#slav voice: oh no. shiro is doomed
discordiansamba · 10 months
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turns out slav was not wrong about that huh!!!!!!!
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unikittythings · 2 years
Season 3 of VLD,here we go:
Episode 1:
Honestly where did Shiro's body go to?
Allura are you telling us the castle doesn't have a washing machine?!
The Blades doing the Naruto run 😂
It's been what, a month? And you want to replace Shiro? Space time is wierd!
Hi Ezor 👋
Keith 😟 anger isn't the answer
It's the two-faced hair model himself
"Hey man, listen" 😩 they were so good for each other
Episode 2:
Lotor better pay them good money
Pidge beeing too tiny for the black lion is just gold 🤣
Come on Keith you can do it
Allura you're not ready to be Keith's right hand
Don't underestimate yourself Lance
Episode 3:
Great teamwork 😬
Lotor is really good at maneuvering, got to give him that
This episode shows that Keith isn't the type to lead the team alone and that he needs Lance to balance him out
Blue the lion for the self doubting people
Episode 4:
Oh, not the alternat reallity (Slav voice)
Yahoo Sven 👋
It's like Honerva but there's more people like her
How many times can you sway Allura to bad actions by just mentioning the possibility of Altea and living Alteans -> it's too many
Sven! 😰 Slav you better get him to space hospital
Episode 5:
Wow, couldn't even wait one season to bring back 'Shiro'
Completely forgettable characters
I forgot how violence loving Zethrid is
Kuron doesn't have it easy
Episode 6:
Kuron's hairstyles weren't it
Yay science talk!
"Hey man" it's time for the bonding moment™ 3.0 🥺
Or not?!
I just imagine Shiro's conscience inside the Black Lion be like: "No, Keith's supposed to lead not this faker here!"
Maybe you should have listened to Keith's plan. Lotor is going to cause a bunch more problems that could have been avoided
Stop backseat flying Kuron
Episode 7:
Who would have thought, Zarkon scared by a cat
Honerva, that's was a stupid idea
Honerva is going crazy from her work and Zarkon is way too obsessed with her
Pure evil zombies doomed their entire family
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love - Part Seventeen
tag, you’re it @hailqiqi (for real this time)
confession:  this ended up being not even that different from what i originally posted BUT i also like it better because it takes something that i TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT into account. also i am no longer mentally beating myself up, which is also good. so i hope you like it!! <3
(that being said, i’m way over the word limit at 1384 words. hail, you have my permission to go loose on the next part ;_;)
Previous Parts:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Sleeplessness and the constant buzz of work on the eve of their most important battle put Pidge on edge while they stayed on Olkarion, and even the great forest beyond the marvelous city couldn’t calm her the way it did the first time.
Sleeplessness, work, her family, and…Lance.
His eyes hadn’t so much as met hers since that doomed quarrel, and she couldn’t get his words out of her head.
“We can return to Earth.”
Pidge tossed and turned in her bundle of blankets underneath her desk in the Green Lion’s hangar. The hard floor dug into her shoulder, keeping her from getting comfortable, but even after Shiro insisted she go to bed her room held little appeal.
Guilt gnawed at her without a task to occupy her hands and her mind - guilt and frustration that Lance avoided her so thoroughly.
If only he’d give her the chance to explain—
Pidge needed a distraction.
She shoved her blankets away and perched on the edge of her stool, pulling her computer towards her. With her lip between her teeth, she watched the footage she found of Matt’s escape for the umpteenth time, hoping that something new - as if she hadn’t already poured over it enough - would stand out.
But this time the blurry projection only reminded her of how far she little she knew - and of Slav.
What sort of state would her brother be in when she found him? And never mind Matt - what of her father?
Soon she could seek them without Voltron tying her down, she told herself. Soon Pidge could explore the far reaches of the universe, and soon…Lance would be back on Earth.
Pidge rubbed her weary, itching eyes. She shivered, a chill creeping into the hangar and into her body, and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.
It wasn’t enough, not when it wasn’t long ago that she didn’t sleep alone.
With the specter of the future weighing on her mind, Pidge stood and crept from the hangar, her feet treading the familiar path to Lance’s room…
…only for his voice to drift from the kitchen as she passed it.
“…don’t know, Hunk. It just feels like we’re caught in some dance.”
“One step forward and three steps back?”
“Something like that,” Lance grumbled, his voice muffled as if he spoke into his arms. “I mean, can you believe she didn’t even tell me her name?”
