#slasher flesh and blood
joodeegemstone · 8 months
i watched every pre-2009 season of degrassi: tng as a teenager
i watched every season of slasher as an adult
somehow, it took me until today to realize that this is the same person:
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bisexual-slime · 1 year
literally what is this dialogue
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motherthroat · 10 months
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[BYLERWEEN2023] DAY 2: slasher, gore & body horror.
transparent pngs? anybody? @bylerween2023
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gunthermunch · 11 months
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SLASHED - day DOCE. the killers.
the truth is: there is no vampires in windenburg. instead, deep in the woods, there is a cannibalistic cult led by a tall pale man. he never gets his hands dirty tho, that's what his two most skilled and loyal followers (one more than the other) are for.
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whatyadrawin · 5 months
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 13
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,979 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language and depiction of sexual acts, foul language, Image with blood (no gore). This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: I had an extremely stressful two months, very busy and not doing well. I apologize for the massive delay for this chapter, the stress gave me a massive writers block and made it exceedingly difficult to make this chapter. The censored image can be viewed raw on my google doc (By clicking that link you are consenting to seeing graphic adult imagery and you are over 18). Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae , @dij-ology
Chapter 13
                The chirps of crickets echoed across a golden wheat field that swayed as it followed the winds beckoning, you slowly inhaled the fresh air and kicked your dangling feet as you sat on the fence beside the silo watching as eagles circled the sky. It was a cool day which was a nice break from the constant heat waves beating down the land; you squinted as you focused in on some menacing grey clouds in the distance, they were bloated with rain and began to roll over the horizon, a storm was sure to follow them. You hear some footsteps behind you and a long sigh followed, Luda Mae came up next to you and leaned over the fence, a dirt-stained rag in her hands.
“Looks like we better get them cows and chickens inside the barn soon, or they’ll wander off.” She looks up at you and wrinkles her eyebrows upward,
“You alright hun?” she asks.
You look down next to her and push a weak smile, “I’m still a bit shaken up but, I think I’ll be ok.”
She rubs your back and looks towards the dark clouds, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” She steps away and walks off towards the chicken pen.
You smirk at Luda Mae’s seemingly random religious quote, -are we the righteous ones in this situation? I don’t feel very righteous- You hop off the fence and follow her to see if she needs help with the chickens. As you look inside you see Charlie opening up the gates to the cow stalls, he looks up at you and smiles, saying,
“Hey girly, how’s your face feelin’ ?”
You press your hand to your cheek, it’s been 6 days since Dover’s attack on the family and your face was strangely doing well, though it was still somewhat sore.
You shrug your shoulders, “Physically better… at least.”
He chuckles to himself and pulls the last gate open, “You still bothered by that shit stain dyin?”
You nod, “Well, a little… I didn’t want anybody getting hurt and… poor Thomas”. You actually felt worse about Tommy experiencing a traumatic event, and seeing him act so animalistically after didn’t help ease your mind.
Charlie walked up to you, “Dover had it comin’ kid, was nothin’ but self-defense that’s all, ain’t nothin’ to get all soft about.” He puts his hand on his hips and points at you with his other hand,
“And don’tchu worry none ‘bout Tommy, he heals up real fast, ain’t nothin’ gon take him out ‘cept maybe a got’damn freight train, n’ even then…that boy ain’t right.” Charlie looked off into the distance as he got lost in his thoughts.
But it wasn’t Tommy’s physical wellbeing you worried about, it was his mind. Charlie shook his head to snap himself out of his trance and gave your shoulder three pats,
“S’gon’ be alright sweetheart, with you ‘round, that big sentient chunk o’ meat’ll never suffer.” He smirked then walked out the other side of the barn towards the meadow.
Luda Mae came in the barn, her hair all out of place,
“Lord, those chickens are heathens. They give me such a hard time whenever I herd ‘em in the coop.” she was breathing heavily and slouched over to hold her knees in an attempt to catch her breath,
“Was Charlie in here? He needs to go help Thomas with them cows.”
You nod and tell her he went out towards the meadow just now, she stands up straight and reaches her hand out to you,
“C’mon dear, let’s get inside then, get some rest before supper. The boys’ll come in when their done.”
