olderthannetfic · 4 months
Yvn 1/2. Anon who wonders why ppl write fic & who has zero interest in other ppl's art & only does their own art efficiently & as a job: Nobody on this earth who has ever found joy, solace, or peace in a story would ever wonder why ppl write fic. If u r not a troll, then u have never found any joy in fanfic. That's fine. Ppl like u exist. But this is a space for passionately creative storytellers & artists, ppl who passionately consume their work, & both groups. So most will find u bizarre.
Yvn 2/2. I mean, the kindest person I've known all my life doesn't get fic. They enjoy watching a movie or reading a book & that's it. They don't need anymore. It doesn't make them bad. Your attitude, however, is different. This is why some of us are wondering if u're a troll. So my advice that u didn't ask for is to understand that you're not a passionately creative who creates for joy, therefore you can't understand ppl like us. I accept ppl like u. Now u need to accept ppl like us & move on. Yvn again. Should've made it 3 parts! Anon, fanfic has always existed way before ao3, LJ, or Skyehawke. Fanfic is what David Tennant drawing Dr Who stories he made up in his notebooks as a child. Fanfic is a child asking their mom, "But why couldn't the witch be caught before she did that? What would've happened?" And the mom making up a story while getting the tangles out of her child's hair. Fanfic is someone who has never written closing a beloved book & sitting there dreaming up more of it.
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lostdrarryfics · 6 months
Hello! I read a fic once where Harry/Draco were together in the library and fell into an AU universe where Gryffindor and Slytherin were the only houses and the Marauders were at Hogwarts. D. was in Gryffindor with Lily and H. was with James and Sirius in Slytherin. Snape was a servant of either J.P. or S.B. (maybe in a ship too?) and had to iron a newspaper; I think I read this around 2010 at the latest. Chaptered. I don't know the site, but (then) it wasn't AO3, fictionalley, skyehawke, LJ/DW.
Sorry, we could not find this fic. Maybe one of our followers can help!
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rotschopf-thedrow · 8 months
20 Fanfic Questions
Tagged by the glorious @cr-noble-writes
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mass Effect only nowadays. Might return to Stargate SG-1 one day, though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unexpectedly Expecting (Harry Potter) Rage (Harry Potter) Falling Together (Mass Effect) Snooker (Harry Potter) Death Angel (Harry Potter)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I love interacting with people who take the time to read and comment on my stories ^^
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Silent Stars (Harry Potter)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have absolutely no idea ._. Falling Together, maybe?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I used to get a lot of hate for my stories, back in the days, when The Hex Files was still a thing, and skyehawk and so on. Flaming was normal back then. I'm talking about 2005ish.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Yeah, I do. Pretty vanilla these days, though consensual power play might come up again. Used to write darker stuff as well until answering a challenge just to prove to myself that I could do it. It turned me off writing for 17 years.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. More than once.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Two of my harry Potter stories got translated into Chinese.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Only once in a German fnadom.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I always come back to Legolas/Haldir.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
In Reality. It's an SG-1 story I've started 17 years ago, or even longer ago. I don't really remember. I sometimes go back to reading through it, fixing typos, some grammar ... And close the file again. I really hope I can finish it some day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People tell me I write good dialogue. My stories are also mostly character driven.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too much dialogue XD And I often struggle to just write words down to be edited later. If a paragraph doesn't sit right with me, I will go bonkers over it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
While I love multilangual characters, I'm not a fan of complete sentences in different languages. It breaks the story immersion for me if I have to scroll around and look up what the sentence means.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Online, or ever? Online would be Lord of the Rings. Ever would be a-ha.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Change of Perspective. It's an SG-1 Cameron Mitchell / Daniel Jackson piece I'm quite fond of.
Tagging, without pressure, @clericofshadows, @westernlarch, @mallaidhsomo, @nyamadermont, @otemporanerys & @commander-krios <3
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moonflower-rose · 1 year
How do you decide what to read?