“I actually can,” Hunk replied. “You ever think of talking to her about it?”
“Oh, not you too…” Pidge leaned forward, straining to hear Lance’s words as they pitched lower. “I know we - all of us - might go our separate ways after this, but…”
“But?” Hunk prompted.
“I don’t know.” Lance sighed.
“Well, now’s the time to—oh, hey, Pidge!”
Pidge’s eyes widened as she accidentally stepped within the range of the sensors, the door sliding open before her to reveal Hunk, his eyebrows flying so high they nearly disappeared under his headband, and Lance slumped over the bar.
Lance spun around so fast he slipped off his stool, landing hard on his back. He groaned as he rolled onto his side, and Pidge, alarmed when he curled in on himself, sprinted towards him.
“Lance, are you—”
“I’m fine,” he said, waving her away and sitting up, rubbing his shoulder. “I’ve had worse.”
“Yesterday you were moaning about stubbing your toe,” Hunk pointed out.
Pidge bit back an involuntary snicker as Lance turned red and retorted, “It quiznaking hurt, okay?”
“I guess this means you don’t want an ice pack this time then?” Hunk guessed, crossing his arms.
“Wait, no, hand me one!” Lance raised his hand. “Toss it to me!”
“Why me?” Hunk said. “Pidge can get it for you.”
Pidge gaped, but when Hunk jerked his head towards the freezer, she jumped into action.
It took her far enough away that she could hear the two of them conversing in angry whispers, but as she turned back with a towel-wrapped bundle of ice in one hand, Hunk clapped Lance on his uninjured shoulder and fled.
Lance glared after him, but something in his eyes softened when Pidge crouched beside him. “I can do that,” he muttered, his gaze fixed on the floor. “It’s not even that bad.”
“It’s fine.” Pidge pressed the makeshift ice pack to his shoulder. “Don’t want to hurt your shooting arm right before a battle.”
Lance snorted. “I kind of need both arms to aim properly.”
At a loss for words, Pidge said nothing. But when Lance shifted, she opened her mouth, fearful that he’d leave before she found the words she needed, until—
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, voice low.
“Why didn’t I tell you what?” Her heart pounded, anxious about everything that could come next, but she kept her eyes down, not sure she wanted to see the expression on his face.
“Your name,” Lance said. “Your real name.”
“I don’t know,” Pidge admitted. She switched her hands, flexing the cold one to work some warmth into her fingers. “I…guess I didn’t think it was all that important.”
“Pidge, it’s your name.”
“I’m aware.” She rolled her eyes. “I think I just got so used to being Pidge - I went almost a whole year without anyone calling me Katie - that I never thought to be Katie again.” She sighed but finally found the wherewithal to look up.
Lance met her gaze, making the tightness in her chest unravel. “You’re weird, Pidge…or, uh, should I call you Katie now?”
Pidge shook her head and said, “That would be weird now, especially from you.”
Lance smiled. “That’s fair. And, uh, you don’t need to ice that anymore.” He tapped her hand.
Pidge dropped the ice pack and rubbed her hands together. After some internal battle crossed Lance’s face, he took her hands in his warmer ones.
A familiar and welcome flutter filled her stomach.
Pidge bit her lip, her eyes on their joined hands, and said, “I’m sorry, Lance.”
When he didn’t respond, she dared a glance at his face.
“Look, Pidge…” He let go of her hands, leaving them colder than before he held them. “I like you, but this whole…thing between us is getting on my nerves.”
Her damn heart skipped a beat at hearing it so plainly. “I-I like you too,” she said. “I just…I didn’t mean to push you away like that.”
“Oh, so that’s why you insult me afterward?”
“What? I don’t insult you!”
“Oh, really?” Lance raised an eyebrow. “Remember Beta Traz when you couldn’t believe I was a sharpshooter?”
“I…” Stunned and with a guilty twist in her heart, Pidge sought for something to say before settling on, “You proved me wrong, didn’t you?”
“I—” A flush filled Lance’s cheeks, an endearingly goofy smile stretching his face, and he said, “I guess I did, huh?”
“Yeah.” Pidge returned his smile, but it faltered when she remembered her purpose here - their last face-to-face conversation, and the one she desperately didn’t want to be the last. “I shouldn’t have said that. You mean a lot to me, Lance.”
“I believe you, Pidge, and we don’t have to date if you don’t want to.”