You take her hand and she walks with you up to the kitchen entrance, you hear some rolling thunder in the distance and the sky was already a deep grey. You stand on the porch and look out towards the meadow; you see Tommy and Charlie guiding the cows as they slowly lumbered closer to the meadow gate. Tommy looks up and see’s you, he waves and continues moving the cattle to safety. The wind was stronger now, you could see the large trees near the house tossing their branches around. As soon as you see the last cow pushed into the barn you go inside the kitchen, you shiver from the cold wind stealing your heat.
Luda Mae calls to you from the parlor, when you get there, you see her flopped lazily onto one of the armchairs,
“Come n’ take a rest hun, the boys’ll join us when they get in.” she spoke without opening her eyes, her head was leaning back and her arms dangling off the sides of the arm rests.
You sit on the love seat and slump down a bit, you felt a little cold and looked around for a throw blanket to put over your shoulders, you say to Luda Mae,
“I can’t believe how cold it’s become, I never thought I would finally feel chilly.” You were usually used to sub-zero weather back home but your body was climatizing to the heat quickly which made you feel the drop in temperature more intensely.
Luda Mae laughs, “Oh yes, sometimes it gets real cold out here. Theres a blanket behind that there pillow.” She points to the large pillow on the seat next to you.
You scoot over and find a rolled up blanket made of cotton, it was soft to the touch but had a musty smell from living behind the pillow and unused for so long -well, it’s the best I have for now I guess.- you unfurl it and drape it over your body.
Just as you started warming up, Charlie and Tommy entered the house, they both kicked off their boots haphazardly while Luda Mae rolled her eyes at their carelessness. Charlie came and sat in the other empty armchair, he let out a long groan as he bent his knees to sit. Tommy came and sat gently next to you, he lifted his arms and rested them on the back of the loveseat, you felt his hand reach down to tickle your shoulder which made you blush, he looked at you and winked then looked back at Luda Mae who sat up and began to fix her hair.
“Well seems we got a bit of a storm headin’ our way huh.” She glances at Charlie who just grunts in agreement, he lifts his head and looks at you,
“Y’cold or somethin’?” he smirks.
You nod quietly, Tommy looks down at you and tilts his head to the side as he inspects the blanket you have on, Charlie continues to speak,
“Well look what’s next to you.” He points at Tommy, “He’s a walkin’ heater, best use his warmth up.” He meets eyes with Tommy and nods in your direction, “Boy, don’t be shy now, warm the girl up fer fucks sake.”
Tommy sits up straight and grabs you, hoisting your body effortlessly onto his lap. He was so quick you didn’t even have time to react, you just sat there looking up at him as he held you in his arms; Tommy’s body heat was warming you up quickly, you wanted to curl up and purr like a cat with how comfortable you were. He placed the blanket over you and relaxed his muscles a bit, you leaned your head on his chest and closed your eyes, it was too comfortable to stay awake.
You fell asleep quickly but were still able to hear bits of conversation from the Hewitts as you dreamt, the slow heaving of Tommys chest was lulling you into a deep sleep. You mind created a scene of peace, you and the Hewitts were all gathered around a large table, your old, passed friend was there and so was Tilly. There was a large breadth of food stacked onto the table and fairy lights surrounded you all as the sun set. You watched as they all laughed and chatted together, then Charlie stood up and clinked his glass. He said some things that you didn’t hear, you turned and saw Tommy in a grooms suit, he watched Charlie and listened to the mumbled words.
You looked down at yourself and saw that you were in a wedding dress, Tommy took your hand and kissed it. He got up from his chair and wandered off into the woods, you got up and followed him calling out for him to come back. You finally caught up to him, he turns to look at you but his eyes are white and he is covered in blood breathing heavily, his mask was off revealing a mutation of large teeth sharp like a wolf.
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You scream and run away from him, as he chases you, the sound of growling and rumbling could be heard. You trip on your dress and you are grabbed and roughly flipped over, its Dover, he is growling at you making you scream.
You feel shaking and wake up, still in Tommys arms, the sounds of rolling thunder coming into the house from the storm. Tommy looks at you with a worried expression, Luda Mae calls over to you,
“Were you havin’ a bad dream hun?” she is sitting upright and holding her glasses close to her eyes to see you clearly.
You rub your eyes and reply,
“Yeah, sorry, I guess I’m still getting over the Dover situation…”
Luda Mae adds, “That’s gon’ take some time to heal dear. I’m so sorry we didn’t get him dealt with sooner. We shoulda been more careful.”
