#healthy body
adviceformefromme · 3 months
Stop ignoring your bodily signals that’s somethings not right. You get a bad stomach and need to run to the bathroom after the morning smoothie? It doesn’t agree with you. You get terrible anxiety and feel you need to perform on dates with the pretentious guy? He’s not your person. You feel shaky after the iced latte? It’s not for you sweetie. Your body is constantly sending signals, letting you know what feels good, and what doesn’t. Foods that don’t agree with you, people that cause you panic. Take inventory on what's causing dis-harmony in your life, and start editing ruthlessly. This is an act of self love. No more ignoring signs from your inner guidance system. Start heeding the call from your body. It’s speaking to you always. 
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iamdangerace · 11 months
Operation Ivy, Healthy Body (Sick Mind) from the Hectic E.P. (1988).
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xenxone · 1 day
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be reminded that nothing is permanent, and we often need to go through something uncomfy in order to flourish. time heals everything!
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theuniversesbody · 3 months
soy milk
pumpkin seeds
black beans
plain yogurt
brown rice
nutritional yeast
These foods are all high in B12 and iron (help tiredness and energy levels) or magnesium (helps the body produce melatonin which assists falling and staying asleep).
chamomile (for relaxation and sleep)
lavender (calmness and sleepiness)
passionflower (for anxiety, insomnia and pain)
valerian root (can improve sleep quality)
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trippy-lotus · 5 months
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pleasuremehere · 16 days
What is Chastity? 🤔
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According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, chastity is defined as the quality or state of being chaste, which in turn is characterized by abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse or abstaining from all sexual intercourse. However, in modern contexts, chastity often takes on a more nuanced meaning. It can refer to the intentional restraint or limitation of sexual activity, whether by choice or as part of a consensual dynamic within a relationship.
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Drink water ( I know you heard it many times but IT WORKS) -> Drink A glass or two first thing in the morning and before sleep + at least 2 L a day ( depends on many things but don't over drink)
Eat smaller portions : remember calories in vs calories out so even if you eat junk food in small portions and less than your TDD you can lose weight but it's not healthy and not sustainable long term
Eat healthy : vegetables and fruits contain fiber and a lot of water and nutrients so they can help you lose it and actually glow up too ! But there are nuts and fruits high in calories so always track it !! No sugary drinks , No Starbucks huge lattes with +500 cals , No fruit juices ( bad for insulin) No fizzy drinks , No alcohol ( for faster results)
Move your body : it doesn't matter, walk , run , do cardio at home , even 15 minutes of workout are a must even if you don't see progress at first keep doing it ! DISCIPLINE PLEASE ! also cleaning and moving around the house can help too so be active as much as you can !
Count calories ! Keep tracking! I am not saying do this out of obsession but if you never did you should try to at least get familiar with foods and see how much they are calories wise. You'll be surprised tho , this will help you make fast progress
Calculate your TDEE OR bmr and say what you need based on activity, you can reduce more but do not go under bmr it's really not sustainable and you won't be able to move much
Be patient: every body is different so if you know you will stop trying to lose weight when you don't see progress just don't see your weight or don't look in the mirror , eventually your clothes will get loose and you will notice and that'll keep you going !
It's a lifestyle: the mentality of eating junk as a normal day food and healthy food as a special event such as a diet is dead now. Junk food is not gonna help you in any way long term so take care of yourself and create a healthy routine it's your body ! Wake up !
String mindset: you have to believe in yourself and always have a vision , keep that healthy skinny/fit/ whatever version you want in your head and it will keep you going
Fuxk motivation : again you do this out if discipline don't follow your feelings!
Subliminals : listen to weight loss subliminals they do help . I have a YouTube channel myself dedicated for that so if you want to check it out its in my bio ( I'm just trying to help if you don't want to that's totally fine the other tips help as well)
So that's what I have to say out of my experience with diets and trying to lose weight. Those are golden advice please apply and tell me your results ^^ love ya and good luck
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dreamiegirlcoqxette · 11 months
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This post is very personal to me and this is the first time I’m writing something here to share my thoughts so idk what happened but since this morning (it’s 10:30 am where I live) my Tumblr fyp is showing me pictures related to anorexia and ED with pictures girls who are skinny no hate to those girls Bc obviously it’s not their fault that they are skinny but the issue is I’m seeing people commenting “goals” like it’s one thing to lose weight and be healthy and glow up but it’s wrong to starve your body to lose weight. I had/have ED like I’m still recovering and there are days I starve myself but I’m trying. So seeing those post triggered me. And I think my fyp is showing me these post bc I like pictures of beautiful looking women who happened to be skinny and now Tumblr is showing me posts related to ED and starving and all that stuff. Like another thing I noticed that when I posted a picture on recovery no liked it, like I’m not begging likes but no one saw that post but made me realise that no one cares about being healthy and beautiful but rather people are more focused on being that “skinny, petite and beautiful” girl .And also another thought that why people think that to be in this “coquette aesthetic” you have to be skinny and petite like why? Like are you suggesting that people who don’t fit into those beauty standards are not equally as beautiful as being “skinny”. I believe that anyone can adopt this aesthetic without starving themselves. I have gone through this and I’m still going through this and I don’t want anyone to go through this. And I love this aesthetic particularly bc I think it really embraces the femininity and beauty which our patriarchal society does not embraces and eliminates. And I’m not saying that being skinny is bad but achieving that body type in an unhealthy way is wrong.