Maybe she did…but before she could contradict him, Lance continued, “I get that you still haven’t found your family—”
“—and you want to return to Earth after this fight,” Pidge said, her heart growing heavy again.
“Yeah.” Lance took her hand in his, gaze locked onto them - on his blue palm pressed to hers.
“So what about…us?” Pidge wondered, tone almost a whisper.
“For starters, you got any other game-changing secrets?” Lance flashed a slight smirk, something that made a pleasant warmth spread through her chest. “You have an evil twin I should avoid?”
Pidge laughed, feeling lighter than she had in a long time - almost impossibly light for the eve of a battle. “Do you know what time it is?”
“Uh no…” Lance’s eyes narrowed. “Time to sleep?”
“That too,” she said, “but I was thinking…do you want to watch the sunrise with me? Something pretty to see before we take down Zarkon…”
Lance’s suspicion gave way to a smile, and Pidge’s soulmark grew warm. “That sounds perfect to me.”
To be continued
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mateushonrado · 6 years
Voltron: Legendary Defender S8 (aka S6) thoughts [part 2]
Status Post #7306
"The Prisoner's Dilemma" (part 2)
Shiro offers Lahn to join the Coalition and Lahn is a graceful loser.
Keith tells him that he's a Blade.
"Yordam bering exus."
Klytax V-Three.
"That's why you're coming with us". Typical Keith.
Cosmo sensing Lahn and Lahn tells that the Galra Empire is at war at each other.
Yikes. This doesn't look good with the fleet.
An enemy mine moment with Team Voltron and Lahn.
Oh, Hunk and Lance.
Egad, nightmare fuel.
Is that the same creature that attacked Trugg on "Bloodlines"? It is.
This doesn't look good at all.
Keith discovers a sentry and that the rest of the Galra are at planet Ryker.
Keith explains about the creature.
Keith blames himself for causing this to happen.
Keith manages to take down the creature and saves Lahn but not for long.
The creature tries to kill Team Voltron and Lahn but perishes as the ship explodes.
Well, Lahn have indeed pulled a heel face turn and there's Acxa.
Lahn officially joins the Voltron Coalition.
The creature is indeed a Robeast.
Great idea, Keith. (I'm not being sarcastic, if you're asking since his idea of the Altas helping the Galra and Voltron finding Honerva is actually a good idea)
An Altean mech prepares to confront Voltron.
"Battle Scars"
The Altean acolyte arrive at Olkarion in order to take down the planet.
Allura offers to go to the colony but Keith tells her that it's too risky, not to mention that the Quantum Abyss can age people.
Shield up.
It's a Weblum.
Team Voltron discover that Olkarion is under danger and they prepare to enter there first.
Olkarion is now in ruins and the team vows to find survivors.
Pidge realises that this is where Ryner helped her to bond with the forest.
Allura tells Pidge to concentrate.
Pidge sees Olkarion getting attacked.
Ryner tells her people to evacuate immediately.
"We have a major problem here."
Keith, Lance and Hunk prepare to slow down the Weblum.
Warping of space-time.
Pidge discovers that the mecha arrived via a wormhole.
Hunk calls Coran for advice to stop the Weblum but to no avail.
The Olkari tries to take down the mech but to no avail.
Ryner tells a girl to escape with the Olkari, resulting her to sacrifice herself at the hands of the Robeast.
"The old gives way to the new."
Olkariom is destroyed and the Olkari's current whereabouts are unknown as they escaped their home planet.
Pidge tells her teammates more details that could save the entire universe.
"The Grudge"
Commander Iverson befriending Baebae and tells Veronica, Acxa and Curtis about how he used to have a dog once named Old Sally.
Veronica talking about her family used to have a cat named Flash.
Acxa finally mentions Narti and how Narti was bonded to Kova, not to mention the time when Lotor killed Narti.
Allura tells about the robeast and Keith tells Coran that Olkarion is gone.
"There's more."
"There's a lot we don't know."
Acxa dining with Team Atlas and talking about how Keith saved her life. Could this be a foreshadowing of her joining the team?
"Combat is the searing light that burns away imperfections".
Oh, Ina, why?
That's not Atlas. That's a Galra ship.
Bring it on, Keith.
"Oh, shut up, Hunk."
Pidge tells her teammates to remove their suits.
That Galra woman with the back of her seen in the previous season has a name - Fentress.
I think the captain with a mechanical voice could be Zethrid.
Yep, an Olkari is part of this group and disguises his voice to Keith's.
