#sky children of the light theories
fragilemoonalinen · 1 month
Hi there
Yesterday I had nothing to do, and I noticed that the nine-colored deer and skykid incapacitate the krill in three hits. I decided to calculate how strong each blow was, they seemed to be the same. It turns out that in order to hit a krill with a force that would destroy it, it must be immediately like these three hits.
I took VERY APPROXIMATE values ​​to make it at least a little easier to count. I'm not a physicist, and we haven't taught this subject for two years. Of course I could be wrong about many things. I took the height and weight of the skykid as 150 centimeters and 45 kilos (our calculation is in kilograms, not pounds, so I’m sorry if this is not clear to you)
This was done purely for fun and to theorize, so please, don't take it seriously.
(also sorry for the mistakes in english, I don't speak it)
Upd: Oh, I see that this is becoming popular, I wish I could say that I am also an artist!
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kyri45 · 30 days
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A Humble attempt to re-create the Forgotten Island
(Based on what we know and a Sky:CotL AU/Mix)
ISAT Sequel Sky:CotL AU Masterpost
So! I’ve already made a bigger post explaining my headcanon based on the canon of the game about the Island possible geography, but here’s my attempt to create a map of it!
UPDATE: I just remembered noe that if Siffrin was able to reach the sea within the sorroundings of his house, then I should add more portual towns as well on the beach
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mx-metronome · 6 months
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Rehashed my old theory now that Revival is almost over and I’ve had some epiphanies
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thatskyjeibird · 9 months
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Cat face theory, moth edition
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krillking · 2 years
thinking abt how in the switch trailer we see this kid with the chest light that skykids have
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in the teaser they’re seen covering up the area where it would be
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and we got a shot of some ancestor kids running around too n they Don’t have that light
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just something that makes me think
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lilhub · 2 months
So. What's up with the duplicate statues in Eden?
If you've played Sky: Children of the Light and gone through The Ascent, you may have noticed these statues:
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And you'll know that the Vault has the same exact statues:
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Now the question we're asking here is why.
Of course, I have a theory in regards to it that ties into a couple of other theories, but it's gonna be long and probably a little complicated, so buckle up.
TL;DR will be at the bottom of the post for a simpler(and less all over the place) explanation!
Now, I'm going to start at the beginning with something that may seem completely unrelated:
Take a look at the top of this broken building in the Battlefield.
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Does it look familiar? It should.
It looks like the vault masks.
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That's odd though, isn't it? The Vault Elder is, well, the Vault Elder. They belong in the Vault.
To that I say: what if they weren't always there?
What if that building used to be their temple?
Almost every other Elder has their own building that serves as their temple and little else; why would the Vault Elder be any different? They're certainly just as important as every other Elder, so why would they be singled out?
Some more evidence for the broken building being an Elder's temple?
Look here, in The Seed's spirit memory:
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The spirit was a medic that treated and aided soldiers on the battlefield, and this displays them in a Medic's tent. Where? In the broken building.
Other than it being the arguably safest structure aside from the Vault, there's...no real reason for it to be here of all places. They could have had it anywhere else; this is in the thick of the fighting, after all, the entire map is called the Battlefield for a reason. But there's a reason it was here.
Well, the Elder's temples are sacred. They're holy places, not to be trifled with, even in the midst of a war, they're like churches. And what was guaranteed if you took shelter in a church?
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Unfortunately, this doesn't guarantee its outside will be particularly safe from conflict, especially toward the end of the war. Survival began to matter more than walls, I suspect, and it's clear from the Lookout Scout's memory sequence that even then, this place was broken down; potentially from Dark Dragons, potentially from the Ancestors. Unfortunately, we currently have no way of knowing for sure.
On the topic of placements and symbolism in the Battlefield map, though: there's also all of this imagery of the King leading up to the Wasteland Elder's temple.
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Let me suggest to you the following as an answer to why:
Eden was not always the primary residence of the King.
Before you grab your torches and pitchforks, hear me out. The Eden Castle was not always there, and this is explicitly shown in the Aurora concert during Warrior, but also the fourth quest in Season of Passage:
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No castle.
