#slade requesting a 'private dance' for his meeting
green-eyedfirework · 5 months
Dick undercover in a strip club as one of the dancers and he really was not expecting Slade Wilson to walk in.
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bat-losers-inc · 6 years
Collisions in the Dark (Ch 17): Principle of Two Weaknesses
Summary: Tim’s willing to do anything to give himself some leverage, even if that means crossing boundaries he never thought he’d cross. Luckily a friend shows up to correct his course before it’s too late.
Chapter Notes: Principle of Two Weaknesses: A technique of increasing one's advantage by causing the opponent, who has one weakness, to have a second weakness. Even if both weaknesses are minor, the fact of having two, in practice, becomes a major weakness.
“If you love me, Henry, you don’t love me in a way I understand.” — “Wishbone”,  Richard Siken
Tim swayed with the motion of the Paris metro car, as the wheels bumped between the tracks. It was later here than it was the country that Tim had come from. It led Tim to feel disoriented, as if this were a race and someone had fired the gun without him noticing only for him to take off behind his other opponents.
The feeling only intensified as Tim stared down at the phone in his hand. The image on the screen leading panic to rise in his throat.
Tim could almost taste it.
It wasn’t the image that stared back at him that confused Tim. No, Tim understood why it was sent to him. That was made all too clear as his eyes skimmed over the message under it.
Are you sure he loves you, Timothy?
No. It was the motives of the people within the photo that Tim couldn’t wrap his head around. And even then… it was only just the one man.
The image was simple in nature, candid, almost blackmail-worthy. If Tim didn’t know any better he would have thought that it was shot by a private eye. Shot with a zoom lense, in a burst of photos from the fire escape across the way, as if the photographer were afraid he would miss the scene in the heat of the moment. And indeed, part of the image was cut off by the brick wall. Only a man’s face and shoulder visible where Jason’s hands fisted in his hair. Not in preparation to throw a punch, but in the act of pulling him into a heated kiss.
Tim stared at their lips locked together. The man’s back pressed up against an apartment door. The intent, obviously, of going inside to continue further.
Tim wanted to be enraged by the sight of the image. He wanted to be enraged at Jason. But all he could think in that moment of panic was of the proximity of the camera to Jason, and the man who had sent him the image in the first place. Ra’s al Ghul. He’d upped his antics this time and Tim, far away, across an ocean, could do nothing about it.
This point was pounded into him as he typed out a frantic reply.
How did you get this? Tell your men to back off! Now!
Tim waited in tense silence, his hand, where it gripped the pole of the metro car, white-knuckled and sweaty. His grip slipped as the car gave a jerk. He felt off-balanced for more than one reason.
Finally the reply came, mocking in nature.
Or what? You’re all alone, remember? And Jason… well, Jason is with someone else.
Tim shoved his phone into his pants pocket, knowing that there was nothing he could do. He pressed his forehead to the cold metal of the pole. His eyes squeezed shut.
Don’t, he told himself. This is not the time to cry. Not on a metro car, in a foreign city, with strangers all around you.
Focus, he told himself. Focus on what you came here for. Don’t let him distract you. It’s what he wants, after all. He’s trying to get a rise out of you… trying to get you to panic. To get you to search for Jason, even though you have no goddamn clue where he is.
If you turn back now, you’ll be trapped.
Tim kept his composure for the entire time it took to reach his stop and fumble his way through the purchase of a city map at the nearest convenience store. He shoved the map into his backpack and headed for the alleyway around the corner, flipping his hood up to shield his face from the heavy downpour.
I might not be able to do anything, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have something to say about it.
He punched Jason’s number, listening as it rung and rung. He tried the number another time. Ra’s’ message had been time stamped for four hours ago, two hours into Tim’s flight. Jason’s little hook-up would be over and done with by now.
He was met once again with Jason’s tired voice telling him to leave a message.
“You’re a real bastard, you know that, Jason?” Tim leaned back against the alley wall. “For someone who claims to care about me, you certainly know how to shove the knife in and twist it.”
Tim tilted his face up, blinking away the rain that splattered on his face and in his eyes as he stared up at the night sky.  
