#canadian horror story?
dominiquetamere · 1 year
slasher is basically like ahs but make it more gory and inclusive poc and lgbtq+ wise
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newwavesylviaplath · 2 months
posting my drafts cuz i wanna delete them. none of these were good enough for my blog apparently.
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warcrimesimulator · 2 months
Kind of horrifying to know how often disabled kids (esp diabetic and asthmatic kids) have actually died in schools because they were required to have their life-saving medications locked away in a nurse's or principal's office because oh noez heckin drugs :((( School really is some totalitarian shit.
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Have you read...
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Experimental Film is a contemporary ghost story in which former Canadian film history teacher Lois Cairns-jobless and depressed in the wake of her son's autism diagnosis-accidentally discovers the existence of lost early 20th century Ontario filmmaker Mrs. A. Macalla Whitcomb. By deciding to investigate how Mrs. Whitcomb's obsessions might have led to her mysterious disappearance, Lois unwittingly invites the forces which literally haunt Mrs. Whitcomb's films into her life, eventually putting her son, her husband and herself in danger. Experimental Film mixes painful character detail with a creeping aura of dread to produce a fictionalized "memoir" designed to play on its readers' narrative expectations and pack an existentialist punch.
submit a horror book!
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Motions of the base of the lilac trees bring great worry into the street. The suburban landscape filled with greenery begging for colour to expand. The frequency of last night electrical thunderstorm has shaken the soil to its very core. Cloud streak lavender skies bring a small reminder of summer time. The air is weird and everything is off it is time to reignite the spark.
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solarisposting · 6 months
I just read a goodreads book review that made me angrier than any inconsequential thing has made me in a WHILE. I loved the book, and I'm not a good critic of novels (or anything); I'm decent at analysis to be fair, but I like a read or I don't (on a spectrum of course).
But good goddamn, this review reeked with pretension and was written like the most unbearable food or music critic's diatribes. Adult character is lost in life, makes stupid choices out of grief/running away from issues/thinking distance from community will help/doesn't act logically as a character in a horror plot? Childish and not very bright! A large bustling family coming together for a major cultural and spiritual threat and asking the same damn questions over and over again, repeating the same arguments, etc.? Tiresome and muddled! Bro is your family (bio or chosen) totally chill? Have you never at least seen (in media or in others' lives) annoying family members beating dead horses for days on end out of concern and love and lack of knowing how else to help???
Dude I dunno, it just felt like legitimate criticisms one might have if they dislike a book or parts of its structure, but then those criticisms were a molehill buried beneath a mountain of hating some super fuckin' flawed characters making wild and awful choices in a time of grief and isolation. Screaming!!!!
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aterimber · 29 days
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Description: Based on a History class assignment I had in gr. 10. (Original letter was written around Sept/Oct 2010)⁠ ⁠ Words: 556⁠ ⁠ NFF, Dark⁠ ⁠ Read the FULL letter (for FREE) over on my Patreon! ⁠ I post NEW short stories every 2 weeks on Fridays, and have 100+ just waiting for you to discover!⁠
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magicalgirlmascot · 1 year
"Hmmm idk if I should include this reference in my fic it's extremely specific" yeah wtf else is fanfiction for idiot
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"Every killer has a story to tell."
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Posting some new Pearl art in celebration of the film's theatrical release in the United Kingdom!
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academics-dark-corner · 11 months
TW: bomb threats, mention of being paralyzed via a bomb attack, spoilers
So I’m rewatching Bones and I hit the episode where Hodgins becomes paralyzed after the bomb explosion
And, to me, a Canadian who often has been on the shitty receiving end of Canada’s dying health care system (my province has THE WORST healthcare in the country) the most accurate part of that entire endeavour if not the show was having Hodgins BECOME PARALYZED like a day or two after he was in the hospital because he was given a quick glance over and let go
Whereas if he hadve been monitored for literally another day (ONE OR TWO DAYS) it could’ve potentially been an entirely different outcome
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sentient-forest · 2 years
I just found out that Hello from the Hallowoods (which has been on my to-listen list forever ) is set in Northern Canada??
And I am a) a queer person from Northern Canada b) a big fan of queer horror and c) a writer of queer horror set in Northern Canada??
I need to listen right now
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fullwets · 2 years
EEK ok ok mando + apple
apologies for? hockey brain?