If we're talking fic, these days it's mostly via rec. It goes along these lines:
A rec blog I follow or just a person I follow will lose their damn mind about a fic/art
I'll check it out it, because if I'm following that person then I probably like their taste
If I like the fic/art, I immediately look at every other work that writer or artist has created
THEN if I'm rabid enough, and more importantly if I have time, I'll check out what THAT person has bookmarked on AO3 and start the process all over again
Lastly I'll subscribe to the creator on AO3 so I get emailed as soon as new work is up, and if I remember I'll follow them on Tumblr too in case they post short works exclusively to Tumblr
When I was first in fandom back in 2003/4, I would spend every single night reading every single new Drarry posted on foreverfandom.com or Skyehawke, or one of the other obsolete archives, and would also check out whatever was posted on the daily drarry news accounts. But my stamina for that is not what it used to be anymore, so it's a much more passive process these days.
If we're talking non-fic, then its a similar sort of process but involves me putting hundreds of books into my Booktopia wishlist when I see friends recommend them or other authors I'm following on social media, and only getting around to actually reading like 3 of them lol.
Again, I was super voracious as a kid and teen, and every year I get older I have less time to search for books the way I used to. I often re-read established faves over trying something new. Sometimes that bums me out but I keep telling myself that I can be a bookworm again when I've retired.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Ask meme: the highest and lowest numbers you have not yet answered!
Oh that’s a fun way to do it, thank you!
3) Which sites/platforms have you used for fandom?
Let’s see… Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Hexfiles, Fictionalley, Skyehawke, fanfiction.net, ao3, Tumblr, Twitter, Pillowfort. The nostalgia!! 🥲
25 What's your favorite line from a fic?
Draco’s hand stills, though he doesn’t pull it away. “You do understand that it’s not — that I’ll always be this person, don’t you? That you’re not going to calm me down with sex? People have thought that before, you know, and really, almost exactly the opposite is true. I’m obsessive and intense and — and rude, sometimes, and I like things the way I like them, and you aren’t going to change that. That’s — me. And if that’s not what you want… ” He stops, takes a huge breath, and continues, tone so even that Harry aches for him, “If that’s not what you want, then it’s probably best for everyone that we don’t. Well. Make this any worse for ourselves than we already have, I suppose.” (What We Pretend We Can’t See by gyzym)
Fic reader asks
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alohiel · 2 years
donating $10 to wayback machine cause they had the only uncensored copy of a link/sheik fanfiction published in 2006 on skyehawke.
a fan fiction that i remember by name and re-read every time I play OOT or MM.
what a time to be alive
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dyad-of-fate · 2 years
Velir Skyehawk for the ask meme! :D
I would like to know: 🤥 LYING 🍧SHAVED ICE and 🙊 SPEAK NO EVIL! :D
Sorry for the late response! Finally comfortable enough with Vel's character (now Velir Farravenl) to answer~
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🤥 - Are they a good liar? Do they have tells?
Velir is a frighteningly good liar, but it's VERY unlikely for them to lie at all. They are the sort of person who will either tell you a hard truth, or blatantly say "you don't want to know what I think." This has a lot to do with who raised them, Arcus was an educator at heart and strongly believed lying is spreading false information which could lead to worse situations later.
🍧 - Do they still have any objects from their childhood? What significance does it have to them? What would they do if they lost it?
They have a few actually.
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The tooth is from a wild gad that had been hunting their herds (though gad are still among Vel's favorite animals). The necklace is from Arcus, and each rune is tailored to Vel's health. Lastly the belt is from the Farraven clan, who they are VERY proud to be a member of.
The tooth they would be sad about losing, but of the three it is the least likely they will miss it. The belt buckle too, though there will be more frustration if it disappeared... the necklace is what they would be the most frantic about finding. It's the first thing Arcus ever gave them and he made it from scratch, taking any and all ideas they had on it's creation. Not to mention it is the only way Velir can sleep due to their accute insomnia.
Not shown is a plushie that they more or less gave to their little sister, nicknamed Stormy.
🙊 - What is something they refuse to stay quiet about?
Velir firmly believes in two things. Gut instinct and standing up for yourself and others. Both often get them into massive amounts of trouble, as they will bluntly tell people off for being jerks or throw a well aimed punch if they think it necessary. Which can easily lead to a fight.
See our "ask meme" tag for the list! These are still open :D
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My HP fics
Hey hey! 