“Who was he, Jason? What did he have that I didn’t have? No scars? No strings attached? Maybe it was just that perfect combination of a pretty face and no knowledge of what a righteous piece of shit you are! I want you to know that I’m not going to come running after you, but I’m also not giving up on you yet. If you feel the same way, then maybe the next time I call you’ll have the decency to pick up your fucking phone! ”
Tim let his head fall back against the bricks as he hung up.
His phone chimed with a reply, but it wasn’t from Jason. His original request to meet was still there on the screen, dated eight hours ago. Tim had begun to think he’d never get a response.
Whatever for?
Tim wiped the rain off of his screen before giving his answer.
I want you to kill Ra’s al Ghul for me .
Tim stared at the screen, five whole minutes passing before the next text came.
That’s going to cost you .
Name your price.
That’s not what I meant.
Tim’s gut tightened instinctively. The cryptic message didn’t deter him, however. After all, what could Ra’s do to him that was any worse than what he’d already done. Tim had sold his body, watched the man he loved die, witnessed that love crumble after all that he did to keep it alive. He’d lost relationships because of Ra’s. He’d lost sleep. He’d lost control.
As far as Tim was concerned, this was the only way to win. Ra’s would never think of Tim putting a hit out on him. He’d never think that Tim would turn a mercenary, who’d worked beside him on countless occasions, against him.
I’m ten minutes from your location on foot. Take a look at what I can offer you before you turn me away. Tim added, hoping it would catch his interest.
Tim watched the dots dance on his screen before Slade sent him an address a few blocks from his original location.
Meet me here.
Tim leaned his elbow against the edge of the bar, checking his watch for about the tenth time. It was four in the morning here, but the bar still had a steady stream of patrons, though the atmosphere was more subdued. Small groups of people sat at round tables. Others gathered up against the bar to order.
Tim sipped at his wine, almost gone now, wishing it were something stronger. Something that could burn Tim’s thoughts out of his head.
A man slid in between Tim’s spot, situated on a bar stool and the stool next to him to order a refill. Tim paid him no attention until a shot glass was pushed his way by two fingers.
Tim looked over startled at the man next to him.
“Il semble que vous en avez besoin.”
Looks like I need it, huh? Do I really look that tragic?
He took the glass into his hand with a small smile and a mumbled merci , before shooting it back. It burned his throat but it wasn’t unpleasant.
The man pointed his finger between Tim’s glass and the bartender, a clear question for another. Tim nodded and slid his glass over for the bartender to refill.
He took the glass back, some of it sloshing over his fingertips.
The man raised his shot glass in a toast. Tim translated his words easily. To new friends.
Tim smiled and raised the glass to his lips, only for a hand to come down on his arm, slamming it down onto the bar top. His glass fell from his fingers in his shock, spilling vodka across the table top.
Tim twisted to see Slade glaring at him.
“Don’t do that.” He growled in Tim’s face. Next to Tim, his new companion was spitting angry words at Slade in French. Tim calmed him in a few words without looking at him.
Slade’s grip on his arm didn’t lessen, instead he used it to pull Tim off his stool and out of the bar. He let go once they hit the sidewalk, obviously anticipating Tim to follow after him willingly. Still he called over his shoulder at him, “You asked to meet me and you’re drinking? Do you have a death wish, kid?”
“What did you expect me to do?” Tim huffed. “You told me to meet you at a bar and then you made me sit there for twenty minutes! What the hell took you so long?”
Slade turned around so suddenly that Tim ran straight into him. Slade grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him against a storefront window.
His face filled Tim’s vision. “I was cleaning up after you, little bird. You were being followed.”
Slade nodded. “Only two.”
Tim shrugged against the heavy press of Slade’s hands on him. “Well, I ditched most of them.”
Tim looked around Slade’s looming form to the street. “We need to keep moving. It won’t be long before more take their place.”
Slade pulled him the rest of the way in silence. They ended up climbing a fire escape to the third floor of an abandoned building, looking at one point to be a cozy French restaurant. Tim followed Slade into the staff kitchen where Slade’s equipment was laid out across the metal counter tops. On one counter top a line of guns was waiting to be cleaned, a bristle brush, cloth, and gun oil stationed next to them.
Slade planted himself against a counter, drumming his fingers against the edge. “Have you heard from Rose recently?”