You see her look down at the floor, visibly upset at your mental pain. Charlie gets up from his chair and says,
“You just need to get more confident sweetheart.” He stops and rubs his chin then adds, “You know what? Tommy should show you how t’fight! If you can learn somethin’ ‘bout fightin’ back, then you won’t be feelin’ like a victim so bad.”
You didn’t appreciate the ignorant statement about ‘feeling like a victim’ since you literally were being victimized by Dover, but you thought to yourself -he does have a point, I really don’t know how to protect myself, maybe it will give me a sense of safety- You look up at Tommy who is still looking down at you as he held you close,
“It couldn’t hurt to try. Would you be willing to teach me?”
He shifts his eyes, he was unsure about how effective he could be, and he was also crestfallen at the fact that you would even need to learn such things. He wanted to be the thing stopping any and all danger, he wanted to be a protective barrier for you. He looked back at you and nodded, despite him wanting to be your guard, he knew he wouldn’t always be around you 24/7 and that you should be able to experience strength for yourself.
Luda Mae got up off her chair and spoke,
“Now’s the perfect time to do it, what with the storm goin’ on outside, you two might as well go downstairs and practice while I start on dinner.” She walked up to Tommy and spoke under her breath, “Now you watch your strength, Thomas. Teach her good n’ fair.”
Tommy nodded to her and gently placed you off his lap and onto the seat beside him, he got up and held his hand out to you while giving a directional nod towards the basement door. You got up and took his hand, the both of you walked down to the basement together.
Tommy brought you into the room next to the bathroom on the right side after you get to the bottom of the stairs. This room had that creepy big furnace in it and weeds covering the small windows which made it exceptionally dark. Tommy found the light switch and flipped it on revealing the mess of junk and old furniture with storage boxes clamored around. The floor was made from old wood planks where you could see the foundation underneath, you watched as Tommy pushed away a bunch of junk to make room for you both. He unfurled a thick rug to act as a wrestling mat so you wouldn’t get hurt from the floor.
He looked at you and said,
“I dunno much, but, ah could teach ya how t’get out of some holds I s’pose” you nod and wait for instruction.
He gently puts one of his arms around your neck and holds one of your arms behind your back with his free hand. He instructs you on how to get out of it by dropping your body weight downwards to slip out of the hold. You successfully get out of the hold and he helps you up to try again. Each time you succeeded he tightened his grip. You couldn’t help but feel giddy about his massive bicep hugging your head, if it were anyone else you would be terrified but because you trusted him, it was an oddly erotic experience.
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After a few more types of holds were shown to you, he then instructed you on a proper way to make a fist and how to punch with good technique. As you make a fist, he inspects the placement of your fingers and gently moves them into the correct position, you make a new fist which he inspects then gives a thumbs up.
“Now, I want ya t’punch me as hard as y’can” he gives you a serious look. You were taken aback by the request, you say,
“No way, I don’t want to hurt you!”
He starts laughing, you feel confused,
“Why are you laughing? I don’t wanna make you feel pain, even if it’s just practice.”
He looks at you, his eyes still squished upward from smiling,
“No offense er nothin’ but, I don’t think yer strong enough t’give my body pain. Which’s why I need ya t’punch me hard as ya can, so I can see what I’m workin’ with.”
You forgot how unbelievably strong this beast before you really was. You realized how silly it may have come off thinking you could even scratch him. Feeling less powerful than Tommy didn’t make you feel as scared or helpless as when you were made to feel weak from regular men, every time you mentioned to men you knew that you wanted to try self-defense, they would bombard you with demeaning words, saying ‘no woman is stronger than a man, self-defense is useless’.
Tommy was different than them, instead of trying to tear you down for trying to protect yourself, he encouraged you and helps out. He wanted you to feel powerful like him, but most importantly, he wanted you to feel safe and confident on your own.
Tommy stood up straight, rising to his full height, his head almost hitting the ceiling. He pointed at the center of his stomach and said,
“Hit here as hard as ya can.”
You widen your stance and pull back your fist then thrusting it forward using all of your muscle, the hit connected but Tommy didn’t even flinch or budge. It was like punching steel covered in a thick layer of rubber, he was built so solid it was no wonder he didn’t care how hard you hit.
He relaxed himself a little bit and put his hand to his chin,
“That was, a real good hit. If I were anyone else, that might’ve hurt. Good Job”
Tommy then tells you he wants you to try some floor holds. He moves to the floor and you follow, he mounts over your back and gently holds your arm and neck. Once again you feel excitement at his body being so close to yours, he instructs you on how to escape the hold and you succeed with each try.