From about 2003-2006, I was very involved in the Harry Potter fandom, with a trickling out of activity in the three years following that. I believe the last fic I wrote in that fandom was in 2010, and it definitely felt like an extra, very much last burst of will to make that one happen. The fandom was dwindling, JKR was JKR-ing, and people were already starting to move off the main fora: LJ for the social side, and a veritable flurry of archive choices. My main one had always been skyehawke.com. 
I got busy with my masters degree and life in a different city, and thought I’d moved on. Then, in the spring of 2013, I moved cities again, discovered the massive talents of Benedict Cumberbatch and thereby, Sherlock, and suddenly discovered that I wanted to start writing again. It was bewildering, because in that time, I’d lost contact with everyone I’d ever known in the fanworld in general, and a huge migration had happened - from LJ to tumblr, and from every archive to ao3. I didn’t know if anyone would even read something I wrote, especially as a newbie in a brand new fandom. I was startled to find that some people remembered me, and had also come over to the Sherlock fandom. As I started reconnecting with people, some of them started asking me if I was going to bring all of my HP material over to ao3. I always said no, immediately. I had lots of reasons: 
the fics were old, and the oldest of those were frankly not very good
I had no interest in either promoting them, or engaging with readers about them anymore
JKR is JKR, and she rather spoiled the fandom backwards for me. Between her unapologetic and highly public transphobia, her active queerbaiting in making characters gay after the fact without any overt inclusion of that in her canon, including in films she was involved in writing/making after said statements, and her active loathing for the fandom, especially the slash side of it, which was obviously what fuelled the epilogue that made writing Harry/literally anyone so much harder than it needed to be, I just decided I was out
it would have been a lot of work to reformat the stories, and there are a lot of them. I had written 1.7 words of fiction in that fandom, spread out over 105 individual stories, so yeah: a lot of work. Plus, I was painfully aware that many of them had many typos, and I wouldn’t have wanted to bring them to a new archive and thereby potentially a new audience in that state, so: even more work
However, not actively wanting to promote that work is a very different thing from not wanting to HAVE that work, or allow anyone else to have access to it ever again, so I had always said that I would let the entire collection stand, as is, on skyehawke.com. 
Skyehawke finally crashed for apparently the final time about two weeks ago. There was no warning from the archive owner, no chance for anyone to pull any of their unsaved stuff. Some of my stuff is so old that it was literally saved on floppy disks. The rest was saved on the hard drives of laptops now long gone. I was devastated. Rather than posting about it on here, I made my first post on LJ in literal years, asking without much hope if anyone happened to have saved a copy of any of my stuff, just wanting to see if I could regain any of it. 
What I received was yet another outpouring of the kind of fandom generosity that always just floors me. People linked me to reddit searches of my stuff, pointed me to the Wayback Machine (which I had never heard of, lol), sent me entire google drives, emailed me one or twelve or sixty files of my stories. Some emailed or commented on the post only to express their sympathies and best hopes for document recovery. It’s 48 hours later now, and I got every single word back. It took me hours and hours of downloading or copy/pasting from Wayback, but I have it all back now. 
So, I made a decision: I’m changing my mind. Some of these stories still make me cringe, and it will be HEAPS of work, but in gratitude for all of this, I AM going to upload my HP material to ao3, after all. It’s going to take me a lot of time, because if I’m going to do it, then I might as well make it typo-free, or as typo-free as I can. I need to reformat it anyway, so why not? That said, I’m going to hold off on starting this project until I’ve finished my current Sherlock story. This community, of fandom in general, is beyond amazing. It’s a stronger network of humanity and good will than I’ve ever found anywhere else and I’m so grateful to have this in my life. I once thought that I had “moved on” from fandom or outgrown it in some way, but that was an immature thought: fandom is for anyone, at any age, and even if I were to lose interest in whatever my current fandom is, I would stay for the community. Thank you for existing. Thank you for all your friendship, support, readership, and all of the fanwork you folks put out into this world, too. I love you all. <333333333333333333333333
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schmweed · 3 years
Omg I just went to check out something at Skyehawke and it’s gone!
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namelessokamiart · 3 years
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You know the best part about my character Velir is I get to draw a buff gremlin almost-enby completely unironically. She just be like that.
