Drink water ( I know you heard it many times but IT WORKS) -> Drink A glass or two first thing in the morning and before sleep + at least 2 L a day ( depends on many things but don't over drink)
Eat smaller portions : remember calories in vs calories out so even if you eat junk food in small portions and less than your TDD you can lose weight but it's not healthy and not sustainable long term
Eat healthy : vegetables and fruits contain fiber and a lot of water and nutrients so they can help you lose it and actually glow up too ! But there are nuts and fruits high in calories so always track it !! No sugary drinks , No Starbucks huge lattes with +500 cals , No fruit juices ( bad for insulin) No fizzy drinks , No alcohol ( for faster results)
Move your body : it doesn't matter, walk , run , do cardio at home , even 15 minutes of workout are a must even if you don't see progress at first keep doing it ! DISCIPLINE PLEASE ! also cleaning and moving around the house can help too so be active as much as you can !
Count calories ! Keep tracking! I am not saying do this out of obsession but if you never did you should try to at least get familiar with foods and see how much they are calories wise. You'll be surprised tho , this will help you make fast progress
Calculate your TDEE OR bmr and say what you need based on activity, you can reduce more but do not go under bmr it's really not sustainable and you won't be able to move much
Be patient: every body is different so if you know you will stop trying to lose weight when you don't see progress just don't see your weight or don't look in the mirror , eventually your clothes will get loose and you will notice and that'll keep you going !
It's a lifestyle: the mentality of eating junk as a normal day food and healthy food as a special event such as a diet is dead now. Junk food is not gonna help you in any way long term so take care of yourself and create a healthy routine it's your body ! Wake up !
String mindset: you have to believe in yourself and always have a vision , keep that healthy skinny/fit/ whatever version you want in your head and it will keep you going
Fuxk motivation : again you do this out if discipline don't follow your feelings!
Subliminals : listen to weight loss subliminals they do help . I have a YouTube channel myself dedicated for that so if you want to check it out its in my bio ( I'm just trying to help if you don't want to that's totally fine the other tips help as well)
So that's what I have to say out of my experience with diets and trying to lose weight. Those are golden advice please apply and tell me your results ^^ love ya and good luck
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