The final hold you were to get out of managed to land you on top of Tommys chest, he leaned his head back and said,
“I think that’s enough learnin’ for today.”
You laugh and steady yourself on him, your legs had to spread wide to be able to straddle him for stability though your knees were still unable to reach the floor. You smile as you look into his eyes, their deep blue penetrates through the dim light of the basement. He lets out a relaxed sigh and runs his hands up your thighs to reach your hips were he gently holds onto you; You remained silent, there was nothing you could say, the trance he had over you was intoxicating.
He let out a deep hum and traced his eyes all over your form just drinking in your magnetic beauty, his mind was running rampant with primal thoughts of desire, he did well to control himself under the overwhelming pressure. Tommy felt a deep burning for you, a longing, he cherished spending time alone with you. To him, you were an oasis in a desert of torment and trauma, a glimmer of light in the dark pit of hell that is his mind.
When he tries to sit up, you press your hands into his chest and push him back down, his laugh muffled by his mask. You grin, knowing he is receptive to being a bit playful now, so you take the opportunity to make him squirm. He is holding his torso up with his arms pushing off the floor, looking up at you, it was an interesting sight to take in, you have this massive giant pinned down waiting for you to control the next move; You could feel your core heating up with the anticipation of what comes next. In an effort to torment him, you moved your hips further back so your groin lay on top of his.
His eyes changed expression, they were now half lidded and dilated, his eyebrows rolled up toward his forehead as if he were worried, but this was not worry, this was a begging plea for you to further push your salacious antics. You let your body weight press into him and sat comfortably on a dangerous area, as you gently rolled your hips in a subtle attempt to arouse him, his breath hitched and he leaned his head back closing his eyes. You looked on as he exposed his trunk-like neck, the pulsation of his heart beat was visible through his muscle; You grind your hips on him, it was a playful way to tell him what you wanted without asking, but he was too cautious and didn’t add in his own movements despite desperately wanting to.
His body couldn’t hide his desire and you quickly felt your tenderness being pressed into by a stone-like presence. He was erect to the fullest extent and you didn’t need to look down to see the pipelines length that you were seated on, you could feel it. He let out a strained sigh that ended with a barely audible whimper, you knew he was enjoying the suffering, he wanted to badly to get inside the enigma of a woman that was you, he wanted to make the walls of your femininity flitter with release. He grabbed the sides of your hips and pushed your body to continue making the wave-like motions he craved so badly, you complied and enhanced the movements to see how far you could walk the line.
He was breathing heavy and was so focused on your expression to make sure he didn’t see any winces of pain or reluctance. He could feel the intense heat from between your legs which only fueled his actions further, he watched as your face reddened with blush, he was taken with the vision in front of him; A woman so kind and unique, so perfect, was seated on top of him, his bulging manhood was a pitiful three layers of cloth away from ecstasy. He could feel himself bubbling up inside, he knew what was coming so he stopped movement, he didn’t want to let his fluid touch you unless you told him you wanted it.
You feel his hands release your hips, and he remained still, his chest still heaving and a mist of sweat formed on his skin. It was jarring to have the fun stop so abruptly but you knew there was a reason, you just didn’t know what it was.
“Everything ok?” you asked.
He lay there with his hands to his side, staring up at the ceiling, he replied,
“It’s t’much fer me. Ah feel ready t’splode.”
You suppress a grin and lean over him, resting your torso on his chest and lay your head down on him with your hands folded in front of your face, you say,
“We don’t have to go further if you aren’t ready. I’m in no rush.”
He felt badly for seemingly ruining the fun, but he didn’t know how much more he could handle, he looks up at you and adds,
“Ah dunno if I can keep m’self held down when y’mess with me”
You smile at him and run your hand through his hair, you give him some gentle words,
“When the time is right, we’ll know, and when it comes, I want you to let loose.”
You knew he was trying to warn you about what he thinks he will do, but he didn’t know you were ready and willing to experience whatever may come, even if it could put you in danger, you didn’t care, you just wanted to let go and be free and wild with him. He put his arms around you and squeezed your body into his, if this was a bear hug it could have been mistaken for a grizzly.
“I care ‘bout ya, y’know that?” his voice was deep and serious.
You put both your hands on the sides of his head and pull his face in, and say,
“I hope you know I feel the same about you.”