Also comparing my two main elementals from two different stories! Vel on the left, Kumulus on the right. Yes, this is their canon heights.
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armitageshux · 3 years
In other news I just found out that SkyeHawke Archive is fucking gone
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agentmoppet · 3 years
I’ve just been on a hunt for a rare pair fic that I loved and thought I saved and apparently hadn’t... but then also who knows because my filing system consists of Desktop > Older Desktop > Backup Desktop, and so on until your eyeballs bleed, and to find this fic I had to resurrect the archive of my old deleted tumblr blog, throw a prayer up in thanks that html files are searchable, search Ron in every post, and find when I’d recced the fic.... and in the process, I found a post I’d made with a ficlet shipping Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way x Draco. I have no memory of writing this. It’s absolute crack.
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lostdrarryfics · 8 months
Hi, this is a long shot and I am embarrassed asking here but here it goes. It was on LiveJournal/Skyehawke but also on AO3.
The fanfic is a smut. It starts with HarrysPOV in a public toilet stall (entryway to Ministry) who finds a glory hole(?) that can actually adjusts to the user. After being curious, Harry uses it and anonymously someone from the other stall returns the favour (happens to be Draco). Harry also notes the guy has a tongue piercing. Both of them also finds that their magic are compatible as well.
I also remember Draco is at the ministry to meet his parole officer(?) for his reporting back(?) of not doing anything bad during his probation period and they have friends with benefit relationship kinda thing and do the deeds in the office. Also Harry is outside the office and hears everything so when Draco comes outside, Harry asks him if Draco has a tongue pierce, in which Draco shows him his piercing. As Draco leaves, Harry asks him out(?).
Please let me know if this rings any bell to you, thank you.
We believe you are looking for Fill Me Up Inside by Gullviva (8k, E)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Sorry (and feel free to ignore) if this isn't your purview, but do you have any thoughts on the racism angle of the Anti debate? Not gonna lie, the most convincing (*and* the angriest) anti-AO3 arguments I've seen on this site were from PoC disgusted with how it wouldn't take down stories fictionalizing and sensationalizing stuff like George Floyd's murder, or Atlantic Slave Trade/Holocaust AUs. I haven't yet seen anyone muster a decent counterargument to that.
Beware of censorship because you may not be the one deciding what the bad content is.
That is the argument. People just don't understand it or don't agree with it.
Here's the thing: AO3 was explicitly set up to protect art, regardless of horrificness. That is the point. There is no such thing as beyond the pale for AO3, just legal or illegal. This is right there in the ToS. There are specific historical reasons why this is AO3's stance and mission.
It's not a stance and mission everyone is down with, and I can respect that... but if they want a different kind of archive, they need to make or move to a different archive.
Most fic archives have some level of taste or morality-based content rules. FFN does. Wattpad does. Skyehawke did. All the single-fandom or single-topic ones do, if only in the sense that they ban off-topic fic. The big non-English archives like Ficbook and EFP do. Dear god, especially, EFP where you can't write derogatory things about religious figures, among many other rules. Archives that ban tons of shit have always been the norm. Having multiple archives has also always been the norm and continues to be.
If people see AO3 as all of fandom, that's on them.
What AO3 is is one of the few archives that won't delete m/m or f/f dark fic and kink. This fact is directly tied to its extremely hardline anti-censorship stance. A lot of the anti-AO3 crowd fundamentally does not get why this is the case or dislikes how popular m/m is and doesn't care.
AO3 protects reprehensible art for the same reason the ACLU defends Nazis.
If that's not the kind of free speech above all organization you're into, that's fine, but then AO3 is not for you.
On a more specific note, I don't trust people demanding deletion because the vast majority of wanks aren't about things I personally agree are disgusting (hot takes on George Floyd or whatever) and are instead about My NOTP Is Inherently Bad shipwars or top/bottom fights. Or even worse, they descend into "This fan of color is a traitor for liking the wrong kinks". (If you think people don't call each other inflammatory language like "race traitor" over shipping all the time, you're naive.)
