#sky & kaka words
ian-galagher · 2 months
I was tagged by some lovely people! 🤗🧡 Kat @mybrainismelted Kaka @stocious Evie @energievie Comet @spacerockwriting Nosho @creepkinginc Alice @spookygingerr Sky @transmurderbug Michelle @michellemisfit Georgia @iansw0rld Lem @depressedstressedlemonzest Julia @blue-disco-lights Becki @francesrose3 🤗🧡
Name: Willow
Age: in the middle bit
First Pet? a tiny Russian hamster
First Word? mama, but I think my mum made that up 😂
First Celebrity Crush? not really a crush but I admired Val Kilmer and Sarah Michelle Gellar a lot when I was younger
First IRL Crush? I never really had a crush but I would root for my friends SO hard and try to get them hooked up 😂
First kiss? while on holiday in France I was swimming under water and this boy started to race me, turned around mid swim and, while under water, planted his mouth on mine. I was so shocked I opened my mouth, swallowed a liter of water and choked. it was very romantic 😂
First Car? ehm it's grey 😂
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? a converted garage of a lovely family who promised me we'd have dinner some time and we never did 😂
First time on a plane? South Africa. I got sooo sick 😂
First cellphone? a Nokia brick type thing 😂
First concert? Wir Sind Helden
First Foreign country you visited? France or Austria, we went around Europe a lot when I was younger
First sport you ever played? I tried everything and hated all of it
First career aspiration? a writer 😂
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" I drew a potato like creature called Quickie that I was really proud of 😂
I'm soooo late but if you haven't yet, you're hereby tagged! 🤗🧡
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transmurderbug · 2 months
🐛 Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🐛
Thank you for the tags, Kat @mybrainismelted, Kaka @stocious, Evie @energievie, Comet @spacerockwriting, Nosho @creepkinginc, Jess @jrooc and Alice @spookygingerr! So many people! 🥰💙
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Firsts!
Name: Sky 🪲🪨
Age: Nosho divided by zero.
First Pet? My family's German Shepherd named Döme. The first pet that was mine was a guinea pig. His name was Kormos (smoky/sooty).
First Word? As if my mother remembers 😂 All I know is that my father wanted it to be dezoxiribonukleinsav (DNA, but in Hungarian).
First Celebrity Crush? 🤷
First IRL Crush? One of these days I'll need a scientific rundown of what that's supposed to feel like. I never had one, I guess?
First kiss? Sorry, this one is a skip for me. Blah.
First Car? Issss the one I still have! A 2009 Renault Clio Grandtour. My pookie (yes I am THAT person).
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? A small ass apartment I half lived in with someone.
First time on a plane? A family vacation when I was around... 5. It was fun! I've been totally in love with flying ever since.
First cellphone? A "hand me down" from my mother, an old... Nokia? If I remember correctly. Your typical "you're going to school and coming home on your own, here, in case you need it".
First concert? I don't remember... I'm pretty sure some kind of a rock concert though. I was raised on good music. The first one that I excitedly got tickets for on my own was when I was 15, one of my favorite bands was celebrating a birthday.
First foreign country you visited? I think it was Austria when I was a few months old!
First sport you ever played? Athletics from basically the day I could walk. Nothing specific at first, but I ended up being a good jumper and sprinter later. My true calling was probably discus/javelin/hammer, anything you can throw.
First career aspiration? It was constantly changing, but the focus point was always animals.
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" That's a tough one... maybe back when I was doing graphics extracurricular in school and we designed some background set for theatre, more specifically for an Oz play. The yellow brick road I worked on turned out pretty cool! I used to write poems too, some weren't too horrid 👀
Tagging, because I'm on time! Voluntary, as always, if you wanna pass, here, have this apple: 🍏 @ian-galagher @transmickey @deathclassic @gallapiech @look-i-love-u @suzy-queued @mickeysgaymom @sam-loves-seb @heymrspatel @dynamic-power @blue-disco-lights @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @transsexual-dandelions @sgtmickeyslaughter @ms-moonlight-inn @palepinkgoat @krysmiss @callivich @rayrayor @francesrose3 @lee-ow aaaand anyone else my scrambled brain is forgetting.
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Hey! What happened with kaka*bi and stuff? Did somebody say something to you?
Someone took offense to Sky pointing out some of the reason’s she doesn’t like it, and decided that she was just being homophobic. I tried to talk it out but everything i said was warped into being homophobic/trying to take part in ‘identity politics’ and i got tired so i just called it quits because talking about the homophobia in fandom (that’s in all types of ships not just this one) is apparently incorrect even if it’s feeding into dangerous/downright insulting stereotypes
Give me a aec and i can link you the post cuz i did just deleate everything but since they reblogged my responses should still be there
This is the post. I have since blocked the person but i’m sure it’s easy for you to find their responses. I’m sure i could have worded things better but being flat out accused of homophobia or being one of thise people that’s like ‘i’m fine with gay people as long as they’re not ___’ didn’t sit well with me so i just put an end to the conversation
(Me linking this post does not mean me asking anyone to harrass this person. Read, come up with your own opinion, if you want to talk to me that’s fine but leave them alone)
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justauthoring · 2 years
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naruto masterlist.
*far: at, to, or by a great distance
word count: 1.241
You’d been staring at his back for as long as you can remember.
Satisfied with just watching. 
Even though your heart yearned for more, and your whole being wished for him. For him to love you back, for him to hold you, for him to just be with you. Your entire body screamed in response to him, reaching for him with invisible hands that no one other than you could see -- the no one other than you bothered to care for.
It’d been like that when you were five, and caught sight of his silver hair for the first time in class. Every girl had thought he was cool, with his exceptional ninja skills and laid back attitude; but your heart had soared at just the sight of him. And stayed like that until now.
You’ve never been more than a friend. Maybe he never really even thought of you as a friend, just some girl he’d known long enough to pick out from a crowd. You were on the same Genin team, you rarely worked with him, and you didn’t have the innate ability to pour your whole heart and soul out to him like you’d seen Gai do again and again.
You’d offered words of sympathy when Obito had passed, and you’d offered him your shoulder to lean on when Rin had died. He’d politely thanked you both times, but never took you up on either offer and never really seemed bothered with the fact. 
When he’d joined the ANBU, you’d gone to enlist right after him. You hoped maybe this could be your chance to get closer, to learn more about the mystery that was Kakashi; maybe he’d recognize your skills or maybe -- and it’s all you really wanted -- he’d recognize your friendship. 
But when you’d stood in front of the Third Hokage, Kakashi had entered two minutes later and promptly said you weren’t skilled enough to be apart of the ANBU. He hadn’t phrased it like that, Kakashi may be a mystery, he may not know his way around words that well but he wasn’t so cold hearted to insult you bluntly like that. 
However, that’s what it’d felt like to you.
He didn’t trust your abilities. He didn’t want you as a burden.
So, you just watched.
Years later, you took on a Genin team, and were surprised when you’d found out Kakashi had too.
You’d heard about him becoming a Jonin teacher, but you’d also heard he’d failed every group of three that he was assigned. 
Proud was a needless word to say. 
Just watching was okay with you. It was more than enough in your mind. Kakashi didn’t owe anymore to you, and you were content with knowing that while you’d never be more; you could still see him, still hear him, and know he’s okay.
It’s just.... as you lay on your back, staring up at the darkened night sky that seems starless in these cold, dark times of war, with a bleeding hole in your lower left hip; you wondered why it could never be more. Why you never had the courage to make it more. You’d spent your life drifting by, never once finding something, or rather someone, for yourself.
Someone to take care of you. Someone to hold you. Someone to love you.
You’d spent your life alone.
And now you were going to die never telling Kakashi how you felt. Never getting to experience even the burn of rejection because you’d been too afraid, too cowardly to say anything...
“--Y/N!... Y/N!”
The edges of your vision feel as if they’re bleeding in black, and your will is disappearing by the second as everything just turns painless... it all just turns numb. Death has you by the hand, and any second now it’ll take you and that’ll just be it.
What an utterly pathetic--
“Just hold on, Y/N. Sakura! Sakura!”