Now, what does this mean for the King? Well, logically they should have them residing in the otherwise safest place in the Kingdom—like, perhaps, a Vault.
Now we're getting somewhere.
Let's go back to the statues.
Many theorize that they're graves, due to the fact that there's one in each temple and when you sit, you're taken to the respective cutscenes that feature the Elders in their limbos. I disagree.
I think they were communication lines. Every Elder will need to contact one another at some point, and other than the Windpaths, there's really no shortcuts through the realms; thus, the statues function as telephones in a home network, if you will. If one person picks up the line while others are having a conversation, they can listen in as well.
Who needs to have a way to contact every single Elder?
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The King.
A ruler needs to be able to conveniently contact the others that help them run a kingdom, especially at a moment's notice, and phones don't exactly exist in the Kingdom. Thusly following the path of logic here, wherever the King is, there should be each statue for each corresponding Elder.
Once the castle became the primary residence of the King, now that the Vault Elder was no longer close by, there was a statue added to the arrangement; this also explains why it's just sat in the middle of them instead of up with the rest.
There is one other thing, though.
What's up with the Wasteland Elder?
After all, if the Vault was the primary residence of the King, and the statues support that, then why and how does the Wasteland Elder come to inhabit that building?
I have a few thoughts on that too.
Let's take a look at the Wasteland Elder, for starters.
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They look like a soldier. Which is no surprise, really, seeing as they were in charge of what is now the Wasteland, and the war that seems to have primarily taken place there.
I have another thought though.
The King needs a guard, or more accurately, the Prince does. Sure, there is plenty of power when you are the King, but before that they was a Prince, and there are always precautions that should be taken with the future ruler of your Kingdom.
From what little we see of their character, the Wasteland Elder is protective. Defensive. Willing to do anything to safeguard what lay beyond that gate. They had to learn from somewhere. That instinct has to come from somewhere, because they clearly have worked themselves to the point of absolute exhaustion in their efforts to safeguard that gate.
To this, I ask you: what better protection is there for a Prince than a Star?
Of course, once the Prince becomes a King, and Eden is more than adequate as a safe spot for them, this Star needs to be put somewhere else.
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And the Wasteland still needs a protector. After all, the Dark Dragons at this point must be becoming a problem, and Darkstone production is likely growing larger and larger by the day; the people need someone to keep them safe and reassure them that all will be okay.
Who better than a Star that already knows everything about protection and defense? Who has the necessary experience? Who has likely had to manage other guards that helped protect the Prince?
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TL;DR: Before the fall of the kingdom, while the King was still a Prince, before the Castle was built the Prince resided in the Vault. And before the conflict in the Wasteland, the Vault Elder's temple was the broken building we now see in the Battlefield. This explains both the King imagery leading up to (what is now)the Wasteland Temple(which also doubles as the entrance to the Vault) and the symbol atop the broken building that resembles the Vault masks.
During the period of time before the Prince became the King, the Wasteland Elder was assigned as their protector, explaining their intense need to defend the Vault 'til their last breath. Afterward, once the Prince becomes King, they are reassigned as the Guardian of the Wasteland, charged with overseeing its people and the Darkstone production taking place there.
Because of the fact that the King resided in the Vault and the Eden Castle, there are versions of each Elder's statue in both places due to them potentially being communication lines instead of graves. Or, at least, they used to be communication lines and were turned into graves for the Fallen Stars after the Fall of the Kingdom. This also explains why each statue takes us to that specific Elder's limbo space; they still, technically, function for their intended purpose.
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Of course, this is all just one huge theory made up of a bunch of smaller theories and doesn't have the greatest evidence but. Alas! I am prone to overthinking details in the Funny Light Game.
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soysaucepastry · 1 year
Sky: Children of the Light, just like most games, has its very own theme melody. A tune that is heard throughout the game in various events.
For those who aren't familiar with the theme, you may have heard it in the opening of Isle of Dawn or the Orbit scene after completing Eye of Eden.
(Search "Flight" on Vincent Diamente's music compositions, and you may recognise it!)