Tim glared at him. “I didn’t come here to talk about your daughter. This is a business call, not a social visit.”
Slade smirked at him and scratched at his face under his eyepatch. “I had heard some little rumors recently about you and Ra’s… Never put much stock in them until now. If you want to kill him, though, why not do it yourself? For you to want to kill someone, they must clearly deserve it.”
Tim crossed his arms and stabbed the toe of his shoe into the tile floor. “I can’t… I’m not strong enough to take him. The only way I can take him down is by taking him by surprise. A well-placed bullet from you would definitely be a surprise.”
“That almost sounds like a compliment, Drake.”
Tim shook his head tiredly. “Yeah… whatever helps you get the job done. So we have a deal?”
Slade put up a hand. “No so fast, Drake. What are you offering me in return? Because if I do this then I’ll have a whole army hunting me down.”
“I’m willing to share any intel I have on your competition. Name a mercenary or mob leader, if I have something on them, it’s yours.”
“Now you’re just insulting me.”
Slade turned away.
Tim straightened up, stepping forward. “I’ll—” He grimaced. “I’ll give you anything you want from Batman’s files, as well.”
Slade’s head angled. Tim had caught his interest, but was it enough?
Tim clenched his fists at his sides. “That includes Bane’s Venom, Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin, and Joker’s deadly laughing gas.”
God help me.
Slade packed up a duffel bag before turning back to face him. “I’ll think on it.”
He walked around Tim back the way they had come.
Tim raced to follow him. “No, not I’ll think on it. I need your answer now!”
“Go to your hotel room, Drake. Get some sleep. You’ll have my answer by tomorrow.”
Tim stopped in the middle of the gutted restaurant. Ceiling plaster crunched under his boots from where the light fixtures had been ripped down. He reached into the back of his pants and yanked Jason’s gun free.
He cocked it at Slade’s back, clicking back the safety. “You do not get to leave here without giving me an answer.”
Slade had stilled at the sound of the safety being released. He dropped his duffel bag to the floor with a solid thunk. He looked over his shoulder at Tim.
“We both know you’re not going to use that, kid. So why don’t you put it away.”
“Tell me you’ll do it. Tell me you’ll kill him.”
Slade shook his head and reached for his duffel bag.
Tim lowered his arm and pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed Slade’s arm, blood streamed down to his wrist. Slade hissed and yanked his arm away from the bag. He turned around to face Tim, expression savage.
“This is not the way you get people to help you. If you can’t figure that out than Ra’s really must have done a number on you.”
He advanced on him, clutching his bloody arm. “What exactly was it that he did? Was it your little arrangement? Was it the mind games?”
Tim’s face was wet. When he’d started crying he didn’t know. He was surprised it hadn’t been sooner.
“C’mon, little birdy.” Slade cooed, stepping up until his chest was pressed right up against the muzzle of Tim’s gun. “What was it exactly that broke you?”
Tim’s chest heaved. “I am not broken! ”
Slade’s hand was at his wrist before he could even react, twisting it sharply, the gun falling from his numb fingers.
Tim gasped in pain. In an almost, automatic response he punched Slade in the throat. The man let him go, stumbling backwards as he caught his breath.
Before Tim could breathe freely himself, the mercenary was barreling into him. They slammed into a table, collapsing it under the weight of both of them. Tim groaned as Slade’s heavy form pushed on his lower body, his legs practically useless to him.
“C’mon, Drake. I’ve had enough of this teary-eyed, self-pity shit.” Slade panted, breath hot and close to Tim’s face. Tim twisted his head to the side, disgusted. “Where’s your anger? Where’s your fight?”
Tim shoved at his shoulders. “Get off of me.”
“You want me off you? Make me move.” He grunted a laugh at Tim’s continued struggling. “If this is the fight you gave Ra’s than it’s no wonder he won. For christ’s sake, kid, I could do anything I wanted to you right now.”
His hand slide under the material of Tim’s collar, his thumb stroking the side of Tim’s neck.
Tim choked on a breath.
He slammed the heel of his hand up to Slade’s face and threw all of his bodyweight against him until he flipped their positions, falling gracelessly on top of the older man. Tim snatched a splintered table leg from beside Slade’s head and reared back with both arms…
Slade’s grip on his forearms was bruising. “That’s enough, kid. It’s ok. That’s enough.”