Your body shifts, and there’s suddenly hands on you. The pain comes back in a sharp jolt, slapping you in the face as your vision clears for one brief moment and you see a familiar head of silver hair and realize the touch is foreign but all the same entirely comforting in that moment. The sounds around you become clear as you hear fighting, kunai’s clashing, the sounds of screaming, yelling and everything in between and then...
then Kakashi’s lone black eye is zoning in on you.
“Sakura’s coming, Y/N. I need you to stay awake, okay? Just a little longer.”
His voice is shaky, you realize distantly. The words are whispers, rushed, and they echo but you hear the rockiness of how he speaks. Your brows furrow, and then pink bleeds into your vision and you hear Sakura’s familiar voice call out your name in a shrill cry. The warmth of her chakra floods you soon after, but as you shift to look down, you know the wounds too big.
“Ka--... Kakashi,” you choke out, finding the strength inside of yourself. You stir, body shifting as panic sets in.
“Keep her still!”
Kakashi moves to grab you by the waist, careful to avoid your wound, moving to lean over you. His gaze is warm, if not a little concern, and it’s just the way you’ve always dreamed of him looking at you like. 
It’s cruel irony that when you finally have his full attention, you’re seconds away from dying.
“Kakashi, I... I need to tell you something.”
“Just focus on your strength, Y/N,” he takes your raised hand in his own, squeezing tightly. “You can tell me later.”
But you shake your head. “No, no, I--” a cough interrupts you, blood spilling and pooling across your lips. “No, I need to tell you now.”
“Okay,” he placates, eyes pulling from Sakura’s form over you back to your own eyes, nodding. “Okay, what is it?”
You pull on the grip he has of your hand with what little strength you have left, and Kakashi doesn’t hesitate. He lets go of your hand gently, and you move your own upwards, touching his cheek gently as your fingers touch the scar across his left eye. Your touch is light, feathery, what little strength you have left being the only thing keeping your hand up.
“I love you...”
And the edges are bleeding black again, and your hand is falling, smacking against the ground with a thud that seems to echo loudly and ring in Kakashi’s ears despite all the noise around him. Your eyes are losing life, he watches as they dull, and when his own widen and he turns to Sakura, his heart drops to the pit of his stomach when he sees the tears in her own and the look on her face.
You’d never get to know that Kakashi noticed you too.
You’d never get to know that Kakashi watched you too.
You’d never get to know that Kakashi couldn’t accept your words or shoulder, because he was afraid to grow close to you.
You’d never get to know that Kakashi didn’t want you in the ANBU because he was afraid of losing you too. Like he’d lost everyone else.
You’d never get to know that Kakashi loved you too.
You’d never get to know that, as a promise to himself, if both of you survived this war; Kakashi was finally going to tell you how he felt.
Because he wanted to be with you too.
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butter--peanut · 2 years
Hi! I super enjoyed your Kamui Blues fic and how you had the goal of getting it done and finishing something has both inspired and motivated me in my own stuff! As a great lover of angst, I'd love to see a (slight?) AU where Kakashi loses himself more post-Konan? Maybe Obito is far more delayed getting to Kakashi, for whatever reason? ♥♥
Thank you, ah, that is so meaningful to hear that you feel inspired and motivated now! <3 You asked for angst, and I, er, delivered!
Kamui Blues prompt request #9 (previous requests), AU in which Obito took five minutes longer to come back to life after Izanagi. (Or, how KB could have ended a hell of a lot faster with a hell of a lot more emotional fallout.) 998 words, rated M for violence, Kakashi being a terrifying BAMF with killing intent to spare... content warning for character death (not Kakashi or Obito).
Every person has a price they put on their life. For Kakashi, that price was low. Perhaps it had risen over the past few days, but that had been a blip on the landscape, a tiny hint of hope for a future where he was no longer a horrific failure. Where he could arrive in time to save those he loved.
[[For those who want an explanation of the nitty gritty plot details (can be skipped, though the Rinnegan details of this story might be confusing): In the proper KB timeline, Kabuto implanted Hashirama’s cells and one of Nagato’s Rinnegan into Sasuke (this second part was never outright stated in KB because Kakashi/Obito never had proof, but that was what happened). After Kabuto did this, he went away to Turtle Island and, at some point later, Black Zetsu replaced the second Rinnegan with Itachi’s other eye, giving Sasuke the eternal MS as per canon (and also six paths chakra, unlike this point of canon, because the Hashirama cells triggered this). Meanwhile, the other Rinnegan is next to the spot where Sasuke’s surgery took place in the Mountains graveyard. In KB, when Kabuto escapes Kakashi he returns to the graveyard, grabs the Rinnegan, and takes it to Danzo to trade for Shisui’s eye. That means that at the point Kakashi is interrogating Kabuto in this scene, Kabuto is completely correct to say that the Sharingan are “with Sasuke”, one of which is in his eye and the other is next to the operating table]]
[[From KB Chapter 19:]]
Kabuto looked amused. “Do you think that just because you’re leaking killing intent I am afraid of you? Do you realise just who I have become?”
Kakashi sent both of his hands to Kamui.
Kabuto held out his arms, stopping now at the wrist, as thick gushes of blood started to flow from them.
“Where is the mountains graveyard?” Kakashi repeated, and the buzz in his head was drowning out all surrounding sounds, but for his own voice, and the words that Kabuto would give him, to finish this.
Kabuto turned and fled, but Kakashi just blinked himself to Kamui and then instantaneously in front of Kabuto’s path, and sent his huge tail away to Kamui.
“Where is the mountains graveyard?”
[[This is where Obito would have made his entrance. But here, there is no Obito]]
“Senpai,” he heard a worried voice say, and Tenzo was here now, and the others in his group; they’d made good time to get here.
“Stay back, Tenzo,” Kakashi said, keeping his eyes fixed on Kabuto. He took a measured step forward. “Every time you deny me, Kabuto, I will remove a part from you. So think carefully. Will you tell me what I need to know this time?”
Every person has a price they put on their life. For Kakashi, that price was low. Perhaps it had risen over the past few days, but that had been a blip on the landscape, a tiny hint of hope for a future where he was no longer a horrific failure. Where he could arrive in time to save those he loved.
Kabuto’s price on his own life wasn’t sky-high, but it was surely higher than Kakashi’s. Unable to escape and likely appropriately afraid of him now, Kabuto stopped to consider whether he should give up the Akatsuki’s location. In that pause of indecision, Kakashi blinked himself to Kamui and back to Kabuto, pulling up Kabuto’s hood, meeting his eyes again.
“Where is the Mountains Graveyard, Kabuto?” he asked him gently, like a teacher trying to elicit a response from a particularly dense student. And, once more deep in Kakashi’s genjutsu, Kabuto told him.
Information obtained, Kakashi destroyed him.
“Where d-did he go?” Aoba. Unimportant. He had his mission to complete.
He turned, not expecting to hear Sakura. She was drifting down from the air, looking at him warily. Behind her, Deidara had paused from his fight with the Tsuchikage, staring in surprise at where Kabuto had been.
“Hello, Sakura,” Kakashi said pleasantly. “Nice to see you learned how to fly. How has your day been? Better than mine, I expect.”
She settled onto the ground, not quite meeting his eyes. Avoiding the Sharingan like she thought he might put her in a genjutsu. Silly. She had no information that he needed.
“What’s wrong?” she asked him. “Why is your killing intent — like it is?” Her body was tense, but her voice was steady. Tenzo stepped next to her and then, oddly, in front of her. Like he was defending her from Kakashi.
“I’m going to kill Sasuke, Sakura,” Kakashi said evenly, and she froze. “He has the Rinnegan. I’m going to destroy him, and I’m going to destroy the Rinnegan, and I’m going to end this war before it begins.”
She briskly stepped around Tenzo and looked up to meet his eyes. “In that case, take me with you. I want to see that the job’s done properly.”
He took a moment to process this, then smiled at her. “You really do take after me.”
“Wait. Sakura, Senpai.” Tenzo, coming forward to them, hands up. “You’re not — this isn’t you.”