Please be kind to yourself ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ・:*+.♡⁎⁺˳✧༚༄
And if you can’t love yourself that’s fine too but just don’t hate your body and starve it, there can be some serious medical consequences so please just don’t treat your body like this ♡♡♡*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・.。.:*・゜゚・*༄
゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・✿'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
And also go follow @coquette-club for a blog for actually celebrates the aesthetic without any discrimination and also they have also criticised about the same thing 🩷🩷🩷
Go follow them ♡˚✧₊⁎˚✧₊⁎❝᷀⁎⁺˳✧༚༄
Love you guys 🩷🩷🩷
Stay safe 🩷🩷🩷
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k00293995 · 7 months
Week 1 Disrupt: 12/10/23
I am interested in the use of corsets to disrupt and modify one’s natural figure, so I started looking on Pinterest and google, searching artists who use such props in their own works. I found some very interesting photographs!
Catherine Summers: Fashion Blogger Photographer:
A photograph featured in her 1990 art college fashion photography degree show:
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Here is a blog post she wrote part of which containing how she created this photograph, along with others from her degree show…
The Corset X-ray (1908)
Photograph from the French Doctor: Dr Ludovic O’Followell
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How interesting and harrowing to see how one training their body with a laced up corset can affect their bone structure…
This is Michaela Stark, who creates ‘bodies’ of work using lingerie on herself and others to contort, disfigure and sculpt, displaying body parts people have been conditioned to hide away from the world…
(Photographed by Sølve Sundsbø)
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I find these images so interesting in the way that things are wrapped around body parts to create sections of flesh that bulge and protrude in different directions!
I then stumbled upon this photographer while looking on Pinterest:
John Rankin Waddell: Photographer
Using a similar technique to Stark, we see rubber bands around the head, creating an effect of bulging flesh & skin…
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I scrolled to similar works and found this picture
AA Bronson: Photographer
and searched him and found another of his works, again creating a similar effect to both the previous mentioned artists/photographers.
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I think this is a great start to my research of “disrupt” encapsulating the world of body dysmorphia and “perfect body standards” and utter distortion of the natural human form.
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serenagaia · 5 months
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“My goal is clear, my mind is focused, my soul is calm, my body is healthy.”
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harmony-and-peace · 7 months
Moje ciało, zmieniało się tyle razy przez te wszystkie lata mojego życia, czasem byłam z tego dumna, niektórych zaś zmian nienawidziłam. Był czas, kiedy chciałam je desperacko zmienić, a innym razem zaakceptować, czego nie potrafiłam. Odkąd pamiętam wielu rzeczy, nienawidziłam w swoim ciele, tyle że tu nigdy nie chodziło o mój wygląd tylko o potrzebę bycia kochaną, zaakceptowaną i zauważaną, ale odkąd zaczęłam dbać o swój umysł, sposób, w jaki widzę swoje ciało też się zmienił. Zrozumiałam, że to jak bardzo jestem kochana, piękna i ile jestem warta nie ma nic wspólnego z tym, jak wyglądam i ile ważę, ale z tym, jak sama siebie postrzegam i co o sobie myślę, ponieważ wszystko to, co chciałam otrzymać od innych, cała ta akceptacja i miłość była już dawno we mnie✨🌺🤗
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tiktok-singularity · 1 month
A bed stretch before getting out of bed.
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xenxone · 10 days
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this post serves as a reminder that you are able, and moreso allowed, to rise above the things you find scary in this world.
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sarahjaneclark1983 · 1 month
Exploring the Art of Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Busy World
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life. From deadlines at work to social obligations, it can feel like there's never a moment to catch your breath. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, there lies a powerful practice that can help bring balance and tranquility to our lives: mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the art of being present in the moment, fully aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. It's about tuning into the present moment with openness and curiosity, rather than getting lost in worries about the past or future. In essence, it's a practice that allows us to cultivate a deeper sense of peace and contentment in our lives.
One of the beautiful things about mindfulness is that it can be practiced anywhere, at any time. Whether you're sitting in traffic, washing dishes, or taking a walk in nature, you can bring mindfulness into your daily routine. By simply bringing your attention to the sensations of your breath, the sounds around you, or the feeling of your feet on the ground, you can anchor yourself in the present moment and experience a sense of calm amidst the chaos.
