#skull’s ramblings
mcskullmun · 7 days
Something about how red valley shows characterisation by who the characters refer to when speaking.
Aubrey often talks about herself, her logs, her minor break down in the Mazda. This isn’t from a place of self assuredness but of doubt. She questions who she is, what she wants, what she’s done. She holds herself responsible. She says “I” a lot.
Clive often tells other people how they feel. He jumps to conclusions, talks over others, assumes everyone’s on the same page because if they’re not he couldn’t give any fewer fucks if he tried. This could stem from a need for control, or maybe he’s just used to getting what he wants and enjoys deciding how others feel. He says “you” a lot.
There’s probably more but am tired and pulling random literary analysis out of ma arse. Feel free to add your thoughts
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raepliica · 2 months
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priest guy sending mixed signals, what is he up to?🤨🕶🤏
[Image Description: A warm-toned comic featuring Trigun98 characters. It opens with Vash shouting "YOWCH!!" as a half-eaten donut flies through the air, a bruise on Vash's tongue. Meryl, editing papers, is annoyed as he complains: "Ow! Ow! I bi'e my 'ongue..." "What's the rush?" Meryl asks, "They're all yours." Vash, still hurt, tries to explain: "They're jus' sooo good!" Meryl argues back, "Well, savour it then!" Wolfwood has been watching the scene unfold as Meryl continues, "Satisfying your sweet tooth doesn't come cheap, unfortunately." Wolfwood clicks his lighter open and closed, again and again. Without a word, he leans closer, his thumb on Vash's lips. "Wolfwood...?" Vash trails off. Then, Wolfwood opens Vash's mouth and knicks his thumb on one of Vash's canines in one fell swoop. "Wah? Huh??" Vash says as Wolfwood pulls his bleeding thumb away. He licks the blood off the wound then snickers at Vash. Meryl looks disgusted, Vash has lit up in an embarrassed explosion, and Milly remarks, curious: "Those are surprisingly sharp, Mr. Vash!" Question marks float around Vash, and his donuts lay discarded on the table. Each panel is signed by raepliica. End ID]
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chronicowboy · 10 months
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being so normal!!!!!
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online2002 · 1 month
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jajatoc · 10 months
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nikibogwater · 2 months
Ngl, this one new piece of dialogue from Harvey--
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--has me realizing just how ripe with angst potential his character is. Granted, it was always sort of implied that there was once a patient he couldn't save, and that he has never really forgiven himself for that, but this new line states it more clearly, and also adds some juicy context we didn't have before: that patient was someone he personally cared for.
Now add in the fact that he is still the guy who has to patch up the Farmer after a deadly encounter in the Mines/Skull Caverns--even if they're dating/married. The game actually allows for Harvey to relive the trauma of being solely responsible for saving the life of someone he loves--and the terror that he might fail again.
With all that in mind, suddenly I can't really be that mad at him when he charges me 1,000g for medical expenses.
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when you mentioned in your tags that there was hardly any laughingstock i didn't believe you at first, but holy shit ur right. YOU AND @krasytoonz MADE ME INTO A LAUGHINGSTOCK BELIEVER. I WILL PAY TRIBUTE TO THESE SKRUNGLY FUCKERS SOON, MARK MY WORDS *shakes fist into the void*
no yeah Seriously though its just us out here, fighting for our lives in the fucking Trenches. in ten years someone is gonna use the word 'laughingstock' casually in conversation and im gonna have War Flashbacks
#no please get out while you still can#once you let them in all the way They Will Not Fucking Leave they are There Forever#the inside of my brain is just me huddled in a corner while they make out in the middle of my skull#BUT YEAH THERES BARELY ANYTHING#trust me whenever krasytoonz posts them i am instantly there to ravenously devour the crumbs like a rabid pigeon#they are my only outside source of barnaby/howdy#them and the side plot in Stamps by Indigopoptart on ao3#oh the side plot my beloved.... im still starving but sometimes they trick me into feeling like im Feasting....#and that one tidbit in Beautiful Boy Its Only Love by ImaginatorOf Things - also on ao3 ofc#and thats IT thats ALL I HAVE. all We have#shoving my entire fist into my mouth and biting it off while sobbing. screaming. etc.#oh the pain and joy of rarepairs... its been a while since ive been so taken with one...#who knows? with the power of friendship and this gun i found maybe one day it wont just be viewed as a crackship by the masses#rambles from the bog#gotta be honest. krasytoonz also converted me all the way#like i was tenuous about it at first...#it was just a Thought yk yk#i was like 'oh thats cute but like. as a side thing. a background thing. they dont have much going for them'#i think that was because i had nothing to enjoy outside of my own brain#i liked the very rare very jokey crumbs from a couple of clownsuu's posts#but it wasnt enough to make me go Theyre Mine Now#then i stumbled upon krasytoonz and one scrolling session later! i was fully hooked! just like that!#laughingstock went from a nebulous interest to a Permanent Fixture In My Braincase!#but yeah uhhhhh glad i could contribute to passing on the Illness#if you ever get free i will envy you#and to future me: if youre free i envy you as well. but i also pity you bc theyre so so good theyre so cute whats wrong with you-#i hate them & i love them & theyre nothing & theyre everything & they wont leave & ive locked the door
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heilos · 10 months
Still coming to terms with the fact that this 5th video is going to be our longest video to date when it's done and I think that's pretty neat.