He wanted to laugh at him.
“You know it’s me, Tenzo,” he told him lightly. “You’ve seen me on enough missions. I’m goal-oriented.”
“Not like this. You wouldn’t — not one of your students.” Tenzo swallowed and stepped further forward, putting a hand on Kakashi’s shoulder. Softly, “Kakashi.” Strange. No honorific. “Did. Did something happen to Obito?”
Kakashi felt a burst of fondness for his kouhai. Tenzo really did know him well.
“Yes,” Kakashi told him simply. Then he left the island, blinking himself and Sakura to Kamui.
Sakura gasped at what she saw in Kakashi’s dimension. (Only his now. He would never share it with another.)
“Is this how you—?”
“This is how I kill people,” he agreed, then blinked them both to Kabuto’s operating room in the Mountains graveyard.
There, next to the operating table. One Rinnegan.
With a fingertip of golden plasma chakra, he obliterated it.
“Come on, Sakura,” he said, striding out of the room. “Let’s find your teammate.”
With Saukra on his heels he walked through the corridors of the Mountains Graveyard. He passed Black Zetsu at one point, a whispered You from the form appearing in the corner. Irritating. He would have to find a way to deal with him later. For now, he tried to send him to Kamui for safe-keeping and was vaguely surprised to see that it worked. Well, Zetsu wouldn’t pose too much of a threat in Kamui. Now there was only the Rinnegan and, afterwards, the statue. Everything falling into place, into tiny pieces. With Obito’s gift, he would finish this.
Ah. The room where Sasuke had been sitting an hour or so ago, when Kakashi had looked through his companion’s eyes, he was still. Very handy.
“Hello, Sasuke,” Kakashi said, stepping inside. “It’s most of Team Seven, come to visit you.”
Sasuke tensed, then stood up a little unsteadily. His eyes were still covered with bandages, so he couldn’t see them walking closer.
“Kakashi,” he said harshly. “What is that — that I feel—”
“Would you mind taking off your bandages, Sasuke?” Kakashi asked him. “I’d like to check something.”
“What are you doing here?” Sasuke asked him, starting to twist the bandages off his face. “Is Madara back? Has the war begun?”
“There isn’t going to be a war,” said Sakura bluntly.
“Sakura?” Sasuke turned to her as he pulled the last of the bandages off his face. He blinked, rubbed his new eyes, then focused them on Sakura. Good. One Sharingan. One Rinnegan. “Why are you here? You’re not — were you captured by Kakashi?”
Bored of the discussion, Kakashi sent the Rinnegan to Kamui.
“Would you like to say goodbye to the person you used to love?” Kakashi asked Sakura, as Sasuke cried out and held his now-empty eye socket. “It would be a nice thing, I imagine.”
A true goodbye. Not just a smile before more rockfall. Not just an I love you pressed through his mind.
“Goodbye, Sasuke,” said Sakura, after only a moments’ indecision. “I’m sorry that it had to come to this.”
“Goodbye, Sasuke,” Kakashi echoed, and Sasuke looked at him in bewilderment, and there was some twinge in the back of Kakashi’s mind at that expression; a desire to explain to his student just why he was doing this. To teach him something, one last time.
Ah, unimportant. He was no teacher. Sasuke had never wanted to be his student.
He looked at Sasuke, activated Mangekyo, and, in front of Sasuke, a Kamui portal swirled.
Odd. He normally used Kamui too fast to see its swirl.
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ultra-violet-heart · 2 years
SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Honoka Takahashi - LilaS (Insert Song for 86 Episode 23)
Lyrics + English Fan Translation
耳に落ちた あなたの話し方胸に
Mimi ni ochita anata no hanashikata mune ni
It stayed on my ears, the way you talk to the heart
道を歩いてきた 摘んだ花束かかえて
Michi wo aruite kita tsunda hanataba kakaete
Walking down the street, I carry a bouquet of flowers
Ima, aeta sora de, kimi ga waratteita.
Just now, under that sky where we could meet, you smiled
Mune ga sakebidashitan da. Mabuta ga shimaikonda.
My chest lets a cry out. My eyelids stay shut.
耳塞いだ 日々を変えられた記憶に
Mimi fusaida hibi wo kaerareta kioku ni
I plugged my ears to those memories that changed my days
咲いた笑顔の皺 震える足を支えた
Saita egao no shiwa furueru ashi wo sasaeta
The wrinkles of a blooming smile holds my trembling legs up
Ima, aeta sora wa, iki ga todoku kyori de
Just now, under that sky where we meet, within a reach of a breath
Mune ga sakebidashitan da. Mabuta kara afureta
My chest lets a cry out. My eyelids flood over
Hakidasu ruuru wa kimi ga kimeta
You chose the rules for me to spit out
Hakidasu ruuru anata ga kimeta
You've chosen the rules now spat out
Sonna yuuki okurimono da yo. Boku wa boku de aruite iku yo
Such courage was a gift. I just kept walking on my own
Ima, aeta sora de, kimi ga waratteita.
Just now, under the sky where we met, you smiled
Mune ga sakebidashitan da. Mabuta kara afureta.
My chest lets a cry out. My eyelids flood over
Ima, aeta sora wa, iki ga todoku kyori de.
Just now, under that sky where we meet, within the reach of a breath
Kotoba sakebanakatta. Me to me mitsumekaeshita.
I am at a loss for words. I stare at you, eye to eye
Hakidasu ruuru wa kimi ga kimeta
You choose the rules for me to spit out
Hakidasu ruuru anata ga kimeta
You've chosen the rules now spat out
Sonna yuuki okurimono da yo. Boku wa boku de aruite kita yo.
Such courage is a gift. I've been walking on my own.
Saita ikita ashiato no ue
Saita iki wo yamenai basho de
On living footprints that bloomed
Where that blooming breath never ends
Kakae kirenai hanataba wakete
Futari, uta wo tsuzukerun da ne.
As we share a bouquet we can't hold on our own,
We two continue singing
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rezuuroar · 3 years
'That's When'
He flits back into her life like the wind, announcing his arrival with whispers that pass along roads until they reach her. She is on shift when the rumours greet her, and she is reminded of their previous encounter, three months prior where once again she had requested to be by his side as he journeyed lands, seeking atonement. The mask of a smile slightly slips on her face as her assistant urges Sakura to take her break now, to seek out her love.
"No," Sakura says, shaking her head with a sad smile painted on her lips. "I won't seek him out again."
"Oh..." comes the response from the other medic before she relieves herself from Sakura's presence, making an excuse. Sakura is relieved that the other woman knows when not to overstep as she goes back to her mountain of paperwork. Alas, she is disrupted by her own thoughts that cloud her, the unshakeable memories that refuse to leave her side. Her mind flits back to three months pior:
The stars danced in the night sky, twinkling their secret love songs to anyone who dared look up. Sakura sat atop the rooftop of her apartment building, sharing her own heart in the quietness of the night where only the sky could hear her. That was, until she heard soft footprints behind her. She looked over her shoulder and beckoned him closer, gently tapping the space beside her.
"Sasuke," she greeted, almost shyly, grateful for the darkness to conceal the heat that festered over her cheeks. "What brings you here?"
Silence followed as his answer except for the seat that he took, his sole arm bent on his perched knee. Her line of sight left him, his perfectly carved face and aristocratic nose, and followed his line of sight as he looked beyond the village gates. She understood his sentiments of seeking her out on a quiet night like this. It was his farewells and apologies all disclosed to her.
A weak stutter left her lips, "W-will you take me with you?"
An air of resistance passes through his nose in response.
"For how long will you punish yourself, Sasuke? How long until you let yourself FEEL again?"
'How long until you accept my love?' she almost asked.
He shakes his head, still refusing to look at her and says, "I did you wrong, made mistakes, and put you through all of this."
By 'all of this' she imagines he means his dark unwinding path that he paved where she lost herself to love, and he, revenge.
"I know," she affirms, causing him to finally look upon her unshed tears. "But that was then. So follow my lead and leave those all alone in our past."