Acxa talks to Veronica at a firing range and yep, she was an outcast born and bred in war.
I do feel sorry for Acxa. I really do and Veronica likes Acxa.
Hawkins? As in Vehicle Voltron character Commander Hawkins?
It's the same bounty hunter who appeared in "Reunion".
Lance is a genius.
Hunk and Pidge manages to trap the bounty hunter.
Atlas has come to the rescue.
Keith punches Fentress and yep, the captain is indeed Zethrid.
Zethrid blames Keith for Ezor's death.
Acxa tells Zethrid that Ezor left her and tells her the truth about Lotor.
Veronica takes down Zethrid and just as she is about to fall to her doom, Keith saves her life.
Ezor is still alive! I knew they weren't dead.
Could this mean redemption for Zethrid and Ezor?
Honerva have sent Robeasts to Sanook, Vexilium and Siiz.
Allura knows what Honerva is doing: Making a Komar that could drain quintessence from a galaxy.
"It is time to end this war."
Matt's girlfriend is a robot named N-7.
Slav is the Admiral Ackbar of the Coalition. Calling it now.
Voltron goes inside Oriande.
The rebels manages to evacuate civilians of the planets.
Honerva screams as the White Lion Guardian disintegrates.
A Robeast attacks the Atlas and Team Atlas prepare to confront the Robeasts.
Zethrid is willing to help.
Honerva shifts between appearances.
Voltron are seeing other realities.
Crisis on Infinite Earths stuff.
Honerva collapses just as Lotor returns.
"This was Honerva's plan all along."
Sincline punches Voltron and Merla is horrified.
"Something's not right." and "Time to end this."
Sincline kills a male Altean, which shocks Merla.
Allura attempts to kill Honerva but Honerva traps her into her darkness.
Yep, Alfor wasn't as heroic as Allura thought and Honerva offers her to join the Altean Empire but she refuses.
Honerva tells Allura that she's the only one who is keeping her son at bay. After this, Allura decides not to kill Honerva as she breaks down into tears.
Honerva, Merla, Lotor and the Altean Empire along with Voltron escape Oriande as it blows up and then both Voltron and Atlas escape via wormhole, ending it on a downer.
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izupie · 7 years
This started as an idea of exploring Slav’s alternate-reality-vision-powers (that may or may not be real powers, but I just like to think they are because that would be the cOOLEST THING EVER) that turned into Keith and Slav talking about Shiro and ended with some Klance thrown in for good measure //jazz hands//
(Also available on AO3 - [link])
Keith hovered in front of the door to Slav’s new workshop, wrestling with his decision to knock. He hadn’t had much to do with the strange little alien since the battle - he only knew that Allura had given Slav one of the rooms in the castle to use as his personal workshop while he was staying with them. He’d given no indication as to how long that might be however, and had just accepted the gift with about as much gratitude as Keith expected.
(The Princess had said, “We owe you such a debt of gratitude Slav, please feel free to stay in the castle as long as you would like. This room is all yours. We couldn’t have done it without you.”
 And Slav had replied with complete and total conviction, “Of course you couldn’t have done it without me. Without the gravity generator every single plan you had was doomed to fail.”)
 Suddenly Keith felt even less sure about knocking.
 But... He had questions that only Slav could answer. He'd been trying to put them to the back of his mind by keeping busy with all manner of Voltron things; Lion training, inter-planetry relations, cleaning up after the Galra, Bayard training, team building…… But as soon as he slowed down a persistent feeling of cold guilt would seep into his thoughts, twisting into a knot in his chest that only seemed to get bigger the more he pushed it away.
 Where was Shiro? Could they have saved him? Would he come back? Should they be doing more to find him? What if he was waiting for them somewhere? How did he just disappear like that? Was it his fault? 
Keith placed a steadying hand onto the door frame, almost hyperventilating as the guilt swept over him all at once, tightening his chest and making it difficult to breathe. He knew it was almost irrational to blame himself for Shiro’s disappearance - but he just couldn’t stop himself from thinking he could have done more somehow. That’s just how he was. He hated that sometimes you were just powerless to stop certain things from happening.
 The door whooshed open then and Keith jumped backwards in surprise, caught off guard by being so deep into his thoughts.
 “Your hovering outside the door is very distracting.” The little alien’s eyes were wide and he wrung the top set of his hands, keeping the others pushed into their sleeves. “You could have knocked and disturbed me right in the middle of a thought, and then it could have flown right out of my head and I would never be able to get it back. So I’ve been having to think very unimportant things while I waited for you to knock, but I felt a good idea coming on and just decided to let you in.”