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crustyfloor · 2 months
I've gotta say, before round 6 I was dull enough to believe Ivan was the most normal out of the cast. After round 6 it really dawned on me just how many times I've been given hints about his true nature. I never really took into account how much alien stage fucked up these kids until I got bitch slapped with Ivan in round 6 showing just how cracked in the head he is, and the most surprising? is that it was totally in character for him and so understandable. We all know some good and bads that we were taught since childhood, but Alnst cast? they were only taught how to behave how the aliens want them to and how to sing. Generally speaking, their way of thinking is abnormal to most. Inhuman, even. And that was a fact skipped over by some people, including myself. Now i'm hyper aware that alnst cast aren't super human and too not be so rash with theories like I was with Ivantill round so that I don't get my soul shattered thinking Hyuna and Mizi could actually duo against a facility already on high-alert and full of guards on the ready.
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errorpedia · 2 years
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-- Scott the Colourful, King of Chromia --
click for better quality! my commissions are open!
Versions in progress + close-up under the cut!
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sketch - lineart - flats - shading pre-filters
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mcskullmun · 12 days
Lying awake thinking about Characters but they’re my own fucking characters so I can’t even look for introspection fics
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teabutmakeitazure · 6 months
"so what did you do over the weekend?" i fought the horrors
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angrybatart · 9 months
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"Aww, you're no fun..."
DISCLAIMER: Yes, I am aware that props cannot be used in the Trials. That's the POINT of the comic. So DO NOT bother me about it. Not that anyone has. I just want to get that out there.
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Ask: what would the pygmies do is faced with a predator bigger than them?
(someone asked something like this but something happened to the ask and i can no longer find it, i am very sorry but i will still answer the question ^-^)
if alone the pygmy's will most likely flee since they usually cant face off any predators alone without serious risk of injury. The exception to this might be Pygmy Nightmare as he could go porcupine mode and become a spike ball if there isn't any close hiding places. Pygmy killer might also attempt to fight but usually flees after a short while.
If together however the Pygmies will likely fight off the predator as long as it sin't something like a bear or other large predators. in which it would be better to hide. The pygmies have successfully fought off several large rats though!
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thefloatingstone · 9 months
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I really want to draw something meaty and put some characters into The Situations but I am dealing with a double whammy of art block and some REALLY insane migraine/Sinus issues the past 3 or 4 days.
So all I managed was a quick Solana. I wanted to give her a cool leg prosthetic but then I didn't really draw her legs sdjfdsjkfsdhf So that's the level of cognitive function I am dealing with at the moment
Fun fact! I really dislike a lot of the female turian design! So I just... ignored the parts I disliked lol.
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unsat-and-strange · 2 months
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this Friday seems like a good day to install some more emergency exits
image id: a pen sketch of Thor and Odin from the bifrost incident. thor stands in the bottom center of the paper, back to the viewer and face in profile to the right. he is a heavyset man with a beard and long hair, with an angry expression. his right hand and both feet are covered in pink blood. his right hand holds a hammer above his head. behind the hammer the drawing is split vertically. the right side is colored in completely black, except for a few white stars, with darker tentacles barely visible. the left side has Odin, after her transformation into a snake monstrosity. her body twists down towards the bottom left of the drawing with another loop in view in the top left. her mouth is full of very sharp teeth and is open very wide as if she's about to eat Thor. one pink eye is visible, staring down at Thor. the background of the left side is full of jagged pink lines, like lightning or cracking glass. a few of the lines overlap Odin's rough line work. end image id
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