Playing with Lando is electric.
Max has been joking with him on and off that if coach hadn't moved Max up to his line during camp, Max wouldn't have been half as impressive without Lando there to make him look good.
Like this right now, Lando carrying the puck all the way down the ice, nearly making Stroll fall on his ass trying to defend him, and then saucing it across to Max at just the right time for him to tap it back, bank it off Lando's tape and straight into the back of the net. God, he loves this kid.
"Nice fuckin' apple, baby!" Lando screams as he crashes into Max, "Let's go!"
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slayfulstories · 12 days
The Root of All Evil
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irregular-x · 14 days
The White Gazebo on the Beach and the Woman behind me
For most of my life, I can remember this occurring dream for a long time. When I was a kid I experienced lucid dreaming and every so often as I saw the same woman on the same beach.
the dream starts as my eyes open, seeing the rising sun in the early morning. Waking up in a soft silk cloud white bed underneath a gazebo with diamond white drapery flowing in the warm summer wind. I hear the seagulls and the waves crash upon the gold-white beach as the tide inches closer to me.
As I start to feel and see my surroundings, I see a woman's arms around my body holding me ever so tightly, it felt like she wanted me to stay. This loving caring hug enveloped as I see it wrap around my body. I never felt this way in my life as it was new to me, never had I experienced such strong abnormalities in a lucid dream before.
Her skin was soft and pale peach, and her voice was bold and assertive. Every word she whispers in my ear is wanting to convince me to stay with her. Yet there was no reason why.
This was the same occurring dream I have had in my many years...it changed last night.
as I wake up on that same beach looking at that golden blue horizon. Her hug was forceful, angry and yet sad. I hear her soft whispers in my ear culling me to her words, she whispers.
"I Missed you, I am worried about you. Stay with me. Let go"
her words repeated in my head eventually waking me up after 20mins of falling into a deep sleep. As my eyes dilate to the reality of night. I see and feel her arms around me as her hands held mine. Gripping it firmly, feeling the warmth of her hands, and her gentle hug. She started to kiss the back of my shoulder trailing up to my neck. I felt the wetness of her soft lips, in reality, she whispers again.
"Let go, you don't need him. Stay with me, let go"
I turn around and she's not there. I start to come to the realization that she took my humanity.
Prior to that night, I felt nervous and sad with anxiety. I wanted to improve myself for the better so I can feel human again. This was caused by my stupidity and snowball effect, I hurt my boyfriend a lot and I wanted to improve so badly that I needed these negative feelings to push myself forward to be better. Because If I don't feel these negative feelings, I can never forgive myself.
This woman or thing took my humanity.
I needed it, for the betterment of improvement. It was the drug that I needed.
in that night all of the gut-wrenching guilt was gone, my body felt calm as my heart was beating at a normal rate. I started to shake and cry as I never felt such fear in my entire life. I could not comprehend such an event, these unknown feelings, the sudden calm in my body and feeling. gone without a trace. It scared me to the core. My voice cried shakily for my boyfriend to wake him up. I told him how long was I was sleeping for, and he said it was for 10-20mins. To me, it felt like 5 hours.
These feelings of unknown calmness, rot up a fear I never felt in my entire life. I cant not comprehend the event nor the feelings I had that night. Fear and being that was so hostile, so evil, as it took away my humanity, will, and reason to improve myself.
This thing, I can not call a woman nor human in nature. It felt abnormal as she ate or consumed my soul and humanity. Shaking me up in my brain, rattling my heart, and killing me from the inside. A fear no human can comprehend. To me, guilt pushes me forward to do better in my life. To others its something to run away from. But this thing is no human, it's not a demon lulling me to lies, nor an angel wanting me to be at ease. But an entity, thing or abnormality no one can comprehend.
I did not want my guilt to go away, I needed it for myself. For it to steal my painful emotions, the drive that keeps me going. Frightened me to this day.
The creature disguised as a calming embrace, a love that the lonely need. Never have I seen or felt such evil in my entire life.
This is not a made-up story but a dream that seeped into my reality.
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silentcitystreetart · 2 years
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Fractured dreams of the woods that day, a stillness that refused to break. The trail cams caught this . They must be the source of lost souls, creeping through out the land. Dusk is coming we must get inside.
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eerieluzt · 5 months
The Lighthouse in Toronto
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