She urges him to understand that no matter what he has done, no amount of destruction that he has caused can ever stop her from loving him. Her feelings for him is a river that has burst with no dam to stop it. She can sense how the space between them starts to diminish as the seconds tick by. Before she knows it, her lips are almost on his and she thinks she finally understand how to confess her love in the same quietness that Uchiha's do. She thinks her heart will pound out of her chest and combust, but then the moment is momentarily lost as he abruptly pulls away, pulling away her hopes with him. He stands and faces away from her.
"I can't," are the first words that sear through her. And then, "I need some time, need some space to think about all of this."
The ache in her chest is somehow salved by this confession. It is not a rejection, but almost a plea for her to wait a bit longer, even if he himself cannot comprehend it. So once again she offers a quiet, "I know."
She watches him leave, sure that she did not imagine the hesitation in his steps as he draws away from her.
It is a month later that she receives a letter from him, with only the words, 'When can I come back?'
She reads the regret behind his words, the unspoken guilt and apology of not accepting her affections sooner. She writes back. But she does not hear from him again, nor does he come back, and so she lives to forget Sasuke Uchiha and puts all her fortitude in the hospital.
So now, when she hears of his arrival, she accepts that their paths were never meant to be entwined. So it is that she continues to bury herself in her pride and joy at the hospital.
'Pride and joy,' she almost scoffs at the thought. No amount of distance or freedom from him has - ever - kept her from feeling clean. The shadow of his presence still clings onto her and she so desperately wants to find the object of her desires when he is so close by. But she steels herself, and she is almost proud of her discipline even as it hurts her.
She stays at the hospital until dusk begins to settle. She paces home, taking in her surroundings as the setting sun paints the streets in glowing amber. Colours of the sun pave her way home, until she is greeted by muted tones sitting on her doorstep.
He opens one eye and looks up at her.
"You said you'd be waiting at the front gate," he accuses.
"What?" she asks stupidly.
"In your letter," he clarifies.
"Oh," is all she can manage to say before she shakes her head at the absurdity of it all. "Get up so we can get in. Have you seen Kaka- the Hokage, yet? How long have you been waiting here?"
Sasuke stands and allows Sakura to open the door. He follows her in as he says, "Long enough to know you've been avoiding me."
She blinks at him waiting for him to elaborate, so he does. "Rumours here fly faster than my shuriken. I'd say you've known of my arrival for hours and didn't think to greet me like you said you would. What changed, Sakura?"
"'What changed?'" Sakura echoes as she seats herself on a couch, collecting her thoughts. "I never heard back... Honestly, when you were gone did you ever think of me?" She questions him with a determined look in her eye; determined to get answers.
Sasuke steps closer towards her until she has to crane her neck to look up at him.
His answer is a soft caress that washes over her. "When I would wake up in the morning, when it was sunny or storming. Anticipating you waiting at the front gate, wanting to see your face...Sakura, that's when."
She feels the rough pads of his fingertips as they brush her tears away with a single stroke.
"You- you memorised my letter," Sakura gasped, realisation surfacing.
"Ah," Sasuke confirmed.
"I'm back, Sakura. I came back for you. If you'll still have me, that is." Sasuke's gaze flits to the side as his cheeks are slightly reddened.
"Do you mean-?" Sakura asks, hopeful. Daring to allow herself to hope once more.
He takes the excitement in her tone as confirmation of her unyielding feelings.
"Hn. Your words taught me to accept forgiveness. I believe there's a lot more you can teach me on our travels."
Sakura feels the wobble of her lips before the tears come spilling out. She tries but fails to contain herself as she asks, "When do we leave?" She chokes on her words but it is his that act as a gentle lullaby.
"Tomorrow. That's when."
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snickiebear · 3 years
Hello hello nadia, i’m in a leesaku mood today so pls indulge me with a three-sentence fic for this lil prompt “you are my best friend and I’ve known you platonically for years now but every time you look at me I get fireworks in my chest and butterflies in my stomach” tysm ilyyyy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
side note: this is.... kind of what you wanted? AND LMAO ITS NOT THREE SENTENCES AGAIN WHOOPS
side side note: this is now crossposted bc i liked it a lot tbh :")
a cocoon in the heart, a spark in the brain.
It starts with a glance. An innocent, fleeting look. Naruto’s smile is too bright to look at for more than a handful of seconds and Sasuke’s glare is too dark to find anything of interest, so Sakura glances away, as she always does.
She glances away and there is Lee, dirtied and bloodied but he holds Neji’s hand, Tenten tucked under his arm, and is laughing, tears streaming down his face. He must have felt her eyes because he looks over and sends her a beaming smile. 
And. And her heart picks up, her breath catches. 
She quickly looks over to Naruto and Sasuke, being blinded by the light and dark both, and tries her best to not think of why one look from Lee can breed butterflies and moths in her stomach. 
They rebuild the village and everyone endures. Sasuke leaves once more because he is a boy who has never known staying, he has never stayed long enough to put roots in, to know how to stay. So, Naruto and Sakura let him go. 
(If she is being honest, Sakura is more than happy to have him leave. Sasuke will always be a rotten fruit in the tangle of her feelings, something that she will never quite understand, something that will haunt her no matter what she does. If he is not there, she does not have to think about it. He’s like a curse, and it hurts her to think that but it is true.)
Kakashi is the Hokage and Sakura is still laughing at him, clutching her stomach and howling at her friend’s “misfortune” as he calls it.
“Mah,” Kakashi half drawls, half pleads. “Must you laugh at your poor ex-sensei?”
Naruto is losing his absolute shit as they clutch each other to stay standing. “Kaka-sensei you do not look good in white.”
“It,” Sakura gasps, wiping tears from her face, “It-It really washes you out!”
Naruto’s knees give out and they both tumble to the ground, a mess and tangle of laughing limbs and leaking eyes. 
Kakashi sighs heavily from his desk but she knows he’s having just as much fun as they are. Kakashi is her best friend, she knows how he is when he’s drunk out of his mind and when he’s trying to bite back laughter. 
The door swings open and Lee steps in with Team Gai flanking him. Neji recovered incredibly well thanks to Sakura’s magic hands (as Naruto has deemed them) and they’ve been taking low ranking missions since he was deemed fit to return to duty. 
It takes a few moments for Sakura and Naruto’s heaving, snorting laughter to subside as Kakashi clears his throat, his eyes crinkling up in the way Sakura knows he’s really trying not to laugh. 
She looks up and glances at Lee, to find him already watching her, his eyes soft and smile softer. Sakura is a God Slayer along with Naruto and Sasuke, she has faced down hundreds of opponents with only her raw fists and come up victorious, she has dragged people back from the brink of death with a tap. 
Sakura does not blush. Out right refuses to. 
“Hey,” All breathless and raw from laughter.
Lee’s smile widens as he steps forward to offer his hand, she takes it without hesitation and thanks the God whose heart she ripped out that he was wearing gloves. She can feel the heat through them nonetheless. Sakura does her best not to shiver as their eyes meet. 
“You guys heading in or out?” Naruto asks after he hauled himself onto his feet, not hiding the way he eyes Lee and Sakura’s hands. The entire room’s eyes are on them. 
“In,” Tenten says slowly, and Sakura does not blush as she carefully extracts her hand from Lees and does not think about why there are fireworks exploding within her mind, why she misses the heat and the way his hand encompasses hers. 
She sees him everywhere now. 
At the Rusty Kunai, at the training fields, at lunch, sometimes even in the hospital. And every damn time he smiles at her, she feels like she’s coming back to life and being stabbed in the heart. 
Sakura has no idea if this was love or just lust. What she felt for Sasuke was not love, that was obsession and cruelty. She had crushes on civilian boys but they were too soft, unmarred compared to her countless scars, visible or not. 
Ino stares at her as if she’s the stupidest person in the world and Sakura smacks her for it. She hopes it leaves a bruise. The Bitch. “Stop giving me that look, Pig. I’ll hit you again, don’t tempt me.”