TGC collabed with famous singer Aurora. If you didn't know, Aurora has been the main vocals for the theme song. Besides the instrumental parts, she sings during Isle of Dawn and Orbit. The beginning and finishing lines of the game.
Relating to Auroras' participation, they released the full song of Sky's theme. Which was called "Constellation." Constellation was noticeably a lot longer, but also had its own lyrics.
Lyrics In a theme song usually relates itself to the subjects lore. This is an excellent opportunity for the Sky Theorist to formulate speculations to Sky's timeline using these lyrics. However, the only problem was...
Sky has a fictional language used in the song. This was already a challenge for us because it required a lot of analysing. To our fortune, the lyrics were actually words taken from existing languages. Each syllable was from different languages, and some just had meaning.
Now, enough talking. Let's begin!
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The first lines were: "Menori eno, foto fola."
Menori: Initially, I believed that "Menori" meant "Memory" since both words were somewhat similar. However, if you split the syllable into 2, it creates a different meaning.
It's difficult to find out what "men" means. Although, I decided that "men" just means person in general. "Ori" is interesting because it translates to "my light."
Mashing the words together, you get: "Person, my light." Otherwise known as "Child of Light"
Eno: "Eno" is the Latin verb of "swim out." However, not everything has to be accurate to its initial meaning. "Swim out" could be a metaphor for" "emerges", " "show," and "appear." I'll get to this later, but hopefully, you get the meaning.
Foto: Foto is an easy word to identify because it's "photo" with extra fancy spelling. In this case, like I've said before, not everything has to mean what it initially represents. Again, Foto could most likely be a kind of conjuction.
Fola: This word translates to "crazy, mad, and foolish." A word that best represents a person or individual. This highly relates itself to a specific character in the sky, too.
So let's squish together all the words.
"Child of light swims out, photograph foolish."
The sentence is grammatically incorrect. But that is OK! Since it's made-up language, we have the ability to imagine the sentence in a more grammatically correct and sky-related way. The way I interpret it is quite simple.
"A person of light appears, only to become a foolish king."
Menori could be "Child of Light," or "Person of light." Synonyms are valid.
Eno doesn't necessarily mean "swim out." Again, it's basically like a metaphor for "emerge," "show," and "appear."
Foto could be a word that represents something. Like how a photograph represents something. It's not necessary to include it in the actual sentence!
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The following line is: "Nisoro mahori eh lossora."
Nisoro: Typically, this word was the hardest to translate. It isn't as simple as searching "Nisoro" meaning. However, after a while of digging, I was able to conduct a translation.
"Ni" in Yoruba means "in." And "Soro" in Yoruba means "difficult."
Combining the words would be "In difficult." So, in short, it means: "Difficult times."
Mahori: Mahori is much more different than the rest of the words. In this case, Mahori is an existing word that takes part in human activity.
Mahori is a Thai classical music genre. Played by a group of musicians, performers, and actors for the genre. However, mahori is commonly played in royal courts or royal events. This is very related to Sky Lore. More on this later.
Eh: Most likely a conjuction like: "and."
Lossora: Similar to the previous words, it requires breaking down each syllable.
Los means "the" in Spanish. (According to translator heh..) However, Los also means "Path they took along"
Sora means sky. This word is the smoking gun of this translation. Confirming that we're at least on the right track.
Combining the two, you end up with "Path they took in The Sky" (The Sky= the Sky kingdom. Aka, the main setting in Sky.)
So let's combine the words.
"Difficult times, Royal music and path they took in the sky"
Again, correctly repositioning the words together creates: "It was difficult to play music for our King, so they decided to take another path in The Sky."
Nisoro could also represent the difficulties during the current time.
I included "King" (Our beloved Eden Elder) because of Mahori. Mahori is music for royal subjects.
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The third line is: "Neyo neyoterra, foto men"
(This section of my Translations is much shorter, mainly because I don't have too much to discuss.)
Neyo: An easy word to translate. It simply means "New"
Neyoterra: This word includes the previous word, "Neyo."
This word is still quite easy to understand. "Terra" means: "Earth," "Place," or "World."