People always think they know when an author is white or straight because they write things Wrong or their mind is too fucked up or whatever, but it's bullshit. There is no reliable way to tell why someone wrote something or how much is their intent and how much is poor writing skill. AO3 is a safe space for writers to post without threat of deletion. It is not and never was a safe recs list for readers. That's not its aim.
Anti-AO3 people try to portray this as brave POC striking back against white oppressors, but that isn't how it ends up. Deletion tools are going to be leveraged hardest against other POC who fail to live up to some impossible double standard.
Now, as for whether OTW/AO3 should try to be better and help marginalized groups of fans of all types use AO3 more easily, of course they should. The non-bullshit version of that looks like better blocking tools to hide whatever you personally find triggering or gross. Blocking tools, not deletion.
Many anti-AO3 types dislike this approach because their abusive rants about how your kink is bad or you should ship het instead of m/m would get blocked.
But as lierdumoa said in a cogent explanation of how AO3 actually needs to improve, are people looking for solutions that protect POC... or do they just want a chance to punish?
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lqtraintracks · 3 years
Hey, I wanted to know if you could help me find a fandom classic (or someone who has saved it). Looking for "Seeker to Seeker" by BaronNomaw. Used to be on skyehawke. I did manage to find an archived version of the first chapter on Wayback Machine but unfortunately people apparently thought saving that one link was enough so the other chapters aren't archived. Really sad that ao3 didn't manage to save the content on skyehawke before it disappeared.
I’m not the best reader in fandom tbh. There are a LOT of fandom classics I still haven’t read. I wish I could help! Maybe someone who follows me will know something? Best of luck in finding it! <3
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Rivals
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Blood Mingled by Katanes Dreamer Rated:  Mature Words:  48,412 Tags:  Angst, Rivals, Quidditch Summary:  Harry and Draco get into an accident during a Quidditch match. An old blood magic works its way, creating a bond between the two enemies, binding their souls to each other. A love story, for the most part. ❤️ Read on FFN
📜 The Swaggering Plimpies (or This One Time, At Quidditch Camp...) by RurouniHime Rated:  Explicit Words:  29576 Tags: Quidditch, Falling In Love, First Time, Post - Deathly Hallows, Divorce, Coming Out, Angst and Humor, HP: Epilogue Compliant, First Kiss, First Date, Rivalry, Teaching, Summer Camp, Parenthood, Pining, Don't copy to another site Summary:  Draco has an idea, and Harry’s just the one to help him. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Proverbial Musings by Octune Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  6955 Tags: N/A Summary:  "A hard beginning maketh a good ending..." A series of vignettes exploring the relationship between two dynamic rivals. May include fluff, pseudo-angst and and some ruthlessly rewritten proverbs. "Tumultuous origins? They’re worth it for the finale." ❤️ Read on skyehawke
📜 Winning doesn't always mean coming in first by Andithiel Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  4486 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Running, Rivalry, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Joggers, implied Resolved Sexual Tension, Yoga, Training Camp, Our favourite boys being silly, Poor Sheila is so done, The Ides of Drarry: A Drarry Game/Fest, Draco is a little shit, but so is Harry Summary:  In preparation for the Charity Run for the War Orphans, Harry's on a training camp in southern Italy. Just his damn luck that Malfoy of all people should end up on the same trip, and seems determined to distract Harry with his stupid fit arse and his stupid enticing body. Well, maybe Harry has a few tricks up his sleeve (or short shorts) too? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways by VeelaWings Rated:  Explicit Words:  32570 Tags: Alternate Universe - 1920s, Inspired by Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Heavy Drinking, Smoking, Cigars, Casual Sex, Genderqueer Expression, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Kidnapping, Non-Graphic Violence, Gun Violence, Poisoning, Auror Harry Potter, kind of, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair, Draco Malfoy In Heels, Harry Potter Does Not Wear Glasses, Harry Potter is Built like a Brick Shithouse, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Godfather Severus Snape is Done with Draco's Shit, Draco Malfoy Adopts Teddy Lupin, POV Third Person, POV Multiple, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Slow Burn, Blow Jobs, Rimming, ass worship, Ass Play, Barebacking, Felching, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Dirty