 Keith recovered from the initial shock but was still only barely able to process what Slav was trying to explain, and felt his eyebrows furrow in a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Now he remembered just how strange he was. Without another word, Slav turned around and scuttled back to a large pile of blueprints and papers scattered across the floor. The room was spacious; various screens and machines lined the walls, and though there was a large table in the centre the papers on it had spilled over on the floor and nearly covered every available space, like he had too many ideas all at once. Keith looked down at a small pile near his feet and saw half-finished schematics and notes. He supposed he should take the invitation to enter, but he’d only set a foot into the room when Slav looked back up, his eyes even wider, and frantically waved all his hands.
 “Ah! No no no! Don’t go that way! You might step on one of the papers and it could rip and that one might be the key to solving everything. Or you might slip on it and hit your head and die! There’s definitely a reality where that happens.”
 Keith had stopped mid-step and changed his course to move through the right side of the room instead, but stopped again at a distressed squeak from Slav. He just about resisted the urge to sigh with frustration.
 “How about you tell me which way I can go through the room where nothing bad happens? I need to talk to you, and it can’t wait, so just point me in the right direction.”
 Slav considered this for a moment, though he still looked slightly flustered, and finally gestured to the left. “If you go that way there won’t be many realities where something bad happens. I’d say ninety percent you’re okay. Maybe ninety three percent.” He turned away and placed his hands over his eyes. “I can’t watch!”
 Keith took a deep breath and took the opportunity to walk quickly across the centre of the room while Slav wasn’t watching, almost laughing at the idea of taking his fate into his own hands by just going the way he was originally going to go. He knew it was fairly childish to go that way just because he was told not to, and to ignore Slav’s strange warnings, especially since nobody was quite sure whether Slav could actually ‘see’ these realities or was just making up what he considered to be the worst possible outcome. He was always ranting about alternate realities and the dire consequences of seemingly insignificant actions, but what if he could perceive these alternate spaces where things happen differently? Keith had to know.
 Finally he tapped Slav on the shoulder and the little alien looked up at him in surprise. “Oh, you made it!”
 “Of course I made it,” Keith began in a clipped voice, but took a breath and tried again in a softer tone, “I’m sorry I’m disturbing your work, but there’s something I need to ask you.”
 Slav nodded, eyes closed, and put all of his hands in their sleeves. “You want to know about Shiro.”
 “Yes! I -” Keith faltered. “How did you know?”
 “Of course you want to know about Shiro, there’s not a single reality where you’re not consumed by guilt and grief over him. You all think I don’t notice these things, but I do….. But you also ask me about him in every single one too, and that’s probably the truer explanation.” Slav opened his eyes and looked at Keith with an expression of genuine sympathy.
 Keith felt himself warm to the odd little alien, his previous irritation fading fast, but he was also very aware of the implications of what Slav had just said. “So you do see them.” He said with an edge of something like disbelief - though he wasn’t sure why he should struggle to believe in someone that could see alternate realities after he was made the pilot of a giant red magical robot lion. “The alternate realities you always talk about,” he continued, “you can actually see them?”
 Slav tilted his head to one side, the tail at the end of his long body swishing back and forth as he thought. “Yes and no.” He finally answered.
 “Yes and no…?” Keith echoed, feeling his irritation bubbling back up to the surface. “Well it doesn’t matter. I just need to know - does he always disappear? Do we ever save him? Does he ever come back to the castle with us after that battle?”
 Slav sighed and rubbed his temples. “All the realities where we make it to that point, in none of them is Shiro in the castle afterwards.” (Keith tried not to dwell on the words ‘where we make it’.) “I think. I’m not entirely sure, it’s not like I just look at a screen in my brain and switch through the realities you know. It’s like flashes, feelings.” He folded his arms.
 Keith almost visibly deflated, conflicted at feeling better knowing that he didn’t somehow miss an opportunity to save their leader, but feeling a sharp stab of pain that he’s still no closer to knowing what happened to him.
 “I mean,” Slav suddenly continued, “if it’s something that happens in every reality then I’m more sure about it - like with Shiro. But that doesn't happen all that often. All I know is if something terrible happens in just a few realities, or even just in one, then this could be the one it happens in! I don’t know it’s not going to be this one - I have to stop it from happening by removing any possible chance from every reality, it’s the only way.”  His eyes went wide again, and Keith felt like they’d gone a little off topic.