So, new (Neyo) + place (Terra) translates to: "New world," "New place," etc!
Foto: As I mentioned before, it means photograph.
Men: The word is harder to crack. However, I concluded that men most likely mean people in general.
All the words together create: "New, new world. Picturing new people."
There isn't much to clarify for this one. It's very simple, but I'm open to any questions.
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The last line is: "Nikolo, nikomo sora."
Nikolo: The word nikolo is a name that means "Victor of People" or "Peoples Champion." However, it could also be a metaphor for people proclaiming victory.
Nikomo: Another word that requires breaking down of syllables.
Niko means smile in Japanese. A friend of mine helped me discover the countless meanings, but I affirmed that this is most likely the best choice. "Smile."
Omo means "short period of time." It's very self-explanatory.
Combining the words, Nikomo translates to "Smile for a short period of time." That's pretty depressing!
Sora: As stated before, Sora translates to "Sky."
The words all together create:
"The people proclaim victory. They smile only for it to be gone in a short period of time. Then creating Sky."
(Slightly unrelated, but this is a major help for Sky Theorists! This is potentially the biggest clue for the Sky War (I'll make a blog about the war too.))
Despite Nikolo meaning "Peoples Champion," which is different from what I translated, please keep in mind that we have the ability to interpret these meanings into something that'll fit for the sake of it fitting.
SO! We have finally translated this bad boy! From what I could tell, this is a MAJOR help for understanding the Sky Lore. Even a major help for giving clues about the Sky War! I was happy to know that these translations mirrored the actual Sky Lore, which really made me excited.
Now, to make this all cinematic and exciting, I prepared a video ~
I am incredibly excited for the future of Sky. I really hope my first blog was understandable, I'm aware it might be a little too long or boring aaaa.
And if you're wondering, you may use this as inspiration for your new sky theories! I don't mind. It would be nice if you gave credit just in case you want to use my Translations word for word, haha.
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amity206 · 1 year
Random Elder Headcanons
Thinking about the Sky elders and what they would have been like when they were fully alive (I use he/him for Daleth and she/her for Teth based on things the devs have said when talking about them but given the elders canonically don’t have biological genders I just go with some of them decided to use gendered pronouns while others didn’t - everyone is free to their own interpretation of the lore)
Daleth / Isle Elder
Likes solving puzzles
Stargazes and knows the constellations by memory (as the guide / ferryman elder I imagine he would be skilled in navigating by stars)
Takes a really long time to make decisions but usually makes good ones
Very supportive (concept stuff compared him to a kindergarten teacher), knows how to talk to kids (though he can sometimes get overwhelmed by the noise he’s super good with children)
Actually very skilled in both combat and magic. In his old age he’s getting weaker but he can definitely still kick ass
History geek
Blames himself for the King’s corruption. He thinks he could have prevented it, that he didn’t do enough. He still loves the King like a grandchild and wants to make sure he’s okay.
Ayin / Prairie Elder
Really good at cooking, even though the Elders probably had staff to cook for them
Loves baby mantas (baby light creatures of all kinds really)
Likes to make miniature models of things. would really enjoy those several thousand piece Lego sets if spirits had legos
super patient. Almost never mad. Absolutely terrifying when they do get mad
Listens to everyone’s opinions on things, very thoughtful
Gives the best hugs
Very hard worker, incredibly strong. The kind of person who does not procrastinate
its canon that they snore loudly
Very sad over how the light creatures were drained under their watch, filled with guilt about it. Wishes they could have found another way that didn’t involve trapping the King in Eden.