Tim didn’t relax his hold.
“You don’t get to touch me like that.” Tim spat the words in his face. “ Nobody gets to touch me like that unless I say so.”    
Slade nodded. “I understand. Glad to know you still have some fight left in you after all. You’ll be glad to know we have ourselves a deal.”
The makeshift weapon clattered from Tim’s hands. His shifted off of Slade and slumped inwards, pressed his hands hard into his closed eyes. He could hear Slade moving slowly to his feet, brushing off the remains of the table they’d just destroyed.
Slade squeezed his shoulder. “Get some sleep. You’ll feel better by tomorrow.”
Tim could only nod wearily.
Tim found himself a hotel near a metro station, nothing too fancy. He paid in cash for a two night stay and waved off the offer to be shown the way. He took the key and made his way up to the sixth floor in the small elevator. His room was the second to the end. As far a hotel rooms went it was nothing special, a large bed, a sitting area in the corner by the bathroom, and a balcony looking out towards the street.
Tim locked the door and dropped his bag onto the bed. He headed into the bathroom and took a shower, hoping the hot water would ease some of the tension from his body. To some extent it did.
Tim wrapped a towel around his waist and pulled his bag up the bed so he could rummage through it under the light of the lamp sitting on the bedside table. He’d packed sparingly. There was only so much stuff that he could get away with having on him before someone at the manor noticed he was packing for a trip. In the end he was left with his overnight bag, the one he usually brought when an important mission required him to stay on at the manor. A few pairs of clothes, some case files, and tech equipment.  
Tim pulled out his sleep clothes and stepped into his boxers and sweatpants.
“I expected to find you an hour ago. My informants unfortunately were rendered unconscious.”
Tim swore and fell back into the bedside table, knocking the lamp sideways. It caught against the wall, casting Ra’s in a skewed light, half of his body illuminated, the other half cast in shadows.
Ra’s took a step forward. “Was that your doing, Timothy? Or did you have help?”
Tim grabbed for the gun in his bag. His hands were so shaky that he fired two shots off at Ra’s before he had the time to properly aim.
Ra’s was moving towards him, if he got any closer he’d be able to knock the gun free of Tim’s hand. If he got any closer Tim was trapped against a wall. If he got any closer… Tim couldn’t relive that nightmare. If he was taken back to Ra’s’ compound again, there was little chance of him escaping on his own. He might be able to… but Tim wasn’t sure that he’d be willing to go through with it all again… the mind games, the sneaking around, the forced relations.
No, it was time for his last contingency plan… the one that Tim didn’t ever think he’d need to use.
He raised the gun to the side of his head, pressed the metal hard against the skin of his temple to stop his trembling hand. Tim squeezed his eyes shut, his finger finding the trigger.
“No!” Ra’s slammed him against the wall. He performed a nerve strike to Tim’s wrist and in seconds Tim’s fingers were numb, the gun sliding through them into Ra’s’ extended hand. Ra’s threw the gun behind him.
“You stupid boy.” Ra’s gasped. His hands weren’t grasping Tim anymore, but Tim still felt pinned in place against the wall.
Ra’s reached for his cheek. Tim slapped his hand down and kept his arms up between them from there on out.
“What the hell do you think gives you the right to touch me, huh?”
“I thought it would comfort you.”
Tim stared at him. “It’s you that makes me uncomfortable!”
“Timothy,” Ra’s murmured. His hands were on Tim’s arms again. He tried to step closer, but Tim shoved his hand against Ra’s collarbone and locked his arm. It was as much distance as he could enforce. Now Ra’s could only reach as far as Tim could.
Ra’s glanced down at where Tim’s hand held him in place. “Can’t you see that I love you?”
“I can’t see it because it’s not true.”
“I love you—”
“And I love Jason!” Tim shouted back in his face.
It didn’t even make Ra’s flinch. “He left you.”
“I love Jason Todd.”
“I’m the one that chased after you.” Ra’s fingers were at his breast, stroking his fingers down. It was a close as he could get. “I’m the one that’s here now.”
Tim’s vision was blurry.
“I love him.”
“I love you. I’ll take care of you.”
“I—” Tim’s hand fell away. “I so fucking tired of being lonely.”