Ino glares as she rubs her arm, sticking out her tongue. “It isn’t my fault you aren’t using that big forehead of yours! You’re telling me that you two drink together, train together, you go to lunch together, he even visits you at the hospital because he knows you haven’t eaten or slept. And then you tell me you get all those stupid fluttery feelings and you don’t know what it means?”
And well. When she puts it like that. . .
Sakura pouts and crosses her arms, “It's confusing!”
“You’re a genius. An actual genius, Sakura.” Ino deadpans. “Your IQ is literally right next to Shikamaru’s. Lee has been in love with you since we were twelve! There is no way you don’t know what this means.”
Groaning, Sakura slumps into Ino’s lap, hiding her face in Ino’s thigh. “When did you become so smart?”
“When I made out with Hinata and then fucked her.” Ino says easily and Sakura laughs. “What? Don’t laugh! It's true!” 
Ino cackles when Sakura pinches her calf.
Lee moves with such elegance that Sakura aches with it. 
This boy made man who had known nothing but sweat and hardship, who still cups things with such tender and care, who moves so fluidly and hits so brutally.  
They are both the earth, solid and unyielding, they are the water, the hills, the mountains. They are unbreakable because they have broken themselves apart, pushed themselves past the very limit to reach where they are.
Sakura and Lee are 20 and they have saved the world. 
Now, they tear apart the training grounds just to keep life interesting. 
With every dodged fist her heart quickens because Lee is smiling and laughing, calling friendly taunts as she grins right back. 
This is nothing like Team 7’s spars, all bloodied teeth and snarling as Sasuke underestimates her again and again and again. Kakashi, Sai, and Yamato know better. Naruto is learning slowly. Sasuke never pays attention enough to know.  
No, sparring with Lee is like dancing, is like thriving, and a fresh breath of air at night as fireworks light up the sky and a butterfly lands on your nose. 
She lands a kick to his ribs and spends him flying back as she advances swiftly, pinning him down with a hand on his chest, knees on either side of his hips. 
A long pause as they try to catch their breathes.
They’re both breathing heavily, Sakura cannot tear her eyes away from him as he reaches a hand to tuck loose hair behind her ear.
“Lee,” She breathes, ignoring the way her face burns and the way butterflies have swarmed her insides, how her heart is raging against her ribcage. “Lee I-”
“Sakura.” Lee says, voice deep and rumbly and cracking. “Sakura, will you go out to lunch with me? Forever. Well, hopefully forever- you are so very Youthful, you are incredibly Strong, you do not need my protection, but Sakura, let me protect you anyways, just as you will me. Sakura-”
She channels her inner Ino and leans down to kiss him, all lips, teeth and tongue. His hands settle on her waist and he flips them without breaking contact and if they weren’t in public, well. . .
Sakura pulls back breathless and wide eyes before forcing the words out, “I’ve known you for years Lee, you’re one of my best friends.” Her hand on his chest can feel the way his breath catches, the way his heart is pounding. “Everytime you look at me I get fireworks in my chest and butterflies in my stomach. They’ve bred and infested my very insides, my brain blooms and rots with the thought of you.” 
He is shaking beneath her, staring at her as if she is Divine and Righteous and she cannot think of anything else she would want except his eyes on her. 
“Lunch?” She breathes, hand at the base of his neck. “I would like to have lunch with you. Forever. If the offer still stands.” 
Lee smiles wide and bright as he stands, pulling Sakura up with him, “The offer will always stand, Sakura. For you, there is very little I would not do.”
She kisses him again and hand in hand they go to lunch.
The very first day Lee saw Sakura a cocoon formed within his heart, everytime after that more would form, more would crack.
The butterflies and moths have a home in his heart but only come alive when they see her.
They never die, no matter what he does.
He saw her crack the world open with a first, saw her tear open a God’s chest. He was the first thing she looked at after. He thought he would become alight with it all.
Lee loves Sakura. He always has, he always will. His heart has a butterfly garden full of fireworks just for her.
Her laugh makes his skin prickle, makes his muscles loose. He is addicted to it.
She looks at him like she sees the green of the trees and the blue of the sky. Lee revels in it.
Sakura loves Lee and it nearly breaks him.
He will take her out to lunch until the day they die and well after.
The butterflies and moths and fireworks never go away for either of them. It is the beauty of it all.
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orlha · 4 years
Title: Ballad of the Future Chapter: 8 Fandom: Naruto Genre: Drama, Romance (Drabble Fic) Ship: Kakashi/Sakura Word count: 1586 Triggers(s): Mentions of suicide, mentions of depression Rating: M Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Time travel of sorts, Fuck Sasuke, Fuck canon ending Summary: Kakashi receives letters from himself decades into the future, asking him to stop Sakura’s death [Drabble fic] [Orange AU] Notes: Apparently this isn’t a drabble fic anymore...
“Are you not going to make a move” Naruto scoffs at him when he finds Kakashi outside Sakura’s window again. 
“She needs friends more than love,” Kakashi replies, not turning from the pink curtains flapping from the fan’s wind.
“Maybe two years ago,” Naruto says. “But it’s already been two years since Sasuke left her. I know you love her, Kaka-sensei. At this rate, I’m going to be Hokage and Sai is going to propose to Ino first before you confess to her.”
Sakura had replaced her plant with a cactus that unfortunately seemed to be also barely holding on. 
“Love isn’t everything,” Kakashi says eventually in a voice so low that he knows Naruto would have barely heard it over the low buzz of the afternoon crowd. 
Naruto sits cross-legged next to him. The sky above is grey and overcast, heavy with the petrichor. In the distance, Kakashi can see lightning streaking across the sky.
“No, it isn’t. But she needs more than friendship. She needs…” Naruto looks down at his dusty sandals and frayed hems. “She needs to know that she’s not just a friend to someone, that she’s important. That she’ll always be important… she needs…”
Kakashi squeezes Naruto’s shoulder. “A friend is all that, Naruto.”
In the letters, his older self had been adamant too that he should confess to Sakura. Yet his older self never really knew why Sakura had killed herself in that timeline. She had married Sasuke, went wandering with Sasuke and just came home to stay while Sasuke continued his travels. Perhaps, it had been the lack of Sasuke around, or friends. His older self had cited distancing himself after her marriage. Without any real theories, Kakashi felt that one of the possible reasons had been that Sakura was stifled in the idea of marriage. 
Love and marriage isn’t the end of all.
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aliprojectarchive · 3 years
Noblerot: Halation
Lyrics from Lyric Wikia
Ali Project
Track 2: Halation
Romanji- English
SHUURU na sora no shita
taikutsu ga nado ni tsukae
akubi ga dechau tabi
mune no dokka sakende iru
Beneath the surreal sky
Boredom is choking my throat
And every time I yawn
My heart shouts out to somewhere else
kabe no rakugaki dake
atashi ni hanashikakeru no
tsumi no nai HAATO-tachi
KIRAKIRA boshi ochiru yo
Only the graffiti on the wall
Talks to me
As innocent hearts
And sparkling stars are falling down...
setsuna asobe ya asobe
towa ni
towa ni odore ya odore
This moment
This moment, you will play and play...
Forever, you will dance and dance...
kawaranai kotoba wo
dareka ga motte iru no kana
sono kotoba wa itsuka
atashi no mimi ni todoku kashira
The words that never change
I wonder if someone out there is holding them
And I wonder if these words
Will someday reach my ears
ii koto ga arisou de
nannimonai hi mo atte
soredemo nantonaku
KIRAKIRA yume miteru yo
Good things are possible
But there aren't any on this day
Nevertheless, I am somehow
Viewing a sparkling dream...
iki yo
iki yo koisuru you ni
mede yo
mede yo tsume no saki made
Live so that you can love!
Enjoy it!
Enjoy it to the tips of your nails!
douro no mannaka de
koinu no you ni nakitai na
atashi no kami-sama wa
doko de michikusa shiteru no kana
In the middle of the road
I want to cry like a puppy
I wonder where my beloved God
Is loitering now
hiza wo kakae nagara
asa ga mukae ni kuru no wo
matte itara me no naka
KIRAKIRA boshi ochita yo
While holding my knees
The morning comes to meet me
If I wait for it, the sparkling stars
Inside my eyes have fallen down...
setsuna asobe ya asobe
towa ni
towa ni odore ya odore
This moment
This moment, you will play and play...