His eyes light up with joy and he sits up, lifting you with him, your legs still tight around his hips. Your body slid down right onto his erection which pressed into your mound with force as you sank,
“Ay Woah!“ you wince in pain.
he quickly lifted your body up off his stiffness and lowered you down behind it so you could sit on his lap.
“Ah dang sorry! Didn’t mean t’hurt y’there” he was full of concern, he briefly forgot how long he kept firm for.
You blush and let out a laugh,
“It’s ok, guess I’m gonna have to prepare for that.”
He was surprised at your reaction, he thought for sure you would be put off by his size and hardness, he was told by Charlie on numerous occasions that women were scared of ‘big dicks’ and that he’d be lucky to even graze up against a ‘kitty’. No matter what you may say to him, he was still so sure that when the time came, you would not even attempt, so he kept his hopes low and chose to just enjoy the fun while it lasted.
You look down at the thing that poked your lower region, you could see a massive bulge shooting up into his jeans. The length of it shocked you but the real surprise was how strong it was, it seemed like his pants would rip open from pressure. You couldn’t help but reach out to touch it, you place your hand on the tip and slide downward to feel its entirety. Thomas gasped but didn’t stop you, he just watched wondering what would come next.
You smirk to yourself, it felt like you were touching a metal pipe, you traversed his length again to feel how thick it was, you weren’t able to fully gauge its circumference so you put your hands on his pant zipper but stopped abruptly,
“Can I… look?” you spoke in a breathy tone.
Thomas nods slowly, you unbutton the top of his jeans and unzip the crotch, his penis bounces upward, still covered by his black boxer briefs. You gently pull him out of confinement, it was emitting a lot of heat and warms your hand as you wrap your fingers around it. The width is beyond what your single hand could grasp, your fingers had almost 3 inches of space between fingertips.
You got off his lap and sat in a kneeling position in front of him so you could better see what you were dealing with. Tommy was breathing heavily, every touch from your hands made him inhale sharply and his penis twitched with anticipation. You used both hands to feel all over his manhood, large veins trailed around the base, he had a large glans, the ‘neck’ protected by a short layer of skin which pulled back revealing the bright pink tip. You saw a bead of pre-cum already forming at the opening, with a gentle tap, you touched it and pulled back with it stretching and leaving a glimmering trail from tip to finger.
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To your surprise, he didn’t have a smell, most men you interacted with had some sort of musk or skin smell to them, but he had an earthy scent to him like he was working with plants all day. This just made you want to taste him badly, you had to know what flavor his desire was, so you started to lean down towards it, you saw his eyes widen quickly but he didn’t move an inch.
You gave it a soft lick on the tip, he let out a stifled moan and his cock twitched so forcefully that you lost grip of it.
“Is this ok?” you ask earnestly.
He nods enthusiastically, so you continue your torturous licks making sure to hold firmly so he wouldn’t slip away again. The head of his penis was large and had a pronounced lip, the kind of shape capable of friction that your G-spot would feel so intensely. His shaft was almost as long as your forearm and had a hefty underside which would have weighed it down if he didn’t seem to have such strong pelvic muscles.
You felt desperate to have him inside you, his dick was not only impressive but curved slightly upwards and the curiosity of how it would feel in you was driving you wild. You could feel a slick form in your folds causing your hole to twitch in anticipation. Your licks became more aggressive until you decided to put your mouth around the tip of his cock, Tommy let out a whimper then groaned as you began to suck. The expression in his eyes was glorious, you saw his eyes roll upwards before he closed them and leaned his head back exposing his gorgeous thick neck.
You began to slowly bob your head up and down, getting as much of him inside your mouth as you could handle, you positioned your tongue underneath the base of his head to accept more inside. Tommy was now a moaning mess, every flick of your tongue or squeeze of your mouth made him louder. You could feel he was ready to cum because his penis began to pulsate and his legs tensed up.
You removed his dick from your mouth and rubbed with your hands quickly, you were excited to see how much he was capable of making. With a few more movements he clenched his teeth and grunted loudly; a bright white liquid came shooting out of him. You gasped as you watched the cum explode out of him in thick ropes, you never seen someone cum so much and so hard in your life, he quickly grabbed his cock and aimed it away from you while still groaning with his orgasm.
You were surprised how much was still flowing out, it shimmered as it seeped into the rug beneath you both, he was panting heavily as the last few spurts pushed out onto the ground before him. Once the ejaculate stopped, he flopped onto his back trying to catch his breath. You crawled up to him and lay next to him, he put his arm around you and lifted you up towards his face.