Ra’s took a step forwards. He kissed Tim’s cheek lightly. He kissed Tim’s jaw. Tim turned his head away. Ra’s let him cry, his chest shuddering with every other breath. His mouth worked its way down his neck. Ra’s planted his hands against Tim’s waist. They were large and warm and Tim didn’t think it would feel as good as it did, but Tim was cold and anywhere that Ra’s touched him was kissed with heat.
“Tell me what you need, Timothy.”
This is a very bad idea…
The sound of a gun being cocked.
“Back away from him, Grandfather.”
Ra’s turned around, one hand still resting against Tim’s waist. “Well, this is a surprise.”
“Damian?” croaked Tim.
Out of all the people that Tim thought would come after him, Damian was the least likely.
“Come now, Damian,” said Ra’s. “You’ll not really going to shoot me. Your feelings for Timothy are well known, so why don’t you go back to Gotham. We were in the middle of something.”
A bullet punched into the wall by Ra’s head.
“You fucked up my family.” grunted Damian. “By hurting him you hurt everyone . I’m very prepared to make this visit much more trouble than it’s worth for you. Leave. Final warning.”
There was a look in Damian’s eyes that scared Tim more than all of his death threats over the years combined. Ra’s saw it too.
“I’ll see you later, Timothy.”
And then Ra’s was out through the window like he’d never been there at all.
Tim hugged his arms. “Damian…”
“Get in bed and go to sleep.” Damian pointed with the gun towards the bed.
“Listen, I just—”
“Move it, Drake. I’ll keep watch and make sure he doesn’t come back.”
Tim shoved his hair back roughly. “Will you just shut up a second and let me thank you!”
Damian’s brow furrowed. “You didn’t look too grateful when I showed up. Was he telling the truth? Were you really going to—”
“No.” Tim stared at the floor.. “I don’t know. I haven’t really been myself lately.”
It was the best answer Tim could give him.
Damian nodded and pulled one of the chairs over to the window. Tim climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to his chest. He laid on his side for a while, watching his brother curled up in the seat of the chair, the gun tucked in his lap. Before he knew it, he’d fallen asleep.
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superselfshipping · 3 years
omg........ congratulations on the new bf, king. how bout all the poetry asks for him to get you started?
omg thank you, it's time to go crazy ahh go stupid <3
(gonna be talking in third person for my S/I this time because I'm shy about the new character)
1. Because I could not stop for Death he kindly stopped for me: What does your F/O do to help you relax when you are overworking yourself?
Tbh Slade isn't one to overwork himself, only being guilty of it if he stays out working after dusk, at which point his partner will begrudgingly scold him for putting himself in harm's way. Heisenberg, on the other hand, is notorious for staying up for days on end just to finish a project, and it drives Slade absolutely insane. If he catches his BF in the act, he typically just drags him away from his worktable to eat, take a bath, and get some much needed sleep. Heisenberg bitches about it, but he's thankful for the help.
2. Will no one tell me what she sings?: What does your F/O sound like when they sing?
It's so hard to catch Heisenberg singing, but when he does, oh man, Slade is in heaven. Dude has a very "Johnny Cash mixed with Elvis" voice for singing, and Slade sometimes requests that he sing his favorite country songs as a result. Heisenberg, unable to turn his partner down, often obliges.
3. But thy eternal summer shall not fade: What about you makes your F/O fall for you even harder? What about your F/O makes you fall for them even harder?
(oh I'm gonna struggle with this, I don't wanna sound narcissistic or some shit) Before Slade happened upon the village, Heisenberg was convinced that he wasn't into anyone at all, but then he saw Slade take off his hat for the first time and... well, after making sure that Slade was gone for the time being, he needed to excuse himself so he could attend to a, um, private issue. Now every time Slade takes off his cap and scratches his beard, Heisenberg is practically a puddle on the floor (which amuses tf out of Slade).
4. In an agony of unspoken young love I watched you: How long did it take for either you or your F/O to confess? Were either of you scared things wouldn’t go as planned?
When they first met, Slade and Heisenberg were honestly prepared to kill each other, but after a few chance encounters (and Slade agreeing to help him in exchange for protection) the two of them quickly began developing feelings for one another. From then on, it was Heisenberg who made a lot of the first moves, flirting with Slade here and there, testing the waters, but it was Slade who initiated the first kiss. After that, it all flowed pretty naturally, to the point that they've discussed eloping and getting hitched once they've finished Miranda off.