Forever, you will dance and dance...
iki yo
iki yo koisuru you ni
mede yo
mede yo tsume no saki made
Live so that you can love!
Enjoy it!
Enjoy it to the tips of your nails!
キラキラ星 墜ちるよ
刹那 遊べや遊べ
永遠に 踊れや踊れ
キラキラ夢 見てるよ
生きよ 恋するように
愛でよ 爪の先まで
キラキラ星 墜ちたよ
刹那 遊べや遊べ
永遠に 踊れや踊れ
生きよ 恋するように
愛でよ 爪の先まで
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coolcombined-blog · 4 years
tundo tundo with plane
Wasechopo podi, dark inside and its 4 long hours bro
Pod onyas oketo aketa timbaland magik kaa mbele? Asking Eunice. To pod jeremy baya baya, sophy wacho ni nonene bangkok airport kose en-ngamatransfigure kaka kevi not kebi wacho.
To minaj podo keto sunga mbele, ambela, asking moreen. Minaj u mean u still ride in harlem or seen in Jamaica walking, u mean u have not settled niki?
After people move out of carli coz rightnow it aint Gold rush anymore, we have known how Gold is artificially made even with brown mafi or fece. Go to the less populated counties coz even mexicans want already built things dat texas and carli was mexico coz its built not knowing it was built with artificially made chemical and foods as oil etc which they can take away and the state got nothing. Anyway its a bad character to people who want free things or already made things from people to the point of putting up a fight. Mexican this a lesson and u r of bad character even sponsoring people to kill people who wanna go to the USA. Shame on u guys!!! Lazarus and Nebuchadnezzar parable. Click the link below 4 more
The people who now terrorize others in secrecy are people with “masikio popo”, keep in mind u r few and many can annihilate ya. Side effect they want people by force, their women, failure they ambush ya not knowing their male kids r of bad character and they want to champion dat as well as turkana blooded tribe like kikuyu and tz, they are know with straight face bone. Tall slander people r of many tribes like togo people or kalenjin or some sa tribes, moreover togo tribes have swollen eyelids and thats the distinction. You wanna eat my food and u got yours, then if i refuse u organise an ambush bro, failure to eat u die, u want the same the masai or trukana blooded tribes like the luo or Gikuyu, big shame bro. Most Ethipians got as well trukana blooded and in kenya they are sponsoring such explained vices above bro out of investigation.
When 1 walk like a toddler with mafi smeared on the booty like squatted it gives u the flashback as bad sides of ya life ya life guilt bro. Click the link below to see the photo which got that picture.
Now they got electric generator EG, where a motor which uses a wet cell rotates the stater and when their is power you charge the battery to be used when the power goes off bro to eliminate the gasoline 1.
The wanting to eat ya food type is so sickening to the point u see yaself in a casket as the beautiful thing, in dat u dont wanna wake up early in the morning thinking now they will spare u but not Or not go to work or any institution, kinda, u wanna stick alone and i bet it equips ya and its a blessing in disguise dude. Click the link below 4 more, the 2 smoking and casket behind bro
Walking in dat position and its used as well to make gadget as another method and cia tell people to employ dat to remember things as flashback
come up with another website which aint known by many to post such photos to bring class where people dont share or known not and its typical for sex and beauty.
Women with slightly not flat forehead or protruding 4head are kisii blooded, dont go 4 pussy as it can be bought but dont change identity as face, the pussy is so sweet such, they as well got malawi blood.
Check on my following followers bro
Youtube check how to find people who are following another tumblr a/c and remember to google url/link to find what it is dude, stop disturbance
This should be introduced to cut fare by upto 80% in all major cities, got solar panel as well on top. Click the link below 4 more
Have gotten ya mini gas mask, Eunice asking kebi, I brought u 1, enyalo mwagas samolo amolo assures his neighbor delanu. Click the link below 4 more
Even many Latinos are trukana blooded, women perfectly understand but men wired in character, they are good in their own bro. Just fuck and leave, stop love dat give rise to bad kids lest u r killed.
Click the link below 4 more durable speakers, they had it from long but hid it from us as china unleash theirs, so their is no meaning of hording them
Check on my following followers bro
Youtube check how to find people who are following another tumblr a/c and remember to google url/link to find what it is dude, stop disturbance
This should be introduced to cut fare by upto 80% in all major cities, got solar panel as well on top. Click the link below 4 more
Have gotten ya mini gas mask, Eunice asking kebi, I brought u 1, enyalo mwagas samolo amolo assures his neighbor delanu. Click the link below 4 more
Even many Latinos are trukana blooded, women perfectly understand but men wired in character, they are good in their own bro. Just fuck and leave, stop love dat give rise to bad kids lest u r killed.
Click the link below 4 more durable speakers, they had it from long but hid it from us as china unleash theirs, so their is no meaning of hording them
Small electric gadgets are made walking with stuck fece on the booty like discman, stereos, small hospital machines, watches etc
With ya rudeness just continue to play ya harp to dat cow or cattle kinda, it means they dont listen or understand but want their own, kinda they wanna direct ya like they know a lot yet none. The time of reckoning is right now bro, eat ya rudeness, or earn points on ya tough headeness bro, speak dude
Google E-bikes, motor bikes and vehicles dude 4 more, stop many words bro
make money link below                                                      
The song in the above link, she gave me dat thing and i did not hesitate, i hit/pump it to my capacity all night and the better part of the morning b4 she reported to her work bro. Wasee nikupiga kupiga, u can even buy all body parts, even to transform ya from white to black and vice versa, no kidding bro. Kebi did exactly dat
Click the dream house above imported from mexico
Scorpio my month, piyo, first, cold man, scores, scorsica isle
Even big buttock TV are made with dough and the best, so they have that in mind with Negros. Instead of claiming Kansas they wanna come to Kenya to make gadgets wid tea, which are shinny as easy to identify so not bought by grown ups as dough ones are dull liked by grown ups period. They want to pick tea illegally and they know we know dat but still going ahead bro.
The speakers with good mood in the link below are made using Egg shell as well as tiles that dont change your brain or carpet, cassava or potato peel as well as banana or any other peel as waste product bro, fallen wood/tree not cut or Autum leaves in Temperate lands bro and the best for woody products. Click the link below 4 more
Kebi en whoyi madung ma mande otimo yier, says kevin, simdogo tena. Eh x3 utters Magdalin, “mande opongo lwete, basi adwale, nyise“
Rain come past clouds they say and make rain to disturb people with yet them they hide/safe in their business premises yet controlled drone via a computer takes the drone above the cloud like 2-18 km but still the wireless camera on dat drone captures the rain. Question is dat where is the rain coming from past the cloud. Friends lets be real and lenient. They are 3rd world and they cant tell us nothing but now fitina of this and that bro. Stop ya nuisance Mr Hindu.
Click the link below 4 more, it takes less time if the tap below the moon is open to fall on earth as rain but plane run upto 10 km above the earth crust but still inside it when its rainy u see no cloud.
The baganda people can be more of Guards than Masai or trukana, they think is them alone can stand on 2 feet 4 along time or walk distances
Click the dream house above imported from mexico
Scorpio my month, piyo, first, cold man, scores, scorsica isle
Even big buttock TV are made with dough and the best, so they have that in mind with Negros. Instead of claiming Kansas they wanna come to Kenya to make gadgets wid tea, which are shinny as easy to identify so not bought by grown ups as dough ones are dull liked by grown ups period. They want to pick tea illegally and they know we know dat but still going ahead bro.