Teth / Forest Elder
Could be bossy or stern sometimes, but actually cares very much about the people around her
She will snap at you for annoyances like handing her a shipment of improperly prepared darkstone. Everyone around her deeply respects her though
Introvert at heart, secretly enjoys cheesy romance novels as well as like. Business / mining manuals
Originally called the shaman ancestor so probably had a deeper connection to Megabird, at least at first
Nothing scares her (at least, that’s what she says)
Inner turmoil about her role in the Fall - knowing she played an instrumental role in the Kingdom’s downfall, but also unwilling to place the blame on herself. Despises the former King
Samekh / Valley Elders
Very focused on maintaining their public image and being seen as great by the Kingdom
Sibling Banter™️ with constantly trying to out-perform each other. Despite this in the face of a threat they fight almost as if they were the same person… or used to be
Former bodyguards of the King, watched him become corrupted. As the youngest Elders they looked up to the King more and didn’t know what to do
Liked to throw massive parties/spectacles
Because of this and their playful/occasionally flirtatious streak, some regarded them as more shallow and less intelligent than the rest of the Elders. Sah and Mek were actually geniuses, though prone to making impulse decisions
they judge you by how well you perform in the races / other tests laid out by them. Very dismissive of those who don’t do well.
Because of the “maintaining public image” thing, even in a dead Kingdom they don’t want to let anything be known about the extent they had to do with the corruption
Tsadi / Wasteland Elder
Got seriously corrupted by darkstone like they did in concept art. Used to be super in control of their emotions, as the corruption took hold they became more short-tempered and angry
Long-term planner, very good at military strategy and also strategy games like the Sky version of chess. Has an amazing poker face. (Ignore that the spirits wear masks okay)
Really needs someone to talk to, finds it hard to open up but has a lot to get off their chest- loss, regret, pain, things they could have done better, people they could have saved. Before the Storm they used to talk to Ayin, but now they can’t anymore
Doesnt talk much. Enjoys the company of Teth because they’re both introverts and Teth also likes strategy games.
Wanted to be seen as a hero, not a monster. Thought they were fighting for the good of the Kingdom
Enjoys books on military history and strategy
Cares a lot about people, bad at expressing it
Feels like the King used them as a weapon, incredibly angry about that
Lamed / Vault Elder
The kind of person who will silently judge you instead of confronting you about something
Always uses inside voice
Knows so many things. Passion is searching for obscure and forgotten history
Doesnt get involved in other people’s drama, would serve as a mediator in debates between Elders. Has never needed to raise their voice because a stern look is enough to get everyone to shut up. No one wants to see them get mad.
Fluent in sign language and several ancient languages
Good friends with Daleth, they have tea and share stories
MASTER at strategy games, better in many of them than Tsadi. Sharp-witted too, good at the occasional pun and knows if you’re hiding something/lying
Feels bad for skykids. Doesn’t know how to tell them they were basically created to die, so does their best to prepare them for the storm instead
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silentvoidtreeshop · 1 year
looking thru the game files and i found one titled "OrbitEndMegaBird". its a mesh so i open it and uh
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welp, we did it guys, we found megabird!
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fleurfay · 2 months
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Both deserts from the Vault have a crescent moon in ther map engravings
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black-suns-rim · 2 months
King Resh and Prince Alef head canons (plus more)
I’m having Sky brain rot right now, so bare with me
King Resh
Before becoming corrupt, King Resh was a just and righteous king, ruling over sky with a compassionate and guiding hand. He would often take part in each realm’s ceremonies and celebrations, showing up with his son, Prince Alef
He has a soft spot for children. He loves and adores how pure of heart they are and their curious nature. He believes all children should experience life’s wonders at least once before adulthood
Though being kind and compassionate, he can be cold and calculating when needed
When he isn’t tending to his kingly duties, he spends time with his son
He can fly, but he doesn’t do it often since he is so massive compared to the other inhabitants of sky
Resh has pet mantas
King Resh was corrupted by the shattering of the Crystal
The death of Alef broke Resh along with being corrupted. His once kind nature left him and he became very cold. He turned against the other elders of the realm as the corruption sickness took over him.
Prince Alef
Prince Alef can fly and knows how to fly really well
He became friends with the first moth/sky kid
He loves to play pranks on his father
Alef is a lot larger in size than other kids due to being the son of Resh
Alef is taught light magic by the priests of sky
He’s always watched by his father’s guards when he goes to the other realms of sky without his father
When the Crystal was shattered, he tried to rescue all of the people in the court with his moth friend from the falling shards. Alef ended up dying in the process, but since he was so selfless, the mega bird (Aurora) granted him her light to help the moths of sky, the sky kids, as the Winged Light that can be found around the realms.
