roguerebels · 2 months
Star Wars Hunters is Rad and Free-to-Play!
Star Wars Hunters is finally here and free-to-play! Here's why you should check it out! #StarWarsHunters #StarWarsVideoGames #NintendoSwitch
Star Wars Hunters is finally here!! Star Wars Hunters is a free-to-play arena combat video game available on the Nintendo Switch, Ios, and Android devices! Hunters released on June 4th, 2024 and we have enjoyed it ever since! So are you thinking about trying it? Well, it’s free so there’s no reason not to! There are in-game purchases and lots of fun characters and cosmetics but you can ignore…
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slon-torbalski · 1 year
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Wyjątkowa Jakość i Wartość
Polska słynie z długiej tradycji w produkcji skórzanych wyrobów, a to przekłada się na ich jakość i trwałość. Kupując od lokalnych rzemieślników, nie tylko wspieramy rodzimą gospodarkę, ale także otrzymujemy produkty wykonane z dbałością o każdy detal. Polska galanteria skórzana jest znana ze starannego wykonania i używania wysokiej jakości skór. Rzemieślnicy często sięgają po tradycyjne metody produkcji, co wpływa na unikalny wygląd i trwałość ich wyrobów. Ponadto, liczni polscy producenci oferują ręcznie wykonane produkty, które są niemal dziełami sztuki.
Dlaczego warto kupować galanterię skórzaną od polskiego producenta?
Wiele lokalnych marek stawia na zrównoważoną produkcję, używając ekologicznych skór i minimalizując wpływ na środowisko. To wybór wspierający odpowiedzialne podejście do mody. Ponadto, producent galanterii skórzanej z Polski często oferuje możliwość spersonalizowania produktów, co pozwala nam wyrazić własny styl i charakter. Niezależnie czy szukamy eleganckiej torebki czy wyjątkowego portfela, lokalni producenci są gotowi spełnić indywidualne życzenia klientów. To inwestycja w jakość, styl oraz wspieranie lokalnych talentów. To szansa na posiadanie wyjątkowych, trwałych produktów, które podkreślą naszą indywidualność i jednocześnie przyczynią się do rozwoju krajowej branży rzemieślniczej.
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korcariiwitch · 8 months
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yeahhhhhh so i kept telling myself i wouldn't have time to start her play through today or anytime soon. i love gaslighting myself. 🤡 anywayssss her name is skora aldisian. human. half-elf (sun elf). noble. wizard (might multiclass). shadowheart's girlfriend. 🖤
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tarsyu · 5 months
im a tad younger than most of my mutuals (im turning 22 in november) so perhaps this won’t be a very relatable post but. when i was a little kid and my parents didn’t wanna deal with me they’d put on the same movie and i’d watch it over and over and over. and that movie was spirit stallion of the cimarron
all that infodumping just to say the sully kids would’ve loved spirit stallion of the cimarron
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fridleycent · 4 months
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She's perfect in every way.
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tagaloak · 6 months
lo'ak watches the painted kunsips and ikrans that fly, hover, scattered across the horizon like beetles, steadily approaching the island. around him, the metkayina are animated and restless, whispering and pointing with their arms, fingers.
a current of morbid excitement touches the crowd, too. lo'ak is reminded of the day that his family had arrived on awa'atlu's shores, his father's humility, their pleading for uturu. the sensation of being a spectacle. a freak.
but he listens to @skorakstxey speak. the sarentu. a master of memories.
lo'ak forgets his shame, and remembers their solidarity. he remembers it like a spell; he is a child again; he is whole, again. without guilt or fear or hate.
skora touches his head, and lo'ak slowly, instinctively pulls away. embarrassed. he turns his eyes to the sand underneath them, the shade of the trees swaying with the wind.
"all i'm saying is," he huffs, adjusting the strap of the rifle slung over his shoulder, "things are gonna get weirder around here. that's all."
but his mouth slants. a crooked, secret smile. cuspid glinting in the sun. he bumps his shoulder against skora's.
"but. thanks."
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origami-camera-psd · 6 months
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I MADE A ATLA OC!! his name is skora and he's a from the fire nation but he's half water tribe and a water bender :3 ATLA obbession recently resurfaced so thought I'd make a silly guy
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sl0wdiver · 2 years
finding a concerning number of these polish players quite hot...
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hibiscusbabyboy · 17 hours
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(Dividers by @kthice )
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hyujnjnn · 6 days
"ale grubas"
"KOGO jadlas na sniadanie XDD"
"uwazaj bo sie nje zmiescisz w drzwiach"
"sama skora i kosci"
"ty cos wogole jesz?"
"ale kosciotrup"
to drugie to twoje marzenie? chcialabys tak? sluchaj wiem jak zrobic zeby stalo sie realne...