Talk, LCDrarry, Magically Powerful Draco Malfoy, LCDrarry 2020 Summary:  “Do you have a personal interest in this case, Malfoy?” Harry asked, arms crossed and blocking the view of the body behind him. “Not at all.” Draco smiled sweetly, cuddled into the side of tonight’s date. “Although I did briefly own that painting until it proved to be stolen.” He helpfully pointed to the Renaissance portrait a few metres to their left. “Why is it always so complicated with you?” (Or — Draco solves crimes that don’t technically belong to him and Harry tries not to fall in love. Co-Starring: Hermione, High Heels, and Hiccups along the way. #dat 1920s lyfe) ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Gravity Centered by carpemermaid Rated:  Explicit Words:  6780 Tags: Romance, Falling In Love, Secret Relationship, Flying, Post-Hogwarts, Post-War, Professional Broom Racing, Racing, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Banter, Angry Kissing, Mutual Masturbation, Competition, Rivalry, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Glove Kink, Blow Jobs, POV Harry Potter, Sharing a Wand, Broom Racer Harry Potter, Broom Racer Draco Malfoy, H/D Fan Fair 2019, Secondary Theme: Travel Fair Summary:  Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are two of the best flyers in the International Professional Broom Racing League. To fans, they’re a pair of competitive rivals that trade skillful wins back and forth, but after they finish each grueling race around the world is that all there is between them? Or: Harry tastes the wind on Malfoy’s tongue. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Vie by Maizeysugah Rated:  Mature Words:  70996 Tags: Rough Sex, Light BDSM, Mpreg Harry, Sort Of, Top Draco, Bottom Harry, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Violence, Sexual Tension, Rivalry, a lot of swearing, Past Abuse, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Romance, Dubious Consent Summary:  After finding out he has a year to produce a male heir to the Malfoy family or he'll lose everything, Draco Malfoy is sent the contract he signed. He can, in no way, impregnate any other female other than his Veela wife, who cannot have males. His father knows of one person in the world who can help him out; an old rival and savior of the wizarding world. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Cut Me Open (and use me) by triggerlil Rated:  Explicit Words:  3200 Tags: Knife Play, Pain, pain play, Dom Draco Malfoy, 15th Century, Homoerotic Dueling, Prince Draco Malfoy, Blood, Alternate Universe - Historical, Consensual Sex, Consensual Kink, Love/Hate, Hate Sex, Dirty Talk, Porn With Plot, Minor degradation/humiliation, Praise Kink Summary:  Draco is the heir to the throne of England. Harry is a nobleman who wants to reclaim his honour. Somehow, these two things are intimately linked. Enter a sword, a dagger, and the hands of God, and you have a story about two men with tongues like knives, learning to lick love off sharp edges. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Ties That Bind Us by Faith Wood (faithwood) Rated:  Explicit Words:  27890 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Humor, Smut, Light Bondage, Rimming Summary:  An accident leaves Draco and Harry bound tightly together. Literally. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 You’ve got (owl) mail by SouthDrarry Rated:  General Words:  16512 Tags: Epistolary, Secret Identity, Slow Burn, Getting Together, Rivalry, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Shop Owner Harry, Businessman Draco Summary:  Unbeknownst to them, Harry and Draco are anonymous penpals as well as rival store owners, giving them many reasons to hate each other, some reasons to like each other and at least one reason to love each other. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 When Darkness Calls by MystyVander Rated:  Mature Words:  66639 Tags: Hogwarts Era, Alternate Universe, Vampires, Romantic Angst, Dark Summary:  Something happens to Harry Potter over the summer before Sixth Year and Draco Malfoy is intent on figuring out exactly what. With an impending War and the inner fight of one's character, what can two rival enemies offer one another? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Battle of Seekers by KlainebowsAndDramioneflies Rated:  Explicit Words:  1739 Tags: Quidditch, Rivals, Competition, Rough Sex, Shameless Smut Summary:  The game might be over, but the fun has just started. There are no rules when two quidditch captains corner each other in the locker rooms long after their teams have headed back to the dorms... and Draco doesn't take losing well. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Born Enemies by dracogotgame Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1480 Tags: Aurors, More like future aurors, duels, Rivals, Banter Summary:  He'd always known exactly what to do with Malfoy. ❤️ Read on AO3
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