Elder headcanons
Daleth (Dusk) is the least respected elder. Since he spends so much time with the people of sky, leading them and guiding them to the different realms, the other elders see him as one of the people. He was originally a community leader but made an elder by the King, seeing as Daleth was too old to go through the trials and seeing as The Isle of Dawn needed an elder.
During the shattering of the Crystal, all elders were present except for Daleth.
Daleth is always excluded from meetings the other elders hold
Sah and Mekh’s (sunset’s) mother was a priestess.
The twins are the youngest elders while Daleth is the oldest.
Teth (Rain) and Lamed (night) are cousins
Other sky headcanons
Most people of sky can’t fly
The elders of sky can’t fly
To become an elder, one must be able to complete the elemental trials without failure. The elemental trials are very dangerous and have been fetal
Sky kids didn’t start showing up until the Crystal started to become corrupt. The signs of its early corruption weren’t even visible, but other signs, like its power weakening, were present.
After the shattering of the Crystal, civil war broke out a couple years later between the golden wastelands and valley of triumph
Many of the people of sky died during the shattering, most of them becoming corrupted and dying from the sickness.
The current sky kids of Sky don’t know anything about the old kingdom of the past, or their history. Aurora had to teach them (hence the season of Aurora).
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anerol152 · 3 months
Other people: you know, it is a pretty neat open world multiplayer with simple tasks and not really much to think about
Me, looking at my piles and piles of theories about everything:
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kyri45 · 26 days
Does the megabird exist in this au? Like does it exist by its own name, does it exist but as the universe that the islanders worship, is the universe completely unrelated? Is there no specific god at all and instead they worship stars?
Hello! Thank you sm for the question!
Gosh, I'm not normal about megabird in sky, their rare appareance and the misteries aorund them make me crazy.
So! Just to lay some ground to base our theories for this AU. Even though the people from the Country had a higher understanding of science and astrophysic, they seem to still use rituals, lucky numbers, and other superstitions elements in their colture.
So it's safe to assume they also practice a form of astrology, maybe as a way to easily teach the youngers about the constellations shapes, the stars positions and names, and to tell the stories of their ancestors, since technically (in this AU at least, and this is somthing I'm taking directly from Sky) all are given breath by starlight.
More practically, the Megabird is a visible constellation made of both stars and nebulas.(They surely must know the scince behind nebulas since their society is already so advanced to have discovered stars are made of burning gas)
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Which I think it fits perfectly, since nebulas are the birthplace of stars.
Basically, to mix both believings from both games, the Universe (the stars) is what people are made from (keeping the same philosophy that we are all made of elements that derive from stars) and what we follow during our life until, we return to and become once we die.
The concept is then like a cycle, just like megabird seems to be descripted in tom zhao’s concept art, 
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Megabird is then one of the (if not the most) important constellation in their colture. The motherplace of all stars and, therefore, you as well.
But since in Sky we never actually saw Megabird as anything else than the constellations in the sky and the golden light post-credit, I will keep the fact that they aren't actually a creature that you can meet or see flying around, but just the constellation/nebula that include high levels of energy and (possibly?) Craft power.
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The night mantas in the Vault are ghosts of regular mantas, whose bones are entombed in the Vault of Knowledge.
The proof: the little pile of bones that, when a manta call is done, summons a little spirit manta. Those are its bones. The giant bones floating in the Vault belong to the multi-winged manta that carries the lanterns. The Vault is not a library, it's a tomb.
This is also evidenced by Praying Acolyte. She is praying to tombstones of other spirits. The last tombstone, where she doesn't appear and we have to collect that little light? That is her tombstone, it's why she isn't there to pray. We pray at her tomb at the end.
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confuzzledsometimes · 10 months
i like to think the darkness plants are carnivorous because that would explain why butterflies come out when you burn them away :D
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soysaucepastry · 2 years
Why isn't the isle elder on the Eden gates? +Canon story
Poor daleth. Poor fella.
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