“Yer a real vixen, gettin’ me bent outta shape.”
You laugh, “You’re fun to play with”
He places you next to him and sits up putting his dick back in his pants, he turns to look at you,
“I didn’t… make a mess on ya did I?”
You shake your head and smile, he continues,
“Good. I never had no one do that t’me” he stands up, “I hope it didn’t scare ya none”
He held out his hand to help you up, you reply,
“Nope. Now I just want more”
You both hear Luda Mae call out for you both that dinner was ready, Tommy walks with you out to the stairwell leading up to the main floor. He stops you with both hands, he bends down to look you in the eyes,
“I’m gon start messin’ with y’now. Ya had yer fun, now I’m gon’ show you how it feels” His voice was a deep whisper, he kept his hands firmly on your arms and stood up straight, you give a devilish smirk,
“Ive been waiting for you to say that”
He releases his grip, and watched as you walked up the stairs with a smug swagger. He was excited to play this erotic cat and mouse game with you, now he was going to have some real fun giving you the ache of desire with nothing to do about it.
He spoke quietly to himself,
“She’s gon’ kill me”
He grins and follows up the stairs after you.
Next chapter-
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rufinator · 7 months
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Speedpaint of DBD's new killer "The Unknown"
Love his design!!
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imactuallyreallycool · 11 months
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Day 2 of @bylerween2023 Slashers, Gore & Body Horror
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cannibalspicnic · 2 years
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David Cronenberg + death scenes (an incomplete list)
Nightbreed (1990) Dr. Philip K. Decker Jason X (2001) Dr. Wimmer Alias (2001-2006) Dr. Brezzel Slasher: Flesh and Blood (2016- ) Spencer Galloway
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richietoazier · 1 year
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“ who (is the) pretty lady? ”
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crumb · 1 year
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Damon Herriman as Romeo
Flesh and Bone (2015)
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whentheynameyoujoy · 1 year
The thing about squicks and Americans is that you watch a show where characters get sawed in half alive or drowned in acid or vivisected or forcefully C-sectioned, and then you go on reddit expecting to see smth like “I think the last season really jumped the shark when they had the protagonist squeeze literal shit out of David Cronenberg’s intestines like a tube of paste, full on with slapping noises”, and instead it’s all “I was fully on board until the first cousin incest that’s when the yuck started for me that’s immowal, teacher 🤢🤢🤢”.
Like somehow I don’t think my euro ass is the weird one here.
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klovercrown · 1 year
Covering my walls is an addiction at this point 🖤
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domripley · 10 months
he really said y'all are ABOUT to WORK for my dying money dkjhasdkfjh lmao
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fangemorose · 1 year
slasher is basically like ahs but make it more gory and inclusive poc and lgbtq+ wise
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whatyadrawin · 6 months
The Fruit After the Flesh 18+ -Chapter 12-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 2,084 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language, foul language, use of a slur, violence, IMAGES DEPICTING BLOOD (no gore). This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: This short chapter straight up flew at my brain immediately following the last chapter. The end of this chapter had me feeling very cocky lol, its probably cringe but its free. LET ME KNOW IF YOU GIGGLED AND KICKED YOUR FEET AT THE LAST SENTENCE. I tried to rush out the art so please don't be too ruthless about it being sloppy, I just wanted to get this chapter out for you all to read ASAP. Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae
Chapter 12
                The night air filled your lungs, you were doubled over trying to regain consciousness after being choked by Dover. Your body was covered in dirt, nothing but a bra and underwear were protecting you from the elements; once you caught your breath you slowly got up, you heard screams followed by the sound of a chainsaw. You turned to look around and saw Dover crawling away from a large man wielding the source of the rattling engine.
You walked closer to the scene unfolding in front of you, only to realize that the one standing before Dover was none other than Tommy. You watch as Tommy stomps on one of Dover’s legs, you hear it snap from the bone breaking on impact, Dover screams in pain and pleads for his life,
“Please, PLEASE! I promise t’leave n’ never come back if y’let me go, Im beggin’ ya!”
Tommy didn’t respond, he just stood there revving the motor of the chainsaw, smoke billowed out of the exhaust swirling around him. You call out,
“Tommy! Wait!”
He turns around to look at you, his expression was unlike any you had ever seen him make, he looked possessed. Tommy wasn’t in there at that moment, it was something else, a demon. Dover took the opportunity of Tommy looking away to get up and limp off as fast as he could, he still had the large knife in his hand from when he was in the hole. Tommy turned around and slowly followed Dover as he tried to escape, you followed them both.