The speakers with good mood in the link below are made using Egg shell as well as tiles that dont change your brain or carpet, cassava or potato peel as well as banana or any other peel as waste product bro, fallen wood/tree not cut or Autum leaves in Temperate lands bro and the best for woody products. Click the link below 4 more
Kebi en whoyi madung ma mande otimo yier, says kevin, simdogo tena. Eh x3 utters Magdalin, “mande opongo lwete, basi adwale, nyise“
Rain come past clouds they say and make rain to disturb people with yet them they hide/safe in their business premises yet controlled drone via a computer takes the drone above the cloud like 2-18 km but still the wireless camera on dat drone captures the rain. Question is dat where is the rain coming from past the cloud. Friends lets be real and lenient. They are 3rd world and they cant tell us nothing but now fitina of this and that bro. Stop ya nuisance Mr Hindu.
Click the link below 4 more, it takes less time if the tap below the moon is open to fall on earth as rain but plane run upto 10 km above the earth crust but still inside it when its rainy u see no cloud.
The baganda people can be more of Guards than Masai or trukana, they think is them alone can stand on 2 feet 4 along time or walk distances
Once u know how to make every gadget there is no developing or developed nation as both can make de same, the only import is original 1 and food that u dont produce. So nations that produce foods which other lacks but its artificial 1 is disatrous as to the teeth or cancerous have the day if the artificial 1 has less side effect is still worse, like artificial wheat denatures the teeth quickly while tea, u must drink when warn same as to when hot destroy the enamel period. Stop ya games dat Africa got the most developing economies. If u were relying on oil as pride like sudan, arabs, Trukana, Nigeria got to think twice we got E-bikes bro
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selfishcatt · 5 years
Treasure by ClariS[KAN/ROM/ENG]lyrics
*君と過ごした時間は 一秒も忘れない
Kimi to sugoshita jikan wa ichi-byō mo wasurenai
I will not forget the time I spent with you
この心が この感情が
Kono kokoro ga kono kanjō ga
This heart, this feeling
Kimi no namae o yon deru yo
calls out your name*
一つまた季節が 過ぎ去ろうとしているけど
Hitotsu mata kisetsu ga sugisarou to shite irukedo
One more season is about to pass
話せなくて もどかしくて
hanasenakute modokashikute
It's so fustrating that I can't talk
Sabishi-sa ni make-sōde
I'm losing my loneliness.
感じてる想いは 言葉なんかに出せなくて
kanjiteru omoi wa kotoba nanka ni dasenakute
I couldn't put my feelings into words
違う道を進む君に 何も伝えられなかった
Chigau michi o susumu kimi ni nani mo tsutae rarenakatta
Nothing could be told to you even on a different road
一人じゃ抱えきれない 愛しさがなんか怖い
hitori janai kakaekirenai itoshisa ga nanka kowai
I'm scared of something I can't handle alone.
君と過ごせる今が このまま続けばなんて
kimi to sugoseru ima ga kono mama tsudzukeba nante
If I could just stay with you..
優しいその笑顔 揺れ動くこの心
Yasashī sono egao yureugoku kono kokoro
The gentle smile that shakes this heart
渡すはずの手紙 ずっと握りしめたまま
watasu hazu no tegami zutto nigirishimeta mama
The letters that should be passed remain clasped in my hands
sakura no hana ga futari no iro wo kaete
Cherry blossoms change the color of two people
強がりだけ膨らんだまま 手を振る度また
tsuyogari dake fukuranda mama te wo furu tabi mata
Once we strongly shake hands(?)
nakisou ni naru yo
I'm gonna cry**
一人きりの部屋で 下を向いて 膝を抱え
hitorikiri no heya de shita wo muite hiza wo kakae
Facing down in the room alone, holding the knee
小さな窓 開けて少し ため息を逃がした
chiisa na mado akete sukoshi tameiki wo nigashita
I opened a little window and let out a sigh
感じてる想いは もう言葉にも出せなくて
kanjiteru omoi wa mou kotoba ni mo dasenakute
I can't put my feelings into words anymore
Motto tsuyoku kimi no koto o
More strongly about you
Yakitsukete ireba yokatta
I wish I had burned it(?)
日記に挿すしおり 机に置いたボタン
Nikki ni sasu shiori tsukue ni oita botan
A button put on a bookmark desk inserted in a diary
欲張りすぎた時間 一つ一つ覚えてる
yokubarisugita jikan hitotsu hitotsu oboeteru
I remember one time I was too greedy
夜の空に響く 懐かしいこのメロディ
yoru no sora ni hibiku natsukashii kono merodi
The nostalgic melody that echoes in the night sky
ただ近くにいれば それだけで幸せだった
tada chikaku ni ireba sore dake de shiawase datta
I was just so happy to be around
泪も枯れる程 泣き明かしたなら
Namida mo kareru hodo nakiakashitanara
If you cried so much that the tears wither,
この痛みも この淋しさも
kono itami mo kono samishisa mo
This pain and this loneliness,
Norikoete yukeru to omottetanoni
I thought I could get over it
Todokanai omoi no kuyashi-sa wa sō kitto
The regret of feelings that can not be reached is surely so
hoka no dareka ja umerarenai
No one else can bury it.
kimi wo sagsahitsudzuketeru yo
I'll keep looking for you
辛い事だけじゃないよ 大切なものは全て
tsurai koto dake janai yo taisetsu na mono wa subete
It's not just a hard thing, it's all that matters
この胸の奥 いつまでもね 輝き続ける
kono mune no oku itsu made mo ne kagayakitsudzukeru
The back of my heart will always shine
流した泪もきっと いつか宝物になる
nagashita namida mo kitto itsuka takaramono ni naru
The shedding tears will surely become treasure one day
私の道はまだ 続いているから
watashi no michi wa mada tsudzuiteiru kara
Because my road is still going on
sepia iro ni somaru kokoro no fotogurafu
A photograph of the heart dyed in sepia color
dareka wo suki ni naru koto ga
To love someone
konna ni tsurai nante omowanakatta
I didn't think it was that hard
届かない想いは ほら形を変えてく
todokanai omoi wa hora katachi wo kaeteku
The feelings which cannot be reached change the shape here
kimi wo suki de ita kono hibi ga
This is the day I've loved you
kokoro ni aritsudzukeru kara
Because it continues to be in my heart
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Kakashi & Sakura bonding moments in between teaching 🥺
(I wrote a ficlet because i'm weak for bonding moments)
Do not tag Kakas*ku
Words: About 1000. I wrote this in a notebook and then transferred it over XD
Hearing Sakura’s voice screaming behind him, Kakashi turned in his spot and braced himself to catch whatever poor soul had pissed off his student.
What he saw instead when he looked at Sakura, was not a young girl upset with her teammates (who has already left the training field as soon as Kakashi dismissed them, thankfully), but was instead a frustrated kid trying desperately to fix her hair after a long morning of training.
Which, somehow, was not any less worrisome.
“Every time!” dropping her hairbrush to the ground, she threw her hands down onto her lap, Sakura screamed into the sky. “No matter what I do, my hair always gets messed up!”
Suddenly, his students annoyance made a whole lot more sense. While Kakashi himself had never had such a problem, he had trained with many people who had. Each o them had to come up with their own solution to a problem that plagued many.
For Gai, the solution was carrying around a comb on him at all times.
Anko kept her hair up in a pony tail and only worried about brushing it before bed and when she woke up.
Kurenai, much like Kakashi, had just stopped trying and would only spend the time brushing her hair before bed.
All Sakura needed was to find her own solution to deal with her hair. Something that Kakashi could help her find, maybe.
Gai was always saying that a good Sensei helped their students in any way that they could, so the least he could do was try. It wasn’t like Sakura was having much luck on her own.
Extracting his hands from his pockets, he made his way back towards his student. When she looked up at him with giant sad eyes, he forced himself not to let his discomfort with other people’s strong emotions scare him off. To keep on his path towards Sakura so that he could try to help her in even the smallest way.
“Here,” as soon as he was close enough, he held a hand out towards her and nodded towards the hairbrush that she had discarded on the ground. “Let’s see if Sensei can help.”
Immediately Sakura’s entire face lit up and she picked up the hair brush and held it out towards Kakashi.
“Thank you, Sensei! I never know what to do with my hair. I used to have a friend who helped me with it, but-“
Judging by the sadness that sank deep into her features, there was a story behind her words. Perhaps it was one that Sakura would want be willing to share with him if he asked the right questions.