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svckmyskinnyballs · 5 months
nie skoncze poki skora nie bedzie przyklejac sie do kosci;33
chce schudnac bardziej niz miec druga polowke
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korcariiwitch · 8 months
oc(s) meme. ✨
Tagged by: @laezels! Tysm for the tag! <3
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(So uhhhh I decided to fill this out for both my OCs, since I haven't really posted much for Skora and needed to flesh both of them out more, so umm don't mind me 🖤)
name: velwyn melarn name: skora aldisian
nickname(s): vel, v, wynnie (hates the last one though) nickname(s): kora, sko, allie
pronouns: she/her pronouns: she/her
star sign: scorpio star sign: virgo
height: 5' 4" / 162.5cm height: 5' 9" / 175.2cm
orientation: pansexual orientation: pansexual
race: drow (bhaalspawn) race: half-elf (sun elf/human)
romancing: astarion romancing: shadowheart (might be karlach depending on how her playthrough goes 👀)
fave fruit: cherries. fave fruit: dates.
fave season: less so a favorite season and more so she likes whenever there's a storm going on. something about the feeling of the rain/snow on her skin feels invigorating and the catharsis of everything being washed away. fave season: winter, preferably indoors and cooped up next to a hearth.
fave flower: orchids (ones that grow in the dark especially). fave flower: irises and hyacinths.
fave scent: iron, mint, and eucalyptus. fave scent: sea salt and cedar wood.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee to compensate for the lack of rest most days. prefers it black with a minimal amount of sugar. coffee, tea or hot chocolate: many various types of teas. she's a bit of a snob about it actually (affectionate).
average sleep hours: it would be the standard 4 hours of trance, if not interrupted nightmares or the debilitating migraines brought on by suppressing her bloodthirsty urges. average sleep hours: skora is adept at quieting her mind and can reliably/consistently get six hours of sleep even under the most dire of circumstances.
dogs or cats: quasits, owlbears, intellect devourers. pre-events of the game it wasn't sustainable for durge to have pets, and she finds herself drawn to the more unconventional ones. dogs or cats: skora has a fondness for dogs, having grown up with many hunting dogs in her youth.
dream trip: pre-tadpole there was no point in dreaming of travel for pleasure, outside of her father's vision of a world covered in corpses. post the events of the game i think she'd just like to see more of the world beyond what the underdark/bhaal's temple has to offer her. dream trip: i think she'd like to return home to the isle she is from, she hasn't been there since childhood due to ~certain events~ and i think having a partner/friends in tow might help make that journey palatable.
amount of blankets: it doesn't matter how many you put on her because there's a 98.7% chance she's going to end up kicking them off at some point. secretly, velwyn prefers the compression of her partner acting as weighted blanket. amount of blankets: one, no more than two. barely moves in her sleep and wakes up in the morning with the blankets exactly where she left them the night before.
random fact(s): velwyn ❤️
velwyn is quite the sketch artist, and she keeps a journal (almost like a book of shadows) in the game chronicling her journey. some of the sketches can be a bit disturbing, though, especially if she's a fondness for the subject. (e.g. a rather gruesome sketch of astarion because she didn't know what to do with her feelings towards him)
fluent in common, undercommon, elvish, deep speech and knows some abyssal and infernal as study for a certain heist.
likes to collect weird shit for study and experimentation later. has led to some 'accidents' around camp during the squad's downtime.
knows how to stitch wounds together exceptionally well, will stubbornly insist upon patching herself up half the time until she becomes more comfortable with the concept of other people taking care of her.
enjoys being challenged and called out on her own shit by others, even if she'd never admit that.
random fact(s): skora 💙
fluent in common, gnomish, celestial, primordial, elvish, draconic and also knows common sign language.
knows how to sail from her family's business, but actually gets incredibly sea sick.
while in school, she double majored in abjuration and divination with minors in illusion and necromancy magics.
has an astigmatism but refuses to 'correct it' with magic, so she'll pull out glasses while reading.
she has a natural calming presence and a quiet confidence, she doesn't feel the need to gloat but will put someone in their place if pushed.
No pressure/obligation tagging: @anderwelt, @malewife-mansplain-magus, @topaz-carbuncle, @phasebun, @starryjuicebox, @elminsters, @vspin, @tavsboots @asharaks, @bhaalbaaby and anyone else who sees/wants to do this!
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grzechobzarstwa · 3 months
Nienawidze siebie. Nawet jesli bym schudl to i tak zostanie mi obwisla skora, nawet jakbym cwiczyl 12 godzin na dobe ://
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tarsyu · 5 months
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When Tseyk and his family sought refuge with the Metkayina, Skorakstxey stood by their side, joining them in their journey to Pandora’s Eastern Sea.
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vintagegeekculture · 2 years
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Illinois Electrical Engineer and inventor Ben Skora’s specially designed, automated house, and his robot servant, Arok, was the subject of a lot of media attention in the 1970s, especially since Skora often sent his robot around the corner to pick up his McDonald’s order and walk his dog. 
The homes of Pee Wee Herman and Rick Moranis in “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” were supposedly inspired by the automated home of Ben Skora. 
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diabolicusdomina · 2 years
coraz mocniej o siebie sie obawiam
kazdej nocy o garsci leków rozmyslam
placze w poduszke a w glowie krzycze
zmarnowana i wyczerpana zasypiam sama
oczy otwieram z wielkim trudem
oddech ciezki nabieram
znow mysle o krwi i bolu
piecze skora co sie poruszam
rany czerwone z bitwy w nocy
moja dusza umiera, nie chce juz pomocy
pragnie odejsc w spokoju i ciszy
zatrzymuje ją z świadomością, ze kiedys jej pomoge...
nie pragne smierci, ja marze o innym zyciu
czy będzie kiedykolwiek lepiej?
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