 “So these things you’re sure about,” he began, trying to calm Slav back down, “do you know if Shiro is going to come back some day?”
 “Hmm. I don’t know, it might be too far ahead. Or maybe it’s too different in too many realities.” Slav wrung his hands again, though his wild-eyed fervour was fading.
 Keith hung his head and let a sad sigh escape his lips. “I didn’t think I’d get all the answers I needed anyway, but thanks for talking with me, Slav.”
 “Of course, not a problem. I knew you were coming anyway, it was a dead certainty. Happens in every reality.”
 “….. What else happens in every reality?” Keith asked, unable to keep his curiosity at bay.
 Slav brightened up. “You Paladins are always the same. I get captured by the Galra. Shiro comes to save me. Though he has varying degrees of success... Hmm...” He rubbed his chin.
 So Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro and himself were always the new Voltron Paladins? That was a comforting thought, to know that they always ended up as a team, regardless of the circumstances leading up to them all meeting, but he wondered if they got there differently sometimes; like maybe he stays in the Garrison in some realities? Or maybe he gets kicked out in all of them. Maybe Shiro and Pidge’s brother Matt never get captured by the Galra and Pidge finds another reason to join the Garrison, and then Shiro keeps both of his arms intact. What if Lance didn’t take his place as a pilot, if he never flunked out, and he didn’t form a team with Hunk and Pidge at all, or Hunk let his motion sickness get the better of him and left before Shiro returned to earth?...... Keith felt like he’d stumbled upon the yawning abyss of possibilities that Slav experienced.
  “Hmm, what else... Altea is always lost to the Galra, and the Lions are always split apart, you always fall in love with the same person, and the planet -”
 “Wait, wait... wait... I - what? - I fall in love with the same person?” Keith's entire thought process came to a grinding halt.
 “Oh yes. Every time, always the same person.” Slav said.
 “I don’t - I’m not in love with anyone.” Keith could hear his own heartbeat in his ears, as the weight of what he’d just been told sank in.
 Keith tried desperately to push away the image of blue eyes and a playful smile.
 “Ohhh, this must be one of the times you haven’t realised it yet! I’m not telling you who it is! Don’t ask me - I can’t tell you!” Slav shook his head violently and bent down to the papers at his feet. “I have lots of work to do. Thank you, Paladin, good bye!”
 Keith took the hasty, flustered dismissal as his cue to leave, still feeling the pounding of each heartbeat in his chest as he made a quick retreat out of the room, before Slav could recover enough to tell him he was going the wrong way across the papers again. He felt like his entire world had been shifted into a position he couldn’t tilt it back from. He was going to be part of a bond so strong that it transcended realities, and was forged under every single circumstance possible. How was he supposed to feel after learning something like that? How was he -
 “Keith!” A shout dragged Keith slowly out of his thoughts, and he turned to see someone jogging down the long Castle corridor.
 “Lance?” His emotions and thoughts were so heavy that his voice was unsure and almost hesitant.
 “Don’t ‘Lance?’ me.” Lance spoke with a mock imitation of Keith’s deeper voice. “You’ve been gone for like, an hour-”
 “It’s been twenty minutes, Lance.”  
 “- and Hunk said he saw you heading off toward Slav’s, which I didn’t think was going to be true - because why would you want to hang out with Slav? - but you weren’t training or moping in your room so I thought I’d check it out anyway.”
 Keith’s eyebrows drew together and he frowned. “I don’t mope in my room. And I wasn’t hanging out with Slav. I was asking him some questions.”
 Lance shrugged, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and a smile tugged at his lips. “Look, nobody’s going to judge you for hanging out with him. You aliens gotta stick together or something, right?” Keith made a sharp offended gasp, which only made Lance’s smile even wider, and his voice full of warmth and barely suppressed laughter. He began to walk back down the corridor as he spoke again. “Anyway, I came to tell you that Hunk is trying something different with the food goo today and that you totally need to see what he comes up with. Can’t make it any worse! Anyway, I’ll see you later!” He threw over his shoulder as he launched into a sprint, finally letting out a snort of laughter.
 “I don’t care what he does to that food goo Lance, I’m putting your face into a plate of it!” Keith followed quickly in pursuit, feeling the weight on his chest lighten, and his heavy thoughts lifting away as the sound of Lance’s laughter filled his ears and soothed his soul.
 Blue eyes. Playful smile.
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