Sliding in behind her, Kakashi took a seat on the ground and slowly started to pull the brush through long tangled pink strands of hair. The knots making themselves known immediately and forcing him to slow down so that he didn’t hurt her.
The fact that his hair was a hundred times worse than this was the only thing that prevented him from commenting on the horrendous state of Sakura’s hair. At least she tried to do something about it.
“Well, why don’t we start with what idea’s your friend had,” he suggested, tsking when another knot made its presence known as soon as he broke through the first one. “Perhaps there’s a solution that would still work.”
“I-well,” glancing over her shoulder, Sakura immididatly looked away when her Sensei met her gaze. “She gave me a ribbon…”
“That sounds like a smart solution. You wouldn’t happen to-“
“I gave it back.”
“Well, in that case we could try something else. Perhaps a ponytail? Or braids?” When his words were met with silence, he decided to try a different approach. “Of, if you want, you could tell me about this friend. Is there a reason that you gave the ribbon back?”
As if a huge weight had suddenly been lifted off of her shoulders, Sakura straightened herself up and proceeded to talk Kakashi’s ear off about her friend. Telling him all about how smart and talented she was, and how her hair was always in perfect condition no matter what she did.
It was obvious that what ever had happened, Sakura missed her friend. A part of her wanted them back in her life, but there was clearly something stopping her from pressuring that friendship again.
Working the brush through another small knot, Kakashi took a second to think through his options.
Unfortunately, the best course of action he could come up with involved sharing personal information about himself. His least favourite thing to do, but Sakura needed his guidance this moment so he was willing to suffer for one day.
“You know, growing up I had a friend that I got into a fight with,” talking about it brought up all of the memories that he wished so desperately to forget. “We fought a lot in fact. Over the dumbest things usually.”
“Did you-“ Sakura’s hands settled on her lap. “You made up, right?”
His heart screamed at him to lie. To just let Sakura think that everything worked out in the end.
But then she might have to learn the same lesson he did the hard way. That time was fleeting, and the future was never a certainty for a shinobi.
It was a lesson he hoped to save all of his students from.
“We never got the chance,” he admitted, keeping his focus on brushing her hair so that he didn’t have to see the way her shoulders slumped in defeat. “He died before we could ever truly make up.”
Finishing with her hair, Kakashi set the brush down on the ground and gave her his best smile when she looked back at him. A sad, broken smile that no doubt made her feel worse when he was supposed to be helping her.
“I think- I need to go talk to someone important,” she whispered, picking her brush up off of the ground and climbing to her feet. “Thank you, Sensei. For everything.”
Watching as his student turned on her heel and headed for the exit out of the training field, Kakashi couldn’t help but smile to himself. For once, it felt like he had done something right. As if things would get better because of his actions.
It was a damn good feeling. An accomplishment that he would have to tell Gai about the next time they hung out.
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marcogoetze · 6 years
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag 9 people. I was tagged by @boom-kaka-laka thank youuuuuu!!! ^_^ <3
AIR: I have small hands - I love the night sky - I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by - I drink herbal tea - I wake up to dawn - The smell of dust is comforting - I’m valued for being wise - I prefer books to music- I meditate - I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair - I like to wear ripped jeans - I play an organized sport - I love dogs - I am not scared of adventure - I love to talk to strangers - I always try new foods - I enjoy road trips - Summer is my favourite season - My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists - I love the bustle of the city - I have more than one set of piercings - I read poetry - I love the sound of a thunderstorm - I want to travel the world - I (go to) sleep past midnight most days - I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs -  I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia - I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses - I enjoy doing the laundry - I am vegetarian or vegan - I have an excellent sense of time - My humor is very cheerful - I am a valued advisor to my friends - I believe in true love - I love the chill of mountain air - I’m always listening to music - I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without make up in daily life - I make my own art work - I keep on track of my tasks and time - I always know true North - I see beauty in everything - I can always smell flowers - I smile at everyone I pass by - I always fear history repeating itself - I have recovered from a mental disorder - I can love unconditionally
I tag @baleydlind, @keep-calm-and-ship-everything, @thicchazard, @swaggyreus, @agnes-wonka, @w-a-i-o-d, @karastep, @sylviathegypsy, @sunnygotze
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Zanjar Na Zamkare Maadi, Garbe Ramva Aavo Ne
Here Kaka (Satguru Devendra Ghia) is inviting Mother Divine (Ma) for a special dance called *Garba. *Garba- The word Garba comes from the Sanskrit word for womb (Garbha). Traditionally, the dance is performed around a clay lantern with a light inside, called a Garbha Deep ("womb lamp"). The rings of dancers revolve in cycles, as time in Hinduism is cyclical. As the cycle of time revolves, from birth, to life, to death and again to rebirth, the only constant thing is the Goddess ( Maa Durga). The dance symbolizes that God is the only thing that remains unchanging in a constantly changing universe (jagat). Wearing your anklets that make the tinkering sound, come and dance with me, O Mother divine. In the full moonlight, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Under the sky with twinkling stars, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Holding A lantern made of gold, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Wearing a waistband made of gold, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Adorning yourself with jewels you like, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Get with you, your dear friends, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.   On the beat of the clap, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  With your graceful walk, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  On the beat of the drums, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Bring all, Demigods, Musicians (Gandharva), Transgender people (Kinner), and come dance with me, O Mother Divine.  Also bring with you Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and come dance with me, O Mother Divine.  There is happiness spread all around, come and dance with me, O Mother Divine. Â
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lucasbasa · 4 years
Blog Entry #4
As the soccer ball for me represents the sport of soccer, I believe that soccer is the universal sport that brings all types of people, especially people of different religions. Soccer and soccer balls are used by children and adults from different religious backgrounds such as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Soccer or football as it is called across the world, has not only been useful in bringing happiness to a lot of people but also helping to see that life is simple and that there is no place for hatred. FIFA, which is the abbreviation for the federation international of football association, who is in charge of everything football all around the world, actually takes the stand of not making any type of affiliation with a certain religion or political party because soccer isn’t a sport that is supposed to cause division and dislike, its meant to enhance happiness and bring people together. FIFA actually has a rule that states ‘…the basic compulsory equipment must not have any political, religious or personal statements.’ This rule really demonstrates that soccer is a sport that is meant to be enjoyed by everyone and not meant to take any ‘side.’ FIFA also has never chosen to put on an official match ball any type of religious figure or religious identity as they have always looked to make the official match balls without favoritism and without exclusion of any type. They always look to create the match balls with inspiration from the colors of the flag of the hosting country and the majority religion of the country is never taken into consideration. The aim of FIFA is to include everyone into a sport that is all about the passion and the happiness it brings and not about the religious “identity” it has as there is none. Not only does FIFA not show any favoritism to any religious background on the ball, they also show this same openness while on the field. FIFA allows players to celebrate when they score goals any way they want, even if it’s a religious celebration. There are many Muslim players such as Demba Ba and Mohamed Salah that celebrate most to all of their goals by praying. There are also Christian players such as Lionel Messi, Radamel Falcao Garcia, and Luis Suarez that celebrate most to all their goals by giving themselves the blessing by doing the cross with their hand on their chest and then looking up to the sky and thanking God for giving the strength to score. Both of these religious celebrations are accepted in soccer by FIFA as soccer is a sport of inclusion. However, there was an incident that happened in 2007 when Brazilian and AC Milan forward Ricardo Kaka celebrated his team winning the final of the Champions League by kneeling on the ground looking up to the sky with a shirt that said ‘I belong to God.’ FIFA viewed this action as him promoting his religious views and didn’t appreciate it, especially that it was a big final. FIFA from this point on didn’t allow religious messages to be used on shirts as they are literally promoting with words and not actions their religious beliefs and FIFA believes it takes away from the inclusiveness of the sport. The beautiful part of the sport is that there are not boundaries for how you can look or what you believe in and everyone is welcome. The sport in general is such a happy and positive and inclusive identity that will most likely never parish. 
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Ricardo Kaka celebrating at the Final in 06′
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World Cup official FIFA match ball in France
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