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Dover managed to hide among the trees, Tommy was searching for him as if it were a twisted game of hide-and-seek. Tommy circled around, thrusting the chainsaw into bushes and breathing heavily, he looked through the bush he just cut through. Dover popped up behind him and jammed the knife deep into Tommy’s back, he let out an otherworldly roar, not of pain but rather frustration at being bested. Tommy spun around but Dover was hiding again, you followed closely hoping to call Tommy off so you could both get to safety.
You felt an arm circle around your torso, it was Dover, he had captured you and held the knife to your throat as he held back your arm,
“Hey freak!” He called out to Tommy, “If y’don’t fuck off, then yer little whore gets sliced up!”
Tommy spun around, now he was raging and furious, Dover pulled you with him as he walked backwards, his movements stopped when you heard a click,
“Don’t fukin’ move shit heel” You heard Charlie’s voice,
“Let her go or I blow what little brains you got out your fuckin’ nose.” His voice was even tempered and stern.
Dover released you from his grip, you pushed off of him and ran behind Charlie who was holding a pistol against the back of Dover’s head. Dover put his hands up, Charlie lowered the gun and smirked,
“Now run, little piggy.”
Dover bolted, his broken leg was slowing him down but he pushed through the pain to get away, yelping with each step. Charlie looked at Tommy and smirked,
“Kill him.”
Tommy let out a low growl as he raised the chainsaw forward and sprinted after Dover; Charlie grabbed your arm and started walking you away from the direction Tommy went, he asked,
“You hurt girlie?”
You don’t answer the question and instead say,
“I don’t want to leave Tommy!”
Charlie continues to pull you away, ensuring you couldn’t turn to look,
“Don’t worry ‘bout him, you hurt?” He asks.
You reply, “I’m in pain but, I think I’m ok.”
The sound of a blood curdling scream is heard in the distance, it was met with the sound of the roaring chainsaw cutting through something, you knew what was happening but you couldn’t believe that it was real.
You finally made it to the house and the chainsaw sound had ceased so you knew whatever happened was over. When you get inside, Luda Mae runs to hold you, she looks over your body and brings you over to the parlor where she had a tub of warm water with a washcloth and some gauze,
“Oh god you poor thing, I’m so glad you’re ok. Come here n’ let me clean you up.”
You sit on the couch and she dumps the cloth in the warm water, she rinses the dirt off your skin and begins to look over your body for wounds. You just sat there unable to do anything, you were in a state of bewilderment at the string of events that took place. Luda Mae puts a blanket over you and give you a glass of water then goes to speak to Charlie; they both start speaking quietly. You drink the water and blankly stare at a spot on the rug, your mind began to quiet, you felt like shock was setting in.
Your trance is broken by the sound of the front door opening, Luda Mae calls out,
“Oh, my boy, my sweet, sweet boy, I’m so sorry you had to do that again. Are you hurt?” you could hear the worry in her voice.
You fling the blanket off you and run towards the door, the sight you were met with sent a shiver down your spine. Tommy was covered in blood and his eyes had a distant look to them, a zombie-like expression plastered on his face.
“Tommy?” you were unsure if it was really him, you had never seen him like that before.
You walk up to him and take his hand in yours; he doesn’t even look at you, he slowly walks past you and heads to the basement door, his breathing was heavy and he made a low, animalistic growl as he moved.
You ask, “What’s wrong with him?”
Charlie looks at you, then he looks at Luda Mae,
He says, “He gets like this after a kill, just leave him be.”
“What? So, he really has done it before…” you mumbled.
You went to your room to grab a first aid kit and made your way back to the basement door to go look after him,
Charlie tries to stop you, “Stay away from him girly, if you know what’s good.”
You ignore him and shut the door behind you, following the drops of blood down the stairs.
The trail leads to Tommy’s room, you take a deep breath and open the door. You see Tommy sitting on the bed staring off into nothing, he doesn’t even acknowledge your presence, the room is dark and he is illuminated only by the red of the light outside his door. You walk up to him slowly; he was now breathing steadily but the breaths were slow and full. You turn on the light that was sitting on his nightstand, he still doesn’t move, you get up on his bed to check the wound on his back, its deep and slowly oozing blood.