But mindfulness is more than just a relaxation technique; it's a way of life. It encourages us to approach each moment with intention and awareness, fostering a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us. When we practice mindfulness regularly, we begin to notice subtle shifts in our perceptions and behaviors. We become more attuned to our emotions, more compassionate towards ourselves and others, and more resilient in the face of life's challenges.
In addition to its emotional benefits, mindfulness has also been shown to have a profound impact on our physical health. Research has found that regular mindfulness practice can lower stress levels, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and even boost immune function. By taking the time to nurture our mental and emotional well-being, we can cultivate a greater sense of vitality and vitality in our lives.
So how can we incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives? It starts with making a commitment to prioritize self-care and self-awareness. This might mean carving out time each day for formal meditation practice, or simply finding moments throughout the day to pause and check in with ourselves. It might also involve seeking out mindfulness-based activities such as yoga, tai chi, or mindful walking, which can help us cultivate a deeper sense of presence and connection.
As we embark on this journey of mindfulness, it's important to approach it with patience and compassion. Like any skill, mindfulness takes time and practice to develop, and it's okay to stumble along the way. What matters is that we continue to show up for ourselves, with an open heart and a willingness to learn and grow.
So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life, why not give mindfulness a try? Take a few moments to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and simply be. You may be surprised at the peace and clarity that await you on the other side.
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m0tiv8me · 2 years
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I could beat myself up mentally that this year has seen no drastic improvements or gains in my physical progress. In fact not much has changed at all. Really what’s changed most this year compared to previous years is that my consistency and workouts have been a total mess and all over the map.
Despite really falling off the workout wagon I have managed to sustain a lot of what I’ve accomplished by still trying to adhere to smart eating habits and staying active through daily activities. So while I may not have moved very far down the progress path, I have also not taken many steps backwards. Still very happy with the shape I’ve managed to stay in even without consistently training for most of this year. Ultimately I see it as a huge win and new form of progress since in my mind a healthy lifestyle is a balanced sustainable lifestyle! We can’t always be getting bigger, faster, stronger or whatever. It is inevitable that time and age will wear on and slow us down…how quickly we feel and show that happening is up to us!
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vermilionhealth · 8 months
5 Foods that Make You Happy!
Low mood and sad feelings are experiences that sadly, all too many of us are familiar with. But there is good news available.
While it can sometimes feel as though a low mood dominates your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, this does not have to be the case.
Small, subtle changes can make a significant difference, and this includes paying close attention to your diet.
Read more: Top 5 Ways to Add More Vegetables into Your Family’s Diet!
Making small changes to the things you eat can have a huge impact on your mood and emotions. In this guide we take a closer look at five foods you can enjoy to lift your spirits and boost your mood.
1. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has been shown to improve mood in those who suffer from depression, and studies suggest that eating dark chocolate may also help reduce stress levels.
The flavonoids found in cocoa beans are thought to increase the level of serotonin (a brain chemical) in the body. This helps to regulate mood and makes you feel happier.
Keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge, and enjoy a square or two when the low moods hit.
2. Salmon
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
They are also rich in vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, which are essential nutrients for healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Eating salmon regularly can help keep your immune system strong, and protect against heart disease and stroke.
Salmon is also an excellent source of protein, so if you’re feeling tired or run down, try adding some fish to your diet.
3. Blueberries
Blueberries contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that support mental health. Anthocyanins are believed to help fight free radicals, which are harmful compounds produced during normal metabolism, and this means that blueberries can help to prevent memory loss and dementia.
As an added bonus, blueberries are also a superfood!
4. Bananas
Bananas are packed full of potassium, which plays a key role in nerve function and muscle contraction.
Potassium deficiency is associated with anxiety and panic attacks, so eating bananas regularly can help to calm nerves and ease tension.
Bananas are also packed with vitamin B6, an important element in synthesizing feel-good neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which help you to feel great.
5. Oats
Oats are another food that is great for fighting low mood, as they contain magnesium, which is vital for helping muscles relax and reducing stress.
Magnesium is also needed for energy production, so eating oats regularly can give you more stamina throughout the day.
If you want to add extra fiber to your breakfast, try making porridge from rolled oats, water, and milk. It takes just minutes to cook. This is easy to prepare ahead of time. You can even freeze it, then pop it straight into the microwave for a quick, warm bowl of goodness.
6. Berries
Berries are high in antioxidants, which are beneficial for maintaining eyesight, protecting cells from damage, and boosting immunity.
Antioxidants are also thought to play a part in preventing cancer, so berries are a fantastic way to maintain good health - including lifting your mood and combating high levels of stress.
Try mixing berries with bananas and yogurt for a tasty snack that is packed with goodness and nutrition.
Final Thoughts
Mood swings are common, and can be difficult to manage.
But the good news is that there are ways to manage them naturally. Try incorporating these foods into your daily diet to boost your mood and get back on track.
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