5. I came to see the damage that was done and the treasures that prevail: How do you comfort each other when you’re upset?
When Slade's upset, he's cold and standoffish, but it's just a front; what he desperately needs is attention, something Heisenberg learned early in their relationship. Sometimes he does really need space though, so he's learned to ask for it before retreating deep into the factory, putting on his headphones, and spacing out until he's okay again. Afterwards, Heisenberg is always waiting upstairs for him, ready to talk about it if Slade's ready.
When Heisenberg's upset, metal is flying everywhere and he's screaming up an even bigger storm, which typically leads to a lot of property damage. This scares Slade absolutely shitless, but despite this he usually clings to Heisenberg from behind, hugging him until the fight is all drained out of him. Afterwards, they sit down and talk about it. If it's at a family meeting though, Slade will just hold his hand and squeeze, assuring Heisenberg that he loves him and is on his side through all of this.
6. You know, I’m not afraid of you at all: Is there anything about your F/O that scares other people, but you find to be charming or endearing? Or do you find it scary too, but refuse to let it affect you?
Heisenberg is extremely loud, even when he doesn't mean to be. Tbh it does actually scare Slade a bit, since he has trauma from people yelling at him, but he tries not to show it front of his partner. Despite this, Heisenberg has taken note of how Slade tends to withdraw when he gets especially loud, so he's been practicing safer methods of getting his feelings out.
7. It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair: When times are tough, how do you and your F/O make it through?
Tbh since the moment they met, times have been incredibly tough, what with Mother Miranda trying to control them and keep them trapped within the confines of the village. It's all incredibly draining, but despite it all, they've found ways to cope, taking the occasional day off to just listen to music, watch movies, or fuck around in general. It's not much, but it's all they've got.
8. Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?: What dreams does your F/O have? Do you see yourself helping your F/O achieve them?
Heisenberg obviously wants to kill Mother Miranda for what she put him through as a child, but other than that, he's expressed a desire to visit America and see the sights, maybe settle down somewhere and live a simple, carefree life. Slade feels similarly, especially after seeing what happened to the village, and he's promised to take Heisenberg anywhere he wants, once all of this is over.
9. I can no longer remain away from you: What lengths has your F/O  gone to see you? Have you ever done the same?
For a long while, Heisenberg was content with watching Slade from afar, watching through CCTV footage and the like as he traversed the wilderness surrounding the village, but once he got into real trouble, he quickly swooped in and rescued him, going so far as to carry Slade when he was wounded back to his factory.
Before Ethan Winters came along, Slade didn't really get any chances to step in and save his boyfriend, but after Heisenberg's failed attempt at a negotiation/truce with Ethan, Slade flew in and talked the other men down, helping his partner rephrase his proposition so that Ethan wouldn't reject it. Afterwards, Heisenberg kissed him breathless, thankful that he was able to save him from having to come up with a new plan/kill Ethan.
10. And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils: What is dancing with your F/O like?
Both of them can actually dance, surprisingly enough. Heisenberg was taught to dance by Mother Miranda from a young age, and Slade took a few lessons in his youth, leading to some pretty nice moves from both of them. They'll occasionally do dumb/fast dances in the heat of the moment, usually just to make the other laugh, but when a slow song comes on, these two are waltzing all over the room. Slade always leads, but then Heisenberg surprises him with a dip and kiss every freaking time!
11. Quoth the Raven “Nevermore”: Freebie! Tell us any headcanon about your F/O or your relationship with them.
*Rubs my dumb little hands together* Heisenberg has a fear of the dark, which he's incredibly embarrassed by. As a child, Mother Miranda regularly locked him in dark cages for days on end whenever he "misbehaved" or just didn't do what she wanted him to do, leading him to develop the fear. As a result, whenever they go to bed together, Heisenberg always races back to bed after turning the lights off and clings to Slade, face burning with humiliation, but Slade never admonishes him for it, quick to kiss his boyfriend's forehead and watch over him until he falls asleep. <3
Thank you for the ask, Anon; these questions filled my heart with warmth!
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