You leave his bedroom to grab a bucket and wash cloth from the laundry room, when you get back, Tommy was still unmoved and had a thousand-yard stare. You place the bucket next to him and sit on the bed, you begin to gently wash off the blood from the wound, you sigh as you see it needs a gauze bandage but Tommy is covered in blood and needs to be cleaned before you dress any wounds.
You slowly remove the shirt he had on, it was once white, but now was stained a dark red, you unbuckle his pants but are unable to pull them off since he was sitting. You decide to get his mask off so he could breathe better and wash his face. You slowly pull the mask off but before you could get a good look, Tommy grabs your wrists and throws you onto the bed. He gets up and crawls over top of you, pinning your wrists down, you try to struggle out of it but he has a firm grasp on you and his massive body engulfs yours, you look at his face and see the damage from his past. Tommy is missing skin on one side of his face so badly that his teeth are clearly visible, he lets out a deafening roar, his face inches away from yours and you scream in fear. It was like having a bear attacking you, he was not himself, he was barely acting human. You didn’t care, you knew he needed help,
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“Tommy stop! It’s me!” you pleaded with him hoping he could calm down a bit,
“I just want to help! You’re hurt!” you continued.
Tommy was breathing heavily, his eyes slowly started to focus and his pupils became visible again, he immediately let go of you and got off your body. You let out a sigh of relief and sat up,
“Let’s get you to the shower, come on.” You took his hand and pulled him to the bathroom near the laundry area.
He followed you willingly, holding onto your hand firmly. When you got to the bathroom, you turned on the tub faucet and plugged the drain so it would fill with hot water. You took off Tommys pants and stopped before you went to remove his undergarment,
“Tommy, can you take off your underwear and get into the tub for me?” you asked in a hushed tone.
Despite the circumstances, you still wanted to give him some respect and autonomy. You turned your head to look away as he removed his underwear, when you heard him get into the tub you turned back around. A bar of soap was on the wall ledge, the tub itself was a massive claw foot tub and had a lot of space around it, you sat yourself behind his head, wet the soap in the water, and started rubbing suds into his hair. Tommy let out a long sigh, he was starting to return to his normal behavior,
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You say, “Thank you for saving me back there.”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t keep you safe.”
You lean over to look at him, “How could you have?”
He sinks into the water slowly and replies,
“I should’ve been there to stop him from takin’ you.”
You furl your eyebrows and follow,
“If you didn’t come when you did, I wouldn’t be alive right now, you saved my life.”
He lets out a long breath and says,
“Nothin' bad’s gon’ happen to you ever again. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that, you won’t always be there when bad things happen. You're only human.” Your words were sincere.
He washed the rest of the blood off his body and face, then sat up and turned his head to you, he said,
“I ain’t human.”
You laugh, “What are you then?”
He looks away and thinks,
“I dunno, a monster I guess, least that’s what everyone calls me.”
You feel a wave of sadness wash over you, he continues,
“Everyone was always runnin’ n’ screamin’ when they saw me, yellin’ ‘Monster!’”
You put the soap down and get up to position yourself next to him, you gently pull his face to look at yours and say,
“Am I screaming and running?”
He shakes his head, “Why not? I ain’t no prince, n' that’s what you deserve.”
You move in and kiss his cheek, then say, “Because I love you.”
His eyes grew wide, “You serious?” he asks.
You nod your head and smile,
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he sits up and pulls you into the water, you squeal and laugh. Your back is rested on his chest and he gives you a tight bear hug from behind. You spin around to look at him, you pour water on his head to rinse the suds off, his hair hangs over his face like a wet dog and it makes you laugh. He smiles and pulls you in for another kiss, you reciprocate and he holds you in place with both arms around you. You pull back and laugh as you push his hair away from his face. You both kiss passionately in the bathtub, water swirling with Dover’s blood, the suds bubbling and floating around you both, making quiet little pops as they dry out in the air.
You were so fried from the events that just took place, the pain in your face from being punched and slapped didn’t affect you yet. Tommy may have a monstrous past, and the face many would flee from, but his arms were a castle, and he, your prince.
Next chapter-
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armeniuslaurant · 1 year
Slasher: Flesh & Blood still holds up on the third watch. I'm not sure whether I prefer it to Solstice or not. It's more *consistent* at least, but never hits the highs, and Aphra is a lower low than anything from Solstice.
Also, Persephone Trinh is stupid hot. You get maybe five minutes of her mask-off, and she's perfect.
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