-ageing Clinic
Advanced Facial Norfolk
When it comes to Skincare and aesthetics, advanced facial treatments at the leading edge of technology. From a rejuvenating point of view to enhancing the body's appearance, these treatments give a range of plans for anyone to look and feel their best. On this page, we probe the wonders of dermaplaning, dermabrasion, and laser anti-ageing treatments, focussing on how they can customers in thier attempt for classic beauty.
Dermaplaning and Advanced Laser Anti-Ageing Services
Dermabrasion is an intense way to exfoliate that can meet a range of skin concerns. This is what makes it an incredible complementary treatment for many scar reduction Dermabrasion can effectively reduce the look of scar tissue, it includes both acne scars and scars from surgery.
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Improvng The Look of Wrinkles It is effective procedure for age lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful complexion. Skin Texture improvement Dermabrasion can refine skin look, leaving it smoother with even tone. Controlled precision A or trained practitioner uses a specialised device to precisely cut off the outer layers of skin, providing for tailored treatment. Anti-Ageing Laser Treatments Harnessing the capability of Laser Light Lasers have dramtically changed the field of aesthetics, providing functioning anti-ageing treatments. This is what you should to understand Collagen Stimulation Laser treatments can stimulate collagen production, improving skin elasticity and firmness to your skin. Targeted precision alternating lasers endeavor specific skin concerns, for example pigmentation irregularities, broken blood vessels, or wrinkles.
Treatment There is no Downtime
Many laser treatments have minimal downtime, allowing clients to resume normal life with no interruption. Long-Term Results Laser anti-ageing treatments can present long-lasting results, ensuring a essential investment in your appearance. A Holistic approach approach and Body Aesthetics An Advanced facial procedure isn't restricted to the approach alone. Many techniques, including dermaplaning, dermabrasion, and distinct laser therapies, can be adapted to improve the impression of additional body areas, such as the neck, chest, hands, and even stretch marks. https://facialsfordermabrasionclinic.blogspot.com/2023/09/facials-for-dermabrasion-clinic.html Advanced Facial|Facials|Dermaplaning|Dermabrasion Anti Ageing Clinic|Laser Anti-ageing|Laser Facial Skin Care|Skincare|Skin care|Skin-care|Anti Ageing Rosacea & Hyperpigmentation|Spots & Acne|Combination Skin https://facialsforantiageingclinicclinic.blogspot.com/ https://facialsforantiageingclinicclinic.blogspot.com/2023/09/facials-for-anti-ageing-clinic-clinic.html https://rapidmanifestationforabundance629.blogspot.com/ https://rapidmanifestationforabundance629.blogspot.com/2023/09/rapid-manifestation-for-abundance.html https://businesscoachcertificationpro529.blogspot.com/2023/09/business-coach-certification-programs.html
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clearskinpune · 1 year
How Dermapen Treatment Can Help Combat Melasma?
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Melasma is a common and frustrating skin condition characterized by patchy hyperpigmentation. Despite various treatment options available, finding an effective solution can be challenging. One promising treatment gaining popularity is Dermapen microneedling. In this article, we will explore how Dermapen microneedling works to address melasma and its potential benefits.
Understanding Microneedling
Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves creating tiny punctures in the skin using a device equipped with small, sterile needles. The primary goal of microneedling is to stimulate the body's natural healing response, leading to increased collagen and elastin production, improving skin tone texture and reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. Microneedling also creates microchannels in the skin, enhancing the absorption of topical treatments.
Introducing Dermapen
Dermapen is a handheld microneedling device designed for precision and effectiveness. It features a set of small, disposable needles that move up and down to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin's surface. This controlled injury stimulates the body's natural healing response, increasing collagen production and skin texture. Additionally, the microchannels created by the needles allow for better penetration of topical treatments.
Derma Pen's Role in Melasma Treatment
Melasma arises from an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin colour. Dermapen microneedling offers several mechanisms through which it can help reduce the appearance of melasma:
1. Collagen Stimulation: The micro-injuries created by Dermapen trigger the production of collagen and elastin, which helps strengthen and thicken the skin. This can make the skin more resilient to damage and less prone to discolouration.
2. Enhanced Absorption: The microchannels formed during microneedling provide improved access to topical treatments. Lightening agents or vitamin C serums applied during or after Dermapen treatment can penetrate deeper into the skin, potentially enhancing their effectiveness in reducing melasma.
3. Skin Renewal: Microneedling promotes skin renewal by shedding the damaged outer layer. This can help remove hyperpigmented skin cells and encourage the growth of healthier, more evenly pigmented skin.
4. Micro-Injuries Trigger Healing: The micro-injuries act as a signal to the body to initiate a healing response, which includes the production of new, healthier skin cells. This can gradually reduce the appearance of melasma.
5. Enhanced Texture: Alongside melasma reduction, Dermapen microneedling can improve overall skin texture, leaving it smoother and more youthful-looking.
Post-Treatment Care
While Dermapen microneedling can be an effective melasma treatment, protecting your skin from the sun post-treatment is crucial. Increased sensitivity to UV radiation can exacerbate melasma. To prevent this, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, seek shade during peak sun hours, wear protective clothing, and avoid excessive heat exposure. Consult a dermatologist if you experience any adverse effects or if melasma persists.
Melasma can be challenging to manage, but Dermapen microneedling offers a promising solution. By creating controlled micro-injuries and stimulating collagen production, Dermapen can help reduce melasma's appearance, improve skin texture, and enhance the absorption of topical treatments. For optimal results and personalized treatment plans, consult with a dermatologist who can integrate Dermapen microneedling into a comprehensive approach to melasma management.
At Clear Skin Clinics Pune, our skilled dermatologists tailor melasma treatments to individual needs, incorporating Dermapen microneedling and other interventions like topical skin-lightening agents and sun protection. If you're struggling with melasma, consider scheduling a consultation with Clear Skin Clinics Pune to explore the potential benefits of Dermapen microneedling for your skin.
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